#splatoon manga mask x reader
wolfsune09 · 1 year
I was gonna wait until I had another batch of these guys but look at him!!!!
Next chapter features Mask, so be on the lookout!
(Various splatoon manga x skilled! Isekai'd! Reader)
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(I don't play favorites at aaaaaall)
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch. 13
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.7k
A/N: I didn't mean for it to be this long! (Totally not bc Mask's my favorite whaaat)
A/N 2: I'm sorry if he seems a tad OOC, but I feel like he'd be more comfortable/friendly(?) When there isn't anybody else around. He definitely does at least a couple things to make him appear scarier for his reputation.
Back To The Start! Previous Next
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A few days later, and it looked like the weatherman was right. The skies do look quite miserable today. It’s full of dull grey clouds, but no rain. You sit at home, bored, having nothing good to do. You want to play video games, but you’ve already speedrun them all with Leo, or they’re no fun. Then it hits you. The Shoal! You’ve always wanted to go, but it was always way too busy for your comfort zone. You quickly get up and throw your favorite top on, grabbing your bag and headphones, throwing your shoes on. Milo asks you where you’re going, just to be safe.
“Alright, have fun! Oh, grab a brella and don’t get caught in the rain!”
You sigh at how protective he is, but he’s right. You grab his brella since it’s closest to the door, and head out.
‘Wow, it’s so much nicer in here when it’s not packed.’
You take a look around, only spotting the person at the counter and a couple who are about to leave. You can actually hear the sounds of all the arcade games waiting to be played, instead the screams of young squids. You get your coins, a good handful of them, and take a quick walk around the building. You spot a game that looks familiar. It looks almost just like pacman, Except with squids. Oh, how this brings out the kid in you!
You get lost in the games, going from pac-man, to space invaders, even finding tetris. Those aren’t the proper names, but they’re basically the same games with some more splatoon-like attributes. It doesn’t seem like anyone’s around, so you absentmindedly start to hum, then quietly sing some songs that have been stuck in your head.
We are fighting dreamers, takami wo mezashite~
Fighting dreamers, narifuri kamawazu~
Fighting dreamers, shinjiru ga mama ni~
You continue to hum the lyrics you’re not sure on, but stop mid lyric(mid-hum?) when you hear some loud clicking. It’s coming from the front of you to the right, hidden by some large arcade machines. You could barely see through the cracks of the big machines, not recognising the person. It seems they were playing squid beatz, and they were phenomenal at it. You didn’t want to bother anyone, but they sounded insanely skilled at the game. Just a little peek? You go around the machines and turn the corner, now recognizing this familiar, cyan-colored inkling immediately. You kept quiet not wanting to distract him and mess him up. When you turn your back to him, he calls out to you.
“Hey, yooou.”
You notice he just completed the level, with a seemingly perfect score.
“Uh, yeah?” You shift in your spot awkwardly, not really wanting to interact too much. 
‘Actually, the story is only focusing on Rider and Goggles in hero mode right now. That means that this is the time to meet these characters.’
“You look familiaaar. You had curry with everyone a couple days agoooo, right? You came and watched some of my battles, toooo.”
“Never would have thought you paid so much attention to details. I don’t think I stand out that much, do I?” You decided the best way to go about this was to feel somewhat comfortable, but still keep your space and show a bit of respect.
“Where’s the rest of team cyan?”
He picks an easier song to play to, not wanting to lose while still semi-focusing on the conversation. How thoughtful. (It was still a difficult song, but there were fewer quick sequences of notes.)
“Juuuust me here. They wanted to finish speedrunning a game that I beat aaaages ago.”
You boot up a game just a few machines down, knowing that this one’s easy to play, so you don’t have to have your full attention on it.
“What about yooours?”
“Wanted to come alone. Never been to the Shoal before because it was always so busy, figured today was my best option.”
He finishes the song with ease, patting his pockets and seeing that he needs more coins. He brought a small bag with him, and you see a pile of tickets building up in it. He must have been here a while. You’re not sure what to do, so you follow behind him after purposefully loosing your game.
He notices you,
“Yeah, weather’s perfect. Just hooow I like it.”
He looks outside, now being close to the front of the store.
“Starting to raaaain.”
Already? It doesn’t feel like you’ve been here that long. You check your phone and sure enough, you’ve been here for a couple hours.
“You plan on heading home before the rain hits, Mask?”
“I wouldn’t mind staaaying here aaaall day.”
You shrug, agreeing on that. The sun is usually really hot out, so it’s a nice change of pace. A big contrast to all the bright colors and loud sounds that are usually everywhere.
Your stomach rumbles, and you remember that you haven’t had anything to eat since a small snack you considered breakfast.
You look around and see a sign that says they offer food, perfect.
“You hungry? I bet you’ve been here a while.”
“A liiittle.”
“How ‘bout I get us some pizza?”
He contemplates it, but who’s gonna deny free pizza? He puts his coins in his pocket.
You take your time eating, they had some surprisingly good pizza and soda here. He’d pull his mask just barely above his mouth to take a small bite every once in a while. Mask would sneeze every so often, earning him a tissue from your bag. He didn’t eat lots, which made sense considering his overly skinny frame. Good thing he did turf to gain some muscle, but he should really try to take better care of himself. You two didn’t talk a lot, but sometimes Mask would ask you something, usually unrelated to battles. It’s actually quite nice not talking about battles or your skill, it seems it’s all others care about when it comes to you. 
He’s weird, that’s for sure. But once he warms up to you, he’s a nice break from reality, if you could even call it that. Not that he’d ever be completely comfortable, not even with his own teammates, that’s just how he is. You noticed that even out of battles, they would keep a comfortable distance. It seems he’s not a fan of physical contact, which is something you could respect. Once the two of you were done eating you continued to play on the arcade machines. You finally ran out of coins, sad that you had to leave. You were enjoying this time, finally able to genuienly hang out with someone from the manga without being afraid of changing the story. He notices that you’ve been quiet for a while, and sees that you’re no longer playing your game, just watching his. He offers you a couple coins, but you deny them. 
“That’s really sweet of you, but I should probably make my way home. Milo probably has an actual supper ready. Can’t wait to get home and have him lecture me on having pizza before supper.” He turns his head away, not used to being complemented. You check your pockets to see how many tickets you have, you probably have a couple hundred. It won’t get you any big prizes, but if you were to give them to Mask, on top of his - at least a thousand,-  he could get himself something nice. You try to subtly drop your tickets into the bag next to his foot, but he catches them before they can fall into his bag. Oh yeah, he’s S+. He’s got quick reflexes if he feels like using them.
“I don’t need them, I’m here ooooften.” He quits his game halfway through, and walks over to the prize counter, bag in hand. You want to question him, curious as to why he wants a prize all of a sudden. Maybe he just remembered something at the counter that he wanted. He asks for something behind the counter and the worker trades him for it. While browsing the smaller prizes, you vaguely hear the words: “One thousand tickets,” 
Hey, he worked for them, so whatever he’s getting is completely up to him.
Once he’s done at the counter, you ask the worker for two keychains. One cyan squid, and one squid of your main ink color. He gives them to you in exchange for 125 tickets each, and you clip the cyan one to your bag. Mask watches you and waits for you to be done before holding out the item he got.
“It’s Naruto, volumes 1-3 all combined in one book.. I heard you humming the opening earlier, so I figured you were a fan of the series.”
…that’s embarrassing. 
Since when was he this kind? But also, Naruto! That means that 1. Anime and manga exist here, and 2. He’s a weeb. Actually it was kind of obvious, he definitely seems like the type to watch anime.
You’re unsure of how to accept it, it is really nice of him, but it’s so expensive! But he already got it, and he probably already has the same one at home, so you can’t just deny this!
“Oh… thank you. That’s, um, actually really nice. Makes it feel more like home.”
“Huuuh? Hooome?”
“Oh, yeah, I just moved here, and couldn’t bring all my old manga, which really sucked.”
“Ouuuch. It can get pretty expensive.”
You sway on your feet, not sure what else to say. You already thanked him, but you don’t want to leave. You’ll see him again though, you’re sure.
You offer him a small smile and wave after some contemplating, and make your way out the door, grabbing your brella.
He watches you make your way out of the building, open your brella, and walk out of his sight. He picks up his bag, and feels a bit of cold metal on his hand. A keychain. With a squid that matches your ink color.
‘Huh. They sure are weird.’
‘I guess I might might like some inklings that enjoy life.’
Next Part
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thelittlepingu · 4 months
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⋞ It's Dangerous game after all. }] く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
Splatoon Manga/Coroika x Isekai? Reader
⋞ A Massage of the unknown
5-Feb-2024 <-!!
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[{ you were waiting longer than you thought... But it's worth it right?,you will win and you will, matter or not you are going to, if it's making you the False Hero then so be it.. you were more than the false Hero itself.}]
The uncertainty has Spoken: the destruction of your doing it's in every one journey none of them were safe
[{Reader will be called [{Redacted}]/Familiar in this and Will be using They/Them pronounce just for Everyone to enjoy in every Page,this will keep going in the future page}]
<<Chapter 4 [{you here}] <- [{previous chapter}] [{On the making}]Chapter 5 ->
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At this rate you were looking for your team, none of them are even Here, are you really that early?
