#strange behavior fanart
art--harridan · 10 months
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[Image description: A traditional drawing based on the film Strange Behavior. It's drawn with coloured pencils over a layer of yellow oil pastel. The facs of Pete Brady is the focus, though it's slightly off centre. It has a colour palette of warm yellows, oranges and pinks with some purple and green shading. A hand presses down on Pete's forehead and holds his eyes open as a needle inches towards his eyeball. He's trying to pull his face away from it, though the drawing is confined to a warped triangle. He has a terrified expression with his eyes wide and his mouth agape. Above him in pink, surrounded by blue swirls, there's the word "strange". Below him, in less eye-catching colours and a smaller font, is the word "behaviour". To the left of him, there's a warped panel containing a toilet with blood splatter on it. To the right of him, there's a disembodied arm that holds a needle. There's a large bead of liquid at the top of it. The background is yellow with pink, blue and green swirls scattered around it.]
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minotaur-asterion · 1 year
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oh no… hyperfixation..
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liloinkoink · 12 days
saw a post going around about how fic gets treated much differently by ccs than art or cosplay does--ccs will happily check out art and cosplay and support and compliment the people who make it, but if they seek out fic, it's generally to make fun of how poorly written and weird that fic is
i do get that on some level. reading fic about yourself is a bit more strange than seeing art of yourself (i would know! ive had both!) because writers are guessing at how you think and act. there can be some strange disconnect sometimes in reading work guessing at your own thoughts, and it's valid to want to avoid that experience. i'm not saying every cc needs to be comfortable with reading or posting or boosting fic of themselves
but fic doesnt need to be treated like it's all diseased or inherently more weird than other art forms either. i don't think the only time fic should be brought up by creators is to make fun of the people who make it. it's not fair to fic writers to act like cringe is uniquely a fic thing. cringe art exists too, just as much as cringe fic does(which is good tbh!--people and especially kids should get to draw cringe shit). while people definitely make fun of cringe art, fanart in general has a higher amount of respect than fanfic does. ccs are willing to boost art positively, but theyre rarely seen doing the same for fic
to be clear. i'm not trying to claim "fic isn't all weird cringe ship fic, some of it is actually good!!" i think weird cringe ship fic is fine. i write weird cringe ship fic! and kids especially deserve to write shit that's weird and cringe, doing so helps them grow and learn as creatives. that's not the problem
it's just acting like fic is only weird, or that it's more weird or cringe or worse than other mediums, or that it's more okay to make fun of fic. just feels rude as hell to see creators go out of their way to boost and compliment art while acting like fic needs to be quarantined
for any weird thing someone has written, someone else has drawn something equally strange. acting like one medium is more responsible for this sort of behavior than others is bafflinf
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lovelybrooke · 2 months
Of all the Yandere, who do you think could work together to have Reader to themself ?
Like, obv Laezel and Shadowheart would not work together
I feel like Wyll and Karlach would but i feel that they would mostly just help eachother to protect Reader
Gale and Astarion would be pretty funny together but Astarion would be funny with everyone
So I think I talked about this a while ago, but they most definetly work together.
All the companions work together eventually, but before they open up more about their obsession, they have kinda hidden alliances. Karlach and Wyll defiantly work together, since they work so well together. I think they both do the best at romancing reader since they're both very open about their feelings for reader.
I was a fanart awhile back that was about Astarion and Shadowheart gossiping in Elvish (is that even what it's called??) and I honestly think it's so on brand for them. Like they constantly talk about reader in a language none of the other companions really understand. I'd think they'd stop though once Halsin joins the party since he's also not quiet about his obsession.
Lae'zel's a little baby and doesn't believe in working together with other people, but also she's just super awkward. Like her customs are much more different than readers and she doesn't want to scare them away with her behavior so she just kinda sulks by herself, poor her.
Gale and Halsin work together, but that's only because they both are just very open. Like Wyll and Karlach are romantic, but they still have some subtlety to them, but Gale and Halsin? No, they both know what they want. I don't know where this idea came from that Gale is some shy baby, but he's actually pretty open and unbothered in game, and doesn't seem to scared about expressing his affections, I just think the way he does so is kinda strange. With Halsin he just is too old for subtly. He just doesn't see the point in dancing around his feelings like that. So in my mind, these two only really work together because they both don't give a shit about being subtle, if that makes sense.
Eventually they do all start working together, but that takes a while.
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
Hi!! I just wanted to say that I love the way you write Optimus in your AU’s❤️❤️❤️ And I specially love the concept of your \\Decepticon Optimus AU\\ PLEASE PART 2 PLEASE PART 2 PLEASE PART 2 PLEASE PART 2
I’ll start drawing fanarts :D
Congratulations. You have bought my services with the offer of fanart. Here you go mate, more Decepticon Optimus (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ I've actually been wanting to write this for a REALLY long time, but I just never thought anyone was interested. That said, take a bit of a Starscream POV in preparation for a proper continuation of this thing.
Previous part here.
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Starscream served Megatron because it was what was best for his people. There was indeed a lot of personal investment in the choice as well. After all, with how high he was in the ranks, if Megatron fell, he would have a solid chance to take control of the army so long as Tarn or Overlord didn't fight him too much for it. It was simply the best decision when the alternative was following the Autobots and having to deal with their roots in the Senate. While it was a difficult decision to join up with a rebel force, after Vos burned, it was only right.
War was a torment, one that Starscream only endured because he had his trinemates and fellow citizens of Vos by his side. Despite the comfort Skywarp and Thundercracker offered, there was always something missing for Starscream as the war dragged on. All his fellows were focused on the goal to the point of everything else being drowned out. They stopped seeing the point of it all for the most part and largely fell into the haze of conflict with no regard for the place where it all began. The common soldiers just wanted to survive, the officers wanted to rise through the ranks, and the rest were loyal to Megatron more so than what they fought for.
Admittedly Starscream fell amongst them when things got stressful and his place became threatened. However aside from those moments, he was contemplative, often trying to remember WHY they fought rather than focusing himself too much on the conflict itself. That was not to say he held no grudges, no he held them close to himself with a degree of glee. But he desired companionship from someone more... neutral in a sense. He wanted someone to understand where he was coming from and preferably be in a position that Starscream would still have influence over. He couldn't have his greatest fears and insecurities being held but just anyone after all.
Then as if answered by Primus himself, Starscream stumbled upon a fascinating mech who was quick to catch his attention. Right off the bat he looked the part of a Decepticon. Black plating with red tinted windows and optics, a huge axe and blaster as his weapons of choice, and a reputation for valuing logic over emotion. Even his designation matched the embodiment of Decepticon values. Nemesis was quite the name for a mech who hardly managed to rise above the rank of a private. However those traits were not what caught Starscream's attention. Rather it was the fact that Nemesis's behavior was so out of the ordinary and yet perfectly in line with Decepticon standards as to be concerning in a sense.
There were pages upon pages of reports detailing Nemesis's presence being crucial for morale. Never did the mech win any ground for the Decepticons, but he also never lost any. He was supposed to be a mid-ranked ground officer just there to keep the troops in line. And yet he was beloved by countless soldiers, as shown in their written reports. How did such a cold mech with such an intimidating frame and name get so popular amongst the troops? Mecha on opposite ends of the planet knew his designation, at least amongst Vehicons. It was strange, so strange in fact that Starscream found himself paying the mech a visit during a routine check of the area.
Visiting out of pure curiosity yielded increadible results as Starscream observed Nemesis in action. The mech forever wore his mask and seemed almost unsure how to reply when presented with a situation that required emotions. However he somehow managed to be a comfort to those he served with while battling with ferocity that Starscream found vaguely familiar but more so striking. Nemesis was fascinating, and more than that, he was kind. It was silly and a spur of the moment decision, but he stole Nemesis away from his division and had the mech placed under his direct supervision.
Nemesis for his part took the change with grace, but Starscream quickly noticed more and more oddities surrounding him as time passed by. Often the emotionally unstable mecha Nemesis took to comforting simply vanished a short while after his conversations with them. On records they were labeled as deserters, but Starscream saw that they were being aided by the far too kind Decepticon he'd taken under his wing. Nemesis was quiet, he didn't cause any trouble and largely kept to himself. And yet so many odd things happened around him that Starscream couldn't help but keep him around and not report him. Why would he turn in this great source of potential entertainment and comradery? Was it a risk? Yes. But he had his trine and he was sure he could blast one mech into oblivion if need be. Besides, the mecha who vanished were never of importance. If Nemesis had a thing for killing a few foot soldiers every now and then, he certainly wouldn't be the first of his kind.
