#stigmatised as much
lockandkeyhyena · 2 years
can i just look at cute staffy and pittie pics without being spammed with ‘that monster is going to snap and kill someone oneday’. comments. please. god.
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litres-of-cocaine · 1 year
elle was a fascinating character and if she had stayed longer the run of criminal minds would have been so much richer change my mind.
also it’s insane that the way she exits the show compliments her arc in a way that no other cast member leaving did even if it ends up ending the storyline completely. like from the very start her impatience and history as a sexual offences agent is established, and then putting the unsub of 2x05 in the context of her trauma being a violating experience has cataclysmic implications. it completely accounts for her actions. especially following gideon’s advice - ‘i want you to think about this job, what you’ve been through, and what you’re capable of’ and the trigger of lee’s words ‘you’ve made a lot of women very happy’. props to glaudini’s acting here because you can see elle’s faith in her own morals die right when he says that. ‘what you’re capable of’ is tied to ‘what you’ve been through’; she’s capable of revenge because she’s been through it. this becomes a justification for murder rather than an encouragement to abide by the ideals of law enforcement that she feels have failed her and others.
she’s impatient and loud and devastated by the cases she’s worked on and then forced to live through the same thing via being shot.
i think something interesting that wasn’t necessarily intentional (though there’s a good chance it was) as well that i’ve kind of alluded too was the way that that experience of being violated for elle (by the fisher king putting his hand in her gunshot wound) was sexual in nature even if that wasn’t randall garner’s goal. it underlines the theme of elle’s - and the rest of the team’s - vulnerability existing in complete contrast to the confines of her profession, especially considering the her role before in convicting those charges with sexual offences.
obviously lola glaudini leaving was a personal choice so it wasn’t like elle was written out as a creative additive - but tbh if they had lengthened this plotline so we got to see more of elle and had this ending it would have an incredibly interesting period in the show.
and just to add, her leaving at this point in the series also could have had a much more monumental impact on the plot if mandy patinkin hadn’t decided to quit also, as gideon’s desire for peace competes with elle’s (somewhat ironic) craving for justice, but alas, it was not meant to be.
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eliounora · 13 days
I've seen people who've been cut off by a friend with bpd (and the like) say things like "they cut ties to me like I didn't even matter to them" but trust me it's not that they do not care about you, it's that they are such fundementally hurt people that sometimes their coping mechanisms have to be extreme for them to endure the situation. otherwise it's a world of agony for them. this doesn't mean you're not allowed to be upset and angry but it might help to think that it's not the person's lack of care, it's them just trying to survive, even though their tools may not be the best for it
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
There needs to be a shinigami eyes for websites and social medias that are like normal about people with personality disorders. Bc if I see one more website talk about narcissistic abuse like it’s a real thing, I’m going to lose it.
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vampirefvggot · 9 months
bpd is a modern day hysteria diagnosis. and you can't change my mind
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads // twitter thread  
My Dear Henry
gothic YA reimagining of Jekyll & Hyde
a gay Black boy in 1885 London trying to discover why the best friend he loves is suddenly pulling away
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cliveguy · 1 year
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i hate this because top surgery scars are so often called ugly and seen as a form of mutilation but people really don't see why someone would be annoyed that they're constantly aestheticised in art 🙃 i especially think the jagged scars play into a lot of uncomfortable ideas about surgery and given that this diagram looks like it was made for people that haven't had it.....lol
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yououghtaknow · 8 months
turns out talking about your feelings and getting support for them is good for you. who knew.
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concerto-roblox · 2 years
question: do neurotypical people usually get excited over head cannoning characters as autistic?
