#tamayama tetsuji
maryellencarter · 11 months
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Soooo this here new Jigen movie that's coming out in October. The star is the same Jigen actor from the (boring, NPC-overloaded) 2014 live-action Lupin III movie, one Tetsuji Tamayama. He was just 34 here, which is really impressive for how well he handled the minimal role Jigen got in that film -- younger even than Kiyoshi Kobayashi when he was first cast as Jigen! I'm excited to see what he can do with almost a decade more experience and a team that clearly knows what to do with him, at least visually, based on the teaser trailer we got.
So that you all don't have to watch a bad two-hour movie for approximately seven minutes of Jigen, I am taking screenshots. A lot of screenshots. These are from his first six seconds of screentime, 12:49-12:55 in the Gdrive rip of the 2014 movie. Seriously, what a fucking waste -- look at that beautiful gun twirl almost completely blocked by the bannister due to bad camera placement.
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redsamuraiii · 3 months
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Boss (S2E7)
"They all have feelings of mistrust toward management."
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notfspurejam · 8 months
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Jigen Daisuke(2023) / Lupin the Third Pt.2 "Wings of Death, Albatross"(1980) and Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro(1979)
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jigensass · 8 months
Come get your man he eats like a pig
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The return of Tetsuji Tamayama.
This year october, Friday the 13th, a live action Jigen Daisuke movie will be released on Amazon Video Globally with Tetsuji Tamayama returning to play the gunslinger after 9 years since the 2014 live action lupin the third movie.
(More details to come, stay tuned!)
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thecartoongirl · 3 months
I was looking up Tetsuji Tamayama for, uhm, research reasons and found these two pics. Is it just me, or do they scream "young Jigen"?
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femmescripter · 10 months
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Hello there, my dear friends and acquaintances! I hope that you all are doing well. It sure has been a long time since I last posted here. All I can say is that life off the interwebs gets you really busy, and certain experiences can test your mettle to see if you're strong enough to carry on. I won't bore you all with the gory details besides that. But on a positive note, I will say that I am doing my best to keep my head above water. It's not always easy but I stay strong. Now, with all of that out of the way, I can get on with explaining the context of the flyer above! As the Lupin the 3rd fans here already know we're getting a live action Jigen Daisuke movie. Having played everyone's favorite gunman once before in the 2014 live action Lupin the 3rd film Tetsuji Tamayama will be reprising his role as Jigen in the live action film, which is being directed by Hajime Hashimoto and Yoshimasa Akamatsu writing the screenplay. The film is set to premier worldwide on Amazon Prime Video this year in October. But not just any October day...it'll premier on October 13th. On. A. Friday. We're getting an actual Friday the 13th in October in 2023!
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And so, in honor of this epic news, I decided to do something special. I've seen a lot of prompt weeks for different fandoms with different themes and the like - so I thought I'd get in on it. And since October is the month of Halloween and the live action Jigen Daisuke film is coming out on October 13th, I felt that prompts involving things that go bump in the night would be the way to go. Which brings us to the flyer above! I picked the seven monsters that I believe best fit our dearest gunman, starting from October 7th and going all the way to October 13th. Everyone can make artwork or stories with any monster on any day they choose and set their creations in any universe, whether it's the cannon lupin the 3rd franchise or an alternate universe or a crossover with any other anime of their choosing. Of course, for the romantics out there you can pair a monstrous Jigen with anyone your heart desires. In my case I plan to make a fanfic series of these days with each story featuring my favorite pairing; Jigoe(Jigen/Goemon)! Welp that's all I have to say. It was really nice to make a post here after so long. I missed being on here, and I'll hopefully try to be more active. To anyone who will participate in this I hope you'll have fun with this week come October. Until next time, later days!
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lupincentral · 11 months
A live action Jigen Daisuke film is releasing worldwide on October 13th 2023, exclusive to Amazon Prime Video!
Tetsuji Tamayama, who played the character in the 2014 live action feature film, will reprise the role of Jigen. Hashimoto Hajime will be directing the film.
More details are to be revealed ahead of its initial air date. I'm looking forward to hearing more — it's nice to see Tamayama get a second stab at the role of Jigen!
