#tagging ships but i was leaning more towards platonic with this one
tobeos · 4 months
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rei giving koga his guitar is all fun and games until you realize that people will gift their belongings to others when they're set on dying soon......
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 7 months
♪ ~ a little rag dolly , wishing your worries away ~ ♪
please read the faq ! ( updated as of 4/9/2024 )
a part ask-blog , part comic where ragatha is infected with a sentient virus that can talk to her - and somehow that's the least concerning part in all of this ?
there's no right or wrong choices here but these all definitely look like wrong ones
[ while this is mostly not intended to be a horror comic , please be warned that this will contain content that can be seen as disturbing such as depictions of mental illness and breakdowns , vomiting , self-harm , suicidal and intrusive thoughts , scopophobia , medical trauma - and possibly more i haven't listed ! if these things get too distressing it's okay to click away , your mental wellbeing matters more ^^
also disclaimer that a lot of the things here were written Before episode 2 so if there's some inconsistencies then you know ! ]
somehow doesn't work in mobile , please don't ask me i don't know how to fix it , blame tumblr idk lol
phase 1
phase 2
[ asks ] / [ ask2 ] - main posts
[ ooc ] - misc. posts
[ INTERMISSION ] - surprise !
[ non-canon ] - non-canon asks
[ ESSAY WARNING ] - mod rambles
[ doodles ] - art from yours truly !
[ THE INFLUENCER ] - old t.i tag ! design was by @/raggedabstraction
tadc influence au - green ?????????
[ you just opened : pandora's box ! ] - an achievement i give to a select amount of asks that completely ran the plot into a tree and exploded it <3
[ animations ] - ... animations !
[ office lore ] - backstory that i don't think is pretty important to this story but people are somehow invested in it so here you go
toybox - just me going crazy over my brotp ( zooble & ragatha )
[ more will be added ! ... if i figure it out ... ]
nooo inappropriate asks, please ! i will not hesitate to block you if you send one
my art is free to use ! use it for your icon , an edit , or even repost it ! my only condition really is to credit me (:
the only ship i'll lean towards is jesterdoll (pomni x ragatha) ! even then , it's not the main focus ( i prefer exploring more platonic dynamics honestly ! )
please be patient and do not take it personally if your ask doesn't get in , i am just one artist running this blog , not planning to get another mod , and i get a shitton of asks whenever i open the inbox . there is no 100% guarantee that your ask will get in
please do not dm me . i am not open for small talk . just take any questions or inquiries to the ask box if it's open . sorry but i will be ignoring any messages from this point on . it's nothing personal i am just severely mentally ill
magic anons are fine ! though note i will be very picky towards them and most likely won't accept any that exceeds 10 asks .
you can call me mod bee . for the sake of this blog , i go by she/her ^^ ( please don't bring up my main if you recognize my art style shfgsf )
[ guidelines are subject to change ~ ]
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jungwnies · 1 year
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syn ' kiss the prettiest one in the room, except it wasn't you he kissed genre ' sad/hurt, angst, headcanon req ' yes
gn!reader x bestfriend!soobin
word count ' ~0.5k warning ' angst, sad, a feeling of hurt
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ur friends and you were sat in a circle playing the typical truth or dare game. besides you was your best friend, choi soobin.
there was tension between you two, everyone shipped you two, and everyone loved your chemistry. but it's never been more than that, it's never gone past the friendship stage.
"y/n, truth or dare?" one of ur friends asks snapping you out of your blank stare.
"uhhh, truth." you reply.
"what would you do if someone here kissed you right now?" she asked giggling.
you laughed, "i'd probably just be like, what the fuck, you know?"
she nods and passes on the truth or dare to someone else. the game goes on a little longer, and it finally landed on yeonjun, one of soobin's friends.
"soobin, truth or dare?" he asks as soobin looks at him in a contemplating manner.
"dare." he says smiling.
"kiss the prettiest person in this room." yeonjun dares with a smirk on his face.
yeonjun looked at you with a smug look on his face, expecting the same thing as you.
soobin moves in front of him leaning towards one of your close friends, kissing her.
yeonjun's smirk drops, and ur smile as well. your gulp and take a deep breath before smiling at soobin as he sat back down next to you.
needless to say, your heart sank. it sank to your fucking stomach.
the sigh of soobin kissing another girl sickened you.
i guess everyone was wrong.
your relationship with soobin was strictly platonic, and you were a fool to think otherwise.
the air got tense, everyone expected him to kiss you. they way he spoke about you, the way he was so, him, around you.
maybe he liked you, but you didn't find you attractive.
"i'm going to go get a glass of water, does anyone want anything?" you ask standing up, fighting tears.
not because it saddened you, well maybe a little, but because it just hurt. even though you always knew there was a chance he wouldn't like you, it still hurt. it was frustrating that you allowed yourself to fall for him.
yeonjun stands up, "i'll come with you."
the two of you walk away from the group and you go into the kitchen.
"are you okay?" yeonjun asks.
you keep your body turned away from him, but nod. "i'm fine, i just, i guess i was misled."
you hear footsteps into the kitchen and see soobin.
he speaks up, "you okay, you just kind of got up and left after that."
you take a deep breath and turn around smiling, "i was just thirsty." you tell him as you held the half empty cup of water in your hand swishing it around.
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taglist : @sunghoonsluv , @leyss , @duolingofanaccount , @kendalllovestxt , @pshchives [ open - bolded could not be tagged ! ]
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2022 © jungwnies
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jellicle-chants · 27 days
Guess what I just found in my drafts that I meant to publish like... a year ago 🥴🙃🥲 Anyway, have some details about my CATS Speakeasy AU! I'm really hoping to get back around to this in more detail sometime soonish, so better to study up now...
Munk is the adopted son of Old Deut, who raised many such foundlings and in general created a safe place for anyone who didn't have one. In the narrative of the AU, he's trying to solve one of Macavity's plots (probably some kind of kidnapping situation). He also takes care of Jemima, who was left on his doorstep in an echo of his own origin. Plato tags along as his apprentice, although he's not often helpful with his two younger brothers, Tumblebrutus and Pouncival, getting in his way.
The titular speakeasy, The Smitten Kitten, is co-run by Deme and Bomba, as a way to get back on their feet after escaping from Macavity (along with Alonzo, who plays piano). Tugger is also here, doing miscellaneous jobs and generally being an obnoxious flirt. Romances are undefined as of now but definitely happen.
Bustopher Jones is a British expat who moved to the US with his housekeeper (and requited crush) Jennyanydots, in a misguided attempt to straighten out his godchildren/wards, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. It does not go well, especially when Munk needs to call on the twins' troublemaking abilities to infiltrate Macavity's lair.
Some other things I've worked out, but haven't managed to integrate into the main plot yet:
Jellylorum and Asparagus (Gus Jr) run a struggling off-Broadway theatre started by their father. In between shows, they rent out the stage to Cassandra and Misto, who alternate their acts, and a spare dressing room to Coricopat and Tantomile. The twins, Cass, and Misto all met in the circus, but split off because of mistreatment and nonpayment. Victoria joined Misto's act after failing to find work as a ballet dancer elsewhere, and the two now brand themselves as siblings. The group don't mean to take advantage of the siblings, but attendance is inconsistent, to say the least. Of course, Jelly and Gus Jr would never kick them out — they know their father would loathe to see the building closed even temporarily.
Skimbleshanks is a trolley driver. (I know this entry is comically short compared to the last one, but I imagine he'd just pop up occasionally throughout the story. Sometimes simpler is better.)
I really want to fit Algernonny (my OC) in here somewhere, but I haven't settled on anything yet. Maybe he drives a bookmobile??
Olivetti (my other OC) is a bit easier to place, since he'd be a reporter, but I'm not sure what effect he'd have on the story at large.
Some relationships (familial, platonic, and romantic) I want to emphasize:
None of Munk/Tugger/Mac are related, nor are any of them directly related to Old Deut. In my eyes, Macavity has always worked better as an entity lurking in the shadows than someone who is well-known and emotionally tied to the other characters.
Re: the Smitten Kitten bunch, I haven't untangled who I want them and Munk to end up with (or maybe they just all end up together?). There will definitely be some one-sided Platugger flirting because I can. (Algie/Alonzo is also a done deal, but that doesn't mean Alonzo doesn't get to participate here too.)
I haven't decided whether I go the Victeazer or Tantoteazer route yet. I'm leaning towards Mistojerrie though as a new thing for me.
Asparagus and Skimbleshanks will end up being a thing, because I can't get enough of them two <3
I haven't decided if I want Jenny to be Plato (etc.)'s mom. It would be easier to tie that household into the main goings-on that way, but also (if you couldn't tell) I'm trying to improvise on a lot of these characters and come up with new relations -- at least for the ones for whom I don't already have a ship I'm attached to.\
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midgardian-witch · 1 year
Meeting Jake
Reader meets Jake for the first time when he picks them up from work unannounced. Friendly flirting and some awkwardness ensues. Reader gets into Jake's pants but not how you'd expect.
tags: first meeting | meet-cute | platonic relationship | friendship | flirting | awkwardness | teasing | eventual friends to lovers | gn!reader
ships: Jake Lockley/Reader
Disclaimer: I do not have DID so my description of it is based on the show and my own research.
tagged list: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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[You]: Weather is hell. Still stuck at work. I'll text you when I'm on my way <3
You didn't think much of it when you sent the text to your friends Marc and Layla. Well, you thought you'd send a quick text so they don't worry and wait for you but you didn't expect much of a reaction other than maybe a text back telling you to stay safe. 
When you finally escape work you get caught in the worst rainfall you'd experienced in a while. Standing just outside of your workplace you're fighting against your umbrella, one of the cheap ones, but it refuses to open. Your workplace wasn't too far away from Marc and Layla's flat and you did promise to visit them for dinner today. And yet the thought of arriving at their doorstep soaked to the bone makes you grimace. As you're groaning and cursing quietly, a cab stops right in front of you. You ignore it, thinking maybe one of your colleagues had the foresight to call a cab in this weather. 
