Omg, congrats on 2.5k!! 😍 Love your work, could i ask for the prompts steve rogers, mob au and you must have misheard me? If you could make him v protective id owe you my heart 😭 thank youuu! ❤️
Thank you so much! Mob is one of my favourite AUs to read so thank you for the opportunity to write for it! It has all of my favourite tropes so it was so hard to pick which ones to go for but I hope you like the one I picked! I've tried to balance the darker and lighter elements too since I'm not sure what kind of Mob AU you'd want!
This is from my 2.5k Followers Creative Challenge and Exchange! If you wanna find out more and get involved, check it out here!
Nomad's Girl - Mob!Steve x Reader
Summary: Mob life can be dangerous, but Steve shows you the lengths he'll go to to make you feel safe
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Soft!Dark!Steve! Mob Environment! Violence! Attempted Sexual Assault! Mention of Drugs! Trauma! Angst! Fluff! SMUT 18+ ONLY! Minors DNI!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Masterlist / Challenge Masterlist
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You gently knocked your knuckles against the office door, hearing the deep timbre of your man calling you in. Opening the door you smirk as you lean against the door frame.
“You asked to see me boss?” You say with a lopsided grin.
Steve looks up from his desk, a smirk growing as he leans back in his chair “yeah come in and close the door behind you” he tells you.
You do as your told before sauntering over to him. Coming to a stop beside him, your hand running over the back of his shoulders.
“Not working too hard are you?” You ask with a knowing arch of your brow.
“Not anymore” he smirks, wrapping around your waist and pulling you down so you straddled his hips.
You grin your hands lifting to cup his cheeks, fingers scratching through his beard that you loved so much “let me guess you want some help to unwind”
“You know me so well Angel” Steve smiles his hands moving to cup your ass, your own smile growing when you heard your pet name.
You had never expected to fall for one of the most notorious Mob leaders in the state of New York but here you were head over heels for the man. He could be rough and tough when he needed to be, but he was also incredibly soft, especially with you. He often said you fell straight from heaven and deserved to be treated as such.
“Well we better be quick, I don’t want anyone suspecting what we’re up to,” you say placing a kiss to his lips as you stood up.
You and Steve were still relatively new and with your job as a dancer in his club and the risk of his enemies hurting you, you had kept your relationship quiet and secret.
“No we don’t want that do we” Steve smirks as he unbuttons his jeans “so let's get busy doll”
You grin pushing down your booty shorts before climbing back onto his lap. You wrap your arms around his shoulders as you line yourself up and slowly sink down onto him.
“Fuck you take me so well Angel” Steve hisses as he grips your ass “fucking made for me”
“Shit you feel so good” you gasp as you start rolling your hips.
Steve groans as he grips your hips hard, guiding you so you ground harder down onto him. Your back arching giving him perfect access to your chest.
When your eyes met his, Steve lost all self-control practically growling as he stood up from his chair, dropping you down onto his desk so he could pound into you harder. His hand gripping your breast, pulling down your bra so he could play with your sensitive peak.
“Tell me your close” Steve ground out, his brows furrowed in concentration.
“So close” you gasped, head thrown back.
Steve gives you a quick lopsided grin as his free hand moves from your hips, his fingers brushing over your clit sending shockwaves through your body. It wasn’t long until you hit your high, your walls clenching around him. Steve let out a groan as he hit his own end.
The both of you remained there for a couple of moments just catching your breaths. Steve then slowly pulls out of you, opening his desk drawer and pulling out tissues before gently cleaning you up.
He helped you up from the desk, softly putting you back together and fixing your hair. He smiles at you gently as he cups your cheeks and presses a languid kiss to your lips.
“Now, you get back out there, dazzle them and don’t take any shit” he grins.
“Aye, aye Captain” you smirk giving his a small salute.
“Get going trouble” he chuckles before guiding you back towards the door.
“See you later Stevie” you grin kissing his cheek before slipping back out to the rest of the club.
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It was a dark, misty, winter’s evening as you walked the short distance from the subway station to the club. Even though you had wrapped up warm with a thick turtle neck jumper, thick fluffy leggings and a long coat you still felt the chill.
The fog that had settled over the city had given it an eerie glow. You could barely see a few feet ahead of you. The only indication that you were on the right street was the glow of the neon signs breaking through the fog.
You wrapped your arms around yourself tighter in an attempt to maintain some body heat. You could see the glow of the club sign just ahead, the warmth of it beckoning you closer.
“Hey um sorry can you help me?” You hear someone say behind you.
Turning around you saw a man standing there with his hands deep in his pockets “um what’s wrong?” You ask.
“I’m just looking for this bar,” he says walking closer to show you his phone, “I thought it was on this street but I can’t find it”
“Oh yeah you need to go a block over, it’s got a big red neon sign can’t miss it” you tell him nodding in the direction he needed to go.
“Thanks, hey let me buy you a drink to thank you” he offers pointing over his shoulder with his thumb.
“Oh no I’m good thanks,” you say shaking your head, taking a couple of steps back.
“Oh c’mon just one drink, it’ll be fun” he smiles, but the smile wasn’t as sincere as before, it was sinister.
“No I’ve got to get going,” you say firmly, taking more steps away.
“No, you don’t” he states grabbing hold of your arm.
“Let go of me” you shout trying to pull your arm free, but his grip was too tight.
“I’m not letting a pretty girl as you get away” he grins evilly, pulling you towards a dark alley.
“No, get off!” You screech trying to push him off you, only for him to punch you hard across the face.
“Stop fighting bitch” he growls as he wraps his arm around you to restrain you.
You continue to try and fight him off but he was stronger than you, harshly shoving you against a wall, the bricks scratching and cutting your face. Freezing when you felt him grab your ass. You could hear your mind screaming for you to do something but you were frozen, leaving you to just wait for the inevitable.
The sound of a bottle smashing further down the alley wakes you from your stupor. Your attacker pulled back to see who it was so you used the opportunity to throw your elbow back into his face, right at his nose.
“Ah fuck” the man groans as he stumbles back.
You then use your bag to whack him across the head and to the floor, kicking him in the gut for good measure before running out of the alley. You ran the rest of the way to the club not even daring to look back to see if the man was following.
Once inside the club, you ran straight towards Steve’s office not even bothering to knock before you burst in, slamming the door behind you before completely breaking down.
At the sound of the door slamming Steve’s head snapped up, Bucky and Sam quickly turned to face you. Steve was up from his desk like a shot, surging towards you, tenderly cupping your cheeks as he surveyed the damage to your face.
“Who did this to you?” He growled.
“I- I- I don’t” you stutter through the tears, your entire body shaking from the shock and the adrenaline.
“Where was he?” Steve questions gently.
“In the alley” you manage to say pointing in the direction of the alley.
“Okay,” Steve nods, gently guiding you away from the door “go see if he’s still there, and bring him here for me to deal with if he is” Steve orders, Bucky and Sam nodding in understanding before heading out of the office.
Steve gently leads you over to his chair, getting you to sit down before crouching down in front of you “Angel can you tell me what happened? Are you hurt anywhere else?” He asks softly.
“Just my face” you sniffle.
“Okay, take your time, tell me whenever you’re ready” he reassures you, kissing your forehead as he stands “I’m just gonna get the first aid kit”
You give him a quick nod of your head, wrapping your arms around your waist to hug yourself as he disappeared from the office. You were staring down at the floor but you weren’t looking at it, all you could see were flashbacks of what just happened over and over again.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you hadn’t noticed Steve return until he places a blanket around your shoulders. You flinched away from him, looking up at him, eyes wide in fear before relaxing when you realised it was only him.
“Hey it's okay, you’re safe now,” Steve says softly, placing a reassuring hand on your knee.
“Did Sam and Bucky find him?” You ask quietly.
