#still cant believe what happened and how long he'll be out
gavidaily · 7 months
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WE ARE WITH YOU, GAVI FC Barcelona players sending a support message to Gavi
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cosmicstarlatte · 8 months
Levi A-Z Smut HCs (Obey Me!)
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⬅Back to Smut HC A-Z Masterlist ◇
18+ only, minors do not interact.
My personal headcanons using this [prompt list]
The goal is to finish the whole list; you are welcome to request a letter so I get to it faster. I will work on it as quick as I can but keep in mind I do have a life & responsibilities lol. ^^
Last Updated: Oct.1.2023 (9 out of 26)
⚠️Notes: I'll tag any sections if needed. If you think a section needs a tag, kindly let me know.
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A: Affair (Describe an extra-marital affair)
B: Birthday (Describe birthday sex)
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
D: Dry Humping (Describe a dry-humping scene)
tags: punishment, humiliation Every once in a while you need to punish him, either he spent way too much on otaku merch or he's been missing classes too much, whatever. You'll usually sit on him & tease him as he tries to play on his PC. He knows what you're doing & he begs to feel you, please he'll 'do better' he says. Unfortunately for him his poor cock won't get that sweet relief exactly. he can beg & whine all he wants & rub desperately against you but he's still gonna have to cum in his pants.
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
It was clumsy & cute. The poor otaku was so nervous, he couldn't believe he could bag such a baddie. Someway somehow even with the nervousness he still felt calm with you, if that makes any sense. He was more worried about you than him & he just wanted to make you feel good. especially when he came rather quickly before the 1st round. Anyway, the nerd is packin' & those hands & tongue work skillfully. ...You definitely went a few good rounds into the night & left each other a mess before finally taking a sweet bath together. After, you guys cuddled under a warm blanket & watched a lighthearted anime. ♡
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
I: Initiator (Who initiates most of the time? How?)
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
tags: Possessive, Love bites/Marking, Scenting Sweetie, he's the avatar of envy. When it's extreme, there's no hiding it, he gives in. That sweet shy nervous otaku? Gone. He's bringing & giving grand admiral energy, he's giving 'one of the powerful lords of hell.' Sure he could summon Lotan or use something else if he wants to, but all he really needs is to say "Go away" in a icy cold voice & glare that makes thousands of soldiers shiver. You almost feel sorry for any bastard that tries to make him jealous. Even after they leave though, he wants nothing more but to mark you with visible love bites & rub his scent all over you. He made it easily known to his brothers to not touch what's his.
K: Kitchen (Describe a sex scene in the kitchen)
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
It happens frequently hehe. You tend to stay over a lot to watch a marathon or play games. Levi's libido is strong, he's always down to fuck in the morning, it brightens his spirit. Watching you take his cock & filling you up right before school is the perfect way to start the day. It's especially motivating when he knows you walk around the entire day with his cum between your legs, he cant wait to come home & fuck you again. (If he can wait that long)
N: Never (Things they would never try)
O: Orgasm (Describe coming--who comes first? What do they say? How does the other person know it’s approaching?)
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
Q: Quiet (Reaction to a quiet partner)
You know what I'm not gonna lie, I think he'd be just a tad disappointed at first. Of course he reminds himself a lot of porn is fake anyway & then he really tunes in to the small delicious sounds you do reveal. The faces you make. The little bits you let him hear are still so very fucking hot & sexy. He's the one making you sound like that either way~
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
Ah...Levi is easy. He's not very good at hiding it. A flushed face and a small sheen of sweat to him. He gets a little extra irritable as well. The biggest sign is the tent in his pants when he's around you. Sorry, but he doesn't hide it very well, it's obvious when he looks like he's trying to hide something when he tries to cover up down there. (I wonder if he does it on purpose?)
S: Safe Word (How often is the safe word used? Why?)
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
Do you realize what you've done? The first time you sent him a video, he got instantly hard & couldnt stop cumming to that video. Unfortunately for him he kept getting hard any time he thought about it that week, it was embarrassing walking around with a constant erection. His first few videos in response were a little clumsy, but it turned you on. He was a loud moaner & he loved to whimper. Little whiney pants when he was getting close always did it for you. He made sure to take better video, especially audio when he learned you really loved his moans. ♡
W: Wedding Night (Consummating the marriage)
tags: overstimulation The only thing on his mind is getting you off the entire night until you're crying & begging him to stop. Until you're drained. He knows it's about the two of you celebrating but...you're his life partner now! He's so grateful you chose him out of everyone. Please let him worship you tonight, lay back & let him handle it. He promises he's enjoying this as much as you are. Promise.
X: XXX (What kind of porn does the person watch? How often?)
tags: double dicks, creepy!pervy!levi I'm not going to lie to y'all, Levi's a freak. (Okay we knew this) He watches all kinds of porn, both real & hentai. I'd say it's nearly an every day thing, it's hard taking care of two monster cocks & he needs to empty his balls. His favorite? POV hentai vids. Especially ones that look like you... Perhaps he has a few commissioned hentais where they look like the two of you...
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Z: Zoo (Their animalistic qualities in the bedroom)
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ariesbilly · 5 months
in the mood for rival actors!harringrove where steves the hunky heartthrob star of some soapy drama that has a huge rabid fanbase, and a few seasons in billy gets cast to come in and shake things up, a new hot actor on the rise, definitely a snob, thinks his shit dont stink. hes hell to work with. coming in late and hungover because hes gotta hit up all the hot hollywood parties, is the new It boy.
steve gets pissed cuz hes committed to his craft okay? he takes acting seriously. to the point where he'll stay long hours filming with his costars when its not even his coverage, he just wants them to have a good performance to act off of. meanwhile any time its time to film steves close ups in a scene with billy, if billys wrapped for the day hes fucked off and they gotta get a stand in. or on the rare occasion he does stay he just deadpans his lines, gives steve absolutely nothing to work with which pisses him off. and no ones gonna do anything about it because when the cameras actually on billy? he's electric. cant take your eyes off him. even steve has to admit hes damn good at his job, but he wishes he'd be a goddamn team player sometimes!
so of course rumors of a rivalry leak out to the press and the shows PR has to do damage control. steves on red carpets being interviewed about it like "haha no we're fine we're buddies. dont believe everything you read" meanwhile on set theyre at each others throats between takes
and one day it blows WAY up. to the point where billys storming off set cuz steves being a bitch and he cant work like this! but steves hot on his heels following him straight to the trailers, theyre yelling the whole time, everyone in production is steering clear
they end up in billys trailer. theyre still yelling. everyones waiting outside being nosy trying to make out whats happening. and then the smashing happens. things are falling inside and breaking and the trailers rocking a little and assistants are whispering if someone should go inside and break up whatever fight is happening someone should step in right?
but by the time anyone gets the courage to go in, the doors opening. billy and steve step out. well, steve kinda runs out, back to his own trailer, head down, not making eye contact. billys standing there a little disheveled barking "dont you fuckers have somewhere to be?" and everyone disperses.
the talk around set later is how everyone finds it stranger how neither billy nor steve seemed to have had any bruising or injuries or signs of a physical altercation considering the ruckus that was being made.... so thats a little weird...
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Steve gets it from his dad, who, well, is a real asshole about it. 
It’s a bit unnecessary in Steve's opinion. It’s not like he hatched a mastermind plot to become an incubus. It’s just genetics. At least his Dad does deign to teach him the basics. It’s a quick lesson, love 'em and leave 'em in one simple step. 
Despite any initial misgivings, Steve takes to it like a fish to water. He loves everything about it. He loves everything about sex- the sticky lipgloss, sharp nails, everything soft and hard and wet and warm. He loves knowing just how to cock his head or cant his hip to get exactly what he needs from anyone he wants. 
He loves everything about it right up until Nancy. 
There's nothing like getting your heart broken into a million pieces that gives you some time for introspection. He wasn't a nice person. He knows king Steve left a trail of broken hearts in his wake. Almost a whole lifetime of ignored calls and broken promises. He doesn't blame Nancy, he wouldn't want to stay with himself either. 
