#stalker whump
starliight-whump · 8 months
No. 23: “It’s gonna get me by the end of the night.”
Shadows | Stalking | “Who’s there?”
Cameron took a left turn in the alley that made the walk back to his apartment considerably shorter. He'd just finished closing up the store and was looking forward to getting some rest and getting something to eat. Maybe he should stop by that sushi place on the way home? Yeah, that would be nice. Maybe even something sweet, or some chips to celebrate that it was the weekend and that he'd actually have some time off.
Suddenly Cameron could hear footsteps in the distance behind him and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. After the strange letters he'd gotten from someone who seemed to like him a little too much and knew his routine a little too well, the thought of being followed instantly had him on high alert and a chill of fear went through him. Maybe taking the alley shortcut had been a bad idea…
Cameron turned around, hoping that he was just being paranoid, but sure enough there was someone there a little ways down the alley. Someone who stopped walking as he did. Cameron's heart dropped. He couldn't see who it was, it looked like a woman based on her height and build but her face was shrouded in shadow.
"Who's there?" Cameron called out, half in annoyance, half in fear. The woman didn't respond, which only confirmed that this was off. Unless she too was scared and this was just some misunderstanding. Cameron sure hoped so, but he had a feeling that wasn't the case… "Fuck this!" He cursed under his breath and turned around and began walking again, but this time he picked up his speed. To his horror, the person did the same by the sounds of it. By now his heart was pounding hard, Cameron could hear it drumming in his ears and the noise was accompanied by the sound of footsteps.
Cameron sped up more and by the time he reached the end of the alley he was practically running. There was a supermarket just down the street and Cameron hoped he could hide in there and maybe talk to security or at least someone working there for help. Thankfully Cameron was a pretty okay runner and the adrenaline fueled him to run even faster. He didn't even care about any weird looks he might have gotten as he barreled down the street and basically slammed through the doors of the supermarket.
Some shoppers seemed startled at the sight of him, a wide eyed mother with two kids looked at him with concern. "Are you okay?"
"No, uh…" Cameron paused to catch his breath. His lungs and his legs were burning from that power sprint. "I- I'm not sure, I think someone was following me.
@whumptober-archive, @darkredrevolution
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abhainnwhump · 6 months
Whumper went pet shopping for their dear Whumpee. Their collar is too big for them and they need a smaller one now. They picked out a cute collar and leash set with pink flowers covering it.
They go up to pay. Caretaker is working at the shop as the cashier. They've seen Whumper around a few times, but something about them kept Caretaker from asking. This time, they ask, scanning their products. "So, who's the lucky pup? I'm guessing a shepherd from the size. What their name?"
Whumper chuckled, taking their bag. "It's name is Whumpee. And they're a very special pup. Would you like to meet them one day? I feel like you two would hit it off, Caretaker."
Caretaker smiled. It was mostly out of politeness. Something in Whumper's tone didn't sit right with them. They would have been freaked out that Whumper knew their name if they weren't wearing a name tag. It sounded like they knew it more than that. "Sure . . ."
Whumper took out a post-it note pad from their coat pocket and wrote a phone number down, then they passed it to the cashier. Whumper gave them a polite and cheery smile before walking out of the store, ringing the bell as they did.
Picking the sheet of paper up, Caretaker sighed. They didn't trust that person at all.
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whumpinthepot · 2 months
Whump prompt
Stalker obsessed with person A turns themself in to become a boxboy and be delivered to person A so that stalker can be owned by them and loved forever
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hotcat37 · 6 months
Cooking rn (working on a Jance fic)
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Whump Prompt #4
Previous Prompt
CWs: non-con drugging, implied stalker whumper, caretaker-turned-whumpee, implied kidnapping, implied pet whump
It was meant for Whumpee.
The drink was meant for them. But Caretaker had to mistakenly grab their glass.
What's worse was that Caretaker was acting like it was fine. They feigned a smile, reassured Whumpee, before collapsing.
"Aw, would you look at that."
When Whumpee whipped around in a panic, the last person they wanted to see was Whumper. Their legs froze. They couldn't move as Whumper stepped towards them with a smirk.
"I suppose I do have room for another pet, too. Wouldn't you say, Whumpee?"
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sheepthesmallchicken · 2 months
Stalkers delight
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It seems Garrett has a little stalker. Hopefully he makes it out alive~
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bigfootsmom · 1 year
fuck it friday
Tagged by the lovely and talented @ebdaydreamer <3 <3 <3
I debated posting even something because I have been so busy this week and not that happy with what I’ve written, but fuck it. Here’s some more from elevator + stalker fic:
That’s what he’s going to blame his slow reflexes on when the man lunges for the control panel of the elevator, slapping at the emergency stop button and bringing the whole elevator to a lurching hault. There’s the ominous sound of metal grinding together.
Buck stumbles, reaching out to steady himself against the handrail. But he only has a moment to try and right himself before hands are on him, shoving him until his back hits the wall with a thud, making the elevator shudder with the impact.
“H–hey! What the fuck—” Buck startles backward, head knocking into the wall when the man’s face is suddenly right in front of his.
Buck blinks, still trying to place where he’s seen this man’s face before.
The man just smiles at him, all teeth with a dangerous glint in his eyes. “Do you know how long I’ve been trying to get you alone? You’re a busy boy.”
“Dude, get off me,” Buck grunts, getting an arm between them to try and shove at the man’s chest. “I don’t know who you are.”
Tagging @rainbowtartt, @honestlydarkprincess, @morganofthefairies, @swiftietartt, @maygrantgf, @devirnis, @lovebuck, @dollhousejee, @heartbeatdiaz, @herodiaz, @homerforsure, @princessfbi, @monsterrae1, @shortsighted-owl, @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy, @rottenmarigolds, @alyxmastershipper, and anyone else who wants to post something <3 (sorry if you were already tagged or it’s not longer Friday for you)
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echo-goes-mmm · 8 months
Anniversary Present (Oneshot)
My Writing Masterpost
Warnings: slight dubcon, manipulation, minor character death, blood, past stalking
“I’m hungry,” complained Victor. 
Henry glanced at the vampire, then into his side mirror. “I’m driving.”
“So pull over.”
“I can’t,” he protested. “There’s no place to park.” They had circled the lot once already, but there were no spots. If Victor hadn’t insisted on spending the weekend at the beach of all places, this wouldn’t have happened.