Steve lets out a sigh as he shakes his head “no, he scarpered… can you remember anything about him? We might be able to track him down”
“No” you mutter shaking your head “not really it all happened so fast and it was foggy- he- he said he was looking for this bar but I think that was just a rouse”
“Okay well from now on you won’t be walking here alone, I’ll have Buck or Sam drive you and if you see him again you tell them and we’ll make him pay” Steve promises squeezing your knee gently “now let's get you cleaned up”
You give him a slight nod of your head as he opens up the first aid box. He pours some antiseptic onto a cotton pad before gently touching it to your cheek. Despite how gentle he was you still flinched at the stinging sensation, recoiling away.
“I’m sorry I’ll be as quick and as gentle as I can” Steve promises “you can squeeze my hand if you want” he offers holding out his free hand.
You nod taking his hand, the rough and calloused skin bringing you comfort. He went back to work on cleaning you up. You tried your hand not to flinch, squeezing Steve’s hand tightly instead, only stopping when you saw the small grimace on his face.
“Sorry” you mutter sheepishly.
“No it’s okay,” Steve says squeezing your hand “you’re just a lot stronger than you look”
You let out a small scoff shaking your head as you look down. You didn’t feel strong, you definitely weren’t strong when that man grabbed you, pulled you into the alley.
“Hey you are strong, I don’t know what he did, and you don’t have to tell me until you’re ready, but you got away and relatively unscathed,” he tells you softly.
You look up, your eyes meeting his sincere blue eyes that held only truth and love. You felt the corners of your lips twitch upwards and you leant forward, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Thank you Stevie” you whisper, burying your head in the crook of his neck.
Steve instantly wraps his arms around you securely, his large hands running up and down your back soothingly. He presses kisses to the side of your head and shoulder.
“Anything for you Angel” he mutters.
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Two weeks had passed since you had been attacked. You had finally told Steve what had happened after a week, only doing so after waking up screaming from a nightmare. You had been scared to tell him, worried that he’d hate you, think you were tainted. But he reassured you that he would never hate you, that the only person who deserved to get hurt was the creep that touched you.
You were currently sitting on the couch in Steve’s office, doing the last of your makeup before heading out into the bar to work. You could feel Steve’s eyes on you from his seat at his desk. Glancing over your suspicions were confirmed when you saw his concerned gaze.
“You know you don’t have to return to work if you’re not ready,” he tells you softly.
You let out a long sigh as you put away your lipstick “I’m fine Steve” you say quietly, not looking up as you continue to put the rest of your makeup away.
You refuse to look over when you hear him get up from his desk and walk over to you, only just glancing over when he couched down next to you.
“Angel, you’re not fine and that’s okay,” he says softly, putting his hand on your knee.
“I will be fine then” you huff still not looking at him properly.
“Angel” Steve presses hooking his finger under your chin and turning it so you couldn’t avoid his gaze any longer.
You swallow blinking back your tears “sorry” you whisper.
“Hey, hey, no, you have nothing to apologise for,” Steve says moving to sit beside you on the couch, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you onto his lap.
“It’s just- it’s just that all I want is to go back to normal, I don’t want to be sat around just thinking about it, reliving it, I want to just work and be me again but I just have this horrible anxiety feeling in my gut and I know it’s probably nothing and I’ll feel fine once I’m out there but…” you ramble shaking your head.
“I know Angel, I know” Steve reassures you, kissing your cheek “and it will be normal again, just a different kind of normal, you’ll still be you but things will be slightly different because that’s just the way it happens when you experience trauma, but it doesn’t make you any less normal, and I’ll still love you all the same”
You tilt your head to look up at his, a small smile playing on your face. That was the first time Steve had told you that he loved you and it just made your heart swell and all the anxious thoughts disappear.
You smile softly as you reach up to cup his cheek “I love you too Stevie” you whisper.
A lopsided grin grows on Steve’s face as he leans down to rest his forehead against yours “I think that’s the best thing I’ve ever heard” he admits.
“I love you too” you repeat, your smile widening alongside his.
He chuckles warmly as he cups your cheek, guiding your lips to his for a languid kiss “how are you feeling now?” He asks after a moment.
“Better, thank you Stevie” you smile softly.
“You still wanna go out there? I can ask Nat to make sure you don’t do any personal dances if you want, ease you back into it” Steve offers running his hand over your thigh softly.
“Yeah, that could work, just get her to ask me how I’m feeling, I might be completely fine once I’m out there,” you tell him with a small shrug of the shoulders.
“Okay” Steve mutters placing a kiss to your temple “I’ll let Nat know”
A few hours had passed and your shift was going well, it felt good to be back out there. Dancing on the stage, walking around with trays of drinks as you served customers.
You had just walked off stage after performing your routine when Nat met you in the corridor “There’s a man requesting a lap dance from you specifically, you feeling up to it or shall I send someone else instead” Nat asks you.
You purse your lips in thought, you had been feeling much better than you did earlier but that funny feeling hadn’t completely gone. Maybe it wouldn’t until you had a completely normal day and lap dances were a part of that.
“Yeah, it should be fine” you nod “what room is he in?” You ask.
“Room 6” Nat says nodding in the direction of the private rooms “I’ll be behind the bar if you need me”
“Thanks Nat I’m sure I’ll be fine” you smile before turning to head in the direction of the room.
Reaching room 6 you open the door and slip inside. The client sat waiting for you, his back to the door. It wasn’t unusual for clients to turn the chair around, some liked the anticipation.
Closing the door behind you, your walk over to the client, running your hand across his shoulders as you move to stand in front of him. You were about to say your usual sultry spiel but you instantly froze when you realised you recognised the man. It was the man that attacked you.
“I should have guessed you worked at Nomad’s” the man smirks up at you.
You stutter, taking a couple of steps back away from him.
“Is that what the problem was last time? I hadn’t paid?” The man says as he stands up from the chair, walking closer and backing you into the wall “because I’ve paid now, so I can do whatever I want now” he says reaching up to brush his fingers over your cheek.
“No” you whimper turning your head away.
“Oh don’t you worry Sugar, you’ll be begging for more once we get started” he smirks leaning in closer to whisper into your ear, shivers running down your spine.
“I said no” you state, your voice wobbling as you push him back.
He stumbles slightly so you try to run past him. You had barely taken one step away when he grabs you, turns you around and slams you harshly into the wall. You whimper and struggle against him but he just pushes you further into the wall, his arm pressed against the back of your neck, his other hand grabbing at your shorts trying to rip them off.
At that exact moment, he begins to pull your shorts down you hear the door crash open. The man quickly lets you go and turns around to see who it was. You take the opportunity to rush away into the far corner of the room. You let out a sigh of relief when you saw it was Steve who’d come to your rescue and he looks pissed, downright murderous.
“That’s him” you managed to tell him, nodding to the man who attacked you.
You didn’t think it was possible but the fury that was rolling off of Steve in waves increased tenfold. He stalked over to the guy, like how a Tiger would stalk his prey. He grabbed the man by the neck and slammed him into the wall, holding him just off the ground.
“Nobody touches my girls” Steve growls slamming the man back into the wall.
The man lets out a small chuckle as he glances over Steve’s shoulder at you “the bitch was begging for it” he manages to say.
Steve scoffs shaking his head “you must have misheard me” he states “nobody touches my girl”
You see the smug expression on the man’s face fall as he glances between you and Steve. Turning into a look of realisation of how much he’d fucked up.
He went to defend himself, his mouth opening, but he didn’t get the chance. Steve threw him to the ground hard and as he did so you hear the sound of something metal clattering to the floor. You realise in horror that it was your attacker’s gun and he was making a reach for it.
Without thinking you rush over kicking the gun from his reach, picking it up and aiming it at him. You didn’t need to do anything though as Steve punched the man hard in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him out cold.
Once he was satisfied that the guy was taken care of he took a step back his chest still heaving as he glared down at the man. When he finally looked over at you the fire in his eyes still hadn’t dimmed. You knew this side of Steve existed, you knew the kind of stuff he had to do, but you had never seen it before.
“I think I’m gonna vomit” you mutter before running out of the room.