As a result, He starts holding off on feeding for as long as possible now, uncomfortable with the idea that his whole existence is based on the concept of take, take, take with no give. If he hooks up with anyone they know it’s a hookup. He’s not looking for any misaligned expectations. 
After that sex is a bit different. 
It’s something he still needs to do, and Christ, he can feel it if he goes too long between feeds but it's more furtive now. Something done as a need and not a want.
There are less women looking for a one time fling but he soon finds out that there are men who are more than willing. Steve loves women, but he’s figuring out he loves men too in a wholly new and different way. The way men can crowd his space, hold his wrists, make him feel small and hunted. 
To a point, of course. 
He is a creature of the night, or whatever the fuck you want to call it. No matter how caged in or small he feels there is always the knowledge firmly planted in the back of his mind, an monstrous instinct, on how to break out of a hold or bend someone to their knees. How to feed, crush, or devour.
It's not a big deal. It's just- there are some nights when Steve is lying in bed and he just wants. And some of that is for sex, sure, but also for some intangible thing just outside of his understanding. It’s on nights like this that he slowly drags his hand up to meet his throat and just- he just- presses. The pressure is firm but he can still breathe, he just wants to press enough so that he can feel it. So he knows it’s there. He’ll be hard, he’ll be aching, but he won’t do anything else. 
He just wants to feel the pressure until his mind starts to quiet down and maybe, just maybe, he can stifle this suffocating want bubbling within. (He won’t. He never can).
He starts wearing a rubber band around his wrist. 
It's just there if he- if he needs it. When things get a bit too rushed or overwhelming, he'll give it a quick snap. The sharp pain ricochets through his body like a gun, leaving Steve's mind blissfully blank. Grounding him in a way nothing else does, and believe him, he’s tried. He carefully avoids any thought around what that means.
The upside down happens. Eddie happens. There and gone like a flash in a pan. A boy whose eyes were kind and hands always in motion. A boy who made Steve take pause and think of the possibilities for maybe the first time since, well. It’s a moot point anyway. 
Or at least it was until right now. 
“Well now big boy, are you going to let me in?” Eddie says, all easy and loose limbed as if it’s nothing. As if he hadn't died three days ago. 
Steve steps back automatically too stunned to speak, leaving his front door open in silent invitation. Eddie looks- Eddie looks- different somehow. He still has the same… everything that should matter, but there's something in his air that makes him appear a bit taller, a bit sharper, a bit wider.
Eddie doesn't come inside. In fact, he doesn't move, holding himself so still he seems otherworldly. The silence grows, and Eddie seems like he's waiting for something desperately important. It's then that Steve gets hit with the clue ball.
"You're not human, are you?" He asks, voice a bit uneven in a way he's not going to examine. He doesn't know what to do with his arms. Should he square up? Prepare himself for some kind of attack? Steve notes that Eddie's eyes are still kind and his arms remain loose at his sides.
"No," says Eddie, drawing out the word, "but neither are you." He shuffles closer to the door and casually leans against the frame. 
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whathorselegs · 5 months
When Kunikida realises he has feelings for Dazai he vehemently denies it. Not denial that he has the feelings themselves, but he simply refuses to indulge in them because it's inconvenient. Dazai's not an unattractive man and he has qualities Kunikida admires when he chooses to show them. So he understood how the feelings developed, but God, is he not what Kunikida was planning for.
Kunikida has a plan that he is determined to stick to. He has an ideal partner in mind, a set schedule for when he's going to meet them, date them, move in together, marry them, ect. Dazai does not fit into any of this.
So he ignores the feelings. Ignores the way his heart flutters whenever the other man is being his usual clingy self. The way he cant quite get angry at him anymore without a certain fondness creeping in. The moments where he realises he's stopped typing because he's been too busy watching Dazai and whatever shenanigans he's getting up to in the office. How distracting his laugh, hands, eyes and smile are.
He takes these feelings, boxes them up and waits for them to go away.
Problem is, they don't.
It only gets worse when Kunikida notices Dazai is flirting with him more and more as the days go on. And that he's getting bolder with his advances. Being pursued by chaos personified was certainly not in his plans. He shuts it down, ignores the flirting, rejecting Dazai in the most painless way he can, because Kunikida is still convinced Dazai isn't serious about any of it.
So Dazai switches from flirting to gifts. Though not they're not your typical idea of romantic tokens. It's bringing him snacks throughout the day, but he's already eaten half of it. It's a fancy "new" pen that he later finds out was swiped from Poe when he was visiting Ranpo. It's paperwork turned in on time, but there's so many mistakes and the writing is so unreadable that Kunikida almost wishes he'd just put the effort in and turned it in late. Its flowers with the roots still connected left on his desk that Dazai very clearly pulled up from garden somewhere.
All in all, Kunikida feels like he's been courted by a feral cat rather than a grown man.
Again he rejects Dazai. It's harder this time, as much as he hates it, the attention's working and Kunikida is slowly allowing himself to believe Dazai is serious about his feelings.
Eventually Dazai resorts to just asking Kunikida on a date. This time when Kunikida rejects him he instantly regrets it because of the earnest and quiet way Dazai just accepts it this time was almost too painful to witness. Kunikida goes home that night feeling awful, convinced he's ruined everything between them. He never expected Dazai to be hurt by any of this.
The next day, he almost didn't turn up to work, he spent a whole 2 minutes at his door debating on whether or not to leave. For the first time in- he didn't even know how long- he turned up to work late. He expected Dazai to not be there, but the whole office was empty.
Atsushi appears in the doorway of the meeting room. "Oh, thank God, he's really lost it this time Kunikida, you need to get in here."
For the next hour the entire Agency is subjected to a disheveled, running on too much caffeine, Dazai presenting them with a lengthy power point presentation of "All the reasons Kunikida should date me". They sat there staring at the walls, the table, the window, anywhere but the slow motion car wreck that was happening in front of them.
Well, everyone except Kunikida. Because, by his standards, this was the most romantic gesture anyone had made him.
If you ask Dazai how he and Kunikida got together, he will lie and lie and lie. Kunikida has the power point saved on a little black cat shaped memory stick and he'll show it you, proudly.
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kitkatnerds3 · 9 months
So many things! So much information! So much angst! So many beautiful visuals! I am going to just be describing so much stuff so be warned.
Ok, let's start from the beginning, you've got Aya throwing herself off the roof, and as I assumed it would, the plan works! The sword is out! And Bram has A FUCKING BODY???!!! WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT PART FOR SOME REASON! HE LOOKS SO LONG! And Aya is safe! Asagiri decided to put his hatred of children to the side for once and let her live!
But while he may have let Aya live he didn't let certain other people live. And so with that flawless segway let's go over to Meursault!
Yeah so FYODOR IS FUCKING DEAD. I am willing to believe he'll come back and will talk about how i think that'll happen on a different post but for right now HOLY SHIT HE'S DEAD!
So the scene starts with him walking outta prison with a gay little walk to meet Nikolai and they do their gay little thing, truly there is nothing more romantic then telling someone you'll kill them. And as Fyodor walks to the helicopter he drops a bit of lore that NO ONE ELSE HAS TALKED ABOUT! he said that Dazai was his first challenge since "him". WHO THE FUCK IS HIM???? The only person i can think of that coupd possibly fit the ridiculous genius role is Shibusawa, and it cant be him! Bones has visuals of Shibu they would've flashed a shot of him if it was him, and also that doesn't make sense character wise. This is Fyodor backstory information!
And speaking of, or at least slightly mentioning Dazai. THE BOI AIN'T DEAD! FYODOR CANT KILL HIM HE'S GONNA BE HERE AT THE END OF THE WORLD ALONG WITH COCKROACHES AND TWINKIES! And guess what else? CHUUYA ISNT A VAMPIRE! AND HE NEVER WAS ONE! BRO WAS ACTING! Tachihara is gonna have to relinquish his medal as best actor because Chuuya was spot on! Chuuya also has the vampire fangs still glued to his teeth from when Mori apparently put them there. Lol.
