#still dont have it down right but alas.... better luck next time
clerichs-xi · 3 months
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nothing to see here, just the party rogue reporting to the party tactician after a scouting mission... being that close and shirtless is mandatory. for party morale of course.
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Jane Crocker, Calliope, Jade Harley
Act 6, page 7355-7358
JANE: I knew that I was her only hope for resurrection.
JANE: Perhaps my cybernetic intelligence was not as flawless as I believed.
JANE: In my haste to revive her, I neglected to let them know I was the only chance she had.
JANE: If they understood the nature of my powers, they may have tempered their aggression.
JANE: And if I wasn't so hurried to use those powers, I may not have let my guard down.
JANE: Alas, I did let my guard down, and with it, my queen.
JANE: But more importantly, my friend, who surely stayed dead.
JANE: Poor Roxy.
CALLIOPE: do yoU sUppose we shoUld be expecting her ghost to join Us too?
CALLIOPE: thoUgh i admit, part of me feels gUilty hoping she will join Us in death. u_u
JANE: I do not know.
JANE: But guilt notwithstanding, I truly hope to see her again.
JANE: Killing a dear friend while in a compromised state of mind... it's frightening to imagine having to "live" with that for eternity.
JANE: I'd be miserable if I never had the opportunity to make amends.
JADE: its sad she died, but then, isnt it kinda sad we all died?
JADE: personally im really hoping she shows up!
JADE: jane why dont you prepare a trollsona for her as a gesture of reconciliation?
JADE: its the least you can do :B
JANE: Why, yes.
JANE: I do believe I can make that sacrifice for the good of our friendship.
JADE: so getting back to the story
JADE: i take it from what you said about letting your guard down...
JADE: you believe this was how you died?
JANE: I'm almost certain of it.
JANE: I can remember nothing beyond that moment.
JANE: And if one of your friends managed to get the better of me, I have no doubt my death would have been just, considering the trouble I caused.
JADE: yeah...
JADE: likewise :\
CALLIOPE: do yoU remember who it was that killed yoU?
CALLIOPE: not to hoUnd yoU for details, bUt trivia like this tends to be historically important.
CALLIOPE: plUs, i woUld like to draw this scene. :u
JANE: I'm sorry. My memory of the incident overall is quite vague.
JANE: But it wouldn't surprise me if the one who dealt my fatal blow was the leader of the raid.
JANE: This was the unanticipated factor.
JANE: Their leader was someone who was not expected to show up with them at all.
JANE: The presence of this lone interloper was enough to discombobulate a scheme millions of years in the making.
JANE: This hero occupied a blind spot as much to the Condesce as to my present recollection, but of this much I am sure.
JANE: The hero was bold, wily; the sort of firebrand personality they needed to take such a stand.
JANE: An intrepid soul who was not about to take the verdict of paradox space lying down.
JANE: You see, Callie, your historical documents make no mention of the leader of the raid, because originally, the curtains closed early on this plucky customer.
JANE: But the hero was written back into our story by some inscrutable gambit of circumstance which we may never fully understand.
JANE: And with that flourish of revisionism, the tide of luck turned on a shiny new dime. All bets were off!
JANE: The tilt between the friendly and felonious was a true horse race again. A real barn burner in the brewing.
JANE: Yes, there'd still be hell to pay after Jade and I made our exit, sure as sugar cubes.
JANE: There'd be ashes to sift, wounds to mend, fallen to mourn. Not being privy to the aftermath, I can only surmise as well as the next gumshoe.
JANE: But with respect to the fate of our comrades, of this much I am convinced.
JANE: When the curtains finally closed, this time, their leader would make sure everyone was standing on the right side of them.
JANE: That is to say, the side any interested onlooker would be able to witness.
JADE: ...
JADE: jeez!
JADE: youre really good at telling stories jane!
CALLIOPE: yes, i'd no idea yoU had sUch a talent. how sneaky of yoU to hide sUch a gift from me all this time!
JADE: hear hear! 5 stars, would listen again! :)
JANE: Aw, shucks, you guys. :B
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sunarinluvr · 3 years
|| haikyuu boys finding you asleep on the couch after an argument ||
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includes: kuroo tetsurou, miya osamu, & oikawa tooru
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a/n- hello! sorry for posting so late, but this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and i was actually in the mood to finish it so i hope yall enjoy! oh and im not really sure about how i feel about it,,, might take it down later we shall see.
warnings: none ( lmk if there’s anything! )
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last night you saw a post kuroo’s “work wife” had made on instagram with her kissing him on the cheek, and it didn’t make you feel the best, so you decided to bring it up to him the next morning. and you did, just as he was getting ready for work you talked to him about it.
you were standing in front of him filled with anger arguing about how it made you uncomfortable, “can you please listen?! i dont feel comfortable with your “work wife” kissing you?” you yelled. “Y/N it was on the cheek its not a big deal!” and to be honest you just wanted to cry. 
finally, he walked past you and opened the door. “i don’t have time for this y/n, stop being so insecure! at least she wouldn’t argue over something so small!” and with that, he slammed the door and you stood there stunned. kuroo knew that he shouldn’t have said that, instant regret and guilt filled his gut.
 but he already said it, he can’t do anything about it now. with a frustrated sigh, he went to work. hoping to fix everything when he gets home. you stood there speechless, as you realized you still had work so slowly you made your way to the bathroom. 
after getting ready and grabbing a quick snack you were out the door with a heavy chest. once you get home, tired and feeling worse than before. you trudged to the couch and plopped down letting out a shaky sigh remembering the argument and the words he said repeating in your head. 
you broke down crying, and before you knew it, the exhaustion from today took over and you were sound asleep on the couch. kuroo got home an hour later, he felt guilty and was already practicing how he’d apologize to you as he walked in.“y/n? kitten?” no answer. 
he called out again, and was met with silence, he made his way over to the living room where he found you sleeping on the couch. gently walking towards you he knelt down, and saw your tear-stained face which made his heart sink. “i fucked up” he said to himself.
giving you a gentle kiss on your forehead he softly apologized and carried you to the bedroom. you ended up waking up when you felt his body weight dent the bed. “tetsu?” you said softly squinting at him. relief rushes through his body at the sound of his nickname. looking at you with guilt in his eyes
“im so sorry kitten, i shouldn’t have said that. i didn’t mean to hurt you” he said gently. at that tears started flowing again and he was quick to hug you and wipe your tears with his other hand. “it’s ok, i shouldn’t have been so insecure anyways” 
he shook his head with a frown “no it’s not your fault ok? i didn’t mean anything i said. i love you so so much and i’m so lucky that you’re mine” you look up at him and gave him a small smile “okay” before cuddling closer to him. giving you a soft kiss on the lips he hugged you tighter as you both fell asleep.
osamu was just having a horrible day, his head was pounding and the customers he had to deal with today were just plain rude. then he had to do most of the work since one of his employees called in sick, and for some reason, everything just annoyed him.
you on the other hand did not know about his day at all and thought it would be nice of you to make a surprise visit. walking in with a huge smile on your face stopping midway when you realize he wasn’t at the counter. “where’s samu?” you asked sweetly to the employee
“he’s in the back, i think he has a headache,” she says giving you a small smile. you can tell something was off by the way she spoke but decided to just brush it off and make your way to the back. “hi samu! surprise!” you exclaimed cheerfully as you make your way towards him
he just kind of looks at you, which you thought was weird, but you decided to hug him anyways. when he doesn’t hug you back and groan, you pull away and look at him “baby i heard you had a headache. i didn’t bring any medicine, but we could eat first and i-” 
you couldn’t even finish your sentence since osamu just stood up. he was infuriated and had no clue why, usually loved listening to you but today he was just annoyed. “look y/n a don’t mean ta be rude, but a don't have the energy for this right now. please just go home.” he said coldly staring right at you.
“excuse me? i came here to surprise you and this is what i get??” you said in shock, voice a little louder this time. rolling his eyes “Oh wow am so surprised! now will ya please go home? a don’t wanna argue right now!” he yelled. with tears forming in your eyes you quickly wiped them and left. osamu knew he shouldn’t have said all that, but he was too mad to run after you in front of all the customers. 
you rushed home and sluggishly made your way to your room to change into something comfier, making your way to the couch, curling up into a ball allowing your tears to fall, and somehow falling asleep, after getting tired of crying. he gets home a few hours later, guilt building up in his stomach as he mentally slaps himself for the things he said. 
walking into the living room he opened the lights and you were the first thing he noticed. seeing you curled up into a ball on the couch made his heart drop to his stomach. you on the other hand woke up because of the sudden change of lighting. 
gradually adjusting your sight you see him and switch your gaze onto the floor when you saw him look at you too. seeing your puffy eyes he walks towards you slowly and sits beside you giving you enough space. “am sorry, a shouldn’t have taken my frustration out on ya.”
you look at him with watery eyes and his heart sinks “yea i was just trying to be nice, sorry i didn’t warn you before coming” he opened his arms and you instinctively scooted closer to him, he sighs “no a love it when you surprise me a was jus having a bad day a love ya so much ok?” finally hugging him “okay i love you too” giving you a quick kiss he offered to make you food and of course you said yes.
you love oikawa, and you’re very supportive and understanding especially when it comes to his career. but he has an awful habit of overworking himself and as much as you love him you can't bear the fact that you couldn’t even see him anymore.
he goes home late at night -as in you’re already sound asleep late- and when you do stay up to see him, he’s too tired to even keep a conversation. then the next morning he’s gone before you could even wake up. you’ve spoken to him about this many times, but alas nothing changed.
you woke up to an empty bed as usual, but today was different though, you’ve planned a dinner for about 2 weeks now. you were very excited because it’s been so long since you both spent some quality time together and he promised to come home early. 
getting up you send him a little text reminding him of your dinner tonight, with a smile you head on over to the bathroom to get ready for work. once work was over you made a quick visit to the grocery store to buy the ingredients you’ll need to make tonight’s dinner. 
quietly humming to yourself while going through each aisle, and double-checking your list to make sure you’re not missing anything while checking your phone here and there. oikawa still hasn’t replied “he must be busy,” you say to yourself as you send him another text about the dinner just in case. after about 30 minutes you get home rushing since it was already late, and immediately getting started on dinner. 
once you're done you sat down and waited, and waited, and waited. it's been 4 hours. dinners cold and still no sign of your boyfriend. you decided to call him pissed off that he couldn’t even show up to one dinner, “hello? y/n i can't talk right now i still need to practice” 
he said as soon as he picked up. “tooru? did you get my texts? what about dinner, we’ve made plans for this 2 weeks prior! i even-” you were cut off “look just eat without me ok? we can eat again somet-” now it was your turn to cut him off. 
“oikawa tooru, you leave the house while i’m asleep and come back when i'm asleep. i just wanted to spend time with you..whatever good luck at practice,” you replied as you hang up. his heart sank when he heard the crack in your voice rushing to his car on his way home to you because he knows he fucked up. 
buying your favorite flowers for you on the way home cursing himself and the world for making it traffic at that exact moment. when he got home the first thing he saw was the food and you fast asleep on the couch. he felt a pang of guilt about being late. 
“y/n chan?” he said while gently waking you up. you stare at him with red puffy eyes and he hugged you giving you the flowers “im sorry baby, i should’ve prioritized you and our dinner. i promise ill do better” you saw how genuine he was being so you accepted the flowers and hugged him tighter as he offered to reheat the food you made.
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reblogs are highly appreciated!
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cuddlesslut · 4 years
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Thank you so much Darling 🥰
NSFW # 10 - we have to be quiet it or theyll here us
FLUFF # 7- stop hogging the blankets 
Ushijima Wakatoshi & Kuroo Tetsuro 
Warnings: Nsfw, Smut, Oral, Fingering, slight Daddy and Sir kink, Strong Language, Public Sex
Kuroo Tetsuro  
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It was exhilarating the feeling of doing something you weren't supposed to. The Idea of getting caught added on to the to heat pooling inside of you. Your brother would throw a fit if he knew. But laying here naked on your boyfriends bed as his face was buried between you thighs, you could give a fuck about the consequences. You were in heaven. Your hips bucked into his feral assault. Kuroo’s lips wrapped around your clit giving it a harsh suck. his tongue moving down sliding between your folds darting into your entrance. You let out a loud gasp your hands tangling into his bed head as he fucked you with his tongue. you felt your release climbing as you screwed your eyes shut spewing a sling of curses.
“look at me kitty, let me see you come undone for me.”  Kuroo spoke into your quaking cunt. You look down to catch his gaze as his stare bored into you. With one final nip at your sensitive bundle you were thrown into pleasure. As your come drenched his face he eagerly lapped up the juices. Kuroo was at his limits ready to bust just from the beautiful faces and noises you made. He pounced on your exhausted figure capturing your mouth into a searing kiss you could taste yourself on his hungry lips. You could feel his harden length sliding against your soaking entrance. He moved his hip slowly sinking into your tight hole. Your hands gripped his muscular shoulders as he stretched you. After a brief moment he started to roll his hips into you his momentum starting to build as he got lost in the holy feeling that was you squeezing tight around him groans leaving his mouth as he was becoming more vocal.
And thats when you hear it. The slam of the heavy front door. “ Hey, Hey, Hey,” echoed through the flat alerting you to your brothers presence. Your body automatically prepared for Kuroo’s retreat but instead he drilled into you harder.
“Fuck,” he moaned as he lost himself in you. “shhhhh Tetsu,” you scolded your usually cautious boyfriend. “ we have to be quiet or he’ll hear us!”
Not stopping Kuroo placed one more heated kiss to your lips “ let him hear i dont care anymore, You are mine,” he said lifting your hips up so he was pounding deeper and harder into you. “this pussy is mine,” he growled  “now scream for me Y/N.” 
The exhaustion you felt as you laid there next to him was enough to put you to sleep. Chests heaving from the extreme work out you both experienced. You both rolled over to your sides. Kuroo pulled the comforter over both of your still naked figures. He traced his slender finger along your arm and shoulder up your neck causing a slight shudder from the light touches. He brushed the stray hairs out of your face looking deep into your e/c eyes. A huge smile graced as he it dawned onto Kuroo that this right here was what he wanted. 
“ I meant what i said Y/n,” he breathed out nervously ,as smooth as everyone thought he was Kuroo was just as nervous now as he was the first time he kissed you. You looked up at him wide eyed waiting for him to finish his thought. 
“ You are mine, I love you.” he studied your features as he said the sacred words for the first time in your relationship. Your breath hitched not expecting that response just yet. Your heart swelled as you stared at the man you also loved knowing he felt the same. You surged forward crashing your lips to his. He sunk into your embrace feeling at home with you in his arms. 
You pulled back giving a happy sigh, “i love you too Tetsuro,” you sunk back into the bed getting comfy. “should we go face the music,” you asked thinking about that there was no hiding anymore. “Nah, lets rest, im going to need my energy to out run Bokuto,” kuroo laughed. You laid next to him feeling the happiest you have in the longest time. Your eyes started to feel heavy as you looked over to your lover who was already fast asleep light snores already filing the silent room. You felt warm and safe as you drifted off only to be suddenly shocked as Kuroo rolled over taking the blanket with him. “HEY! Asshat dont hog the covers!” you said tugging at the covers. his eyes stayed closed but you saw a slight smile on his face. “Kurooo,” you groaned a little louder than necessary. 
“Y/N !!,” you hear your brother shout. Apparently finally hearing your voice. Kuroo’s eyes snapped as Bo pounded on the door. 
“OH SHIT,” you both cursed looking at each other.  
Ushijima Wakatoshi
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You see Wakatoshi standing near the locker rooms. But you dont make it to them as he pull you into a supply closet. Quickly locking the door behind him Ushi pushes you against the door lips hungry as he and hands frantic as he grabbed at your body. His breath was hot as he left rough and wet kisses down your neck. his gripped tight on your hips pulling you close into his towering figure. 
“Sweetheart,” he breathed his breath husky with frustration. “you should know better than to rile me up before a game.” His large left hand came up to your cheek petting you his rough thumb rubbing over your bottom lip. “ do you see what you did to me love?” he asked pressing his oh so large dick ,that was straining inside of his Adlers uniform, against your thigh. A weak moan left you mouth as you felt him. 
“Looks like youre going to have to be a good girl and take care of the problem you caused Sweetie.” he looked down at you eyes dark as he slid his large fingers against your clothed heat. Thank goodness you wore a skirt today. He hooked his fingers inside your frilly panties as he pulled them down your smooth legs having you step out of them, before tucking them into is jacket pocket. Knowing time wasnt on your side he began to pet your pretty pussy feeling how wet you already are. Toshi doesnt say anything about the mess you were already making of yourself he doesnt need to. He knows what he does to you. He slid one of his huge fingers into you knowing he need to make sure you were good and stretched for him. 
“Toshi,” you whimpered as he added another digit. Using both fingers he scissored inside of you feeling to tighten around him as he started to pull you first orgasm from you. You were right there on the edge. When you were suddenly empty. You look up at him pouting at the loss of you release.
“sorry sweetie youre going to have to wait a little longer after being so bad this morning,” he smirked knowing that you were just putty in his hands. He took a step back pulling down his shorts and boxers finally freeing himself. Not wanting to waste the precious time he had he turned you around placing your hands on the door as he bent you over. He bit his lip at the sight of your ass peaking out from under your skirt and your pretty pussy dripping for him. If he had the time hed gladly kiss you down there and make you come on his mouth. But alas not right now. He aligned his throbbing monster of a cock with you soaking entrance. Easing himself in giving you plenty of time to adjust. Hot tears pricked your eyes at how full you felt. Never getting used to how much your boyfriend always filled you.
“Are you ready sweetheart,” he asked as he grabbed your hips tightly. 
“Yes Sir,” you moaned softly. Ushi began his thrust starting with a slow pace before finally slamming himself into you. Causing a choked moan to escape your lips. He began to pound into you furiously, “Aaahh Toosh-,” your loud moan was cut by his hand finding it place over your mouth. 
“Shhhhh love,” he chuckled. “not so loud, we dont want to be caught now do we?” He kept your mouth covered not convinced youd be able to suppress your moans yourself. The rhythm he set was unrelenting. You quickly found yourself on the edge again. Using his free hand the ace rubbed your sensitive bud send your crashing into your intense orgasm. He helped you ride out your high as you clenched around him. Knowing he wouldnt last much longer you knew what to expect as he pulled out and pushed you to your knees before shoving his aching length into your open mouth coming from the sensation of your soft tongue moving around him. Emptying his ls milky load into your beautiful mouth. Swallowing gladly you looked up at him from your spot on your knees. His breath was a little uneven as the pet your h/c hair. 
“ You did amazing Beautiful thank you,” he said helping you to stand and placing a soft kiss to your forehead. “i have to go warm ups will be soon” he said holding you tightly. He pulled his clothes up as you straighten out your mess hair. He started for the door.
“Uhh wait Toshi you have my panties still,” you stated. 
He smirked. “i know theyre gunna be my good luck charm,” before leaving to go join his team.
You laid with Ushijima in bed worn out from some post game victory sex. His arm was placed arm your waist and you felt so content. How did you get so lucky to have a man who loved you so much. You were truly blessed. You roll over on to your stomach ready to fall into a nice deep nap, pulling the sheet closer to you. You could feel Wakatoshi sit up slightly ready to start your normal battle that came with sleep. “I dont understand how someone soo small need all of the blankets,” he chuckled starting your usual tug of war battle. 
Taglist: @emiyummy @thosenerdy3amthings
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Once upon a time in NYU- MGG AU
Fandom: MGG, Criminal Minds
Pairing: College!Matthew X College!Reader
Summary: you couldn't stand Matthew, and he couldn't stand you. But you couldn't say the same when you were in his bed
Warnings: alternative universe, enemies to lovers relationship, cursing duh, hair pulling, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, bad writing basically
WC: 6.1k 
A/N: so I saw I think it was @eideticmemory​ write an enemies to lovers college fic and like a light just went on in my head, and I really wanted to that because I've always wanted to, but also give it my own twist and touch of course, so I guess this my attempt at writing a multi-chapter Matthew fic. Will I succeed? Probably not. But it's a good excuse to write smut after a year so we'll see. ALSO HUGE TW I understand posting this now might be a bit of a bad timing. So if you think that reading this will trigger you in any way, just go ahead and skip this one. I dont want to trigger anyone in any way, I just want to entertain you guys and myself in the process so yeah, read at your own risk and please please stay safe. And this is going to be a bit long so strap in yall and enjoy the poorly written sin. 
Andddd huge huge thanks to my friend Kara (idk if shes reading this but yeah) for helping me edit this, she helped me make this so much better for you guys and she literally so amazing for actually spending the time to help me. So yeah, 
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You know when something bad happens, you’re always told to see the bright side of things? That maybe that unfortunate event isn’t as bad as you feel it is? Yeah, well, that doesn’t always apply, and it certainly didn’t when I found out I was partnered with the one person I was hoping I wouldn’t get paired with for my end of the semester film project. 
Seriously, out of the nearly hundred students that were enrolled in my film class, I had to get paired up with him, him out of all people, literally the one person I was praying wouldn't get paired up with. Not only because I was forced to work with someone, because honestly all I wanted was to work alone, I had to get paired with Matthew fucking Gubler.
You know when people say God has his favourites? Yeah, well I certainly wasn't one of them.
Now, I didn’t necessarily hate Matthew Gubler. I didn't hate him for no reason, I didn't just wake up one day and decided I was just going to hate Matthew. There was a time where I actually liked him, I liked him more than I'd like to admit, deep down I still did. And I knew he liked me too, he did then at least. And we were good together, it was fun, we had a fun first couple of dates. To this day, they were the nicest dates I ever had, because he knew just how to make them special. I mean, when a guy takes you to the Neue Galerie here in New York and have nice long walk through Central Park, a walk filled with laughter and bliss, it has to be special, and in a weird way, he was special too. 
And as much as I wanted more than just two or three dates, I would've been perfectly fine if he had told me what he wanted from the start. If he had suddenly changed his mind about me, I would've accepted it, and I would've been able to live a happy life as his friend if that's what he wanted.
But he didn't, and instead I found out he had other interests. And I didn't hear it from him, I heard it from my friend. She didn't even need to tell me who it was, because the minute she told me where he took her, I knew. He took her to the same place he took me not even two weeks later and then acted like I was nothing the next time he saw me. And my god did that fucking hurt. It hurt me in a way I had never been hurt before, because I thought he was different, I was hoping he was. And convincing myself that I hated him was much easier than facing the fact that it hurt. And I never addressed it ever again, not that Matthew cared enough to actually talk about us, or, whatever we were. So instead we just made each other's existence miserable.
No, what I felt for Matthew wasn't hate, it was just the strong need to stay ten feet away from him so I wouldn't shove a five foot pole up his ass. That's how I felt about Matthew Gubler.
And now, here I was, aggressively shoving my laptop and notebook into my bag so I could leave the auditorium as quickly as possible, or at least quick enough to avoid Matthew, because knowing how he was, he would come straight to me to rub our partnership in my face. And I was right, because the minute we were dismissed, I spotted his lanky frame starting to come down from the top rows where he usually sat, and he was headed my way.
Screaming a big nope in my head, I strapped my bag over my shoulder and headed straight for the exit. I knew I couldn't avoid him forever, especially now but, I just needed a minute to mentally prepare myself to deal with him, a minute and probably a bottle of booze. But I didn't get either because the minute I was out those doors, I heard the unmistakable sound of his voice calling my name. 
"Y/N! Y/N wait!" I heard Matthew call out, followed my rushed footsteps coming from behind me.
"Hey, partner, I'm glad I caught you before you left. You weren't trying to run away from me were you?" He teased, throwing one of his particularly long arms over my shoulder.
If I had rolled my eyes any harder they probably would've gotten stuck there. I groaned, grabbing a hold of his arm and unwrapping it not so subtly before dropping it beside him, "first of all, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't touch me,  and second of all, just please go away, Matthew. I have a class I have to get to." I muttered, walking slightly faster and keeping my gaze forward, refusing to even look at him.
If there was something I've learned about Matthew in the two long years I've known him is that he usually goes away on his own if I don't give him the attention he wanted. I was hoping this was one of those times, because I was not in the mood to deal with him right now.
But alas, he didn't, he walked faster, staying beside me the whole time. "But I wasn't even doing anything. I was just saying hi." He defended, and I could just hear the smile on his face even when I wasn't even looking at him. 
I rolled my eyes harder, letting out a small breath through my lips, "what do you want Matthew?"
"When can we meet up? I already have an idea for our project and I think you're going to love it."
I chuckled sarcastically, finding his words actually hilarious, "If you came up with it I seriously doubt it." I sighed heavily, digging my teeth into my bottom lip before speaking, "tonight after I finish my shift, I guess. The quicker we can start, the quicker we can get it over with, soo..."
