#tell yoshi bedtime story now
steelsponge · 27 days
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Mario drawing a day challenge 5/31.
Concept art for a Yoshi-based game that I, of course, made up.
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Raising A Tello - Year Five
It's far from unexpected to open Donnie's door and find a screen hidden under the covers after bedtime. Especially after Karai went behind their backs and gave him a tablet during their last Mutation Day. When cornered about it, she dismissed him with a casual, "He's a techie, Leo. Let him have his tech.". 
While that is a legitimate observation, it’s not a real reason to offer unlimited tech to a child. Anything Don had was built from his own intelligence and resourcefulness. He'd made a laptop all on his own from books and broken parts. He'd earned the right to use it, and Splinter couldn't very well dictate a device that he'd spent hours crafting by hand. 
This is a different story. Leo knew she had Yoshi pretty darn spoiled, but he's trying to teach Donnie the importance of good habits and proper eyesight- which involves not getting him attached to a device that he sneaks to bed every other night to play with under his blanket. 
And maybe he would make a device of his own someday, but for now...
"Oh, Dee." He hums ominously as he draws the blanket from over his head, readying himself for a light scolding before he removes the tablet from his possession until they can have a real conversation at breakfast.
When he finds a look that's drenched in guilt as the pillow is roughly dragged down to cover the screen, Leo's big brother senses go on high alert. 
"Leo!" He yanks off the earbuds that he must have borrowed from Mikey before Leo swipes the tablet, flicking open the password-free device. "Leo, wait, I-!"
It's a long list of files that seemed vaguely familiar, each one a jumble of letters and numbers.
Leo disconnects the wire, pressing one with a tense frown. He pales as a familiar face pops onto the screen; a voice that had faded from memory ringing brightly through the speakers.
"This is it. Today's the day." A long breath of relief is released as a bright smile reveals a gap. "Project Roboturtle's blueprints are finished and I'm going to start on the body. Thanks to Mikey's creative genius, I have a wide range of new ideas to add to this baby."
He glances at something on the tablet in front of him. "I... Think I'm going to take Leo's advice. Stick with the old AI code..." There's a pause as brown eyes sadden before he looks up. "Maybe I'll be able to do it again. It won't be him, but it can't hurt to try."
Leo stops the video with a shaky hand. An intelligent gaze brimming with life and loss stares back with the renewed inspiration that Leo had helped influence. He'd always felt bad for being part of the reason that they'd lost Metalhead, and when Don had nervously brought the suggestion up years later, Leo had jumped on it. 
He helped whenever he could, eager to show all the support that he neglected previously. 
Roboturtle lays unfinished in the lab.
"Donnie." He makes sure his voice is steady as he addresses the turtle with a bowed head. "What is this?"
"SD card. It has a bunch of videos." He fiddles with his hands. "I- Found them in the lab."
Them. His heart rate picks up. "How many are there?"
Donnie stares at his hands.
"Donnie." An edge enters his voice. These had been here all this time and none of them knew it. How did they forget that? "I want you to tell me where you found these." 
"They're mine." His voice rises a bit as his fingers entwine. "I just wanted to watch them."
"They're not. You know that. That's why you hid them from us." Leo turns off the screen, ignoring the ache deep in his chest. "I can't believe you'd do that." 
"I didn't want you to take them." His younger brother pleads as he looks up. "Please, they're mine. I made them! That's me!"
"No." Leo feels along the edge and then presses down. The SD card comes out easily. "I can't let you keep this."
"But it's mine!" Fury and desperation mix in his expression. "You can't do that!"
"Watch me." Leo shoves it in a belt pocket and then holds up the tablet. "And you're losing this too until you show me where the rest of them are."
"That's not fair!"
"It's plenty fair." Leo narrows his eyes. "They don't belong to you."
"They don't belong to you either!"
"Maybe not." His hand tightens around the stupid tablet that he should never have allowed Donnie to have in the first place. "But that doesn't give you the right. I should have known you were too young for this responsibility."
"You're not listening-!"
"We trusted you!" Leo snaps. "We trusted you, Donnie! Don't act like I'm the villain!"  
"This is why!" Donnie practically screams, fingers digging into the bed. "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd be mean and now you're being mean and it's not fair because it's mine!" 
"They are not!"
"They are!"
"Would you stop-"
"That's me!"
Donnie flinches and the room light flicks on. "Leo?" 
Leo faces the floor, grinding down on his teeth and taking a moment to collect himself. He breathes out and looks up. "Sorry, Mike. Didn't mean to get loud."
"No big." He steps in with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "What's going on?"
"Donnie..." Leo glances at him pensively and realizes that he isn't even bothering to face him anymore, body turned away and curled in on itself, facing the wall away from them. Leo's patience snaps. "Nothing. Something to deal with in the morning. Hamato Donnie, I better come back and find you asleep or you'll be permanently kissing this goodbye." 
Without another word, Leo storms from the bedroom, refusing to acknowledge the other turtle that they must have woken up as he heads to the kitchen. He shoves the problematic tablet into the highest shelf. 
He flings the curtains as he exits, planning to head to the dojo to blow off some steam, only to practically slam into a brother.
Leo steps back in exasperation. "What?"
Raph narrows his gaze. "What'd you do?"
"I didn't do anything," Leo growls as he shoves past. "How about you go interrogate the little liar?" 
"Stop it." Raph grabs his arm. Leo refuses to look at him. "What'd he do?"
"Let's not act like I won't hear the whole story in some big lecture tomorrow." Raph tightens his grip to keep the eldest in place. "When Donnie is red face and yelling, what do you always say?"
"I'm not in the mood-" 
"Didn't ask."
"Raphael, would you just-!" 
"What do you say?!" 
Leo sucks in a deep breath, holds it for a few beats, and then releases it. He continues steadying his breathing until his heart rate settles and the urge to maul something dissipates. The anger is still buzzing under his skin and pressing down on his chest, but it's a bit more manageable. 
Raph seems to reach the same conclusion. 
He releases his arm. "Great. Okay. Run down. Now." 
Leo opens and closes his hands, letting out a final sigh. "Remember those records Don used to take?" Raph frowns in thought. "Talking about his inventions and blueprints and all kinds of other stuff he'd rather talk to a screen about than us?"
"Yeah, 'cause we couldn't understand half of it." Raph huffs with a tinge of amusement. Leo gives him a sharp look as it starts to dawn on him. "Wait, did- did Donnie find those?"
"He's been watching them behind our backs." Leo stops leaning his weight away when he realizes that Raph has every intention of having this conversation. "He won't tell me where the others are. Says they're his."
"They kinda are." Raph shrugs half-heartedly. "He just doesn't remember making them."
"They're not." Leo challenges fiercely. "Whatever happened to 'different turtle, different kid' and 'can't make him Don 'cause he's his own turtle'?"
"And I stand by that 'cause it's true." Raph scowls. "But treatin' him like this Donnie doesn't mean we ignore that he was also Don."
"I'm not ignoring that! It's just-" Leo cuts himself off, trying desperately to put the reality into words. "Don't you hear the way he talks sometimes? Like, when he talks about Don? It's constantly I made or I did or straight-up claiming Don's stuff as his! He didn't do those things! Any of them! He's not in those stories! This wasn't him." 
"We know that, but he's five." Raph crosses his arms. "He's still figuring things out. It took us forever. Gonna take him some time too. Most kids don't grow up hearing stories about themselves." 
"I know!" Leo throws up his hands. "Of course, I know that!" 
"Then what is the big deal?" 
