#tamura kazuhiko
lalunameli · 4 months
AFFT Event 10/13/2017: Yuri-centric Parts
This one is a long one. But oh-so-worth-it. Some Yuri pieces of information translated from the AFFT Event October 13, 2017
Anime Film Festival (AFFT)
[TN: I believe the T stands for Tokyo]
A festival commemorating the 100th anniversary of anime. There was an all-night screening (for episodes 14-25 of Season 1), as well as a talkshow with members of the production team.
The production team attendees were Katsura Masakazu, Nishida Masafumi, and Producer Tamura Kazuhiko
Questions were accepted by the team here, and there was a special illustration released for the event.
An English translation of some information from the reports is available here:
Japanese sources available here and here.
TN: Please keep in mind there is no formal report for this event, so this is all information from the fans in attendance. I have no way of determining if Nishida and Katsura were joking with some of their answers, or if they are legit Yuri canon. Comments from the same person have been grouped together.
When did Yuri start using a black ribbon? (TN: How did Yuri's black ribbon come to be? - conceptually)
Katsura: Yuri's initial setting was (TN: Kotetsu's) a former partner with a lot of hair. Nishida-san joined and made him a judge, so I thought I had to tie his hair.
Does he eat ramen?
Katsura: People with darkness in their hearts don't eat ramen!
How does he cutdown on time at bedtime?
Katsura: He sleeps naked!
(TN: Lmao Katsura used "aitsu" - derogatory form of "That Guy")
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Yuri's black ribbon. His hair was designed at the character creation stage, but when the Judicial Bureau setting was added, it became a black ribbon according to the legal uniform. Naturally he cannot just put it on. I guess his hair is not tied (lit spreads) when he sleeps, and he's naked when he goes to bed! And Mr. Nishida. Yuri is naked when he sleeps...!
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(Original Tweet is not public)
The Great Ramen Debate:
Katsura's comments on darker minded people not eating ramen, sparked a debate between him and Nishida on whether Yuri eats ramen. Poor Tamura was the mediator.
→桂先生 は管理官の仕事着を着て最後に結ぶ、それ以外はバサバサ
They talked about why Yuri uses a hair ribbon and when he would tie it up.
→ Katsura: Puts on his administrator's work clothes and ties it at the end. Other than that, it's unkempt.
→ Nishida: You tie your hair up when you eat ramen, right?
Katsura-sensei: (Agrees) When you eat ramen, you do tie your hair up, but Yuri doesn’t eat ramen!
→ Nishida: He does! And he doesn't brush his hair with such slow movements, ties his hair with a ribbon like this: manly!
→ Things started heating up and Katsura-sensei's water (which was on the floor) spilled.
→ Katsura: Yuri doesn't care if his water spills.
→ Nishida: No, he'll wipe it!
It got heated again lol
→ Katsura kept objecting, so Nishida said, "Let's ask everyone! Who thinks Yuri blows on his water?
→ Many people in the audience raised their hands
→Nishida: Look!!!!
Blow → Wipe...wrong conversation!
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A fan drew a picture of Yuri eating ramen, sparked by the ramen argument
Questions arose about whether Yuri ties his hair up when eating ramen or whether he eats it at all.
Katsura: Dark people don't eat ramen!'
Nishida: No, he eats it!
What started it (the talk)? (It began with a ribbon...)
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I can't help but wonder if Katsura and Nishida are the inspiration for the dynamic between Kotetsu and Barnaby.
There were many entertaining moments like the ramen debate, such as a discussion on their attire. They were supposed to come to the event dressed casually (in TaiBani T-shirts) but Nishida showed up in a suit, so Katsura felt betrayed 🤣
「お互いのファッションセンスについて」 という質問
A question about each other's fashion sense:
Katsura: The other day, you said you were thinking about wearing a TaiBani T-shirt.
Nishida: I often wear them... like the hoodie.
Katsura: So at first I was thinking of wearing a suit, but I didn't want to wear one. So I came dressed casually! I was betrayed!
Mr. Nishida came dressed in a suit (lol)
Nishida: No, I was really going to wear it! But prior to this, I had an interview for another work... I mean, I remembered.
Katsura: I remembered!
Nishida I'm sorry (lol)
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There was also another conversation about the Hero's summer attire, in which Katsura seemed hell-bent on having Keith wear white T-shirts that were 5 for ¥1000 (roughly CDN $2ea) Like he really wanted Keith to be a cheapskate 😭😭😭🤣
"It's not a polo shirt, right!?'' he (Katsura) complained to the audience. Immediately Nishida-san made a remark like "SH is a polo shirt.'' and Katsura-sensei emphasized, "SH is a white T-shirt that costs 1,000 yen for 5!!'' Mr. Nishida was convinced, and Mr. SH (lmao Katsura!) calmed down about the 5 white T-shirts for 1000 yen.