. . .
' if they don't come here faster we are going to miss them.. you can't miss this chance.. no you won't, you just have to wait for them hopefully it's not too late... '
You were overthinking, Either The Tournament or Your Friend's, Three of them.. their house or apartment.. you don't really know you were never get to see their house/apartment, but yeah they are far away from your house.. yeah you were worrying about it.. but you also can't miss this chance
A heavy foot step was running towards you, it's probably them.
" [{Redacted}] Waahh!! sorryy sorryy we are late again!! "
" ..Gosh lose yourself Qili, You were running like hell who knows what chasing you behind.. "
" shhhhhsss Rash you are making it worse than this "
" ...At least we are here.. "
" yeah.. at least you guys are here, and thank cod we still have time to watch the Tournament.. "
. . .
Arriving at the Walleye Warehouse.. there's a lot more crowds here than before, much worse most of them are their fans.. no you don't hate their fans but most of them.. are something.. it depends okay
It is likely that they are going to crush the blue team.. then they get distracted and lose, just like how the plot does... gosh you felt really sorry for Qili that she had hoped that The S4 will crush them but turn out again as a disappointed
What a shame.. you really want to see the blue team lose.. when you mean lose eventually lose without a rematch... the person who wrote Coroika really needs to nerf Goggles because what in the Agony is this..
This is not making sense at all.. not making sense at all.. but.. you can fight the truth.. you have to deal with it eventually, Goggles move with their team is just an unlucky lucky fortune
On the side of it.. most of your team are excited.. Rash.. he just.. looks okay with it you guess that he already knows that the blue team is eventually going to win.. though he still seeks excitement to crush them without words..
Qili.. she is definitely mad.. annoyed that's all you can say, she is just annoyed and amused at the same time, that the blue team can get this far..
While Alef.. he just looks calm, he observes the move and the tactics.. but you can be sure that he has a little struggle while trying to catch up with the blue team move... We'll at least he try right?
Mask take out the ^Seeker Bomb Rush!!^ and well most of the Blue team get hit by it, wow.. okay sure.. that's a bold move, but pretty much they are still going to lose
Bobbles was laughing.. yet thank cod you already watched the Manga So you already know what she is saying.. we'll look like she already took out her special weapons.. God that is funny
Spec and goggles start to Ink up the Place.. well you can guess that they are combining their Weapon for this, oh well look at that goggles is flying hitting all well mostly all the opponent while Headphones Taking care the One that escapes
Mask swug his roller, well that record is now gone, the record he didn't swing his roller but still can win the game without it..
. . .
The blue team has won.. well it's time for you and your team to take a leave.
. . .
And yet again... Rider spots you.. wonder what he thinks of...
. . .
. . .
Honestly you probably know the right way to crush them until they beat
. . .
. . .
[{ To Be Continued }] く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
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<<Chapter 4 [{you here}] <- [{previous chapter}] [{On the making}]Chapter 5 ->
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thoughts-of-simp · 1 year
Oh to gently tie up Mask's hair for him while he's playing on his switch, because he's too lazy to do it himself but doesn't want his vision to be obscured while playing games. ♡
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disastrous-table · 3 months
Can some peeps be kind enough to send in asks if I was to make a post of the Do’s & Don’t as well as the fandoms and characters I’d (try) to write for??
Mayhaps. So here it is!
Since I lack the motivation for a few months to continue on my own lil inspired SAGAU fic/drable for a few months I thought some asks might be a better way to gain more motivation rather than having my own idea and limitations, go wild!!
Note: just please know that I am busy irl and have a life outside of tumblr as well as education so asks may take a while. Also I may find lacking in inspiration mid draft or something along those lines so please be aware. Still post it tho even if it’s scrapped :)
Poppy playtime
Genshin impact
The last guardian (anyone??)
Splatoon (3)
Jak & Daxter
Bendy and the ink machine
Poppy playtime
- Catnap
- Dogday
- smiling critters
- Huggy wuggy
- Kissy Missy
- Mommy Long legs
- Boxy boo
Genshin impact
- Aether/Lunine
- Furina
- Wriothesley
- Navia
- venti
- Freminet
- Neuvilete
- Sucrose
- Klee
- Childe
- Xiao
- suggestions
The last guardian
- The boy
- Trico
- Reader
Splatoon + manga
- any and all agents
- captain
- Off the Hook
- Deep cut
- Rider
- Skull
- Mask
- Bobble hat
- specs
- suggestions !
Jak & Daxter
- Jak (2nd & game onwards)
- Daxter
- Semus
- Trixie
- Precursors
- Bendy (cartoon and ink demon)
- Boris
- Alice Angel
- Allison
- Henry
- fluf
- angst
- romantic relationships
- platonic
- child x parental (figure) reader
- hurt no comfort
- reader x character
- Fem! Reader
- GN reader
- AU’s
- Proship/ Child x adult
- kinks
- anything that I deem uncomfy
This is what I could come up with off the top of my head that I’m confident writing for and for who as well. Feel free to ask questions about any characters I missed to see if I’m up for it or not also also don’t hold back one me!!
That’s all, signing out! ✌️
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch. 6
Various Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd Reader
Wc: 1.2k
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I really underestimated how many inklings would be here, huh?’ You push and shove yourself through the crowd of people, sorry’s and excuse me’s being heard by the people around you. You have nowhere to put your weapon or bag so you keep them close, finding yourself wedged between the corner of a wall and a railing. You’re close to the battle, which is nice, but you’ve got nowhere to sit. You lean against the railing with your manual and pencil in hand, looking for Mask. He’s certainly harder to spot than the impressively-agile Aloha, Mask’s specialty being sneaky and whatnot. You watch a seeker bomb make its way towards one of the opponents, and you trace the bomb back to a patch of moving ink. 
‘Aha! There he is.’
There are sub-weapons scattered about, and most of the ink stains look like they come from bombs instead of weapons. It doesn’t take long before the opponent is being spawn-camped, with thirty seconds remaining. Mask lazily makes his way over to the cargo box in the middle of stage, having full confidence in his teammates when it comes to keeping the opponents at bay. He leans his lightweight roller over his shoulder, using his other hand to pull out his phone.
‘So he really did just disrespected his opponents like that in the middle of battle? Damn, guess that’s what happens when you’re not prepared for an S4 battle.’
One of the opponents tries to make a break for it on their own, and the cyan team is quick to shut them down immediately, throwing a disruptor and sprinkler near the player, and the ink mine that was placed earlier finished the job swiftly. Mask doesn’t even bother lifting his head up to check out the situation.
‘Imagine having that kind of confidence in your teammates. I could never with the teams of randos I’ve been getting.’ You think back at the many instances of your teammates trying their absolute best at inking… the walls, that is.
‘Yeah, no thanks.’
It’s hard to hear his muffled voice through the gas mask, but you know that he's making fun of Aloha for being so weak. You really thought that the manga overdid it with making him look scary and intense, but the confidence in skill says otherwise. The gasmask isn’t helping either. He may carry himself like a 40-year-old man with back problems, but the way he can destroy his opponents with the element of surprise is something completely unrivaled.
The Squid Sisters announce the complete and utter defeat of the opposing team, reminding the viewers about how Mask can easily destroy his opponents without swinging his roller.
“Did the lenses of his mask just shine like in an anime? Hey c’mon now, this is a manga, not an anime. Quit making him look so scary.”
You almost want to laugh at the iconic trope, but the scary and hopeless aura of the room doesn’t allow it. Save for the energetic fans in the stands, though you’re surprised at how much quieter they are, compared to Army and Aloha’s battles.
‘Mask’s technically stronger, right? Shouldn’t he have more-’
You look behind you and see that most of his fans are grinning ear-to ear creepily.
‘Oh yeah, this is Mask we’re talking about. Of course his fans are kinda creepy.’
This time you’re stuck with the crowd on the way out of Walleye Warehouse, now hearing all the squeals and people talking about how “badass” and “cool” he looked. You cover one of your ears with the free hand you have, the other holding your weapon. 
‘Man you guys are loud, shuddup, will ya? Ugh. Most of 'em are just pretending to be all quiet and scary ‘cause they assume that’s the kinda person they think he likes, though. What a pain, doing things for attention.’
You finally manage to squeeze your way through the crowd and out of the lobby, finally getting a nice breath of fresh air.
‘Ew, people. Anyways, what comes next? Mask doesn’t send the text message right away, right? I think there was a battle around this time. Must’ve been nothing overly important if I can’t remember anything significant.’