“It’s a Friday evening on a holiday,” he explained. “It’ll be a while.” Victor grumbled, but at least he seemed placated. 
It had been three years since Victor ‘claimed’ him like some sort of stalker, and Henry hadn’t been able to shake him. Now he was stuck with Victor, and sometimes he could fool himself into normalcy. Like some kind of fucked-up sitcom. See the vampire and his unwilling roommate, every evening at 7pm on FOX! Or something. Henry didn’t watch cable.
“Look,” said Victor, “there’s a spot.”
“Finally,” groaned Henry. Another car came down the aisle, and he put on the turn signal and waited for them to pass so he could pull in. But instead, the BMW swerved into the spot, nearly dinging him in the process. Asshole.
Victor hissed. 
“Don’t,” Henry said. “It’s literally okay.” 
Victor sighed. “Fine.” 
Eventually, they found a spot in another lot, but there was a fee. Henry grumbled as Victor drank an evening snack from him. What a jerk, and of course it was a BMW. Brand new, too. Henry thought of his 20 year old beater and tried not to be jealous.
Victor had made reservations to a nice restaurant on the boardwalk for the two of them, which was hilarious. Victor could eat human food, it just did nothing for him except taste good. He was always dragging Henry to fancy places.
The perks of having a rich vampire eat off him, he supposed.
Victor disappeared after paying for dinner, with a promise to meet him at the rental later. Typical. 
But Henry had a little cash to burn, and the boardwalk was fun. He ate frozen custard (peanut butter and chocolate) and looked at ridiculously priced swimsuits on sale. He watched people come in and out of novelty stores, and got himself a box of saltwater taffy. It was nice, he thought, as a charming family went into the amusement park.
Of course, the downside to this little vacation was Victor. He was going to do something this weekend, he could feel it. 
Henry was a snack, a little amusement that Victor liked to keep under his thumb.
Henry hated when Victor dragged home a meal.
He shuddered, the warm night air suddenly suffocating. He took another bite of his frozen custard and told himself not to think about it.
He got to the rental house hours later (after somehow mixing up where he’d parked) and Victor was there as promised. 
“So,” said Victor, “there’s this cute little diner in town. We should go there for breakfast.” 
“Yeah, sure.”
Victor frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I guess. Just tired.” 
“Oh. Well, the bedroom on the right is yours. Goodnight.” Suspicious.
“‘Night.” The drive was pretty draining, so Henry fell asleep quickly.
Victor dragged him to the diner around nine. He looked a little funny dressed in pants and a hoodie in this weather, but it was sunny out and, well, vampire.
Henry woke up in a much better mood than yesterday. He ordered a short stack of blueberry pancakes with a side of sausage and it was divine.
Victor bid him a good day after breakfast and went to sleep. Henry took the opportunity to spend the rest of the day at the beach. It was a great weather out, and he swam in the ocean a couple times before making it back to the rental. He even splurged and got some barbeque from a place on the boardwalk for lunch.
But soon the sun would be down, and Victor would be hungry. He headed back to the rental house.
After the feeding, he was more worn out than usual. He hadn’t been on a vacation in a while, and he’d forgotten how tiring it was to relax. He went to sleep soon after.
“Henry. Hey, Henry!” Victor whispered. He groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“What?” Victor’s red eyes glowed down at him. Victor flashed him a toothy grin. He glanced at the clock. Midnight. And why could he smell pizza?
“I got you a present.” 
“Just come see!” Henry stumbled into the living room and flipped the switch.
“Oh my god!”
A guy was tied up and gagged in the middle of the floor. Pizza boxes sat on the table, with a bunch of booze and soda. The man made a frantic sound from behind the gag.
“What the fuck?” he said. Victor flopped on the couch. He titled his head and grinned.
“It’s the man who cut you off earlier. And I also got dinner and that novelty soda you like. The one that tastes like sour candy.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
Fuck. Again? Victor had never been caught before, but this was insane. 
Why was his life like this? Ugh. Whatever.
He crossed the room and took a slice of pizza. It was amazingly good, actually. It really was true that the best New York style pizza was in New Jersey. He ignored Mr. BMW struggling against the ropes.
He twisted off the cap to the soda and some vodka. He was gonna need it. Henry turned back to the scene to see Victor teasing Mr. BMW. Muffled shouts came from behind the gag.
Henry knew how scary it was, seeing a vampire for the first time. But he couldn’t bring himself to care anymore. It was normal, now.
“I think he wants to say something,” grinned Victor. He plucked the gag from Mr. BMW.
“I- I’m so sorry,” he said, looking back and forth between them. “Please don’t kill me!” he sniffed. Henry shifted, uncomfortable.
“You’re not sorry,” snarled Victor, “You’re just sorry you got caught. Nobody gets to be an asshole to my human. Nobody.”
“It’s just a parking spot, Victor. Not a big deal.” Victor turned to him. He shrank back. 
“You don’t get to decide that,” he said. 
“I’m making your life better. Remember that boss you hated? I took care of it. And now you don’t hate your job. This is for you, Henry.” He yanked the man’s hair, baring his neck. 
He sank his teeth into the man, drinking long and deep. Henry’s mind whirled. Had Victor really been killing off everyone who was mean to him? 
Victor finished, the man’s head lolling. 
“Look at him,” purred Victor, voice husky. “He’s still alive. Think he’ll chalk it up to a dream, or pass on to the next life?”
He came close, blood smeared over his mouth. He stepped right up to Henry, taking his chin in hand.
Henry whimpered.
“Don’t be scared,” cooed Victor against his lips. Victor kissed him, copper on his tongue. 
What was happening?
Victor pulled away, pupils blown. His cool hand came to rest on his ass.
“Victor-” he started, but for some reason he couldn’t, didn’t, pull away.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said. A curl of heat smoldered in Henry’s gut. “Three years,” continued Victor, “and I never told you that. Isn’t that strange?”
“Ye- yeah.” Victor pressed a kiss to his throat, mouthing up to just under his jaw.
“Wait-” he said, regaining himself. Victor paused, pulling away. “All those restaurants, all those presents, were- were they-”
“Dates? Yeah,” admitted Victor. “You needed a stronger hint.”
Fuck. He’d seen the way Victor looked at him, the way he waited in the car under a blanket for hours just for Henry to get off work. He thought it was just hunger, and it was, but it was more than that. And Victor was attractive, and mostly kind-
The dying man behind them groaned.
