#tag advent calendar
atlantablack · 5 months
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Bilal Al-Shams, Sacrifice
two sides of the same coin (Arthur version)
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rudeboimonster · 5 months
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i'm watching the trading post as the fucking price PLUMMETS. 3mil, 2mil, 1.5mil for 2, 650k, 500k. lets fucking go. thank you for the chaos, tnt. this rules.
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diminuel · 5 months
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Nephilim pile
Not a lot of people are online so I'm just drawing the most random things that come to my mind to catch up to my advent calendar X'D
Here are the trueform fluff versions of (from top to bottom) "Bibeli" (Sabriel baby), Jack (honorary Destiel baby) and Kiwi (Destiel baby).
There's sibling rivalry between Kiwi and Jack. It's affectionate from Jack's side but Kiwi wants to use a grenade launcher on him.
(Bibeli is just the Swiss German term for a baby chicken. I don't think he has a name, so if you want to give him one, be my guest *lol*)
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redcottagedreams · 12 days
June Drawling Calendar!
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So for March @wydownaspiider made a Monster High Drawling Advent Calendar (I'm not sure if that's what they're called, but yall know what I mean) and it was a lot of fun! It really challenged me and forced me to practice. It also made me want to do another one! (after a break XD) So, I decided to make one for June! and what's more perfect for summer than Strawberry Shortcake? I hope you'll enjoy and draw some stuff with me! (And if you want to look up more Strawberry shortcake characters, here's a list;
Strawberry Shortcake
Apple Dumplin
Pupcake and Custard
Angel Cake
Ginger Snap
Honey Pie Pony
Rainbow Sherbet
Orange Blossom
Sour Grapes
Blueberry Muffin
Lemon Meringue
Raisin Cane
Raspberry Sorbet
Tea Blossom 
Free space. Do what you want :D
Obscure character of your choice
Obscure character of your choice
Summer festival
Make and Oc!
Make an OC!
Baking fun
Berry picking
Relaxing scene
drinking lemonade
Glam up a character. 
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accirax · 6 months
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Through the magic of an AU, Xander, Min, and Teruko make it through the night, avoid a Class Trial, and participate in the first motive alongside everyone else. Except, this time, the first motive is... a gift exhange?
(basically, if it wasn't clear, i'm drawing the drdt characters doing a secret santa exchange with each other, hopefully posting one interaction per day until christmas!)
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secondbeatsongs · 5 months
I really love that Ashens and Nerdcubed have decided that the four genders are barbie, off-brand soldier, sitcom, and german science puppet
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
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its literally their birthday today. if you even care.
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shoku-and-awe · 5 months
Here we are, Thursday night on Day 4 of the THE LATEST LITERACY WALLCHART FOR CHILDREN Advent Calendar. Today, one of my absolute favorite foods:
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This is actually a great fact for young English learners! Some of the facts can be a bit or abstract or whimsical, but this one is very useful. I think that if you couldn't remember the word "eggplant," you could say "vegetable that is purple" and you'd have a very good chance of being understood! Also, I like how the eggplants in the picture look like little booties that a pixie might wear. Overall, 10 out of 10, no notes.
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catboyolli · 6 months
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for day 6 of the BC Advent Calendar organized by @another-sun, the twins have put on their special sweaters!
let's just say that a certain someone wanted to get matching sweaters to celebrate the holidays ("c'mon, it'll be fun! besides, this one really suits me, don't you think?"), but another certain someone didn't like most of the designs at all ("no, too colorful", "do you see me wearing something like that?, "led lights on a fucking sweater?", "... absolutely not")
they found the middle ground and now they both get to wear a lovely sweater: Joonas gets one that supposedly defines him quite well, and Joel gets one that lets him stay true to his Edgelord persona 🖤
(looking back, Joel thinks that the one with the led lights was pretty cool...)
individual pics under the cut!
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Time for door number 2 to be opened!!!