You run straight down the corridor towards Steve’s office, just about making it to the trash can before your emptied your stomach contents. Once you were done you moved to sit on the couch, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
You slumped down, rubbing your forehead tiredly as you try to process it all. You began to completely dissociate as you stared down at the floor, you didn’t even realise you were still holding the gun until Steve couched down in front of you and carefully pried it from your fingers.
He then cupped your cheeks tenderly and got you to look at him, your eyes meeting his worried and loving gaze. No matter how much you tried to stop it your lower lip began to wobble and you broke down.
Steve let out a quiet sigh as he moved to sit next to you, pulling you closer so you could curl up in his lap. He holds onto you tightly, pressing kisses to the top of your head, whispering and reassuring you that you were fine and were safe.
“He can’t hurt you now, he’ll never be able to hurt you again” Steve promises.
“I-I just can’t believe it happened again” you mutter through your tears, “I thought about what I’d do differently if I saw him again, how I’d fight back but I-I didn’t I- I- I froze again”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s natural” Steve reassures you as he kisses your temple.
“Am I just going to be forever haunted by him?” You whisper shaking your head as you looked over at Steve.
“No, god no” Steve mutters cupping your cheek, wiping away your tears with his thumb “you’ll get past this, you’ll find your new normal, I know you can’t see it now but you will and I’ll be beside you helping you along”
You sniffle back some of your tears “thank you Stevie” you whisper, your hand moving to cover his.
“Anything for you Angel” Steve says softly, kissing your forehead.
A knock on the door has Steve pulling away slightly “come in” he calls out.
Looking over your shoulder you see Bucky walking in, he shoots you a sympathetic look before turning his attention to Steve.
“We have him contained ready for whatever you decide to do with him,” Bucky tells Steve.
“Good” Steve nods before looking down at you “I’m gonna let you decide what happens Angel, we can either dispatch him or stitch him up for something that’ll send him down for life” Steve offers, gently brushing some hair from your face.
You swallow before nodding “send him down, make him pay for the rest of his life” you decide.
“Okay, Buck take 2kg out of the safe and stuff him with it, also get into contact with Diskant to pick him up and Barber to make sure he goes down for life” Steve orders.
“Right away boss” Bucky nods before making his way back out of the office.
“Thank you Stevie” you sigh snuggling closer to him.
“Anything for you Angel, I love you so much” Steve whispers kissing the top of your head.
“I love you too” you mutter closing your eyes and letting the soothing feeling of Steve’s arms around you calm you down.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
Masterlist / Challenge Masterlist
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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How about an AU where Steve comes back after returning the stones because you know TIL THE END OF THE LINE.
Uh so I'm bored and getting over having an upper respiratory infection sooo answering this a year later?
Steve was still torn when he came back. Yea he had his best friends and was able to retire from being Captain America but he still felt a pull at his heart every time he saw a family walk through the park.
He figured the world had nothing left to give him. That he would always be having his friends first and trying to figure out how technology actually works.
Of course his moods started to grind on Sam and Bucky, so the two planned a guys night out with a little trickery involved.
None of the guys had significant other, so speed dating seemed like a great idea. Except that every person who sat in front of Steve knew exactly who he was.
At one point Steve just got up from his table and stepped out into the nippy New York autumn air.
As he was texting Sam that he was heading out, you accidently ran into him causing both of you to fall to the ground.
Steve was so stunned by the fall that he almost didn't notice all the books that were now laid in front of him.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry sir," you said as you began to pack up all the books.
"no, no its fine. I was probably in the way," Steve chuckled lightly and helped you pick up the books.
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Captain of the Football Team (College AU) - Steve Rogers x Reader (Part 1/2)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: College is a time to meet new people, branch out. Thanks to it being a small world you also meet some old faces. 
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Fluff, Alcohol consumption, potentially bad description of America Football (I’m british so don’t know the sport!), mention of minor character death
A/N: First part of my entry for @anika-ann​ 1111 follower challenge! Hope you enjoy it
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Moving to the other side of the country would be daunting for most people. You however were incredibly excited to leave your small town to go to one of the best colleges in the country. You had worked your ass off to get there. Desperate to follow your dream of becoming a psychologist. To help people to be the best versions of themselves and not be held back by the devil on their shoulder.
“Hi, you must be my roommate” a red head smiles walking into your dorm room.
“Hi yeah I’m (Y/N)” you smile putting down the box currently in your hands, holding out your hand.
“Natasha but just call me Nat” Nat smiles shaking your hand before moving to sit on her bed.
“What you studying?” She asks, it being the most important question when you meet someone at college.
“Psychology, what about you?” You ask sitting down on your own bed, unpacking could wait.
“Oh cool, you’re not gonna psychoanalyse me are you” she smirks making you laugh “and I’m studying Russian” she smiles.
“I’ll try not to, but only if you don’t talk about me behind my back in Russian” you smirk making her laugh.
“You got yourself a deal, you seem like fun, we’re gonna have some good times I can already tell” Nat smiles.
“That is what college is for right?” You chuckle making Nat laugh.
“100%, now as much as I’d love to chat I’m gonna have to love ya and leave ya because I have to go meet the rest of the athletics team, but I’ll catch you later” she says hopping up and grabbing her gym bag.
“Sounds good, have fun” you smile waving as she left.
You smile to yourself grateful that you seemed to have a pretty cool roommate. College so far had been amazing.
Later on you met Nat in the food hall, glancing around you spot her talking to a guy with long silver hair and a brown haired girl.
“Oh hey, (Y/N), this is Pietro he’s on the running team and this is his twin Wanda” Nat smiles introducing you when she noticed you.
“Hi nice to meet you” Pietro says shaking your hand.
“Nice to meet you too, nice accent where you guys from?” You ask when you notice the subtle Eastern European accent.
“Sokovia, but we’ve been living in New York for the last couple years” Wanda explains.
“Oh that’s cool! I’ve always wanted to go to that part of Europe” you smile making the both of them chuckle.
“It’s not as nice as the brochures make out” Wanda chuckles as the four of you sit down with your food.
“There was a war in our country that it never really recovered from” Pietro explains.
“Oh I’m sorry” you sigh.
“Its okay we like it here now” Wanda says with a reassuring smile.
As the four of your eat you chat getting to know each other. You found out that Wanda was also taking psychology so you planned to meet up before your first class and sit together. You were glad you already knew someone in your class so you didn’t have that awkward situation of trying to find a seat.
As you all walked out of the food hall back to your dorm rooms a guy with long brown hair ran over.
“Hey Nat, Nat's friends” he grins his attention mostly on Nat.
“Hey buck, what’s up?” Nat smiles and if you had to guess anything you’d would guess she’d had a crush on this guy.
“The football team are hosting a party this weekend and you’re invited, all of you” Bucky smile nodding over to you and the twins.
“Sounds good we’ll be there” Nat smiles biting her lip slightly.
“Good catch you later” Bucky smiles before jogging off to join his mates who were all watching grinning over at their mate.
One in particular caught your eye, a large very attractive looking blond. Your eyes met his for a moment and for a moment you thought you recognised him but you were certain you’d remember meeting a guy that hot. He sends a small smile your way before turning to Bucky and slapping him on the shoulder before they all walked off.
“You seem to know everyone already” you say smirking over at Nat.
“What can I say I have good connections” she smirks shrugging her shoulders.
“You definitely seem to like Bucky” you point out.
“Hey you said you wouldn’t psychoanalyse me!” Nat complains making you chuckle.
“I didn’t need to, but if it helps I think he likes you too” you chuckle making her shake her head.
“As if” Nat scoffs in disbelief.
“Trust me, he barely looked at me or the twins, it was like we weren’t even here” you tell her.
She just shrugs her shoulders slightly not arguing.
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You first week of classes had been great. You had a lot of reading that you needed to do but it didn’t bother you too much since you genuinely enjoyed it. You and Wanda were becoming quick friends, spending time after class in the library studying together. Or you were talking about how Bucky and Nat kept fawning over each other.