One by one more oddities became clear and Starscream had a grand time watching them unfold. It was like his personal reality holodrama as he observed Nemesis wandering around befriending every last Vehicon and seemingly unknowingly earning their collective loyalty. He didn't seem to be aware of the fact that half of the Decepticon army regarded him fondly due to his association with the Vehicons, but if he did, he certainly never abused it. He learned the names of every Vehicon, treated them kindly, and in his gruff way even helped them get out of trouble. It was... a welcome relief from the cruelty Starscream saw regularly. The desire that led him to search out someone more neutral for companionship only grew as he continued to keep an optic on his little pet project.
Such an interesting mech he was. Eventually Starscream couldn't help but ask.
Starscream: Why do you bother with the Vehicons? They are clones, expendable soldiers.
Nemesis: No one is expendable. Every life is sacred. Is that not why we fight for freedom? So that all might enjoy their right to life?
Starscream: But why do you not try and rise through the ranks? You have the combat and strategic skills to do so, and yet you have never once tried to rise above the rank your service under me gave you.
Nemesis: I have personal reasons for wishing to not garner the attention of Megatron and his inner circle. But aside from that, I simply do not care.
Starscream: And why is that? You fight for us, you have bled for us. How can you say it does not matter?
Nemesis: My history is long and complicated my Lord. I have seen horrors and I have no desire to be the one giving the order to inflict more upon others. I am here to protect those I care about. That is all.
Starscream: And here I thought you were known for being cold and calculating.
Nemesis: There is a time and a place for all things.
After their conversation, Starscream only became more fascinated by the mech who embodied the Decepticons in frame and reputation and yet seemed more and more like an Autobot the more time passed. Nemesis was, in his own strange way, a bit like a stray cyber-feline. Starscream had to earn his trust, and he did so by simply not ratting Nemesis out when he finally caught the mech smuggling younglings across enemy lines. Whether Nemesis knew he was there or not was up for debate, but watching the cold and gruff mech run younglings into neutral territory and pass them off to mecha preparing to go off world had Starscream confirming that Nemesis was a good individual at spark.
For vorns Nemesis served under him, trying and largely failing to be stealthy when smuggling younglings out and creating distractions for Vehicons to escape punishment. Such a kind spark hidden behind layers of a grim persona. Starscream couldn't help but assist every now and then. He made sure not to make his intervention obvious, but Nemesis started to treat him with greater familiarity the longer they worked together.
By the time Thundercracker and Skywarp fell in battle, what began as a simple attempt to be amused and to search for someone to remind him of the purpose of their war turned into a proper friendship. Nemesis covered for him and did a great deal of planning and order issuing on his behalf while he grieved. And when he was too out of sorts to do anything more than lay on his berth uselessly, Nemesis came by with an energon cube and took care of everything. The kind Decepticon warrior was there for him throughout all of it, even dealing with his rages and outbursts. Starscream would never say so aloud, but he appreciated the patience shown to him more than anything else. Nemesis never yelled at him, never so much as grabbed him harshly, and even when Starscream was breaking things in his grief and rage, Nemesis was there to calm him down with soothing words.
It was never meant to end with Nemesis becoming his dear friend, but by the time Starscream was at last able to handle the loss of his trinemates, there was no going back. Nemesis was his friend, his companion, and his stable foundation amidst the storm of war. It was almost impossible to tell how Nemesis really felt about him, but considering the mech never tried to climb the ranks or leave, Starscream assumed the feeling was at least somewhat mutual. It certainly helped that Nemesis's distractions kept Megatron's wrath from falling on Starscream's helm.
Once Starscream could confidently call Nemesis a brother, he did not care for the increasingly suspicious behavior the warrior engaged in. He trusted that if it were important, Nemesis would talk to him about it. Thus whenever his friend vanished for extended periods of time, Starscream allowed it to be. He was horribly anxious whenever Nemesis up and dropped off the map for stellar cycles at a time, but much like a stray cyber-feline, he always came back and always with something or other as a gift. Part of Starscream feared that Nemesis was a traitor who merely wanted his trust for information gathering purposes, but without his trine, he refused to think about it. Until Nemesis proved himself a traitor, Starscream would continue to treat him as a brother.
He covered for Nemesis's vanishing act, he helped the Vehicons in his absence, and whenever his brother returned, Starscream relished in the attention offered. Nemesis was never a very touchy mech, but soft shoulder touches, tender aid in wing cleaning, and gentle words were more than enough for Starscream. He cherished it all and fought to keep Nemesis with him viciously when it came time for the Exodus to begin.
But that of course was when everything fell apart.
Starscream had a plan. He already filed the paperwork, prepared appropriate documents, and convinced Megatron to allow him to keep Nemesis with him as they took to the stars. He was ready and fully willing to jump through whatever hoops were needed to ensure that Nemesis remained by his side. Then, just like that, Nemesis was gone. One sentimental conversation under the stars later, Nemesis dropped off the map leaving only a collection of files and a note at his desk. The world itself seemed to shatter around Starscream as he read the note and flew faster than he ever had before. He couldn't lose Nemesis, not after he lost everyone else.
Starscream wished it was just a horrible nightmare when he finally found what remained of his brother in arms. He screamed and begged as he tried in vain to fix the damage done to the lifeless frame before him. However when all was said and done, he could only hold Nemesis's body in his arms and weep. The note said that Nemesis was simply tired and that it was no one's fault. Starscream believed him, Nemesis was not one to outright lie. And yet he couldn't help but lament the fact that his brother never told him of his woes. Starscream would have helped, he would have made things better if Nemesis had only asked it of him.
He would have made things right.
He buried Nemesis's body under the open sky and stayed for a whole cycle just so that he could pretend that he and his brother were merely admiring the stars above in silence. When he returned to the Decepticons, his spark ached with loss, but was also hardened in certainty. The war had taken everything from him. His people, his trine, and now the kindest Decepticon he'd ever known. He wasn't exactly sure why his anger over the event came to be pinned on Megatron, but it was. Nemesis, his trine, and so many of his kind were dead because of a foolish war Megatron had yet to win. The competitive desire to take control for personal gain warped into a desperate need to have absolute authority. He needed to make things right, to ensure that the foolishness came to an end.
It hurt still, so his arrogance increased to cover for it. His spark wept, so he pulled away from others. The only one he ever really tolerated was Knockout, and that was merely because he was a neutral deep down. There was no loyalty in his spark, and Starscream appreciated that amidst the sea of diehard Megatron followers. He needed control and he needed it desperately. But of course that need led to punishment, and Starscream could only flounder to stay alive without anyone there to back him up.
Then things changed again.
Vorns spent grieving those he lost came back to haunt him one the battlefield when Optimus Prime of all mecha stood in front of him and stopped a hit from Megatron from reaching him. The Prime looked livid. Why though? Why did the other big player in the ridiculous war they were embroiled in care for one lone seeker, one who had the energon of thousands on his servos? It did not make sense, but pieces began to fall into place as time wore on and Optimus kept defending him. Aggression and anger never before seen in the Prime always showcased itself whenever Megatron tried to touch Starscream or the Vehicons. Optimus would even wield an AXE when he fell into the strange cold rages that always ended with the Prime changing his fighting style completely.
Starscream did not wish to believe it. He couldn't believe it. And yet as he observed more and more, he couldn't help but see the similarities. A bulky frame that had the indicators of magnetic attachments to allow for more armor to be installed. A thick battlemask and heavy set pedes that offered protection from any and all hazards. Large black servos covered in scars carrying a familiar red axe that Starscream knew like his very own wings. It shouldn't have been possible, and yet every time the Prime stopped a hit from landing on him, Starscream couldn't help but see it.
Optimus Prime and Nemesis were related. Somehow they were tied together, and with every uttered word the Prime threw out on the battlefield when rushing to his defense, Starscream only became more certain. How? He did not know. But through whatever means, Optimus Prime had either acquired the attention of his brother while he still lived, or more likely WAS Nemesis in some form. It seemed so obvious looking back, but as Starscream fled the battlefield, he made a decision. In the quiet of his quarters, he opened a commlink to the one mech he thought he would have preferred to see eliminated in fire and smoke.
