#tbb toxic tech
courtofterrasen · 2 months
Just watched the latest episode of Bad Batch. And LO AND BEHOLD Phee showed up and ruined the WHOLE FUCKING EPISODE. Literally THE EXACT MOMENT SHE SHOWED UP she ruined a really important and vulnerable moment with the boys AND THEN the FIRST WORDS out of her mouth were her completely bashing Crosshair. And she dared to do it while talking about Tech as though he didn’t hate having to be around her.
Honestly. Honestly. How. The. Fuck. Do people. Like her.
She’s so fucking toxic for them and clearly doesn’t give a shit about any of them. She’s not cool or hot or interesting. She’s an asshole to them. She’s reckless and a narcissist and she ruins the entire episode the moment she shows her face. Fuck Phee. She doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near 99 because of how awful she is to every single one of them. The sooner she leaves them the fuck alone, the better.
Edit: I know a lot of people are going to think this is about race or sex, and I want to make it very clear that it’s not. It’s not because she’s black and it’s not because she’s a woman. It’s because she treats everyone aside from herself with so little regard. She had every chance in the world to be a great character, and they squandered it the moment she began to pick on Tech. And as someone who has been on the receiving end of it like him, both as someone who is autistic as well as having to deal with narcissists my entire life, it’s not fun. Those who see it understand and those who don’t obviously have not experienced what that’s like; or are at least not aware of how poorly they or others were being treated. Don’t waste the energy getting pressed about the wrong things
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writer-reader-skater · 5 months
@niobiumao3 I think another thing we need to discuss in the Bad Batch fandom is how we respect people’s interpretations of characters.
This is one example of a comment I got about on one of my stories. Obviously they were too much of a coward to comment from a real username, but it pretty much sums up the majority of hate comments I get.
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People need to realize that having Tech be Aro or Ace or Autistic is literally 3 spectrums. You much know someone who is those three things and acts a certain way but you cannot expert Tech to act that way as well. There are Ace people who enjoy sex. There are Aro people who date. There are autistic people who have relationships. The idea that an autistic person cannot be happy in a relationship or a family is EXTREMELY harmful and ableist, as is assuming that an AroAce person is essentially a celibate robot.
Autistic people show their “passion” for people in a variety of ways. AroAce people show their love and attraction in a variety of ways.
You would not believe how many aroace and/or autistic people I have met who are offended by Tech’s relationship with Phee because Tech is not EXACTLY like them and/or their perceptions of an aroace/autistic person. Then they try to excuse their bigotry by “I just want more representation of people like me.”
For the last time….
You get representation by having aroace/autistic characters that showcase a variety of the traits from those communities. You cannot expect every person to be just like you or your perceptions of aroace/autistic people.
Thank you for coming to my Tech talk.
-Sincerely, an AroAce Autistic person
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hey, hope you're having a nice day! I've seen your Imperial!Bad Batch headcanons but I was wondering if you could do headcanons for them like what it would be like dating the Imperial!Bad Batch? Your writing is always so good so I am excited to hear your thoughts
Hmm, this could get complicated.... I don't know if there would be that much of a difference, or if they would date at all. If their chips were working, I think they would not.
*Scratching head* Let me try and make something up 😅
Let's assume that the chips don't work, and they have voluntarily decided to follow the empire despite all consequences. So I give the whole thing a dark twist. But that also means that not too much fluff is to be expected. Gosh, what did I get myself into.... Sorry 😅 The bad Bad Batch...
Imperial Bad Batch x Reader HCs - About Dating
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Imperial not so fluffy Batch/Toxic/ Strongly Suggestive in Parts
He is confident, he knows what he wants and once he has his eyes on you, he is sure that you belong to him. Hunter is very charming but also calculating, he knows how he has to act to wrap you around his finger.
He probes your preferences and weaknesses to manipulate you if you don't fall for his charms. He uses his extraordinary senses to read you and react to you accordingly. He knows that you are attracted to him. Hunter feels the same, and yet he likes to play little games and make you squirm every now and then. Hunter loves to see how you adore him and how relieved you are when he finally gets back to you after a long time.
He's a procrastinator, delaying your meetings and every touch until you're both so starved that you go wild over each other. He likes it wild, but he's always in control, so even though you may have a passionate streak, he knows how to tame you for him. Hunter knows what to do to get you to do his every bidding and submit to him.
It will probably seem to you like he is controlling you in some way, and that is not deceiving, that is exactly what he does. He is also very passionate, easily jealous and very possessive. Hunter displays you by his side like a beloved trophy, he has conquered you, and he wants everyone to know it.
Dating, or even a relationship, is a roller coaster ride. Hunter has phases where he, worships you, showers you with gifts, then phases where he ignores you and avoids you, just so he can starve you both for a wild reunion.
He's a quiet guy, but quiet waters run deep. Often an intense look in your direction is enough to make your knees weak, and he knows that. Echo doesn't need many words to show what he wants, looks and small touches are often more than enough to make you fall for him.
He likes to spoil you, especially physically, for the simple reason that he loves to see how you surrender to him completely, how you almost helplessly and willlessly melt away in pleasure. He loves the control he has over you.
Yes, he is attracted to you and yet you are his toy that he likes to dispose of as he pleases, and he has a talent for convincing you that this is exactly what you want.
Your dates are quiet and intimate, no big hoopla, just the two of you and Echo's intensity. He doesn't like to share in any way, so it is quite likely that he will isolate you and keep you away from your friends and family to have you all to himself. He's pretty clever about it, so it won't seem like he's manipulating you and those around you.
Intense but dangerous. It is better not to upset him, his 'positive' interest in you can quickly turn into the opposite if you do things that displease him. You don't want to experience Echo angry, he can make your life hell.
He has seen you and decided that you belong at his side. Just as he approaches everything else, he simply storms into your life and claims you for himself. Wrecker is a very present, engaging person.
He tends to take things he wants by force. It is no different with you. He won't force himself on you, not physically, but he has no problem literally breaking apart rivals and other suitors.
He will not tolerate any rivals, ever. Your attention belongs to him alone, he makes sure of that just by his appearance, you can't ignore this man. Wrecker fills every room he enters, not only by his beefy appearance, he radiates a strength and will that is almost physically tangible.
He leads you around like a trophy, and he loves to dominate you. He always moves hard on the border between lustful fun and cruelty, but at least he doesn't cross it.
Dating or even a relationship with him is intense and wild, maybe a bit rougher, he doesn't necessarily try to be particularly sensitive.
He tends to be selfish.
He is very direct and doesn't beat around the bush. Tech has seen you and wants you, and that's exactly what he tells you.
"It would not be very smart to refuse, I am by far the best match you can get".
Yes, he's arrogant, full of himself and convinced he knows everything and can achieve anything. And his next target is you. He has a talent to see through you, he has already collected all data about you, at least those that are accessible without getting to know you, and he is about to get all the rest. Of course, he takes advantage of this knowledge.
Tech is anything but shy and very eager to experiment. Even your first intimate encounter includes an hours-long foreplay that almost brings you to the edge of your mind. Tech tickles absolutely everything out of you that he can bring out of you in lust, and he is, as I said, very experimental and surprisingly patient.
Tech is demanding, engaging and manipulative, very full of himself and almost frighteningly persuasive. If Tech is interested in you, very soon almost every thought you have will revolve around him, he makes sure of that.
Oh, he's not stalking you. Crosshair makes you stalk him, idolize him, and ask him out. You're not the type to do that? Oh yes, Crosshair knows how to get that out of you and if you don't go for it, he will eventually lose interest again.
He enjoys your attention, he likes to be the center of attention, or rather to be able to manipulate when this is the case and when not. Crosshair makes himself the center of your attention and all your planning.
He flirts, pulls back, gives you glances from afar, a little smirk here and there, a casual touch as you walk by, followed by a little wink. But he never asks you to go out with him, he waits for you, he wants to be asked. If not, he looks for the next target.
It is not easy to keep him happy, he is demanding and expects you to be ready for him whenever he feels like it. He flirts fiercely and not seldom, not only with you. He loves to see the jealousy flaring up in your eyes, he likes the flattering feeling that you want him all to yourself.
Crosshair pushes many limits, your patience, your pain threshold and how far he can push you. He has a talent for never really crossing the line, but sometimes he is close to it.
Dating and a relationship with him are intense, wild, quite interesting but also very exhausting and draining.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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bsxcrxts · 21 days
I hate to sound like a broken record but I would love to hear a Drabble about tech w the pollen, like if you were both crushing really hard on each other and you wanted to spend time with him while he works on his studies and oops what's this jar of mysterious flower blossoms doing here in this little jar (be it tech or reader makes that mistake) and things happen
I am deeply sorry this comes like three months late 😭 but as my beloved TBB mutual and fellow sex pollen freak (affectionate) I owe this one to you and hope you enjoy <3
The Experiment - Tech x F!Reader
Content: 18+ MINORS DNI. basically the prompt! afab reader with gendered language (ie good girl), sex pollen (obvi lol), getting together, Tech being sweet in his own way, unprotected PiV, coming inside, praise kink (both ways tbh), workroom table sex (ooh fun) A/N: So much made up science in this fic. And a complete lack of safety protocols. For the plot. lol. Word Count: 2.9k :)
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You poke your head into the room where Tech is deeply engrossed in whatever he's typing away on his datapad. He doesn't look up as you move across the space, but he greets you with a little nod of his head as you lean on the tabletop across from him a bit. You wouldn't interrupt him while he was this focused if you were any more of a stranger to him; in fact, you feel a little bit odd doing it even now, but you and Tech spend a lot of time together. He seems to generally welcome you hanging around his workstation, and if you didn't know any better, you'd say he was sometimes even a bit giddy to see you, happy to have someone around to listen to his long-winded scientific explanations.