“You going to the party tomorrow?” You ask her when you walk out of your last class of the week.
“I dunno, Pietro is going but it’s not really my thing” Wanda says shrugging her shoulders.
“Are you?” She asks.
“Probably but only because Nat will drag me there, only to ditch me for Buck as soon as possible” you say making her chuckle.
“So if you came it would be amazing since it would mean I wouldn’t be all alone when she ditches me” you smirk nudging her shoulder.
“I guess it would be fun” she sighs.
“And you never know there might be someone there who takes your fancy” you say making her laugh.
“Yeah right, the only reason I got invited was because I was stood near Nat” Wanda scoffs.
“Yeah, I’m in the exact same boat, may as well take advantage of my roommates popularity” you tell her making her chuckle.
“Okay fine I’ll go, I’ll see you later” Wanda concedes waving you goodbye as she walked into her dorm building.
When you got back to your own dorm, Nat wasn’t there. She probably had training or something. You use the time alone to your advantage using the peace and quiet to do some work since you almost certainly wouldn’t be doing work over the weekend.
Saturday evening soon rolled around and you and Nat were getting ready to head out. Nat was wearing a simple black body con dress with red heels so high they looked lethal.
“How on earth are you wearing those” you ask as you slip on your own much smaller heels.
“I’m a dangerous woman what can I say” Nat smirks grabbing her leather jacket and slipping it on.
You laugh grabbing your own jacket and bag “well I’m not carrying you home when your feet fall off” you warn her.
“Please if anyone if carrying someone home, it’ll be me carrying you, unless you find some company instead I didn’t miss you checking Bucky’s friend out” Nat smirks as the two of you walk out of your dorm room.
“What? I wasn’t checking him out, I just thought I recognised him that’s all” you tell her waving it off.
“Did you recognise him?” Nat asks.
“No, or at least I don’t think so, I think I’d remember him if I did” you admit shrugging your shoulders.
“Ooh so you do like him” Nat smirks.
“No, I just- he’s-“ you sigh shaking your head “I can admit that I am attracted to him, but considering I’ve never actually spoken to him I can’t say I like him” you explain.
“Okay fair enough, you know since I’m friends with Bucky I might be able to help you there” Nat tells you but you shake your head.
“No it’s fine I’m not necessarily looking for anything right now, plus I promised Wanda I wouldn’t leave her” you explain and Nat nods her head in understanding.
The party was pretty much in full swing when you and Nat arrived. You spot Wanda and Pietro stood in a corner, Wanda looking a little uncomfortable but smiling when she spots you.
“I’ll go grab us some drinks” Nat says heading off while you walked over to Wanda and Pietro.
“Hey, you made it!” Pietro smiles hugging you.
“Yeah, glad you decided to come” you say smiling over at Wanda.
“Well thought I’d at least try it” Wanda says shrugging her shoulders.
“Here you are, don’t ask what’s in it” Nat says passing you a red plastic cup.
You sniff in suspiciously trying to work out how strong it was.
“I didn’t make it too strong, I don’t know what your tolerance is yet” she smirks taking a sip of her own drink.
You take a hesitant sip grateful that like she said it wasn’t too strong. However you would be getting your own drinks from now on just in case.
Like predicted Nat soon disappeared the last you saw her she was laughing and dancing with a large guy with long blond hair.
So you and Wanda stuck together chatting as best as you could in the loud room.
“I’m just gonna go get a refill, you want anything?” You ask Wanda having to shout slightly.
“No I’m good thanks” Wanda smiles.
You weave through the crowds of people slowly making your way to where all the drinks were being kept.
Once you got there you started looking through the depleted selection of drinks. You spotted a bottle of beer in a bucket and go to reach for it but your hand clashes with another.
Looking up you see Bucky’s blond-haired friend looking over at you. You heart skips a beat when your eyes meet his bright blue ones.
“(Y/N)?” He asks looking slightly shocked.
You look up at him confused and shocked that he knew your name. Maybe Nat had told him about you.
“It’s Steve” he adds and your jaw completely drops.
“Holy shit! Rogers, Steve Rogers?” You ask completely shocked.
“Yeah that’s me, god it’s been what 8 years” Steve chuckles shaking his head.
“Yeah oh my god, I didn’t recognise you! You’ve gotten so.. so big” you laugh gesturing to his muscular physique.
You and Steve had been best friends in elementary school. Back then he was always the smallest boy in the year. Often off school with a cold or something else. He’s moved away to Brooklyn in the summer between elementary and middle school and you never saw him again.
“Yeah, started playing a bit more sports and then here I am” steve chuckles rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“How are you by the way” he asks.
“Good so glad to be out of that little town, I’m studying psychology, what about you?” You tell him with a smile.
“Military history” he tells you making you chuckle.
You could remember how he always loved learning about world war 2 in school. Saying how he’d be the first to enlist no matter how sickly he was.
“Why am I not surprised” you chuckle making him laugh and shrug his shoulders.
“Ah so you finally introduced yourself” you hear Nat smirk.
Turning round you see he and Bucky stood behind you, Bucky’s arm around Nat’s shoulder.
“We actually already knew each other” you tell her making her raise a brow in question.
“We were best friends in elementary school before I moved to Brooklyn” Steve explains.
“No way! You’re (Y/N)! God I’ve heard so much about you over the years!” Bucky exclaims.
“What? Really?” You ask in surprise glancing over your shoulder at Steve who’s tip of his ears were turning red.
“Yeah he’s be like ‘(Y/N) would always come visit whenever I was off school’” Bucky laughs.
“You done buck?” Steve sighs.
“Let’s leave the childhood sweethearts to it” Nat smirks patting Bucky’s shoulders and leading him away.
“I’m sorry about him” steve sighs when you turn back to face him.
“No its cool seems like he was a good replacement” you smirks.
“Yeah, we met when I decided to stand up to one of the school bullies and he came to my rescue” steve explains shrugging his shoulders with a small smile.
“You said you’d stop doing that when you left” you laughs pushing his shoulder.
“And you believed me?” Steve laughs making you shake your head at him.
“Yeah because it’s totally my fault” you scoff smiling up at him.
“Hey (Y/N)?” You hear someone say, turning round you see Wanda.
“I’m thinking of heading back home” she tells you.
“Oh okay, give me a sec and I’ll walk out with you” you tell her making her smile slightly.
“Okay I’ll see you outside” she says before ducking away through the crowds.
“I better go, but we should hang out again some more” you smile looking back up at steve.
“Yeah we’ve got a game next Friday why don’t you come along?” He offers.
“Sounds great, I’ll see you there” you smile before heading off to catch up with Wanda.
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“So you and Steve” Nat smirks as the two of you walk from your dorms to the sports field.
“You and Bucky” you counter making her laugh.
“Seriously though, what was he like when he was younger” Nat asks.
“The best really, he was such a small sickly kid but made up for that with his massive heart. Nicest kid in our grade always standing up the bullies even if it meant he got beat up” you tell her smiling as you reminisced.
“You sound really close” she points out.
“Yeah he was my best friend, I was devastated when he had to move away. I’d always ask my parents if we could go to Brooklyn so I could visit” you tell her.
“But you and Bucky, am I gonna see a sock on the door later” you smirk nudging her shoulder.
“No, we’ll go to his instead” she smirks with a playful wink.
The two of you walk up the stands finding Wanda and Pietro. Greeting the both of them and thanking them for saving seats for you.
“How you finding that assignment Professor Harkness gave us” Wanda asks as you sit down.
“Oh god it’s so hard! She’s easily the hardest professor we have, bordering on a witch” you laugh shaking your head.
“Oi no class talk you two! We’re here to watch the game” Pietro say scolding the two of you playfully.
“Please you’re only here to watch the cheerleaders” Wanda scoffs making Pietro shrug his shoulders with a cheeky grin.
