#spam liking doesn't get a creator to notice you
ninjadudettekira · 1 year
Hey so I think everyone needs a reminder on how to interact with people:
It's fine to "spam like" a person if you're just going through their stuff during the day you find said creator. If they're a popular tumblr user I doubt they'll notice if you spam their notifications after the fact cause they probably have them off anyway.
However, I am not a big tumblr user, I keep my notifications on and check here when I see them so I tend to notice the same person spamming me. This is about those of us that check notifications cause we be small and want to see the interactions.
If you're going through someones posts and you're constantly on their notifications for 11 days straight because you keep unliking and reliking their content, that's fucking creepy.
I don't mind the spam likes if it's literally just one maybe two days of someone seeing my content and liking it. (Especially the Ben 10 or Young Justice posts).
But like 11 days? That's too fucking much for me to see you in my notifications when I haven't posted much, if anything, during that time frame. Especially when it's been stuff that was already liked prior. I don't have enough Ben 10 posts that you haven't seen in one or two goddamn days. You don't need 11 days to stifle through all my Ben 10 content.
Like constantly spamming my notifications won't get me to answer your long ass ask faster, in fact it made me put it off even longer. Originally it was cause it was so long I needed to answer on my laptop so I could read it as I responded. But I also kept getting busy and forgetting to respond. So I'll take responsibility for not answering it, doesn't mean it's okay to spam like my shit for almost 2 weeks because I didn't answer you.
In fact said person even chatted me about it the other day and I explained why it took so long. (Although they apologized for it being long over asking why it took so long.) Then they proceeded to spam like content they already liked again.
Spamming won't get a creator to notice you, they'll just straight up fucking block you.
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nychta-luxury · 1 year
An Imposter or a God's Helper? Part 2
You have been playing in Darling's account while they focus on their studies, you notice many strange things happening that you never seen nor heard of, despite the fact you have been playing before Darling. You have thought about contacting Hoyo, however Darling stopped you. Your not sure why, but it's not your account to control so you let it be.
Part 1 Part 2 (your here)
Warnings: Cult like behavior, Worship, Religious themes, Not proofread.
Darling AU
It's been a few days since you started playing in Darling's account, you have to admit playing on their account is like playing an unreleased hard mode in genshin.
You continued to roam around the world opening chests and trying out characters you have always wanted but never able to get. Surprisingly, Although you played before Darling, in fact you were the one who introduced genshin to them, Darling has all the characters already.
Your not sure why but Darling has always been very lucky on genshin, whether it's artifacts, wepons or characters. They would never reach hard pity. But they do still expirance the tragic lose of 50/50 something no one can escape.
You sigh as you get yet another def% artifact with amazing substats. This is worse then getting no five star. You left the domain and looked for the next one to farm, but then
Ding Dong
There goes Darling spamming your door bell. They were always the playful type.
"Hold on! I'm coming." You yell, leaving your game open.
You opened the door and saw Darling,
"About time you visited bruh." you say
"I almost believed you abandoned me with your children, and ran away with some other person" You say dramatically, acting like one of those dramas where the father left the mother alone with their kids.
"Oh no, how could I ever leave you, what can I do to make it up for yo-" Darling was playing along before you cut them off
"Child support welkin."
"Shut yo goofy ass-"
"whatever, anyways how has my account been doing? Hope they weren't too much of a hassle." Darling says, as if they are in some parent teacher conference. You roll your eyes
"A brat. I swear I lost my sanity playing on there" You say
"Ah, they tend to do that. If you want you don't need to look after it for me," Darling says with slight worry
"Nah, I can handle it. I can babysit your characters, they can be a bit tough, Darling however, they also are pretty fun to use"
"Good good, otherwise--" You hear Darling mutter about something but you couldn't hear it, it probably isn't important.
The characters have gotten use to your presence, this doesn't mean they gotten fond of you. More like gotten use to your controlling them and your ways of control (playing style)
They still very much despise you, after all in their eyes you stole their grace from them and that is unforgivable.
As much as they want to minimize their damage, they still have amazing artifacts due to darling already building them. So sometimes they crite even if they don't want to, and yet you praised them for it, you would yell in joy after only hitting above 30k even if they did way better with their grace.
They are not sure why but whenever you praise them they feel a slight flutter in their chest.
But their number one objective is the creator, no matter what.
Suddenly they hear a loud bell ringing repeatedly, they are quite curious who this person is and what do they have to do with this imposter.
"Hold on! I'm coming." They hear you yell, they heard a door opening. However they can't see anything all they can rely on is their hearing.
Sadly they couldn't make out your conversation however.
"-----Darling however, they also---"
Did you just call The Mighty One by their name?
Teyvat instantly fell silent, everyone froze. Not only did you take their grace's world you also dare to mention them informally?
Everyone had different thoughts.
'Who are you?'
'How dare an imposter call their grace informally. '
'What is your relationship with their grace maybe enemies?'
'When is their grace coming back.'
After you logged off genshin a meeting was called in Teyvat
The Archons and nation leaders were called. Everyone was stiff, the room was very suffocating.
Ningguang was the first to speak up,
"As I'm sure everyone has heard, Teyvat is now being watched by an unknown individual."
Zhongli nodded and continued for her
"It also seems like this imposter has similar powers to their grace. They somehow mange to obtain one of the most known power of the creator."
Everyone was dreadfully aware of this, and many questions have yet to be answered or showed any signs of it.
Raiden decided to speak up
"I suggest we start a rebellion, it's clear that this individual believes that they can just steal the all mighty's place. As their grace's acolytes shouldn't we discard this imposter?"
"Now now, we shouldn't act so irrational now. After all we have very little information about this imposter, there are many things we have yet to consider. From what I can see all we know is that that person knows the creator so much they can even mention them informally."
Yae Miko says, the room knows she is right, there is too little information about this person. There are countless possibilities on what happened.
"Who knows maybe they might even be lovers." Yae Miko mentions, playing a very dangerous game.
"Or they might just be enemies, after all we don't know their identity. Whos to say they are lovers when we couldn't even discover? Heh."
Venti says still singing rhymes even with how serious the situation is. Although he did sound a little passive aggressive.
"Hm yes yes my apologies. " Yae Miko says half heartedly.
"I have to agree with Barbatos with this one. The chance of them even being friends are low. After all there were no mentions of it in any ancient scriptures or in any book." Jean says
"Yes, I believe that we should lable this person as an enemy, we have no clue what this person has done to their grace, they might of even stole their powers. It could explain why they manage to use the powers of the might one. Perhaps they even sealed them away."
Once the Tsaritsa said those words everyone fell silent. She might be right about this, after all it does explain a lot of things and why they haven't even seen their grace.
Everyone decided to bring their grace back to Teyvat, they will aid the might one on getting their powers back.
Welp thank you for reading part 2! Don't worry there will still be a small revenge but I need to get some lore in first
Tag list: @dreamlessnight @mushroomsfordays @ciaratomioka1432 @almighty-raiden-shogunate @thesnakefromafar
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queermania · 1 year
How do tags work? I'm newish to Tumblr and I don't really get the tags. Do I need to tag everything?
hello and welcome! tags serve four major purposes:
to let other people find your content: this is only applicable if you are the creator of the post, not if you reblog it. for example: if you make a post about dean you might want to add the tags "dean winchester" and "supernatural" or even "spn" so that other people who are interested in content about dean can see the post when they're searching for content on tumblr (if you want to find content and you're using desktop, you can search tumblr.com/tagged/supernatural [or whatever it is you're looking for] and you'll be able to see original posts that people tagged as "supernatural." if you're on mobile, frog speed, my friend.) also, friendly reminder not to over-tag things. if you tag a post that is just about dean with "sam winchester" "castiel" "john winchester" etc people are more likely to block you. spam tagging is really annoying.
organization on your own blog: adding tags to your posts lets you find them on your own blog later (again, this is really only useful on desktop, not mobile) and this goes for original posts and reblogged posts. for example: you may have noticed that i tag all of my posts about dean with "dw." that's the organizational tag i use for my own blog. i also have tags that probably don't mean anything to anyone else but that help me to organize certain ~genres of posts on my blog (like "hashtag family"). if you want to search your own blog or someone else's for all of the posts you/they have in a specific tag you can do that on desktop by going to blog.tumblr.com/tagged/tag. so for example if you wanted to search my blog for the dean content you would go to queermania.tumblr.com/tagged/dw
giving other people the ability to block/filter content: this is relevant for both original posts and reblogged posts. for example: someone might have followed you for doctor who content but they are not interested in seeing supernatural content. you tagging your supernatural posts with a "supernatural" tag lets them filter or blacklist it so they don't have to see it. this is also relevant for certain types of content like nsfw, body horror, etc. you may see tags like "tw body horror" or "body horror tw" or "body horror cw" or even "body horror for ts" (that one's an old relic from a time long ago when we had to use an extension called tumblr savior to filter content). content/trigger warnings are subjective. not everybody uses them. not everybody is willing to use them. it's not uncommon to ask people (politely!) to tag for something that might be upsetting to you, with the caveat that they might say no and then it's up to you to decide if you want to continue following them or not. (for example if you asked me to tag for alcohol, i would politely decline, simply because i do not think i would realistically remember to do it and i don't want to promise something i can't deliver and risk harming you.)
commentary that doesn't need to be a part of the post: you may have noticed that a lot of us put our thoughts on any given post in the tags. this is a way to leave commentary without muddying up the post. not all thoughts need to be on the post permanently. in fact, most don't haha. sometimes if you leave commentary in the tags, someone will copy and paste or screenshot them into the body of the post because they think your thoughts deserved permanent status and that other people should see them too. we like to call this getting peer reviewed because we are nothing if not a website full of nerds.
so those are the ways we use tags on this website. you can choose not to use tags at all, use them religiously, or use them only when you want. it's really up to you. you create your own experience. however, if you do opt out of tagging anything at all, people might be less likely to interact with you because it makes it harder for them to curate their own experience. but again, it's really up to you!
