#talk bram stoker’s legend of the mummy
sisterfright · 7 months
Let’s see about Bram Stoker’s Legend of the Mummy
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kjcreed · 4 months
The Jewel of Seven Stars | Chapter 3
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Series Masterlist Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Warnings: profanity; illegal transportation (again); shotgun
Pronouns: they/them
Summary: The year is 1954. 9 years after the Second World War ended. Most people in the blooming city of New York should be living pretty peacefully by now. And most of them really are... Well, except for you... And your brother Tony for that matter. Your father was an archaeologist working to uncover the truth about the legend of Queen Nefret and the prophecy that has been engraved on the walls of her tomb which your father discovered with his team. The only problem is that he went missing and now it's your job to find him. But what if you unintentionally become a part of said prophecy? And what if you meet a persistent librarian and her extravagant brother along the way?
Disclaimer: This story is inspired by the 1999 film The Mummy, partly inspired by the book The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram Stoker and a little by the life of Queen Hatshepsut.
“So… do we know what the first thing we’re going after is?” You heard the voice of the younger twin beside you and when you looked towards her, you watched as she matched her step with yours as the four of you walked through the streets of the port city on the small island.
“Tony and I think it’s probably a talisman of some sort.” You shrugged your shoulders a little. “You do know about the legend of Queen Nefret, right?” You inquired as you glanced at the woman beside you again. She looked strangely enchanting with the colours of the sunset reflecting on her skin. For some reason, you felt like you never wanted to take your eyes off of her.
“Yes… yes, I do.” She nodded in confirmation and looked back up at you. She really wasn’t bad to look at at all. “Well, I think that the talisman could actually be a tyet amulet…” You continue explaining your theory as you look at Pietro and Tony walking in front of you, talking about god knows what.
“The knot of Isis?” Wanda asked and you smiled to yourself at the fact that she actually knew what you meant. When you tried to explain your theory to Tony, he looked at you as if you were crazy for thinking he knew what a tyet amulet was and why it was even relevant.
“Yeah… According to the legend, Nefret was a sorceress. It would make sense for her to use objects associated with Isis… or Aset, if we want to be culturally accurate…” You trail off and look at the girl again. She looked like she was thinking about what you were saying and you could notice the exact moment it clicked for her and you couldn’t help but chuckle a little.
“Because Isis is the goddess of magic, amongst other things.” Wanda said with a proud smile and you nodded in confirmation. “Exactly.” You and Wanda looked at each other for a moment and it reminded you of the first time that you met. You got lost in your own thoughts as you looked at the girl and for Wanda, it was the same.
She felt very intrigued by you. Ever since you almost knocked her over the railing of the ship you were trespassing on. For some unknown reason, she was dying to get to know you better. She knew she was looking at you for too long now, but so were you.
She didn’t want to look away. Something about the mischief in your eyes and your unpredictable behaviour pulled her in. It was only when her brother wrapped his arm around her shoulders with a hearty laugh that she snapped out of her haze.
“Are you two nerdy nerds done nerding? Because Tony and I just found us a boat.” The blonde man said with a grin on his face, motioning to the pier you suddenly appeared to be in front of.
Both you and Wanda look away from each other to look ahead towards the sea but before you do, you think you notice something resembling a blush on the girl’s cheeks.
You notice Tony talking to an older guy who had a tobacco pipe hanging from his lips loosely. You watch them for a little while and decide to walk over to them when you see the man get irritated by what your brother is saying.
“No passengers!” You hear the man exclaim when you walk up to them. You pat your brother on his back when the man makes a shooing motion at the both of you and you drag Tony back to where you were standing with Pietro and Wanda. “What happened?” You turn to your brother with an amused smile.
“He was already heading there anyway so I asked him if he could take us with him but he basically told me to fuck off.” Tony threw his arms up in frustration making you laugh a little which earned you a punch in the arm and a glare.
“Well… You know what that means…” A mischievous grin spreads across your face and Tony shoots you a warning look. “No. No way. I’m not doing that again.” He protested, shaking his head dismissively. “What are they talking about?” Wanda asked your brother with her eyebrows furrowed. “They want to sneak onto the ship.” Tony sighed and Wanda raised her eyebrows at you for confirmation and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Oh, because that worked out so well for you the last time.” Wanda commented sarcastically as she put her hands on her hips just like when you got kicked out of the inn. You couldn’t help but find her attempt at being firm rather amusing. “We made it here, did we not?” You snark back a reply with that stupid smile on your face making Wanda scoff in return.