You’re in the mood to terrify some opponents, so you decide it’s time for some Turf Wars. You once again focus on the new things you’ve written down in your manual. With light footsteps and more comfortable movements, you easily get some more wins under your belt. You almost feel bad for your opponents, but they were the ones unfortunate enough to decide that they felt like being right here, right now. Your headphones find themselves back on your head, not enjoying how loud the opponents were. Your teammates had a problem with that before the battle started, one of them tapping your shoulder and telling you that you won’t be able to hear it if they yell ‘this way’ or if they get splatted, but you assure them it’ll be alright, not elaborating any further. They’re cautious going into battle, not wanting to lose, but it doesn’t take long before you put the opponents in their place. Right after you splat another one of your opponents, your music cuts out. You think it might be a connection issue, so you ignore it until the battle is over. Now you can hear how loud your opponents are, trying to diss you left and right. Not that they’re in a position to do so as they’re losing miserably, so you suppose this is just their chance at payback in some odd way. Taking a break, you check the headphones.
‘Oh, they’re dead. Carp, forgot to charge them. How annoying.’
You put the velcro strap on your weapon, but it snaps.
‘Just one thing after another, huh?’
You head over to Ammo knights to get another strap for your weapon. No big deal, but it’s still a waste of your time. You figure that you’re better off not battling in his mood, not that you’d want to battle against all these salty kids without your headphones to block em' out anyways.
You remember that you hadn’t yet drawn Mask on the page dedicated to him and his team, so you find yourself a place to sit down in the plaza to draw for a bit. Then, you hear bits and pieces of a familiar conversation. You don’t have the energy to get up and avoid any main characters right now, and you figure that you’re already out of the way enough for them not to notice you. You go on your phone, only half paying attention to their conversation.
“...on’t know who we’re battling, though.”
“You don’t know?”
“No, they just sent us an email. The email is extremely polite, but there’s no name attached.”
You zone out after hearing that, now knowing exactly where you are in the manga.
‘Well then, looking forward to seeing that Sub-Weapon Hell soon.’
With a smirk on your face you stand up, bag in hand.
Next part
apr. 11. 23
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simp999 · 1 year
Here is a post with most of my headcannons for some characters:
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simp999 · 4 months
A New Home Ch. 27
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.1k
A/N: Sorry for taking so long chat I had to walk my fish
A/N 2: (Checks watch) uh. Damn sorry ya'll. Don't expect too much out of me but I think my life should be a lil less hectic perchance. We'll see ww
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One by one, over the course of a few hours, you each put the blindfold on and attempted to hit your teammates. The difficulty increased as you went on, from standing still to slowly moving, to running. By the end of the training session, you had multiple teammates whizzing past each other in different directions getting splatted.
As the four of you sat near or against the wall to catch your breath, you congratulated them on their improvement.
"I can't really put into words how impressed I am, nor will I admit I'm a poet at all. But I will say this; what you guys showed me today was something I never thought was possible when I got here," You spot Leo's smile grow wider, glad to be getting praised for his efforts, then you lazily point at him, "Hey, that doesn't mean that you can slack off now, you dork. Don't forget that there's going to be loud music, bombs, people cheering, ink being thrown around, not to mention communication between teammates that'll make this 100x harder."
You take another glance at each of your teammates. - No. - Your family members.
"...But I can promise that this will be worth it. Every time we train, great progress is shown."
...You sure are good with compliment sandwiches, huh?
You can't promise that you'll win against team Emperor, but you're sure that every minute you spend training will prove helpful on the battlefield.
You're all exhausted from training and just on time. The next big match is going to begin in roughly a half hour. The battle between Team Monarch and Team Yellow-Green. The manga had skipped how much time was spent between important matches on the smaller, less important matches. You allow your family to relax however they so desire while you wait for the match to begin. Leo playing games on his phone, Milo stretching, and Tasha cleaning her weapon.
Soon, it's time to make your way over to Sturgeon Shipyard, biting your inner cheek as you realize how packed the seats are. What you weren't expecting, though, was for a path to seemingly be made as you walked through. You tried to avoid the many pairs of eyes on you. It almost felt like back when you first got here and rose the ranks, but the gazes were much more uncomfortable back then. The whispers paired with them used to be much more curious and sometimes rude. You almost cringed remembering those salty players you had to drown out with your headphones what feels like forever ago. But now; you take a quick look around you, - they almost seem to be staring in awe.
You glance back at your team. You wouldn't say you're standing tall, maybe a more introverted kind of confidence if that makes sense. You're still not a fan of being the center of attention. But looking back at your team- your family- a lot sure has changed.
Once you begin to settle down in your seats, doing your best to take up the least amount of room possible, you catch the way the sea of cehalopods appear to disperse yet again. This time much more obviously. From your position, it isn't too difficult to see who it was, easily spotting purple tentacles above the crowd as the tallest of the group makes his way closer.
Aloha's quick to tug you into a hug before you can sit down, dabbing Leo up before taking a seat behind you. You don't remember them being here to watch this match last time, which is odd to you. Skull's got a lollipop in hand, sitting behind Milo after being instructed by Army to do so. He does so without questioning, as airheaded as ever- but Army has a reason, given the heights of the two inklings. Army takes a seat behind Leo, and Mask - you.
You would have jumped if you hadn't noticed Aloha slowly get closer to you ear, attempting to surprise you.
"Sooo~, how's the training goin'?"
You're about to answer, but the immediate terrified look Leo shoots his way almost makes you snicker.
"Hey, it's not that bad. C'mon now."
Leo once again turns towards Aloha and dramatically grabs his hand with both of his,
"Save us, dude!"
You let out a chuckle at the scene.
"Leo, chill."
His hands shoot up in the air, and his voice cracks as he tries to make his point.
"You blindfolded us!"
"Which isn't that bad!"
He faces Aloha again,
"You have no idea how much pain I'm in."
You gently nudge his side as another chuckle escapes you, shaking your head.
Leo dramatically points to where you gently nudged him,
"See?! Abuse!!!"
Aloha's forced into a fit of giggles as he watched the scene play out before him.
"Oh, can it, dork."
"I think I deserve some sort of reciprocation!"
You sigh and roll your eyes. You rest your chin in your palm. This was most definitely his plan all along.
Aloha leans down once again, this time whispering to Leo. Obviously, you could still hear him;
"Don't worry bro, I'll set something up for you."
You've got no idea what that means, but they dab eachother up again. Whatever makes Leo happy, you suppose.
The match is about to begin, and you hear Goggles blabbing away to his team a few feet in front of you. You ignore it as you pull out a pencil, along with your old manual. You're nearing the end of the pages, and it has clearly done its time by now. But this match is crucial to be taking notes of since you'll get to see a new emotion in Emperor- frustration. As long as it goes as planned, of course. You analyze the stage, zeroing in on the exact spot that Emperor will step foot in yellow-green ink.
Once it begins, a smile filled with pride makes its way across your face. Rider obviously had many, many plans for this battle. It was almost comforting seeing the wide grin he wore all along the match, even when he did lose. He was having fun. It seems you're not the only one who's changed lots since the beginning of the manga. He was so organized right out of the gate, and only once did he falter, and only a little at that. Which lead you to assume his only goal the whole time wasn't to win, because he knew he couldn't- his end goal was to only force Emperor to feel the frustration of stepping in his ink.
Maybe, just maybe, you think: Rider truly did stand a chance at winning against Emperor if he so chose to have that as his end goal. How does that saying go? Shoot for the moon, land among the stars?
Next part
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simp999 · 2 days
A New Home Ch. 37
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.2k
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"If you are, then tell us what part, hm? Name us two idols that are known from there." He didn't let you answer.
You stood frozen. What was up with this all of a sudden?
He tugged at your arm harshly.
"Answer me!"
"It's-it's not what it seems-"
"Then what is it?! How do you know us so well? Are you a stalker? Are you an otherworldly being? I've seen you lip-syncing some things some of us have said. You couldn't possibly know us that well."
Rider refused to let go of your arm as you attempted to wriggle out of his grasp, terrified. What were they going to do to you? Where was your team?
"I'm-" You took a breath in. In a fit of panic for your safety, you breathed out: "You're right, I'm- I'm from another world."
They held their weapons up, they were afraid of you. But more than you were of them, you weren't too sure at the moment.
You began to tear up.
Mask is the only slightly understanding one. "Weeeapons down, iiidiotss. They're unarmed. Chill a biiiit. Why does this change anything anywaaay? You all respected theeem without issuesss before Rider brought anything uuuup."
You shook in fear as tears fell freely. You never expected this from your idols. From characters you grew to love so much, even more after meeting them.
Rider let go of you.
"...How do you know us?"
You took a breath in and rubbed your arm where he had held it previously.
"You're from a manga in my world."
"We're... characters?"
You nodded your head, beginning to regret everything.
"You're very real to me, though! And many other fans. I...care a lot about you guys. That's, ah, how I know you so well."
From behind you, you heard the clatter of a weapon against the ground. You quickly spun around, taking on a slight offensive stance- almost a protective one in front of the S4 without so much as a second thought. You froze when you recognized your family.
Now from behind you, Aloha spoke:
"... you made us like you on purpose."
You do a double-take between your family and Aloha. You really didn't want to involve them, but you were panicked and not thinking straight.
"No- I,, actually did my best to avoid you guys as much as possible when I first got here, not wanting to mess with the story."
"What changed?" Army spoke.
"I grew comfortable. I felt safe around you guys...until now."
Army's shoulders slumped a bit at the statement, while Skull's frown faltered. Rider's eyes grew wide, and Aloha's jaw hung open a bit. That broke their hearts. Your family? - No. Your... team, stood frozen.