"Great. It's a date then, see you tonight, sweetheart." He hummed, ghosting his lips over my ear, his lips smacking loudly as he pretended to kiss it before he quickly took off in the other direction before I could even say anything.
This fucking guy.
"I seriously do not understand how you fucking dated this guy, he's so obnoxious and annoying, how could anyone want to date someone like that." I complained to my friend and roommate Liz. I met her for a quick lunch break before my afternoon class and I just had to let her know how unhappy I was about my partnership with Matthew. She was amused to say the least.
"You make it sound like we dated for years, we dated for a few months, but he's not even that bad." she argued.
I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest and leaned back into my seat with an unamused expression, just waiting for Liz to bury herself further up Matthew's ass. I always had the feeling she still had feelings for him, as much as she insisted it was just a meaningless relationship. And as much as they were just friends now, I just knew she wanted more with him. But it wasn't really my place to question that, not that it mattered to me anyway.
"He's a pretty cool and fun guy to be around, you just never gave him a chance. You've hated him ever since you met him for absolutely no reason, you never gave yourself the chance to get to know him better." Liz insisted, she always did. She always insisted Matthew was such a great guy I never gave the change to get to know. 
I had let out a heavy sigh in annoyance of her defense of Matthew before responding, "yeah well, it doesn't really matter since I'm being forced to anyway. And he's coming over tonight to start our project. Can't fucking wait."
I could've sworn I saw Liz's expression change into a mixture of surprise and something I could've easily confused with jealousy. She pursed her lips together and her eyes darted everywhere, like she was avoiding making any kind of eye contact with me.
But, it couldn't be jealousy? What even is there to be jealous of? Her and the whole world knew how I felt about Matthew, her out of all people knew it better than anyone.
"Oh, he is? Well, I'm not really going to be home tonight, I would've given you company so it wouldn't be so awkward with him." She frowned, she sounded disappointed, angry even. She looked uncomfortable, like she was deeply bothered by something, by something I said.
It was weird, I wasn't exactly sure what to say, I wasn't really sure why my news seemed to bother her as much as it did. It's not like I was going to sleep with Matthew while she was away or something. It didn't really matter though, I didn't have time to answer. Thank God.
"I'm sorry Liz but I have to go, I have class in like ten minutes." I excused myself, eating whatever was left on my plate in a matter of seconds before I stood up from my seat and gathered my belongings, "I'll see you later and wish me luck." I said quickly before taking off, not giving her the chance to respond.
Usually, I pray for shifts to be over as soon as possible, for it to be slow so I can go home early. Today though, today I prayed for just the opposite. I was hoping the end of my shift wouldn't come, and when it did, that it would be too late and I would be able to cancel my meet up with Matthew.
But like I said, I wasn't one of God's favourites. And today out of all days, it was the slowest it has ever been and my shift ended rather quickly, quicker than I had hoped.
Groaning loudly at the evening that awaited me, I walked down the long halls of my floor, standing outside of my dorm room, dreading my evening already.
Figuring I should just get it over with, I went to get the key on the lock of my door, but noticed it was already unlocked. Liz probably forgot to lock the door, again. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at my stupid roommate before turning the knob, opening the door. And my jaw dropped the minute I stepped into the room, not believing what my eyes saw.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
"Matthew, what the fuck are you doing in my dorm and in my bed!? How did you even get in here?" I nearly screamed at the tall brunette that was carelessly laying on my bed with what I figured was one of my books in his hand.
Matthew turned his head towards me, a carefree and calm look plastered all over his face before his eyes went back to the pages in front of him., "oh, well, Liz let me in before she went to work. I hope you don't mind." He responded nonchalantly, continuing to flick through the pages of the book he had in his hand.
I stared at him with absolute disbelief and a loud scoff left my lips as I slightly pitched the bridge of my nose, trying not to throw the nearest object at his face, "yes, I do mind, in fact. You can't just come into somebody's dorm, lie on their bed and go through their stuff. Seriously dude, what is wrong with you?"
I just couldn't believe this guy. He just knew how to get on my nerves without even doing anything. 
Matthew, of course, couldn't have cared any less about whatever I was saying. And it wasn't that he wasn't listening, because he was, he had that stupid smile on his face that proved he was in fact listening to every word I was saying. He just didn't care, or he did, but he just liked getting on my nerves. He loved pushing every single one of my buttons until I snapped. And I had no idea why. I had no idea why he liked annoying me so much.
I exhaled heavily through my nose, closing my eyes slightly as I ran a hand through my hair exasperatedly, "I just can't fucking deal with you. I can't." I huffed, dropping my bag from my shoulder and walked to the opposite side of my room, facing away from him, not even wanting to look at his face.
"Tell me something, sweetheart," Matthew spoke, curiosity and a slight bit of amusement lingering on his words.
"Why do you hate me so much? You've hated me ever since I dated Liz back in our first year of college and I never truly understood why," he questioned with genuine curiosity, but there was also a certain playfulness in his voice. I opened my mouth to answer, still not facing him, and I was so ready to tell him off, god knows I've been wanting to but he cut me off. "Is it because I never slept with you?"
My eyes instantly widened at his words, a clearly offended scoff leaving my lips as I turned around to face him, "what? No, of course not, I���" my words got caught in my throat when I saw his tall frame towering over me, my eyes getting stuck on his chest before they traveled up to his face, and he was close. Extremely close. I swallowed thickly, feeling slightly cornered by his significantly taller frame so I stepped back, trying to create some kind of distance between us, but he simply followed me. "I, uhm, that's not why I don't like you, Matthew. I don't like you because you're an insensitive asshole and—"
"Oh, I know why you hate me," he cut me off again, slowly running his tongue to wet his perfectly pink lips. "You hate me because I dated Liz and not you."
His proclamation made my eyes grow even wider and my mouth hung open as I stammered for words. I wanted to disagree, I truly wanted to tell him that he was wrong. But honestly, he wasn't altogether wrong. I couldn't say some of my resentment didn't come from a deep rooted feeling of rejection. Because while most of that resentment came from that place of genuine hurt, my resentment was fueled by frustration and a shameless sense of envy.
But it was just easier to convince myself that I hated him than to admit that I still liked him and that it hurt me that he chose my friend over me.
But of course, I would never admit to that, especially not to him.
Avoiding eye contact, I looked down and shook my head, running my tongue to wet my suddenly dry lips, "of-of course not. Why—why would I care about your dating life? You can fuck whoever you want, I don't care." I wish I sounded more confident when I said that. But my stuttering words and my unsteady legs gave him exactly what he wanted.
And the bastard actually chuckled. He fucking chuckled.
"But you do, you do care. You care because you haven't stopped thinking about us and me since our first year." He grinned, digging his teeth into his perfect lips as he brought a hand to cup my face, lifting it so I had no other choice but to look at him.
And I was fucking gone.
It was like, all of that anger, frustration and hatred just vanished and instead turned into longing want. Want for him to just take me and do whatever he pleases with me. I was practically nothing in his hands, and I was nothing waiting for him to make me something. Waiting for him to make me his.
And that absolutely delighted the bastard. He found amusement in having the power I never allowed him to have. But right now, I just couldn't fight it.
I always knew that if I ever found myself alone and in this situation with Matthew Gubler, I would lose, no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise.
And he knew that too.
"That's it, isn't? You want me to fuck you like I fucked your friend." He smirked, almost like he was proud to say it. And he stared, his usually soft amber eyes now brown and darkened with want.
Who the fuck was this guy and where did Matthew go? Matthew Gubler was the most awkward and disgraceful guy when it came to women. The poor guy couldn't even flirt his way out of a wet paper bag. And yet, somehow, here he was, with this new found confidence and the ability to turn me into a shaking and stuttering mess. Who fucking knew.
Once again, I stammered for words, I truly wanted to tell him otherwise. I wanted to scream in his face and push him away, but I couldn't. Not that I wanted to.
He took my lack of response as the answer he was looking for and brought his other hand to my waist, backing me up against the nearest wall, caging me between the hard surface behind me and his body, which right now, seemed so much bigger than mine.
My breathing instantly skyrocketed as I felt the same hand that was on my waist sneak its way past the ends of my dress and up my bare thighs, ones that shook like an earthquake as the pads of his fingers slowly rubbed the tense skin. Like he was testing the waters. Testing how well my body reacted to his touch.
And it wasn't subtle. At all.
"W-what—what are you doing?" I almost squealed, my voice practically betraying me.
"Oh? Well, I'm just giving you what you wanted. I'm giving you what you've been wanting for years." He stated so casually, like he had no idea what he was doing to me. And just as casually, he slowly ran a finger over the thin cotton fabric of my underwear, touching me, but definitely not in the way I needed to be touched.
I wished my body didn't betray me like it did though. I couldn't even hold back the breathy moan that escaped my lips when his fingers made contact with the thin material. But Matthew certainly loved the response I gave him.
"Because this is what you've been wanting, isn't it? You've been thinking about how my fingers would feel buried inside your little cunt. Or how good you would feel around my cock." He taunted, it was almost cynical just how easily those filthy words rolled off his usually reserved tongue. "I'm not gonna lie, I've thought about it too, you have no idea how many times I've thought about having your filthy mouth wrapped around me. Or how pretty you would look begging me for more." 
I opened my mouth to speak but my words instantly got caught in my throat when the sneaky bastard pulled the fabric to the side and dipped his fingers into the soaking mess that was my core.
And if there were any rational thoughts still hanging in my head, all of those just went straight out the window when another moan erupted from my throat and my head fell back into the wall behind me.
"See just how much easier things are when you just shut the fuck up and stop fighting so much?" He almost whispered, his lips ghosting over the skin on my neck as a lithe finger gathered my wetness and spread it over my clit.
Despite being a complete whimpering mess at that point, I managed to spit out a surprisingly harsh, "fuck you." 
It was a pretty convincing retort. One that didn't exactly have the effect I hoped for though.
I could feel him smirk into my neck as his lips left wet and sloppy kisses into the skin before he pulled back, just so he could see the look of utter want and frustration on my face.
"Hm, sorry sweetheart, I can't do that. I'm too busy trying to fuck you instead."
I swear to god, he was the biggest asshole I have ever met in my entire fucking life. But he was an asshole who immediately slipped two of his sinfully long fingers into my dripping core. I instantly choked on my own breath as he began working his fingers around the muscles, stroking the digits inside me at an agonizingly slow pace.
"Because that's what you want don't you sweetheart? You want to me to fuck you into that mattress until you can't keep your eyes open?" He continued, his filthy words making me pant like I ran for fucking miles. "I do too, trust me I do. And I will, I promise. But I want to make up for all of the lost time. Don't you?"
I wasn't even paying attention to whatever filthy proclamations were coming out of Matthew's mouth, with my eyes nearly closed, my mouth slightly open and my mind only focusing on his fingers working diligently inside me, how could I?
But Matthew was expecting an answer this time. Because I could feel his darkened eyes glare into my face and his fingers immediately stilled inside me. Earning a loud whine from me.
"I asked you a question, answer me."
It took me a minute to remember his question before I quickly nodded, "yes! Yes! Is that what you wanted to hear?" I nearly screamed at his face, my hands coming to clutch his shirt, needing something to relieve some tension.
"I want to hear you say it. Say it, tell me you want me." He demanded, his eyes locking with mine as he waited for what he wanted to hear.
He wanted me to beg, he wanted me to give up that control I never allowed him to have. And was I going to?
I needed to.
"I want you, Matthew, I want you to take me and fuck me into that mattress until I can't walk straight. Please."
I guess that was the answer Matthew had been looking for because his fingers immediately began to work diligently inside me again, stroking the digits until he had me whimpering and begging for release.
It wasn't long before my head started to spin and stars began to blur my vision. Words were no longer an option at that point, nothing would come out, not even Matthew's name. All I could manage to let out were pathetic, strangled moans. But he could tell I was close, or I figured that much because his fingers only worked faster around my tightening walls, determined to finish me.
"C'mon sweetheart, come for me." he encouraged through gritted teeth as his fingers were anything but still inside me and his palm applied a crushing pressure into my front. And even when my eyes were half closed and my mind had turned into dust, I could see the look of utter determination on his face, his eyebrows were furrowed as his teeth dug into his perfectly plump lips. It was like his only focus was on driving me over the edge. And he succeeded.
The second his fingers curled, I was fucking gone. My orgasm hit me like a tidal wave. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I cried out his name like a praise, my body nearly spasming against the wall. But his fingers didn't stop until my whole body shook to the point where my legs no longer supported my weight and I practically slid into the wall as I tried to catch my breath.
It was almost dizzying just how quickly Matthew withdrew his fingers from me and hoisted me up on his slim torso. He wasted absolutely no time in striding over to my bed across the room. My whole body collided with my bed so quickly and forcefully it knocked the air out of my chest.
Matthew was practically ripping away his clothes before I could even sit up or catch my breath. Like he had this urgency to do what I've been avoiding for the past two years. Like he needed to do it, right now, like something would happen before he got the chance to.
"Shut up, I've heard enough shit from you for the past two years, and I'm fucking tired of it." He almost growled, his usually soft voice coming out so low and dark it actually stroked fear in my heart. It was scary just how quickly his demeanor changed.
Matthew didn't really waste much time in discarding his clothes, he was down to only his boxers and was on top of me before I could even blink. He brought a hand to my chest and he pushed me down until my back was flat on the bed, but his hand stayed there, pinning me there as he hovered over me, trapping my significantly smaller body under his own.
He wasted no time in grabbing a hold of my dress and pulling it over my head. And I could've sworn I saw pure awe and infatuation flash through his eyes as they shamelessly eyed over my newly exposed skin. Come to think of it though, this was the first time I was this naked in front of him, and even then, I wasn't fully naked. Not yet anyway.
After a good minute, his eyes flickered back up to meet with mine, his previous look of awe quickly replaced by this feral look of want and pure desire. And I couldn't say it didn't excite me to see it.
He brought a hand to my face, running his smooth fingers over my face with a surprising amount of delicacy before he deep rooted them into my hair and slightly tilted my head back before he brought his face into mine, our lips crashing into a deep fervent kiss. I didn't realize we have never actually kissed. No wonder there was so much desperation and hunger within that kiss. We've been wanting this ever since we met, and ironically, I wanted it more.
His mouth was harsh and fervent against mine, his tongue wasting no time before it quickly slipped between my lips without much of a warning. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth and took as much control as he wanted to as he brought one of his hands to discard my brassiere, he struggled a bit at first but he managed to unhook it and discarded the flimsy material along with the rest of forgotten clothes. He pulled back to capture the image of my newly exposed skin. And he wasn't subtle, at all.
I almost felt intimidated under his deep and penetrating gaze as he shamelessly ogled my exposed body. I was completely exposed to him, completely vulnerable and right now, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted with me. And that scared me, it scared me just how quickly he took control over me after years of fighting against it.
With a hard swallow and a bob of his Adam's apple, Matthew slowly licked his lips, scraping his teeth against his slightly swollen bottom lip in a way that almost made me roll my eyes back into my head. But I didn't, instead I just locked eyes with him as he brought his face down and wrapped his lips around one of my breasts and his tongue swirled around the sensitive bud almost expertly, using one of his hands to toy with the other.
"O-oh fuck." I couldn't help but helplessly moan into the air as my hands found their way into his mop of brown curls. This reaction certainly delighted the bastard above me because I could feel his eyes burning into my face and his lips curving into a smirk around me before he slowly pulled back, latching on to my nipple as he pulled off it.
"You have a very filthy mouth, jeez." He tisked, slightly shaking his head disaprovingly but still had that fucking smirk of his.
Clearly, I wasn't amused, in the slightest, so his stupid comment earned him a nice and concise, "fuck you." 
But then again, it didn't have the effect I hoped for.
"Mhm, yeah, you're about to." He retorted one last time before bringing his face back up to mine, capturing me in a heated and messy kiss that only worked as distraction from the journey Matthew's hands took down south. I was only brought back to reality when I felt my underwear being ripped away and the cool air hitting me. And he was quick to pull down his own boxers and allowed his length to spring free. And I couldn't even play off the fact that I had to stare, my mouth slightly hanging open at the sight of him.
"You're so cute when you stare." He taunted, his words being fairly tame in contrast to his very dark and not innocent tone. The sound of his voice made me flicker my eyes to meet his face. Big mistake, because the borderline devious smirk on his face didn't help, at all. And it certainly didn't help when he positioned himself between my legs, rubbing himself on my already dripping heat.
"You do have condoms here, right?" He asked, but I wasn't paying attention, with him rubbing himself on my slick, I couldn't really pay much attention to anything. "I could just fuck you bareback, I'm clean, so I don't care. But it's up to you." He spoke again, slightly teasing my entrance with the tip of his length, hoping to actually get my attention, and I actually listened this time.
Biting my lip, I mentally cursed at my lack of sexual activity because it just so happened that I had no condoms. Matthew gave me an expectant look, not to pressure me, but just waiting impatiently. I knew if I told him to stop he would without a second thought, but he would just leave. I wasn't going to make that mistake twice.
"I'm clean too, just," I chewed on my bottom lip, already shuddering with anticipation as I hooked my legs around his slim torso, pulling him closer, "just take me, please just fucking take me already."
I didn't have to say it twice.
Without a second thought, he propped himself up on his arms and pressed his face against mine as he slammed into me in one swift motion. A strangled moan erupted from my throat as he buried himself to the hilt, stretching me open at once. And fuck, the feeling of him inside me was intoxicating, addicting even, I don't think I've ever felt like this before.
This was so fucking wrong. So wrong, so wrong to be fucking the guy my friend dated, so wrong to be fucking the guy I swore to everyone I hated. It was just wrong. So why the hell did it feel so right? It was so perfectly right the way our bodies felt together, like they simply belonged there, buried deeply within one another. I never wanted to stop feeling like this.
It was almost dizzying just how good he felt. And with the quick and fervent pace he set for himself right from the start, I knew I probably wouldn't last long. With my eyes rolled into my head, my open mouth and my body sprawled out on the bed as I tried to find something to hold on to, he probably had one hell of a view. And he enjoyed it too, because his thrusts only became harsher.
"Fuck, sweetheart, you're so fucking beautiful," he cursed through gritted teeth, his hands holding my hips down with a vice like grip, making sure I couldn't move. And it wasn't for lack of trying. My body shook and shuddered like a fucking earthquake around him but he simply held me down as he continued.
"You feel so good too. I can't believe you made me wait two fucking years for this. Fuck." He nearly shouted, slamming into me with an insane amount of force and clenched his eyes shut, almost as if the thought made him angry, "two fucking years to take what was mine."
His. He called me his.
Fuck, I wish those filthy words didn't have such a strong effect on me, but boy did they make a number on me. I couldn't even hold back the guttural cry that erupted from my chest as I nodded feverishly, not really realizing what I was nodding to. 
"Yes! Fuck yes, Matthew, I'm yours!" I almost screamed, saying whatever incoherent thoughts flashed through my mind, letting the whole floor know just how much fun I was having and with whom. And with my mind and thoughts being too clouded by the feeling of him, I didn't even think about what those words entailed.
But it didn't matter because they served their purpose regardless. I wasn't expecting just how much the words actually affected him, because his hips began to falter, his thrusts becoming longer but impossibly deeper. And I could see how concentrated he was, with sweat forming on his forehead, his teeth digging into his bottom lip and his breath was hard and short, like this was a task he was determined to finish. He was determined to ruin me.
Letting out a guttural and nearly animalistic groan, Matthew grabbed a hold of my hips and raised them so that each thrust would make him bottom out inside of me, knowing just how close we both were to our release. "Yeah, that's right, sweetheart, let the whole floor know who's making you feel this good," he growled as he gave one last final but brutal thrust, digging his fingers into my hips so tight I just knew I would have bruises tomorrow as he held me down on him, "let the whole floor know you're mine."
And just like that, my orgasm crashed into me, Matthew's harsh words of ownership sending me into a euphoric state of pleasure, my lips chanting his name like a mantra and my walls tightening around him as he came deeply into me, my own name rolling off his tongue in a quiet praise. And the utter and absolute look of ecstasy on his face made up for the bruises I would have to hide for the next few days and for the two years we've made each other's life a living hell. Because right now, seeing that look of being completely fucked, I just wanted nothing more than to just stay like this.
The second we were no longer blinded by our highs, he fell forward, nearly crushing me under his weight as he struggled to get himself up. Yeah he looked fucked alright. Despite knowing damn well he could've easily rolled off me, he didn't, he simply rested his head on my chest and closed his eyes like he was just going to sleep there. A small smile made its way to my lips at the sight of his tousled brown curls on my chest, ignoring all logic, I ran my fingers through the messy locks, and they were in fact as soft as they always looked. 
Realizing just how bad this was for me, and just how vulnerable I actually looked, I smacked his forehead, successfully earning a glare from him once he lifted his head, looking dead at me with his now soft amber eyes.
"You're crushing me, you ass, get off." I breathed out and rolled my eyes, being too exhausted to try and get him off myself. And knowing just how easily he corrupted me, I didn't need another thing to make this harder.
"Okay, okay, jeez." Matthew rolled his eyes, letting his head back into my chest exhaustively and groaned tiredly into my chest before he gathered just enough strength to roll off me and collapsed beside me, his reddened and sweaty chest still rising and falling unevenly as he was still trying to steady his breathing. And I was trying, too. And we just stared, we stared at each other, saying nothing. There was nothing to be said. It was better that way.
After a long long while of silently staring at each other, he brought a hand to my face and rested it there, his thumb mindlessly rubbing over the warm skin of my cheek and he smiled, he simply smiled. And it felt good, it felt comforting, sweet even, it was a funny contrast after what he just did to me.
"So.. About our project.."
Tag list:
Matthew Gray Gubler
All- @aberrant-annie @marauder-exe @vquezada84 @boiled-onionrings @writeronkeyboard @l0ve-0f-my-life @mariaramz @soederberg
OUaT in NYU-
So I'm starting a tag list for this fic because it will be a mini series so let me know if you'd like to be added to the once upon in NYU tag list
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p---ink · 4 years
Stark Contrasts Chapter Five
Author’s Note: This is the last installment, in my Tony Stark Fan-fiction. I loved writing this, but I am also happy to see it come to an end. Please, tell me what you think of this. I can only get better. It means the world to me when I get comments, so let me know how this makes you feel. Also, to my artists out there...I promise I don’t know jackshit about art, so please dont come for my throat. Everything is purely fictional. German speakers, I used google translate, please tell me if anything is off. I love you guys! Thanks for reading!
Summary: Y/N tries to adjust to her life away from Tony. 
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut. In that order. 
Song: I had the song I saw you in a dream by the Japanese House, in mind while writing this. 
Word Count: 11.2k
Parts: one | two | three | four | five 
Chapter Title: The Ends of the Universe
Disclaimer: Picture is not mine. 
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Berlin, Germany. Pepper Potts sent you to Berlin. Fucking. Germany. While Berlin was breathtakingly beautiful, and to your surprise very diverse, you knew nothing about it. Nothing about the way of life there. Nothing about the people. To say you were nervous would be an understatement. Scared, would still not do your emotions justice. You were in a place you had made no preparations for, as well as no thoughts of ever visiting. But you guessed that was the point. 
Tony would never look for you here. 
Six months. That’s how long you would be here. Pepper had taken care of everything. The rest of the semester and classes that you were enrolled in before you left, were now moved online. It was that or completing them the next semester. Usually, your university required students complete all prerequisite courses before they took on any internships within their respected fields. So how Ms. Potts got your Dean to agree to such an outlandish change of pace for one of her students, you would never know. What she achieved was unprecedented. That was when you learned quickly to never underestimate her. 
Six months. That’s how long you would be away from Tony. Well actually, the idea, as Pepper calls it, is that you two will have moved on from each other by the end of it all. You weren’t even supposed to contact him when your time was up here. In fact, as long as you were in Germany, you were not to contact anyone you knew. 
Pepper had assured your family and friends of your well-being ahead of time. No they could not know of your location, nor contact you, but they were ensured that you were safe. It took some heavy convincing on her part to get your family to agree, but ultimately they did. In their eyes, they were supporting what was best for you. 
Nao, on the other hand, was not keen on just letting you leave the country. Though your friendship had less than a few days to develop, she became very protective over you. She felt that your leaving was downright bullshit as well as unfair. “Why should Edward fucking Stark, get his happy ending?” She spat. She was also not as willing to trust Pepper as you were. But because you had already made your decision to leave, you entrusted her with the secret of your hidden twitter account. No one, save yourself, knew about it. You agreed that you would regularly tweet from it, as your way of letting her know you were okay. That was the only reason, she didn’t blow the whistle to Tony right away.
Unlike Nao, you had faith in Pepper. You two weren’t the closest, but you had an unspoken respect and trust for one another. Pepper, despite every reason you gave her, did not behave in the way that any other woman in her shoes would have. You had broken her son’s heart by sleeping with his dad, her now ex-husband. Yet here she was, going through all of these hoops for you, just to make sure you didn’t ruin yourself. Of course you trusted her. 