“I dunno… It could be fun.” Pietro shrugged his shoulders and went to stand next to you, making you nudge him with your elbow as a sign of appreciation for being on your side. Wanda, however, gave him an unamused look.
“No. We’re not doing this.” Tony stood his ground and to be honest, you couldn’t really blame him. It’s not every day that you’re being shot at while swimming for your life towards an unfamiliar island.
You also knew that you didn’t have any other option. While you were walking towards Tony and the man you noticed that his ship was the only one on your side of the port and to your luck he was already headed where you needed to go.
“And what else do you want us to do, Tony?” You cross your arms over your chest and give your brother an irritated look. “I don’t know! Wait for another ship or something?”
You shook your head at your brother’s words. “We can’t waste any more time. Did you forget that our father is missing?” The determined look on your face told Tony that there was no way he would convince you otherwise so he just sighed in defeat. “Fine.” He also knew you were kind of right, but he would never admit that to your face.
“What?!” Wanda looked at the three of you bewildered that this was actually going to be your plan. “You cannot be serious-” “Sorry, Wands. Three against one.” Pietro interrupted his sister’s protests and Wanda shot you a glare in return. You gave her a playful smile before focusing your attention on her brother who leaned towards you. “So... how are we gonna do this?”
“Woah. What was that?” Wanda gripped her brother's clothes as the wooden floor under your feet shook a little. “That means we’re off.” You say with an excited smile and look around the small storage room you managed to sneak into while the owner wasn’t around.
You waited there for about an hour before the man finally set sail and now the four of you were crammed inside what you were sure to be the smallest room on the ship. If you could even call the man’s vehicle a ship. It was something between a ship and a boat really…
“Get comfortable because this is going to take a couple of hours…” You say, the smile not leaving your face and Wanda and Tony let out small groans of dissatisfaction.
Earlier when you got to the storage room, it was pitch black in there. Luckily you managed to find two small candles and Tony always carried a lighter in his pocket. It wasn’t much, but the dim light that illuminated the room just added to the atmosphere.
The four of you sat on the ground, surrounding the only source of light you had. You used the time you had to get to know each other a little bit better. You found out that Pietro and Wanda were originally from a small country in Central Europe called Sokovia but moved to America with their parents when they were little kids. You and Tony told them about your father and his research along with a few anecdotes from your childhood.
Tony and Pietro were engaged in a conversation about Tony’s projects and how he was working to be an electronic engineer and you were just pondering about the journey ahead of you when Wanda sat a little closer to you and pulled your dad’s book out of her satchel.
“I forgot to give you this back…” She handed you the book and you looked at it before looking back up at her. “So you’re not mad at me anymore?” Your teasing smile made Wanda annoyed a little bit but she still had to hold in a giggle threatening to escape her lips.
“I am…” She replied but you could see in her eyes that she didn’t really mean it. Annoyed? Yes. But mad? Very unlikely. “But I’m not a thief.” She tilted her chin upwards a little and you were amused, to say the least. You looked at the book before pushing it slightly away from you.
“You can hold onto it if you want.” You say and give her a more sincere smile this time. She was a little taken aback by your offer but accepted it nonetheless. “Thank you.” Her voice was quieter than before and she looked away from you a small smile grazing her lips.
You noticed she had a really nice smile. The girl was very pretty overall but her smile might be your favourite feature of hers yet. You got lost in the way the light from the candle reflected in her greenish eyes and it took you a moment to reply to her. “It’s no problem. I have the whole thing pretty much memorised…” You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly. “Wow… I didn’t know you were such a nerd about dad’s stuff.” You heard the teasing voice of your brother making you groan a little.
“I’m not! I was just bored in the house sometimes…” You tried to defend yourself even though you knew your brother wasn’t really buying it. “Oh dad would’ve loved to see this.” Tony nudges you and you roll your eyes. “Shut up, Tony.” Your cheeks were starting to have a faint red tint to them and you could feel it. That’s why you tried to change the subject as quickly as you could. Wanda thought it was amusing and kind of adorable.