"Am I bothering you?" you ask, watching him set his datapad down to start to tinker with a type of device you've never seen before. It seems likely that it's something chemistry related; another device attached to it appears to be malfunctioning.
"It's not possible for you to bother me by merely observing as I work," Tech says. "You are not disturbing me. I actually prefer your presence over others."
You feel a bit of heat rise to your cheeks but stay quiet, other than uttering a small thank you. Your feelings for Tech have only started to grow after you've begun keeping him company as he works, but you've always had a bit of a crush on him. It's hard to focus, sometimes, when he compliments you like that, though you tend to assure yourself it's often platonic or even accidental. Tech often blatantly states what's on his mind, so if he really liked you... wouldn't he have told you by now?
You watch his hands as he works, allowing yourself to be distracted. After a few moments, your curiosity about whatever he's studying gets the best of you.
"So what's that?" you ask, gesturing to a small jar sitting nearest you, across the table from Tech. There are flowers in the jar, incredibly red, and an abundance of blooms settled on the bottom of the jar. "Something you picked up while you've been out on missions?"
Tech looks up from his work finally, eyes settling on you. "Yes, that is a native plant species on an outer rim planet we briefly visited. It was implied to me there by the locals that the flowers could be used as a type of weapon, but I cannot identify the reasoning behind that assumption."
"The flowers aren't poisonous or toxic or... something?"
"The local fauna are not avoidant towards the blooms, nor can I find any documentation of such qualities. In fact, I can hardly find documentation on this species at all. So, I am aiming do my own experiment on the flowers myself, but first I had to calibrate some of this equipment."
You nod. "And you're... sure this is safe for you?" You venture. You know him well enough to understand that both he and the rest of his squad are well-known risk takers.
"The blooms should be, at a minimum, safe to handle. Myself as well as the locals touched them when I first acquired them with no ill effects. My hypothesis is that the bloom must be heavily concentrated or ingested to be considered dangerous," he answers, tone even and betraying no concern.
"Alright," you say, shrugging, trusting him. Tech is incredibly smart, he is very rarely wrong, and you're no toxicologist either; you know even less than he does about this mystery plant.
Tech looks up at you again, the final piece on the equipment clicking into place in his hands. "Would you like to assist me on some of the easier steps of this experiment?"
"Just the 'easier' steps, huh?" you laugh. You push back a little at the perceived dig at your own intelligence.
"I assume there is still a level of risk once the plant is processed, and before I identify any toxicity levels that may possibly arise, which you may find unacceptable to be involved in. And one which the thought of exposing you to unnecessarily, does not sit well with me." Tech corrects you in a straightforward but not unkind manner, then states plainly, "However, I didn't want to exclude you entirely."
The heat comes rushing back to your face. In his voice, in his cadence, knowing him how you do, it sounds like a compliment again. Tech looks up at you from where he sits so genuinely, waiting for your answer, seemingly oblivious to your flustered state.
"Yeah," you nod. "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll help you."
"In that case, please hand me a few of the blossoms," he asks. You reach for the jar, unscrewing the lid, almost reverently retrieving a few flowers. Nothing happens as you handle them, and subconsciously, you relax.
The blooms are pretty, really. Vibrant and delicate. You look at them in your palm, almost transfixed as you reach your hand out to Tech. Your hand brushes against his, only barely, as the blooms leave your grasp, but that's when it happens.
It's almost comical, how fast you yank your hand away, a small cloud of pollen suddenly erupting from the center of the flower in Tech's hand, a little poof of yellow dust settling in the air. He rushes to the door, sealing any contamination to this room.
"What was that?" you ask, nervously.
"I am... unsure," Tech admits. "I have never seen it happen. The blossoms appear to have a volatile method of dispersing their pollen."
"Is it dangerous?"
Tech is uncharacteristically quiet, typing rapidly on his datapad.
"Tech," you demand a bit, feeling wary, a warmth spreading through your body. It isn't necessarily unpleasant, not yet, but your uneasiness has set you on edge.
"The locals claimed it could 'make anyone do anything'..." he trails off. "It is possible," he hesitates, "that I have misinterpreted this flower's use as a weapon, and instead, it is a libidinous agent."
"What does that mean," you ask, feeling a bit helpless.
"It could be an aphrodisiac," he explains neutrally, but his brow is furrowed. "Either way, we will find out shortly."
You bite your lip. The relief you feel of the blossoms not likely being poisonous is quickly replaced by a bit of a panic at being doused by a sex pollen and essentially quarantined with the man you've been crushing on for months. The feeling of warmth from earlier has morphed into a burn, a need, sitting low in the pit of your stomach.
Tech is still typing away on his datapad, but he has turned his body away from you. His posture, usually terrible, is worse than ever, as he is practically hunched over the screen, rapidly typing something.
"So, uh," you say, feeling a discomfort between your thighs form, "what do we do?" you ask, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, sitting on the edge of the table to prevent your knees from giving out. You cross and uncross your legs mindlessly, trying to appear normal, as if unaffected by the pollen.
It isn't easy. You've been attracted to Tech for a long time. Resisting the pull to him is hard even when you're not drugged.
"There is no known cure for the effects we are experiencing, as there is no record of the effects themselves, so we have little choice but to let the pollen take its course. I am documenting my symptoms. I suggest we also document yours."
"Tech, I don't think–" you start, then sigh. "Okay, um, I have a headache, and tenseness in my muscles, and a burning sensation everywhere, I mean, it feels really, really hot in here, and... I honestly don't think I should talk about the rest." You fidget again, squirming against the table. The arousal building in your body is nearly unbearable, but you resist rocking your hips against the table in the way you want to.
Tech turns to look at you, his brown eyes narrowing behind the amber of his goggles. His eyes actually trail down your body to where your legs meet your hips, and you have to physically turn away from him before you say something rash.
You know it's impossible to hide the other symptoms from him, because you've both inhaled the pollen. He knows exactly how you're feeling. You know exactly how he is feeling. You know if you looked at him, you'd see a bulge in his black under-armor, and your patience would snap.
Tech continues to stare at you. To almost study you, as you shift in discomfort and need. You can feel it; his watchful gaze on you, in any other situation welcomed, though flustering, now is nearly unbearable. As if you are now the experiment. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see he is equally restless, though his typing on his datapad must be distracting him to some degree. That too, is falling apart, if the way he has sat down and begun bouncing his leg rapidly is any indication.
Do not look at him, your mind screams at you.
Look. LOOK, touch, tell him, tell him everything, your body begs.
You manage to focus on the wall to your left for nearly five minutes straight, which is hardly an impressive number under any other circumstances.
"How long is this feeling going to last?" you choke out.
"It is unlikely I could predict that number with any certainty. It may be that the symptoms never go away, or may drive us to madness without... manual stimulation. That may be the most effective antidote, as it were."
The look on your face must not be embarrassed enough, because he keeps talking.
"These are less than ideal circumstances," Tech starts, "to confess to you the feelings I have for you."
"I have weighed the pros and cons of telling you sooner. I'm somewhat upset with myself that I haven't, as this might not be so awkward now if I had. I've noticed your increased breathing rate around me, as well as your tendency to seem eager to watch my work even when it cannot possibly entertain you. I've repeatedly attempted to compliment you, to subtly show my emotions, though I'm fairly certain it has not landed well. Regardless, I have come to hope that you do return my affection."
You're pretty sure your eyes are as wide as dinner plates as you turn to look at him.
"Unless I am wrong?" Tech offers. He has a vulnerable look on his face; he'd never mess with you like this anyway, you know that, but when you look at him, he appears so genuine and desperate that the dam threatens to break.
"You're not wrong," you say.
"I rarely am."
You can't contain yourself anymore, really. You're across the room and in his lap before you can think; there's not much left of your brain that isn't clouded by either the pollen or Tech's confession to you. And then his mouth is on yours, kissing you and claiming you, heated and direct, and so very different compared to that soft confession he just gave you mere seconds ago.
You grind in his lap, the feeling of his bulge against your already wet and needy cunt almost instantly soothing the burning sensation coursing through your veins. As soon as the feeling fades it returns though, with a vengeance that makes you shudder and moan against him, folding in on yourself. It's not enough, not yet. Under different circumstances, you'd gawk at the bulge in his under-armor, kiss down his body, slow down and really appreciate this.
But you can't. You burn.
"I need you," you whine, and you almost hate how desperate you sound, if not for the fact that it makes Tech's hips buck against your own and his eyes widen.
"Say it again," he requests, but he's already complying, standing to lay you onto the table, tilting you back and pulling your hips to the edge. The pollen is having a great effect on him, too, and he seems unusually impatient; you wonder if things were different if he may have made you wait or beg for his attention.