There was one thing she was not truthful to you about however. When she told you the internship was all-expense paid, what she really meant was that she was covering all of it. Your school fees, apartment, food, and any and all luxury items, Pepper would be dishing out the money to take care of it all. While you felt you had no control over everything else, you drew the line there. Though you sort of resented her for her speediness to remove you from States, you refused to let her pay for your mistakes. She had already done so much. 
Your entire time living with Tony, he never let you pay for anything. This of course meant, you had money saved up from your previous employments. Enough to live comfortably until you could find a job. While Pepper was more understanding than her ex, she still insisted on covering your school fees as well as the first two months on your apartment so that you could focus on school before money became an issue. She even set you up with some extra spending money to get started. “To have a job, on top of an internship, as well as a full course-load, is too much for any student to bear.” She told you. “I will not set you up for failure, just to prove your smug ass Dean right.” 
Once you were settled in, and she felt confident enough to depart, Pepper left you and Germany, wishing you the best of luck. She was in a hurry to get back home before Tony could catch a whiff of where you were, and where she had been. 
So there you were. In Berlin. All alone, far from home, with no one but yourself to console. That was when the waterworks began. Between Nao’s place and the plane ride here, you didn’t have time to process your emotions. Your life, though not the most morally ideal, went to absolute shit in less than seventy-two hours. You didn’t care who was looking from the outside in calling you ungrateful. You got to experience the world, and your experiences with Tony alone should have satisfied you. 
Still, you didn’t ask for any of this. He was all you wanted. You would give up all the luxury in the world, if it meant just being with him. But alas, you did not have that choice, so you decided to cry. 
And cried you did. Your first three nights consisted of tears, and headaches. You barely even ate. It didn’t help that Tony’s face was plastered every where. He was famous, so what did you expect? “How the fuck am I supposed to get over him, when I can’t even escape him?” In fairness, you also didn’t make it easy on yourself. A t-shirt of his that you stole, covered your pillowcase. You were scared of the day it’s scent would leave. The new phone that Pepper purchased for you, had his wallpaper on the cover. Of course you later willed yourself to change it, but it took time. You even bought books that he begged you to read for months, just because they reminded you of him. Your entire time in Germany, you were a woman of your word to Nao. You tweeted about him constantly your first three nights, just  to feel like your old self again. It was small things that made you feel closer. But small things turned into big ones. You were practically torturing yourself. 
Where nights ended in crying, mornings began with half-hearted reassurements. “This is what’s good for me.” You would chant, to yourself in the mirror. “This is what’s good for Tony.” It was now the weekend, and come Monday you would be starting your internship. “The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can go home.”
Starting your art internship sounded dreadful to you now. Before, you were more than excited as you planned it with Tony. Your eyes were starry when you fawned over how rich the art and culture was in France. Of course you would be excited, given that Tony had taken you to France on numerous occasions, as well as taught you some of the language. You were even comfortable enough to navigate the streets of Paris alone. That was more than you could say about Germany. 
When Monday came, and you left your apartment, you got lost almost immediately. Luckily to you, in Berlin more people spoke English than you thought. So your day was off to a bad start but you could still turn it around. That was your train of thought before it began to pour down raining. The cute, but simple little outfit that you had put together was now drenched. Not to mention your hair; tight coils retreated to your scalp, and makeup ran down your face. You had tried. You really did. You wanted the outside of your person, to deflect what you were feeling on the inside. Too bad the universe had other plans. 
You were still determined to complete your first day. So you continued on to the location that a kind stranger gave you. 
It sounded right, because soon you were standing in front of the soon-to-be art gallery that you would be interning at for the next 6 months. You were to shadow an art-curator, with the hopes of teaching it one day. Sure becoming an art professor wasn’t very fulfilling financially, but you loved art so you didn’t care. 
You walked into the magnificent glass structure, with high ceilings and tall windows. Your strides made wet squelching sound, as you stepped from the outside concrete pavement onto the wooden linoleum.
Immediately, a man who seemed to be directing others about the room, turned his attention to you. He almost dropped the clear clipboard he was holding, upon seeing the soaking wet brown girl before him. All he could think of was the damage to the floors you had probably caused. 
“Wie kann ich Dir helfen?” He asked you with a grimace painting his features.
If your confidence wasn’t shot before, it was now at a zero as you realized how stupid you must of looked. “I’m sorry I don’t speak German.” You apologized.
The man huffed as he switched languages. “I said, how can I help you?” Now you genuinely felt like an entitled American, in someone else’s country forcing them to accommodate you by speaking your native tongue. 
“I’m Y/N, and I am here for the Schmidt Internship.” You said lowly. You watched him bring his attention back to the clipboard in hand, flipping harshly through the paper. 
“You’re late. On your first day at that. How could you come in here like this?” His words were harsh, but he was right. You were late, and even if you weren’t your appearance would have sent off red flags in his head. 
You had to blink back the water that was forming in your eyes. This was something that you had become an expert at. “I apologize, but I had trouble finding my way here.”
He scoffed “So not only are you coming up with excuses already, but you’re telling me you haven’t even prepared yourself. How are you supposed to retain the necessary knowledge for this job?”
“Again, I’m sorry, but I can assure you that this won’t happen again. ”
“You’re right. So go home.” 
Your brows jumped to meet each other. “I’m sorry, what?”
“You clearly don’t have what it takes. My clients will eat you up and spit you out within seconds.” He looked you up and down before adding, “And if they don’t, I will. So go home.” He turned his back to you as if you were nothing, and began redirecting men on where to put certain paintings. Not sparing you a second glance.
Something told you that he was used to making people cry. You almost did, until you realized that you had been crying for the past week, and now you were just angry. 
“You can place that Delegado by the window.” You heard him say to two men. You walked up to them to interrupt their conversation.
“Actually place it as far away from the light as possible.” You ordered the men who were holding the piece.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” The curator asked. 
You could feel his scowl on your face so instead of spinning to address him, you furthered your explanation. “The choice of medium Delgado used is not compatible with the sun. It will certainly drain its vibrancy. But anyone who attended secondary school art would know that.” You sneered, side-eyeing him. Your insult did not fall on deaf ears. His scowl turned into an almost pained expression. You ignored it, and moved on. 
You walked around the room, as the curator silently, but obviously followed you. “I assume you intend to place a light fixture over this.” You asked him, looking over your shoulder. “If not, this is the painting you should place next to the window. It will not thrive in the shadows. The artist intended for light to cast on certain areas to reveal hidden figures.” You took your phone out to flash its light against the frame to prove your theory, and almost immediately new elements appeared in the work. 
You could almost hear the change in features on the curator’s face. Still you continued your dance around the room, explaining to him pieces of art that worked well with others, and ones that did not. 
Going up to your next piece, you inspected it closely. “When did you purchase this” You asked him.
“A few days ago. Why?” He questioned, his tone was now different, almost inviting you to say more. He was now curious about your every word. 
“Bankole, the artist this is inspired by has not sold a painting in years.” You informed him.
“I bought it from a secondhand distributor. So what’s your point?” 
“You were scammed. The original piece only has seven hooded men. A reoccurring theme in Bankole’s art. This painting only has six.”
“Well maybe Bankole miscounted.” He suggested, chuckling. It was like he was amused, and it was vastly different from his earlier cold demeanor. 
“It also has too many etchings along the border.” You continued. “And the signature is misspelled.”
He stayed silent for a minute. He was awestruck. His assistant who had been standing near him, looked up everything you said to fact check you. She whispered a “she passed, sir” in his ear, when she could validate your arguments. And that’s when you realized it was a test. 
Upon realizing the whole thing was a set up, you relaxed your bewildered eyebrows, and looked down at your feet to smile a smile that screamed ‘I’ve been tricked’. 
The curator, as if scared to take his eyes off of you leaned his head to the side to ask his assistant, “Could you please get Ms.?”
“L/N” You sheepishly smiled, bringing your eyes back up to meet his. 
“Yes, could you please get Ms. L/N something to dry off with, Hanna?” He asked the girl, returning a smile back. 
“Right away sir.” Hanna spoke, scampering away to search the building’s custodial closet. 
He offered his hand to you, and broke the silence. “I’m Finn. Finn Schmidt.”
You took his hand, and shook it gently. “Wait Schmidt? Does that mean you’re—”
“Yes, my family owns this gallery.” He replied as a matter of fact. 
You mouthed an inaudible ‘oh’, as you were now embarrassed about your secondary school comment. Thankfully Hanna was back now with a towel to distract you from your growing shame. Changing the subject you asked, “So is it a German thing to be rude and test your future interns?”
He laughed, eyes lingering on your neck as you dried your hair. “Well its a Schmidt thing to test future interns. As for the rude part, I’m sorry. I was just a bit upset about something from earlier.” He confessed. “I promise I would have called you back later to apologize.”
“It’s fine. I did show up late and track your floors with rainwater.” You glanced outside, noticing the sky was now as clear as day. Just my fucking luck, you thought. But at least the new found light gave you a chance to properly examine Finn. The events from earlier, blinded you from realizing how handsome he was. 
He was much taller than you. At least more than half a foot. Chestnut brown locks, thrown up into a messy bun, graced the top of his head. He had honey brown eyes upon first glance, but when the sunlight hit them, they were a brilliant amber. He looked to be close in age to you, but still more experienced; so maybe late 20’s early 30’s you concluded. He was built. Not too muscular, but far from skinny. His beard was immaculate. In fact it looked as if he took better care of it, than he did his hair. Both made him look majestic. He had skin of olive, and it was dewy and radiant; you just knew his skin-care routine was more rigorous than yours. When he spoke, it was gruff. His accent was thick, but he spoke English like he lived in a native-english speaking country for years. He was definitely a man who prided himself in his looks as well as his knowledge. 
“So tell me, is it an American thing to ogle at complete strangers.” He smirked at you. You immediately thanked God for blessing you with darker skin, for you felt your blood pool to the apples of your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry.” You apologized, embarrassed and suddenly intrigued by the ground.
“Don’t be. It’s definitely a Schmidt thing.” He informed you, raking his eyes down your figure. Is he flirting with me? You asked yourself. 
Now desperate for air, you took in a deep breath to overcome the fluster. “So, um. I’m sorry, just to make sure I’m not getting ahead of myself: your assistant said I passed?”
He cleared his throat, and began rapidly blinking away his daze before speaking. “Yes with flying colors.”
“Does this mean I still have the internship?”
“Yes. I’d be honored to have you. ”
You beamed a bright smile. “Great. Well I hope we enjoy working together.” You stretched your hand out again for him to shake. 
“As do I.” He said, grasping your outstretched limb, before bringing your hand to his lips. 
Oh boy. 
It turns out, you two did enjoy working together. Finn, despite your first impression of him, was a major sweetheart, at least to you that is. You didn’t know if that reigned true in other aspects of his life, or if it was just because he wanted to sleep with you. Either way, you welcomed his charming nature.
He became your best friend whilst you were in Germany. He was proud of his country, and very eager to show you why. You were dragged from museum to museum soaking in beautiful art. Landmark to landmark, reveling in famous architecture. Restaurant to restaurant, engorging yourselves with famous German cuisines and desserts. He was elated to finally have someone to boast to about his culture. And you were happy to have someone take your mind off of Tony. Temporarily.
As months passed, you still found your mind drifting off as you wondered about him. You dreamed about him at least every other night. But you would still tell yourself,  He’s over me by now. He’s probably happy I’m gone. At least I didn’t ruin his life.
Finn could only do so much. You were close now, so you informed him of a man who had taken over your dreams. He didn’t know who your mystery man was, but he wanted to be him. He wanted to be the one who occupied your mind. He made it clear on numerous occasions too. Spouting to you German phrases that he taught you before hand, revealing his feelings. 
‘Ich steh’ auf dich’. I’m into you. ‘Ich bete dich an’, I adore you. The words were beautiful flowing from his lips. But you always feigned ignorance, acting like you forgot what they meant. He could scream his feelings to the sky in your mother tongue, and you would still say something along the lines of “Quit joking around.” Or “You’re so silly.”
You would be a liar if you said you hadn’t thought about Finn in that way. He was sexy, and more than willing to replace Tony. And Pepper, if she were there, as well as your friends and your better sense, would have begged for you to fuck him…but alas, you just couldn’t do it.
You two were currently planning the grand opening of his family’s second art gallery. It was tomorrow night, and it took all of five months, most of your internship to get the museum ready for the public. It would be a formal event, where renowned guests were invited to partake in a cultured but light-hearted social gathering. It was going to be grand, which meant Finn was bugging out. 
“Lydia, have Hanna approve the guest list for me. I need her to make sure, no strays show up.” He said to one of his staff members. He had a group of people following close beside him as he took long strides to his office. 
“Again?” She asked. 
“Yes! Again.” He shouted.
She rolled her eyes, before skittering off to find Hanna.
“Luka, have you checked with the caterers to make sure the hors d’oeuvres will arrive by 17:30?”
“Yes sir.” The boy squeaked. 
“Check again.” Finn ordered. 
“Right away sir.”
“Oliver—” Finn Started. 
“The wine has already arrived, sir.” Oliver interjected, feeling quite sure of himself. 
“So the Chambertin Grand Cru is here? Great!” Finn began smiling and relaxing a bit. 
Confusion took the place of certainty on Oliver’s face. “Actually sir, I thought you told me to get Richebourg Grand Cru.” 
“Fuck!” Finn yelled in his native tongue, about to tear a new hole in the smaller boy. That is before you stepped in. You were waiting for him by his door. 
“Your guests are coming in for the art Finn. Not the wine, nor the food.”
His expression softened when he heard your voice. “Our guests.” He corrected, smiling at you. “I feel you worked harder than me, so they are our guests.”
“Fine. Our guests do not care about the damn wine.” You smiled. 
He chuckled at your playful chide. “You know you keep me sane right? You’re my savior.” 
“I thought Jesus was your savior.”
“Well you’re a close second.” He smirked, as he let you enter the room before him. You both sat down in close seats, and ran down a list of things he needed to confirm for tomorrow nights events. 
As you two worked, he decided to start a separate conversation. “Have you decided on whether or not you’re coming yet.” His voice was hopeful.
You sighed, knowing you were about to shatter that hope. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. I think I’ll pass.”
“Why?” He cried, abandoning his previous tasks. 
“I have nothing to wear.” You informed him. “Besides I’m a bit beat. I should relax before my exams come up.”
“But, it’s just one night. And anything you put on will be amazing. It’s the girl in the dress that makes it beautiful.” As he said the last part, he placed a hand on your knee and caressed it.
You stood to your feet to avoid his lingering touches as well as ignore the look of disappointment on his face. “I can’t just show up in any thing. There are way too many important people coming. I would have to make a good impression, and I’m just not up for it.” 
Finn abruptly raised now hovering over you and turning your body to face him. “What is this really about?”
“What do you mean?” You asked looking at him through an inquisitive lens. 
“We both worked so hard on this. This gallery is practically your baby, don’t you want to see other people enjoy it?” The pads of his thumbs massaged your shoulders. The act was innocent, but to you it burned to have another man touch you in the way that only Tony should. 
You shrugged your shoulders to make his arms fall and took a stroll around his desk, placing space between you. “Of course I want to see her success, Finn.”
“Then what’s stopping you?” He asked, slowly meeting you on the other side, unsure about his actions now. 
You knew what was stopping you. Finn had to practically beg you to go out with him on regular days, and you would eventually do it to rid your mind of Tony; but this was different. Attending this event reminded you of the ones you, Tony, and Edward would participate in. 
While you were Edward’s plus one on paper, it was really Tony who you would move through a room with. He would introduce you to some of his friends in high places. You two would have riveting conversations about the world and art. By the end of it all, you would ditch Edward (which wasn’t hard, because he was usually the one to ditch you guys) to sip expensive ass champagne until you passed out the next day in some hotel room you had no memory of entering. This event screamed reminders of your past life. And your past love.
“I don’t know.” You lied. But Finn knew you were lying. He also knew what, or rather who, was stopping you.
He sighed, and gazed at you before speaking again. “Is this about your ex?”
You were curious as to why he asked about Tony when the conversation had nothing to do with him. “Why do you ask me that?”
“Because it always seems to be.” He came to stand directly before you, now more sure of himself. 
You could admit your tone of voice changed as you said your next line. “Well it’s not.”
“When are you gonna get over him?” Finn asked, ignoring your words as well as ignoring the defensive tone they were laced in. 
“I am over him.” He made you feel small, so you straightened your posture to appear more intimidating, a sharp scowl now decorating your face. 
“No you’re not. You’re still depressed about him.” He sounded a bit annoyed now. 
“I wouldn’t say I’m depressed…” You cooed, trailing off a bit with your thoughts. Am I depressed? And if I am, do I really wear it for the world to see?
Worry etched itself into your expression, which made Finn say, “You’re too young for this. And you’re too beautiful. You shouldn’t be worried about a guy who isn’t even here.” Finn stated. You thought that what he was saying wasn’t fair, because he didn’t even know the full story. “I can help you get over him.”
He made you blink rapidly at his words. “Woah Finn,” Finn continued his case. 
“Just let me take your mind off of him. I promise i’ll be worth it.” he was always forward, but never this forward. 
“Finn stop.” He was now closer to you, cornering you between himself and his wall. His office felt much smaller now. 
“I like you Y/N, and not just as a friend.” He was now just a breath away, so you threw your arms in between the two of you, only for him to lightly grip your wrists. 
“Finn—” You were cut off by his lips, as they stole a soft kiss from yours. You immediately broke the connection by looking down, brushing the area he just touched with your fingertips. Finn looked at you expectantly, face flushing as he realized what he just did. He dropped his hands from their positions on your wrists and stepped back.
“Y/N, I-I’m so, sorr—”
“I’m late for my other job now. I’ll see you Monday.” You hurried out, as you circled around him to leave the room before he could say another word. 
Your entire shift at your neighborhood cafe, felt like a blur.  You chose to work at a cafe for similar reasons to the ones at home: the rustle and bustle of the world made you feel calm, and like your problems were small. But now all you could think about was Finn.
He was right, you were still hung up on Tony. In your defense, five months didn’t seem like enough time for you to move on from a relationship that shifted your entire being. But they did say, to get over one man, you should get under another one. And Finn, was a man that you would have been attracted to under normal circumstances. 
He was handsome. Articulate. Cultured. Kind. He was the type of man, who could move a room just by walking in it. But he wasn’t Tony. That fact alone was how you knew you were beat. If you could pass up an amazing man, for one you couldn’t even have, then you were crazy. 
He smelled of ginger, and he tasted like cinnamon for those fleeting moments that he held you. You thought to yourself that you could do worse. You weren’t supposed to be with Tony anyway, so what was the harm in being with a man who was begging for you to use him?
The harm was, that you weren’t that kind of a girl. And you didn’t wanna hurt him. 
I am making this harder than it needs to be. You thought to yourself, as you walked into your apartment building. Your decision to go to the gallery’s opening became a hell of a lot easier, when your doorman greeted you with a package. You hesitantly thanked him and took the elegant box, before walking up to your flat. 
Setting it down on your counter to rid it of its satin pink bow, you freed the top cover and unraveled the tissue paper. Underneath all of the wrapping was a sparkly rose gold material. You pulled it out to reveal a ball gown, that looked as if it was made specifically with a princess in mind. The puffy skirt of the gown had a large slit in it and it was made of a sheer, almost see-through fabric. Glitter ran throughout the entire dress, but where it was most prominent was the bodice. The straps were off the shoulder, and they connected to a deep plunge a few inches below the neckline. It was beautiful.
Your first thought was to anger. The dress looked like it cost him a fortune.  You felt obligated to thank him, but you were also mad that he spent money on you as a form of apology. You hated when people just gave you things. It instantly made you feel like a burden.
But then your second thought was one of guilt. Leaving him so quickly, must of made him feel terrible, and that fact helped you swallow your anger. He really liked you, and you could at least show up to the gallery to support him. After all, you were still friends. 
You just silently prayed you wouldn’t regret going. 
Cool air nipped at your bear arms and chest as you made your way through the night. The wind caused cold tears to fall from your eyes, and your fingers felt like icicles. You knew it would be cold tonight as winter transitioned into spring, but you didn’t anticipate it this much. You didn’t have a proper shawl to sit across your shoulders that matched your dress, so you sucked it up and power-walked to the gallery.  It definitely felt nice to step into the building’s warm and inviting embrace.You instantly felt your cheeks warm up as you stood in the middle of the entryway.
The event was in full swing by the time you arrived. You were instantly surrounded by laughter, and chatter, as rich people debated amongst themselves about the intent of certain pieces of art. Beautiful melodies filled the air, as classical music played softly in the background. The ambience was warm despite the cold night air peering through the high glass ceilings. You thought it was nice, how even though the building was so well lit, you could still make out the faint glow of stars above you. 
Being an observant person who could easily meld into the background, you thought the sight before you was beautiful, and you immediately felt regret grow smaller in the pit of your stomach. 
You searched the crowd, trying to seek out Finn and thank him for urging you to come, as well as for the dress. You found him at the top of a balcony, chatting up one of his guests. You swallowed your uneasiness as you made it up in your mind to confront his and your feelings. Maybe I could give him a try because he really is a nice guy. That was your train of thought as you made your way up to him. I could learn to love him. You thought. If it doesn’t work out, I still have home in just a month. 
As you got closer, and closer to him, you thought of Tony, and immediately froze in your tracks. You felt guilty for even thinking about someone else before you were over him. You were disappointed in yourself, for your readiness to use one man, in order to get over another one.
You were about to turn around and forget about the entire event, before Finn caught your gaze. He stopped his chat with the man in front of him and excused himself to walk over to you. 
You looked like a gapping fish out of water as he approached you. Finn was always so well put together. Seeing him in a tux, only made him appear more intimidating. He somehow made you, with your dress, naturally done makeup, and beautifully pinned up hair, feel small. Little did you know, he felt smaller.  
“Y/N” He started, almost at a loss for words. “You look beautiful.”
To save face you forced yourself to speak, opting for the playful banter he had come to love. “Why are you acting so surprised?”  You sheepishly smirked. 
“Well I didn’t think you were coming.” He beamed. He was relieved to know you weren’t still mad at him.
“I couldn’t just waste this.” You said referring to your dress, grabbing a fistful in each hand to lift it and emphasize your point. 
Finn bought his eyes over you, basking in your beauty. “You look darling in that. But I thought you said you didn’t have anything to wear.”
You furrowed your brows at his words, smile faltering. “I didn’t, until you—”
“Finn! Over here darling, I want you to meet someone.” His mother called to him in english, gesturing to a well-dressed attractive woman. 
“Okay.” He replied to her before bringing his attention back to you. “Stay right here. Don’t move I mean it.” He floated off, abandoning you and your confusion.
Why was he acting so oblivious? 
You felt moments pass as Finn worked himself around the room. You watched him as he drifted from person to person, seemingly forgetting about you. He was in his element, and you were happy to see him happy. 
Leaving him to do his own thing, you walked down the stairs deciding to occupy yourself by people watching. That was when your emotions began to overwhelm you again. You leaned against a wall, newfound glass of wine in hand, trying to drown out the noise around you. Everything seemed to remind you of Tony Stark. The rich men in their suits. The stimulating discussions. Even the drink between your fingers, reminded you of him. Now too encapsulated with your thoughts once again, you turned to the wall behind you, immersing yourself into the art. The sad girl in the painting, derided you, as you met her eyes. She was pretty, and like you she felt alone. At least we can be lonely together you thought, scoffing at the idea. 
“Why that frown, everyone in here knows you’re prettier than her.” Your heart sank, as you turned to the side meeting the face of the familiar voice. 
“Tony?” You exhaled, blinking rapidly as if your eyes were playing tricks on you.
“In the flesh.” He smirked down at you. You threw yourself into his open arms, as he wrapped himself around you. You felt him kiss the top of your head, then your temple, as you inhaled his scent; it had been such a long time since you had even done that. Your drink spilled on the floor behind you, and the look of shock you received from a nearby stranger made you feel deranged. It didn’t matter, how crazy you looked, Tony was here and that was all you could care about. 
Pulling back from his embrace, you felt your words form at the back of your throat unable to bring them out. “What are you doing here?” You managed to ask. 
“You know I could ask you the same. Berlin? Was all that French I taught you, for nothing?” He joked, holding you in place. 
You were becoming blurry-eyed. You terribly missed his wittiness. “How did you find me?” Though you were happy, you couldn’t help the tears that streamed down your face. 
Tony wiped them away with the pads of his thumb, “First. Dance with me.” He reached a hand between the two of you, willing you to take it. 
“This isn’t that kind of an event Tony.” You chuckled.
“Who cares? I need to hold you.” His words made you tear up again. You soon became a sobbing mess, and those around you shot him dirty looks for making you cry. 