“Can I look at the map from the book real quick?” The fond smile that was playing on Wanda’s lips fell as soon as those words left your mouth. You notice the girl exchange a worried look with her brother and it makes you furrow your eyebrows while you look between the two of them. “What?” You quirked your eyebrow at the twins.
“Well… Uh… We…” Pietro’s stammering induced an unpleasant feeling in the pit of your stomach. “We… kinda burned it.” You and Tony looked at each other with wide eyes before you turned to the twins with unbelieving looks. “You what?!” Your voice was a couple of octaves higher than normal and you stood up from your spot on the ground.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” You couldn’t believe what you just heard. The only thing that could actually lead you to your lost father was gone. Burned to a crisp. Just like that. Sure… You somewhat remembered the locations that were marked on the map… But what if you’re wrong? And this whole thing goes to shit?
“Y/N… You need to calm down…” The voice of your brother stopped you from spiralling for a moment. “Calm down?” You snap back at your brother and Wanda and Pietro exchange worried glances. “Just sit down before-” Your brother was cut off by the sound of the door opening and a shotgun being loaded. You froze in place and slowly turned around only to be faced with the owner of the boat pointing a shotgun at your stomach. “Fuck…”
“Easy there, cowboy.” You say with your hands up as the man shoves you forward with his shotgun. “You want to get shot in head?” He said with a foreign accent, probably Spanish if you had to guess, as he raised the weapon at you.
You feel someone step on your foot making you wince and when you look to your side you see Tony giving you a pointed look. “Sorry, sorry.” You tell the man quickly and look back at him.
“I say no passengers. You not speak English?” You and your companions were huddled together with your arms raised, the man holding you at gunpoint on the deck of his ship.
“We’re really sorry, but we needed to get to Isla de Los Despiertos. We’re looking for my father and we had no other choice.” You explain. Your voice is a little shaky from nervousness since you could be shot dead any second.
The man slowly lowers his weapon and tilts his head at you. “So you not tourists?” He inquires. You and your companions exchange confused glances at the question. When you don’t reply, the man raises the shotgun again, making you become alarmed once again. “No! No, no. We’re not tourists!” You respond quickly and the man squints his eyes at the four of you, scanning you from head to toe.
You breathe out a sigh of relief when the man lowers his gun with a grumble. “I hate tourists.” Wanda and Pietro look at each other in amusement as they hear him exclaim. The man puts his gun down and crosses his arms over his chest as he looks at you again.
“Why you want to go to Isla de Los Despiertos?” He quirked an eyebrow at the four of you. It was Wanda who spoke up this time. “We are searching for an amulet… it should be somewhere in the ruins of Amfazar.” She explained, remembering the name on that little piece of the burned map. You were a little surprised by how confident her tone of voice was. You liked this side of her.
The man stared at her for a long moment before he suddenly burst out laughing. And it lasted for a while. He only stopped once he noticed that the rest of you weren’t as amused as he was. He looked back at you and his eyes widened slightly.
“Oh… You serious?”
Author's Note
Heyo! Back at it again with another chapter I hope you enjoy. Thank you so much for the likes, reblogs and positive comments on this series, dear reader! Isla de Los Despiertos is supposed to translate to Isle of The Awakened from Spanish, just to clear things up... You'll hopefully find out what that means in the next chapter :)
Thank you for reading and see you again soon!
Series Masterlist Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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lordgrom · 5 years
This may be a little late but...
Although I am not thoroughly familiar with the life of the late Sir Christopher Lee, I have been learning more about him as of late. He was already present in some of the media I viewed when I was younger, which I suppose some may claim as some of his most famous roles, those being Saruman the White in Lord of the Rings and Count Dooku in Star Wars (Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith). But most recently, I have been seeing what could be argued as the starting point of his fame, his large role in the hammer productions of Dracula. I thoroughly enjoy Horror of Dracula, I have seen parts of Prince of Darkness and have yet to watch the other entries in the series. I’ve also seen some of his performance in Count Dracula (1970). I strongly agree with those who say that he essentially is Dracula. It is clear he took the role seriously and it is known he had read Bram Stoker’s work and was keen to respect it. His image as Dracula is undeniably recognisable and extremely popular. I am also aware he played as Francisco Scaramanga in The Man with the Golden Gun and Lord Summeraisle in The Wicker Man. I know he played as Mycroft Holmes and also starred in a rendition of The Hound of the Baskervilles. Additionally, he played as other hammer horror creatures like Frankenstein’s monster and the mummy. And conclusively many other roles not mentioned here.