You hear a car window being pulled down but what really catches your attention in that moment is a familiar sounding voice. 
"I think that umbrella is broken."
You raise an eyebrow, looking up, ready to give, what you assume is a stranger, a look for stating the obvious. The face looking at you makes you do a double take instead. 
You see Marc, a cabbie hat pulled over his face, leaving just enough space for you to see his eyes peek out under it as he leans out of the car window. It takes you a bit before you notice the different accent; the way he dresses and holds himself being another sharp contrast to Marc and Steven. 
You stand there dumbfounded, blinking like he had caught you in his head lights. He takes in your response and chuckles. 
"I'd introduce myself but I think we should do that in the car. Hop in."
Your body launches into motion thanks to the promise of someplace dry. You quickly walk around the car and get inside. Buckling your seatbelt in, you take in your surroundings for a moment before you place your definitely broken umbrella on your lap. 
You turn towards Not-Marc-and-also-not-Steven and reach out, offering a handshake as you introduce yourself. 
As he takes your hand you notice the well-worn leather gloves he wears. The leather feels smooth against your skin. 
"Pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Jake. Jake Lockley."
You smile and take him in. He is smirking at you and oh you've never seen that look on that face before. Ignoring the warm fluttering in your stomach you finally let go of his hand just a few seconds late of being appropriate. 
"Pleasure to meet you too, Jake. Not that I don't appreciate getting to know you but", you look at him, at who is essentially a stranger in a familiar body, and can't help but feel the same comfort and safety you feel with Marc and Steven, "Why are you here?" 
Jake raises an eyebrow at you, his face a perfect depiction of disbelief. "You texted us, cariño. Did you really think we'd let you walk in this weather?" 
You're not sure if it's his words or the car's heating that suddenly make you feel so warm. It's a small gesture but knowing that you're on their mind, that they care for you like this, fills your heart with joy. 
You thank him, your smile growing wider. He returns the smile, his more triumphant and cocky, and turns back to the road. 
"Shall we then? We wouldn't want to keep Layla waiting. If I hadn't already been getting my keys as soon as we got your message she may have jumped on her bike herself to get you.", he tells you with a wink. 
You can't stop the startled laugh that escapes you. You can see all too clearly in your mind's eye how that would have played out. That now familiar warmth spreads through your body even further knowing that Layla thought of you too. Enough so to drive through the rain on her bike to make sure you were safe. 
You feel the car move as Jake starts driving you to their home. "I reminded her that unlike her bike, my car would actually keep you from being completely drenched by the time you got here," he continues. 
You lean back in your seat and admire the man next to you. Just like your first meeting with Steven you're overcome with this strange feeling of dissonance. On one hand you're looking at a familiar face, a familiar person and yet on the other hand there is a stranger sitting next to you, driving you calmly to your destination. Without being able to pinpoint why, you know you're safe with Jake even if you don't know much about him yet. The way his hands glide over the steering wheel, the way his head moves as he keeps an eye on traffic; he just seems so at ease. And yet you can see the corner of his mouth curled into that devilish little grin he gave you earlier. If you had to describe Jake in one word it would be 'playful'. 
"See something you like, cariño?" 
His voice pulls you out of your musings and you realize he must have felt you staring at him. You clear your throat in embarrassment. 
"Sorry, it's just…", you trail off, unsure of how to explain why you were drilling holes into his head with your eyes. 
The sound of Jake's laughter fills the car. With his unwavering grin he glances at you before turning in gaze back towards the road. 
"I get it. It must be strange for you. At least I got to know what you're like before today."
You blink at him confused and tilt your head to the side. "Did the others talk about me?" you ask, wondering what insights Marc, Layla and Steven had given Jake before he decided it was finally time that you met him in person too. 
Jake hums thoughtfully. "Eh, that's not quite what I meant," he answers a little sheepishly, "When you talked to Marc in the past there was always a chance that one of us was, let's say, 'listening in'."
Marc had explained to you once how he and his alters communicated and that sometimes more than one alter could be present. You just didn't think much of it at the time. Now you are wondering what Jake or even Steven had seen of you without you being aware of it. And here you were agonizing over making a good first impression all while they already got to know you in a way. It made you feel self-conscious. 
Your silence drags out longer than you mean to, caught up in what-ifs and maybes. 
"No need to worry, cariño. We give each other privacy when needed," Jake explains with a wink before his grin fades and his face turns serious. Just from that you know he's not making fun of you or diminishing your worries, but takes them seriously, without you even having to voice them. It's a bit eerie how easily he can read you and yet his regard for your well-being comforts you. You don't know how but just Jake's presence seems to put you at ease. 
You nod quietly before you remember he may not see it while still focusing on the road ahead. "Thank you, Jake. I guess I am just curious about what you and Steven have seen of me before.", you admit. Jake hums thoughtfully at your words and for a while the only thing you hear is the sound of rain pelting against the car as you wait for his answer. 
"Does it matter?" 
You blink owlishly at him, the question taking you by surprise. He turns to you for a moment, as you're waiting at a traffic light. "Think of it like this: whatever we saw of you made us decide to meet you. We saw this amazing person that has stolen the hearts of both our brother and our wife and we wanted to meet them too."
Your breath catches in your throat and you try your best to avoid his gaze. Suddenly you feel his gloved hand against your cheek as he turns your head to look at him again. There is a smile on his face, not the devilishly handsome grin from before but a soft curve of his lips. 
"Believe me, the few glimpses I have seen of you through Marc's eyes can't compare to finally meeting you myself."
The flirtatious sound of Jake's voice makes your heart beat faster. It feels like time has stopped, your body frozen, completely enthralled by the man sitting next to you. 
Both of you are startled back to reality by the incessant honking of a car horn behind you. 
Jake turns back to the road, ignoring the angry car horns and continues driving. The spell he had over you is broken and you can finally breathe again. 
The rest of your ride is spent in comfortable silence. You arrive at your destination faster than you expected and you're more than a little impressed by how effortlessly Jake handled the rush-hour traffic. 
Jake parks his car close to their apartment building and steps out quickly. As you take off your seatbelt the car door on your side opens. You see Jake stand in front of the door, his leather jacket held over his head as a makeshift canopy. He steps back a bit, holding his jacket over you as you get out of the car to keep you dry while Jake himself seems unbothered by the rain soaking through his clothes. 
You thank him again before the two of you make your way to the apartment building. As you stand in front of the building's entrance you wait for Jake to unlock the door but he keeps his arms up over you, jacket held tight, shielding you from the weather. 
"The keys are in my left pocket. Could you get them for me?", he raises an eyebrow and looks between you and his clearly occupied hands and then looks down at himself. It takes a second before your brain catches on what Jake is asking you to do. He's keeping you safe from the rain so he can't get his keys. His keys which are in his pocket. Which you would have to reach into. His pants pocket. Oh dear. 
You nod quickly, hoping your train of thought is not clearly visible on your face, and carefully stretch your hand out, very aware of how awkward this situation is or could be - at least to you. You didn't imagine you'd get this close to Jake when you got into his car not even half an hour ago. You try not to think about how close your hand is to certain parts of his anatomy as you reach into his left pocket. Quickly you pull his keys out and hold them up triumphantly. Immediately you turn around, avoiding his gaze and open the door so you both could get inside and out of the worsening weather. 
You feel a bit embarrassed by your own reaction. You just got his keys because he couldn't use his hands! It's not like you touched anything you weren't supposed to! You didn't even feel anything that you shouldn't! And yet the previous innocent flirting between the two of you seemed to have dragged your mind into the gutter. 
As you make your way to the elevator, your cheeks hot with embarrassment, you meet his gaze again. With his wet leather jacket draped over his forearm he looks at you, an amused grin on his face. He knows. Jake doesn't say a word but he's clearly aware of the situation he had put you in, and thoroughly enjoys your flustered reaction. And to your surprise you can't even be mad at him for it. 
That charming bastard. 
You stick your tongue out at him for his teasing and Jake laughs as you step into the elevator. 
"You are adorable, cariño. I should pick you up from work more often," he winks at you as he says it, lips still curved into that flirtatious smile of his that makes your heart race. 
The elevator goes up and you're getting closer and closer to their floor. You can't help but enjoy Jake's teasing, light-hearted as it is. Even though his friendly flirting may be the death of you one day. And yet you were looking forward to it. Your friendship was going to be interesting.
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inquisimer · 7 months
i carried my own ashes to the mountains
for day 1 of @zevraholics' Zevwarden week 2023, tradition and trying new things - some pre-ship Nika and Zevran, a discussion of what will come of her return to Orzammar.
pairing: f!Brosca & Zevran word count: 1200 rating: general audiences tags: hurt/comfort, platonic relationships, fluff, a hint of pining if you squint
Nika stared at her reflection, warped and hazy in the frozen puddle outside their camp. A few hundred yards back through the trees their tents formed a half-circle around the fire. Beyond that loomed the peaks of the Frostback Mountains and within them, the gates to Orzammar.
Orzammar. Nearly three years gone since she’d left and going back now felt as intimidating as leaving with Duncan had then. Her fingertips traced over the faded brand on her cheek, newly bisected by a long, fresh scar. One of three—souvenirs from their battle with the dragon in Haven. Between that, and the weight on her shoulders, and the harsh cynicism regret had etched into her, she wondered if anyone in Orzammar would recognize the rebellious little casteless who dared defy their laws.
Part of her hoped they wouldn’t. Then she wouldn’t be alone in seeing a stranger in her face.
“Reminiscing, chapparita?”
A twig snapped under Zevran’s weight and Nika’s hand fell from her cheek as she glanced at him over her shoulder. She shrugged.
“Something like that, I suppose.”
Zevran hummed his doubt. Of all her companions, he would know. When they stumbled across his ill-conceived trap, she was still fresh-faced and sun-blind, lost without the cavernous Stone to ground her. She'd nearly shanked him in her anger. But his eyes shone with the wild desperation of someone who had absolutely nothing left to lose—he would have welcomed her blade, and it was a look so familiar that to see it in another shocked the rage right out of her.
