annabelle-creart · 12 days
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Make stupid memes for my au using existent photos is my passion, marvelous
Also, Chase only have twitter to ban all the innapropiate accounts but sometimes he let himself get into it :v
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silverhakai · 4 years
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Sunday halfday RD-OT with these two purple bikes. #ToyPhotography #Transformers #TFRobotsInDisguise #DecepticonFracture #TFArmada #DoubleAgent #Sideways #ThisJustHappened #ParaSaEkonomiya #WerkWerkWerk #KayodKayod #WhateverHappenedToTheWeekend https://www.instagram.com/p/B85nB9-BR-E/?igshid=8gdjcof5c5y8
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annabelle-creart · 8 days
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“How much time did they say we would have to be down here?” Blades asked, while walking from one side to the other of the little spot on the ground.
“´till that… gost… get out of the island” Boulder reply, thinking about their weird pronunciation since the floor, they had been playing with the dirt since they came to the place.
“As we´ve been informed, this artificial volcano is so insecure, tiny and hidden that those people would never get here,” Heatwave remembered, also in the floor with Boulder “as long as we´re silent.”
“But what if that´s not enough?”
“We will not know it till they here” Chase noted on the other side of the tiny cave, just enough big for them “now, it´s late, we should rest” he said while patting the floor and getting comfy on it “I could get accomplished to this.”
“How are you thinking in sleep right now?” Blades protested, throwing her servos through the air “We´ve been asleep Primus knows how much time! We had lost an entire war!”
“I´m talking seriously!” she shouted “this conflict had already taken away from us part of our families but at least we were there, or we could pray for them! Who else we had lost while we were on that fragging ship? Hence? First Aid? Solaris? Who else is dead and we hadn´t notice?!”
“Blades, I know is hard,” Heatwave got up with glinting optics “but it doesn´t matter how many questions we have, we will not receive answer!”
“We could save them!”
“Or we could had died just like all of them”
The plan is going well and as expected, except for Bulkhead’s stady, but the bots are not feeling safe. Chapter 2 Arrival to Earth, part 2 is on the link
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annabelle-creart · 11 days
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The kids view through their windows in wonder the ship to land, and the adults make sure everything go just how the plan worked.
The Griffin Rock Rescue department went out to look for any kind of anomalies, while the Rescue Team in the ship, put their own plan on march.
“Well…” Heatwave doubt when he got out of the ship, but immediately raised a wrench “let´s end this before it starts… geny?”
“sorry” Boulder replies while shaking his head “it´s just, how many times I fixed this ship…”
“There´s no other option” Chase said without worry or remorse, cold expression, and a great metal tube on his servos “if Prime said it.”
“You´re insensible!”
“You´re too attached.”
“Whatever! Let´s end this before someone came.”
The plan is on march, and while the Rescue Team, Griffin Rock and Team Prime are doing their part, Rafael and Soundwave have a last talk
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annabelle-creart · 16 days
As an answer of this post
And this post
And this post
And this post
Ladies and gentlepeople:
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And yeah, I give Soundwave a redisigne because I wanted him look more like Heatwave, but I liked too much the Prime disigne to leave it
And of course, Sune is an edgy boy
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He needed both his mask and tentacles anskjssk
And now: lore
“The day 3 waves come into the world, the sun will burn everything, the electric storm will replace the bright days and the only sound will be the suffering of the fallen”
A old man with really firmly believings thought the best would be kill them, but instead, they were separated. It was normal to separate twins sparks because they saw them as one and not as a whole, probably that’s why they never get how connected two or more sparks can get to the point of the shared feelings, you know Bulkhead and Boulder could, but Heatwave, Shockwave and Soundwave were a different whole thing
Soundwave since a sparkling was shy, couldn’t get the rest, except cats and animals, all his life he had been in love with animals, an introvert who prefered pass the day reading or petting a pet rather than playing with Heatwave or Shockwave, they were the active ones, but Shockwave and Soundwave were the clever ones
Shockwave was active, sociable, kind and loving, with high hopes and great dreams, always getting in trouble and wondering for the future, he loved reading but he prefered action and experimentation, which wasn't good all the time
And Heatwave was aggresive, weird, a clown with the skin of a soldier, always searching problem and rescuing his brother from their own experiments
But one day they couldn't stand anymore see them together, and with "they" I refer to the people in general, the triplet were about to have Sissi's age and nobody wanted them in any part, Primus knows why
And then Shockwave was called
He could live the life he always wanted, but couldn't see his brothers anymore, he only told Heatwave and he kept his promise to not to tell to Soundwave and of course, to never leave alone the other...