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silverbriseis · 25 days
Kyman YouTuber x Twitch streamer au where they are both popular creators on their both respective platforms yet literally both them and their fans hate each other with a extreme burning passion
Cartman was already like canonically a YouTuber(the cartmanbrah thing) but I do think he'd fit better as a twitch streamer, anyways he would definitely be like a ishowspeed type of streamer, where he's so controversial it leads to infamy to actual fame, for every hater he has, he has 3 more fans that find him incredibly hilarious. He'd definitely be aware of his notoriety and try profitting off of it, although he'd probably slow down over time because he doesn't want any of the sponsors to drop him LMAO.
Now over to Kyle, I think he'd have like the total opposite of Cartmans career, where Cartman blew up incredibly fast because of his persona, Kyle would have started earlier and overtime rose to popularity,at first he'd definitely be one of those "hidden gems" type of youtubers, where he has a small but dedicated fanbase that enjoy the variety of his content. I think he'd have like many types of videos(video essays and raising awareness for other important topics) at first, his videos are quite awkward and janky but overtime you can see him improve him as his mic quality gets better and his videos get more detailed, he'd be known for a few very popular call-out videos he made for other creators, his fans would love him because of of his sincerity and how he isn't afraid to call out other people on their bs, and whereas Cartman is loud and brash, Kyle is very polite and civil(even in his call-out videos) and he very rarely gets mad or rages out loud in his videos(well until cartman shows up in his videos LMAO)
I think they'd both blow up at the same time and get extreme amounts of attention, Cartman because of his streaming and his very horrid remarks and Kyle because of a very well-researched 3 HOURS long video essay where the topic/title is basically "How content creators breed toxicity in their community and others" with a HUGE png of cartman slapped onto the thumbnail. (Most of the segments are basically about Cartman with passing mentions of other creators) Anyways his fans would notice a big difference in his behavior in this new video because of how frustrated he is LMAO and how much he uses subjective language, "HES A RUDE, MANIPULATIVE SOCIOPATHIC ANTISEMITIC ASSHOLE WHO HAS NO REGARD FOR ANYONE ELSE AND HIS FANS AND SHOULD BE BANNED FROM THE PLATFORM" he'd def gain new fans from this but I think cartmans fans would find the video and start clowning/spam the comment section and Kyles new and old fans would defend him and now both of their fambases are basically waging war on each other
(Also even before the essay or when they both gained fame, Cartman would tweet about how much Kyles videos/channel suck ON HIS MAIN ACCOUNT like "Wow Kyle looks extra bitchy in this video, Is he on his period?/ Kyle uses so much of his jew brain in this video yet his conclusion here is much so dumb like multiverses are____"
Anyways Cartman would sooo definitely tease the shit of Kyle after that video, he'd be like "Kahl, obviously, I'm your reason for fame you shouldn't treat me so- AW SHIT, KIYAL THAT FUCKINH HURTS" and Kyle "Your fatass deserves it"
Also they would narrowly avoid being cancelled because of their behavior towards each other, Cartman for his (implied) antisemitism calling Kyle a jew many times as an insult and Kyle for his (very direct) fatphobia towards Cartman lmao fortunately when anyone tries to cancel the two of them, both of their fanbases put aside their differences and defend them from everything.
Just wait until the yaoi fangirls(us) find them and kickstart a new saga LMAOO
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lashysdomain · 4 months
tw for stalking
Arms stretched over her head Niriol leaves the corner store, a few bags in one hand from the late night snack run. She'd forgotten to shop the night before and it's too close to dawn for her to go for a proper trip.
Hitting the button on her fob Niri doesn't pay much mind when she doesn't hear the thunk of a car unlocking, simply opening the driver side door and climbing in. She probably forgot to lock it is the only thought that crosses her mind as her bags are set into the footwell of the adjoining seat. Time to get home before she falls asleep in the parking lot.
Pulling out of the parking lot it's a short uneventful drive back to her home. The unfamiliar music playing from her sound system strikes her as having some very strange composition, what with the odd shifting noises interspersed with the rest of the instrumental. It was a new station she'd picked out on the way over to keep her awake and one she'll change once back home it seems.
Once the violets car is pulled into her garage she steps out, pulling the bags with her so she won't have to go to the other side. Normally she'd close the garage door, but this morning is meant to be mild and there's no real reason for it when the weather isn't bad. Better to air out the dank smell of the concrete box.
Stepping up to the side door of her home the faint metallic thunk behind her makes her turn. It takes a moment or two for her to realize what the noise is, her heart skipping a beat seeing the far back seat door of her car ajar, closing a moment after she notices.
Swallowing hard she glances down to her hands, currently fumbling quicker with her various keys to find the one that matches the door behind her. Staring out into the garage isn't helping, she can't tell just by feel....
She looks down to try and find the right key as quickly as possible after realizing telling by feel is futile. Immediately she regrets it, the scuffing of shoes running snapping her attention up just in time to see the individual clad in blue rushing for her, their hands slamming beside her head against the door. They're considerably taller than her 5'3" stature causing her to shrink down in reflex, fins flicking back as her nerves begin to set in further.
"Hi! Niriol! I know it's like, reaaally kind of Not Cool to spring up on creators like this but you're going to have to forgive me, okay? I just, I have this new idea you see. I think you could pull it off really well, and you've not been messaging me back on Chitter, so I figured I'd, like, come tell you in person!"
An idea....? Usually Niri would gladly listen to any suggestions unless they were unreasonable.... There's not anyone lately that she'd had to tell no to.... Unless someone else had filtered their messages entirely from her...
Oh no.
"WingedBinger, yeah! I've been trying to get you to reply back to me for like half a sweep at this point! You can understand why I'm here now, right? Our first conversation was great! You were so sweet, you really seemed lovely! I-I've come up with new ideas, though! It's not the same one you said no to before!"
"I'm... Sorry I don't... Do the kind of shoots you've mentioned..."
"But you could! I could be the photographer if that's the issue! You're like really pretty, you could make a lot of people happy by doing more! For your fans!"
Sure Niriol got the occasional person who would wish she would wear things that were more revealing, but this person... They'd been trying to pressure her into that sort of content for the better part of a sweep now, using various alt accounts to get around her initial block, always insisting that they'd be willing to take the pictures. One of her mods was assigned to filter through her messages on her main platforms, while others had them turned off to avoid the spam.
"I... Appreciate the feedback, but I'm not comfortable-"
"It's for your fans! You say you'd do anything for them, don't you? Come on, lets go inside, I can show you how cool it'll be!"
Niri's blood runs cold feeling the keys pulled from her hands and an arm wrap around her waist, pulling her flush into this strangers body. They're trying each key so casually to try and get into her home when something thunks into the frame of the door, a large rock having whizzed past the pair of them.
"Hey, cunt, I don't think the lady wants your attention. Do me a favor and fuck off."
The figure stalking her way through the garage door isn't entirely unfamiliar to Niriol, though the pair have never met in person. Gold and white heterochromia, short hair with straight bangs, platform boots that bring her to just over 6 feet tall; that's Kheron's friend.
"Let her go, or I'll find something to bash your skull in."
The cold confidence of Vayuya's voice sends a chill down Niri's spine and makes the blue blood pause, grip loosening just enough for her to make a break for it, running over to the tall woman's side. Vayu's hand is laid on Niri's head as she hides in an attempt to calm the terrified woman.
"Drop the keys, walk away, and don't look back."
"We were just ta-"
"You were breaking into her home. Don't think your shrill voice couldn't be heard outside. Get lost."
They fumble for an excuse, not finding one that she seems to even entertain, they chuck the keys at Vayu before running past her; despite the keys being thrown the gold blood takes the full impact of them to her face, barely flinching and making sure that she stays between the stranger and the terrified seadweller.
"Close the garage."
Vayu commands after the stranger clears the door, Niriol running over to the panel on the wall to do so with the gold blood close behind.
"I kept telling Kheron this would happen... You need to grow a backbone, damn it..."
She scoffs, waiting for the door to be fully closed before leaving Niri's side so she can pick up the discarded keys.
"Here. Get yourself inside and make sure everything else is locked. Windows included."
"Th... Thank you, Vayuya..."
".... Yeah."
"You should come in... The sun's nearly up."
She pauses, debating Niriol's offer and how much she dislikes being in other peoples spaces and not her own. Her place would be another 40 minute walk, and this girl could use someone who's perhaps a bit hyper paranoid to make sure her place is safe....
"Fine.... I'm gonna text Kheron, let him know what happened."
"... Do you have to?"
"Legally? No. Morally, also no, but I'm going to."
The violet blood nods not at all looking forward to the conversation that might follow Kheron finding out about all this, finally finding the right key to let the pair into her home. At least with Vayuya around Niri doubts that person will be back tonight.
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britcision · 6 months
this is not in regards to any laws being introduced and i say this as a queer person who was a victim of csa - do you earnestly believe websites putting their foot down when it comes to child pornography and content fetishizing horrifying abuse like rape and incest will lead to "censorship" of innocent queer content? do you believe that with your entire chest? do you not see how you are inherently correlating fetishization of abuse with content of gay people existing? and mind you, i am not talking about content that merely explores these themes, but if you jump to try and include exploration of the effects of abuse in graphic detail with content pedophiles make to get off at the thought of a child being molested and then share so other pedophiles can do the same, what does that say about you? why do you feel the need to mock victims and make straw man arguments no adult actually makes about fiction, and then thusly you are targeting the poorly formed opinions of children who are clearly hurt and terrified to mock them for not fully understanding how to properly articulate what they wish to express? do you not see how none of this helps anyone. you are probably a victim yourself, i know, don't get me wrong. i am just trying to make a point. even if you don't understand, or look within yourself, it doesn't really matter to me. i'm gonna block you and move on because i have better things to do than try to genuinely convince a person with their ao3 username in bio about how they have malformed opinions over the internet lmao.