"I fucking need you," you grit out, still trying to rut against him even positioned like this, back arching whenever his clothed cock manages to bump up against your clit. The layers of your pants and underwear are suddenly the most offensive thing you've ever felt, and you rush to undress, kicking off your lower layers until they're barely on, hanging around one leg. Tech has pulled his cock from his pants, sliding into your waiting cunt with one thrust. It shouldn't be achievable, not with his size, but the pollen has made you so wet and open that you take him effortlessly.
"You f-feel, ah, e-exquisite," Tech sighs. "Take me so well."
You've never heard him stutter before. You can't blame him; everywhere your skin meets his is a feeling of thrill, an almost soothing warmth instead of the awful burning sensation from before.
"Is t-this working for you, love?" Tech continues. "Is this what you needed?"
"Fuck yes," you whine at the new pet name, unsure of how Tech is even thinking clearly enough to be asking you such things as his hips slam into you. Meanwhile you say the first thing that comes to your mind, "Needed you, needed your cock inside me. Always want you s' bad."
Tech almost loses it then, but shudders and slams his hips into you again instead, caught up on the 'always' portion of your statement.
"Good, you're so good," he praises you softly, in direct contrast to the heady and animalistic way he's rutting his cock into you, his hands pinning your thighs open.
You gasp, never thinking you'd see Tech like this. He's typically methodical, precise, but the way he's fucking you right now is anything but. Through the pollen, you don't have the presence of mind to analyze what you thought your first time with Tech would be like; all that matters is how amazing he's making you feel now, the sound of his cock in your wet cunt as his thrusts grow sloppy practically makes your eyes roll back and you whine.
"M'close already," you rush out, the feeling of the effects of the flowers intensifying tenfold. "You feel so, oh–"
The table is digging into your back, the pollen is rushing through both of your veins, you feel crazed, but you've also never felt this good.
"I-I am not going to last either," Tech states, clearly also a mess. His goggles have slipped down his nose and been pushed back haphazardly, and are now slightly askew; his face is flushed, his eyes dilated so wide they're nearly black. He slips a hand to your clit, and, impressed with his clear thinking of your pleasure in spite of the pollen, and the rush of sensation that shoots through you at his touch, it's all you need.
Mere moments later, you clench around him, and the strength of your orgasm is something you've never, ever felt before, by your hand or anyone else's. You moan his name, bearing down hard around his cock, and he nearly doubles over.
"Good girl, good, good girl," he praises you, "Did s-so well for me," he continues, leaning down and murmuring into your ear as you finish, and it sends aftershocks wracking through your body. He's helpless but to follow behind you soon. Now that you've cum, he seems to have surrendered entirely to the brain fog created by the pollen, thrusting into you like nothing else matters, chasing his high.
"W-where?" he stutters again, ever as considerate, though he knows it would take every ounce of his willpower to fight the flower's effects and pull out from your cunt now.
Luckily for him, you don't want him to.
"Inside," you breathe, "Need it inside of me," and it's not an exaggeration, as you can still feel the effects of the pollen trying to return even after you've finished; you're pretty sure you literally need him to cum inside you to be free of the symptoms.
His orgasm is just as strong as yours had been, and he nearly collapses on top of you, shoving his cock into your cunt as you feel him twitch and spill inside of you. Tech's eyes never leave yours; his brow furrows and his mouth falls slightly agape as he maintains eye contact with you while he cums. His beautiful gaze once again feels welcome on your frame. It sends you into another weak orgasm, finishing around him, milking his cock, until he can take it no longer and pulls away from you, collapsing into the chair, leaving you lying on the table. The two of you are silent suddenly, but for both of you panting with exertion.
A few moments pass before you sit up, perched on the edge of the table, and find yourself feeling very vulnerable. You eye Tech, slouched in the chair just a few inches from you, and wordlessly, you slide back down into his lap, where he wraps a tentative arm around your waist.
Another few moments pass before he clears his throat.
"Please forgive me for my miscalculation," he says into your shoulder, pressing a light kiss there.
"What do you mean?"
"I should not have exposed you to danger by underestimating the flower blooms. Something worse may have happened."
"But I really like what did happen."
"As did I," Tech says. "I take it this is not the only time you would entertain such... attention from me?"
"Far from it," you laugh lightheartedly, pulling back from where you've tucked your head over his shoulder to look at him. "But we can skip the flowers next time, since we know how the pollen affects people now." you joke.
"You are not open to more experimentation?" Tech asks.
"Tech," you gasp, mock-offended.
"Kidding, love."
"Well," you hum back, "maybe some pre-negotiated experimentation isn't out of the question."
Tech's eyebrows raise and a little smile tugs on the corners of his mouth. The two of you are going to have so much fun together.
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vimse · 1 month
“Clone force 99 died with Tech.”
This should’ve been so obvious to me since a year ago when Tech Plan 99’ed but my toxic trait is that I notice stuff like this far too late.
But the progressive loss of their visual identity as CF99 throughout S3 (Hunter not wearing a bandana with the skull logo anymore, all of them stripping the colours off their armour, Echo literally losing his tbb era armour) totally makes sense. And this too…
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Thanks for pointing that out, Crosshair.
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lornaka · 4 months
Some TBB s3 trailer reactions/thoughts
If you follow me on twitter/IG you probably saw these already
Secondly, CROSSHAIR. They kept Crosshair's old armor, even as they had to lose and repurpose and probably sell parts of their own kits while surviving.. they kept his armor intact NOBODY TOUCH ME.
As I thought, it seems Hunter and co will reunite with Omega and Cross in the premiere. This isn't surprising bc I couldn't imagine Omega being in captivity for long, she is the central kid character and has to be in the thick of all their adventures.
Re: Tech. I know in my heart that Tech is alive but tbh I'm one of the few people who doesn't want the brainwashed Imperial Tech plotline bc it feels redundant at this point, we already had Echo and Cross as victim of experiments/brainwashing.
Mostly I'm just tired of seeing clone characters getting stripped of their agency to a ridiculous degree when it's not necessary for their character development at all, at some point it starts to feel like angst for angst's sake bad fanfiction style. I just want to see him being his capable self, not another victim in distress.. Combined with how a portion of this fandom has a tendency to infantilize him, I'm feeling some level of trepidation if Imp!Tech is indeed where this is going. But I ofc will take any scenario where he is alive > any scenario where he is dead. The family must be complete :< So while I have my reservations, I'm totally open to seeing whatever they have cooked up and reserve all judgement until I get to experience the story as it's told. I'm just cautious about this particular possibility bc I keep seeing fandom folk clamouring for it. As for THAT character cameo... God I so wish this means that godawful book was yeeted from the canon once and for all. This is a Dark Disciple hater household, sorry to those who liked it for whatever reason. I have nothing against Vos as his own character, but Ventress didn't deserve an ending THAT shitty so please keep her away from that bullshit.. please.. I'm so happy to see her again ;_; and I'm so happy that the big cameo wasn't Ahsoka lmao I would've thrown something. Anyway aGHHH I'm overflowing with emotion rn I love that show sm!! *cracks knuckles* opens up a folder of wips from almost a year ago titled "Crosshugs"
UPD. So apparently DD is still canon. So let me get this right.. TBB s3 is supposedly aligned with DD being kept canon.. but DD takes place before order 66?? Does it mean that Asajj faked her death to get the jedi to leave her alone lmao literally being "the reports of my death were greatly exaggerated". I get it girl I would've faked my death too to get out of a toxic relationship.
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kimbureh · 3 months
Rescue = Family
The new episode of TBB (S03E04) further develops the theme of "rescue means family". Since season 1, Hunter is occupied with rescuing Omega cuz she's family to him. Echo rescues regs cuz they are family to him. Rescuing someone means accepting them into your family; not rescuing someone means rejecting them from your family. The latter thing is what happened to Crosshair (kinda like in a messy breakup, where Hunter takes the kid cuz Crosshair is a neglectful parent, lol).
Crosshair is the lone wolf, lonely sniper type. He doesn't have a family because he hasn't mastered the art of rescuing someone. The series has established the connection of "rescuing someone means they're family" numerous times, and Crosshair has never managed to rescue anybody. He arguably tried in the season 1 finale by offering the squad a place with the Empire, but while this might have been a good offer in Crosshair's mind, it was ultimately toxic and bound to fail. Crosshair tries again to save someone on Barton-4 where Mayday dies in his arms after a long struggle; Crosshair was ready to form a bond, but external circumstances (aka the Empire) prevented that. The Empire, of course, has a vested interest in isolating its soldiers from each other; the brotherly bonds between the clones are a liability and are therefore replaced by conscripted recruits who don't share a familial connection. There can't be a family under the regime of the Empire, that's why Crosshair's attempts of rescue have to fail as long as he's with them.
In season 3, Crosshair no longer is with the Empire, and *finally* his rescue attempts aren't toxic anymore, he just complains about them all the time, haha. Healing kinda feels uncomfortable and Crosshair is very vocal about that discomfort, but he *is* on a path of learning how to bond. Omega and Crosshair rescue each other during their escape. And then Crosshair saves the dog in episode 4, the very same episode in which Crosshair is called a Dad. He is finally crossing the threshold of being toxic and isolated and steps towards becoming an actual parent/family member.
