#species: fae
newhavenrp · 1 year
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Is that TOMMY MARTINEZ? No, that’s ANGEL RIVIERIA.The 31 year old FAIRY OMEGA GENDER  is a/an/the POLICE OFFICER. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be FREE-SPIRITED & COMPASSIONATE, but beware, they’re also known to be EMOTIONAL & IMPULSIVE. Their friends also say that they’re into BREEDING, DIRTY TALK AND VOYEURISM but don’t you dare trying SCAT, BLOOD, AND HUMILIATION with them.
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Angel was born in New Haven. He was born to a family line of Fae that looked at the species as superior to the other races. He is a policeman, working on becoming a detective. He doesn't like his job, because he rather be a musician, but his father instilled in him one of the towns rule... be productive. And his father told him that making music wasn't productive at all. He despises humans - he thinks they are disrespectful and have little regards for any other species besides the human race. He would like to go to the outside world though, because he feel like he would be able to have his career in music if he did go to the Outside world, but he isn't fully sure what would happen if he left New Haven. 
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tygin-ant · 24 days
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Spreading more Bug Folk propaganda so more people will enjoy Bug Folk.... and maybe make their own...
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ganondoodle · 1 year
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you need to know like 5 levels of lore for my zelda fanworks to know how the lil guy in this sketch is demise (it makes sense i swear)
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minecraftbookshelf · 11 months
Random Minecraft YouTube Cinematic Universe Headcanon #1
Ethoslab and LDShadowLady are the same species.
They aren’t but they are.
He is Void and she is Shadow. Little fragments of the primordial universe given sentience and a name and a Player form.
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fae-tier-shit · 13 days
🍄🍄🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🧚 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄🍄🍄
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royreads · 19 days
has anyone written a god!Gale fic that involves tav taking down his ambition cult or am I going to have to traverse the angst myself
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hihopelessromantics · 3 months
Fantasy Tails
Messing around with magical biology with some rough sketches and lore :) Tagging some who might be interested :3
@librathefangirl @zorria @7-ratsinatrenchcoat @theprinceofliones @stvrlightthearts
Another take on the traditional (?) demon tail! The heart on the end protects the demon's retractable, venomous (or just very pointy) barb.
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Tails, venomous and nonvenomous, are used for balance, especially while the demon is maneuvering in mid-air. whether they are jumping or flying. flight. They're deceptively strong even though their mechanisms seem delicate and the fluff covering them doesn't appear as tough as the rest of the demon's skin. A younger demon’s tail reaches full size before they reach their adult height. Coloration depends on the demon’s primary colors, including features like hair, eyes, teeth, skin, and tongue.
Tail venom develops during late adolescence- an evolutionary process that serves two purposes. One, that the baby and toddler cannot injure its parents, itself, or its other potential packmates with a potent and uncontrolled poison. Second, that the toxin may adapt to whatever might suit the demon best as it grows. Environmental conditions are thought to play a direct role. High-level demon venom has no ‘antidote’ because it, structurally, is one-of-a-kind; antivenom would require an (albeit slightly) different formula even between identical twins. There are three official categories this venom can fall into: defensive, offensive, and constructive. Some demons will inject their venom into themselves or other demons on a circumstantial basis to help, not harm! A few toxins specifically adapt to treat a temporary condition their demon frequently suffers from- for instance, to treat extreme insomnia or muscle cramps, to dissolve abscesses from the inside, or to reset one of the body’s natural cycles. Level of toxicity can fluctuate throughout the demon’s lifetime.
Goddesses’ legs are built for flight - not just for landing - they are very strong! 
Feathers all along the tail can fan out and adjust individually, though, of course, the tail end has the most maneuverability. For potion recipies requiring the physical essence of a goddess feather, it is not usually specified whether it need be a tail or wing feather. Instead, the recipe will reference a specific altitude or bloodline. The wings and tails of goddesses contain special adaptations per their homeland and family line. A feather separated from the body of some goddess species becomes serrated and sharp like a blade, for instance, and these contain a potent defensive energy. Coloration also depends on place of origin and closely resembles that of the wings. 
While aiming for the wings is considered a legitimate battle tactic, aiming for the tail is considered an extreme insult and foul play, a sentiment largely reciprocated and respected by the Demon Clan. 
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The creatures known as fairies / fae / faerie display immense biological and magical diversity and that's fascinating to work with, so I added them to the list for funsies.