Because the people who are pushing this law to “protect children” are literally the same ones who are getting gay books banned from schools and getting teachers fired for talking about their home lives should they dare to be queer
Because back when FOSTA/SESTA was passed with almost identical hype about “protecting children”, the only thing that happened was porn bans and queer content being deleted or buried. Including images of two men/women holding hands
Because studies have been done for decades, and these kinds of laws have never, ever, made anyone even remotely more safe; all they do is make tagging a legal liability for companies, meaning you cannot meaningfully filter out fan content that might trigger you
Because putting the onus on internet providers or hosts does not catch, slow, or even hinder the people actually abusing children - it just means that anyone who wants a queer content creator removed can just spam report all their work as csa
Because I actually care about children, and have done the research rather than just believing every single cry I hear of “for the children” - the tagline of every racist and queerphobic piece of legislation since before anyone alive today was born
Because pointing out that “queer content is all pedophilia” is an argument these people will immediately use to destroy queer content is not corroborating that opinion; it’s basic pattern recognition, and pretending that it is anything else is a suppression tactic to stop people from calling out that bullshit
If you actually care about children and want them to be safe, stop knee jerk reacting and start actually thinking. The data’s all a Google away, the studies have been done, and anyone who was even remotely engaged when SESTA/FOSTA passed should have noticed just what that legislation actually did
We have seen these kinds of bills before. We saw what happened immediately after. Criminologists around the world have studied the results: children are not safer. And I care more about that than buzzwords and temper tantrums online
But go off about “poorly formed opinions” defending the exact same game plan that happened literally a decade ago like no one has ever heard of history. Makes you look real noble, totally disguises your judgemental hissy fit as Brave Justice Warrior
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Rules for new tumblr users
I'm sure people will have seen other mcyt blogs first and they've all given warnings but I'm just making this to pin at the top of my blog and so I can edit it when I inevitably realise I've forgotten something.
General ground rules:
If you have a default profile picture, blog and haven't reblogged anything, you will likely get blocked as a potential spam account. It doesn't have to be a lot, just search the tags for some of your interests and reblog some cool art or something.
You have to curate your own dashboard on tumblr. Search and follow the tags of things you enjoy, find users within those tags you want to see more from, follow and reblog posts from them. And if you aren't enjoying yourself, don't be afraid to unfollow people again (we don't usually pay attention to follower counts) and block tags/people if you really aren't happy seeing them.
If you want to keep things nice and neat, most of us will have a main blog (the one you get when you join the website) and then for any particularly strong interests will have a side blog. You can't like or follow from side blogs, but you can reblog things easily and people can follow side blogs if they share that interest with you. You can even make group blogs by going to the side bar of your sideblog and clicking 'members'!
Don't censor words, especially in the tags. You won't get reported or 'shadowbanned' for saying words like 'kill' or 'fuck' and if you do censor them then people who have them as blocked words and may be triggered by them will see them anyway.
When you join tumblr, there will automatically be sections showing what you've liked and who you've followed publically visible on your blog. Not only can you make these invisible in your settings, but we actively encourage it! People don't usually pay attention to them anyway but it's easier for you to like the things you want when you know people won't see them and judge you.
If you want to have a conversation with other people and get replies, put what you want to say in the main text of reblogs. If you're just trying to add a funny comment or say things without people responding to them, put it in the hashtags or as a reply. It means you can reblog things from other people without also having to reblog hundreds of people's random little comments.
Mcyt specific:
If you're gonna make posts, use 'mcyt' rather than the word 'mine/craft' when you're tagging. That tag is reserved for people who want to talk about the game and if you start talking about your blorbos in their tag, you will be told off for it. Same with tags where the word is included, use (e.g. use mc championships instead of the full name because it will still get picked up by the game's tag)
There are people in the mcyt communities on tumblr who ship and will post about those ships in the main tags. I'm personally not one of those people and try to avoid it where possible but you will inevitably come across it. If that's not your thing, don't make posts raving about how terrible it is or start harrassing them. If you don't want to see it just block the people doing it, block the relevant tags and move on. The communities here are pretty good at tagging their stuff using 'hermitshipping' for hermitcraft, 'trafficshipping' for the life series, 'empireshipping' for empires, and 'dsmpshipping' for dream smp. I don't think it happens much for dsmpblr but the others it's a regular occurence.
A lot of us (including myself) don't want to be noticed by content creators! We were here first and for the people who write fics or make art, they may feel uncomfortable posting if there's a chance a CC will see it. I believe Aimsey's now saying there's an 'Aimsey look' tag that they will go through each week so only people who wanted to be noticed will be, and I know we can't really do much to stop CCs going through the hashtags but just don't @ them in posts unless they're your own or OP specifically says you can.
No drama please! This is supposed to be a chill space and people moving over from twitter aren't going to ruin that. We've been here longer than you have, so you're the guests under our house rules. This is especially the case when it comes to MCCs. Leave Scott and Noxcrew be!
This is a personal one but please don't complain to me about buildmart. Yes I know people hate it and think it's unfair but I and other people here really enjoy it so I will simply block people who complain about it. We're all entitled to opinions but it's really tiring to see people shit on it once a month every month.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
Tumblr media
reader impact || fan service scene: resting with you
series masterlist characters: diluc, xiao, zhongli genre: fluff summary: the creators of genshin impact have graciously gifted the players with a fan service scene featuring you! notes: i know dill's doesn't contain sleeping in your lap,,, i'm sorry but i hope you like what i provided :))
diluc -
diluc isn't one to have many sleep issues.
until the nightmares kick in.
whenever he can't sleep, he tends to just sit in his house.
it's always quiet.
not something you'd want after a nightmare, but he deals with it.
it's better than trying to expose himself to thousands or even millions of people.
but one night, after a particularly harsh nightmare, he remembers that the next day was supposed to be when he streams the newest genshin update.
but, he's already up...
he probably will try to take a nap later today anyway...
"i know it's a bit of an early, or late, stream but i was already awake."
his stream is definitely worried because this is the first time he streams at like 2:00 am.
he won't address it, though.
they don't need to know, anyway.
he pretty much tries to ignore any questions about his sleeping habits and opts to answer them very vaguely.
he is excited to play the update because he knows there's some more (name) content :))
he'll get everything done that he needs to do like commissions and events from them nice nice primogems.
and then here he is, ready to start the newest feature.
go to the angel's share.
ah yes, the place his character officially met you for the first time.
(he definitely has issues with interacting with patton before going inside)
the quest basically has diluc go around to collect more things needed for the winery.
pretty simple quest.
canonically, the quest takes the mc a few hours to complete because the materials are everywhere.
so a cutscene plays when he gets back to the dawn winery, which is where charles told him to bring the materials.
he walks inside and there you are.
greeting him with a brief nod and a wave of your hand.
mc drops the items on the table, ready to turn around and leave for another commission.
until you call out to him.
"ah, traveler."
mc turns back around and walks back to stand next to you.
you stand up from your chair and place a hand on their shoulder.
you stare at them for a moment.
"...i apologize. you must have been traveling for a long while to get the materials."
mc tries to wave you off.
"no, no. you'll hurt yourself. hm... come with me."
you literally CARRY MC TO A SPARE ROOM.
anyway, you pull up a chair next to the bed before placing the mc on the bed.
you simply sit in the chair, quietly stroking your thumb along the mc's arm.
"take a break. i'm sure the adventurer's guild will do just fine for now."
diluc is trying his hardest to hold back tears.
he just... really needed this.
xiao -
it's widely known amongst xiao's community that he has insomnia.
he talks about it a lot on how he has trouble sleeping and he even streams on the nights where it gets so bad he doesn't like being alone with his thoughts.
such is the case here where a new update drops and he's up and ready to play.
he greets everyone briefly as they enter the stream, rubbing his eyes and letting out small yawns every once in a while.
they always know when it's an especially hard night for him, so they come prepared with (name) emotes to try and cheer him up.
they don't have the heart to spoil him about the new update and what it includes.
of course, there will always be that one person who tries to spoil something.
the chat sees that and just spams (name) emotes to hide it.
and since xiao is pretty sleep deprived at this point, he doesn't notice.
now he's ready to actually play.
he'll complete his daily commissions and anything else he needs to get done before checking out the newest features.
he does know that there's a part in the update that features you :0
he doesn't know what the actual update is but he just knows that he'll be able to see you again :))
so he's going through the update, right?
just admiring you even if he's half asleep.
and here comes the part that actually almost put him to sleep right there.
his mc and you are walking down the streets of liyue and it's all dark.
there's a few lights here and there.
you two are walking down to the inn he had first met you at.
passing by the boss lady at the front counter.
walking up the stairs.
and there you two are, on the very balcony he ad first seen you on.
"...you seem tired."
his character doesn't say anything (as expected) but just rubs their eyes and nods.
pain is floating beside you two before going off towards the kitchen downstairs.
now it's just you two.
"you should take a rest."
your voice was so soft :))
you look around the balcony before sighing, taking a seat on the ground.
his character stares at you for a bit before you pat your legs.
"i told you to rest, didn't i?"
his character takes a bit before finally letting their head rest in your lap.
he's thanking whoever animated this part because it's a POV shot from the mc.
he's just staring up at you.
you're looking down at him with the softest expression he's ever seen.
"...rest now. i won't let anything harm you."
his chat is freaking out.
he's almost asleep at this point.
life is good.
zhongli -
zhongli doesn't have a lot of sleep issues either...
if he did, he'd probably just drink some tea and try to sleep again.
he isn't the type of stream late at night/early in the morning.
because of this, he plays the newest update for genshin at his scheduled time.
some people who watch him are going to bed though, so it's late at night/early in the morning for them :)
he knows this and tries to tell his viewers to get proper rest.
"it isn't good for you to stay up so late."
he really cares about them :))
he's happy to talk to them though.