That's the analysis part, speculation ahead.
I think The Harbinger (title of episode 8) refers to Tech who is now with the Empire. If that was the case, Crosshair gets a chance to rescue him. If Tech is with the Empire, he represents Crosshair's former self. Crosshair would not only be able to rescue his teammate and affirm his family bonds with him, but he also metaphorically gets to save himself. Imperial Tech needs saving, just as Crosshair did when he was with the Empire and suffering from this decision. It would be a chance for Hunter to make things right with Crosshair via Tech and not again leave behind a family member with the Empire, even if they act toxic (or incomprehensible).
I expect the family/squad only to grow from here on out. I think Echo isn't in season 3 so far for a very good reason; he'll show up to rescue Tech (cuz that'll be a group effort), and once Tech is back, Echo's role is to expand the family even further by connecting the Bad Batch family with the Reg family. Since Echo is both, a Bad Batcher *and* a reg, he is in the unique position to unify the two branches of the family. I think that would be a rewarding high note with which to end the series; the Batch and the regs overcoming their differences and reuniting as the family they have always been.
[all of my TBB meta here]
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 8 months
Hello! Spreading more asks around for the first kiss prompt!
I'd love to see the prompt - "don't you dare tell anyone about this." "wasn't planning on it." With Crosshair, but the second part being said by the reader possibly with a wink? If that's too specific just the prompt going either way. (The inner Crosshair simp must be fed!)
Love and Wrecker Hugs! ❤️🖤
ahhh!! this was the perfect prompt for Cross and I had a lot of fun writing it! thank you bb!! I fully intended to wait to answer all of these all at once but I'm too excited so, I present:
First Kiss - Crosshair
Summary: Exactly what it says on the tin, folks. Prompt in bold.
Warnings: some angst (because it's Crosshair), a little bit of a toxic relationship but it's fine, mention of my OC Captain Flare, medic!reader, gn!reader, fluff, confessions
Word Count: 1.4k woops
TBB divider by the wonderful @wizardofrozz, other divider by @dystopicjumpsuit
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You’ve worked with Clone Force 99 now for nearly a full year, and while you could technically be reassigned at any moment, both Cody and your supervisor, a bitter old bat, assured you that the Republic had bigger fish to fry than the logistics of shuffling one nat-born medic every few campaigns. And so you’ve stayed with the outcasts. They’ve become something akin to family, at least to you. You know most of them feel the same—Wrecker never fails to express his brotherly affection for you, Tech continues to adjust the ship’s thermostat to a temperature that is best suited to you when you’re feeling off, and Hunter’s silent nod and smile tell you all you need to know. 
Crosshair, though, is a tough nut to crack. 
At first, you swore he hated you. Despite the rest of the squad’s assurances that he’d come around, you’d been skeptical. It wasn’t until several months into your assignment, on a mission you really shouldn’t have been on as the team’s medic, when you saved Crosshair from commando droids that something changed. He still snarked you, still flicked his used toothpicks at your face to bother you. But he slowly began to open up to you. He included you in inside jokes, actually listened to your medical advice, and even let you hold his Firepuncher once.
So despite the hospitality and friendliness of the rest of the squad, it’s Crosshair that your heart has chosen to love. You know he cares about you. You just don’t know to what extent. 
Because even though he still maintains an impenetrable wall around himself, he looks after you. On missions and otherwise. When you go out on shore leave as a squad, he glowers at anyone who dares even look in your direction. 
And that’s exactly the situation you find yourself in tonight. Planetside, on Triple Zero, you’d convinced the others to have a night out with you before you shipped back to the warzone in a few days. The missions have been nearly incessant, and you’re all starting to feel the strain. 
Leaning back against the sticky bartop, you survey the crowded dance floor. Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker lounge in one of the coveted corner booths, looking more relaxed than you’ve seen them in a long time, dressed in civvies and nursing the cheap booze served by the 79s management. A smile lifts your lips. They deserve this, just one night off, to remind them what the war is for.
But you came here wanting more than to drink weak, watery beer. Taking a swill, you glance sidelong at Crosshair perched on a barstool next to you. 
He hasn’t left your side since you walked in. Normally, his presence is comforting, especially in unfamiliar settings, on unfamiliar planets, around unfamiliar people. But 79s hosts none of those things. In fact, the way he’s ordained himself your personal shadow is beginning to grate. You know he’s scaring off any of the regs who might otherwise ask you to dance, or offer a drink, or even just a friendly hello. You know he’s hovering to protect you. 
You just don’t understand why.
Sighing, you take another swill of your drink. “Kark, what’s a person gotta do to get a dance around here?” 
Crosshair doesn’t answer, just shifts his toothpick to the other side of his mouth. 
You huff. “Cross, c’mon. I don’t need a babysitter. Go drink with the others. I’ll be fine.” 
“S’not you I’m worried about,” he mutters. “S’them.” He jerks his chin toward the dance floor, gesturing broadly to the gathering of regs. 
“I can handle them,” you say, an edge of ice to your voice. Frustration at his inability to actually say what he means boils below your skin. 
Crosshair, predictably, ignores the bite of your words. “Didn’t say you couldn’t.” 
“Great,” you say, pushing away from the bar, “glad we’re in agreement.” 
Shoving your half-empty bottle into his hands. He looks down at it with a bewildered expression, then up at you, his eyes narrowed into slits. You give him a sarcastic, two-finger salute before dipping into the crowd. 
You find a clone—Flare, you think he says his name is—who is more than willing to dance. His grasp on your body is unfamiliar but respectful. The pair of you sway and grind through several songs (you’re certainly not keeping track, too focused on trying to avoid the impulse to see if Crosshair is watching). When Flare whispers into your ear, his lips brushing your skin, your eyes slide shut, desperately wishing he were someone else.
A moment later, Flare yelps and his arms are ripped from around you. Eyes shooting open, you whip around to find Crosshair, every line of his body radiating anger, his fists clenched at his sides. Kriff. 
“Sorry,” you call to Flare as you grab Crosshair’s bicep and haul him through the crowd to the front door. “What the fuck are you doing!?” 
Scoffing, Cross yanks his arm free, though follows hot on your heels as you emerge into the cool night air. “Could ask you the same thing.” 
“I was dancing,” you say.
This is going to be an argument, you just know it, and you don’t want to subject all these strangers to the impending shitstorm. So you keep walking, leading Crosshair around the corner where it’s quieter. 
“Bantha-shit,” he hisses. His firm grip on your shoulder spins you around. “His hands were all over you.” 
“He wasn’t doing anything I didn’t want,” you say, glaring at him. “Maker, what is your issue? I can’t even have a fun night out without you stepping all over my plans, can I?” 
“No,” he spits. “Not if it means—” He cuts himself off and looks away, jaw clenching and unclenching. His chest heaves with emotion, two high spots of color on his cheeks. 
Something in you softens, anger cooling into confusion. “Not if it means what, Cross?” 
Nostrils flaring with every inhale, he shakes his head minutely, eyes pressing shut. 
You hesitate, but after a moment, you sigh. Reaching up, you gently cup his face to draw him back to you. His eyes flutter open to meet your own. This is the closest you’ve been to him, you realize, in your entire time with the squad. Besides his medical exams, this is the most you’ve touched him, too. The realization sets your heart pounding. 
“Don’t shut me out,” you say. “Please.” 
He studies you for a moment. Across his face flits several emotions, none of them identifiable, and you begin to grow worried that all the progress you’ve made with him is about to be tossed over the ledge of this Coruscanti sidewalk. 
A worry that is dashed as soon as he surges forward and kisses you, one hand cupping the back of your neck to steady you. A sound of surprise squeaks out of you. Then you’re melting against him. Tilting your head, you deepen the kiss, one hand settled over his heart. It beats hard and fast under your palm, nearly in tempo with your own racing pulse. His lips are chapped and rough against yours, but you don’t care, because it’s him, and this is all you’ve needed these past few months. 
When he pulls away, he doesn’t go far. His forehead pressed against yours, his eyes remain screwed shut. He releases a shaky exhale. 
“Cross, I—” 
He kisses you again. “Don’t. Don’t apologize.” 
“How did you—”
“Because I know you,” he says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
Warmth blooms deep in your chest, right where you’ve made space for him in your heart. “Y-Yeah. Alright. But—”
“No,” he grumbles. “You need to know that I- I’m sorry. For being a di’kut. I should have made a move sooner.” 
A soft chuckle spills from you. “Yeah, you should’ve.” 
At last, his warm, amber eyes flutter open to meet yours. Your breaths mingle in the small space between your faces, and the intensity of affection in his gaze nearly makes your knees collapse. Smiling up at him, you catch the barest hint of a smile in return. For a moment, it’s just you and Crosshair in one another’s embrace, the sounds and smells of the side alley of 79s fading away. 
The moment is shattered when he speaks again. “Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” 
Laughing in earnest, you can’t help but shake your head. The others are going to find out about this new development sooner or later, but as you meet his gaze again, you realize he doesn’t mean the kiss. Sobering, you nod. “Wasn’t planning on it.”
