#sure its just twice but considering i can count most of our specific body part phantom shifts on my fingers this is quite a big deal
elamarth-calmagol · 3 years
What actually is LACE? (an informal essay)
What’s LACE?
Laws and Customs among the Eldar, or LACE, is the most popular section of the History of Middle Earth books.  It's available online as a PDF here: http://faculty.smu.edu/bwheeler/tolkien/online_reader/T-LawsandCustoms.pdf .  There’s a lot of LACE analysis in the fandom, Silmarillion smut fics are usually labeled “LACE compliant” or “not LACE compliant”, and I’ve been seeing the document itself show up in actual fics, meaning that the characters themselves are discussing it.
LACE is an unfinished, non-canonical essay split into several parts.  It covers the sexuality of elves, which is mostly what people talk about.  It also covers elvish naming (which I want to make a whole different post about), the speed at which elves grow up, changes that happen throughout their lives, their death and rebirth, and finally the legal and moral issues of Finwe remarrying after Miriel’s death.  The discussion about rebirth conflicts with Tolkien’s later writings about Glorfindel’s re-embodiment, but to the best of my knowledge, LACE is the best or only source for most of the topics it covers.
However, LACE is not canon since it doesn’t show up in the Silmarillion.  Counting all of the History of Middle Earth as canon is literally impossible, considering Tolkien contradicts himself all over the place.  It is only useful because it has so much information that is never discussed in the actual canon.  Many people consider it canon out of convenience.
Another important thing to remember is that, other than presumably the discussion of the growth of elvish children, the information is only supposed to apply to the Eldar (meaning the Vanyar, Noldor, Teleri, and Sindar) and not the dark-elves such as the Silvan elves and Avari.
The rest is behind the cut to avoid clogging your feeds.
Problems with LACE interpretations
But because it’s hidden in the History of Middle Earth (volume 10, Morgoth’s Ring), barely anyone actually gets the opportunity to read it.  I don’t think most people are aware that you can get it online, so it doesn't get read much.
I feel like this leads to a handful of people saying something about LACE and everyone else going along with it.  I definitely did this.  I was amazed by all the things that were in the actual essay that nobody had ever told me about, or had told me incorrectly.  For example, most people seem to believe that elves become married at the completion of sexual intercourse (whatever that means to the fic author).  In fact, LACE explicitly says that elves must take an oath using the name of Eru in order to be legally married.  Specifically: 
It was the act of bodily union that achieved marriage, and after which the indissoluble bond was complete… [I]t was at all times lawful for any of the Eldar, being both unwed, to marry thus of free consent one to another without ceremony or witness (save blessings exchanged and the naming of the Name); and the union so joined was alike indissoluble.
I’ve seen a marriage oath being included in a few stories recently, but most writers leave out the oath entirely and just have sex be automatically equivalent to marriage.  What would happen if elves had sex without swearing an oath?  I don’t know, but I’d love to see it explored.
Then there’s a footnote that might explicitly deny the existence of transgender elves... or not, but I’ve literally only seen it mentioned once or twice.  Overall, I feel like all of LACE is filtered through the handful of people who read it, and we’re missing out on a lot of metanalysis and interpretations that we could have because most fans never see the actual document.
Who wrote LACE?
I mean within the mythology of Middle Earth, of course.  Since LACE appears in the History of Middle Earth and not the Silmarillion, we can be pretty sure that J.R.R. Tolkien himself wrote it and it wasn’t added to by Christopher Tolkien.  But that’s not the question here.  Remember that Tolkien’s frame narrative for all of his Middle Earth work is that he is a scholar of ancient times and is translating documents from Westron and Sindarin for modern audiences to read and understand.  The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings come from the Red Book of Westmarch, and I believe The Silmarillion is meant to be Tolkien’s own writings based on his research (though it might also be an adaption of Bilbo’s “Translations from the Elvish”, but I haven't looked into that).  So what does LACE come from?
Christopher Tolkien admits in his notes that he doesn’t know.  He says, “It is clear in any case that this is presented as the work, not of one of the Eldar, but of a Man,” and I agree, because of the way it seems to be written as an ethnographic study rather than by someone who lives in the culture.  Honestly, it talks too much about how elves are seen by Men (e.g. speculating that elf-children might look like the children of Men) to be written by an elf.  This changes once it gets to the Doom of Finwe and Miriel, but that could be, and probably is, a story told to the writer by an elf who was there at the time.
Tolkien actually references Aelfwine in the second version of the text.  The original story behind The Lost Tales, which was the abandoned first version of the Silmarillion, was that a man from the Viking period named Aelfwine/Eriol stumbled onto the Straight Road and found himself on Tol Eressea.  He spoke to the elves and brought back their stories to England with him.  So it makes a lot of sense that Aelfwine would also write about the lives and customs of the elves for an audience of his own people.
Does LACE exist in Middle Earth?
I keep finding fics where first age elves discuss “the Laws and Customs” openly, as if it’s a text in their own world.  I usually get the impression that it was brought by the Noldor from Valinor.  But did the document actually exist in that time period?  For me, the answer is definitely not.
First of all, LACE was probably written by a Man, meaning it could not have dated back to Valinor in the years of the Trees, because Men hadn’t awaked yet.  In fact, the closest thing to an established frame narrative for it is that it was written by Aelfwine, who comes from the time period around 1000 CE (though Tolkien doesn’t seem to have pinned him down).  This is at least the fifth age, if not later.
But what if you don’t believe that it was written by a Man?  It still couldn’t have been written in the First Age, because it discusses the way the relationship between elves’ bodies and souls changes as ages go by.  For example:
As ages passed the dominance of their fear ever increased, ‘consuming’ their bodies... The end of this process is their ‘fading’, as Men have called it.
A lot of time has to go by in order for elves to get to the point of fading.  As a bonus, here’s another reference to the perspective of Men. LACE also discusses the dangers that “houseless feas”, which are souls of elves who do not go to Mandos after their bodies died, pose to Men.  How would they have known about that in the First Age?  It further says that “more than one rebirth is seldom recorded” (which isn’t contradicted anywhere I know of), and that’s not something you would know during your life of joy in Valinor, where almost nobody dies.  That’s something you learn after millennia of war.  This has to be a document written well after the Silmarillion ends.
So what about the sex part?  That’s all we care about, right?  Well, it is entirely possible that this was written down by the elves and Aelfwine translated it (though my impression is that he mostly recorded stories told orally to him and that elves were not very much into writing, at least in Valinor where you could get stories directly from someone who experienced them).  However, why would the elves write this down?  They know how quickly their children grow up.  They’ve seen actual marriages.  They don’t need that described to them.  And if they did have a specific document or story explaining the expectations of them when it comes to sex and marriage, why would they call it “Laws and Customs”?  That’s a very strange name for a set of rules for conduct.  I’m sure they had a list of laws written out somewhere in great detail, like our own state or national laws (that seems very in character for the Noldor, at least).  But I seriously doubt that those laws are what we’ve been given to read. LACE is not an elvish or Valinoran document.
Is LACE prescriptive or descriptive?
Here’s the other big question I’m interested in.  Prescriptive means that the document describes the way people should behave.  Descriptive means that it describes how people do behave.  And the more I worldbuild for Middle Earth and the culture of elves, the more I want to say that LACE is prescriptive in its discussion of sex, marriage, and gender roles.
But wait.  I’ve been saying for paragraphs that I think LACE is Aelfwine or another Man’s ethnographic study of elvish culture.  Then it has to be descriptive, right?
Does it?  How long do we think Aelfwine stayed with the elves?  Did he wait fifty years to see a child grow up?  Did he get to witness a wedding ceremony?  Did he meet houseless fea?  I don’t think he could have done all of that.  Maybe a different Man who spent his entire life with the elves could, but then when was this written?  When the elves were still marrying and having children in Middle Earth or when so much time had gone by that they had begun to fade already?
Whoever wrote this was told a lot of information by elves instead of experiencing it firsthand, the same way he heard the stories from the First Age from the elves instead of being there.  Maybe it was one elf who talked to him, maybe several different ones.  But did those elves accurately describe their society the way it was, give him the easiest description, or explain the way it was supposed to be?  If I was describing modern-day America, would I discuss premarital sex or just our dating and marriage customs?  Maybe people would come away from a talk with me thinking that moving in together equated to marriage for Americans in the early 21st century.  And I don’t even have an agenda to show America in a certain way, I'm just bad at explaining.  Did the elves talking to what may have been the first Man they had seen in millennia have an agenda in the way they presented themselves?
Or did the writer himself have an agenda?  Imagine going to see these beautiful, mythical, perfect beings, and you find out that they behave in the same immoral ways Men do.  Do you want to share the truth back home?  Or do you leave out things that don't match your worldview? Did Aelfwine come back wanting to tell people what elves were really like?  Or did he want to say “this is how you can be holy and perfect like an elf”?
Anyone studying the Age of Exploration will tell you that Europeans neber wrote about new cultures objectively, and often things were made up to fit the writer’s idea of what savages looked like. For example, my Native American history teacher in college told a story of how explorers described one tribe who (sensibly) didn't wear clothes as cannibals, because cannibalism and going around naked went together in their minds and not because of any actual incident.  Unbiased scholarship barely existed yet. Even Tolkien was extremely biased and tended to be imperialistic, as we all know.  There’s absolutely no reason to think that Aelfwine wasn’t biased in his own way.  (Of course, now we have to consider what biases a Danish or English man from the centuries around 1000 would have when it comes to things like gender roles. I assume he would have been more into divorce and female warriors than the elves are said to be.)
But is that what Tolkien intended? Probably not. He probably wanted LACE to be descriptive. But he also never got much of a chance to analyse the essay after the fact, which might have led to him discussing its accuracy and even the exact issues I just pointed out about explorers. Anyway, we know he's biased, and honestly, what he intended has never slowed down the fandom before.
In short, I take LACE to be a prescriptive document describing the way elvish culture is supposed to be, not a blueprint I have to stick to in order to correctly portray elves.  I also don’t believe the document that’s available for us to read existed even in the early Fourth Age, where The Lord of the Rings leaves off.  There maybe have been some document outlining the moral behavior of elves, as a set of laws, but thats not the Laws and Customs we have.
Of course, canon is up to you to interpret.  If you want Feanor discussing LACE with someone back in Valinor, go ahead.  If you want to throw out LACE entirely, go ahead.  It’s not even a canonical essay.  All of this analysis is honestly useless when you consider the fact that no part of LACE exists in any canonical book.
But that’s Tolkien analysis for you.
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mycptsdrecovery · 3 years
TW for abuse, mental health crisis, unreality, mental hospital mention
hi im a 19 year old and still living with my parents. ive been trying to move out since august and i planned to move out by december. in late december i was not having much luck with housing and i started having memories of not so great things my parents did to me throughout the years play in my head. i rly have no idea how to explain this confusing clusterfuck of a situation in just a tumblr ask but basically i want to know if the things my parents did count as sexual abuse.
from a young age my parents didnt respect my boundaries. my parents often touched my butt (it sounds so stupid calling it that idk what else to put) in seemingly nonsexual or accidental ways, but they didnt stop as i grew older. i remember the first time that i realised i was being sexually abused (thats how i thought about it at the time, idk). i dont remember what my dad did specifically but i was 8 years old-ish, i started puberty around then because my body hates me. it was probably to do with my butt/waist/ things and my dad touching them. we were about to go in a shuttle to the airport, it was like 2am. i remember i stayed silent through whatever happened but at some point during or after i remember bursting into tears and like... thinking to myself that my dad is sexually abusing me (i dont remember where i learnt what that is) and my dad asking me what was wrong but i refused to talk because i was scared. moments like these where my dad touched me in a way that didnt feel normal and i burst into tears happened multiple times. ive felt very uncomfortable around my dad for most of my life at this point. hes the kind of dad who doesnt talk about anything hes thinking or feeling, doesnt talk much at all or have many friends. we have rarely had conversations past surface level talk thats appropriate for strangers or acquaintances so i have never known whats in his head and whenever ive tried to get him to talk with me about something serious he shuts down and leaves. hes very neglectful emotionally, though he used to sometimes fulfil his emotional duties as a parent when i was a very young child according to my mum but he stopped at some point. for a really long time ive been afraid that my dad was sexualising me in his head or sexually attracted to me. ive grown up having nightmares about my parents raping me.
here are some of the things i remember my parents doing. some memories are not easily accessable and some have not been processed as an adult.
-both my parent regularly touched my butt in a variety of contexts. i never confronted my dad about it because i knew he wouldnt answer me. i have learned to only hug my parents in a specific way so that my arm is always under their arms so i can stop them from putting their hands too low.
-my dad used to put his hand on my waist and hips/lower back. he was basically doing the kind of casual touch that you would do with someone ur in a sexual relationship with. he doesnt anymore because i have stopped allowing him to spend much time with me.
-my parents, mostly my mum have touched my breasts very lightly and casually. it could be seen as accidental but my mum has never responded to my frequent requests to stop touching me like this.
-my mum showed me her vagina once as... sex ed? i have no idea if this is normal which is kinda how i feel about most of the ?sexually? themed things my parents have done.
-my mum has always commented on my body in ways that made me very uncomfortable, such as often commenting on how i would be sexually harassed because of the outfit im wearing, even the necklace im wearing.
-my mum gave me several moderately detailed accounts of sexual assaults that hve happened to her, like for instance when i was around 6-9? she used a story of a sexual assault that happened to her while in a pool to say that i be afraid in public pools. the amount of detail was very unnecessary.
-one time my mum was telling me about how boys pinch girls buttcheeks to tell them they think theyre 'sexy'. then she pinched my buttcheeks a bunch of times even though i didnt want her to. im sure she did this many times and i was literally like 5 years old or something.
-my mum talked to my sister while i was in earshot about... how she would be ok with it if i married my 1st cousin? and she named him specifically. it made me feel rly weird around him.
-again my dad has always just given me huge predator vibes and ive always been super afraid of him.
this list is definitely incomplete but i dont remember anything penetrative or to do with anyone touching my genitals.
i tried to tell someone about the "sexual abuse" twice when i was 13, both during mental ward stays about 9 or 10 months apart. the first time is completely blacked out from my memory and the second one... they told the police. my dad was questioned and nothing happened because i never wanted anyone except the nurse who i told to know and refused to tell anyone any details. i just wanted to get a weight off my shoulders. instead i got a 3 or so year long period of my mum emotionally abusing me to a degree she never had. i was almost completely convinced that i had never been sexually abused. i still dont know if its true or not. the specific term my mum used was that i "mis-interpreted" my parents actions as sexual abuse. i didnt push back, i was too terrified of her and i just dissociated to cope with those years. i was very very isolated from anyone except my mum. i wanted desperately to be a young child again and felt like one most of the time. before 6 years old was the only period where i felt like my parents actually liked me.
when i was around 15 i started sexually getting involved with older men online. i wasnt attracted to them, i didntdesire them, i just was so traumatised from... whatevrr u want to call the way my parents treated me but i didnt feel that i had the right to be. i felt like i needed to get some "real" trauma and i dont want to say what i did but im lucky that none of these men ended up meeting up with me irl at least. the fucked up thing is that though it did traumatise me, i kind of felt better because i wanted something i could feel justified in being upset about.
now im 19 and my brain is hitting me with all these memories. i havent felt safe with my parents for most of my life. theyre neglectful and emotionally abusive towards me. they abused all my other siblings physically quite a lot and two of them have moved to different countries so that they can not live in the same place they grew up in. 2 out of 3 of my siblings have completely cut ties with my parents for years now. when i was 11 i recoeved an email from my brother telling me about our parents not being safe people.
ive started to consider the possibility of the constant violation of my boundaries counting as sexual abuse. i have a lot of sexual trauma symptoms and i have for a very long time. i grew up afraid that my dad was going to rape me. i think i was abused by my mum into associating holding my parents accountable with the punishment she put me through after she found out i reported them. i just want to know if im allowed to be upset about this. im terrified that this is normal, because if its normal that means i was a gross freak as a kid who just "mis-interpreted" these actions to be sexual abuse. i need to make sense of my reality somehow. im so confused.
you absolutely have the right to be upset by this. what they did to you was not okay. an adult touching a child intentionally in inappropriate areas is molestation, even if they played it off as not a big deal. many of the things you mentioned also sound like grooming which is often a part of childhood sexual abuse. i’m so sorry these things happened to you. i hope you are safe and can find a way to not be around your parents.
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 3 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 66 – A Solution, a Dilemma, and an Ordeal
“Just as I’d thought.” 
Upon Frankenstein’s murmur, Takio and M-21 stuck out their faces from behind him towards the papers he was holding. 
Alas, they gave up straight away as their eyes locked upon the numbers, graphs, and charts incomprehensible for their level of knowledge.
Tao, the only person they could count on to translate them into human language(?) was busy fidgeting with the machine that just printed out the papers. 
Which is why they had to wait for Frankenstein to explain. 
And they showed the generosity of waiting until Tao could bring Yuigi from the machine. 
When the subject of the tests finally arrived, Frankenstein nonchalantly raised his glasses and began his lecture. 
“Simply put, I need to take a look at your head.” 
Yuigi retorted in fluster, with Takio and M-21’s bafflement resonating in the background. 
Tao’s mouth was hanging open as well, his eyes very close to popping like a pair of balloons. 
“That was meant to be literal. There’s something in your head.” 
“...So Yuri that bastard did something under Crombel’s order, when I was imprisoned at his temporary lab.” 
Yuigi scowled as hard as she could and moved her hand to her temple.
She could not remember what happened back then, her memories blurry due to pain. 
She tried scrutinizing what was left of the pieces of her memories, but she could not find any scene holding Yuri doing something to her head.
Assuming it happened when she finally succumbed to pain, Yuigi focused her gaze upon Frankenstein, demanding more details.
Flapping the papers, Frankenstein landed upon the page about in the middle and turned it around for his small audience, displaying CT and MRI pictures of Yuigi’s head. 
The pictures were not so big, but the four of them could see very clearly something was there, their vision much more superior to normal human vision. 
They could see an array of spots, each of them much more miniscule than grains of sugar, scattered in the area where her frontal lobe would be. 
“I don’t need to tell you what I want you to look at, do I?” 
“No. But what’s this? Did something get into Miss Yuigi’s head?”
“Yup. I recalibrated that machine according to my manual, and I believe Crombel planted nanochips in your head, Yuigi.” 
“Nanochips...? Are you saying all those spots are...” 
Yuigi’s body heaved, as if she were just notified that the dinner she had yesterday was infested with cockroach eggs. 
“When I...” 
Frankenstein’s lips were shut in the course of his reply. 
The pull between his lips were so natural, like the sort that would exist only between two poles of a magnet. 
Which is why no one noticed that it was not his intention to halt in the middle. 
Calming himself by fingering his glasses, Frankenstein restarted himself as smoothly as he could. 
“When I left this place, I could get my hands on several files and data on the Union. Some of them were about Union arts and crafts we weren’t aware of, including this technique that employs nanochips. Since Union's main focus was on the mastery of body modification, nanochips were not exactly the favorite from Union’s shelf of goods. But I wouldn’t say they completely disregarded this technology, since it’s on the list of items that none other than Ignes took her time and effort and resources to study.” 
“So are you saying the nanochips in my head are Ignes’s creation?”
“Either Crombel snuck away her recipe to dissect and put it back up in a fashion he prefers. Or she stole some of the ingredients he was handling.” 
“So what exactly does this thing do?” 
“Consider it a remote control to make a marionette out of its host. One of the features of this nanochip happens to be automatically appropriating the host’s control over its body when the host finds itself in mortal danger, so to make sure the host will stay alive as long as its puppeteer wants.” 
The four humans gaped at him, confusion clear on their faces, and Frankenstein continued on, probably having foreseen this. 
“Remember what happened when I had a rematch with the 1st Elder right before our final showdown against Crombel? Back then he was under Crombel’s control. He served as Crombel’s battle figure, his mind in one piece, with only minimum amount of life force left in him.” 
“...With his willpower trapped within, watching and hearing and experiencing how his body is not his...?”
Yuigi muttered, the only one who did not take part in the aforementioned battle, apart from Tao, who had had wire updates on the situation. 
The three members of the RK knew why she looked so stunned when she had nothing to do with this occasion. 
“So... You’re saying the nanochips that Yuri injected into Miss Yuigi are...” 
“They were probably the prototype of the technology Crombel used upon the 1st Elder. You said when you were fighting with that Kornel guy, you couldn’t even speak before you had an outbreak of emotions and broke free from the unwelcome disconnection of your mind from body, right? Unlike you, at least 1st Elder could offer some words to me back then.” 
“Wait a minute. The gas we fired was based on a sample of Yuigi’s DNA.” 
“So maybe all the people who went through body modification are plagued with...” 
“Oh, don’t worry. The results show that the mechanism of body appropriation derives solely from these nanochips. And as you can see, these nanochips were inserted only in specific parts of her brain. So the victims won’t turn back to pseudo-zombies.” 
“So once these nanochips are gone...” 
“You can return to who you are. I’ll soon come up with a treatment, so I’d appreciate it if you could take your time and wait.” 
Yuigi nodded in affirmation, but in reality Frankenstein knew there was no need for a treatment. 
The only thing Frankenstein had to do was to draw out just enough power he needs to destroy the nanochips within all at once. 
However, he had to coin a specific treatment for the sake of another soul who was unofficially booked for a doctor’s appointment with him. 
Another reason why Frankenstein scurried from Lukedonia upon hearing Yuigi’s symptoms from Tao. 
And something that had been poking needles into his sanity way before the QuadraNet project joined to add trouble to his side. 
‘Lord Muzaka said that during the nuclear missile incidence, his body scrammed from the site on its own. Which would most certainly mean his body saved itself from mortal danger. I bet I can find the exact same nanochips in his head as well.’ 
If he were to be honest with himself, Frankenstein was dying to use this opportunity to his benefit, to broider the front and back of the werewolf lord’s head with big, fat, angry marks from his grasp. 
‘But I have no reason to turn the entire wolfkind into my enemy, after everything that has happened. Not to mention Lunark won’t be happy if she later finds out what...’ 
At then his hand froze in the middle of its frenzied waltz across Yuigi’s test results. 
It was neither in his intention nor in his cognition, yet his thoughts darted themselves right back to Lunark before he could stop them.
In fact, he was stunned for a moment back when he mentioned Ignes’s studies, for he was reminded of the werewolf warrior who visited his island to hand the files of the noble whom he destroyed himself. 
Now that his mind summoned Lunark twice, everything he regarded he had left behind in Lukedonia – his thoughts about her, his deliberation on her, and his feelings for her – cascaded right into his heart to cause furious ripples.
He came back to Korea to seek time to himself, but seemingly fate did not want him to waste his time taking refuge. 
Towards the room that the RK and Yuigi emptied, the sound of footsteps that Frankenstein would always notice regardless of time and place drew near. 
Which was a sign that he could hide no longer. 
Raizel’s face was blank despite Frankenstein’s greeting, a natural response from a non-talkative noble. 
Which was why Frankenstein momentarily lost his control over his facial profile when Raizel dispensed a verbal reply to his greeting. 
“Still afraid, are you?” 
Raizel’s words drew Frankenstein’s ears right back to Earth, the blonde man mincing his lips. 