He repaid her mercy with a curious devotion, sitting up with her through the coldest, darkest watches and fording paths when their inane quests took them through wilderness where even the smallest plants stood well above Nika's head. Bit by bit, he came to know her history, wheedling it out of her as none of the others had even tried to.
Things weren’t so different between the Carta and the Crows. Antiva's operation was larger and more storied, of course, but both were ruthless and cutthroat to a fault and you were only worth as much as the success of your last job. Nika didn't know many assassins, but she knew how they worked, and nothing builds trust like a mutually assured dagger in the back.
Zevran leaned against a tree and regarded her with a knowing look.
"You are apprehensive about returning to Orzammar."
"Am not."
He huffed, an aborted laugh that fogged the air around his mouth. "Dear Warden, there are at least seven paths that could have gotten us here sooner. And don't tell me you don't know of them," he added, for she'd opened her mouth to do exactly that. "I showed you how to read the map myself."
She rolled her eyes. "And?"
"And I think you should know that you do not need to run off into the woods with your woes." Zevran squatted at her side and tilted her face toward him with a knuckle on her chin. "You do not need to hide from me, chapparita. Not after everything."
"I know it's just..." Nika pursed her lips. "It's stupid. I just need a few moments to get it together."
"If it causes you distress, it cannot possibly be stupid."
"Yes it can," Nika grumped. "I get distressed by stupid things all the time. Rain and wagons. Broken lockpicks. Alistair."
"While amusing, this deflection won't save you." Zevran caught one of her hands and traced the calloused lines of her palm. "What troubles you so about returning home?"
"Home?" Nika scoffed. "Hardly a home. A place of origin, perhaps. But there was too much anger and never enough food to really call it a home."
"But you have family there, yes? Your sister and the young man...Lester?"
Nika's gut twisted. "Leske. And Rica, yes, they're still there. Or at least, I think they are. Some of the rumors coming up from Orzammar make me think there may well be nothing but carnage when we get there."
"Is that what troubles you, then?"
"Mmm not really. The city can tear itself to shreds for all I care, 'slong as Rica and Leske got out."
"Not worried about the city, not really worried about your family." Zevran tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Your reception upon return, then?"
Nika scrunched up her face. She really was quite transparent these days—if Behraht had been able to read her that well, she'd've never been allowed in the Carta, no matter how well Rica cleaned up. She glanced down at her griffon-stamped chestplate and sighed.
"I'm not the same person who left Dust Town," she finally said. "You know—you were there for most of the changing, the struggling, the growing."
"Not too much growing," Zevran teased, waving his hand over her head. She swatted at it and stuck her tongue out at him.
"The thing is, the time and the experience and even being a Warden—it won't matter to the people down there. You can't change your lot in life in Orzammar, so..."
She brought her fingers back to her marked cheek and Zevran’s gaze followed. "Once a brand, always a brand," she said bitterly. "I'm not even sure they'll listen to the treaties, not if I'm the one asking."
In the silence that followed, Nika stewed. She could feel Zevran considering her, but she didn’t want his comfort or his pity. Not when she had to walk back on the way the surface had changed her perspective. Not when she needed to be as cold and cruel as she’d ever been, to survive a return to Orzammar.
Gentle fingers caught her chin once more and this time the pad of Zevran’s thumb ghosted over the raised skin of her brand.
“They know you by this, as you were. But that is not who you are any longer so: have you considered…changing it?”
“How can I? It’s as much a part of me as my nose.”
“You misunderstand. I am not suggesting you attempt to remove it, anymore than I would suggest expunging your history before the Wardens.” Zevran dropped his hand to her shoulder and gently squeezed. “But the rest of you has changed on this venture. Should your face not change as well?”
Nika went very still. Her eyes darted back to the frozen puddle and the stranger reflected there. She imagined dark ink spiraling out around the blocky lines of the brand, weaving in and around the scar tissue, softening the hard border of the burden she’d worn like a prize all her life, just as this journey had softened all of her sharp edges.
In her heart, the idea slotted into place, so right that it immediately drew her out of her anxious melancholy. With eager eyes, she grabbed Zevran by the wrists.
“Can we do it now? Right now?”
A soft, warm smile crinkled the corners of Zevran’s eyes, a hint of wistfulness keeping it from catching at his mouth proper. But it swiftly gave way to his usual grin and he lifted her small frame effortlessly, swinging her onto his back.
“Of course, chapparita. We can begin whenever you like.”
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fang-and-feather · 2 months
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Ikemen Vampire - Theo x OC
Words: 1,747
Summary: Amy had always been confident of who she was, so a change to what she thought very set about her, made her feel lost on her own identity. If this can change, what else that she also took for granted can? Luckly she has Theo to help her find herself again.
Tags: Fluff and Comfort, Sexuality and Identity Crisis, Background Genderbending, Background Polyamory, Background Theo x Female Arthur, just slight suggestive at the end
Written for April's Polyam Shipping Day Prompt: Attraction from @polyamships
I also have a poll regarding the future of this fic
I want to thank @onegianthotmess for her post from which I borrowed genderbent Arthur's name, and @bicayaya and @keithsandwich who I talked to about Amy's sexuality once and they were very sweet and helpful (if there was anyone else in that post, I will add you to these credits when I actually find the post)
This fic is very experimental. I am exploring something different with Amy, exploring how she would work in a ship with Theo, and it's also my first time properly writing Theo and the first trying genderbent IkeVamp... I didn't have much space for Arthur in this chapter, but this will focus on the three of them.
Also, how did I take the whole day just to edit this?!
Next Chapter / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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Amy had to deal with questioning herself, at minor changes in life or when questioned by someone else, but that was an easy, quick process, to assert her position in a situation.
Recently, it had been one change after another. Realizing her knowledge of the world was limited, vampires existed and time travel was possible. Questioning her feelings for Theo. And the more serious one, questioning her place in the new world as she chose to stay in this time period. She quickly adapted to every change.
But these situations, and everything before, had been about adapting to something external, be it a place, a situation or a person. The most internal questioning was about her tastes in men when she fell in love with Theo. It wasn’t that big of a life change.
Now this? This wasn’t related to a single person, and it changed her whole perception of herself, and such change removed all of her security in her own identity.
Although Amy never had actually been attracted to anyone before Theo. Never been in love before him. Her attempts at figuring if any shift of feelings towards a friend was love, and the different ways she observed each gender, made Amy very sure she was only interested in men. She never doubted that since her late teens.
And now she had a boyfriend. There was no reason to question it.
That was until the last few days around Arthea.
Amy had been friends with the writer for a while. She was Arthea’s early reader, and they sometimes went out together, solving small cases around town, and often grabbing something to eat on the way back. Arthea was someone Amy trusted to comfort or distract her to avoid panic attacks. But although Amy always had difficulty noticing the difference, nothing of the feelings she had differed from any of her other closest friends, so it had to be purely platonic.
Until this week, and especially this morning.
It had been a case to solve like any other, but when they stopped by a cafe for some sweets, Amy found herself embarrassed by Arthea sharing a spoonful of her own dessert. It was something she always casually did with other friends. Not something she had any romantic association besides movies making it seem so.
And she still attributed it to realizing people were watching and would have a different interpretation. But there was little to no excuse to what happened in the carriage.
Even while to justify the weirdness of earlier, Amy couldn’t forget it and be comfortable around her friend.
Arthea acted the same as always and tried to comfort her with the usual flirty teasing. But at that moment, it made things worse, especially when Arthea leaned in, as if to kiss Amy.
Amy knew her friend wouldn’t, but a part of her wanted it to happen. She felt trapped and confused and overreacted, things getting even more awkward between them.
She was afraid of what these feelings meant. If she couldn’t trust in what she was the most safe about herself, what else could change? How could she be sure of things? And who she was if she couldn’t be sure of anything?
The idea of such internal changes also brought up things she would rather forget, and the fear of these changes bringing her to similar points again.
Besides, a little voice amidst all that chaos whispered that this kind of change wasn’t appropriate. Something she always accepted in others, but in herself, it was unacceptable.
But that was the thing that mattered the least. Being stripped of her self knowledge was what scared her.
Amy built a kind of character out of traits she had that fit occasions, like a professional Amy for work, but to build and maintain these, she had to know her core, and if her core changed, it destabilized everything else. She would have to put a long time into rebuilding everything.
But if something changed, how could she be sure it wouldn’t happen again? That she wouldn’t put all that effort only to have to do it again halfway? And how would she deal with these situations in the meantime?
Amy nearly jumped when an arm wrapped around her back, but she found herself secure in Theo’s embrace.
She had hidden in the attic because she didn’t have the energy to deal with people. She wasn’t aware her boyfriend was back and that he would find her.
“What’s the problem, Hondje? Are you sad because I didn’t take you on a walk today?”
“I’m fine, Theo.” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Just thinking.”
“It doesn’t feel right for you to be so quiet.” When she remained quiet, unsure of what he really expected her to say, he sighed. “She told me what happened.”
Of course Arthea did. She was one of the biggest gossipers in this house, even though she had serious competition.
“I’m sorry. Won’t happen again.”
If it already didn’t feel right before, thinking that Theo already had an idea of who she was that he had committed to, it didn’t feel proper to change that.
“Are you sure? Because if you can control it, then it shouldn’t have happened now.”
She should have known he would be mad. Why was he even still holding her in such a comforting manner? She had messed up his trust.
“I’ll learn to.”
Amy expected a serious response like “As you should” or something more teasing with hidden understanding like “I’ll make sure you do”. But Theo pulled her closer and caressed her hair, a sweet gesture that didn’t seem to fit the situation.
“Do you like her?” Amy shrugged. Even she wasn’t sure. “I’ve known it for a while, even if you didn’t notice, and I don’t like this. I don’t want to share you. But is it really so much worse than seeing you struggling to hold back and hide yourself for me?”