"I don't know!" 
"Not good enough!" Raph growls. "You can't wake up the entire lair screaming at our little brother for no reason!"
"I was not screaming and there was a good reason! He was going behind our backs!"
"You were! And he's a kid! He's gonna mess up!" Raph jabs a finger at his plastron. "But I've heard you lecture him enough time to know you know that. So what's. Your. Problem?" 
"Why do I always have to be the bad guy?" 
"You're not always the bad guy, but you are acting like a total jerk!" Raph shoves him. "Now man up and give me a good reason or I'm giving that tablet back!" 
"We talked about undermining me-!"
"And we talked about not screaming at Donnie but here you are not taking your own advice!"
"He yelled first!"
Leo snaps his mouth shut, heart pounding against his ribs and adrenaline coursing through his veins. He doesn't know why he's madly struggling against a flight-or-flight instinct, but he plants his feet, forcing himself to stay put.
Raph stares him down. "One day he's gonna look like Don. He's gonna talk like Don. He's gonna invent and ramble and even yell like Don. And you can't be mad at him for that."
"I wasn't-" 
"Would you just let me be right for once?!" 
Leo looks away. 
The hothead scowls. "Look, I get it. Sometimes I can't look at the picture in the dojo 'cause he'll be meditating with you and- and he's right there, but it feels- it feels like- I dunno, like Splinter." Raph gestures uselessly at nothing and then heaves a heavy sigh. "I get it. I hate it. But I can't be mad at him. That's not fair. He's just as confused as me and you." 
Leo blinks away the collecting moisture. "He went behind my back." 
Raph raises an eye ridge. "You ever think he might have a reason for that? He figured out Splinter all on his own. And you know how we handled it?"
Leo's heart sinks. "Yelled." 
"Yeah." Raph lowers his hands. 
A beat of silence passes between them. 
"...He's a smart kid. He'll figure this out."
"I know."
"Do you?"
Leo swallows a mixture of emotions. "I'm a bad brother." 
"You messed up." Raph rebukes. "So fix it." 
Leo looks towards the bedrooms and Raph shakes his head. "Tomorrow. You gotta shake yourself off. Let Mikey do damage control." He hesitates and admits. "Don't think the squirt will want to talk to you anyway." 
Leo's shoulders slump and Raph lightly hits one, trying to offer some comfort. "Get some sleep."
"Night Raph." 
He watches his younger brother head back to the bedrooms and lets out a long sigh, turning back for the kitchen. He swishes the curtain and plops on an island chair. After a long moment of staring blankly at the island, he gets out his t-phone and the SD card. 
He flips it between his fingers, stomach churning in an emotion that he can't quite describe. 
He puts it in, takes a deep breath, and presses play. 
It's hard to avoid anyone in a home as small as theirs, so self-seclusion is the only way to successfully never interact with whoever is upsetting them. When Donnie doesn't show up for breakfast or lunch, Leo knows he has to do something before his younger brother's reluctance to conflict drives him to starve himself.
So he orders his younger brother's favorite pizza, swallows his pride, and heads to his bedroom.
"Dee? You hungry?"
His younger brother is curled around the teddy propped in his lap, duck-taped chest mostly covered by a comfy purple t-shirt with a science beaker bubbling over. He doesn't say anything in response to Leo's call, mutely staring through the words in the textbook in front of him. 
Leo lets another minute tick by. "...I just want to talk, little brother."
Another beat of silence and then a timid, "No yelling?"
"No yelling." He swears as he enters the premises, sitting down on the bed next to him. He closes the textbook that Donnie clearly isn't reading anyway, and sets the pizza down in its place. Donnie lets the bear sag in order to grab an offered slice.
Leo sighs when he refuses to look up. "Look, Donnie, I shouldn't have... Reacted the way I did last night. It wasn't fair and... Maybe a little mean."
Donnie swallows. "Yeah."
"But- you know I wasn't trying to be mean, right?"
"You just- you can't take things that aren't yours, especially when you know you might get in trouble for it. It's dishonest and I expect better. You can't be going behind my back like that."
"Okay." Donnie takes another bite.
One-word answers. Leo can tell he's not really listening. Frustration spikes and he feels his fingers tighten on his lap, nails digging into skin, but he allows himself a moment to think before speaking. He breathes in slowly, manually loosening his fingers until they're flat against his thigh, and then lets it out.
He looks back to his younger brother, voice even, "Can you tell me what's on your mind?"
More silence stretches. Leo waits it out.
"I'm mad at you." There's a defeated finality to the bitterness. He bites into the cheesy crust and stares down at his plate. "You won't listen."
Leo hesitates on an answer. He knows that Donnie doesn't have much of a right to be mad. He's the entire reason this situation came to be.
Yeah, Leo scolded him, but only because he disobeyed. And maybe he raised his voice, but it wasn't like Donnie was being receptive! He heard all of his excuses, but that doesn't mean this is excusable. He should know better than this kind of dishonesty. It's unacceptable! What's so hard to understand?
And yet, if he comes down on him for admitting his perspective and feelings, Donnie will only duck further out of this and future hard discussions. How does one get through to a five-year-old that his judgment sucks?
Leo sighs. "I'm sorry."
The statement leaves an off taste on his tongue, but he knows that the best way to reach a disgruntled brother is a bit of humility. "I did more talking over you than I did listening to you last night, didn't I?"
Donnie nods, peeking sideways at him. Leo offers a small smile, "We can try the conversation again, if you want. Different this time. With us both listening."
His younger brother frowns, swallowing down the last of the slice. "I was listening."
"Were you?" Leo tries to hold back the bite. "Kinda seems like you were doing a good amount of talking over me too."
"You were angry 'cause I lied." Donnie states, voice stronger, the plate forgotten. "And it squished your corazon and that hurt."
These are obviously Mikey's words, but Leo lets it slide. Donnie wasn't the only brother who needed an outside perspective. "Donnie, I was upset because those weren't yours."
"They were!" Leo opens and shuts his mouth before he can give in to the knee-jerk reaction to correct him. "That's me. I'm not that big yet; I know- but I'll look like him and talk like him- he's me, just when I get bigger! That's the me I'm gonna be, Leo! I just wanna get him right!"
Leo's eyes widen. "No- no, Donnie, that's not-"
He knew it- he knew this would happen- he knew-
He struggles with the new panic until he can get it settled, trying not to look at the earnest eyes of his younger brother who can't possibly understand how impossible that is. 
He tries again, "Donnie, you can't-"
His voice falters and he gives up, pushing the pizza to the side and holding out his arms. His younger brother's brows furrow, but he releases the bear to crawl forward, allowing Leo to scoop him into his lap.
Leo takes a calculated breath to calm his nerves. He feels the shifting of his brother as he gets himself comfortable- the present brother- his baby brother- the brother who might spend his entire life tearing himself apart trying to be someone who can't exist again- and blames the stinging of his eyes on the lack of sleep from the late night.
He waits till Donnie relaxes to mutter, "I don't want you to be him."
"What?" Donnie scans his expression with wide eyes. "But Don-"
"He's gone. And we're okay with that." Leo ignores the way his voice shakes. "He was someone else. He's Donatello, Don, and we loved him. And you're Donnie, our little Dee, and we love you too. We love you for different reasons, because of different things."
Donnie frowns skeptically. Leo hesitates, "Don never liked Space Heroes, you know that?"
"Really?" He gawks. "Not even Dr. Mindstrong?"