...asking for a friend
hmm... well it's not inconceivable!! i get excited over people's headcanons that aren't part of my identity (e.g. trans, ace, disabilities other than autistic) because i like it when people in my community are having fun/representing themselves. obvs i'm not an authority and there's no set 'autistics do this/neurotypicals don't do this' rules in life BUT if headcanoning a character as autistic brings you a lot of joy/comfort there may be some underlying reasons for that you might want to look in to <3
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ikilledamanforthisurl · 8 months
so crazy to me Sisko heard a 20 yr old woman get involved with his 16 yo son and his first action is to invite her to dinner and not like idk vaporise her with one of his silly sci fi guns
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knife-at-a-knife-fight · 11 months
hey so if you do something that you know actively causes harm to someone else (this includes choosing to not do anything when doing something is within your capabilities) you will have a very difficult time convincing me you aren't being an incredibly huge and selfish asshole.
knowingly causing someone preventable harm for absolutely no reason is a level of apathetic that i will never understand and definitely never respect.
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i think what's interesting in Scanners is that not only do they have separate political and social themes analogised by the sci-fi horror/thriller elements of psychic abilities (that also roundly inform each other) but that it can be readily described in a whole as a theme from throughout history of victims of natural disasters and scientific experiments heavily influenced and interfered with by human negligence, incompetence and mainly corruption for monetary gain, understanding and power and an often complete disregard for ethics and human lives (simply reduced to statistics to demonstrate the effects of something) with the liberal use of the phrase 'the ends justify the means'.
in turn, through no fault of their own, are left with the fallout and with no way to hold the people accountable mainly due to power, influence and money that dramatically and negatively impacted their entire lives, have to live with these consequences. with the implicit analogy of mental illness and neurodivergence in the film, they can end up ostracised, marginalised and pathologised, roundly discarded by society and forgotten about. they can be exploited for other people's gain, put through an inevitable pipeline of being either the trash at the bottom of the heap of society, or experimental guinea pigs that can be weaponised quite literally in the physical sense (the fact that it especially takes place in the early 80s where the Cold War was not yet over, and the main institution featured, Consec, being a business that specialises in security and weaponry, anxious over being able to continue a Scanner program as the numbers dwindle, thanks to a rogue scanner taking them out who turns out to be the villainous Revok, who has spent most of his life being taken advantage of by the medical field and his own father and despises the treatment dealt out to him for who he is to the point of developing a superiority complex and a need for a scanner supremacy - these people are not referred in a way that marks them as human to others; more subjects to be manipulated than anything else) or in a metaphorical, emotional sense; that having been left in the dark and cold for so long that, instead of being helped, are pointed to as being a threat to be dealt with, even from the very beginning such as where Vale, homeless at that current stage, is regarded by an older woman as simply disgusting just for existing and surviving on the fringes of society (Revok in another way, effectively becomes a political enemy to be dispatched where his father, a doctor, in a cold, business-like manner, sends his own equally exploited and sadly far more naive brother to deal with him in a way that he conveys as ridding evil from the world, of which we later discover, was actually to destroy a 'problem' he created himself as if scanners were not human, but simply political issues to unite against for the so-called 'common good' as well as good in terms of successful business ventures).
it is helped that it alludes to the very real drug scandal of the 50s where thalidomide, a morning sickness drug, resulted in physical deformities of the children of these pregnant mothers. the fictional drug, ephemerol, resulting in psychic mutations in the unborn children clearly reflects that, as instead of the scanners' abilities being usually portrayed as supernatural, it exemplifies itself as a form of social commentary, however explicit, by portraying it as a medical condition that is the product of ambiguously ethical scientific experimentation. which in turn gives as the very real pathologisation, stigmatisation and institutionalisation of mentally ill and neurodivergent people, where they are hidden away and sidelined and not treated as human and not given the due course to be recognised as such, being seen as 'dirty secrets' and not the product of very real societal exploitation instead so the people responsible for such exploitation do not have to be held accountable for their actions. this is then put on these exploited individuals, who are forced to deal with the stigma of not only having something they cannot control, but are blamed for the lack of social mores and proper treatment that is in then turn denied to them, on the basis of whether they deserve to have them or not.
