#star empire trainee
cheriecelestial · 2 months
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Luminary Pt.1
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pairing *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Yan Emperor!OC X Swordmaster!OC
disclaimer *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ yandere thoughts. hurt/no comfort. angst. mentions of violence and character death. lovers to enemies.
a/n *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Reposting a very old piece post editing (not really lol). According to my old a/n this was “very 3am spontaneous writing” meaning the idea was spontaneous not the process. Very manhwa-esque historical plot ig. Please listen to Joel Sunny’s Luminary for the whole experience. like always COMMENT LIKE & REBLOG (☆≧▽^)
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Ceaseless noblesse chatter, clinking of glasses and rustling of ball gowns blurred into an unintelligible myriad of sounds. Cecily massaged the bridge of her nose in an attempt to calm the pulsating migraine in her forehead. As much as she loved dressing up on her own accord and dancing, she felt much repulsion to high society. Whosoever had compared high society to a sandalwood tree must’ve been a wise person - exquisite and ambrosial smelling but intertwined with serpents waiting to pounce. Her sharp gaze, reminiscent of a relentless hunter, swept the expanse of ballroom to locate her target attendee. He wasn’t here, not yet at least. But he was expected to be here soon, after all what king doesn’t show up to the party he hosted in his own honour ?
Everything the room exuded an elite air of grandeur. Golden tendrils resembling vines creeping up the wall and colluding in a labyrinthine pattern of flowers and leaves against the stained glass ceilings. Lush roses filled each vase placed exactly five meters apart from each other. In the centre of the dome were three collinear alchemy powered faux stars, the centre attraction and the nominative factor of the ballroom — the Syzygy Hall. Leaning against the stone wall, the crisp night air fills her lungs while the stars twinkle in the dark, velvety sky, and she watched them with a nostalgic sense of appreciation. The flashing memories of her stargazing in this very hall with a certain gifted mage tugged harshly on her heart stings but she forced herself to shun them and focus on the task ahead.
Cecily shifted her attention to the noblemen and women drift across the smooth marble floors like clockwork nutcrackers in grandfather clocks. It all looked so beautiful and for the lack of a better word, rich. A part of her would’ve wanted to join to the festivities had her heart not drowned in waves of indignation for the host. But then as having danced her fair share of high society parties — she knew of the incessant debauchery, corruption and vicious yet sugarcoated calumny at the core of this diamond and silk adorned marvel. Nobility was a word that evoked images of artifice, undeserved riches, wastefulness and textbook narcissism. Albeit belonging to the pinnacle of non-royal nobility — Cecily’s lineage was both a blessing and a curse. As the daughter of one of the three dukes in the empire and the daughter and successor of the continent’s finest swordsman , Carlisle Reginald, Cecily was taught to be wary of desperate social climber with saccharine laced tongues at a young age. Just the thought of her family flared the inferno of negative feelings further.
“This far behind enemy lines ? Can’t tell if it’s brave, audacious or plain stupid.” Cecily rolled her eyes at the new admission. “What would you know anything about bravery Marcellus ?” The red haired paladin flinched at the woman using his full name and bit his tongue to restrain himself from answering her verbal jabs.
“I did what I had to do” He muttered quietly with his gaze fixed on the floor as if it was the most scintillating creation known to mankind. “You mean leaving your men to die mid-battle and defecting to the enemy’s side ?” Cecily scoffed at his confession. She couldn’t help be reminded of the past when they were trainee knights and how they were a symbol of valour and justice. The nights they spent at taverns celebrating after successfully completing missions and training. Cecily couldn’t pinpoint when everything changed and when people she knew digressed beyond recognition but it left a bitter taste in her mouth. Marcel’s words were slow to come out but he sighed and answered, “I merely chose the winning side . Unlike you, I have a sense of self preservation.”
“Where I’m from , we call it cowardice”
“Probably why that place burnt to the ground,”Marcel was hit with a sense of instant regret the second those words left his mouth. He muttered a quick apology as if that ever solved anything .
“Don’t say what you don’t mean. Genuine care doesn’t suit the self-serving likes of you.” Cecily spat out with anger laced in her seemingly calm tone. Had it been some other place with someone else, she wouldn’t have hesitated to draw her sword. Knowing her temper, he saw fit to change the topic of the conversation, “ It’s a fine dress you’re wearing. But I have to say - had I not known better I’d say it was a wedding gown. One refined enough for a duke’s daughter”
“It is a wedding gown. I just repurposed it since I don’t need it anymore and my other gowns were burnt along with my house. I’m sure you remember, you were there.”Cecily spoke in a monotone as she absentmindedly fiddled with the lace trimmings of her dress and the silver corsage on her wrist.
Marcel gulped at the realisation and looked away to the sea of jolly nobility dancing their evening away but he still couldn’t seem to shake off the chills floating in the air. Luck truly wasn’t on his side today “I know it was a purely political arrangement but Cedric was a good man. You have my condolences.”
His words evoked a humourless laugh from Cecily. Just how shameless could he be ? Leading the campaign that killed her fiancé and still have the guts to offer his sympathies.
“Losing a fiancé ? I’m sure you know what that’s like. Considering how you let Lucia Arden die just to save your own skin.”
Cecily remembered the sweet and gentle field medic who stopped at nothing to consistently heal her comrades and boost her fellow knights’ morale with her encouraging words. And she also remembered watching the radiant light leave her eyes and her skin turn frigid pale after Marcel defected and ambushed his own squadron. Cecily and Marcel were the closest of friends, maybe that’s why his betrayal stung so much. Had someone told about Marcel’s betrayal to her younger self from two years ago, she would’ve laughed at them and wonder if they lost their mind.
“What happened to her was regrettable. I asked her to join me. But she refused. Because she was -” so loyal to you, is what he wanted to say but something told him that not completely the sentence would serve him better. Cecily didn’t respond to him nor did she look at him. Marcel’s gaze fell to her fist which had clenched so tight that her knuckles were turning white.
“I tried you know. I really tried to convince her. That was more what I should’ve done considering what her family did to Genevieve—” despite his attempts to mask his emotions, venomous contempt seeped into his voice.“Lucia wasn’t her family. She didn’t know. She had no part in it.” Cecily countered firmly.
“She was going to be a mother ! And they—”Marcel swallowed thickly, unable to continue. Cecily sighed and massaged the bridge of her nose. Genevieve - the feisty barmaid at their favourite tavern who managed to capture Marcel’s heart and subsequently died a tragic death the hands of the Marquis Arden who couldn’t bear the disgrace of his daughter’s fiancé choosing a destitute orphaned commoner over his well-bred aristocratic daughter.
“What happened to her was unjust, but that doesn’t justify your treachery. You let your own men die. The very men that swore loyalty to you. The ones that fought, ate and bled by your side.” Cecily eyed him with simmering hatred. Marcel looked uncharacteristically startled for a moment by the her disdain but covered it up quickly. Silvers of guilt flashed in his eyes when he realised that even if he had managed to secure a future for himself as the commander general of the new king’s knights, he lost something truly important to him. The past him would’ve really hated him now.
“Of all people I thought you’d know what it’s like to lose the one you love the most. But in hindsight, you’re probably worse off than me. I’m sure you know, he isn’t what he used to be. The King’s scouts have been looking for you and the other rebels . You should leave before he sees you.” Warning her was the most he could do for her now. He had sworn loyalty to the new king but standing in front of his childhood friend - he couldn’t help but feel a tinge of conflict.
“Why ? Is he planning to send me and my men to the gallows ?” Cecily scoffed as if impressed that the king was putting in so much effort to locate her. “Your men ? Yes. You ? No. Corrupted or not, not even he could get himself to kill the woman he loves so dearly. But I’m positive whatever his plans for you are, would make you wish that he sent you to the gallows instead. He won’t kill you but beware— he won’t be soft either. He’s changed beyond recognition.”
“That’s exactly what I’m counting on,”she muttered to herself as she watched Marcel vanish from her side and melt into the sea of guests.
For a moment the entire ballroom stilled and she knew he was here. Her eyes swept the length of the ballroom till she met the gaze of the devil himself. Unlike what he used to wear when she knew him, he donned the most lavish robes and jewels she’d seen on a person. His unruly platinum hair were styled perfect to accentuate his looks. The crystalline vivid blue eyes she fell in love with were replaced by a sinister shade of ruby red. He stared intently at her, it is as if his eyes intended to pierce her skin and rip out her soul. Her stomach twisted and the chill in the air sent goosebumps down her neck and back. He never looked more glorious. The corners of his lips curled up into a slight smile as he made his way through the crowd. Her breath shallowed with each step that he took towards her.
“Duchess Reginald. It truly is you and here I thought my senses were deceiving me.” Cecily flinched at the title knowing full well that she never got to ceremoniously inherit the title since the previous Duke died at the emperor’s sword following the coup d’état and the estate was burned to a crisp not too long ago. His gentle expression of adoration cut off air from her lungs and she felt as though the string of pearls around her neck turned into a noose. She wanted to scream, to cry, to seek retribution for all the havoc he wrecked but swallowing her emotions down she placed her hand on her heart and bowed lightly,“Glory and blessings upon the rising sun of the Asterin empire,” Cecily heard melodious laughter as response to her words. Her heart dropped from the sheer impact. Cecily Reginald was a creature of pure control and the idea of losing control, especially just by his mere presence, was offensive to her. Her heart burst into multitude of emotions as she tried to rein them and stay calm.
“And I never thought I’d see you bow. But then, bowing isn’t always submission. Now is it, my dearest Cecily ?” Electricity coursed her veins at the way her name rolled off his tongue in the same tender fashion as he used to when they were younger. He’s changed beyond recognition, Marcel’s words ringed in her ears. Cecily didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of eliciting a reaction so she shifted her gaze away. Much to her dismay, her refusal just swelled his need to provoke her further .
“Please don’t shy away duchess. It’s a glorious party, would you be so kind to grant me the honour of a dance ?” The king outstretched his hand towards her with seemingly innocent intent. The emperor’s first dance of the evening, an action that symbolised winning the favour of the emperor. Which was why — traditionally it was done between courting, betrothed or wedded couples. After a moment’s hesitation she took his hand and was guided to the centre of the dance floor. The king placed a hand on her waist and interlaced his other hand with hers. The position seemed so natural to them like two pieces of a puzzle that were created to fit together. He actioned the orchestra and the waltz began without a hitch as the band of musicians weaved pleasant melodies into the air.
“You look ravishing my dearest.” Cecily’s breath hitched as the king tugged on her waist, pulling her closer. His smirk widened in satisfaction at her visceral reaction. “Thank you your majesty.” She looked at him with her eyes betraying traces of emotion even though she was restraining herself to her best capacity. But the memory of his touch still fills her heart with longing but she still hated how much the sensation excites her.
“I was informed that troops stationed north of Demaris were brutally slaughtered by the rebel forces spearheaded by a certain raven haired general. You wouldn’t know anything about that, now would you duchess ?” Cecily’s face hardened and she replied in a sharp tone,“Depends on why those troops were present in the first place your majesty.” The king’s troops were sent to forcefully evict war immigrants that were rendered homeless by the conquests of the previous emperor since he regarded them as a political liability. The villagers were kind enough to house some of the rebels in exchange for protection against the monsters near the border.
Vivacious laughter bubbles from his chest and he responded ,“Very well dearest. And please, drop the formalities. Call me by my name. Your majesty feels unnatural.” She knew provoking him any more than necessary would only spell trouble for it. Her scheme had to work out as planned. “Atticus,” she breathed out with much difficulty. Saying his name was a tougher task than she had initially thought. A pleased smirk made its way onto his lips, leaving Cecily feeling as if she had lost.
“I know blue is your colour but I have to admit, you look utterly angelic in white. You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. What a fine bride you would make.”
Under different circumstances, she would’ve blushed and accepted the compliment graciously. Cecily felt a strange feeling of melancholy and what ifs shrouded her. She was so determined before coming here and she couldn’t afford letting her purpose dissolve just because she was holding onto the ghost of the man she loved.