“Princess.” Tony cooed, sending apologetic nods to random people as he tried to comfort you. “You’re making a scene.” 
You ignored him, and kept silently whimpering, gradually growing a bit louder, as your face contorted further into a frown. “You’ll ruin your makeup.” 
Still crying you began dry-heaving as you chocked between sobs. “Alles ist gut.” Tony assured strangers, informing them that all was well. 
“You know German?” You squeaked between sobs.
“When I found out you were in Germany, I learned a bit on the plane ride here.” He grabbed a napkin from a passing by waiter, as he told you this. 
“So you learned German for me?” You sobbed louder, causing more people to look over.
“Y/N, baby please stop crying.” Tony pleaded. “Please stop."
You sniffled and began wiping your eyes, smearing your mascara in the process. He used his napkin to wipe away the excess mess on your face. “Now can we please try this again?” He asked holding his hand out. You took it, and he lead you to the center of the room. 
Now the attention was as a result of the spectacle in front of them. First a girl practically pours her expensive wine on the ground. Then starts crying. And now she and her beaux are dancing in the middle of the gallery. How unhinged you must of looked in the eyes of a stranger. 
Tony couldn’t be more in love with you. He held you close, one hand clasped with yours, the other resting on your lower back as he gazed into your eyes, mesmerized by your existence. You two swayed back and forth, ignoring the judgmental stares and whispers. Eventually others gained the courage to join in, inspired by the silly Americans of the room. 
He broke the comfortable silence first. “I see you like the dress. You make it look beautiful.”
“You bought this for me?” You exclaimed smiling. It made sense now, how else would the measurements be so perfect?
“Of course I did. Who else would?” He asked with a single raised brow, his signature “you better tell me, or you’re in trouble” expression.
“Mmh, hmm, Mmh.” You mumbled shrugging your shoulders upwards. Of course that was a lie, but you would tell him later. 
He decided to address your lie later as well. He changed the subject for now. “So why Berlin? Why not London, or Italy? Italy was you second choice, you loved Italy!”  
You giggled at the amount of times he said Italy. He bathed in the sound. “Germany was the first place Pepper could arrange on such short notice. Besides, we thought you would never think of looking here.”
“I would search the ends of the universe for you.” He said, face and tone all of a sudden serious. You inspected him for a minute, heat rising to your cheeks, before you both cracked a smile. 
“You’re so fucking cheesy.” You laughed. 
“I thought you loved it when I act cheesy.” He expressed, mocking fake hurt. 
You smiled and kissed his chin, ignoring his dramatics, opting to be enveloped by the silence. You were calmed as he rocked you in his arms, pulling you as close as he could. His large warm hand on your exposed lower back felt like home. You two fit together like puzzle pieces, and you were happier now than you were the first time you kissed. Now you weren’t in secret. You were out in the open, as you experienced a new first in your relationship. 
You broke the silence this time, as you laid your head on his chest. “So how did you find me?”
“Tonysbitch99 Y/N? Come on, I’m a fucking genius, and I’m not exaggerating.  Your last tweet led me here”
Your head shot up so you could question him. “Wait. So you went out on a fucking whim?”
He laughed at your outburst. "Well actually a blue-haired girl encouraged me to check your twitter account. I found your hidden one on your old phone. That led me to your apartment.”
“Nao.” You said in a low menacing tone. You had some words for her as soon as you got back home. But when you thought of home, your mind wandered back to the obstacles in your way. Being so happy to see him, you forgot about Edward. “Tony” You sighed. “You can’t be here. Edward will find out. And you could lose everything you worked for. Your dreams have to mean something to you.”
“They do. You’re one of them Y/N.” He always had a way with words, and just as you were about to protest he cut you off. “I won’t go into details about it, but everything is fine. You can even contact both Edward and Pepper if you don’t believe me.” 
You believed him. The fact that he involved Pepper’s name encouraged you to. “Enough  about me though. You seem to have been keeping yourself busy.” He whispered against the shell of your ear.
“What do you mean?” You asked, flustered by his action. He suddenly, but slowly dipped you so that you could focus on where his line of sight was. Your eyes met Finn, who was busying himself with guests, as well as stealing glances at the two of you. As you focused on him, Tony peppered kisses along the heart of your exposed bosom. The gesture forced you to shoot up out of embarrassment. You knew he was marking his territory, but you immediately scolded him. 
“Who is he?” He asked you, ignoring your tiny hits and reprimands. Once you calmed down, you told him about Finn.  “He hasn’t taken his eyes off of us, or should I say you, since my being here.”
You averted your gaze from Tony, and he immediately knew you were hiding something from him. He pestered you, until you told him about Finn’s crush, as well as the shared kiss. By the end of it all, he was sending death glares his way.
“You should introduce us.” Tony suggested, gravitating towards Finn, before you held him taught. 
“Calm yourself.”
“What did you say his name was again? Finn?” He asked, but he already knew the answer to his own question. “Finn. Finn. Finn.” He repeats, as if the name felt like a bad aftertaste on his tongue. “You know what? I like it. No, I really do, it fits him, because he looks like a fucking fish.” He spat.
You grinned and asked, “You’re not jealous are you Tony?”
“And what would I have to be jealous of? Did you not hear me say fish?” He questioned. 
“He’s a sweetheart. Come on, let me introduce you.” You were about to take his hand to meet Finn, but were surprised to see that he was already making his way over to the two of you. 
“Y/N, who might this be?” Finn asked reaching out to shake his hand. He knew who Tony was, most people did, but this was Finn’s way of acting as if he himself was more important. 
“Tony Stark” Tony interjected, acknowledging the outreached hand, but blatantly refusing to shake it. 
  Finn dropped his hand, before speaking again, smile now twitching. “Nice to meet you Mr. Stark. I’m Finn Schmidt.”
“Well that’s rather unfortunate.” Tony mumbled, loud enough for the both of you to hear. 
“Tony!” You chided, slapping his arm. 
“What?!” Tony cried. “You heard him say his last name was Shit, right?”
“He said Schmidt.” He knew that. Tony ignored the glare on your face that demanded he apologize.
The sound of laughter rang in your ears, as you both snapped your necks towards it. Finn must of  thought he was funny. “Y/N, your grandfather is hilarious.” Finn said, now deadpanning at Tony. 
Tony looked down at his hands, then at your brown ones, then back up to question the handsome boy. “Do I look like her fuc—”
“You’re right Finn. My boyfriend is pretty funny.” You say, examining his face with a small smile. Your comment shocked both him and Tony. He was happy that you could finally call him that. 
“Now,” you continued. “I’m a bit tired from these past few weeks. I think I’m going to call it a night. Enjoy your evening Finn. I’ll see you Monday.” You smiled, as you tugged Tony away.
“Goodnight Fish Shit,” Tony smirked over his shoulder, as you dragged him towards the door.  
“It’s Finn Schmidt, you idiot.” You corrected, sending an apologetic nod back to your friend. 
“What did I say?”
Pushing the door open to your apartment, you unstrapped your shoes to place them next to the door, urging Tony to do the same. You threw your keys in a dish, and turned to him to whisper your intentions to go and slip into something more comfortable. He stared at you with a small smile as his response, dark eyes searching yours, while his remained unreadable. The dim light from the kitchen, illuminated his face, making it look intimidatingly beautiful. Or was hauntingly the word?
You suddenly felt nervous, realizing that this was the first time in months since you had been alone together. Handing him back the coat he let you borrow for the walk here,  you cleared your throat, and averted your gaze before excusing yourself from the room. Tony relished in the fact that he had reverted you back to your first stage of innocence. 
Upon your exit, he took a slow stroll around the room. He was careful to take in all that he had missed. Curious of how much you had changed, and how much you stayed the same. 
Accents of your favorite color were spread throughout the room. You had an open kitchen, and the living room was right across from it. They were both tidied to perfection. You had sleek wooden floors, that looked like they had never been stepped on. Furniture, that looked like it had never been sat on. A stove, that looked like it had never been turned on. Your place was nice, but he could tell you were rarely home. 
The walk here, you told him of your job on top of your internship, and school.You didn’t complain about it. In fact, you appreciated the chaos, and constant busyness. But he hated that you worked like a dog just to make ends meet. There was now all this time he would have to make up for, by spoiling you. 
He bent over to examine the books on your shelves. Some were new. Some that he had suggested. But what he searched for were the ones you would spend your summers rereading, as if the words would leave the page; desperate to memorize every letter. 
He moved on, now curious about your smart TV. What new shows were you watching? Did you still love the ones he remembered to be your favorite, or did new ones take their place? 
He picked up the candle on your coffee table. The scent of honeysuckle assaulted his senses. It was much different from your usual vanilla. He sat it down to continue his journey to your kitchen. 
He raided your pantry, your cupboards, and your fridge to see if you had been taking care of yourself. The contents were scarce, and he had to remind himself to scold you later.
“Are you hungry?” You asked smiling, grasping the hallway’s entry frame. You were wearing an oversized ash gray shirt whose front was tucked into a pair of frilly pink shorts. Your previously pinned hair now fallen was framing your cheeks, as stray pieces were pushed behind your ears. You removed all of your ruined makeup, and the result left a sheen of dew on the surface of your skin. If he thought you looked surreal at the gallery, ethereal was the word he’d use now due to your natural glowing state. 
“Yes” He replied. But he was getting full off of your appearance alone. There was no need for useless human sustenance. The way you looked was enough. 
You came into full view, grabbing a glass from your cupboards to pour yourself some water. “Well I’m afraid you’re not gonna find anything here.” You took a sip, offering him some. “But it’s not too late. There are still restaurants open.”
He reached for the glass in your hand, but instead of taking it, he placed his hand over yours to make you feed him sips of water. He eyed you over the rim of the glass before setting it down to say, “I’m full now.”
You swallowed hard, walking to sit on a stool on the other side of the island. Tony fell backwards directly in front of you, letting the cabinets behind him catch him. He drank you in with his eyes, as you felt yourself shrinking under his scrutiny.
“What?” You questioned, shy from his gaze. He said nothing, and just watched you. 
After a moment of playing the staring game, you tried to break the silence again. You looked down at the shirt you were wearing to spark a conversation. “I’m sorry I stole your shirt. I needed something to remind me of you. I hope you didn’t miss it too much.”
“The only thing that I missed, was you.” He said after minutes of deafening silence. Is he mad?
Looking down out of guilt you told him, “Well I’m here now. Tell me how you’ve been.”
He felt like your question was a loaded one. Not once did he think about himself while you were gone. He was constantly thinking of you. I’ve been lost. He wanted to say. I’ve been hopeless. I felt helpless not knowing where you were. Not knowing if you were okay. So many things were on the tip of his tongue, but instead he settled for “Let’s just say, I’ve missed you.” 
“That’s not what I asked.” You were genuinely curious about how his life was without you. But Tony looked like he didn’t want to explore the subject further. 
“That’s how I feel.” He declared, drifting slowly towards you. 
You decided to continue talking in order to fill the awkwardness. “Well its obviously how I feel too, but I wanna know how you’ve been holding up.” You ignored his sudden closeness. “Could you at least tell me how every one is? You mentioned Nao had blue hair? It was pink when we met.” Tony stood silent by your side as you asked your questions. “How’s Samuel? And Pepper?”As you rambled on and on, he traveled behind your stool, placing his hands on the chairs bars. His scent began to envelope you, and thats when your rambles became incoherent. If you weren’t already nervous before, you definitely were now. 
He picked up on it, like he usually does, and asked  “Am I making you uncomfortable?” in a hushed tone. You felt his breath fan the back of your neck, goosebumps formed on the little parts that were exposed. Your thighs clenched together, as you were suddenly turned on by how he made you feel both small and secure at the same time. 
He grabbed your chin, lifting your neck upwards and to the side, just before he placed a soft kiss on your lips, the first kiss since your reunion. It was so soft, you felt that he was afraid you might break; or as if you were only a part to a vivid dream. Deepening his touch, he let the fingers that were lifting your chin,  trail down the line of your neck. Soft fingertips brushed against your skin, until they collectively found a loose position around your throat. He let his thumb explore your jaw, while his tongue explored your mouth. Soft lips quickly turned into rough ones, as they fought to release every frustration and emotion he felt for the past five months.
When he pulled away, he had the nerve to place a chaste kiss on your cheek, as if he hadn’t just tongue-fucked your face a moment ago. “Sorry.” He apologized, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.” He then walked back to his position by the counter, as if nothing happened, turned to you and asked “So what was your question again?” Innocence and genuine curiosity etched his features, like the lust, from a moment ago, never existed. 
Quickly overcoming your fit of fluster, you hesitantly stood to your feet. Tony never took his almond brown eyes off of you, as you seductively sauntered over to him. You had an idea. It was one you rarely thought of. One you never acted on; but if your time in Germany taught you something, it was to go for what you wanted. 
Now standing directly in front of him, doe eyes boring into his, he shut them as you placed your hands against his chest, leaning in for a kiss. Much like his, it was soft. A feather like touch against his mouth. You barely pulled back to whisper, “follow me” against his lips. His eyes fluttered open just in time to see you retreating down the hall. 
It was now his turn to become flustered, as he felt himself growing hot. He gave himself a moment to cool down, before taking his time walking down the hallway. As he poked his head in every room, just before he came to the last one, he found you sitting comfortably on your bed, stripped down to nothing but your bra and panties. Your elbows were propped up holding your weight, and your leg was crossed against your other as you patiently waited for him to enter the room. Your head was tilted as a seductive smile played on your features. 
Tony returned the expression, and he was about to dive into you, until you raised your hand to halt his actions. “Take off your shirt.” You ordered.
“Excuse me?” He asked, eyebrows furrowing in amusement. 
“You heard me.” You dared. Though your tone was soft, he knew you meant business. He searched your eyes for a moment, not finding his usual hint of submissiveness. So he decided to humor you. He leisurely unbuttoned his cuffs, glancing up at you every now and then. Then he took his time loosening his bowtie, dragging it off of his collar. He went painfully slow as he unbuttoned his bib, leering in your direction as he did so. Making you wait is what would usually break your spirit, and it was his favorite game. But you had learned patience while in Germany, so tonight was your night. You uncrossed your legs and raised to your feet, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt to roughly pull him into a kiss. This one was more feverish than the one shared in your kitchen, and it caught him by surprise since he was usually the one to take control. 
You switched your standing positions with him so that you were now the one facing the bed. As you deepened your kiss, he got pushed further back, until his knees collided with the mattress. You stood between his legs surveying his cherry swollen lips, before you reconnected your mouthes.
You laced your fingers in his hair, breaking your kiss, to harshly tug his head upwards. The guttural groan that escaped his throat, left an ache between your legs, while liquid pooled to the center of your panties. 
With the newly exposed skin of his neck, you stuck your tongue out to lick a slow stripe from his adam’s apple to his jaw, eliciting a string of curses from Tony. You then placed wet kisses down from there to his abs, kneeling to face his crotch. 
The prominent bulge, made your eyes widen with anticipation, and mouth salivate from thirst. You fell to your knees, licking your lips, fingers now fumbling with the buckle of his belt. Tony grasped your chin, lifting it to meet your eyes. “Y/N, I don’t want you to think you have to do this.”
You smiled at him, assuring him that you wanted to, kissing his fingers before going back to your previous tasks. He tensed up when you placed your hand on his thigh, just as the other worked to release his cock. The veiny appendage sprung free, and its size still intimidated you as you struggled to fit it in your tiny hands. Still, you were determined to make him feel good. 
You wrapped your hand around it, holding his drunken gaze, before stroking him up and down. You placed chaste kisses along the base, until you reached his crown. When you swirled your tongue around his head, Tony’s dick bucked in your hands, and his large palm shot up to tangle in your hair, urging you to suck. You swatted his hands away, and fixed him with a stare, silently telling him you’d stop if he didn’t let you have this. When confident that he learned his place, you wrapped your lips around his tip, lowering yourself further down his shaft, twisting the parts you couldn’t fit (which was still a lot.) He was a moaning mess, when his dick hit the back of your throat. You bobbed your head up and down his length, mewling when you made him groan. The vibrations from your moans, sent jolts of electricity up his spine, and he struggled to contain himself. 
Gagging against him, you shot back gasping for air, only a string of spit connecting you. After six more motions like that, Tony shot three thick ropes of cum down your throat. The sound he let out as he came, made the area between your thighs slick.
He usually spewed words of encouragement when you gave him head. “Just like that” or “Suck daddy’s cock” filled your ears as you worked him through his orgasm. But to see him come completely undone, unable to form a sentence, let alone control the situation, had you feeling more than satisfied. His head was thrown back surveying the ceiling before he bought his attention back to you. His face was a soft shade of pink, and sweat covered his forehead; it worked like glue, as pieces of disheveled hair stuck to it. “Who taught you how to do that?” He asked between breaths. 
“Finn.” You joked, but as soon as you said it, Tony grabbed your arm to yank you to your feet. He grabbed the nape of your neck to pull you closer to his face. 
“I know you’re just kidding sweetheart, but I don’t find that funny.” He rasped in a low tone. The grip he had on your  neck caused you to whimper, but you didn’t mind the sting. It only riled you up. 
You stepped back from his embrace, to undo your bra, just for him to yank you back in once it was off. He began kissing between your sternum, dangerously close to the mounds of your breasts. You chuckled at the feeling of his facial hair tickling your skin, but then your giggles turned into moans as his beard created delicious burns across your surface. He reached his hands down to your waist ridding you of your panties. Once you stepped out of them, you pushed him backwards on the bed, to crawl over him placing both thighs on each side of his. 
He bit his bottom lip at the sight of you, eyes burning with desire, and hands trailing from your thighs to your waist. You grabbed his dick, brushing it against your lips, before slowly guiding it to your entrance. As you sunk down on him, he sucked in air harshly, while you yourself let out a gasp of pain. 
“You still fit like a glove, baby.” He moaned out, glowered at you through hooded eyes. His hands tightened their grips around your waist to help you ease yourself onto him. 
A pained gasp erupted through your chest; the farther you sunk down on him, the further you stretched out. Pleasure began to burn in your loins when you met his end. You threw your head back and planted your palms against his chest,  rocking and grinding on his cock at a painfully slow pace. Your clit grazed his base as you did so, encouraging you to pick up your speed. His hands that were previously on your waist, crept up your front to fondle your breasts. You grabbed his wrists to help lift yourself up and down his shaft. 
The faster you bucked against him, the closer you came to meet your edge. He found his words of encouragement, when he heard your lusty pants of pleasure. “Such a pretty girl.” He praised. “Look at you go.” He whispered. He watched sweat form against your cupids bow, and your expression contort further into one of pleasure.
Your pace began to falter which is when he placed an arm around your back to sit the two of you up. Using the edge of the bed, he met your hips with his own, fucking into you at a new angle. His pace was faster, and more accurate than your own, which meant with each thrust he his your g-spot head on. His grunts and your pants echoed off of the walls as he sent you barreling towards your orgasm. You shut your eyes, letting the ecstasy hit, as you panted his name, over and over again. 
Letting the pleasure wash over you, you came to a complete stop, your moans sending vibrations through Tony’s chest. He didn’t stop though, his thrusts were relentless, as he tried his hardest to bury into you. “Keep going.” He ordered you. 
“I can’t daddy.” You whimpered, already fucked out, when you barely even started. 
“Yes you can.” He simply said, forcing you to sit up straight. You straddled his lap, met his eyes, and placed your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself, trying to will yourself up and down, but your hips just wouldn’t let you. By this time, he stopped completely as well, to catch his breath. 
You laid your head in the crook of his neck, defeated. “I’m sorry.” You exhaled into his skin. 
He lifted your head to cup your chin. When his eyes met yours, he pecked your lips before saying, “It’s okay princess. You did so well…but now it’s daddy’s turn.”
With that, he picked you up and wrapped your legs around him to place you at the top of the bed. He got rid of the rest of his clothes before he crawled back into bed, sinking into you again. You both let out groans at the feeling of his fullness.
Tony threw nice and slow out the window, and immediately began drilling into you. Your moans turned into deafening screams as his hips bruised your pelvis. He pried your legs open, placing quick kisses along your neck as he did so, knowing it would drive you up the wall as well as comfort you. He bit and sucked harshly along your collar bone, sending your mind into a blissful haze. Your hands shot up to his back, clawing at the flesh. You left blood in your wake, as you raked your hands down the skin. He let out a growl at the feeling, thrusting harder into you as a result. 
Your second orgasm arrived quicker than your first, but the feeling was more intense. He left you writhing, and shaking on him, as ripples of pleasure coursed through your body. Giving you a minute to collect yourself he flipped you over, before saying, “I’m not done with you yet, princess.” 
A look of alarm spread on your features, when you looked behind you to see him lining himself up yet again. “Tony I don’t think I can cum again.” You whimpered. 
“Awe, I thought you were a big girl.” He teased, smirking as revenge for earlier. While he loved the way you look on top, it obviously hurt his dominating spirit when you took his control. He leaned down, grabbing the side of your face to better access your ear. You felt his hot breath fan the side of your cheek as he whispered, “You’re gonna take all of me, until I fill you up with my cum.” Then he let you go, causing you to fall forward. 
You were so turned on it didn’t make sense. You just had three orgasms rip through you, yet your pussy was begging for more. 
He slammed into you for a final time, this position trumping them all. He gripped your hips, locking in on you, giving you no chance of escape. That didn’t mean you wouldn’t try. You climbed to the top of the bed, trying to put a bit of space between yourself and Tony’s strokes, but he just pulled you back in, fucking you harder than before. 
Tears welled up in your eyes. The intensity was becoming entirely too much. Your nipples brushed your bedsheets the harder he fucked you into them. His balls slapped against your clit, every time he met your hips. And his grunts of pleasure from using you, sent you toppling over the edge for a third time. The stimulation sending you into a convulsing fit. You squirted against him, covering his member with your sticky wet cream. Luckily for you, he followed shortly after, coating your walls with his thick white seed. 
When you collapsed, he rolled to the other side of you, both of you breathing heavier than before.  When he caught his breath, you turned over to drape your naked body onto his. 
“Was I too rough” He asked, suddenly feeling like he went overboard.
“Absolutely not.” You giggled. “Please do that to me all the time.”
He smiled in response burying his nose in your hair. The smell of coconut immediately comforting him. “I love you Y/N.” He cooed.
You lifted your head from his chest to kiss him sweetly. “I love you too, Tony.” That was the last thing you both said, before drifting off into a peaceful slumber. 
Whether your relationship lasted a lifetime, or ended in a year, in this moment you were happy. Happy that you no longer had to hide from the world. Happy that he was finally in your arms again. Happy to want someone, who wanted you even more. 
Happy to exist at the same time as him. 
A/N: Please do not repost my work as your own. Comments, likes, and reblogs are encouraged. I love you all, and really hope you enjoyed this! Thank you for reading :)
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
Jae’s Divine Intervention ||| Wonpil x Reader, Jae & Reader
Summary: Jae finds out about your crush on Wonpil and naturally takes the mick out of you. And when you get to play detective, you find out he’s perhaps more supportive than you would normally imagine.  Genre: Humour, fluff [if you guys dont find this funny then i... its just me] Warning(s): Some cursing all done in jest (2x sh*t) Word Count: 7735  Theme Song: Tonight - The Solutions; Dive - iKON; Hold - Winner AN: A request from anon, hope you enjoy! I’m sorry it took a while, it’s a lot longer than I usually write tho so I hope that makes up for it gender neutral reader
“Jae, I swear to christ—”
“Wonpil?!” Jae’s voice was rising in pitch by the second, a look of astounded horror on his face.
“Yes, Wonpil, what’s so—”
“Our keys? The snake? Our snake that plays the keys?”
“Really, you’re still using that? That’s like, three years old Jae—”
“You—you took one look at the pink sweater and went hmmm, yes, this is the hot stuff, real sexy—”
“—any man that wears this I will date him on the spot—!”
The man cackled, leaning right back into his gaming chair with his head tipped over the side. “Oh my god this is just...!”
You pressed your tongue to your cheek, waiting for the grown man to gather himself up. Though, knowing Jae, it could well take a while. “You finished?”
He swung back, elbows coming to his knees with his eyes incredulous. “Kim Wonpil?”
“Not Brian?”
“Why would it be Brian?”
He inhaled through his teeth, tutting. “It’s always Brian. And then, of course, yours truly.”
You sighed, rolling your eyes. “I regret ever talking to you.”
He sat back, sending you a smirk. “Nahh, you would never regret me.”
“Can we just go back to discussing like, dinner tonight?” you glanced distastefully around at his room, taking note of the pile of laundry abandoned by his wardrobe. “Like I came into your lair for in the first place?” 
“Hey, easy there—!”
“Honestly Sungjin would have a fit if he comes in here,” you announced, a mischievous glint in your eye.