Leo's voice cracked as he spoke:
"You.. were just using us? Because you wanted to be some main character?"
"NO! .. no, I'm. Cod, no. Absolutely not. You're my family- and you.. mmm,, there's a lot to discuss right now, huh.. well, to put it simply- I never knew you guys existed before our first meeting. I promise you."
"But you just said-"
"You- Tasha, Milo, and Leo- weren't a part of the original story. I have no idea where you came from, in all honesty."
"Is that why you were so nervous about certain battles?"
"...Yes. Goggles was supposed to be in our place, winning against Emperor."
Leo chuckles.
"Hah, sounds like him."
He smiles.
Rider speaks up:
"So you cheated in all your battles?"
"I'm.. not sure what you consider cheating. Here, I should probably explain everything, huh..."
You explain how none of your battles were 'canon'. Obviously, since you and your... team, aren't a part of the original story. You explained everything as best as you could, hands still shaking. You attempted to soothe yourself by toying with the hem of your top.
"..then your skill, where did it come from? Everyone knows that you came outta nowhere."
"That's... something I don't quite understand either. Back in my world there were a few video games that gave me my quick reaction time- but being so good with my main gear specifically? No idea how it worked out that way. Maybe from analyzing your guys' play styles? Just like we did together," You gestured towards your team.
... It would be too much to explain that they were from a game, too. This was the best you could do.
It didn't quite add up, but Rider let it slide once he caught the way your hands were shaking.
"Soooo, what you're saaayiiing is that you've been... isekai'd?"
You chuckle lightheartedly at the idea. You nod, you suppose so.
Everyone has questions on their mind, but nobody dares speak up.
Will your family ditch you now? Does anyone still not believe you? The silence was deadly.
"No matter where you came from, your skill is still impressive." Skull was the first to speak up. As surprised as you should be, he was the first you'd assume would be so nonchalant, with that air-headedness of his.
You sighed out. That was two of them that seemed to at least partially be on your side.
Rider stood silent, while the others began calmly asking you questions.
You freeze in place, attempting to script what you'll say next. Rider looked defeated.
"This world is very real. To you, and everyone else here. Including me. My world-back home almost feels... fake, for me to think about it. Like it no longer exists."
That seemed to relax him a little.
"Don't'chya miss your family?"
"I'm with my favorite characters ever, Leo. You think I miss my family? I mean yeah but..." You gesture towards the S4.
"Oh.. yeah, I guess, huh? Man, meeting them for the first time must've been totally wack compared to how it was for us meeting them. Like...woah. That'd be like meeting Squidsune Miku or some idol like that."
You giggle at the comparison, and nod. Something like that.
"What was the most difficult thing to adapt to?"
Army with the technological questions, of course.
"No taking notes, 'kay? But...cod the texture of the tentacles sure are weird. And why are they so sensitive! Hair shouldn't be like that!"
You do your best to keep everything you say calculated and lighthearted, noticing how they're still not completely certain on you.
Aloha finally speaks up.
"I...think I need to think this over."
His tone was one you never thought you'd hear from the eccentric squid. Thanks to it, the S4 members thought over the reality of the situation. Army's brows furrowed, Rider's shoulders slumped, Skull glanced away when you looked at him, and Mask looked between each of his teammates with an indistinguishable expression. It's almost as if they all realized how completely insane you sound. Since when are they this trustworthy? They're the S4. Nothing should get past them. They then backed away from you, one at a time, leaving you with your team.
They stood stuck in place too. You really did sound insane, didn't you? Were you trying to gaslight them? What if they are just characters, then what? Do their lives even matter?
Why didn't you tell your fam-team, anything? Have you been cheating this whole time?
"I think we need some time alone, too." Milo barely appeared apologetic.
You messed up, haven't you?
Looks like you were back to sleeping on that damned bench.
Next Part
May. 23, 24
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simp999 · 3 months
A New Home Ch. 30
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.3k
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"And Y'know what they've got? TWO BROTHERS THAT CAN EAT SH-"
Tasha quickly covers Leo's mouth with a shake of her head.
"He is right."
Tasha. Well- she wasn't one to joke around, but she was saying what was also on Milo's mind. And now yours. Yeah, it's still worth a shot, isn't it?
Along with Leo's muffled shouts came a reassuring smile from Milo, carefully offering his hand to you to get you out of your dark room. You needed to start preparing, right? One thing that was reassuring was knowing you wouldn't have to face any salty comebacks, and you already knew your opponents would be good sports whether it be a win or a loss. Milo reluctantly let go of your hand after guiding you to the washroom thanks to Tasha's instruction to give your face a quick wash. You gently slapped your face and stretched it while you looked in the mirror, still being slightly unused to the face staring back at you. You swear you notice new things every time, mostly tiny scars. You run a hand over your tentacles and to the nape of your neck, gently rubbing it to soothe yourself.
You lean on the counter as you get a little closer, messing with your facial expression. That face is about to be on TV. And that face? Is about to beat Goggles.
...You hoped.
You slowly make your way over to the living room, face less red and puffy. Your family are all resting in the living room waiting for instructions. Leo's on the couch, playing on his phone. His phone screen is a bit too close to his face, and Milo is berating him for it. Tasha's sitting on the single chair, cleaning her weapon. Hm, she does that a lot. Milo almost seems like an exasperated mother or older sister, and it makes you stifle a giggle.
"What now, Boss?"
Well, as much as you'd love to be nice and treat them to the mall or something- that can wait till after the battle. You wouldn't want your team's legs going tired before the battles and come on, treats come after. Here, let's see... What should be done? Stretching, something to improve your moods, double check your timings, clean your weapons, maybe train for a short while. Well- stretching wasn't as important as a squid- no bones and all - but it was still useful to warm up your muscles right before your match.
"How is everybody for food?"
You all ate a few hours ago, but everyone was different. Milo of course always kept snacks on his person for anyone who needed them, but mainly for Leo. Tasha eats pretty light in general and isn't a fan of eating in public, Milo often eats three big meals per day, and Leo has smaller meals but much, much more frequently. It seems you didn't have to worry about food just yet, so you figured training first with frequent breaks whenever needed, food, taking care of your weapons, calming down for the night with some entertainment, maybe a game or if everyone wanted to do their own thing, you could catch up on your latest manga.
And so, the four of you made your way over to Sheldon's practice area by train. You honestly didn't have much of a plan, expecting it to be just the usual target practice- which sounded kinda lame now that you thought of it.
It took a bit to get there, Milo being too kind and letting people on the train before him.
Once you had finally arrived, you groaned as you noticed some purple ink all around the far room. That's alright you suppose, you'll just have even less space to practice is all. You began barking out training ideas when you noticed somebody coming up from behind you. They didn't seem like a threat- judging by your family's expressions, it was somebody familiar. So you teasingly aimed/swung your weapon right before hitting them. You were aiming for head height,but it matched at their chest level, them gazing down curiously, and you slowly tilting your head up; forgetting how stupidly tall he was.
"Oh, Skull,"
Whoops, that was dry. He didn't seem to notice as he began to ask you only extremely direct questions, starting with if you were about to start training.
Soon enough, the other S4 members came and found their leader, slightly irritated that he managed to wander off, but gaining a bit of excitement - or, well, seeming less down(?) depending on the squid. Aloha was quick to make his way over to Leo and start chatting. Army thought for a moment as he watched the interaction, shaking his head lightly. He repeated Skull's earlier question in his own manner, slightly tilting his head in thought.
"Well, if it's training you'd like- then I have a proposal. I heard that-"
"-OH YEAH!, The stage you're battling on tomorrow is open right now! We checked it earlier for ya!"
Aloha swiftly cut him off, accidentally tugging Leo with him.
Mask shakes his head, you're honestly surprised to see that he was actually paying attention, gasmask in his phone.
Army rolled his eyes and continued;
"Yes, it is free tonight."
You caught the way he glanced at Aloha, and how Skull tilted his head, appearing confused but not saying anything of it. Analyzing people came natural as an S+ Ranker, and you could tell they were hiding something. Surely it couldn't be bad as they were willing to help you- and you'd hoped it was due to the fact that you've helped them before. Or maybe this is payback for those gruesome hours of trailing? Who knows.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Before you knew it, you were at the super jump area in Deca tower. A worker there offered your group a raised eyebrow before shrugging.
"Was wonderin' why ya booked a timin' so late on this stage, S4's Army. Either way, have fun, gang!"
His face flushed with orange as he stepped on the super jumper and swiftly went before you could object.
He paid for this training time?? How did he know? You swiftly turned to the S4 members with your mouth agape, but before you could even try to offer anything, Mask quickly shut you down.
"We're the S-fooour,-"
He dragged out his words, hesitating on the next,
"We woooon't take your cash."
And so began a short night of fun battles. You made sure to clarify you wouldn't be long- and Army had already assumed so, not wanting to tire out your team. 'Smart move', he called it.
You couldn't help but continue to wonder how different they were in battle compared to the blue team.