“What use is beauty when you’re cursed with rotten luck the way I am. I have two dead fiancés on my tab already.” She laughed humorouslessly and eyed him with an insinuating sharpness. Atticus smiled with his evergreen charm before continuing knowingly ,“ Hmm. Maybe it’s a sign from the goddess of marriage that those men and you weren’t meant to be .”
Cecily arched her brow at his revelation. Is that what he was trying to paint them as ? Twists of fate ? She may not have loved either of them but they weren’t deserving of the end that befell them. “I know you’ve taken many aliases in your lifetime but goddess of marriage ? That’s a new one your majesty.” Atticus’ mocking clearly struck a nerve. She half expected him to take offence to her words but instead he looked at her in bemusement.
He clicked his tongue in a ‘ah’ gesture and suggested ,” Well you know what they say m’lady. Third time’s a charm .” Cecily knew exactly what he was implying but she didn’t want to grant him an ounce of satisfaction by giving him a favourable reaction .
“Unfortunately your majesty, I am above wedding kinslayers and dark magic practitioners .” She scowled at him as if testing to see if he had even an ounce of conscience intact . Atticus’ smile faltered and there was a brief flicker of discomfort in him as the implications of her words sunk in. His eyes narrowed slightly at her reaction.
“Ces I —,” but before he could respond Cecily cut him off ,“ And even if they had it coming . It doesn’t change the fact that you killed my father.” Memory of the pain of finding out about her father’s death on accounts of treason was clear as day in her heart. Carlisle Reginald was many things but not a traitor. He was so loyal to the crown that there were times when she resented him for choosing his duty over his own family.
Atticus visibly grimaced and his eyes turned to icy resentment ,“ The same father that abused you and caused you unimaginable pain in the name of training ? The same father who burnt the side of your face to destroy any chance of marriage because noblemen don’t wed women with scars ? The same father that nearly pushed you to end your life because you couldn’t handle the mantle of becoming the next swordsmaster ? Do you truly resent me for it my dearest ?” Cecily felt her throat tighten with emotion. She glanced away as though trying to think of an answer. There is no right answer to that question.
“ I don’t but —,” She admitted, her eyes still fixated on the corners of the room ,“ What about my Silas? Why did you kill him ? He looked up to you. He chose to pursue alchemy over swordsmanship because of you. He was a child . He didn’t deserve it.” The night her father died, the king’s men burnt her family estate to the ground and her brother with it.
Atticus stared at her for a couple of seconds before letting out a pained sigh ,“ My love, you must believe me. I never intended to put Silas in harm’s way . I just wanted to get rid of the duke because he was the only one standing between me and the throne. I was sure that Si would be at the academy. But unfortunately he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. If it provides any solace just know I had the informants and soldiers who failed to convey that Silas was in there executed .”
There were many things she wanted to say, to vent her frustration and anger but when the time came - her grief was too severe to be expressed in words so she just looked at him, hoping he’d see how much he made her suffer. Atticus tore his gaze away from hers and clenched his jaw as if keeping himself from saying or doing things that would just worsen their situation. Uncomfortable silence befell them as they continued to dance. For the first time she realised, that they were is a ballroom filled with people. The world seemed to have dissolved into nothingness when it came to Atticus but now she was starting to feel the weight of the other guests’ curious stares and whispers. Of course rumours would make their way across high society at the speed of lightning. Two star crossed lovers forced on opposite sides by fate. Cecily and Atticus had love, one for the ages but one chose the duty to her homeland over love and the other chose power over love. Love had no place in this fight of morality and duty. It was quite a pity really.
“But your crimes don’t end there. You delved into a form of magic that was forbidden for a reason, there is always a cost for power that wicked. Always.” She looked straight into his ruby red eyes. The vibrant blood red swirled in a way that resembled shadows obscuring a ravenous beast lurking underneath.
“Is that why you got engaged my brother ? To dispose of me and make him king ?” Cecily felt the temperature around them fall as Atticus’ eyes shone with a newfound sense of fury. Gone was the sweet and gentle man she knew, instead he was replaced by this - this thing. His fingers twitched where he held her waist as if wanting to tear into her skin.
“Sure. Let’s go with that .”She replied cooly. Logic be damned, she just wanted to shatter the mask he was wearing and truly see what he’d become.
“You think I’d let him have you ? Let him make you his queen ? I‘m so sorry if it hurts you my darling but I will slay any man who thinks he can have you . If you really want to be queen, I could make you this very moment. Just say the word.” For the first time, his suave facade cracked. He sounded almost desperate, so much so that Cecily was tempted to believe that a part of the old him was still in there. Regardless of Cedric somewhat sanctimonious and saintly character, he always lacked the vigour and the ambition it took to become king and most of all - to deserve Atticus’ goddess. Cedric was the only pure blooded prince who showed an inkling of kindness to a bastard of the previous emperor so Atticus granted him the mercy of a quick and painless death. But the idea of him wedding his beloved was beyond blasphemous and filled him with unimaginable rage; making him want to give Cedric a slow and painful death instead.
To him, Cecilia Seraphina Reginald was the closest humanity has attained to godliness. The passion she projected in her art and the fire that burned behind her eyes is enough to drive anyone to insanity . She used the sword as if it was an extension of her own body and where most fought with the crude desperation , every movement of her body was deliberate and precise as if she was floating like a butterfly through the air. With each step, she seemed to move through space and time, transcending the boundaries between ordinary and extraordinary. Each slash and strike was like a paint stroke on canvas, drawing a picture of beauty and grace in motion. Her raven hair striking a beautiful contrast against her emerald eyes . Even when her father burnt the side of her face , it barely obscured her beauty. Atticus had seen her in sickness and in health. At what she considered her worst, to his eyes — she was far more enchanting than any of the excessively powdered noble ladies he’d seen in court . There is something religious about the way he adored her. There never was a God in Atticus's life. No one deserved that title after what life had thrown at him since he was little.
He remembered the first day they met when she fended off the third prince bullying Atticus at their first day at the Royal Academy. She never once discriminated against for being an illegitimate child of the emperor. Atticus was born as a result of acts of cruelty on an elite battle mage of an enemy nation who was taken by the previous emperor as spoils of war. Despite his actions, the emperor never even bothered to officially make her his concubine so Atticus’ status in the Royal Palace was akin to that of a servant’s. Throughout his childhood, he had been a prince solely in name. His entire life, everyone looked at him as if he was some sort of abomination — except her. Despite that the dignified and legendary duke’s only daughter, the lady with the highest status after the empress and princesses themselves, when faced disapproval for befriending the emperor’s bastard, she never once turned her back on him. And not necessarily because she was kind but because it was the right thing to do. Cecily was first person in Atticus’ life who made him believe that he was worth being treated as a human.
“What have you become Atticus ? We could’ve—”
“We could’ve what exactly ? Huh ? There was no other way. And you know it.” Atticus spat out through gritted teeth, a look of abject misery flashed by Cecily’s face. He was right, unless there had been some great power intervention there was no way he could become king. It didn’t matter if the most elite swordsmaster or the nouveau rich nobles that supported him, he could never get past the old nobility and the six legitimate pure blooded princes.
“What is worth it ?” She asked with her words dying by the end of the sentence. For a moment, she felt as though she was back when they were kids and how he would talk about making them pay. No rebels or tyrants, no duty or thirst for power — just as Ces and Atty .
Something in Atticus’ snapped as he gripped her wrist tighter,“ Better than anything I ever imagined. They always acted so high and mighty, you should’ve seen how they grovelled and begged . It was worth it, all of it.”
“Was it worth losing me ?” Cecily knew she shouldn’t have asked something she didn’t want him to answer. She knew she shouldn’t have crossed that line. She shouldn’t have because she knew the answer. But she had to— in order to move on, to let him go, to fulfil her duty and destiny.
“I haven’t lost you” Out of all the responses he could’ve given , this was the least expected. Did he truly believe that ? Cecily searched his face for any signs of fallacy or trickery but found none. Her mouth fell open in disbelief and after composing herself she asked ,“ What makes you say that ?”
“The way I feel for you.” He answered without even skipping a beat. Cecily scoffed internally, the way he felt for her ? What a jest. It was common knowledge that the starting price for dark magic is a person’s humanity. Dark magicians were known to not be able to feel anything let alone remorse or guilt .
“That’s not true. You can’t feel anything.” She jeered at him. Atticus didn’t respond and twirled and lifted her into the air in accordance to the rhythm of the waltz. His lack of reaction almost made her think that he didn’t hear what she said, she opened her mouth to say that again but was cut off by his reply ,“Contrary to popular beliefs my darling , dark magic doesn’t completely deprive a person of all emotion. It merely diminishes emotions that were present in silvers and amplifies the most emotions felt by the person. In short, the user becomes absolutely sure of what they feel and what they want. Anger becomes rage , sadness becomes despair , fear becomes horror and love becomes –” As he spoke, he pressed his lips against her hand. She can feel the heat of his breath in the centre of her palm ,“ — unbridled obsession.” Cecily breath hitched as he moved his lips up her wrist to her palm again, tracing her veins with his lips.
"Pray tell, is that how it went ? Your barter of soul with a devil for dominion only to find yourself upon the throne, consumed by anguish not because you killed your family but rather by the realization that your affection for me would impede your ambitions ?"
Atticus got closer to her. His eyes were locked on hers, and his lips had a slight twitch to them. Lust. He was never the type to give into such base urges, but in the her presence - he craved her. A part of him hated this feeling even more than her tormenting comments. If only he could kill her and rid himself of this weakness of the flesh. “You aren’t far from it . You know I never understood the appeal my father saw in my mother but I guess I do see it now. Fiesty enemy general that just refuses to concede and all.”
“And here I thought you said you were never going to be anything like your father. I guess you kings are doomed to repeat failures of your predecessors. After all the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” He absentmindedly hummed in response to her words as if neither agreeing nor disagreeing. His eyes were fixated on his thumb caressing her wrist, Cecily noticed it and tilted her head to her side as if silently asking ‘what’re you thinking ?’
“You aren’t wrong my darling. Maybe I am the same as him. But it doesn’t matter anymore. I have everything I wanted. Except for a couple things and I don’t intend on stopping until I’ve got them.” Atticus’ eyes gleamed with a glint of great impending danger. He paused for a second as if debating whether he should disclose his plans or not but in the festive atmosphere decided the former. “You’re quite a stubborn little thing you know. I wonder if I were to incapacitate you from wielding the blade ever again, would your resolve shatter ? All the princes are dead, there’s no one to succeed me. I’ve made sure of it. Who would you crown king after me ?” He wondered if he chopped her wrists off so that she couldn’t use her sword again, would she stop resisting then ? Or perhaps if he snapped her ankles then maybe she wouldn’t be able to run away ?
“Incapacitate me ? You think you could do that ?” Albeit Cecily knew she was playing with fire, she wanted to see to what limits she could provoke him before he took extreme measures. They were playing a dangerous game. Both were waiting for the other to make a mistake, to lose their cool and to drop the civil facade and settle the score .
Others might see Atticus as this stone cold man with no feelings, but his heart was beating loud and clear in his chest, seemingly for one purpose. He hoped that his emotional conflict would clear out once he made the deal but it didn’t help. Not one bit. He often found his eyes subconsciously searching for the familiar figure in the crowds of people he’d address every day, wanting nothing more than to reach out and have her with him again. The scent of her skin and the light lavender fragrance haunted him as he tried to sleep, the vivid image of her following him in his dreams. If it were up to him, he’d drag her to the church alter this very moment and make good on the wedding gown she was wearing. He knew she wore that to mock his guilty conscience, that is if he had any left.
“I have my knights stationed at every corner of the ballroom. One action and they’ll attack.”
“You think fresh recruits could even hold a candle against a swordmaster ?” She was right, no matter how trained they would never able to best her. The only one who stood a chance against her skill was he himself. No one else.
He chuckled at her spirit, it was one of the things he adored most about her. “No. Not really.” Cecily smiled with a victorious expression but at the same time she knew if he were to use his magic, things were bound to get messy. Although not their own, but much blood would be spilt and in a room full of the empire’s finest — it wasn’t a risk she was willing to take.