It all came together (laughs). Katsura-sensei then said, "SH is a white T-shirt that costs 1,000 yen for 5 pieces!'' Katsura-sensei seems to be very particular about SH white T-shirts that cost 1,000 yen for 5 pieces (lol). [TN: The rest of this was a question on who would wear a long t-shirt and Ivan was selected, SH long t-shirt]
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All-in-all, a great read! This fan summarized my takeaways best:
TaiBani Talkshow: Katsura-sensei's Yuri is a dirty person! He won't eat ramen because he doesn't want to tie his hair back. (He's a) pasta person. And he sleeps naked!!!
My mind and heart are disturbed by the moon looool
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The most important thing to note is:
Directly from Katsura's mouth.
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tnbscans · 5 months
Inside Sunrise Interview
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Inside Sunrise interview with Masayuki Ozaki and Kazuhiko Tamura. This is transcribed from an Anime News Network video linked below.
The Origin of Tiger & Bunny
The idea for Tiger & Bunny came from two different roots. The first was Director Keiichi Sato's sentiments. To Director Sato, it's a story about heroes with mundane problems. The director said he wanted to depict a superhero drama with a sense of life to it. The other was my sentiments, as a producer. I wanted to depict the conflict and drama one sees when they've belonged to an organization for a while.
The impetus for the project came from the controversy over the competition swimsuits in the Beijing Olympics. I saw in an interview that wearing one particular kind of swimsuit gave you a chance at setting a record but, well, the athletes who had contracts with Japanese companies couldn't wear that fast swimsuit.
At the time, we were coming up with the project, so we thought the conflict of those athletes who belonged to those industries was very interesting and intriguing. And so we thought it would be nice to take the Director's desire to make a hero story, the story of heroes who have to bear the weight of sponsors, and depict the conflict, drama, and culture that lies behind all of that. So that's, well, how the idea came to fruition.
This is where we work on the storyboard for Tiger & Bunny. We're very particular about using pencil, and, um, the expression of performance, you could say. There are things you can't express without using pencil to depict motion, so we pay extra attention to those parts.
This is called the layout. A layout, you see, is this image, framed here by the screen. It's an image we use to make sure how it'll fit in the television frame. We use this as a base to create the key animation.
Oh, this character is Blue Rose. It's a scene where Blue Rose is drinking soda. It's part of a TV ad campaign in Japan. The drink is for one of the sponsors, but this is the test layout for that. We'll use this as a base to draw the animation.
Thoughts on the Characters
When we were working on the costume design for the heroes of Tiger & Bunny, we paid special attention to their variety. There are 8 heroes who appear in this work, but from the start we had the idea that their suits should be diverse. We set the story in a near-future city that's anethnic melting pot, so the characters themselves were set to be a variety of races. There's a Russian character, a Chinese one, a Hispanic one, and a Japanese one too. We thought the hero suits should be designed to match those different characteristics.
Character Designer Masakazu Katsura, himself is very knowledgeable about superheroes. He loves superheroes, in particular, those from American comic books. Director Sato really liked that aspect as well. So Mr. Katsura pulled out a whole lot of ideas for what he wanted the superhero designs to be like. Fire emblem really is the kind of suit-wearing super hero you might find in American comic books.
A hero made with a bull as it's motif. Rock Bison is the kind of design you'll find in Japanese Tokusatsu, but not in American comics and that was the kind of variation we wanted it to have.
This right here is the CG check movie. We're running a check on the motion. We work on drawing the animation after we first make the CG.
Visual Effects Efforts
Also, one of the visual aspects of Tiger & Bunny we were really conscientious about was depicting the heroes primarily through CG. The female character Blue Rose is the only one that's frequently hand drawn, but basically Tiger, Barnaby, and the others are all CG. They're designed to actually bear industry logos so since those industry logos would change over and over, we'd have to draw it over and over if they were hand drawn. That'd make it very difficult. But by making them CG, that kind of work, the swapping out of corporate logos, is not big deal.
One other reason is, we were keeping the world market in mind, and because of Pixar and Disney, CG animation is the visual style people around the world are most used to seeing. Hand-drawn animation certainly has its own good points, but in the end, we thought CG had the most universality and we designed each hero in CG. In doing it that way, we're able to come up with some pretty detailed imagery. For example, the hero Fire Emblem wears a cape, and that cape constantly flickers with fire as a pattern. If that was hand-drawn we couldn't do something like that. Those are the kinds of visual effects we focused on.
About Kotetsu
The design for the character Kotetsu was clearly risky. For starters, he's middle-aged, has a beard, and is a single father. Characters like that in animation are, well, how do I say…it's a fact that they're hard for viewers to accept. The truth is, we were half hopeful and half fearful, but in the end we went with that design for the animation, and luckily, he's well accepted right now. We're actually getting word from the fans that they can empathize with him, and we're very happy to hear that reaction.