“Well Nat’s only here to watch Bucky so you aren’t alone there Pietro” you say smirking over at Nat who sticks her tongue out at you.
“Oh so you’re not here because Steve asked” Nat retorts.
“He’s my best friend from elementary school what do you expect!” You laugh.
Your conversations die out when the teams run out onto the field and everyone starts cheering. You see steve call over the team into a huddle and start talking to all of them before the break and move into position.
“Is Steve the captain?” You ask Nat surprised.
“Yeah the team had this camp thing in summer break and Steve didn’t like how Rumlow was leading the team so called him out” Nat explains.
“Let me guess it lead to fight” you chuckle.
“No, nearly though I don’t think Brock really forgave him though” Nat says point over to a guy in the stands who was glaring over at Steve.
“Looks like a piece of work” you mutter.
“Yeah he’s an arrogant asshole” Nat agrees.
You turned your attention back to the game as it kicked off. The entire game seemed really close and there were a few occasions you winced whenever someone took a large hit. You were glad though that Steve seemed to get almost instantly whenever he got tackled.
As the game neared the end there was little between the teams. The team only needed one more touchdown to score. You watch as Steve calls out the play to the rest of the team. As the ball gets passed to him you could see him look around to see who was free to catch the ball. At the last minute he throws the ball to Bucky who quickly runs and scores. The entire field erupting in cheers
You didn’t see that though because your eyes were fixed on Steve who had taken a nasty tackle. He was still on the floor when the final whistle blew.
You watched with bated breath as he slowly sat up, a grimace on his face. One of his teammates gives him a hand and pulls him back to his feet. He stretched out before going to celebrate the win with the rest of team.
“C’mon lets go down” Nat says grabbing your hand to drag you out of the stands and down to the field.
You laugh as she runs over and hugs Bucky who lifts her up spinning her around. You spot Steve walking off the field with the guy you’d seen at the party with the long blond hair.
Steve smiles when he sees you “I’ll catch you later cap” his friend says before heading off to the rest of the team.
“Hey glad you could come!” Steve smiles walking over to you.
“It was a good game! Are you okay though that was a nasty hit you took” you ask him worriedly.
“Yeah I’m fine I’ve had worse” steve says reassuringly.
“That doesn’t help!” You scold laughing.
“I’m sorry, but look I’m fine I promise” steve smiles putting a hand on your shoulder.
“You swear?” You ask him.
“Cross my heart, you know I’d never lie to you” he smirks putting an arm around your shoulders as the two of you walk over to the rest of the team.
“Cap we’re gonna go celebrate at SHIELD you in?” A guy with dark hair and a goatee asks.
“Sounds good Tony, I’ll be there” Steve smiles.
“What’s SHIELD?” You ask.
“It’s the bar we all go to after training or something, you wanna join?” Steve asks with a warm smile.
“Sounds good, is it cool if I bring a couple friends?” You ask, steve nodding his head in agreement.
“Awesome, well I’ll let you clean up because you stink and I’ll see you at SHIELD” you smile patting him on the shoulder, hearing him laugh as you walk back over to Wanda and Pietro.
“We’re all going to SHIELD and you are joining us” you tell them, Pietro instantly agreeing but Wanda seemed more hesitant.
“It’ll be fun sis, gotta get out there and have fun!” Pietro says nudging Wanda’s shoulder.
“Okay fine” Wanda sighs in resignation but a small smile playing on her lips.
You walk over linking your arm in hers “I know that inside you in an incredibly fun outgoing person, we just need to get her out” you say as the two of you walk off towards the carpark.
She smiles shaking her head at you.
“Trust me, I’ve seen that side of you, others would love to see it too” you tell her making her chuckle.
“How are you so confident?” She laughs.
“Well having Nat as a roommate helps, but also just fake it until you make it” you tell her making her laugh.
“Thanks I’ll try” she chuckles.
You meet up with Nat who was joined by another guy in the carpark.
“This is Bruce, Bruce this is Pietro, Wanda and (Y/N)” she smile introducing him.
“You joining us at SHIELD?” You ask him.
“Yeah, Tony’s making me make more friends” Bruce admits fiddling with his sleeves.
“Well you’ve found a good group to do so” Pietro says making Bruce chuckle and relax a little.
Walking into the bar, it was already pretty crowded. Lots a students all celebrating the winning score.
You did have to wait long for the men of the hour to arrive. Everyone cheering when they walked in, slapping Bucky on the shoulders for scoring the winning touchdown.
Steve’s eyes find yours smiling as soon as he spotted you. Soon walking over once he had a beer in hand. Some of his teammates following him over a sitting down in the large booth with you.
Steve took the time to introduce you to everyone properly, you already knew Bucky. But it was nice to finally put names to everyone like thor, clint and Tony. They were all a rowdy lot, but the good fun kind of rowdy. All of them were clearly close, all cracking jokes.
You catch Steve wincing occasionally whenever he laughed too much. He chest still clearly sore from that tackle. But whenever he saw you look over at him in concern he’d give you a reassuringly smile.
It was starting to get late, Nat had already disappeared with Bucky. Wanda was talking with some guy called Vis. You were starting to feel s bit tired so decided to start heading home.
“I’m gonna head off” you tell Steve as you get up.
“Wait I’ll walk you” Steve says quickly finishing his beer and standing up with you.
“You don’t need to do that” you smile waving him off.
“I know but I wanna” he says with a lopsided grin.
You chuckle shaking your head but don’t protest anymore. Waiting for him as he says goodbye to everyone before jogging back over to you. Holding the door open for you with a warm smile.
As the two of you walk back towards your dorm room the two of you chat. Catching up on everything thing that had happened the years you hadn’t seen each other.
You told him what happened to everyone you went to school with. He told you all the mayhem he and Bucky got up to in Brooklyn. Like how Bucky forced him onto the cyclone, and he was sick afterwards.
When you looked up at Steve you could feel your heart flutter and swell. You couldn’t help but smile. You had to admit Steve had grown up into an amazing guy inside and out. Maybe Nat was onto something because you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like him.
Far too soon the two of you were walking up to your dorm building. The both of you slowing down to prolong the inevitable.
“Thanks for walking me back Steve, you really didn’t have to do that” you say turning to face him.
He shrugs his shoulders pushing his hands into his jacket pockets.
“I know but my ma would kill me if I let you walk home alone” he says making you chuckle.
“How is Sarah?” You ask thinking back to how lovely him mom always was, especially since his dad passed when he was a baby.
“She um- she passed a couple years ago, got sick and didn’t make it” steve says quietly looking down at the floor clearly his throat.
“Oh god Steve I’m so sorry” you say instantly pulling him into a tight hug.
You feel him sigh and relax into the hug burying his neck into the crook of your neck.
“Thank you (Y/N)” he sighs with a small smile when he pulls out of the head.
“It’s nothing, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when it happened but I’m here for you now” you tell him making him smile.
“Thank you, sleep well” he smiles.
“You too, rest up and take it easy don’t make that injury worse” you tell him making him laugh.
“Night (Y/N)” he smiles bending down and pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“Night Steve” you smile giving him a small wave as you step away and head inside.
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Series Masterlist / My Masterlist / Challenge Masterlist (Check out all the other AH-MAZE-ING fics!) 
Tagged:  @patszammit @tvckerlance​ @panaitbeatrice
102 notes · View notes
Captain of the Football Team (College AU) - Steve Rogers X Reader (Part 2/2)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: College is a time to meet new people, branch out. Thanks to it being a small world you also meet some old faces.
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Fluff, Alcohol consumption, potentially bad description of America Football (I’m british so don’t know the sport!), mention of blood, violence, angst
A/N: Final part of my entry for @anika-ann​ 1111 follower challenge! Hope you enjoy it
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It was a couple months into the term, you and Steve had been hanging out more and more. It almost felt like old times again. You’d become fast friends with all of the team too. If your younger self who had very few friends could see you now, she’d be incredibly jealous.