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a/n 2.0 – After reading this my current writing seems so crappy wtf. I guess there is a reason this took three months to write. Tho good to know I couldn’t articulate my thoughts well enough to make a respectable plot even back then. Sorry for the abrupt ending, tumblr kept glitching so I had to split it in two. I’ll upload pt.2 in a week.
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zb1-minjun · 4 months
ZB1 10th Member
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Stage Name: Min Jun (민준)
Birth Name: Hyeon Min Jun (현민준)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: December 23, 2006 (12/23/06)
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog
Height: 175 cm (5’9)
Weight: 68.5 kg (151 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Representative Emoji: 🐭🐣
Nationality: Korean
- His hometown is Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi, South Korea
- Family: Mother, Father, Older Sister
- He dropped out of school after his 7th grade in order to be a full time trainee
- His current company is Star Empire Entertainment
- Minjun used to be a trainee at TS Entertainment and Media Line Entertainment before joining Star Empire Entertainment
- Minjun’s training period was 4 years before joining Boys Planet
- His role models are BTS’s Jungkook, SHINee’s Taemin, and TVXQ
- His favourite singers are Sam Kim, Eric Nam, Taeyeon, and IU
- His hobbies include singing, listening to music, reading, and video editing
- Minjun has a habit of chewing his nails and spacing out when he’s anxious or bored
- Minjun has an incredibly bad memory sometimes which can really frustrate others around him but also himself
- He says that his brain is already at full capacity because it is filled with song titles and artists
- Minjun wants to learn other languages in the future but currently finds it extremely difficult
- Eating seafood and meat makes him nauseous so he does not eat it often
- He loves spicy food and hates sweet food
- Minjun describes himself as a homebody
- His favourite song is Love Me by Gaho
- He had 1,263,479 votes in the Boys Planet final earning him 9th place
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homomenhommes · 4 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … January 21
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1870 – Kurt Martens was a novelist and short fiction writer, born in Leipzig, Germany.
While German writer Kurt Martens wrote numerous novels and novella-length works during his career, he remains best known for his literary friendship with novelist Thomas Mann. In the early part of Martens's career, he and Mann shared thoughts about writing and shared admiration for each other; Mann even dedicated his well-known novella Tonio Kröger to Martens as a token of their camaraderie. Gradually, however, as Mann's star rose and Martens's fell, the friendship faded.
Martens was born in the city of Leipzig. His parents were wealthy; Martens came from "a patrician and conservative home." He was educated thoroughly at boarding school, though he later described his schooldays in harrowing terms.
In the first volume of his autobiography he writes of the harmful effect his upbringing in boarding schools had had upon him. Some of the teachers had been excellent; but the headmaster was unaware of what went on outside the classroom, and Martens had early been introduced to homosexual practices. These involvements, however much Martens claims to regret them, are recounted with a great deal more ardor in his autobiography than are his later heterosexual adventures and the vague and hasty story of his engagement and marriage.
In 1895, Martens moved to Dresden to begin a legal career, but a year later he decided to focus wholly on his writing. In 1896, he began to compose his first and best novel, Roman aus der Décadence, a semi-autobiographical story about Just, a young trainee in the Leipzig court system.
After his first success, the remainder of the author's career proved to be anticlimactic. Though as a young editor Thomas Mann had accepted a story of Martens's for his magazine, Simplicissimus, Mann became increasingly critical of Martens's work.
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Martens continued to write about the same subject that had initially interested him: the conflict between wealth and birth.
After Dresden was bombed during World War II, two of Martens's manuscripts, along with his household, perished in flames, and he committed suicide in the ruins of his home shortly after.
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1885 – Duncan Grant (d.1978) was one of the major British artists of the twentieth century, as well as the sexual catalyst of that remarkable group of friends, the Bloomsbury Circle, which included, among others, writer Lytton Strachey and economist John Maynard Keynes, who were to be among Grant's lovers.
Born Duncan James Corrow Grant in Scotland into an artistically cultivated Scottish family prominent in governing the British empire, Grant as a child recognized his attraction to other boys and actively sought out sexual encounters with them.
Grant spent his childhood in India but returned to Britain in 1893. He travelled to Paris in 1906, where he studied with Jacques-Emile Blanche and became acquainted with Picasso and other influential artists of the time. In 1910, he returned to England to exhibit as a post-impressionist and then experimented with abstraction.
Famous for his use of color, he was called "the Matisse of Britain." His career flourished and his work was widely commissioned and collected by patrons, including Queen Elizabeth (the late Queen Mother), as well as by museums throughout the world.
Soon after World War II, the abstract school triumphed. Nevertheless, Grant had begun painting in a representational style, where his unabashed depictions of the male figure declared his sexual preference.
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Bathers by the Pond
Throughout his life, Grant produced homoerotic sketches and paintings. When he was commissioned to decorate the Russell Chantry in Lincoln Cathedral in the late 1950s, he used his lover, the youthful, blond, physically beautiful Paul Roche, as the model for the face and body of Christ.
Despite the oppressiveness of British law and social attitudes condemning homosexuality, Grant lived openly as a gay man. "Never be ashamed," he liked to say. He remarked that his moral sensibility came from the Regency period, the pre-Victorian era noted for its relaxed sexual mores.
Although unabashedly homosexual in orientation, Grant was the object of desire of men and women alike. The painter Vanessa Bell, for example, with whom Grant and her husband art critic Clive Bell, shared a Sussex farmhouse for many years, fell in love with him.
Grant reluctantly yielded when she climbed into bed with him. She became pregnant and, in 1918, gave birth to a daughter she named Angelica. Grant neither acknowledged nor denied his paternity. However, when Angelica was a teenager, Vanessa told her that Grant was her father.
The young woman was traumatized with outrage and bitterness. After her mother's revelation, Angelica initiated an affair with and later married writer David Garnett, whom she knew to have been Grant's lover at the time of her conception.
Grant died peacefully on May 9, 1978, at the age of 92, in the arms of his companion, the poet Paul Roche. Grant's will divided his estate, including the copyrights to his work, between Roche and Angelica Garnett.
Unfortunately, Garnett has used this power to restrict and generally deny permission to reproduce Grant's work. As a result, the artist remains something of a ghostly figure, despite the resurgent interest in representational art and the perennial fascination with Bloomsbury.
In 2020, an extraordinary stash of more than 400 erotic drawings by Duncan Grant that was long thought to have been destroyed came to light, secretly passed down over decades from friend to friend and lover to lover.
In the 1940s and 50s Grant made hundreds of drawings, many of them explicit and often influenced by Greco-Roman traditions as well as contemporary physique magazines.
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One of the sketches
In May 1959, Grant gave his friend Edward le Bas a folder marked “these drawings are very private”. The mythology in Bloomsbury circles is that the drawings were later destroyed, probably by Le Bas’s sister. That was that, until Nathaniel Hepburn, the director of Charleston, the beautiful Sussex farmhouse Grant and Vanessa Bell called home, was contacted with an offer of the drawings.
The offer came from the retired theatre designer Norman Coates, who for years stored the drawings in plastic folders under his bed.
Coates said the drawings were “extraordinary, so in your face. You can’t avoid them. When I’ve occasionally brought them out to show selected friends after dinner, after the initial ‘My God’ exclamation at these very explicit drawings, they mellow … the sexual element really doesn’t dominate.
“It is the painting and the skill of his drawing and the aesthetic of it which negates the sexiness of them. It becomes irrelevant that the subject is what it is … it is a very odd feeling. It just becomes a beautiful collection of pictures.”
Coates was left the drawings by his partner, Mattei Radev, who died in 2009. Radev, a Bloomsbury mainstay who as a younger man had had a secret and tortured affair with E.M. Forster, was left them by Eardley Knollys, who died in 1991.
Knollys, who ran the influential Storran gallery in London and had an affair with Jean Cocteau, was given them by Le Bas, a painter. Le Bas was given them by Grant, a man who the economist John Maynard Keynes briefly thought might be the love of his life.
Hepburn said the drawings were often explicit fantasies but, as a whole, they were something more. “They are, I think, a body of work that talks of love. Of course at a time they were made, that is a love that was illegal,” he said. “He was never able to share the works. How we see them now will be very different.”
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1895 – The best known Spanish fashion designer, Cristóbal Balenciaga was born (d.1972). Regarded as the master of fashion, his classic designs inspired the fashion industry throughout most of the twentieth century and continue to exert influence.
Born in Guetaria, near San Sebastian, Spain, Cristóbal Balenciaga Eisaguirre was the son of a fisherman. He studied needlework and dressmaking with his mother until 1910. In 1915, he established his own tailoring business under the sponsorship of Marquesa de Casa Torres. By the early 1930s he had established a reputation as Spain's leading couturier. Following the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, Balenciaga closed his three couture houses and left Spain. After a brief stay in London, Balenciaga settled in Paris and in 1937 opened The House of Balenciaga on Avenue George V.
Balenciaga never married. This fact, coupled with his career in fashion, has led to speculation and rumors about his sexuality. A deeply private man, he never discussed his personal life publicly. One particular incident reported by writer Jacqueline Demornex may, however, throw a little light on his sexuality. After an argument between the couturier Coco Chanel and Balenciaga, Chanel allegedly made the following observation to a mutual friend: "It is obvious that he dislikes them (women); look at the way he conceals blouses under suits, just to expose the wrinkles in their necks." Inasmuch as such charges are frequently made against gay male designers, Demornex ponders why Chanel attacked Balenciaga in such a way: was it his age, his way of dressing women, or his private life?
So flattering were Balenciaga's creations that women often ordered more than one of each design so that they could wear one while the other was being cleaned or so they could keep one at each of their houses. Remembered as a master of black, Balenciaga often favored a muted palette of colors, especially a combination of black and brown, inspired by the traditional dress of his native Spain. Spain was also the source and inspiration for his use of lace, his heavy embroidery with jet-encrusted trimmings, as well as the brilliant whites and the drama and dignity of stiff formal fabrics reminiscent of those painted by Goya and Velásquez.
In 1968 Balenciaga closed his business rather than see it compromised in a fashion era he did not respect. He retired to Spain and died in 1972.
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1905 – Fashion designer and icon Christian Dior was born on this date (d.1957). He was born in Granville, Manche, Normandy, France, the younger son of Maurice Dior, a manufacturer of fertilizer and chemicals, and his wife, the former Madeleine Martin. Dior had an elder brother, Raymond, whose daughter was the Nazi sympathizer Françoise Dior. Acceding to his parents' wishes, Dior attended the Ecole des Sciences Politiques from 1920 to 1925. The family, whose fortune was derived from the manufacture of fertilizer, had hopes he would become a diplomat, but Dior only wished to be involved in the arts. After leaving school he received money from his father so that in 1928 he could open a small art gallery, where he sold art by the likes of Pablo Picasso and Max Jacob. After a family financial disaster that resulted in his father losing his business, Dior was forced to shut down the gallery.
In the 1930s Dior made a living by doing sketches for haute couture houses. In 1938 he worked with Robert Piguet and later joined the fashion house of Lucien Lelong, where he and Pierre Balmain were the primary designers. In 1945 he went into business for himself, backed by Marcel Boussac, the cotton-fabric magnate. Dior's fashion house opened in December 1946, and the following February, he presented his first collection, known as Corolle. It was more famously known as the New Look. The actual phrase the "New Look" was coined by Carmel Snow, the powerful editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar. Dior's designs were more voluptuous than the boxy, fabric-conserving shapes of the recent World War II styles, influenced by the rations on fabric. He was a master at creating shapes and silhouettes; Dior is quoted as saying "I have designed flower women." His look employed fabrics lined predominantly with percale, boned, bustier-style bodices, hip padding, wasp-waisted corsets and petticoats that made his dresses flare out from the waist, giving his models a very curvaceous form. The hem of the skirt was very flattering on the calves and ankles, creating a beautiful silhouette. Initially, women protested because his designs covered up their legs, which they had been unused to because of the previous limitations on fabric. There was also some backlash to Dior's designs form due to the amount of fabrics used in a single dress or suit--during one photo shoot in a Paris market, the models were attacked by female vendors over the profligacy of their dresses--but opposition ceased as the wartime shortages ended. The New Look revolutionized women's dress and reestablished Paris as the center of the fashion world after World War II.
