#sql interview questions
rudixinnovate · 4 months
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ivccseap · 9 months
SQL practical Interview Querys
Sql Quries SQL Quries
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javatpoint · 1 year
Top 30 SQL Interview Questions and Answers for Fresher and Experienced
Sure! Here are the top 30 SQL interview questions and answers for both fresher and experienced candidates: What is SQL? SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it is a programming language designed for managing and manipulating relational databases. What are the different types of SQL statements? There are four main types of SQL statements:Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements…
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qnainterview · 1 year
Here we are going to discuss the basic SQL interview questions. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used for managing and manipulating relational databases. It is used to insert, update, and retrieve data from a database. It is crucial as it allows users to interact with databases in a structured and efficient way. Also, it is the standard language for managing relational databases. This makes it a valuable skill for anyone working with databases or data analysis. Here we will understand what is SQL.
How does SQL work?
Such types of SQL interview questions are usually asked. This article will guide you for your next interview SQL interview. As an SQL query is written and run, it is processed by the ‘query language processor’. It is having a parser and query optimizer. The SQL server then compiles the processed query in three stages:
Parsing: This refers to a process that cross-checks the query syntax.
Binding: This step involves the verification of query semantics before implementing it.
Optimization: The last step generates the query execution plan. The objective here is to identify a general query execution plan that runs in minimal time. This implies that the shorter the response time for the SQL query, the better the outcomes are. Various combinations of plans are generated to have a practical end execution plan.
What is SQL used for?
You can answer this SQL interview question in the following manner. As we mentioned earlier, it is a programming language used to communicate with relational databases. 
SQL has many uses and is used in marketing, healthcare, and finance for data and business analytics, development, and data science. Here is a closer look at what SQL is used for.  
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onlineitsolutions01 · 3 months
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hardinternetkid · 9 months
A Preparation Guide to SQL Interviews
In today’s increasingly data-driven world, SQL (Structured Query Language) skills are highly valued by employers. To excel in SQL interviews, proper preparation for SQL query interview questions is crucial. This blog post will explore various strategies for effectively preparing for SQL interviews. We will discuss the importance of understanding SQL fundamentals, mastering query optimization…
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scaleracademy · 2 years
This is a list of top SQL query interview questions that are commonly asked in interviews. These questions cover various topics such as SQL commands, data types, operators, null values, etc.
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Great Learning has prepared a list of the top  SQL interview questions that will help you during your interview. What is SQL? What is Database
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flyerkerlon · 2 years
Interview questions for oracle sql developer
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Interview questions for oracle sql developer code#
Interview questions for oracle sql developer code#
In short, this means that the original object that is referenced in all of your code is really using a completely different underlying object, but no coding changes are necessary. Synonyms enable the reference of another object (View, Table, Stored Procedure or Function) potentially on a different server, database or schema in your environment.Synonyms were released with SQL Server 2005.Question 2: In what version of SQL Server were synonyms released, what do synonyms do and when could you make the case for using them?.Using the NOWAIT option with the SQL Server RAISERROR statement.Standardized SQL Server Error Handling and Centralized Logging.SQL Server 2005 Try and Catch Exception Handling.The TRY block is for the business logic and the CATCH logic is for capturing the error.Although they do not directly replace any specific command, in many respects the TRY and CATCH has been used over the RAISERROR command.Question 1: What are the new error handling commands introduced with SQL Server 2005 and beyond? What command did they replace? How are the new commands used?.Additional information - Date/Time Conversions Using SQL Server.True - With the CONVERT command there are over 15 different date formats such as MM/DD/YY, MM DD, YY, DD-MM-YY, etc.Question 5: True or False - SQL Server can format the date in over 10 different patterns.Additional information - Execute Dynamic SQL commands in SQL Server.Question 4: What are the three ways that Dynamic SQL can be issued?.Additional information - Deleting Data in SQL Server with TRUNCATE vs DELETE commands.A TRUNCATE command could cause issues for Log Shipping since it is a minimally logged operation.A single DELETE command could fill up the transaction log since it is a single transaction.With the DELETE or TRUNCATE command, you will lose all of your data in a table.In terms of implications, a few different issues could occur:.Question 3: What are the two commands to remove all of the data from a table? Are there any implications with the specific commands?.Additional information - SQL Server 2000 Text Data Manipulation.UPPER( character_expression ) - Returns a character expression with lowercase character data converted to uppercase.SUBSTRING( textData, startPosition, length ) - Returns portion of the string.STUFF( textData, start, length, insertTextData ) - Deletes a specified length of characters and inserts another set of characters at a specified starting point.SPACE( numberOfSpaces ) - Repeats space value specified number of times. RTRIM( textData) - Removes trailing blanks.REVERSE( character_expression ) - Returns the reverse of a character expression.REPLICATE( character_expression, integer_expression ) - Repeats a character expression for a specified number of times.REPLACE( textData, findTextData, replaceWithTextData ) - Replaces occurrences of text found in the string with a new value.PATINDEX( findTextData, textData ) - Returns integer value of the starting position of text found in the string. LTRIM( textData) - Removes leading blanks.LOWER ( character_expression ) - Returns a character expression after converting uppercase character data to lowercase.LEN( textData ) - Returns integer value of the length of the string, excluding trailing blanks.LEFT( character_expression, integer_expression ) - Returns the left part of a character string with the specified number of characters.CHARINDEX( findTextData, textData, ) - Returns the starting position of the specified expression in a character string.For example, obtain only a portion of the text, replace a text string, etc. Question 2: Please name 5 commands that can be used to manipulate text in T-SQL code.Additional information - Renaming SQL Server database objects and changing object owners.Use Management Studio by right clicking on the database and selecting the 'Rename' option.Issue the sp_rename system stored procedure and specify 'database' as the parameter.Issue the sp_renamedb system stored procedure.It is possible to rename a database by one of these options:.Yes - Databases can be renamed in similar manners as other relational database objects.Question 1: Is it possible to rename a database? If so, how would you rename the database?.