You sent ink flying as you thought,
'Aloha's probably the most like their team in general with their shenanigans- but I remember Rider saying that they were underestimated, especially due to improving so quickly by facing so many S+ rankers and winning. But are we stronger than the purple team? Likely. Maybe we do stand a chance?'
Battles went on until Leo complained, to which you took your first break 10 minutes in. You only battled for 40 minutes including breaks- you really hadn't intended on battling long. For the remaining 20 mins of time the S4 decided to do some 2v2s, which was mostly just to make you feel less guilty. You thanked them, already trying to come up with ways to repay them. But Mask caught you once again.
"Repay us by winiiiing, we don't want or need anything in retuuurn besides thaaat."
You sarcastically rolled your eyes, and bid your goodbyes.
The family decided on playing a few card games after dinner to wind down after cleaning your weapons, followed by being up to your own devices afterward.
Wc: 1.3k
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch. 16
Various! Splatoon manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.3k
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“Hey, hey, look!”
You barely have time to breathe after walking through the door of your new home before Leo’s shoving his phone in your face.
He kept moving it around, making it impossible to read the screen.
“We got invited to a party! Starts at 6 tonight!”
Oh. people.
“Who’s all going?”
“Uhh, no idea who’s hosting it, but I heard it should be mostly strong players?”
Ugh, seriously? Those are usually the worst people to be around. Most of them are so stuck-up and arrogant. Well, you suppose that if it’s just a bunch of randos, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to maybe find some new opponents. Your team could always use new sacrifices to test out new techniques in battle. And you won’t have to feel bad about it, with how their personalities usually are. Putting them in their places is always so fun.
You let out a small sigh, and agree to going - not like he was really offering since the beginning. As long as Milo, Tasha and him are going, you should be fine, right?
It’s now 6:08, and it’s so damn loud. The songs may be decent, almost like a 2010’s party mix is what you could best compare it to, but it shook the whole house. You weren’t expecting this many people, either. The lights are off, but there are tons of colored party lights and even a disco ball.
(Optional song.)
You grabbed Milo’s hand to ground yourself, and he held yours comfortably tight, rubbing his thumb against your knuckles soothingly. There wasn’t much else he could do, but you appreciated his effort. Though, it didn’t help all that much. It’s hard to get distracted and grounded when the source of your uncomfortableness is making its way through all of your senses. At least there was one that you could control, and that was food.
You squeezed your way through the crowd, making your way over to the snack area to find something you liked. Holy carp, that’s a lot of food. You grab one of the paper plates and throw on some stuff that you like, grabbing one of the canned drinks to wash the food down.
Wait, where’s Milo?
You begin to look around nervously, he shouldn’t be that hard to spot, being as tall as he is. Same goes for Tasha. Though Leo’s completely lost in the crowd, no luck finding him unless he decides to make a scene. Which isn’t unlikely.
You can’t search by color, since the lights are all weird, so you look for shape instead. You spot a quick reflection of light right around where his face height would be, then you see his spiky hair.
‘Okay, good. He’s right there. This is fine.’
As long as you know that you can spot him at any time, that eases your nerves. You hold the cold can in your hand tightly, taking a deep breath in.
Yeah, this isn’t your type of thing. You manage to push through and talk to a couple of people that approach you, and you quietly sing to some of your favorite songs once you get a little more comfortable. Anarchy Rainbow, Bomb Rush Blush, and Callimari Inkantation, to name a few. They had a lot of nice, upbeat tunes. But, as expected, it starts to feel way too loud again, and this time you try to find a way out. You need to escape, even just for a bit, before you start to feel too overwhelmed again.
You climb up the stairs to the second floor, and notice that the sound is definitely more drowned out up here. You open a couple of doors, trying to find the washroom. You mostly just find a couple of spare rooms with beds. One of the rooms was completely decked out with Dj-like stuff on the walls, but it seems the kit was missing. Guess that’s what they’re using downstairs.
You open another door and, man, this is nowhere near anything you could have ever expected.
Four cephalopods stare back at you. There’s one sitting on a beanbag chair, in front of a tv, playing some video game. Squid Racer, you’d recognize the characters and OST any day with how often Leo likes to play. There’s another at a table, who’s writing down in his manual. The third is sitting near the tv, with a lollipop in hand. You could have guessed that he was watching the other one play Squid Racer just before you walked in. The last one is now right in front of you.
“Hey, sweetheart! You did get my message! I’m glad you came~I was afraid you wouldn’t show,” He throws on a fake pout, but quickly replaces it with a friendly smile, “What brings you up here?”
“Leo showed me the invite, I had no idea you were the one throwing the party. Should have guessed, though.” You avoid the last question, not wanting to seem weak in front of such strong players.
“Aw, not happy to see me?”
“Nono, I am, I just wasn’t expecting to find you guys here, is all!” You wave your hands dismissively, trying to prove your point. You can’t look at them directly, this is way too much to handle right now.
He gently puts a hand on your upper back, in a way that silently asks if you’re okay with it. You allow it, and he brings you into the room and closes the door. You immediately take note of how much quieter it is in this room specifically, it’s almost like this room is made for this.
“Ya wanna stay in here for a bit? Parties can get pretty loud and overwhelming, I get it.”
Of course. Of course, somebody of this skill level would see right through you, you should have expected that.
You let the smile drop from your face for a second, and slump down to the ground to relax. The coldness of the ground feels so nice, this is exactly what you needed.
“Thanks ‘loha. Seriously, I mean it.”
He doesn’t question the nickname, he must have misheard you. He’s a little surprised at how casual you seem, but it might just be because of how you’re feeling.
“ ‘Course! Where are your teammates? They ditch ya? I’ll kick their-”
“No, no, they’re having fun. They were all hanging out with other people, making friends n stuff - hopefully, - and I don’t wanna ruin that for them.”
“They’re terrible teammates if they don’t help you out when you’re in need of it.”
“Nah, my teammates are awesome and would do anything for each other. …That’s exactly it, though, I want them to enjoy themselves and not have to worry about me.”
You wonder if maybe there is something bigger than this, another reason at the back of your mind. Do you not want to seem weak? You shake your head, 
“I wasn’t doing too bad, I got away before it started to really suck.” You get up, dusting yourself off, then go sit next to Skull on the couch. Not right next to him, obviously, but there’s a comfortable distance.
“As long as you’re feelin’ better.”
Mask finally finishes his round, and he leaves the in-game lobby. You tilt your head in curiosity, wondering why he’s leaving. There’s no way in sub-weapon hell that he’s going to actually join the party, you know that for a fact.
Instead, he looks back at you, then gestures to the beanbag chair a little farther off in the corner. You clue in, and go grab the chair, and set up next to him. He’s already grabbed the second controller, and waits for you to get comfortable before handing it over.
“Hope you knoooow I’m not going eaaaasy on you.”
“Better not, ‘cause kicking your ass won’t feel as good.”
You shoot him a playful smirk, and you let the round begin.
This is so much better than being downstairs. 
Next part
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch. 23
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.9k eat up :)
A/N: hey look who has no self-control and will always bow down to their fans
Look at me procrastinating on everything, ever
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The next few days went by painfully slowly for the S4 members and your team. Whenever you weren’t training, you were either in battle for the tournament or sleeping. You weren’t lying when you said you’d be tougher on your teammates than on the S4. But you’d be wrong if you said you didn’t see drastic improvement. The day after the first training session, Army and Aloha were already using Skull as an anchor for superjumping. Whenever Skull would get splatted, Mask begrudgingly stayed back.
Your team was getting fewer splats, but you still managaed to be in control of the stage most of the time. Leo’s stamina was slowly building up, and Tasha could last longer, too. Milo on the other hand, was struggling even more with his weakness. He had a big heart. You couldn’t blame him for it, but it costed, and you can’t afford that in the big leagues. He’d been splatted a few times because of his hesitation towards Army. Or when you or Leo were in the same area as the opponent, he was afraid of you getting in his range of fire. The splatling’s a messy weapon, and he’s going to have to accept that. Sure, you could count on one hand how many times he got splatted because of it, but it’s still a problem.
Your battles in the tournament were seen as a great break for your team, since the opposing teams were always a breeze to get through, even when the competition was supposed to be narrowed down. Not even a month ago, you’d be terrified of the amount of attention on you and your team, but now you’re not as worried. You’d even be down to say you might embrace it. It’s kind of nice getting recognised.
You’re once again treating your team and the S4 to ice cream. It may not happen often, and it may not be good for their health, but come on! They’ve been working so hard, and improving so much. You’ve got to thank them for sticking around and dealing with all this somehow. You’re not a big fan of the times when your pride shows, and you end up getting splatted with a big smile on your face because of a recent breakthrough with your team. Or when you ruffle Aloha’s tentacles after a long session of battling, thanking him and the rest of the S4 for dealing with all the sore muscles and sweat. Even when Leo accuses you of playing favorites, and you’re stuck letting him lay in your lap during break. You’re still a tad furstrated about the time you fell asleep on Skull during break and they didn’t wake you up until it was too late to keep training. Slackers. But who could blame them? 
You smile at the memory. 
Leo pokes you in the cheek.