"Not even him." Leo vaguely recalls his irritation and disappointment, but it overlaps with clearer memories of laughter and fondness. "But we never miss an episode. And I've loved sharing it with you."
He gives that a moment to sink in, releasing his grip. "Do you think you're going to hate it tomorrow? Or in a year? Wake up and never want to watch it again?"
"No." He sounds almost offended. Leo tilts his head, "Then how can you be the same?"
Donnie stares at his plastron in deep thought. "But... But, he's- we're-"
"You look the same. Maybe you have the same interests. But that doesn't make you the same." Leo urges carefully, trying to make sure the message sticks. "And you don't have to be the same. Never. We love you how you are now. As Donnie."
Donnie leans against him. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." Leo squeezes gently.
"Even if Donnie is a liar?"
He huffs a laugh at the serious tone. "Yeah, well, then we might have a couple lectures lined up in our future, but I'd hope that this will be the last time you feel the need to lie." Leo studies the guilty face. "I don't like lies among family, Dee. You should be able to trust me."
"I didn't want to make you mad," Donnie admits. "I was only gonna watch one, but then- then Don was really interesting and-and smart an- and I just wanted to see more."
"I get that." Leo concedes, because he does, in a way. It had been hard for him to detach from the memories that came with every word of a past brother. "And I know this subject is delicate. And that you're used to it having... Bad results, when brought up... But when I say no, you have to trust that there's a good reason. Even if I seem mean."
His face scrunches. "I don't like when you're mean."
Leo scoffs and sets him back on the bed. "I gathered. Trust me, I'll work on it."
"And I'll work on it for not lying." Donnie decides as he gets to his feet. "And then no one ever has to be not listened to or mad."
"Sounds like a plan." Leo smiles and holds out his fist. Donnie bops it and they both vocalize explosions. His younger brother goes for the plate and Leo gets to his feet. "How about we head to the kitchen? There's more box to finish... If Mikey hasn't already gotten to it."
His youngest brother gasps. "Noooo- my pizza!"
He darts for the door and Leo watches him go, deciding to continue the conversations about the tablet and the rest of the missing cards later. He needs practice with this whole listening thing, but he'll work on it.
"I don't see your name!"
A loud squeal and laughter cut off the cry for help. Leo rolls his eyes and smiles fondly, switching off the light to head for the kitchen. 
Looks like they're going to need another pizza order...
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myfishei · 3 years
tell yoshi bedtime story now
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5 notes · View notes
angst-king · 3 years
I wont surrender to the pain pt1
(this is a different ship Shindeku in a future gen 2 AU, this AU will contain my favorite side ships and some of their kids but this story will be more centered around Shindeku’s family and their daughter)) They never expected to have a family like this, but they were so happy and wouldn’t trade it for the world. Just the day before Izuku had talked to Hitoshi. “Babe, would you ever want a daughter?” Hitoshi had gotten into bed with Izuku and had his arms wrapped around him. Hearing the question he shrugged. “It wouldn’t matter to me, though we do have a lot of boys, I wouldn’t mind if we had a daughter. Though if she decides she wants to be something else later on, that’s fine with me.” Izuku nods listening to his husband’s statement, he lays on his chest, looking into those beautiful lilac eyes. “I totally agree. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the system will call us or we could go out and check some orphanages or something sometime.” He says with a dreamy, sleepy smile on his face as he gives Hitoshi a kiss.
Today Izuku was coming off of work when he got a phone call from a hospital Izuku was familiar
with. “Hello” “Hi Izuku this is Aki” Izuku smiles when he hears her voice “Oh hi Aki, what’s up how’s work?” “It's good, I’ve got some news for you.” Raising a brow, Izuku asked back “what is it?” “Well we recently got a little baby girl, she was surrendered to us by her parents who are legally unfit to care for her and well. I know how much you like to take in anyone you can and thought you and Hitoshi would like to come and see her. Maybe even bring the boys?” Izuku seemed rather surprised that this had come up, he truly didn’t wanna miss this opportunity either! “Alright thank you Aki, I’m gonna talk to Hitoshi about this and then I’ll call you when I can.” He promises as he’s getting closer to home while he walks his way down the street. 
Stepping into the house he announces his presence and slips his shoes off. “I’m home!” And quickly three boys come running, well toddling. “Daddy! Daddy!” He grins widely seeing his little ones so happy to see him with his husband padding quietly behind them in case one of them falls on their face. Reaching down he picks all three of them up, they all giggled and nuzzled him softly. “Hi you three, how are you? Did you have fun with dadda?” He asked while kissing each of them on the forehead. “Yeah we had lots of fun daddy!” Spoke Yoshikori who was the eldest, right now he was four and his two younger siblings were both two. “Oooh what movie did you boys watch?” “Pawanomin!” Azuki says proudly while his younger twin was laying on Izuku’s chest. Izuku chuckles “Well I’m glad you three had a fun day with Dadda, now why don’t you three get ready for bed it's getting late for you three.” Azuki pouts at him, he didn’t like bedtime much at all. Izuku sees this “will you settle for one of us reading you a story before bed?” Azuki seemed to be thinking for a minute but had quickly made up his mind and agreed. So shinsou took Yoshi to his room to get ready for bed, while Izuku took the twins to their own bedroom.
Once all three boys were ready, they corralled in the twin’s room since it was easier than trying to move them from another room and then into their beds. Hitoshi had brought a book for them, they all got comfortable as Hitoshi read them a story. Izuku loved the way his husband read, he had a good pace, had a good tone and way of voicing characters. The kiddos began to yawn and curl up in their spots which Izuku Hitoshi pretended not to notice until Azuki, Shun, and Yoshikori were fast asleep. Closing the story book, Shinsou gingerly picked up Yoshikori and carried him off to bed, as Izuku put the twins into their own beds which were quite easy.
After the boys were tucked in with soft kisses to their cheeks, the two adults snuck out to their bedroom. While Izuku changed out of his hero clothes and into some casual pajama bottoms, Shinsou had done the same from his day clothes. Then Izuku remembered what he needed to talk to Hitoshi about. “Ah Toshi, I got a call from Aki.” Sitting on the bed Hitoshi looked over at him. “Ah your nurse friend?” Izuku nods while coming over to him. “She called to tell me that they have a little baby girl who was surrendered to them by her unfit parents. She asked if we’d like to come and see her?” Hitoshi smiled knowing his husband had a thing for kids who needed a home, and being someone who came from a familiar background and was adopted by two pro heroes. He couldn’t resist the idea either, hence why they only had one biological kid which was Yoshikori, Azuki and Shun had been adopted as babies, they were adopted at 6 months due to losing their single mother to a villain. Izuku and Hitoshi felt bad enough to honor the dying mother’s wish. She’d asked them to take her children, to which they did and have no regrets. “Izuku….”  Izuku looked into gentle lavender eyes. “Yes Hitoshi?” “can we meet her before we bring the boys?” “sure we can love” Hitoshi gives his green haired lover a kiss “we talked about this only a few days ago and now it's being offered to us.” Izuku sat in Hitoshi’s lap and laid into his frame as those two strong arms wrapped around his own body. “I know, I’m so glad we’re able to do this.. We even have a couple of rooms left anyway so we won't have to move, and we won't have to fill out paperwork.” Nuzzling his cheek Izuku gave a small delighted hum into the insomniac’s ear.
Izuku had made a few phone calls to make arrangements for Hitoshi and him to go and see the baby. The boys were with their grandpas and Izuku and Hitoshi were driving their way to the hospital. The drive wasn’t long but they did have to try and be a little secretive knowing how the media could be. Arriving at the hospital they held onto each other’s hand and went up to the front desk where a woman with brown hair, and blue eyes and was a tad short stood. 