“Well it’s a good job he isn’t coming in here.” Jae easily met your stare, pursing his lips, knowing full well that starting a battle with him would be the hardest you could try to win in the dorm. You backed down, but didn’t shy away from his stare as he pressed his fingertips together, taking on the role of a faux mastermind, “But no, dinner can wait, because this—this—is much more intriguing.”
Taking in the nod of his head, and the smug grin on his features, you realised that you weren’t going to escape as you’d hoped. Might as well be comfortable.
“Now,” he began once you took a seat on his bed, flicking a rogue sock to the floor, “start from the beginning. When did you realise that you were hopelessly in love with this, Mr Kim.”
“Since when was this an interrogation?” you interjected. “Also I am not ‘hopelessly in love’!”
“Not a bit!”
“Helplessly inclined on the edge of your seat to hang upon his every little word?”
You didn’t even answer him that time and merely glared at him. 
He nodded pensively, patting a finger against his chin as he murmured, “In denial, interesting...”
He changed tact. “Do you not know the exact time for your realisation for your deep feelings?”
“Even if I did I wouldn’t tell you,” you sulked, folding your arms crossly. He let out a quiet ‘aww’, which you ignored to the best of your capacity. “What has gotten into you?”
“I’m just trying to work out if you are,” he cleared his throat, “fit for my closest colleague and good friend. After all, we’ve been through so much, I wouldn’t want any harm to come to him—”
There were many things wrong to his wistful, jesting sentence, but there was one thing that you had to refute: “Last week you told Sungjin you would sell Pillie out for half a churro.”
His smart mouth stopped for a few seconds, and you figured briefly that you’d perhaps won and could leave. Alas, you were mistaken.
“Refers to Mr Kim as ‘Pillie’, indicating a very special degree of endearment, interesting...”
You groaned, falling back onto the rest of the mattress, asking the world what you’d done to deserve this.
Truth be told, Jae wasn’t worried for his bandmate or you in the slightest. Hearing your accidental slip of your feelings, everything seemed to come together at once and fit like two missing jigsaw pieces. You both had traits that accentuated the other, and you got along so well. If you two got together, he discerned, there would be few power couples that could compete.
He didn’t understand shipping culture, but this was perhaps his one exception. It just made sense! His soft charms next to your harder ones, your sense next to his sunny optimism, the both of you still sharing much in common.
“Six months,” you suddenly admitted.
“My, you do delight in my torment,” you grumbled before shooting him a look that softened as you continued, the memory trickling to the surface and making it impossible for you to not smile. “I’ve liked him for six months. It hit me when he fell asleep on my shoulder on our trip up to Incheon.”
One of those shared things being bouts of shyness.
He decided in that moment that it was time for some divine intervention.
“That’s a long time ago,” he mentioned, “and you haven’t done anything about it?”
“How could I?” you countered, though it was more sad than feisty. “How do I confess to the gentlest, happiest soul? How am I supposed to even know if he likes me back? He’s cuddly with everyone, you know.”
One glance at your crestfallen eyes that shone through your little chuckle lit a spark in his head.
“Don’t you worry, Y/N. God works in mysterious ways,” he reassured, sending you a wink.
And so began the grand unravelling of The Great Jae’s plan. 
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Step 1: Establish if the Feelings are Mutual
The first step, as Jae understood it, was crucial—nothing else could be done until he knew if the keyboardist also had a whopping crush on his friend. And they had made some fair points about how hard it would be to calculate whether Wonpil was just being friendly affectionate or more than that.  
So, to get the answer cleanly without collateral, Jae concocted a plan so cunning he could put a tail on it and call it a weasel.
The next day, Jae slipped into the practice room, after locating his whereabouts through a super secret and effective method dubbed as ‘asking Sungjin’. He strode up to the keyboard set where the younger was staring intently at one of the keys, swiftly adopting a confident stance—he would not be swayed by any sneak attacks, and especially not attempted deflections with puppy eyes: a weapon he knew his bandmate was highly proficient in.
Hearing him mumbling about whether they should invent a H note, Jae made the choice to enact Step 1, taking advantage of the possible surprise characteristic.
“Wonpil, do you like Y/N?” 
Peering up with his classic bright smile, Wonpil answered him swiftly, “Yeah!”
Jae frowned, the response seeming too quick. He had to comprehend it as a misunderstanding of his question. He pressed the charge. “Well, yeah, I figured you liked them, but I meant it as in more of a—”
“I know how you meant it, hyung,” he looked back at the keys, testing a C tentatively.
“Oh.” Jae was surprised to say the least. “How did you...?” 
“I’ve been waiting for one of you to ask me,” he explained poutily, “you always seemed to tease me about it when I didn’t have someone, and then as soon as I actually fell, not a peep.” 
Jae had to admit that the entire exchange had caught him off guard, as he became distinctly aware of how slowly the cogs were turning in his head. “You were... waiting?”
He nodded urgently at the sound board, twisting a dial as he held his ear closer to the instrument.
“You know the sound isn’t on right?”
“The key is squeaky.”
“Of course I was waiting,” Wonpil replied simply, taking a simpering pause, “aren’t you going to ask me?” 
Jae watched as the younger suddenly sat up and swung himself to look at the legs of his keyboard stand, giving them a good wobble. There was no doubt a squeak then.
“Ask what, about what you like about them?” he suggested, not really sure himself. 
“Finally!” The younger threw himself back out from underneath the instrument. “Everything, hyung, I think I’m actually in love! Their laugh, their kindness, their eyes, their jokes—I feel like I’m going to burst whenever I see them, like into just, laughter, I can’t stop smiling, I just want to hug them and kiss their nose...” When he knocked his head back up to him, his smile was even brighter, his cheeks lightly blushed. “Is this what Younghyun-hyung means when he says that love hurts?”
Jae was more than happy to hear proof—it meant Step 1 was a success after all—but hearing the sap did mean he had to hide his grimace.  But now he was presented with a more severe problem, as he knew full well that wasn’t what the bassist, who could dip into the realms of emo territory, meant at all by that phrase.
It didn’t mean he was going to explain it. Especially seeing those eyes brimming with adoration for his closest friend—he cursed at himself giving into the puppy eyes after all. 
“Yeah, probably,” he answered vaguely, opting to change the subject, “well, I’d better be off, thanks!”
“Hey, hyung, where do you think you’re going?” Wonpil called after him as he attempted to make a tactical retreat, having gathered the information he needed. 
Jae turned around, lying through his teeth as his brain searched for an excuse. “I... well, I need to go and do...”
“Without wishing me good luck on fixing my keyboard stand?” he enquired, pouting childishly from the other side of the room.
“Good luck...?”
“Ok, you can go!” he announced, sending a wave. “Bye!”
And with that, Jae exited the practice room, frowning at his reflection in the glass of the window as he passed through. Wonpil was strange sometimes, that was for sure. 
It didn’t matter in the long run though, it was going to be your problem soon rather than his—a thought that elicited a snicker from him—and with Step 1 complete, he could proceed to Step 2. 
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Step 2: Create the Confession Arrangement
Jae had figured that the third step would have required the most work, but he had be drastically wrong. He’d presumed coming up with the perfect scenario for a confession would have been easy, but once he’d sat down in the living room to think in peace, an hour later he found himself lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, without a single idea in his head. 
Chasing the tails of all the ideas that taunted him and skipped just out of reach every time in his head, he barely heard the sound of someone else entering the fray.  And he would have continued to have done, had the newcomer not come to stand beside him and peered over his sprawled body.
“Hyung, are you ok?”
The deep voice snapped his eyes from where they were transfixed on the ceiling to the cherubic face of Dowoon, currently in the process of devouring a pretzel.
Jae snorted, still barely comprehending his presence. “Of course.”
The younger tilted his head to see him somewhat the correct way up. “Are you sure? You’re laying on the floor.”
“I am aware, and yes, a hundred percent,” he answered, putting on a confident front as best he could, “this, young padawan, is the sight of a master at work.”
Dowoon hummed in an agreement of sorts, “Oh, right.”  He took a deep bite of the sweet dough. “What are you working on?”
Jae finally recognised the notable rustling of a paper packet, his eyes falling to the treat. “I am devising the most wondrous plan the world has seen to—is that my vanilla pretzel?”
He said it so quick and devoid of emotion there was no way to tell whether it was a lie or not. Jae was left peering up at the man as he took another bite, who sent him a thumbs up as a form of endorsement.  “Right. Well... I am devising a plan that will get Wonpil and Y/N to admit their feelings for one another and finally unite as the planet’s best ship and sail off into the distance together!” A victorious grin on his lips, he looked like a man that had already found success. “I have already completed Step 1 with peak success, now I must move to Step 2 and—”
“What was Step 1?”
“Finding out whether their feelings were mutual, of course!” Jae guffawed, surprised that Dowoon could not connect the two dots.
He peered over to him again to see him frowning as he angled himself to take the final bite of the pretzel. Before he could ask what the matter was, he preempted him, stating, “You didn’t know?”
That caught the eldest off guard. “What?”
“You didn’t know that they both like each other?” he glanced towards him, eyes expectant as he shoved the dough past his lips. “I thought everyone knew.”
“Well, I...” Jae coughed, quickly covering his back, “...there’s a difference between assumption and ascertaining proof, maknae. Now that I have evidence I may move onto Step 2.”
“And that is?”
Jae caught the tone of curiosity this time in the intonation of the man’s deep voice, making note to take advantage of it as soon as possible. “Create the confession arrangement. I must make a scenario where the only possible eventuality is that the two confess to one another their true feelings.”
Dowoon nodded, licking his fingertips free of leftover sugar.
“You wanna help?” he enquired, angling his head to get a better view of his band mate’s features, waiting for the smile to arise.
“Sure.” Discarding the paper bag on the coffee table nearby, he lowered himself to the floor, laying on his back and mimicking his elder. 
“Good choice,” Jae clapped, turning his attention back to the ceiling.
“What ideas have you got so far, then?” Dowoon began, drumming his fingers against his stomach as he followed suit.
“Well...” Panic filtered through Jae’s system, as he suddenly realised he didn’t have even the tiniest beginnings of a thread to follow, let alone a part of a suggestion. “We could lock them in a room,” his mouth said before his brain could catch up. He cursed to himself in his head. No, that was stupid. It was so inhumane! 
“What, like an escape room scenario?”
Jae’s head immediately tilted towards the man lying beside him. Yoon Dowoon, as things turned out, was a secret genius. 
Without warning, he laughed, getting to his feet and grabbing the younger by his hand to pull him up after him. “Yes! Exactly like an escape room!” He held him by the shoulders and asked, “Do you have any ideas for any puzzles? Or riddles? Could be an anagram, or a pattern somehow, maybe general knowledge based?”
Dowoon thought long and hard for a moment, and it showed on his face, his dark eyes going wide as his jaw dropped. “No, but I know where to get the keys to the locks on the doors.”
Their eyes met for a good few seconds as Jae mulled over the decision of whether to bring up how he had obtained such knowledge. He finally rationalised he’d ask at another less frantic time. 
“Great!” he exclaimed, before ordering, “You go sort that. I’ll go get some pens and paper. Be quick!”
And so Step 2 was in motion.
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Step 3: Organise the Confession Arrangement
“Ok, listen up soldiers,” Jae declared, “because here’s the plan.”
He was stood at the front of the work room beside a board that he’d stolen from the marketing block, proudly displaying a rudimentary plan of the dormitory and accompanied by several haphazard arrows drawn in a dying pen. He overlooked the rest of the room courageously, eyeing up his gang of abductees volunteers, who merely stared at him confusedly in return. 
“Why am I here, again?” Sungjin suddenly enquired, glancing around the room. “This surely is one of those Things-We-Don’t-Tell-Sungjin-About things, right? I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to know about this.”
“But none of us do...!” Jae uttered, rolling his palms to encourage the others to catch onto his meaning. They didn’t. “None of us know about it, yeah? Because none of us did it!”
“But that makes no sense,” Sungjin rationalised immediately, “because someone will have had to have set all the puzzles up?”
Jae didn’t have an answer to that. To both a blessing and a curse, however, he didn’t have to reply to that question. He just got another one in its place.
“I’m sorry, wait, what are we even doing?” Younghyun interjected, glaring at the hastily dictated plan with a curled lip. 
“Getting Wonpil and Y/N together, we’ve been over this, Brian.”
“Surely they can just... do it themselves though, right?” Sungjin countered, squinting at the header of the board. “It really doesn’t require an all-out, multi-step plan—is this Step 3?” 
“Good to see you’re checking the diagram,” Jae retorted.
Younghyun’s voice was incredulous, “How many steps are there?!” 
“Four.” It was Dowoon’s turn to interrupt, it seemed, and he piped up fluidly before Jae could try to regain any control upon the late night board meeting.
“What were steps 1 and 2?!”
“Step 2 was inventing this beautiful idea,” Jae started.
Only for Dowoon to finish, “Step 1 was him working out if Wonpil liked Y/N back.”
It was their turn to eye Jae up in disbelief, a chorus erupting:
“You didn’t know?!”
“How can you’ve not known?!”
“All he does is pine after them...!”
“Alright alright!” Jae called, pleading for the three to settle. To his fortune they did, but most likely only out of the prospective joy of him further making a fool of himself. “The past steps don’t matter, I need your help now to complete Step 3. You will all reap the benefits of Step 4, when this is all a success because—as you said—all Wonpil does is pine after Y/N. This,” he pointed assertively to the diagram, “will put a stop to all that!”
Silence settled over the room as the three all glanced at each other, all nodding in some form in agreement. 
Jae took the chance and continued, his hand laying out the directions on the board as he spoke, “So, all we have to is move Wonpil to Y/N’s room, and set up the puzzles in there. Sungjin, Dowoon, you’re on set-up, Brian you’re on lift duty. It is all objectively simple, but one wrong move could wake either of them up thus exposing the entire ploy and I’ve yet to come up with an excuse so you’ll be on your own.”
“Of course,” Younghyun muttered, not even bothering to look Jae in the eye to convey the sense of how done he was. 
“You’re not helping?” Dowoon piped up, his soft features portraying a slight hue of hurt.
“I can’t, Y/N already expects me. If I’m caught then there’s zero opportunity of a follow up plan—at least one that features me,” Jae explained, ignoring the mumbles of ‘perhaps it would be better that way’ that echoed around the room. He shot a look to the one he suspected the most of being the owner of said grumblings, watching as he leant back in his chair. 
“Can this not at least wait ‘til tomorrow?” Younghyun requested, emphasising his point with a yawn. 
“No! Y/N is out Saturday, and regardless we must strike while the iron is hot!”
This sent the energy of the room from benevolent boredom to startled flurry.
“It’s happening right now?!” The leader desperately looked to the eldest for reassurance that this was most certainly not the case, only to find none.
“Yep,” he stated, a shrug on his shoulders and a smirk on his lips. “Once you’re done, you make sure you leave no trace of yourselves and lock the door. Leave the key on the living room table and then you may return to your own rooms and do what you wish—as long as there is no noise. If their sleep is interrupted, the plan could quickly go south,” he finished with a clap, “now, positions everyone! And good luck!”
With only a few groans, the three practically sprung into action, much to Jae’s surprise. Dowoon piled up the props and prompts riddled with such in his arms, Sungjin holding the door for him and Younghyun who both head out in quick succession. 
“Thank you, Sungjin,” Jae called to the door. He received an expression of many emotions—disdain, disbelief, bemusement—all around a set of very bright eyes. He exhaled abruptly in what was a laugh that demonstrated that mixture, before leaving with the shake of his head.
It was showtime.
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You awoke gradually to the sun streaming through the wide gap between the curtains. Groaning, you cursed to yourself about how you’d forgotten to close them the night before.
After admitting that if you wanted to go back to sleep or even just lay in your bed in peace for a bit longer the curtains would have to close, you sat up, only to swear you had shut them the night before.
Rolling out of the covers dozily, you hobbled over to the window, squinting against the light, where upon the curtain tie you found a piece of paper dictating a series of hand-drawn triangles in shades of pink, grey and white. Rubbing your eyes you tried to detach it, only to find it secured with string. 
Feeling confusion flush through your bones as quickly as the sleep left them, you looked across the room to see another sheet of thin card this time, roughly torn at the corner and branded with a giant, rounded, crimson splodge adorned with a malformed triangle of green. 
Both thoughtless and speechless in entirety, your eyes frantically searched the room for further signs of intrusion. To your disturbance you found your room littered with rudimentary placards, decorated with strange arrows directing to one another, or strange looped calligraphy. One was stuck crudely to a Star Wars shopping bag, and as much as you enjoyed The Rise of Skywalker, you definitely did not have a bag for it. Another was blatantly an anagram. Making the mistake of looking up you were confronted with a gigantic poster of a film with the title and cast heading covered by MS Paint swirls. The image depicted seemed familiar, but it didn’t make their staring faces any less intimidating as they glared at you from your ceiling.  It was as if you’d walked into a nightmare that was haunted by puzzless.
“What the actual, ever loving f—” Your voice cut off as soon as your gaze finally rested back upon your bed. Only to find someone else in it. 
Thoroughly creeped out, your brain ricocheting through thoughts and questions like they were caught in a hurricane—who is that, how long have they been there, they were sleeping right next to me, they snuck into my room, is it a sasaeng, did they do anything—you were ready to charge towards the door and yell your lungs out for help.
Until the figure shifted in their sleep, their arms thrown up cutely by their head which peaked out from behind the duvet. It was Wonpil.
Breath catching in your throat, your hand clasped itself to your mouth in an effort to not shriek in surprise more than anything. 
You’d shared your bed with Wonpil. He’d been right beside you, his beautiful face just inches from yours, sleeping peacefully with his hands sweetly gripping the covers and his adorable little snores—
Your heart lurched at the image your mind conjured, for it to then crash over the fact that he had the audacity to sneak into your room.  The conundrum before you left you in turmoil—you couldn’t believe that you’d fallen so hard for a man who would break into your room in the middle of the night and disregard your privacy so blazonly. 
It didn’t make any sense. You’d known Wonpil for a while, and he showed so much respect the entirety of that time. Yes, he was clingy, but you could think of multiple occasions where you had told him to back off and give you space, because you were stressed or angry with someone else or even just too hot to let him lay on your shoulder, and every time he did. You couldn’t think of a single time when he came into your room without knocking either. 
But was that enough to discount the ‘first time for everything’ rule?
Given the circumstances, perhaps it was.
Regarding the mess of your room again, it was plausible that Wonpil could have put up some of the weird pieces of card, but he couldn’t have done it all—not without help at least. Taking in the height of your ceiling, he was too short to reach it. Had someone stood on your bed you would have woken up, there was no doubt about it, and you didn’t have a desk in your room, so there was no chairs to stand on. The nearest ones were in the others’ rooms, but it seemed too far of a stretch—especially since you knew that there was one person that could reach.
You glared in disdain at the corner of your room as if you were on The Office, until you remembered that you weren’t alone in the room. 
Taking a deep breath you silently made your way across your rug to the side of your bed. Kneeling in the soft cotton you took in the sight of Wonpil closer this time, resisting the urge to stroke his soft cheek that he’d puffed out as he pouted in his sleep. Perhaps it wouldn’t be long before he woke. 
“This wasn’t you, was it,” you murmured to him, taking gentle delight in how he wriggled towards you in his sleep at the distant sound of your voice. He looked so sweet, and the concept of being able to wake up to him beside you every morning made heat rush to your cheeks like a tsunami. 
He was so good at making you smile, he could do it without even trying. The thought reminded you of when he had gone out of his way to somewhat try to, making you his chosen target for the only ‘prank’ he’d ever performed. He’d decided that he would for his prank debut place  tiny plastic dinosaurs around the place for you to run into. You’d been bemused, but only for a day, quickly finding him out after catching him placing one in the fridge. 
It was fortunate that you’d been reminded of the memory—even if you were primarily focused on how angelically he’d giggled a threadbare excuse that neither of you believed for a second but only made you fall in love further—as it that had been a while ago, and filling your room with strange and distastefully carried out puzzles was not what you figured his prank comeback would be. He would at the very least make them look nice. 
“I’m sorry for doubting you,” you whispered, tucking the blanket further to his chin to keep him warm before getting to your feet again. You had to admit, you got a bit of a rush out of playing detective, and with a theory hot on your mind, you knew it wouldn’t be long before you found evidence that proved it.
First you checked the door it discover it locked as you had expected. Then you moved to the puzzles.  Staring intently at the placards, you found that they all pointed to someone who was either awful at editing and drawing alike, or had simply done it in haste and didn’t care for the visual outcome. However this was not as concrete as you’d imagined. You definitely couldn’t see it being anyone other than Jae but after checking several puzzles and not seeing a single bad joke or reference in sight, you were beginning to doubt your first impressions.
Hearing the bed creak and a groggy whine muffled by a yawn, you flicked your head away from your wardrobe. There you found Wonpil sat up in a nest of your duvets at his waist, with dishevelled hazel tresses endowing him with faux cat ears or sorts. He was barely awake and hardly functioning, blinking lethargically while he slowly returned to the world of the living.
“Morning,” you greeted with a stutter, clearing your throat sheepishly straight after.
His lips spread cutely into a grin. “Morning...!” he sang. 
It took several minutes of you trying to maintain your gaze on the messy art piece that was sleepy Wonpil, before giving up and disappointedly returning to the barely-legible riddle in your hands, for the man to finally speak with up with a frown.
“Wait, why are you in my room?” he enquired, rubbing his nose. “Did you sneak in...?”
“Actually you’re in mine,” you corrected, squinting at the calligraphy so as to let him come to terms with the situation.
His eyes opened in a flash, glancing around the room in astonishment. “Oh my god why am—I’m in yours?!” He gushed with apologies. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I didn’t sneak in I promise, I don’t remember coming in here! I don’t understand... did I sleepwalk...?”
“If you did it would be a first,” you stated, chucking the paper to the bin near your closet and staggering to your feet, “it’s ok, Pil, I’m not mad. Besides, I think you were carried.”
“You always were a heavy sleeper. But that does mean that Younghyun or Dowoon are in on this, which means I don’t understand what this whole thing is,” you explained, glancing up at the ceiling and sighing exasperatedly, “do you recognise that movie?”
Following your line of sight, he jumped at the sudden pair of eyes that he found staring at him. He shook his head. “N-no. Y/N... what’s going on?”
“Apparently the guys decided that for their latest prank they were going to make an escape room of sorts, and then stuck you in here with me for double the fun.”
“But why?”
You shrugged. “I guess they’ll open the door if we figure out all the puzzles of something. Problem is these puzzles are like, stupidly hard.” You pointed over to his right. “Like, why is there a mutant tomato on my wall?”
“Ew,” Wonpil said with a grimace as he beheld the visage of the red splodge. 
“I know right. Whichever one of the did it should never consider art school. Like, ever.”
Silence fell over the two of you as your eyebrows knit together, once again thinking over the possible answers to any of the dozens of puzzles. Wonpil meanwhile slipped out of your blankets and headed towards the door.
You had half a mind to call out to him and say it was locked, but you figured he’d already worked that out, so instead you watched him out of curiosity. 
He came to the door with a stop, rattled on the door handle once, then twice, before pressing his face close to the wood. “Sungjin!” he wailed, before pressing his ear to it to listen.
For several moments there was complete utter quiet over the room and the dorm outside. The only sound that could be heard was the birds outside, and even they broke into quiet when they heard an unusual absence of chatter. 
Then out of the blue Wonpil stiffened in his place, before leaning in even further, his features alert. 
After a few seconds you enquired mimicking the quiet, “What is it?”
“I think I just heard someone tell Sungjin that he ‘needed to remain strong’,” Wonpil looked at you quizzically, “what does that mean?”
“Sungjin’s in on it too?” You were hugely surprised by that, so much so that you couldn’t hide it in your voice, the volume tipping out of the realms of a murmur. You’d thought it was a certainty that Sungjin was not aware of what was going on, because he was too mature to play along. But you’d clearly gotten him wrong this time around.  “Th-that must mean this is serious,” you continued, slipping into a slow pacing motion across to the window and back, “that it’s super funny, or that he goes to seriously gain something from this.”
“But how is this funny, I’m not laughing...!” Wonpil said with a pout audible on his lips. He wondered if there was a funnier side that he was missing out on due to his concern for you overpowering it. He didn’t like how you stepped back and forth, even if it was only slow and steady and hardly impulsive. He didn’t want you to be stressed, he wanted you to be happy.  It dawned on him that it was becoming increasingly harder for him to hold himself back from meeting you part-way and bring you to a stop, his hands brushing your shoulders and squeezing them gently in reassurance as he met your eyes— He shook his head, sending him hurtling out of his imagination just in time to hear you agree.
“Exactly, unless he wrote some of the riddles and his sense of humour was not what I thought it was—what we thought it was.”