And it was too much. “I don’t want this,” he whispered. Victor stepped away, turning from him.
“Please,” said Henry, “I’m sorry-”
“No, you’re not,” said Victor. His heart sank. Victor was finally going to kill him. 
But then Victor turned, and he didn’t look mad at all. 
“It’s okay,” he said, stepping close again. And his eyes, they were so pretty now. So big and deep, and what was he thinking about? “You just need a little nudge.”
Oh yeah. 
Victor was attractive, and mostly kind, and took him to places he never could have afforded and-
He snorted. His life was already so goddamn weird.
“Sure, why not? It’s not like you’re going anywhere,” said Henry. “Might as well make the most of it.”
“Exactly what I was thinking,” agreed Victor. 
Victor kissed him again, and they fumbled their way to the couch. He wanted Victor, and he wanted him now, witness be damned.
The man was dying anyway.
Henry woke up the next morning in a great mood. Last night was just… incredible. It was so obvious, he couldn’t believe he missed it.
He snuggled back into Victor’s cool arms. 
Sure, it was fucked up, but who cared? Victor was hot and financially stable (aka rich as hell) and took care of him.
It just made sense.
Maybe he could get a nice car if he asked Victor.
He was a genius. Just a little nudge. Wasn’t even cheating, really. Charming never worked for so long.
Henry still had his personality the whole night, so it didn’t even count as Charming him. Just a tiny, itty bitty nudge, and his precious little human had finally given in to his wooing. They had a wonderful night of pizza, drinking, and sex. 
So good.
Draining that pesky little boyfriend four years ago had finally paid off. 
He was an asshole anyway.
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
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whump-world · 10 months
A Deal with the Devil | Part 5
(tw: noncon, dubcon, stalker theme, starvation, captivity)
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"I'm obsessed with you."
Caretaker rolls his eyes and continues watching the mind-numbingly boring show. He's got most of whumper's routine down by now. Gym first thing in the morning, then breakfast is at 8 a.m. After that, they choose to work in the home office (caretaker suspects this is largely due to himself) and in the evenings they either give him yoga lessons, watch tv, or go down to the cellar.
Today is the second option.
His own routine is different. Some days, he gets food. On the days he doesn't, it's to teach whumpee a lesson he bets.
"It's not like what you and whumpee have," they continue. "What you have is based on conditions, arbitrary situations, expectations. I love you no matter what. No matter that you cared for someone else—"
"That must really hurt, huh?" he asks, his heart beat picking up its pace. He glances at whumper to see if that crossed a line. Sitting right next to each other, thighs touching, it's not very easy to do it subtly.
"No," whumper says. They smile and bump their head with caretaker's. "I know you'll love me. One day."
"And how'd you figure that?" They seem to be in a good mood, which makes caretaker all the more angry.
"You're still here."
Caretaker laughs out loud. He can't help it. "You're in love and holding out hope for someone who's only here because they love some—"
"Watch it, caretaker, my love. Don't make me punish you."
"You're pathetic, you know that, right?"
"You say you're doing it for whumpee," Whumper replies, shoving caretaker to the floor abruptly, "but are you?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" he snaps as they drag him closer by the neck.
"I mean," they whisper, pushing his face into their crotch, "do you not feel angry at whumpee to go through this alone?"
Without waiting for an answer, they say, "for example, when I say unzip me, or else, aren't you frustrated that you're the one below me and not whumpee?"
Caretaker hears the order and rolls his eyes before getting to it. "You think I'm ashamed for using my body, guess what? I'm not. When I die, this sack of flesh isn't coming with me, is it?"
Whumper hums in approval when caretaker takes their member in his hand. They stroke his hair and guide caretaker's mouth onto them, inch by inch, while carrying on. "True, you're not superficial. But, I know you have pride. The pride that's keeping us apart. If you let it go, whumpee won't be such a burden to you, you know?"
As if finished with their little monologue, they happily lean over caretaker to retrieve something from the coffee table, sliding the rest of themself into his open mouth. Caretaker's eyes tear a little.
"You don't have to move today," whumper coos, wiping away the tears while unlocking his phone. "You're doing so well.
They hold their phone over his face, smiling down at him dreamily. Caretaker realizes they're snapping pictures and makes a grab for it, only to be slapped away.
"Don't be silly. Don't want whumpee dying because of a few cute photos, do you?"
Caretaker lowers his hand slowly, glaring at whumper.
"Can you come closer?" they croon, budging his head. "And... yeah, that's good. Look up at me, caretaker, please?"
Tears splash on his cheeks as he does as he's told, looking into the camera with deathly humiliation sitting heavy in him. Whumper makes a shushing noise.
"Oh, does it hurt, my love?" they ask, massaging the side of caretaker's neck. "Only a few minutes, then you can have something to eat."
Whumper watches two more episodes before they give him water to drink. It's like his tongue has now become the thing he had been holding in his mouth. Caretaker can't shake the feel off. He drinks the entire bottle but chokes when whumper shows him the pictures.
Caretaker is the pathetic one.
"I'm going to make a folder just for you, caretaker."
Tag list: @crimson-wrld @whumpawink @settlingsand @castielamigos-whump-side-blog
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inky-here · 1 year
cw: past whump, protective caretaker, dialogue, implied whumpee breakdown, friendly work setting
caretaker and whumpee live together. they've known eachother for a while and caretaker knows about everything the whumpee's been through before they met.
they also work at the same company. when caretaker gets a text from supervisor, they head right to their office but before they can get to the door, they spot a person standing next to a water cooler by the office. it was whumper.
caretaker's heart skips a beat, but they try to not show it. they've only encountered the whumper about two times before, but they'd recognise that face anywhere. why are they here?
caretaker wonders if the whumper recognises them as well, the answer being clear as day the moment whumper gives them a patronising, smug smile they can only see for a second before they enter the office.
"caretaker! good to see you," their supervisor greets them with a smile, along with a few coworkers who were in the office as well.
"good to see you too," caretaker tries to reciprocate the warm greeting, but can't hide the way their throat suddenly goes dry. they swallow before continuing, "listen, who's that person outside your office?"
supervisor looks at them a bit confused, but answers anyway as they take a sip of their coffee: "their name is whumper, I just hired them. why?"
"is whumpee here?" caretaker shoots the next question immediately as they visibly grow worried.
"they just left, actually. looked like they were in a hurry, too."
"god damn- did they talk to eachother?"