“Aki?” The woman turned to the couple and smiled putting down her papers. “Ah hey guys, glad to see ya, alright follow me and I’ll bring you to her.” She says as she comes out from behind the desk with a glimmering smile that holds warmth despite the coldness of the hospital. The men nod and follow the short woman towards an elevator, she presses the up button and when the door opens, they go inside. The wait was just as short as the trip, and they arrived on the nicu floor.
 The floor was quite clean just like every other floor, and it had plenty of nurses and doctors hustling around. She brings them to a small room that was big enough to hold machines and a few other people in there as well as the patient themself who was placed into a capsule-like bed with rings that allowed for hands to go through and be in contact with the baby. Inside was a little baby, she laying on her back with plenty of wires, diapered with a pink and grey beanie, and an anklet hospital band. “This is her”
The infant squirms a little before opening her eyes, big shining silver eyes peer up at Izuku and Shinsou. She smiles at them raising her arms up towards them moving her legs as if wanting them to pick her up. Hearts melting as they watch this, Hitoshi asked “c-can we use these?” He gestures towards the arm entrances, Aki giggles as Hitoshi’s eyes soften with care towards the baby. “Sure, though be gentle with her, we need to keep the stickers on her to monitor her vitals.” Aki requests which Hitoshi nods and gently pushes his hand through the slots of the incubator. He’s cautious as if this being will shatter to a  million pieces if he makes a wrong move. His hands dance slowly feeling her soft skin around the wires, one of his fingers is grabbed by a tiny chubby hand. She’s looking at him, those big silver eyes are gleaming back at him with joy as she makes gibberish sounds at him he replies back. “Hi there lil one, you’re so cute” His voice is sweet, slow and hushed. Another trait Hitoshi had, patience and a gentleness not many people expected him to have.
The baby giggles as she is still holding onto his finger which he wiggled a little to her amusement. Izuki watches this while asking Aki. “So does she have a name?” Aki shakes her head “No not yet,we were thinking about naming her...do you guys have any suggestions?”  Then Hitoshi replied “Kishikimi” softly which the little one happily squeals at. “Kishikimi? Where’d you get that name?” Asked Aki “doesn’t that translate to ‘knight?’” Izuku smiles at his husband with fondness. “She’s gonna be strong, I can tell. She’ll be strong like a knight.” Commented the number one hero who giggles at the baby’s reactions. 
 This was how they met their now daughter Kishikimi, it was only a few months that they’d brought her home. The boys were actually quite happy to have a baby sister, it took some getting used to but, the boys were willing to help.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
ay I have an ikesen matchup, please? I’m an asexual cis girl who leans to boys. Yet, shy around them. Lacking some experience with general things. So I tend to be obvious. Sometimes sarcastic and bold, but with an innocent mindset. Since most dirty jokes fly over my head and I think some people mean well. Though being a little sensitive and may cry.
I’ve been told I can get lost in my own world. I’m a tan brown girl with dark brown curly hair. A petite figure, 5'6. I have a girly, pastel free attire. I love vintage things, post-rock, jazz songs. I love to draw and express myself through art. My dream is to become an illustrator or cartoonist. Including my love for stuff animals, Grimm brother tales.
Hi hi Love! 🌻❤Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy it and i hope you have the best day! Also sorry for taking soooooo long! ❤❤🌻
So I match you with…………. Hideyoshi
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The first time you arrived at the castle, Hideyoshi did not trust you one bit. He watched you like a hawk from day one. He didn’t like it when strangers got so close to his lord. 
You kept your head down and worked hard, and all the maids and castle staff really adored you. You were so sweet and kind, like a little rabbit. Even Nobunaga had taken a liking to you, and as classic standard procedure for him, he invited you up to his room that night. When Mamabear heard that Nobunaga has called you to his room, Hidemama, was on high alert. He and Mitsuhide had followed you as you made your way to Nobunaga’s room. They hid in the shadows, and when you finally entered their lord’s room, they placed their ears against the door ready to burst into the room at a seconds notice. 
You shyly made your way up the stairs into Nobu’s room, you hadn’t seen him since he named you as, princess. It wasn't even 3 second into the conversations when he, made a pass at you, about wanting you to warm his bed for the night. A comment which mind you, flew right over your head. Your mind was so innocent and pure, and this boy legit had to explain his intentions to you, which left you blushing. You very kindly told him that you were not that kind of girl, “Fine then fireball, but I still expect you to entertain me somehow.” You were curious as to why someone so busy was still awake so late, and that’s when he told you that he struggles to fall asleep. You gave him a gentle smile and said that you knew a few tips and tricks that could help.
You told him to lay down in his futon, he did as you asked with the most amused glint in his crimson eyes. You then tucked him in and started playing with his hair. “You are treating me like a child, fireball.” You gave him another one of your gentle smiles, you couldn’t help but make a sarcastic comeback to his comment. Nobunaga simply smirked up at you, especially after you mentioned that you were going to tell him a bedtime story. You knew so many stories thanks to your love of the brothers Grimm tales. By the end of your story, Nobunaga’s breath had evened out, and he was now fast asleep. 
Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide knew that if you were to do something, now would be the ideal opportunity. They strained their ears to hear what you were saying. You looked down at the sleeping man’s face and smiled, “Here is one more thing to make sure you sleep soundly.” When Hideyoshi heard you say those words, he opened the door to peek inside the room, it sounded like you were going to kill him. He was shook when you kissed the man’s forehead and stood up, extinguishing the candles. Hideyoshi is that moment realized he had majorly misjudged you, you weren’t an assassin, you were just an extremely kind sweet girl.
The next morning you woke up to your room that was filled to the brim with clothes, flowers and little trinkets. You were super confused, even more so when Hideyoshi had entered into your room carrying a tray of breakfast and a sunshine smile. You had to do a bit of a double-take cause you have never seen anything other than a scowl coming from Hideyoshi. “Oooh good you're awake, I brought you some breakfast, and I came to apologize for the horrible way I’ve been treating you.” He then bowed down super low to you. Honestly, it all felt like one big dream.
Hideyoshi then invited you out to the markets where he absolutely insisted on buying you even more gifts, to make up for his mistakes. You had come to really enjoy this new side of Yoshi, he was super sweet and kind, like a protective older brother
Since then every spare moment he got, he would spend with you. The two of you loved going out for tea together or just browsing the markets. When Hideyoshi had discovered that you enjoyed jazz music he would take you to any and every jazz performance he could find. He would usually make up a picnic basket, filled with delicious snacks and then surprise you with an outdoor picnic concert. The two of you would then sit and enjoy some good food, and music together.
Hideyoshi loved spending time with you, and the more time the two of you spent together, the more and more he found himself falling hopelessly in love with you. He loved your sweet, pure, innocent mind. You were honestly like the female version of his sweet angelic vassal. Who like you was blissfully unaware of Mitsuhide and Masamune’s dirty jokes and minds. 
He also enjoyed watching your bold, sarcastic side come out. It would usually happen when he would confront Mitsuhide. In the midst of his arguments with the snek, you would be right there by Hideyoshi’s side, backing him up. Firing sarcastic comebacks at Mitsuhide whenever he gets on Hideyoshi’s nerves, or evades Hidemama’s questions with sarcastic remarks.