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lazar-codes · 7 months
01/11/2023 || Day 104
Personal Chatter
I love that yesterday I was pumped and ready for November and preparing to be productive, and yet today I woke up feeling bad so productivity was low. That's ok, tmr will be better! I also had another ASL class today and the teacher brought us chocolate (and the better thing is that we already know the sign for chocolate before, so we could use that in a sentence today). We've learned about 500 words (do we remember them all? lol, nope), and it's been such a fun class, so I already signed up for the next unit of the class for January.
Even though I didn't feel great today, I did get some stuff done!
Decided to start off with an easy LeetCode question, so I went with Number of Good Pairs and 5 mins later I was done. I previously did the Top Interview 150 questions, but I want more practice with Arrays/Strings, so I'm just doing those types now. Will move onto sorting and binary search trees and linked lists later (once I feel smart again).
Hobby Tracker - Log # 1
Ok, I decided what my full-stack project will be. I want to create a web app in which a user can keep track of different media they want to consume; books, movies, TV shows, and video games. Essentially, I want something that will show me how many things I want to get to (i.e how many books I want to read), and what those things specifically are, and then show me how much of each media type I've completed. For example, I have a spreadsheet of video games I own and I have it show me the % of complete games. I want that, but for all books, movies, shows, and games I enter. Not only that, but for certain media, I want to be able to get a random title from my list. Say I have 20 books I want to read but don't know which to pick. Well, I can ask it to choose a book for me randomly, and I'll read it. That's the basic idea, anyways. Today I spent some time setting up a Trello board to keep track of features I want and functionality I need, and I also started designing the mobile version of the app using Figma. It'll probably be a while before I start coding, but the idea is to have the frontend be built with React, backend with NodeJs, and database be SQL. I'll also be using APIs to get the media info, such as title, genre, etc...This will be the biggest project in terms of scope I've worked on, but hopefully I'll learn a lot.
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ivccseap · 7 months
SQL Guide 📚📚Download
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unpretty · 2 years
hi! I remember seeing you talk about how you did your job search, but could I ask what resources you used for figuring out cover letters (if you did), resumes, and interviews? I've been unemployed the past five years due to illness and am about to start trying to apply for stuff again but the mere act of trying to recall how to do all this stuff has hit the panic button in my brain so I'm like, hm maybe it is time to ask people about their experiences and resources and such!
i am honestly the worst person to ask because i was actually pretty happy at my retail job (i was a night stocker so i just did repetitive tasks for seven hours while listening to audiobooks and not talking to anyone lmao) and i deliberately did not do more than the bare minimum when applying for my current job because i didn't want anything that required more than a bare minimum of effort
i have actually put forth effort for multiple other jobs since then and it. hasn't worked out. :/ although i guess i did make a resume/cover letter for my stepdad and they were super enthused about his excellent resume so what gives.
anyway. for my current job i just put my info on indeed and it popped a notification when an accounting job showed up nearby. then i hit the apply button and did basically nothing else. for my other jobs i just kept linkedin updated and people ended up hitting me up (for jobs i then DIDN'T GET *shakes fist* (i am telling myself it's because they couldn't afford me it's fine i'm fine))
anyway. leave out the part about being unemployed. you've been self-employed. they can't prove you weren't. did you write garbage articles for a content mill, or mturk? congrats, you were a freelance copywriter. took internet surveys? consumer research consultant. YOU WERE CONSULTED AS PART OF SOMEONE'S RESEARCH INTO CONSUMERS, IT'S NOT LYING. also you can just lie. anyway employers consider unemployment a red flag and as someone who was self-employed for a long time the only verification anyone does is checking your references. as long as you know some guys it's fine.