Kotetsu wasn't the only character, there's his partner, the younger Barnaby. This is a buddy story. By having another main character, we think we've established a very nice balance. Kotetsu's a middle-aged guy who used to be popular back in the day, but lately he's not doing so well. That's his character background. That said, there were things we wanted to illustrate thematically with him, like the importance of never giving up, of the bonds between people, things of that nature.
Plus, Hollywood movies, especially lately, are getting lots of sequels, and as the main character's actor gets older, they write the character to age with him. By part 4 or 5, he's already middle aged. Their refusal to give up, their continued fight, gave us some queues as well. You can say it's targeted more towards adults. As for me, I want to create dramas with universality, dramas that people of any generation can sympathize with and to keep making them in the future. That's what I hope for.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Kazuhiko Kato, Osamu Kitayama, and Norihiko Hashida in Three Resurrected Drunkards (Nagisa Oshima, 1968) Cast: Kazuhiko Kato, Osamu Kitayama, Norihiko Hashida, Kei Sato, Cha Dei-dang, Fumio Watanabe, Mako Midori. Screenplay: Masao Adachi, Mamoru Sasaki, Tsutomu Tamura, Nagisa Oshima. Cinematography: Yasuhiro Yoshioka. Film editing: Keiichi Uraoka. Music: Hikaru Hayashi. Nagisa Oshima's attempts to unsettle his audiences usually took the form of serious explorations of social dysfunction like Cruel Story of Youth (1960), Boy (1969), and The Ceremony (1971) or sexually provocative films like In the Realm of the Senses (1976), but Three Resurrected Drunkards plays more like A Hard Day's Night (Richard Lester, 1964) than any of those often grim and brutal excursions into the dark side of contemporary Japanese life. It begins with three young men larking about at the beach, accompanied by a giddy Japanese pop song. When their clothes are stolen and replaced with others, the film goes off into  a series of mostly comic mishaps. But there's a dark side to their larking about from the beginning: One of their gags is an attempt to restage the Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Eddie Adams of a South Vietnam general pointing a gun at the head of a grimacing Viet Cong prisoner. They take turns playing the general and the victim as the third critiques the grimace on the face of the one playing the victim. It turns out that the clothes thieves are South Koreans who are trying to sneak into Japan to avoid military service in Vietnam. The Koreans have a gun, with which they threaten the three young Japanese. Along the way, they also get involved with a young woman and an abusive older man who may or may not be her husband. At one point, the film simply stops and starts over at the beginning, but this time the characters know what happened in the first part and are able to change things around. It's all a fascinating blend of rock movie high jinks and serious social commentary: Oshima is satirizing the Japanese prejudice against Koreans, among other things. Some of the satire is lost on contemporary audiences, especially in the West, but Three Resurrected Drunkards is a fascinating glimpse into its director's imagination and political indignation.
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Oh, have I already told you about them all? I don't remember that, ehehe...
Either way, here are the base descriptions for each cast member!
Yuraih Makoneru; Ultimate Weather Man -> Grumpy asshole, anti-social, cynical, impulsive and stubborn. 177 CM Valery Kyovosky; Ultimate Mountain Climber -> MANLY MAN!!! (is tiny), :) /pos, naive and a tad dumb. 160 CM Jonathan Roberts; Ultimate Butler -> Nice. Too nice. Super duper professianal. Totally Trust worthy. 186 CM Handa Ryu; Ultimate Boxer -> Dumbass, meathead even. Anger issues. 180 CM Uyemura Koichi; Ultimate Demonologist -> :) /threat, spooky scary, needs to eat more. 165 CM Horiuchi Kin; Ultimate Park Ranger -> Shitposter, full of himself, probably a stoner, surprisingly compitent. 176 CM Kawaguchi Kazuhiko; Ultimate Dancer -> "BRING OUT THE MARIACHA BAND!" Super flamboyant, has a vengful streak. 178 CM Goya Yuichi; Ultimate Coder -> Low confidence, awkward, NEEEEERD. 169 CM
Okabe Gina; Ultimate Steel Smith -> Big Sister, stoic type. Trying her best to socialize. 182 CM Kodama Nobuko; Ultimate Seamstress -> Quiet, introverted, "Mhm, mhm…". Simply isn't listening. 163 CM Obi Roko; Ultimate Make Up Artist -> Nice, but NOT too nice. Kinda Momma-ish. Always calm. 173 CM Umemoto Kyou; Ultimate Magician -> Energetic and lovely, a people pleaser. 170 CM Kase Kazumi; Ultimate Singer -> Self obsessed diva, but does have moments of kindness. 167 CM Funai Kao; Ultimate Gardener -> KIND!!! SWEET!!! BABY!!! 154 CM Yanagi Yasu; Ultimate Line Cook -> So stressed. Constantly paranoid. Average Minimun Wage worker. 175 CM Tamura Sachiko; Ultimate Lucky Contestant -> Actually normal, a bit over her head, uses comedy as a coping mechanism. 171 CM
If you couldn't tell, Tamura is the protag!