Hideyoshi also loves that you love animals. This boys heart melts into a puddle of goo whenever he sees you playing with Uri, his pet monkey. He will stand in the doorway, beaming with pure happiness at the sight of his two beloved girls spending time together. It was then when Hideyoshi started to make plans to confess his love for you. This doting mother is a hopeless romantic so its, go big or go home when it comes to love.
That morning you woke up to a little not resting next to your pillow, the note contained instructions to a game. You smiled as you solved the small riddle at the bottom of the page leading you to the next clue. After running around the castle solving all sorts of little puzzles, the final note led you to Hideyoshi’s manor. You open the main door to see a path of rose petals leading you outside. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight, Hideyoshi standing in front of a candlelit dinner in the middle of his garden. Honestly, the best part was that he had dressed little Uri up like a waiter, who gave you a single red rose and the final note with the words sprawled across the page, “I love you.”
The two of you made the sweetest couple. Hideyoshi loved everything about you from your loving, kind heart to your sarcastic, bold side. He loved it when you would doodle small cartoon pictures on the napkins during your tea dates. He loved the beautiful art pieces that you would create, they expressed so much emotion and always left him breathless. He would proudly display all your art around the manor. 
When you had told him your dream of becoming a cartoonist and illustrator, he was ecstatic and was determined to help you make that dream come true, even though you were now stuck in the past. Yoshi introduced some of your drawings to Nobunaga, who loved your illustrations so much that he commissioned you to start writing children’s books, to inspire the young minds to follow their dreams. And although Nobunaga would never admit it, he loves reading your children’s books at night, as they to help calm his cluttered mind enough for him to fall asleep.
Hideyoshi knows what a soft sensitive soul you are, and is always by your side to protect you against anyone or anything. If you are feeling low or sad, he would gather you in his strong arms and whispers words of love in your ears. Honestly, this man will shower you with love and affection from dusk to dawn. He absolutely loves to dote on you so, expect to be pampered like the sweet princess you are, cause this man WILL spoil you.
Yoshi loves to sit behind you with his arms circled around your waist and his chin propped up resting on your shoulder, as you draw your latest illustrations. He could spend hours just watching you bring the most beautiful and creative drawings and cartoons to life. 
Don’t be surprised if he occasionally drops a few sweet kisses on your shoulder or cheek as you work. He will 100% brag about your work to everyone in the castle after you are done. He is your biggest cheerleader, and he loves everything you do.
Often the two of you cuties can be found simply holding hands in the teahouse, chatting away about everything and anything.
Other potential matches………….. Kennyo  
I hope you enjoyed it and i hope you have a super good day! 🌻😳🐇@daydreamerneko123
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thecomicsnexus · 4 years
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It’s bedtime and a child asks his father to tell him a story. The father says that he’s going to hear the last Ninja Turtles story, for after this one is told, he’ll have heard them all.
At a temple in the heart of a lost jungle, the Shredder stands before a pile of his own dead Foot Soldiers, slain by an army of tribal warriors. Shredder orders the tribal chieftain to hand over the Green Talisman, but the chieftain sends his warriors to kill the Shredder, instead. The Shredder fights his way through the warriors, eventually killing them all and the chieftain as well. He then scales the temple and snags the Green Talisman (which looks like a third of a Zodiac calendar).
In New York City, Raph is busy pummeling punks, trying to dig up information the Green Talisman of the Thirteenth House, but none of the scumbags know what he’s talking about. Raph returns to the sewer lair empty handed, though Splinter tells him not to feel too dejected. Few know of the 13th sign of the Zodiac, the Turtle, whose year comes only once in a millennium (this happens to be that year). The other Turtles are busy digging up info on the Talismans in their own fashion (at Splinter's behest, as the stars are aligning and time is short). Don searches the net, but comes up with nothing. Leonardo strikes gold in an old parchment, learning that one of the Talisman’s is in Tibet. Mikey, while goofing off and watching a TV ad for the “Mighty Mecha Power Raiders” stage show at the Radio City Music Hall, notices that the White Raider is using one of the Talisman’s for a belt buckle! The Turtles race off to Radio City, though Don quickly updates his friends on the net with their latest find.
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Unfortunately, one of those “friends” is Cyberius, a hacker working for the Shredder. Cyberius traces the modem (that Don stupidly left on in his haste) and finds the whereabouts of the Turtles’ secret lair. Shredder dispatches his henchmen (Cyberius, T.K.O. and Psonic) to Radio City to intercept the Talisman, while he heads to the Turtles’ lair alone.
At Radio City, April O’Neil and Oyuki are covering the Power Raiders’ stage show when the Turtles come barging through the crowd. Leo demands that Timmy the White Raider hand over the Talisman, but he refuses. The Turtles beat the stuffing out of the Power Raiders with ease, mocking their lack of martial arts skill. The White Raider, however, succeeds in summoning the mystical energies within the Talisman and begins pummeling the Turtles all on his own.
Meanwhile, the Shredder infiltrates the lair and attacks Splinter. Splinter puts up a good fight, but the Talisman has made the Shredder too powerful. Channeling the mystical energy into his gauntlet, he stabs Splinter through the chest. Before finishing his old foe off, Shredder is distracted by the sight of the parchment. Reading it, he learns the location of the third and final Talisman. When Shredder looks back, though, Splinter has vanished. Shredder mocks his enemy for hiding and vows that, once he has all three Talismans, he will use their immense power to conquer the world.
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At Radio City, the White Raider proves too much for Leo, the only Turtle left standing. Using his wits, Leo slices off the White Raider’s belt, separating him from the Talisman (and hsi pants). While Leo is busy knocking the simpering Power Raider out, however, T.K.O. succeeds in covertly using her telekinetic powers to levitate the talisman into her hands. The three henchmen then disappear, leaving the Turtles to wonder where the Talisman went.
Having failed their mission (and pissed off a lot of Power Raiders fans), the Turtles return to their lair, only to find the place trashed. Their immediate concern is for Splinter, but he steps out of the shadows, none the worse for wear. As a matter of fact, he feels better than ever: The mystical energies of the Talisman have returned him back to his human form as Hamato Yoshi!
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The father tells his son that it’s getting late and he’ll have to hear the rest of the story another night. The child wishes his dad good night and as the father steps over to the lamp to turn it off, the light reveals him to be Hamato Yoshi (whom the child addresses as “Splinter”).
Entering his son’s room at bedtime, Hamato Yoshi is horrified to find that all the furniture and blankets have been used to build a fort (or as Yoshi calls it, a “mess”). Yoshi tells his son that after he hears tonight’s story, he has to clean up his room.
Traveling to the Himalayas, the Turtles and Hamato Yoshi make it to the hidden temple that houses the last Green Talisman. Yoshi elects to stay behind, still getting used to his human form, and the Turtles infiltrate the temple (guarded by the Killer Monks) by themselves. Unbeknownst to them, brother and sister team T.K.O. and Psonic have already made it in using the maps Shredder stole from the Turtles’ lair. Hearing a group of Killer Monks coming down the hallway, T.K.O. uses her telekinetic powers to levitate them to the ceiling, while Psonic creates an energy keytar and plays some “null sound” to mask their noise from the guards. They then find the main entrance to the Talisman’s chamber, but T.K.O. reads the map and tells Psonic it’s booby-trapped. They then take a detour to a secret entrance.
In the warring Kyrranian Desert of the Middle East, Cyberius shows Shredder a vast battleground where two enemy nations are doing battle. Cyberius tells Shredder that according to his calculations, the alignment will occur in this exact spot… though it needs to be cleared of debris. Uniting his two fragments of the Green Talisman, Shredder channels the awesome energy through his body and handily wipes out both armies.