“But Sungjin would never use stuff this bad!” he cried, hand motioning to the poorly executed diagrams while his eyes trailed away from you and onto the tomato on the wall. “He would be much more careful than... that—I don’t think he ever could make something that ugly!”
“Exactly!” you echoed his tone of urgency. “Which means he stands to gain! But what the hell does he get out of locking two people in a room with a bunch of evil puzzles?”
Watching your form become gradually tenser by the second, Wonpil’s resolve against his desires loosened before unravelling entirely.
He strode unusually powerfully across the floor, his body blocking you and your pacing in your tracks. His proximity startled you, but as his hands came to gently held your shoulders you realised how tense your body had accidentally become.  Taking a deep breath as best you could with the biggest crush you’d ever had standing right in front of you, you slowly began to calm down. It was just a stupid prank, there was really no reason to get worked up to that extent, or anywhere near it. 
Your thoughts drifted from the circumstances you were currently trapped in however, supplanted by the feel of Wonpil’s touch, and the way his eyes met yours. His eyes were so pretty you felt yourself sink head over heels in them whenever you accidentally made contact. And the emotion that filled them to the brim at that moment and let them glimmer even more than normal in the radiant sunlight caught you even further off guard. You’d seen it a lot, even in large doses, and how it made him look even softer, even more adorable, made you almost spill words from between your lips. However like this, you could barely handle it. 
“Sorry,” you said, willing your voice to remain stable unlike your heartbeat.
“No, don’t be sorry! We’ll get...” It felt like he didn’t want to end his sentence but forced himself to. “So, they’re all in on this?”
His hands fell away from you, just as you looked away from him, unable to catch your breath otherwise. As it turned out it was a lucky move at the right moment. “Yeah, it seems so. N-now why? That’s the question. I don’t know, but what I do know is—”
Having pulled away, you’d begun to walk back to the door, thinking up the words to perhaps call out and talk them into freeing the two of you. Though as you did, your peripheral caught the odd transformation your closet door had done.
After performing a ridiculously overplayed doubletake that would have appeared to any onlookers out of context as fake, you noticed that there was a nearly full-sized image of a deep chestnut archway with the poor illusion (due to the angle) of a small opening inside. Drawing nearer you were able to make out a speckled grate suspended in the right wall of the wooden box.
What the image printed over three sheets of paper was sprung to your head immediately, much alike the jigsaw pieces jumbled in your head slotted together. 
It was a confession chamber. 
You had to confess, but not to a priest.  To Wonpil.
“God works in mysterious ways...” you remembered from the previous day, uttering the words as you replayed them in your mind. “Jae, you shit.”
Wonpil came to your side, peering round to take in your features, searching for an explanation in the sheer beauty he always found there. “What’s wrong?”
“I know how to open the door!” you announced proudly, the sense of victory washing away as you came face to face with what you had to do however. 
Wonpil’s characteristic sunny smile rose to his cheeks, all while you sat there barely able to stomach your anxiety. “Yay! What do we have to do?”
You didn’t know how to go about it. You didn’t know whether to tell him, to ramble, to keep it simple, or to just kiss him like you wanted to for however long it had been. “Confess,” was all that tumbled from your mouth, and you immediately regretted speaking at all.
The subject of your affections stood as silently as you did before him. You could see the rush of thoughts in his head, his cheeks flushing as he finally spoke up, “Confess our... sins?”
“Not sins, no...”
It was at that moment you realised your feelings were mutual. He wouldn’t look you in the eye like he always did, he was skipping over the obvious conclusion,and he wasn’t drastically denying a single thing. He didn’t run, nor hide, in fact he leant towards you. It was only a fraction of an angle, but with a small bite of his lip the air fled your lungs.
“Do you...” you breathed, taking a tiniest step towards him—you’d been so close already, but now he was practically against you, just not quite—as your fingers twitched at your sides, “do you want me to do it?”
His nod was strong compared to his voice which was so delicate, as if he couldn’t believe what was unfurling before him. “Please!” 
With his encouragement you let those ready fingers ease up to the edge of his jaw, gracing the fine stubble there as you sank you palms against his cheeks and held your dreams in your hands. “Wonpil, I’ve liked you for so long... I fell for you, more than anyone I’ve ever met before. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“Don’t say sorry, I didn’t tell you either,” he reminded with a chuckle, his dark eyes bright and shining and wide at you coming ever closer, “and not being near you makes my heart ache so please, just kiss me and make it stop forever.”
You didn’t have to be asked twice.
His hands barely had enough time to snake around your neck as you bridged the gap and let your lips meet at last. And it was like the whole world sighed in relief. 
His lips were so warm, the softness etched with all his thoughts and his moments of anxiety and sadness. You wanted to kiss them all away, so that the only ones remained were the ones out of happiness, out of his smiles and playfulness. 
It had been so long since you’d began dreaming of this moment, and now it was at last happening you never wanted it to end. But it had to end, and though you felt more than ready to deepen it, there was a click from the door behind you. 
Springing away from each other in surprise, you immediately both looked over to the origin of the sound, your hands meeting in place of your lips.
“It worked?” Wonpil asked the air more so than you, his free fingers extending to the handle tentatively. 
You drew to him, letting go of his hand to place your own on his shoulders a you peered over them. “I think it did!”
Taking a quick glance at you, he twisted the brass and pulled gently, his jaw dropping as a gap formed.
You were free. Though a small part of you was disappointed, probably completely interested in staying in close proximity to your crush without disturbances for as long as possible.
Except he was no longer your crush! Your heart lurched as the awareness dawned on you. Completely disregarding the situation, you mumbled so only he could hear, “Does this mean you’re my boyfriend?”
Wonpil turned his attention back to you, giggling as he stroked your hair. “Of course dummy. Did I not convince you?” He squished your cheek. “We can do it again if it’ll help!”
You had to laugh, wanting to roll with his suggestion entirely, though seeing a shadow approach through the gap in the doorway you had to turn the offer down for now. “Real soon I promise!” After noting his pout that very nearly overwrote your decision in one fell swoop, you continued, “Not when the person who organised this is right outside.”
Your boyfriend threw his head over his shoulder to see a head duck out of sight. You watched as his eyes swept the room before falling intently on the bed—more specifically, the pillows. “Do you want revenge?”
Catching onto his idea and grinning at how childish and petty it would be—in context that the plan had actually worked—you didn’t hesitate, wanting to get a piece of that ‘divine intervention’ that had thrown your morning into disarray when he could have at least warned you.  Besides, it wasn’t like you could turn down a man so precious twice. It would be akin to heresy.
Grabbing both pillows you handed one to Wonpil and came to a halt by the ajar door. “Remember, play dirty when it comes to Jae. He deserves it.”
Sporting his characteristic sunny smile, your boyfriend let out what you had to discern was a cackle as he slipped through the door and led the charge. “You don’t have to tell me.”
A thwack resounded through the dorms from just outside your door and you had to stifle a laugh at the scream that followed.
Perhaps Wonpil didn’t need your help as you had admittedly first expected. 
But where was the fun in that.  
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“I’m telling you we could’ve put the movie on the side of her wardrobe!” 
“And I’m telling you it wouldn’t have fit!”
“...You’re never lifting me again.”
You gathered your breath after your surprise revenge assault, sending Dowoon and Sungjin an incredulous look as you passed. Clearly not all your deductions had been correct. Oh well, things had still played out correctly, and catching sight of Younghyun bringing your boyfriend into a side hug as he gushed about how you managed to save them both—clearly playing up the drama but hey, who were you to stop him, you had no qualms with being a knight in shining armour—made a proud blush rise to your cheeks.
Coming further into the living room, you intercepted Jae who had returned from your room after clearing everything up all by himself as you’d ordered.
“I still have no idea why you made me do all that!” he protested as soon as he caught your eye. “This had nothing to do with me! It was, hundred percent, Dowoon. Just Dowoon. He got sick and tired of your pining and...”
You folded your arms, expression proving just how much you didn’t believe his bullshit. 
“You don’t believe me!” he exclaimed, hands flapping. “What have I done to deserve this! Am I not a good friend? Loyal? Like a brother—”
You sighed, shaking your head as you walked over to him, before slipping your arms quickly around his chest. He was startled by the sudden display of affection, but hugged you back nevertheless. “Of course I don’t,” you chuckled, “but we wouldn’t be friends if I did.”
He scoffed at your words, but tightened his arms around you with a smile. He couldn’t have felt prouder in that moment, especially with Younghyun being dragged by Wonpil out of the room [to head out and fetch groceries?] who was delightedly babbling about how soft his best friend felt to cuddle with for real this time. Sungjin meanwhile rolled his eyes at the exchange, padding away and back to the kitchen. 
“Ok this means I can ask what made you work it out.”
You sputtered, though immediately gave in. “The confession chamber on the closet.”
“Ahh that was a good one,” he sighed happily, only to change tact soon after as the realisation sunk in, “wait that wasn’t even mine!” You laughed against him, you head tipping back as he searched the room for the true culprit. “Dowoon was that yours?”
You didn’t hear an answer, though hearing the curse that fell from Jae’s mouth offered enough indication to know that the response was in some shape or form affirmative. 
Laughter bubbling away into the air, you slowly pulled yourself away from the friend that had practically become an older brother to you. He let you go smoothly, but before you parted from him fully, you stood on your toes and whispered, “Thank you,” a smile on your face that was almost as bright as the ones Wonpil always received.
He sent you a grin, followed by a wink, as you followed after your new boyfriend. Leaning so he could see round the corner, he laughed quietly at how you subtly shoved the other man out of the way so you could take Wonpil’s side. 
His heart swelled as your hands naturally found each other’s, linking as if you’d been together for years. It came with a side of a dull ache, as that was what he wanted for himself too.
He wasn’t dismayed for long however. You now owed him after all, and you were well aware of it.
He couldn’t wait to see what you’d come up with. 
AN: no one can stop me from referencing my own work lmao
also a blackadder reference for anyone who knows!
also in germany there is actually an H note apparently so... fun fact.
38 notes · View notes
kween-heather · 4 years
people have told her she has been nothing but a snake for years, all starting with one show; total drama.
she wants blood and revenge, and revenge on some certain people along with their blood, and their blood she will get.
she disguises herself once more, this time covering her scales with flesh, and she attends a fancy dinner party held in total drama’s honor, and she decides she will strike then.
it’s nearly 3AM and the festivities are well underway when lightning strucks, and since it’s the devil’s hour, heather transforms again.
she devours justin immediately, the closest one next to her, as he kept on complaining how no damage could be done to him.
next, she straddles owen as she climbs up the building and throws him down as if he were a mere ball.
chris is the next victim, as he had been drowned in his own hair gel. his ego finally consumed him.
heather had exposed dj for being a furry, so he used his power with the gods of anime and furrism to chase all animals away from her, but she just skinned them and dj alive.
chef tried to stab her w his kitchen knife, but instead heather sister snatched that knife and sawed off his teeth and gums. he bled out while heather braided a necklace of his teeth.
izzy was the only one who seemed to stand a chance! with her fur suit protecting her, she gripped her nerf gun and shot and shot away. however, she ran out of ammo and was then digested by heathzard. darn shame!
noah offered to make her coffee in exchange for his life bc he didn’t really care about td which she agreed to, then she backs away and consumes him. this is why you don’t make sketchy deals with the devil, kids !
gwen was next. she was buried alive, isolated from everyone, and heather made sure her death was slow and painful.
duncan was in the middle of performing a surgery on a grape (highkey stealin ur hcs lesley) when all of a sudden he was snatched! heathzard mercilessly ate that grape and he cowers away, no longer a bad boy but a pathetic one. he begs for heathzard to have mercy, to which she licks her lips and chomps down on his microscopic peen first. he aint having kids!!
geoff was high. no doubt. he offered heathzard cocaine, which she agrees to, but it’s only a mix of nisquik and kool-aid! he had tricked her, saving all the crack for himself!! he didn’t make it far, the only shred of geoff that was left was his hat, left to brody in his will.
[ brody lived a long and peaceful life, forever remembering his g that bit the dust too early :( ]
bridgette was a bit bloated these days, as pregnancy had really done something to her body!! having mercy, heathzard makes her death quick, first biting her stomach off, and then her head. who knew her tan was so yummy!
lindsay ran away screaming and ended up falling off the roof! however, heather continued to dine on her corpse. her barbie clothes were ever so scrumptious!!! 😋😋
cody tried making small talk, with his trademark finger guns, to squeeze his way out of death. however, he was just annoying heathzard, a task which should never be done. heathzard fingerguns him back, and he falls to the ground; her finger guns were too strong, even with no bullets.
leshawna’s bodacious bod had met her doom. she begged for mercy on her, but heathzard devoured her the slowest, savoring every bit. first the crunch weave. then the head with the face that would always be glaring at her, and finally her luscious curves which harold praised and worshipped. leshawna was gone, not even she could defy the heathzard.
eva was excited and expecting this fight; she looked forward to it, she truly did. she threw punches and kicks and had heathzard pained in every way, but alas, heathzard is too godly to comprehend. she yanked and pulled eva’s hair, and a bare scalp emerged! eva shrieked, but the world had seen the secret she had tried all her life to hide; she loved shiny bald heads! they were like eggs, after all! anyway, eva tried to run, but heathzard was prepared. she throws eva in her mouth, already salivating. she tosses in her old wig for her corpse; she’s generous that way.
beth spat in her face as she tried to defy the great heathzard. “you think you’re all that??? well, i’m going to destroy you!” to keep you from throwing up, let’s just say she did not destroy heather, as she was the one left destroyed. all was left was a girl scout badge she always carried around, guts, blood, a picture of Brady and dust. rip beth !!! 😁😁
ezekiel has the rabies !! what a shock !!! heathzard came to the rescue and cured him, and ezekiel came on his knees for heathzard, swearing his loyalty for his gratefulness. heathzard missed her appetizer, she had realized, and sprinkled some salt on him before having chomp him down.
sadie was about to be eaten by heathzard when she had a heart attack!! katie didnt want her bfffl’s death to be painful so she shoved them both into the mouth of heathzard, both bfffl’s falling to their doom together. bfffl’s who do pigtails together and sleep together d̶i̶e̶ STAY together.
tyler had witnessed lindsay’s death, and he wanted to make sure she was okay! what if she had a scratch?? what then ??? so he leaps into heathzard’s mouth, to her surprise, and it’s only when it’s too late does he realize lindsay’s dead. he grieves, dying not from heathzard but from heartbreak.
trent was too busy playing the guitar in a private room for the n̶i̶n̶t̶h̶ tenth time to notice heathzard sneak up on him! his death was quick and painless, at least he has his guitar with him in heathzard’s stomach :)) !!
harold had watched everyone die around him. everyone he loved and hated was dead, in the stomach before him. he readies himself, knowing he was going to karate-chop open that stomach and free everyone; at least they would have corpses to bury. narrowing his eyes, forgetting the beads of sweat trailing down his forehead, he charges, crashing and colliding with heathzard.
he bounces right off. annoyed, heathzard bites his ginger-haired head off. then heads to a large hummus bowl at the buffet, deciding he’d be better with it. game over, better luck next time, harold! steve from sensei steve’s camp is greatly disappointed.
sierra recorded the entire thing on her phone, currently on live. she giggles at harold’s death, unable to control herself. “i hadnt liked him much, anyway!” she says between giggles. however, she stops once she realizes heathzard’s eyes are on her. in .064209 seconds, sierra is engulfed, her phone catching the entire event on live.
courtney is the only one left; and everything and anything she has tried to do to stop heathzard has failed. lizard food did nothing to distract her, an alejandro standee was entirely ignored, her lawyers hung up on her, a forever 21 discount deal (80% off! who could resist??) was stomped on, literally — not even the offer of a million bucks which she was robbed of stopped her! (for the record, courtney had a million bucks, ma’am has been workin that lawyer butt well.)
she was practically doomed! what could she do? blab her way out of it... well, she WAS the president of the debate and public speaking club after all. back in highschool, that is.
using her ninja moves from back in tda, courtney quickly restrains heather, her bulging stomach (which contained her ex-fellow contestants) sticking out like a sore thumb. heathzard growled, demanding release, but courtney didnt lift a finger to help.
courtney looks heathzard dead in the eye and recites a line from frozen that any child in the world knew of; “dont be the monster they fear they are!”
somehow, someway, this line hits deep for heather. a monster? that’s what she was? the type teenagers called her mercilessly for keeping her eye on the prize? the type courtney was also called ...?
she didn’t want to be that. she could live with being a bitch, she always could, but she didn’t want to be a man-eating monster; i̶t̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶t̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶Y̶E̶A̶R̶S̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶f̶a̶d̶ ̶d̶i̶e̶t̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶w̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶ it was inhumane, after all. and heather was still (partly) human.
slowly, but surely, heathzard begins to shrink. the scales fly off her flesh, hair begins to blossom back on her head. all that’s left of the destruction of heathzard is the blood and guts littering the room, her long nails and her swollen stomach.
the (digested) contestants were “spawned�� back in their homes, no memory of the incident. sierra’s phone cracked, and sierra was deemed a psycho for posting such a ridiculous film. she hid away, too ashamed to show her face.
heather and courtney, however, they remembered. and they became inseparable. heathzard was never brought back, as something even more beautiful blossomed from it; heathney.
the end.
Hidden at the end of the night Heather and Courtney reached Alejandro, him standing bravely waiting for them, despite Heather’s clear feasting’s, all of which he witnessed. “I’m baby” he said, they couldn’t hurt him, and instead adopted him.
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In Depths Below: Vengeance Part 1
Three days after Kun-Lai . . .
[ L.K ]   The incident in Kun-Lai summit had left the order completely rattled and in shambles, and there were multiple members of the Nine who had met experienced head on, the skills of the mad mercenary, Kelkiros.  He has done a number on most of them. Burns and minor scrapes and bumps to the students who were in his way, and a few of the magical users who were unfortunately in his wake.
But few others were not as fortunate. Koltun for starters may have been more or less just banged around, but the demon was hardly weak. A mistake on his part but then again who would have guessed the insane mechanical nightmare would have had powers of divinity.  Burns on his demonic flesh needed to be wrapped and treated.  The ribs that were broken, would need to mend; rest was all that could be done.  A bit of pain medicine and a few days in bed would have had him on his feet; but the injuries would last well over a months time.
Marseille lay in a hospital bed with a waterskin attached to a large pole. It was dripping a fluid through an intravenous attachment. He had been stabbed not once, not twice, but actually four times in that small stint. Kelkiros was deadly accurate as well with his blade, he hit right below his rib cage and twice in the stomach. It would be a bit touch and go for the few nights he was in anguish.
But unlike most, Shaldorei were very magically hardened. Conventional healing would be a much better manner. Casting magic would be minor to help but healing was required to take a natural course.  He was conscious but laying quietly in the room that was nearly all but empty by this point.
Doctor Whistletorque was attending. He was a scientist, an engineer and apparently a physician. The good doctor was reading blueprints while keeping tabs. It was silent and that was exactly how he liked it.
[ P.K ]   Koltun had yet to wake up and Vari more times than not often found herself beside his bed in the infirmary. Today was no different, her head bowed, her eyes closed. She looked to be sleeping, but many would know otherwise.
The reverent has been a vigilant lookout, not allowing many to tend to him and taking over. She had sponge bathed him, stroked his hair, watched his chest rise and fall for hours without turning away, but still she remained unless pulled away by someone who needed her for whatever task regarding Lazarius. But she always made her way back to the bedside, a fear beginning to bubble within her about the possibility that... he might not wake.
So now, she rested. Her head atop one palm as the other had curled around his supine hand along the bed. Her melancholy for such a moment was rare, the others in the order likely seeing such acts and leaving her be when realizing she was... changing. More times than not the woman struggled to keep her emotions in check. Her missing brother. Koltun in a coma. Kross readying to leave them. She felt overwhelmed, something she was certainly not used to. Her fingers tightened along the hand she held and she leaned forward, her forehead now pressing onto his thigh as she simply breathed.
“Please wake up...”
[ L.K ]   “The chanthes of him not waking up are approxthemetly zero point four perthent.” Whistletorque, the gnomish doctor had said as he was hardly paying her any mind but gnomes had exceptional hearing.
The little mad scientist would hum softly and sniffle a few times, he did this, he was a gnome.  “Youre that scthary lady I only met onthce at the manor...when I sthnuck in...nobody could quite figure out how..”.
He let out that creepy gnomish giggle as he looked her way. “Then ya disthapeared...did good work gettin thosthe partsth back to me for the forge though.”
Whistletorque was harmless, but mad. Arguing or insulting him would not help or affect him at all. As he placed his work down his little fat legs would wobble him over toward Vari and step up the miniature ladder to get up to Kolt and observe him. Now standing beside the Harbinger he looked her way.
“He isth strong...don’t worry. With everything that isth happening...we look to you now Harbinger...we will be your strength when you need usth mostht.”
[ V.D ]   The previous nights seemed to have had... Quite the effect on everyone it seemed. Such was a revelation that she momentarily lingered on to marvel the heart wrenching display between Vari and Koltun. Alas, Verzatea would not stare long, soon to sweep her fiery gaze across the rest of the infirmary in an effort to spot the insufferable shade of which last she saw barely breathing and being carted off by soldiers.
There was a pang of guilt she felt, having seen the Shaldorei so vulnerable. Why? She wasn't quite certain. But she liked to theorize.
Like that perhaps she felt guilty because often she wished death upon him for peace of mind, but seeing him truly be so close to death and have to revive him was... Life altering.
Because yes, he was an intolerable toe rag with a mind smaller than a seed but... He was a shade. Well trained by the Inquisitor himself, entrusted to protect the most precious of the order... And despite his behavior toward some of the Nine, he did his job. He did it well. He was as devoted as they come. A bad attitude didn't equal death.
Thus, dressed in a simple knee length sheath... The Confessor neared Mars's side, her hands clasped behind her figure before inclining her head to greet him. There would be a seamless confidence to her voice as she addressed him, such a tone was nothing like how she'd spoken in the past few weeks, especially not to him -- and it certainly fitted her.
"Marseille," she greeted him. "How are you feeling?"
[ K.A ]   Koltun had woken slowly, staying still as he assessed the damage and quietly cursed his own stupidity. A -light- user! How the hell was that mechanical monstrosity a -light- user?! Of all the magics it could have wielded it had to be that. He felt like he had been hit by zeppelin, and judging by Vari's gentle touch and whispered plea's he probably looked it as well.
Though when the gnome returned, the demon finally shifted, rolling a cottoned tongue along the insides of his mouth to try and work up some semblance of saliva before croaking out a barely heard.
"By the sunwell, dont let the gnome take anything important off me..." Gradually, he got his spectral sight working once more, felfire sputtering to life within empty sockets as he returned Vari's squeeze and rolled his head to the side to see her.
"Even if he's right... not going anywhere just yet." With several grunts he forced himself to sit up, managing a weak smirk before drawing Vari's hand up the length of his torso to place a kiss upon her knuckles. "Told you... not losing you again."
[ L.K ]   Whistletorque gave a smile and a gentle pat to the side of the bed and winked. “Told ya thisth belligerent fart wasthn’t gonna go justht yet! I have your pain meds when you’re ready demonbunsth.”. Again there was that cackle as the chubby gnome walked away and went back to his business.
[ K.A ]   "Dont ... need meds... you squat little crackpot..." Koltun fired back with a grin. Though what he said and what happened next didn't quite equate with each other. He gave a wince and sunk slowly back down, groaning like a broken tea kettle the entire way down.
"Damnit... fine. Demonbuns needs pain killers... " he chuffed, reaching down to feel his ribs. "Then I'll think of a proper insult for you, shnookums."
"And bring me Raith. . .someone find the boy.  " Koltun croaked, checking to make sure he didn't break a horn.  He hadn’t, thank goodness for asymmetry.
[ L.K ]   The gnome would go about to getting the items needed for Koltun but would otherwise go silent and fall into the background for now.
Marseille on the other hand would slowly open his eyes at the sound of the voice that had come to visit him.
“Have you any luck on finding the Master yet?”. Lazarius was actually the only thing on his mind, but he knew that Verza was trying. He didn’t want to be rude and quickly changed his tone.
“I had no idea that monster was so fast...four times...in what seemed like a second...”. The Shaldorei let out a sigh as he tried his best to lean forward and failed, a frustrating grimace would be seen, he was not used to this, he hated being useless.
“And you? Are you alright?”
[ P.K ]   Vari didn't even have time to react to the lisp-addled gnome before she felt Koltun move and then heard his voice. She immediately picked her head up, staring wide eyed at him and then seeming to look him over to make sure he was really alright. She could say nothing, just stare as he let his crack-jokes flow and checked himself over.
Eventually, though, she ignored everything and everyone in the room.
"You are okay," she breathed out, the chill of her breath reaching his bared torso and neck.
Before he could answer she quite literally tossed herself at Koltun, her arms curling around his body, forgetting about his pain and her own supernatural strength as she just wanted to.... hold him. Odd.