Starscream: I don't know how you did it or if it is even you... but if you knew Nemesis, or if he is in there somewhere... please let me hear him again.
Optimus: ...
Starscream: I stopped caring about this fragging war long ago. Just let me hear my brother's voice again. Let me know he's still there, if only as a memory.
Optimus: ...
Starscream: Please, just this once, let me hear him.
Optimus: ...
Optimus: I am here, and I am sorry I had to leave you for so long.
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This is my girltwinkboyfriend ♡ Leo Valdez x Genderfluid!Reader
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summary: Leo loves your drastic changes in styling and clothing when you feel more masculine, feminine or neither.
"Wassup, boygirlpersonfriend?"
"Wassup, loverboy?"
740-ish words (it's short but it fueled me with serotonin)
warnings: use of spanish (dont worry bbgs i translated it to english. papi's home), i didn't use bad words this time (i tried hard not to)
tags: established relationship, reader tends to communicate their genderfluidity through styling, clothing and perhaps behavior, Leo is madly in love, bi!Leo, unspecified sexuality for reader (but they are head over heels for their boyfriend)
a/n: I'm definitely projecting. But I suppose there are loads of people like me, so I'm doing a favor to all the liquid gender fellas.
♡ ☆ ♡
Leo wasn't one to absolutely adore changes. He did freak out whenever you came with a cute outfit though.
This time you are wearing a maxi skirt, combat boots and a shirt. Nothing really new on the oufit, maybe your earrings or necklaces you used to complement a little.
Yet Leo wouldn't shut up about it.
— Wassup, girlboypersonfriend? — he greeted while having his flirty demeanor on.
— Wassup, loverboy? — you answered with a grin. Your boyfriend's face soon had a wide, loving smile.
— How are you feeling today? — he asked. He wasn't only saying it for you to say 'good, thanks, you?', at this point it was casual for you to reply with that and add how your gender felt like that day.
Leo couldn't stop looking at you, and it was funny because the combat boots did the height difference even more evident.
— I feel fine. Bonita, even — you joked. The Hephaestus' son had showed you latino memes quite often —. How do you feel?
— Awesome — he pulled you into a tight hug. The height difference was funny at this point, you almost surpassed him a whole head.
Leo looked up at you, not breaking the hug yet:—. Y sí pienso que eres muy bonita, pero con esas botas uno no puede besar a su noviecita en paz* — he talked at a normal speed (at least not in actual Latino speed, just so you could understand).
* And I do think you are pretty, but with those boots I can't kiss my cute girlfriend in peace.
— Then I will kiss you — you said as you grabbed his chin and you had to lower your height a little for your lips to meet. You both felt euphoric.
Leo didn't stop complimenting you through the day, even when you weren't near (which was strange enough so it only happened like two times)
Leo liked all your days.
Masculine ones weren't an exception. And it was his personal favorite when you had one of his tshirts on.
That day you had a long sleeved turtleneck, a pair of long shorts and (fueling Leo's obsession) one of his few graphic tees he ocassionaly left in your cabin after he snuck out to sleep for the night.
It was a cold weather day, but how could you feel it when you had your heater significant other always hugging you and giving you kisses?
— I love how combat boots look on you, but I like it more when you aren't so far, principe — he gazed at you dearingly while hugging you, you did the same to him. Leo saying prince in Spanish could be one of your new addictions, the euphoria it gave you on that certain day was indescribable.
— Well, well, media naranja, aren't you such a Romeo? — you teased him. And he loved how you said he was your soulmate, he truly agreed.
Leo rested his head on the space between your shoulder and neck, and he squealed like a fangirl who just saw a fanart of her favorite couple. He would have started kicking the air if he didn't know he could accidentally hit you, and he definitely didn't want that (not since that time he burned your hand without wanting to, he was just so in love!)
— Tan tiernooo — you said, not minding his little excited sounds. Now you were calling him cute in his favorite language to speak when being way too in love.
— If anything, you are the sexy one, yo soy el loco* — he joked and gave you a kiss on your neck and went back to resting in his space.
*I'm the crazy one
— Nah, you are the hot one, in any way possible — you gave him a kiss on the head and he went back to squealing as if he was on his pillow, trying to let his damn crushing for his partner out (spoiler: he couldn't).
The camp was already used to your loving actions and you both going crazy.
— Aren't they just made for each other? — Jason looked at you and your boyfriend from a long distance along with Piper.
— Yeah. I can feel both of them's cheesiness from here. It's really cute — the girl smiled, also happy for you both.
Leo's days were better when you were there.
Your days were better when Leo looked at you.
a/n 2: kicking the air rn. This is the bare minimum for me. If you are not this type of hopelessly in love, it's below standards.
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scottsummersbingo · 8 months
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For the Sexy Days of Summers Event happening right now we've invited Scott Summers (Cyclops) fans to take part in spreading more love for him out there on the internet by creating fanfiction, fanart, fan works, etc. to celebrate our favorite X-Men leader and the possibility of what if. For the duration of this challenge so far we've received some really incredible submissions with super rare pairings that are new to us. For the month of September we'd like to share some of those and also share some various fandom creations along the way in terms of content. Some might be an old favorite pairing while others might be something in terms of shipping you've never considered before.
Below under the cut you can take a look at some of the Scott/Logan fics created by some of our bingo participants and by some of their favorite authors. It is only a small portion of what you can find for this pairing, but gives you a taste of some great fics for them!
Also if you have a favorite Scott pairing and a fanfic that you've written or that you love, then feel free to drop us a note and let us know so we can showcase it in the future!
Stay tuned for more duo spotlights coming soon!
All you Need is Trust by Jade_Dragoness (Rated E) Logan had barely gotten used to not being constantly at Scott's throat when Cable shows up to tell them that for the future of the entire mutant race - actually for the sake of everyone on the planet - they need to get married. Logan is convinced this is a weird joke on both of them which Scott is clearly taking too seriously. Then he’s actually at the altar getting married to Scott Summers. Okay, he’s going to drink the entire bar dry now. Cyclops goes to LIMBO by ELG  (Rated E) The Avengers go after the bad guys who kidnapped Scott. [The Avengers get telepathically violated. Scott gets slut-shamed. Logan gets jealous.]
December 24th by Oberonsearring (Rated T) It's December 24th. Logan knows where Scott is.
Raise Your Hand by eoen (Rated E)
Snapshots by Cerylid (Rated T) After X3, Scott unexpectedly returns, depowered and unable to remember anything after being kidnapped by Stryker. Back at the mansion, as Hank races against time to try and fix Scott's malfunctioning powers, Logan starts to find out more about who Scott Summers really is.
So Easy by Cerylid (Rated M) Logan wakes from the events in Days of Future Past to discover that he and Scott Summers are in a clandestine relationship. When Scott realises that this is a “different” Logan from the one he’s in love with, he pulls away and pretends nothing is wrong. As Logan struggles to come to terms with everything that's happened, changing the timeline and saving his friends, he also has to contend with his growing confusion over Scott, as well as Scott's increasing efforts to pretend that he's unaffected by what's happened.
Small Sacrifice by Cerylid (Rated T) (Set after X2) After Scott is injured during a mission, Logan forces him to confront some of his self-destructive tendencies.
Never Alone by Scottxlogan (Rated: E) After arriving in a new future to find himself in a relationship with Scott Summers, Logan and Scott finally find their way to wedded bliss. All is well until members from Logan's other team come calling and bombard in on their secluded honeymoon in the woods. Knowing that the honeymoon is going to take a backseat to his team, Scott and Logan help out on the Avengers mission, but discover after that they aren't going to be as alone as they were hoping for. Does this mean that the honeymoon is over before it begins for them?
Damaged by ScottxLogan (Rated E) Logan's been behaving different lately and no one seems to notice it except for Scott. As Scott finds himself contemplating his colleague's strange behavior, he finds that the mystery Logan presents turns into an obsession for him. Scott's convinced something has changed, but when no one else seems to pay attention to Logan's new habits, Scott takes it upon himself to discover just what has brought about the change in his teammate. Will Scott's obsession lead to happy endings for these two or more misery down the road as this new world unfolds?
I Found My Thrill by destroythemeek (Rated E) Logan has pie on his lip. Scott’s a little distracted.