🔗 https://moviewalker.jp/news/article/1149233/
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morporkian-cryptid · 4 months
I feel like the fandom is sleeping on the 2023 live-action Jigen Daisuke movie.
Do you want to see Jigen very confidently state "I can't stand kids, they irritate me", then five minutes later proceed to lay his entire life down for a traumatized little girl?
Do you want to watch him wreck a bunch of assassin's shits with only his bare hands and a table?
Do you want to see some actual real-life badass fight scenes that we never see in the anime because it would cost a fortune to animate?
Do you want to watch Jigen actually get his time to shine and show off not only badass gun fighting skills but also brilliant strategy?
Do you want to see a very gay florist who for some reason isn't in fact Lupin in disguise?
Do you want to see a kickass old lady gunsmith who for all intents and purposes has basically adopted Jigen?
Do you want to watch him fight back actual tears on TWO (2) separate occasions?
Do you want to see him fully adopt a child like seriously I cannot stress enough how wholesome his relationship with Oto is I actually melted into a puddle of feels several times
Then WATCH THE MOVIE PLEASE I promise it's really good!
Also Tetsuji Tamayama is very very handsome
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Bonus: adorable gay-ass florist whom I am 100% convinced is Lupin in disguise
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"...what just happened??"
Anyway. Movie good. You want to watch it. Reblog. (pssst I have a link 👀)
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maryellencarter · 10 months
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So this scene won't make any sense from just the screenshots because I didn't waste any space on the other guy, so here we go. This is Jigen's showdown (such as it is) with the bodyguard guy who actually killed his former boss way back at the beginning of the movie.
So Jigen, having shot up most of a small private army, is down to his last two bullets. (I know it's for drama, but I always have to wonder why he doesn't carry them in multiples of six. XD) This other bodyguard, whose name is Royal, has already been shown to have a shtick where he kills people while they're off guard -- has pistols that will pop out of his sleeves while he's got his hands up, that sort of thing.
So Royal, carrying an assault rifle, has Jigen pretty much pinned down behind this truck, and he yells "Out of bullets? Here, take this gun" and tosses an automatic pistol that slides over and lands at Jigen's feet. He's like "Pick it up, I'll give you five seconds, I won't shoot, I promise", and obviously everybody including Jigen knows he's lying.
But Jigen has two whole bullets, and him being Jigen, that's more than enough. So he kicks the automatic back over and yells "Keep it, twerp! I don't need it!" (The subtitling is very, very loosely translated. I don't have the ear to identify what insult is subbed as "twerp" here.) Then he waits for Royal to advance and try to flush him out of cover.
At just the right moment, as Royal passes in line with the gun of a dead soldier that happens to be aimed in the right direction, Jigen shoots the trigger of that other gun and gets it to fire, hitting Royal in the side. Royal does a complete 360-degree spin off balance, and Jigen steps out of cover, puts his left hand on his hat for badassfulness reasons, and calmly shoots Royal smack in the heart (I assume we didn't have the FX budget or perhaps the rating for a headshot).
Jigen, having now avenged his former master, closes the scene with the tiniest little smug smile, and that's the last time he'll do anything in this movie except stand around looking decorative. Which I will have probably one more post of, and then -- better luck to him and all of us in October! ^_^
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redsamuraiii · 3 months
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Boss (S2E3)
When your boss gets the credit for your work. 🤣
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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Weekly The Television, No. 47 (2002) "Super New Heroes, 7 Consecutive Shots" ft. Various Toku Alumni Short Interviews (translations below)
Publication: November 11, 2002 _
"Passion hidden within his cool gaze" Tetsuji Tamayama (GaoSilver)
"Whether it's TV dramas, movies, or photo books, Tetsuji Tamayama has become very popular. He is currently starring in "Bara no Jujika," playing the role of Kyosuke, a CM director who becomes popular after switching positions with his nephew, Togo. It's a difficult role for him, as he becomes troubled by his secret love for Sumiko, who is Togo's wife."