“What’chya smilin’ about?”
You turn to him and bring your hand to his cheek to wipe off some leftover ice cream.
“Your idiocy.”
He chuckles at how it tickles, and you gently shove his face away. Your team continues to chat with the S4, and you’re glad to see them all getting along as equals. It’s still pretty crazy to have mutual respect with their idols, even going to say that a couple of them are friends. Army’s the first to stand up, telling everybody that he’ll be leaving to meet up with Team Orange. Now that you think about it, you’ve kinda been stealing them from their other teammates, huh? It’s about time they go back and hang out with their respective teams again. It wouldn’t change much for Mask, since he’s still going to have his nose stuck in his switch, playing his new game either way. But Skull and Aloha should go see their teams again. It’s probably been a while since Team Pink went to Mahi Mahi together, and Aviator has been reaching out to Skull every so often to check on his leader, to make sure he’s still alive n’ all.
“Hey, you guys should go do your own thing for a bit.”
Your team glances over at you, confused about whatever you’re on about.
“It’s our day off, and we don’t have any battles going on, so go chill for a while.”
Milo looks away, like he’s trying to decide on something.
“How about we still chill and take the day off, but we stay together? Maybe go see if there’s any gear we’re interested in at the mall?”
‘Right. He’s never been a fan of separation. But that actually seems like a good idea, it might do us some good to have new gear.’
You noticed during one of your training sessions that Leo’s Black Anchor Tee had a rip in it. You were planning on just sewing it up for him, but he might be better off just getting a new piece of gear. He likes getting new stuff anyways. 
Milo’s not a fan of getting rid of old clothes, but it seems his hoodie has done its time, and may have gone through the washing machine a few too many times.
It doesn’t take long before you’re all looking around for new gear, and Leo’s showing off a hoodie he found. The Black Hoodie, and it has Ink resistance Up. He holds it up in front of his torso to check the size. The gold logo doesn’t look too bad on him, and the Ink Restistance would do him a lot better than the respawn punisher he had before.
Milo’s feeling the inside of an Olive Zekko Parka to see if he likes the texture. It can’t be too thick, or else he’ll be sweating buckets on the battlefield. Once he decides that he likes it, and you give him some convincing that it suits his ink color, along with the fact that it’s a very similar color to his old hoodie, he shuffles through to find his size.
Tasha is trying on a Takoroka Nylon Vintage, and as you walk over, she mentions that it has Respwan Punisher. Yup, very Tasha. It looks good on her, too. You weren’t expecting something so… vibrant to be something she’d wear, but the purple and black suit her. She probably just wants it for the ability, though. 
You browse around, and check to see if you can find a new version of your top, or maybe a different piece of gear that you’d rather have. Splatoon one was sort of limited. You all make it to the front to purchase the new gear, but as you hand off the gear to the cashier, you notice that Milo’s hands are empty. Did he not want to change his old hoodie?
“They didn’t have my size.”
Oh. Doesn’t the Olive Zekko Parka have Swim Speedup? That doesn’t sound too good for a splatling main anyways.
“We could always check online for it. Now that we know you like how it feels, we can even try to get you one with Run Speed-up.”
He brightens up a little and nods.
Leo’s legs are getting tired, so Milo offers to give him a piggyback ride while you continue to walk around the mall. Everyone’s tired, so you probably won’t be sticking around much longer, but Tasha was dead-set on checking out the new facemasks they have at Headspace. She bolted straight towards an Anniki Facemask, and Milo lets Leo down so he can follow Tasha. She faces the corner of the store to take off her bandanna, and swiftly exchanges it for the Annaki facemask, while Milo stands behind her to intercept any unwanted looks. When she turns around and checks herself out in the mirror, you can see the way her eyes are completely lit up, and how she seems to be feeling and adjusting and adjusting the mask constantly. She seems to be really happy about it. She quickly goes to purchase it, and the clerk tell her that that specific mask happens to have Ink Saver Main, instead of the usual Opening Gambit. Even better. She quickly nods to tell them that she’s fine with that, and she walks off with her new favorite piece of gear. 
You’re about to walk out of the mall together, but the trip wouldn’t be finished until you checked out the footwear. Leo is back on Milo’s back, up until they make it towards a bench that they can sit on while you guys check for new shoes. Milo says he’s comfortable with his Purple Hi-Horses and the Special power up. Tasha spent a while searching for Neo Octo boots that had any good abilities, and she managed to find some with Ink Saver Main. Score. 
You search around for something for Leo. You come across lots of shoes that you think would suit him and now you’re stuck deciding on which ability would be best. Black Dakroniks with Main power up, Black Trainers with Quick Respawn, or the Blue & Black Squidkid IVs with Quick Superjump. You bring the three boxes of footwear over to him so he can try them on, and he has clear favoritism towards the Black Dakroniks. Main power up it is, then. Of course Leo'd choose that. 
Leo finally thinks that he can have a break, but there's one last thing to get. This will be quick, though, you assure him. Milo's not a fan of how tight his old shorts are, so he gets himself some cargo shorts. Tasha gets herself the leggins, but they're short on her. She likes it that way, though. Leo keeps his shorts, and you get yourself a new pair of whichever you're most interested in.
Now, finally, Leo can go home and take a well-needed nap. Milo carries him out as you and Tasha follow. On the way out of the mall, you spot a shorter boy with yellow tentacles sitting by deca tower. Now's your chance. You tell Tasha to not wait up for you, and that you'd be home in a bit. 
"You're staying?"
"Yup. Just for a little."
“You sure? What are you going to do?”
“Probably just hang around the square.” You look towards the sky, ”It’s a nice day out, after all.”
Tasha seems hesitant to leave, but Leo and Milo are already almost out of the Square. She adjusts her new jacket, and makes her way over to her teammates.
“Just don’t get into any trouble, okay?”
“Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.”
You slowly walk over to the kid, sitting a comfortable distance away. 
Now to find some weaknesses.
You begin to feel the frustration bubble up again, remembering the disrespect his team showed the S4. But, you promised to yourself that you'd keep your composure. For now, at least. You're about to speak up, but he begins. 
"I'm sorry."
He shyly looks away, 
That wasn't what you were expecting. Does he even know you?
"About the S4's loss. I saw your team in the crowd. You all really look up to them, don't you?"
"Uh… yeah."
He wasn't supposed to be this nice.
Next Part
June 19, 23
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch. 21
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.3k
A/N: Two in one day, you guys are lucky I accidentally hyper focused on this for a few hours last night ;)
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You were planning on making them feel better, but that’s impossible if they can see right through you.
“So you don’t believe in us, like, at all?”
You take a deep breath in, and a sharp one out, taking two swift, long strides to get waaay too close to Aloha. You’re right in his bubble, and honestly you’re surprised that he didn’t move the extra inch to lean closer and kiss you, with his personality. The tone shifts to an almost sinister one, and he thinks he can feel the breeze around him pick up.
“I’m damn well hoping you prove me wrong.”
You turn on your heel, walking away without a word. Your teammates are hesitant to follow. Once you finally make your way away from the crowd, your teammates speak up.
“What was all THAT? Do you hate them or something now?!” You can tell Leo’s confused and annoyed at the fact that you just about mocked the S4, but that wasn’t anything near what you meant. Tasha’s brows are furrowed, and she’s staring holes through you, and Milo’s standing with his arms crossed, like a mother about to scold their child about a failing grade.
“I’m disappointed.” 
The frustration is replaced with confusion when your body slumps down and your hand gently comes up to hold your head up. 
“You’re just gonna accept the fact that your idols call themselves the strongest in town when they can’t work together? You guys should know better than anyone what makes a good team, and it’s obviously not that.”
They’re a little more understanding, but they still want questions answered.
“Why does it affect you so much?”
“You’re not the S4’s only fan, Tasha. I’m not battling them if they can’t put up a fun fight.”
It’s not about winning either, it’s about building strong relationships between teammates. You were lucky enough to end up with two friendly teammates that helped a stoic teammate get comfortable quickly, but the S4 just can’t mesh together.
“But what if training helped?”
You think about Leo’s words for a minute, but it’s useless.
“They’re all complete opposites, and this ain’t some story where they’ll magically get along. If only it was as easy as convincing an author to go easy on their audience.”
“But practice makes perfect!”
Ugh, you hate that line with a seething passion. It’s wrong on so many levels.
“No, it doesn’t. Only perfect practice makes perfect. If you consistently do something wrong a thousand times, then is that any better than when you did it the first?-”
“-Alright, that's enough fighting, we can’t be in a bad mood when our match eventually comes. Let’s go watch the S4, there isn’t long before the battle starts.” Milo makes his tone gentle but stern, carefully leading the team to Deca Tower. 
You shouldn’t be taking this out on them. You’re not disappointed in them. Though, there’s obviously some bias when it comes to the S4.
It seems Rider saved four spots, he probably managed to do it by simply glaring at anybody who even thought of sitting there.