The Reservation by ScottxLogan (Rated M) Scott and Logan have been swamped with meetings leaving them both ready to unwind when the day is over, but when they discover that Emma booked them a room with only one bed, will it make things even more awkward or open the door to explorations they weren't brave enough to face on their own without the nudge from their good friend?
Outside the dawn is breaking (But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free) by Wolfsheart (Rated E) What happened during the year following Stryker and Alkali Lake? What did Scott Summers experience? What did Logan witness? What was the final straw that compels Scott to return to the lake? This story explains everything and then veers hard left from canon.
Out there's a land that time don't command by Wolfsheart (Rated M) After a nasty break-up with Jean, Scott left the school and headed west to his home state of Alaska. For months, he's made his home there, feeling exiled from all the people he cares about. Then a familiar face shows up at his door unexpectedly; the face of his crush. Will Scott finally find some much needed and deserved happiness?
Time After Time by Wolfsheart (Rated T) In 2006, a grieving Scott Summers meets his end by a kiss. In 1945, after the bombing of Nagasaki, Logan meets an 'old friend' he won't meet for another 55 years.
At the bottom of every bottle by StormXPadme (Rated E) Scott asks Logan to go back to Alkali Lake with him to retrieve what might be left of Jean's body. They find other things. A new journey neither of them has expected begins.
If this is what we've got, then what we've got is gold by StormXPadme (Rated E) A compilation of very loosely connected Scogan smut and kink ficlets, some of them created from prompts on tumblr. Every now and then, even the X-Men's work-obsessed team leader needs to unwind and let off some steam in the bedroom. Between his own team and a couple of friends among the Avengers, it's a good thing, Scott always has someone around, more than willing to help him out with that. Or: Another entry for my "Scott Summers is one of the Marvel fandom bicycles, actually" agenda.
Uncharted sea, unopened door by StormXPadme (Rated E) A compilation of smut and kink ficlets, some of them created from prompts on tumblr. Mind the chapter titles for pairings. While these oneshots are part of my main X-Men verse, it's not necessary to know the other parts to understand it (some chapter notes contain brief explanations respectively). Please be VERY aware of major spoilers for my "Weathered I"-series and the upcoming follow-up series "Weathered II" though. If you plan to read the series and want to be surprised by major plot twists, please skip this collection.
Under Your Spell by scottxlogan (Rated E) While on a mission Logan's deviation from the objective takes him down a surprising path when he finds himself suddenly overtaken with thoughts of Scott Summers.
Ever After by scottxlogan (Rated T) Post Days of Future Past timeline Logan awakens to find himself in a very different place than the one he left. **Spoiler alert: This fic may possibly contain X-Men Days of Future Past references/possibly spoilers in it. If you haven't seen the film yet and don't want to be spoiled a little bit, then don't read the story just yet. You have been warned**
Killing Your Number by nomelon (Rated E) On The Island, Logan gets trapped in a purpose-built prison cell with a kid wearing some kind of weird eye-mask.
Professor Jackass by walrusface (Rated E) Logan finds himself in bed with an unconscious Scott and a set of marker pens. He's hardly responsible for what he does next.
Breaking Inside by Wolfsheart (Rated E) What happened during the year following Stryker and Alkali Lake? What did Scott Summers experience? What did Logan witness? What was the final straw that compels Scott to return to the lake? This story explains everything and then veers hard left from canon.
Change and Withstand by flightinflame (Rated M) A moment's lack of attention on a mission leads to Scott Summers getting kissed. He fights down his panic, tells himself it's fine, that he can deal with it. It doesn't matter. He wants to just move on, but that's hard when Logan is acting so strangely towards him. Almost as if he knows what happened...
Beautiful Wreck by sg_fic (Rated E) Scott's got a problem. He's going to solve it. Takes place after The Last Stand (boo), but Scott and Xavier survived (yay!)
Don’t you draw the queen of diamonds (She’ll beat you if she’s able) by Wolfsheart  (Rated E) Scott loses a bet to Emma. It doesn't matter what that bet was. All that matters is that Scott loses, and how he has to do the thing. The thing happens to involve wearing sexy expensive lingerie and getting photo or video proof of Logan's reaction to it. Logan's reaction is...very positive.
Sleepy? Cuddles? by KiAnLake (Rated M) Sleepy Scott wants to go to his room but gets found by Logan.
If It Comes Back by flightinflame (Rated M) Logan turns his back on the school, setting out as a lone wolf. Until he meets a young man in need of help - a young man who looks painfully familiar.
(This is Not a) Love Song by menel (Rated M) Written for the X-Men Kink Meme prompt: ‘Wolverine plans date night for him and Scott. Scott is surprised and super touched that Logan cares as much as he does.’
Really, talk. by sg_fic (Rated E) A romantic getaway forces Scott and Logan to talk. Really, really talk.
Undercover by sg_fic (Rated M) Scott and Logan are sent to investigate the disappearance of five young mutants. Post X-2
Protect You by SilverDolphin (Rated T) (This could be visually disturbing for some people, contains a severely injured Scott. Open at your own discretion.)
Lost Sheep by SilverDolphin (Rated T) After the movie happenings went down and the school got rebuilt, Scott goes and looks for Logan, intending to help him.
Fail Safe (Logan’s lullaby) by sg_fic (Rated E) Scott and Logan try to understand each other’s mutations better. Post DoFP.
Getting used to happiness by Xenia (Rated G) Logan has a nightmare and he's not really sure what's real and what's not after it. Post Days of Future Past.
Call My Name Or Walk On By by Wolfsheart (Rated E) Superheroes die all the time, and they usually come back from the dead. It's just a matter of time. And for Logan, it was just a matter of time before his return to life was discovered and someone from his past would track him down. When it's his former friend, teammate, and rival -- Scott Summers -- how could he ever see this kind of reunion between them?
Simpatico by menel (Rated T) Stuck in the Danger Room, the field leader and the newest X-Man have an unexpected heart-to-heart (with no claws or force beams involved).
To Know My Enemy by menel (Rated E) What if Scott and Logan once struck a deal in order to better facilitate their working relationship? What if that deal grew more complicated over time?
Ball Games by ELG (Rated E) When it comes to a grieving Scott Summers, everyone needs Logan to be the bad guy. Scott needs it most of all. [Not much plot, quite a lot of porn.]
Mine by glacis (Rated E) Scott goes looking for his bike and finds a whole lot more than he expects. Logan stakes a claim.
Eyes Wide Open by menel (Rated E) Depowered after a month in captivity and a botched mission, Scott has retreated into himself. Nearly everyone is walking on eggshells around him and it’s up to Logan to bring their Fearless Leader back. Written for the prompt, "Surprise."
Do Over by talkativefangirl13 (Rated E) When Logan woke up, he found out that the future had changed, only in a way that he didn't expect.
Flowers Pisses Me Off by talkativefangirl13 (Rated M) "I’m trying to help you, you insolent jerk!” Logan heaved and tried catching his breath while his healing factor fixed up the damage inside his throat. He spat the remaining blood on the floor in which Scott mentally added to the list of things he’ll be cleaning later.
With a tired grunt, Logan sat up on his hunches while glaring down on the bright red flower he was holding, without as much as a second thought, he shrugged and placed it on a nearby vase before turning to glare at Scott, “Obviously I don’t need yer help,” he said, “Stop pestering me, One Eye.”
Lost by twilightHDfan (Rated E) A week after the Battle of Alcatraz Jean and the Professor return, but Cyclops remains missing. Logan goes looking for the leader of the X-men.
Revelation by Cerylid (Rated T) Logan and Scott go undercover as a couple on a mission to gather information. It was supposed to be straightforward, but Scott struggles to keep his feelings for his teammate hidden while they are out.
Take Two by Cerylid (Rated M) Scott discovers from Ororo that she thinks Logan likes him, and is persuaded to try and connect at the Christmas Eve party.
The Icing on the Cake by menel (Rated T) Written for the head canon, “When they are at a party and have cake, Logan scrapes off most of his frosting and gives it to Scott.”
And so many others you need to check out on AO3 here.
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stinkyme · 4 months
What happened like in general? of course don’t feel pressured to answer this or pay any type of attention to it but like are you okay?