The words sounded strange coming from Theo, but it took Amy a moment to realize why.
These were the same words she had told Theo after he, slightly more drunk than usual, had almost kissed an even more drunk Arthea that was flirting with him after a party.
She had confronted him when he was sober, but it took a while to wear down his stubbornness and get Theo to admit that he was interested in the writer before Amy even showed up. But he clashed with Arthea’s personality and didn’t think she was looking for anything serious with anyone.
Besides, he had other things in his mind other than looking for a relationship, and that made him push these feelings away, apparently successfully. So, when he met Amy, he didn’t even think about that when falling in love with her.
But forgetting and just burying the attraction were different things. His case was the latter, although he only realized so when drunk.
And although Amy never imagined she would, was okay with it. In fact, she was partially happy that Theo was opening himself to new feelings and experiences. But a part of her still wanted to keep him all to herself.
These words meant Theo felt the same. And Amy wished that solved all her problems.
When she continued not to respond, Theo pushed her down on the bench, trapping her under him.
“What is it? Were you trying to make me jealous? Expecting me to punish you? Because I can always change my mind.” he said with a dangerous smirk.
“No!” Amy finally spoke, trying to push him away by the shoulders, but neither she put that much effort in it, nor he let himself be pried away.
“Then what is it, Hondje? Seems like I still didn’t train you properly, if you still think you need to hide from me. Shall we start a new lesson now? Or will you trust me?”
Between his usual teasing, Theo knew the right words to push her. And never too hard either, as surprising as it would be to other people.
“I… I was sure I wasn’t like this… and the idea of changing makes me feel… broken. I’m not sure if I even am the same person anymore. Or who I will be in the future. What If I become someone very different from who I am now? Someone different from the person you love?”
“What nonsense is that? Why would being attracted to her change who you are? You ‘are’ the person I love, and you couldn’t change that even if you wanted.” His tone was fierce, but the words were sweet. “I wouldn’t be Arthea if it was that easy to change my mind. It’s not you who will manage that.” Theo intertwined their fingers, an intimate gesture that also had her further pinned down, and kissed her until she was breathless. “And I changed for you. Am I a different person?” When Amy shook her head, he kissed her again. “If you ever forget who you are, I’ll be sure to remind you. Thoroughly. Because no matter who you will become, you will always be mine.”
Theo kissed her again, letting one of her hands go to explore her body. Amy moaned, her hold on his hand tightening. Her next words didn’t match her actions, though.
“Not here, Theo.”
When they parted, Theo sat back, pulling Amy with him.
“I’ll listen because you were a good girl. But you better be prepared. Once I get you back to bed, you won’t be leaving until I make sure you have no more silly worries. And maybe for a while longer, because I don’t think you will be able to stand when I’m done with you.”
Theo grinned before pulling her for a new kiss. One hand still entangled with hers, the other tangling in her hair, holding her closer.
Amy didn’t try to protest this time. Because Theo was right that she had him for purchase if she even lost sight of herself.
She would have to talk to Arthea later. But, for now, Amy would enjoy her current boyfriend.
“Does that mean you will take a break from work?”
“Someone will have to keep an eye on you, Hondje. You always get in trouble when I’m not looking.”
She did not. But before she could protest, Theo was kissing her again, stealing all further thoughts, leaving just him. And Amy couldn’t feel safer.
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground, @2-lines-and-a-circle, @vampiricpancake, @specters0rd
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, even if it's in specific contents, you can reply to this post or send me a message
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dooplissss · 3 months
i saw your tags on that post, can you tell me about the homestuck quadrants? i was hugely into homestuck like 10 years ago but i’ve forgotten almost everything. i want to remember the ancient ways
* cracks knuckles >:) *
Matesprit ❤️ is easy, its just what humans see as romance and true love etc. One of the two reproductive quadrants, yadda yadda you get it.
Examples: - Morticia <3 Gomez - Ruby <3 Sapphire - Darcy <3 Elizabeth, with arguably some grey/black romance thru the story but thats what makes it so enduring
Moirails ♦️ is my personal favorite quadrant and is fairly straightforward, tho the canon definition is different from fanon. In fanon, its interpreted basically as best friends/queerplatonic, which, yeah, can and usually does happen with that proximity and thats why I love it, but in canon its more a power balance to prevent violence and death, typically with one figure reining back a more chaotic one. When applying to humans and other fandoms tho its better to lean toward the slightly fanon interpretation since Alternia's violent culture is so different from ours.
Examples: - Nepeta <> Equius - Aziraphale <> Crowley (obvi the situation is changing but lets leave this here) - Dean <> Castiel (obvi i'm team matesprit but canonically they belong here up til cas declares his love) - Joel <> Ellie (this is a strictly platonic quadrant dw) - Caleb <> Nott/Veth (I want to shake liam and sam so bad and explain that the relationship they were looking for was right here and they didnt have to awkwardly choose between romance and friendship)
Auspictice ♣️is the one everyone gets wrong and drives me the most insane. It's a tricky and very specific balancing dynamic thats hard to find, except maybe on the CW. Canonically, its a group of three people, two (left and right leaves) want to outright kill each other. This does not make them kismesis, I cannot stress that enough, kismesis don't want each other dead, but we'll get there in a sec. The third person is meant to prevent them from killing each other, being the mediator. Its rare for this dynamic to not be outright toxic, esp in human examples, but its a healthy option on Alternia to prevent unnecessary murder. I think this dynamic is meant to be temporary tho, even in that culture, as it weighs on the mediator a lot.
Examples: - Eridan <3< Sollux ^ Feferi, unfortunately unsuccessful showing how difficult and straining this relationship type is (also everyone who said eridan and sollux were kismesis owes me $5, I'll become a millionaire instantly) - Edward <3< Jacob ^ Bella - Pearl <3< Greg ^ Steven, a happy ending example of an auspictice (ignore the ptsd)
Kismesis ♠️is. man where do I begin. its so good. its such a fun dynamic, especially when you have a pairing that gets it just right. Kismesis is perfect enemies, arch-rivals that share a mutual respect and drive each other to improve themselves to better outwit their opponent. Its when a captain sees one of their ships on fire and smiles, knowing just who did it. Its tipping your opponents head up by the tip of a sword. Its the bad guy showing up at your doorstep because theres no one else they trust more than their greatest nemesis. Its the other reproductive quadrant because its just as deep and passionate as true love, and it can in fact switch between love and hate very easily and often.
Examples: - Quark <3< Odo (imo the BEST non-homestuck example) - Batman <3< Joker (friend hates when i say this but i'm right, esp with lego batman) - Xavier <3< Magneto - Light <3< L - God <3< Satan, why not lmao
I wish homestuck was seen as less cringe bc the quadrants are SOOO FUN to apply to ships and dynamics in other fandoms and contexts. At the same time, people get the quadrants wrong constantly, especially between kismesis and auspictice. And the quadrants aren't static, you don't have to lock a ship in just one forever! feelings change and very easily turn from black to red to black again, its all so complicated and fun to watch.
Hope all this makes sense lmao, thanks for the ask!
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ms-moonlight-inn · 27 days
5 Fandoms, 5 'Ships
Tagged by the talented @energievie to do this one. Vie, the can of worms you've just opened.
Let's go...
🛥️🛥️🛥️(get it, ships) lol
1) Jack & Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
That's right, y'all the Pumpkin King himself and Sally the Ragdoll. If ever there were two more perfectly combined characters, these two are it. The arrogance of Jack, and the meekness of Sally –both seeking to break away from their circumstances. By the end of the movie they both have grown. Jack learns to be proud of who he is; Sally learns to speak her mind and be brave. And they do it all said to music!
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2) Sgt. Milton Warden/Karen Holmes (From Here to Eternity)
I will never shut up about these two. Their love story is the epitome of hurt/no comfort, but in the best way ever. The story is set in World War II, in the weeks before Pearl Harbor. Not only do you have soulmates who have met each other at the most inconvenient possible time in their lives, But Karen comes from such a tragic backstory that you just have to wonder how she survived as much as she did. And the best part about this fucking movie, is that there is an additional side ship to swoon over. If you love tragic love stories, this is the movie for you.
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3) Ian/ Mickey (Shameless)
Jesus, what can I say about these two that I haven't already said. I mean, I've written for these two more than I have anybody else and I think that's always going to be true. Gallavich has my whole heart. Period.
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4) Prince Henry & Alex Díaz (RWRB)
Holy crap the first time I read this book, and the second time, and the third time... I can't even tell you how many times I read this book. And then when the movie came out? Mmm mmm mmm. Gay heaven, I tell you. Fun fact: the very first piece of fanfiction I ever wrote was for firstprince. Crazy, right? The absolute stupidity and assholeness of Alex, coupled with Henry's tendency to keep his feelings close to the chest makes for an explosive combination.
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5) Catwin or Payneland (Dead Boy Detectives)
Ok, this is a new one for me, so I'm still exploring the dynamics. Right now I'm leaning towards a Cat King/Edwin as the OTP. Why? Oh man, I just don't have the bandwidth to put all my thoughts on paper, but it just seems to make sense to me. Especially when I saw that scene with the white lily.
Also, Edwin's friendship with Charles would be that much more special & important™ if he they are "best mates." Queer platonic friendships (or queer/het platonic friendships) are rarely shown in media, it'd be kinda nice see that.