The eones passed but the feeling remained, they were so connected that sometimes they could talk by their minds, thing that they lost with the time, Shockwave was named senator and called Soundwave to help him, but Heatwave was raised in the mines and end up as a rescuer, search him was hard and trying to bring him was harder
This part you know it already, Megatron was called on congress and both Shockwave and Soundwave were there, Heatwave saw it through tv, and while Heatwave felt bretrayed by Megatrons speech, Soundwave and Shockwave were obssesed with it.
Shockwave was seen as a problem, so they replace his head
And nobody
In all Cybertron history
Felt how much it hurted not to have feelings as much as the Wave Triplet
Because it wasn't just not to have feelings, it was a rage, a burn of rage inside their chests, but only Heatwave and Soundwave could sense it, Shockwave never did
You also know this part, the Sigma-17 were into an exploration and get lost in space
And when both Soundwave and Shockwave couldn't feel Heatwave's spark they get so angry they almost destroy and entire autobot army by themselves...
The war was still raging and Megatron killed Shockwave to stop his madness and became an autobot, just before escaping Cybertron with destiny to Earth, Soundwave knew this too late and almost get killed by Megatron too, like Starscream. Whatever, Soundwave got lost only with the twins, Rumble and Frenzy, just kids who needed him, and Ravage the cat and Laserbeak the bird, now his spark wasn't so alone going on Earth... but 30 years later he felt something again...
[And as a fun fact: Heatwave couldn't tell Soundwave and Shockwave about Boulder, but his spark was too noisy for Boulder to not to figured out before, so, yes, in Earth was the first time Boulder and Soundwave met]
[Edit: Soundwave's favorite activity was to make jokes to Heatwave with Shockwave, but they were really bad at it, Heatwave was a better joker than them but they never understand o get the jokes without crying so Heatwave decided to be their joke bottle to protect their feelings... the problem is that Soundwave found a better joke friend now that Shockwave is gone: Kade]
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annabelle-creart · 17 days
Life of Rescue Bots shenanigans part 12
-- it was their first tuesday on Earth and they were bored --
Graham: then, you roll the dice and see what number goes
Boulder: like this..? I have a 13
Graham: well, is enough, now you have more health
Boulder: what do I do now?
Graham: follow the story and do whatever you want, it's your choice
Boulder: my choice..?
Soundwave: what about your team? How were their residence?
Heatwave: well, sometimes I think the...
Soundwave: humans
Heatwave: that! I think the humans are still afraid of us
Soundwave: that's normal, you're strangers, and a lot bigger and better, they didn't recieve us well 30 years ago
Heatwave: you came for the first time 30 years ago?!
Soundwave: yes, since then we're stuck here
Heatwave: well, that's a-
Soundwave: I thought humans still didn't get you
Heatwave: it seems I'm the only one who can't deal with a human...
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annabelle-creart · 1 month
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A lil Blurr redesign for the Life of Rescue Bots Au because I wanted her to look femenine (I know in the show is male but Rescue bots don’t have enough women and I wanted some body angst for the Chase and Blurr plot, and by that I mean father and daughter plot)
I added the lil things that look like antenae cause of Chase’s moving fins of his head sides, that move when he hears something, and also I added an ambulance mode because they really need a real ambulance in the program, they don’t even have one in academy :v
In conclusion: i keep much of the body shape cause of her personal plot but also wanted her head to look femenine, and of course her character as well, added and alt mode ambulance and antennae so she would look physically more to Chase
In this Au she was an ilegal racer back on Velocitron before the war knock at the planet, she was one of the best but always get injured, the debts were higher and with the police getting out of control just as the people, she and Salvage decided to escape together to another planet near, but something went wrong and they both ended up crashing on earth and then into stasis, if they weren’t asleep so much time they would probably had Chase’s age but due to the stasis, they remain as teenagers, the day the sky turn red and green due to the battle between Mandroid and the autobots, the ship they were trapped into send a signal to Griffin Rock, because it was near, so the rescue team went into the rescue and awake them, becoming since then the two new members of the rescue team with Sissi. Even if sometimes acts like a kid she is really passionate and love people but is a little insecure in the moment of recieve and give care, she was orphan just like Salvage, they only learned to trust in each other, even when Blurr treat Salvage like less and lie to him too much times to count it or Salvage says things at her ear to annoying her and keep her away from the rest.