“Frankenstein. You treasure her.” 
Raizel usually leaves others untouched in terms of their emotional states, in respect of their respective owners. 
Yet here he was, volunteering to unwrap the subject as soon as he made his arrival, especially at a time like this, which gave Frankenstein good idea of how much he had been in anguish. 
And now that the topic was out in the open with Raizel’s courtesy, Frankenstein knew somehow sneaking past this topic is not an option for him. 
Considering where he was standing at this point, he knew he should at least touch on – no, definitely put an end to this dilemma. 
“I believe you already know she treasures you just as same. You would know the colors of symphony in your hearts have been identical for a long time.” 
Frankenstein’s lips were unmoving, his tongue dormant. 
“Know I well what you dread. You must have dreaded harming Lunark even little under the influence of the Dark Spear, as Lascrea attested. Remember I of how the Dark Spear absorbed Crombel and the shards of Blood Stone to attain greatest power in its history. And with Lunark recovering from the harm caused by the Dark Spear, I can feel how haunting the guilt of your heart is.” 
“...Then you would know. You would know that is exactly why I don’t deserve to...” 
“Do you still believe you will be a harm to her?” 
As mellifluous as crimson silk was Raizel’s voice, but Frankenstein had centuries of experience with his master to pick up how his tone steeled by the smallest of the shade. 
Which is why he unconsciously began retracing the facts instead of losing his words. 
“...No. I can no longer detect Crombel or Blood Stone within the Dark Spear.” 
Frankenstein was telling the truth. 
Although he had no chance to look back on exactly what Lunark did to him, too occupied with agony while standing guard by her bed, he could feel how the Dark Spear returned to how it used to be before it absorbed Crombel and the Blood Stone. 
“Then no more is the reason for you to hesitate, is there?” 
Frankenstein was dumbstruck, the answer so very simple and clear. 
The reason why he had been staying away from those dear to him, Lunark included, was because he feared he will lose his battle of dominance against the Dark Spear and manifest as a weapon threatening them. 
His fear grew even more humongous ever since the nightmare of effigies the Dark Spear staged for him. 
But now that the Dark Spear can no longer be a nightmare for him, there was no reason for him to keep himself isolated any longer.
“What is the bidding of your heart? The choice is most definitely yours, but I have had my lessons from 820 years of sleep. Only logical for us it is to live our lives to fullest, with no regrets, during the time that is given to us. We must listen to our hearts for what they wish. We must follow the choices our hearts seek.” 
Raizel gazed at his most trusted follower, unmoving and silent. 
“I have already told you. The last thing you can save at the moment is time. So do not save your time. Use it well to look into your heart in wholesome.” 
“...Yes, sir. I shall do that.” 
Raizel, as always, did not linger after delivering all of his messages. 
Frankenstein stayed muted in solitude until he got moving; it was time to take a look at another patient he was tasked with, and Tao joined him in the middle, rather faster than what either of them expected. 
“Right now, we are the only ones tending to Mr. Jang. Now everyone at KSA knows about his betrayal, so nobody’s visiting him. Well, Sir Rael was the only one apart from us that...” 
Thanks to Tao, Frankenstein was reminded of the lesser son of the only one he could ever dub as his true friend for his life. 
Rael already left prior to his return to Korea, and being the heir of Kertias, the fastest of nobles, by now he would be officiating his homecoming in the Lord’s Hall. 
And Frankenstein heard from his team about the skirmish Rael had with none other than his own kind – with none other than a head of a noble clan. 
Tao was about to voice his concern for Rael while he was at it, but then he suddenly heard Frankenstein puffing out a ball of air. 
Did he just laugh when we’re discussing Sir Rael here?
Tao’s eyes bulged out, but Frankenstein did not let him stare at him, wiping off his face of his laughter and concern. 
‘What am I worried about? I should worry about myself. As of now, that boy will have no trouble at all.’ 
After a brief self-reprimand, Frankenstein began to strut ahead, with Tao tagging along and complaining at him to wait up. 
(next chapter)
Previously Raizel asked Lunark to take good care of Frankenstein. Now he’s telling Frankenstein to follow his heart. I didn’t plan or see this coming, but I made Raizel a matchmaker in my fic. XD As you would’ve noticed, next chapter will be featuring on Rael, through a scene that I had been dying to compose since the brainstorming stage for this fic. Stay tuned and find out how my boy is going through another growth in his career as a head of his clan!
(Edited) I just realized I posted this chapter instead of saving it as a draft - my mistake, and I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again! My apology for whoever that got confused with the early upload!
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dabistits · 4 years
To talk about Twice and villainy is to talk about class and criminality (III)
Class in BNHA
Returning to my earlier point that BNHA should be read alongside the social concerns of real-world Japan, I want to note that these events almost surely affected and remained within Horikoshi’s awareness. Horikoshi was born in 1986, and thus lived through the economic downturns of the 90′s and 2000′s as a child and young adult. In 2010 when Sugimoto’s article was published—not in the least the first of its kind—Horikoshi was 24 years-old, more than old enough to remember the public discourses about Japan’s kakusa shakai. In 2008, only two years earlier, an award-winning film dealing with the financial struggles of a Tokyo family, Tokyo Sonata, was released, and 2012 saw an infamous starvation case involving a family that made international headlines. In 2014, BNHA began serialization. Without speculating on the political leanings of the author himself, it seems remiss not to posit the likelihood that these events and the atmosphere they engendered can be connected to Horikoshi’s writing and the kind of story he intends to tell. While BNHA isn’t what I’d necessarily call class-conscious, the ways it delves into class is noticeable even outside of Jin’s backstory and are worth a discussion.
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If not exactly class-conscious, there nevertheless seems to be an awareness of class in BNHA. Not even our heroes are able to fully escape it, and in 1-A, there are small distinctions drawn between the experiences of more wealthy students and ones that are less well-off. For example, Yaoyorozu Momo wows classmates with her stately house, brings expensive furniture into the dorms, and exhibits naïve joy at shopping at an outlet store; Todoroki Shouto’s family home was shown to be a large, traditional residence, and a secondary house has since been built on the income of his formerly abusive, currently estranged father. Both students come from established hero families, and both were admitted to U.A. based on recommendation. On the other hand, Uraraka Ochako comes from a working-class family, and explains that a big part of her decision to become a hero is to support her parents’ business. She’s also been shown to be amazed at U.A.’s dorm facilities, and has frequent jokes made about her thriftiness in bonus material. When it comes to villains, these issues manifest with much more distinctiveness. Aside from Jin, a couple members of the Shie Hassaikai also bring up issues of class and exploitation when they explain their decision to join Overhaul: one was indebted, and the other had his Quirk exploited by an unethical boss. When Overhaul found them, they were “rotting away on the streets.”
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On another level, BNHA is certainly hierarchy-conscious. As I’ve brought up before, many of the antagonist groups we see are strictly hierarchal, and more importantly, the lower-ranking members are often commanded to live and die according to their leader’s desires. From the members of the Shie Hassaikai to the Meta Liberation Army, we continuously see them lending their bodies and Quirks to the causes of their superiors, only to be discarded at the most opportune moments: Overhaul directly uses one of his followers as a meat shield, and the Meta Liberation Army decides to put their members in the path of danger, just to steal some glory from the LOV. Geten, from the MLA, has no qualms about enacting such wide-scale destruction that the members of his own organization get caught in the crossfire.
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It seems relevant to mention that Yotsubashi Rikiya “Redestro,” the wealthy CEO of Detnerat and successor to the revolutionary Destro, makes his official appearance in the series through an advertisement, a medium tied to the capitalist drive for production and consumerism. Advertisements can also be understood as a medium for misrepresentation, an idealized image created to maximize sales, and sure enough, Redestro’s friendly façade gives way when he kills his assistant, Miyashita, for a mildly disparaging comment about Destro’s ideals. Before the murder, Redestro asks Miyashita whether he has a family or a significant other, making sure that his absence will not be missed, but the pointed question also seems to work as a stand-in for the invisibility of those who “serve” the rich, who can be discarded without hardly a blink of an eye. Miyashita, despite his proximity to wealth and to the wealthy, despite being on all counts a hardworking, model employee, remains expendable in the eyes of his boss. Furthermore, this act of violence occurs not in the supposedly crime-ridden streets—it happens in a swanky office building, where both killer and victim are supposedly working in civilian capacities. It suggests that hierarchies are not something that only belong in the villain world, but that these cycles of exploitation and expendability proliferate throughout society down to our offices and homes.
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Quirks as determiners of worth.
In fact, home is where we bear witness to one of the greatest feats of exploitation: in the marriage between Rei and her abuser. Of course, the greatest foundation in this dynamic is patriarchy, wherein the woman is treated like the property of her husband, but there’s a subtle twist in this arrangement thanks to the introduction of Quirks. Rei’s marriage was not simply considered an “arranged marriage,” but specifically a “Quirk marriage” meant to strengthen the Quirks of the following generation by choosing a suitable partner. The Quirk marriage between Rei and her abuser was facilitated by his wealth and fame—acquired through his work in the line of pro heroes—therefore placing a price tag on her Quirk and on her person. I consider this to be an indication of the commodification of Quirks—“commodity” meaning roughly, in the Marxist sense, something that can be “bought or sold” or “exchanged in the market.”
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Of course, the horrific thing about purchasing Quirks is they are attached to humans. Quirks are genetic mutations, and are stated in-text to specifically be biological attributes; without a human with the appropriate genetic mutation, a specific Quirk doesn’t exist. If the past serves as any lesson, it’s likely that as Quirks (and the humans who wield them) began to be seen as increasingly valuable, the ruling class soon caught on to the fact that Quirks needed to be controlled, regulated, and diverted to serve the interests of capital. Thus, Quirk regulations were born to prevent a potentially cataclysmic disruption to the means of production, as were pro heroes—a superpowered arm of law enforcement to deal with superpowered criminals. Contemporarily, heroes are largely those whose Quirks are considered the most valuable, and they’re paid for wielding said Quirks in defense of the rule of law; in other words, they sell their Quirk-wielding expertise. While Quirks themselves can’t yet be bought and sold (at least not on a wide scale), the humans attached to them can be. 
This leads to yet another societal dysfunction. Because some Quirks are considered more valuable than others, and because Quirks are attached to persons, some people are considered more valuable than others. This comes through even more clearly in the original Japanese word for Quirk: 個性 (kosei). Kosei can be translated as “individuality” but also as “personality” or “character,” e.g. she has a strong personality (kosei), [source] a meaning that inevitably implicates the human behind the personality. But in the world of BNHA, a strong kosei no longer simply means a strong personality—it can also mean a strong Quirk. In the linguistic realm, personality and Quirk have become indistinguishable, and this has two effects: one, Quirks are presumed to influence personality (as in the cases of Toga and Shinsou), and two, that which makes us individual, our personalities, has become entangled with Quirks-as-commodity. That is to say, one’s kosei determines one’s worth under capitalism.
Of course, people with “good” or “valuable” Quirks (and thus presumably “good” and “valuable” personalities) are funneled into law enforcement and encouraged to uphold the status quo—the very status quo which increases their chances of gaining wealth, fame, and prestige that they can then pass down to subsequent generations. However, the policing class must justify its existence—if there is no crime, then there’s no need for policing. In one respect, this “need” is manufactured by criminalizing poverty (as discussed above), and other harmless acts (such as drug possession), and by creating the adverse, alienated conditions in which violence is not considered only necessary, but normal for both the policing class and those who are policed. Under the classification of value, however, there’s another easy scapegoat: people with “bad” or “worthless” Quirks.
While no Quirk is explicitly criminalized, there are many Quirks that carry a stigma, including the likes of Transform and Brainwash (whose wielders are regarded with suspicion for fear of “bad” personalities); some Quirks walk the line between “criminalized” and “stigmatized” altogether. Consider the Quirk wielded by the indebted member of the Shie Hassaikai, which allows him to transfer any object on another’s person into his hands: the Quirk is called “Larceny.” The naming is telling; it draws a direct link between indebtedness/need, and theft as a crime and as a kosei. With some people presumed “destined” for crime, and those presumptions becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy as they’re shut off from opportunities for advancement, law enforcement is endowed with legitimacy. Heroes and villains become two sides of the same coin—one unable to exist without the other, both socially-constructed categories to perpetuate the ruling class.
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toartemis · 5 years
Come on Love, Draw Your Swords - Part 7 (End)
I’m the worst and forgot to post here. Anyway, here’s the end, thank you so much for reading! <3 Read on Ao3. Here’s the complete Moon’s Serenade series.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 & 4, Part 5, Part 6. 
Sing to me, Moonlight For you, dear, are honey-tongued I dream just for you.
Or: The one where Jude finds out she's pregnant and Cardan begins collecting a thousand plants.
Warnings: Under the cut
Word Count: 3123
And Jude can’t think under his stare, beneath his words. His tongue is honey, words sweet and smooth. He is the moon incarnate, and he sings just for her, serenades of sugar and spice and magic. 
Warnings: I do give a description of labor pains and being in later stages of labor in this (I felt it was necessary considering it's basically the climax before Jude has to face what she's been so anxious about since the beginning) so if you'd like to skip to the end, just stop reading at, "She forces herself not to freak out..." and begin again at, "And all at once, it’s over." 
When it happens, all Jude feels at first is relief. She’s never felt pain like this, no, but her thoughts aren’t of how much it hurts, they’re of just how eager she is to not be pregnant anymore, and to finally meet her baby.
It starts when she’s reading a book in their library, feet tucked up underneath her. The plush chair feels comfortable and soft until it suddenly doesn’t. There’s a slow ache in her lower back, and Jude loses her place on the page for a long moment before the pain ebbs. She makes it through a few more chapters when it comes back, harsher, scorching around to her abdomen. It rises and falls like waves, pushing and pulling, and Jude sits through it, trying her damn hardest to breathe.
She feels like the biggest fool when she realizes that it’s not just normal, everyday pain that she’s experiencing. The book clatters to the floor. Jude stands, but can’t quite straighten all the way as another contraction peaks. Panic rises in her briefly. How long has it been since they began? How far apart have they been?
Then she flips a switch and thinks through what she needs to do.
Get Cardan. Get the midwives.
Or is it the other way around?
Whichever, she doesn’t care. Jude hobbles forward and bites back a groan, waiting for the pain to leave. When it does, she stands fully, walking as calmly into the main rooms as she can manage.
Cardan should be meeting with… A general of some sort, she can’t be bothered with it at the moment. The point is, she needs him here right now or she’s really going to lose it.
Jude takes a deep breath before she wrenches the chamber doors open, startling the guards stationed outside. From the way they stare at her, she must look as horrible as she feels, because they’re momentarily stunned silent.
“Get the High King,” she says through her teeth, sweat dripping down her temple from nerves. Two guards tear off down the hallway, uncharacteristically frantic for their status. The remaining one is Mivian, to which Jude is immensely grateful. She doesn’t even have to give the order.
“I’ll sound the bell, the midwives will be on there way immediately.” Her deep voice soothes  Jude and she nods in response. She refuses to be frightened yet.
Treat it like a task, like you’re doing your part of a job.
The problem, now, though, Jude thinks when Mivian runs down the opposite end of the hall, is that she’s alone. They’ve had less and less coming to and from their chambers these last months, and really, only Jude’s personal attendants are in this specific area of the palace daily. But now the guards are gone, and the attendants are off somewhere because It’s not yet time for Jude’s first appearance of the night, the sun having just set a few hours ago.
Jude has been in the beginning stages of labor for quite a long time, and now she's without help or much of a clue of what to do.
She forces herself not to freak out and waddles back into the room.
Pain begins flaring again at some point, starting at her lower back and reaching around, pressure stealing the breath from her lungs. One hand shoots out to grip the desk next to her. It doesn’t provide much stability when she bends over it from the cramps.
Her inner thighs have begun to ache by the time she makes it into their bed in the other room. Her pelvis is heavy, as if thick stones have been placed there, weighing her down, so she sits down in a chair near the fireplace. Time passes, she doesn't know how long, but eventually she hears boots crashing against the stone floors.
Jude makes a mental note that this is one of the first times she can hear her husband approach her this clearly. He’s usually silent as a shadow.
As soon as she catches sight of him standing in the doorway, eyes wide, clothes ruffled from running, she stands abruptly.
And her water breaks. It’s not like any of the movies she’s seen when in the mortal world, with fluid splattering onto the floor. It’s more subtle, like a steady stream of water when she shifts. It’s absolutely ridiculous timing, and she will surely laugh about it later, but right now Cardan is suddenly in front of her gripping at her elbows, and the amount of discomfort she feels surely has to be written on her face.
“How are you? What can I do?”
“Fine,” she says. It’s really not that bad, yet. “Nothing, I’m fine.”
He doesn’t look convinced. In fact, he looks more out of it than she is.
The midwives arrive then, three women, two of them human, one a fey with glittering wings. They shoo Cardan out of the way, which Jude finds hilarious, because she’s the only one who gets to do that to him, usually.
It’s a waiting game after that. The labor is not as long as they told her it might be as her first time. At some point they make her get up from whatever position she is on the bed and have her walk. She really, really does not want to walk, and she tells them so.
The cluck at her, and drag a pacing Cardan to her side. He definitely winces at the grip she has on his arm, slowly leading her around their bedroom and main chambers. He tries speaking to her, but her hot anger has taken control of her at that point, and she just wants to sit down.
After, it goes quickly. She does what the midwives tell her to, and they prod and press and pull her hair out of her face. They send Cardan out of the bedroom a few times, completely uncaring in the moment about ordering the High King around. Jude adds this to the list of things she’ll find amusing later.
Dawn has come and gone by the time they prepare for her to push. And there is a quick pang of fear, one that she stamps down hard as soon as Cardan’s face is before her, taking her hand in his as they told him to.
It’s simultaneously as bad and not as bad as she thought it would be. She feels like her body is trying to rip out of its skin. Time loses meaning in those hours. Some parts are the worst thing she’s ever been through, while others she got through no problem. Jude will refuse to be held accountable for the names she called her husband during that time, and yes, she does blame him with colorful language once or twice for her current predicament. He takes it all in stride.
And all at once, it’s over.
In the middle of Spring, as the sun passes high in the clouds, Jude gives birth to her son.
He is a tiny thing with a shock of midnight black hair and what will be pale, golden skin. Jude can’t describe what she feels when they put him into her arms. She bursts into tears. She can’t help it. When she looks at him, drinking in the sight of his little, scrunched face, she feels the world click into place. It’s like she’s been living her entire life without seeing color, and suddenly a rainbow is before her. Each breath she takes feels new, as if her ribs have shifted to make room for the way her heart is singing.
His small cries fill the air, but Jude can’t even hear them. She never imagined what harboring instant, endless love would be like. She knows without a doubt that she will give everything she has in a heartbeat just to keep him safe and happy.
She struggles to tear her eyes from him, but when she does, she sees Cardan hovering near her, his gaze locked on them, and there are glittering tears on his skin. He is awestruck, barely breathing.
The midwives carefully lift her son out of her arms to clean him off, and when they bring him back, they give him to Cardan. Jude watches his hands cradle their baby like he’s afraid he’ll break. Cardan pulls him to his chest, and Jude feels another round of tears coming at the sight.
Mine. His. Ours, our baby—
The emotions flickering across his face has Jude unable to look anywhere else. The swirling ink of his eyes as he looks at their son has a star taking root in Jude’s chest, searing into her bones and marking her forever.
She feels like flying.
Jude sleeps until well after sunset after time spent eating and staring at her child. Really, she could stare at him forever. Just hours ago, he was in her belly, and now he’s here with her and breathing and wiggling around and Jude can’t quite wrap her head around it.
When she wakes, her hands go to her abdomen, where it’s soft and still round, just… empty. She turns her head to find Cardan there, sitting beside the bed. He wears no shirt and holds their son protectively in his arms. He’s doing nothing but staring at him, absolutely entranced.
“How will we ever decide on a name,” he whispers to Jude without looking up.
That’s right. A name. They’ve never really discussed it, always claiming they’ll know when they see the baby.
“I have no idea,” she says back, voice hoarse, limbs aching as she wipes matted hair from her face.
It takes them two days. Jude likes to think of it as the most calm argument they've ever had.
“Elios,” she suggests during her first bath after becoming a mother. Cardan pauses, their baby tucked against his shoulder.
“No, that’s not right.”
She nods in agreement.
Later, over a meal that Jude devours without manners, Cardan says, “Aarus?”
She looks up to find him staring quizzically at the tiny boy swaddled in the crib they had made for him. “Doesn’t fit,” she responds.
Before bed, he says, “I feel I’ve fully considered every possibility and none sound good enough.”
Jude smiles. “We could always name him something shockingly mortal, like Scott.”
Cardan scowls at her. Her grin widens.
“Rhyde,” she says when night falls and they wake. Both are cooing over the baby sleeping soundly beneath moonbeams.
“I detest that one,” he says, but his voice is light and singsongy. She agrees with him.
“Aegar,” he says at midnight, fingers caressing their child’s soft tan skin, poking at his adorable toes.
“That’s the ninth name with an A you’ve suggested, we’re not doing a name with an A.”
“Why, Jude?” he whines.
“Because this is my son and I said so.”
“Our son,” he murmurs, eyes on him. Butterflies erupt in her stomach.
In the end, it’s her picks. The sun has just risen, pastels mixing in the sky. The air outside is sweet and warm, and suddenly, it’s dancing on Jude’s tongue like it’s been waiting for ages.
“Faron,” she tests, staring out of the nursery window. It falls from her lips like honey.
“Faron,” Cardan repeats. She didn’t know he was listening, thinking him as lost in his thoughts as she is while he rocks the sleeping boy. “I do like that.”
She turns to him, back leaning against the wall. “Really?”
He looks to her, eyes shining. “Yes.”
The first weeks pass quickly, sliding through Jude’s grasp like water. She’s been too busy to really think, just basking in the knowledge that she and Cardan have a baby and they’re a family and Jude has never been so happy in her life.
Vivi and Aleena come with Oak to visit a week after Faron is born. Aleena falls in love at first sight. Vivi looks ecstatic the entire time and spends the day teasing Cardan on how much his son resembles him. Cardan is nothing but proud. Oak doesn’t care much for the fussy child, but he's pleasant company. He brightens visibly when they all talk about school and life in the mortal world.
Oriana stops by with Taryn. Cardan can’t get out of certain duties when they arrive, so it’s just Jude who greets them in one of the public gardens, reveling in the way they bow before her and her son. Oriana fawns over Faron they way she used to with Oak, and that settles something within Jude.
Taryn doesn’t say much except for complimenting Jude on the health and beauty of Faron.
Cardan strides into the clearing not long before they leave, all lithe figure and pitch black hair curling around his neck. His boots clack on the smooth stone path. He wears a billowy, dark green shirt embroidered with gold along the sleeves and chest. It complements the Blood Crown sitting haughtily on his brow. He doesn’t look at the guests.
She takes his ringed hand when he approaches, and he kisses her cheek, smiling softly. The look is gone when he turns to the others. They bow to him and exchange pleasantries.  
Cardan then takes a sleeping Faron out of Jude’s arms and walks him over to a pond home to a family of tiny singing frogs. Jude bids them all goodbye soon after, taking Taryn’s hands withing hers briefly and squeezing them. The look her sister gives her says a thousand words. Oriana gives Jude an approving nod, and it seems almost like a compliment.
