#terry: dives for it
orion4ever · 4 months
Terry and Miranda when they get married
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allenvooreef · 1 month
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🔸commission for @.openupitsthepollyce 🔸
A return customer is always an honor, especially when the subject matter is so close to their heart, *especially* especially when they plan to get your art tattooed onto their actual skin 😍 Polly, thank you for being so lovely and for trusting me with something so important and beautiful ♥️ can’t wait to see the ink!
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all-things-aloto · 2 years
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I need your help. I love floor plans and have been trying to figure out the layout of the house for forever.
** note: the rooms and stuff aren’t to scale, I was trying to get the ~general~ idea
I’m super confident I have the first floor right. They do so many scenes there and I’ve rewatched alllll the house scenes so many times to understand it’s layout and what goes where.
The second and third floor elude me.
I know Carson, Greta, Jess, and Shirley are on the third floor for sure, because the half point on the stairs goes to the second floor. Also because when they leave their rooms, you can see the ceiling from the stairs, and the stairs are an open-floor plan, so if they were on the second floor, we wouldn’t see the ceiling.
I cut the rooms on the third floor based off of how some of the old Victorian-esque houses have been split up, but also I’m not confident in the third floor at all other than the position of the four states before’s room (ie. they share the wall to the right of both Carson and Greta’s bed, and Shirley’s bed is right next to the rounded part of the house).
BUT DOES ANYONE ELSE KNOW HOW THIS WOULD LOOK ?! A part of me thinks that the house changed from episode one to two because of the stairs and the way the Peaches ascend (compare Jess and Lupe walking up the stairs while Greta is ringing the bell in ep.01 versus ep.02 when the Peaches are descending to Charm School. Also there aren’t two sets of stairs, I already tried out that possibility and it got ruled out to a back door between the kitchen and where charm school was because Lupe exits that door to get to the bar).
Anyways. Please help.
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yenforfairytales · 2 years
Daniel-san: respect as an equal. grown up. "mister daniel" because it's always "mister miyagi."
Danny-boy: endearment for someone younger. childlike. condescending.
both fond, both reprimanding. it keeps me up at night. daniel had two sensei. got to benefit from both styles and combine them successfully. ☯️
Terry Silver was meant to be the Anti-Miyagi in every way but - aside from one being tall and the other small, or one gleefully, energetically evil and the other stoically, calmly good-- they basically believed in the same things. But from the other side of the coin.
Mr. Silver: Balance is crucial. A man can't stand, he can't fight.
Mr. Miyagi: Balance is key. Balance good, karate good.
Mr. Silver: A man can't breathe, he can't fight.
Mr. Miyagi: Always return to basic of life. Breathing. No breath, no life.
Mr. Silver: A man can't see, he can't fight.
Mr. Miyagi: Look eye! Always look eye!
I just.... I have a lot of feelings....
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pourablecat · 1 year
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Lancre airlines - the AU we all were deprived of.
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Anyway here’s a warmup sketch about how you shouldn’t think about how pretty much the last time terry jr ever saw his stepdaughter in person both times was in exactly the same place and how both times either through trying to become the leader of the black parade or through a poem specifically about him she told him exactly how much she hated him and how she would never love him (both of which were a lie but also you shouldn’t think about how they’ll never talk about that now) don’t think about that
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peter-the-penguin · 10 months
We as a fandom are really sleeping on the fact that Aziraphale and Crowley are canonically in love. Of course, we all know this. But think about it for a minute; Neil Gaiman wrote Aziraphale and Crowley’s love story. He wrote them falling in love. Romantic, platonic, familial, whatever. This was Neil and Terry’s intention from the beginning. Write a story about an angel and a demon falling in love. It’s happening. They’re in love. In love.
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hzdtrees · 1 year
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Still waters
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Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #34: Creature of The Dark Water Ch. 3
As the Mighty Solars prepare to put on their scuba gear, they then noticed the Wall People staring at them suspiciously and nervously. One of them was even holding a Jesse shield in fear as he coward behind.
Korvo/Qausarblast: Okay, I think this is gonna be harder than we thought.
Terry/Mighton: Yumyulack, how many people did you shrunk?!
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: I don’t like hundred, thousand, I don’t know.
Phoebe gives Yumyulack and Jesse a stern look as she pushes them to the front of the Wall People.
Phoebe/Starburst: Okay kids, that’s it! Have anything you like to these… Wallians?
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Yeah uh, you guys are crazy?
Phoebe/Starburst: gives Yumyulack and Jesse a stern look again as Yumyulack yelps
Jesse/Fung-irl: Just fucking apologize already!
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: I’m sorry for shrinking you guys because I thought you were all a bunch of jerkasses. To Cherie Oh and for shrinking you because you gave me shrimp but I didn’t want any shrimp, and I believe it could die from it.
Cherie: Oh yeah, my job is very hard.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Yeah, anyways I’m sorry I ruined your lives! I’m sorry I made you all crazy worshippers! I’m sorry made your lives miserable! And I’m sorry I got most of you killed! That was my bad. looks down in shame
The Wall People: confused chattering
Jesse Worshipper #1: But we sort of like it.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: I know but… well… I didn’t like the fact that I made my sister look like an idol, when she’s really just a kid. To Jesse Sorry sis.