You can’t resist winking, though. He rolls his eyes and grumbles, but tucks you against his side all the same to lead you back to the barracks.
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List of Ragu: @the-hexfiles @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @bobaprint @thorsterstrudle @droids-you-are-looking-for @goblininawig @dreamie411 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @9902sgirl if your name is struck thru I can't tag you so check your settings! (to be added or removed from my taglist, click here!)
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madameminor · 1 year
WHY I DON'T LIKE TECH x PHEE: An unintentional essay
Alright, yall, I've figured it out on my end. I think. I just need to get some of this out so that I can move past it. I'm not even gonna tag it under tech x phee, cause you know what, I don't want to harsh the mellow over in that space, I'm just voicing what I've discovered.
This is long.
Wanda Sykes: I LOOOOOVE Wanda Sykes, love her - love her so much that I can't see anyone else with her voice. A 60 year old lesbian comedian... and you want to make her a 20 something pirate captain flirting with a male cl- no. No. Capital N. O. Like, I thought she and Rhea Perlman were going to be a fun comedic, older duo playing off of each other. Or that they'd have some sort of sassy relationship. But instead she's a coy, fun adventurer who starts to join in TBB family? Nope. No. Didn't sell it for me. Gimme someone else, might have worked. Try Anika Noni Rose, or if you need that star factor, Halle Barry or Beyonce or, for fucks sake LIZZO (can you imagine her beautiful voice as Phee? OOOO I just shivered. Loved her as the Duchess, but her as Phee! Instantly WAAAAY more excited about that character.) Not Wanda Fucking Sykes (like I said, LOVE her. But no. Choices.)
The Build Up: You guys. We are all literally writers. Where were the beats? Where were the moments? You naturally want there to be a moment the audience goes 'ooooooh yeah ok I see it'. IT HAPPENED WITH HUNTER. The next day I remember quite a few of us going 'OMG YES!!! Yes, totally ship that, saw the chemistry with Phee and Hunter! Into iiiiit.' I resisted that one too, cause of the Wanda Sykes thing, but you know what? IT. WORKED. I went with it cause it worked. Was actually kind of excited. Was looking forward to the fics. Did not happen once with Tech, never saw anyone go 'oh look at that chemistry between pirate and genius'. NOPE BTW SUDDENLY THEY'RE ALL TEASING TECH AND TECH AND PHEE ARE IN A SCENE AND THIS IS ALL ABOUT THESE TWO TAH DAAAAH! No. Nope. Not how it works. Feels like my favorite is getting the shitty end of the romance arc stick. Fuck off, no. We have all written better.
Toxic Matchup: The way Phee (see dude, I almost wrote Wanda. Thats how much I can't not see her in this character) treats Tech. One of my mutuals on here, @shadestepping, put it perfectly - "It’s because instead of understanding who tech is as a person and being respectful of how his mind works, she tries to force him to mask because it’s what she wants/it makes communicating with him easier". The example that keeps popping into my head is when Phee sarcastically says "when two people are talking its called a conversation". My eyebrows shot UP, like, this is one of the FIRST THINGS YOU LEARN about Tech- his face is in his datapad. Treating him like an idiot (which is what it sounds like in Wanda voice) because he is doing what he is always doing is not ok (seriously, WTF, dude?). Another mutual, @dumfanting agreed and shared how that hit them: "As someone whose been forced to mask for her entire life, that is wrong and damaging and perpetuates the idea that we as austitics are only worthy of love if we continue to suppress ourselves." And it really doesn't have to be that way. I can rewrite every scene they are in together, still have her be sassy, have her show interest and respect for who he is, and still move him out of his comfort zone. I will do it, if I need to, just to prove it. If the writers are trying to give her some growth too, cool, then TAKE THE TIME TO DO THAT - instead we only hear how HE's being taken out of his comfort zone. How about HER? You want to be with him? Maybe you have to meet him half way, honey
Ultimately, I could have gotten behind this if it was done another way - but the way they went about it missed so many marks. And for my man, that's unacceptable to me. He deserves the best, not something thrown together.
I have spoken.
(Ok, I think that is out of my system.)
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Hi friends! I rarely post here but with tonight being the final Bad Batch Eve, I thought I’d share how much this show has meant to me.
I grew up in a small town in Texas. I was never as outgoing as my brother. Often forgotten about. Bullied severely from elementary school to high school. I was never able to find anyone I could relate to. Never able to find anyone who shared my interests. Never really found my people.
I’ve been a Star Wars fan since before I can remember. Lucky for me, my dad is also a huge fan. His birthday also happens to be May 4th. (He jokes that he’s a real life Jedi). I remember October 3rd, 2008 so vividly. I was 10 years old. The premiere of The Clone Wars was a moment that I will never forget. I was so excited. In that moment, it didn’t matter that I didn’t have friends. The hateful things said to me at school didn’t matter. All that mattered was these amazing characters and their stories. The Clone Wars gave me my first comfort characters: Echo and Fives. I cried through “losing” Echo. I cried through losing Fives. It truly felt like losing a friend. I know to some, that may be ridiculous. And that’s okay. Maybe it is. But the comfort they brought me in my darkest times was so real. (You can imagine my excitement during the final season when we discovered Echo survived).
Fast forward to 2021: 23 years old and in my last year of college. Still healing from the mentally abusive relationship I had just left behind. Still trying to find my people. Trying to find where I fit in. And then The Bad Batch premiered. Little did I know how much one show would change my life for the better. I found comfort in not just the show, but also in fanfics and TikTok’s. I started to make my own TikTok’s about my love for the Batch (and Star Wars in general). It was scary at first. I’ve always been too afraid to put myself out there. But I love to laugh. And I love making people laugh. So I started to make funny little TikTok’s. I’d post just about every day. And eventually I started posting daily. I eventually worked up the courage to comment and interact with other Star Wars fans. It became one of the best parts of my day. My fiancé (now husband) and I would sit together and read the hilarious comments left on my posts.
(Speaking of my husband, I want to give him a shout out for being SOO supportive. Anytime I was too nervous to put myself out there, he was (and is) constantly there to reassure me. He reminds me every day that I’m worthy of love and friendship. 💖)
I gained some AMAZING mutuals. We mainly just commented back and forth. We would recommend fanfics to each other and send our favorite edits or memes back and forth. While those interactions may seem small, they made me feel so seen, loved, and accepted.
We came together in good times and bad. Every Bad Batch Eve, every time new Star Wars news would drop, and anytime a toxic fanboy decided to try and put us down, we had each other. We were in it together. I’ve never experienced community like that. It truly felt and still feels like a family. I had finally found my people. Finally found where I fit in. And it’s all because of The Bad Batch. It all started with Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and Omega.
Thank you to everyone who has been so kind. Everyone who has laughed and cried with me through out the series. The wonderful community we have here is something I wish little me could’ve had. But how amazing is it that I get to have it now? It’s the best feeling in the world. The Bad Batch may be ending, but it will live on through us. These wonderful characters will live on. They will always be with us.
TBB Forever❤️🖤
Tiktok & Insta: Echossarad
Main insta: toe.morrow
X: Echossarad
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sunnyxjarrus · 2 months
season 3 episode 9 the harbinger tbb
I’m aware I kind of skipped the last episode so I’m gonna just hit highlights for it too
Episode 8 ’bad territory’
not really one of the ones screaming for wet haired hunter but they really did y’all dirty with the toxic atmosphere
Hunter and omega conspiring against crosshair in attempt to get him to take care of himself
“You don’t like anything”
fennec just contacting whoever at the end
and now for the important part
episode 9 the harbinger
so obviously I have to go in an order that I remember it from as chronological as possible (sad but true)
so we’re going to start with how feral I went almost immediately when I heard that lady chick villager miss call crosshair by his name
I accidentally got on here before I remembered it was Wednesday so I already knew that my beautiful dear beloved wife was going to be in the episode
still nothing can prevent me from going absolutely insane and crying upon seeing her on screen and in such amazing animation
I’m being serious even her little criminal file is better animation
Don’t get me wrong asajj ventress was my gay awakening in the clone wars but comparing the two
I just want to say something since fucking when have we ever cared about people being war criminals in Star Wars Hunter since fucking when?
um anyway did not really expect omega to do that second task on time but girl did good
honestly kinda expected omega to use the force to like push ventress when she returned to find her with one brother being choked and the other one with a lightsaber at his throat
kinda wish echo were there just because of their familiarity
it is time for us who are actually acknowledging that they exist to celebrate their existence being acknowledged again
Look I promise I meant it when I said they did y’all dirty but we got ventress with wet hair now I promise I feel for you guys really I do
cross and Ventress having friendly interaction
also another tech mention
echo doesn’t get mentioned until they choose to bring him back
Hardcase hasn’t been mentioned since he died
we have three fives mentions
but no we get a tech mention an episode here in the bad batch season 3
my beautiful queen and wife is gone and will be missed
also the kraken was honestly kind of adorable
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Can you do one about reader having a hard time breaking off ties with a toxic friend and how the bad batchers help with that? Love your writing 💖
The Bad Batch x Reader HC - Get Rid Of A Toxic Friend
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Warnings: Possible Hurt and Angst
Protective Batch
He is very attentive. Hunter probably realized before you how toxic this friendship is. Unbalanced and draining. You're always on the short end of the stick and being taken advantage of. He hates that. Hunter is the one who points out that this "friendship" is not good for you.