But back to seriousness, Dazai did a little speech about how Fyodor lost because he doesn't trust anyone and then they kill Fyodor by having the helicopter fly into the wall! Fyodor's last words were also from the Bible and according to what others have said they mean something along the lines of "oh god, oh god, why have you forsaken me", I don't think this line has much to do with lore besides like, religious Bible symbolism, but I have seen people theorize that Fyodor's gonna pull a Jesus and rise from the dead in three days! And seeing as I do think that this isn't the last we'll see of him, that could be true!
But now for the most important part of this section, at the cost of Fyodor's life Fyolai is now 100% canon! Some of the most delicious diversity wins are the ones that feel like losses at the same time. To elaborate more, after Fyodor dies the only part left of him is his arm and so Dazai picks it up and gives it to Nikolai say "Aren't you happy you killed him?" Which... technically he didn't kill him but I guess it sorta counts since it was part of the game, anyways, so Nikolai takes the arm and just cradles it to his chest,, so gently,, and says that Fyodor was the only person to ever understand him and that he is actually very sad now that he's dead, it's said much better in the episode I'm not good at dialog, and he just goes over to the wreckage and holds the severed arm of his one and only friend to his face and it's so sad, so gruesome yet so sweet, how tragic, how them.
Oh, and also Sigma is fucking dead apparently. I don't believe this because a good half of my theories are formed on a 'that wouldn't narratively make sense' basis, and by God would that not make sense narratively! And so I'm certain that Sigma is fine, we'll probably find out more about what actually happens in the manga, maybe he'll be in a coma until they need him to reveal the Fyodor back story, because they WILL be giving a Fyodor back story, he's done too much for his affect on the plot to just end now. I have a theory on how he might come back that I'll write later.
Onto a different topic, it's time for OLD MAN YAOI!
Holy shit the old man yaoi was so genuinely devastating. They cared about eachother so much! They CARE about eachother so much! The flower petals! The LITERALLY INSANE AMOUNT OF FLOWER PETALS!
Ok so, Fukuzawa reveals that he's not dead and was just waiting for the right opportunity to strike, and so he finds it and he goes at Fukuchi, they do a fight Fukuzawa gets the One Order and the nukes are deactivated! But wait, Fukuchi runs at him again, Fukuzawa slashes his sword-! But wait! Fukuchi is... smiling? Fukuzawa is now regretting his swing but it's too late to pull back now and so it slashes through his old friends throat, after he does this Poe's book falls out and they both get sucked in, leading me to be kinda confused because I thought you had to actually read it in order to be sucked in? But whatever it's not important.
So in the book Poe has written a couple scenes from Fukufuku's childhood, I assume Ranpo must have told him about the memories, or maybe him and Fukuzawa did some son and father in law bonding where Fukuzawa told him the stuff. Anyways, now the old Fukufuku are having a conversation as the young Fukufuku are just sword fighting, goofing around and being FRIENDS! AUGH! They used to be such close friends! And just, watching them being happy in the past was truly so sweet and devastating, why oh why did it have to end this way!
Now, along with the sad shit that's happening we're also getting some big lore! It turns out that the reason why Fukuchi was doing all of this was because he had gotten a message from the future that there would be a huge war that kills thousands of people, and that he did this as a sort of sacrifice a few for the many thing. And, another big gay and big lore thing, Fukuchi never actually intended to be the commander of the Army of Mankind, he wanted Fukuzawa to command it because he thought that Fukuzawa was so good he couldn't be corrupted by that amount of power. Holy fuck that was so gay! He is so in love! He cares about and thinks so much of Fukuzawa I wish things could turn out different so badly! Like, Fukuchi still kinda sucks (<- just remembered the whole Jouno situation), but he didn't use to suck and if the situation was different he might not have sucked now! The old man yaoi is so tragic! Fuck!
And so Fukuchi asks Fukuzawa to kill him, and Fukuzawa agrees, but when it finally comes down to it, he can't. Fukuzawa has always cared for the one more then he's cared for the many, and even if it would be for the best he just can't bring himself to kill his best friend. And then comes Teruko with a steel chair stabbing Fukuchi in the back! OK seriously now, Teruko comes in and stabs Fukuchi, it seems that its because he asked her to do so as she is quite upset about it, she hands the sword to Fukuzawa and proceeds to turn away,not wanting to look at them anymore, and Fukuchi crumples into Fukuzawa's arms and he holds him as be takes his final breaths, and as Fukuchi takes his final breath Fukuzawa starts Crying! Like full on screaming ans sobbing! Out of every duo I was not expecting Fukufuku to be the one to get the 'crying as you hold your dead partner in you arms' troup, but I'm not complaining! This was devastating.
One final bit about Fukufuku, it is honestly kinda funny how much Bones clearly adores their relationship. They get all the best animation and a whole new artstyle/coloring pallet just fir their scenes! As we've said before, Bones really like their old man yaoi.
And now we get to everyone else, such as SSKK! The neck bite was fine, it wasn't slow and sensual but I think it made up for it by being kinky as heck! Like, look me in the eyes and tell me that wasn't kinky. Atsushi sure seemed to think it was! Other characters include, Juni and Kunikida! They're awake now! They're alright! And so is Ranpo! Kenji and Tecchou are up! My boys! We unfortunately will not get an angsty Suegiku vampire reunion it seems, but its fine, i guess. (<- it's not fine but whatever, it is what it is, I just hope there is some angst when they do meet up again, didnt Asagiri say he wantedto further exoand their relationship?) And of course the most important characters to show up in the outro, LUCY AND KYOUKA! THE GIRLS ARE HERE! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE THEY BEEN! and where's Yosano??? They just, didn't include her at all where is she????
And finally, the two hour time skip.
WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!??!
The airport is on fire?! A floaty gid-lookin guy that looks like Fukuchi is fighting sskk?! AKUTAGAWA HAS A NEW OUTFIT!? My boy got rid of his coat and his Victorian vampire aesthetic and decide to go even further back in time by doing a knights outfit! He has a little eye guard thingy! It's both very stupid and very cool looking and the most important thing is that he's PRETTY! BONES DID IT! THEY FINALLY LET AKU SMILE AND BE PRETTY! THANK FUCK! And when I say they made him pretty I mean they made him Pretty! Bro looked majestic! And Atsushi too! I mean he was wearing the same outfit as always but he looked very nice and!! He smiled at Akutagawa!! He fondly and softly smiled at Akutagawa!!!! Holy shit sskk canon! But also still what the fuck is happening.
Anyways, I have written a lot of stuff and I still have some thought left over, so I might make a second post later, when I'm not supposed to be asleep perhaps.
TLDR; that was a great episode and a very fun end to the series, all of our ships are canon, and i am super excited to see how this will be in manga form! Wow it's weird to be thinking about being excited to see the manga adaptation of the anime instead of the other way around.
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saddlepunk · 7 months
aaah there it is. took a few days but theres the long string of texts abt this move from my mom.
she is TRYING ill give her that, shes doing her best to be supportive, but in the middle of all that she still cant help but shift blame to my dad.