Tamayama: I'd like to express the depravity of humans when their position and situations change dramatically. I hope I can play out the relationship between Kyosuke and Togo in a way that men can sympathize with.
"In the film "Koi ni Utaeba," he plays the role of Satoru, the ex-boyfriend of Yumi, played by popular actress Yuka."
Tamayama: Everyone, including Takenaka Naoto-san, play such bizarre characters (laughs). I think I might be the only one playing a serious role. However, I wouldn't mind if I could act strangely too.
"Despite your smart appearance, your true colors are often showing."
Tamayama: I don't know if I'm impatient, or just not good at things. Like for example, traveling a long distance just to eat a meal. I'd rather go to a normal restaurant where everything is ready in 15 minutes, than to an Izakaya where the food comes out slowly. I don't want to spend time in places that I think are a wastes of time.
"He's also passionate about acting"
Tamayama: I want to be recognized as an actor. I'd like to challenge myself with a period drama if the opportunity ever arises. Like in Gaoranger, I'd like to experience that kind of world without any prior experience, like the Edo period or the Warring States period.
"A hot and reliable brotherly figure." Noboru Kaneko (GaoRed)
Kaneko: I try to add alot of variety to my performance, as to make sure I don't get bored.
"Noboru Kaneko-san said, describing the joys of acting in a lively manner. Since staring in Gaoranger, he has appeared in multiple dramas and variety shows. He's currently playing a detective in "You're Under Arrest."
Kaneko: I'm alittle worried if I have "the right look." At first, I wanted to portray my character as more of an obnoxious detective, but he's already become such a nice guy (laughs).
"With 7 years of experience as a tennis instructor, he's both athletic and versatile."
Kaneko: People always tell me that I "look like I work out," but I only do push ups at home, and only when I remember to. I'm not a member of any gym, but I sometimes go to my local ward's gym for 400 yen at a time (laughs).
"Fitness seems to be second nature to you."
Kaneko: When I play sports, the first thing I do is image training. I'll picture jumping over the vaulting box or hitting a ball successfully. Image training has also helped me with my acting.
"One of his strengths, is that he can apply his sense of sports into what he plays."
Kaneko: I want to be an actor with a unique style. I don't care if I don't play the leading role, I just want to be the one who will be the most "memorable" after the show ends.
"He's cute enough to want to keep to yourself" Taiyo Sugiura (Ultraman Cosmos)
"Taiyo Sugiura says his role as Musashi in Ultraman Cosmos was his starting point. Recently, he's been appearing on variety shows, including "Midnight Sentai Garinpero" where he serves as one of its MC's. He is active in a variety of works, and is scheduled to make his CD debut next month with his younger brother as a sibling unit."
Sugiura: At first, I didn't think variety was for me, but once you try it, it's alot of fun. I was so happy when I got together with Downtown for the first time on their show "Downtown DX" (laugh). Garinpero is a live show, so I think how it works is that the first person to speak up wins. When speaking live, I use Kansai dialect, because it's easier for me to speak normally than standard Japanese. After this program, I'd like to one day star in a drama with my co-hosts Toshiki Kashu-kun (Agito) and Shioya Shun-kun (HurricaneRed). And then there's the "Winter Special Event: Hot Springs Tour with Everyone" program. Maybe…it'd be alright to just enjoy by myself!?
"Next year, he'll try his hand with theater for the first time."
Sugiura: I came into this world aspiring to become an actor, so I think doing various works will lead me to becoming a successful one. In the future, I'd like to act in movies and play a variety of roles, including cool ones.
"A refreshingly beautiful man with pure eyes." Toshiki Kashu (Kamen Rider Agito)
"Toshiki Kashu-san is set to be an MC for the variety program "Midnight Sentai Garinpero." We can expect to see a different side of him compared to the heroic role he played in "Kamen Rider Agito," which was his breakthrough role."
Kashu: I can learn a lot of things that I have never experienced before, such as presenting in a studio and reporting on location. I used to stay away from anything that I didn't have any interest in. But things have started to change since I became an actor. It's a way of expanding my own world, so I'm looking forward to this program.
"As an actor, he says he is, "not the most distinctive."