It had been a long week of assessments, you were practically living in the library. Surviving on noodles and coffee. You would often pull all nighters in the library, you didn’t mind though because you always had good company.
You and Steve would quiz each other. He’d teach you a bit about military history, while you taught him about psychology. Studying had never been so fun, there had been a few occasions you’d been shushed by the librarian for laughing too loud.
“Right I let it slide during exam week but now that’s over you have to tell me why the hell you and steve aren’t together” Nat say relaxing back on her bed.
“Nat c’mon” you sigh shaking your head.
“Seriously you guys are basically undressing each other with your eyes” Nat laughs.
“No we are not, we’re just friends” you tell her.
“Okay, okay but you tell me one thing” Nat says leaning forward and holding up one finger.
“Okay” you agree sitting forward waiting for her question.
“Do you like Steve, and don’t do that bullshit of saying yeah he’s my friend of course i like him, I mean do you like him like him” Nat asks.
You sigh leaning back until you were leaning against the wall. Looking up at the ceiling as you try and decide what your answer was. Because yeah you did like him, but you were scared to admit it out loud.
“Nat” you sigh.
“Nope you have to tell me because if you don’t I’m just gonna assume that you do” Nat interrupts.
“Okay, okay fine! Yes I do like him, you happy now!” You exclaim making her smile victoriously.
“Yes because you two can join me and buck on dates” Nat smiles.
“Whoa let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. I doubt he even likes me that way!” You point out.
“Oh please! He’s like a love sick puppy around you” Nat laughs scoffing at the idea.
“No he is not” you laugh shaking your head.
“I thought you were supposed to be good at knowing what’s going on inside people’s heads! How can you not see that he likes you” she exclaims looking over you in disbelief.
“Maybe because he doesn’t like me like that!” You fire back making Nat shake her head at you, crossing her arms and looking over at you in disappointment.
“Look Nat we were best friends as kids and it’s been amazing being able to reconnect with him. I don’t want to risk what I have with him, if that means I never admit my feelings for him then that’s fine” you tell her.
She purses her lips looking over at you sadly “are you sure?” She asks.
“Yeah I am” you tell her.
“Okay fine as long as you’re happy” Nat sighs
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You were sat in the library alone doing reading for an essay you had to write. You were struggling to focus though. Every time you lost focus your mind wandered to Steve. You’d feel a smile growing on your face before you shook your head. Forcing yourself to look back at the book and focus.
“Hey, you try any harder it won’t just be your nose stuck in the book” You heard someone say beside you.
Glancing up you see Bucky smirking down at you “oh hey buck, how are you!” You ask leaning back in your seat.
“Good, just procrastinating an essay, you?” He asks sitting down beside you.
“Trying not to procrastinate this essay” you chuckle nodding down to your books.
“Fairs, I’m surprised Steve hasn’t joined you” Bucky points out.
You shrug your shoulders slightly “I told him I’d be here but he said he had plans or something and that he’d might join me later” you told him not noticing how his brows furrowed in confusion.
“Huh, that’s weird he didn’t tell me about his plans” Bucky says pursing him lips in thought.
“Weird, maybe they were last minute” you suggest.
“Yeah probably, he wouldn’t blow you off for nothing god that kid is obsessed with you” Bucky chuckles.
“What? What are you on about” you say looking over at him in confusion.
“Oh please he has the biggest crush on you, head over heels for you” Bucky laughs shaking his head.
“No he is not, we’re friends that’s it” you say waving it off, ignoring that little voice in your head that wanted to believe it.
“God Nat was right you are just as blind as he is” Bucky scoffs, smirking over at you.
“Wait did you come here to ambush me!” You exclaim looking over at him in shock.
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t” he smirks crossing his arms over his chest.
“God you guys are terrible” you sigh shaking your head at him, moving to pack up.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa hold up” Bucky laughs putting his hand on your stuff to stop you.
“Look, Nat thought you might prefer to hear it from his best mate, but he likes you okay he’s just too nervous to ask” Bucky says giving you a sincere smile.
“He’s still that little kid at the end of the day” Bucky sighs.
You bite your lip in thought, okay maybe he had a point. Didn’t make the prospect of it any less scary.
“You ever think it might be scary for me too” you sigh.
“Maybe but he likes you so what can go wrong, just think about it okay” Bucky says standing back up.
“Fine, I’ll think about it” you sigh making Bucky smile victoriously before leaving you to focus on your essay.
It was a lost cause though because if you were struggling to not think of Steve before your little conversation with Bucky. You has no chance now. Sighing in frustration you packed up your books and headed out of the library.
You were in your own little world as you walked back to your little world. Your mind kept replaying all your memories of Steve. Seeing them in a completely new light. You smile to yourself, Steve liked you. Your mind started to think up all the things you could do together if you were a couple. You realised you didn’t really need to think about it, you were gonna tell steve.
You look up smiling, but your step falters when you see Steve step out of one of the dorm buildings with a girl you recognised. It was Carol, one of the cheerleaders. You stepped behind a tree so you could watch without being seen.
You watched as they chatted, Steve putting his hand on her arm with a warm smile. The smile on his face was so sweet and genuine, one you were pretty sure you’d never seen before. But if you had to guess it was a smile reserved for someone he liked. The final nail in the coffin was when you saw him pull her in for a hug.
You fought back the tears, Bucky and Nat were wrong. Steve clearly didn’t like you, he liked Carol. He only saw you as a friend nothing more. You quickly turned away and walked back to your dorm.
You were grateful that Nat wasn’t in meaning you could collapse on your bed and wallow in self-pity alone. The best thing you could do now was to bury all your feelings and move on. The last thing everyone needed was awkward atmosphere.
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Ever since you saw Steve and Carol you avoided hanging out with everyone. You used every excuse you could. Work you needed to do. You felt too tired. You had a headache. You even said you had other plans. You didn’t. You didn’t know many people outside of the group.
You just wanted to get over your feelings towards Steve without anyone else knowing. Nat and Bucky already knew, you didn’t want anyone else to catch on.
You were starting to run out of excuses though. So here you were walking to the football game with Nat. You didn’t speak much as you walked to the game. You kept your eyes to the ground, hands in your jacket pocket. Nodding along occasionally to make it look like you were listening.
“Right, what is up with you” Nat asks abruptly stopping and turning to face you.
“What? What are you on about?” You scoff trying to walk off but Nat grabs your arm stopping you.
“Don’t bullshit me, I know somethings up you’ve been moping around for 2 while weeks!” She tells you sharply.
“I’ve not been moping, I’ve been busy that’s all so much so that its tired me out that’s all” you sighs.
“Well something is definitely up, I know you spoke to Bucky, so I thought you’d be all loved up by now” Nat says as the two of you carry on walking.
“No, me and Steve aren’t a thing, friends nothing more” you tell her shaking your head.
“But he had such a massive crush on you!” Nat laughs.
“Its a crush! A stupid childish crush! He’ll get over it, he’s got plenty of other girls falling at his feet, trust me I know” you state turning back to face her.
“Plenty of girls? What do you mean?” Nat asks furrowing her brows.
“Just drop it okay” you sigh rubbing your head tiredly.
“But (Y/N)-“ Nat starts but you interrupt.
“I said drop it!” You hiss sharply.
Nat looks taken aback at your outburst but doesn’t say anything and the two of us continue walking to the game alone.
Sitting down in your seat you instantly spot Carol with all the other cheerleaders. You tried to not compare yourself to her, but it was impossible. She was incredible, very attractive. It was no surprise Steve liked her. So it was no surprise that when the team ran out Steve gave her a wide smile and wave.
You were glad when the game got underway as it gave you something to focus on. Or at least you thought so, you couldn’t take your eyes off of Steve. You weren’t sure if you were breathing the entire match. The visiting team were incredibly rough, each tackle making the crowd gasp. Tony had already been taken off the field with an injury. Pepper running down to make sure he was okay.
It was another close game, but the team pulled though in overtime. You were planning on heading straight home after the game, but everyone grabbed you pulling you to SHIELD. Saying you needed to let loose.