The match feels like it went by quickly, but so painfully slow at the same time. It was so quick to see that they didn’t stand a chance, obviously losing any hope they had, not that you had helped. Your brows only continued to furrow everytime any S4 member would get splatted, or refuse to work with each other. It wasn’t anything near entertaining to watch, it all just felt completely hopeless. You only became more disappointed when none of the other S4 members offered to back up Skull when Emperor got too close. Obviously, having a dualie main up against a charger main isn’t going to end up well. Not to mention that it’s the one with the slowest charging speed.
On the other hand, you get to dissect the way each member of team Emperor battles, and any possible weaknesses. 
They’re too few and far between. With the amount of skill they have, finding a weakness is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
There’s not one wasted drop of ink.
But they do have one weakness.
You hate to say it, but their weakness is something they think is their asset.
But that weakness only lasts up until Goggles teaches Prince how to enjoy battles. 
He’s uncertain. 
He always wants to copy his brother and make Emperor proud, but he’s afraid to step up in-case he does something, anything, even slightly different. 
But even then, he’s still quite the asset. He can most definitely hold his own, but he takes moments longer to consider ‘What would brother do?’ before reacting. 
The battle is over, and you leave in a much saltier mood than before. Not only could you not find any good or consistent weaknesses, but Emperor’s personality just infuriates you. He treats everyone like low-lives. He just crushed your idols as if they were a bug under his shoe. And nothing can get you more riled up than when people have bad sportsmanship, and insist on shoving buckets of salt into the wound. He could have ended it just like that and walked away. But the manga didn’t cover the way Emperor snuffed and tilted his head up. Nor did it have him say he overestimated the S4 by far. Edging Jr. walked away with his arms behind his head, laughing. N-pacer walked off, completely unfazed.
The only one with any common sense seemed to be Prince, who held back hesitantly, with slight worry written across his face. It looked like he wanted to apologise, but he didn’t have to think twice about it before Emperor called to him to catch up with the group.
Despite the many people outside Deca tower, your ears almost rang. It all felt too quiet. You were staring at the ground when familiar bickering voices got closer.
“...erk was jus’ toyin’ with us!”
You slightly tilt your head away in annoyance, as if that would make it harder to hear them.
“Not ta’ mention, your manual was totes useless!”
“Silence, party animal!” 
It only got louder and louder and louder.
“Geeeez. Quit kicking up a fuss-”
You throw all caution to the wind, giving up on not changing the story. It’s not like the S4 has any more planned battles anyways, and you can’t take this anymore. You once again approach the S4 to get uncomfortably close; to their leader this time. He hasn’t said anything, but you can tell there’s a lot of over PG-13 words running through his head with how terrible his teammates were during that last match. Your words are almost laced with venom, which didn’t quite end up matching what left your mouth.
“Enough! You’re better than this. The bar was set so low that it was basically a tripping hazard in hell, yet here you are, limbo dancing with the devil.” 
You take a moment to glare at each of them.
“I can’t afford to see such terrible teamwork from such awesome people any more… You’re gonna start training with us from now on.”
…What a back-handed compliment. 
Your teammates’ eyes widen. 
You took their advice.
“From such skilled individuals to such miserable teammates. You’re not half as strong as you could be.” 
You gesture to your teammates behind you,
“This team is gonna force you to work your asses off and trust each other more than brothers at war.”
Your determined frown turns more into a lop-sided smirk when you turn to your teammates.
“Which also means that I’m gonna be harder than ever on you guys.”
Tasha raises a brow. Leo visibly slumps, thinking he was done with the brutal training, and Milo tries to give a smile, but he, too, is afraid of what you have planned.
“As if we’d let Emperor get off easy with embarrassing our idols that badly.”
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch. 22
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.4k
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While making a private battle for your team and the S4, you begin to wonder what you could possibly do to win against Emperor. Rage alone won’t carry you through the match, but it’ll definitely help.
The S4 have already spawned with their purple ink, and your team with orange.
Leo speeds off to the centre, Aloha doing the same. 
‘There isn’t much I can do. If Edging Jr.’s more agile than Aloha, then I can’t risk him facing Tasha.’
The two of them duke it out in the centre, Leo using the stage to his advantage and going behind the walls for cover. 
‘Leo wouldn’t stand a chance in a one-on-one, against him. He ties up almost evenly with 'Loha.’ 
You look over at Milo, who seems to be charging up his splatling, getting ready to aim at Army.
‘-and even having Milo spray and pray with his splatling isn’t enough. And that’s just one player.’ 
‘N-pacer wouldn’t be in Leo or Milo’s range, so it’d be charger vs. charger. But Emperor would want to take care of that quickly.’
Milo opens fire, and Army hides behind a nearby wall. Once Milo’s out of charge, Army comes out thinking he’s safe. Unaware that you were waiting. You jump Army, and splat him.
‘None of this will ever work against team Monarch! How could we possibly- no, no. I’m thinking of this all wrong. I’m thinking way too logically.’ 
Leo and Aloha have both taken lots of damage, and Leo looks much more tired than Aloha. He never did have good stamina.
‘We need to be unpredictable.’ 
Skull and Tasha have taken their respective spots, Tasha being a little closer to the center than Skull.
Mask slowly swims by, not showing any ripples in the ink. But he leaves a trail, and that’s what gets him splatted by you.
‘Use our specialties to our advantage.’
Leo backs away from his one-on-one to recover, and Aloha taunts him.
‘Stop working individually.’
Aloha doesn’t have time for another remark before Tasha splats him with no hesitation.
‘Work as a family.’
A moment of realization later, you shout out to your teammates while backing off and inking a few spots they missed.
“I’m sorry for lashing out at you guys earlier. Our best bet is to cover each other at all times!”
“Isn’t that what we’ve been doing?!”
“Do it better!”
“Alright, boss!”
Mask realizes that it’s useless to be sneaky around you, so he attempts to attack from above, followed by a burst bomb. You pretend to be unaware that he’s there, dodging at the last second, only to let your back face him and dash off. ‘An easy target,’ he thinks. Before he can send another bomb your way, he’s hit with double the firepower from behind. 
“You didn’t really think our boss was that stupid, did ya?”
Milo makes his way closer to the center after you and Leo give him some easy inked ground to run on. After being splatted again, Army’s facing Milo. Milo keeps his distance, which annoys Army to no end. Milo isn’t landing any shots, though. Army smirks when he notices this, trying to close the distance. You won’t allow it, not with the way Milo was obviously giving you a clear path to surprise-attack Army. Milo moves in again to try and attack Aloha, forgetting that Skull was just barely in range. A quick tap of Skull’s trigger has Milo down, and Tasha fires right back milliseconds after, despite not having enough range to hit Skull. Aloha looks at the wasted ink.
“Hah! I thought you never mis-”
Aloha’s all bark and no bite, especially when his so-called #1 fan manages to take down his leader. Tasha made Leo a path straight to Skull because no, she never misses.
“Good job, Leo!”
You shake your head while looking at the S4’s results of the match. They’re strong individually for sure, but it’s useless if they don’t work together. Nobody up to this point has come close to their strength against you, but it’s still too easy. They still refuse to work together. Just about every splat that your team landed on them was because of a surprise attack, or because they were too preoccupied with another teammate.
“First off,” You vaguely gesture at Army, Aloha, and Mask, “Start super jumping to Skull. You were spending half your time making it back to center stage, only to be splatted again. Time wasted.” Aloha pretends to check his ‘nails’, still not wanting to work with the S4. Army slaps his hand down, and forces him to focus on you.
“Also, one of you stay back when Skull gets splatted. Tasha uses Milo as an anchor when she’s down in our practices. You do the same. I suggest Mask since he likes staying back and inking anyways.” You hear a groan come from Mask. you glare at him.
“Or you could just leave right now and never get any stronger. Your choice.” 
Mask straightens up just a bit, and tightens his grip on his roller. He doesn’t care what others think of him, but the more people that he can force into hopelessness, the better. If training means he’ll see stronger, and more players lose their will to battle again, then so be it.
“Alright, let’s do it again!”
“Alreadyyy?” Leo drags out his word like a kid being told that it’s time to get off their gaming console.
“You’re lucky you got a break at all. I don’t plan on stopping between every match.”
And so, the next few hours were filled with nothing but battles. Even Tasha’s aim was getting a little lazy, and that’s when your forced everyone into a break, which didn't take much convincing. You wordlessly helped Tasha stretch her arms while Aloha and Leo groan in exaggerated agony. Even Skull’s panting from how much you’re making him change positions during battle. Not that you’re not struggling too. You quietly do some breathing exercises to reset your system and trick it into thinking it can take all this. Milo refuses to complain, knowing that this is all for the best, but he’s sweating buckets. Two minutes into your break, and you think Mask is either dead or fell asleep insanely quickly. His chest is rising and falling quickly, so you assume he’s just resting.
“Training isn’t,-” Army huffs, catching his breath, “Isn’t efficient if we can’t do our best.” he takes another second to recuperate, “Any more than this and it will only harm us.”
You close your eyes in thought for a moment, slumping against the wall to your right and agreeing with him. No point in hurting anybody.
You slowly walk toward the entrance of Deca Tower, and only Tasha and Milo follow.