Dior died at the health spa town Montecatini. Some reports say that he died of a heart attack after choking on a fish bone. Time magazine's obituary stated that he died of a heart attack after playing a game of cards. However, the Paris socialite and Dior acquaintance Alexis von Rosenberg, Baron de Rédé stated in his memoirs that contemporary rumor had it that the fashion designer succumbed to a heart attack after a strenuous sexual encounter with two young men. His companion, at the time of his death, was an Algerian-born singer, Jacques Benita.
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1959 – Antonio D'Amico is an Italian model and fashion designer.
D'Amico was born in Mesagne, in the Italian province of Brindisi, and later lived in Milan. He was hired as a part-time office administrator for his first job. He met Gianni Versace in 1982, and the couple eventually embarked on a long-term relationship that lasted 15 years, until Versace's murder in 1997. During that time, he worked as designer for the Versace Sport line. D'Amico now runs his own fashion design company.Versace's will left D'Amico with a pension of 50 million lira a month for life, and the right to live in any of Versace's homes in Italy and the United States. However, since the properties that were left to D'Amico in Gianni's will actually belonged to the company, the homes belonged to Versace's sister Donatella, brother Santo, and his niece, Allegra after his death. After working out agreements with lawyers, D'Amico obtained a fraction of the pension and a restricted right to live in Gianni's properties. D'Amico's relations with the rest of the Versace family have not always been easy; Donatella said in March 1999,
"My relationship with Antonio is exactly as it was when Gianni was alive. I respected him as the boyfriend of my brother, but I never liked him as a person. So the relationship stayed the same."
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1966 – Time Magazine publishes an unsigned two-page article, "The Homosexual in America." The article includes statements such as "[Homosexuality] is a pathetic little second-rate substitute for reality, a pitiable flight from life. . . . it deserves no encouragement . . . no pretense that it is anything but a pernicious sickness."
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2013 – President Obama made the first mention of gay rights in a U.S. inaugural address. The text of President Obama’s Inauguration speech reads: "It is now our generation’s task to carry on what those pioneers began. [. . .] Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law — for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well."
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dio-icarticaae · 9 months
Recently rewatched Star Wars Resistance Season 2 Episode 3, "Live Fire", and it's such a good demonstration of all the various kinds of pilots in Resistance and how good the show is at illustrating the difference between them. There's subtle difference between all of the pilots of course, but there's two main really glaring distinctions: First Order vs Resistance/non First Order pilots, and Yeager & Kaz vs the Aces.
The difference between Yeager & Kaz and the Aces is really fascinating and also officially spells out one of the best subtle details in Resistance - Kaz is not as good at racing because of his combat pilot background that he still uses. Kaz struggles with racing flying throughout the show because he isn't a racer or thinking like a racing pilot - he's a combat pilot and he flies like one and thinks like one. And in reverse, the Aces aren't good in combat because In a race, every ace is capable of beating him handily. In a combat scenario? Kaz and Yeager pick them off effortlessly because that the kind of piloting they are best at and have been taught. Kaz loses races all the time, but in situations like in the first season fighting the sea monster? Kaz is clearly far more at ease with flying in that situation than the Aces. And the race later in the season 2? Kaz wins that not only because of the knowledge gained about the course through watching the Aces fail to go through it, but also because what with the mines, being shot at, etc., it's more of a combat situation and that's what Kaz is good at.
Sidenote - I always find it fun that Griff is the one who is most apprehensive about their chances in the training exercise. It makes sense; having been in the Empire he's well aware of what Rebellion pilots were capable of working together and he knows this will not end well for the Aces.
A minor addition to that is the difference between Yeager and Kaz as pilots is one of experience and leadership skills. Yeager's a Rebellion veteran, and you can tell - he's comfortable with being in command and giving orders to his fellow pilots in a way that Kaz isn't. He's also a little more adaptable to strange circumstances such as a giant creature trying to eat them - he saw a lot of wild things during the Rebellion so he's (less) phased than Kaz. Yeager as a pilot is who Kaz could be in the future.
The other main difference in pilots is, of course, the difference in how the First Order treats its pilots in training and how the Resistance/literally everyone else does and "Live Fire" does a great job of showing those. Yeager is so matter of fact when says of course they're not going to use live fire on each other. For the Aces, it's a given that they wouldn't be practicing with live fire because why would they? One of them could get hurt/their ship could get destroyed and that would not be good. And what's really to be gained from it?
In contrast, the First Order doesn't care if they lose a trainee in an exercise because of "friendly" fire - in fact that's preferable through some kind of "survival of the fittest" mindset. Tam preventing Rucklin's TIE from crashing into the Star Destroyer bridge also prevents a possible catastrophe and shows that she's a good pilot with good leadership skills - but because she shows compassion she loses squad leader.
Tam doesn't fit in the First Order survival of the fittest mold and it's a very early indication that Tam will leave the First Order - she's not like them and she could never be because her first instinct is to help her fellow pilots instead of leave them for dead, and that makes her a better person and pilot than any of them could ever be.
"Live Fire" does a great job of showing all of this and that's definitely a part of why it's one of my favorite Resistance episodes!
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gemininc · 1 year
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   &.&.      ★ ˖ ﹙  MEET THE STARZ.  ﹚  𝄒      ...        
affectionately nicknamed the, "gemini starz", this group of idols are the company's all-star lineup. as the most in/famous trainees to make it out of the conglomerate, these starz are as gemini as it gets. often seen giving each other the cold shoulder in between collab stages, get to know the idols that have managed to hold their own in the gemini empire.
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✶ ۫    MABEL  CHEN ,      vocalist & center.
## STAGE NAME — mabel
## LABEL — apricus / kalon : the sound
## GROUP — re:nova ❪ 2016 ❫
## TRAINING PERIOD — five years
## YEARS ACTIVE — 2016 - present
## BEST KNOWN FOR — social media presence
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BIO. › thee original it girl. started off as a beauty/lifestyle youtuber in high school and somehow got scouted by claudia and karin in 2011. being a scouted trainee, she went through the company's most rigorous training before they decided she would be a vocalist. her transparency and star power online have carried her to prominence within both china and south korea. as a result of her online presence, she was the first member announced to be part of apricus' experimental fan-controlled girl group, re:nova. since her debut, mabel has never been anything short of the group's most famous member, being voted into every comeback lineup since 2016. perhaps most notably, mabel is best known for her digital web series featuring other gemini idols focused on fashion, beauty, and wellness.
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✶ ۫    NIKOM  KASEMSARN ,      vocalist, rapper, dancer.
## STAGE NAME — carter
## LABEL — apricus / studio avos
## GROUP — avos ❪ 2014 ❫
## TRAINING PERIOD — two years
## YEARS ACTIVE — 2013 - present
## BEST KNOWN FOR — acting
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BIO. › there's a good reason why carter is often labeled the favorite of the avos boys. he's a hard worker who doesn't take his success lightly. while his work ethic is often used as an excuse for his attitude problem, it's quite clear he takes everything quite seriously. despite originally joining gemini as an actor, he proved his triple threat status by landing an idol trainee slot without an audition. being the first trainee chosen to participate in the survival show generation: avos in 2013, carter was consistently ranked first of all participants, securing the first position within the final group. being conceited was a small price to pay in exchange for the brand deals and castings that have followed carter since his debut in 2014.
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✶ ۫    DOYUN  HAN ,      dancer, rapper, center.
## STAGE NAME — doyun
## LABEL — apricus / kalon : the sound
## GROUP — salted.caviar ❪ 2017 ❫
## TRAINING PERIOD — four years
## YEARS ACTIVE — 2017 - present
## BEST KNOWN FOR — choreography
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BIO. › doyun has the purest heart with the purest love for the things he cares about. he famously auditioned three times before finally being accepted as a trainee. has worked his ass off to be where he is. also, a classically trained cellist just to add to his many talents. he trained for four years and appeared on avos' survival show but didn't make the final cut before being finally placed in kalon's first group: salted.caviar. he was kind of a late bloomer when it came to proving his belonging within the group and gradually become a fan favorite as he gained confidence. aside from being the label's second-most accredited choreographer, he's salted.caviar's main composer, and most famously the perfect boyfriend.
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✶ ۫    QUINTON  ONG ,      drummer.
## STAGE NAME — quinton
## LABEL — solaria gardens / 7.25° noise
## GROUP — chaos theory ❪ 2012 ❫
## YEARS ACTIVE — 2012 - present
## BEST KNOWN FOR — composing
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BIO. › truly the only reason chaos theory is the global hit that it is, quinton's drumming has been compared to rock and roll legends. but his musical talent isn't the only reason he's become the face of solaria and gemini, but his visuals also garnered a lot of attention towards the group. although he's somewhat private on social media, his charisma is never one to beat, being that of a golden retriever, and he's beloved by many. not only that but he also has produced and composed dozens of backtracks for groups in his label, and is considered one of the top composers in the korean music industry as of right now.
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✶ ۫    MARGARETTA "PEARL"  YOUNG ,      rapper & face.
## STAGE NAME — pearl
## LABEL — solaria gardens
## GROUP — skeptique ❪ 2013 ❫
## TRAINING PERIOD — six months
## YEARS ACTIVE — 2013 - present
## BEST KNOWN FOR — talk show
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BIO. › the talk show host herself, pearl wasn't famous from the get go. instead, she went from being the sweet innocent maknae of her former group, to the honorary leader of skeptique. after becoming a fan favourite through skeptique's variety show, pearl launched her own youtube series and podcast called "moon down" where she talks about anything and everything, and eventually came out through the podcast. in its second season, pearl started having guests from all realms of the entertainment world, including gemini idols, the ceo's, choreographers, and music video directors. pearl showed the public the reality of stardom.
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✶ ۫    YUA  NIIKURA ,      vocalist.
## STAGE NAME — yua
## LABEL — solaria gardens
## GROUP — skeptique ❪ 2013 ❫
## TRAINING PERIOD — three months
## YEARS ACTIVE — 2015 - present
## BEST KNOWN FOR — social media presence
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BIO. › yua's fame was always strong. originally known as the ice queen, yua was an olympic protege until winning gold in women's skating in the 2014 winter olympics. only a month after the olympics, yua quit asking and had her manager contact gemini for an audition and was placed straight into solaria gardens for her audition, which was rare compared to the rest of her trainee class. yua debuted in skeptique in 2015 and became one of the group's most popular faces. yua's stardom was quick and she launched her youtube channel "idol with yua" which was mostly vlogs of her idol life. yua's vlogs not only captured her own life but all of her friends and idols that weren't usually shown in the limelight.
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Cold comfort
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By Steve Pratt    28th November 2013   (X)
CHARLIE COX is no stranger to period projects with movies The Merchant Of Venice with Al Pacino, Casanova alongside Heath Ledger, and Stardust opposite Claire Danes, as well as TV series Boardwalk Empire to his name.
The one-off 1970s espionage thriller Legacy might be another period piece, but he is at least moving forward through the decades. “It’s the most modern I have ever done,” he says.
Based on the novel by Alan Judd, the story is set in 1974 in the middle of the Cold War, when Cox’s character, Charles, joins MI6 as a trainee spy. “He has come from the Royal Engineers, which means he would have been posted in Belfast in the mid-1960s, and the back story we have mostly invented is that he was in the bomb disposal unit and probably lost his best friend,” says Cox.
“Because of that, he wanted to become more involved in what is referred to as ‘the front line of the war’, be it the Cold War or Northern Ireland, and saw the move to MI6 as being part of that.”
He is still training when asked to revive his former friendship with Viktor Koslov (Andrew Scott), a Russian diplomat he knew at university, with a view to “turning” him. But Viktor has his own agenda and reveals a shocking truth about Charles’ family that threatens to derail him personally and professionally.
“Andrew Scott happens to be one of my favourite actors of all time,” says Cox of the Olivier Award-winning star, who plays Moriarty in the Sherlock series.
“I had never met him, but we have the same agent, and I got his number and sent a text saying, ‘I really hope we get to work with each other’. Six months later, this came up.”