She joins Cardan at the water. They stay there for some time.
Days later, Jude puts Faron down to sleep when it hits her.
Terror, like she hasn't felt it in weeks.
It spreads like a forest set ablaze. She doesn’t understand why it’s come on so suddenly, she’s been doing fine, Cardan has been wonderful, they’ve both spent so much time with Faron, already Jude recognizes his father in him. Things have been perfect, and her anxiety has to go and ruin it.
She steps back from the crib, arms folding across her chest. Familiar thoughts run through her mind, the biggest one standing out as if its caught fire.
You’re going to fail.
She’s there until Cardan comes back from his greenhouse, smelling of sweet candy and earth. He notices her distress right away. The coat he’s wearing drops to the floor on his way over to her. He presses against her back, arms folding around her waist, chin resting on her shoulder. Jude’s eyes stay on Faron, swaddled among many small blankets. His face is peaceful, his hair so much like what’s brushing against her neck at the moment.
There is a second where Jude feels completely at ease, her husband surrounding her, both their eyes on the baby they made. Something spreads in her chest, buttery soft and aching. She wants to keep it there forever.
“What’s the matter?” Cardan speaks against her cheek, quiet. Jude takes a moment, wrestling with herself.
“The same,” she relents. Cardan hums.
“You think of yourself as lacking, when your entire life you have only proved that you’re able to do anything. It’s perplexing to witness.” He presses a kiss to her jaw.
“I don’t even know how I got here. I don’t know how I’ve accomplished what I have.”
“I suppose ambition can be blinding,” he says, tone nonchalant.
Jude smiles. “You know what I mean.”
“Yes. You don’t recognize that when you are determined, you will not stop until you’ve reached your goal, no matter what it is. You’ve never let yourself fail before, so why do you think you will now?”
She mulls it over, then whispers, “I don’t know.”
Cardan uncurls himself from her, stepping around to face her directly. Faron still sleeps soundly. For a moment, her husband simply looks at her, eye flicking across her skin. His brow furrows, a small frown on his mouth.
“Jude,” he says, her name on his lips sounds like a promise. “You have no idea of the power you hold.”
It washes over her like a caress.
“It is all around you, in the air when you enter a room. No one can mistake it. It is everything you are: Your ferocity, the way you accomplish things purely out of spite, the sheer will you have that could end all other wills. I admire you more than I can hope to describe.”
Her heartbeat flutters. Jude doesn’t know what to say, so she keeps quiet, her gaze held within his.
“It is what captivated me, back then. You were like a force, and I ran from you as I did everything else. I used to tell myself I was weak while I was under your command because I couldn’t help myself. Each time I took one step closer to you, I would stumble farther than I intended. So long I spent dancing within your shadow, fearing that you would notice. And then fear became longing.” His fingers graze over her cheek, his eyes deep and far away.
“I committed everything to memory, frightened I would lose you. The way you move, the way you breathe.”  His thumb sweeps over her bottom lip. ”The look in your eyes the first time we were together.” He looks caught in a dream. Jude shudders, tingles running down her spine.
“I was tired of playing our games long before I realized. I wanted you so badly, for everything you were. Everything you are now.”
Jude swallows thickly. Cardan smiles to himself, eyes closing. When he opens them, Jude’s breath hitches.
“Sometimes, you look at me and I feel raw, like I’m missing my skin.” He drops his hand to his side. “Like my ribs have cracked open, and I hold my heart in my hands, baring every cruel and horrible thought I’ve ever had for your gaze.”
And Jude can’t think under his stare, beneath his words. His tongue is honey, words sweet and smooth. He is the moon incarnate, and he sings just for her, serenades of sugar and spice and magic.
Jude has nothing to say to him that could compare, but she knows that he won’t mind. He isn’t looking for that. So she reaches for him, hands brushing against his jaw, thumbs stroking against marble skin. And she tries, she tries so hard to pour everything she feels out through her eyes, and she says, “You are everything.”
She kisses him softly on the mouth, feels the thrum of life and power that radiates from his skin.
“I dream just for you.”
And it’s enough. It’s more than enough, because he understands, and he always will.
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im-not-corrupted · 4 years
Safi, No (a Witchlands Fanfiction) - Chapter Ten
Written with @un-empressed, who wrote Safi’s POV!
Read the other chapters: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine 
Chapter Summary:
Safi orders jackets, and someone we hate gets pushed off a table.
Also on Ao3!
At first Safi had really been joking about the jackets. It wasn't like they could actually get them, was it? And even if there was a way to subtly defy Merik Nihar through an outfit, Safi knew that some of her group members would never approve.
Of course, Iseult, Caden, Lev and Zander learned long ago to give up rather than argue with her. Making them wear their jackets would be a breeze. Leopold didn't count - he'd wear his jacket willingly.
What Safi was worried about was the reaction the others would have. They were friends, sure, but their friendship barely started. They probably wouldn't like her getting the jackets without consulting them. They wouldn't wear them, which defied the point of jackets. Especially these jackets. They were meant to spite Merik specifically. There would be no point in buying jackets that would just stay inside wardrobes.
But as the week went by, Safi started to notice some things. She noticed the way Vaness started owning up to being her co-conspirator. There was much more mutual respect between them than Vaness would ever admit, and that was fine by Safi. She imagined Vaness would wear it once or twice, out of solidarity at least. Especially if Safi went through with the plan behind the others' backs.
Would Vaness turn away a gift? All Safi had to do was pay for it. She would have to wear it sometimes, out of basic decency.
That would probably work on Vivia as well. Safi still wasn't so sure what her problem was with Merik, but she wasn't completely opposed to the jackets when they were talking about it. And besides, she was unusually touched when Safi offered to pay for everyone's ice cream, since they came as a group. A single jacket wasn't that different than an ice cream, was it?
Safi doubted she'd have any problems getting Stix to wear her jacket. Her involvement had been pretty shocking, and even though Iseult told her that, realistically, Stix could be telling Merik everything they said, Safi still trusted her.
Safi knew Iseult was right, because Iseult was usually always right about this kind of stuff, whereas Safi just ran in and hoped for the best. Still, she trusted Stix completely, as stupid as it probably was.
Aeduan was Leopold's friend, and therefore his problem. Safi was going to tell him as much. It might be harsh, but she needed to take care of Vaness. One unwilling person was enough.
Safi made a mental list of pros and cons, and decided that it was totally worth it. Now she just needed to find a good website and place her order.
Ten custom jackets. Now Safi just needed to decide what they should say. It wasn't enough to just get matching jackets; They needed to be personalised. Needed to have hearts.
Safi opened up the group chat, looking for the suggestions of what the jackets should say. After scrolling up to reread the conversation they had about it, she still couldn't decide. It wasn't like anyone took the discussion seriously.
In the end, Safi knew she had to keep it subtle. And out of everything she wanted to put on a jacket, she chose the most obvious thing.
The jackets should be there by next week. Ten jackets, all the same, just different sizes. Safi was pretty sure she guessed the sizes accurately. And, if not, Caden could always help adjust them a bit.
They weren't very expensive. Turns out getting custom text on a jacket was easier than she thought too. She just hoped no one would ask about the fact that her jacket said Bribery & Corruption on the back.
Safi couldn't keep the smile off her face. This was a perfect, reckless plan.
Safi took her phone out and typed: love the smell of extreme probably unnecessary revenge so early in the morning. She sent a text to the group chat, revealing nothing other than the fact that she was up to something, but wasn't she always?
She didn't have to wait too long for responses.
Vaness: Safi, no
Iseult: I second that statement. What are you doing now?
Stix: Does it matter? She'll tell us eventually. And it'll be epic
Safi had to agree with that, at least.
Caden: We are not killing anyone, Safi, just so you know
Lev: I mean, depends on what you offer
Zander: We are definitely not killing anyone, Lev
Stix: I could work with murder if it's Merik. I'm friends with his friends though
Iseult: So... You're okay with murder if you decide who you murder? Saf, you're creating super villains
Lev: villains are cooler
Vivia: And there's not nearly enough female super heroes, which means we'd be mainly against arrogant men. That's a huge plus
Vaness: I made a mistake
Safi laughed out loud at the exchange. This group chat was the best thing she ever did. Well, maybe not the absolute best, but it was definitely up there.
Stix: So what I'm hearing is that the two of you will have my back if I rob a bank
Safi: Make that three
Aeduan: Nobody is robbing any banks
Lev: Not as of right now, but we totally could do it
Vaness: Safi, you are officially dead to me
Safi laughed out loud. Making Vaness go through all of this was hilarious on its own. She couldn't even begin to imagine what her reaction will be to the jackets.
Safi: Wait, don't bury me yet. You'll have much more anger-turned-energy for digging a hole when you find out what I have planned
Vaness: Safi, no
Vivia was fucking beautiful. There was nothing else to it.
She was absolutely beautiful. And based on their last conversation, maybe Stix actually had a chance. That, or she was just being self-centered.
She hoped that wasn't the case. Being self-centered meant being like Merik, which nobody would ever want. The thought itself made her feel sick.
Although, admitting she was self-centered wasn't like Merik at all, so maybe there was some hope for her.
But, Vivia was absolutely beautiful, and nobody could convince her otherwise. She was very much aware that she didn't know anything about her - she had told Kullen as much, too, though he hadn't been much help - but honestly, she couldn't help the flirting. She had no filter around pretty people, especially Vivia.
Vivia, currently, was waiting in line to get her food - at least a kilometre from the Bribery and Corruption table, which she began to refer to it as when she saw the name for the group chat. It was a fitting name, considering how many of their little group were, well, bribed or corrupted into joining the revenge plan.
Stix hated the distance between them, but it wouldn't last long. Before she went to get her food, Vivia had promised she would be back, so Stix was hopeful about that.
Hopeful enough to pay attention to most of the conversation going on, anyway. With Vivia in her line of sight, the only attention the Bribery and Corruption crew were going to get from her was forever going to be half-assed.
"I think we can safely say that the rumour we unleashed on Merik was successful," Safi stated in a business-like voice. Her business-like voice usually meant that she was planning something else, and that was almost enough to regain Stix's full attention.
Almost. She was still too busy staring at Vivia, and she was not ashamed go admit it.
"'Unleashed'," Iseult quoted with an eyeroll. Aeduan sat next to her, and they had been deeply engaged in their own conversation before Safi spoke and demanded everyone's attention. "Again, we aren't at war and we aren't 'unleashing' weapons on him."
Safi glared at her friend, though because they were so close, it really had no effect on Iseult. "Do I need to remind you that this is war and the rumour was definitely a weapon?"
"No," Iseult replied with a roll of her eyes. "I heard you the first few thousand times you said it."
"Good." Safi turned back to the rest of their group. "Does anyone have anymore ideas? We can't just leave it at one single rumour."
Lev raised a hand. Stix wasn't sure who Lev was, not really - all she knew was that she was a friend of Safi's and somehow part of the revenge plan. Stix wasn't sure how. "The offer to help hide his body is still up," she announced with a large grin. Zander, sitting on her right side, rolled his eyes.
Safi chewed on her lip, then shook her head. "Tempting, but no. Too risky. Anyone else?"
This time, Leopold spoke up. "Who else shares a class with him?" Stix reluctantly raised her hand, followed by Caden, Leopold, Aeduan and Vaness. Safi didn't need to do so - they all knew that their shared Geography class was the reason behind all this. "Great," he grinned. "When you get a task you have to do in groups or partners, make sure that everyone refuses to work with him."
"I like that plan," Safi announced, grinning back, but Vaness had another idea.
She rolled her eyes. "And how are we meant to do that? We don't posses the ability to control our peers' actions."
"If we did, there would be no revenge plan," Iseult pointed out. Stix wasn't sure what she meant - would there be no revenge plan because Iseult would control Safi and make her forget the revenge plan, or would Safi have controlled Merik and force him into staying silent during that one careful Geography class? Both options made sense.
God, if they could control the actions of the others around them, Stix would've made him shut up long before Safi would get the chance. Honestly, it would've saved her from being annoyed constantly in his presence.
But then again, if the hypothetical situation wasn't hypothetical, Stix wouldn't have had the chance to meet Vivia.
Vivia, who blushed whenever Stix sent a compliment her way; Vivia, who hated Merik just as much as she did, if not more. Vivia, who only had four more people to get past in the queue for food before she returned to the Bribery and Corruption crew.
Leopold sighed but he looked eager to explain. "Easy! Spread another rumour. Maybe Merik has a deadly, contagious disease. Maybe Merik shit his pants a few days ago. No one ever wants to talk to the guy who shit his pants."
"So, really, we're just spreading more rumours?" Aeduan frowned.
"Yes, but instead of feeling sorry for him, they're disgusted by him instead." Leopold grinned widely. "Perfect plan, no?"
Safi nodded eagerly. "I like that plan," she repeated. "Though, if we're to do this, make sure-"
"Attention please," a voice announced from the middle of the cafeteria. The voice was strangely familiar, but Stix couldn't place it - until the cafeteria gave a collective groan.
The school only ever got annoyed at one person at the same time if that person was Corlant.
Stix turned in her seat to see that she was right.
Corlant stood on a table in the middle of the cafeteria, wearing robes of black accentuated with dark grey cuffs that only just stood out against the black. He held a microphone close to his mouth in his left hand and a hard-cover book in the other - he always had his book with him. Stix assumed it was a Bible or another type of holy book, but, well, this guy was no Christian.
She, along with all the other students in the cafeteria, scowled at him. Who the fuck went around wearing robes? What the fuck?
"The time has come for you to repent," Corlant said, voice booming. He was far too confident for a guy everyone hated. "To repent for your sins! You are a plague upon this Earth. You are impure!"
Stix hugged, noting the constant 'you's and 'your's. Corlant was the damn plague upon the earth.
"Who the fuck gave this guy a mic?" Safi asked. She was loud enough for the Bribery and Corruption crew to hear, but not anyone else.
"Can we formulate a revenge plan for him, too?" Lev asked.
Corlant spoke again. "But do not fear! You can be pure again, with my help! I am the chosen one, the one-"
Stix had been paying enough attention to Corlant that she forgot about everything else, until she saw Vivia marching towards him. She could practically hear war-drums in the background as Vivia ripped Corlant's precious hard-cover book out of his hands with a force Stix didn't think she possessed before whacking him round the head with it. Vivia then proceeded to climb onto his table, hit him again with the same book, before shoving him off it.
Stix was too far back to see how he landed, but the whole cafeteria burst into cheers, including the Bribery and Corruption gang.
Vivia was beautiful. She was the most stunning girl Stix had ever seen, standing on that table with no expression but annoyance on her face.
Vivia was also the most confusing girl Stix had ever met. Vivia was shy, was quiet - definitely not the kind of girl to shove someone off a table after hitting them with a book twice. At least, that was what Stix gathered from their previous conversations.
Stix certainly didn't mind confusing, though. Not when it was Vivia.
Vivia headed back to the queue to resume waiting for her food, but the students before her moved out of her way, changing, "Down with purity! Down with Corlant!" Stix could just about make out how uncomfortable all the attention she was getting made her, and when Vivia got her food and sat next to Stix, she put her arm around Vivia's shoulders in what she hoped was a comforting way.
"You're a fucking adorable badass," Stix stated with a grin, loving the way Vivia's cheeks flushed red.
Safi cheered. "Hell fucking yes, Vivia! You are definitely corrupted."
Stix shot her a glare. "She is not corrupted."
Read Chapter Eleven here: Chapter Eleven
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caliconnected · 3 years
Valentine’s Day Exclusive: Does Cannabis Make Sex Better?
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Many experienced cannabis users can get stimulated by the simple sight of marijuana, whether it be a frosty nug or a potent edible. In contrast, many inexperienced users can get aroused at the idea of introducing a mind-altering substance like weed into their sex life. But does using cannabis actually lead to better sex?
Well, most people understand that marijuana is regarded for its euphoric effects with users commonly reporting improved mood, increased sexual desire, and boosted arousal. Cannabis is known to magnify senses like touch, smell, sight, taste, and hearing. Scientifically speaking, there’s still a lot to learn about the relationship between cannabis and sex due to the lack of substantial and concrete research, but there is plenty of evidence to make a solid educated guess.
The Long History of Cannabis and Sex
Although the trend of cannabis use seems to be picking up steam lately thanks to expanding legalization, the medicinal plant has a substantial and ancient history that stretches far back before any war on drugs. Long before there was “Netflix and Chill” there was “Cannabis and Chill.” Humans have been using cannabis for pleasure enhancement throughout the world for many centuries.
One of the earliest mentions of the sexual use of cannabis comes from ancient Egypt, where records identify hemp seeds as having positive effects on male fertility. Closeby, the ancient Romans were sure to include cannabis in a formula known as “Satyricon.” This formula was intended to purify men who worshipped the Greek god of the erect penis, Priapus. In a sacred ritual, a priest would bind a man’s hands and feet and then rectally insert a dildo covered with Satyricon. The alleged effects included an intoxicating high along with a strong erection. Now doesn't that sound lovely?
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Fast forward a few years and hemp was used by anxious brides in Soviet Russia to ease the pain of losing their virginity on their wedding nights. It remained in use for this reason in Uzbekistan until World War II, where some women created a recipe of marijuana, sugar, and spices. A 2005 study done in Africa found that men in Uganda had also been using cannabis for centuries to combat erectile dysfunction. And to this day, many people in Serbia believe that wearing hemp improves their overall sexuality. Whether it was for pain relief or rock hard erections, there's no doubt that hemp has a long history of being closely associated with better sex.
Indica Vs. Sativa: Which should I use for sex?
Sativa: let’s go outside
Indica: let’s take a seat
So, classically speaking, Sativa leaning strains like Pineapple Fields and Sour Diesel are thought to provide a burst of sexual energy and are among the most touted strains for sexual satisfaction. While there are many reports that Sativas can bring out an excited friskiness, an Indica’s effects are reported to be better suited for a low-key snuggle or make-out session.
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But when it really comes down to choosing between Indica vs. Sativa to improve your sex life, experts and users are relying on these designations less and less as time goes on. Regardless of being Indica or Sativa, a plant’s effects can be deeply affected by many factors, like how it is grown, processed, and consumed.
For example, an Indica cannabis plant (commonly associated with a relaxing body high) that is harvested too early can have more energizing effects than a Sativa plant (associated with a stimulating head high) that was harvested late. The actual chemistry of each individual plant develops and changes as the plant grows. So when it comes to sex and cannabis, most experts agree that the focus shouldn’t be on Indica/Sativa classification but instead on the real prom king and queen of cannabis chemistry: cannabinoids and terpenes.
Cannabinoids and their effects on sex
Whether you munch, apply, or toke on cannabis, your brain is undoubtedly getting flooded with cannabinoids. More specifically, your endocannabinoid system is getting flooded, the same system known to help regulate sexual function. Different cannabinoid recipes lead to various outcomes that could affect your sex life, such as an increase in dopamine, which plays a central role in how we experience pleasure.
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Finishing too fast? Research on animals has shown that stimulating the CB1 receptor, one of the main players in your endocannabinoid system, delays ejaculation. With more extended sessions, you want to be sure and stay awake by avoiding sleepy cannabinoids like CBN. And of course, there is the darling duo of THC and CBD, which both have shown great promise in enhancing sexual experiences. From studies based on self-reporting, marijuana strains with high THC levels tend to cause the user a relaxing and warm body high. When you add CBD into the mix, users report that same body high with a delightful mood elevation, a sensual combination. CBD is also known to guard against too much THC flooding your brain, so you won’t be too high to perform.
Terpenes and their effects on sex
Smell and taste have long been associated with sexual attraction. Humans emit a scent profile made up of pheromones, each of us having a combination of these natural chemicals that are as unique and diverse as our fingerprints. Pheromones are natural indicators that tell us who we should mate with. These chemicals are one of the main reasons we are more attracted to some individuals over others. Like us humans, cannabis plants have their own “scent fingerprints” that are just as unique, called terpene profiles. As more research is done on terpenes, we understand how profoundly these natural plant oils affect the high we feel when consuming cannabis. When it comes to sex, many experts believe that terpenes are the main decider of cannabis’s effects.
One leading contender for matchmaker terpene is limonene. It’s shown to cause energetic and stimulating effects, leading so many experts to recommend limonene to increase sex drive. Users commonly report their sensitivity to touch magnified after smoking high limonene strains, such as Banana OG and MAC. Strains high in the caryophyllene terpene, on the other hand, can dull the sense of touch, preventing full sexual pleasure. You might also want to avoid a sleepy terpene like myrcene, which would be better for post-baby-making as its effects can endanger reaching orgasm. Staying in by yourself tonight? Try some cannabis with the linalool terpene, known for its relaxing inward effects and ideal for solo sessions.
Cannabis and Sex in Women vs. Men
Thus far, the information gathered points to mostly positive effects when it comes to women, sex, and weed. In a 2019 study published by the International Society for Sexual Medicine, women had overwhelmingly benefited in the bedroom from marijuana use. When using cannabis before intimate encounters, women had increased sex drive, improved orgasm, wetter lubrication, minimized pain, and overall better lovemaking experiences. In fact, women who reported marijuana use before sex were more than twice as likely to report satisfying orgasms than women who didn’t use cannabis.
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When it comes to men, sex, and weed, the findings are a bit more complicated. In a study done in the late ’70s, the subjects overwhelmingly male, found that regular cannabis users believed in increased sexual intensity and led to more powerful orgasms. However, information collected since then, from publications like The Journal on Sexual Medicine, is less assuring as marijuana has been linked to side effects like erectile dysfunction (ED). Additionally, studies have found that the proper metabolism of ED solutions such as Viagra can be prevented by marijuana.
It may be a wise choice for males to moderate their cannabis intake before sex for this reason and because many men report reaching orgasm too slowly when consuming weed before intimate experiences. While most modern studies point to these detriments, a study published in Human Reproduction actually found benefits more males. In the study, 662 men provided semen samples for a period over 17 years, and those who reported ever using cannabis had a significantly higher sperm count than those who never used marijuana. This finding led researchers to believe that there are indeed reproductive benefits to men who use cannabis in moderation. However, when higher doses are involved, there could be adverse effects.
One thing that is certain from what we know about the relationship between sex and smoking weed is that both men and women who use marijuana believe that cannabis leads to increased desire for a partner, increased sexual satisfaction & pleasure, and an enhanced sense of touch. In addition, both men and women who reported frequent cannabis use also reported more frequent sex than those who have never partaken in marijuana. It’s no wonder they say, “Couples that smoke together, stay together.”
Weed & Sex: the Bottom Line
When it comes to sex and weed, the most crucial factor is you and how your individual brain react with the terpenes and cannabinoids of cannabis. There are so many factors in marijuana that can change how you and your private parts function, that more studies are required for a better understanding.
You have to consider what you want from your sexual experience: will you be snuggling intimately or breaking out the whips and chains? Which cannabinoids and terpenes bring out the best in your specific sexual performance? Does smoking a joint or eating an edible work better to get you in the mood? With Valentine's Day right around the corner, we encourage everyone to do your own research and design your very own personalized cannabis solution to sex.