Kashu: On the contrary, I've come to think it's probably better that way. I don't want to simply be, "Toshiki Kashyu playing any role," I want to be an actor who can be absorbed into the role. So for now, as I gain experience through various works, and depend on my own talents, one day I'd like to develop my own style. I want to become an actor who can wear any color, carrying around paints of various colors, while always remaining pure white.
"And with that, he showes his determination."
"An "active rider" with a beautiful figure that is a sight to behold!" Takamasa Suga (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
Suga: After being accepted for the role, I told my father, whose response was, "I won't be able to see your face when you become Ryuki!," it was an incredible misunderstanding (laughs).
"Takamasa Suga-kun said. Currently starring in Kamen Rider Ryuki, he looks back on the days when he passed the audition with a nostalgic feeling."
Suga: From the start of filming up until now, things have gone by quick. In the beginning, I would go to the production site, then go home, sleep, and repeat that process every day. I wouldn't even pay attention to what was going on in the world, so I sometimes felt like a recluse. Some have said that the production site of Ryuki is like an all boys school. So from now on, I'm saying, "Let's do training camps and drink for days!" (laughs).
"If we were to compare his co-star, Satoshi Matsuda-kun, to an animal, he says, "A fox! That guy, he's very sharp and smart in almost every way." Suga-kun is also a good looking young man who speaks politely, but what type of woman does he like?
Suga: I'm…actually a really sloppy guy. I get my meals from convenience stores, and my room is always a mess. That's why I'd like to find a firm but caring woman.
"He's also a Kabuki enthusiast."
Suga: I've always loved it, and recently, I've been taking out books to study it more. It's precisely because Kabuki is so difficult that I'm fascinated by it. I hope I can reflect the feeling of Kabuki into my acting.
"A handsome face and smooth voice." Matsuda Satoshi (Kamen Rider Knight)
Matsuda: I'm actually 100 times more cheerful than Ren. When I'm on set, I act like an idiot and am always saying nonsense.
"Satoshi Matsuda-kun said while laughing, he plays the cool Akiyama Ren in Kamen Rider Ryuki. Both his co-stars and he himself admits that he's a lively mood maker. Comparing himself to his co-star Takamasa Suga-kun, he said, "I think we're like cat and dog." He explains, "Sugacchi, who is a very sweet person that is often spoiled, is a dog. I'm a cat because I tend to do things at my own pace."
Matsuda: I like black bass fishing, and on good days, I'll swing about 1,000 casts. During the middle of Winter, I once fished with snow building up on my head. While I'm fishing, I usually call a friend when I have a random though. "What are you up to? Ah, sorry, you see I'm catching fish right now and…" and that's when they'll hang up (laughs).
"At what moment did you feel glad that you became an actor?"
Matsuda: During the filming of the scene where I die in the TV Special, me, Sugacchi, and the rest of the staff were so overwhelmed, that we all started crying. In that moment, I experienced a feeling of unity and joy that I don't think I could experience anywhere else. In the future, I hope to develop a masculine style and atmosphere like that of Takakura Ken-san (famous Showa era actor).
"A gentle, healing "man" full of kindness" Masashi Goda (OhBlue)
With a gentle smile, the charming Masashi Goda-san is currently starring in the drama "Bara no Jujika," passionately playing the role of Junya, a young man who is in love with Aki, a single mother.
Goda: Junya is ready to say to Aki, "I'll take care of you, along with your child," but he really struggles to say it, doesn't he? Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong if the person you love already has children.
"Goda-sans true colors, which seem to overlap with Junya's, is an image that would warmly embrace any woman. When on the set, he's always there to play with the child actors."
Goda: However, if I spoil them too much, they'll say the names of card games and other things I don't know of (laughs). In the past, when I was on location for Ohranger, there was usually a large gathering of children, and as a hero, I couldn't be seen as a bad guy (laughs). I love children, so I'm comfortable playing this role.
"Behind his soft gaze, he reveals his passion for acting."
Goda: Actually, it's not so much "I'd like to play this kind of role," it's more about how much I can expand the role I'm asked to play. That's what I'm more interested in.