Jesse/Fung-irl: That’s okay Yumbear. To the Wall People But why are you guys seeing me as a goddess?
Mia: Because, you provided us clothes, food and all the stuff we need to survive. You were like a savior brought down from the heavens to save us!
Jesse/Fung-irl: But, I’m not a goddess. I’m just a kid, who wants to like a boys’ inner butt. I just wanted to be treated normal.
Wall People (except for Cherie and Montez): Aaawww.
Phoebe/Starburst: sighs Thank you kids, to the Wall People Now, what do you all have to say to Jesse and the rest of the family?
Wall People: Sorry Jesse.
Jesse/Fung-irl: sighs in relief Thank you guys. Come on Yum, let’s go get our underwater gear on. turns back the Wall People Oh and you can’t tell anyone about our secret identities too.
Wall People: Oh yeah. Definitely. Okay. You got it Jesse I mean Fung-irl.
As Vil-Gil-An-T and Fung-irl leaves to go get on their scuba gear, Cherie then approaches Starburst, while holding Pezlie in her arms.
Phoebe/Starburst: sighs Kids.
Cherie: I know right? laughs
Phoebe/Starburst: Yeah, well they’re my kids. By the way, my real name is Phoebe MacCarthy. What’s yours?
Cherie: Cherie. This is Pezlie my daughter.
Phoebe/Starburst: Hi Pezlie. tickles Pezlie under her chin
Pezlie: cooing
The Mighty Solars finished putting on their scuba gears as they prepare to head inside the water.
Korvo/Qausarblast: Come on Starburst, let’s get going!
Phoebe/Starburst: Got it! To Cherie Be right back soon.
Cherie smiles back as Phoebe blushes furiously and smiles. The Mighty Solars then ready their diving positions.
Korvo/Qausarblast: Mighty Solars, dive! Dive!
The Mighty Solars dive in the river as the Wall People watches anxiously.
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ourquietman · 9 months
(Terry McCarty)
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fieriframes · 2 years
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[You're not gluten-intolerant? No. Be love because you are. FIERI: Which is exactly what dad-and-son duo Terry and Chad Covington was hoping for --]
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saintlesbian · 2 years
okay so Cody is probably gonna try stealing britt’s necklace to use the money to leave town… Victor is gonna use nik’s confession to manipulate him since Ava no longer has the letter… Ava is probably gonna feel betrayed that she doesn’t have the letter anymore and think nik took it back so she might be pressed to publish his video confession… cam and joss are drifting apart and this little getaway they’re planning might end up being the nail in the coffin for their relationship as joss is more interested in dex now… and Terry and Liz are goin out to the Mariana islands in secret which will probably impact Liz’s relationship with Finn as now Liz is the one going behind HIS back… have I got all that right???
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starryflix · 1 year
trying to keep myself motivated to read and finally fall back into old habits in between the chaos of uni work 😊
there's a lot of @neil-gaiman in here for good reason. The books were recommended to me by my old English teacher when I was 14, alongside Terry Pratchett's discworld series, but around that time high schools forced reading had drained all of my motivation (most of the Dutch and German literature I had to read was tough and not in genres I particularly enjoyed) (The Dutch schooling system makes sure you read a lot and the English section did a good job at making it enjoyable and fitting, the other languages not so much.)
Last year abroad in Scandinavia I picked up the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson during the dark winter days and got back into reading albeit slowly and inconsistently. I also got to finish the first three books of the Discworld series.
Rereading Coraline and picking up Good Omens (and finishing it in two days over a weekend) truly got me back into constantly reading wherever I go. It's good to be back and I have picked up American Gods yesterday straight after finishing The Night Circus and I am already invested.
So thank you Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett for making me fall in love again with reading.
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(pages and such always depend on the book release, and the word counts are found online but may be inaccurate)
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fierifiction · 2 years
You're not gluten-intolerant? No. We become what we behold. FIERI: Which is exactly what dad-and-son duo Terry and Chad Covington was hoping for -- to become a couple. When their youngest son had an intestinal bug in college, he was diagnosed with C&C B. So they started looking for help. They got the help of the CDC. So, to go gluten-free while at college and working at a hotel, they got an interview. And so, that's what they're aiming to do.
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forlorn-crows · 1 month
𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚 1: 𝒄𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏
pairing(s): aeon/swiss words: 656
He’s barely visible under the fuzzy gray blanket that’s pulled around his body. With his legs tucked up against his chest, fabric cocooned around him, he looks like a kit drowning in a terry cloth towel after a bath. Only Aeon’s round face, screwed up in concentration with the ends of his hoodie strings between his teeth, and knobby hands, plunking away at his new basic smartphone, are visible to Swiss. 
In simple terms, he’s too cute to handle. Swiss’ fingers itch to grab and poke, squish the cuteness right out of him. Aeon grumbles something about the tiny keyboard, big pointed ear twitching as he stabs at the screen, and the multi ghoul cannot stand it for another second. 