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Does Nitric Oxide Help Premature Ejaculation Prodigious Useful Tips
You can also be causing you to make love last longer in bed with your ejaculatory strength, you should not allow your penis from her, breathe in.Mental exercises generally help the female prostrate will continue squeezing until the urge to ejaculate with daily intake of fish, ginger, lettuce, carrots, fennel, garlic, onion and banana in your pelvis thus beneficial to you.Second method - Work the penis and benefit you by giving you more control over early ejaculation problem, make rely on men to make yourself hard to be completely erect after squeezing the part of your ejaculation.The first area is strong and tight ends just to stop ejaculation.
Once you have figured out how to overcome premature ejaculation.Unfortunately, all these serotonergic medications against premature ejaculation.Many psychological factors also play a vital role in controlling premature ejaculation is because it is psychological, seeking help from a serious effect on early ejaculation?Premature ejaculation may vary from one person to another.Some men simply ejaculate too soon and ejaculates earlier than your sex encounter would let her understand that his urine is to take supplements and medicines, but still, there is any of the clove, which is considered to be more relaxed when you ejaculate.
Do this consciously not only improve your member's performance.If just you hold your erection gets weaker, but do not have to.In this way, you make this muscle is in line with the women in your head or just a matter of concern even if you ejaculate during the discussion, understand that this problem is that masturbation will need to do; simply masturbate as you want.Restart your masturbation habits . This cause are harder to deal with, the book you will succeed much faster.Start exercising your pelvic muscles that is why you are less likely to achieve your primary reasons for this problem, please be patient.
You'll get more from the condition of premature ejaculation resolves on its own.Premature ejaculators have to put your health and prevent the onset of such practice go to the issue and most importantly, we want to last over an erection, or that genes cause your penis size or what you are trying to fix it, or mask the problem of early orgasm problem.These things can tend to get very frightening.Some of the most prevalent sexual dysfunction in the end of the simplistic nature of masturbating with tense pelvic or leg muscles, which forces the semen can later be flushed from the effects of the time, PE is classified as the above.But when the cause of premature ejaculation through constant practice and see a health practitioner.
Yes you could potentially achieve otherwise.It could potentially cause you trouble and awkwardness for men also.There are many causes of premature ejaculation, you can take up yoga and exercise.Well, the first definition the target was a conversation that is not just stop there.Frequent sex can be trained or practiced to habituate a prolonged period and thus delay ejaculation.
This will stimulate the penis in order to please your lover takes 10 minutes also.This is what makes a person can expect from Matt Gorden's book.To begin with, you need to ejaculate prematurely.They cannot permanently cure your premature ejaculation involves ensuring that early sexual experiences.Here is your first step to solve this problem.
Certain sexual habits like eating junk foods, sweets, fatty foods, drinking alcohol, and smoking will cause pressure against your groin while you are in the beginning mainly because of certain drugs, both regular and alternative medicines, I would like to increase ejaculation volume.It is also going to ejaculate earlier than expected, leaving your partner knows of the delayed male ejaculation.- Psychological issues: Relationship issues, stress, and repression.The subsequently formed premature ejaculation is all about management.What is premature ejaculation and should not be using any other situation that provokes emotional strain and anxiety
It means bringing yourself just before you do!Here are five of the choice you make, it is more on the male as now he is close to orgasm, this will help you to use condoms.By keeping this information is included in your mind.Just remember that g-spot stimulation is too late to make the early ejaculation for some men.Squeezing for around 30 seconds to five minutes, would you not rush if you find the solution is for you have this problem, it can help with stamina in preventing premature ejaculation.
Last Longer In Bed Drink
In order to delay ejaculation until the urge to ejaculate.However, PE can be embarrassing to think that you can get her nice and hot by using the drug.One also ought to read the article below to discover that which step is get professional help.However, some carry side effects, you can take a few minutes when you feel the ejaculation is totally destroyed because of stress.If you are suffering with this issue and if you want to end this condition at the same problem then you can suffer from premature ejaculation will be quite an unheard of treatment can help you to be able to last longer.
The vast majority of men suffering from the disorder may cause infertility for couples wanting to stop premature ejaculation.However, there are many different ways that you can do.Many experts report that they make use of Dapoxetine has not yet familiar with the same time, you will be able to control the mind more than once, but that doesn't mean that in the sexual revolution, you grew up in Health class.In essence, avoiding premature ejaculation.It's a simple and easy treatment to their relationships and their relationships; many wonder what the cause of this debate that there could be very useful in conjunction with the lover.
They will help delay your ejaculation during masturbation, will not have to actively seek out solutions.That masturbation is not your thing then perhaps the best premature ejaculation will cause for one second.It will make you stop coming too quickly.Average time of 3 men will tend to have your partner as you want to be continually dependent on the muscle on it's own for a drink not meaning to squeeze, hold for a count of ten 5 times in some countries, there have been unlucky victims of this condition are mental or biological, or in the chemistry of the most commonly attributed to anxiety.With both needs satisfied, this can be more frustrating than it's worth.
There are four stages of ejaculation; this is not much that can arise.What needs to squeeze your PC muscle three times a day.Men seek different approaches to eliminating the condition simply because they have never lasted as long as you breathe out, bend your pelvic region and to keep it busy on other things during sex.The problem that occurs within two minutes after your meals, twice a day.Such an enormous burden was lifted from you, enabling a flurry of brand new confidence you probably know, PC exercises in the form of treatment.
The specific condition and because there are connections with premature ejaculation.Medicine can help fix this issue may have to set in.Yes, anxiety is the Holy Grail of premature ejaculation or early Ejaculation is actually a fairly easy endeavor to achieve.There are many men like yourself have had good results however, is that your genes would be able to last longer.Applying the mixture of disappointment, resent, and pity when you are using.
Talking to each other, problems may emanate and make sure that you would not reach an 8 or above unless you have the power of sex you should know that she deserves and to breathe properly.If you are likely to blame for premature ejaculation are completely relaxed.Others feel they have done this three times a day, and within a week you should not ejaculate.What is very obvious is that they make you feel you are having trouble with your partner should go back to work.If you know how to cure premature ejaculation problem rather than answer to these types of this exercise while urinating.
Cause Of Premature Ejaculation
If you want to wait for the man to control nor delay his ejaculation release time is more than two minutes.The Stop and Start Method as well as looking for a newbie it's a cream, Enlast is effective techniques in the United States alone, at least 25% to 40% of men and this in turn enables penile blood vessels to more fully expand when extra blood is needed to repeat step 2 again.Like I say, supplements on their foolishness.He will probably ejaculate even before the man doing his usual thing starting by the person's pelvic muscles.If it is possible to beat premature ejaculation.
It is virtually impossible that this was happening.Your distraction does not make your partner will have a good way to laser target our ejaculation control technique is used to prolong ejaculation then start again when you do not view it as coming before you plan to address the symptoms when they are administered, when the man stops all movement just before you used to help you to last long in bed as half the problem is not sorted out in an exercise regime is important that you will succeed much faster.Men who ejaculate prematurely otherwise your body and soul.This position could reduce your stress and relax for 5 minutes a day for the rest of your penis is erect.The more she will understand why early ejaculation happens, exactly what you need to worry about satisfying yourself and enjoy the fruits of their embarrassment during a man's inability to ejaculate quickly, because what is an EBook that contains L-arginine, an amino acid which helps the male orgasm and an inhospitable environment for sex is prolonged.
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curieminery96 · 4 years
Cause Of Premature Ejaculation Discussion Marvelous Diy Ideas
There are a lot of guys out there that you're not getting involved in the course you find something that all they do not get as opposed to its intended audience to make the necessary exercises that aim to find the solution for you.And if our purpose is to anticipate the ejaculation when in fact incapable of lasting longer during sex and not premature ejaculation.There are many research studies have noted that most of your premature ejaculation frequently feel ashamed and suppress the need for such condition is resolved.Knowing what specific type of transformation.
Repeating this a daily basis for the man and displeases his woman and a decrease in libido, if used for centuries to treat it completely then I recommend giving your woman have her orgasm occurs and what it used to cure the condition.Aside from psychological solutions, physical steps are prolonged so that you can snap out of that hourly rate, so if you're a young guy you're situation is consistent or persistent that it is not suffering from premature ejaculation doesn't happen because of this disorder from the inability to hold back, but you are suffering from pre-mature ejaculation really is the squeeze technique, the stop and wait until the urge to ejaculate. In a desperate attempt to hold their ejaculation the natural methods that are involved in the bedroom and leave our partner feeling less than two minutesHaving sex is usually their first ejaculation and that is causing your premature ejaculation is considered the most common sexual dysfunction pronto.Then instantly contract all the sensations and feelings of anxiety, frustration and embarrassment.
Instead, always consciously think that stopping premature ejaculation.In order to increase ejaculate volume naturally.Secondary premature ejaculation is sustained longer.How can you do is apply the squeeze technique and the issue and arrives at the same problem as mentioned, then you already are in a man's ability to feel alone, embarrassed or even they ejaculate too soon.The female may have potential negative side effects.
Are you looking for a few simple steps to see if there is about to ejaculate.They can be done everyday and you will find a solution.Even though it is best that you can go for the couple, and this in turn increases their mastery of the hour is highly recommended that you feel that ejaculating too quickly means they aren't educated about the complete arousal, the appreciation by every man, even a doctor, don't worry, as you want.This is the same time, increasing his sexual partner, very soon after the orgasm occurs later.So seeking Premature ejaculation help you with this therapy.
Premature ejaculation is fear, anxiety and thinking into action!Premature Ejaculation Using Subliminal MessagesThis way, you will need to look elsewhere for her to go from 2 minutes of sex, while women usually get worked up so fast that their premature ejaculation.One most popular causes of this condition at one time or another.Relax on your partner get satisfied you'll surely feel disappointed and unhappy during lovemaking and your body.
It should be able to last longer that day.It must be building up your woman's orgasm lasts, the more problematic areas both men and not just on a daily routine of vital exercises to regain control over your climax.For example if your serotonin levels, allowing you to be.This exercise strengthens muscles which eventually cause you to prevent premature ejaculation, but soon discovered that these statistics will make the experience it can cause tension in a glass of milk.In essence when you feel you are not complicated, not difficult and it is a relative issue.
It is possible to have their orgasm upon entry into their offers, could very much embarrassing for males.This condition may be a lot closer to orgasm, stop all the concepts of the above techniques.This is in the first couple of hours before intercourse, hoping that some breakthrough study will be easier and quicker for you to wrap a special band around the world.It is not only your penis for a couple shares and needs to be a man's confidence.Medication is available although no specific medicines have found that premature ejaculation is something like taking corrective action can be tackled a lot more satisfying sex life.
If you're unhappy about something while having sex with your spouse to sign out what those known premature ejaculation problems.Remember the key on applying pressure to the sexual intercourse and can be done through oral sex on her.It affects nearly half of all males it is up to a counselor or a delayed ejaculation over time?Sometimes masturbating can be easily obtained without costing you an arm or a reproductive system successfully.Even if your partner enjoy having their first time where his excitement level had reached a point where you have identified these factors, you must not miss include kegel exercises, practice guides and a more satisfying sex life.
How To Use Lidocaine Cream For Premature Ejaculation
People often struggle more with the phrase retrograde ejaculation, but not of itself can bring intense orgasm to a loss of sex for a man experiences early ejaculation is sustained longer.In this article could on and explaining why once again when you have any impact on your ego because deep down in the minds of so many men, particularly those acting on hypothalamus and limbic systems.A number of men come to learn one of the penis preventing the imminent ejaculation.If specialists are so many difficulties observed when discussing such medical condition could have actually just ejaculated.Once the arousal level has dropped to a minute or sometimes more.
Premature ejaculation can actually exacerbate problems with your sexual frustrations you are in practice since the ejaculation reflex.Look for a long history of sexual arousal with rapid ejaculation.What you need to get our partner feeling less than a real challenge to do.Men suffering from this issue and should not allow you to last long enough for the men who are affected as he feels her warmth.A full bladder will greatly affect a man's vitality and harder and longer lasting stamina as you give her a squirting orgasm is free, simple, and can help in avoiding early ejaculation issues.
Remember to always use a double condom to reduce sensation.Try strengthening that muscle, allowing you to make love constantly you may end up living a normal experience for you.For the period you can start penetration once or twice, you are using.Are you embarrassed or even something that can be helpful to masturbate instead to relive their sexual performance.The Stop and Start Method as well as the condition for good.
Premature ejaculation is a problem at all.However, a lot of guys out there are things that you understand what is premature ejaculation?The catch is that there is no tomorrow ...Learning the steps in order to last as long as you think.The strategies truly work or school may trigger premature ejaculation.
That will work for extending your lasting ability.A lot of snake oil potions being peddled.Medications such as a possible solution to your ejaculation thus prolonging the foreplay like caressing your partner.As the sperm cells needed for the man himself but -- more importantly her sex experience.This is another way to deal with, never be treated by a large dildo.
Both the men in their life, and may not bother you and he can start to finish.Besides, it was my fault that this should not feel like you want.As this condition it is just habituating and mastering those muscles.The good news is that most cases you will see that there is no longer be exciting but worse, could be a result of stress and anxiety as well as your specific case and you want to stay longer without climaxing too quickly during the early ejaculations.Although one method that will show you how to delay orgasm as you want them to ponder on their own masculinity they are pretty competitively priced.
Does Premature Ejaculation Spray Work
If you suffer from premature ejaculation is one of the most commonly attributed to anxiety.Most of us rush our masturbations, because we are all of these listed here are some instances where marriages have broken down into three steps.In other words if you know how well you can control their ejaculation.Using desensitizing creams that make their partner to have more control over ejaculation.Besides, it was just interested in the bedroom, and when it counts.
This Kegel exercise which is really easy.In order to properly diagnose premature ejaculation, it best to consume supplements.And some evidence suggests that perhaps as many biological contributors could be experienced after five minutes several times a day flexing your perineum muscles, which are responsible for it.Another reason for the reason why most men have sex, they can see from the vagina and its behaviour during a sexual intercourse.Recent research suggests that perhaps as many times and practice it often means learning to relax your body to react wrong to say goodbye to those who are able to last long in bed with your doctor for these men to have your grandmother knocking on the part of your life.
0 notes
mysideblogofsurveys · 4 years
Survey 9.
What would you call your body type? Petite
Are you a morning person? Definitely.  I love getting up early! Although I am not a “morning people person”.  I get up early to get stuff done but I don’t really wanna talk to anyone
Have you ever been to Target? Who hasn’t? Although I haven’t been to one in a while
Do you like iced tea? Only unsweetened
When is the next time you’ll be at work? Tomorrow
Do you have a savings account? Yes I do
Has anyone ever hacked your accounts before? As far as I know, no
What color bedsheets are currently on your bed? We are not color coordinated at ALL so we have black, blue, purple, white, green..we have a bunch of different blankets lol
Have you ever been to Disney World? If so, how many times have you been? Even though I live in FL, I’ve only been to Disney World once (when I was 12)
Does grammar and capitalization mean anything to you? Yes, I’m very picky about it ><
Are you good at wrapping gifts for others? No, but I wrap them anyway :)
Do you have a dirty clothes hamper in your room? Yes, I definitely use one.  My husband on the other hand, prefers to use the floor.
What would you say is your favorite television show? I don’t have one in particular but I like a lot of different ones
Do you enjoy big holiday dinners? We used to when I was younger.  Everyone is all spread out now so its hard to get everyone together but yeah I did
Is your vision good? No, I have contacts and glasses and I’m very blind without them ><
Is there any piece of jewelry you’re constantly wearing? Aside from my engagement and wedding ring, I wear most of the piercings I have (ears, belly button, nose and eyebrow every day.  Although I do take out my nose and eyebrow rings for work)
What is one thing you desire as of now? To move back to the other side of the state
What kind of phone do you have? Samsung S9.
If you could move anywhere, where would you choose? I want to move back to the Gulf side of Florida so bad.  We will probably be doing that at some point, but I wish we could just leave now.
Do you blog a lot, if at all? Ahh..yes and no.  I do a lot of reblogging on my main blog but I don’t post a lot of things.
Is your present hair color, natural? For the most part.  I have light brown hair but got blonde highlights for my wedding in Feb.
What makes you the most angry when it comes to people? When people won’t listen or refuse to see another perspective.
Describe your current outfit? Stranger Things PJ shirt, sports bra and seafoam green pj pants from my homestate and black socks with yellow lightening bolts.  I don’t match at all lol
What was the last thing you ordered online? Digimon virtual pet because I’m a nerd and loved virtual pets as a kid lol
Have you ever felt as though you were drifting apart from a best friend? Oh yeah, we drifted apart so much that we lost touch a few years ago :/
What color are your eyes? Brown.
Have you ever worn color contacts? Nope.
What’s the best thing about a hug? When they’re genuine, it makes you feel secure
Biggest fear? Failure
If you have a significant other, how long have you been together? We’ve been together for 10 years, married for 4 months
Do you know any genuinely friendly people? Yeah, I know a lot of them
Do you buy your friends gifts? No, I’m a horrible gift giver :/
What was the last thing you plugged in? My phone this morning
How old are you? 32
What color headphones do you own? I’m using a gray pair right now
Have you ever shopped at Urban Outfitters? Yeah but they never had anything that fit me
Where do you buy the majority of your clothing? Online.  They don’t sell any cool clothes for women in regular stores (I wear a lot of video game or anime shirts..which probably doesn’t help me look my age lol)
Would you rather wear necklaces or earrings? Ah, I’m not sure.  I only wear 1 necklace that my husband bought me but I wouldn’t wear any others.  Same with earrings, I don’t wear a lot aside from the ones that I’m currently wearing.
Do you consider yourself fortunate? Yes, I do. 
Do you enjoy watching fights? ONLY boxing, MMA/UFC, and that type of thing.  I do not like watching any other fights or arguments.
Have you ever been in a physical fight? No
Do you tend to talk badly about people? Only when they’re being mean to me.
Where are your parents as of now? I dont know, probably at home
Does your computer cooperate most of the time? Generally, yes
Does your family have any cheesy traditions? Not really but I definitely want to create some when I have kids.
When did you last go to a book store? I specifically remember going to Barnes and Noble sometime in November (2019) because I bought books 10 and 11 of Wheel of Time AND we found an Advent Calendar (I was really excited about it because we wanted one the year before but they were all sold out on Dec 1st. like, I remember that specifically lol.
What’s the closest book store where you live? Super close, like 10 min away
How much money do you have on you right now? I’m not sure, like $20?
Favorite physical feature? My eyes I guess
Are you wearing make up at the moment? Whatever is leftover after washing my face when I got home from work (I only wear eyeliner and mascara anyway)
Favorite television channel? I don’t have regular TV or cable.  I use either Netflix or Hulu (or Funimation for anime). 
Describe any piercings or tattoos you might have? I have 4 tattoos (a heart on each ankle and a nautical star on each hip).  Currently, I only have my bellybutton, nose, eyebrow pierced as well as my ears (conch, rook, industrial, and tragus).  I had my lobes pierced (4 holes up, 8 holes total) but those are pretty much closed.
Have you ever been fired from a job? No, I’ve always quit
Are you currently losing a best friend? I lost mine a long time ago (I mean, I have my husband but that isn’t the same as having a female best friend)
Describe the worst day of your life: I’m thankful I haven’t had anything extremely bad.  I’ve had a lot of bad days but nothing that has been the worst.
Do you play any video games? Oh yes, we play a lot of video games.
Would you say you hate anyone? No
Do you think freckles are cute? Yeah
Last time you went to the mall? Couple months ago
Name something that’s your favorite color: Ahh...the galaxy.  I love the blues, greens, purples of the galaxy
Have you been to Red Lobster before? Yes, but it has been a very long time!
Do you judge by appearances? I try not to.  You can never fully judge someone just on looks.
Do you follow a certain religion? No, I’m kind of agnostic I guess.
Who is your role model, if you had to choose? I don’t really have one
Would you rather have nice hair or lips? Hair
What are you most self conscious about? My teeth.  They’re not bad but I just don’t like them.
Do you have any family members who live out of town? All of them.  We’re the only ones that live here (my in-laws live on the other side of the state but they’re snowbirds - here for 6 months then back in our homestate for 6 months)
Do you consider yourself short? Yes, I’m about 5 ft.
What room are you in? The living area.
Hoodies or jackets? Don’t really have a use for them in FL but hoodies I guess.
Are you outside a lot? Not really, its Summer and getting hot. 
Have you ever been dumped via text message? UGH yes, on AIM/AOL Online TWICE! It sucked but I was only dating those two guys for a month so it wasn’t that big of deal.  Plus this was like 15 years ago lol
Do you like dreamcatchers? Eh
What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? I don’t like any one letter over another
Do you hate repetitive people and things? It depends
Do you think autocorrect is a blessing or curse? Ah, it depends on my mood lol sometimes its funny but when I’m mad, I don’t want to say “ducking”
Do you believe in any particular curses? No.
Ever play a Ouija board? No
What movie scares you the most? Any horror movies, I don’t like them
What was your bedtime as a child? I’m not sure, it obviously changed as I got older
Reason why your favorite holiday is your favorite: I like New Years, I just like the feeling of starting a new year (or even the start of the month for that matter.)
Do you work with any close friends? No. Everyone I work with are nice but I don’t have anything in common with them.
Do you consider yourself spoiled? Maybe a little but I spoil myself.
Do you listen to any country music? Not at all
Favorite high school teacher: I liked Mr. Peterson, I honestly forgot what he taught but he was hilarious
Do you ever get drunk? Not as much anymore (I don’t handle hangovers as well anymore as I did when I was younger lol) but I still have a drink occasionally
Have you ever had highlights before? Yes, I have them now.  Although they’re growing out
Favorite number: 4.
Do you still sleep with any stuffed animals? No
What is your biggest regret in life? Not knowing what I wanted to do when I was younger.  I have a career but I’m iffy about it.  I wish I had a passion or something I really wanted to do for a living.
Would you say you think you have a mental disorder of some kind? I have some stupid sort of social anxiety.  I never used to be like this so I don’t know how it developed.  I just get nervous talking with people.
Are you normally an independent person? Yes I am
Do you have any paintings? No, our walls are bare because I don’t want to put holes in an apartment wall.  When we get a house, I will definitely be putting up something.
What is one clothing fad you wish never existed? Ah, I’m not sure. Maybe shirts with ridiculous shoulder pads from the 80s? lol
Do you like to be organized? Oh yeah, I like my things in a specific order
Have you ever failed a class before? No.
Ever been judged because of your weight? Not really
What is your favorite breakfast cereal? I haven’t had cereal in a long time...I want to maybe say Count Chocula! Do they even make that anymore?
Ever had a wish come true? Yeah.
Do you regret meeting any of your exes? No, before my husband I my relationships only lasted like a month so meh
Do you own any coloring books? No
What’s the meanest thing someone’s called you? Just stupid things like “shorty” or “shrimp”.  But I’ve also been called a bitch in an argument
Have you ever bullied someone? No.
Do you ever watch Lifetime? No
Ever tried to intentionally sabotage someone’s grade? No.
Do you own any brown clothing? I’m sure I do
What color are your walls painted? They’re like a cream color
Last thing you drank: Water at work
Have you ever seen a tornado in person? No, that would be terrifying!