Oooo seems cool! :3
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historyhermann · 1 year
Why "Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story" Is a Must-See Anime
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Eve is an underground golfer who competes to support street orphans, using her skills to destroy the spirits of her opponents. One day she meets her match, a Japanese girl who is just as skilled as her... and the match is on!
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress blog, and Wayback Machine. This was the thirty-seventh article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on May 14, 2022.
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story is sports anime directed by Takayuki Inagaki. It centers on Eve, a girl who golfs illegally to raise money for three orphans, in a European county, Nafres, and the rich Japanese girl who matches her skill and determination to a tee.
As a warning, this recommendation discusses spoilers for the first six episodes of Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story.
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Eve and her friend Lily outside of their residence in the slums
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story is much more than a common sports anime story. The latter is very popular. Some consider it an "outstanding" subgenre within shonen. Fans cheer for specific teams and become entranced in the plays of their favorite characters.
Eve (voiced by Kito Akari) is a scrappy, spunky teenager. She often works alongside her friend and caddy, Lily Lipmann (voiced by Akira Sekine). Eve uses her masterful golf skills to earn money through underground golf games. She strives to ensure that she, Lily, Klein Clara (voiced by Kinoshita Sayaka), Lily's sister, and Klein's three adopted children can continue living in their hovel in the slums.
This all changes when she meets Aoi Tenwa (voiced by Asami Seto). Aoi is a Japanese girl who likes playing golf for pleasure rather than for money. She is immediately impressed by Eve's golf drives and challenges her to a game. Their talents collide. Eve, nicknamed the "Rainbow Bullet", uses her skills to face off against Aoi, learning the pleasure behind golf itself.
Mafia bosses Catherine, Rose Alleon, and Nicholas, have dynamic personalities. The same is the case for Aoi's caddy and adviser, Amane Shoijo and Rose's right-hand woman, Anri. Aoi's mother, and CEO of Tenwashi Group, has a strong personality as well. The famous underground golfer, Vipère, also known as the "Grim Reaper", and junior golf champion Helene Robert leave a lasting impression.
The series also features characters such as Eve's former golf "master", Leo Millafoden, wanna-be professional caddy at Raijin Girls' Academy, Ichina Saotome, Raijin Girls' Academy adviser Reiya Amuro, and hard-working golfer at Raijin Girls' Academy, Kinue Jinguji. Skilled voice actors such as Shuichi Ikeda, Saki Fujita, Toru Furuya, and Nakahara Mai voiced these characters.
Also appearing in the series is golf ace Mizuho Himekawa, a golfer who works with Mizuho at Nadanan Sports Girls' Academy, Kaede Oikawa, a high-ranked golfer at Kaoran Girls' High School, Kaoruko Iijima, Kaoruko's golfing pair, Kuyou Iseshiba, a skilled golfer at Raijin Girls' Academy, Haruka Misono, an injured golfer named Chris Christie and Aoi's father, Kazuhiko Hodaka. Yukari Tamura, Yuu Kobayashi, M ・ A ・ O, Satomi Arai, and Kiyoko Yonekura voice these characters.
The series theme song, composed and written by Kohmi Hirose, and arranged by Suketo Makusu, is full of energy. It makes you excited about watching each episode. Hirose, on the show's official website, said that she arranged the song with "raw strings" and that she sang it with all her heart, hoping to give "more momentum" to the series.
Unlike other anime, diversity is central to Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story. In fact, a scene in the theme song hints that a Black female golfer, whose character has not been introduced yet, will appear in a future episode.
That is unique because anime and Black characters have a "sketchy past". Even with some amazing Black characters in the past, Black characters are "a little under-represented" in anime.
Although their names and voices are not yet known, Klein reveals, in the show's sixth episode, that her three adopted children, orphans who she took in, will be deported if she, Lily, and Eve are evicted from their home. The complexions of these cute orphans are shades of light to darker brown, implying they could be from countries in Asia, Africa, and elsewhere.
Even though the orphans seem to bond more with Lily, than with Eve, they don't ignore Eve. In fact, in one episode, Eve misses her match with Aoi, due to a late-night match with Vipère (voiced by Kaori Nazuka), a golfer contracted by Mafia boss Nicholas.
The orphans approach her in a childlike way, getting her out of her funk and pushing her to not wallow in her sorrow. This leads her to begin a virtual reality golf game later in the episode.
At the end of the fifth episode, and a major plot point in the sixth episode, is the issue of "urban renewal" and corrupt politicians. The former indicates racial injustices which are part and parcel of the system.
The neighborhood where Eve and her friends live is hinted to be a "dangerous" place, with shootings, corruption, and a presumed thriving black market. Even so, this is portrayed as a cold, hard reality, as part of a system imposed upon them.