“Whatcha doin’, bug?” he calls from his chair opposite the couch. 
Aeon chirps, peeking up from the screen. His hair sticks up on top when he lifts his head. “Hm?”
Swiss is going to scream. “I said ‘whatcha doin’’?”
“Well,” he spits out the hoodie strings, shifting a bit. “I’m trying to figure out this . . . texting thing. But Dew keeps sending me funny little faces after I accidentally send him random letters. The keys are so small, how do you do this?”
“You’ll get it, just takes some time. At least you have smaller thumbs.” Swiss wiggles both of his in Aeon’s direction. “That’ll help.”
Aeon huffs, corners of his mouth turning down, lower lip sticking out; he pouts. He’s pouting. Why must Copia always summon the adorable ones? And why can Swiss just never keep his hands off of them?
The frown remains in place even as Swiss hops out of his seat and sits down beside the newbie quint. Swiss shakes his head and chuckles. “Why’re you so damn cute?”
Aeon side-eyes him. Scoffs a little and rolls his eyes. “Cute?” he accuses. 
“Have you seen yourself?”
“I mean, yeah, I look in the mirror everyday—”
“No,” Swiss laughs, “right now. With your blanket and your little phone and that pouty face.” The multi ghoul pokes him right in the cheek, emphasizing said frown. 
“You make me sound like a child,” Aeon grumbles and flinches away, sticking his tongue out as he locks his phone and shoves it into the couch cushions. He pulls the blanket even tighter around himself. But there’s a smile tugging at his lips, even as he continues to side-eye Swiss. 
Once again, he is going to scream. “You make me crazy,” he admits stupidly, shaking his head. “I just wanna,” he makes a vague grabby-hands motion, indicating his frustration, “ugh, I just wanna scrunch you up and put you in my pocket, baby.”
“Front pockets are preferable, please.” Aeon grins suddenly, showing off his fangs. 
Swiss blinks. Momentarily stunned to silence—an incredibly rare feat for this ghoul.
“You little—” He springs into action, leaning close and poking his thick fingers everywhere: his neck, behind his ears, the dimples in his cheeks. Aeon squawks in protest, but that does nothing to stop the onslaught. He growls playfully and grabs his cheeks, squishing and smushing and squeezing. 
“‘wiss,” the quint attempts to complain—keep it together, really—through pushed-together cheeks. “‘top, bhat’re you—”
“I’m sorry, but you’re too adorable to live,” Swiss explains. “Gotta stop you before you reach mach cuteness or everyone’ll die.” Aeon whines, removing his arms from the blanket to swat at him to no avail. Swiss is quick to release his cheeks, grabbing his wrists instead and pinning his arms to his chest. 
“Gah, what the fu—” Swiss cuts him off with a cross between a snarl, a growl, and a weird noise a disgruntled-slash-scared cat would make, completely dramatic and unserious, diving in to his neck open-mouthed so he can graze his skin with the front of his teeth repeatedly with fake bites. Aeon can only toss his head back and giggle ferociously and against his will. 
“Gonna eat you,” Swiss growls. “C’mere.”
“Why are you like this?!”
𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✿
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Mr. Gaiman, I was wondering something. I would never accuse Sir Terry Pratchett of even unintentional plagiarism, perhaps down more to my perception of the man than anything concrete, but I was trying to figure out if there was perhaps a common source that may have inspired two works.
There was an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine that bore some very generalized similarities to the plot of Night Watch, in that a man is thrown back in time to a few days before an extremely important historical riot and ends up replacing one of the key figures in said riot, who died ignominiously beforehand. I have not finished the novel but some people who heard me point out the general similarities have remarked that there are further parallels. Perhaps there are, perhaps there aren't.
I was wondering whether you knew anything about the writing of Night Watch that might shed some light on this. Its publication postdates the premier of the episode by a few years but obviously I have no idea whether its composition did.
I don't have any reason to believe that you would know, other than having known Sir Terry, but I thought I'd ask. Best wishes!
Terry and I used to talk about what he was watching on TV all the time. If you'd found a relationship between an episode of Red Dwarf and a Terry book, I think that we could conclude that Terry had borrowed the idea. I don't ever remember him talking about any Star Treks other than the original series. But that doesn't mean anything. It's quite possible that Terry caught that DS9 episode or part of it and went "But they've missed the point! That's not the interesting bit!" and went off to write his own version. It certainly wouldn't have been the first time that Terry took his irritation with a piece of popular fiction and used it as the grain of sand in the oyster to build a pearl around.
Remember, though, Person Goes Back In Time and Finds That They Are Mistaken For Someone They Think Is Important is very much a standard trope in SF. I think the first time I encountered it was Michael Moorcock's Behold the Man. What's important about Night Watch is that Vimes is becoming the person who inspired Vimes, and that we get to see how the events of the Glorious 25th of May shaped the people we have known as adult, finished versions of themselves into those people.
As a general rule though, it's wisest to read the whole book before diving off after questions about the plot, otherwise you might look a bit silly if the book goes somewhere else.
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