At the temple, Don finds the main entrance to the Talisman’s chamber, but is unaware of the booby-traps. The Turtles all fall into various deadly pits, but use their wits and skill to escape death. They arrive in the chamber, but before they can secure the Talisman, T.K.O. levitates it into her clutches. Psonic then forms several energy instruments and hits the Turtles with sonic attacks, blowing a hole through the side of the temple. T.K.O. levitates herself and her brother to safety as the Killer Monks descend upon the Turtles.
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Mikey and Leo recede into their shells and Don and Raph use them as makeshift snowboards to sled down the side of the mountain. The Killer Monks give chase, at least until Psonic uses an energy guitar to cause an avalanche. The flood of snow eventually catches and buries the Turtles. T.K.O. lets her telekinetic forcefield down, thinking the Turtles dead, but Mike pops out of the snow and hits the bad guys with snowballs. T.K.O. drops the Talisman and both she and Mike race to snatch it up. They touch it at the same time and cause the confused mystical energies (only supposed to be accessed by one individual at a time) to explode.
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The explosion frees the other three Turtles from the snow and they find T.K.O. and Psonic knocked out. As Don recovers the Talisman, Leo makes a horrible discovery. Just as the mystical energy had reverted Splinter’s mutation, returning him to his human form, the energies reverted Mikey’s mutation… turning him back into a baby turtle.
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Yoshi declares that his son has heard enough story for one night; he’ll hear the conclusion tomorrow. Leaving, he tells his son he won’t hear it, however, until he has cleaned up his room.
Hamato Yoshi enters his son’s bedroom and commends him on cleaning the mess up. The son admits he actually just swept everything under the bed. Yoshi reminds him that in his haste to remove the clutter, he accidentally included something of great value: the Green Talisman. The son asks Yoshi if his toy talisman is actually THE talisman and Yoshi decides to finish the story.
In Tibet, Yoshi is busy training his new/old human body to get his chi aligned when suddenly he has a terrible premonition that his students are in danger. Yoshi immediately rushes to their aid.
At the crater, Leo plucks up Michaelangelo (now reverted back to a normal turtle by the powers of the Green Talisman) while Raph knocks Psonic out cold. T.K.O. attempts to hover the Talisman into her clutches using her telekinesis, but Yoshi arrives just in the nick of time to conk her out. Leo shows Mikey to Yoshi and the sensei fears that the only way to restore him is to use the power of the completed Green Talisman during the celestial alignment. Don rifles through Psonic’s pockets and finds his teleportation remote. He decides to hack it and use it to send them all to Shredder’s HQ.
At the Kyrran desert, Shredder has succeeded in slaughtering both armies and destroying all their weapons of war. Cyberius, while scarfing some pizza, says that the Turtles are trying to hack the teleporter. Knowing they have the third Talisman, Shredder tells Cyberius to allow them to arrive.
The Turtles and Yoshi teleport in, Shredder immediately attacks (Mikey and Cyberius’s pizza getting tossed around in the chaos) and with the two Talismans in his possession, the villain is unstoppable. Shredder is about to strike the killing blow to Yoshi’s chest when he realizes his old nemesis’s ploy: Yoshi had the Talisman in his vest pocket, hoping Shredder would strike and destroy it. Shredder collects the last Talisman, unites it with his two pieces and becomes invincible.
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Right on time, the celestial alignment begins and the stars beam down a pillar of green energy… right on top of a discarded slice of pizza. As Shredder marches toward it, he fails to notice the tiny Michaelangelo already inside the pillar, waddling toward the pizza. As Shredder steps in, he slips on Mikey and drops the Talisman directly onto the turtle’s back. Mikey now has ultimate power in his grasp for the brief span the alignment is open. He uses it to turn the slice of pizza into a whole pizza. And with that, the alignment ends and the Talisman begins to depower.
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Shredder, his mind blown over having lost his key to god-like power, finally has a mental breakdown and is reduced to a drooling vegetable. Cyberius, meanwhile, attempts to escape via teleportation. Donatello unplugs his equipments and then knocks the kid out. Yoshi quickly collects the Talisman and tells the other Turtles to each put a hand on it and hold it over Mikey: They will channel their willpower through the Talisman and use its last remaining energies to return Mikey to normal.
Yoshi’s son asks his dad if they were able to return Mikey to normal. Yoshi asks his son to answer that question himself… for he is Michaelangelo. Yoshi then wishes Mikey (who has the body of a teenage mutant turtle, but the mind of a child) goodnight and leaves his room.
Outside, April and the other Turtles ask if Mikey will ever be the same again. Yoshi assures them that Mikey’s mind is quickly catching up with his body and all will soon be well. He also reveals that, by using the power of the Talisman to reverse Mikey’s change, they also reversed his own: fur has begun growing on his arm and soon he will be Splinter again. Yoshi tells his sons not to feel sorry for him, as there is nothing to regret and the world is a better place for all that they’ve done.
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Yes, that Dan Slott.
This story is so good, it could have been reworked somehow into the guest era of Mirage comics. But of course, Hamato Yoshi being Splinter is very non-canon. The mini-series is closer to the movies than whatever came before. It was supposed to be a new beginning, but it ended up being the final TMNT story published by Archie Comics.
I always wanted to read this comic, but I couldn’t really place it in any time or title. And I cannot even remember where I saw the art for issue 2 (probably a fanzine, but I cannot remember what the article was about).
And the art is amazing. It’s not Ron Lim inside, but it’s very good. It feels like a mix between Jim Lawson and the Henson Turtles.
The framing device was used very well (although, the color of the captions gave away the ending a little bit during the third issue). It does feel like a conclusion once that story is over.
I am also a big fan of seeing the Turtles go inside their shells, and the origin of that may have been that cover.
Also after years of inaccurate coloring, this mini-series has the right colors (you can see who is Asian and who isn’t).
The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers parody may have been a bit too much. They were more popular than the Turtles in 1996 (I feel like the last two season of the cartoon and the “Next Mutation” show were a direct response to the popularity of the Power Rangers and other darker cartoons of the time), but perhaps it isn’t a good idea to make fun of them, while your readers, most likely also watch the Power Rangers.
I give this story a score of 9.
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pandatowrites · 5 years
HEY for the prompt, 14! “They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
14. “They’re so cute when they’re asleep.” - EreRi
Levi had almost forgotten how it sounded like when someone else unlocked the door from outside while he himself was inside.
It should not have surprised him that much because just seconds before the rattling had ringed in his ears, Yoshi had jumped up under the kitchen table to sprint towards the entry door, the claws and paws making quiet noises while the dog walked.
He barked once, twice and after that it was silent, only an excited panting was to be heard, as well as a whisper. “Shhh… Buddy, I missed you, too… Quiet! You’re ruining the surprise, bud.”
Levi let the plate he had been scrubbing clean sink back into the soapy water, let it be eaten by bubbles and fluid warmth, before he dried his hands off and rushed off to where those sounds had their source.
“What a good boy… You grew so big”, the brunet man in the hallway said. He was visible although he wore his camouflage uniform.
“Of course he grew. Told you he won’t be a puppy forever”, Levi commented while he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms in order to stop himself from throwing himself onto the obviously exhausted soldier. “Welcome home, Eren.”
Tired, dull eyes showed themselves to the black-haired man and immediately turned a bright green while a genuine smile plastered itself over the dry lips. “Levi…”
There was no way to stop the massive hug the men entangled each other in; no way to stop them from sharing the affection both of them had craved since the soldier had left home.