It doesn't matter why you might not get rid of this friend. Whether this friend is clingy and won't leave you alone or you can't quite detach. Hunter is there to support you. He has your back and makes sure you can let go without being overwhelmed by the loss.
He is not only a loving partner, but also a very valuable, attentive friend.
If this person has the audacity to continue to harass you, Hunter will deal with it thoroughly. This jerk in your life is not going to show up again anytime soon.
He actually tries to see the good in people most of the time. However, at the same time he is a skeptic and always a bit cautious. Echo has already experienced a lot in different respects. In fact, he is skeptical and critical from the beginning when it comes to this one friend of yours.
"A friend doesn't just get in touch when they need something, Cyare," Echo says with conviction, adding, "This person always seems to expect and demand things from you. You don't do anything else with each other. Don't let them take advantage of you."
He's right, and you've noticed that too. No matter if you want to get rid of this "friend" immediately or if you want to have a clarifying talk first, you can rely on Echo to support you. He is your shoulder to cry on, the one with the best advice and the one who will defend you fierily at any time, no matter against whom.
You've been struggling with this one friendship for a while. Wrecker doesn't mince words, no matter what it's about.
"I don't like that person. They try to use you, every chance they get. And their stupid jokes are always at your expense"
"I know, I've noticed that too".
Wrecker sighs softly and says, "Then this person is not a friend. Cancel the meeting tonight. I can tell by looking at you that you don't want to go."
You don't have to worry about being harassed or attacked. No matter what this former friend comes up with, Wrecker is like a force of nature when it comes to protecting you, no matter how or why. He will not let anything happen to you or let anyone harass you in any way.
It sometimes seems as if he is so absorbed in his own thoughts and in his own world that he may not notice some interpersonal things. That's not true, don't be deceived. Tech knows exactly how shitty this one particular friend is treating you.
He's been watching this for a little while to see if you want to or can do something about it yourself. Tech is always willing to help but he's held back so far because he doesn't want to patronize you. He tends to do just that sometimes, unintentionally.
Tech approaches you carefully on the subject, but in his matter-of-fact way. When he hears how unhappy you are with the circumstances of this friendship, he takes the time to discuss the matter with you. Tech will work with you to find a solution, and it is not a problem for him to stay with you, or at least close by, when you end the friendship. You can be sure that he will intervene if things get ugly, no matter in what way.
You probably won't even get the chance to properly deal with the problem of the toxic friend. As soon as Crosshair even begins to realize that this so-called friend is an idiot, he will make sure without asking that he leaves and never shows up again.
Crosshair has no patience for such things and people. Especially not when it comes to you. There will be no long discussions, no back and forth. Crosshair sees this as a protection service, a love service, and a relief for himself. One less negative thing in your environment for him to worry about. At some point, said person just doesn't show up.
"I wonder what happened to them. Can't find them anywhere"
Crosshair will shrug and say, "Who cares? Was a shithead anyway"
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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swift-creates · 9 months
@tbb-appreciation-week DAY 3: TECH (09/05) — Everybody Lives AU | Reunion | "Please, talk to me."
characters and relationships: Tech, Omega, Crosshair, Hunter, (Wrecker and Echo are mostly background)
warnings: mentions of blood, head wound, trapped down a crevasse, Tech falls but not like That dw, one (1) Star Wars swear word
read on AO3
“Tech. Tech!”
He opened his eyes carefully at the call of his name, blinked something warm and sticky away from where it was slowly trickling over his temple and into his face. Raised a hand to wipe at it, and it came away red. “This is… not optimal.” 
“Understatement of the kriffing century.” Omega’s voice floated down from somewhere above, and he started to tilt his head to look at her- OW. No, that hurt too much, so he stopped and carefully tilted it back to the original position. 
“I believe Echo would say, ‘Language’,” he said instead, wiping his bloody hand on his trousers. 
“Yeah, well Echo’s not here right now. Are you okay, Tech?”
“I am still alive. What happened?”
“One moment we were crossing the ice, and I looked away, and the next second there was this huge CRACK, and when I looked back you were gone and I looked down the crevice and saw you bleeding.” The words came out in a rush, like she’d taken a huge breath and let it all out at once. “You were out for almost ten minutes.”
“Wonderful,” Tech said flatly. 
Something dripped into his eyes, and he wiped at them again, smearing more blood over his gloves. He winced at the momentary burst of pain it caused, white spots dancing in his vision as he closed his eyes. That head wound was starting to get more and more impractical, not to mention the potential brain damage if he’d hit his head too hard. He heard shifting and scraping above him, and he looked to see a shadow move from one side of him to the other, casting a layer of blue-gray on the ice to his left. 
“I commed Hunter a few minutes ago. They should all be here by now.” Omega’s voice started to take on a note of worry, and Tech forced away the floating spots in his vision to think about the distance between their location and the Marauder, Hunter’s estimated speed, and the time it should take for his older brother to get there. “Wrecker also said to keep you talking and awake, because you might have a concussion.”
“They should be here momentarily, barring any interceptions,” Tech reassured her. 
“I said I didn’t think keeping you talking would be a problem because. You do talk a lot. Crosshair said it was your toxic trait, whatever that means.” She carried on like she hadn’t heard him. “Maybe he meant one day you’ll talk so much that a bounty hunter will poison you for it.”
“That’s… not what it means.” Tech frowned, then explained the true meaning of the phrase to her. 
Omega paused for a while. “Ohh. That makes more sense.”
“I thought so, as well.” Tech felt his eyelids drooping, fought against it and straightened against the canyon walls. 
“Are you still awake?”
“I would not be able to answer you if I was.”
“I know.” Omega was often puzzling to Tech, what with her random bouts of childish whimsy, but by now he thought he would find it even stranger if she were to suddenly lose them. 
He heard pounding, then the sounds of something scuffing against the ice, then Wrecker’s voice boomed down into the crevice. “Hey, Tech! You down there?” 
“Yes. Did Omega not tell you?”
“She did. I just wanted to hear your voice.” Wrecker often had a habit of doing illogical things for the sake comfort, but then, they all did once in a while. Tech couldn’t help a dazed smile at the thought of his brother listening to hear him from the top of the crevice. 
“Tech? Tech!” Hunter’s voice now, sharp with concern, a bigger shadow hovering on his right compared to Omega’s on his left. Tech pulled himself back into alertness to reply. 
“I am… still awake.”
“Just hold tight. We’re gonna get you out of there.” He heard Hunter direct the others to make a setup of ropes and pulleys, with Omega keeping up a constant stream of grounding chatter, to which Tech replied less and less. 
“Tech. Tech!” That was Crosshair, raising his voice and leaning dangerously over the edge, Tech could see now as he looked up through a haze. “For kark’s sake, talk to me.”
“I thought talking too much was my… toxic trait,” Tech mumbled. 
“Not now it isn’t.” The voice was suddenly closer, and he opened his eyes to see Crosshair hovering over him, suspended from a grapple line. “You look horrible.”
“Thank you.”
Crosshair snorted, hooking a second line to Tech’s belt. “You’re welcome.” He called up to the others, and Tech rose towards the bright glow of the ice. 
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idontgetanysleep · 10 months
thanks for the tag @wolffegirlsunite ! <3
1. ride or die ship (your otp): padme x anakin (ik he is toxic as fuck brother!!), or codywan because cute
2. most annoying ship: ahsoka x rex or anakin x rex, i just don’t see them as anything other than like siblings so it freaks me out, also i just can’t see anakin with anyone other than padme because that boy is OBSESSED (sorry if you like these ships they just aren’t my thing)
3. second favourite ship: tech x phee, i’m not even a tech girly but i just absolutely adore their dynamic
4. favourite platonic relationship: AHSOKA AND REX, i love their sibling like relationship sm, a close second is cody and rex they are the besties of the GAR and i love it, also omega and wrecker bc they are adorable
5. underrated ship: obi x satine, bly x aayla
6. overrated ship: reylo
7. one thing i would change in canon: cody being in the kenobi series 😐 (like he was fucking suppose to be!)
8. something canon did right: the entirety of the clone wars, but specifically showing how mistreated clones are and not just brushing it off as “they love war! they were made for it!😃” like how it is in the prequels, i love how the clone wars shows the process of the clones realizing they are more than what they were programmed to do, the whole shifting from clone troopers to storm troopers in tbb is something i also think canon did right because it is so important in the history of the empire, and i love how they are showing a bit of how the clone troopers are helping each other after all these years of just helping their superiors (they are finally fighting for each other!)