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There are, of course, so many more 'ships I've shipped. So many beautiful love stories out there. But I'm sticking to talking about these 5 today. ☺️
Tagging, with no pressure to play, @stillbeatingheart @notherenewjersey @glitteryolks @wildxwired & anyone else who wants to play.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 months
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I will have to go with Jo's answer here and say every ship I have has something about it that makes it my OTP, something unique to us and our partner/their muse. And I don't want anyone to feel excluded or unloved or less loved than anyone else. I do think because she was literally created side by side with @morgansmornings that they share a deep bond that is both familial and the deepest sort of friendship. They are family. They are transcendent.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Platonic, familial, and romantic are all on the table with discussion ooc, time, and development. I will do pre-established on the first two but Beth is demisexual/quoiromantic, with a leaning toward sapioromantic. Meaning it takes bonding with someone before she even feels anything 'below the belt' so to speak, and doesn't really understand/distinguish the difference between romantic/platonic feelings, treating them both in the same way, but she does have a very slight preference toward people who can engage her mentally, and seduce her with their awkward intelligence. Toxic ships can be a thing with huge boundaries. The boundary is how comfortable with you as a friend, ooc, regardless of what we are writing. Currently I will be willing to do toxic with: Mischa/Larry { @thebiggestlies }, My Dear Prince and Ionaka {and potentially Na Baron Feyd Rautha @nightmarefuele }, Shades of Ben { @kylo-wrecked }. And I live for the hate-ship of Lorcan and Beth with @macdiari, whose mun is totally one of my bffs which makes it funnier. We can have meetings about the rest. Dubcon/non-con, etc...has to be plotted to within an inch of its life, I don't care what Beth says.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable? Age is not a really a thing with Beth when it comes to her significant other as long as they are a little over 'of age' {18-21}. She has literally one ship where this isn't the case and her paramour is 15 and she's 25...and it isn't what many people would assume, both of them are broken hearted. This a unique situation with @macdiari. Beth does have a penchant for older partners. Let the 'daddy issue' jokes commence.
Are you selective when shipping?
I would say yes. I only ship with chemistry. And by that I mean myself and the mun as much as the muses. Shipping requires a delicate balance between interest, trust, compatibility, goals... writing something fictional that isn't just pwp is not unlike building a real-life relationship. I want to get to know the other mun. I want us to have in-jokes, I want for us to be comfortable talking about everything and anything even if we might not always agree. I want us to be friends, first.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I guess I follow the TV guidelines. We can write up to a certain point but once there's body parts that you wouldn't see on network television, it should probably get a tag. I don't care if there's a read more {I will occasionally do that for terminally long posts}, if my partner is more comfortable with one, great. If they prefer it on a different blog, awesome. If you want to write it on discord? Go ahead and add me, fren. I try to faithfully tag certain things because Beth is just...wrong and a lot of her hobbies and interests tend to be really morally questionable at best.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Beth tends to be drawn to people who are neurologically divergent, biologically divergent, other-worldly, empowered, and the like. She is drawn to those who are lonely, othered, or unusual because there is so much in them she sees in herself. And if Beth happens to fall in love, she is neither likely to mention it, nor does she expect for the feeling to be returned. For Beth, love is love. So if you see someone on my dash, unless it's brand new just met you, know that they are cared for, and will always be someone important. As I consider every mutual mun and their muse{s} as some kind of relationship {platonic, familial, romantic, or enemy...I can't really list *every* blog. Sorry.}
Does one have to ask to ship with you?,
I mean it's nice to be asked, so at least I know in broad-strokes what sort of relationship you, the other person, might like but also the fiction can often dictate the course of how things go :)
How often do you like to ship?
I am not gonna lie. I love watching and writing how Beth interacts with people. How she slowly starts to unfold around them and what leads her to becoming involved with other folk.
Are you multiship?
Yes. And multiverse, too. One of the best things is when you have a multi-verse partner and get to see how your ships and theirs change from friends to other things, depending what verse your in, and how everyone can make a community with that information.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Ship more or less. I love it as much as the next person but that's not the sole purpose of my blog.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I am still waiting for Olivia and Elliot to get married. IYKTYK.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Let me know what you want? Be patient. We'll talk boundaries, desires, needs, and build it/grow it as it goes.
Tagged by: my darling @betwitchingbaker
Tagging: Heave ho, thieves and beggars....
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moodymisty · 1 year
Congratulations on hitting 1000 followers!!! 🥳🥳🥳 if anyone deserves it, it’s definitely you! And after reading your little backstory blurb, I am so happy that you decided to come back to tumblr and share your writings and positivity with the fandom 🤍 every time I see your name on my dash I get so excited and can’t wait to see either what you’ve been writing or what you’ve been reblogging (and the sassy tags that come with lol)
If you’re still accepting requests, scenario 15 with the bad batch sounds like it could be a fun prompt — bonus points if omega is in on the fun too! (Whether or not you do this prompt is totally okay since I’m sure you’re getting a heavy influx lol)
Okay, that’s all for now! Take care and, again, CONGRATULATIONS ON 1000 FOLLOWERS 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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❀ Milestone prompts list ❀
Author's Note: Aww thank you so much for all the kind words!! It really means a lot that people enjoy my blogs and silly ramblings. Y'all are really the best and always make me smile, all of you are really just amazing &lt;3
Relationships: Platonic Bad Batch + Omega & Fem!Reader, but hints at Echo having a crush on reader
Warnings: Just fun fluff, and a blatant excuse for me to write about living the cottagecore dream
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"Tech, you really couldn't have landed in a place with a better view."
The rolling hills off in the distance look so lush and green it's almost as if out of a storybook, only out done by the large patches of flowers and a gentle forest off in the distance. Different patches of colors and some mixed together, they all look so vibrant in the light of the sun.
"I did not take sight seeing into account for our landing site, but I do not disagree with your observation."
They really should be getting on with this mission, but Omega is already running outside the ship and you're right on her heels, as Hunter watches through the Marauder's main viewport. He decides he can let everyone have a break for a few minutes, at least.
You were right after all- this view is wonderful. Peaceful. Wrecker is standing outside taking in deep breaths of fresh air, and stretching his arms towards the sky. Tech decides to tinker outside the ship on the gangplank, also taking advantage of the nice weather.
Meanwhile you've followed Omega to the nearest patch of flowers, watching her brush her hands over them. They gently bend under her touch, the pollen getting on your hands as you do the same. This patch of flowers, the closet one is a sea of blue, with only one little patch of yellow in the center of each flower. You feel the smooth texture of one of the petals between your index finger and thumb, but don't pluck it.
"They look so pretty, they'd make a great flower crown with the long stems." You mumble it mostly to yourself, leaning down to smell one. Omega however is more interested in what you've said now, her hands filled with the ones she's already plucked.
"You can make crowns out of flowers?"
Right- you're not surprised she might be unfamiliar.
Adjusting your clothes you sit down in the middle of the all the flowers, them tall enough rise above your crossed legs. Some brush against the skin of your arms, so softly that they almost tickle. Omega sits in front of you moments later, but with far more energy and barely able to sit still.
"Here, I'll teach you." You take a bunch of flowers, plucking them gently at the stems and weaving them together. It's been such a long while since you've done this, but it seems like the muscles memory is still there.
"Just wrap around in and out, then push some in-between..." You hand her your partly finished one and let her keep working on it, giving her another when she fumbles it while you guide her through it. She eventually manages to get it right on her third try, holding it in her hands with a wide smile at all the little flowers wrapped together.
You don't know how much time has passed, but apparently enough so that someone's been sent to get you, looking up at the sound of a voice.
"Come on you two, we're heading out." Looking up you see Echo walking closer until his boots are barely brushing against your leg, ushering his hand upward to get you both up off the ground.
Omega wears her little crown with pride, before she realizes you don't have one. You'd spent so much time teaching her that you didn't have a chance to make your own, not that you'd ever mind. But it seems relaxation is over, and she doesn't have the time to make you one as well.
Mean while Echo reaches his hand up to help you to your feet, an aid you easily accept. His hand is gentle around your own as he gives you a soft tug, seeing the way pollen has stuck to your clothes when you stand in front of him.
"It smells so nice out here," You joke, brushing some of the pollen off of your top. "I'd love to have a picnic out here sometime."
Echo can instantly picture the scene, laying out in a flowerbed with a gentle breeze on a blanket covered in food. It's not too warm and not too cold, and there's a gentle breeze that blows your hair and the fabric of your dress just a-
Oh, he forgot to respond.
"Yeah, Echo nods. "That sounds like it would be amazing." He realizes he's still holding your hand, gently letting go of it. You hadn't even realized he was still doing so.
"So what were you two doing?" He didn't get a good look before telling you to come back to the ship.
"Making flower crowns. Kinda only had enough time to make one for her though." So that's the silly little thing Omega had on her head. Echo nods, walking side by side with you back to the ship.
He takes note of how you smell so much like the flowers outside, and it ends up affecting the inside of the Marauder as well. Surely Tech will complain about the pollen sticking to the fabrics in the ship, but at least for now he can enjoy the pleasant scent that wafts over the musky smell that usually permeates the ship.
Hunter can absolutely smell it too, as you brush a hand along your hair.
"Alright," He says, rubbing his nose. "We're leaving the ship here and heading towards the town. Let's go."
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Having returned bounty in hand, Wrecker's hauling it into the back, and you decide to sit down for a moment. You're feeling a little more tuckered out than usual, watching as Tech begins his mental checklist before taking off. You close your eyes and cross your arms, leaning back a bit to just take a moment of rest. If Hunter objects to your doing so he doesn't say, passing by you as you slip into the area between awake and asleep.
"Go get those two," You distantly hear Hunter say, it perking your eyes but not enough so to open your eyes. They must be still outside doing something as you can hear Wrecker leave the ship, judging by the heavy footsteps.
He returns with more footsteps in tow, multiple pairs, and one stops right in front of you. When you open your eyes, a soft blue overtakes almost all of your vision.
"Here!" Omega hands you the flowers, all haphazardly mushed together into a crown.
"Aww Omega, you didn't have to." You take it gently from her hands, and put it on your head. That must've been why she had to get called back into the ship, and Echo must've been just keeping an eye on her.
"Echo did most of the work." Standing behind her he quickly stiffens, looking down at the back of her head and furrowing his brow.
"Hey, don't go putting this all on me." You don't know what's the more endearing option; That Echo had Omega make a flower crown just for you, or that he somehow found a way to do it with only one hand.
"Thanks, kiddo." You ruffle Omega's hair even as she playfully pushes your hand away, laughing at the way you jostle her head. Shortly thereafter she runs off, presumably to snatch more flowers before she no longer has the ability to.