"I don't-? caretaker, what is this?" supervisor puts their coffee mug down as they and the rest of the crew eye caretaker.
"supervisor, did they or did they not talk to each other," caretaker urges. if this wasn't a professional setting, they'd probably grab supervisor by the shoulders at this point.
"um, i think i saw them exchange a few words?" a coworker chimed in.
"fuck," caretaker uttered, "god fucking damn it. listen, we need to put a pin in this, i need to go find whumpee, like, right now. i probably shouldn't talk about it but i just know that they're not having a good time." they explain briefly as they gather their things.
"we'll help," supervisor put a hand on caretaker's back. "you know them best. where do you suggest we look?"
caretaker gives them a thankful look before the whole group storms out of the office.
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isntthisblank · 1 year
Tw: mention of torture (aftermath/wounds), stalking, captivity,
Whumper was in the basement playing with whumpee. They had just started torturing whumpee when they heard a knock on the door.
Whumpee had barely enough energy to look at the door as whumper got up. They were in so much pain that they barely registered that whumper was sneaking up to the door with a knife in their hands.
Carefully, they unlocked the three locks on the door and pushed it open. Whumpee held a breath and time seemed to slow down. Was it Caretaker? Would someone rescue them? Would they help whumpee escape?
“Heyyy, I’m so sorry for letting myself in like that, terrible manners i know.”
“What do you want? Who are you?“
Whumper yelled at the person behind the door. Whumpee flinched and curled in on themself, which pulled on the skin around their wounds, making them hiss in pain.
The newcomer seemed very relaxed, even after seeing whumpee.
“Okay, here’s the thing, would you mind sharing whumpee? You have no idea how hard it was tracking you down like this, by the way.”
The newcomer was rambling. Whumpee could almost feel the irritation coming off of whumper. They’d have to take the brunt of their anger later, they knew.
Didn’t mean they weren’t scared.
“Depends. Who’s asking?”
“Oh, goodness, I completely forgot to introduce myself, haven’t i?”
The newcomer was happy and bubbly. Similar to the way whumpee was, before…
“I’m Whumper 2, pleasure to make you aquaintance.”
Whumpee’s stomach dropped. They knew that name. It was the same as the one on pictures of them sleeping, taken from inside their house. It was the same as on the note in front of a fresh cooked dinner when whumpee came home. It’s the same as on the letters left on his bed, with detailed descriptions of all the way they wanted to torment whumpee.
It was the same name as their stalkers.
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victimsdiary · 6 months
Introduction : Day 1
They're in my bedroom as I write this. They've been going through my things and stealing what looks... "important." They told me to call Them R and that they're "Here to save me from myself." Why do they think I'm in danger? Why do they seem so adamant on keeping me here? They brought me to this dark abandoned building and I tried to leave but every time I do, they make me breathe in this weird gas and I fall asleep to them crying and apologizing. My memory is foggy each time I breathe it in and I'm scared I'm going to lose my memories if I try to escape at the wrong time. They keep telling me they love me but... I don't love them. I barely even know them. I don't even know what they looks like aside from their dark hood and black nails. Who is this guy and what do they want with me? Why do they think I'm gonna hurt myself? Is this some fucked up prank by a concerned friend? Their voice doesn't sound like anyone I know. I'm keeping all of my thoughts in this little diary and I see there's a port above my head. I saw a letter fall out of it a few days ago. "Send Asks" was all it said. Not sure what that means or why it was there but... alright. Mood: Scared Escape routes: None yet (The little port is the size of my hand... It won't help much.) Extra Info: There seems to be a key around their neck and I don't know what it goes to. The gas is dangerous. I think I'm in a basement but the walls aren't made of cement. To be continued.
@stalkersdiary + @rabbitregal + @justathrowawayheehee + ETC DiaryProject. (We are all writers and involved in this ARG styled diary. This is fiction, and no, we don't need help.)
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actress4him · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 - Day 29 - Obsession
This is the actual next chapter of Obsession, following after Threats. It's not the entire scene that I wanted to come next, but I was running short on time (and inspiration) here at the end of the month, so I will have to continue this scene at a later date.
Taglist: @justplainwhump , @whump-ventures
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No. 29: Troubled Past Resurfacing
Contains: lady whump, stalker, selective mutism, fear
Cadence doesn’t suspect a connection, at first, between the text and the doorbell ringing. Why should she? They don’t get visitors, usually, but the small part of her brain that hears it assumes it must be a delivery. 
Most of her mind is occupied with trying to forget the text, anyway. Do you think that staying at home all the time keeps me from getting to you anytime I want? You’re so adorable.
He won’t leave her alone. There’s no way that she can get away from him, not ever, she knows that. It doesn’t stop her from trying. He tracked her down at her favorite coffee shop, so she started switching where she went to draw - other coffee shops, the park, even McDonald’s. Anywhere that he might not think of to look for her. He somehow knew what her hair looked like while she was sitting at the bus stop, so she gave up altogether and just locked herself inside the house. Janaysia has been giving her suspicious looks, but there’s nothing she can do about that. She can’t go out there anymore, where he’s lurking. He’s already threatened to take her again. If she steps out of this house, he’ll be waiting to snatch her.
There’s a sharp knock at her bedroom door. Startled out of her spiraling thoughts, Cady stands and crosses the room, easing the door open to see Janaysia standing in the hall. 
“So…apparently you forgot to tell us you had company coming over?” Her housemate raises an eyebrow at her, as if she doesn’t quite believe the situation. 
Her mouth opens and shuts again, eyebrow furrowed in confusion and dread beginning to grow in her stomach. It wouldn’t be him. He wouldn’t dare come here like this, not when he’s so adamant that no one ever finds out. But…it has to have something to do with him, right? Because she certainly didn’t invite anyone over. Everything in her life seems to be connected to him.
She shakes her head no, adamantly, but Janaysia just sighs and smiles. “It’s okay, it’s no big deal. We haven’t started cooking dinner yet, so we can just make a little more. Unless you guys were planning to go out…?”
Cadence shakes her head even harder. The dread has expanded up into her chest and is crawling toward her throat. She steps back into the room, reaching for her notebook, but Janaysia steps away, too. 
“Don’t worry about it, just come on so Devin doesn’t have to keep making awkward conversation with a stranger! You can explain it to us later.”