He knows another of his co-stars, Romola Garai, who plays fellow agent Anna, extremely well because he introduced her to his best friend, Sam Hoare, and the two now have a daughter together.
“Before I found out she was going to be doing it, I got a text from him saying, ‘Buddy, you’re going to be kissing my wife’.” Cox says.
In preparation, Cox watched “a few cool documentaries about the period” and understands the enduring fascination with the Cold War. “The fact that there wasn’t any actual fighting [in the West] is really intriguing,” he says.
“And I know in my life, impending doom is so much worse than something actually happening, because when it does, you can rationalise it in some way and take some action. “But when you are waiting for something that could happen, your mind goes into all the different scenarios, and living with that [creates] a sense of vulnerability.”
He has a small but pivotal role in a movie with the working title Dracula Untold under way. “Yes, more vampires, obviously we are not bored of them yet – or maybe we are,” he says. “I am only doing two scenes, but it is a bit different for me, very evil. He is described as the father of all vampires. Other than that, I am not sure what’s coming up.”
Maybe something contemporary? “Oh yeah,” says Cox. “I’d love to say ‘Mate’ in a movie.”
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shenrickyz · 10 months
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— (。・-・) just a stupid joke, character guide!
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キ THE LDF (lee dongwook fan club) ─ a group of six friends, who are, if were being honest, surprisingly compatible despite being insanely different from each other. in an almost idiotic move, the rich bitch of the group decides to audition the six of them for an mnet survival show, and that's how they got into this horrible situation!
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⌗ EUN YIJOON﹙bang bang — k'naan﹚
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𓏲ִ 𓂃 . ✦ 00 liner. aquarius. korean. that one person whose always stressed out. seriously tell his friends to stop getting into danger. he has a bachelor of fine arts degree in music education (#smartass).
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⌗ HAYASHI MAKOTO﹙ai wo tsutaetaidatoka — aimyon﹚
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𓏲ִ 𓂃 . ✦ 01 liner. sagittarius. japanese. sometimes he talks too much and doesn't realize what he's saying. he is also very very honest. can play pretty much any instrument.
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⌗ JO SIWON﹙rich girl — gwen stefani﹚
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𓏲ִ 𓂃 . ✦ 01 liner. taurus. korean. crazy rich in a cartoonish way. the king of self hatred. trust and believe this man does have serious moments they're just uncommon.
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⌗ LIN ZIHAN﹙break it off — pinkpantheress﹚
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𓏲ִ 𓂃 . ✦ 00 liner. leo. chinese. he's calm but he's constantly suffering in his mind. it's obvious he's one of the oldest. a former star empire ent trainee (do not mention them around him).
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⌗ KANG HAEJIN﹙go big or go home — enhypen﹚
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𓏲ִ 𓂃 . ✦ 02 liner. scorpio. korean. he has twin corgis who he'll kill for. somehow the maknae. literally saturn's number one enemy! (he pushes his buttons like no other).
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⌗ TRẦN KHÔI 'SATURN' SINH﹙snuff — slipknot﹚
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𓏲ִ 𓂃 . ✦ 00 liner. virgo. vietnamese-american. the only person allowed to call him by his birth name is his mom. he plays the guitar. haejin's number one hater! (it's true).
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✦⸼࣪⸳ 𓂃 TAGLIST !? ─ @junjiie, @gunwookiez, @scrrra, @tocupid
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lesbianmikenesmith · 6 months
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More info below:
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Most commonly known in short as BTS but the full name is Bangtan Sonyeondan 'Bulletproof Boy Scouts'
Longevity: 2010-present, multiple members are currently serving/enlisted and have signed contracts to reunite in 2025.
Audition Process: Big Hit Entertainment CEO Bang Si-hyuk wanted to form a hip hop group around RM (Kim Nam-joon) who was a well-known yet underground rapper at the time. Bang, seeing more potential in an idol group decided to hold auditions to fill out the group with unique personalities. Those made it past auditions, then went on to live together, practicing up to 15 hours a day, and performing for the first time together before a small crowd of industry insiders in 2013.
TV Show: Beginning in 2013, BTS Rookie King: Channel Bangtan (신인왕 방탄소년단-채널방탄) is the variety television series by boy group BTS. The variety show features the members of BTS parodying different television programs and commercials.
Music: Initially more hip hop based due to band members RM and Suga's background as underground rappers. BTS has also expanded to experiment with R&B, rock, jazz hip hop, EDM, tropical house, future bass, Latin pop, slow-dance ballads, emo rap, Afro pop, funk, trap, pop rock, and hip pop and disco.
Management: Manager Bang Si-hyuk has received many accolades for his role in turning K-pop into a global pop music culture. An interesting anecdote I found on his wiki: "Bang expressed that in the West, there exists a fantasy where good music comes only from rock stars who act true to their individuality. An artist in the West usually works under the radar for many years before getting picked up by a major label. In Korea, more time is spent as a trainee, and good performances can appeal to an audience as well as original music can. It cannot be said for certain which system is better.
Public Perception: Do i even need to say? Everyone is aware of this band rn.
Boy Bands/Idols in the modern era: BTS have made some references to The Beatles and their global impact has been compared many times to Beatlemania. However, BTS's unique rise was facilitated by a great increase in music video programming and consumption on YouTube and the coming of an idol empire, including merchandising of nonmusical products, games, and fantasy fiction, as well as an expansion of online music fandom. This surely can't be compared back to The Monkees and the use of music video programming, marketing, fabrication of image for purposes of merchandising non-musical products, right?
Anyways to end this off, here's a 25 min video from their youtube channel from 5 years ago before they were about to go on their first world tour if this in any way helps you to vote on the poll:
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Another proof that Rebels is one of the best Star Wars media: the complexity in the depiction of the Imperials. Ramble below the cut-
Disclaimer: I'm sticking to what we see on the show for this.
The Empire that we see in Rebels isn't entirely made up of faceless, generic evil dudes. Sure, the stormtroopers exist to get knocked out, but we're shown what they were before the Empire forced all humanity out of them. We have three particular scenes featuring the Imperial Academy:
Sabine's comments to Hera that one of the reasons she left the Academy was because they didn't let her "ask questions" or allow natural curiosity (Out of Darkness)
The encouragement of animosity and mean-spirited competition among the cadets (Breaking Ranks)
The forbidding of both individuality and the formation of friendships between trainees by insisting that they refer to each other by their com numbers and not their names (The Antilles Extraction)
You get the picture- become a cog in the machine, become as uniform and undistinguishable from each other as you can. It's a recurring theme in pretty much every fascist government in fiction- make their equivalent of "Big Brother" the only thing its recruits are loyal to, because they rarely have anything else left to their identity, especially in the lower ranks. And after all this, if any spark of humanity does remain, it's violently suppressed, because if the Empire isn't what you thought it was, did you waste your life and make others' lives much worse? No, that's not a possibility you want to entertain. And the show offers a great alternative- join up with your nearest Rebel cell today, we'll let you personalise your X-wings! Ideals obviously play a part, but SWR also shows the personal factors that could lead to defection. You might just be one fighter in the entire Rebel Alliance, but you're still valued for who you are.
As we get higher up the ladder, all this either turns into arrogance and sycophancy (Admiral Konstantine, Lt. Lyste), or a fiercer loyalty despite everything (Governor Pryce, ultimately).
Minister Tua is a great non-military representative of the Empire, a strangely lacking category in the canon shows. Here, more than ever, we see that it's just regular people running the administrative show. She's proud and a little neurotic (who wouldn't be once GM Tarkin shows up), but she's working for Lothal in the end- the whole philosophical debate of good vs evil and Jedi vs Sith is not applicable to any of her decisions. She's loyal to the Empire, but not above her considerations fro her own life.
Once Tarkin's drastic methods open her eyes to the true nature of the Empire, she realises that she's been deliberately blind to the nefarious intentions of the Emperor. This, of course, leads to her being considered weak, and disposed of in the most strategic way possible; but I think it brings up a good point of view- while most of the SW protagonists and antagonists will defend their cause/power/what have you to the death, it's actually normal to be a little scared for your life and try to save yourself, or at least distance yourself from what is now clearly monstrous. It might be "cowardly", but it's also... a very understandable response. And the Empire has no place for it.
As an aside, it's interesting to note how Agent Kallus reacts to Vader's plan for the minister compared to Tarkin's brutal execution of those two Imperial Commanders. He's worked with both of them, but even the suggestion of disloyalty from Tua immediately flips some switch in his head. The executions visibly disgust him, (despite the whole pushing-a-stormtrooper-to-death incident, see below), but while he isn't exactly thrilled as he leads Tua into the trap, there's no lack of conviction that this was the right decision- she deserved it. Normally, this would be a sign of dedication and loyalty, but when all your virtues are warped by the fascist government pulling wool over your eyes...
On that topic, Agent Kallus' is the best character arc for this subject, and I like that he is portrayed as no-holds-barred ruthless in S1 and most of S2. Although the whole kicking one of your men into a canyon just because you're annoyed and humiliated is... not it. Really doesn't fit with his later characterisation to do that to his own soldiers. I know I'm overanalysing what was supposed to be a sort of joke but... yeah. Thankfully, he allows himself to think critically about his own situation, and analyse whether he's actually accomplishing what he expected the Empire would help him to. He doesn't entirely bury away his guilt over the attack on Lasan- at first, he taunts Zeb by overstating his part in it, and clearly revels in Zeb's anger, but during The Episode (The Honourable Ones), he reveals the truth of the matter, and opens himself, ever so slightly, to the opposite perspective. We also see a degree of idealism in him (and in many other minor, once Imperial-aligned characters) regarding the Empire, making it pretty clear that even those upholding it hold deluded views about its justice and principles; in short, they believe their own propaganda.
It's also made clear that his disillusionment and subsequent defection is only made possible by his relatively high position and the degree of autonomy he enjoyed. He's the Warrior in the Lasat legend, "creating his own destiny", but again, without access to the sort of information he has, and a job where you're allowed to think a little creatively, the realisation that you've lost your sense of honour is hard to come by. If only this same questioning was permitted for Maketh Tua, huh. Sorry, I feel bad for her, she didn't have the ISB training required not to make such an obvious plan. Then again, Vader was pulling the strings so she didn't stand a chance either way. Of course, having "the heart of a rebel" is at the core of it, and once we get past how the Empire's twisted them, we can see his courage, dedication, and ingenuity; but without the incident on the moon of Geonosis, all of those qualities, and all of his doubts about Thrawn's cruelty and complete indifference to civilian casualties probably wouldn't have translated into such a decisive break from the Empire. The chance to interact with a Rebel (and in this case one so closely tied to his own past), and see the strength of their resolve and ideals, becomes the determining factor.
As a short-term strategy, this de-individualisation and forced identification with the Empire works out well, but in the long run, it comes dangerously close to repeating the whole Clones-vs-droids debate (and Relics of the Old Republic settles the you'll-never-be-her between the Clones and Stormtroopers). Protocols can't compensate for passion, and if you're not encouraged to think creatively, or question strategies, you might win the battle, but not the war.
Apart from the fact that he's a brilliant and unscrupulous strategist, even Thrawn's success comes from how he manages to retain his identity- right from his uniform to his quarters and to his insistence on doing things his own way. He's already an alien in an organisation that discriminates against them, but it's his disregard of protocol in favour of a personal tactic and his ability to set himself apart that enables him to stay ahead of the Rebellion. He isn't lost in the fog of replaceable Imperial officers, and that's precisely the reason he's able to think differently from them.
To conclude this impeccably structured and definitely coherent essay, Rebels once again shows that going for the small-scale, vividly personal approach to galaxy-wide themes can show their moral complexity in a much more realistic (and still fun) manner.
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 11 months
Star Wars OC: Kikto
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@king-of-the-raves wanted to know more about my Ewok Jedi OC, so here we go!
(just to start off, this character exists in my personal Star Wars AU that combines elements of the Legends EU, the Disney Canon, various other bits of otherwise noncanon Star Wars media, and my own headcanons. other connected points of this Au can be seen here, here and here.)