Now alone, you look at Echo with a softer smile, taking one flower out of the crown and sticking it in the collar of his chestplate.
"And thank you, Echo. I love the flowers." His eyes are soft as he smiles, one that never fails to woo you.
"I like that they're blue." Echo nods at you as his lips crook up on one side.
"I do too."
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limey-self-inserts · 7 months
Word Count: 3k F/Os: Angor Rot (platonic) Summary: Wherein there is a small magic lesson and a crisis of conviction.
art tag crew: @bugsband @rexscanonwife @chimerakisses @faerie-circle-ships @carbo-ships
For the bare basic living quarters I’d expected when I first made land in Arcadia, this apartment wasn’t actually too bad. It had a whole mini-kitchen that blended into the dining room aka my study space, which made it a lot harder not to deny myself things like scrambled eggs or a grilled cheese toastie when I was goddamn exhausted with trying to read through Trollish texts on some magic stones or history of the Trollhunter. Something-something knowing your enemy to best weaken them, Strickler had said. I hadn’t been paying that much attention up until he’d shoved the books into my arms.
Considering how the Janus Order had specifically told me I needed to keep an eye on Strickler, and that Strickler was consistently intent on dropping something extra on me to keep me away from whatever he was working on alongside the whole ‘kill the Trollhunter’ business, I felt like the study sessions were intentional. 
It wasn’t fun. Not in the slightest. Even when it came to finding parts of the text that tied into magic, it could become truly agonising in the process. Spending hours stuck in one room grinding through maybe two books at a time.
However Angor had come to realise that if he skipped on duties regarding directly stalking the Trollhunter to hunker down in my apartment and join me in my study sessions ‘in order to assist with the overall goal’, then it really, really pissed off Strickler.
At least it meant I wasn’t alone.
While most of Angor’s lessons required me to be outside (due to the inevitable surrounding damage and because getting thrown against a tree is miles more comfortable from being thrown against a wall), a little could still be done in the apartment. He’d had centuries to hone his magic, fine-tuning it to what he wanted - hunting, tracking, paralysis, manipulation. I was still in the process of trying to form my magic into goals, into tools. What I wanted from it hadn’t mattered until Angor had pulled me out of the dirt once too often and told me the necessity. Which then lead through to the core magic lessons.
According to the older books, wizards and witches normally used staffs or other foci to cast their spells. It was like formulating code - you decided your goal, adjusted the parameters of the world around you, and set the spell into motion. I did not have the comfort of a focus. It was a major part of why my magic could be so sporadic and volatile - curses shattered the moment my concentration wavered, if I created a weapon to fight with it could easily fall apart under too much stress. 
But I did have a teacher who didn’t need a focus himself. Angor didn’t talk about the how or why, only the what and who. What did I want. Who was I aiming at. The only ‘how’ was ‘how quickly can I get this done’. 
What did I want?
I wanted to go home.
Jerking awake abruptly, the ache of sleeping in a chair promptly hit my back muscles and legs. I blinked away the last dregs of the surprise nap, grimacing and hauling off the table to stretch myself out. Multiple pops echoed in the otherwise empty apartment. Delightful.
My most recent book lay open in front of me, partially haloed by pages of notes from this book and others, plus a bare basics Trollish translation cheat sheet. Most of the paper was now crinkled by the ghost imprint of my face. Across the rest of the table was the unwashed plate from a lunch or breakfast meal, a sad and cold half-drunk mug of tea, and an eyeball -
Oh. Bastard.
I leaned my chin on my hand, squinting at the obsidian eyeball. 
“Good morning to you too,” I grumbled. The sun outside said that it was pushing into late evening. That counted as morning from trolls, I assumed. Like vampires. But then again Angor had his own shadow umbrella so he didn’t take as much caution towards the daytime.
The eyeball rolled further across the table, hopping onto the open book. Somehow it managed to look down and then back up in disdain. It didn’t have a face, but I knew Angor far, far too well already now. This was definitely a disdainful eye roll.
“Thank you for that enthusiasm,” I replied. Getting out of my chair was much harder than it should have been, as my legs remembered about blood flow and I stumbled to hold my balance. But after a mere second of embarrassment, I started the process of flipping through the kitchen cupboards to try and figure out what I’d be putting together for dinner tonight. It turned out even if you did sleep through your entire study session you still needed to eat food afterwards.
“Lessons or work tonight?” I asked the eyeball, glancing back over my shoulder. The eyeball rolled left and then right, before spinning around in a full circle. “...Yeah, I don’t know why I asked either. One hop for yes, two hops of no?”
I flinched hard. Mistake. Turning quick with the thoughts of ‘shield’ on my mind, the shadows buckled and broke immediately when struck by stone claws. Angor crowded me, crammed down and partially crouched from the lower ceiling, leaving me squeezed against the kitchen countertop. For a moment my half-drawn breath rolled off stone, his eye matching mine and taking up the rest of the world.
Then his claw tip pressed into my forehead.
“Faster,” he commented, taking two steps back into the apartment space. My lungs released, along with the rest of my muscles, and I just about kept myself upright by bracing on the worktop.
“You will improve, or you’ll die. And you haven’t died yet, witchling,” Angor replied. After some consideration, he dropped down into a seat on the floor, hidden from the remaining rays of the sunset but unable to hide from their amber glow reflections. His eyeball rolled back to his open palm to be slotted into its proper place.
“Yeah, the court is out on whether you’ll kill me, either by hand or by heart attack, or whether Strickler’s plan to kill me by boredom gets me first,” I grumbled back.
“I am compelled to not kill you, for the time being.”
“You sure like to test the limits on that compulsion, don’t you?” I paused in my rummaging when I didn’t hear a reply. Angor’s grin met me in the middle of the room, a mixture of amused and hungry that slowly slid into a low grating laugh.
With mutterings of how reassuring he could be bouncing around, I returned to my first task.
“Question remains though, is it a lesson night or a working night?” I asked.
“The boy grows close to discovering one of the Triumbric Stones. We will need to learn what he has gathered and where he intends to go,” Angor replied. “I doubt it will be much work, but it will be a matter of…practical teaching, if you so desire.”
Making a small noise of understanding, I made a move for the ‘fast and easy to eat’ area of the kitchen. No point dilly-dallying over omelettes and peppers if we were going to be out the window once the sun was gone. Angor’s gaze remained on me, the cold prickling sensation finding a hold in between my shoulders. 
He once described my presence as warm water. At the time I thought it was purely in the disgusting manner, but after time with him, and time reading about history, perhaps it could be better. Less revolting, with exposure. 
He certainly seemed less cold sometimes, although that was a push.
Water in the pot began to bubble at the edges, a bath to drop an egg into and wait for the minutes to tick by. As much as I didn’t shy away from the cold on my back, I did chance a couple of looks back over to Angor. His hands held the Shadowstaff loosely, the metal and stone refusing to reflect any light in the room. A focus of the Pale Lady, but Angor didn’t channel magic through it, only utilising its shadow rending to get from point A to point B. A different witch could do great or terrible things with it.
I would not.
“Have you been practising?” Angor asked, catching my gaze and holding it.
“I - yeah, a little. I just - can we go over it when I’m not trying to juggle food?”
“Any moment can be a lesson when you are practising magic. Especially…” Angor trailed off as my phone abruptly pinged with a timer, I hastily scooped the egg out the pot to plop in another bowl, and then started pouring the hot water into my dinner.
“What are you doing?”
“My dinner! It’s very modern, Japanese fusion cuisine, all the kids love it. Tons of flavour, with added protein to boot.”
The silence was a distinctly flat sense of disbelief.
“It’s pot noodles with an egg on top. Look, I'll let you eat the pot afterwards if you want.”
Angor’s brow wrinkled inwards in disgust as I waved the pot in his direction. Shrugging in return, I set about the quick dinner with a fork and gusto.
“You guys eat cats! And socks! I refuse to allow eating judgement in this house,” I snarked back through a mouthful of yolk and noodle.
That earned a very sharp scoff, Angor somehow managing to look even more disgusted at such things. 
“That is simply the junk which trolls scrounge for now in your era,” he commented, his scowl sharpening his words. “In my time, we had far richer delicacies to hand than….socks. Deep cave mushrooms, rabbits, fresh veins of ore.”
“Human?” It wasn’t fair of me, and the regret raced in after the words escaped. I hunched my shoulders and prepared for the venomous or snapping response.
There was none.
Instead Angor’s face went rather empty for a moment. His gaze flickered away, falling back through memories. Slowly regret gathered in the corners of his mouth, a bitterness that pulled his grimace back into place.
“Never humans,” he replied. “Not hunting them was a kindness they never understood.”
That was more than a little unexpected. My shoulders slumped, the responses I’d prepared failing me. Quietly I scraped the cardboard insides of the pot in my hands, wracking my thoughts for something to say to break the morose weight that had settled in the room.
“It’d be fun to have rabbit some time,” I mumbled. Surprise caught Angor off-guard once again, but his composure returned much faster, a wry smirk coming free.
“Perhaps your lessons will show more promise if I teach you to hunt smaller game than trollhunters,” he chuckled. “It would be amusing watching you stumble around the woods in attempt to snare a bird or hare.” It was already a fun past-time for Angor watch Avalon struggling with the lack of light in most places. Hunting in the dark, the best time to catch prey unawares, would test them fairly. If hilariously.
“It’d beat pot noodles at least.” 
“Anyone would heartily agree to that.”
“Okay. Okay. Look, it’s empty.” I waved the noodle pot in his face, earning not even a flinch but a blank disregard. “We don’t have to talk about that anymore.”
“And you can stop dodging my earlier question.”
Mirth could be so easily obtained with the witchling, Angor reckoned to himself. Try as they might to hold defences up, Avalon left too many open holes to reach through and prod and tug. That human weakness had dragged them here and dropped them at Angor’s feet. If he were to teach them well, he’d keep finding every other crack and either they would need to shore themselves or else they’d break apart.