She feels like she’s choking the whole way down the hall. Every inch of her wants to turn and run back to the safety of her bedroom, to grab Janaysia’s arm and plead with her to keep her safe, to not make her go out there, but she just keeps in step, body moving robotically just like it does with him.
Somewhere in her gut, she knows. No matter how much her brain tries to drown it out with protests of how it can’t be, he wouldn’t, she still knows. 
But nothing can prepare her for walking around the corner and seeing him. In their living room. Sitting on their couch. Chatting casually with one of her best friends, like he’s just a normal guy who can do normal things like that. 
All of the blood drains from Cadence’s face, and she stops moving, staring at him with blurred vision. Whatever words are being spoken are so far away she can’t hear them. All she knows is him, in their living room, on their couch.
Until he looks her way, smiling that smile that she sees in her nightmares. Her mind immediately zeroes in on his words to her, unable to risk missing anything. 
“Ah, Cadence, there you are. I guess it…slipped your mind, that you invited me over tonight?”
He’s here. He’s here. He’s here. Why? What does it mean, what is he going to do?
She nods, numb, not knowing what else to do but agree.
“Wait, is…Cady short for…Cadence?” Janaysia’s looking at her all wide-eyed and fascinated and she wants to scream, to tell them no, they can’t know about that, they can’t know about him, but it’s far too late for that because he’s right there, sitting on their couch.
“Oh, right, my bad.” He chuckles, waving a hand. “I keep forgetting she goes by that now. She’ll always be Cadence to me, I’m afraid.”
Devin smiles at her. “Oliver was just telling me -” he shouldn’t be saying his name so casually like that, it isn’t right -“a little about how the two of you met, back in college.”
College? It wasn’t college, it was after that, but that must be his cover story. She has to remember that, to make sure she doesn’t slip up and say the wrong thing and mess it all up.
Assuming they all make it past this night with secrets still intact. They have to. Her friends’ lives depend on it.
“It’s a shame we lost touch after a while, but I’m so glad I ran into her again recently.”
“Was that…at the birthday party?” Janaysia is too smart for all of this. She’s already starting to put a few pieces together, and if this continues she might put together more. Cadence has to play her part, she can’t let her find out. But she can’t make herself move, there’s no way that she can act anywhere near normal with him in the room. When he’s here, she has to be still and be quiet and wait for him to tell her what to do. She can’t act like herself. 
She isn’t even sure she knows what that means anymore, anyway.
“Right! At Devin’s birthday party. So sorry for stealing her away, by the way, we just had so much catching up to do.”
Janaysia’s smile says that she’s still a little miffed about the whole thing. “Well, next time a little heads up would be nice before she just disappears, we were definitely worried! But no real harm done, in the end.”
She could almost laugh aloud at that, if she wasn’t frozen in place and could remember how. There had been plenty of harm done. But they could never, ever know about it.
“Well.” Devin slaps his hands down onto his thighs, then stands. “I’m gonna go get started on dinner, and let you two visit.”
Cadence startles, eyes darting to both her friends before zoning in on the floor. Don’t leave me don’t leave me please don’t leave me. Except that she doesn’t want them here, either. They don’t need to be anywhere near him, they need to run, to go far far away where he can’t get to them. But if they leave, he’ll be free to do whatever he wants to her. As long as they’re in the room, he’s leaving her alone.
“Yep, I’ll come help you. Any, uh…food allergies, Oliver?”
He smiles brilliantly at Janaysia. “None at all, thank you for asking.”
“Alright, perfect.” She turns to leave, but looks at Cadence first, brow furrowing in concern. “You okay?” she asks softly.
All she can do is nod. It isn’t anywhere near convincing, but she can’t even force a smile or look her in the eye.
But apparently Janaysia reads her emotions as something completely different, anyway. She reaches out and squeezes her arm gently, leaning in. “Don’t be nervous, he obviously likes you. Also…he is hot, just saying.” With a quiet laugh, she walks into the adjoining kitchen with Devin. A couple of seconds later, she reappears with Cadence’s dry erase board, handing it over with another smile before leaving again. 
Her gaze slides up until it finds his, boring into her with all its usual intensity, and quickly drops back down. Her pulse is pounding in her ears. She grips the dry erase marker too tightly, the hard plastic digging into the bones of her fingers, as her breath stutters in and out of her closed-over throat. 
“Come sit down, Cadence.”
His tone is pleasant, but she knows better than to think it’s a suggestion. Her feet lurch into motion. Two steps on the hardwood, five more across the worn out rug and around the ottoman. The closer to him she gets, the harder it is to breathe. But she sinks down onto the couch, anyway, just a few inches away from him. His hand immediately finds her thigh. “So good to see you again.” His fingers begin to squeeze, digging into her skin with a promise of more to come. “You really should get out of the house more often.”
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Whump Prompt #3
Previous Prompt
CWs: stalker whumper, implied nsfwhump themes
Whumpee senses someone has been stalking them for months. They know who Whumper vaguely looks like; their body type, what they may look like beneath the clothing they use to hide themselves, all the necessary characteristics needed to approach the police and seek help.
One night, Whumpee has a wet dream about their Whumper. It was wrong, but they couldn't help it. They had convinced themselves it was a normal thing to have; the wet dreams, not the stalker they had though.
Maybe they get terrified once they wake up and see a note on their bedside. "Keep dreaming of me. I'll be back for more."
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abhainnwhump · 8 months
IMYM Chapter 2 High on Sweetness: Ink
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(I apologize in advance for my bad puns. Over four years in this fandom and my puns have not improved. They’re not as bad as the rock one though.)
“Well, that was weird,” Ink groaned, sitting up and rubbing his head. His skull pounded after having Nightmare inside it and his ribs throbbed a dull ache. The artist looked around and realized the Villain Sans Squad was gone, thank the stars. He felt tempted to lie back and nap for a while, watching the fluffy clouds pass through the blue sky. As soon as Nightmare left, the atmosphere cleared up. Birds were singing and flowers were blooming. Hopefully, laying back would clear the fog in his mind.
“Ink?” Dream kneeled down next to him. He had a concerned look in his golden eye lights. “Are you feeling okay? Nightmare’s influence can leave . . . scars on people.”
“Never better.” Thanks to the positivity magic still making him feel warm and fuzzy, Ink was only half sarcastic. Hate and anger didn’t burn through him anymore, which was a plus. But he was still pissed that the octopus played him like one of Error’s dolls. Why him out of the three? Why wouldn’t Nightmare go after his brother when he was standing right there?