But I do not just want to talk about his contribution to the film industry. I think his many other services must be acknowledged and appreciated. I am in no place to deem that what I say comes from an experienced individual or hardcore fan, alas, I wish I started learning more about him many years ago. Nonetheless, he was a very cultured and classy gentleman. He was articulate and polite. He was best friends with Peter Cushing and the two had many enjoyable moments together. He started a beloved family. Not only was he an actor, but a performer of other trades, he sang on numerous occasions (including producing his own album, Charlemagne), read poetry and did readings or audio versions of novels. He had done a great deal of things, but what really captured my interest and frankly stunned me, was his service in World War II - he hunted down and interrogated Nazis, alongside being apart of the secret service, specifically Winston Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. He was also fluent in Italian, French, German and Spanish. He was “moderately proficient” in Swedish, Russian and Greek, and “conversational” in Mandarin. It is an understatement to say that he was a brave individual. To me, he remains admirable and respectable. I wish I could have commended his efforts. He was a noble man and made his country, my country, proud. It strikes me to think that such a kind, thoughtful and hardworking person could be emotionally blackmailed or disliked by anybody, and I am kicking myself for letting all of this knowledge completely pass me by, up until now.
-To Christopher Lee, a true legend.
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kjcreed · 4 months
The Jewel of Seven Stars | Chapter 2
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Series Masterlist Prologue Chapter 1
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Warnings: profanity; illegal transportation; shooting (guns); violence
Pronouns: they/them
Summary: The year is 1954. 9 years after the Second World War ended. Most people in the blooming city of New York should be living pretty peacefully by now. And most of them really are... Well, except for you... And your brother Tony for that matter. Your father was an archaeologist working to uncover the truth about the legend of Queen Nefret and the prophecy that has been engraved on the walls of her tomb which your father discovered with his team. The only problem is that he went missing and now it's your job to find him. But what if you unintentionally become a part of said prophecy? And what if you meet a persistent librarian and her extravagant brother along the way?
Disclaimer: This story is inspired by the 1999 film The Mummy, partly inspired by the book The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram Stoker and a little by the life of Queen Hatshepsut.
The trip has been going well for you and your brother so far. You talked some more and figured out where exactly the talisman is supposed to be. Everything was going great so you can just imagine the disappointment when one of the passengers wandered into the storage room in search of a bathroom and then proceeded to notify the crew.
"Great plan Y/N!" Tony yelled hysterically as the two of you dodged crew members left and right. "How was I supposed to know some idiot would walk in?!" You yelled back at your brother. "What do we do now?" Tony asked as you rounded a corner. 
You looked ahead of the boat and when you saw that your destination was just in front of you a light bulb lit up inside your brain. "We jump." You said and started making your way forward. "Are you crazy?" Tony started freaking out as you dragged him through the crowd of panicking people.
Tony was the first one to throw himself overboard because you even granted him a little boost with a not-so-small push… something that you were probably going to talk about later. You were running after Tony but just as you were about to jump, your body collided with a smaller one and the both of you lost balance.
Luckily, you steadied yourself quickly and your hands wrapped around the other person's waist. Both of you looked up at the same time and the whole world stopped for a minute. You and Wanda just stared at each other. Yes, our Wanda from before... This was your first meeting, but certainly not the last one.
It was when heavy footsteps started getting louder and almost too close that you retracted your hands from Wanda's waist. "Sorry ma'am. " You bowed your invisible hat and shot Wanda a smile before jumping overboard and joining your brother in swimming to the shore.
Wanda watched the two of you swim away as her brother rushed to her side again to check if she was alright. And then she heard gunshots. Some of the crew members started firing their rifles at you and your brother. 