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: my wallpapers! specifically the cowboy mando set i just uploaded :) i’m really proud of how they came out
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): rex, cody, jesse, kix, fives, echo, wolffe, hunter, howzer, gregor, mayday, etc…(LITERALLY ANY CLONE, IM NOT KIDDING) but also ahsoka, din djarrin, and chuchi too
11. the character i relate to the most and why: ahsoka probably, just growing up a certain way and realizing it isn’t right and leaving it behind you\having almost no one from that past family listen (that was kinda deep, my b)
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: palpatine, tarkin, that mf that didn’t help mayday, PONG KRELL! i feel like the reasons are obvious
13. something i've learned from the fandom: it’s okay to be entirely invested in star wars! i get a lot of shit for being a die hard star wars fan but then i come on here and feel safe about it :)
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: i don’t have ao3 💔 i read all my fics on here because i love you writers <3
15. a song i strongly associate with my op/favourite character:
favorite character: rex
song: epiphany - taylor swift
no pressure tags! @starrylothcat @arctrooper69 @techorgana @blueink-bluesoul @cloneloverrrrr @dukeoftheblackstar @sunkissedclones @freesia-writes
if you have already participated ignore the tag!
if you want to join in and aren’t tagged pls do! and tag me!
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meltherebel22 · 10 months
Star Wars Tag Game
Tagged by my favorite local Star Wars lesbians @thestarwarslesbian
1. Ride Or Die Ship (Your OTP): Codywan or literally Obi-wan/Clone Troopers
2. Most Annoying Ship: Rexsoka (I see them as siblings, sometimes with Ahsoka being the little sister). Also this is just me but Obitine, they bicker and fight like siblings to me.
3. Second Favorite Ship: Codex or Cody/CCs like Fox, Wolffe, etc.
4. Favorite Platonic Relationship: Plo & Ahsoka or even Plo & every clone (his children), I also like Obi-wan and Quinlan
5. Unrated Ship: Wooley/Cody or Wooley/212st. I’ve since some amazing fanfics of this and it’s incredible, Wooley is literally the baby submissive that sometimes bites back. And also Quinlan/Ventress, I felt like Obi-wan and Bant would kick his ass then accept him.
6. Overrated Ship: I feel like Obitine is kinda overrated bc it’s kind of a toxic relationship. Also Tech/Phee, I don’t really think Tech would be comfortable in any type of romantic relationship but that’s my opinion. And maybe Foxiyo, no hate towards the ship but I just feel like Riyo is gay for some reason, idk.
7. One Thing I Would Change In Canon: Fives dying bc I think he would be sick in TBB and kick ass, I also want Waxer and Boil to return to Numa.
8. Something Canon Did Right: Tales Of The Jedi, I loved seeing Obi-wan and Anakin again. Favorite episode is where Anakin trains Ahsoka against 501st.
9. A Thing I’m Proud Of Creating For The Fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: I guess my fanfiction story called Tiger Lily Hysteria
10. A Character Who Is Prefect To Me (Wouldn’t Change A Thing): I’m stuck between Omega and Cody, also Rex and Ahsoka. I feel like they were made prefectly.
11. The Character I Relate Most To And Why: I felt like I can relate to Tech bc I’m terrible with people and social cues. Also with Obi-wan bc of his kinda toxic relationship with his master Qui-gon, I see it has father & son and I have a bad relationship with my dad.
12. Character(s) I Hate The Most And Why: Everyone hates Krell and so do I bc of obvious reasons and for some reason I just hate Bo-Katan. I can’t tell you why bc I don’t not know why I hate her.
13. Something I’ve Learned From The Fandom: Be a mandalorian, have morals that you can live with, also if you see someone alone within the age range of 0-200 years old, they are free to adopt.
14. Three Tags I Seek Out On Ao3: Hurt Obi-wan or hurt Fox, blind or mute obi-wan. I just really love blind obi-wan fanfics.
15. A Song I Strongly Associate With My OTP/Favorite Character: Children Of Machine By DAGames & CG5. I love it for any clone, imma nerd out about this song now.
Lyrics (These are how I see the lyrics, I’ll show you two verses):
Verse One:
He lives on through us (Jango Fett)
Born from darkness, born from lust (Literally born for war and created by money/lust)
'Cause when we reach the end
We do it all over again (I see it as them willing to die for each other again and again)
Versus Two:
Follow me, we are children of the machine (Literally bc they were made my machines)
Barely human in a city built on broken dreams (Barely human bc they are seen and looked at like replaceable machines. Broken city relates to either Kamino or Coruscant, Kamino is all about money and experiments, Coruscant is literally about money and politics. They both probably had dreams at one point but now they forget how to be people so they are broken dreams)
Follow me, we are children of the machine (Uh, uh-uh, uh-uh)
Barely human in a city built on broken dreams
There is more versus’s and lines I like but these are my top favs. I also like the beat bc it sounds like foot stomps and I just immediately them marching down a hall.
NPT: I’m Really Friends With Anyone But Here & Nobody Will Probably Reply But That’s Okay 👌
@oonaluna-art @mandowords @zinzinina @alamogirl80 @izzyovercoffee @necrophatic @commander-sunshine
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itsagrimm · 3 years
Imperial Tech 7
Tumblr media
I listened to this while writing.
CN smut, masturbation, mentions of apparent suicide, dead body, blood, deadly injuries, soldier life in a fascist state, general disregard for human dignity, getting carried, soldier life in a fascist state, constant surveillance.
How clear can I be that there is nothing good about fascism and living in fascistic totalitarian societies?
2700 words
Imperial!Tech X gn reader called ONCE
Summary: They need to get rid of a body. ONCE is really tired and generally done with the Empire. Tech takes a shower, is a crazy pilot and has an epiphany.
The tiled floor of the refresher room was impeccably clean. Tech locked the door behind him. It was in the middle of the night and unlikely that he would get disturbed in the large communal washing room. But he felt vulnerable without his glasses and wearing those while getting himself clean felt inefficient. He stacked his armour piece by piece on the floor, got out of his blacks and finally placed his glasses on top before stepping under the hot water.
Only then he allowed himself to think.
->sex repulsed reader skip until the next mark <-
ONCE’s sweet taste was still on his tongue. He hummed contently thinking back at their soft muffled moans under his hands, trying to be as silent as possible. Their strong body working under his ministration. Their hazy gaze at him after the orgasm rocked through their body.
Tech knew it had been the right thing not to risk it all and give in to Y/N’s wanting eyes but instead sneaking them back into the bunk room. It just was too dangerous.
But he had wanted it so much like nothing else before.
Tech turned the water as hot as possible to burn away the feeling of longing.
It didn’t help. His wayward mind spiralled back to Y/N. His Y/N.
He felt himself getting hard.
The refresher room was a pleasant, blurred canvas for his fantasies without his glasses. He imagined his Y/N to be here with him. Their patient, strong-willed eyes full of delight.
He gripped his hard member thinking about leaning Y/N against the tilted wall and kneeling at their feet to lick at their core and suck at their clit. It had made them give out these surprised gasps and trembles. After working them open and having them shaking he would lift Y/N up, pressing both their bodies against each other and finally doing what he wanted to do so badly. He imagined their surprised look when he would lower them on his member and press them against the wall.
His strokes became harder and faster.
Oh how he would work to rock them both into oblivion, their breasts wiggling with every push of him into their body. Oh their hands on him, gripping at his shoulders and scratching his skin. Oh their lips kissing and biting and moaning - loud this time.
Oh how Y/N would moan his name.
Hot semen spilled over his hand.
->sex repulsed reader continue reading <-
Tech leaned against the wall, alone.
The hot water ran out and Tech stood under the cold water like an unhappy Wookie in the rain.
He finished washing himself, pushing away his sentimentality. This was the first time he felt like this. Every time he had felt for someone else except his brothers the feeling was fleeting. But Y/N was different.
Yes, it was very much physical attraction. But he wanted more. He wanted all the little laughs and shared memories and caf while working together on the ship at night and playing games while shooting down enemies and reading reports before falling asleep together and patching little injuries and all of the ordinary couple things. Tech could only imagine how nice that would feel. He knew very little outside of the army life but he knew he wanted Y/N with him.
Being alone, despite knowing now that Y/N felt like him, was sobering.
And he was getting cold. Quickly he dried himself, got his glasses and packed his stuff. He needed rest. And then he needed the Empire to do his bidding for once.
ES-03 body was shattered. What’s left of his face down on the dusty yard ground.
“Looks nasty.”, ES-02 commented, “Kriffen Disgusting. Remind me not to jump of a balcony when I get too tired from you all.”
“Will do.” ES-04 replied while covering the body with a blanket. “So, another one?”
“Apparently.” Commander Tech stated while looking down on the ever-present holopad. “Admiral Rapart considers our squad too unstable for now. We will have to make do with a missing member on our next missions.”
ES-02 chuckled. “The Admiral thinks our squad’s third position is cursed.”
“Don’t be ridicules. There is no such thing as a curse, ES-02.” Tech replied sourly.
“Sorry sir.”
He just waved. “The elite squad is tasked to search and capture the former members of clone force 99. So, say your goodbyes or prayers to our lost member and then back your stuff. We are leaving for Kamino in 2 hours standard.”
“Sir, yes sir.” Like one well trained body the Elite squad saluted their commander.
ONCE looked down at ES-03’s body or what was left of him. He died because Tech murdered him. ONCE was not sure how they felt about that. ES-03 had been a danger and if Tech had not … disposed? Was that the right way to put it? Well, if ES-03 had not died last night, ONCE would likely be in custody and on their way to be tortured to death or dead already.