"With that, we felt the charm of an adult man in the expression on his face, as he spoke of his sincere thoughts.
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Jigen Daisuke: The Movie.
(Trailer narrated by Akio Otsuka!)
Tetsuji Tamayama-Jigen Daisuke
(Legendary sharpshooter and partner of lupin the third)
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Kotoka Maki- Oto Mizusawa
(Silent girl being hunted down by the gangs of mud fish town)
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Mitsuko Kusafue- Chiharu Yaguchi
(Little old lady running a shop by herself on the top floor, but in her basement, she's the world greatest blacksmith)
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Yoko Maki- Adele
(Former Assassin who lost her voice and leg from a tragedy in her past, hell bent on finding Oto)
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Masatoshi Nagase- Takeshi Kawashima
(Right-hand man to Adele, master of disguise assassin who is trying to figure out if he's alive or not)
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"After years with his Combat Magnum, jigen sees that his trusty revolver is showing its age, not doing so well. Needing a professional touch to fix up his Magnum, he visits Chiharu Yaguchi, "the best blacksmith in the world," located in mud fish town, where he stumbles upon a little kid, Oto Mizusawa, who's being hunted by gangs on orders from the Former assasin but still very deadly Adele, the boss of mud fish town with her right-hand man, Takeshi Kawashima, a deadly master of disguise.
Jigen will need to keep his wits up and his finger on the trigger as he tries to protect Oto, get his Magnum back while unraveling tragic pasts, and voices lost."
The movie will be available globally via Amazon Video [subscription Required] on October, Friday the 13th, 2023.
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Tetsuji Tamayama is back as our favorite bearded gunslinger in his first live-action solo film! We talked all about it with the wonderful Lee Sparkes of @lupincentral and our debonair co-host @shinreddear! Coming THIS WEDNESDAY, Oct. 25th!
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kabutoraiger · 6 months
watching the jigen daisuke movie and it's crazy how much this feels like I'm watching garo. it's got everything: grungy neon colored town, corny sentimentality, insane fight scenes, a plucky older craftsperson who supports the hero from their hole in the wall shop... if they gave Mr tamayama tetsuji a garo ken instead of a gun twould be indistinguishable
the villains are wack too there's a guy who can shapeshift!? is. is this normal for the lupin universe
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dagmartoons · 8 months
I just watched the Jigen Movie. Read of my thoughts.
(spoilers under the cut! I had a great time 😊)
MR TETSUJI TAMAYAMA SIR YOUR ACTING IN THIS FILM WAS INCREDIBLE!! Especially in the bits between him and Oto; the hand shake he did when reading Oto's backstory was just AAAAAAAHHH PERFECTION
All the performances in this movie were great honestly! Special mention goes to Kotoka Maki and Mitsuko Kusabue as Oto and Chiharu respectively. Loved them
TOTALLY thought Chiharu was gonna die like three separate times in this movie. Was very pleasantly surprised when she survived. And she even adopted Oto!
Really liked Ruri the prostitute girl too
Felt really bad for Kyoko and Yuya
The whole street thinking Jigen was Chiharu's nephew and Oto was his daughter was hilarious. One of the best scenes in the movie
The stuff about Adele was really interesting
Also the shapeshifting gimmick of Kawashima or whatever his name was I forgot
James's music... *chef's kiss*
I appreciated the Monkey Punch photo and the Fiat at the end (I KNEW there was gonna be a cameo!)
I swear to God I thought Shun Oguri was about to come out of that car for a second
Jigen making sukiyaki and spaghetti... I see what you did there 😆
I really liked the look of the city in this movie. While there were parts where I couldn't really tell what was going on, on the whole I think it was really well lit.
I thought Akio Otsuka was supposed to narrate this but I didn't hear him anywhere! Maybe I missed it, maybe it was in the credits and I didn't see it cause I skipped them, idk.
Also thought they were gonna make at least some mention of Kobayashi but didn't see any
This one was a LOT of fun. Took a little bit to really hook me but when it did I had a BLAST. And now to wait and see what the hell they're gonna do next!
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