Hope everything is well
I mean there are no obligations to tumblr nor should bloggers be harassed because people believe they have obligations to them, but that raises the questions should people even worry about bloggers with out sounding like it’s some parasocial behavior idk maybe, like I’m worried for you because your one of those blog I keep coming back to because it brightens my day but then again is it weird to be brought to such emotions by a tumblr blog in the grand scheme of things
Sorry stinky idk what this is about,
Maybe you leave had been about involving actual real life worries or just simply wanting to take break but I shouldent care because it has nothing to do with me but I do hope you feel better no matter how strange that sounds
hello dear! i am very grateful for you checking up on me and I am so-so. I do have personal worries all the time as we all do, pretty much but that's not the sole reason of me sort of leaving.
I hope that you will forgive me for using your ask to say certain things, but alas, I am mostly staying off tumblr because it became a shitshow and there are certain opinions I am unable to voice because it will cause more issues and discussions and I highly dislike being in places where I feel like I can't be honest or open, nor is my desire to arise issues/discourses unless it's a must.
There is a lot of mean energy flowing left and right which I highly dislike, there is a lot of hypocritical takes and there is a lot of miscommunication and it feels like high school all over again.
I personally dislike seeing how certain stuff are being handled and how certain people are threw into fire of things that aren't their fault and that can be explained/communicated. I had my own doubts about certain things, to be completely honest, I also knew something like this will happen for quite some time simply because of the things I noticed a while ago. I don't want to seem like I am subposting, so I would rather come more clear about my intention.
I didn't speak up about Flora specifically because I wanted to communicate with her personally about the whole thing. I think communicating one on one is more beneficial when forming opinions and getting actual insight about the situation. However, it didn't unravel that way, so all I can say is that, from my own feelings and my own perspective, the only reason why Flora got dragged was due to personal feelings of one or multiple individuals and not the actual issue of her doing something wrong. I dislike that. I can't vouch for anything to be 100% correct or wrong, but that's how I feel.
Anyways, the whole Ezra thing also threw me off. I have never communicated with him personally, but seeing something like that was certainly icky and very disturbing given the contents of the fanart. Now, we can discuss fictional and non-fictional engagement in certain things and how they differ. I see a lot of people explaining how stuff being fictional makes it okay. I disagree with that. Nothing in this world is black and white, nothing is completely separated from the other. But, again, if I were to voice my opinion about it, people would probably spam my ask box again and leave very questionable stuff in there. And again, this is not me bashing DC, as I spoke before, there is a cause and a reason and a point in everything. Depending on those, we can judge is something an actual dc or a simple fetishization and sexualization of certain things.
So, for the sake of my own peace, all I can say is that I am staying off of tumblr for the most part because it doesn't make me happy anymore and it's not enjoyable to witness a lot of things. It's gotten pretty wild and it makes me irritated on a lot of levels, so I do apologize for that
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tench · 2 months
fwiw, I think watching a game absolutely counts as consuming the source material. there's plenty games I've only watched and not played myself, but I'm mystified that people would... not consume the source material AT ALL?
Hi! I too think that watching videos is a completely valid way to experience things. I myself drew fanart on Eden ring though I couldn't play the game because of my pains, so I watched several streams and a play through with all the questslines (thanks SSS). I wouldn't be able to see this game otherwise!
But I didn't say I watched anything canon-related for this particular case, that's why drawing this pairing is such a guilty pleasure for me. I just don't vibe with the canon and the whole thing I find entertaining is nonexistent in it anyway. In the end of the day I don't think I do any harm?
If I understood the op correctly in the following messages, they meant the people who didn't have their own experience but participate in the fandom drama with Strong Opinions. And yeah, that's a strange behavior. But for people who just like the fandom creations without knowing the source, for me these people continue the old as dirt oral tradition of "I've heard this story it's bonkers, I want more and who cares if it's a very aibridged version of a greek translation of some other story I'm sitting in Novgorod and eating it up hell yeah". So while I do shame myself (because I'm mentally ill perfectionist), I might suggest that the others are fine to enjoy their silly fiction as they want? After all, haven't we all read some gay smut written way better than some AAA official installments?
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My Thoughts If Cursed Cat Alastor Did The "Demon Dance" That Cats Do...
[Note: Reading This Is Optional.]
with the bad stuff going on in the world, Cursed Cat Alastor is perhaps a weird rain of fluffy baby sunshine that puts a smile on one's face....plus I have been like faving/hearting some of the fanart of them so far for the last few minutes or however many seconds.
but anyway, I think if Cursed Cat Alastor did that whole famous "Demon Dance" that cats are known for, it would probably freak Vox and Lucifer out.
the Demon Dance, is something cats do...I had found out that is what it's called from some site I can't really remember the name of.
but ya know when the cat arches their back and start to side walk really slowly before going fast, it might depend.
just watch out when their tail gets really fluff out, that means they are super excited.
oh yeah, and if Cursed Cat Alastor is anything like my Fluffy-Baby/Second Cat, looking in their eyes for too long will be taken as a challenge. XD
like Charlie would need to be the one to remind everyone to NEVER look into Cursed Cat Alastor's eyes for too long, cause they will take it as a challenge.
I'm pretty sure that is how my second cat is, if ya look into their eyes too long, they will possibly take it as a challenge.
it be funny if it was the same way with Cursed Cat Alastor, well that and him doing the demon dance that cats are famous for.
and if a cat like Cursed Cat Alastor does that and their tail is really fluffed out (which means they are excited.) and they haven't ate anything yet, it could be wise to run.
because they would be doing that demon dance and be after you in a creepy hilarious and adorable way.
the whole demon dance is just one of the weird cat behaviors, and I would love to see Cursed Cat Alastor do that.
like picture a guest is in one of the hallways and going to their room, when they come across Cursed Cat Alastor a few feet away just standing there and looking at them...
but all of a sudden, Cursed Cat Alastor gets on their tip-toes that is their adorable paws, and starts to side steps to them slowly with their back arched like a witch's cat.....and it starts out slow before becoming fast and they start to hop a bit too, which freaks out the guest and they start to run for their life and down the stairs and out the front door, and pretty much confusing Charlie, Angel, Vaggie and Husk.
Alastor would of probably already know what happen, because he seen it many times, the first time he saw it was by accident.
if Cursed Cat Alastor did the "demon dance" once in a while, it could be really funny, and Alastor might find it very hilarious because it freaks everyone else out.
if Niffty saw Cursed Cat Alastor do that, she would probably think it is the cutest thing they ever did and might feel jealous that Alastor and others got to see it first before she could.
if some people on here do have a cat, and there cat does that whole witch's cat pose and starts to side walk very slowly before picking up speed and could at times hop a little, you now know it is also called the Demon Dance, even if it doesn't really have to do with demons...
but that is what it was called, still can't remember the name of the site that said that what that thing cats do, is called The Demon Dance.
still funny though, and the idea of Cursed Cat Alastor freaking everyone (save for Alastor and Niffty, and possibly Rosie.) out by doing that demon dance, would be interesting to watch as well as funny. XD
if one does put a mirror in front of Cursed Cat Alastor, would they think it's another cat...?
well cats would be like that, well and human babies as well.
I just pictured in my head about Cursed Cat Alastor looking at themself in the mirror and thinking its another cat and start hissing at their reflection.
is it weird if in some strange crossover way, if Cursed Cat Alastor gets fed after midnight they will become even bigger and scarier.
but if they get wet by some form of water, these balls of fluff will pop off of their back and the fluff balls will end up being like mini kitten versions of them...and yeah it would reference The Movie Series known as Gremlins.
I dare Vox to do it, either feed them after midnight or do the whole pouring water on them and wait for the fluff ball that will become kittens to be born. it should be entertaining to watch what happens...
because one of the things that can be entertaining, is Cursed Cat Alastor jumping on to Vox's face after having water being poured on their back.
it would also be entertaining to watch Vox, Valentino and Velvette freakout when coming face to face with Cursed Cat Alastor when they do the demon dance, and starts to side walk (while still being in a type of witch's cat pose.) to them slowly while looking all three of them in their eyes....and then the next thing those three know, Cursed Cat Alastor starts to pick up the speed and ends up going towards them faster and even hop a little while doing so.