"i think you get weird ideas about how my brain works from [your father] who thinks im crazy and unreasonable for wanting to know whats happening in my house" no i think that from talking to YOU!! people used to toss around the term "simp" a lot but he's the first man ive seen who actually fits the description. some of the things shes said/done to him wouldve driven any other adult with the option to live their own life away (see: me) but he moved out like. six months ago and he still wants back in.
shes just got complete and total amnesia about most of the shit shes done to me, and i KNOW this because sometimes she admits that she thinks she abused my dad, but she cant seem to muster up more than a "i wasnt there for you" or a "things could have been better" and half the time she STILL puts the blame on my dad.
no, him being there for a hot 8 years after they broke up sucked, esp since he absolutely guilt tripped his way back in. that IS shitty. but the way things fell apart from there wasnt wholly on him, and while im sure i didnt HELP i also find it hard to swallow any time she tries to dredge up ancient sins because i was a child then.
like, if it was JUST about my dad, why get mad when i try to exist in the house unobserved? why get mad and disbelieve me whenever i say im sick? why the hundred thousand stupid bullshit accusitions because she decided what she thought happened in advance and the conversation about it is just her looking for proof. ive spent my entire goddamn life having her tell me she doesnt believe me about my own fucking emotions, SHE knows how i think and feel better than anyone and she can just PROVE it.
i couldnt fuckin wring a bad word about her out of my father, he'll always find a way to lick her ass. im acting like im trying to escape because i /am/. my beliefs abt her being fucking insane come from /living with her/ not some secret indoctrination from the first man to have negative spine.
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luverz-exe · 2 years
HIII can i req toby or jeff with a very skilled yet clumsy teammate... like they do dumb ass shit but they end up winning any fights for them
Yandere Jeff the Killer and Ticci Toby (Separate) with Clumsy Teammate S/O
First time doing separate characters, but hopefully this format is good enough. Requests that have more than one character might be smaller, but it's alright, cause I try my best to do quality content for each and every one.
Jeff The Killer
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× Jeff, despite his normally laid back attitude, is not amused with this. It's funny at first, but slowly he gets more concerned and annoyed by this. Almost wants to believe your faking it, as it just seems so strange to him that you just seem to show off your skills and still end up being a klutz. A part of him wants to think you're doing all of this for attention, and then proceeds to put you to the test.
× But once he figures out that this isn't for attention, and that you're just stupid, he goes easier on you. His attitude takes a bit of a turn, and he starts developing his obsession, and it doesn't take all too long, a year at most. The more the two of you fight together, the more he feels a connection, the two of you somehow work well together. Maybe it's due to the fact he saves you from falling half the time, but still. His heart swells with pride when you don't fall or you save yourself, and if that ain't love, he doesn't know what is.
× Despite how much of a selfish prick he comes off as(and actually is), he tries to hide it when around you, worried that you will lose interest. I mean, not like he minds, cause he'll force you if need to. And, seeing your clumsy nature, it might be harder to get away. You need protecting after all, whether you want it or not.
"Sure, you can hold your ground, but what if the time comes where you need to depend on me? You'll have to be willing to. So, how about you practice now, and you let me...take care of things. Just let me handle it."
Ticci Toby
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× Toby himself feels kinship automatically, seeing as though the both of you are very talented in your own rights, and you two tend to get overlooked for things you cant control that people find "Annoying" He doesn't imagine for a second that you could be faking it, because he sees no reason how it could benefit you. And working with you is in his opinion, an absolute blast!
× The obsession comes quickly, one minute he sees you as a great ally, the next he just wants to lock you in his basement and keep you there so nobody can have you. This obsession grows so rapidly he doesn't even know how to handle it, and he panics a little, and by that I mean he's trying to avoid you like the plague. You sickened his mind, poisoned it, he just needs to hope that it fades away like any old crush.
× The longer it stays, the more willing he becomes to have you in his life...permanently. Call him a bit of a people pleaser, but he's willing to change a few things about himself for you. That doesn't mean he'll keep these changes forever, no no no, he'll wait juuust until the moment to strike comes. You won't even know it until it's too late.
"Sorry, but we both know this would happen eventually. Just ac-accept it, and go down without a fight. It'll be easier for the both of us."
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strykingback · 7 months
EVENT: Rescue Mission Phase Two Part 3. The Cybernetic Demon
Warning this drabble will contain vomitting, Reader Discretion is advised.
OST: Realization
The strike team stood outside of the base watching over every individual as they were being checked out by the medical team with reinforcements arriving as well. Made even worse by the fact that some of the brains that were found needed to be cartwheeled out carefully onto cargo ships. Some of them containing Zek's friends that he made when he was younger.
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"I cant believe this. Why would someone go as far as to literally harvest the brains of innocent people who had done nothing wrong?" Eros said holding his helmet looking at the waves of civilians being treated for their injuries, any side-effects of the experimentation, and furthermore.
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"Made worse by the fact that we we're planning to set charges and get rid of any evidence related with Project Immortalis... but the good news is that the successful serum was replicated when those scientists came to....all that now matters is if the mark we're chasing has it injected into himself..." Leonidas said, with Eros nodding. "Add salt to the injury mate, because most of those people were either Zek's own allies from before he joined up with us." He continued.
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"Still.. it gladdens me to see that command had also sent Merlinda and Twilight here to help. Add that with Krieg and we should create an alternate version of Immortalis that should easily take out our foe.... the only problem is that we have a long way to go." Guangxian said, which the trio noticed Hermes, Krieg, Twilight, and Zek would walk towards them.
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"Hows everything with your mum, Zek? All-clear? No side effects?" Eros asked.
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"Ms. Atya is doing incredibly well, so far as per the disturbing videos that Guangxian had to send me which resulted in five days loss of beauty sleep. She has no signs of the aforementioned side-effects as I theorized which would happen. Albeit something else was wrong but its quite major.." Merlinda said, with Zek moving back to the trio to listen to what the professionals had else to say.
"What I noticed through my semblance was that her genetic cells were breaking down much slower than originally expected through a lifetime of faunus' or humans. After I took a blood sample and observed the sample... her blood was showing signs of symbiosis with Project Immortalis.. meaning one thing. Her body is aging slowly and any damage she may take might heal up rapidly... but I assume it is with a certain amount of dosages of it..... that Ms. Atya would have became psuedo immortal....." Twilight said.
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"An Immortal Army . . . ." Eros said with awe, thinking for a minute. "And Ace how about him? Will he be able to pilot the Liberation still?" He asked while Krieg and Hermes looked at Eros.
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"Ace is sadly suffering from some effects from Fusion Poisoning which thankfully the medical teams got to him in time to administer the antidote. As for the Liberation... it is currently being repaired... if Ace does come to he'll be using the Atelius' Railgun cannon in order to fire at any large targets should the time come.....
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"As for me and Krieg we may have to remain here in order to help with ensuring that none of the civilians are suffering from the side-effects of Project Immortalis... sorry. at this point you may be the final four or five if Ace gets back up." Hermes said putting his hands behind his back.
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"It' aint gonna be easy. But I do like a challenge...." Eros would say. "Alright. We'll leave things to you. Everyone else lets get back to work." He said putting on his helmet and thus him, Zek, Guangxian, and Leonidas would re-enter the base... of the Solitas Liberation LLC.
Back inside the base..
The small strike team led by Eros would move through the enemy base carefully keeping their wits about and their minds focused on the endgame at hand. As they all entered an elevator with just nothing more but calming music playing....
Finally... a voice would come through.
"Well Well! Gentlemen! I do must say so myself.. I congratulate you for catching us offguard like that...! Really, it takes a lot to do that ever since the last time... Mr. Sunna-Simo....." A voice would say with a southern accent added to it.
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"Blyat.... I thought they would forget about that... guess they didnt." Zek said softly.
"After all, that time we were just about to complete our plans and even not harm those civvies. But after that.... we had to improvise on some things especially after losing our funding because of that Blizzard Sniper incident. I knew you had a killer instinct Zekkie-boy. However, turns out that killer instinct was focused on us instead of the enemies when we hired you..." The voice continued.
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"When I get my hands on you, I'm going to make sure those bones of yours will be broken!!!!" Leonidas growled.
"Broken? Hahaha... After all, I think I can't call myself human anymore.Why not enter the main room and lets all talk face to face! Mano A Mano! Enemy of My Enemy is my friend!" The voice continued with the elevator ringing with the doors opening up as everyone walked through noticing the large cylinder towers.... with little blue rings of light.
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"Those things can't be holding brains right?" Eros said with a light glare...
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"I thought the room upstairs had all the brains there...."