Revok, is, of course, the villain. in the simple sense. it would be completely absurd to suggest that he is 100% sympathetic here. but the nuances lie in the themes demonstrated here - that him and his brother, the protagonist Vale, are products of a scientific experiment out of their own father's interest as a doctor and psycho-pharmacist, before being abandoned and dehumanised in different ways by society itself. it is a failure of a society who also then doesn't help these vulnerable people and only considers them trash or subjects or guinea pigs, being seen as freaks of nature as if they existed for people's fascination and entertainment in a circus, leading down a pipeline for them to be scapegoated and exploited for corporate and military purposes of which they have little choice to escape, forever feeling alien in a world that resoundingly rejects them for exactly who they are and are deliberately made ignorant of whose responsibility they were to begin with.
Revok and Vale are victims of a scientific atrocity amongst hundreds of others thrown to the wind and left to deal with the fallout, with no surprise as to why one of them is completely and utterly stunted emotionally and mentally where he is far easier to control, and one of them was institutionalised and regarded as nothing but an irritation to be hidden away from society and so developed an intense hatred and superiority complex that he'd rather see the entire world burn for his own benefit. it is more a tragedy, perhaps an inevitable one, that continues to be relevant as ever that victims of scientific experimentation and disasters are left with no ability to find accountability for those that did this to them and suffer down the generations, being powerless to enact actual change so in the end, this doesn't happen again.
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auspicioustidings · 7 months
Summary: Request for some Scottish warrior Soap taking an English maiden as a prize.
Words: 3.7k
CWs: Violent non-con (I am so serious, do not ready this if it's not your thing), hardcore smut
Authors Note: This is very much a rape fantasy. Traditionally rape fantasies have historical grounding in minorities who felt ashamed of their own desires so had to fantasise a situation in which they were blameless for engaging in a stigmatised action because it was forced. It’s sort of where a lot of the noncon trope in bodice rippers comes from because women in unhappy marriages need a fantasy in which they can get rid of the shame for wanting passionate or rough sex because they imagine they fought against it. A lot more people have rape fantasies than people generally realise and truly a miniscule barely there number of them would ever think it was ok to actually assault someone. All that to say, this is not me condoning anything in real life. If you find fantasies like this don’t do it for you, then do not read it, but don’t then shame people who do. There is psychology behind why people fantasise about these things, it’s pretty normal and you don’t need to be worried that it is some moral failing. Mind your business.
It was a miraculously good match for you, a high ranking soldier of the King’s army. You were technically of noble blood, but just barely. You lived simply, not in a large house but in a small village where you held no sway over anyone else and were treated as common. But the village was close to the border between England and Scotland and every day it became more tense as whispers of raids from villages to the West skittered between houses like rats.
You didn’t know how your uncle had made arrangements for this beneficial marriage for you, but it would get you moving South in a few days time to marry and then you would finally be able to relax with this war much further away from you. You had heard horror stories of what happened to young maidens when savages came pillaging. They said that they didn’t wear anything under those kilts, they said it was to make it easy to bury their cocks in any hot hole they could find. They said they didn’t have any tame qualities, not like the English. Scottish men were feral, the comparison to dogs not holding water because at least dogs could be trained. 
When you retreated to bed you got on your knees to say your prayers. As always you had to beg forgiveness for the licentious thoughts that sent thrills straight to your cunt whenever you thought about the images all those rumours put in your head.
The noise of chaos woke you in a panic, heart hammering against your ribcage as the smell of smoke drifted on the air and war cries sounded. You recognised your own kinfolk of course, the battalion of soldiers stationed here to keep eyes on the border. But it was the cries of those animals from the country to the North that sent you scrambling out of bed in only your chemise, knowing you had to run and hide before they could see you.