Better him than ONCE but still, the uncomfortable feeling of being responsible for his death stayed.
“Was ES-03 religious?”, ONCE enquired.
“The only thing he was devoted to, was his career. Don’t think we can do much here for him anymore.” ES-04 replied.
They stood in awkward silence, unsure of how to proceed.
“Jap, that’s it then.”ES-02 finally broke the quiet helplessness, saving them all - without cursing this time. It was nearly reverent.
“I will pack ES-03’s stuff. Can you two arrange for his body to be sent to his family?” ONCE asked.
ES-04 just raised his eyebrow. “You think the Empire bothers with sending back bodies?”
“We can’t leave him here on the floor.”
“True. I will try to arrange something.”
ONCE nodded and left for the barracks to pack both ES-03 and their personal stuff.
Inside the stuffed room, they moved mechanically. Clothing of a dead man, clothing of a dead-inside ONCE. Armour of a dead man, getting armour on themselves. Personal items. Personal items.
ES-03’s minimal pack mirrored ONCE small collection of possessions.
A practical, neat pile of stuff.
If ONCE died, would that all be that they left behind too?
Was that all the Empire granted them? When ONCE signed up, they had expected more.
With practised hands they packed up their pile, put it two army issued duffel bags and left the room with their luggage without looking back.
There was a soft knock on the door.
“Come in.” Tech called and looked up from his work.
It was ONCE. He felt his mind slow.
“What can I do for you, ES-01?”
They looked uncomfortable.
“Commander, I packed ES-03’s belongings for transport to his family.”
Surprise crossed Tech face. “I am sorry. The Empires procedure with dead soldiers is to cremate on the site what cannot be reused. There will be no transport. I already notified central command on Coruscant. They will inform the family. That is all.”
ONCE face shadowed with regret.
“That’s it then?”
“That’s it.”
ONCE put down both bags with as much frustration, resignation and finality as one could put in such a move.
Tech’s mind wandered, unsure of what to do while fully aware of the omniscient surveillance of every imperial soldier.
He cleared his throat.
“ONCE, would you like to stay here and just rest a bit? You look like you need it if you don’t mind me saying that.” He was not sure what kind of answer he wished for, having ONCE close or seeing them so distraught in plain sight.
Instead of an answer, ONCE collapsed themselves into sitting position at the next free wall and closed their eyes. Tech smiled with content, happy of the outcome. After what he estimated only a few hours of sleep, ONCE tendencies to regret and overthink emotional implications, the general stress of being in service to the Empire without the advantage of training and genetic modification every clone had, ONCE likely was exhausted.
He reached for his belt pocket and grabbed one of his emergency blankets, tucked the already half asleep ONCE under it and returned to his tasks.
His mind kickstarted again.
What were the most important things he had to consider now?
Keeping ONCE save. Getting the chip out. Finding his brothers.
And then what?
ONCE was as save as anyone could be on an imperial military base.
Moving the squad to Kamino gave him access to all medical equipment he needed to get the chip out and research it.
His brothers sooner or later would turn up, Tech was sure he could detect their movements if he stayed alert enough and checked the galaxy wide GAR comm chatter and holo news. Echo and Crosshair might be able to pull of laying low long enough. But Wrecker sure would not. And Hunter, with his need to be the hero, would not either.
Tech smiled and looked back at the passed out ONCE.
ONCE woke up to the sound of a ship leaving atmosphere. The popping of sound itself catching up to the gravity fighting engines was a hellish noise to wake up to.
“What is happening?!”, ONCE shouted, against all training into the comms.
“Stop adding to the noise! It’s the kriffing ship. The commander wanted to leave as soon as possible so all we got was this trash pile.” ES-02 replied. “Would love to come over for a prayer circle but I do not dare to get out of my seat.”
“And I thought you are the brave one.” ES-04 commented. “The commander carried you here. Said you passed out after all the stress, that’s why you wake up only now.”
“Oh.” ONCE made a mental note to tell Tech he did not need to show off his clone strength by carrying them around all the time.
“So, what are we flying?” ONCE asked after another most dramatic set of popping sounds and screeching protesting metal.
“WE fly into our doom with this. The commander called this bantha shit a Theta class T-2c shuttle, and I kriffing hate it.”
“Looked pretty damaged from the outside too. As if it had been flying through heat a lot.”
ONCE grimaced. Tech apparently really wanted to leave Ryloth and had taken whatever was available.
With a final pop the shuttle made it out of Ryloth’s gravity well.
ES-02 swore a few times. ES-04 just nodded in agreement.
ONCE looked around but found nothing of interest so they got up, took of their helmet and went to the cockpit.
Tech was alone, concentrated on flying and did not turn to check who had entered.
“ONCE.” He just stated as if greeting them.
“How did you know?”
“The other two would not come here without a reason. They do not particularly like me, and it is not in their typical social demeanour to … kiss the ass of superiors.”
ONCE chuckled at Tech’s choice of words and took the seat at the co-pilot panel.
“Thanks for not waking me up, Tech. But I have legs and I am fine with using them.”
He turned his head. “I tried waking you. But I must admit that I wasn’t trying hard. I will do so next time.”
“You think I will pass out from sleep deprivation soon again?”
“Unlikely. We are heading for Kamino as our new home base for the next weeks. It will suffice for our purposes. But I estimate 75% of your foreseeable awake time will be in training sessions or staring at monitors to help finding the former clone force 99.”
“That nearly sounds tame. Except for Kamino itself of course. The Kaminoans have scary eyes.”
“Not only that.”
Something in Techs voice was cold and made ONCE shiver. They knew little about the life’s of the clones before the war. They could only imagine the terror to be created and trained as a product.
“One day, if you want, you can tell me about that.” ONCE said.
“I will.”
They sat in silence. Tech working on the controls and ONCE checking the co-pilot monitors for irregularities or comm messages.
Outside, the maddening blue swirls of hyperspace rushed past them with incomprehensible speed. Inside, there was peace.
Tech ordered a shift change after a few hours of comfortable chatter and even more comfortable silence.
ONCE was happy to leave the co-pilot seat and stretch in what felt like ages while ES-02 and ES-04 took over. It was strange to keep calling them by their numbers and not their names. But ONCE felt little inclination to ask. It felt too personal to know their names when they could day as quickly as the other previous members had.
Back in the passenger lounge Tech started working on some odd-looking device.
“What is it?”
He looked up and considered his words. “This is a very important tool that I have neglected for a while. You will see its purpose soon enough. I am counting on your help when it is done.”
Unsatisfied ONCE just got into their seat and watched Tech working.
His hands were skilful as ever. It was as if he never needed to think before acting. With fast precise movements he worked his long fingers as if he had done so a thousand times. And yet the thing he was working on looked nothing like ONCE had ever seen before. It looked heavy yet small. But that was hard to tell in Tech’s hands with the little scars on it.
ONCE shivered, remembering what these hands could do.
“Are you cold?” Tech asked and adjusted his glasses. “I am reading that your limbs are colder than the core of your body. Would you like me to adjust the ships climate control for you?”
“It’s ok. I can manage.”
He just starred at ONCE. “I know you can. Does not mean you need to. Here take my gloves. I am not wearing them anyway right now. And over there is your bag in case you need another pair of socks.”
“That is very considered.”
ONCE opened their mouth and closed it again, aware of the helmets and the listening devices.
Tech tilted his head in expectation.
“Oh it’s nothing. Just feeling a bit …ah… public. You know what I mean.”
“I see. I will put it on my list of urgent tasks. Unfortunately, every solution in that regard can only be temporarily.”
“You really are a genius, capable to find solution to every problem, Tech. For this problem however there is only one solution.”
“You think so?”
“I am certain.”
Tech’s mind raced. He wanted to move to ONCE, whisper how close to danger their words were and shield them from any possible harm in his arms.
But he could not.
And then it was like a blaster cartridge that had been stuck finally clicking into place. ONCE was right. Every security for ONCE was only going to be temporary. The only real safety they could ever have, was outside of the Empire. Tech felt dumb. For once in his short life, he had been outsmarted. His brothers had bested him, ONCE had bested him. They all had understood far sooner than he had what was happening around him and what had been done too him. Tech put down the tools and the chip-scanner he was building.
With measured breaths he steadied himself before looking at ONCE, oh so clever ONCE. Tech felt a longing like no other for them, breathing in their subtle pleasant smell and feeling his mind wandering off again.
Instead, he just nodded. “You are right. I can’t believe I have not considered that.”
ONCE smiled at him and he felt happiness washing over him like wave and carrying him away.
“You are a busy man, commander.” ONCE winked. “Also, I am using the only advantage I have against your intellect - my out of military experience.”
“Don’t play yourself down. No need to be humble.”
ONCE blushed.
He liked that. Crosshair would have a good answer on what to do now. But Tech never bothered in diversifying his social abilities. He felt utterly lost on what to do know.
A ping on his comm saved his grace.
“Commander?” ES-04’s voice was modulated through the comm’s. “Good news. They have your former sergeant in captivity. What was that traitors name? Hunter?”
Do you like my writing and would like to be tagged? Write me a message.
@darkangel4121 @magisticly-wonderful @gabile18
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