"WRONG! All those towers are holdin' nice, juicy, flesh-meat brains!!!!" The southern voice spoke once more with everyone pointing their weapons at the railing in front of them as heavy footsteps were leading straight to them...with a large man wearing an equally large trenchcoat as he opened up one of tower lights with him picking up a brain as it trilled and twitched in terror.
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"I definitely must say..... the alternative program to Project Immortalis... is effective!!!"
COMMANDER OF CLANDESTINE OPERATIONS ________________________________________ BARBATOS
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"Alternative program? I know for a fact you just committed a huge human and faunus rights violation crime. I'm certain the Grand Council of Remnant would love to slam dunk you into the death penalty!" Eros said keeping Pequod and Ishmael on the burly man.
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"You just aint gettin' it arent ya? Yeah, the brains are being put underneath active combat situations, but at the same time.... they are also being brainwashed as well into becoming perfect soldiers that will listen to the people in command aka. The successorts who managed to survive and thrive with Immortalis!!!" Barbatos continued with an evil grin on his face.
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"You're telling me if my mother did not survive she would have been turned into a soldier!!!" Zek growled.
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"After all.... I was the one who killed your first mama! And then beat the other one down! Trust me... her screams were sublime!!!!" He continued placing the brain back in its pod with an evil grin on his face making Zek point Hayha directly at Barbatos head and fired. With the man simply stepping to the side in a flash. "Not here... can't damage the goods now. I'll lead you boys to my office.... we can talk there!!!" He said turning around and walking away which everyone else didnt wait... they followed... into a room of stairs leading to another part of the building where Barbatos stood in a large room without his trenchcoat on turning around revealing his mechanical body
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"Welcome gentlemen!! To your deaths! Cause after I'm done with you.... Imma slaughter all those civilians...and make sure they all get turned into perfect soldiers!!!!" He shouted pulling out his heavy machine gun. "Cause guess what." He said with his visor activating on his mouth and face.
OST: Cybernetic Destruction
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"I'm going to tear off the flesh from all of your bodies and turn into perfect cyborgs like me..." He said with a menacing voice as he aimed for Zek first as he started firing with everyone scrambling around for cover. While Eros would shoot at him to get his attention.
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"Then. I'm sending you back to the scrap heap then!" Eros shouted shooting at him to which Barbatos turned his attention toEros and began to shoot at him which the commander would throw a grenade at him while Leonidas used his 300, Interchangable plasma rifle in its grenade launcher state to further faze the cyborg with both making contact and exploding...
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"Damn.... that was somethin.... my turn." He said with a glow being emitted from his back while Leonidas and Eros prepared themselves but in a blink, Barbatos was already in front of them both and swung both his fists at their guts hitting them and making them both cough in pain as they both keeled over.
"Bloody... hell....what...was that..." Eros said taking off his helmet to vomit, while Leonidas kept his on to and looked up at Barbatos who was chuckling at his work. "Why dont you live long enough to find out and-" Barbatos spoke noticing his HUD was showing up with an attempted hacking symbol on it as he turned around to look at Guangxian who was busy hacking into his systems. "Nice try..." He said initiating the counter measures and locking him out.
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"What!?!" Guangxian said before his signaler popped making the hacker stumble a bit with the same thing happening to him..getting flash stepped and knocked out by the cyborg.
With the Cyborg ready to revel in his possible victory he looked around for Zek who in fact was just a slight distraction... which the sniper threw his knife... as Barbatos knocked it away. And right before he was going to do a fusion rush. Bang.....
His the light was emitted from his back was destroyed by a well placed grenade launched shot from Leonidas. Who stood up and roared charging at the Cyborg swinging a kinetic punch making him stumble with a groan from the charged semblance, then came Eros who stood up in time throwing his plasma knife at the rocket launcher, the Guangxian quickly came to and started hacking again... this time managing to counterhack Barbatos counter hacking measures...
And finally Zek would slide in to snipe the head of Barbatos off ... as the Cyborg fell down.... dead...
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"Thats... for making me vomit... arsehole..."
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"Actually... wasnt this fight meant to be a bit longer...? "
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"The writer of this has things to do tomorrow, plus it was a holiday today." Guangxian said. while Leonidas facepalmed.
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"Lets get back on track people. We aren't out of the woods just yet. " Leonidas would say with the speakers coming to life.
"I didnt think Brumel of all things would send a strike force to interrupt my plans!"
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writerracha · 1 year
I think wish you back, like volcano, contains a deeper meaning besides missing a lover. THE ENTIRE SONG IS A EUPHEMISM FOR WANTING YOUR OLD/CHILDHOOD SELF BACK SHSHDJDJEK TELL ME IM WRONG
firstly, the chorus. "you were my story" is his younger self, his past self, which is why it's his story - it's his life. he gathers those memories and looks at the photographs of him when he was younger, and cherishes them because he can't go back. he's reminiscing about the past, the good times that he once had, when he had no worries and was happy.
the first verse is even more obvious: maybe he's going through something, or in the process of growing up, he slowly lost the sense of carefreeness and happiness he once had. and it makes him think back to those times when he still had those feelings. he wonders if he'll lose that memory, too. "put your small hands together" is an even more obvious hint that he was a kid then. "in the days when every moment was beautiful and splendid" is EXACTLY the feeling you have as a child where you're not consumed by worries and anxiety. "you were the main character in the movie called me" JUST CONFIRMS IT. because ONLY HIS PAST SELF CAN BE THE MAIN CHARACTER OF HIS MOVIE AHSJEKKEKE
and he says that even if he travels around the world, fill his mind with other thoughts, he can't outrun it, because this feeling is inside of him. he can't escape it.
he wishes his old self back. he's tired of "sitting in a room all day long and turning off the light". he doesn't feel okay, but he knows that he can't go back to the past. you can't rewind time, and even though maybe his past self made a promise to himself to not be defeated, it falls forfeit when he had to say goodbye to his past self as he grew up.
and even though he knows this, he's still holding out for a chance that one day, he can be as happy and carefree as his past self was again. he looks at the picture of his younger self and himself right now, and he wants to be able to see himself smile so brightly again in the mirror. he doesn't want to feel this way anymore. so he holds out hope, and waits.
IDK IT COULD BE A SONG ABOUT A LOVER THAT GOT AWAY OR STH,, but idk the lyrics are kinda way too ambiguous for me to think that way, especially the parts about the main character of his movie ajsjsnsm
I absolutely love this analysis. Because I truly believe Jisung is very good at self exploration and introspection HOW CAN HE NOT BE. This man overthinks everything I'm pretty sure about it and his medium is song writing. SO DEFINITELY!!!!!!!! That makes so much sense I don't even know what to tell you except stand up and CLAP
i think all of his songs have double, triple, multiple meaning, it's the beauty of his story telling, he writes about so many things so you can apply it to what speaks to u. that's also just good narrative skills in my opinion. if your story is too obvious it can be good but for me somethng that is open to interpretation is even better, and ji does that so perfectly he understands that i think. or if he doesn't he's just a genius WHICH IS ALSO TRUE
like definitely a past self. his past self. but also his other selves?? all the people he could have been?? and sometimes you change but you want to get that person back??? "the photo engraved in my heart"... i also love how he's able to portray that when we miss someone (or ourselves) it is triggered by things in our day, it doesn't happen in the same manner. it's about being haunted by something but also "you're on my mind MORE TODAY" like. some days you wake up and you're inhabited by something. and that speaks to it SO MUCH. and THE WAY HE SINGS THAT DESPAIR AND FEELING HIS VOICE SENDS ME EVERY GODDAMN TIME THERE'S SO MUCH IN IT AOISFHASF
i also love that he talks about missing something and that it hurts and that we accept this hurt because missing someone also means we care, we love, we are human. and that's so beautiful. THE HUMANITY IN HIS SONGS
I mean I can imagine how someone like Ji could miss previous days... it must be a tough life sometimes, going back to being "carefree" or being "no one"... I get that. That makes me emotional because it's not that he doesn't like his life now, missing our younger self is not about hating our life now, it's just about nostalgia and that's so ok. ANYWAY WOW I COULD TALK ABOUT THIS FOR SO LONG IMMA STOP NOW but thank you for sharing that. truly. i appreciate it so so much, thank you for trusting me with your thoughts
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snailvee · 1 year
ok im still thinkning of the situation i made up for the glimpse of us comic so heres a couple other songs i think fit
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^^ this also from leon's perspective, talking about his guilt around not being there for chris and leaving him for ada any chance he gets. "wish it wasnt a case of this time" especially important cuz hes done it multiple times and its wearing away at chris (more about that with the second song). he hates himself for what he did so ofc he thinks chris hates him too
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^^ this one from chris's perspective. he wants leon so much but he cant deal with him going back to ada time and time again. even when leon comes back and says it wont happen again, it does (youre saying im the one but its your actions that speak louder). one day chris finally decides to end it. its been too long and too many times and he needs to just leave for his own well being.