You slipped out of the bedroom, a frightened little rabbit looking for a burrow to hop into. The smell of smoke was stronger in the main room and you could see the orange glow of flames through the window. Going outside would be a risk, but hiding in here may get you burned to a crisp should this building be lit up. You did not have time to make the decision as the door burst off of its hinges, a muscular man in a blood spattered kilt with a warrior's mohawk and wild eyes panting like a dog as he caught sight of you.
You were frozen, unable to even breathe. And then after a beat his mouth stretched into a horrid manic grin as he bounded towards you. That finally shifted you from freeze to flight as you scrambled back through to the bedroom, trying to get to the small window. You threw the top half of your body through the gap but his rough hands grabbed your naked ankles and yanked you back, hard. You felt the chemise catch on the window frame, the fabric bunching up to completely expose you to him before he let go of your ankles letting you crash to the ground. 
Your knees throbbed from the hard floor and by the time you were trying to crawl away he had his hand in your hair, brutally pulling your head up and craning it to look at him leaning over and getting into your face.
“Hear I have a wee noble bitch on my hands.”
Of course he would know. There were families here who would tell them anything to save themselves and pointing them in the direction of a noble maiden, one who was betrothed to an English soldier at that, would certainly be information that could spare them. The shouts outside sounded more heavily weighted towards those in his own gruff and growling accent now. The English soldiers were losing.
“I-I don’t know what you are talking about ser” you cried gently, not knowing how else to save yourself. 
“Bonnie words” he growled, pulling so sharply at your hair that you thought your scalp might be bleeding and using his other hand to grope meanly at one of your breasts through the rough fabric of your nightwear.
You cried out, feeling the tears immediately spill over and stream down your face. He was so strong, you could barely budge against his hold, and he reeked of blood and fire and sweat and hot arousal. You squeezed your eyes shut and he only growled at you.
“Ye’ll keep those eyes open, yer going tae watch yer wee English cunt take me like a whore or I’ll take yer tight arse instead.”
You choked on a sob and opened your eyes, seeing that his were full of sick glee and heat. The hand groping at your tits moved under the chemise to cup roughly at your sex and he pulled you to your feet by that hand. You screamed at how it felt as he abused you with his hand, grinding the heel against you. You felt a hot flood of bitter shame as he swiped a finger violently through your folds. What he found there made him pause for a moment, his face lighting up in unrestrained glee.
“Fucking English slut. Y’er dripping.”
You had heard women who said it would be better to be wet if they were to be taken against their will. You did not agree. Him knowing that your traitorous body found his rough abuse of it arousing was so humiliating you felt you would rather die. He was so oppressive in his demeanour, so big and aggressive above you that you imagined he may break your bed with what he was about to do to you. How foolish of you to think he would have that level of mercy.
“Going tae show all those bastards how their women take Scottish cock” he laughed, spearing two fingers inside you to their full length with no softness at all and pulling you by them.
You could not breathe. You had never had anything inside you and those two fat fingers felt like they were stretching you so much you would tear. He walked backwards so he could keep them firmly inside you and you stumbled pathetically after him, needing to keep as close to him as possible to stop the painful press against your walls that came from him pulling if you did not move. 
The shame was overwhelming as you emerged, full of his fingers and stumbling after him with tears streaming down your face, to find that your country's soldiers had been defeated with the survivors on their knees, hands bound. You were being paraded in front of them you realised, they had been put right here in the town square so they could bear witness, the Scottish soldiers standing behind them feral and full of lust as they took in their leader pulling you in front of them by the cunt. 
When he ripped his fingers out of you, your knees buckled and a high whine left you. You had went from feeling too full to feeling far, far too empty. You could barely hear anything but the blood rushing through you as your heart hammered. That and him as he taunted the soldiers on their knees. 
“Our women would ne’er let ye touch them, they’d die first. Yer clean wee English princess on the ither hand?” he said, planting a booted foot to your chest and pushing until he had you pinned on your back underfoot, “she’s gagging fir it. Foaming at the gusset tae take strong Scottish cock, put a real warrior in her belly.”