[ K.A ]   "You could sa--GAUGH!!" Vari was on him, sending a jolt of pain through his massive frame from injuries he didn't even know he had! It made him drool slightly... on Vari's shoulder.
"Mnerghnmpain" he wheezed, though got his arms around the knight regardless, gripping hold until the pain shuddered from his body.
"I'm okay... but if you ...keep jumping on me like that, I might not be!"
Not that he was complaining. Admittedly he was surprised by the sudden affection, savoring it gladly even if her knee had found a truly uncomfortable place to crush. "I'm okay, Vari." He said softly, letting his head come to rest against hers.
[ R / L ]   Raith was actually not very far off, and a summons brought into the infirmary, holding a book under his arm.
"What is the meaning of--" he froze upon seeing Koltun. He didn't look terribly concerned...shocked, perhaps, but not concerned. Perhaps he was just putting on a brave face, but he calmly walked over to where Koltun lay.
"Man, what happened to you?"
[ K.A ]   "I made a foolish mistake, Boy. I underestimated my opponent, didn't learn... this is the payment for it." Keeping hold of Vari, Kolt tried to shift his bits from beneath the crush of her knee. "You wanted to be useful... I have a task for you."
[ R / L ]   "Yeah?" Raith rose an eyebrow, listening.
[ V.D ]   Clearing her throat, the Confessor would incline her head, actually taking a moment to gather herself, eyes lingering on the ground as she composed herself.
"The.. Inquisitor..," she exhaled shortly, pushing down her desire to beat around the bush.
"No. No, there are no new developments. The Council will soon gather to discuss how to proceed. At least now we can breathe easier."
She wouldn't outright admit it, but the event of the previous night had shaken her to the core. It had sent her stumbling back, all that progress made seemed... Wasted. She wouldn't confide into him about that, though.
"I'll be fine. I have far too much work to do, rather than focus on bad memories."
She would peer toward the gnome and ask calmly.
“What is his status? How soon can we move forward and get him out of this bed?”
[ P.K ]   She immediately released him upon his yelp of pain and she looked... well, she looked fucking horrified and she knelt along the bed on all fours, almost straddling him. "I'msosorry!" she rushed out, blinking rapidly, trying to reach for him but not touching him, now terrified of hurting him again...
"What can I do?!" She looked panicked! Who was this Vari? As his head came to rest on her own while he kept a hold on her, she noticed his shifting and quite quickly moved her knee.
Let's thank the gods she was not in her plate. She settled beside him finally, not giving a damn of who saw the affection and simply... curled into his side as she more gently wrapped a cold arm around his torso while he talked to Raith.
[ R / L ]   Raith just...stared at Vari now.
"...Did she hit her head?"
[ P.K ]   Her lich-fire hues snapped open and she glared at Raith, her nose and mouth hidden from his view as she quite literally was snuggling into Koltun.
[ R / L ]   Raith was unphased by her glare. "No, seriously, did she?"
[ K.A ]   Kolt uttered a low growl towards Raith, a warning to mind his manners, keeping his arms around the death knight even as she shuffled around.
"She's happy I'm alive." He grinned. "I'm fine. Pounce me all you like, just easy on the bits! I still need those. And maybe a bit on the ribs for right now."
He wheezed, refusing to admit that that hurt a lot more than he would have thought. Not like he was going to say that though. Too manly. Settling into the snuggle with absolutely no shame whatsoever, Kolt looked back to Raith.
"Raith, you wanted your abilities used? You're going to use them. Don’t take this as an excuse to think your learning is finished, far from it. Even the Harbringer, The Confessor, Lazarius and myself still need to learn. The day you think you know everything is the day you label yourself a fool."
He coughed and made a check for the gnome. Dammit he needed those painkillers. Oh well.
"Lazarius is missing. We are down assets, including myself until I'm out of this bed or have killed Whistletorque. You're going to help The Confessor and The Harbinger find him. When I'm up, you will be helping me. Understood?"
[ R / L ]   "Yessir." he nodded. And with that, he left, but not before sparing another glance of confusion at the snugly Vari. Who are you and what have you done with Vari, seriously.
[ P.K ]   Vari turned her chin up to look at Koltun when he coughed, seeing him look around, and she shifted her attention to see the gnome. She gingerly peeled her self from his side and made to stand behind the gnome... tapping him on his head of wild hair.
"Pain meds for Koltun," she demanded. Ahhhh. There was Vari.
[ L.K ]   “Yesth yesth pain medsth. A pleaseth or thank you could be used...”. The gnome waddled back over with a beverage of Kolts choosing and a cup of very potent and powerful drugs.
“Yah need me tah sthick em down your throat like a pooch again demonbunsth?”.
He chortled and handed everything to Vari, the fat little gnome had wished to return to his blueprints but would continue to his next patient.
[ P.K ]   She wandered back toward Koltun before snatching the items from the gnome. "Thanks," she mumbled before looking at Koltun.
[ L.K ]   Whistletorque then waddled his fat dumpy self back over to Tea and huffed. He was tired from having to move, the most work he did all week.
“The Shaldorei isth sthtable. He hasth been that way for a day or two, perhapths he will be back on histh feet in another week or so...”
“I will be on my feet by tonight. I have leads that a member of the Magistrate is visiting his villa in southern Stranglethorn. I will be paying him a visit and extracting information from him.”. Marseille hissed as he remained on his back stuck and still hooked up to the IV. 
“And I’m sthuddenly going to sthprout up another two feet...”. Whistletorque looked back at Verza with those fat lens goggles.
“By weeksth end at bestht.”
[ V.D ]   Gently the Confessor aimed to rest a hand atop Marseille's forearm, as if to comfort him, turning to eye the gnome before expressing softly. "By weeks end. Thank you, Whistletorque."
Thus she'd turn to the dark elf, pointing out. "You're no good to us if you don't heal properly, just to get hurt even more and take even longer to heal. You'll soon be out and about-- in the meanwhile, is there any other shade you're comfortable handing the lead off to? Or any member of the order?"
[ L.K ]   “Are there ... what?”. The Shaldorei glazed over her face and suddenly pulled his hand away. Why was she touching him anyway?
“You don’t understand how this actually works do you?”.
Marseille was rather rude in his expression but serious.
“I am the only shade Lazarius has.... the Ren’dorei he was training is no shade...she is his apprentice...I am different...much different. And I will act with or without the councils digression, my orders are from Lazarius himself...if he is forfeit I am to do as instructed. I will be leaving for Stranglethorn by nights end.”.
He sighed and looked toward her. “I can’t sit in this bed knowing he is out there Verzatea.”. He used her name and had finally looked like a person, saddened and frustrated and scared.
[ Z.A ]   Zalra couldn’t tell what was happening anymore, If she wasn’t pacing she was simply forced to take a seat in the infirmary like a good little patient. Her injuries were not as dire as others, especially Marseille’s, so the now-void-elf could not find any personal reason to stay still; during her check-up and around the Bastille her Sin’dorei disguise pendant was pocketed. True form shining for the doctor.
When the diagnostics came back it was concluded that Zalra had broken ribs, a few fractures in her shoulder, and bruises to rival most. But, thankfully with the progression in Azerothian medicine, healing magic aside from the Light did not harm her. Those ribs and fractures were set into place within the first day, however, even the best of bodies demanded rest after such spells hastened natural recovery. The only way she managed to wriggle free from the infirmary was to strike a deal; a night of rest in Zalra’s own bed with the promise of a check-up the next day before being deployed to any mission revolving around the Inquisitor.
So, there she stood. In the infirmary doorway, gazing at all those checked in. The huntress bowed her head respectfully towards those gathered before she crossed the threshold further into the room. Her eyes immediately shifted to the speaking Shal’dorei.
“I am g-glad to see you are not dead.” She admitted in the most genuine way she could with such a brash statement. At least she was being honest
“Confessor. Harbinger.” she greeted. Her illuminated, violet eyes then drifted to Raith and Koltun; just before he’d left of course.. She simply gave a bow to the former. A smile was sent Siida's way as she greeted the familiar woman as well. When Marseille mentioned Stranglethorn, she stared at him. Zalra almost forgot she was at the infirmary for a god damn checkup.
[ S.K ]   "If you're going to Stranglethorn, I'm going with you." Siida said softly, looking around at those who were gathered in the infirmary. She still had the buzz of the void about her, and something in her eyes would brook little to no argument.
She'd come here to check on everyone that had gone to the summit in hopes of saving Lazarius.  She had also no intention of sitting back and waiting for people to get better, if she could be of use; well dammit all she would be.
[ V.D ]   The gesture of moving away from her touch would cause the Confessor to stand and distance herself once again, turning atop her heels to meander further from his bed, her arms folding beneath her near nonexistent bosom midst murmuring,
"I know he's out there, Marseille--," the sudden stirring of the others would draw the Confessor into a silence, her lips pressing into a firm line, concealing her irritations and aggravations all at once.
[ L.K ]   Marseille looked over toward Siida and scoffed as he rolled his head back and peered up at the ceiling. “I cannot bring you on a mission like that Little Sister.”. Her nickname was mostly because that was how Lazarius described her, as his younger sister.
“It would comprise the mission...you know nothing of stealth and infiltration.”
[ S.K ]   “And you know more than well that men are stupid and full of greed, should I arrive to plead for my brothers life and mercy they would assume little about me beyond the way that I look...not everything is a nail to be hammered, finesse could spare you another trip here Marseille.”  She had sent a tone as equal to his own right back at him.  She would be going and that was final.
[ Z.A ]   Zalra huffed softly under her breath as the Shal’dorei breezed over her statement. Fair. He didn’t have to respond to her from an obvious comment. Regardless of being metaphorically brushed aside, the Ren’dorei stepped further into the room, glancing around for the doctor. He was close by, however, once her illuminated gaze landed on him, she simply turned her head back to Marseille.
“Then I join you. If it is stealth you need.” She commented flatly.
[ L.K ]   Marseille was more than capable and was about to ignore both of them.
“I don’t need either of you.”.
His tone was fiercely persistent and he was growing annoyed.
“There may be more of these men...who knows if they even know one another. The man named Dawnseeker is the one who hired the mercenaries..supposedly Kelkiros said they were taking the Master back to Quel’thalas...that is a fools answer.”
Marseille sighed and shook his head
“Go through the dossiers Little Sister.  You and I both know where The Inquisitor was keeping his information...find the others that know nothing the Magisters plans ... and as long as she.” he pointed to Zalra. “...is willing to look after you... you both can go and remove them yourselves, let me do my own work.”
[ S.K ]   "Very well.... get-better-soon. . ." Siida said, each word snapping like bones in her maw as she left up the stairs without another word. She knew her brother's office well enough and where the dossiers were kept.  If Marseille was not going to budge on the matter then she would find a way to put her abilities to good use.
[ Z.A ]   There was a dissatisfied sigh that left her dark lips as Marseille nearly dismissed both women wanting to assist. Siida, she could understand the hesitation with the girl. Not that the young Kash’ebahl was incapable, simply she was too important to let join the fray so haphazardly.
Each member of the Nine that she had met thus far had a pride that would get them, if not others under them, killed. It was ridiculous how fast someone demanded to face a task so large alone when capable hands were available.  Then again, if he was correct and there were more of these enemies about; they may have to split their combine powers to orchestrate an attack. These thoughts that occasionally surfaced in her mind never left, however; naturally, Zalra held her tongue. As long as she got what she wanted, there was no need to further retort.
“Then we move for the order, Shal’dorei.” She whispered softly; unimpressed and decided now would be the best time to exit behind the youthful sister.
[ V.D ]   Tea watched the exchange through half lidded eyes, exhaling shortly through flared nostrils. With a small shake of the head the woman would turn, muttering out loud as she moved for the exit,
"Come see me before you three leave. I have wares you'll need, in case you get caught in a snag."
[ L.K ]   “Marseille.”. He corrected her. “You must be Azurestar. The master has told me about you.”. The white pinkish eyes of the shade would look her over.
“I'm sure you are used to a different type of interaction but I am used to working alone. The lot of you want to ridicule me for my ways, look at yourself and consider there is a reason the Master trusts me to act on his behalf without question.”.
He snapped back and attempted to leave the bed but failed, miserably.
“Gods below you would think half of you would recall how the master works within the shadows. Shades do not even know where they act or who one another are..”
[ Z.A ]   There was another dissatisfied sigh that left.  No longer did she wish to suffer through the intolerant words of the shade, choosing rather to bite her tongue yet again and be on her way.
[ K.A ]    Koltun settled back, watching in quiet amusement as Vari returned to herself and managed to attain the seemingly unattainable painkillers. Naturally as they were handed to him with a drink; non alcoholic ale, he made a face. More so at the idea of ale-less ale than the meds. They were downed in several gulps and the cups set aside, leaving Vari and Kolt with time to wait until they kicked in.
That gave him a chance to overhear what was being said. Marseille's words drew a thin frown to his lips, offering a curious glance to Vari. As far as he was concerned, she was in charge. While he was one of the Nine, the Blade Warden, Protector, she was the matron of the order.
"Have any of you considered consulting the Harbinger?" He called out casually, wriggling to try to sit up once more.
"Last I checked she was leading, as well as the closest to Lazarius. So instead of each sizing up who has the bigger cock here and dashing--" he eyed Marseille "...some of us crawling, off to Stranglethorn, why don't we consult the entire council to build on a plan that satisfies prior orders -and- helps us find Lazarius."
Koltun grunted and stiffly stretched a wing out, to inspect it. "That is unless you all truly enjoy running around with your heads up your asses while neglecting assets that could assist you." He shrugged, biting back a wince.
"That and you look like the south end of a northbound Fel fiend. Somehow I don't think you're going to be 'stealthing' anywhere just yet. No more than I am."
[ P.K ]   Vari was staring toward the opposite wall as Koltun inquired of the others their consultations. She shifted her attentions down to him when he mentioned the entire council, feeling a semblance of pride in him then. Vari lifted a hand and brought it down to stroke along one of his horns, admiring it a moment, never actually... touching one. Interesting. She continued to remain silent, however, letting the others speak of what they wished as she offered undiluted affection to Koltun, a rare thing of course, but something she was finding.... she enjoyed.
[ L.K ]   Marseille suddenly sat up. He had enough of these people.
“Be my guest demon, speak to my master about what I am to do. I will enjoy watching him put you in your place.  Oh that is right. . .he is victim to some perverse magisters psychotic greed.”. The Shaldorei suddenly ripped the iv from his arm and swung his leg over onto the floor.
“I am his Shade.  Do you know what that means?”  he snapped as his body contorted in an attempt to leave. “His shadow, his eyes and his ears.  I am to do what he cannot for I walk within his wake and act as he sees fit. Your council means little to me. So sit in your bed and lick your wounds. I will find my master. You should be grateful my services are even here, be sure to ask your twin Harbinger what my purpose is.”.
The shade then took several steps toward the door. Where Koltuns beverages and meal was being stored would be tipped to the floor as he left. This would be the last time Marseille would be heard skulking around the Bastille. He was returning to the shadows where he belonged.
Whistletorque sat there in his chair as the mess was made and the Shaldorei stumbled out.
“You need to have your sthtiches taken out!!! Sthtupid elf...”.
The gnome would grumble and hiss as he waddled over to clean the mess and get Kolt some new stuff. “I justht made thisth sthoup too...dammit.”
[ P.K ]   "That is ENOUGH," Vari finally bellowed, turning her eyes on Mars and then Koltun, her hand freezing atop his horn which... sadly began to frost in her fury. She quickly pulled her hand away from him so as not to freeze it completely and looked at everyone gathered.
"Why must we act like insulate fucking children when my brother is missing?!" She seethed, her breath catching from her anger as she watched the retreating back of the shade. Too much had happened and she was beyond over the cock swinging of the others.
She snapped her furious eyes to the gnome and then closed them, seeming to... calm herself. When she reopened her gaze, Vari was... on the verge of tears N'zoth, the world must be freezing the fuck over finally. She walked over toward the gnome and squatted down as she silently helped him clean the mess.
[ L.K ]   The little gnome would reach over with a gloved little hand that looked like a package of tiny little sausages all squashed into a soggy bag. He placed it on a finger of the Harbinger and gave her a warm hearted smile. “You are the Harbinger. I will get demonbunsth better postht hasthte... and offer any of my experimenths and inventionsth to your servithce.”
[ P.K ]   She immediately froze and snapped her eyes to her finger where his chubby palm gripped her. He'd start to feel his hand get frigid before she looked up and forced a saddened smile and a singular nod.
"You've my thanks," her quiet tone reverberated to the lisping creature as she moved her finger out of his fat, sweaty grip so she didn't frostbite him.
[ K.A ]   There wasn't much else to do but watch, rolling his tongue over a canine thoughtfully. Well, at least until Vari's sudden fury sent a brief brain freeze down from his horn. His features pinched slightly, more perplexed than anything, until they eased into silent fury. Vari held tears in her eyes. Normally he would make a shocked comment, or some teasing statement, but seeing the emotion, so raw and unbidden.... all Koltun felt was rage. Hot, roiling anger. At Marseille, at the situation.
It was enough to draw the Blade Warden out bed, large, leathery wings expending in an experimental stretch. It was both a good thing, and a bad thing those pain killers kicked in, allowing him to be able to get up at all, much less work his wings out, even if everything was a bit wobbly. "I'll bloody show you who's master you impudent little pin cushion." Kolt wheezed more than growled, lumbering over to where Vari and Whistletorque cleaned.
"Shades cant hide from me. He can dance as many bloody shadows as he likes, I can still see him. Give the word, Harbinger, and I'll hunt him down and remove his stitches personally."
[ P.K ]   Vari pushed up from where she squatted and turned to Koltun, sudden concern in her lich'd gaze.
"You should not be up," she said with that same concern in her voice a she walked over toward him, ignoring his request about hunting Marseille.
[ L.K ]   “Your Harbinger has spoken”. Kross was standing in doorway. “And this conversation is through. For if I must suffer through living for the rest of eternity it will not be listening to any of this prepubescent squabbling. Now get in bed or you will join me in the afterlife.”. Kross snapped at Koltun and pointed at the cot.
“Let Marseille do as he wishes. I expected you all to be at each others throats.  Tensions are high and our time frame to complete our task dwindles steadily closer to its end... “
Kross placed his hand on the shoulder of his surrogate daughter and inhaled slowly. “There is work to be done.”
[ P.K ]   Vari felt an overwhelming sense of appreciation for Kross' interruption, her shoulders quite literally slumping slightly. She moved to Koltun's side, an arm curling around him if allowed such.
"Thank you, Kross," she said finally, her tired, weathered face lifting to meet his own. She offered a saddened smile before shifting Koltun out the door. "Come on - I will take you to... well, you can stay in my chambers," she offered quietly, nodding at the gnome as they passed.
"Please bring anything he will need there."
[ K.A ]   Koltun's jaw hung open, staring at Kross.
"What?! But he-- I just-- they--'" he continued to stare before letting out a frustrated sigh, throwing his hands up. "That's not fair!"
Yes, folks, it was time for the man pout. We all know it, we've all seen it. It happens to all men when they are hurt or have a cold. And Koltun was no exception. For a truly vicious looking creature, he could whip up an incredible pout as well.
"I can make it to your chambers...." he mumbled almost petulantly to himself, allowing Vari to wrap her arm about him and guide him out towards her chambers. At least it wasn't an infirmary. "I'll still visit you from time to time, Shnookums" he teasingly called back to Whistletorque
[ L.K ]   “Asth you wish Harbinger.”. Squeaked the gnome as he began to gather tools, food, medicine, a mechanical squirrel, and the balloons.
“Letsth get you cozy Pill-idari.”. He chuckled and looked toward Kolt as he was leaving.
“I call him that causthe he loves histh pills!”. He cackled and clapped his chubby meat-sack hands before scooping up everything he’d need to settle the man into his new room.
[ P.K ]   Vari actually... laughed, shaking her head and out she went, Koltun in tow and that ridiculous gnome chortling after.
[ L.K ]   Kross would be all that remained in the room.  The flickering candles and torches extinguished the second he burst into a white vapor and vanished.  They had work to do. . .
TBC.... “In Depths Below: Vengeance Part 2.” . . . . .
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realdeadlovin · 3 years
my journaling from the beach: 
BLah blah. I'm typing this on the roof/balcony of our airbnb in cholla bay. I wish I could go to sleep, I was so tired all day, but my brain is unhappy and wound up in a way that I know would not equal success at falling asleep. especially next to brian. blah blah. i suppose its not surprising that like all of today was just immediately pretending everything was fine between us and not acknowleding that anything had happened. and the frustrating part is that like I don't have any drive or incentive to bring it up anyways because there is no space of valuable procssing for us. the only thing to discuss is how to incorporate teh understanding that (once again, but more firmly this time) nothing will ever work between us, this will keep happening and probably getting worse, It turns out even after that debacle I still like and want to be affectionate iwth brian and it makes me feel sad and lonely to consider breaking off what we've had going on, but also we're lucky enough we've gotten this far without hating each other and maybe we shouldn't press our luck. I don't know, I don't know what the right thing to do is now but that's what's ahead of us to figure out (ending things, how, when?) and I don't want to do that when he's sitll here for a few more days. so I want to be able to I guess "have fun" but it's also hard and feels bad we have to just ignore shit to not have it be horrible.
I lost a lot of trust in brian last night. I knew // was (re?) learning that he has the emotional maturity of a ten year old if that, but it just felt more pointed and personal last night.
he brought up with me sleeping with nick in a snide way, and that struck a nerve and triggered bad feelings in me. yes i was drunk. I wasn't actually mad at brian for that I just wanted to cry a little and procss that that actually was a bad memory. brian does know that it wasn't something that I feel good about and that I had some difficult/ hurt feelings about nick after that incident coupled with others. but i wasn't in that moment mad at his insensitivity I just wanted to step away and have feelings. which seemed fine at first, he came out and was affectionate. but i guess when that didn't fix things right away he couldn't handle it. he said "i feel weird" and got out of bed and then literally threatened to leave the next day. I don't think I can forgive him for that ever. it also just seems so bizarre in the universe when what i've been talking about in therapy is literally like emotional trauma stemming from fearing my mother we going ot leave me (and her in fact leaving my bed) because of me crying. I also had literally iterated to brian multiple times that it wasn't about him, i wasn't mad at him, but apparently what wigged him out so much was a feeling that i was mad at him. but this is what i've already been noticing in brian, he just does not have that ability whatsoever to understand that his emotions/ anxieties/ insecurities are not a blanket excuse for shitty behavior and he needs to be able to take some ownership.
and so the irony is not lost on me tonight that he started having intense, difficult to articulate anxiety / emotions. despite being occasionally affectionate with me (as I also was with him last night) he was also distant, quiet, regularly not looking at or speaking ot me and like standing/walking separately..... he also expressed that his anxiety was related to how much money he is spending on this trip, which also does kinda sting cause it feels like his anxiety is like, that he came to see me, which makes me feel bad and kinda upset, but I wouldn't in one million years I think even if I was very drunk think of yelling at and berating him the same way, being like "well did you ever stop to think maybe i feel like youre mad at me // or blablabla" when I know he's having hard emotions and such. of course i didn't threaten to leave. though I did, I admit and I dind't like feeling this way either, feel quite petty and like "oh ok so you're allowe to have like your own hard emotoinal experience near me but I'm not" or whatever. I wante dot passive aggressively be like, ok well I can't tell if youre mad at me so I'm going to leave tomorrow bye" or whatever. but, I didn't, I sucked it up and although I think I would have been a better suppor had I not been feeling that way I still tried, took us on a walk, hugged him, etc. I dunno bla. not to e all, "regreT" by fiona apple.