Valentino and Vox could be the ones most freaked out, if Velvette has seen that kind of weird yet adorable cat behavior before, she could be use to seeing it like I have become use to it as well.
it may only happens once in a while with my second cat, just like how that freaky thing with the modern radio only happens once in a while.
like I said before, sometimes for some odd reason, when I point my fingers at it (and this is when I switch it on by the way.) it will either have a good or poor signal, like it can be like if I point my fingers to it and the sound will be perfect, but take it away and it will become poor again....or in vice-versa.
I'm pretty sure that freaky thing only happens once in a while.
at least I don't have full powers like Alastor.
I don't really mind that freaky stuff that happens with that radio every once in a while. plus I still use my gem bracelets for multi-purposes (even if sadly one of them broke and I hope it can be fixed sometime.)
like one of it being protecting me from harmful energies, one of them being toxic-lust energies, but of course it doesn't mean I would be safe when I sleep, which is why I have to have dream-catchers in both my room and outside my bedroom door.
and there is that whole pendulum unlocking something, and I have to use my gem bracelets as sealing charms and limiters, one of the times the program had broken, is because of that one time I had to take off one of my gem bracelets, because it became a bit too snug.
and of course after keeping it off for too long, that freaky stuff started to happen again, like anything I held like a bottle pop by it's lid or a pen, it would end up moving a bit like my pendulum...
so I had to re-do the program and prayer as well as use the food salt, to make sure even if I end up having one or even all my gem bracelets off for long periods of time, they will still work how I want them to.
one of the reasons is because I know I wouldn't be able to handle it, I mean I might want to use magic to astral travel to a type of virtual reality for a vacation to get away from the Toxic-Masculine energy and the lines that those who are influenced by the Toxic-Masculine energy may cross and pretty much be a domestic abuse to the feminine energy (not talking about the toxic-feminine one...)
but even there is some parts of myself, I don't want to get too magically powerful....that is why the sealing charms and limiters are in place, cause I know I wouldn't be able to fully handle it if it gets too advanced...
not sure if many go through that, like if they ended up getting a pendulum for the first time and it starts to move like crazy when they hold it....which it did freak me out when it first did that.
I'm still gonna make sure not to use my pendulum too much, and yeah when I can, I will use the food salt on them because of the whole Ozzie thing that I had talked about before...I'll get to it eventually.
and by Ozzie, I mean the one from our universe, not talking about the Ozzie from Helluva Boss....even if he is adorkable sweet potato with Fizz.
those two are the most adorkable sweet potato couple ever.
also, besides the whole Cursed Cat Alastor doing the demon dance and freaking others out.
if they start to blink really slowly at someone, I think that is the "kitty kisses" which if Charlie ends up looking up and finding out what it is, she could be very touched that Cursed Cat Alastor is giving her kitty kisses.
Cursed Cat Alastor might only choose those they find worthy and like, to give the kitty kisses to.
some cats can end up getting on your lap even when your just watching a movie or show or playing a video game, and they will possibly get their face really close to yours and rub on your face or under your chin. if Cursed Cat Alastor did that, it could be very cute.
if he starts to bite even just a little bit, that could mean they want food. half of the time, I think that is what my second cat wants.
they show different signs of wanting their food, one of the signs being how they meow and even if ya do get ready to get the food for them, they can be impatient and in their own way, tell you to "hurry up" by nipping at your leg or foot.
well that is how my second cat is. if Cursed Cat Alastor is the same way, that would be interesting to watch if it is Angel's turn to feed them.
like Angel could be getting the food ready, but Cursed Cat Alastor keeps biting at his leg which is their way of telling him to hurry up.
cats work in mysterious ways, that and they can be wild one minute and lazy the next. I hope to see Cursed Cat Alastor do the demon dance someday, cause seeing them freak someone out while being in witch's cat pose, walking slowly before going faster and maybe hopping a little, would be really funny to see and even those who are right in front of Cursed Cat Alastor and being the one that they are going towards while doing the demon dance, would be entertaining.
well I would be entertained by it, cause it is a cat and doing that freaky but adorable witch's cat pose type walk that is also called the "Demon Dance"....their first victim to freakout should be Adam, or maybe both Adam and Lute. XD
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applesandbannas747 · 11 months
does pacat rlly not care about fence anymore 😭 i feel like it’s much better than dark rise and could be better than captive prince too…it’s been a year since i last consumed anything fence-related and i really don’t understand what’s going on with the series?? but anyways i like ur fics a lot & agree with ur reviews of srb’s novels, which also could have had so much potential but ended up kind of sucking in a lot of ways.
Pacat is a mystery to me. Personally, I believe Dark Rise is his best work--it shows much better pacing than Captive Prince and gets the same impact and feel without going to such extreme and explicit horrors, which shows a lot of skill (I know CP is his most beloved series but he's improved a lot since writing it haha). What gets me is that Fence STARTED really strong and I counted it as his best work for sure. There were fun tropes and dynamics, interesting characters with a central relationship promising contention, fighting, and tension, and some fun elements in the mystery of Jesse and potential in the reveal of Nick's lineage. And you could tell there was passion in the project...but even by the later issues of the original 12-issue run, Pacat's social media reflected a large disinterest in Fence, and that disinterest has shown in the story as Fence continues to progress.
I try to logic and rationalize and analyze everything Fence related and literally every time I do I get met with 'it's not that deep' from the actual canon lmfao but I'm going to offer my rationalization anyway lmao the only reason I can think to justify Pacat's lack of interaction with Fence on Twitter besides not caring about it much is that it doesn't fit his brand. Which is only defined by two other series, but it's very much a high fantasy/historical fantasy dark romance with stomach-churning undertones and much darker themes than Fence. So I gave him that excuse for a long time. Fence doesn't fit within that brand at all, so from a marketing standpoint, it makes some amount of sense to focus more on the other franchises. However, I think this strategic thinking is giving too much credit--Fence has always had really shit marketing so either Pacat has no mind for marketing or he doesn't care to market Fence, which both get us back to the only real reason being he just doesn't care about it as much as his other things.
Do I expect Pacat to be hanging out in the Twitter FENCEtag? No. But I do think it's strange that he'll post tweets saying happy birthday to other people's books the day they come out, but literally didn't ever make a Fence Redemption announcement or say anything on the release day. The most he's done is retweet a couple things from BOOM! and 2 other outside sources. And this is regular behavior--he didn't do announcements for RIVALS or RISE either and didn't promote them at all. Yet Dark Rise gets announcements all the way along--title announcement, release date announcement, cover reveal, etc etc etc. He also posts and retweets fanart for his other 2 books really regularly, yet he didn't even retweet all of Jo's (the co-creator and illustrator of Fence) pieces for the Fence event Jo hosted in April, let alone bother with much fanart of it. There's just no reason for the vast gap in involvement and enthusiasm other than him very strongly preferring his other projects and not bothering with the effort of interacting with Fence. He'll occasionally ask culture questions (like if Americans say 'coz' for cousin or how to say something in French) but that's legitimately the best argument there is for his interest or care in the project.
And lastly, his lack of interest shows in the story. He handed his story off to someone else to write novels for and simply let her go wild without regard for how it impacted the comics or the fans. Further, Pacat lost track of his own story and characters between Volume 3 & 4 in a way that I cannot excuse as anything other than inconsistent characterization. And I know I'm biased there, but I make so many people in real life read Fence that I don't jabber at about it/pull into the fandom (so they have no knowledge of my takes), and all of them have commented on the 180 the characters made between the volumes. And, listen, if I wouldn't accept that kind of inconsistency in characterization when grading my 12-year-olds' narrative writing projects, why am I still sitting here trying to excuse the lazy/poor writing in a published and successful author? The pacing is also telling--a lot of conflict was skipped over 'off screen' between the volumes (which, say it with me folks, is lazy writing). Nick's resentment toward Seiji turned into full admiration sans any ill feelings or acknowledgment that even if he IS hot shit, he was still a major asshole in his initial conception, and Seiji apparently agreed to drop his thing about Jesse (you know, the thing that had them in a fist fight approximately 40 pages of comic before). There was no build-up to their relationship or resolution of the conflict that made it unhealthy (expect to have Nick 'admit' Seiji was right to treat him like shit...) These things push the story along a lot faster; rivals to lovers moves really fast if you skip all the tedious development of the characters getting to know, respect, tolerate, and then like each other. Pacat loves rivals/enemies to lovers and (to be blunt) mean/cold bottoms, so it is so fucking bizarre to me that he'd speedrun the relationship and change the characterization so much when it's directly moving away from his preferences (see: Captive Prince, Dark Rise). I don’t know how it happened from anything other than sheer laziness or from not caring about Fence so deeply that he let SRB overwrite the characters and romance he'd originally created.