for how bad leon feels about how he treated chris, deep down he knows chris will always take him back. chris will always be there to pick up the pieces. so when chris finally leaves, gets himself out of this loop of suffering, leon is shocked. he doesnt have much of a reaction at first because he just doesnt believe it. chris will come back, right? but he doesnt. and it all hits leon at once. and then maybe ada shows up and he goes with her for a bit, but she disapears again like always. and this time leon doesnt have chris to go back to. maybe he tries. maybe he thinks that despite what chris said he'll still take him back. but he doesnt. and leon is alone.
hi @bat-luun im being so normal rn as u can see
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badlypostedfics · 1 year
hexter my man give us some totc!hugo analysis pre- and post-reset i beg
Yeah man ofc!
This got long so its under the cut :)
Part i
c!hugo starts off as kinda a background archivist. Doesn't do a whole lot until the morse code comes out, at which point he's like wait. Bc he spent most of his life before Viana on boats!! so ofc he's interested in doing the morse code bc it comes easy. And from that point he ends up working with the others and really begins to idolise Lume (something something respect must be earned.) And that's something he sticks with. So when Astraea starts turning everything south he still doesn't really recognize her as in charge. Sure she's making these threats and they're even coming true, but that's not exactly something he's going to take as authority. So of course, while Astraea is making her MO clear to the archivists, he's quietly making his clear to her. Something he says honestly a fair few times is that he doesn't care which side of history he stands on, he just cares that he's standing, which pretty much means that no matter what happens or how bad he needs to become, as long as he doesn't compromise on his own values he'll do it. And in this situation his values are;
- Loyalty to the archivists no matter what - Respect is something that is earned not demanded - The needs of the many outweigh the few
And these don't change at all the whole way through.
To him the archivists are an unbreakable team, so everyone including Kaz and Ash are his top priority. So when Confusion and Ender start worshiping Astraea he feels they've gone against everything he's standing for. (As has he but I'll get to that). They've betrayed the archivists, obeyed a command for respect, and are putting their own personal safety over everyone else's. 
This obviously leads him to The Incident. He gets tortured and maimed, and the worst part of it for him isn't actually the injuries. It's the fact that for a moment he actually trusts Astraea and she obviously betrays it a second later. And at that moment he actually respects her slightly more because he's so close to her that he sees her as just a person, breaking another person with her own hands. And she follows through with the scenario. She doesn't change her mind or conviction. And she chooses to enforce her command herself. So yes he's scared into calling her Lady Astraea, but he doesn't feel as awful about it because in a sick way he thinks only now does she deserve that from him.
Confusion then dies. Someone Hugo hated for being a lapdog, and hated for justifying his torture. And he's still upset about it, and he's very conflicted about the fact, so the only thing he can do really is add a new rule.
- Anyone can be forgiven once.
And so as Confusion dies, he looks them in the eyes and forgives them. And as Astraea dies he mourns. 
Year of Isolation
In the base, Hugo can barely speak, and can't use his hands. He's back to being a background archivist, but not for the same reasons. He sits in the corner on a bunk and watches Confusion's dog, wishing he could call it over or stroke it. It's about the only creature in the base he's sure might actually want to look at him out of anything other than pity. 
When he eventually gets use of his hands back, the first thing he wants to do is create. He makes a bracelet for Ender and Talia first, thanking them for helping him recover. Then lume, then the others. One for Confusion he attaches to the dog collar like a tag, and one for Weird which he stares at for about a week before he cant think about it anymore and hides it under a pile of rocks. He thinks about his new rule, which he believes in now. He believes it every time he tries to look Ender in the eyes after surviving where Confusion didn't. He believes it when he finally calls pup over and it greets him as happily as a dog does. He believes it when he covers his mouth in a mask to hide what a dead girl he half misses left on him as a cruel statement. 
And then he looks at the sigil on his hand and he makes a final bracelet. He takes it into the woods and hangs it from a tree in a bowstring he broke off of an old longbow in the cabin. Magpie is forgiven and remembered, and he loses the nerve to ever go back and check if he knows that. He stops wearing the glove over his sigiled hand and claims its to help dexterity. He seriously doubts if anyone cares. Part ii
So it's all back. Hugo deals with it about as well as anyone else. cleans himself up. The worst part about it by far are Aurora and Rue, because they were never part of his story. Astraea and Magpie are his. They've had forgiveness, they've earned forgiveness. Well, not really. But nonetheless, they have it. But Aurora? She doesn't have any claim to this story. She's the rough draft and he hates it. he doesn't care enough about either of them to do much. He'll antagonise them now, that's a change. It isn't reason or facts, it's plain aggression now. Bitterness needs something to go. He has Atty, and Ender doesn't hate him. He loves his family, his archivists, and as long as none of them are in danger he's more than willing to drink his days away in Oracle's casino until the next apotheosis hits. 
That's another thing. Calling Oracle Kaz was a habit which he finally breaks. Sure, Kaz was part of his family, the archivists, but he discovers something else. 
- You can't hold on to everyone
- (He doesn't take it in yet. Not yet.)
So he thinks about how he's changed and he realises it isn't fair. He lets Kaz and Ash go and hopes it's enough that they're here as they are. 
The first time he's invested is when house comes. Unbeliever, House calls him. He talks to Astraea in private, and god knows that's enough of a challenge. Anything could happen, a lot worse than the last time they spoke within any proximity to each other. But he has an idea. Puts it all together. None of the four in the loop have it in them to get out. None of their desires align with freedom from house; freedom from house is to be tethered to just being yourself. No one wants that, and if they do they are lying. Avery's voicemail proves this later. All Hugo wants now is to stand as he is, stand up for the archivists. He doesn't want anything for himself, he doesn't need house. For the archivists to be happy he needs house to be gone, it's his truest desire. So he pitches it to Astraea, and she takes it. 
And Hugo's always known he was a background character. But he didn't think it was like this. It could have been anything but this.
So god forbid anyone let Hugo take the fall. He's stuck, he knows it now. The eternal half survivor who watches someone better die as he's given care he doesn't deserve. And so it is that Astraea rewrites the ending to her story with the pen he handed to her and he can't even fault Magpie for being angry. He spends the last few days furiously trying to crack fate like it's morse code, but as radio static plays, the world ends again. 
He says goodbye to his beloved archivists, and with his last breaths in the world he should never have survived, he asks Magpie if he took the bracelet. He doesn't say it loud enough to be heard; the world was never about him anyway.
Post Reset.
Hugo is a background character. He lives far away from everyone. No connection, no nothing. The others celebrate being free, make up, apologise. He begins to start talking, to ask for explanation. He stops. Lets everyone go back to normal together. By the time Avery crosses that highway, his account hasn't shown the active status in weeks. Hugo learns alone on a windy peninsula in rural New Zealand his final lesson for good.
You can't hold onto everyone.