(he definitely knows people like his voice so he's happy to help them sleep by talking to them)
his daily objectives take longer considering he's taking the time to read to his viewers.
of course, all of the things he's reading are genshin based.
more specifically you, but they don't mind.
anyway, he FINALLY gets his stuff done.
now he's finally ready to start the new (name) quest.
he's like... one or two hours into the stream already.
but he doesn't mind longer stream, especially when it concerns you.
go to third round knockout
ah yes, the little restaurant you go to for stories about yourself.
and, of course, there you are sitting at your usual chair and drinking tea.
you invite him over to sit down, which causes another cutscene to play, talking more about your adventures as a god/dess.
and, to zhongli's delight, the quest fully begins.
the quest follows you and mc going around lie, exploring different areas while you talk about what you've done there in the years you've been alive.
it's a more chill quest that features lore and character building :))
and then you get to a more secluded spot in lieu.
just the two of you.
the sun has already set and the stars are shining down on the two of you.
zhongli isn't saying anything, reveling in the silence as if he were actually there, standing next to you.
and then your character takes a seat in the grass.
and mc follows suit, sitting beside you.
it isn't long before zhongli's character begins to drift off to sleep.
and that's when it happens.
you reach over and pull mc into your lap, your storytelling continuing as if nothing happened.
"this may be awkward, but i noticed you were falling asleep. go on ahead. i'll be happy to share my stories to help you rest."
zhongli, once again, isn't saying anything. he simply lets the cutscene play.
you're still recalling tales of your past, calmly telling them to whoever was listening.
it's calm and quiet.
and zhongli now knows why people love hearing him tell stories as they sleep.
because he is definitely getting that same sensation hearing you recall your past.
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straighttohellbuddy · 2 years
don't think i'll ever get enough {Dream}
Summary: A few moments in Y/N and Dream's life in the year after they get married. Things that change, and things that don't. Telling friends and keeping quiet. And, of course, idiots in love; so, so much (stupid) love.
A/N: 5728 words. final part, but i genuinely don't think you need to have read any of the last three to enjoy this. its so tooth-rotting, and they're so very stupid. please please please let me know if you enjoyed this series/what you enjoyed about it, because it kind of owns my heart. i'll be rereading this one for a long time to come. If it's 8am and I spent all night finishing this, don't worry about that, just read the fic!!
Warnings: implied nsfw. mentions of smp-violence. tooth rotting fluff
{ Idiots-To-Lovers 'verse } | { 4 / 4 }
"I saw on Twitter the other day, someone talking about how they missed our dynamic before..." You trailed off a little, unable to stop your faint, knowing smile, "before we started dating." You say carefully; you knew Dream would hear your hesitation, and be the only person to understand why the wording made you smile so.
"We both know the reason," Dream, you could hear, was smirking.
"Oh we both know the reason," you agreed, grinning from ear to ear, "but you're Mister Super Famous Minecraft YouTuber so you have to be careful what you say, and I may be an idiot, but I'm not foolish enough to say something on stream with you that would get you cancelled -"
"Thank you," he laughs.
"- but also, speaking of; Foosh!" You exclaim with delight, "I haven't spoken to Foolish in ages, I miss him!" Your train of thought is quick to switch tracks, suddenly fond adoration shines through your tone. "There's a few people that I've been meaning to speak to since our holiday -" Dream hums at that, but doesn't comment; you wonder if he's fidgeting with his ring at the memory like you wished you could. But your ring was sitting, gold and demure on your desk just out of frame.
[Y/N ANSWER MY TEXTS CHALLENGE] Quackity, who you knew had been watching the stream, sends, and you snort a laugh, [I MISS THE OLD Y/N WHO HAD TIME FOR LORE]
"You little goblin," you hissed with a smile, watching your chat erupt into chaos at the mere hint of potential DSMP lore with your characters. At Dream's confusion, you explain the situation, but you can hear your husband's shit-eating grin as he asks chat to spam roses.
"Fuck you," rolls off your tongue instinctively.
"Fuck me yourself, coward," Dream counters with absolutely no forethought and barely concealed glee.
"Oh no, I'm not falling for that again;" you grin, "trick me into a spite kiss on stream once, shame on you-"
"Hey, you're the one who felt the need to come and spite kiss me -" he pointed out, loftily.
"You know me and my braincell never back down from a challenge," you pointed out, and he hummed thoughtfully, though it trailed off into a laugh, and he agreed quietly, fondly.
"I need people to take me seriously in Minecraft again," you mused after a moment, and you sigh dramatically before Dream can even begin to ask you what you mean, "everyone thinks I'm silly, which-" you clarify pointedly, "I am, but I contain multitudes! Silly is a facet!" Dream is muffling his laughter behind his hand, and you're grinning despite your attempt at a serious tone, "just because I, as a content creator, only have one braincell, and that braincell happens to be allergic to my- Dream's," you catch yourself quickly, hoping your chat hadn't noticed your slip, "doesn't mean I can't craft a mean character! Once I message Q and Sam back, it's over for all you hoes!"
With one eyebrow painted in bleach, and carefully holding a chemical-laden brush in one hand, you pause, expression contemplative as you frowned at yourself in the mirror you'd brought into your office for the stream.
"I don't know why people assume I don't think about my future," you mused, expression as serious as you can muster, "I think about Dream all the time-"
"People assume you don't think about your future because you're an idiot," Quackity supplies, equally as deadpan, holding the bowl of bleach in one hand, though most of his focus on your chat speeding along.
You don't even seem to register what he'd said. Or, if you do, you don't seem bothered by it. After a moment, as you carefully smear the bleach on your other eyebrow, you turn, and Quackity finally looks to you, doing an incredible job of not laughing, at least until you start speaking.
"Do people really bleach their assholes? This burns on my eyebrows, I wouldn't want it anywhere near my-"
"Pretty sure they don't put hair bleach on assholes - no," he says very seriously, seeing the glint of mischief and intrigue in your eyes, barely containing his laughter, muttering, "why am I the reasonable one here, what kind of opposite day bullshit -"
"I just wanna see what all the fuss is about!"
"They don't put hair bleach on assholes to bleach them!"
"How do you know so much about asshole bleaching?!"
"Sometimes I really question Dream's tastes -"
"Don't deflect the question, Alex!" You shout through your laughter, "and don't be fucking rude!"
"You invited me here, it's like you don't even know me," he snorted, "I swear you used to seem smarter than me," he mused, squinting at you, though his tone was still light and obviously teasing. For your part, you grinned toothily at him, taking none of his insults to heart.
"That's on you, dork, do less lawyer activities," you teased fondly, to which he rolled his eyes.
"Is that your way of asking me to help bleach your asshole?"
"No..." you thought about it for a moment, really considered, "yes? No. Maybe?" You looked to your monitor as he found himself doubled over with laughter, "sub goal? What do we think, chat?"
And you and Quackity chat back and forth for a while, figuring out what number could conceivably be realistic, given that the time limit was the remainder of the stream, granted the two of you hadn't been online long and had intended this to be something of a half-day stream, with VC cameos from your various friends.
"- okay, so if we reach that before eleven, we'll spend the last hour before midnight..." you took a deep breath, scrunching up your whole face while Quackity wore a shit-eating grin, "bleaching my asshole," you sighed, like you can't quite believe you'd agreed.
"I know your viewers are dedicated, but are they that dedicated?" Quackity asked, eyes shining with mirth at your apparent regret.
And you go back to your mirror, and the task at hand.
Less than a minute later, an audio cue goes off on your stream, letting you know someone had donated some gift subs. You sighed.
"It begins," you muttered with a thin smile, squinting at yourself in the mirror, carefully wiping the bleach off of your first eyebrow with a damp cloth, as Quackity reads out -
"Thank you, Dream -" and is immediately incapacitated with laughter, as upon hearing your husband's screen name, you knew it could not mean good things. As if on cue, Dream's voice comes through the office door.
"Okay, okay, in my defence -" he's laughing too, while you're incoherently screeching, reading where he'd just gifted enough subs to reach your goal within a minute of you updating it, "in my defence it's the funniest sub goal you've ever offered."
The next few minutes are simply Quackity only half in frame, past the point of audible laughter, while you've opened the door, and everyone can hear Dream trying and failing to hold in his laughter.
"My love, my darling, apple of my eye, enchilada of my bosom -" you say with the utmost seriousness from off-screen. Only Quackity can see how you're holding Dream's face with both hands, trying desperately to keep your composure.
"Come on, tell me you wouldn't have done the exact same thing," Dream tries to match your tone, but you push on regardless.
"Love of my life, I'm begging to know why you're so insistent that our beloved friend Quackity gets acquainted with my asshole in a way that -"
"I hate this!" Quackity's practically choking on his laughter as he interrupts you, unbridled glee written all over his face, "this is fucking awful, holy shit! This is the worst idea I've ever been a part of -!"
"It's not like you're showing your asshole on camera, it's more that everyone's gonna know and I assume hear you bleaching your asshole with hair bleach," Dream's clearly delighted by this whole series of events, and even Sapnap can be heard laughing in another room, finally figuring out what's happened.
After a moment, you stalked back to your computer and muted the stream, head out of frame. Apparently you say something controversial, however, as Quackity's whole expression shifts to something wide-eyed, mouth falling open in surprise as you head back to the door, and to Dream, with the stream on mute. Everyone sees his mouth move in a distinctly 'wait, what?!' movement.
What the stream doesn't hear is you cackling as you fondly tell Dream he's an idiot, knowing him well enough that you had anticipated his response;
"Yeah, but I'm your idiot! Forever, baby!" Gleefully sticking out his hand to show off his wedding ring, hence Q's surprise. Both you and Dream confirm that it's not a bit, but that it's not public knowledge, and he takes a moment to absorb that information before nodding and grinning at you both, admitting that he's not as surprised as he thought he'd be.
When you unmute your stream, the first thing that Quackity does is raise his voice to ask Sapnap if it's always like this, living with you and Dream. Sapnap says yes, in no uncertain terms, but his voice holds nothing but affection.