A part of him didn’t want them to shatter though. If not just to take the fun out of a long game. So he’d keep teaching despite the flaws.
My face remained wrinkled in the cloying distaste of being caught out for a few seconds more before I exhaled a slow sigh, trying to ground myself. Time was short, however long until Angor decided it was time for us to leave. I’d need to do this right.
Magic bubbled at my fingertips. Angor’s instructions sat at the back of my head. What do I want? What carried me forward? Where was my conviction?
Angor watched in silence as shadows coalesced in Avalon’s palm. At first they were shapeless, barely a trick of the fading light. They rose and fell, then began to spread, forming a skeleton of a shape. A simple and efficient knife becoming more real with the passing seconds. It was a good weapon, to be approved of. The simplicity was apt for a beginner, the blade would be useful should they come to a fight. It would save them from their reluctance to kill. Given enough time, they would change, Angor knew that well enough. So he’d teach them enough to survive, in the short weeks before he finally got rid of the Trollhunter, and that would be all.
One eye cracked open. First I saw the knife, held together by shadow and the faint gleam of green, and I had to resist the urge to grin excitedly. Breaking my focus could untether the tool completely. Then I looked to Angor.
What did I want?
The green light fractured and overtook the blade, a thin line of metal becoming thick and rough and stone. Even while still simple, there were enough details to make it identifiable. But beyond that, it was heavy. It was solid. When gravity tugged it into my grasp and I had to grab it to keep it upright it didn’t fall apart without my concentration to hold it in one.
Stoic walls cracked at the edges as Angor squinted. His hand drifted to his belt, touching the handle of his own dagger, just for a moment. Avalon had succeeded, quite succinctly too. Their practice was paying off well. And yet the manifestation seemed…unwieldy. Surprise was too clear on their face. The way the dagger had formed had been unexpected but promising. And the similarities were far too uncanny to be ignored.
Would he call them out? Would he stay quiet? 
Teeth ground together as Angor’s eyes narrowed. Despite everything, his influence was digging in faster than he’d planned. But it…wasn’t bad. A good knife would protect them better. Would dig deeper.
“A fine choice of blade,” he commented, a bare air of smugness encroaching his words despite the glower.
“I-I didn’t..” My words collapsed together, stammering over themselves. I knew the knife too well myself, I’d gotten to view it up close and personal enough times. The weight was lighter than the original, easier for my own hand. And it was still here, despite my thoughts going in every direction.
“But you have.” Angor drew himself up, not to full height but enough to be looming as he stepped closer. The Skathe-Hrün unfolded from its handle, almost my height and certainly jabbing a little close to my eyes for my own comfort. Instinctively I batted it backwards with the back of my magic knife, and even the gentle stone-on-stone tink drew toothy amusement from Angor.
It was like watching a small fox cub bat at a dead rabbit that its mother had brought to the den.
“You are becoming better at grounding yourself. It will be far more important the further you progress in learning magic,” he continued. “By far more important to keep yourself in the moment when you are in a fight.”
“For sure,” I agreed, quiet and nervous. That would have to be the main teaching point - whether the knife would stay for long enough with Angor or an actual enemy bearing down on me.
“You considered the questions I asked of you? What is it you want?” he asked.
The answer was there. I looked to the knife, then back up to Angor.
“Home,” I replied. “What do you want?”
You didn’t need a soul to experience the ache of loss. Angor’s grin faded rapidly, turning cold as the stone of his body. Even his eyes seemed to lose the golden glow. 
“Something that I lost a long time ago,” he growled back. “That means little with my experience. You are the student here, you have far more to overcome and therefore you are the one who must focus on such thoughts.” Every ‘you’ was punctuated with a tap of the Skathe-Hrün to my chest, just enough to get the point across.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry,” I muttered quickly.
“The knife is a small tool. I will expect you to conjure something greater and stronger the next time I have you practise this skill.” 
The conversation was done. Angor huffed out a growling breath before glancing to the windows. The sun was almost gone, the light a weak yellow streaking the ceiling of this box. By himself, he knew he would be able to travel unimpeded. With Avalon, the Shadow Realm made for a more reliable passageway. Turning to the wall instead, Angor pushed his focus into the staff, the location on the other clear in his mind.
What did he want?
Silence. He continued to stare into the wall, staff raised. I shifted my feet together, finally releasing the blade from my hand and my focus. The shadows fell apart before it could fall far from my grasp.
There was a blink, and then his eyes were back on me. Lips curled, curved fangs bared, before he gestured with the Shadowstaff again more insistently and the air collapsed in on itself. The void was numbing, both to witness and stand close by to. I took a step towards it, only to be blocked by Angor’s hand.
“Don’t let go,” he growled.
“Of course,” I replied in low deadpan. My hand gripped onto his palm as best it could, while his claws dug into the sleeve of my coat. And then the apartment was quiet and empty, a table covered in notes and a book spread open on the history of Trollkind. A trident emblem painted onto the paper.
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cosmicalart · 9 months
Trope grading game
Thank you @artsyunderstudy and @hushed-chorus for tagging me in this.
Actually took me a little bit after work to fill this out as I don't usually think too heavily about why I like a trope, and sometimes I'm in the mood for a specific trope and will look for those tags exclusively, but most of the time I'll read anything that isn't a big nope for me.
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded 0 - don’t care either way +10 -> very enticed nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: -9
I wanted to say nope to this one, I’ve never really been in a ship/fandom that had any major age gaps, but ones with larger gaps or when one person is barely legal (18-20) it just puts me right off and gives me creep vibes. However, I didn’t give it a nope because there are some smaller age gaps that are fine, like Penny and Shep, if I remember correctly she’s 19 and he’s 22 when they met, an age gap like that is fine
Codependency: +5
Kinda hard to explain this one, it changes with the context but I do lean more towards being enticed
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +5
In cases like Simon and Baz, yes, 100% into that, but when it gets toxic or violent then I want nothing to do with it, there is nothing romantic about that
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +3
As long as that's not their defining trait, then I do enjoy seeing different dynamics where the characters balance each other out, plus I find even relationships irl tend to have some opposite differences to balance them out
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
Absolutely, I eat this shit for breakfast, but it does have to be done right (like Snowbaz) they have to bond and actually fall for each other, not just be physical attraction and that's it, you can’t just have the characters hating each other and literally trying to murder the other only to turn around and bang it out
Friends with benefits: 0
I’m indifferent, I mean if it ends with them being lovers and there's some angst then hella yeah, but if it’s just friends banging it out for no reason and then happen to date because of it then no thank you
Sex to feelings: 0
As someone who is demisexual, this is a bit hard for me to grasp, but that doesn’t mean I won’t read it, sometimes I’m just really in the mood for smut and this can have the potential for some good hurt/comfort
Fake dating/relationship: +9
Now I really love this if done well, and I have read some really good Snowbaz fics with this premise and wish there were more (I may attempt to write one myself but idk if I’d be able to do the trope justice), but it can sometimes feel a little surface level and frustrating in the “why don’t you just communicate and everything would be better” kind of way
Friends to lovers: +6
This can be really fluffy, or extremely angsty and I’m down for both
Found Family: 0
I like the concept in theory, especially for Simon, his friends are his family (and once he learns about his actual family them as well) but I see this as more of a platonic thing and not so much as a romantic trope, and it can a lot of times be used to gloss over the trauma from biological family when found family isn’t some magic bandaid
Hurt/Comfort: +10 For everyone who’s read carry on, do I really need to explain this one
Love Triangle: 0
Depends on the ship, technically there was a love triangle between Agatha, Simon and Baz. I like it in a more light-hearted way where no one gets hurt
Poly, open relationships: -5
I’m perfectly fine with open relationships, and certain situations get a pass (Someone wicked for example) but I’m pretty monogamous and when reading a ship I usually look just for those two characters. I will say in previous fandoms I have read really good poly relationships so I might read it
Mistaken/hidden identity: +5
I think this would be a funny trope that could be done more, if done right. I have read a few wrong number texting fics that I will count as mistaken identity and they can be great
Monsterfucking: +5
Depends, I have to be in the mood for smut and it has to be written well because it can very easily turn me away
Pregnancy: -9
Again, another one I wanted to nope on, I click out of anything with mpreg; that just isn’t my thing, if it’s a hot couple or the pregnancy is through surrogacy or something then I have no problem with it.
Second Chance: +10
I need this, this works with hurt comfort. Break-up fics destroy me so I need a second chance trope to mend my heart
Slowburn: +10
No explanation needed
Soulmates: +5
Can be really cheesy which is fine, but if it’s cheesy and just not written well then I have a hard time getting into it, but when it is done well then I love it.
Tags under the cut
I already tagged a bunch of people this morning for wip Wednesday, so I'm just gonna tag a few and leave this open-ended to anybody who wants to try
@cultofsappho @bean-mints @ionlydrinkhotwater @larkral @vkelleyart
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shirogane-oushirou · 3 months
[cw mentions of ableism. talking / venting about the sharing vs non-sharing shit (i do not lean towards supporting one "side" over the other); starts out relatively neutral-toned but i start to sound frustrated part way through. i also have a more personal ramble at the very end that has a separate cw list. it's also long... don't feel obligated to read. i just needed to say things and be Done with it.]
man. i'm ready for all of the sharing vs non-sharing back and forths to stop.
to be clear: this isn't some "i'm above this argument" thing. on the contrary; i completely see where both "sides" are coming from! i simply mean it shouldn't be so difficult for a select few shit-stirrers to Get that selfshipping is a personal thing, and we should be able to ship in whatever way makes us most comfortable.
if someone is non-sharing, they should be allowed to create those boundaries without being harassed or called "immature" or "delusional" by sharing people. beyond how supremely ableist that is, nobody has the right to say they can't view their f/os in a certain way, no matter if other people don't understand those feelings.
if someone is sharing, they should be allowed to share their feelings for a character openly with other sharing people without being sent hate from non-sharing people who think they're "loose" or who want to be their f/o's "one and only". shaming people for being open to sharing is fucked from multiple "sexual / romantic purity" and "anti poly-[sexual / romantic / platonic] relationships" angles, and nobody has the right to claim sole and total ownership over a character they did not make.
and yet, every couple of weeks, we get posts from a vocal minority making a huge fuss over "the other side", when it's just a vocal minority FROM that other side ALSO making a fuss. and then those vague posts leave their intended orbit and cause more mis-worded posts and misunderstandings and off-the-cuff bigoted statements, and the cycle starts again.
we should theoretically be able to respect each other while focusing that energy on, oh i dunno, chasing harassers out of the community? getting selfshippers who aren't part of a specific marginalized group to help selfshippers from that group when they're harassed, maybe?? especially when the sharing vs non-sharing Thing very often coincides with bigotry; people who are harassing others tend to not just stop at being petty or mean, they make it personal.
and -- not as important but a nice little bonus -- i would think that working towards a community that's more safe for everyone in it would also "coincidentally" (/s) get rid of the shit-stirrers, whether because they were kicked out or because they realized what they were doing and grew as people.