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feralghxuls · 1 year
“can you believe this isn’t even all of it?”
i- if you’re willing and able PLEASE give us more enemies/lovers swiss/alpha i’m begging you it’s food for my soul <3
rubs my gay little hands together.
should i tell you about the tangled mess it all becomes when we bring in alpha's history with omega? and the fact that swiss ends up mates with omega (theres a weird little triangle with rain, omega, and swiss but i wont go into it here) and he hasn't really been keeping omega in the loop about what he's been up to with alpha, but when he realizes that yeah he's definitely fallen for the little asshole, he needs to tell omega. and he's kind of scared shitless about it. he just knows broadly what went down, but enough to know this could go south quick
and how it turns out that omega and alpha's relationship, though it was mainly a D/s relationship, was incredibly toxic -- alpha demanding scenes, more and more, omega giving in even though alpha is taking far more than omega has to give, then when omega starts saying no, alpha blames his subsequent explosive meltdowns on omega, shouting about how if he'd just given him this one little thing, none of this would have happened
and how, when swiss comes clean about alpha, the fact he's been doing scenes with him for months now, and it was just supposed to be a one-off thing but it kinda just kept happening, and even though he buries the fact that he's become fond of the shithead in between everything else, omega is dead silent when he finishes explaining the situation. and then he says he needs some time. he'll let swiss know when he's ready to talk.
and how swiss makes up his mind to turn alpha down if he comes to him asking for a scene, and the fierce debate swiss has with himself when it comes down to it: simply turn apha down, refer him to someone else if he needs it that bad, or turn him down and tell him its because of omega -- which would dredge up old, aching wounds that they'll have to sort through later, shit alpha hasn't even been able to look at but if omega's still this torn up about it, surely alpha is too. the difference is that alpha is pissed. and guilty, which feeds into the fury. which is gonna result in a very nasty scene when they finally dig into it. (and long, long aftercare)
orrr should i tell yall about a little hc of mine that swiss loves taking photos of everyone, he likes to do little photoshoots and get them printed and everything, and he asks alpha one day if he can take pictures of him. he's already been viciously turned down when he's asked to record him during scenes before, but swiss thinks a nice artful nude photoshoot would do alpha some good. a nice confidence boost, not in an ego boosting way bc satan knows he doesnt need more of that, but in a seeing himself as pretty way. he wants alpha to see himself the way swiss sees him.
like a pathetic little freak? i dont need that shit on film
well. that doesn't go over how swiss imagined it. somehow he'd forgotten that he exclusively calls alpha nasty mean things, its just how they function, but he doesn't really see alpha like that anymore. but he cant backpedal out of this, not when alphas immediately in a hissy, hairtrigger reactive mood, but he says that they should meet up later so he can explain what he means, and alpha is huffy and nasty about it but he thinks about it all day, what the hell else swiss couldve meant by that. it never occurred to him that swiss might see him in a positive light
but uh. dont get it twisted. no matter how fond of alpha swiss gets, or how easy it gets for alpha to spill his guts to swiss, they're still teeth and blood and claws and it just means they know what cuts the deepest
(and once again none of this would exist without the partner in crime @citruspuppy >:3)
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gh0st-patr0l · 2 years
GOD season six. Fucking destroyed me
I have so many thoughts...
Like first of all, I LOVE how the whole season was making you think. Oh fuck. This is it. This is where everyone's going to die. This is when they're finally going to be outmatched. Even if you dont really believe thats what's going to happen, the possibility is there, because it's the Last Season. No garuntees.
For a show that repeated the same conflict of "Tommy's up against a NEW, BIGGER ENEMY this time, is he Finally Going To Be Defeated?" For Six Seasons, they did a Remarkable job of making each one still feel tense, but I think the added uncertainty of this being the finale made it even More impactful. I was literally squirming through some of those tense build ups.
I also love all of the tie ins and echoes. I feel like the theme of the war and being soldiers, while still present, was sort of less centralized as the show went on. But for this season, it was back in full focus, and I think that was really smart- taking everything back to its roots, ending where they began. Reminding you that war and trauma was the lynchpin for all of this.
On that note, I think Arthur's ending was honestly the most bittersweet, but appropriate. I know we get that letter at the table later, but I think his last Actual scene being him sitting on the pavement with his war buddies, saying "We're still in France," is significant and gorgeously sad. Arthur's internal conflict through this entire show has been his struggle against the past and how it haunts him, how he can't deal with these kinds of things and it constantly gets in his way. So I think his finale being him, just sitting in that quiet grief, is fitting. He didn't defeat his demons- but he wasnt defeated, either. He avenged Polly, and as far as we know, he'll keep on living. Get better, if he can. It's a fitting place to leave him.
Michael's end was also interesting. My sister and I both Shouted when Johnny Dogs showed up- that was such a great reveal (I may be biased bc I Love Johnny Dogs but shh). And when Tommy actually killed him, I was So caught off guard. It was interesting, there was this inherent expectation for this to be drawn out, for Tommy to give some long speech or profound moral. But no, he just fuckin Does It. I think it was a just end, considering Michael's history.
The table scene was so good, too. I like that they gave us hints for some of the characters, what they'll do- Ada being told to go into politics, Duke with his hair cut like a Peaky, implying that he'll be carrying on the business. And god, they made me feel so bad for Ada by the end...
This is all out of order but actually, speaking of Duke- when they brought him up in what, episode three? I was Really concerned. I did Not like the idea of them bringing in a new character so close to the end, and thought it was too little time to make me like him. But I was pleasantly surprised! I think they did a really good job; they didnt focus on him Too much, but when they gave him time they used it to show him as an interesting character. They didnt make me Fully invested, but that wasnt the point. His purpose was to show us that there will be new blood, that there are kids to take up the torch. It was a good way of doing that
Lizzie... god, Lizzie. I cant tell you how many times this season I had to Take A Moment to just Recover from everything they put her through. And god the ACTING??? Her emotional scenes were Incredible. I seriously think Natasha O'Keefe deserves an award for that performance. I love that they were able to introduce conflict between the two of them without making me Hate either of them. Lizzie's frustration and sadness were Understandable and her reactions, even if dramatic, didnt Feel like it, because their feelings were so well communicated. Im glad she left Tommy, honestly. Even if I love him, he was right that he wasn't good for her, at least how he was. She deserved a happy life with Charles, and I hope she got it.
As for Finn- Im also glad he left. Dont get me wrong, I like him, but Finn was just clearly never cut out for the business. He wanted to be, but he wasn't. I like to think after he left the Shelby's, he went back to his wife and just... made a normal life with her. Found a trade he liked, had kids. It'd be much better for him.
Billy was a rat, but whats new. I think he was a good plot element and a fine character- the writing was good enough to make me feel for him, even when I didnt like him.
And finally... the Ending.
They never really convinced me that Tommy was gonna shoot himself. I felt some tension, but all I could think about was Polly saying he wouldnt be killed by a bullet. But that didnt make it not horribly sad to watch him take off all his gold and arrange it with all the photos of his family...
And when he saw Ruby??? MY HEART. I was crying, literally. But the twist with the PHOTO?
We watched it over three days so I didnt recognize the doctor immediately, but when it clicked I LOST it. I feel like Tommy not being sick Should be a bad twist, but I honestly find myself enjoying it still. I think that Tommy dying would have been a fitting end for the show, but it also would have been... depressing. And Peaky is depressing, and bitter, and sometimes cruel- but it was never really hopeless. I feel like even through all the awfulness and tragedy, they always had this underlying, heartfelt humanity that kept me from being left exhausted. There was always Charlie and Curly and Johnny Dogs, a promise to be and do better, and the family and their love for each other.
And that was really the building theme of the season! Of getting better- trying and failing, sacrificing for it, finding reasons for it. At every turn of Tommy's journey this season, he was asked if he wanted to Be Better. And when he failed to, he sank further into himself.
Thats why, at the end, when he spares the doctor, its so impactful- hes finally choosing to Be Better.
And the mention of Armistice; he references the 11th hour, but I think hes more so alluding to the 11th of November Armistice- the peace treaty that ended World War 1. Tommy finally ended his war. He signed his treaty, and he walked away- when he heard that bell, he decided it was time to leave France, for good. "Peace At Last".