There is more than political bribes, assassinations, and a Mafia-backed "redevelopment" plan in Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story. This show's off-the-wall logic and over-the-top melodrama come to the fore with the scheduled demolition of Eve's home. It is the opening salvo of gentrification, necessitating evictions and the destruction of residences. In their place will be a casino and the "necessary" accouterments.
There is debate on whether gentrification is a "process of change" creating conflict between new arrivals to a neighborhood and long-time residents or a process in which an influx of middle-class or wealthy people stream into a poor area of a city, rebuilding and renovating businesses and houses, often displacing the poorer residents. In any case, if the development plan is successful, the slum will be turned, over time, into an "upper-middle-class playground".
Although some episodes of City of Ghosts, an all-aged animated series, talk about gentrification in San Francisco, this anime is different. It smacks you in the face with its focus on inequality, immigration, deportation, and political corruption. This anime makes clear that some, like Mafia bosses, will do anything to get what they want, rigging and manipulating the political system for their benefit.
With Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story, you can't ignore, look away, or push off these themes as something that only exists in a fantasy world. They are something that the characters have to confront. After all, Eve's determination to face Aoi in another match resulted in Catherine (voiced by Umeka Shoji) using underhanded methods to get her into the U15 Women's World Championship.
This led Eve to unknowingly trigger the Mafia-backed slum redevelopment plan. The area, including the hovel where she, Lily, Klein, and Klein's three adopted children, is being demolished, along with other illegal shops, as part of a racially tinged "urban renewal" plan.
This makes her feel guilty and furious with herself, and with Rose (voiced by Toa Yukinari). After training with Vipère, who has become her friend-of-sorts, she sides against Catherine and Rose. She plays on behalf of another Mafia boss, Nicholas, and against Rose, her former mentor.
Future episodes of the series, with a possible 12-episode order, will shine a light on this subject. It is a topic that I've never seen any other anime focus on. It is something that Western animation would shy away from, wanting to be "kid-friendly" and appeal to network executives.
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Aoi and Eve together in a virtual reality golf game both in costumes
The official site of Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story declaresthat this is the "first original anime series" which focuses on women's golf. Whether that is the case or not, girls' love, i.e. yuri, is a central component in the story. In fact, Briana Lawrence's article for The Mary Sue, entitled "There’s No Heterosexual Explanation for the Golf Girl Anime" inspired me to start watching this series in the first place!
Whether or not Eve or Aoi are a canon romantic couple, there are clear yuri vibes. This manifests itself in their interactions with one another. Both are excited to face each other in golf games and care about each other on some level.
From the get-go, Aoi is impressed with Eve's golf style, after she sees Helene (voiced by Minami Takahashi) walk away in defeat, complete with "Blue Bullet[s]" and other magical girl-esque golf drives. Eve is amazed at Aoi's developed golf skills. All the while, Amane (voiced by Ami Koshimizu) repeatedly fails in attempts to make Aoi "forget" Eve.
Aoi's mother (voiced by Yuko Kaida) even investigates Eve after Aoi gushes about her when returning to Japan. After it is clear that "Eve Aleon", her "official" name during the U15 Women's World Championship, is not real, she determines her to not be a threat.
She declares that since Eve is an underground golfer with ties to the Mafia, working for a crime syndicate obsessed with golf, she is not a "threat". While this going on, Eve, dressed as a catgirl, meets Aoi in a virtual reality golf game frequented by Japanese players. After Eve apologizes for missing an early morning golf game with Aoi, both play a round of virtual golf together.
Steve Jones, writing for Anime News Network, states that like any other sports anime, the rivalry Eve and Aoi have is romantic, as much as "anything else". This would be the case even if the series implies they are half-sisters like Cassandra and Rapunzel in Tangled.
Jones argued, in another review, that Eve dismisses Vipére's flirtation, declaring that Aoi's name is "already inscribed in her heart". He rightly described this as an example of a "real disaster lesbian hours". He adds that even if these romantic tropes are only a device to add more layers to the story, it "doesn't make it any less gay." I can't agree more!
The series has been received positively by fans on Twitter and elsewhere. Some have shipped Eve and Vipére, noted beautiful female characters, and said the show is amazing, and a masterpiece.
The Eve and Vipére ship has some basis in the show. Both train together for the upcoming match between Eve and her former mentor, Rose. The game, taking place in the next scheduled episode, will decide the fate of her home at a special golf course owned and operated by Catherine, a shrewd Mafia boss.
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story is more than "golf yuri" as Jones describes it. Rather the series is energetic, gleefully weird, and almost makes golf something that is cool and fun to watch, even if the sport itself is boring (in my opinion).
Accounts focusing on yuri anime news and anime fans have flocked to the show. Some have stated that the show has a lot of "girl bosses" and is "lesbians playing golf with mafia and explosions". Others love Eve as a character and declared that the anime is full of "hot ladies."