Last, there are just SO many inconsistencies and copyedit-level mistakes. And I get it that typos happen, but it happens so much that it's like,,, are you even rereading the scripts before you throw them at your publisher? And the continuity errors are massive at this point. Seiji's year in France, which was apparently the result of his loss to Jesse, is only possible if time travel exists and also timelines exist simultaneously. How do you fuck up so big when constructing a story you care about? At least by the time it gets published, you should be sure it's READY to be published. It's like he's writing issue-by-issue as he goes with no plan and can't be bothered to skim through the previous issues to check for things.
I just can't come up with a reality where Pacat actually loves Fence when this is all the care he gives it. We are so so so lucky to have Jo--she is literally the most amazing and gives so much love and care to Fence, and it shows...I just wish Pacat's writing didn't affect her contribution to the comic too. But she at least loves Fence even if Pacat doesn't seem to tell her all that much more than he tells the rest of us LMFAO
This turned into a WHOLE messy essay, I just have a lot of thoughts and they've been brewing for years so sorry to go off on my mad ravings and thanks for tuning in XD and also!!! I'm so happy you like my fics TT.TT <33 and also that you see my point about the novels uwu
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sweatertheman · 2 months
the reason suselle fans are freaking out about the Susie Not Even Noticing Noelle Is There in the newsletter... it's because they're starved for content too!
people have likely emotionally registered the lack of content, but because noelle is enough romance for 20 people and makes any scene she's in feel romantic even when susie is just standing there, and because they like the ship and seem to put a lot of emotional stock in it happening (likely because they identify with it personally which i cannot fault anyone for, even as much as i dont like suselle) they take any scene with noelle and susie in the same room as food!
i've been so fascinated by the discrepancy between the actual newsletter, featuring noelle trying to approach susie to offer a valentines card, but susie not noticing her, and noelle running away the second susie flinches, and the fanart depicting susie nervously blushingly offering her OWN valentine, and the way people take it as food!
i was shocked earlier to see susie's cotton candy sprite from ONE OF THE MOST RALSUSIE SCENES IN THE GAME on a SUSELLE FERRIS WHEEL STIMBOARD.
it's so strange, how can these people act like their ship is a fact of life, totally inevitable, completely canon and susie is a lesbian who loves noelle, and then turn around and use sprite from other people's ship fuel for their stimboard, completely misunderstand susie as a character, and collectively fabricate a version of the newsletter where susie DID notice noelle and had the same romantic feelings as her?
and i can't think of a better reason than this, that suselle fans are just as, if not more starved for content than the rest of us, because there just really isn't a lot of good food for them. 3 unique lines of dialogue and one scene, which they have to keep talking about, keep going over again and again, using sprites from scenes where susie is having fun with ralsei in their stimboards, inventing a version of that scene in their minds where susie was having the time of her life, where the two of them held hands and it was like a scene out of a romcom, hyping up a gif from a newsletter as food which in reality depicts exactly the same non-food dynamic we see them in all the time, where noelle obsesses over susie, and susie fails to notice. this isn't normal ship behavior, is it?!
im not saying suselle definitely isn't going to happen, because it certainly kinda looks like it will, but i am saying that the continuous need to fabricate suselle material in order to maintain the hype combined with the absolute confidence people have in it confuses me, and that when i look at suselle, i see a familiar trope of a main character being obsessed over by a secondary character (i mean secondary not in the sense that noelle isn't important, but in the sense she isn't literally on the screen for 3/4 of the game, and isn't part of the main group of 3) with the main character being totally oblivious.
the need to fabricate material to maintain hype, the overconfidence in it winning the future, and the refusal to see any of the flaws, combined with the way some people harass disbelievers, accusing them of being phobic, reminds me of crypto!
the only explanation i can come up with for the discrepancy is that they are starved for a real win, and are taking anything they can find as food. why they have this crypto-like group, i can't say. i dont know why people put so much stock in this ship. if anyone who likes suselle who read this post wants to tell me why they like the ship, i very much would like to hear it!
even if i might act kind of jerkish sometimes, i really do want to have a legitimate discussion about these things.
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sapherin · 1 year
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Today marks the two year anniversary of me endlessly stanning Eusine and Morty by complete accident of me googling “Ecruteak City”. Thank you sacredshipping for being the best thing to happen to my artistic career.
⭐️🤍💛🧡❤️ 🩷 🎈💚💙💜🤎🖤⭐️
You clicked on this and now you will be subjected to my backstory and feelings with this ship. (If you asked why I like this ship elsewhere there’s barely anything new here sorry lol)
When this couple had its heyday on Bulbagarden forums ~12 years ago I absolutely did not care for them. I didn't get the appeal whatsoever, I thought they were both own'd losers who were just friends and nothing more. I did think they had some cool fanart but that was it. Silver in any iteration was my favorite Johto character at the time and I was all into Silver/Lyra or Ethan or PreciousMetalshipping, the last ship being my goto ship to make my whole personality at the time. Nothing about them really "clicked" to me until I started watching HGSS longplays for PleinAirpril references back in 2021. Somehow just the mere image of seeing them together in the Burned Tower and thinking about Eusine and Morty for more than 5 seconds was enough to make go "oh shit they're gay." And lo and behold I'm stuck here 2 years later stanning this damn ship. I mean that last sentence in the most cheeky way possible since it's obvious at this point that MinaMatsu/Sacredshipping makes me so happy and I want to draw them forever. I got to do so many fun new things with my art and meet so many kind people because of my crazy dedication to them...I owe a lot to them.
I guess what really makes MinaMatsu work for me is the fact they're essentially the same character. They both start out confident in achieving their goals, get their egos put in check by the player (Eusine just refuses to lose right away) and ultimately fail to obtain their goal. Obviously what makes them fun is their opposing personalities. Morty takes a more passive, introverted approach to meeting Ho-oh with his secret training believing he can become the person that is worthy of it. One day he'll become the strongest and coolest Ghost-type trainer to have ever live and Ho-oh will go "wow he's so cool" and swoop down from the heavens before him. Meanwhile Eusine decides he's already worthy of Suicune, will show the entirety of Johto and Kanto his fixation of it, and will chase it down and give it no choice but to chose him. No one else had his undying dedication to track down Suicune, did they? No need to train like Morty does, Eusine got all of the worthiness in the world. They have clashing personalities and yet they're still good friends which is so sweet. It's just so heartwarming to see men with similar goals and different perspectives on how to obtain that goal just get along and enjoy each other's company. Perfect harmonious duality. I'm not going to go too much into how I see others interpret them but when I see people headcanon them as rivals or them secretly not liking each other (groan) because of how they behave I'm just like...why. If you want a rival-to-lovers m/m relationship in pokemon, Reguri and Raihan x Leon is Right There. That's a whole new ship. Morty never says anything demeaning about Eusine’s endeavors or Eusine himself in his in-game calls to the player. (No, Morty saying he doesn't care for Suicune that much unlike Eusine doesn't count.) Morty literally leaves his place of work to be with Eusine in the Burned Tower. Clair has definitely yelled at him for that. That's not "he secretly hates Eusine" behavior y'all but I actually played the games so idk.
Ok ok back on topic now that I pissed off somebody out there. I just love how they're both mystical freaks. Morty having this supernatural connection to Ghost-type Pokemon and his strange abilities to foresee possible futures and communicating to ghosts just makes him an easy character for me to fall in love with. Weirdo probably hangs out more without dead people than living ones. Eusine being...Like That and his bottomless desire to research every aspect of Ecruteak City's past and be Suicune's friend is also fun to watch. Suicune please say Eusine is cool its what Granddaddy Eusine would want. Masters EX does confirm that Morty once lived in a sheltered world and didn't have many friends - must be hard when you're the freak of the week - so it's possible that Eusine is the person he's closest to. And why wouldn't he be? They both otherworldly guys that chased a lifelong dream and failed, but at the end of it all they still have each other. It's a nice touch that the HGSS credits have them walking together chasing (presumably) another Suicune...they'll probably never give up on anything as long as they have each other. Their dreams will never turn into nightmares when they're together.