"Stop shooting! Are you out of your minds?!" Wanda yelled at them over the gunshots. They stopped shooting for a second. "B-but-" "But nothing! You can catch them on the island later or something. They're people, you can't just kill them." Wanda continued telling them off and by the time she was finished, all the men looked like little boys that were just told off for stealing candy.
"Are you absolutely insane?!" Tony yelled at you as the two of you crawled to the shore and somewhere remote. "This was such a bad idea." Tony started pacing back and forth. "What the fuck have you gotten us into?! They shot at us! We could have died today!"
You just sat on the ground and watched your brother lose his mind. "We never should have come here." You stood up from your spot after Tony said that. "And what do you wanna do now, huh? Go home?" You questioned and Tony nodded hesitantly.
"Tony, the moment we step onto that boat, we'll get arrested. Besides we can't just pack our bags and leave when our dad was most likely sucked into a sarcophagus by a fucking mummy or something!" You threw your hands up in frustration.
"So get your shit together, Tony." You said sternly. "Because there's only room for one mentally unstable sibling and that's me." Your last words made Tony let out a weak chuckle as he plopped down on the ground, finally stopping with the pacing.
"What's the plan, Y/N?" Tony looked up at you. You smiled at your brother before replying. "We need to get a boat… aaand something to eat because I am feeling ravenous!"
"Who do you think were those people?" Wanda asked her brother as he led her through the crowd of people at the town's square. Pietro shrugged. "I dunno… Probably just a couple of criminals."
Truth is Pietro did know. He recognised the person who got close to his sister. You’re his supposed 'friend with a historian father'… And he stole that book from you when the both of you were drinking at the bar.
"They didn't look like criminals." Wanda furrowed her eyebrows. She couldn't get the image of the mysterious person out of her mind for some reason. "Well, they did sneak onto a boat and took a trip illegally." Pietro quipped as he opened the door to the Inn that they would probably be staying at for the night.
"You don't know their situation." The girl protested as she trailed behind her brother towards the counter. The door to the Inn opened and closed once again. "Two rooms please." Said Pietro to the innkeeper, ignoring his sister as she went on about the two. Truth be told, he was feeling rather nervous at the idea of running into you again.
"Hi. Could we get two beers?"  Pietro whipped his head to the side and lo and behold there was you and your brother sitting at the bar next to them, so he faced the other way. You turned your head to the side and glanced at Pietro before turning back around, pausing for a second, and turning back towards the boy.
"Don't I know you from somewhere?" You tilted your head to the side inquisitively. Pietro turned to you with a horrified smile. "No, I don't think so. I just have one of those faces y'know?" He chuckled nervously. You squinted your eyes at the boy, scanning him for a moment. "Yes... Perhaps." You laughed and turned back around.
Pietro was about to let out a sigh of relief, but a hand made its way to his collar quicker and assumed a firm grasp on his shirt. And before he knew it, Pietro was being dragged away and pushed into a wall by one Y/N Stark. "Where the fuck is that book you little weasel." You gritted your teeth.
"One drink. I just wanted one drink." Tony mumbled to himself, watching his sibling tiredly. "Piet!" Wanda gasped and started to make her way to her brother.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Pietro stuttered out, with his hands in the air. "Oh, I think you do. Otherwise, why would you be here?" You pushed the boy into the wall again, towering over him with the few centimetres you had on him.
"What is going on here?!" Both you and Pietro froze in place and looked up to see a huge man towering over the both of you with his arms crossed. "Out." He stated, simply. Both of you were still stuck in one spot before the presumed owner shouted. "Now!"
Wanda ran after the two of you outside and Tony couldn't help but laugh at the scene you caused. He secretly loved being a part of your crazy plans and he liked your wild personality. He also loved seeing you getting your ass kicked out.
That joy was of course short-lived. "You too." Tony looked up to see the owner of the Inn glaring at him and so he complied without an ounce of resistance.
"What the hell was that?" He called out to you as he walked out of the door only to see you staring daggers at the stranger you attacked just a few minutes ago.
"Yeah! What the hell was that?" Wanda put her hands on her hips. "Do you have a reason for assaulting my brother?" She added, staring at you.
"Well… Your brother did steal one of the literal two things that our missing father left behind, but maybe I'm overreacting." You quipped back sarcastically before turning to look at the girl. When your eyes met, both of your mouths turned into an 'o' shape, suddenly realising that you've met before.