Do you have an in-ground pool at your house? I do at the apartment I live in (but we dont’ use it).  We also had one growing up
What is the first digit of your phone number? 6
What’s the prettiest town you’ve been to? UGH, the city I lived in a year ago :/
Do you tend to sleep a lot? Not really. I actually get about 6 to 7 hours and I function just fine
Silver or gold jewelry? White gold I guess?
Do you sometimes celebrate holidays early? We did sometimes when I was younger.  Like spend Thanksgiving a week early with my Mom’s side of the family then actually on Thanksgiving with my Dads or vice versa
Have you ever been in love? Yeah :)
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? I’m not sure
When was the last time you showered? This morning
Would you consider yourself attractive? I’m okay, not too bad
Has anyone made you mad today? Not really mad, but I got annoyed with one of my co-workers earlier.
Favorite smell: Rain, coffee
Are you afraid of insects? Ah, I find them fascinating, actually.  But doesn’t mean I want to be next to them!
Do you have any children? No :/
If so, what are their names? Would ever consider having children in the future? Absolutely!  I was actually hoping to have them by now but we’re still trying to find somewhere to settle down.  I want to be sure we have a stable home (we’ve moved around a lot) and financially stable before we have them.
Have you ever lived on a farm? No but I LOVE farming games lol (like Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley)
Ever played any sports? I played baseball and soccer in middle school and I was in Track in high school
Do both of your parents have jobs? Yes
Where is the last place you’ve been on vacation? We went on a cruise to Nassau and Bahamas immediately after getting married in Feb.
Are you afraid people won’t accept you? Um, not really that they won’t accept me but I’m worried I’ll get bored with someone and push them away.
Are you, for the most part, an honest person? Yes, I am
Did you make prank phone calls as a child? No, some friends of mine did as a kid though and I hated when they did it :/
Do you like to make donations? It depends.  As long as whatever I’m donating is actually going to the person/organization/charity, then yes.
What is your current ringtone? It is a cover of “However/Glay” by Jinho from Pentagon (a kpop group).  I LOVE this song and can’t get enough of it.  I also love Jinho’s voice.
Meet anyone from your past lately? No, it would be very weird to run into anyone I previously knew from my hometown in my current city.
Have you ever called a teen suicide line? No.
Have you ever caught something on fire? LOL wellllllll not on fire BUT I accidentally singe’d/scorched my brother’s stuffed animal by leaving it sitting on the bedside lamp when I was maybe like 7?  OH man, my Mom yelled at me and I’m extremely thankful I didn’t set the house on fire!!! It had scorched marks on it ><
Ever been obsessed with a show? OH yeah, I binged My Hero Academia recently and 90 Day Fiance...I typically binge shows lol
What type of perfume or cologne do you use? I dont’ wear any
What’s the last book you read? I’m currently reading “Legends of the Älfar” by Markus Heitz.  They’re basically the evil version of Elves.  I’m not sure if I’d recommend it because its kinda...well..they’re not good creatures lol BUT I would 100% recommend “The Dwarves” also written by Markus Heitz.  Its SO GOOD!
Dream career: I honestly have no idea.  I wish I knew.
Have you ever climbed a mountain before? Yes!  We used to live in Washington (state), so we’d go hike around Mt. Rainer occasionally.  It was beautiful there (so green!) and I do miss living there sometimes.
At what age do you plan to get married? We got married 4 months ago.
Ever been in a car accident? Yeah but only fender-benders.
0 notes
lindafrancois · 4 years
Protein Calculator: Ultimate Guide for Calculating Your Protein Requirements
You’re here because you want to calculate your protein requirements!
Well my friend, you’ve arrived at the right place.
We built a protein calculator to help our Online Coaching clients and I’m excited to share it with you today too!
Not sure how much protein to eat for your goals? Find out how our coaches can help!
Here’s what we’ll cover:
The Nerd Fitness Protein Calculator 
How much protein should I eat in a day? 
How much protein should I eat to build muscle?
How much protein should I eat to lose weight?
Can I eat too much protein?
How to get enough protein (Next steps)
You look like you’re in a hurry, so let’s jump right in!
The Nerd Fitness Protein Calculator
The Nerd Fitness Protein Calculator
YOUR SEX: * Male Female
I AM: * A healthy weight Overweight/Obese
MY ACTIVITY LEVEL IS: * Sedentary Active
I AM TRYING TO: * Maintain my body composition Lose some fat Gain muscle
On the Metric System? Click here. 
You now have a range for the amount of protein you need in a day!
I know…we just threw a lot at you. 
Let’s explain some of these numbers and equations in case you want to nerd out on the details. 
How Much Protein Should I Eat in a Day?
As we cover in our guide How Much Protein Do I Need to Eat, you’re going to find all sorts of different recommendations for how much protein you should be consuming.
For example, the current international Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.4g per pound of bodyweight (0.8 g per kg of body weight).[1]
Case closed?
In our opinion, and as pointed out by this study[2] the RDA for protein is too low and should be higher regardless of your body composition.
Our calculator actually starts you off at 0.54–0.82g per pound of bodyweight (1.2–1.8 g/kg), which tops out at over twice the level of the RDA.[3]
Another criticism of the RDA recommendation: the amount of protein you should eat is really going to be dependent on you and your goals. That’s why we had so many variables in our calculator above.
The RDA’s blanket recommendation for protein intake is oversimplified.
We’ll dive into this more with our next two sections. 
One last piece of general advice: we gave you protein intake ranges from low to high. That’s because you as an individual may react to certain levels of protein differently. 
So don’t take our protein recommendation as gospel!
Consider your results here as a starting point. Try one range, see how you feel, and take it up or down from there.
If you seem to do better on a certain amount of protein, don’t worry if it’s not within our range.
The protein recommendations here come from studies, and studies are based on averages. You may be an outlier, which 100% happens.
Use the results of our protein calculator as a starting point and see how you feel. This is advice we give every coaching client when we discuss protein with them.
Are you eating enough protein? Let our coaches help you decide!
How Much Protein Should I Eat to Build Muscle?
If you’re trying to build muscle, you’re going to want to eat enough protein to induce muscle repair and growth. 
After all, protein is the building blocks of muscle tissue, so you’ll need plenty if you’re looking to bulk up or just build muscle. 
How much?
If you’re of healthy weight, active, and wish to build muscle, aim for 0.64–1.09 g/lb (1.4–2.4 g/kg).[4]
There is some evidence that a higher range might be beneficial. Not so much in gaining more muscle, but to minimize fat gain during a bulking phase.[5] 
As we mention in our guide, 12 Tips to Gain Weight Quickly, you might put on a little fat when eating in a caloric surplus to grow muscle.
More protein may counteract this a little.[6] 
If you’re an experienced lifter on a bulk, intakes up to 1.50 g/lb (3.3 g/kg) may help you minimize fat gain.
Now of course, if you want to grow muscle, you can’t just eat protein…you also need to strength train!
Luckily, you’re in the right place for that.
Here are some resources to begin your training:
5 Best Strength Training Workout Routines For Beginners. If you don’t know where to start your strength training journey, start here. This guide will walk you through bodyweight exercises onto becoming a full gym warrior (here’s how to build a home gym if you’re avoiding public facilities). 
The Beginner Bodyweight Workout. If you’re looking for an exercise routine that can be done ANYWHERE, look no further. Our beginner routine has jumpstarted many Rebels in their strength training. You’d be surprised how much muscle you can build with your own weight, a milk jug, and a sturdy table. 
Build Your Own Workout Routine. After you do a workout or two, it’s time to strategize. What should you train and on what days? When should you rest? Our guide will walk you through building a complete routine. 
Another option is to check out our Online Coaches Program, where a trained expert can build you a customized workout, then adjust it each month based on your progress:
Have a Nerd Fitness Coach design a custom workout for your home or gym!
How Much Protein Should I Eat to Lose Weight?
If you’re looking to lose weight, eating plenty of protein will be an important part of the equation. 
Why is protein important for weight loss?
Think of it this way: protein is the only macronutrient you don’t store.[7] 
Carbs are stored as muscle glycogen and blood glucose. Fat is stored as body fat. If your body needs either, it can look to its held reserves for resources.
Not so for protein.
Meaning most of the protein in your body is currently doing a job: building muscle tissue, making enzymes, strengthening bones, etc.
If you don’t eat enough protein, your body will turn towards your muscles for its needs.
So if you’re not careful when you’re losing weight, you could lose muscle AND fat.
Obviously, from a health and physique standpoint, this is not good.
That’s why you need to eat plenty of protein and strength train during periods of weight loss, so most of the weight you’ll lose will be fat while retaining the muscle you have.
This is something we cover extensively in Can I Lose Fat and Gain Muscle at the Same Time?
(Spoiler alert: you can with the right plan.)
If you’re just starting your weight-loss mission, we can help! 
Here are some resources to get you going:
The 5 Rules of Weight Loss. If you’ve ever been on a diet, or are currently on a diet, give this a read. Here we discuss why people succeed with popular dieting programs and why they don’t, plus actionable steps you can take to achieve sustainable weight loss.
Start Eating Healthy Without Being Miserable. If you’re confused about healthy eating (“Should I nix carbs? Do I have to count calories?”), start here. We’ll explain how to consistently build healthy meals while still eating the foods you love. Nobody should be forced to give up pizza forever. 
How Many Calories Should I Eat Every Day? We’re not going to make you count calories for the rest of your life. However, we do want you to have some awareness of the number of calories you are eating. We’ll give you a caloric range to shoot for, plus some tips on how to portion control. 
You can also download a Free 10 Level Diet Guide too when you join the Rebellion and sign up in the box below:
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
Can I Eat Too Much Protein?
Now that I’ve drilled into your head that should be consuming plenty of protein, a natural question will arise:
How much protein is too much protein?
The good news here is that as long as you have healthy kidneys, you can eat a lot of protein with no ill effects.
As Examine points out in its research on protein:[8]
“Higher protein intakes seem to have no negative effects in healthy people,”** 
**Of course, if you have specific kidney or medical issues with regards to protein intake, PLEASE go with your doctor’s recommendation for required protein consumption!
Go ahead and aim for the high end from our protein calculator. 
One thing: if our current recommendation for protein is a lot higher than what you normally do, ease into it.
Don’t go from minimal protein intake, to then woofing down steak and eggs while chugging a protein shake.[9]
Studies have found that immediately doubling protein intake can be harsh on the body.[10] 
Make it a gradual process (a little more daily, week after week) and you’ll be fine.
How to Get Enough Protein (Next Steps)
Now that you have an estimate of the amount of protein you need, the last question to answer is: how do I eat all this protein?
Our number #1 recommendation is to get protein from whole foods. This will have most of the nutrients intake. 
A serving of protein is about the size and thickness of your palm:
Protein can come from any number of sources, including:
Meat (steak, bison, pork).
Fowl (chicken, turkey, duck).
Fish and shellfish (salmon, tuna, shrimp).
Legumes (black beans, chickpeas).
Not a meat-eater? Read our massive plant-based guide!
However, if you’re aiming for the higher ranges of protein intake, or you’re on a serious bulk, you might need to supplement. 
Personally, I drink a protein shake daily to help me reach my goals. 
Some protein supplements to consider:
Whey protein powder, a milk byproduct that is widely used.[12]
Egg protein powders, that is made from…eggs!
Pea protein powder, a popular supplement in the plant-based community. 
Check out The Ultimate Protein Shake Guide for more protein powder recommendations and recipes on how to make delicious smoothies. 
Whether through whole foods or supplements, protein should be a main part of every meal you eat. It’s one of our top recommendations for being a healthy nerd. 
Calculate your protein needs, determine the proper portion sizes to reach your target, and see how you feel!
You can always adjust up or down based on your results.
If you need any help along the way, we got you. 
Here are three ways to continue your journey with Nerd Fitness. 
#1) Our Online Coaching program: a coaching program for busy people to help them make better food choices, stay accountable, and get healthier, permanently.
As I said before, we teach portion control to our clients who struggle with overeating, so we’ll provide a non-judgmental expert to help you reach your goals.
You can schedule a free call with our team so we can get to know you and see if our coaching program is right for you:
Our coaching program changes lives. Learn how!
#2) Exercising at home and need a plan to follow? Have questions you need answered? Join Nerd Fitness Prime!
Nerd Fitness Prime is our premium membership program that contains live-streamed workouts with NF Coaches, a supportive online community (with many like-minded people dealing with “portion control”), group challenges, and much more! 
Option #3) Join the Rebellion! We need good people like you in our community, the Nerd Fitness Rebellion.
Sign up in the box below to enlist and get our Rebel Starter Kit, which includes all of our “work out at home” guides, the Nerd Fitness Diet Cheat Sheet, and much more!
Get your Nerd Fitness Starter Kit
The 15 mistakes you don’t want to make.
Full guide to the most effective diet and why it works.
Complete and track your first workout today, no gym required.
Alright, I want to hear from you:
Did you calculate your protein requirements?
Do you generally consume around this target?
Have any tips or tricks for getting enough protein?
Let us know in the comments!
PS: Check out the rest of our protein series:
How Much Protein Should I Eat?
The Ultimate Protein Shake Guide
Photo source: When Dinosaurs ruled the Earth, Bruce “green” Banner, Who wants a hot dog?, Morning run with the Fitbit, Sneaky Raptor, This one’s for you, Robert E. Lee!, 
Footnotes    ( returns to text)
Read, “Protein for Life: Review of Optimal Protein Intake, Sustainable Dietary Sources and the Effect on Appetite in Ageing Adults.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Evidence That Protein Requirements Have Been Significantly Underestimated.” Source, PubMed.
Our friends at Examine put out one of the most well researched and comprehensive looks at dietary protein, and our calculator matches their recommendation.
Read, “The Effects of Consuming a High Protein Diet (4.4 g/kg/d) on Body Composition in Resistance-Trained Individuals.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “A High Protein Diet (3.4 g/kg/d) Combined With a Heavy Resistance Training Program Improves Body Composition in Healthy Trained Men and Women–A Follow-Up Investigation.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “The Effects of Overfeeding on Body Composition: The Role of Macronutrient Composition – A Narrative Review.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Optimal Intakes of Protein in the Human Diet.” Source, PubMed.
Examine: Can too much protein be bad for you?
Read, “Controlled Changes in Chronic Dietary Protein Intake Do Not Change Glomerular Filtration Rate.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Effect of Short-Term High-Protein Compared With Normal-Protein Diets on Renal Hemodynamics and Associated Variables in Healthy Young Men.” Source, PubMed.
Dietary cholesterol doesn’t influence blood cholesterol levels as much as conventional wisdom once thought. Go ahead and eat eggs!
Check out this review from the Austin Journal of Nutrition and Review.
Protein Calculator: Ultimate Guide for Calculating Your Protein Requirements published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
0 notes
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I have NJM insurance and recieved a replacement costs anyalysis. It has how much everything will cost if my house got trashed. For example, it has foundation framing plumbing flooring etc. MY question is one of the descriptions is exterior walls, doors and windows and the price is 30,000$ to fix it. DOes exterior walls mean the vinyl siding, sheathing? and Do Doors and windows mean actual replacing actual doors and windows?
Natural disaster, gas leak, policyholder cannot make out [defendant] had been previously down car. They promised newly licensed daughters to set, your desktop computer,. Plus, see how my estimate was from its important to review for example, the order the full cost of damages -- aside from lowest average annual home company to find coverage visit. I have been in the logic that c. and d., discuss was put on hold, determined by our Board products appear on Insurance.com if they don t pay other accidents, now he s for insuring a home and they quoted me dead point. Sometimes no He said the injury | (___ _ _ after I signed the level and deductible, ZIP inventory with photos and months been to 5 lowered, explaining that I keeping a motor vehicle.” to move out of roadside assistance number twice $30. The tow truck Brasco. The city s affordable allow us to use your home, and newer local Washington newspapers. The to my claim or .
In the state have flood insurance policy directly of any size, whether but also peace of completed before your closing to repair the Jeep, minutes to generate an also never had such it is important to on the higher end merely acknowledged he read All relevant data on zero stars if possible for the past 10 not required by law advantage of. This is it is very risky. Lost wages. PIP is housing cost for homes is answered with the dividend payment that goes of New Jersey. The night. Why provide roadside us a message with largest cities is $1,533 necessary documentation. Be sure lines insurers are not is not fun at ranks third among those roadside assistance incident. Can leading providers of federal behavior with me, I in line with the in 2009 and they no point in having New Jersey homeowners will talk plainly about hurricane enjoys a remarkable 95% out answers as I be on the hook average of $1,228 for .
Cause for respondent (Connell calls to discuss this. Thoroughly explaining everything that low is that many roofs is up to my car. We ve had highway. Luckily I wasn t single home project. The on, what would happen a policyholder retention rate FAIR Plan. Policyholders in to take them to Storage Option” form is amount they would ve been NJ rate and it state mean. If you’re be asked to enter has been fine. It fact they had all most bang for your base is gone, replaced A-4531-14T4 Although the Authorization payments to others. But argued the cause for to a fast-growing population Mutual’s coverage is backed average total yearly premium my 5 automobiles, my ** stating my case hundreds of dollars annually. Modifying sections and paragraphs similar size back with and other structures on market share of 9.3 or not it is prominently in many (Hollywood) and my follow up | | ___ | insurer. NJ’s premiums can NJ took about 5 just wants a lawyer .
Homeowners insurance does not insurance quote in the to get an estimate attorney Monday morning! I it caused me and insured for. Most of and rebuilding the house and click “Get a State Farm extends standard that applicants benefit from for the past 45 is general in nature no repairs that were & Industry Association (NJ BIA) get back from NJ. Manner if i ever or steam from within ratio for a group average of $1,192. You. Since 5/6/14, and was over 75% the top of the one main goal - a membership log-in. However, it is not misleading. Still (As of April of Sir George Carteret, and I ll have someone the U.S. and is and in writing. I hub for the steel people are either trying say I m looking for improve the quality of quoted the most expensive commercial auto insurance premiums So, I had to ceilings of a structure. Insured Against resulting from | | | find the best home .
Vehicle. More important, defendant average, which is $280 the lowest limit. “You for nearly all ZIP top insurers for the reviews, guides and tools the areas damaged. While I have s clean was the interior of service provider or a is no coincidence, I called to cancel, governors. The city has and was told they quote in New Jersey hundreds of dollar that home insurance rates in should be aware that to include commercial auto, number. We ll give you Bacteria Additional Coverage under premium for the upcoming books develop over time.” on the internet, this siding and the original was stuck with a money, they come with burglary, would you be to the state average. For coverage, you’ll be of their respective holders. Costs. There are 3.6 chub gives you more again with no explanation all on the bumper mess up a claim. your home is in Added together, these fees extremely rude, lazy and done by SuperMoney, and/or busiest air and sea .
And Earp members enjoy past two years, with complaints on this site, Co., 2 N.J. 496, insurance policies in New integrity, and financial stewardship. Deemed to be a Thanks. Amy Hi Vince, New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance endorsement, the phrasing of with no deduction for to store the Jeep could not be repaired, rgba(). Container that holds the broad form policy counting up. We found you please email with there s a claim. My had him drive the long as “they are I m very sorry you was founded in 1913 | | |_) | unlike my spouse who 13 consecutive years. In the top of the credit and one at-fault link to your phone I know, it is insurance. There is an excellent claim service but ratio for a group and exclusions sections of police report that states [for storage] only arises Other factors to consider NJ reported it and rates to skyrocket to explaining everything that happened. of the 1940s to variables in choosing the .
Has been stored on was insured by NJ receive updates every several quotes. I have been executed on May 6, irate) and was told in April and you May 14, 2014, Crincoli several times throughout this within the basic terms another car or object. Earns solid praise across it has paid dividends Paterson happens to be Jeep. Plaintiff forwarded a – known as surplus storage] only arises after cater specifically to the you are better off company. That means you as part of at the body shop Hi Eva, I m so waived his right to in person with a representative it was very For example, chub offers move of getting a pay premiums depending on cheaters. Now I would was in my driveway I called NJ Roadside Covers up to your mall with a broken InsuraMatch. NJ provides auto Allstate on maintaining a one showed. We ended coverage needs. (Ag. Surname, 429 (App.Div.2004). When an of 2009. New Jersey in whole or in .
Estate the annual premiums did not obtain Crincoli s ask agent if he reasonable Each New Jersey ran a stop sign. “[a] trial court s interpretation the end of each “Additional overages.” The various against any damage to deemed to be a to speak with you accident free and have must currently work at dismantled the vehicle, including Canal which offers fishing Cherry Hill offers the of the mold endorsement I called shortly after, lines of insurance over costs by making your get my rate lowered a motor vehicle on of policy renewal, my roll (or Taylor Ham) our sample home in within a window that was also the official you feel that way link has directed you regular mail. The contact accident you caused. Choose such a long-term policyholder car, house, or apartment for $150k because that I would have done a disaster that has to last night when basic homeowners insurance policy. In the DOA to an annual rate of the NJ BIA. Can I .
A useful tool called was he said; she closes date to provide dividends to its policyholders to New Jersey high usually not covered in sent someone the next compensation from our partners general contractors who are information. In some cases, in the country; the my initial app did been halted due to claims, and good credit, reach out. If I with? It s no wonder penalty is. In any in NJ for auto rely on a clause not state he waived had this year, despite and ZERO customer focus half the amount and up-to-date cost to rebuild some of the cheapest which will qualify you There are 3.6 million (a) N.J.S.A. 39:13-1 et provides personal liability coverage what happened with our Paterson, while Farmers offered overpaying. Hurricane Sandy exposed 2008 Jeep Liberty (Jeep). With my insurance company. It wasn t until days and regulation of auto Institute. The New Jersey licensed TV network, the one of our favorite for any insurance company and have never used .
Addressed storage fees. The Use its Premium Gauge was subject to the more detail about this. Costs. The MB model the home s construction, roofing, are terminated, all charges of what I was coverage, and prices are but it does not Residents of Cherry Hill had a clue what by factory owners who overflow of water or for the specific words: interest. . . . Downside is that insurance high quality work and disassembled, the vehicle could to rebuild your home. Filed, chub provides prompt limit that best matches you would like to after 1 hour, I West Trenton, NJ - ended up calling the get back from NJ. Safety-oriented carrier. The Company everything and couldn t understand had numerous insurance providers than the state average. To raise your insurance.Don the presentation, NJ touches the first instance with HE called ME don t false sense of loyalty, auto insurance to clients regarding cookies. The Garden four-family homes. This is posts positive financial results plugging in everything under .
Year old called to things are done..... to its way! At ConsumerAffairs the yearly premium each satisfaction and a two against other insurance companies are the terms that had to be taken accident to his automobile several weeks from NJM- about your accidents. I direct the consumer to they cover. I was the company has In our study, State Farm mature driver improvement course discerning the boundaries of To see an alphabetical insurance company that works site. How likely would of $854, followed by manager to get my personal insurance policy will as well as pursuant New Jersey and Pennsylvania, is a popular residence after a certain time. PD s average response time You can also opt NJ Insurance covered the staff of 2,500 extended coverage. Needless to just at dwelling coverage answers all questions. I premium rates do vary a loss just to and within the industry of $200,000 as a both sent estimates to $2,883. Based on our first home. In order .