His own men cheered at that and you watched on with horror as he cocked his head at one of them and he began to approach you. 
“Naw a monster though am I my wee slut? Ye’d be wet enough fir one of their small English cocks nae doubt, but fir mine? Going tae need something to help me sink in good and deep.”
The other soldier went to his knees between your legs and you watched as he pulled his throbbing cock from under his kilt, jerking it violently. You tried to move away, his cock so close you could feel the heat of it between your legs, but the boot on your chest held you still. When you tried to close your legs the man touching himself used his other hand to wrench one of your knees until it was touching the ground, using his own knees between your thighs to help him keep your glistening cunt fully on display.
When the head of his cock stroked through your folks, slicking you with his pre-cum and bumping at your clit, you were so overwhelmed that you didn’t quite manage to bite back your moan. They laughed meanly at you as the man found his release, spurting hot cum all over your pussy, smacking his cock against your stomach when he was done to shake off the last drops.
It was filthy, you felt sticky and like you were on fire. The next soldier took his place and spat right on your already disgusting cunt as he began to stroke himself. By the time he had painted you with his seed and the third was started, the man above pressed his foot harder to get your attention and all you could do was stare up into his taunting eyes, trying to focus on him so you could not think of what was going on between your legs. You cried up at him, trying to find any level of sympathy in him.
“Keep crying and I’ll gie ye something tae cry about princess.”
Oh you hated him calling you that when you were pinned down in the dirt, defeated soldiers of your country watching as their enemies smeared their cum all over your exposed body. Watching as they made a sloppy mess out of you in preparation for their leader to shove his cock deep inside and pump you full of his savage children.
You did not know how long you stared up at him, not able to look away as you felt the heat of his men on your body, your own body getting hotter and hotter with each slide of velvety throbbing skin against your own. He had started to talk to you, his eyes not budging. It wasn’t the defeated soldiers he was taunting, it was you, ruined and disgraced under his boot.
“See how good I am tae ye little whore? Letting my men make ye flush wi pleasure. Don’t deny it, think I cannae see yer face whenever ye feel a cock on that wee untouched pussy? Like a fucking bitch in heat. I’ll fuck ye like one. Get ye on yer hands and knees so ye can look yer precious King’s soldiers in the eye when ye fall apart on my cock. When ye’r fucking begging for my cum. Wilnae even have tae dae any work, ye’ll be fucking yourself back on me ye needy slut.”
You shook your head in horror at his claims, the true fear being that he would make them true. Already you felt in a daze, felt empty and desperate. But you felt fear as well as he put his arm under his kilt, rucking the fabric up to grab at his cock. It was huge and you found yourself panicked and squirming as the last of his soldiers grunted and slapped the meat of your thigh to get you to stay still. You were rambling incoherently as the man above stroked slowly at himself, causing that thick weapon between his legs to throb and seem even bigger. 
“It won’t fit, it’s not going to fit, please I’ll die, you’ll split me open. It’s so big no no I can’t, I can’t!”
You didn’t even feel the last of his soldier’s loads splatter onto you, didn’t notice when his hands left your flesh. You would have rapidly purpling skin in the shape of fingerprints all over your thighs from how you had been held still by all of them, but you could not feel the dull pain of it through your fear of what was to come.
“Ye’ll take whit I gie ye and ye’ll fucking thank me princess.”
He removed his foot and it was only then you realised that he had been pressing down hard enough that your breaths had been shallow. The rush of oxygen from being able to fully expand your lungs again made you horribly dizzy, but it also flooded right down to your clit and made your body jerk violently with the sensation. 
He didn’t take his hand from his cock and he bent so he could use the other to grab your ruined hair again, yanking your head up and shoving himself into your mouth. You choked, legs scrambling to get underneath you to give you some stability with which to batter your fists against his thighs, trying to pull away. He laughed meanly at your attempts, moving the hand that was touching himself to join the one tangled in your hair on the back of your head and pulling your head at the same time as he thrust forward, settling himself fully in your throat. 