“I missed you so much”, they whispered with their lips, their kiss telling more than a hundred words.
Eren pressed his husband to his chest, lifting him from the ground and holding him tightly. “You can’t believe how I longed for this… To hug you again. You smell so nice, did you know? Fuck, honey… How have you been? How are-”
“Sssh… Calm down, apple pie. We have all the time now. You are home. Everything is okay, sweet stuff.” Levi cupped his lover’s cheeks softly and noticed the liquid happiness staining those emerald eyes. “Let’s sit down first, huh?”, he asked and pressed a soft kiss on his temple.
But they were not granted another quiet second as two small humans, carried by pairs of feet, ran down the hallway towards the two men, one slower than the other.
“Papa”, one of them called before hugging Eren’s legs tightly, pressing the tiny body against them. “You’re back! I missed you, Papa! Did you win? Did you fly in a plane again?”
The brunet man chuckled while setting his husband back onto his feet when he saw the next pair of arms being thrown around him. “Papa! Wellcame back! I missed you!”
Eren picked up his son, hugging him lovingly and letting him sit on his hip. “I missed you, too, Farlan.” Levi ruffled through the dark blond hair and crossed his arms again after that.
“What about me, did you not miss me?”, the other child asked with a big pout. Her red ponytails were messy, so he assumed that they had already been to bed. It was late after all.
“I missed you, too, pumpkin. All of you. It’s good to be home again. Reunited with my sweethearts.”
They moved their surprising welcome-back to the living room in which Eren sat down on the sofa, before being used as a teddy bear by Farlan who dug his face into his father’s chest. Isabel followed suit, she jumped onto his lap and claimed him with a big hug.
Levi planted himself next to them und took Eren’s Hand in his, entangling their fingers.
Both kids interrogated their Papa, wanting to know every little bit.
It was weird to see how proud they looked considering their father had been in a war. War was nothing beautiful, but they were kids. Eren was their hero, like the prince who slays the dragon in order to save the village.
“Papa, I have to show you all my drawings tomorrow! Daddy showed me how to draw a dog, but he looked nothing like a dog! Daddy is so bad at drawing!”, Isabel exclaimed with her no-filter mouth which made Eren chuckle.
“Is he?”, he asked, fully aware of the fact that Levi is only… not bad at drawing stick figures. And dicks. He mastered the science of scribbling the perfect dick in middle school. Good times. “Guess I’m gonna have to help you the next time. How about tomorrow, sweetie?”
Farlan snuggled closer to his father’s chest, tired eyes being held open by excitement only.
His sister seemed to have endless energy. But they’d have to go to school tomorrow.
Levi wasn’t able to tear them away from their returned father though, he was a strict parent, yes, but he was not a cruel one. Today was an exception. He yawned, exhausted from his job and his chores at home. He would have to let Yoshi as well in a few minutes.
Eren didn’t miss his husband’s unwilled gesture and smiled tenderly at him, before taking a look at the clock. “Oh, kids. You have to retreat to your bedroom. The matress ball starts in a few minutes. You don’t want to be late, do you? You’re gonna miss your dreams!”
“But Papa!”, Isabel spoke up and pouted, giving her parents puppy eyes. She copied it from Eren because she witnessed the effect it had on her dad.
“No Buts! Hush hush, pumpkin. I won’t leave you. We will cuddle tomorrow, okay?”
It was a miracle. Eren was able to put them to bed too easily. It didn’t take 10 minutes and the kids were fast asleep in their little beds.
Levi felt like a bad parent, actually, as he usually struggled with getting them to fall asleep. He would read them bedtime stories, tell them about fairy tales or his childhood, but there had not gone a day by when they didn’t ask when their Papa would return.
And he knew he shouldn’t feel bad because he did everything he could.
He worked full-time, had to take care of all chores, two kids and a young dog.
On the other hand, his insomnia and job would cause him to snap from time to time, being a little harsh on the kiddos.
“They are so cute when they’re asleep.”Eren’s voice made him snap out of his thoughts and worries, even before he felt him twitch next to him and laying an arm around him, while watching their children from the door frame. He was here.
Everything would be fine now.
“Indeed. Little monsters in daylight, sweet angels at night.” Levi leaned into his husband’s touch, craving for his affection and closeness.
“Hm, I know someone who’s the same”, the soldier teased him with a smug grin and lowered his head to kiss his temple.
“Oh, shut up, you idiot.”
“Hm, I missed my little Mr. Grumpy”, Eren whispered and pulled Levi in for a tight hug, trying to make up for the lost time. “Go to sleep, darling. I’ll let the dog out and join you after that. Rest now.”
Before he could protest, his lips were sealed with a precious kiss by his husband.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“You sap. Still got me wrapped around your finger with your cheesy shit”, Levi growled flustered underneath a flushed facade.
Eren smiled brightly like he had not months. “I plan on keeping it that way forever, mon cherie.”
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pfeldspart · 6 years
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tell yoshi bedtime story now
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extork · 5 years
Tell Yoshi Bedtime Story Now.
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Hamlet Mariofied Act 4 Scene 5
Bolded names refer to the Mario characters playing the roles. The character role names remain the same in the context of the play and its dialogue.
Luigi = Horatio
Peach = Gertrude
Boom-Boom = 1st Gentleman
Wendy = Ophelia
Bowser = Claudius
Koopa the Quick = Messenger
Larry = Laertes
Act IV, Scene 5
Elsinore. A room in the Castle.
Enter Luigi, Peach, and Boom-Boom. Cue Pipe Maze tune.
Peach. I will not speak with her.
Boom-Boom. She is importunate, indeed distract.
Her mood will needs be pitied.
Peach. What would she have?
 Boom-Boom. She speaks much of her father; says she hears
There's tricks i' th' world, and hems, and beats her heart;
Spurns enviously at straws; speaks things in doubt,
That carry but half sense. Her speech is nothing,
Yet the unshaped use of it doth move
 The hearers to collection; they aim at it,
And botch the words up fit to their own thoughts;
Which, as her winks and nods and gestures yield them,
Indeed would make one think there might be thought,
Though nothing sure, yet much unhappily.
 Luigi. 'Twere good she were spoken with; for she may strew
Dangerous conjectures in ill-breeding minds.
Peach. Let her come in.
[Exit Boom-Boom.]
[Aside] To my sick soul (as sin's true nature is)
 Each toy seems Prologue to some great amiss.
So full of artless jealousy is guilt
It spills itself in fearing to be spilt.
Enter Wendy, distracted. Music screeches to a halt.
Wendy. Where is the beauteous Majesty of Denmark?
 Peach. How now, Ophelia?
Wendy. [sings]
How should I your true-love know
From another one?
By his cockle bat and' staff
 And his sandal shoon.
Peach. Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?
Wendy. Say you? Nay, pray You mark.
Sings with Story Box Music from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island playing in the background. He is dead and gone, lady,
He is dead and gone;
 At his head a grass-green turf,
At his heels a stone.
O, ho!
Peach. Nay, but Ophelia-
Wendy. Pray you mark.
 [Sings] White his shroud as the mountain snow-
Enter Bowser.
Peach. Alas, look here, my lord!
Wendy. [Sings]
Larded all with sweet flowers;
 Which bewept to the grave did not go
With true-love showers.
Bowser. How do you, pretty lady?
Wendy. Well, God dild you! They say the owl was a baker's daughter.
Lord, we know what we are, but know not what we may be. God be at
 your table!