Blue joined them with blue stars in his eye sockets. His energy hammer was gone, snapped away now that there was no danger. “Mweh, that was easy! I expected them to fight harder! But are you two alright?”
Dream looked up and nodded. “For the most part, we’re good. The mission was a success, no one died, the Villain Sans Squad is gone, and the AU is safe. The one negative was that Nightmare messed with Ink’s emotions and forced him to fight me.” He turned back to Ink. “Are you okay?”
Ink snorted. “Yeah, I’m fine. You worry a lot for the ‘embodiment of positivity’. Sometimes I wonder if you’re actually who you say you are andnot a hoax.”
Offended, Dream crossed their arms, stammering. “How dare you! I am not a hoax!” He stuck his tongue out. Despite his efforts, Ink laughed harder. Blue repressed a smile but gave up fast. Even Dream dropped the angry facade and smiled with his trademark giggle. They all broke down laughing, needing a bit of group positivity after the battle.
The Star Sanses were so distracted that they didn’t notice the human child flying above. One of their white feathers fell on Ink’s scarf, which is what finally made him realize they were there. They had brownish auburn hair, a baby blue sweater stripped with gray, and a pair of black goggles on their head. Their huge smile looked even larger with their closed eyes, or at least what appeared closed.
“Hey, kid!” Ink shouted up, “How’s it going?”
The human zoomed down a skeleton from the sky joined them. He had raven-colored goggles, which matched his jacket and wings pretty well. His only pop of color was an electric blue turtleneck. The two bird monsters blew up dust from the ground as they landed.
“Now that was an emu-sing battle.” Aviar winked, blowing dust from his goggles. The human’s smile faded in seconds. Aviar laughed. “Lark says thank you. We got the rest of the monsters out of danger and they insisted on watching the fight.”
“It was no problem,” Blue said through gritted teeth as his left eye socket twitched. “I’m glad you’re all safe.”
“That’s what we do. Protect you guys and make sure everything goes to your Creator’s vision. And this AU doesn’t involve skeleton killers. And if does, then oh well. You’re all screwed.” Ink shrugged. He stared at their unamused expressions. Lark signed something with their hands that he didn’t think was friendly. “What? I don’t make the rules around here.”
“Anyways,” Aviar coughed as he changed the subject, “I don’t know about your schedule, but I’m free for a while. My next guard shift doesn’t start for another two hours and I have to make up for slacking on the job. How about we go for nice cream? My treat.”
Dream blushed yellow. Ink never knew why, but he always seemed embarrassed when people offered to do things for him. “Thank you for the offer, but unless Ink and Blue-”
“Hey, I said it’s on me, don’t worry about it. I don’t do anything with my gold besides buy coconut oil. None of you are birdens, relax.”
Blue pressed the tips of his pointer fingers between his eye sockets, forcing a smile. “Sounds magnificent! But if you say another pun, that’s going to change very quickly.”
“You guys were right,” Ink said, his mouth full of Neapolitan. “Birdtale has the best nice cream.”
The Star Sanses, Aviar, and Lark sat with their legs dangling over the edge of one of the brown flight platforms. Some monsters flew around in the sky. The drop below was at least a thousand feet into an empty abyss, but Ink wasn’t scared. He could teleport with Broomie, Dream with positivity, Blue with his magic, and the birds . . . well, that’s self-explanatory. Even though Ink didn’t have lungs, he could feel the light air pressure against his bones. Lark lived up here so long their body could take it, so they were fine.
“Aviar, question.” Ink looked down into the chasm. “What’s down there? I’m guessing it’s either a river, rocks, or an abyss. Has anyone ever fallen?” Usually, Ink would know the answers to these questions since he explored the AUs and read the code so much. But sometimes the Creator didn’t make an answer, so the monsters had to figure out themselves. Even if most of the time there was nothing there. Sometimes he wondered if he could create the endings to stories himself, maybe he should try it . . .
The bird monster looked over the ledge. “No one knows. And I don’t . . . think anyone fell down. Kid, do you?”
Lark shook their head.
“Can I jump down?” Ink asked.
“No,” Aviar replied.
Ink leaned away from the edge, a bit disappointed. “Please? I’ll be fine! Trust me, I’ve been through worse.”
“Ink, no,” Blue said with a stern voice. “The last thing we need is you hurting yourself because you decided to be a reckless little shit and hurt yourself again! Look, I don't know how emotion magic works but . . ." He looked up at Dream. "Is it hard?"
He thought about it. “Speaking from experience, emotion manipulation magic is difficult. The stronger a person’s will and determination are, the harder it is to control them. I don’t understand why Nightmare only waited until now to use his magic.” Dream brushed his spoon against his banana sundae, making a swirl with the ice cream and syrup. “Oh, speaking of the battle, did anyone feel as if he retreated too easily?”
Ink shrugged. “Nope. He fought hard enough to me. But if it makes you feel any better, I’ll do this.” Shoving his nice cream cone in his mouth, Ink stood up and shot a bullet of paint into the sky with Broomie. The black pellet flew threw the sky until it hit the edge of the AU, sending an almost invisible ripple. It took years for Ink to get that trick right, but now he could make a protective shell around any AU until he left it. He sat back down with nice cream melting all over his chin. “Boom, shield. They can’t get in if they tried now, we’re a-okay! What gave you that idea they weren’t fighting enough?”
Dream watched the ripples go by before turning their attention back to their sundae. “It’s just . . . I don’t know. Most of the time, he puts more of an effort in. It was like he was toying with us, buying time. ”
“You’re overthinking, Dreamboat.” Dream frowned at the nickname. “You need to chill out and stop worrying about everything. Take a page out of my playbook and don’t care about anything for few hours. Yeah, that should be enough time . . .” Ink was talking to himself by that point. He was trying as hard as he could to erase the memory of Nightmare taking him over. He still heard the red vial messing with his head. Kill him! What has he done to you besides being a pest? He’ll only make things worse. I’m the right one. He’s a crybaby and makes you look bad by being around him. Kill them both.
Like sure, the team had their arguments. Dream was a serious people pleaser and wanted to protect everyone in every AU. He was a complete sucker for the ‘happily ever after’ that Ink didn’t understand, angst and suffering was more fun. He didn’t see why saving people was so important. The worlds were unique and magical and one of a kind. Meanwhile, the monsters were all copied and pasted with different clothes. There were millions of worlds with billions of monsters, so a few deaths won’t affect anything. But noooooo, Dream wanted to save everyone. Blue tended to side with him and that didn’t help anything.