Following the establishment of the New Republic, Endor signed on as a member system of the new galactic government. Despite this new participation in the galactic community, Endor remained a fairly low-tech world, the only significant establishment being a permanent spaceport established on the ruins of the stronghold of the Sanyassan Marauder king Terak. Regardless, many adventurous Ewoks gradually began to leave their homeworld and branch out into the wider galaxy. Kikto is one such fuzzball.
Born shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Kikto grew up in Bright Tree Village as a fairly typical Wokling, though he and his immediate family were fortunate enough to avoid getting directly caught up in the conflicts with the Sanyassans and the Empire. Growing up a cheerful and happy young Ewok, Kikto was curious and earnest to a fault, though his youthful naiveté would gradually grow into an exceedingly kind and optimistic Jedi. His Force-sensitivity began to manifest in the form of a strong affinity for the life of the forest, forming instinctual bonds with animals and promoting spontaneous growth in plant life. Sadly, this affinity tended to cause more trouble than help, leading to the youngster getting involved in various embarrassing mishaps that made him something of a misfit among his peers. Kikto's parents sent him to the village shaman Logray to help him control his mystic-like abilities, though the aged Ewok quickly deduced that his young charge would require a more specialized education. Aware that Luke Skywalker was in the process of setting up a new Jedi academy, Chief Kneesaa made arrangements for Kikto to accompany her to Coruscant where she could introduce him to the Jedi Master. Aware of his awkward home life, and eager to see what the galaxy was like beyond the trees, Kikto eagerly accepted Luke's offer to train at the Jedi Paraxeum.
While training on Yavin 4, Kikto quickly excelled in his Jedi training, getting better control over his natural talents and eagerly learning everything he could about the Force. In particular, he was drawn to studying Force abilities of a more clerical nature, as they were notably similar to the magics that the Ewoks had familiarized themselves with over the generations. Kikto was eventually apprenticed to the Lepi Jedi Lop Yasaburō, who encouraged him to nurture his affinity for nature. Ironically, despite his low-tech preferences and fascination with the arcane, Kikto grew to be close friends with his mechanically-inclined fellow trainee Rowan Freemaker, the pair forming an odd yet endearing balancing act. However, Kikto was also disturbed by the prevalence of various gangs of raiders and pirates preying on the weak, and he longed for the strength needed to protect people from those that would exploit them.
This drive would turn into an adventure following a resurgence of the Sanyassan Marauders, who traveled to Endor to pick up where the late Terak left off. Knowing that these Sanyassans were far more dangerous than their centurt-stranded comrades, Kikto returned home with Lop and fought to protect his people from being conquered and enslaved. Though the fight was taxing, with his older brother tragically falling in combat, Kikto persevered and defeated the Marauders. Before returning to Yavin, Kikto took the head of his brother's hunting spear and incorporated it into one of his lightsabers, a permanent memento of his home and tree.
Kikto was knighted shortly before the signing of the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty in 19 ABY, and he set out to continue his studies and see new worlds. In particular, he cross trained with the Ithorian Nature Priests to truly master his skills with Plant Surge/Consitor Sato. This would prove extremely beneficial when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, a conflict that saw Kikto participate in numerous grueling campaigns. Given the Vong's vehement loathing of technology, it was truly ironic when the Ewok Jedi Knight turned the roots and vines around him into weapons just as potent as the blade of his lightsaber. After the war, Kikto continued to serve as a distinguished member of the NJO, taking the Chiss Zamoz as a Padawan in a new era of peace.
Other notes:
-Growing up, Kikto greatly admired Wicket and considered him his personal hero. It was to the point where he functionally fanboyed when he met Wicket for the first time prior to leaving for Coruscant. As an adult, Kikto would come to know his hero on a more personal level, with the two eventually becoming good friends.
-Kikto has a slight overbite that led to him being teased as "Bucky" growing up. While he has a good sense of humor, that is one nickname he never will be fond of.
-Kikto has two lightsabers. The first is a blue-bladed dual-phase shoto, designed to both accommodate and compensate for his small stature and limited reach. The second is an even smaller shoto with a green blade, the pommel made up of the spearhead of his late brother. He is a practitioner of the Three Rings of Defense, Shii-Cho, Soresu, and Jar Kai styles.
-In addition to his skills at Beast Control and Plant Surge, he is also an accomplished Jedi Healer, putting his powers to use to both mend injuries and soothe psychological wounds.
-He once pranked Corran Horn by tying a bag of whisties to Whistler's leg before setting off a firecracker. Everyone else thought it was hilarious.
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urmykrushhh · 1 year
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❝ moonsun park ❞
(박문선) — the 22-year-old maknae of KRUSH. known for her UNIQUE voice and STRONG attitude, she's known for her ability to combine cute and cool, and is one of the group's most favorited members both domestically and internationally.
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❝ basics ❞
— stage name ♡ moonsun
— birth name ♡ park moon-sun
— nicknames ♡ moon, moonie, sunny, sunshine, maknae moon, baby
— birthday ♡ november 6th, 2001
— birthplace ♡ incheon, south korea
— hometown ♡ incheon, south korea
— ethnicity ♡ korean
— nationality ♡ korean
— sexuality ♡ unlabeled
❝ claims ❞
— face ♡ e:u (everglow)
— voice ♡ hyuna (ex-wonder girls :: ex-4minute :: soloist) :: yeri (red velvet)
— dance ♡ mina (twice)
❝ physical ❞
— height ♡ 165 cm (5'5")
— weight ♡ 113 lbs (51 kg)
— blood type ♡ b
— piercings and tattoos ♡
the letter "k" (left wrist)
small heart (left ring finger)
crescent moon (behind right ear)
❝ career ❞
— profession ♡ idol, model, mc
— years trained ♡ 2 years
— years active ♡ 2017—present
— position ♡ lead rapper, lead dancer, sub-vocalist, visual
— representative emoji ♡ 🌙
❝ history ❞
born on november 6th, 2001 in incheon, south korea, moonsun was born as the youngest of three children. her father held a management position at samsung, while her mother worked at a daycare center. with two older brothers, moonsun grew up interested in sports, taking up volleyball, soccer, and cheerleading as a child. after attending DREAM CONCERT in 2013 with her brothers, however, moonsun's interests shifted from sports to the idol industry.
however, although she wanted to try her hand at auditioning, moonsun's parents prevented her from doing so, seeing as she was merely thirteen and still in middle school. on the other hand, her older brother would audition for STAR EMPIRE ENTERTAINMENT that year, with moonsun and their mother in tow. during the audition, though, moonsun was noticed by an employee, who attempted to persuade her into auditioning. since her mother was there, however, she declined for her. moonsun's missed opportunity upset her, and for the next few days, she would be rather bitter about it.
moonsun's brother would go on to debut two years later, and his group would pick up a fair amount of traction. their moderate success waned, however, and in 2017, he would leave the group. prior to 2015, though, moonsun would incessantly attempt to persuade her parents into letting her audition, seeing as her brother successfully debuted. they were adamant on waiting until she was old enough, however, and let her join a dance studio in 2014 as a way to "compensate."
inspired by her brother, moonsun would begin posting her self-written music to youtube, mostly as a hobby. and although her posts wouldn't gain much traction and didn't lead to anything major, 2015 would be a huge turning point for her.
while grocery shopping with her mother, moonsun would be scouted by BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT. now that she was fifteen, her parents were a little more willing to let her audition, but her mother was still rather skeptical. moonsun begged her mother on the spot, and with enough convincing, she was finally allowed to pursue her dream.
behind the scenes, bighit had been looking to acquire another female trainee, wanting to create a "fuller" lineup for their upcoming girl group. with their debut postponed (again) and two of their trainees set to participate in PRODUCE, it was the perfect time to add to the group. rather than organizing a traditional audition, however (as that would attract too much attention due to bighit's uptick in notoriety), bighit would scout girls to participate in one-on-one auditions. and out of the twelve girls scouted, moonsun was the sole auditionee to pass all three rounds.
having joined too late to participate in PRODUCE, moonsun spent her time as a trainee honing her skills, mainly in rap. and although she would model here and there, she spent most of her time catching up to the rest of the girls.
and finally, after two years, moonsun would debut in 2017 as KRUSH's lead rapper and youngest member. through her visuals, "cute but cool" attitude, and unique voice, moonsun would garner significant fanbases both internationally and domestically, becoming the SECOND MOST POPULAR member internationally, and the THIRD MOST POPULAR in south korea.
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Hybe released today on their youtube channel the documentary on Le Sserafim’s debut. It’s a one hour and a half content that is presented as a documentary, while it’s far from being that. It’s on four parts, I’ll link the first one here:
 I’d like to start with a very short and simple definition of what that is. A documentary expresses or deals with factual events. Instead, what I saw was footage manipulation because they decided that because Kim Garam is no longer in the group, then she shouldn’t appear in the pre-debut footage. How was that achieved? By using methods that are basically unethical in the documentary practices. In the editing phase, they reframed the shots by cutting them in order to not show a sixth person next to the other girls; they carefully selected clips and made a mosaic by choosing close-up shots, fragmented discussions and rarely showed everyone in a full frame, although there are moments where it’s obvious there is another person there (hips or arms in the background or at the edge of the frame); and finally, by digitally removing Garam out of full body shots, where there is an obvious empty space in between the girls when they pose. 
I checked the reactions on twitter and the usual explanation was that, because Garam is no longer under contract, using footage of her would be illegal. Then how does anyone explain why they were able to show a trainee who didn’t make their debut? Presently, Hybe is still making money out of Garam, along with the other remaining members, through album sales. It’s not like they can remove her voice from the songs, unless they rerecord the album. 
The actual point is that Hybe is trying to manufacture another reality through manipulation and I’m shocked to see this actually happening like it’s no big deal. This is a very serious matter and it’s definitely not acceptable. If they didn’t want that scandal to loom over the group, they could have chosen to not use the footage and instead, make a documentary focused on something else that include the current members. Instead they went the unethical route. And it’s funny (not) that the company has people that are taught to ‘’document’’ what is happening using certain techniques that actually makes it easier to do what they did. The typical close-up shots are ever present, which helps them a lot when they have to edit. We see that with Bangtan Bombs as well. 
And one last thing about this ‘’doc’’. These girls are also singers. As much as K-pop is an important fusion between music and choreography, what I saw was not that. 90 percent of the footage was focused on rehearsing the dance moves, while only 10 percent of them in the recording studio or vocal training. It’s like they were backup dancers, not singers as well. I want to make this very clear. I’m not criticizing the girls. I’m sure they worked really hard and it’s not easy to debut and I’m 100 percent sure they spent countless hours in the recording studio, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to put out an album. But I think this ‘’doc’’ is a disservice to them as well because they are not shown working more on a major part of what a music group should do. 
By only releasing documentaries under the the company name, Hybe is able to present a manufactured image of their groups, without even allowing the possibility of an outside perspective. And it doesn’t mean that such an approach will reveal some dark secrets. That’s not the point or the intention. But an actual documentarian would be able to look at it with fresh eyes, without the need to promote the group. Because that’s what Hybe is doing with this type of content. It’s just another promotion material. 
I’d like to recommend watching 9 Muses of Star Empire, a 2012 documentary made by a filmmaker who had no official connection to the company. They show the good and the bad, because pre-debut and what comes after is not a fairytale. And I’m not talking only about the hours spent working, but about egos getting in the way and how shitty people are everywhere. The company does not come out with a pristine image and the filmmaker is not shy from showing that. And lastly, they mention at the end what happened to every girl, including the ones who didn’t make their debut and also those who left later, a year after being in the group. No one erased their existence, regardless of their motives. And what was interesting is that they were able to show that not every one of them is perfect. They were real girls who made shitty decisions, did ‘’bad’’ things, they complained, some of them suffered and others were really passionate and made it. 
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delkios · 2 years
[fic][Star Wars, Delta Squad, PG] The Hue for Which I’d Been Born and Bred
Yeesh, apparently I can't write about clone armor without using it as a vessel for deeper clone concerns. What was originally a fun scene involving Delta and some paint turned into Sev projecting his issues onto it.  I just have a lot of thoughts about clones and their armor as a form of expression and extension of themselves, okay?  Fun fact: the 'pattern' on Sev's design never the same between sources, that certainly didn't complicate things.  Title from Trocadero's That Man in Red.