A fairy’s tail begins as a simple prehensile limb and grows into a symbol of the fairy’s power as they mature. In their base form, tails are most often used in dancing and in daily nonverbal communication. Fully awakened fairies’ tails transform in the likeness of their wings, sprouting insect-like appendages which greatly increase the speed and maneuverability of the fairy’s flight. For those of the highest ability, it becomes near-impossible to disorient them or to knock them from the air.
Some examples I thought up!
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l4wlii · 11 months
No one asked for it but I present to you, this!
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It's messy, maybe I'll make a cleaner version in the future, but here's quick guide for my Mawthfolk if anyone's interested in drawing one of your own!
Also here's more examples of these "birdified moth wings" that I was experimenting with:
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Anyway, if you do decide to make your own, plz tag me! I'd love to see!!♡
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
Y'all, every once in a while I get reminded of changeling. Instead of thinking about how its a weird folktale, I think about how its origins are probably ableist.
Changeling are children the fae switched out at birth. They look just like the og child, and there's no physical difference between them. For some reason, the fae just wanted you to raise their kid instead of yours (look into the myth yourself if you want more clarity).
So, how can you tell if your child has been replaced by a changeling? If it acts weird. There's no way that you would birth a child with habits, thoughts, and movements not compared to your own. If the child acts strange (aka neurodivergent), then they killed the child. After all, that's not your child and changeling are bad.
That sad part about this is that either the child gets killed alone for being different, or the mom probably gets killed as well for birthing the kid.
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thekatebridgerton · 10 months
Speaking of which, if I ever had to do a collab with someone I would do a Labyrinth au with @sea-owl
Where the Bridgertons are the rulers of the Goblin court and their spouses are adults who have drawn the attention of the fae, as either kids or adults and the fae court wants to lure them into the fae lands by making them run the Labrynth, so they kidnap their ‘children’ aka, their younger siblings.
Kate went to a town fair with her little sister and in the process of getting rid of a guy that was way too confident in himself, she insulted the Goblin king, probably told a glamoured Anthony to his face that he wasn’t that attractive and that his flirting didn’t work on her. So Anthony took little Edwina as petty revenge and now Kate has to brave the fae lands to rescue her. But she’s not letting him win, and she sure isn’t letting him have her sister! That overconfident jerk.
Simon actually was rescued from the Labrynth by his Aunt Danbury when he was a kid, apparently ‘the little Duchess Daphne’ of the Goblin court took a linking to him when his father wished him away, but Aunt Agatha rescued him. Now as an adult, with the disappearance of Aunt Agatha, Simon was left as the sole guardian of his 14 yo cousin Gareth, and somehow the fae have taken him as payment for Simon. And now, it turns out, that the little duchess who used to like him, is not so little anymore. And Daphne still thinks he’s handsome.
Penelope actually broke a promise when she was a child to one of the members of the Goblin court. As a kid she used to think they were imaginary friends, since she lived in a very old house near the forest, so she had no problem promising she would marry the handsome boy who liked to play with her in the garden in exchange for having someone in her family who loved her. When her sister Felicity was born, Penelope’s family moved away, and she forgot her promise, now she’s back in Mayfair, and it seems like her handsome imaginary friend, isn’t that imaginary,  or that benevolent anymore. How was she supposed to know Colin was the most chaotic brother of the Goblin king? Or that he’d take his gift back, in order to force Penelope to come to him.
Phillip didn’t know that the very pretty girl who used to sit by the lake with him when the twins were born, was some sort of magical creature. Eloise was kind, a little eccentric but she listened to him when he was a struggling new dad. She seemed to like the newborns too. So when Marina started to lose her temper more and more, with the onset of her illness, it was natural for Phillip to confide in his nice mysterious friend. He didn’t expect Marina to have an accident in the lake shortly after that. He had to move away because of the accident. He knew something was wrong with the lake and feared something could happen to him and the kids. He didn’t know Eloise could be patient, waiting until he came back to Mayfair, with his cute little twins. Ready to be fully lured into the Goblin court.
Araminta always told Sophie that one day the Goblins would come to take her back because she wasn’t really her father’s kid, but rather an unnatural bastard left on their doorstep and sure she sometimes dreamed about being spirited away when she was asleep, but she didn’t want little Posey to be stolen by the fae when Araminta wished for Sophie to be gone instead. A very handsome Goblin offered to help her find and rescue Posey, but the thing is that he also seemed to want her to be his mistress in the Goblin court. Ugh what had she gotten herself into?