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The three yet-to-be-named orphans of Klein are immigrants and will be deported if they are evicted from their home in the slums
You could recognize, as Jones did, that the series takes place in the Madlax cinematic universe. This could imply that the fan servicey yuri drama, Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid, and this series, are in the same universe. He argues that the writing of Yousuke Koruda has a lot to the ridiculousness of this anime, making it feel, as Jones put it "so special and stupefying."
All in all, there is no doubt that this anime is much more mature than Western animations, like The Owl House or The Ghost and Molly McGee. It has explosions, death, violence, blood, and all the rest, almost akin to Helluva Boss at some points. Even so, the orphans add a degree of cuteness to the series making you invested in the characters.
In fact, in the sixth episode of Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story, Eve revealed that she has no memories of her past beyond a few years ago. She tells Vipére that she had some sort of special golf abilities, implying that she is a golf supersoldier. This could be hinting that she is a long-forgotten half-sister of Aoi. In any case, human experimentation will likely be a future theme.
Episodes in the rest of this season, and a possible second season, may tackle Eve's often-overconfidence, determination to do anything to beat her friends, and reckless golf playing. Such passionate playing got her involved in some shady dealings. It also resulted in her becoming a walking advertisement for certain products, as she was at the U15 Women's World Championship.
There may be more rigged games too. After all, during the golf tournament, Anri (voiced by Omikawa Chiaki), at the direction of Rose, pointed a laser in Aoi's eye so she would miss the shot. In another episode, Vipère used a poisonous scent to throw Eve off her game. It remains to be seen if Eve escapes the web of Mafia control.
I'm not a big sports person myself and dislike the whole sports culture. Previous sports anime I've watched, like Kandagawa Jet Girls and Tamayomi, were only mildly interesting. Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story is different. I liked it a lot better than I thought I would.
Eve might travel to Japan, meet Aoi, and challenge her to a game. She might continue underground golf games and intense training with Vipére. Her shady, underground dealings may pull in her friends. Again, golf matches will continue to "solve" disputes. Although Eve has put Aoi in the back of her mind as she fights to save her home, they will cross paths again in the future.
Those who work on this series are a talented bunch. The show's director, Takayuki Inagaki, worked on Rosario + Vampire and Chio's School Road. Kuroda, the show's writer, wrote for Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, and My Hero Academia. A professional golf coach named Toru Inoue and the Global Golf Media Group worked with the show's staff to make sure it accurately portrays golf games.
If Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story ever gets a dub, Black voice actors may voice some of the orphans and the Black female golfer. This would add to the growing roster of Black voice actors for anime dubs.
The series is currently streaming on Crunchyroll. The next episode, entitled "Aoi-colored Bullet", will air on May 17.
Go watch this anime!
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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nasiknews · 2 years
mitsubishi: Mitsubishi Electric to increase India’s share in global sale to 5%, says MD
mitsubishi: Mitsubishi Electric to increase India’s share in global sale to 5%, says MD
Mitsubishi Electric India is focusing on local manufacturing and is targeting to take India’s share in global annual sales to 5% from current 1-2%, Kazuhiko Tamura, managing director of the company told ET. “Mitsubishi Electric’s global annual sales is approximately 40 billion USD and sales generated in India comprise only 1%-2%. In next 10 years, we expect to increase it to 5%,” Tamura…
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rumic-world · 3 years
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Sakura, Rinne and Rokumon from Kyokai no Rinne. Character designs by Kazuhiko Tamura.
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technodabhi · 2 years
Mitsubishi Electric launches new digital advertising campaign in India
Mitsubishi Electric launches new digital advertising campaign in India
Mitsubishi Electric has rolled out a new campaign to highlight how the company is solving the social challenges of industry, infrastructure, life and mobility in India. As per the company, the first phase of the campaign comprises two digital films of 120 seconds each that have been created on the themes of infrastructure and industry which will be launched and promoted through digital media in a…
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seiyuuvoices · 3 years
🐑Hitsuji de Oyasumi Series🐑
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Insomnia? Here’s the help you need! Let the seiyuus count the sheep until you fall asleep! 
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PSA:  If you are able to, please buy the CD online or from your local stores!
I’ve got a few requests from people who are curious about this series but many of the links on Seireitei Toshokan have been dead for some time. I’ll be sharing the ones that have become unavailable.