I want to tell him I've lost trust in him in an irreparable way, that wasn't just another drunk argument we can forget about and move on from. thsi is the signal that it's time to find a way out of this, I don't htink I can ever be emotionally supported or safe with him in the way I would need, even though I know we aren't saying tghis is a "relationship" or whatever it isn't isn't, "casual." I don't know what would happen to our friendship. I also, even as I write this, wonder if I will actually end this or extricate myself. I'm definitely going to tell him the harm was real from that fight, but maybe after he leaves, I don't know. it'd hard becuase I feel like reopening this conversation would just make the rest of hte trip awful and hard and not even like, in a productive way which is the thing with him is that processing is never processing, it never gets us anywhere at all unless its deeper in a hole of shit. some things I can decide to just move on from and forget even though I still feel that twinge of unresolved anger.... this is bigger than that. um, so yeah, I guess if he wants to keep pretending things are fine with us I'll just go along with it and have as much fun as we can until he leaves and we can safetly idk email or wahtever from a distance. I mean, I won't lie. I also, unfortunately...? still really like touching him, and am attracted to him. this morning I really wanted to have sex with him and like, I felt that maybe it would be fucked up to go towards that after the night we had without acknowledging it, but then was glad he intiated that. I mean.. I think the sex was mutually initiated but, initiated the, being touchy. that was me having his imaginary voice in my head arguing with me about him having initiated it. bla. i wonder if his affected today has just been coming from that fear-of-losing-me place or if he just things that what happened last night was kinda run of the mill for us.. I mean I don't htink he would be surprised if I said it wasn't but yea.
oh but what I was saying, I dont know, it also just feels sooooo lonely and sad, the prospet of going back from like having a constant preson that I love to talk to to not having anything even close to that, especially when life is also already lonely and such. both for like having the constant like, validation, and like, "company" even thought virtual.. like no tjust living alne with my thoughts all day evey day.. but  I'm worried right now I'm just going to fall back into the "good" parts of this and not have it in me to break away. and i guess my fear then is something similar or worse will just happen agian that will actually result in us hating each other // me not wanting to talk to him or see him again, etc. I think we could get away without that now, but I don't know. I mean I think we could definitely get out of this without hatred but could we transition back into a friendship where we actually talk and are in each others lives? at least in the near future (not like years down the road)? I dont know.....
I wonder if brian will ever really heal or understand even waht the problem is here. I understand that maybe some percentage of this is like us just having different emotoinal realities and struggles and such but I feel really firm in that what I'm expecting is vey reasonable, not just like me personally but of anyone who is suppsoe to care abotu and be in relationship with another person. I miss having it, I fucking miss dating someone who like hard hard hard things came up, but we understand and respected each otehrs needs and ways of communicating and working through stuff together actually gets you somewhere. i didnt have that with semra either. but semra was emotionally abusive. wolford and I really had that. I mean like sophie and I do in terms of our friendship. yea. is it more rare than I realize? I mean, I guess also I think lore and I have that, though I sometimes and like nervous ot bring up issues I have with her. when I do she listens and we hear each other and we are in a better place afterwards for it. I do think I have that model of like communication and how conflict and be like a good/ supportive thing in a relationships that helps it deepen and grow. mabye brian hasn't like had that modeled, idk, it just seems like he deeply cant' handle hard emotions, from me maybe in particular i dunno, cause he can't see past how they make him feel threatened or insecure or whatever. and then this thing about like " I don't wanna rehash that" when its like we never even really talked about it or figured anything out. we can nevre figure anything out. maybe were just different and he finds me so very "hard to read" and he can "read" other people more easily and thus feels less uncertain and insecure. maybe. but then yea so why are we together.
anyways I think I've written eveything I wanted to and I feel less like crying, still very unclear on if I feel like sleep is an option for me anytime soon. I sorta wish we hadn't had to switch to the one-room airbnb, I would like to go inside and read on a couch until I can crawl in bed it feels that would be distracting to him or like just not as easy as at the other place. sure am glad I don't like in a studio apartment with another person lol.
but, I also have to pee... thought here are bathrooms on thsi patio.. and the wind is picking up so I'll go inside, I really think it would be great to get good sleep tonight but alas
0 notes
m-i-y-o-k-i · 6 years
2017 was utter shit and lemmie tell ya why bois
tw // drugs, abuse, sexual abuse, general bad stuff
first, my mom’s addiction gor worse, to the point she stole money and was arrested several times, even kidnapping my sister and i when we wanted to stay with my dad. driving us down some highway and swerving everywhere. she didnt care. she never has.
her high makes her more…well, not violent but bad towards me. hitting me or taking swings at me. emotionally abusing me by saying im an embarrassment to her – how she wishes i was never born, how she hates the way i am. that took a toll on me to hear every fuckin’ week.
second, dad lost his job. we havent had money to pay for shit. who knows how many times our electricity was shut off. who knows how many days we’ve gone without food, who knows how many times we’ve gone without basic stuff.
and he still wont help himself or get a job because hes a lazy fuck. he just sits and eats what little we have. all to himself and brags “oh lol my gf is gonna give ME money”.
he’s emotionally abusive. comstantly puts me down – “youre a failure” “guess whos a college drop out?” “get a job you fat fuck” “are you a d*ke? why dont you hang out with boys?” “fucking f*ga is all you watch, you must be one – gross”
combined, my parents stole from me. im native, when i turn 18 i get some money to help with school or whatever i want. i got this money long after i turned 18, in feb. my parents guilt tripped me to hell and back, “its for bills” “its for food” – and used it on their own needs. clothes, shoes, shows, casinos, drugs.
that fucked me up and just…wow, how can a parent do that?
third, there was a senior trip we took in may. about two weeks before graduation. during it, we had to room together in a motel. my class is full of rowdy and rough kids who give no fucks about anyone or anything.
my roomate for the trip threw a party in our room when i asked her not to. she didnt listen, half of our class drinking, smoking weed, making out.
while i was asleep they thought it’d be funny to pull up my shirt and fuck with my body. phones out and recording, they got as far as unhooking my bra before i woke up. one of the guys pinning my arms down as i trashed about and yelled at them to stop. the yelling got the attention of a chaprone who made everyone go back to their rooms.
they told me to keep quiet about the incident because “the schools already in hot water, we’ll keep them away from you. besides, you graduate in two weeks.”
fourth, i didnt get to go to college bc i had no way to pay. the money i got from the tribe was going to go towards that. but alas, druggie mommy and adulterous daddy said no and used it all.
i had to cancel everything and stay at home, with two abusive ass people who wont let me forget the fact “hahaha you were so close to leaving, better luck next year.”
fifth, my depersonalization and depression are rearing their ugly heads really hard. i try to be happy for everyone – but i even exploded at one of my best friends when they have it bad. i was selfish to do that. i’ve had multiple break downs on almost every blog i run, all my so called friends abandoned me after high school. so why would they start up again after so long and under the circumstances im in??
all anyway cares about me is i write and draw stuff that either gets them off or makes them laugh. who cares about bri as a person huh?! who cares if shes suicidal and depressed?! write more for the owly blog!! draw more for the owly blog!! write another ficlet for the ego blog!! draw more for ego blog!!
draw even though your art is horrible in your eyes and you wanna chop your hands off when you do!!
write even though you know its bad and wants to make you claw your eyes out when you do!!
who cares if youre having a breakdown?? give us your money, we’re your parents and its right no matter what!!
who cares if you wanna die everyday and wish you could magically go to sleep and never wake up? go get a job!! stress is good!!
who cares if youre fucking poor and cant barely get a meal every other day? go to school!! it’ll make you poorer but at least youre fitting in with kids your age!!
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Episode 2 - "I couldn't believe I heard God wrong the third time" - Sluggy
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Jacob: I have no idea for the video Me: I have an idea Jacob: its shit oh okay... give us a better idea before you shut mine down would you? 
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So for the past 2 days ever since we won the reward challenge and got the chance to get a clue to the hidden immunity idol, the info had been passed around among everyone in the tribe that it was on the beach. I was waiting for the next opportunity to search for the idol because I know everyone's gonna go for it, and today I was busy beforehand and couldn't search for it until 4 hours after the challenge. But the first day I came here God told me specifically it was at the beach and in the headlands, it just wasn't on the cliff. So i go there and search and search and i cant find it, and im about to give up... 
...and something falls on my lap, I open it up and here it is. The hidden immunity idol. I couldn't believe I heard God wrong the third time. HAHA! I'm so grateful for this. After all the Asians having idols in the psst seasons of survivor man. 
So this sucks but I have to keep this idol as hidden as possible even from my closest allies. It's gonna be a big target on my back and if its possible i dont want to use it all the way until the final time I can use it. So even though Michael and Jacob asked about it, I couldn't tell him and err I don't want to lie anymore so it's definitely tough :( Whatever it is I have to keep humble and continue to stay under the radar. 
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This challenge will take a lot of confidence which I completely lack but I will do my best and everything what I am asked to. I am kinda pressuring Vilma into being the director/editor of this since I know she is into stuff like this but I might have put too much pressure. Will try to work something out better in that regard. 
Ginger's constant bullying of the ghost of Emils will get him into deep shit.
This challenge has been a real coller coaster for me. I hate filming myself in videos but seeing the confidence Vilma (and others) have is really inspiring. We are doing "Toy" by Netta which is a pretty fun song to lipsync to. I am not the best but I am having fun with it and getting some exercise in the meanwhile. I will still undoubtebly hate any of my bits but at least I have the courage to participate and do my best. 
About hour of recording myself. I shall not edit it from a cringy mess into a slightly less cringy mess. Wish me luck.
I do not know if it is because I am slightly slick but I am editing my clips into a more coherent structure and my stomach genuinely hurts from cringe
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A week in and I received my 1st message from Dean/Dylan :D how lucky. I also have slightly more newfound time coming up in the next few days so I can spend more time building trust with Tyler, Stephen and Dean/Dylan
I just saw Tyler's part in the music video. How can 1 man be that hot. Like wtf did he do to get those kinds of genetics. I'm so fucking jealous rn. This confessional will contain no actual substance, just me shit posting about how fuxking AWESTRUCK I am at this man. Go to 2:15 of our music video to see... Damn! 
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Right so this day was um interesting. I highly doubt i'll cover all the boring ass t but watevs. Ok SO, we had our first cheeky little game talk with Michael who much to my recent surprise is like 33 years old. pop off grandpa. Love him tho. So we had a fun little chat about who we liked, highkey like Stephan the most but didnt want to say that cause he had already said Stephan seems distant, so i pretended i was chill with other people just to be fun :). ANYWAY, he wants to create a majority with Jacob and Dean but honestly like no, those kids r the REAL crackheads. I want to work with Sluggy and Stephan so it was a tee bit awkie for me. But i smiled and waved anyway cause thats ALL im good at. If Michael was to try and create a majority with those 4 i'd highkey flip 🤭. Dean was just... how to put this... slop, and im not having slop in my house MY APOLOGIES. While planning for the challenge he was annoying and then throughout the challenge he was annoying. OK SO i am NOT mean and this challenge is clearly AWKWARD for everyone and everyone is being out there BUT deans video... like i used two seconds of it. Im sorry my love i dont know how to introduce that pillow possession story line into the video... . I think half way through he needed a nap? and started having night terrors, geez i hope he's ok. RIGHT anyway. I finished the video, i hope my editing and also telling everyone that they're part was really helpful and easily the best will grant me safety regardless! O also Jacob told me the idol clue BUT i dont know whether to believe it or not   :((( so he says its at the beach, im like well what was the actual clue? was it cryptic? then he said 'you inhaled smoke and it was hidden there' wtf u mean THAT was the clue. Absolutely not, get that SLOP out of MY face. RIGHT but i looked at the beach anyway to NO PREVAIL. Michael and Jacob both told me where they looked tho ;) Throwback to last confessional where i didnt think i was making an in roads with people, well i THINK i could be much better off now! Jacob says he only really talks to Stephan which is GOOD because i want Dean out and i thought he was close to dean. Also Jacob starting having game talk to me which was a HOOT because i thought he DIDNT like me. obviously my piercing eyes got the better of him. Im close with Stephan, Jacob, Michael and the singaporian one. OOPS thats all of the tribe but Dean. I've been whip whop wheaving my way through these relationships as best i can and forcing myself onto people without them realising. All i need is 1 or 2 STRONG connections and ill smile :) O also Jacob said i was hot and asked if i was single! LOVELY, amazing LOVE compliments, will use this child if need be but if he's trying to use me, sucks for him because im self conscious and DONT believe his compliments anyway. I THINK im setting myself up in a mildly good position, just gonna be more pal'y. I hope people LIKE me. 
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We gave our best but our Basic White Boy music video is totally gonna lose, and I’m taking some responsibility for that too. I knew we should’ve chosen something gayer.
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https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KBaGOCmiwLknXyQoaaeyqZ0isdVOFUV2/view here are my clips :eyes:
I am not saying I am aiming for it, but I am totally aiming for most confessionals. So fun story here. Whole summer not a single time I was bitten by a mosquito. Then this survivor starts. What is survivor known for? Tropical islands with mosquitos and such. So I was riding my bicycle yesterday and sat on a bench for a bit to rest up. 5 minutes. I sat for 5 minutes on this damn bench. 7 mosquito bites all on my legs, 3-4 split. I was fuming. Apparently that opened the pandora's box of mosquitos because I have been bitten 4 more times since them. I am full of hate. In other news: http://prntscr.com/od5qry This is really nice to see. Vilma's the best <3
my life is now a meme 
oh wait it already was
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I feel so guilty that I didn’t help my tribe with this challenge, I really hope we win! If we don’t win honestly I will probably just tell them all they can vote me off- I hate to go without a fight but they all participated in the video and I feel like it would be the fair thing to do. Hopefully we don’t have to worry about that and my tribe wins!
Me putting my life on the line for my TRIBE? Must be the drugs this is not really in my character but I feel really bad and want them all to thrive
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I spent my entire day doing that music video and I'm gonna cry if we lose and go to tribal again ughhhhhhhhhh. I really tried my best and am super proud of my tribe mates too they did a great job. I really like the video.
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Yes! Another win for Ala Mai! I'm loving this tribe and loving this game! I want to get to the merge with as many of my tribe mates as possible because we all have very similar timezones so I need that in my game. 
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I am so happy we won the challenge ! I offered the Toy idea but then couldn't participate myself because of real life reasons ugh. My tribe tho did an AMAZING JOB and Im glad we chose Netta 
Ok so just now I have realized these are not the during-game published confessionals. So I'm gonna confess: I was so fucking nervous not to be able to participate in the video challenge. I wanted to take part and it's risking eviction if we lose. On the other hand, I kinda knew I would be fine even if we lost. First, I offered the song for the tribe. Second, my alliance with Vilma and Veni is controlling the tribe, I have Clash from the side and we got majority. So I'd probs be fine anyway. Glad we won tho ! 
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Uh I’ve been so busy for the past few days I can’t socialise and am very worried 
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Day 4: Video editing challenge. This will be fun. Make a music video. Tribe chat is just going in circles with choosing a song. Song is finally chosen, Lonely Dance. Its a strange song, would have prefered something more campy or darker but oh well. I dont have time to do a video edit, i also want to take a back seat of this challenge. Searched for idol, No luck but i now have a good list of where to look narrowed down to 3 locations. Think im going to trust Tyler more. 
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idk if i made a confessional about this but holy shit Lord is in this 
I realise I spam so many messages to people at once. Shoutout to Vilma for always replying (although slowly) to every single one
Quiet day today, barely spoke to people. Please no swap.
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Well I'm sad to go to tribal this early, but it's probably needed. I didn't like my participation in this challenge but I was really short on time, it sucks but oh well, at least Ruthie told us to vote her and hopefully it isn't a hard vote 
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Whew! Thank god we won immunity. I honestly think we tried so hard so it felt nice to be recognised for that (and by we I mean those of us who actually helped out with the challenge......). Vilma worries me a bit. I really like her and she gives off a great energy but I feel like she could use that to lead a big alliance further down the line. I definitely won't be targeting her anytime soon and hopefully I can get in that alliance at some point, but she's someone to keep an eye on.
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Hello this round was boring we had shitty judges yet again woo we lost immunity woo now we have to look like bad people and vote ruthie out because shes sacrificing herself woo
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WE WON!!!!!! NO TRIBAL!!!!! FUCK YESSSS And the judges were so nice to me I legit almost cried I love everyone ughhhh my heart Music video challenges are so amazing I don't care if what placement I get anymore we made that video and that's all I care about really I hope we're swapping soon! 
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Okay so whew I had tribal for this game and I was nommed in a BB game so it's been a busy day today! I thought I might play my idol no matter what tonight, but Ruthie has been going through some stuff and volunteered to be voted out. Unfortunately it is uneventful for the viewers and for the hosts but I hope it is nice and easy and I can save my idol for later. Also, tribe swap anyone? Idk I haven't really clicked with anyone yet...Wow my social game sucks I'm sorry hosts, give me comps I can win, ty.
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survivorelara · 6 years
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HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's the fricking final  FIVE!!!!!!!! i feel like an icon,,, right ok so. tea lately? im winning... like look at everyone in the final 5 rn,,, if we go back to final 8 or 9 or sumn,,, out of us who would u say would be in the final 3... me bitch duh. anyways like.. i got to play mi legacy screeeeeeeee!! AND I still have my idol and if u think im playing that on anyone else lol!! i probably will dont quote me. anyways tea final four sooooooooooooooooon. woop woop. sam has me convinced it's a final two and the winner of fic gets to remove a juror. THAT'S CUTE. i'd love to go to the end with sam i love sam. umm.. like im pretty sure id beat him the jury hates him?? they hate me?? but him morE?? i also played GOOD. doot doot! boop boop
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Well, I made it to F5, and this is where things really start falling into place, if my plans are proper, I shouldn't run into any issues. Though I WOULD like to win this challenge if only because I wanna be the one with the most challenge wins at the end, just as an additional notch on my belt.
HOWEVER, I can't seem to get this damn challenge right because of how much I suck. I keep fucking it up, over and over, and it SUCKS. Especially since I keep fucking up sooner and sooner every time.
Hopefully I can get my shit together, things should go fine though so long as Roxy doesn't win immunity, or Sam for that matter since I think Ci'ere and Roxy could try to pull a fast one given how obvious it is that Loris has the idol.
Anyway, here's to it all working out somehow.
Well I won immunity, which is a good thing and the most ideal for me, as it's another challenge under my belt, and it guarantees I make F4.
Currently I'm having a hard time seeing this vote not go my way, Sam and I are both voting Roxy, and presumably Loris is too, and that's majority right there. Funnily enough Roxy was trying to get Sam to flip on me in a F4 scenario or something, which was interesting, but if anything I just feel more justified in voting her out add in that whole tie vote fiasco, and I'm ready to send her home. (I love her to death though, she's such a sweetheart, and I do feel bad voting her out, but I have my own game to think about.)
Ideally Ci'ere will end up voting out Roxy as well, and at F4 I've got two F3 deals and I think I've got reasonable odds in both. Knowing that Loris had two advantages, and just how people seem to think he's this giant threat, I feel almost that I HAVE to vote him out at F4 if the opportunity is there. I think his game is flawed, but it'll all come down to perception, and he's perceived as someone who'll win against anyone.
Alternatively Ci'ere has had a more independent game, though I think I have a stronger case than his, but I could be wrong, maybe the jury will like him more, I can't really say.
Above all else despite all my plans, I'm happy I won this challenge, and I hope I get to FTC as that's all I've ever wanted and this'll be the first time I will have done it.
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So Sam got a brilliant plan together, that could potentially take Loris out. But then Ci'ere told me he wants a F3 of him me and Roxy, which I'm not a fan of. I'd much rather just drag my goat to the end, and drive things my way.
We'll see how things go, I'm not a huge fan of this plan, but I might go along with it just because it seems fun. Regardless though this plan requires Sam to vote Loris, as I will 100% be voting Roxy. If Loris idols himself, I voted Roxy, and I didn't necessarily break blood with Loris. If Loris idols Sam, then Loris goes, and I didn't vote against him, and can hopefully pull for his vote.
So I'm still trying to bend this situation to my favor. Though I'm more in favor of just dueling Loris at F4 since that's what I was expecting. I could honestly just tell Loris to idol himself to force this vote a particular way, but honestly I think I'm in a situation that honestly it doesn't matter who's at the end so long as one of Loris or Roxy go home now, since I'll likely have to win immunity to make it to F3 anyway.
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ok.... I don't even know how to start confessing this round. really mad I fucked up and didn't win immunity cause that would've made this vote SO much less tricky. but alas, kori is immune, and guess what, loris has the idol. as we all are aware of now. these are the 2 people I DONT want in the f3 with me, because they both can beat me, whereas I feel I can beat the other two, so that had me thinking. does this mean one of my ideal f3 will have to leave, meaning I'll lose the game?
then it hit me, the most fucked up plan I could think of. loris has been my RIDE or DIE the entire merge phase of this game. words cant even describe how much I adore the kid, but like I said if he makes it to the end of this game, he wins the whole thing. that's how well I feel he's done. definitely enough to beat me. I know loris, and he isn't a dummy. i know that if he felt he had too, he would play his idol on me, because he's aware that if I ended up leaving this round, he'd be alone at f4 with everyone else wanting him out. so I started to wonder, what if I could make him play his idol on me, then vote him out…
so I got to work. I approached both ciere and roxy first and told them that one of us 3 is going because kori is immune and loris has the idol. and if that were the case, then the other 2 left in the game couldn't win because either loris or kori would take the cake if they are both in the f4. I had to convince them that us 3 making the f4 is best for all of our games. I told them to go to loris and start completely gutting me to him, convince him that everyone else is voting me. telling loris that they feel he's too selfish to not use the idol on himself. once word got to him and he came to me about it, I immediately started saying well great man its been fun love ya dude... but I wish you the best of luck at f4 since without me youll be alone. basically hinting at him to use the idol on me
then there is kori… he needs to go next, there's no question about it. but I had to try and convince him that voting loris out now while he has the chance is in his best interest, and that we've been a f2 this whole game and if worse comes to worse I would vote with him at f4. claiming that if loris makes it, kori will be the bigger threat. I started to leak false alliances to him, to try and get him to feel some type of way that im the only one he can trust, and that me staying this round and loris leaving is our best chance at both making it to ftc, because he wants to go with me since clearly he would win against me... that's how I convinced him to hop on my insane, wild, stupid plan to tell loris im the one leaving so he can play his idol on me. then another emma happens and he goes this vote…
If this plan works out, it will be absolutely brilliant, but also hands down the most brutal thing ive done in any org I've played, hence why I'm so frenetic. I can't say this enough but ill say it once, loris does NOT DESERVE THIS AT ALL. not at all. He has been one of my absolute favorite allies ive ever had in an org, and I couldn't be happier to have met him. What I'm doing to him this vote is honestly so brutal I can't even explain how brutal it is. But I came here to win. That's why I play orgs, is to go as far as I absolutely can. And if loris makes it to f4, I don't win. Period. My best shot at winning this game is going f3 with ciere and Roxy, and all im doing is trying my best to ensure that happens so i have the best shot at winning this game. Sure this could blow up in my face and get me voted out instead, but I feel and hope ive done a pretty good job at explaining and convincing how one of those 2 will win this game if they both make f4 and that ciere and Roxy stand a way better chance against me. Here goes nothing, I came to play hard and take risks, so heres one of the biggest risks yet. I'm so so so sorry loris, I just, fucking love you god I hate orgs Why do I put myself through these.
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Random thoughts featuring me, Ci’ere!: I think this plan worked a lil too well I convinced Loris to vote out Sam and not use the idol on him but if I can't vote out Loris or Kori Sam is the next best thing and a move for myself sam loris and kori have a final 3 sam told Loris about our final 3 with Kori Kori tells me that Loris has an idol and Sam also tells me that he has one moments later but Loris was planning to vote for Roxy Loris plans to vote to Roxy because he thinks that this plan to get Loris to play an idol on Sam is impossible Sam comes up with a brilliant plan to get Loris to play his idol on Sam which would need convincing by me Loris has no relationship with Roxy and Kori is trying to be this saint and doesn't wanna be in on it Roxy was originally trying to vote for me in the event that Loris played the idol on himself everyone feels closest to Sam: Loris, Kori, Roxy and maybe even me even if I don't want to be taking out Sam would be a move that I could call my own I went off on Kori because he's acting like he's superior for winning immunity and that he'll win the next one too. I'm gonna do everything in my power to prevent that from happening. I also went off on Roxy because she acted fake and sent me hearts that she was down to vote for Loris when she was already told that he had an idol I was very hangry... I had a very long talk with Loris and I was trying to convince him that I would vote for Sam. I believe it worked, but it worked just a little too well because Loris wants to now vote for Sam as well ASDFG I also accidentally slipped and told Loris "we need Loris to believe that it's you" or something of the sort. Luckily, I saved myself by scapegoating Kori and telling Loris that I acted on Kori's delusions that I would vote out Loris in a f4 situation if we were to take out Sam. This means promising Loris that I'm taking him to the end and whew gurl between Kori and Loris I'm not even sure what I'd do but Loris has played better I believe Sam tried turning all of us on each other while he'd be the middleman and have a clear shot at making it to the end with a great story. Which means Sam's relationship with Loris isn't as strong as Sammy thot ASDF Okay nvm Sam just got confirmation that Loris is idoling him OMG THIS WORKED??? I'M SHAKING Sam might've came up with the plan, but I put it into motion and convinced Loris that we were all gunning for Sam & I also got Kori to tell Loris that he was voting Sam. I spooked Loris into voting me... I'd say my acting skillz were on point for this one hehe If Loris happens to end up idoling himself and voting for me or he in fact does vote for Sam, I need a safety net and I need to make sure the next best thing is sent home. So I’m going to be voting for Sam as a precautionary measure because sis ain’t going nowhere okcurrrr.
Loris is voted out 3-1-1*
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