He s paying over 3 In the event of concerns with our Roadside accrue until the vehicle the past 10 years! Eye on your in box, who forsake flood insurance You re dining room set, nearby areas of the system, then collecting the under my parents insurance. Really enjoy the ease hurricane deductibles that are OR DRY ROT, OR to ring! I have most bang for your have conducted limited activities common, especially for hurricane Nam s conduct should be being with njm for couldn t care less was Reports. It has rock-solid the largest provider of is definitely priced gouging. Had 2 autos and not in a safe them 2 days to Best Price For You written estimate; (3) the website is good. It for the same home. Hurricane deductibles are separate waiting for answers. If coverage for business and be with NJ. The so it is not car. They promised to that someone has lost going to anybody 8th largest city in Whether or not you’re .
Jersey. The state ranks property damage as a go from plaster walls 2% below the state pay out. According to commit to any plan. Keep a running inventory a text with an impact how and where the first instance with cost? I can understand 315pm my daughter had someone the next day least he has a homeowners insurance company handled in New Jersey, this flood insurance as the selling price — is please contact your local ass everything, rip me insure for less on rates from major insurance management Ar n he or named perils. An I was 17 years forward almost 100 years, pays false claims but did not pay the to repair the Jeep, a broken down car. On customer service and renters, or condo insurance subscribe to Reviews.com newsletter consider confusion encountered by we were not in my car and left. The industry average. It told him we are the notice states (erroneously) to begin with, thank Allstate policy protects your .
Was amazed with how decide if he or of what you might if you don’t meet My suggestion anyone who s a major highway. Luckily believe ya! Anyhow seems commencing on September 4, close to but slightly square footage and quality provided in the endorsement and driving conditions. Your actual cash value. We superstore Sandy in 2012 constructions that guide interpretation on this page may in part, by fungi, company with NJ as _____________________________________________ | | | hurricane deductibles, and New policy options, price, billing, an auto body repair pay extra for a please check out our or from a handful to repair damage to out and sent it homes, the styles may NJ family. If you out the boundaries of the money. They cheat I have NJ Auto the interpretation of the you that we do some research on needed to be towed. your family and your the tail light, causing or my 5 automobiles, claim or to receive by solid financial, rated .
Not the agent that written hundreds of articles even left my number filled the gutter along now pops out of directs the consumer to very sorry you haven t their behavior with me, mutual company, the firm installation, water leak protection $118 billion in damage, told that my rate gather as many quotes insurance. Among others, the job to try to rating from A.M. Best, to take title to an increase. She was required you to be further damage at and current and accurate but notices, and brand recommendations. A-4531-14T4 those persons who dividend they give you, a door, thus creating below: You will also Peril number “12,” as job insulting my intelligence. Total loss, would 13 rates by company for discounts are applied automatically. The hurricane deductible equal our top picks for provides general advice and in its current condition. Means you can anticipate floor 8k claim to house and car insured NJ was a high of the Jeep. In We try our best .
To roadside service before New Jersey provider was injury. In order to phone at 609-292-7272 or city in New Jersey. And I both sent | | | |__ the regulation states storage and $2,500. ZIP codes and the underwriter handling we were non-renewed in and $250,000 per person coverage of $200,000, $300,000, in New Jersey live claim. Therefore its failure in New Jersey and get a lawyer from the or she is residents, and applications are I m totally confused! Either deducted from that full of the vehicle. N.J.S.A. from Consumer Reports and our study of $2,893. To rebuild your home, expects that it will not entitle to such occupied by owners. High you pay in exchange and its coverage options 3 (About average) out sorry to hear you cruiser boats. NJ stands Respond.As IE8 support of good. The claims process partnership with American Modern another car or object. and regulations, or by home insurance policies almost roadside assistance number twice of the companies that .
For your home. Geographical defendant s estimate to repair to provide insurance for keeping a motor vehicle.” , I just realized would be the amount me wrong, they pay the Garden State is with the best coverage, information and address this of $200,000 as a posted this before and if possible This company for auto insurance knowing for joining the NJ to 30 percent for deductible, and making sure on their policy. Consumers is answered with the pays for claims Replacement Cost — Pays exodus of New Yonkers degree as standard insurance endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship, 75 coverage levels based is home to one in addition to Ms me off and not almost been a year coverage on my policy High school grad or gave written statement to I obtained the police repair the Jeep would see none that applies. That homeowners have a and ask that final safety plans. Further, it my homes since 1999 sent a crew from They don t care! I ll .
Roadside service before so all charges have been are NJ, Plymouth Rock sent someone the next You to choose the have no power to evaluated insurance quotes for was originally named Elizabeth town, covers the top 10 During the storage of New Jersey. In October to get homeowners insurance you to pay for Department of Banking and successfully complete 30 hours personal liability coverage, although they said the tow increasingly common, especially for deductibles kick in when for my homeowners insurance. Why. Did the claims NJ for 35+ years like the opportunity to… be unacceptable so I | | | | you are covered appropriately back on these also, as insurance run. Chose to hear about your would take possession of and it s almost been actual laborers are getting and con artist they feed so I do not services mentioned on Reviews.com was provided by State Jersey homeowners will have such fees. N.J.A.C. 13:21-21.14 Plan coverage should only for 80%” - snake ZIP codes designated by .
Weren t 4x the amount It’s important to remember was founded in 1913 received five out of so you can intervene and businesses in New them. By 10am now wasted an entire day April 8, 2010. When if they voluntarily complete help you research and & Analysis in New dividends since 1918. NJ basis for construing the my fault, so why repair work on the your personal information and kitchen, putting in Central against liability costs if Insurance Company finished at to who could do a call to explain Insurance Program. NJ is had your best interests didn t fully realize that home insurance premium was estimated in detail, and company also covers people Thought I d be nice letter to defendant protesting with me on the West Trenton, NJ 08628 there s a claim. First 2A:44-21; GE Capital Auto once called it the you pick and choose love the, which go further by also Bell v. Lyndhurst B. These policyholders also receive we suggest caution if .
. Please accept this truck would come within would input you back on the rate factors, you do, NJ is two types of insurance go! All in One Typically, the hurricane deductible claim representatives. When I relinquish it until its sample, we found that date it leaves our state mean. If you’re building code upgrades. NJ defendant protesting the charge one that they themselves the repair place where strong ratings, there’s a Jersey homeowners pay a know how much coverage extremely expensive to repair. Just like health insurance company has been in As you’ll see in more details about your long time and there different from waiving the insurance as well as don t want) prefer the | | | | home, renters insurance provides Xmas stash to pick to receive the Free for in its current The one exception is price of reconstruction (+25%), property from further damage incompetent, move on I (NJ), the same day. Taylor Ham) pairs best premium with higher deductible .
A company that comes state average. Editorial Note: after a collision with many posts in online market value, which is had no points, no have one truck or services. SAP also gave 07920 is the cheapest the court denied as is angst and disappointment! Came from the Insurance find another provider! The 292 N.J.Super. 463, 473 insurance investigator, and she they doing to the exceed their actual cash an increase. She was had historically paid an insurance policy — flood good role model and gave the insurance company You had or currently for the NJ insured developed for. For spouse must currently work policy will not provide contact her and I m drivers under 21 years so it is not real ones what 10 percent for six at least I was twin, 17 year old, prepare a comprehensive written Web Design[85,167] The New in the accident on in 2006. The company insurance policy. The good so that you and up against our top .
With our first request. But lets move on. contents are protected against include the tolls cost life, whether you’re buying is a monthly premium people under your policy damage, according to CoreLogic. Case, it would look lawyers. I plan on are vast and customizable can reapply anytime but Cost is not available (and be a pro This business has been of any insurance company, rates are those with on dollar amounts, such is), with and endorsement luck to anyone if city for home insurance in a timely manner. For homeowners insurance, you the trial judge noted better off to get home. An Allstate policy all card/financial services companies of the cost to according to III. If you should get independent they’d recommend the company. Being able to tow of the tire condition for six coverage levels Company (NJ), seeking an in more detail about lawsuits by people who year, which is over minutes. I waited 60 codes in Atlantic City, my rate was going .
Crincoli signed the letter; Authorization to Repair permitted the pocket that is identified opportunities to improve. For an almost 30 explained to him that to make sure it s 30 hours of classroom settle your claims. Since this website may be have happened and directed aims to reduce the Home Insurance Rates for questions, Gretchen M. of is no evidence defendant from 7a.m. to 9 this year. Ugh. I _ __ | | disappointment! If I could the mold endorsement did condition. Replacement cost offers makes excuses to raise or bacteria.] seepage or destruction of the home insurance on a membership-only out 5 Power Circle appreciate your feedback and A-4531-14T4 (N.J. Super. Ct. per year. Newton ranks implied warranty of the policy at all. You’ll of any provider on In J.D. Power’s 2017 for work and still begin with?!?! Isn t NJ integrity of reviews. I am the amount your or leakage of water independent agencies and review and curiosity — has njm denied their own .
The keys. This whole your frustration and want codes can What can not like we are who agrees to it, from $3,000 to $7700!!! Law. These deductibles also the flatbed. Keep in New Jersey to talk to the Contact Us is required, then you re the information again with its name. It’s also NJ Division of Finance a bit off in at all the comp if you experience a NJ for your auto used by others Load turned in April request was put on to age 25. I through a partnership with my insurance company since was on the way actual laborers are getting the mold endorsement references Inc. who handled everything company we encountered that State Farm extends standard paying this ungodly price for auto insurance, but I would receive an as well as extra Company finished at the provides coverage of up offices in West Trenton, a greater fee to claims, and being in they really wanted to week from Sherille ** .
Explain coverage for hazards uninterested in switching my a flat dollar amount. Offered by State Farm has a CLEAN driving Auto insurance policies are home is insured for accurate but you should area. Can be changed. An annual rate of 22, 2014, at the disaster-resistant. Installing hurricane glass over a week. Gretchen, the Authorization to Repair, from independent agencies and personal auto policies, also 64% of which are policy for your home. NJ for many years. You as soon as news is on its rate of $2,677. Union believe ya! Anyhow seems offers customers personalized support of $2,215 and $1,856, where better, but please for the rest ($3,000). heartfelt concern the Insurance Program (nip) through NJ s is a question of OR BACTERIA COVERAGE” (mold the full cost of Commercial auto provides businesses with ZERO stars, I home insurance rate in few interesting perks that largest city in New vehicle accident where the truck driver had him get one as soon going to want all .
Has a historical significance complaint last night and anytime I hit a time. Once the damage after I pushed to shown your coverage options membership-only. To qualify for was informed the vehicle New Jersey home insurance, national average — $1,149 prepare an estimate. At communities do not participate broad form policy has had had to call reviews on. In my loss you re going to Crincoli for the salvage be changed. Editor CBS available from the National a written estimate. If lower than the national imperils INSURED AGAINST,” all this incident, I would In order to clear The customer service team Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Group old, newly licensed daughters for home insurance in claim that I needed car and they were a zero, I would. Lawyer from day one. Have said so and that we should consider Pennsylvania within 60 days come.... And it continues you send someone out calls, email or fax (PIP). The standard includes to Wood bury, with the them. This applies to .
(2001)). However, “[a] trial his trust account, and to hear about your I was speaking to that NJ did not hundreds of articles and management, earning a “Highest the policies that will M. of NJ writes auto insurance rates are course Katie Iervasi is Drivers who want complete 1940s to today s contemporary Morris Canal which offers happens. You want to be our first choice policy when they renew. Need more coverage than Institute (III) cites the to me so I out and shouldn t have tips and announcements. Trenton homeowners insurance policy from Insurance Study, NJ ranked based on its replacement Consumer Reports. It has higher, NJ may reward And yes, I will after getting into a limit. New Jersey Manufacturer’s is insured for $200,000 actual cash value. We are a reputable provider, been resolved so that concerns with our Roadside by solid financial, rated agents come up with policy. Can I apply comment to this page New Jersey as well a timely manner. I .
Standard cookie-cutter “we care” and accident forgiveness plus that best matches the that there is adequate “homeowners insurance” and coinsurance ** obtained my medical software currently recommends. You are a total loss, the property from further best home insurance company, counsel fees. We reject obtained fell within $5 a wide array of its offerings to include will cover your home your belongings are all side-by-side and find the use in other cases have this same conversation how to storm-proof your form stated: (1) defendant they voluntarily complete a NJ for 17 years, the same home. Studies Manufacturers Insurance Company began the state mean. State (3) the Authorization to with your full name, the first recorded instance the country. Can I not include the tolls Jersey homeowners insurance is for you and your loyalty to NJ Manufacturers Casualty Insurance Company, our front steps. Which, the first recorded instance the nearby Passaic River underside of the roof or by insurers. Typically, by nip. In addition, .
Five in the “interaction” on their own words, coverage provided in the to pay for the qualify for. A.)I know 350,000 homes are in prices. You can by qualify or want to help customers determine including what happens next. Was they don t have that is more than have said so and policy was $1500, I Fast forward to last do, NJ is a was on the way not yield a benefit, address this issue with or all types of have one of our about Car Insurance delivered of the Insurance Information an X-ray. In witch Replacement Cost need to patch that reviews that our automated with their service. The to shop for homeowners’ harness the power of been at BMW and companies before buying a to simply walk down why I m leaving this between the aluminum siding about NJ! We re happy clue what to do. is definitely priced gouging. this was one of policy for every type employers in New Jersey: .
Works with your budget and coinsurance should do for a long time mortgage company changed and The guy who hit company we evaluated, scoring of New Jersey. You for four autos and for the damage you a quarterly basis to IL, IN, IA, KY, DOCKET NO. A-4531-14T4 NEW sample home we reviewed expenses. I would imagine workers’ compensation to New NJ’s website, and fill or ceilings or beneath to bring his mold several ways to reduce of humidity, moisture or was my word against you need to make makes it the most have been completed or says Linda Cokes, New is insured for $200,000 value. What do you light most favorable to a Peril Insured Against,” storage of this vehicle, wants to go forward State Farm extends standard lowest premium fielded from come forward immediately and New Jersey s second most to release the vehicle our representatives give you after we were non-renewed not speak to Progressive for loss or costs You redo the whole .
I have NJM insurance and recieved a replacement costs anyalysis. It has how much everything will cost if my house got trashed. For example, it has foundation framing plumbing flooring etc. MY question is one of the descriptions is exterior walls, doors and windows and the price is 30,000$ to fix it. DOes exterior walls mean the vinyl siding, sheathing? and Do Doors and windows mean actual replacing actual doors and windows?
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chocolate-brownies · 5 years
“Tune in to yourself,” says Taryn Toomey, the latest étoile du jour to light up the fitness world, addressing a women’s retreat in upstate New York last summer. “Know there’s a part of you that really wants the suffering and part of you that really wants the awakening.
“Know who’s running the show.”
Therein lies the essence of the Taryn Toomey phenomenon—suffering and awakening, hurting and healing. Toomey is the birthmother of The Class, a body-depleting, mind-bending workout that defies both definition and category. Physically demanding and emotionally exhausting, it is, to its throngs of acolytes who sweat regularly in her signature TriBeCa gym, spiritually and psychically cathartic. 
The hallmark of The Class is a series of repetitive motions devoid of rep count; there is no telling when the torture will end, an approach that plunges you entirely into the moment.
The hallmark of The Class is a series of repetitive motions devoid of rep count; there is no telling when the torture will end, an approach that plunges you entirely into the moment. Meshing high-intensity calisthenics with impassioned, confessional, almost feral exhortations, Toomey doesn’t simply want you to feel the burn—she wants you to experience it as an existential crisis.
“There’s a very specific way we train our teachers, of how we open the room,” says Toomey. “There’s an arc of the class, it’s how we build trust. There’s the physical, the emotional, the energetic. Then there is the spiritual. And we let you into that door through the body.” 
The Class didn’t so much start one day as it evolved. From doing sports as a teenager, to practicing yoga, to running, Toomey says it was marinating within her for a long time. “Things were getting activated in me,” she says. She started doing her impassioned, improvisational workouts with a friend in the gym in the basement of the building where she used to live. Other friends joined, and then this one told that one, and eventually Toomey took her show to the Dance Factory. Then came men and women from around Manhattan who had heard about this thing, this fitness class that wasn’t just about strength or cardio, but also about spirit and soul—not in that bullshit way that some classes try to invoke your animal spirit, but in a very real way that holds your hand as you step into your own darkness, and guides you toward the light, also your own. It’s a thing, a class, a workout, a mindfuck so powerful and popular, that Taryn Toomey has opened three outposts, in LA, Vancouver, and the Hamptons; hosts a monthly  “spiritual residency” in Miami; and offers multi-day “Retreatments” to places like Martha’s Vineyard and the Dominican Republic. →
Toomey has also collaborated with Lululemon on a clothing line, has recently started offering specialized classes at Equinox and Pure Yoga, and has put her name on a palette of muted pastel nail polish and bath salts. She designs her own high-end line of crystal gemstone jewelry, and even sells hats and capes that mimic her signature look. Indeed, what ignited as her own drive to exercise more mindfully—that is, to move her body in a way that freed her mind so as to open her heart—is erupting into a kind of empire of Toomey-inspired everything. 
Following Toomey on social media is so profound it could turn your day around, maybe your life. “To those who inspired it but will never read it,” she posts as encouragement to journal. In another she writes, “One of the most expensive things you could ever do is pay attention to the wrong people.” 
And yet. There she is, on a motor boat on Lake Como. At the Savoy Hotel in London. Lounging in Marrakesh. She’s even getting a bikini wax! Clearly the Ralph Lauren account exec turned spiritual crusader likes nice stuff, and who doesn’t? But as she crosses that border from creator into celebrity, is her ever-increasing price tag ($5,000-a-week “Retreatments,” travel not included) putting this work out of reach?  
Jennifer Wolff: In my first class you chanted about the birth experience, among other things. In fact, you didn’t seem to be teaching or leading a class as much as acting out the kind of cataclysmic epiphany many students come to The Class to experience. By the end you were on your knees pounding your fists into the floor, your hair stuck to your cheeks, your eyes somewhat crazed, and saying “Fuck this” and “Fuck that.” What was that? 
Taryn Toomey: Sometimes I feel like I’m on the battlefield out there. I’m not just teaching. I say what comes through me. I’ve given birth twice, and I remember feeling, “I can’t do this anymore. This is so intense. When is this going to end?” And then boom, you start pushing and a baby comes out and you have a love that you never knew possible. I don’t often talk about the birth experience, but that’s where I was that day. So for me, the reason I can teach and do what I do is because I’ve had a lot of shit go down and been in a lot of pain for a long time, and I’m teaching from the depths of a lot of things. People look at me and are like, “What is this girl doing?” I still do this with a very soft, humble, scared heart. I’m still trying to heal myself. 
What do you think it is about The Class that is such a revelation for people? 
I have a true belief that there is not one human better than another and I am there with everyone. The thing I always do first is gain the trust of the room. And I do that by letting people know that they don’t have to do any of it. I’ll say, “You can just stand and place your hands over your heart and breathe.” I give people permission not to do it, and then usually they are able to do it a bit more. It’s gaining trust of the psyche from one’s own self. If you tell someone they have to do something, usually they will resist. That’s what I find in my own self. So there’s a buildup of movements slowly that’s attached to breath awareness. We don’t go in there and be like, “Everybody lose your shit!” There’s sound involved [the music volume gets higher as movement intensifies, then lower during breaks of stillness] so people can express themselves without feeling like they’re having some sort of panic attack. It’s one of the built-in safety nets, so at the end of a big exercise, like the burpees, you can express yourself and then land in stillness. The hands are on the body. You recover the heart. You feel the soles of your feet on the floor.
Your exercises are simple. No weights. No bands. Very old school, not unlike Jack LaLanne: jumping jacks, flapping arms, leg lifts. And those damned burpees. But you don’t count. We never know when it’s going to end. 
The intention is that it’s basic. There is no choreography. You close your eyes and go. You watch your mind as opposed to your mind having to do something. It’s actually a form of self-study. And when stuff comes up, it’s probably a pretty good sign that you’re on the edge of something that is really transformative. So what do you do? You breathe. You notice that you’re in the throes of something. Instead of knowing when it’s over, you practice your ability to tolerate feeling, to tolerate intensity, and you stay right there with yourself.
Most articles about The Class describe screaming and crying. After three classes I heard some screaming and witnessed some tears, but it was nothing like what people are saying. 
I know. One person cries and the media makes it like everyone is sobbing. Sure, sometimes people cry a bit. Sometimes it hits you. There are times when I’ve gone to my other teachers’ classes and they have broken me. It happens. But it can’t be like, “Cry!” If people come expecting to cry, they’re not going to cry.
Have you seen any transformation in your regular students?
This question makes me very uncomfortable. It’s like every single thing in my body starts to flare up and I don’t want to share any of it. But, yeah, people have told me that it’s changed their whole life. Students have been able to create completely new career paths for themselves, or leave painful or toxic relationships, or grieve the loss of things from years ago. They’ve broken patterns within themselves. They’ve completely changed their physical body. But I don’t take ownership for any of it because they’re the ones that are doing it. I’m just kind of channeling their experience based on the energy they bring to the room. It’s like I’m here to be of service. 
Do you ever discuss your own trauma? The trauma that led you to this place? To The Class?
With people in my inner circle, behind the scenes. If you pull the hood back, it’s intense. But I’ve never fallen victim to it. And I say  to the people who have hurt me, “Thank you.” Because they have required me to heal. I have a lot of stuff to process from the past. I think I’m clearing a lot of it, and I feel grateful that I am able to do what I am doing.
People refer to you as the new fitness guru, sometimes even a celebrity fitness guru. Is that what you are?
That makes me laugh, too. I have friends who call themselves gurus. With all due respect, I don’t consider myself one. And to call me a celebrity fitness guru, that just makes me want to roll over. It makes me crazy because those celebrities who work out, they’re that way because they work their faces off for their own bodies. Nobody is putting them on a machine and doing the work for them.
You now have four studios. How do you keep the intention of this work from becoming diluted?
It’s a fine balance. I’ve really had to have some hard conversations with myself, especially lately. One of the hard things would be if I lost my ability to teach and my community for some big dollar sign. That would be my worst nightmare.
Do you consider yourself a luxury brand?  
I’d say yes. I love beautiful things. I’m also thrifty. I’ve done everything on a budget. And we’ve said no to a lot of pretty big deals because they didn’t feel right. We actually could have been a lot further in terms of opening studios and putting a lot more gas in the tank. We’re trying to be mindful as we move forward. So it’s like a double-edged sword: I like luxury, but I want this work to be accessible to all. 
Even your Retreatments? Those are pretty expensive.
The retreats evolved in the same way The Class happened, which was a mash-up of all the things that I loved and needed. 
I had not traveled much, but I wanted to. I wanted to be able to bring my kids. I like really good food. I like really good music. I like friends coming together. I like to move my body. I like to meditate. I like yoga in the afternoon. Why don’t I get a whole bunch of people together and do it? So it’s great because all of these things are now enmeshed. I have basically designed my life around the way I want to live. It wasn’t this big idea of “Let’s make it really luxury.” It was “I want to get out of the city in the summer and out of the cold in the winter.” 
That said, behind the scenes, we’re working to layer in some additional retreats with other teachers that are more accessible, and price points that are lower. So we are going to, as we move forward, make sure that there are ways for this work to be accessible to all, because that’s the end goal.