🐑 Pick a volume with your favourite seiyuu:
Complete Digest (Seiyuus from Vol 01~10, Wakamoto Norio, Ootsuka Akio, Kuroda Takaya, Kanaya Hideyuki)
Bangaihen (Wakamoto Norio)
Tokubetsuhen (Ootsuka Akio & Kuroda Takaya & Kanaya Hideyuki)
Kakumei (Baba Toru & Ookawa Genki)
Volume 01 Bokura no Koe de (Ishida Akira & Hoshi Souichirou)
Volume 02 Nemuttara Iinjanai (Suwabe Junichi & Ookawa Tooru)
Volume 03 Zutto Soba ni Iru yo (Yuusa Kouji & Itou Kentarou)
Volume 04 Chotto Nemutte Minai (Toriumi Kousuke & Suzuki Chihiro)
Volume 05 Issho ni netemo ii (Fukuyama Jun & Kishio Daisuke)
Volume 06 Nerunai to Punpun (Tamura Yukari & Saitou Chiwa)
Volume 07 Oyasuminasaimase Ojousama (Midorikawa Hikaru & Okiayu Ryoutarou)
Volume 08 e~ Nemuretainda (Miyano Mamoru & Taniyama Kishou)
Volume 09 Anata no Soba wo Hanaremasen (Inoue Kikuko)
Volume 10 Boku ga Kazoete mo Ii no (Suzumura Kenichi & Hirakawa Daisuke)
Volume 11 Omataseta ne Senorita (Inoue Kazuhiko)
Volume 12 Itsumademo Issho ni Iyou ne (Yoshino Hiroyuki & Kamiya Hiroshi)
Volume 13 Kimi Yori Saki ni Boku ga Oyasumishichau yo (Ono Daisuke & Nakai Kazuya)
Volume 14 Minna de Issho ni Neyou yo (Takahashi Hiroki)
Volume 15 Hokago wa Kimi no Soba de (Morita Masakazu & Sugiyama Noriaki)
Volume 16 Iikagen ni Nero yo na (Nakamura Yuuichi & Yonaga Tsubasa)
Volume 17 Oyasumi no Sono Mae ni (Minagawa Junko & Kaida Yuki)
Volume 18 Ashita wa Motto Kagayaku Kimi ni Naru you ni (Chiba Susumu & Hamada Kenji)
Volume 19 Kimi no Negao ni Iyasarete (Narita Ken & Horiuchi Kenyu)
Volume 20 Ii Kara Yoko ni Nare yo (Paku Romi & Kugimiya Rie)
Volume 21 Oretachi to Yukkuri Yasumoune (Kondou Takashi & Namikawa Daisuke)
Volume 22 Takosago demo Nemurinasai (Morikawa Toshiyuki)
🐑 For volumes after this, they’re are available on Airavalky, membership is free but you gotta register first.
Volume 23 Ashita no Tame ni ii Yume wo (Terashima Takuma & Okamoto Nobuhiko)
Volume 24 Kenkou-teki ni Oyasumi (Konishi Katsuyuki & Yasumoto Hiroki)
Volume 25 Gussuri Nemureru Jikken wo Shiyou yo (Okitsu Kazuyuki & Hino Satoshi)
Volume 26 Oniichan to Oyasumi (Morikubo Showtarou & Majima Junji)
Volume 27 (unavailable)
Volume 28 Komorebi no Shita de Oyasumi (Shimono Hiro & Kaji Yuuki)
Volume 29 Yuki wo Minagara Oyasumi (Maeno Tomoaki & Tsuda Kenjirou)
Volume 30 (unavailable)
Volume 31 Otanoshimi ha Kimi to Isshou ni (Ono Yuuki & Kimura Ryohei)
Volume 32 Mugen no Yoru ni Dakarete Oyasumi (Seki Toshihiko & Hayami Sho)
Volume 33 Nonbirishinagara Oyasumi (Nojima Hirofumi & Nojima Kenji)
Hetalia x Hitsuji de Oyasumi Series
Sleep Sleep Sheep Choice ~ Koukousei Hen ~ Hirose Yuuya & Saitou Souma
Sleep Sleep Sheep Choice ~ Daigakusei Hen ~ Eguchi Takuya & Shouta Aoi
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Let me know if any of the links stopped working! Thank you!
Good night! Dream of sheep and seiyuus!
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hinatahyugacute · 4 years
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tnbscans · 1 month
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Comments by Minako Kotobuki and Kazuhiko Tamura from Otona Animedia Vol 1. (August 2011).
If this is translated somewhere please let me know and I’ll link to it.
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pkjd · 5 years
A third promotional video for the “Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!” (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!) TV anime has been released. It’ll have its broadcast premiere on January 5th, 2020.
Director, Series Composition: Masaaki Yuasa
Character Design: Naoyuki Asano
Music: Oorutaichi
OP: chelmico
ED: Kami-sama, Boku wa Kizuite Shimatta
Studio: Science Saru
Midori Asakusa (CV: Sairi Itou)
Sayaka Kanamori (CV: Mutsumi Tamura)
Tsubame Mizusaki (CV: Misato Matsuoka)
Doumeki (CV: Yumiri Hanamori)
Sowande Sakaki (CV: Mikako Komatsu)
Mr. Fujimoto (CV: Kazuhiko Inoue)
via: eizouken-anime.com
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newsintheshell · 6 years
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Serie Web anime, 28 giugno 2019
Adattamento animato del manga “7SEEDS″ di Yumi Tamura, che sarà trasmesso in esclusiva streaming da Netflix, con un lancio globale sulla piattaforma.