"Okay, Q, I can do this on my own, and you can just... I don't know, stay on stream, behind a partition or something, I'm not going to force you to help me," you snort, "bleach my asshole, but -"
"What am I gonna do? Back out? I'm not a bitch; if you're in, I'm in."
And you, with one bleached eyebrow, egged on in your impulsivity by your husband, your chat, and Quackity himself, find yourself almost painfully grateful for the people you surround yourself with, who despite everything, seem to get you in a way that not a lot of people in the past have.
Considering how inconsistent both yours and Dream's sleep schedules are, if either of you has editing or some other quiet work to do, it's easy enough to tune it out and fall asleep to if either of you is working on the computer in your room. If Dream wants to stream, however, or record some kind of voice-related audio, he tends to move into the office as to not wake you up. It's a curtesy that you're grateful for, however you hadn't anticipated that it would generate some of the sweetest audio clips of the pair of you that would end up circling Twitter and Tumblr.
After a night of work, you crash into bed with Dream in the early hours of the morning. When the next day arrives, and with it a planned group stream, Dream logs on at the given time and tells the group that you'd been up all night working, and you're easily forgiven.
An hour into the stream, the door to the office opens, and Dream's focus is pulled from the game.
"Morning, baby," his voice is warm, almost syrupy, close to the affectionate way he'd sometimes been heard to talk to Patches, however, you yawn. You don't even give a proper greeting, pulling up the second seat close to him and resting your head on his shoulder.
"I'm here, I'm here, I'm sorry I'm late," you mumble sleepily, and you hear the faint greetings through Dream's headphones. You tuck your arm into his.
"We're playing Jackbox," he says, and you let your gaze drift across the screen lazily.
"You winning?"
"He wishes!" You hear someone in his headphones, and you grin as Dream laughs.
"You just gotta talk about your dick, or kissin' George -" you're pretty sure you hear someone in his headphone boo at your suggestion, and you're also pretty sure it's Quackity.
"That's how I win?" Dream teases you, voice still sweet and warm, a little muffled where he's pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head.
"Tha's how you win," you yawn again. Both you and Dream know that you're almost definitely going to fall asleep on his shoulder as he plays. You're pretty sure there's no place you'd rather be.
"Dream, fuck off, I'm trying to take myself seriously," you laughed, waiting for the other SMP members to log on and join you for the stream.
"You're so cute though, are you in costume?" Dream, leaning in your doorway, is grinning at you, while you've got your eyes closed, fighting back your own smile.
"I'm doing serious lore things," you crack one eye open to look at him, still trying to keep up the illusion of seriousness, "I helped Q with some cool stuff for his stream, but I'm not half as organised, so I- yeah, I'm in costume," you looked down at your mafia-esque outfit that resembled your current in-game skin.
"Okay, I love you," he says warmly, and obligingly closes the door to the study, while you sit, a little flustered from his attention, waiting. Chat was calling you cute again. You'd let them, for now.
You tried to just chatter away, and keep in mind everything that you and Quackity and Sam had discussed over the past few days, about what this stream would entail. You couldn't lie, you were excited for some of the things you'd been working on for your character to finally come to fruition.
And something about defying your audience's expectations was thrilling.
"- after everything we've been through, why can't you just listen to me, and- and- and understand that I was made Warden for a reason," Sam, who was your older brother in-canon, was yet again attempting to thwart your prison break in attempt.
"After everything we've been through?!" You spat back, but his voice rose over yours.
"I was your Warden first!" He shouted, and your mouth snapped shut at this, your character's fury radiating white-hot from you, "I kept you safe, I loved you, I never gave you reason to doubt me -"
"You weren't my Warden, you were my brother, Sam!" You shouted, trembling your lip, "like every fucking kid comes to understand their parents are flawed, I came to see the same of you; you are not infallible, you were not appointed my guardian - not my Warden - by committee, you were given that position by process of fucking elimination -"
"Don't you dare-" he snarled, but you cut him off.
"Elimination of our parents! Our parents! You were not given a choice, and I get that, okay? And I loved you for who you were, but I'm not a child, and I am not your responsibility anymore -"
"You will always be my responsibility, Y/N -"
"You don't respect me!"
"You don't respect me!" He hollered, "I raised you!"
"You made me what I am," teeth gritted, you straighten in your chair, flicking through your hotbar to begin drinking potions in-game as you spoke, "I'm just glad you never passed on your delusions of adequacy -!" And you attack him; he blocks.
"Why throw your life away for Dream?" Sam tried one last attempt at getting you to see reason, but you'd known this about your character since you'd gotten serious about the roleplay aspect of the SMP.
"Because you didn't have a choice about putting up with me," you told Sam sweetly, "and he did; cry all you want about how you raised me, but I was never a burden to him."
"I won't fight you."
"Then you'll die by my hand," you tell him, and again, you swing your sword at him -
"Could you really live with yourself?"
"I really could; can you?" Your smile is cold.
And you kill him.
Through your closed office door, where you're pretty sure your husband is watching the stream in your room, or on his phone, you hear Dream's 'oh shit!' as the stream, lagging a few moments behind, catches up.
Your heartbeat is thundering in your ears. Sam leaves the VC, and Quackity joins, asks what the fuck just happened. You're picking up Sam's things. Your whole body has been full of tension for the entirety of the stream, and there's a tension headache forming at your temples but you power on.
There's still another reveal, another betrayal, of Quackity against your character, finally admitting to visiting the prison to torture Dream for the revival information, at which point, tense and overwhelmed, tears genuinely begin to form in your eyes. Your character wants to find Foolish, who you've come to trust, or Wilbur, who's been recently revived and seems to have positive feelings towards Dream, but neither of them are online.
"Q, if you get in my way, I'll kill you too," your bottom lip is trembling.
"You're my friend, and I don't want to hurt you," Quackity says, voice heavy and serious.
"Then don't get in my way," you take a deep, shaky breath, finger hovering over the escape key, "because my brother wasn't special enough for me to spare, so don't delude yourself into thinking you would be."
Before you can even hear his response, you exit the server, and end your stream, before muting yourself in the VC, and collapse onto your keyboard, shaking and emotionally depleted. In your earphones, you can still hear Q going off to himself and his chat.
There's a soft knock at your office door, and Dream and Sapnap both let themselves in.
"Dude, holy shit," Sapnap says faintly, and you feel the adrenaline finally mixing with some relief and excitement.
"I'm ordering so much food tonight, just all of it, a buffet," you announce, face still resting against your arms on your desk as a few tired tears dampen your sleeves, "I forgot how much that takes out of me."
Raising your head, you quickly type out a grateful message to both Sam and Quackity, before finally turning away, to see Sapnap and Dream in the door, both looking at you with fondness in their eyes. When you stand, walking to them, they both wrap you up in a tight hug. The three of you, for just a moment, find stillness and serenity here; love from your best friends is exactly what you needed right now.
Later that night, where only the moon can bare witness, Dream will trace abstract shapes on your bare back, and will tell you he loves you for all that you are, and all that you're capable of.
"All this over a Minecraft roleplay?" You'll give a contented, almost dreamy smile, and he'll huff a soft laugh.
"I've loved you for long enough that you think I'd never be surprised by you, but I am."
"Good surprised?"
I Lost Dream Privileges & Want Company is the name of your stream when you go live, sulking in Sapnap's room where you'd commandeered his setup in the middle of the afternoon.
"I've been banished from my office because Dream needs to take some photos," you sighed deeply, "and having me around is apparently "counter productive"?" You scoff, using derisive air quotes, "Why? I'm not allowed to tell you, chat, I'd be banned from twitch - wait!" You announced with delight as your eyes lit up.
Suddenly you're a rush of movement and excitement as you scramble around the room, and then burst from the office and around the rest of the apartment.
"Two can play at this game, chat," there's something wild and determined in your eyes as you slam back into your chair with determination, "two can play at this game!" You hiss with excitement, tapping excitedly on your desk.
"Okay, I'm going to film thirst traps, but I need to get ready to film thirst traps, so feel free to ask me questions, and send me audios on TikTok that you recommend; I'll answer the questions while I- where's... where's my eyeliner?" You look over the bundle of clothes and accessories you'd collected and brought in, trying to find it, "everyone looks good in eyeliner, chat, trust me."
And you cherry picked the questions you responded to, though sometimes you decided to humour a few of the more risqué comments; it was the least you could do considering the content you were planning to make that afternoon.
"No, I don't have a maid outfit," you mused when someone asked, "not because I'm opposed to maid outfits, I just literally don't have one," as you're fiddling with the hem of your shirt, your gaze flicks to your chat, "yeah, I have the cat ears somewhere -" eyes going wide, you leapt from your chair, "you're right chat, you're right! I'll be right back!"
By the time you get back, chat has decided to set it's collective sights on a new line of questioning, and you roll your eyes as you secure the ears onto your head.
"Dream isn't my sugar daddy, so no, he hasn't bought me..." you trailed off as you frowned at chat, giving their point some serious thought, "I mean it wouldn't hurt to ask; we both know I could just buy it myself, I can just... you know I can ask..." You go to leave for a moment, but then lean into the camera for effect, "he's not my sugar daddy, chat, don't make this weird." But you're grinning.
You leave your mic on as you head down the hall to the office, leaving Sapnap's door open and making sure both your knock and voice were loud. The stream can hear the door open, and then promptly close before anything's said. Then, Sapnap, muffled.
"I'll sabotage your dick, lemme talk to Dream!" Your response is what chat hears first, followed by quiet, indistinct squabbling between yourself and Sapnap, and the faintest laughter from Dream himself.
"Sit your ass down and finish your stream," Sapnap's marching you back into his room, back to your stream. He bends to cast a disapproving look to the camera, before straightening up and out of frame again.
"I need to know now though," you argued back, swivelling back and forth in his desk chair.
"They're accusing Dream of being my sugar daddy," you then point out, for reasons that appear to evade and confuse your housemate. Dream, now apparently in the hall, laughs louder.
"We don't pay rent," Sapnap reminds you, "they're not wrong."