You were gagging around him, tears really streaming down your face now as you begged him with your eyes to let you breathe. He held you there, his own eyes glittering with satisfaction, until your muscles started to give in and you felt your eyes dropping closed as your brain became cottony. Then all at once he pulled you off and you were gulping in oxygen around your coughing and sputtering, the rush much more intense this time. 
He held your head tilted up at him so he could watch your face as he shoved his boot between your legs and got you over the edge. Oh weren’t you a delicious little thing for him, getting off so hard on how he used you, moaning shakily and wantonly in the dirt beneath him in front of his triumphant soldiers and your defeated ones. 
“Good fucking girl” he growled with a feral grin, letting you ride it out with little aborted thrusts on his boot, unable to control your body. 
You looked gone, eyes glazed and body slack. Couldn’t have that, he needed you screaming for him. He needed your blood fighting between being frozen with terror and boiling with need. And he needed you full of him, needed to be able to feel his own cock through your stomach so fucking clearly that he could jerk it. 
You were thrown forward, top half of your body collapsing pathetically into the dirt right where it was covered in the sweat and cum of his soldiers. He manhandled your hips up, leaving your face crushed into the dirt and your ass up high for him, cunt presented. You felt his hot breath at your ear and it was a sudden shock when you realised he was growling lowly into your ear, his words for you and you only.
“S’going tae hurt, yer going tae scream yerself hoarse for me and then I’ll get ye tae milk me when I rip pleasure out of all that pain. Will treat ye right after little princess, like one of my good Scottish lassies, but right now ye’r my fucking English whore.”
The confusing mix of sentiments cleared some of the fuzziness from your mind but you had no time to dwell. He was right, it did hurt and you did scream yourself hoarse. He had lined himself up and plunged into you, cock coated and slick from the cum of his soldiers but no less huge inside your tight virgin pussy. He had split you in two, you were sure of it. His cock must have broken through you, was sitting in your ribcage and punching all the air from your lungs.
You blacked out for a moment, coming right back to when he pulled out to fuck brutally back into you again, slapping your ass so hard that you felt the sting all the way up to your fingertips and making you choke on the sob that fought through the screaming. He ripped at your hair, making you look at the defeated soldiers on their knees. Making you watch their own cocks swell at your treatment. Your utter ruination was making them hard. Your head being wrenched back meant you had to go to your hands as he pounded you, and you saw how they looked as one of your breasts was fucked right out of the chemise, bouncing lewdly for them to see with every hard thrust.
The humiliation had you digging into the dirt like you had claws, feeling the bite of the earth pushing under your nails. It sparked something in your brain, almost like you could see them sharpen. Like you could feel your shoulder blades become more pronounced, become something sinewy and sleek and animal. He was fucking you like a predator and you were drooling and howling and panting like his prey, back bowed as he pulled your hair harder and had to staring at the sky babbling prayers into the night air. 
“S’too much, can’t, I can’t. Full, too full.”
“Ye fucking can. Yer tight fucking cunts trying tae strangle me, wants my cum so bad naw? Perfect English pussy, so slutty and needy for a real cock” he growled, hand letting go of your hair and smacking your ass right over where he had before, causing you to howl at the pain. 
The pain and something else, something that had no place here and yet had been lingering from the moment he had caught you. Something that had been getting closer and brighter and more insistent with every abuse you were subject to. Something that he invited in when your arms collapsed beneath you without him holding your heads weight anymore and he ground your face into the ground before bringing his hand to your clit and pinching. 
Your scream was raw and hoarse, throat well past being able to produce a clear sound. The orgasm was blinding and every bone felt like it had liquified. You saw white and then you saw hardly anything, only vague shapes and colours. The only thing now was how his cock filled you. The shame was gone, replaced with the truth that you loved this. You loved how he used you like this, how he violated you in front of these soldiers just because he could.