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atlantablack · 5 months
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Jane Austen / Charles Bukowski / Gabrielle Bates and Jennifer S. Cheng / Ada Limón / Henry Miller / José Olivarez / Antoine de Saint Exupéry / Sarah Manguso / Zinaida Nikolaevna Gippius / Erika L. Sánchez / William Goldman / Amirae Garcia / Vladimir Nabokov
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reloaderror · 6 months
for those yet aware, welcome to the 2023 Tobari advent calendar! the most exciting event of the year for the tobari nation (2)
every day i don a new tobari pfp and unlike in most other types of advent calendars, you can help decide what tobari the next door will reveal! you are also more than welcome to submit your favourite tobari images should you have some lying around
count down to christmas with your favourite catholic choir boy! 💫 ⭐️
here are the tobys the doors have revealed so far:
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
so yeah, I went to the BC signing session at Nokia Arena today, because what else would I, a full-grown adult with a respectable dayjob, do on a wintery Saturday if not stand in a queue freezing my toes off surrounded by sugar-high teenagers for hours, just to exchange a few words with some band dudes? 🤡
(wrote this for me as to remember at least something about it afterwards, but you may read this as well <3)
The queuing part was every bit as shitty as it always is when queuing to any BC event really, but I was in high spirits and great company who were polite enough to laugh at my shitty amazing jokes 🥰
Niko was so soft and nice and aaaaaaaaaa the way he laughed so heart-warmingly at the silly (practiced) thing I said?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I want to put him in my pocket <3
So when I was a kid I used to collect stickers (this is relevant, trust me), especially dog stickers because dogs are cute, and I happen to have a full page of dachshund stickers that look exactly like Rilla, so I thought I'd give Aleksi a couple of those, and the other day I jokingly checked my local supermarket's sticker selection to see if they have any more fun stickers I could give him, and lo and behold I actually found some cool Spider-Man ones, and naturally I JUST couldn’t help myself 😂 and awwwwwww the way his entire face brightened up and he went "NO WAY!! 🤩" when he saw the dachshund ones aaaaaaa 😭💞😭💞😭💞😭 he said he'll put them on his laptop where he has also collected other stickers 🥺💞 I gave them in a Minigrip bag so that he hopefully won't lose them before he gets home (see the picture below for the stickers)
Aleksi’s hair looked super fluffy btw 🤲 you're welcome for this crucial information
The last time I saw Olli at a signing session I was so blown away by his beauty that I could barely speak a word to him, so this time I was determined to actually have some sort of a conversation with him, and I did succeed, even if we only talked about the weather (my go-to conversation topic) 😂 it's difficult to translate the Finnish word tarjeta, but basically I asked him how's the weather been in Oulu, and he said it's been cold ("Mites Oulussa on tarettu?" "Kylmä on."), but apparently he actually likes cold weather, my reply being "well I don't you fucking weirdo &lt;3"
Joonas heard this intellectual exhange of opinions and put in his two cents as he told me how they had recently visited Oulu and that it had been significantly colder than in Helsinki 👍
Also, as you may have seen from pictures by now, he was wearing no shirt under his blazer and yeah, I may have taken a good look at his rug while he was signing my totebag 👁️👄👁️ In my defence, he had it out for everyone to see, so where else was I supposed to look? His eyes? 🙄
At that signing session I went to in Stockholm last year (see the link above) I didn't manage to say a damn thing to Tommi lol (I blame Joel and Olli), so that was my other goal for this time and yaaaay, success! I didn't say much to him though, just "hi" and "ah darn, is that bloody marker not working? and here I thought I had bought a good one" ("Olin ostavinani hyvän tussin")
For context: I had brought my BC totebag (which I bought exactly 2 years ago tomorrow and have used maybe twice during all this time) with me for them to sign, and as I wasn't sure if they'd have fabric markers, I had gone and bought one for the purpose myself, and I had tested it (on paper) at home, but I guess the cold weather had affected the ink, so it was working quite poorly. They all did manage to scribble down their autographs though, and the extra time it took for them to do so offered me some extra time to chat with them, which was nice actually 🤭 (hehe sneaky meeee)
To Joel I said the new song is great ("Helevetin hyvä se uus biisi"), which he was pleased to hear. He gave me back my totebag but not my marker, so I had to ask for it lol, to which he said his brain was not working properly anymore (felt 💀), to which I said that at least he hasn't been standing in the freezing cold for hours, to which he said: "yeah, you're the actual heroes here" and hell yeah we are lol, I wouldn't do this shit for any other band 😌
Then he tried to give me the autograph card of the next person in line dfdggdgdgddd poor Joel, I guess his brain really wasn't working
Afterwards my mouth was SO dry from talking so much in such a short time lol, but I was happy I got to say most of the stuff I had wanted to say to them. I was planning to show Aleksi a picture of our family dachshunds like I had done in Stockholm, but with all the hassle with the marker I kinda forgot about it (I kept grumbling about the shitty marker to literally all of them except Joel), and anyway I didn't want to slow down the queue any more than I already was 🙈
After the signing session we had pizza and went to the local Christmas market that just opened today and I bought some organic coffee beans for my brother for Christmas, so all in all I had a lovely day (ignoring the cold-as-balls weather) 🥰💞
here are the stickers I gave to Aleksi:
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and here's my freshly-signed totebag (why is Olli's autograph so cute 🥺)
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(I know it looks like there are some strange stains on the tote but there really isn't, as I said I've barely ever used it, so I guess it's just the fabric doing a weird thing in that lighting)
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isie-pici · 6 months
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I want an advent calendar
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rezal-art · 5 months
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Fanart Advent Calendar: Day 22!
For The Rewards of Being Loved, by louisfake​. I loved reading about Harry and Draco fighting to be together while solving a very dangerous case, and their alchemy is incredible. (It's actually the second part of a series so make sure you've read the first fic before diving in!)
This piece is part of a personal challenge: an advent calendar that will feature one fanart a day for some of my favorite fics, from the 1st of December to the 24th. I can't believe there are only two more days to go!
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sesamenom · 6 months
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four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree
okay so they aren't the most traditional 'calling birds' but I was running out of bird coded people so here's some gulls of Ulmo! looks like the action's picking up... :)
[Day 5]
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