And that final shot... I mean, come on. The burning of his effigy- the funeral for the man he used to be. Riding off on a white horse, mirroring the opening scene of the show where he rode in on a black one. Transformation, redemption. FUCK.
In conclusion: Peaky Blinders was a Damn Good Show.
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 30: Note to Self: Dont Get Kidnapped
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Hair grabbing
"Please dont touch me"
I cant believe i've done 30 days of this. O.o
Short cause I fell behind!!! Sorry guys!!
In a world where magic is rare, and science reigns, beings of magic live in hiding, lest you have a death wish.
Virgil didnt mind the solitude that came with hiding, it could be lonely sure, but people were so… ugh. They made Virgils skin crawl, and his head ache, and his heart beat wildly in his chest. He hates how overwhelming they were, how much he had to think about, just too much.
Besides there was plenty to keep him occupied here. Magical beings to randomly catch sight of, plants to take care or, spiders to watch spin webs, traps and barriers to make up. M would come by with baked goods sometimes, L always had a book recommendation, P and Dk were good for entertainment- and a headache- and Dee could be good for gossip if you spoke his language- which Virgil did.
Not to say that he actually partook in those last parts willingly or often. He was the recluse of the recluses, the anti in social, and the creep in creepy- yeah he was not good at this…
The point of the matter was, today he wanted to be alone, and the storm clouds gathering outside were proof enough. So when noises came from outside, Virgils already sour mood for the day worsened further. Leave it to Dk to choose today to mess with him, he was not in the mood.
He opens the door to yell, only for his world to go dark.
His scalp burns, finger nails clawing his skull as the strands are roughly fisted and used to pull him from his cage. Its not the first time-and he's sure he'll be bald soon enough- but it hurts none the less as his bruised and bloodied body is dragged across hard stone floor.
This is the fate no magical creature wants to face, the one you tell children to scare them. Virgil had taken more precautions than any of the others, he knew exactly what could and did happen to magics caught by these monsters in human skin. He had scars to prove it…
To be back in the hands of 'scientists' that claimed to be bettering society by torturing Virgils people, was a nightmare come to life. But he supposed his precautions did one thing. No one else was taken or seen. The others were safe, and if they were smart- and L at least was- they'd move somewhere far away. That gives Virg a little peace at least.
His arms are forced this way and that, bound to the table as he struggles in vain against the rough treatment. Up until now, it was tests and poking and prodding, to try and garner what Virgil was. They of course couldnt know, they could claim some silly name sure, but they'd never truly know what they all were, what they represent. Virgil supposed, dying here wouldnt do much. If it had been any of the others, the world as they know it would be in danger, but a world without Virgil? Everyone hated him anyway, so it had to be for the better right?
They come towards him with a syringe and too long needle. His struggles renew, squirming this way and that as a million thoughts fly through his head of just what that thing contained. A 'hold him still' is mumbled and strong meaty fingers push his head to the side and force his chest still. He breaths heavily with panic as the needle gets closer and closer-
He screams.
"He's in here!"
They found him. Not again. No more please no more nomorenomore. Just kill him already, theyre not finding out anything useful by doing this. Please just stopstopstopstopstopstopst-
"Hey-" a hand nonononononono
"Please dont touch me, I cant just end it please im sorry-" he trembles, squirming as far into his dark corner as he can. The shadows threaten to swallow him but never do, just haunt and taunt and tear and hurt hurt hurt
Hes sorry really he is. Hes terrible he knows that. He was bad for escaping, he was bad for trying to live life like the others, he was a bad guy, a creepy cookie, a paranoid freak. Everything was his fault. He was badbadbadbadbad-
"Look at me Vee, come on, please look at me."
Vee… he was A… they didnt use names unless they were… they didnt know his name, they called him thing and subject and monster and- but not Vee not A… only…
"Come on kiddo, look at me."
"M?... is that…"
"We're here kiddo. We're getting you out."
"But im bad…"
"We will tell you all the reasons that is a falsehood later, but we must be going now."
"Come on storm cloud, we got work to do!"
"I have a new project im just DYING to show you!"
"That fashion disaster better stay away from my closet. Or I will fight you with my bare hands! And this sword."
"Come on Vee, lets go home."
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cursingcrona · 5 months
ah! that makes me so happy to hear <3 i struggle with a lot of like, mental things & stuff that make it hard to decide if someones calling out or not, so thank you for being so nice and concise about your answer!
honestly, the way i reached out to apollon was by the same thing. him whispering his name into my head and i just went with it. it's weird, i genuinely used to be so quick to research and whatnot whenever i felt pulled to a deity but, growing a little more into my practice, i realized i take it so much slower? i can't decide if that's a bad thing, lol
but, do you have any advice on how i should approach deities? i'm still sort of new to this type of thing, like, a month or somewhat into it. and struggle with yk, being unsafe to practice how i want. it hurts my head to think about how i might be praying the wrong way or something. the infernal deity in question is asmodeus, and i've had a hard time researching him in a way but from what some people on witchtok have said about him, it makes me so nervous as to accepting his calls. i also have abandonment issues. so. it makes me a little more inclined to sort of "watch the phone ring until it goes away", yk? but i really like him. i wanna talk to him and get closer to him, since he's been persisting me for a long-ish time now.
people have said he'll demand huge offerings, huge rituals, ect. that terrifies me, because, im in the closet about what i do, lol. so i cant have candles, sages, buy offerings, build him a fancy altar, ect. (i mean hell i literally JUST put up a *shelf* altar for apollon earlier today. that's the most i can do, and it scares me to think of disappointing them. especially since people say "make it worth their time", ect.)
but, sorry for this ask!! it's kind of cringe, i know. but, thank you anyway <3
Hi Nonnie!! Lets give you a proper nickname, aye? Hrrmmm..... /silly
Your my first ask, soooo... I wanna make it special..
Ill give you some options:
Now, lets unload this, shall we??
If you've seen any of my other posts, you'll know I believe deities understand. And I thoroughly do! To my core.
Deities know when things interfere with the mortal and mundane worshipers. They get it, they would be kind of off without the ability to just know.
On the same foot, some deities enjoy (enjoy, not require) large offerings, and devotional acts, and rituals, but it's not a requirement. Especially when in the broom closet!
You won't be disappointing anyone, or anything, for that matter. You are worth anyone and everyone's time.
I actually love the little shelf altar for Apollo! Right now, Apollo shares an Altar space with Dionysus, and soon to add Hermes (and others but they'll all have different spaces).
Im sure if thats all you can do, King Asmodeous wont mind. Deities are very understanding entities, especially with all the drama that (usually) happens in mythos.
Lets say He is a deity that prefers large rituals, offerings, and devotional acts, your the one that dictates what "big" or "little" means in that situation. It's your practice so words like "big" and "little" are relative to you and your abilities.
When I approach Deities, i take it slow or fast, all depending on the nature of the deity. The same goes for entities. Since King Asmodeous is, well, a King, i recommend taking it slow and respectfully! If you cant have candles and such, i recommend getting a little (easily hide-able) bowl ! This can serve either as an Altar or an offering dish! You can add just about anything to it, and that will serve as you reaching out to a deity. You can also pray over these offerings as a more direct reach out.
Then onto my next point: Take things as slow/fast as you deem comfortable.
Not "necessary", not "acceptable", comfortable.
I really love hammering home "This is Your practice" because it is! No one else can dictate what's "too slow" or "too fast" thats yours to decide!
Research is a wonderful thing to do even if it slows down how fast you start working with an entity/Deity. Sense your the one risking being wrong, and doing all these devotional things in the end, the choice is up to you how much research you put forward in the beginning!
One last point before i go:
Anything can be devotional, anything. I mean it! Time doing research about my deities is how i continue to feel close to them, your dedicating time to them. That in and of itself builds a bond like no other!
That's all I have to say at the moment, stay safe Nonnie, Blessed Be.
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