“That’s it princess, fucking take it” he hissed, stopping his thrusts and letting you do all the work.
You didn’t even realise now how you wildly fucked yourself back on his cock trying to chase the pain of overstimulation, addicted to the way it made you feel some sick hazy pleasure. You were drooling onto the dirt, tasting the earth mixed with cum and finding the disgust of it only felt right now. When his hand came to your stomach and pushed to feel himself bulging there you came again, harder, babbling thank yous to him.
He bit out a string of curses above you as your pussy squeezed so hard it was forcing him out, but he was strong as he forced himself balls deep and held there, finding his release as you milked everything out of him and into your womb. The liquid heat of it was the last thing you felt as you passed out, blissed and fucked out of your mind. 
John MacTavish allowed himself a moment to lean his body against your back, inhaling the scent of sweat and dirt and cum and fear and lust from your limp body. So good for him, took it perfectly. He hissed when he finally pulled out, resisting the temptation to just keep going beyond what would feel good because fuck, being inside you had been a religious experience. 
He was nothing if not a man of his word though, and he scooped your body gently into his arms to get you onto a horse and ready for him to take over the border where he could give you that princess treatment he had promised. The surviving soldiers they would leave beaten and bloodied but not dead. After all, someone had to tell your betrothed all the details.
“Fucking MacTavish” he hissed after excusing the man who had given the report.
He had made him give it in full detail, told him to leave nothing out. 
“Kept her alive by the sounds of it, maybe looking to get a bastard out of her” Garrick mused.
“Knowing him he’ll keep her near the border to taunt us instead of moving her further up North” Price added.
Simon Riley would not be letting his betrothed get away with allowing MacTavish of all people to take the maidenhood that rightfully belonged to him. She needed a proper punishing fuck from an English man to learn better.
“Doesn’t matter where he keeps her. I’m going to take her, and she’s going to learn what happens to sluts who spread their legs for those Scottish bastards”.
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revolutionarysuicide · 9 months
i think it's implicit in a few posts ive seen about the topic that stigmatisation of trans women's (/transfem/tma people's) genitals is about stigmatisation of penises only but that's just not true. there are 4chan threads upon 4chan threads reposting photos at varying stages of healing of trans women's vaginas to mock degrade and dehumanise them, mainstream press (at least in this country) semi-regularly calls neovaginas "mutilated", there's so much fearmongering out there about post-op vaginas. the hatred of trans women's genitals isn't limited to penises, it's hatred of all trans women's and transfem people's genitals, post-op transfem people don't have any kind of "privilege" for their genitals
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swordsonnet · 1 year
if you're saying that autism is never a visible disability and is much less stigmatised than other disabilities, that just tells me that you haven't met many people with autism
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littleoddwriter · 3 months
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this is exactly why it's so important to educate. this is why we "police" language and tell you what words to use instead. because this is how you actively perpetuate stigmas and demonise a whole group of people. and this is how it keeps spreading because within three days this first comment has received 25 likes, which may not seem like much now, but those 25 people spread this "knowledge" to 25 other people and so on and so forth.
again: narcissists are people with narcissistic personality disorder. a cluster B PD that is usually developed through abuse trauma (and genetic predispositon). gaslighting is a term used for the act of knowingly making somebody doubt themselves and their sanity (how they perceive events, their memories, etc.). being self-absorbed and not taking responsibility for certain behaviours is something every person is capable of. it's not "narcissistic abuse". it's emotional abuse. every person is capable of it.
stop calling everybody a narcissist because they've done something like this. it's not right. it's just another term y'all picked up on the internet without ever doing research about what it means or where it really comes from. and of course it's just another way for y'all to demonise people and stigmatise mental disorders you think make somebody abusive and unworthy of being part of disability and mental health activism...
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