"Okay, yeah," you concede, "he's our sugar daddy in the communist sense -" Sapnap moves off camera, and chat hears the bedroom door close firmly, but you still appear to be looking at him off camera. Dream, outside the closed door, protests faintly.
"Lemme see Dream all dressed up," you whined, clasping your hands together.
"As if I trust either of you!" Sapnap laughs, which has you momentarily preening at the roundabout compliment, before giving a loud, put-upon sigh, asking if you could at least ask him one question, "sure, through the door."
"Dick," you snipe at him, before raising your voice, "babe would you buy me a maid outfit?"
"Yeah, done, obviously," Dream calls back, barely waiting for you to finish your own sentence before he's agreeing, and Sapnap wheezes a laugh while you turn back to your stream, grinning and all kinds of pleased.
"That's all I wanted to know, thank you!" You smile over your shoulder at Sapnap, who sounded exasperated. The moment he opens the door, however, your gaze snaps to it -
"You look so good! What?!" Dream crows, and your entire face lights up with glee as you see him, "babe, what?!" While Sapnap groans and jokes that he's hourly.
"Sap, no come on," you stand, "babe, come back here, come on -"
"I'm sick of having the only braincell in this house," Sapnap announces, and closes the door.
Slowly, you sink back down into the desk chair, expression a little dazed and delighted. Turning back to your confused chat, you're quiet for a few more moments still, grinning from ear to ear, looking a little starry-eyed.
"Not to rub salt in the wound and remind everyone that I know what Faceless Minecraft YouTuber DreamWasTaken looks like," your smile somehow grows even wider as you sit back, almost giggling to yourself, "but he's so hot; guys," you sighed almost dreamily, "he's so hot, what the fuck?" As if you weren't live looking like a whole damn meal yourself. Predictably, your chat, and also every single social media platform you're on, goes wild with these moments, and your subsequent thirst trap videos.
[screaming crying throwing up about dream and y/n what the FUCK /pos] appeared to be the general consensus, including the moments of mostly dead air where you'd filmed the start of a TikTok to a Cardi B audio, and everyone practically saw the lightbulb go off above your head. Like lightning you're on your feet and wrenching the door open, skittering down the hall.
"This is for content, I promise! Let me in!" You announced with glee, before asking Sapnap to film yourself and Dream for the second half of your video, promising to get out of their hair after. Sapnap must have obliged you, however, as you stroll back in with the full audio playing, and you watching with adoration. Looking to your stream, you grinned from ear to ear.
"That one I have to hold on to," you say slyly, "but I'm already excited to post it." you pause for a moment, smile growing wider, "I don't think I have any content where you can physically see Dream and me together -"
[bestie i think i'd explode if i saw you and dream together] a dono was read out, and you started to practically cackle with glee confirming that that may have been your intention. This clip is taken and posted onto Twitter, blowing up with the caption;
Glad to see Y/N and Dream have gone from bullying each other to making themselves everyone else's problem.
And a month later, when Dream's photos from the Change My Clothes album shoot become public, you're both a simp and feral on main for your husband in a suit, before you get the go-ahead to post the thirst trap of the two of you.
Predictably, with you in your thirst trap outfit, and Dream in his suit and mask, side by side, his arm around you and hand low on your hip, it has waves of followers foaming at the mouth. Finally, video proof of your proximity, of your relationship. It's fifteen seconds but its everything to your fans, and quietly, to you.
@sapnap: i asked @yourtwitter how many times they'd watched their video and they said 'like 83 shut up dream's hot that's not my fault' ....... thought this honeymoon phase would have ended this is sickening
@yourtwitter: ..... do u want a smooch, buddy? come to the kitchen 4 smooch
@dream: 😘😘😘
"Last time I was in LA I was on my honeymoon," at the end of November, you finally decide to humour your Californian friends and go to visit them, on your own this time. There's an influx of content creators in LA at the time, and beside you on the balcony, Wilbur chokes on his drink.
"You what?" He splutters, and you're apologising, trying to offer a packet of tissues, though most of the drink didn't end up on Wilbur himself. Once you were sure he was alright, you took a deep breath, fully realising what you'd said; before leaving, you'd had this same conversation with Dream, and you were both okay with your friends knowing, since Quackity had known for months now.
"Yeah," you laughed a little, "I just remember because I've got a photo from then on a balcony like this," you raise your hand. There, in gold, your wedding band, subtle and unassuming.
"You're not joking right now, are you?" Wilbur asks, repositioning his glasses and leaning in to take a closer look at your ring. You're not quite sure how to respond to that in a way that he'd believe. However, it appears that he's convinced enough by the ring, because when he looks back to you, he's beaming.
"You really went and married Dream and kept it quiet for- for how long?" There's something proud and genuine in his voice, and you grin in response.
"Like seven months," that appears to come as a shock, however, and you can't help but laugh with delight, finally able to admit it, "and I know everyone thinks it was too soon, but I've... I've really never been more sure of a decision in my life, and -"
"Haven't you two been together for years?" Wilbur frowns a little, and you go quiet, expression twisting.
"Not... technically?" And despite how hard it is to explain, you're glad that Wilbur seems to understand. He takes another sip of his drink and leans back against the railing, asking if he's allowed to call Dream your lover still.
"God, absolutely not, even I hate that."
"Is househusband better?" And it's almost as bad, but in a strange way, it makes you light up with joy.
"The moment the rest of the world knows, you have my blessing," you tell him, delighted llaughter ringing from you, "you may not have Dream's, but you have mine."
The world finds out during MCC All Stars.
The four of you that make up the internet-dubbed Dream Team are finally together; in order to balance teams, the four of you have never been in more than duos together on separate teams, so there's a warm familiarity to be competing together.
Still, as a player, you're underestimated in the predictions, your strength as a player, especially in PVP, and consistent high ranking often overlooked due to your exuberant personality, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
There boys were your best friends, you were married to one of them, if there was ever a group you could focus for, and fight for, it was the Dream Team.
You helped devise plans, and followed plans and orders with ease. You came third overall in Battle Box despite your team losing focus, and placed in the Top Five for both Skybattle, and Parkour Tag, coming 7th overall, while you and your boys championed your way through the games to Dodgebolt.
The second to last, however, had been Sands of Time, and Dream had kept the team focused and on task as the Sand Keeper. As the game came to an end, and your team was cheering at winning the game by what felt by a landslide, you couldn't help yourself;
"This is why I married you!" You laughed loud and bright.
"Knew there was a reason," George teased.
"Best fuckin' Sand Keeper right here," Dream crowed with confidence, "Sand Keeper, I'm a keeper; they nailed it!"
"You guys are so stupid," Sapnap's grin was loud and clear, pride bright in his voice as the cheering moved on and you all moved on for the final game. As you did, however, you chanced a look to your chat, and it hit you what you'd just said... to seventy thousand people. Twitter was going to be a nightmare.
[so everyone knows now] Dream sends, and you reply with an apology. He tells you that you don't need to apologise, he's just glad he doesn't have to hide it anymore. If you weren't seconds away from the last game before Dodgebolt, you would have marched into his room and kissed him until he was damn well breathless.
After TGTTOSAWAMCCPWHNWAEY finishes and the results are in, messages in-game begin to pop up as you assume viewers are spreading the word.
As you all waited for Dodgebolt, you pick up the ring that had been sitting just off to the side of your keyboard, putting it on your finger and grinning, listening as the boys are all joking and laughing at the others' confusion about you and Dream. They hear you typing, and ask, with mild trepidation, what you're going to send, but you don't tell them until you press enter.
[to all my dear wonderful fellow mcc as players who may have heard the news]
[no i did not come first individually]
[but my husband did]
Though the audible aside you add is heard only by your teammates who are wheezing with laughter, as you do your best impression of the John Mulaney sketch moment as you explain that 'now I've thrown them off their rhythm' regarding the team you'll be facing. If it does anything, it incites your team's laughter further, and fuels your own. A dono flashes up on screen that only knocks the wind out of you further.
[you really do wanna fuck each other so bad it makes you look stupid]
"Do either of you think before you do any of the impulsive things you do?" George asks, though where words like that would usually be said with malice, at worst, in your friend's voice, there is only fond exasperation.
"If we thought about half the impulsive things we did, we wouldn't be here," Dream points out.
"There's no way I'd be half as happy," you added, and Dream audibly awed at that, calling you adorable.
"You guys are so lucky I'm happy to see you both happy; you're so sickeningly cute some times," Sapnap groans, and you resist the urge to go and wrap him up in a hug, and you tell him as much.
"Listen, let's win Dodgebolt, and then you can give all the hugs you want."
"Buddy, you get the one, then I'm going to bother Dream until he pays me attention -"
"You really are worse than Patches sometimes," Dream says fondly, before adding, "but we did get together while you were wearing cat ears, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised -"
"Hey!" You laugh, before conceding, "I can't believe you remember that," it's strangely touching, and now you have almost a hundred thousand people in your chat crying over the reveal and the cuteness.
In the few seconds before the game begins, a dono from Dream flashes up on screen. He tells you he loves you, for the whole world to see.
"Love you too, green boy," you murmur with sincerity, even when you know both George and Sapnap will playfully protest.
Because you know it'll make Dream smile.
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twinsfall · 3 years
What made you realize you are pro ship?