Like a perfect couple they complete each other...if they melted and fused together they'll be the gayest most powerful mystical freak that both Ho-oh and Suicune would have to recognize as worthy. I don't know where that thought came from but I'm keeping it. They're puzzle pieces I guess is what I'm getting at. I could go into how cute they are in Pokespe, the gay anime episode, and how Masters EX basically confirmed Morty idolized Eusine more than anybody (I think I rather wait until Eusine get implemented before I dive into that), and how Fall Morty is the both the worst and best possible thing to ever happen to me since his design alone immortalized my MinaMatsu mania but I'm keeping this babble as short as possible and ending it here.
I just want a give a big thank you those who drew this ship for me whether it be gift art, art trades or commissions...I want to make a silly little booklet or some type of showcase page with all the art you lot have given me. I haven't set my mind on anything just yet. I cherish everything here so much.
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Counterclockwise from Top Left to Bottom Right - @/nitunio, @/ghoasttoasties, @/lalalettie on Twitter, @/plushiesnextdoor on IG, and @/northernmei on IG Uhhhh I should leave you with a little something for reading all of that junk…here’s a little preview of what I got in the works 
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Ok that’s it bye I should log out
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bone-honey · 4 months
General Headcanons
Klowns are nocturnal (except for Rudy…. He’s up all the time)
Despite being capable of mime like abilities, they’re young do not yield mimes
Like butterflies, they are born with the designs on their faces already, as genetics determine what the patterns look like, and no two look alike (something something chemicals present or whatever)
They do get to pick their clothes though
I do think they bare their teeth in a “smile” in an aggressive nature, but a smile can also just be that. A smile. It varies depending on the degree of teeth showage
Human behaviors are very similar to Klown behaviors, which we can see in several instances throughout the movie. Such as laughter when things are humorous, anger when things don’t go their way, etc etc
I do think the science/physics of their planet has to be a bit different for them to pull off such strange things on Earth, like jumping to such extreme heights and having such incredible strength, but some abilities are just magic, plain and simple
Their planet having higher gravitational pull would possibly explain their ability to jump higher and hit harder, and it could also explain how they move so quickly in those shoes as well (Not extremely quickly, but they’re definitely not tripping over themselves because they’re absolutely used to the struggles of wearing them)
Something tells me these dudes would just love the fuck out of crocs… idk man
They cannot be poisoned, so nothing is really toxic to these guys. I did see some fanart on a blog I can’t remember the name of that said they don’t like sour things and I totally agree with that
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laseratingfist · 4 days
You asked me about RenPo, so now...
What about Sampo x Luka?? <3
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literally every day I am thinking about them even if I'm just microwaving them with my mind
i can make it so fucked up — not so much anymore, due to the amount of staring at Sampo I've done, but um. "Gibson Girl" by Ethel Cain is still the first song on my Luka playlist for a reason AAHAHA
they're fucking the same guy — GEPARD.
basically canon to me — definitely the shipping brain + almost zero canon Luka appearances but honestly. honestly! their voicelines about each other?? WHAT HAPPENED THERE and is Luka being silly! is he being serious? does he actually like Sampo? is this a bit they're doing?? I need more. I NEED to see them together so badly
i can make it so stupid — consider, for a moment, Luka being an honorary member of the Moles. consider, additionally, that Hook is apparently good friends with Sampo! consider them hanging out with the Moles, and the Moles figuring something strange is going there between both big brothers.... hmm.... they sort of like each other a lot.... and yet when confronted about it they deny everything!! >:O
they make me feel insane — I think I've written about 26k words of fic about them so far. I've been drawing fanart for them since I rolled Luka back in october last year. when I first heard Hozier's song "Too Sweet" my immediate thought was SAMPOLUKA! THIS IS A SONG FROM SAMPO'S POV ABOUT LUKA
brb gotta go through their whole ship tag — I.... I am most of the tag right now....
i like it in specific scenarios — I do really prefer my dynamic for them above other people's but I have read pretty much every fic in their ao3 tag and most of the ones where they're both tagged and show up and I love each and every one of them
oh there's no way this will end well + in a relationship not sure what but they're in one — I think Sampo is an extremely closed off person, emotionally. both him and Luka are like this. Luka has an easier time opening up to him, of course, once they get to the point of being intimate, physically and emotionally. I don't think Sampo would ask for anything concrete from Luka, they'd probably just be ~good friends~ for a while. but Luka is very much a puppy, a dog, very loyal to those he considers his friends and family. once he considers Sampo as that, there's very little Sampo can do to shatter that loyalty. even if Sampo ghosts him for a while, he'll still wait for him to come back. dog at a train station behavior.
they're sweet — so, Luka has spent pretty much his entire life in the Underworld, right? he was born before the separation order (because it lasted ten years) but before that, he lived with his dad at a blacksmith's forge, so they probably didn't have a lot of time to visit the Overworld, and if they did, Luka probably doesn't remember a lot of it from how little he was. please please please imagine Sampo taking Luka on a tour of the Overworld, treating him to food, and the opera house, and just. Luka seeing the sky and being allowed to just take it in. Sampo buying him flowers. please
oh the devotion — dog at a train station behavior.
thematically delicious — scammer x scammee. performer x audience. two protectors of Belobog (Sampo is a protector fight me on this) finding a bit of comfort in each other.
compatible brand of freaks — so we've talked about how Luka is very much a dog, right? Sampo being a ringleader, a stagehand pulling strings behind the curtain. they're both performers, and honestly, if Luka were a bit more unstable, I could see him being a Masked Fool. I have an AU in my head where Luka goes with Sampo instead of Oleg, like, in a Funny Bone MV type AU, and Sampo introduces him to the Tavern. Luka finds purpose entertaining and bringing hope to people through there, even though as he gets dragged further in, the worse Sampo feels about it.... but yeah :]
not dating but married nonetheless — sobbing just thinking about it, yknow
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wgc-productions · 10 months
The Magnus Archives 1 Angler Fish Liveblog
I have two deep confessions to lay bare here, on this public Tumblr.
1. I didn't like Waiting To Exhale and I think it is a bad movie.
2. I have never listened to The Magnus Archives which is a cardinal sin for me as a person who makes audio dramas. I plan to rectify this here and now! I want to listen to a lot more the seminal audiodramas so I can be a better student of my craft, and by blogging it I'm likely to get other people's input and thoughts which is also super helpful to me as an artist. So, see? Win win.
You can read my liveblogging thoughts below the cut.
00:00- I think the same thing when I listen to WTNV (which is like One Piece in my opinion) but it's also so, not necessarily strange, but particular when shows that you know didn't have ads initially have ads now. It's sort of like being a post-witness to growth. It'd be like finding Egyptian influence on Kush Artifacts. You just know that it looked different and that there had to be such a seismic shift to get to the change you know must have happened, because it doesn't make sense for it to have started in the state that you are currently experiencing.
04:10- Oh! It's one of the "we have a reason we're recording" shows! Those are fun.
04:39- It's nice to have a voice to go with all the Johnathan Sims fanart I've seen.
05:15- I will say when I was living out in LA for a couple of months in college, I did try listening to TMA but I didn't get into it. So, I do vaguely remember this 1st episode plot though that was about 5 years ago (which is crazy to think! Darn you COVID!)
06:40- Well God forbid Martin has some struggles. Please Johnathan where's your compassion?
09:16- I'm glad he knows I am but an American who knows nothing of Edinburgh.
12:18 Johnathan please. You can't just stare at people on the street. What happened to manners.
13:05- Give the man a bum, John. It's the sporting thing to do! Who cares if he's a little different. We all have our addictions.
14:59 Wait! John is reading a case this isn't his behavior. Oh, for shame. I have been slandering his good name. Sorry, Johnathan.
17:20- I'll be honest if I saw some truly bizarre phenomena that just screamed unexplained horror I would not investigate. There is already too much truly horrifying phenom that's hard to explain. I don't need to pursue the horrors. I'm a Black American, the horrors pursue me.
18:58 It's a shame audio dramas typically don't have characters with thick accented brogues. Could you imagine someone with a thick backwoods Irish or Scottish accent doing this. Think of the texture it would ad.
19:00- I know that all of these stories eventually connect so I'm excited to see how they all blend into a cohesive plot.
That's that on that. I'll keep doing these because I want to and I also think it'll be fun to, once I finish TMA, be able to go back and read through and relive the experience.
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