i had a shitton of resume templates from my years of downloading creativemarket freebies. that isn't really an option anymore but you could probably use a canva template. don't use one with your picture, that's weird actually. i don't know why so many templates include a headshot location. i usually make a personal logo to stick there instead because i think it looks cool. i also have a lot of free logo templates.
make sure to tailor your resume to the job you're applying to. if you're applying for a clerical position then you can probably leave out that you're good with SQL but mention experience with filing and if you know how to mail merge in word. that sort of thing. try to get your resume down to one page if you can. they don't need all the details, just a highlight reel. making it too long gives them more crap to have to sort through to figure out what they care about. job listings usually have certain keywords you can latch on to.
cover letters are generally just "here is how i heard about your position, here are the things about your listing and your company that interest me (this will probably include many lies), and here are the reasons i think i can help you". remember that they have a problem (needing someone to do the job) that you are offering to solve (because you can do the job).
i fucking suck at interviews. i think the only interview i did well at was one where i looked up common interview questions and practiced so i wouldn't totally blank out and forget my own name. i felt like a tool doing it but clearly i need it because otherwise. i will forget my own fucking name.
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techpointfundamentals · 7 months
SQL Temporary Table | Temp Table | Global vs Local Temp Table
Q01. What is a Temp Table or Temporary Table in SQL? Q02. Is a duplicate Temp Table name allowed? Q03. Can a Temp Table be used for SELECT INTO or INSERT EXEC statement? Q04. What are the different ways to create a Temp Table in SQL? Q05. What is the difference between Local and Global Temporary Table in SQL? Q06. What is the storage location for the Temp Tables? Q07. What is the difference between a Temp Table and a Derived Table in SQL? Q08. What is the difference between a Temp Table and a Common Table Expression in SQL? Q09. How many Temp Tables can be created with the same name? Q10. How many users or who can access the Temp Tables? Q11. Can you create an Index and Constraints on the Temp Table? Q12. Can you apply Foreign Key constraints to a temporary table? Q13. Can you use the Temp Table before declaring it? Q14. Can you use the Temp Table in the User-Defined Function (UDF)? Q15. If you perform an Insert, Update, or delete operation on the Temp Table, does it also affect the underlying base table? Q16. Can you TRUNCATE the temp table? Q17. Can you insert the IDENTITY Column value in the temp table? Can you reset the IDENTITY Column of the temp table? Q18. Is it mandatory to drop the Temp Tables after use? How can you drop the temp table in a stored procedure that returns data from the temp table itself? Q19. Can you create a new temp table with the same name after dropping the temp table within a stored procedure? Q20. Is there any transaction log created for the operations performed on the Temp Table? Q21. Can you use explicit transactions on the Temp Table? Does the Temp Table hold a lock? Does a temp table create Magic Tables? Q22. Can a trigger access the temp tables? Q23. Can you access a temp table created by a stored procedure in the same connection after executing the stored procedure? Q24. Can a nested stored procedure access the temp table created by the parent stored procedure? Q25. Can you ALTER the temp table? Can you partition a temp table? Q26. Which collation will be used in the case of Temp Table, the database on which it is executing, or temp DB? What is a collation conflict error and how you can resolve it? Q27. What is a Contained Database? How does it affect the Temp Table in SQL? Q28. Can you create a column with user-defined data types (UDDT) in the temp table? Q29. How many concurrent users can access a stored procedure that uses a temp table? Q30. Can you pass a temp table to the stored procedure as a parameter?
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onlineitsolutions01 · 3 months
msbi certification training course online ssis ssas ssrs Excel in Business Intelligence with our MSBI Certification Training online. Specialized in SSIS, SSAS, SSRS. Elevate your skills for success.
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arshikasingh · 3 months
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SQL Interview Questions
The following SQL interview questions and answers are designed to familiarize candidates with common interview questions.
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coolwali · 10 months
Dream of Dungeon Crawling and programming questions
I dreamt last night that I was playing this game that looked a lot like TES1: Arena as this first person pixelated game. I was making my way through a castle that was several stories tall. I had to start from the top of the castle and make my way to the button.
Every other room has an enemy for me to deal with. Except whenever I encountered an enemy, the game rolls a die to determine which approach I have to take. So depending on what the game rolls, I either have to fight the enemy, sneak past them Tom and Jerry style, talk my way past the enemy, or solve a Python interview question or solve a SQL interview question (questions such as “Write Python Code to determine if a String is a Palindrome” or “Write SQL code to to find the Second Highest Salary from a Table”). Every time I defeated an enemy, I got some gold, xp and loot.
I managed to make it all the way to the final door to be able to exit the castle when I failed a melee roll and got killed by being stabbed by some weird goblin looking thing. The pain felt really real. Like I really was being stabbed. I woke up shortly afterwards around 8am. That wasn’t great as I had work that day and would have liked to get some more sleep in.
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