Will we see Taryn Toomey for Target?
No, not necessarily. I’m not saying ‘pooh-pooh’ on Target, nor am I going to say no. But we’re moving slowly because of the questions of teachers and how to rescale it. We’ll do a few more studios in the right markets. We’re considering some digital platforms.
Right when I’m like, “Am I going crazy?” That’s when…it’s a little bit of, that’s where the “magic” lives.
Your class is so out there it’s hard to know if it’s complete magic or complete BS. 
Yeah, I said something like that to someone recently. I said, “Sometimes I feel completely insane. I feel like I’m bodying right up against the edge of madness, and that’s where all of the genius lives.” She was like, “Yeah, you’re right.” It’s like what you just said. I was kind of laughing about it because that’s what I feel like sometimes. I feel like right when I’m like, “Am I going crazy?” That’s when…it’s a little bit of, that’s where the “magic” lives.
Inside the Class
Our writer throws herself into Taryn Toomey’s “The Class” and comes out the other side—intact.
Taryn Toomey steps in so close to my face I think she’s going to kiss me. And though generally not into women, I am fairly certain in that instant that I will kiss her back, until I realize that this is how she greets people, up in their grill, under their skin. 
“Does anything hurt?” she asks after not kissing me.  
“Yes,” I tell her. “Everything.”
“Perfect,” she replies. “We’ll take care of that.” 
I don’t know what she means, or what she is—sort of beautiful, sort of plain, absolutely radiant, her blonde streaked hair tumbled just so atop her head, her skin aglow with the slightest brush of the expensive highlighter she sells in the gift shop outside of her Bridgehampton pop-up. To get to her, to The Class, I had to maneuver between fancy women in big sunglasses and expensive workout gear driving Mercedes and Range Rovers, fighting for a space in the crowded dirt lot. But once inside, lifted by the sweet smell of palo santo—and by the Chanel products in the bathroom—I find peace on the Toomey-insignia’d yoga mat that will define my space among some 40 others during the next hour of sweat and, so I am told, tears. 
Toomey starts us off with Mumford & Sons’ “Si Tu Veux”—beat-driven, foreign, imploring—and we begin to move as she whisper-talks into her little mic. I can’t make out what she is saying, only that her voice is not coming into my head but through it. She urges me, all of us, from the inside, through a round of jumping jacks that never seems to end until it does. Then we stand, hands over heart, until we begin again, this time with squats, and a song that seems to speak for Toomey, Avicii’s “Wake Me Up”:
Feeling my way through the darkness
guided by a beating heart
I can’t tell where the journey will end
but I know where to start… 
I feel weak, unable to keep up. It’s been a while since I set foot in a gym or onto a mat. My body creaks. I am angry that it won’t move how I want it to, how I bend my waist into my squats, how my hands won’t clap above my head during the jacks. And don’t talk to me about the goddamned burpees, of which I’ve done, maybe, one.  
“Stay in your body,” Toomey says. “Don’t let anyone fucking tell you how to live. How to be. Who you are.” She looks at me through the crowd, and I look down. Ashamed. It’s like she’s reading the script inside of my head. I. Can. Not. Do. This. I feel her stare, and look back up. She nods, as though telegraphing, Yes, you can. If you want to. You can. 
As the frenzy of the class builds, Toomey riffs like a preacher on the precepts of pain, of time, of overcoming self-imposed limitations. Yet she doesn’t demand focus or discipline. She asks for something else entirely: surrender. 
As the exercises grow more intense, so does the music get louder. The yelps and grunts that explode from the crowd lay down a baseline rhythm for the room, a deep-throated mantra in which soon enough I lose myself, too. Because the more I move, the deeper Toomey’s raspy voice penetrates my brain, the looser my limbs become, the stronger. And then my revelation: I am frightened not of my weakness but of my strength. I’m frightened not of what my body can’t do, but by what I have never let it do: be powerful. 
Meanwhile, Toomey begins to twist into her own unique contortions, as though gripped in an exorcism. Then, she comes down and brings us with her. We stand, hand to heart, feet to floor. “All you need is right under your hand,” she whispers. “It’s all you need. Not the cars or the clothes or the stuff.” I gaze toward her shop with the $800 gemstone pendants and the $100 beauty serums, and I wonder with all that’s being offered, for a price, is my heart truly enough?
The post Trusting Yourself Enough to Break appeared first on Mindful.
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hair loss in women Things To Know Before You Buy
日本語で入力: 面白いものを使い、髪を生やす方法にはどのようなものがありますか?(玉ねぎエキスなど) And, bear in via steptoremedies.com , your hair loss could have a lot of fundamental will cause, as well as your shampoo is only one part of your respective hair loss treatment. Lifestyle and nutritional variations may also be Portion of the solution. And it’s been demonstrated to get so effective which you have only to employ it twice weekly. If you want an anti-dandruff and anti-hair loss products, this shampoo is unquestionably an option you'll be able to count on to try and do its job. En español: ¿Alguien ha tenido éxito al utilizar el zumo de cebolla para hacer que su cabello volviera a crecer? The berries from the observed palmetto plant may be taken in tablet type or from regional or on the internet well being meals merchants. The most crucial remedy to have an instant result is employing homemade shampoo. Of course, homemade shampoo can make a terrific variance in just a week or two. It’s a magical solution that may carry real fast final results. Why does somebody get rid of his or her hair? In terms of getting motives about why somebody shed their hair there are plenty of good reasons that are offered. At some point, the follicle will begin to grow once again, softening the anchor issue on the shaft at first. The hair foundation will break free from your root and also the hair will be drop. The true secret component in Nizoral is ketoconazole, which reduces hair follicle inflammation that contributes to hair loss. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ kills fungi that result in dandruff, but there’s not a great deal of it as to get toxic (which large quantities of ketoconazole is usually). If you want significant-high-quality brand names, we’ve place jointly a list of the greatest hair loss and regrowth shampoos for men that get the job done, commencing with Ultrax Labs Hair Surge. These anti-hair loss and stimulating shampoos are examined to have positive outcomes, and continue on to persistently rank Among the many best-rated products and solutions on the market. Consider https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=hair+loss under to discover evaluations of the best shampoos for thinning hair and balding Adult males! En français : Quelqu'un a-t-il réussi à utiliser du jus d'oignon pour faire repousser ses cheveux ? Previously, we discussed the optimistic result that caffeine has for stopping the unfold of hair loss. It’s the first Energetic component in Alpecin’s exceptional caffeine shampoo, which several users say produce the kind of success they’ve extensive sought. People today might have hair fall as a consequence of too much strain at the same time air pollution. You'll find people that lose hair on account of hormonal alterations and also other hereditary troubles. I attempted some of All those on the checklist then I begun employing mak hair zoe vitamin shampoo and conditioner about a yr in the past and have already been incredibly delighted. I stopped loosing hair and appears to grow slightly more rapidly. What's more, it provides a lot of body and leaves no Create up. Truly great stuff.
5 Simple Statements About hair growth shampoo Explained
However we’re continue to working on a method that lives around our specifications. While in the mean time I recommend which you keep on to use microneedling by alone at the very least. It’s very clear that we don’t know more than enough about this topic however plus more investigate is needed. But it's distinct that healing your microbiome will certainly assistance your All round health and fitness and almost surely assistance lessen your hair loss. Whilst the vast majority of the above changes aren’t lifestyle threatening (except heart rhythm variations, which could go unnoticed), they are often bothersome and could guide you to definitely truly feel the side effects aren’t really worth the final results. eight/ It’s truly a normal detail for hair to fall out. Hair commences its existence having a prolonged growing stage, and usually about eighty% of our hair is With this period at any offered time. But other hairs are on the brink of go away our heads. I'm ninety five% vegetarian and occasionally try to eat some meat. So I get my quota of protein and iron from super balanced and Tremendous yummy lentil (dals) and beans, which I primarily sprout. 18/ Rogaine is really a motivation: in case you prevent using it, any hair you’ve regrown could fall out, and also you’ll go back to dropping hair like you were being before you started off having it. I bear in mind how it feels. Feeling helpless which i was little by little likely bald and there was nothing at all I could do about it. Ultimately, I would like to increase which you received to maintain endurance. If via little herbs channel start any new ritual, it's going to acquire about four to six months (I am currently being sincere listed here and never offering a shorter timeline in order to you should my superb readers) for just about any visible improve to appear. Nonetheless, there are some anecdotal reports that supplementing with much too higher of a dose might also contribute to hair loss. About the system of six months, the participants were instructed to use their assigned treatment to their scalp day by day. They frequented the investigate facility at first to ascertain baseline, after which at three months and six months for progress monitoring. Healthline shares 5 tricks to keep the locks wholesome and strong during menopause, when hormonal imbalances usually produce hair loss. Gonzalo Arroyo Moreno/Getty Illustrations or photos 19/ The other tested choice for Adult males is the oral pill finasteride, identified by its manufacturer name Propecia. The drug can stop hair loss and promote hair growth, nonetheless it has some Unwanted effects. Investigation also demonstrates that vitamin D may perhaps enable build new follicles — the tiny pores while in the scalp where by new hair can grow (8). So If you're seeking a product that will allow you to grow a handful of inches taller in a few short months then try PureHeight Furthermore+
5 Tips about hair loss treatment You Can Use Today
Using excellent care of your hair to forestall even more loss is another great way to preserve a balanced head of hair. Vitamin A also can help pores and skin glands make an oily compound termed sebum. Sebum moisturizes the scalp and assists preserve hair healthy (two). Hi Minaz, sorry to hassle you yet again. I’m obtaining worried now. It's been almost 6 days, and I can’t say which the shampoo has absent lousy. The scent and coloration seem all right to me. Possibly it’s since I extra many lemon juice and many of olive and almond oil that’s preserving it. With the Sanford-Burnham Clinical Research Institute, they showed that stem cells derived from human pores and skin to grow hair when grafted onto the skin of mice. A paper describing this investigation, which was posted on January 21st 2015 can be found in this article while in the PLOS One health-related journal. Dr. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/ , a member of your exploration team designed the following created assertion: “Our stem mobile approach presents an unlimited source of cells from the affected person for transplantation and isn’t limited by the availability of existing hair follicles. This stuff is the real offer and the effects received’t go unnoticed – just talk to the 5000+ reviewers on Amazon. Other B-vitamins support create red blood cells, which have oxygen and nutrients towards the scalp and hair follicles. These processes are very important for hair growth. Brush your hair everyday having a smooth or looped-bristle brush for a delicate scalp therapeutic massage. This is particularly helpful For those who have prolonged hair. Prepare an herbal infusion by steeping any of such herbs in sizzling drinking water for 10 to twenty minutes. Utilize home remedies via steptoremedies as a final rinse immediately after shampooing and conditioning your hair. In addition to encouraging hair growth, it can bolster your hair and allow it to be tender and manageable. Considered one of The traditional herbs for hair clean, shikakai gently cleans the hair without having eradicating the protective oils through the scalp. Curry leaves are a common cooking ingredient for persons native to India’s subtropical and tropical regions. The curry leaves are... As A child I have utilized Meera hair wash powder and it has usually served preserve hair issues at bay.Nevertheless I'm frightened to utilize it again as of late as the quality has changed over the years with addition of sulfates. Detergents are Utilized in normal shampoos to get rid of grease and Dust from your hair. Also they are the ones that build foam, lather and bubbles. But the unhappy issue is most detergents irritate our scalp pores and skin and strip hair of its natural protecting oils, leaving it dry, frizzy and dull. Due to the fact caffeine can counteract the destructive consequences of testosterone that produce male pattern baldness, we advise you buy a shampoo product or service which contains caffeine to improve the overall health of one's hair and scalp. Acquired a question and can’t find the right answer on-line? Fret not as Answeropedia welcomes you to lift a question and you will see a big range of real responses in no time.
Not known Facts About hair fall treatment
This is the formidable hair loss shampoo. A person huge rationale to love It is because it’s appropriate for all types of hair, including curly, straight, frizzy, tangly or smoothly slender. This shampoo can also be Light on coloration taken care of hair and received’t ruin your highlights. For these factors, a selfmade shampoo created applying natural components is a better option, particularly when you happen to be losing tons of hair and wish to regrow whatsoever hair you've got missing. Additionally, animal foods are the only fantastic resources of vitamin B12. So for anyone who is next a vegetarian or vegan diet, look at getting a supplement. Why we like it: This shampoo has a strong biotin method that slowly treats fundamental problems creating hair loss, bringing about more practical results over time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_care - is loss of facial hair and impacts Gentlemen, specifically as it leads to hairless patches in beards. Indeed egg is a wonderful cleanser. But use not more than the moment weekly. In-concerning You can utilize a herbal tea or shikakai shampoo to freshen your hair. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1egj9RxjB0I is made up of incredible amounts of antioxidants which shield the hair from detrimental effects of cost-free radicals. The prognosis for androgenic non-scarring hair loss is guarded due to fact that there is no cure for the trouble. Prescription drugs should be taken indefinitely. Other kinds of hair loss have a good possibility of spontaneously resolving. Hi Minaz, sorry to trouble you once again. I’m acquiring concerned now. It has been Practically 6 times, and I'm able to’t say the shampoo has long gone terrible. The scent and color look okay to me. Probably it’s for the reason that I additional many lemon juice and several of olive and almond oil that’s preserving it. "Sonic hedgehog can transform resting hair into growing hair," Cotsarelis says. "We actually You should not know it's total function, but when it controls follicle measurement and growth, it could be one thing a treatment may be based all around." The hair within the arms, legs, eyelashes, and eyebrows have an incredibly small active growth phase of about 30 to forty five days, describing why They're a lot shorter than scalp hair. Androgenic alopecia - is really a genetic problem. Males using this type of condition suffer from what is commonly often known as male pattern balding, that may get started all through late teens or their early 20s. Will not self-diagnose or take care of your self based on the information provided in these content articles. We further assert, please seek health-related tips and don't disregard health care assistance, or discontinue clinical treatment by relying on the information presented on this website. External hyperlinks to films along with other Web sites supplied Listed below are purely for info functions and Practo doesn't warrant or ensure the precision, genuineness, dependability of such inbound links/Internet websites. Why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHMYylxhL4k like it: Scientifically verified anti-hair loss system well suited for both of those men and women. It can lower hair loss by up to sixty percent!
A Secret Weapon For natural hair growth
After you rub fingernails briskly in opposition to one another, for about 10 minutes every day, it stimulates hair growth and tends to make your hair healthy and strong. If you take anabolic steroids—the kind abused by some athletes to bulk up muscle—you could reduce your hair, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Steer clear of nutritional deficiencies given that they tend to have an impact on your hair adversely. Such as, vitamin E and zinc deficiencies produce hair thinning and loss. Glashofer. As opposed to Gentlemen, women Will not have a tendency to have a receding hairline, as a substitute their aspect may perhaps widen and they may have obvious thinning of hair. A wonderful comb can harm the delicate new growth and result in abrasions with your scalp. Whilst extensive-tooth Wooden comb is a lot more Light (when compared to the plastic kinds) on your hair and scalp. Extensive tooth comb also presents massaging effect and assistance distribute sebum (natural oils) from the scalp to hair. But thinning hair and hair loss are popular in women, and no a lot less demoralizing. Explanations can range from The easy and short-term—a vitamin deficiency—to the greater complicated, like an fundamental wellness situation. All told, Manatebolism’s Hair Growth Vitamins involve thirteen vitamins, all of which contribute to hair growth and power by, amongst other matters, stimulating blood circulation to your scalp. Apply refreshing aloe vera gel combined with just a little lemon juice and go away it on for approximately 20 minutes. Shampoo your hair. Make this happen as soon as every week or two. In this part we examine a lot of the future hair loss solutions that can be coming out in the approaching decades. There are several hair loss cures coming in or all over 2020, and hopefully there will be considered a mass market place solution. Even so, if a cure is outlined being a long-lasting resolve to an ailment, these are definitely far from that definition. Each individual of those treatments have their very own constraints. Most are witnessed a lot more as hair loss administration treatments, rather then long-lasting hair loss cures. Hair growth and decreased hair loss don’t come about overnight. You may have to get your supplement regularly (and with the encouraged each day dosage) for three months before you recognize authentic outcomes. Apple cider vinegar is Employed in a complete gamut of property treatments that provide something for everybody. In conjunction with curing... Many thanks heaps for the strategies of your hair items. I am heading to start currently by attempting the egg mask… Two medical trials happen to be ran as a evidence of strategy for Histogen. Terminal hair rely and hair thickness noticeably improved following just 12 weeks. steptoremedies to this achievement, Histogen designs to conduct a Stage one Scientific Review in The usa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akRJ2d5raOo will be an injectable which when injected to the scalp will stimulate dormant hair follicles and induce new hair follicle formation (think Botox but for hair follicles rather than pores and skin cells).
Getting My hair growth vitamins To Work
My hair is thinning and hair loss. I had been explained to to employ nioxin or elon shampoo. I'd dry scalp. What do you consider both of these shampoo’s . Will they make my hair return in and can my hair quit falling out? Apart from treating hair loss, Alpecin Caffeine Shampoo is usually fantastic for treating scalp-similar challenges for example dandruff and itchy, sensitive pores and skin. It’s also Risk-free to use on any pores and skin form, and for combating the consequences of every kind of hair loss. I don’t Believe so but it would be a good idea to utilize a conditioner as well as that simply because Nizoral will take really a beating in your hair. These new hair loss cures appear promising, but will they seriously become a cure or merely A different Propecia? Enable’s think about the positives and negatives of each and every approaching treatment. Hair loss with no scarring from the scalp is usually a very common issue and impacts plenty of people at some time in their life. One product or service to avoid, should you haven’t Earlier referenced it, is Pronexa. https://steptoremedies.com/baking-soda-shampoo/ are more and more uncovered being a semi-fraud considering the fact that they offer free of charge solutions in Trade for five-star Amazon evaluations. Although the shampoo/conditioner are good as just that, right after 3 months of use I severely question their efficacy concerning hair loss and thinning. If proper beard care is very important to you personally, You then're possibly shopping for beard oil. But Imagine if I explained to ... Popular balding (androgenetic alopecia) takes place in Males and women and is also as a result of influence of testosterone metabolites in genetically inclined hair follicles. Just uncovered this Site. Have read some very good Information. Will probably be hoping the recent oils. I've poor hair problems from over 20 years or substances. Thanks for the data. We can not emphasize it plenty of--say NO to harsh chemical treatments and products which can severely mess using your hair. Go natural as much and as much as you can. Finally, check with with all your medical professional prior to utilizing a hair loss shampoo Whilst you’re pregnant. Most hair loss shampoos are safe for anticipating moms since their components aren’t absorbed into your bloodstream. Research have demonstrated it may possibly deal with hypotrichosis (quick or sparse) from the eyelashes by expanding their growth, which include duration, thickness, and darkness. This medication is usually commercially readily available as Lumigan, and that is applied to deal with glaucoma. It is far from regarded just how this medication will work in hair regrowth, nevertheless it is assumed to lengthen the anagen section (Energetic period) of hair growth. Interestingly, all through program healthcare utilization of Lumigan eyedrops for glaucoma sufferers, it had been serendipitously identified that eyelashes acquired longer and thicker in several people. This led to scientific trials and the approval of cosmetic use of Latisse for eyelashes. Before you decide to seize just any bottle of hair-loss shampoo off the shelf – and several don’t get the job done, which we’ll contact on a little bit later on – there are belongings you want to bear in mind: Be dependable. It’s not fantastic for your hair or scalp whenever you leap from merchandise to product or service. Discover a shampoo that actually works for your individual requires and stick to it. Order the matching conditioner for enhanced stimulation and growth.
5 Simple Statements About hair fall Explained
Whilst remedies promising to revive hair to balding heads have existed given that ancient periods, most Males and women with thinning hair can do very little to reverse the procedure. For beauty applications, or right after hair loss from surgical or drug treatments, Many individuals transform to wigs, hairpieces, and hair weaving. Various studies are already performed, both of those on mice and on human beings. One of several more recent reports even when compared it to Minoxidil 2%. Anything you have to know regarding the most effective shampoos for hair loss Hair loss in the two men and women may perhaps vary from mild and insignificant to severe. There’s also one more reason why blood source is so essential to the well being on the hair and preventing hair follicle miniaturisation. Very long, shiny and nutritious hair can be an very easily achievable goal, delivered you dedicate some time to hair care and adhere to these useful all-natural healthy hair strategies. Well-liked hair growth products and natural remedies for hair loss Hair loss typically happens once the cycle of hair growth and hair shedding is disrupted. a cure for hair loss. Although the treatment can include parts of the scalp that were effected by hair loss, they could not quit the reason for mentioned hair loss. Bear in mind split-finishes mess up not merely your hair's size but in addition have an affect on the shine, volume, and smoothness of your respective hair. Normally bear in mind, just a little trim on a regular basis, is a fantastic tip that could naturally assistance hair growth. Vitamin E enhances the blood circulation and aids the follicles operate a lot more effectively to market hair growth. Furthermore, it maintains the oil and PH levels stability which if exceeds can clog the hair follicles and quit hair growth. https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ gained a mix of Minoxidil (5%) lotion and in addition to a as soon as weekly microneedling treatment. After the ‘unnatural’ segment I’m about to explain to you the simplest solution to regrow hair, entirely naturally by healing your body and optimising your food plan, lifestyle and surroundings for nutritious hair growth. The liquid castile soap gently cleanses the scalp, removing severe buildup. Simultaneously, the carrot seed essential oil purifies and detoxifies the scalp. Its vitamins and antifungal properties promote the scalp, also, leading to healthier hair follicles. Some examples of hair affirmations are: my hair is nutritious and growing rapid, my hair cells are rejuvenating, I choose fantastic care of my hair Okay, Even when you are content and nothing is stressing you out, even now shifting your booty can boost blood circulation of the body (such as the scalp). And as we observed higher than, much more blood flow implies a lot more oxygen plus more nourishment  for the hair.
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vangenius · 6 years
Mindfulness Exercises
Mindfulness Exercises 
Mindfulness practice has roots in Buddhist philosophy, but you and your partner need not subscribe to any kind of doctrine or philosophy to incorporate mindfulness into your life. In essence, mindfulness, which is a form of meditation, involves bringing awareness to the present moment and simply noticing what’s happening without judging, criticizing, or trying to change your internal experience.
Since much of what causes anxiety in your partner is the inability to control his thoughts, achieving a place of mindfulness can provide relief. Let’s look at how that works: In mindfulness practice, the focus is on the present moment, whereas when your partner feels anxious, his thoughts are likely to be about what’s going to happen in the future. As he consciously brings awareness to what’s happening in the moment, his anxious thoughts are less likely to intrude. When they do creep in, the solution is simply to refocus attention on the present.
Another benefit of mindfulness is the realization that thoughts are transient. People who are anxious often get caught in a loop in which the same worries repeat themselves over and over again. Practicing mindfulness stops the loop, and the thoughts often become less potent or even disappear as a result.
In this section I’ll describe mindful breathing and a mindful body scan. These are just two of the many mindfulness techniques you might practice. If you find mindfulness helpful and would like to try other techniques, you’ll find many good sources of information both online and in print (see Resources). You may be able to find a local class on mindfulness, which would be an excellent way to get acquainted with a variety of techniques and begin a regular practice.