So here you were sat in the corner of the bar sipping on your beer. Watching as the team celebrated another win. You hadn’t seen much of Steve, he was probably too busy celebrating with everyone being the Captain and everything.
When you spotted him leaning up against the bar, chatting with Carol you couldn’t take it anymore. Downing the rest of your beer you grabbed your bag and made your way out of the bar. As you went you passed Nat who stopped you.
“Hey where you going?” She asks.
“I’m tired, I just wanna go home” you sigh tiredly.
“You want me to take you?” She asks with a sympathetic look.
“No I’m good, you enjoy yourself” you tell her before carrying on out.
You had barely walked down the street when you heard someone shouting for you to wait up. You groan to yourself pretending you hadn’t heard him.
“Hey, I’ve barely seen you recently” Steve smiles jogging to catch up with you.
“Yeah I’ve been pretty busy recently” you sighs running a hand through your hair.
“Fair enough, but look let me walk you home and we can catch up” Steve offers as the two of you continue to walk.
“It’s fine steve, go celebrate with everyone else” you tell him.
He furrows his brows slightly “have I done something wrong? Is that why I haven’t seen you? Are you avoiding me?” Steve asks putting a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
You take a deep and shaky breath trying to control your feelings. Because no he hadn’t done anything wrong, not really. It was you that had the problem.
“No Steve you haven’t, I just wanna- just go back to the bar Steve” you sigh.
“What’s going on (Y/N)?” Steve presses.
“Nothing steve, just go back to the bar I’m sure Carol would love for you to go back” you snap storming off.
“Carol? What has she got- oomph” Steve says his sentence getting cut off.
You turn back to see him doubled over clutching his gut. Before you even knew what was going on you saw Brock punch Steve across the jaw, knocking him down.
“Steve!” You scream moving to run over to him.
As you did a guy who you recognised as  one of the players from the visiting team grabbed you holding you back. You tried to get out of his hold, but you couldn’t. Another player grabbed Steve lifting him up from the ground.
“Hey leave him alone!” You shout struggling against the guy that was holding you.
“I’d stop struggling sweetheart, we only wanna hurt Steve here don’t make us hurt you” Brock smirks over at you before turning back round and punching Steve again.
All you could do was watch in horror as Brock continued to beat Steve up. You begged for him to stop but your pleas fell on deaf ears. You could see Steve trying to break free of the hold the guy had on him, but Brock barely gave him a chance.
Eventually Brock stopped, the guy holding Steve dropping him to the floor. Brock then kicked Steve in the gut before he had the chance to get back up.
“That’s what you get for stealing my team” Brock growls before storming off.
The guy holding you back dropped you and you instantly run over to Steve who was groaning in pain.
“Shit Steve are you okay, god stupid question of course you aren’t okay” you say crouching down beside him helping him sit up.
“I’m fine” he groans shaking his head slightly.
“No you’re not, c’mon let’s get you home and fixed up” you tell him helping him up.
“No I’m fine” Steve says as he stands he stumbles slightly so you catch him.
“No you’re not, stop arguing and c’mon” you say wrapping your arm around his waist putting his arm over your shoulder.
You walk him back to his place, helping him down onto his bed. He sits back with a groan, wincing slightly as he did so.
“Where’s your first aid kit?” You ask starting to look for it.
“(Y/N) you don’t need to-“ he sighs.
“Steve, please just let me help its the least I can do” you plead.
Even though you didn’t control the fact that he’d been beaten up. You still felt guilty, for ignoring him. If you hadn’t done that he wouldn’t have been following you home. He wouldn’t have been beaten up like that.
“Its in that cupboard” he says pointing over to it.
You quickly grab it before moving to sit down beside him. You sigh looking at all the different cuts on his face.
“This might hurt a little” you warn him as you start to clean up his cuts.
Credit to him he barely winced as you cleaned up his face. He looked so defeated as you did so. His gaze downcast. As you wiped away the blood from his nose his sad eyes met yours.
“What did you mean when you said about Carol?” He asks quietly.
His question catches you off guard, pausing slightly before dropping your hand to your lap.
“Nothing, I’m sure she’s great, I’m glad you’re happy” you sigh as you toss away the cloth you were using.
His brows furrow slightly in confusion “we’re not- me and Carol aren’t together or anything, we’re in the same class, I’ve been helping her with some of the assignments” he tells you.
This time you look over at him confused “but I saw you a couple weeks ago, you told me you had plans but then I saw you and her walk out of one of the halls and hug” you say still confused .
“Yeah I was helping her out with an essay she was struggling with, and while we were there she got a text from her girlfriend saying she wanted to break up, I was gonna come join you but got swept up making sure she was okay” Steve explains.
Oh god, you had gotten it all wrong! And instead of just talking to him like a normal human being you completely cut him off!
“Wait is that why you were avoiding me?” Steve asks when he notices the shocked expression on your face.
You took a deep breath closing your eyes in a hope that it would make the next bit easier.
“Yes, look i know we’ve been friends since we were kids and I love the friendship we have so much and I don’t ever want to lose you but I really really like you” you say quickly wanting to get it all out before your brain could catch up and stop you.
When steve didn’t say anything you hesitantly opened your eyes to see him smiling over at you. Before you could question it he took your hand in his and leant over to kiss you.
For a moment you were frozen in shock before you melted into the kiss, you hand hesitantly moving to his cheek. Careful not to hurt him.
“Good, because I really, really like you too” he says when he pulls away.
“Really?” You ask not really believing it.
“Yeah, probably sounds lame but I had a massive crush on you when we were little” steve admits the tips of his ears going red.
“Its not lame at all” you smile kissing him once more.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you, if I had just been honest none of this would have happened” you say gesturing to his injuries.
“Hey don’t do that, I should of had the guts to ask you out sooner, buck has been constantly on my case about it” steve say squeezing your hand making you chuckle slightly since Nat had done the same.
“And you didn’t cause brock to do all this, no one did, except maybe me but either way you don’t need to apologise the only thing that really hurts is my ego” he says with a little smirk at the end.
“Well I bet if he didn’t have the help of those guys you would of taken him down” you say making him smile.
“Yeah I had him on the ropes already” steve chuckles making you laugh.
“You should get some rest, let everything heal” you say packing up the first aid kit.
When you move to put the kit away his hand reaches out grabbing yours to stop you.
“Stay with me?” He asks his voice quiet.
“You need to rest” you sigh secretly wanting to stay.
���It’s fine, please, I want to be with you” he pleads.
“Okay fine” you say a small smile playing at your lips.
Steve smiles back shuffling in his bed so he was lying down pulling back the covers for you. You slide in beside him, it was a tight fit considering his large frame. But he just wrapped his arm around you pulling you close so you were cuddled up against him. You gently rest your head on his chest, and your arm across his abdomen.
“I’m not hurting you am I?” You ask quietly.
“You could never hurt me doll” he smiles before pressing another sweet kiss to your lips.
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Series Masterlist / My Masterlist / Challenge Masterlist (Check out all the other AH-MAZE-ING fics!)
Tagged:  @patszammit @tvckerlance​ @panaitbeatrice​
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Full Moon- Steve Rogers x Reader (1/3)
This is my first A/B/O so apologies if its wrong, or whatever! 
Pairing: Steve Rogers!Alpha x Reader!Omega
Word Count: 1.4k
Warning: Mention of death, bad past, Brock being an asshole. 
Summary: (Y/N) has been on the run for the past year. when she meets steve in a bar she finds a way out from all her problems. Will her problems see though the lies she made?
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A rowdy bar in the city on a Friday night wasn’t typically my scene, but I’d been practically dragged out by my friend and had no option. I was sat at the bar, beer bottle in hand as I looked out onto the dance floor. My friend, a fellow omega, was dancing right in the middle on the dance floor swaying her hips in an attempt to grab the attention of the many alphas around. I see her eye up a guy with long dark hair and begin dancing towards him. 