it’s actually something i want to talk about not here but in a comic but if Blurr and Salvage are teenagers who grew up alone and treated like scrap i would not be surprised that they depend too much into each other at the point of a toxic relationship where Blurr treats Salvage like less even if can’t do anything without him and Salvage makes her think no one is enough or secure for her except him, so, yeah, both have problems and need therapy… you know? I’m going to edit Salvage’s psychiatric disorder from ‘none’ to ‘emotional dependent’ I literally just thought in the idea and like, i didn’t even planned that Salvage and Blurr would be such a mother fraggers ajksjaksjs
But don’t think wrong, Blurr and Salvage are not bad, they are just hurted and don’t know how to deal with the situation, Blurr can be a little egotistical for all the years she had been thinking and taking care about herself and Salvage talk to her just like she wants because he knows her well, enough to be like a second conscience, they do what they think necesary to survive because what is now a toxic relationship was Salvage’s superhero who could keep him safe and sound and never allowed a night without energon, and Blurr’s family who cure her wounds and kept her faith in humanity (well, velocitranity?), they just were together too much time and started treating the other with more authority than they actually have.
I think sleep absence is making me do angst, night mfs, I need more sleep than Kade dreaming with gremlins
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annabelle-creart · 1 month
Family collage?
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Yeah, Family collage
The Salty-Clover family portrait looks really good, don’t ya think?
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annabelle-creart · 4 days
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I pay no sorry for have such a weird taste at my childhood
Yes, I had a taste on Laughing Jack, but that was on my edgy part, I love Boulder since I was like 9 maybe
And yes, these too are my weirdest Childhood Crushes, the rest at least look human
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annabelle-creart · 9 days
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edit: I don´t like Sigfrido, now, Shockwave´s holoform will be named Shelwin
Nothing special, I just wanted to draw the siblings during Soundwave’s graduation and a meme pic I had since I have Twitter with the siblings and their sparkling in their holoforms version
As a fact 1: a bot didn’t want to let Heatwave get inside the place Soundwave’s graduation was being made, Shockwave had to use his position to let him in, the first and last time he had to (by that time, Heatwave was still a miner, he got his Leia buns when he became rescue cadet)
As a fact 2: When Sissi (oc) was into decepticons, she was raised by both Shockwave and Soundwave, Shockwave tought her about anatomy and enginering, while Soundwave tought her to use weapons, sonic rays and everything a bot can know about telecommunications. Then, when Optimus authorized her to be a Rescue Bot, Heatwave was his first mentor (and she’s definitely his favorite apprentice), so, Yeah, the Wavey triplet and Sissi is practically and literraly the 3 men and a baby dynamic HAKAHSJSNSJ
Original pic:
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annabelle-creart · 17 days
Life of Rescue Bots shenanigans part 11
--- long time ago, Cybertron ---
-- orphanage --
?: so... don't you have names?
??: no, I don't think so
???: I don't remember having one
?: then... can I call you Soundwave?
??: oh...
Soundwave: sure, I think so
???: can I call you Heatwave then?
?: Heatwave?
Heatwave: I like it, it's like a really strong name, and you?
Soundwave: I think your name is Shockwave
Heatwave: nah, I don't like it, it's scary
???: I like it
Shockwave: Great Shockwave... leader of Cybertron
Heatwave: HEHEHE, you have your head in the clouds, Shockwave!
Shockwave: and you have your pedes in the floor, think in big, Heatwave, Cybertron is bigger than us, there are a lot of possibilities out there!