Bowser. Conceit upon her father.
Wendy. Pray let's have no words of this; but when they ask, you what
it means, say you this:
[Sings] To-morrow is Saint Valentine's day,
 All in the morning bedtime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
Then up he rose and donn'd his clo'es
And dupp'd the chamber door,
 Let in the maid, that out a maid
Never departed more.
Bowser. Pretty Ophelia!
Wendy. Indeed, la, without an oath, I'll make an end on't!
[Sings] By Gis and by Saint Charity,
 Alack, and fie for shame!
Young men will do't if they come to't
By Cock, they are to blame.
Quoth she, 'Before you tumbled me,
You promis'd me to wed.'
 He answers:
'So would I 'a' done, by yonder sun,
An thou hadst not come to my bed.'
Bowser. How long hath she been thus?
Wendy. I hope all will be well. We must be patient; but I cannot
choose but weep to think they would lay him i' th' cold ground.
My brother shall know of it; and so I thank you for your good
counsel. Come, my coach! Good night, ladies. Good night, sweet
ladies. Good night, good night. Exit
Bowser. Follow her close; give her good watch, I pray you.
 [Exit Luigi.]
O, this is the poison of deep grief; it springs
All from her father's death. O Gertrude, Gertrude,
When sorrows come, they come not single spies.
But in battalions! First, her father slain;
 Next, your son gone, and he most violent author
Of his own just remove; the people muddied,
Thick and and unwholesome in their thoughts and whispers
For good Polonius' death, and we have done but greenly
In hugger-mugger to inter him; poor Ophelia
 Divided from herself and her fair judgment,
Without the which we are pictures or mere beasts;
Last, and as much containing as all these,
Her brother is in secret come from France;
Feeds on his wonder, keeps, himself in clouds,
 And wants not buzzers to infect his ear
With pestilent speeches of his father's death,
Wherein necessity, of matter beggar'd,
Will nothing stick our person to arraign
In ear and ear. O my dear Gertrude, this,
Like to a murd'ring piece, in many places
Give me superfluous death. A noise within.
Peach. Alack, what noise is this?
Bowser. Where are my Switzers? Let them guard the door.
[Enter Koopa the Quick.]
 What is the matter?
Koopa. Save Yourself, my lord:
The ocean, overpeering of his list,
Eats not the flats with more impetuous haste
Than Young Laertes, in a riotous head,
 O'erbears Your offices. The rabble call him lord;
And, as the world were now but to begin,
Antiquity forgot, custom not known,
The ratifiers and props of every word,
They cry 'Choose we! Laertes shall be king!'
 Caps, hands, and tongues applaud it to the clouds,
'Laertes shall be king! Laertes king!'
A noise within.
Peach. How cheerfully on the false trail they cry!
O, this is counter, you false Danish dogs!
 Bowser. The doors are broke.
Enter Larry with others.
Larry. Where is this king?- Sirs, staid you all without.
All. No, let's come in!
Larry. I pray you give me leave.
 All. We will, we will!
Larry. I thank you. Keep the door. [Exeunt his Followers.]
O thou vile king,
Give me my father!
Peach. Calmly, good Laertes.
 Larry. That drop of blood that's calm proclaims me bastard;
Cries cuckold to my father; brands the harlot
Even here between the chaste unsmirched brows
Of my true mother.
Bowser. What is the cause, Laertes,
 That thy rebellion looks so giantlike?
Let him go, Gertrude. Do not fear our person.
There's such divinity doth hedge a king
That treason can but peep to what it would,
Acts little of his will. Tell me, Laertes,
 Why thou art thus incens'd. Let him go, Gertrude.
Speak, man.
Larry. Where is my father?
Bowser. Dead.
Peach. But not by him!
 Bowser. Let him demand his fill.
Larry. How came he dead? I'll not be juggled with:
To hell, allegiance! vows, to the blackest devil
Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit!
I dare damnation. To this point I stand,
 That both the world, I give to negligence,
Let come what comes; only I'll be reveng'd
Most throughly for my father.
Bowser. Who shall stay you?
Larry. My will, not all the world!
 And for my means, I'll husband them so well
They shall go far with little.
Bowser. Good Laertes,
If you desire to know the certainty
Of your dear father's death, is't writ in your revenge
 That sweepstake you will draw both friend and foe,
Winner and loser?
Larry. None but his enemies.
Bowser. Will you know them then?
Larry. To his good friends thus wide I'll ope my arms
 And, like the kind life-rend'ring pelican,
Repast them with my blood.
Bowser. Why, now You speak
Like a good child and a true gentleman.
That I am guiltless of your father's death,
 And am most sensibly in grief for it,
It shall as level to your judgment pierce
As day does to your eye.
A noise within: 'Let her come in.'
Larry. How now? What noise is that?
 [Enter Wendy.]
O heat, dry up my brains! Tears seven times salt
Burn out the sense and virtue of mine eye!
By heaven, thy madness shall be paid by weight
Till our scale turn the beam. O rose of May!
 Dear maid, kind sister, sweet Ophelia!
O heavens! is't possible a young maid's wits
Should be as mortal as an old man's life?
Nature is fine in love, and where 'tis fine,
It sends some precious instance of itself
 After the thing it loves.
Wendy. [sings]
They bore him barefac'd on the bier
(Hey non nony, nony, hey nony)
And in his grave rain'd many a tear.
 Fare you well, my dove!
Larry. Hadst thou thy wits, and didst persuade revenge,
It could not move thus.
Wendy. You must sing 'A-down a-down, and you call him a-down-a.' O,
how the wheel becomes it! It is the false steward, that stole his
 master's daughter.
Larry. This nothing's more than matter.
Wendy. There's rosemary, that's for remembrance. Pray you, love,
remember. And there is pansies, that's for thoughts.
Larry. A document in madness! Thoughts and remembrance fitted.
 Wendy. There's fennel for you, and columbines. There's rue for you,
and here's some for me. We may call it herb of grace o' Sundays.
O, you must wear your rue with a difference! There's a daisy. I
would give you some violets, but they wither'd all when my father
died. They say he made a good end.
 [Sings] For bonny sweet Robin is all my joy.
Larry. Thought and affliction, passion, hell itself,
She turns to favour and to prettiness.
Wendy. [sings]
And will he not come again?
 And will he not come again?
No, no, he is dead;
Go to thy deathbed;
He never will come again.
His beard was as white as snow,
 All flaxen was his poll.
He is gone, he is gone,
And we cast away moan.
God 'a'mercy on his soul!
And of all Christian souls, I pray God. God b' wi' you.
Larry. Do you see this, O God?
Bowser. Laertes, I must commune with your grief,
Or you deny me right. Go but apart,
Make choice of whom your wisest friends you will,
 And they shall hear and judge 'twixt you and me.
If by direct or by collateral hand
They find us touch'd, we will our kingdom give,
Our crown, our life, and all that we call ours,
To you in satisfaction; but if not,
 Be you content to lend your patience to us,
And we shall jointly labour with your soul
To give it due content.
Larry. Let this be so.
His means of death, his obscure funeral-
 No trophy, sword, nor hatchment o'er his bones,
No noble rite nor formal ostentation,-
Cry to be heard, as 'twere from heaven to earth,
That I must call't in question.
Bowser. So you shall;
 And where th' offence is let the great axe fall.
I pray you go with me.
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ydahext · 7 years
i was trying to search for teledji and apparently in the past ive googled "tell yoshi bedtime story now" and i almost lost it seeing that recommended
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