You stared at each other for a moment too long before Wanda processed what you said and turned to her brother. "Pietro… What are they talking about?" The boy looked at the ground before replying. "The book." Wanda gasped.
"You stole it?!" Her voice got higher. "Yep. And now he's going to give it back." It was Tony who spoke up this time, walking towards Pietro and extending his hand. "He doesn't have it." Wanda quipped. You and your brother looked at each other confused. But your questions were answered when Wanda took the book out of her bag. "I do."
"Great." You said, before walking up to the smaller girl and reaching out for the book, only for it to be taken further away by Wanda. You raised an eyebrow at the brunette, wondering what she was on about. "Give it back." You warned. Wanda looked you dead in the eyes and said. "Let us come with you."
Your faces were so close together that it took you a minute to respond. "Listen, lady. You have no idea what kind of thing we are dealing with here. It's not some adventurous field trip so why don't you just spare us the trouble and give me the book." You explained before placing your hand on the journal Wanda held.
"It's not like you can really stop me." You said before taking it from Wanda's hand and turning around to walk away. "I know how to read ancient hieroglyphics." Wanda's words made you stop in your tracks.
You looked to your brother who was already looking at you with wide eyes. "Do you really?" You turned around to face the girl. Wanda just nodded timidly but with a determined look on her face. "Besides, don't you need four people to fulfil the prophecy?" It was Pietro's voice that cut through the minute of silence.
You and your brother looked at each other as if telepathically communicating. You then nodded at each other before turning to the Maximoff twins. "Fine."
“Are you really sure about this, sestra?” Pietro whispered and leaned a little towards Wanda as the two of them walked behind you and Tony. The plan was to look around the pretty small island in hopes of finding a sailor willing to take you to your destination.
“What if they kill us or something?” Pietro whispered urgently into Wanda’s ear. Before Wanda could reply, you beat her to the punch. “You know we can hear you right?” You said somewhat uninterestedly, still walking with your hands in the pockets of your slacks, not looking back at the twins. 
“And you said it yourselves, we need each other so… Killing you would be counterproductive.” You add, still pretty bitter about the whole thing. Tony nudged you with his elbow, silently urging you to lay off the guy and not scare him and his sister away.
Pietro was about to retort with something witty but Wanda shot him a disapproving look before speaking up. “This is probably going to be a long journey, so I think it’s best if the four of us at least try to get along.” She said in a weirdly authoritative voice which made you and Tony turn around.
“I actually agree with her.” Your brother turned to you and you looked back at him before looking at Wanda and then at Pietro. “Alright… Just one thing I gotta do first.” You say before turning your body fully to the bleach-blonde boy and looking at him for a minute.
Pietro was about to say something to break the awkward silence, but your fist colliding with his cheek prevented him from doing so. Wanda slapped her hand on her mouth when she gasped as Pietro fell to the ground and Tony’s eyes widened in surprise.
You then crouched down next to the guy and offered him my hand. “I’d say we’re even now…” You say with a small satisfied smile. Pietro looks at you for a long moment before accepting your hand, chuckling as you pull him back to his feet.
“So we’re good?” Pietro asks when you both stand upright, still holding onto your hand. “We’re good, Piet.” You tell him with a wide smile on your face as the two of you shake hands. It felt good to let out the resentment you held for the man who stole your book and when he returned your smile, you figured he felt the same sense of relief.
Meanwhile Tony and Wanda watched the whole thing, bewilderment taking over their expressions. When you and Pietro shook hands with smiles on your faces, Wanda and Tony looked at each other as if to say ‘Are you seeing this shit?’. 
“What the hell just happened?” Wanda broke the silence after a moment. “I literally have no idea.” Tony sighed and looked away from her to look back at you and Pietro. “But I have a feeling this is going to be a really long trip.”
Author's Note
And that's it for the second chapter! The gang is finally all together now and I wonder what else fate has in store for them. Thank you so much for reading and also thanks to everyone for the likes on the first chapter. I really hope that this can be something that you, my dear readers, enjoy and as always if you have any ideas on what I could do to help you read my works better, it would be much appreciated.
See you guys again soon :)
Series Masterlist Prologue Chapter 1
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