But at the end of the day, they were teammates and friends with a common goal: To protect the Doodlesphere.
Moments like this were one of the reasons he was glad to have the worst memory in the Doodlesphere. He once forgot his name for an entire day and Fresh stilljokes about it. He’d forget he ever got mind-controlled by the end of the week. At least he hoped he did. He didn’t count on it. Especially after trying to forget his weird nightmares and . . . everything else weird going on.
For the last few months, Ink felt like he was being watched. Well, people were always staring at him, but this felt different. He’d get a sick feeling of dread in his nonexistent stomach out of nowhere. Some of his stuff went missing. At first, they weren’t huge things— colored pencils, paint, drawings— but it freaked him out. Then he lost more personal things. Clothes, entire sketchbooks, battle strategies, and worst of all, his homemade flute. He didn’t even have a backup flute! Why would anyone even steal a flute? And then there was the cold feeling he woke up to some mornings. It made him feel miserable and worthless, but only when he stayed in the room. Ink tried to blame the missing stuff on his memory, even though the cold didn’t make sense. He didn’t tell Dream or Blue yet, but he planned to if he lost anything else.
Blue licked his pina colada-flavored nice cream. “So how do we keep Nightmare from coming back here?”
Ink crossed his legs over each other in his pondering position. “Why don’t we . . . I don’t know, set up a trap back? Ooh! I got an idea! How about we make a giant spider web made out of paint or something, then we put in an AU they’ll attack-”
Blue stared at him as if he were insane. “Absolutely not! Remember the last time we tried something like that?”
“For the last time, it wasn’t my fault that apartment got set on fire!” Ink crossed his arms in a pout.
“Yes, it was.” Dream and Blue said at the same time.
Lark opened their mouth and raised a finger, but put it back down and closed it.
The group talked about whatever came to mind. Ink lost track of the time, though it was probably an hour. He spent most of that time laughing at the others’ jokes (and his own for that matter). Sometimes he got distracted and forgot what they were saying.
The wind grew stronger and the temperature dropped. Ink’s bones tingled like he got a nervous stomachache, but he wasn’t scared. On the other side, Lark’s face paled. He could recognize the feeling from anywhere.
A child who looked about nine stood behind them. They had gray skin and shadow gray hair cut into a choppy bob. To continue with the gray color scheme, they wore a gray-striped sweater with shorts. Instead of eyes, they had empty black voids. They weren’t black and soulless-looking twenty-four-seven. Ink has seen Core Frisk’s eye sockets glitter entire galaxies when they used their magic.
“Core! You almost gave me a nonexistent heart attack!” Ink dramatically clutched his chest.
Lark put their thumb under their chin and circled their index finger in the air. Their eyebrows raised.
Aviar translated. “Who are you?”
“No one important.” Core winked their empty, mischief-filled eye. “I came for Dream. I need your help with an AU I found, but if you’re busy-”
“Oh, no worries.” Dream ate the last of his nice cream cone and stood up. “Thank you for everything, you two. Core, what’s the problem? Please don’t tell me it’s another Code Purple.”
Ink groaned when he brought it up. There have been so many of these things lately! AUs corrupting with negative energy and turning black, purple, and misty. It didn’t affect the story much, besides getting darker in tone, but it was the inhabitants that suffered. A black goop spread across the AU and turned the monsters into negative hateful zombies. Did they have a cure for it? Not yet, but Dream’s working on it.
Core’s face turned grim. “I’m telling you it’s another Core purple. There may be some souls still alive and I want to help rescue them, but I can’t find them under the sludge, so I was hoping . . .
“I understand.” Dream shared their expression.
Core opened up the portal they came through. Their’s was glitchy, white, and purple portal opening to a dark forest. They looked behind themself at the artist. “And Ink, your face is covered in nice cream.”
Ink touched his cheekbone and it came back white, brown, and pink. Being the mature individual he was, he licked it off his fingers with his rainbow tongue. Then he licked the rest off his face. Once he finished, he sighed and brushed off his hands. “Well, I guess I should be going too. See you around, bird brains!”
Blue blinked shocked at the “Ink, aren’t you forgetting something?”
The artist squinted his eye sockets, trying to figure out what he had forgotten. “Say thank you?”
Blue facepalmed. “That, and I can’t make portals! Are you just going to leave me here?”
“Oh, right!” Ink laughed as he swirled Broomie in the air and made a portal to the Omega Timeline. “Thanks for the nice cream, Aviar!”
“No problem.” He waved lazily. “Hope you have an im-peck-able day.
Ink could hear Blue screaming in his head. He snorted and grabbed his arm before covering them both in black paint, sinking them into the ground. Even though he didn’t mean to, he teleported up too high and they both crashed onto the ground. Their two-story clubhouse stood in front of them, made of light brown wood and had a mix of things from each of them. Blue put a pirate flag and blue streamers around it. Dream lined the front, sides, and balcony with flowers and sun banners. And Ink splattered buckets of rainbow paint around it.
“Ow!” Blue cried out when he hit the ground.
“Oops, my bad.” The artist brushed the dirt off his pants, laughing. Blue didn’t share his sense of humor. Ink held out his hand and helped him up. Blue was a person who didn’t stay angry for long though, so he took it.
Ink waved goodbye to Blue before jumping into the ink puddle. He fell into his personal doodle AU workshop. This world didn’t have an ounce of white. Instead it was beige with rainbow splatters all over the walls and floors. Ink had some . . . not so great experiences with empty white spaces. His first-ever memory was waking up alone, afraid, and with no clue where he came from or who he was. That was at least three hundred years ago, but the nightmares still haunted him.
He glanced over at the pile of stapled papers under a swirling white portal. They appeared out of magic all on their own, the new AU ideas. Each packet was full of story, art, and notes.
Ink plopped down on his beanbag, an idea he may or may not have stolen from a certain Windows Vista. He sifted through the new AU ideas with an excited smile plastered across his face. The Creators were getting crazy creative lately and Ink loved it! Some of the ideas were pretty violent, but he thought the angst potential would be fun. He didn’t accept an AU idea if it looked boring or was an exact copy of another, but there was only one in this pile. But he didn’t throw them away, he changed things up as he wanted until it was original. The rest were new and fun. As long as he wasn’t involved or getting hurt, Ink was up for a dark story.