[cw ableism, vague death ideation, non-physical self harm mention]
i was originally gonna put this bit in the tags, but i think i should put it under the cut bc it's a little personal + it got too long.
also, i try to stay in my lane and not discuss details about delusions or how to approach them -- i've only experienced them a couple of times, so i'm not going to claim to know much about them -- so if i've overstepped, PLEASE let me know and i'll edit or remove anything i've misspoken about.
but coming from someone who went too deep into selfshipping in the past and worries about the mental health of people who do: It's None Of Your Business!!
delusions aren't morally "bad" or "wrong". holding deep feelings abt a character isn't inherently delusion-based and also isn't morally "bad" or "wrong". and neither of those is the same as -- speaking from experience (above content warnings come into play here) -- being obsessed with a character to the point that you self-isolate and emotionally self harm because you wish so badly that the character was real and you believe there isn't a point to life if you'll never meet that character... and this is also not inherently delusion-based and ALSO not morally "bad" or "wrong".
these separate things -- delusions, deep feelings, and unhealthy obsession -- CAN intersect but just as often don't. none are immoral, and all are deserving of being approached with compassion and respect, in whatever way is most appropriate.
negative, harmful ACTIONS that some people take in these states are worth bringing up to them when it's safe to do so, depending on the details of their situation, but the states themselves don't have any moral weight. ie, if someone's harassing others for sharing their f/o because they're in a dark, obsessive place, that is a morally negative ACTION, not a morally negative mental state. they need to take responsibility for harm they've CAUSED, not for what they're experiencing internally.
but if you're calling people "immature" or "delusional" as an insult, something tells me you're not really considering that! whether through malice or just a lack of compassion, you don't see worth in how another person approaches this community.
you aren't better for thinking of a character a certain way, and neither is the person you're being ableist towards. if no harm is being done to you or others, you're just being a dick for the sake of being a dick. listen to other people, learn, and do better.
if you think someone is genuinely in a bad mental place because of selfshipping (wrt isolating and self harm), approach them as another human being. meet them where they're at. don't patronize them, don't call them "delusional", treat them like someone who has their own thoughts and values.
they may want help, or they may not, and you have to respect them for their choice no matter what YOU think is right. there is no truly right way to approach someone who's in a dark place, but you can at least avoid saying things that FOR SURE will make them feel talked down to, belittled, or shamed. if they aren't ready now, maybe they will be ready for help in the future, and shutting them down will make them less likely to seek that help.
(i was also going to put THIS in the tags but i should probably put it here: when i say 'learn and change' i mean it as a positive. people have the capacity to learn and grow and become better; if you've said something in all of this that can be read as harmful... consider why it's harmful and why you said it.
you aren't the same person you were a year ago. 5yrs ago. 10yrs ago. you have grown and you will continue to grow. but if you can be more aware of it and grow more purposefully and consciously? all the better.)
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uncxntrxllable · 4 months
Name / Alias: brittany or britt !!
Are you over 18? yes / no
|| WRITING. ||
-Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only).
-Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only).
-If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / Not Applicable.
-What post lengths do you write? One-Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella / All of the aforementioned.
-Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Yes / Sometimes.
-Do you write on other platforms? No / Yes
-What level of plots do you write? Unplotted/ Open-Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted (only if my partner wants to, I'm not good at plotting) / Fully Plotted Epics / All of the aforementioned.
-How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (less than one week) / Very Fast (less than three days)
-What types of themes do you like? Adventure / Romance / Fluff / Angst/ Violence / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / All of the aforementioned.
|| WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? || ( Feel free to add!)
High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic
Drama / Action / Smut / Adventure / Espionage / All of the aforementioned
-Are there any themes you're uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No / Yes/ Sometimes
-Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? none here to worry about!
-What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
-What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
-Do you have OTPs? No / Chemistry Only / Yes (I have no idea what this means and google says it means one time password which makes no sense lmaoo)
-Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes (same as above, no answer)
-What is your muse's sexual orientation? Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Pansexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you're asking (I operate my muses pretty much just, love is love?? if there's chemistry and it happens then that's that, but some may lean more toward one than the other)
-What is your muse's romantic orientation? Heteroromantic/ Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you're asking. (never heard of this one before so imma leave it blank)
-Are you comfortable writing smut? No / VERY Selectively / Yes
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship / During plotting / After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions / Slow burn / Plot dependent / Never / ???? If it happens it happens
-Are you open to toxic ships? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
-Are you open to problematic ships? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
-Are you open to polyshipping? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure (I don't think I have a muse who would be fine with this lol)
-Are you an exclusive shipper? Never / Sometimes / Yes / I would be open to discuss it
-Does crack shipping ever happen? Nope / Yes / depends
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tagged by: @airxn tagging: @vulpuslunae @sorrowsick @amadaans @vendettavalor @allnostalgic @xxofloveandlossxx and YOU if you see this and think "I'd like to do this" then DO IITT
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scattered-winter · 1 year
Give us the rant my liege
(tagging @vulpinesaint because they wanted to see this as well)
ok this is. gonna get long. and im not gonna be holding anything back. and as someone who suffers from chronic Too Nice disease i need to put that disclaimer beforehand with the additional disclaimer that these are all just my opinions that have been largely brought about by my own personal experiences so im not speaking for the entire community when i give this rant.
now with all that out of the way. let me welcome you to the land of aroace WRATH
the first thing i want to say is that most of the things I'm angry abt in fandom's general treatment/views of aro/ace people are actually extensions of the general societal views toward sex and romance as a whole. I'll go more in depth as we go but I'm choosing to focus more on the fandom side of things for now since it's a lot easier to be angry at something so trivial compared to the entire (western) society that's structured against people like me.
one of the biggest things I've seen a lot in fandom/creator spaces is the urge to give every character a romantic relationship that's more "powerful" or "deep" than platonic/familial relationships. this is of course an extension of amanormativity in society as a whole, because the belief that romance is the Goal (tm) is so deeply set into society that it's taken me years of introspection and research to come to terms and find joy in my aromanticism. but it's the concept of characters not being able to be happy, or find fulfillment, or being lonely for the rest of their lives because they don't have a romantic partner. and I wish I could say queers in fandom were generally more accepting of the idea of characters never finding (or even wanting) romance but that's so far from the case because often it's queer people who are pushing this idea of romance and marriage being the Goal.
and with all the above in mind, aro/ace representation is really hard to find. I can probably count the canon aro/ace characters in any media I've ever consumed on one hand (which ofc doesn't say much about the whole scope of aro/ace rep because that's just from what I've seen/read and there's probably more out there that I've never gotten to). and the thing that really upsets me in particular is how, even in the rare instances where we do get representation, fandom collectively ignores it to shove the character into romantic/sexual relationships in fanworks. like. y'all have literally every single character to ship around with and yet y'all also take the one win we have too. smh. and then my Personal Favorite thing (/s) is when someone points out the erasure, allos' go-to thing to say is "well, ace people can still have sex! aro people can still be in relationships!!" y'all are missing the point.
I also can't think of any media I've ever seen where it's unapologetically aro/ace ?? there are quite a few pieces of media that are explicitly, unapologetically queer that I hold sooo close to my chest, but there's nothing for aro/aces outside of like. children's shows. where the romance is minor enough that it can be ignored. and not to be dramatic but I would kill a man for a piece of adult aro/ace media that actually showed the joys and connections within the communities. even media with queer representation tends to lean into the "sex/romance is what makes us human" thing, which I can't even fault the creators for because that's what society as a whole--even queer society--says, too. and of course it's unfair to hold queer media to a higher standard than normal, and that's not what I'm trying to do. it's just. even when I'm watching/reading something meant for queer people, it's still not entirely for me, yknow?? and I think I can feel disappointed about that and also not hold queer media up to a ridiculous standard.
which brings me to more of the irl shit ig !! for all the anger against people saying that aros will be alone their whole lives, there's also some truth to that, but not in the way you'd initially think. I'm not lonely because I want a girlfriend and I'm sad because I don't. I'm lonely because my whole family is going to get married. all my siblings. all my friends. they're all going to find a romantic partner, and/or a marriage, and as "just" a friend, I'm suddenly not as important as their partner. there's this idea that marriages/romantic partnerships always have to come before hobbies, careers, friends, and anything else. and if someone prioritizes something else over romance, they're "selfish." there's also this idea that breakups can only happen if one side of the partnership did something wrong. that sometimes a relationship just isn't working, or they're just not compatible (and neither side is at fault for that.) and this idea of romance and marriage being The Most Important Thing Ever is what makes me lonelier than anything. because even as a kid in school, I lost friends because they got a boyfriend and girlfriend and suddenly that was more important than anything else. including me. and as more and more of my friends and siblings get married, it's only going to get worse because I'm not as important to them anymore. and that's something I'm gonna have to deal with, even though I love being aro and there's nothing I would rather be.
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