Regia: Yukio Takahashi 
Sceneggiatura: Touko Machida 
Character design: Youko Satou 
Studio di animazione: Gonzo 
Natsu Iwashimizu: Nao Touyama 
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Arashi Aota: Jun Fukuyama 
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Semimaru Asai: Katsuyuki Konishi 
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Botan Saotome: Yoko Soumi 
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Matsuri Tendou: Kana Asumi 
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Chimaki Yamori: Akira Ishida 
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Hotaru Kusakuri: Aoi Yuuki 
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Kaname Mozunoto: Kazuhiko Inoue 
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Natsu e altri sei sconosciuti si risvegliano nel bel mezzo dell’oceano. Sia la ragazza che gli altri non hanno idea di come siano giunti sin lì. Il gruppo finisce per naufragare su un’isola dove trova una “guida” ad accoglierli, la quale spiega loro che fa tutto parte di un progetto governativo per preservare la specie umana. Degli scienziati hanno infatti previsto la catastrofe che ha in seguito sconvolto il mondo. I sette scoprono dunque di essere in Giappone e di dover imparare a sopravvivere nella loro nuova, post-apocalittica, realtà.
L’opera è stata serializzata fra il 2001 e il 2017, venendo raccolta in 35 volumi, l’ultimo dei quali ha ricevuto un’edizione limitata in bundle con un drama CD. Il manga ha vinto nel 2007 il premio come miglior shojo agli Shogakukan Manga Awards, è stato nominato per la categoria dedicata ai fumetti ai Seiun Awards di quest’anno, oltre a piazzarsi al 20° posto nella guida per il pubblico femminile stilata da Kono Manga ga Sugoi!.
Fra l’agosto e l’ottobre del 2017, Tamura ha portato avanti anche lo spin off “7SEEDS Gaiden”, raccolto poi in un volume unico.
Sito ufficiale Twitter ufficiale
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doubledeckerdd · 6 years
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Series character designer, Masakazu Katsura and Sunrise producer, Kazuhiko Tamura, were on stage at the DOUBLE DECKER! screening, to announce the broadcast schedule for the series in Japan. The series will debut on Tokyo MX on the 30th September 2018 at 22:30.
The first home release Blu-ray and DVD of DOUBLE DECKER! was also announced which will include exclusive cover artwork from Masakazu Katsura and will have a special original drama CD included. First volume will be on sale on the 22nd November 2018 in Japan.
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mateushonrado · 6 years
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Status Post #6903: Naruto main teams (part 3).
Row 1: Team Minato - Kakashi Hatake (Kazuhiko Inoue, Mutsumi Tamura as a child and Dave Wittenberg in English dub), Rin Nohara (Haruhi Nanao and Stephanie Sheh in English dub) and Obito Uchiha (Wataru Takagi, Sosuke Komori as a child before episode 343, Megumi Han as a child from episode 343 onwards, Michael Yurchak in English dub, Vic Mignogna as a child in English dub, Nolan North as Madara in English dub of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and Todd Haberkorn in English dub of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution) and Team Samui - Samui (Hikari Yono and Cindy Robinson in English dub), Karui Akimichi (Yuka Komatsu and Danielle Nicolet in English dub) and Omoi (Kunihiro Kawamoto and Ogie Banks in English dub)
Row 2: Team Konohamaru - Boruto Uzumaki (Kokoro Kikuchi in The Last, Yuuko Sanpei in later appearances, Maile Flanagan in English dub of The Last and Amanda C. Miller in later appearances of English dub), Sarada Uchiha (Kokoro Kikuchi, Laura Bailey in English dub of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 and Cherami Leigh in later appearances of English dub) and Mitsuki (Ryuichi Kijima and Robbie Daymond in English dub) and Team Moegi - Chocho Akimichi (Ryoko Shiraishi and Colleen Villard in English dub), Shikadai Nara (Kensho Ono and Todd Haberkorn in English dub) and Inojin Yamanaka (Atsushi Abe and Spike Spencer in English dub)
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on-point-design · 2 years
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DAI TAMURA Illustration art works “DT”
Book Design
寸:B5変形(230mm x 175mm)| 色:4c4c テキストページ=特蛍光色+スミ | 紙:表紙=マルチカメレオン スーパーホワイト 四六判 256g/m2, 本文=ユーライト 四六判 90kg, 135kg | 頁:152P | 加工:ベルベットマット(PP)
Illustration & Art: DAI TAMURA (DT LLC), Interview & Writing: KAZUHIKO SAKUMA, Edit: NORIHITO ICHIKUBO (Shufunotomosha)
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