As he was preparing to make the brand new worlds, the smell of bubblegum filled the air. Ink lowered the pencil in his mouth, knowing what was coming. He braced himself for the sparkles and rainbow explosion. “‘Eyo, brotato chip!”
Fresh appeared from an explosion of colorful confetti and a rubber duck squeak. He was one of the tallest Sanses, almost a foot taller than Ink, and years or even centuries older. The reason? Something, something, parasite body mutation. His outfit screamed 90’s. A bright blue and purple jacket, neon green shorts, and multicolor heelys. A red fanny pack hung around his waist with the word SWAG in giant white letters. He had a backward multicolor baseball cap with a blue propeller. But his most iconic thing his sunglasses, which changed depending on his thoughts. They defaulted to YOLO in yellow and teal letters.
Ink was so shocked he vomited a pile of ink, which was common for him. Heh, Ink vomited ink . . . where was he? Oh right, Fresh.
Ink took the pencil out of his mouth and set it in his sash instead. “So what brings you to my corner of the Doodlesphere?”
The parasite grinned. “I wanted to let ya know that Cross is havin’ a get-together because of some surprise dat he’s not sharing. We’re all gonin’ ice skatin’ and it’s going to be totally rad! Do you wanna join!”
Ink’s left eye socket turned into a question mark. “Wait, does Cross want me there?”
“Probs not! But I bet it’ll be fine!” His smile didn’t waver at all, not a single speck of empathy or regret in those eye lights. As cool as he was, Fresh was emotionless like he was. Ink tried to convince him to drink paint but it . . . didn’t go so well. Short version is that Fresh shoved it down his throat instead, then he possessed his body and beat up Error. So an average Tuesday.
Ink wasn’t the type to turn down an invite. He wasn’t even the type to turn down something he wasn’t invited to. “Sure! I’m in! It’ll surprise Cross! Maybe we can even make amends for . . . you know what.”
“Yah, I know what ya did. He’s ranted about it once or twice.” Fresh glanced over to the stack of AU’s and picked one of them up, flipping it around to see it better.
Ink it them out of his hands, catching one that flew out of the pile. He tried to look angry, but he found it funny so his mouth twitched. “Don’t mess with these! They’re important. Unless . . . do you want to help me with making these? You’ll just need to like hold them and I’ll make them. I’ve never done it with someone else before, so it could be something new . . . ?”
Fresh cocked his head as he thought about it. He was almost always smiling, which Ink would’ve found creepy if he hadn’t seen worse. Most Sanses were always smiling anyway, at least the less powerful ones.
Eventually, his glasses shifted to SURE! ��Alright, brah! Hand me da AUs and I’ll fire them to ya!”
Ink picked up the stack of papers and dropped them in his arms, making sure they were all straight and even. He snapped his fingers and covered them both in black paint. Ink was double careful this time, teleporting them to a better height and landing in an empty space. The Doodlesphere was a giant gradient, yellow at the top and white at the bottom, and filled with islands. Most of them were portals with decorations for their corresponding AU, but some were empty, like where they stood. When Ink created them, the AUs would drift toward where they would fit the most. The Fell AUs were all in one area, the Swap AUs in another, etc, etc. It was his favorite thing to watch.
The two stood straight apart from each other. Ink’s scarf and Fresh’s pinwheel hat blew in the wind. Ink could never figure out where the gravity and wind came from. Magic? That was the only explanation. Number one rule of the Doodlesphere: Nothing makes sense and you would drive yourself insane trying to make it make sense.
Ink held his paintbrush and aimed it in the distance, making little ‘pew pew’ noises. Then he swung it in a circle, calling to Fresh. “Whenever you’re ready!”
Fresh’s look turned more malicious as he tossed him the first paper. Ink smacked it with Broomie’s and it went soaring.
The paper stretched into an island with rocky ground. Skulls built up around the stone archway of a portal. A ball of light glowed in the center before turning into a swirling portal. It drifted through the yellow void before landing in its proper spot.
Ink took a deep breath when he finished up. Each AU drained a bit of his power, hence why he slept about fourteen hours a night with several naps, but it was worth it. Creating new worlds to explore was the best thing ever and he never wanted to stop!
Fresh took a second sheet and balled it up like a baseball before throwing it at him. Ink knew he wasn’t supposed to do that, but Ink did it too, just because it was fun, so he let it slide. He hummed a number with each one he hit. He had a huge grin on his face.
Fresh smirked, his glasses changing to IT’S ON. He teleported around Ink in balls of confetti and sparkles. He didn’t have a pattern, so he had to go by sound alone. At least the rubber duck squeaks weren’t sneaky at all. By some miracle, he hadn’t died in battle from being so colorful and noisy. To be fair, the same thing could be said about himself; Ink was very noisy on his own.
Eventually, all the AUs were gone and his job was done. Stumbling, Ink put his paintbrush away. Exhausted from doing so many at once and still worn out from earlier, he panted. But he was too excited to rest. Creating the AUs was only the second-best part of the process. The first was being able to explore them, their lore, and all the characters built. He had so many to choose from this time! He glanced over at Fresh with a smile. He turned around and held his arms out so it looked like he was holding some of the AUs. “Pick a world, any world!”
Fresh crossed his arms as his glasses changed to HMMM. His finger hovered between AUs until landing on the one with rainbow colors. Skulls were covered with some kind of rainbow goop that dripped down the sides. “Dat one.”
Ink waved his hand and put Broomie behind his back. He held his hands out to make a square and took in a rough idea of what it would look like. The black box appeared with a list of code. Ink learned to decipher it over time. The plot of this AU bubbly children’s show with a darker, more malicious element underneath. It was cliche, but there were so many ways it could go it sounded fun anyway. A fizzy feeling shivered through his bones and he bounced on his feet. He beamed and held his hand out to Fresh. “Undertop it is! Are you ready for this, it’ll be fun, but it might get a little bloody . . .”
“Dat’ll be no prob-blemo.” Fresh snapped his fingers and summoned his baseball bat. It had a sticker that said VIBE CHECK in bright red letters.
Nodding at his words, Ink shrugged and teleported up. He readied his paintbrush and jumped in for a quick new adventure with Fresh.
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whumpybobbert · 2 months
The Flash 1x13
Clarissa Stein: Stalker
Ronnie Raymond/Dr. Martin Stein: Disoriented and confused, ticking time-bomb, self-sacrifice
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