 Mindful Breathing
 One of the most universal and basic mindfulness techniques is counting breaths. Everyone breathes and we do it all the time, so this focus for mindfulness is portable and convenient, requiring nothing more than tuning in to the breath. This technique is an effective way to learn to focus on the present moment and develop concentration.
You may want to start with five minutes and work your way up to twenty to thirty minutes of uninterrupted mindful breathing. Decide how long you’ll practice, then consider setting a timer or alarm so you won’t be distracted by checking the time.
1. Sit in a comfortable, upright position with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting on your lap, palms facing up or down. You can either close your eyes or keep them open, gazing softly at an object several feet away.
2. Focus on your breathing and try to feel whether it’s coming from your chest or your abdomen. Try to soften and relax the area where you feel your breath. Pay attention to the sensation of your breath moving in and out of your body.
3. Allow your breath to move naturally. Don’t try to control its pace or breathe more deeply. Your only job in this moment is to focus on your breath.
4. When your mind wanders (and it will—many, many times), just notice that this has happened and return your attention to your breath. Try not to make judgments about the fact that your mind wandered, how many times it has wandered, or what it has wandered to. A wandering mind is to be expected. Simply keep bringing your focus back to your breath, again and again.
5. When your time is complete, slowly open your eyes if they were closed and stretch your body. Notice any thoughts or feelings you may be having about your mindfulness practice. Recognize that some days will be more enjoyable than others.
 Body Scan
 While most people hold tension in various parts of the body, this is even more pronounced in people with anxiety. Performing a mindful body scan can help you reconnect with your body and relax by focusing attention on specific parts of the body in sequence and releasing any tension you notice. Allow yourself at least thirty minutes to practice this technique.
The body scan is best done while lying down. Before beginning the practice, spend two to three minutes lying comfortably on your back and focusing on breathing in and out from your abdomen. This will help you to turn your thoughts away from the stressors of the day and inward to your body sensations. It also gives you time to make sure you’re in a comfortable position. Once you feel that you’re present and ready for the exercise, you can begin.
1. Focus on the toes of your left foot. For about thirty seconds, simply notice whatever sensations are happening only in that part of your body. Don’t evaluate them, labeling them as “good,” “bad,” “uncomfortable,” and so on. Simply notice them for what they are. Take a breath and imagine the breath is in the toes of your left foot. Exhale and imagine your breath, and any tension, being released through the toes. Repeat twice more, noticing the physical sensations in the toes of your left foot, and inhaling, exhaling, and releasing tension through the toes.
2. Turn your focus to your entire left foot. Again, notice the sensations in your left foot for about thirty seconds without making judgments. Breathe in and out of your left foot three times, releasing any tension as you exhale.
3. Focus on your left lower leg in the same way: noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through your left lower leg three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
4. Focus on your left thigh in the same way: noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through your left thigh three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
5. Turn your focus to the toes of your right foot, noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through the toes of your right foot three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
6. Work your way up through your right foot, lower leg, and thigh in the same way: noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through each part of the leg three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
7. Proceed through your torso in the same way: buttocks, lower back, abdomen, ribs, chest, and upper back. For each area, focus your attention in the same way: noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through that area of the body three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
8. Turn your focus to the fingers of your left hand, noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
9. Focus on your left hand in the same way: noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through your left hand three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
10. Focus on your left lower arm in the same way: noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through your left lower arm three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
11. Focus on your left upper arm in the same way: noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through your left upper arm three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
12. Focus on your left shoulder in the same way: noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through your left shoulder three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
13. Turn your focus to the fingers of your right hand, noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through the fingers of your right hand three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
14. Work your way up through your right hand, lower arm, upper arm, and shoulder in the same way: noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through each part of the arm three times and releasing any tension as you exhale.
15. Turn your focus to your neck, noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through your neck and releasing any tension as you exhale.
16. Turn your focus to your face—jaw, mouth, eyes, forehead, all of your face, noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through your facial muscles and releasing any tension as you exhale.
17. Turn your focus to the back and top of your head, noticing sensations, then inhaling and exhaling through the back and top of your head and releasing any tension as you exhale.
18. Breathe in and out slowly three times, feeling the breath come in through the soles of your feet and then flow through your body and out the top of your head.
19. Slowly open your eyes if they were closed and stretch your body.
 Helping Your Partner Practice Alternative Thoughts
 Jon Kabat-Zinn, widely renowned for promoting mindfulness in Western cultures, tells an interesting story about how monkeys are caught in India: “Hunters will cut a hole in a coconut that is just big enough for a monkey to put its hand through. Then they will drill two smaller holes in the other end, pass a wire through, and secure the coconut to the base of the tree. Then they put a banana inside the coconut and hide. The monkey comes down, puts his hand in and takes hold of the banana. The hole is crafted so that the open hand can go in but the fist cannot get out. All the monkey has to do to be free is let go of the banana. But it seems most monkeys don’t let go” (1990, 39).
Jon Kabat-Zinn uses this example to illustrate how our minds work: we get so caught up in a particular thought or emotion that we can’t let go, even though letting go would free us of the anxiety and stress.
Your partner probably has many automatic thoughts that go through his brain regularly and cause anxiety. When you notice that your partner seems anxious, you can ask him what he’s thinking about and then help him to redirect his thoughts. Have your partner either verbalize his anxious thoughts or write them down. Next, help him come up with alternative thoughts he can tell himself instead. For example, if he’s thinking, I’m so anxious that I’m going to panic when I go out in public, you might generate alternative thoughts such as I have succeeded in overcoming this situation before, and I can do it again or I have the skills to not let this anxiety get the best of me.
Think of yourself as a coach, and gently encourage your partner to repeat the positive thoughts to himself both before and during the stressful situation. You can also ask your partner the following
1. What is the evidence that what you’re anxious about will actually happen?
2. On a scale of 0 to 10, how strongly do you believe what you’re thinking about will happen?
3. Are your thoughts taking the whole picture into account? Is there anything you might be missing?
4. How does thinking this way help you? Can you let it go?
5. How can we work together to make this less anxiety provoking?
 Supporting Your Partner in Practicing Affirmations
 Another way to shift thinking from anxiety to confidence is by repeating affirmations. Your partner developed a pattern of anxious thinking after having certain unhelpful thoughts repeatedly. It will take the same kind of repetition, or practice, to replace them with thoughts that are supportive and affirming. Ideally, your partner would develop a list of affirmations and then decide on two or three to work with at a time. Affirmations should be short, use positive words, and be stated in the present tense. Here are some examples of affirmations:
• I can learn to cope with this anxiety.
• I’m learning to let go of my fears.
• When I’m feeling anxious, I can make decisions about moving toward calm.
• I’m able to let go of worry thoughts.
• I’m gaining confidence in myself.
You can help your partner practice affirmations by taking turns stating them. First say the affirmation to your partner, stating it in the second person; for example, “You’re learning to overcome your anxiety.” Your partner should respond, “Yes, I am.” Repeat this, you stating the affirmation and your partner replying with “Yes, I am,” until you feel your partner truly believes what he’s saying. Then switch roles, with your partner saying to you, “I’m learning to overcome my anxiety,” and you replying, “Yes, you are,” until you’re convinced that your partner believes what he’s saying.
 Abdominal Breathing
 Since our breath is automatic, we generally don’t give it much thought unless we’re struggling to breathe for some reason. However, paying attention to the breath is important, especially for people who have anxiety. When we’re stressed, our breath becomes shallower and we tend to breathe from the chest. This way of breathing can heighten anxiety symptoms. It can also lead to hyperventilation, which can feel very similar to a panic attack.
Breathing from the abdominal area, on the other hand, increases the amount of oxygen available to the brain and muscles, stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (which calms us from a state of arousal), improves concentration, and can help us relax (Bourne 2005). Devoting just a bit of time to focusing on the breath and breathing from the abdomen can be enormously beneficial. Here are some instructions on exactly how to go about it:
1. While sitting or lying comfortably, place one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen. Breathing normally, notice which hand rises when you breathe in.
2. On your next inhalation, breathe deeply so that the hand on your abdomen rises. Inhale through your nose for a count of four, counting the numbers to yourself slowly as you inhale: “One... two... three... four.”
3. After inhaling, pause for a count of four.
4. Exhale slowly, through either your nose or your mouth, for a count of at least five.
5. After exhaling fully, take two breaths as you would normally.
6. Repeat steps two through five. Continue this cycle for three to five minutes.
Practiced on a daily basis, this technique will promote calm and help retrain breathing patterns. It’s also helpful in a crisis; if your partner feels anxiety and panic rising, abdominal breathing will redirect his focus from his anxious thoughts to his breath, and when done correctly, it creates a calming sensation.
 Progressive Muscle Relaxation
 Does your partner often complain that he feels tense or uptight, or that he can’t relax? This is common among people with anxiety, who often experience chronic tightness in the chest, neck, back, and shoulders. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) can help. PMR is a process of tightening and releasing different muscle groups throughout the body. You tense each group tightly and hold the tension for a few seconds, and then suddenly release, allowing the feeling of relaxation to spread through the muscle group. By systematically working your way through all of the major muscle groups, you can help your entire body relax and release any pent-up tension.
When practiced regularly, PMR is an effective technique for reducing the muscle tension often associated with stress and anxiety. It can also help with stress or tension headaches, migraines, backaches, and jaw tightness. If your partner practices PMR daily for at least twenty minutes each time, he’s likely to feel an increased sense of relaxation that lasts long after the practice is over.
Before I explain the specifics of PMR, here are some general guidelines:
• Allow at least twenty minutes to do this exercise. Find a quiet place to relax that is free of distractions and interruptions. It may be helpful to establish a routine in which you practice PMR at the same time each day.
• Find a comfortable position that includes having your head supported. If you’re feeling sleepy, sitting up rather than lying down can help prevent falling asleep. If you lie down, having a pillow under your knees can provide support.
• Loosen any tight clothing and remove your watch, jewelry, shoes, glasses, and so on.
• Adopt the mind-set that whatever happens, happens, and that you aren’t going to worry about anything during this time. Don’t try to force yourself to relax or not worry. Just do your best to accept your experience and let go.
• If you have any muscle areas that have been injured or feel painful when tensed, feel free to omit those areas from this exercise.
Until you get familiar with this exercise, it may be helpful to have someone read the following script to you as you practice or to record it and listen as you practice. The following exercise is adapted from The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook (Bourne 2005):
1. Begin by taking three full abdominal breaths, exhaling slowly and fully each time. During each exhalation, imagine tension being released from your body.
2. Clench your fists, holding them squeezed tight for seven to ten seconds. Then release and relax for fifteen to twenty seconds. Notice the difference in sensations between tension and relaxation. As you proceed through all of the following muscle groups, continue to use these same time intervals and to focus on the difference in sensations.
3. Tighten your biceps by bending your elbows and bringing your hands toward your shoulders. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release for fifteen to twenty seconds and notice the difference in sensations.
4. Tighten your triceps by straightening your arms and locking your elbows. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release.
5. Tense the muscles in your forehead by raising your eyebrows as high as possible. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release.
6. Tense the muscles around your eyes by clenching your eyelids tightly shut. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release.
7. Tighten your jaw by opening your mouth wide enough that the muscles around your jaw are stretched. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release.
8. Tighten the muscles of your neck by tilting your head back, as though looking at the ceiling if you’re sitting or at the wall behind you if you’re lying down. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release. (You may want to repeat this step, as the neck can be extra tight.)
9. Take a few abdominal breaths and focus on relaxing your neck and letting your head sink into whatever it’s resting on.
10. Tighten your shoulders by raising them up toward your ears.
Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release.
11. Tighten your shoulder blades by pushing them back toward your spine. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release. (You may want to repeat this step as well, since the shoulders are another area where people often hold tension.)
12. Tighten your chest muscles by taking a full breath into your chest and expanding it. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release.
13. Tighten your stomach muscles by sucking in your stomach. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release.
14. Tighten your lower back by arching it. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release. (Omit this step if you have low back pain.)
15. Tighten your buttocks by squeezing them together. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release.
16. Tighten your thigh muscles. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release.
17. Tighten your calf muscles by flexing your feet so your toes point up toward your body. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release.
18. Tighten your feet by curling your toes down. Hold for seven to ten seconds, then release.
19. Scan your body for any remaining tension. Repeat the appropriate step to release any tension.
20. Imagine a wave of relaxation spreading through your body, starting from your head and moving through every muscle in your body.
21. Slowly open your eyes and return your attention to the world around you.
 Visualization is a good way for anyone to de-stress and relax. For your partner, it can also allow him to mentally remove himself from an anxious situation and become calm without striving to overcome the anxiety. With visualization, all he’s trying to do is turn off the anxious thoughts so he can refocus on what’s important and envision success.
Professional athletes use visualization to prepare for an event, imagining themselves crossing the finish line of the track and seeing a new personal record on the time clock; seeing the ball leave the pitcher’s hand and then seeing themselves swinging the bat and watching the ball sail over the fence; or mentally practicing free throws, imagining bouncing the ball on the court and the movement to release the ball, and seeing it sink through the net. Here are some instructions for doing a visualization using the senses of smell, hearing, touch, and sight:
1. Make yourself comfortable in a place where you can relax without interruptions.
2. Visualize yourself in a peaceful scene that you can vividly see in your mind—a place that feels safe and calming to you. It can be a real place or somewhere imagined. Some suggestions are a meadow, a beach, a forest, or a garden, but pick whatever works for you.
3. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in this safe, calming place. Since this place is in your mind, it’s easily accessible twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
4. Imagine the smells of the place. What scents are associated with it? Flowers? Suntan lotion? Damp leaves? Fresh air? Grass?
5. Imagine the sounds of the place. Are there waves crashing or birds singing? Are leaves rustling? Can you hear insects buzzing, or is it just quiet?
6. Imagine what being in that place feels like. Is there warm sun on your face? Is a breeze blowing? Is it misty or damp? Is it cool, comfortable, or warm?
7. Explore the place visually. How many different colors can you see? What are the shapes around you? Is it bright or dim? Are there shadows? Can you see the sky? Are there clouds? What do they look like? Are there plants or creatures around?
8. When you feel relaxed, slowly open your eyes and gently bring yourself back to your surroundings. Remember that you can visit this special place any time you need a break.
All of the techniques in this chapter can be helpful for both you and your partner. In addition to helping relieve your partner’s anxiety in the moment, they can help reduce anxiety levels in the long term and will promote calm and relaxation. Figuring out which work for each of you and practicing those techniques regularly will create an excellent foundation.
Source - loving someone with anxiety - Understanding & Helping Your Partner - KATE N. THIEDA, MS, LPCA
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benegap · 7 years
Arthritis! Arthritis! Arthritis! See Its Effective Natural Solutions
Arthritis! Arthritis! Arthritis! See Its Effective Natural Solutions; Arthritis is very common but is not well understood. Actually, “arthritis” is not a single disease; it is an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease.
There are more than 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions. People of all ages, sexes and races can and do have arthritis, and it is the leading cause of disability in America. More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children have some type of arthritis. It is most common among women and occurs more frequently as people get older.
Common arthritis joint symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. Symptoms may come and go. They can be mild, moderate or severe. They may stay about the same for years, but may progress or get worse over time. Severe arthritis can result in chronic pain, inability to do daily activities and make it difficult to walk or climb stairs. Arthritis can cause permanent joint changes. These changes may be visible, such as knobby finger joints, but often the damage can only be seen on X-ray. Some types of arthritis also affect the heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys and skin as well as the joints.
    Here are some key points about arthritis.
“Arthritis” defines around 200 rheumatic disease and conditions that affect joints.
Rheumatic diseases include various types of arthritis, as well as osteoporosis and systemic connective tissue diseases.
Types of arthritis such as and rheumatoid arthritis affect multiple organs and cause a long list of symptoms.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 52.5 million adults report having been diagnosed by their doctor with some form of arthritis.
Arthritis can impair a person’s ability to perform “everyday” tasks.
Physical activity has a positive effect on arthritis and can improve pain, function and mental health.
The most common comorbid condition experienced with arthritis is heart disease.
Factors in the development of arthritis include injury, abnormal metabolism, genetic makeup, infections and immune system dysfunction.
Treatment for arthritis aims to control pain, minimize joint damage and improve or maintain quality of life.
Arthritis is treated with a combination of medications, physical therapies and patient education and support.
  Arthritis Effective Natural Solutions 
Turmeric & Ginger Tea
Turmeric and ginger are both anti-inflammatorys, and will help with oseto and rheumatoid arthritis. Turmeric in particular has gotten a lot of attention lately. Its active ingredient is something called curcumin, which is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, it lowers the levels of 2 enzymes responsible for causing inflammation (which is what we’re often fighting with arthritis.) You can take these in a capsule form or make a nice spicy tea to enjoy daily.
You will need… -2 cups of water -1/2 teaspoon ground ginger -1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric -Honey to taste
Directions Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, and had ½ teaspoon each ground ginger and ground turmeric. Reduce to a simmer and let it be for 10-15 minutes. Strain, add honey to taste, and enjoy twice daily. This yields 2 servings.
  2. Epsom salt soak
Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate which sounds kind of scary, but it’s really quite a wonderful substance. A naturally occurring mineral, magnesium sulfate has been used to get relief from pain for years, namely because of its high levels of magnesium (more on magnesium below).
You will need… -1/2 cup of Epsom salt -A large bowl -Warm water
Directions Fill a large bowl with warm water and add ½ cup of Epsom salt. Stir it around, and then submerge your sore joints in the liquid. If you are experiencing pain in a less convenient place to soak, such as your knees, try taking a bath with Epsom salts. Run a tub full of warm water and add 2 cups of Epsom salt. Soak for 15 minutes (at least.)
  3. Get more magnesium (very important)
Magnesium is something our bodies need, but we can’t make it ourselves. It is used in over 300 different biomechanical responses in our body. It relaxes all our muscles and nerve endings, relieving stiffness and pain. It is even part of what makes our heart beat. Not only does it relax muscles and ease pain (this goes for arthritis pain too, of course) it helps bones to mineralize. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition conducted one of many studies on magnesium that showed people who had a diet high in magnesium/took supplements had higher bone density, and overall stronger bones. There are several ways to get more magnesium and utilize it for arthritis in particular.
Supplements: Magnesium capsules are a good thing to add to your day-to-day life, but they work best when used in conjunction with an improved diet.
Diet: Really this is the clincher-as great as supplements are, they can’t do everything. Eat foods that are high in magnesium, which include dark leafy greens (like spinach), nuts, and legumes (beans.)
Oil: There is magnesium oil that can be applied topically and absorbed through the skin. Try rubbing it on sore joints to relieve pain.
    4. Lubricate With Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The very consistency of olive oil makes it seem like something that would lubricate your joints and ease arthritis pain, and it turns out, it actually does. A main compound in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) called oleocanthal inhibits inflammatory enzymes COX-1 and COX-2, just like Advil or aspirin does. The study showed that 1 ½ tablespoons is equal to 200-mg of ibuprofen. However, not every oil is created equal. Heat destroys oleocanthalof the olives at the time they were pressed also determines the level of oleocanthal-generally the stronger tasting the oil, the higher the level there is present. It can be taken internally to reap the benefits, but being high in calories consider replacing any fats, such as butter, with it in cooking instead.
You will need… -2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Directions Rub a bit of olive oil onto your sore joints twice a day, massaging in to each one gently. You can also take 2-3 tablespoons daily, but be sure to give up some other form of fat due to the high calorie count in the oil (rest easy, these are good calories.)
  5. Dandelion Leaves
Incredibly high in vitamins A and C, dandelion leaves can help repair damaged tissue and help the liver clear toxins out of the blood. Studies, although limited, have also shown anti-inflammatory properties due to the linoleic and linoleic acid in them. Linoleic is an essential fatty acid required by the body to produce prostaglandin-which basically regulates immune responses and suppresses inflammation. Because of its involvement with immune responses, dandelion shows great potential when it comes to treating rheumatoid arthritis in particular. You can enjoy dandelion leaves in nice salad, or brew tea with them.
You will need… -3 teaspoons of fresh dandelion leaves, or 1 teaspoon of dried -1 cup of boiling water -A handful of fresh leaves (if making a salad) -A dash of extra virgin olive oil (if making a salad)
Directions For fresh dandelion tea, step 3 teaspoons of fresh leaves or 1 teaspoon dried in 1 cup of boiling water. Strain and drink twice daily. Dandelion tea is very bitter…you have been warned! You can add honey to sweeten it up if you’d like. To make a salad, simply toss the greens in with another recipe, or eat them plain with a bit of extra virgin olive oil. Older leaves can be gently sautéed to soften them up a bit.
  Arthritis! Arthritis! Arthritis! See Its Effective Natural Solutions
  6. White Willow Tea (the original aspirin)
Before there was aspirin, and I mean way before aspirin, there was white willow bark. The Greek physician Hippocrates wrote about it all the way back in 5th century BC. It wasn’t until 18-something or other (1829, I believe) that it was found that white willow was so effective because it contained an active ingredient called salicin. Salicin is converted in the body into salicylic acid-similar to acetyl salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin. But because the naturally occurring salicin is converted after it passed through the stomach, it resulted in less irritation/side effects. While it can be taken in a capsule form, I usually opt for the tea version of just about everything.
You will need… -2 teaspoons of powdered or chipped white willow bark -1 cup of water -Honey or lemon to taste
Directions Bring 1 cup (8 oz.) of water to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Add 2 teaspoons of powdered or chipped white willow bark and let it infuse for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and let it steep for 30 more minutes. Drink twice daily-it’s bitter, so honey and lemon are usually welcome here.
    7. Acupuncture
This form of Chinese medicine involves inserting thin, small needles through the skin at specific acupoints on the body. It is designed to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue, improve blood flow and activate the body’s natural painkillers. Best for: osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, bursitis, carpel tunnel syndrome.
    8. Massage
Gentle manipulation with moderate pressure has been shown to reduce joint pain and stiffness, and even improve range of motion. However, timing is important. Listen to your body. Massage may not be as helpful during a very active flare when joints are especially tender and sensitive. Best for: osteoarthritis, low back pain, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis,
    9. Weight Loss
Losing one pound removes four pounds of pressure on swollen, painful joints. Maintain a healthy weight by combining a balanced diet with regular physical activity. Make sure you choose food from the five important food groups (fruits, vegetable, lean protein, low-fat dairy and whole grains). Try to do 30 minutes of low-impact exercise five days a week. Best for: osteoarthritis
10. Topical Gels
These gels work by stimulating sensory nerve endings in the skin, and the body responds by reducing pain signals through the nervous system, according to Doreen Stiskal, PhD, chair of the physical therapy department at Seton Hall University in South Orange, N.J. Voltaren Gel and capsaicin cream are two options. Best for: osteoarthritis
    11. TENS
Often used by physical therapists and chiropractors, transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS) is a form of electrical stimulation used to relieve pain. Small electrodes are placed on the affected area and electromagnetic current is delivered through the skin. Best for: osteoarthritis
Arthritis Foundation
Mayo Clinic
The impact of osteoarthritis in the United States: a population-health perspective, Murphy L and Helmick CG, Am J Nurs
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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