“Come on lazybones, I’m buying everyone dessert.” Leo and Aloha jump up at that, fighting about who’s going to get a bigger Sundae. Skull swiftly walks over, and you think that’s the fastest he’s walked in a few hours. Army points out that having dessert is not the best thing to consume after training.
“If you want to go eat some grass, go. You all deserve it, at the very least.”
You almost make it out of Deca Tower, but you notice someone missing from the group. You drag yourself back over to the possibly dead cyan squid, who’s laying on his back, on the floor. You very gently nudge his arm with your foot.
“Hey. We’re getting dessert.”
You nudge it again.
“I dooon’t caaaare. Just let me dieee.”
You nod in understanding. Mood.
You bend down right next to him, so only he can hear.
“I’ll buy you the limited edition copy of Squidracer.”
He already had other, older versions of the game, and that’s what he wasted his money from Salmon Run on. A limited edition is supposed to release tomorrow, but he doesn’t have nearly enough to pay it off, and there’s no doubt all of the copies will be gone in a matter of minutes.
He picks his head up off the ground to look at you in bewilderment. You must be joking, right? That thing’s like- 8, 000, 000 coins. Just what are you made of?
“For real. All I ask is that you try to keep up, and get stronger so that we can have a real, fun battle one day.”
He lightly nods, and you offer him your hand, forgetting that he’s not a fan of physical contact. Which means you don’t think twice about how he used your help to get up off the ground. A big step for him that you didn’t even notice. 
Even if he wiped his hand on his purple camo LS roughly to try to get rid of that unfamiliar touch.
You really do believe in every one of them, huh? You even believe that the least motivated of them has a chance at getting better.   
Next Part
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simp999 · 1 year
This has nothing to do with anything, I'm just curious, my friends were fighting about this a while back
Don't overthink it
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch. 20
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.6k
A/N: Why did I put so much effort into his tentacles, I don't even like the color yellow. Anyways, get ready to dislike Emperor :)
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“You’ve done well in advancing past the preliminary round. Strive harder to fight me.”
You noticed the way all of the inklings around you seemed to cower at the king’s voice, he sure knew how to control a crowd. Most of the blue team shuddered at the sight. You looked back to see Rider’s uneasy smile, as well as the way Stealth quivered on the spot.
‘So this is the absolute king.’
You refuse to let him sway you, staring him down with a look of determination written across your face. He seems entertaining. You two lock eyes for a solid few seconds, and you don’t even consider blinking until he’s got his eyes somewhere else. You look away from him to see how your teammates are doing, only getting reminded of how awesome they are when you see Leo with a bright smile, no doubts in his mind. Tasha’s analysing anything she can about Emperor, and Milo’s smile is much more focused. They intend on battling the Monarch team and winning, and nothing can stop them. 
Except for you of course, if you so choose to go easy on your opponents. But who are you to disrespect your teammates? It’s not like you have much of a choice, so going all in is the only thing you can do now.
“We’ve got lots of training to do, gang.”
You state, just loud enough for your teammates to hear. Tasha gives a curt nod, Milo a smile, and Leo punches his right hand into his left in front of him, letting out a “Hell yeah!”
The crowd begins to disperse when the first teams to battle are called up.
[Team Yellow-Green VS Team Cardigan!]
Your determined expression immediately turns into one of slight irritation, desperately wanting to shake your head and facepalm. You had forgotten about that annoying team.
[And Team Gloves VS Retro Gamer Team!]
Gloves and Rider announce how they’re going to crush their opponents, and fight about who’s gonna win the championship. The two battles will be happening at the same time, so you’ll have to decide who to watch. Leo makes his way over to follow behind Gloves, starting up a quick convo before the battle to get Gloves pumped. Huh, it looks like they’re fans of each other. Milo does a half-jog to keep up with Leo, not wanting to let him off on his own. Who knows what that dork will do without supervision. He'd probably jump the railing to go and join Gloves’ battle if nobody was there with him. Tasha walks over to trail behind Rider, wanting to see how his battle goes down. May as well go with Tasha to split up evenly.
You end up beside Rider after he slows his walking speed to match yours.
“I better see you in battle soon.”
You knew that was his way of saying ‘don’t lose’.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” You figure that this is the best time to slip in a hint, “Don’t be going easy on any opponents, now.” 
Get em’, Rider. The Cardigan team deserves it.
The battles go by quickly, and it seems like Rider took your words with a grain of salt. Though, he did become more relentless as soon as Team Cardigan’s identities were revealed. Rider and Gloves meet up after their wins, and get at each other's throats with some "playful" banter.
You stand with your arms crossed, almost wishing you got to see a battle between the two teams. Your attention is redirected to a team you’d love to see in action, if only it weren’t for their future miserable defeat. Aloha drops down to stretch a bit, hyping himself up for his upcoming battle. The blue team is still surprised to see the S4 actually working together.
“Thooough grouping together suuucks.”
…They still have terrible chemistry. That’s probably the main reason they weren’t able to win against Emperor, all trying to do their own thing and refusing to cooperate. No team is at their strongest if they can’t manage to work together.
After Goggles pulls a dish of dango out of nowhere and offers it to the S4, Skull tells the blue team that he wants to battle them, despite Emperor’s Team being here. How sweet, it seems he’s starting to warm up. The S4 is off to their first match, Rider trailing behind to go watch. Goggles wants to join too, but Specs reminds him of their battle. You’re about to follow your team, who’s following Rider, but you hang back for a sec to save Inkfall from getting his shirt dirty. You smoothly grab the dango from Goggles’ hand before it touches Inkfall, walking off while munching on it, without a word.
‘This stuff’s actually pretty good. I should’ve gotten some for the squad.’
Inkfall noticed the way you saved him from a messy situation, but decided to berate Goggles for nearly getting him dirty. Just as planned, the manga goes on as usual.
The S4’s battle goes on seemingly without any problems, but your trained eye can see much more than the average cephalopod. Army tried executing the plans from his manual alone, which proved futile without cooperating teammates. 
Aloha was still quite laid back, and didn’t function too well with the way Army was always bickering with him. 
‘Army doesn’t see that Aloha does his best when he’s chill. It may not look like he’s trying hard, but he’s much smoother with his agility when he’s comfortable.’
You lean on the railing, shifting feet because they were getting tired. The opponent is too slow to hit Aloha, so the party squid easily manages to dodge, but ends up nearly bumping into Mask.
“Waaaatch it, idiooot!”
You shake your head at the poor cooperation. Skull never missed a shot, but he didn’t shoot at times that he should have. He’s so used to Aviator nailing the opponents before Skull even bothers to attack, so it must have been weird working with new teammates.
Mask held back and used his sub weapons as usual, but it wasn’t nearly as effective when the whole team was doing other stuff. Usually, it worked best when Desi would throw toxic mist to slow down the opponent, then Mask would finish them off quickly with two perfectly aimed burst bombs.
The match still ends as expected, the S4 managing just under 75% of the stage. You’re glad they won, but the happiness quickly dies down, knowing how bad of a hit they’re about to take. There’s no avoiding the outcome, but it still sucks to see such skilled and respectable people get demolished. You recollect your thoughts, making your way out of Deca tower to meet up with the rest of the gang. 
Goggles enthusiastically congratulates the S4 on their win, and you stay farther away. Aloha isn’t paying attention to Goggles at all, only looking for you. When he does spot you, it’s almost like when a puppy is reunited with its owner. You could’ve sworn that he’d be wagging his tail if he had one.
“Hey, hey~ you saw my sweet moves, right?!”
You inwardly debate if you should tell him the truth about how badly they work together, or just let him be happy. 
Well, his dreams are about to get completely crushed, so you should put him in a good mood while it lasts. You put your hand out for a fist bump and point out one of the times he did a cool backflip while dodging some ink, splatting an opponent at the same time.
“You are lying. Not entirely, but you believe that we could battle better.”
Yet Army sees right through you once again. For the weakest of the S4, he's pretty sharp. Your smile drops and you look away dully, with a slight furrow in your brow. 
“...’Cause I know for a fact that you guys have the potential to be over one-hundred times stronger than this. You just don’t work well together. Being strong isn’t all there is to a team, you need to trust each other, too.”
The blue team had walked away a while back, and your teammates take their place, hearing you out. They saw it too. Of course, their clear bias for their idols fogged up the fact that they can be stronger, but your teammates aren’t stupid. Two of them, at least. Leo tilts his head in question, he still has much to learn. He really is like his idol.
“So, what do you expect us to do, then?”
“Lose, probably.”
Skull wasn’t expecting that response. Most people avoid talking to him altogether, but saying something like that? That’s pretty bold… Had it not been coming from you. You’re no longer at the ‘Unreachable idol + lowly fan’ phase, you’re now acquaintances. And you won’t sugar-coat it. Even your teammates behind you are shocked at how you ‘disrespected’ their idols, almost forgetting that you’re just as big of a fan, if not more, than they are.
“That’s not something you can fix overnight. Hours upon hours of training together might help that, but it’s completely useless if you guys simply don’t get along.” 
You glance back at Tasha, then Milo, and Leo,
“You need a family that would kill and die for you, and you need to bring the same if not more to the table.”
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