Title: The Hue for Which I'd Been Born and Bred Fandom: Star Wars: Republic Commando Rating: PG Word Count: 2191 Characters: Delta Squad, minor appearances by Jango and Vau Summary: Commandos being able to paint their armor was a privilege but not one they were all comfortable with.
Four hundred clone commandos were gathered up, practically vibrating with an anticipation that hadn’t been matched since they were given their final set of armor.  No more practice armor, no more temporary gear that fit awkwardly as they constantly grew, the Katarn armor had been the last bit of kit assigned to them as well as the most important and the commandos had been all too eager to wear them, familiarize themselves with them, strut proudly in their second skin.  The fact that they’d been allowed to customize their armor- adjusting the configuration of their packs, adding additional containers for ammo and dets, whatever suited their needs and specialties -was a novelty the clones hadn’t had before.  While the rank-and-file clones had numerous cosmetic difference from the texture and color of their hair to the shade of their skin, the commando genome had been very closely monitored for as little deviation from the already modified template as was possible.
Therefore it was only fitting that the thing to get them so excited was the fact they’d gotten to customize their armor further with paint.
The ARCs had been the first to paint their armor (technically the Nulls were the first in order to differentiate themselves from Jango’s ARCs but as the Kaminoans relinquished all responsibility of them to Skirata, they no longer considered the Nulls as part of their catalog) and Jango had claimed their morale and performance improved dramatically afterward.  The Kaminoans had their doubts and questioned what was even the point of individualizing clones who were designed to be as identical as possible within parameters.
So Jango suggested a test.  Each trainer would pick their top squad to design the colors of their armors to their liking.  Not only, did he predict, would their scores and sense of unity improve, Jango also believed the other squads would work harder if they believed it would allow them to customize their armors as well.  It would be empirical data and the Kaminoans were hard pressed to ever turn something like that down.
It took a moment, after Vau had explained the situation to them, for the realization that Vau considered Delta to be his best squad to sink in.  They were barely able to hold it together until their sergeant left before falling over each other, talking all at once about what he’d said, already throwing out ideas about how their armors should look, if there should be some unifying theme.
Something this special, they decided, had to be carefully thought out.  This would cause them to stand out from the millions of other clones, this would differentiate them even from their thousands of commando brothers.  This was about individualizing themselves.  This was about expression and Vau had chosen them as the first of his trainees worthy of that privilege.  They gave this the serious consideration they gave any of Vau’s harshest tests.
Except for Sev.
While the rest of Delta spent nearly a month of their free time before lights out sharing and designing and arguing over their mock-ups, Sev barely spoke on the subject.  Whenever one of his brothers asked to see his ideas, he blew them off with a snarl or insulting remark.  Then, as the deadline to submit their designs neared, he spent all over five minutes slapping something together and turning it in without showing anyone.
It was garbage.  He knew it was garbage but Sev just hadn’t been able to get into the idea like his brothers had.  He’d seen the designs they’d settled on and it made his guts twist up because theirs were all so fitting.  Boss’s was the least flashy of the three but the red-orange was just as bold and steady and commanding as he was.  Fixer’s green was more subdued but the design was deceptively sharp, just as so many tended to overlook him in favor of his more outgoing brothers, often to their detriment.  Scorch’s gray and yellow scheme matched his own duality, a reminder that he was no less deadly even with an upbeat personality.  What did Sev’s basically random splash of color say about him?  That he was inadequate.  And soon, once they had their armor back and stood next to each other, it would be obvious for everyone to see.
Sev hated feeling like he couldn’t measure up to his brothers, even for something as inconsequential as this.  He hated feeling like the weak link, the one dragging everyone down and covered it up as he always did: with dismissive anger.
They were called into the gear room and while the other Deltas eagerly pulled on their armor, jostling for position in front of the lone mirror that had been brought in, Sev took his into the back corner and put it on with a growing sense of dread.  He’d seen a couple of the other squads already kitted out in their newly painted armor and they all looked sharp and impressive.  Even his brothers, as they twisted to admire their new look, were an intimidating sight.  Sev just felt like a fool.  Under his helmet, he eyed a table of paints- in case anyone had last minute detailing they wanted to do -and wondered if there was any salvaging on this mess.
Before any ideas came to him, however, Scorch finally took notice of Sev’s retreat.  “Hey, Sev’ika, what’re you doing over there?”  The other two turned and Sev did his best not to shrink as his brothers took in his armor for the first time.  “That’s it?”  Scorch asked flatly.  “Just the chestplate and pauldrons?”
Under his helmet, Sev rolled his eyes.  “Who cares, this thing is going to war, not hanging in some fancy art museum.”
“Yours definitely won’t, mine belongs on the cover of a fashion magazine.”  Then, setting the snark aside for once, Scorch went over to put his hands on Sev’s shoulders.  “Sev- vod -this is not your style.”
“What would you know about ‘my style’?”
“Are you telling me you’re happy with this look?”
Of course he wasn’t but Sev apparently missed out on whatever creative gene Jango possessed because nothing he came up with felt right.
“It’s fine if you wanted to be boring and use one color like Fixer and Boss- at least they managed to make it work for them.”  Boss leaned over and scooped up a discarded boot from their loaner armor and threw it at Scorch’s back.  “Ow.  Point is, color is supposed to give interest.  All you’ve really done is highlight center mass.”
“It’s two colors, di’kut,” Sev said, petulant that that was his best defense.
“Right.  Gray and not-quite-gray.  My mistake.  Look, I’ve got an idea.  It’s gonna be great.”  He went over to a table where paint a previous squad had used was still sitting out.  Scorch peered into a couple canisters before finding one to his liking.  He pulled off his gloves, poured some paint out into a cupped palm and turned back to Sev with a huge grin.  Sev stared as red, deep and striking, began to drip around Scorch’s fingers.
Sev, even though he’d deny it, took a step back.
“C’mon,” Scorch said with an easy smile and a handful of paint, “don’t you trust me?”
He paused, genuinely surprised by the answer.  Then he shrugged, “Ah, well,” and slapped his hand across Sev’s helmet.
Sev froze in that position as if his brain was so unable to process what just happened that his entire body locked up.  Then the moment passed and the other Deltas could all but feel the rage beginning to boil within him.  The visor crackled as it wiped the paint clear.  “Scorch-”
“No, no, I swear!”  Scorch backed up, his hands outstretched.  “It’s a good look for you!  Right?”  Scorch threw a desperate look at his squadmates for support.
“He’s… actually on to something,” Fixer said, voice tinged with amazement.  He approached Sev, pulling off his own gloves, not at all bothered by the borderline murderous intent coming off his brother.  “It suits you shockingly well, but it’s not enough.”  Before Sev could process his words, Fixer dipped his hand into the red paint and pressed a handprint against the gray of his chestplate.
Baffled, Sev looked down at his chest, then at the one brother that had yet to accost him.  “Boss?”
Decisively Boss removed his gloves, dipping his own fingers into the can and smearing red all down Sev’s arm.  “Trust us, ner vod.  We’re about to make you the most intimidating shabuir this side of death itself.”
The commandos lined up in rows of a forty each, silent except for the quiet slide of plate on plate as they tried to keep from fidgeting in a way they hadn’t done since they were three and still learning how to be soldiers.  Excitement kept bubbling up, everyone wanting to see how everyone else had painted themselves up, eager to find a mirror big enough to see how their entire squad looked together.  Most squads chose a color or pattern to unite the four of them and most designs, like Boss’s and Fixer’s, were simple geometric shapes in one color, some choosing dual colors like Scorch.  A couple squads used some form of camo pattern, some a logo or emblem plastered over them, at least one squad had chosen writing instead.  From what they could see in their position in the middle of the group, no one had done anything as striking as Sev.  It made him simultaneously self-conscious and fierce.
Scorch, though Sev loathed to admit it, had been right.  When Sev had looked himself in the mirror after his brothers had been satisfied with their work, it felt like something inside of him had been brought out and made visible.  He felt seen and undeniable.  He felt like an actual person and not just a clone, a number, a statistic-in-waiting.  Shab, he was going to have to do something nice for Scorch for being able to actualize what Sev couldn’t.
It wasn’t just the paint job itself that was a source of pride, it wasn’t even just the fact his brothers helped with it.  It was because they, literally, left a mark on him: Scorch’s unpredictability and his consideration for his brothers, Fixer’s calculation and unwavering support and Boss making sure everything came together, that they were more than just the sum of their parts.  His brothers would always be with him now and Sev felt like he could take on the whole damn galaxy.
One by one the squads were called forward where Jango stood to appraise their choices, the training sergeants flanked behind him.  In a rare display not only was Jango without his helmet, but he grinned openly, giving each squad some complimentary words before dismissing them with a sharp nod.  The squad and their sergeant then left together, presumably to get back to training.
Finally Delta was called forward and Vau stepped up to stand behind Jango’s shoulder.  Jango’s grin was toothy and proud as they approached.  “Fierce.  Striking.  Shouldn’t expect any less from Vau’s troublemakers.”  He actually reached out and clapped a hand to Sev’s shoulder.  “Anyone lucky enough to survive you boys’ll likely have nightmares for life.”  Jango nodded and Vau moved toward the door, Delta fell in behind him.
Once out into the hall, Vau muttered disparagingly, “A day wasted on a pageantry.  Why Jango insisted on such a spectacle, I’ll never know.”  He paused and turned to his squad and they, on reflex, fell into a parade rest.  “There not enough time for any reasonable kind of training but that’s no excuse to slack.”  He held out a stack of tablets for Boss to take.  “I expect a full breakdowns and analysis on every scenario from each of you ready to be turned in first thing in the morning.”  Delta, as far as they knew, were unique in not having a terminal in their quarters but that was as much a point of pride to them as it was an annoyance.  “The remainder of the evening is yours.”
“Yessir,” Boss said on their behalf.  Under their gloves- and out of Vau’s sights -their hands were still caked in red paint.  Hopefully the paint had dried enough they wouldn’t need to replace their gloves, it was going to take some time to scrub their hands clean.  They didn’t need to waste more trying to ‘creatively requisition’ replacement gloves while they were at it.
Finally Vau turned to them full on, taking in their new appearance with a critical and leisurely air.  “Bold choices,” he said, voice detached as his head moved slowly down the line.  “I expect your performance to reflect that.  Especially you, Oh-seven,” a note of something like approval colored Vau’s words, “you better live up to that paint job.”
His spine straightened and his voice fairly burst with eagerness and aggressive pride, “Yessir!”
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Life is Strange: Star Wars Headcanons
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Max Caulfield
- Jedi or Cantena Worker
I could Definitely see Max being a Jedi most definitely! When she was a child her parents would describe her as very force sensitive and would think that she would be sent away to train in the Jedi Temple. I also feel as though first starting training at the temple she wouldn’t be as confident but day by day she starts to gain more and more confidence! Now when she meets back up with Chloe, I feel like she would try to be in denial of her feelings of love because a Jedi is not supposed to have emotions because in their eyes emotions are the path to the dark side (which is stupid if you ask me 🙄)
And that would lead to a lot of anger because she knows she’s not supposed to feel like this but the way Chloe makes her feel is something she can’t change
I think her master would be… Rey! I feel like max and Rey would connect more, she would tell max about her time in Aht toe (or however you spell) when Luke Skywalker drank Blue milk out of a bantha
Chloe Price
- Smuggler
Now Chloe, man I could see her being a smuggler, I feel like she would be a perfect smuggler, I feel like she would kind of be like Han Solo… with her old beaten up ship called the Amber, named After Rachel of course, i think being a smuggler would land Chloe in a lot of hot water, Joyce would be constantly worried About Chloe wondering if she was alright and was hoping that she wouldn’t end up in jail or killed by the empire, David on the other hand would be angry to see his step daughter be a criminal
Chloe and Max meet back up, max was on a mission to guard the queen and on the resting points she sees Chloe, they exchange a bit of words and of course Chloe is surprised that max is a Jedi while max was understanding that Chloe was a smuggler.