It was honestly a gradual thing, but I was always pro-ship when I think about it! I've always loved ships, even as a little kid I loved to ship the characters in the cartoons I watched. I remember telling my mom that I wanted Austin and Uniqua from the Backyardigans to date 🤣 But then something happened to me, something I'd rather not share the details of, but it's one of the reasons I ship what I ship, to cope and process the feelings of what happened, but I also ship just for fun! Then one day I discovered Pinecest 😈
It started simple, my younger sibling was watching Gravity Falls and at the time I didn't know much about it, so I looked it up and was scrolling through google images when I came across a beautiful drawing of Dipper and Mabel kissing - spoiler alert, it was DoublePines' art (duh lol) - At first I was shocked and grossed out, I even walked away from the computer, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.... So I scrolled through Gravity Falls images again and sure enough I found the same drawing, but this time I looked a bit longer. It confused me, but I couldn't deny it was a gorgeous drawing, I couldn't help but admire it, and then I started to get curious... I looked through many more images and started to wonder if it was canon, and if not why people shipped it. So I watched Gravity Falls! I was surprised to find myself a little disappointed that it wasn't canon, but I couldn't deny that I saw the connection between Mabel and Dipper and didn't blame people for shipping them. I found DP's blog and scrolled though it many times till I couldn't lie to myself anymore; I shipped it, and I LOVED DP's art. This was around the same time my older sibling was trying to convince me to make a tumblr account, but it wasn't until I decided I wanted to follow DP that I was finally convinced. I made my account, followed DP, spammed her with likes..... and then she was gone about 3 weeks later 😭 I was so heartbroken I didn't use tumblr for months afterwards. That was until I realized there was art of OTHER ships I liked on here too, as well as many other pinecest blogs/artists! (at the time....) Through finding those creators I noticed there were TONS of other shipcests, and many of them intrigued me! This was how I found the term "pro ship" and thusly found the pro ship community!
Aside from enjoying shipcest and many many other types of ships, the things pro shippers were saying made perfect sense to me - that it's okay to enjoy "problematic" things in a fictional sense, and that it doesn't hurt anybody. Because even before I got into shipcest I still shipped things that people were saying I wasn't "allowed" to ship, which is like??? Wtf?? You can't tell me what I am and am not allowed to ship! So in a way pro-shipping is kind of like a form of rebellion and anarchy 😆Moreover, I've always loved "weird" things, all my life I've always been an open-minded person and surprisingly chill with the strange and unusual, and liked things that happened to freak people out, and that used to make me sad and alone, but as I've gotten into more online communities of other, beautiful weirdos I've realized I'm not alone at all! I love all ships; from the most vanilla, white, cis/het, milktoast, confirmed-in-canon pairing, all the way to the massive age-gap, gay, inc*st, barely HINTED in canon ship between a guy and his grandfather 🤣 And I LOVE the pro-ship community!! I always feel comfortable and confident around other pro-shippers cuz every single one I've interacted with has been an ABSOLUTE sweetheart, and we all know how terrible antis are so from what I've seen most of us just wanna be better and not stoop to their level, so even if there's something we're not into we just mind our business and don't let our personal feelings be anybody else's problem, and that sounds so simple but in this day and age of bullying and cancel culture it's honestly beautiful!!
Whoo, sorry, that was a long story, but in conclusion - ships are good and fun, shippers are beautiful and valid, and the pro-ship community is a gorgeous and lovely place and I wouldn't have it any other way 😊
Thanks SO much for the ask, this was fun to answer!!! Luv y'all!!
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jisungjorts · 2 years
crewboys: What they are like with little kids
cc!crewboys x reader [ dream, sapnap, george, quackity, and karl ]
Summary: Their interactions with young fans and kids in general
Okay so I sent my thought of Dream meeting youngs fans earlier, I was super soft, to a GC I'm in on Twitter and I haven't been able to stop thinking about the guys meeting the kids of the fandom. Btw this is kinda if covid wasn’t a thing. But I’d assume they’d have their masks on.
This is my first headcanons so hope y’all enjoy!
Genre: Fluff
Request: Open
The man who got me into this soft headspace, to begin with
Once he is no longer a faceless creator he actually leaves the house, so the first time he gets noticed by a young fan this man's heart melts.
"Are you Dream/Dweam?" He'd smile so wide, "Yes, I am!" looking down at the small child looking up at him.
He squats down to their height, his voice getting soft; the way he does during videos when he's timid.
"hey buddy" "hi sweetheart" "hi lil man!"
The little go up to him and hugs him, Dreams tall stature just wraps around the small child.
Obviously, he'll talk to the little kid.
"How old are you bud?" What is your favorite animal on Minecraft?"
"How is Patchs?" "She's good" "Yay!" "I'll let her know you said Hi"
He's smiling so hard the whole time just letting the little kid ramble to him about all the things they love about the tall man.
He lets the parent/s take a picture of the two he'd either squat next to them just showing how tall this man is to the small child.
Once the family left he'd still have the warm fuzzy feeling for literally the rest of the day.
Sapnap would be shy, just because meeting people is nerve reckoning already. This is a little kid who looks up to him.
Sapnap seems a bit more excited to meet younger fans, especially because he is a big brother to a sibling quite a bit younger than him.
He doesn't know what to do, mostly because he has such a loud and abrasive personality and doesn't want to spook them.
He gets soft when it comes to little girls because he thinks about his little sister, wondering if she looks up to him the way his fans do.
"Sapnap!!" "Hey! how are you?" "Good!" "Do you like Minecraft" "Yeah! I love Minecraft!" "Oh, really what do you like?" "Fighting!! like you and dream! You fight better than Dream!" "Really?" "Yeaahh!"
You know he told Dream as soon as he got home bragging
Now that he is more comfortable, he definitely goes into big brother mode.
"How old are you?" "I'm 8!" "Nice! You're probably the best Minecrafter in your grade, right?' "Yup! I learned from you! Oh and pokemon!" "Heck yeah dude!"
100% sets a picture with them, definitely doing his signature thumbs up.
Talks to the kid a bit about pokemon before they have to go.
"Bye Sapnap!!" "Bye!!!" Sapnap does his little wave smiling so big.
He is in the best mood after and when he gets home to stream he tells chat. Chat spamming "AWWEE"s Smiling wide he nods "I know right? That kid is awesome! WAIT chat they told me I'm a better pvper than Dream!!" "Oh come on..."
Okay so George tends to have a quieter personality when it comes to people he doesn’t know but for some reason when he meets kids man goes SOFT
I feel like George would be the type to stay for a bit and talk to the little kid.
He’d definitely stick to calling the kid bud or ask for their name.
Also, he definitely lets the kids take the lead in the conversation just so they get to ask him things or tell him things.
“George!!” He’d turn and see a little kid running up to their parent following right behind. He’d wave smiling widely “hello!! How are you?” The little kid just looking up at George in awe, “Good! I was watching your videos earlier!” “Really?! Did you like my new video?” “YEAH! It was so funny!” “It was! I’m glad you liked it!”
“Hey, George?” “Yeah? What’s up bud?” “You should do Minecraft, but my friend is an Iron Golem so he can beat up monster!” “Huh? That’s a good idea! Maybe he’ll make it easier!” “Yeah! Then you’ll win so fast!”
“You know I have gogy glasses at home!” “You do? Nice!! Gotta represent the gogy glasses!” The little kid just smiles so proudly up at George.
George is honestly still so shocked people wanna take pictures with him let alone little kids. So when they ask their mom if they can get a picture with George he’s cheesing soo big.
George isn’t one to be super touchy but when this little kids hugs him to say bye he melts and hugs them back.
“Bye George!” “Bye!!” Does his lil wave and smile like at the end of his stream.
He’d most likely text Dream and Sapnap to tell the right after because he was soo happy and excited.
I have a gut feeling Quackity would let himself be chaotic when meeting a little kid, not the 100% but like 50% which is still a lot.
He’d feel a tug on the back of his shirt and turn around and see a little kid. He’d kinda be like huh? Mostly because his videos aren’t the most child-friendly with his almost always cursing.
“Are you Quackity?” Asking the man who lives in his iconic beanies. “Yeah! Do you watch my videos?” The little kids nods “yeah! You’re so funny!” He’d smile so wide “Thank you! I’m the best!” The little kid would just giggle.
“You’re not the best at Minecraft though that’s Dream!” “DREAM?? What?! No! I’m better!” The little kid just shakes their head. He’d gasp “NO?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?” They’d laugh.
If it’s not crowded you know he’d do his fake cry making that kid laugh their heads off.
He’d do a fake sniffle, “you’re right dreams the king at Minecraft. Do you think he’ll give me lessons?” The little kid shrugs “I don’t know, maybe?” “You’re right he’s gatekeeping his skills!” The little kid laughs “probably hmm maybe you should ask him over and over?” “Good idea! That green man will teach me!”
The little kid will end up asking for a picture Quackity could would only take one with an agreement.
“If you wanna take a picture you gotta say I’m better than Dream at Minecraft.” The little kid just nods “okay, you’re better than Dream at Minecraft!” “WOOO! YEAH I AM! Let’s get this picture!”
You know he’d tell chat his next stream, “Guys, Guys! So the other day I meet this little kid, and you’ll never believe it! HE SAID DREAM IS BETTER AT MINECRAFT THAN ME? WHAT?! Could you guys believe that?!” Chats like “yeah because dreams better.” “WHAT? CHAT! You guys have me fucked up. I’m sooo much better than him!” He definitely pretends to be butt hurt.
You know chat teased him but he didn’t care he was happy to meet his kid fans even though he’s not the most pg let alone pg13
Number one softy! He definitely loves to talk to kids because kids love to ramble on and on and he just loves listening to them get excited.
Definitely says “What the honk?!” It’s a catchphrase he’s gotta.
He gets soo hyped because this kid isn’t the typical “are you Karl from Mr.Beast” Nah this is the first kid to recognize Karl for Karl.
Karl gets noticed in his Hoodie, he’s gotta rep his merch just like how he reps his friends.
The little kid goes walking up with his parents “Karl?” He’d smile “Hey what’s up?” “Can I take a picture with you? You’re so cool!” “Of course, What the Honk?!”
They’d get the pictures and Karl would squat down “So you watch Mr.Beast?” They shake their head “No not really. I watch you!” His heart EXPLODES with joy. “Really! That’s so cool! What do you watch?” “Your Pokémon openings! And Minecraft!” “Let’s goo! You do?! That’s so awesome!”
“I love Tales of the SMP! It’s so cool! It’s like watching cartoons!” “Really! Thank you! I love cartoons so I’m glad it’s like one!” It’s true Karl is a cartoon fanatic so being told it’s like a cartoon from a little kid makes him so hyped.