“is that your friend?” I hear someone say behind me, I turn to see a large blond-haired man smiling down at me. 
“the girl, yeah it is” I say chuckling slightly “is that your friend she’s dancing with?” I ask him nodding over to the pair of them. 
“yeah, it is” he smirks running his hand through his hair. I look up at him trying to figure him out, he was clearly an alpha but not like any alpha I’ve ever seen before. He didn’t seem arrogant or cocky, there was an air of uncertainty around him. 
“I’m (Y/N)” I say holding out my hand for him to shake.
He seems taken aback slightly by my forwardness for a moment but quickly recovers “steve” he smiles shaking my hand.
“I have to say you’re not like a typical alpha” I tell him taking a sip of my drink, he laughs at my comment.
“should I be offended at that?” he asks flagging down the bar tender and ordering a beer for himself. 
I shake my head “no not at all, in a good way, like you actually seem interested and not looking for something easy, and you’re definitely not cocky” I tell him noticing the slight hint of red appearing on his ears.
“you’re not like a typical omega either” he smirks taking a sip of his beer.
I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly “been on the run the last year, that sort of thing makes you a bit older” I tell him the alcohol running through my veins making my lips loose.
 He furrows his brows in concern “on the run? What happened to your pack?” he asks sitting up slightly, I bite my lips slightly realising what I’d done “hey its okay, I don’t mean to pry, I’m just concerned that all” he says putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 
 instantly feel more at ease and calm “my pack wasn’t a good one, my dad was incredibly controlling, especially after my mother was killed by hunters” I tell him looking over at my drink, picking the label off “my dad decided the pack needed strengthening so he wanted to join pack with the Rumlow pack, the price for joining packs was me. My dad promised me to Brock, the leader of the pack but there was no way I could be his mate so I ran” I finish still not able to meet his eyes.
 I feel his hand take mine, I look over to see him looking at me sympathetically “hey look its okay, I hate the Rumlow pack too, and if you ever need somewhere to hide, or help, you can ask me” he tell me. I smile back at him thankful that he understood, but my smile faltered when I caught a whiff of a bad scent. 
“what wrong?” steve asks squeezing my hand slightly and looking over at me concerned.
 “they’re here, brock and his pack” I say my eyes darting round the room trying to spot them or look for an escape, “does that offer still stand?” I ask turning back to look at steve. 
He nods his head “of course, what do you want?” he says glancing round the room.
“be my mate” I tell him. 
He looks back at me shocked “wait… what…” he mutters confused.
“not for real just pretend for now” I ask him desperately looking up at him begging. 
His face softens for a moment “of course” he says pressing a gentle kiss on my forehead. 
“thought I’d find you here” I hear brock growl behind me, I try and stop myself from shaking with fear as I turn around to face him.
“I’m not yours brock, leave me alone” I state trying to muster as much force into my words as possible. 
“yes you are, your dad promised you to me” brock growls grabbing my arms and pulling me towards him. 
“she said to leave her alone” I hear steve growl behind me, I glance behind and see him stood right behind me glaring down at brock, arms crossed tightly across his body. 
Brock sneers up at steve “rogers, this is none of your business, go back to your stupid little pack” brock scoffed trying to pull me to him again. 
Steve wraps an arm around my waist gently pulling me back towards him “it’s my business when you threaten my mate” steve threatens. 
Brock narrows his eyes at us “I don’t believe you” he states “I know where you live rogers, trust me I’ll be keeping tabs waiting for the right opportunity to take back what mine” he warns finally dropping his grip on my arm and stalking out of the bar. 
Once I knew he was gone, every emotion I was trying to hold back crashed down upon me and I broke down in tears. “hey its okay, he’s gone I’m not gonna let him hurt you, you’re safe with me I promise” steve says soothingly as he pulls me into a tight hug.
 “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have pulled you into this mess” I sniffle rubbing away my tears looking up at him.
 “its okay, you better come back to mine, we can get your stuff in the morning” he says rubbing my arms soothingly, I nod my head trying to gather myself 
“thank you steve” I sigh taking his hand and following him out of the bar. 
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The next morning I was sat on the edge of steve’s bed going over the events from the previous night, specifically the threats brock made. 
“how did you sleep?” steve asks appearing in the doorway. 
“good thanks, should be asking you that since you slept on the couch” I chuckle slightly looking over at him. 
I had to bite my lips slightly as I took him in, all he had on were light grey joggers and a tank top a couple sizes too small. I thought he was attractive in the bar with the low lighting and poor visibility, but in full daylight word could not do him justice. His bright blue eyes twinkled over at me as he smiled with a crooked smirk. 
“my friend nat has given you some clothes to wear while we go get your stuff” steve says putting some clothes down on the bed beside me.
 I shake my head slightly “its okay don’t worry, I’ve caused you enough trouble already. I’m fine I’ll just go stay at a friends house then move, it was stupid of me to think I could stay near the city” I say standing up and heading towards the door. 
Steve puts an arm up to block my path and I flinch backwards at the gesture, he furrows his brows slightly in confusion.
“oh gosh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say you can’t leave, I just don’t think that’s a good idea brock is really bad news and I know I can keep you safe here and you shouldn’t have to live your life on the run” steve apologies lowering his arm and taking a step back slightly.
 I sigh to myself turning and walking over to the window and looking out to steve’s ‘compound’, him and his pack lived out in upstate New York in small cabins with a nice lake in the middle. It was beautiful here, and this is the type of place I could live the rest of my life in, a small patch of the world all to myself. 
“I don’t know, brock knows I’ll be here, he’ll just come back with reinforcements he’ll work out that we aren’t mates, we were lucky in the club with everyone else’s scents” I rambled beginning to pace back and forth, nervously fidgeting with my hands. 
Steve moves to stand in front of me “(Y/N) calm down it’ll be fine, me and my pack know how to deal with brock we’ve had run ins with him before and we’ll sort the scent issue out, you can wear more of my tops of something” he tells me reassuringly. 
I chuckle slightly “how will you get my scent on you” I ask him smirking slightly, he laughs at my question hand on his chest, his laugh instantly making me smile. 
“well I could try and fit into some of your clothes, I do like the colour blue” he says gently touching the dress I was wearing last night. 
My brain starts to turn as I think of possibilities, normally scent wouldn’t been an issue because it would be a natural part of bonding. I furrow my brows at the thought the just popped into my head. 
“what you don’t think it would suit me” steve laughs. 
I shake my head slightly “why don’t we bond?” I ask him. 
His jaw drops slightly at the question “wha- wha- huh?” he stutters confused. 
“like not the full thing, like just the bonding bit at the end” I explain trying not to go red in the face.
Steve rubs the back of his neck nervously “i- uh- I mean are you sure?” he mutters. 
I nod my head slightly “yeah, I just think it’ll throw brock off the trail, if he can sense we’re actually bonded he might just leave me alone” I tell him “look if you’re not comfy with it, its fine” I say turning away. 
He gently takes my hand and pulls me back “no its okay, if it keeps you safe, I just never done it before” he admits looking down embarrassed. 
I squeeze his hand “its okay neither have I” I tell him “plus you’re pretty cute, I’d like to get you know you better” I admit. 
Steve smiles down at me, pushing a strand of hair out of my face “I think you’re pretty cute too” he says making me blush. 
He leans down and press a gently kiss on my cheek, “are you sure?” he asks, I nod my head as he kissed the base of my neck by my shoulder. I could feel the bonding spot tingling, before I feel his teeth sink into my bond mark. I gasp at the sudden sting of pain followed by a warm tingling feeling.
“you okay?” steve asks, I took a couple of deep breaths as I feel my senses heighten and become more in tune with steve’s emotions. Steve pulls away and pressed a gently kiss to my bond mark before kissing me softly on the lips 
“thank you” I mutter. We turn when we hear cars pulling up outside and brock shouting at the cabin “lets see if it works” steve sighs holding on tightly to me.
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