Rachel Amber
- Queen Amadela’s Handmaiden
This would be perfect for Rachel, I feel like she would be padme’s favorite (even though I don’t think she would play favorites at all) but I think Rachel would be padme’s best handmaiden, always doing most of the errands for her. But while on an errand for Padme she stumbles opon Chloe and the 2 become friends, until one tragic day, Rachel was shot and killed by a stormtrooper trying to protect the queen, she had a very nice funeral and all her friends and family where there, even the queen.
Nathan Prescott
- A Bounty Hunter
Mannn oh man Nathan is soooo much more suited for this role! Since Nathan had a Gun in life is strange I thought that I would make him an bounty hunter , so In this AU Nathan comes from a very wealthy powerful family but was destined to turn to the dark side due to having an uncontrollable amount of anger in his heart, so he now works for the for the empire as a bloodthirsty bounty Hunter
This Dude makes a living by hunting down Jedi and all other things related to the force.
David Madsen
- Rebel Pilot or a stormtrooper
These 2 jobs are perfect for Mr Madsen! Due to him having a military background it makes sense for him to have a job that’s similar to the army and whatnot, David was there when Luke and the other rebels blew up the Death Star, but he wasn’t actually in there, he was a trainee and was watching all the other pilots do their things.
Once he gotten married to Joyce he would try to put Chloe on the right track but Chloe being a defiant teen girl that wasn’t gonna happen at all.
Mark Jefferson
- Sith Lord
Ya’ll knew this was coming, admit it! Mark jefferson is most definitely a Sith Lord! And he could be Nathan’s kind of “father figure”
Joyce Price
- Canteen Worker
There’s really not much to say about this one lol Joyce would be working at the canteen, now the canteen is were all the criminals and gangsters hang out at, smugglers too, she even sees Chloe there in every once and a while, she wishes though the people weren’t so violent and to get into fights all the times, she’ll sometimes break it up if it’s not as crazy but most of the time she’ll wait for the canteen Sucurity to break it up instead.
Warren Graham
- Companion Droid
Warren is most definitely a companion droid! He’ll most definitely help max and Chloe on their journeys, he won’t be like a R2D2 or BB8 but like a C-3PO type of droid, it would just make me laugh to hear all the funny interactions him, max and Chloe could have, the Jedi counsel sent max on a very special mission and to help her along the way she needs to pick up a droid to guide her, heading to the droid shop she was told that there was one more left and bam! Warren as a droid would be very funny! Lol.
Kate Marsh
- Force Follower
Really not much to say about this one lol Kate would just be a devote follower of the force just like in life is strange, the force is just like modern day religion honestly lol
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gemininc · 1 year
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⋆  ﹏     🪐 ,      WELCOME BACK, GEMINI    ...    LOADING PROFILE …
    ꜛ 𓂃       ❛      ★ ˖ ﹙  GEMINI INCORPORATED  ﹚  𝄒      ...        is a fictional talent conglomerate, and home of two of the most successful idol companies in the industry; APRICUS CULTURE and SOLARIA GARDENS. the gemini empire began with JEONG KARIN & KANG SEONHEE, two former members of the first gen girl group, INOIR. karin and seonhee saw massive success as part of inoir until fans of the group speculated that karin would be releasing a solo project. the noise eventually drew the attention of their agency, 777 ENTERTAINMENT, who released a statement almost immediately stating, "although our artists are very talented, we, as well as miss jeong, do not see a solo career in the near future as inoir 's success is our top priority." the statement caused a rift between karin and the other members who soon began to distance themselves from the group's leader. a year later, the youngest of the group, seonhee announced she would be making her acting debut. much like the group's first solo scandal, the fans and members divided into sides.
eventually, 777 entertainment decided to kick seonhee from the group for what they alleged to be a "breach of contract". out of loyalty, karin announced her departure from inoir, criticizing her agency for the length of their "unethical and evil" contract. although both karin and seonhee carried on with successful solo careers after their departure, it was no secret that the two continued to be as close as they were marketed to be within the group. their closeness fueled rumors of a collaboration in 1999 only further stoked when both women were spotted with WILLIAM KIM, the head of HKC CONGLOMERATE's pr and entertainment teams. in 2000, both artists made a public announcement confirming the creation of their own media label, GEMINI INC. with the mission of "creating an ethical and safe environment for talent development". for two years, gemini remained focused on its talent scouting and training programs, however, this soon begged the question: where will these trainees go once they've completed training?
in early 2003, jeong karin announced the opening of her own subsidiary of gemini, APRICUS CULTURE. the initial success of apricus was only cemented by the label’s association with gemini's spreading reputation of being a company focused on developing quality talent rather than squeaky-clean "boringly talentless" celebrities. the company is known for its transparent, often uncensored idols and its emphasis on star power. as of the writing of this bio, apricus is the larger of the two sister companies with five sub-labels, eight active soloists, seventeen active groups, and several models, actors, and television personalities being represented by their management firm.
the success of apricus put the industry on its head with many netizens left wondering where kang seonhee fit into this narrative, especially as rumors of a romance grew between herself and william kim. in 2007 however, after the second gen girl group, psyche, was kicked from their company due to a scandal, the five members were spotted with william and seonhee. speculations swirled concerning a possible gemini expansion were confirmed by seonhee herself a few months later with the start of her own talent agency, SOLARIA GARDENS. operating as a subsidiary company, much like apricus, solaria is known for its storytelling focus and close-knit group of idols. solaria is the smaller of the two sister companies with five sub-labels, three active soloists, and nine active groups.
in 2014, gemini created their japanese label UKIYO SOUNDS, headed by ROWENA MUIRA. it has since become more of an international label, having a hand in managing tours and global reception.
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✶ ۫    ACCOUNT  SETTINGS ,     the statistics ❪ changes unsaved ❫
## TYPE — private
## FOUNDED — june 01, 2000 ; 22 years ago
## FOUNDERS — jeong karin & kang seonhee
## HEADQUARTERS — hannam-dong, yongsan-gu, seoul, south korea
## AREAS SERVED — international
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✶ ۫    CLOSE FRIENDS  LIST ,      the subsidiaries ❪ changes unsaved ❫
## APRICUS CULTURE — established in 2003, apricus is gemini inc.'s largest subsidiary focused on idol development and representation within south korea and the united states. the company is headed by jeong karin.
## SOLARIA GARDENS — established in 2007, solaria is gemini inc.'s second largest subsidiary focused on intricate storytelling development and representation within south korea. the company is headed by kang seonhee.
## UKIYO SOUNDS — established in 2014, ukiyo is gemini inc.'s smallest subsidiary focused on international touring and reception while also debuting and managing the company's japanese ventures. the company is headed by rowena muira.
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✶ ۫    FOLLOWERS  LIST ,      the staff roster ❪ changes unsaved ❫
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## JEONG KARIN — co-founder, ceo, head of apricus culture
## KANG SEONHEE — co-founder, ceo, head of solaria gardens
## ORA VELASCO — chief operating officer
## MASON WINTERS — chief financial officer
## JOHANNA YEUN KIM — chairwoman
## WILLIAM KIM — head of pr, head of entviss
## ROWENA MUIRA — head of ukiyo sounds
## TRENTON WON — head of music production
## CLÁUDIA VALENTE — creative director
## SCARLETT MONROE — head of social media operations
## YEO JOOEUN — apricus training manager
## JEONG DABIN — solaria training manager
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Legacy: Charlie Cox on kissing his best friend's wife and tasting disappointment in LA.
Radio Time - 28 November 2012 (X)
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The Stardust and Boardwalk Empire actor tells us all about his disastrous attempt to be a spy and the "clown tie" and sideburns he had to sport as Charles Thoroughgood
Ever since Charlie Cox's breakout role in 2007 blockbuster Stardust he's been quietly adding to his CV, chalking up roles in Downton Abbey's pilot episode and a long-running supporting part in HBO's acclaimed Boardwalk Empire. Now he's taking the lead once again in Paula Milne-penned Cold War thriller Legacy, playing trainee spy Charles Thoroughgood who is tasked with re-establishing contact with Victor (Andrew Scott) – a Russian university acquaintance – with a view to 'turn' him.
He certainly looks the part, modelling an almost comically large tie and some rather fetching sideburns. "It feels like a clown tie," he exclaims. "On the first day I said, 'This is a joke. It's not real.' I feel like I should have a squirty nose as well." As for the sideburns, he's quick to point out they're not his off-duty look. "I'm not sporting them, although [Legacy's director] Pete Travis has got massive sideburns so I couldn't really say, 'I hate these, they're ridiculous.'"
But while Cox makes light of his appearance, his role in Legacy – which sees Milne and Travis reunite for the first time since the critically-acclaimed Endgame – is heavy stuff. Once a bomb disposal expert, Charles is recruited by MI6 after his best friend is killed. "He wanted to be more involved in what is referred to as the front line of any war, be it the Cold War or the war in Belfast, and he saw a move to MI6 as the way to go about that."
The story takes a twist when Victor reveals a secret about Charles's father – a revelation that has ramifications both emotionally and professionally. "I think the family aspect to this film is a little unique because when you think about the Cold War and films documenting it, you think about what the implications were in a general sense – as a country. But the case that Charles is working on goes from being a case – exciting but formulaic – to personal, and yet he still has to do his job and treat it as impersonal."
Part of the "personal" exploration is in Charles's relationship with Anna (Romola Garai) – a fellow spy. She's married – to yet another MI6 insider – but her connection with Cox's character soon moves from professional to romantic... "It's beautiful because nothing happens and everything happens between them," explains Cox. "And you're hopefully left at the end wondering where they go from here. It's not a conventional love story – there's so much potential but at the same time so much that is preventing it.
"I've worked with Romola before and I introduced her to her husband. He's one of my best mates so before I found out she was doing Legacy, I got a text from him saying, 'Buddy, you're going to be kissing my wife.'"
But Cox's admiration for his co-stars isn't limited to Garai... "Andrew Scott happens to be one of my favourite actors of all time – I saw him on stage a few years ago and we share the same agent so I got his number and texted him saying, 'I really hope we get to work together one day'. And then literally six months later this came up. He's just extraordinary."
So, forty years on, why does Cox think TV and film audiences are still so fascinated by the Cold War? (Legacy is part of a BBC2 season focusing on the period.) "The nature of there being no actual fighting that people were really aware of is kind of intriguing. Impending doom is so much worse than when something actually happens because at least when it's happened you can rationalise it in some way and take some action. When you're waiting for something that could happen, that's really hard to deal with because your mind goes into all the different scenarios."
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Would he have made a good spy? "No, I'd make a terrible spy and I discovered this because I have a friend who comes around before I start working and we go over the script and talk about things. I got a text from him saying, 'Osterburg rendezvous in Highbury fields. Third bench from the ice cream truck. Find note. Remember code. Destroy note. Follow instructions'. He’d set up some sort of spy thing.
"So I set off from my house and there were people on the bench. I went up there and said, 'I dropped something'. It was taped to the bench so they immediately looked at me like I was an absolute lunatic. Then I went to a bin and got out my lighter and lit it and the plastic that was sticking it came off and attached itself to my hand. I was trying to be really covert and there was smoke coming out!
"Eventually I met up with him and he had photos of me from the moment I left the house. I was the worst spy ever. It was so nerve-wracking – it made you think that if you were doing something like that for real it would be a real buzz. These people are living on a knife edge every single day and I think that’s quite an interesting thing to remember. Their daily life is a thrill."
Some would say the same about the cutthroat acting industry where a promising acting career can easily stutter and stagnate. Cox has tasted success, but equally struggled with a feeling of worthlessness. "I'm not very successful in LA. I don't tend to work there and I thrive on confidence and feeling like I have a valid interpretation of a character or a role.
"In London – because things happened rather quickly for me when I started – I go in and the casting directors know me, I'll often meet the director and be given time and that really helps me. In LA, I got there and they couldn't give a s**t. I was auditioned by one of the casting director's assistants and never hearing anything. It's all heat and what you've done and if there's a buzz around you."
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