You know he has to talk to them about Pok��mon like Sapnap asking if the kid has cards or plays on a switch or ds (even though they aren’t popular now, you never know)
You know when the little kid has to go Karl gives them the best hug ever. Man is known for his hugs.
Meeting this little kid makes his day, so you know that night he decides to do a late-night stream.
“So chat, today I meet this kid! They were so nice, not to brag but when I asked if they said they watched Mr.Beast they said no only me! Sorry, Jimmy! But I’m just better. Anyways chat we took a few pictures and talked about the Tales of the SMP as well and Pokémon cards. They said they play all the time on his switch.” He goes on and on for a little bit sharing.
Definitely farmed a TON of awws
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
Can i just say that these assumptions of them or one of them only posting “attractive” fans isnt only a tumblr thing. I just saw it all over twitter from fans saying they feel horrible or insecure because its the same fans. These same fans are now being posted from other male friends of theirs. One girl even questioned if she had to show more skin.
I personally blame it on the algorithm. I dont follow a lot of these people yet i see their tweets pop up so my guess is with two times one of them likes their tweets, they will keep seeing them pop up too. Plus these same fans get noticed once and from then on will tag them in every photo.
i did see one or two tweets a couple days ago that basically said something like "i guess i have to be pretty to get noticed" and that honestly breaks my heart.
a lot of the reason why ppl don't get noticed as often is literally the algorithm. once snc, or any creator, notice a fan, that fan is gonna come back up recommended to them more often than fans they've never engaged with.
also, some fans have more followers than others, which means they have more engagement/more ppl who will @ said creator to notice this fan over and over again. there are some fans that i know of that have 10k followers, and get 100s of comments. there's no way you can really beat that, even if you get a couple friends of yours to spam the comments with snc's handles.
another thing to remember to is sometimes it's just pure luck. literally it could be you missed them by a few seconds, and that's why they didn't see your post.
i think one thing, majorly, to keep in mind is that snc have a LOT of fans now. a lot more than they did back in the day. they literally have almost 7 mil subs on youtube. obviously, not every one of those ppl might be following them on other platforms. but at the very least, on any given day, there are a mil ppl yelling at them to notice them. that's a little less than the size of philadelphia.
snc have a whole ass city screaming at them to pay attention to them specifically. they most likely aren't going to notice you. and it's not bc they don't like you or think you aren't worth noticing. it is literally the fact that they can't hear you over everyone else.
i think fandoms as a whole need to realize that notices aren't important. i'm not saying you shouldn't be proud or happy if you do get noticed, but i do think ppl need to understand that just bc you don't get noticed, doesn't mean you aren't talented or special.
you shouldn't try to create art just for the sake of being noticed, bc let me tell you, you will never be satisfied. getting noticed is gonna feel nice, but only for a fleeting moment. you should create art that you are proud of, regardless of whether or not it will get noticed.
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softxsuki · 2 years
Hi love, I have returned. It's not a request, but maybe me just overthinking and needing someone to at least hear me out? Please ignore me if I'm stepping on a major no-no here, I'll get it.
I've been feeling sad. I don't normally post my own stories or stuff here. I just usually reblog and like. I typically don't leave messages too so maybe I look like a bot? It's just I got blocked by a creator I looked up to and I don't know what I did wrong. I really, really enjoyed their work.
Like I wanna know what I did wrong so I can be better but at the same time, I know people aren't obligated to explain why. Did I abuse the tags? I tried using hashtags to tag the character works and like "talking" in the tags (mostly just me phrasing and ooh-ing and ahh-ing when I reblog other's works since I read that it's better to leave comments and hashtags). It's been eating at me since I've only been here for a few months and I've been slowly learning what's expected of readers, what to say and not to say and how to say it. Is liking and reblogging too many of their posts in too short period of time too weird?
I just wanna know what I did wrong to make sure I watch myself if I'm doing it wrong again. I don't want to make people I've genuinely liked here on Tumblr uncomfortable or feel unsafe, annoyed, or any negative feelings.
Hi lovely, welcome back! I'm not sure which anon you are though, you forgot to include your emoji (if you are one of my emoji anons). heh
I'm sorry to hear that you were blocked by a creator you admired on here :( There's nothing wrong with just being an account that likes and reblogs content. Before I started writing I was a silent reader who only liked and reblogged content too :).
There are only a few things that come to my head as to why the creator may have blocked you: some blogs don't like when you mass like/reblog their work, they consider it spam and I've seen a few warnings for it on a few blogs. Personally, spam liking and reblogging doesn't bother me, it shows that someone new has found my blog and is enjoying my work! But I guess for larger blogs that receive many likes each day, the extra spam might annoy them? I'm not sure. Another thing I've noticed is that some creators block accounts that don't have their age in their bio, especially if that specific creator creates nsfw content, they sometimes don't feel comfortable when minors or ageless blogs interact with them. I'm not sure if that applies to you or to the blog that blocked you, but it's a warning I've seen multiple times. Those are the only things I can really think of though. I hope this was a little helpful for you :( and again, I'm sorry that they blocked you, but don't beat yourself up about it. For all you know they could have accidentally blocked you! Thanks for coming to me about this though and I hope I was helpful in any way. I'm here if you need anything at all! <3
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blue-shaded · 2 years
Those recent anons sound like they have a personal vendetta against Jack. "YouTube Has a Problem" was about how much of a pain in the ass it is to use the Comments section. The influx of bots (porn, spam, and otherwise) and copied comments make the comment section unbearable, not to mention the "Jack's dad is burning in hell" comments that have spread to other channels (I've seen this and it's confusing and rude as fuck). He wants to pull comments for "Reading Your Comments" videos but it's difficult to sort through the bullshit, and it's like YouTube was more preoccupied with removing the dislike feature than fixing what's broken.
People have offered solutions in the comments, but again, all the useful advice I saw is already lost to the flood of bots. Hopefully he can just pull comments from reddit and twitter.
But anyway on the other topic, I think that because Mark and Jack have fanbases that kind of intermix, whenever one makes good content, some fans and definitely stans *EXPECT* the other to immediately deliver something. It's extra annoying and puts unnecessary pressure on them to do anything. It's like how after Unus Annus ended people aren't satisfied with Ethan's recent content, and now get mad that he's promoting a tour and stuff. I'm more irritated with the fanbase than anything else, like... no one is satisfied.
He seriously wants to go back to 2014 and pull favouritism for a 'reading your comments' ? Yikes. Give up on that idea. Don't get me wrong. The bot accounts that said things about his dad are no joke. Those things are not funny and not okay I 100% agree with that. But still. This issue exists for nearly a decade. Again. Sean isn't in a power position to have youtube listen to him. He isn't the be all and end all. And especially in times like this where video content is all concurring against eachother with Instagram Reels, Tiktok, etc.. YouTube is only around for long-form content, which isn't popular as much as short-form is. I 100% understand why the priorities are elsewhere. Youtube has had this problem for so long and I understand they don't want to put the money and resources into something that's going to be easily bypassed again anyway when they can also put those resources into growing and other better things. Just because Sean wants to read 5 comments from people that are already his best friends and not random community members who can then party about being noticed by senpai, doesn't mean that YouTube is going to take his opinion as sacred and do something about that. Sean needs to grow over that and maybe idk. Innovate himself to find better places to do this sort of thing? We're not living in 2015 anymore. It's also not about satisfaction with content. It's just about everyone else having different interests and niche content is absolutely booming business right now. It's okay to not like a content creator anymore because they moved on to a different niche. It means you also should explore your options to find what you like instead of being salty about what you could have had.
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softandwildx · 2 years
Tbh I don't know how much longer I can continue using a platform that loudly and proudly bans anti-hate tags and posts, health education (who even thought of gynecology as a tag to block?? Who is tagging anything with gynecology? No one anymore apparently) and basic commom words?? Girl????? It doesn't make any sense at all and it feels like a major fuck-up to me. But this coupled with the proactive attack on sw'rs/content creators and the deafening silence towards actual hate speech and spam bots is literally barreling down the road to making this platform totally unusable.
I have met the most amazing people here and I do not want to lose anyone or the experiences and content I've made here. But if tumblr doesn't get its shit together soon, they're going to find themselves with an actual dead app and no one left to keep it afloat. Maybe that's their goal. But trying to dance around content blockers and bans is just not worth it to me, especially when they are weaponized tactics used to target marginalized groups and creators.
I'm simply too old and too tired for this shit. They didn't listen to the outrage when they banned adult content and I seriously doubt they'll do anything to fix this fuck up. They clearly don't care about their users and they're actively making it more difficult for people to stay. So fuck em.
I'll be around for awhile yet, perhaps just to watch it all burn. But I won't continue to hang around in a place I'm clearly not wanted, and where I can't even express myself freely without fear of being zapped with no notice. In any case I'll let you all know first and maybe even find another place to call home.
Stay [REDACTED] friends ✌
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guardians-of-exo · 5 years
So, I have a question for y'all - and this is gonna sound like I'm whining so please bear with me because I'm genuinely curious 😂
I've been on here for about a year now with this blog (but in totalt like 6-7 years?), and I've noticed a trend. Nobody reblogs anymore?
Artists and creators on here work their asses off, some even live off of this (I don't luckily). Have you noticed that the notes on most posts have a ratio of reblogs/likes of about 1/10?
I see mutliple of my followers going through our stuff, mass liking everything (I see you and I love you guys so much❤️) - but can I ask why you wont reblog? Is it because it doesn't fit with your blog? Or because you don't want to spam?
Like I said, I'm not trying to complain or anything, I never imagined getting even half of the attention I'm getting, I am very happy. I just... don't get it? If you like it, would you not want to share?
If I actually had to live off of this like some do, my income would depend on reblogs. So please, support your favorite artists, writers, creators - reblog their stuff, tell them something nice in the comments. It'll make their day, trust me.
And that was my Ted talk, sorry for the ramble 😂
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