Finally, wickedly flirtatious Michael, who lost all his family in a freak house fire that left him and 6 yo Lucy as the sole survivors. Michael only survived because a beautiful fae girl from the Goblin court was there during the fire and let them live because she used to like his dead cousin John (who in that house had offended the bloody fae??, Michael always suspected it had been Lucy’s uncle). Michael of course raised Lucy as well as he could, far away from Mayfair. Until he came back for a visit and the messenger from the Goblin court appeared, letting him know that the lady Francesca was no longer satisfied with their last bargain and now she wanted Michael to provide a playmate for her little brother Gregory. But Michael didn’t want Lucy to be taken forever by the Goblin court. So if the sister of the Goblin King wanted him to be wicked, he would show her wicked.   
Cue Kate, Simon, Penelope, Sophie, Phillip and Michael teaming up to run in the Labyrinth and survive the respective traps set by the fae in order to rescue their siblings. Maybe I just want to see the Bridgertons hosting the most decadent fae masquerade ever, while their significant others are decked to the nines in the most exquisite finery known to men, dancing to music that’s too good to be true. But also extremely suspicious of these very powerful fae that claim to love them, but are still, technically kidnapping kids to keep them from leaving the fae lands.
(In Eloise defence, she always planned to adopt Phillip’s cute twins, it’s not kidnapping because she technically never planned to give them back.. Anthony, Colin, Benedict and Daphne yes that qualifies as kidnapping, and Hyacinth is getting way too chummy with Gareth but look at Francesca, she never intended to keep Lucy for long, sure, Gregory did get a strange fixation and he did want to keep Lucy forever, but the point is, Francesca was okay with returning Lucy to the human world after a few days, Michael just took her summons the wrong way and that’s the story they’re sticking to if he survives the labyrinth)
 I just think this is an au that’s been running through my head and @sea-owl would understand why.
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elbiotipo · 6 months
Tolkien wrote "half-elf" a couple times, and D&D was like "y'all mind if I bring back the sistema de castas"
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newhavenrp · 1 year
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Is that RAFAEL SILVA? No, that's LORENZO DULCINEA COMBS. The 32 year old FAE OMEGA MALE is a FLORIST. If you ask their friends, they're known to be OPTIMISTIC & FLIRTY, but they urge you to be cautious because they're also known to  be SCATTER-BRAINED & DISTRACTED. Their friends also say that they're into LIGHT BDSM & BREEDING, but don't even think about trying GORE, WATERSPORTS & SCAT with them.
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Lorenzo was a simple faerie, helping with the change of seasons was more than enough for him. That was until he decided to explore outside the realms of the kingdom he pertained to. Finding pleasure in the mortal men, Lorenzo steered off the designated path made for him and decided to continue on from man to man. He happened upon New Haven where he finds himself other men quite like him and others similar to him. He decides to stay in New Haven as a florist.
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tygin-ant · 1 month
Bug Folk Lore: What are Bug Folk?
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[Text: What are Bug Folk? Well, Bug Folk are the anthropomorphic form of arthropodic creatures such as insects, arachnids, centipedes, millipedes, etc. They hold intelligent minds similar to humans and contain magic within their being. 
Much like their bug counterpart, they are small in size. Usually 1-3 inches tall on average, though there exist some that are much taller albeit rare. 
It is said that Bug Folk came to be long, long ago when a giant bug deity of ancient times gifted the first group of bugs with awakened minds, powerful magics, and a more abled form. The deity had also given some special few the ability to give the same awakened form to other bugs. 
Thus, the Bug Folk species was born and grew exponentially throughout the centuries. Bug Folk could now be found hidden anywhere on earth.
They are warriors, craftsmen, explorers, but most importantly– Survivors.]
I come back from the dead once again to force my bug special interest onto all of you!! So I'm making my own little species called Bug Folk! They're a bit like fae creatures but uhh-- bugs lol Feel free to ask any questions about them! I'm going to be making more Bug Folk Lore pages that goes into further detail about them Aaaand- mayhaps make a little anthology of short comics about these Bug Folk? :>
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mrsthunderkin · 2 months
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humming-doodles · 2 years
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catch me realizing i don’t need to design outfits for an oc if i just make them an orb instead
anyways here’s Fayre whose primary character trait is having permanent 0.0 face and deciding that reflecting other people’s expressions is a valid workaround that definitely isn’t just as creepy. Their wings are also constantly putting out a confusion aura a la morpho’s screen inverting move so they keep em tucked out of the way when interacting with civilized folk - absolutely 100% a cryptid 
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lovelesslittleloser · 2 years
Aliens reacting to the fact that some people watch true crime documentaries to fall asleep
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