Soundwave: and 47.9999% of end up working in a mine
Shockwave: Primus, you're so pesimist
Heatwave: did you notice our names end with "wave"? What do you think it means?
Shockwave: THE WAVE OF CHANGE!!!
Soundwave: or just wave, we're a triplet, is normal for our names to be similar
Heatwave: oh... what now?
Shockwave: ...I don't know
Soundwave: do you like cats?
Heatwave: what's a cat?
--- Planet Earth, 2011 in gregorian calendar ---
-- Bunker's firehouse, Griffin Rock --
- 01:23 AM -
Chase: let me be clear. You came to Griffin Rock, believing the Griffin Crest was a death zone for all kind of technology, except for you
Soundwave: that's why those officials in the control tower let me in, they knew I wouldn't go far
Chase: but what's your mission here?
Soundwave: I don't have a mission, I'm trying to escape, me and my companions
Boulder: do you refer to the bird, the cat and the twins?
Soundwave: yes
Blades: and why to believe in us?
Soundwave: you're healing my wounds, medbot, and you, Rescue Bots, the only difference you have with mercenaries is your sense of help without hoping something exchange, your loyalty is to the people, right now you are the only ones who I can barely trust aside from my kids
Blades: eh... I better take that as a compliment, and my name is Blades
Soundwave: I don't expect to stay in this island too much time, G.H.O.S.T is searching everywhere for living bots to control on their lines
Kade: with each thing I hear about G.H.O.S.T I'm more sure they're not supposed to be legal
Charlie: that's why Dot and I left while we could. Soundwave...
Soundwave: what
Charlie: you are welcomed as much as you don't do any kind of harm to the people of the island, you and your friends are safe here, right Heatwave..?
Boulder: Heatwave, say something
Soundwave: there's no need to, I feel your spark, Heatwave, I know I'm not welcomed here, and I don't need your mercy
Blades: wow, I know Heatwave's bad gaze says a lot but you're really perceptive
Heatwave: I never said that
Soundwave: you felt it, that's enough for me
Heatwave: Can you stop feeling and start listening?!
Soundwave: I don't need to
Heatwave: no, You need to! Because since I remember no matter the day, We always felt the other but it seems we get to accomplished to it rather than listening..!
Soundwave: it's not like you called us even a day in all these eons, except when you were in stasis
Heatwave: oh, well, how is said, time is a big jet, of course Shockwave and you had a lot of time in the senate-
Soundwave: Don't. You. Dare. To pronounce that name. Again
Heatwave: ...my spark was right then... who?
Soundwave: Megatron itself, with it's own hands
Heatwave: when?
Soundwave: when we were still on Cybertron, before escaping in the nemesis. But why is important to you
Heatwave: you are important to me, both of you!
Soundwave: now you're going to say it. Admit it, if not, why you never came out?
Heatwave: did you think it was easy for me to reach you? Compared to you I grew up in the mines, caring for more than I could for myself, dealing with lost and sacrificing myself! No matter how many times I could call you or try to reach you, there was always a fragging wall separating the three of us! But I always was there, I see you everyday even is was more than 10 feet away but I always was there! When Shockwave was named senator, when you made your first experiments, when you were with Megatron at congress, even when they hurted Shockwave! I felt all of it and I always was there! And I'm sorry for you to never see that...
Soundwave: what a weird way to say sorry
Heatwave: do you want a normal way!? I'm sorry for you to never knew how much I cared about you..! And I want you to stay
Soundwave: ...what?
Heatwave: I want my brother back, even if it's just one, because... I missed you a lot
Soundwave: ...
Heatwave: what do you say?
Soundwave: ...
Soundwave: I missed a feeling spark in my chest that wasn't mine
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annabelle-creart · 13 days
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I love word is worried for the word to be offensive, but sorry, babe, that will stay like it is ;D
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annabelle-creart · 2 months
“A secret mission with high danger risk? Count my hand on it..! I mean, my servo
- Sissi
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Due to the shadow of her 4 hidden lives, S-25, Shattered Shadow, Carboned Cluster and Sofía, Sissi is a bot out of the box, made to be usefull like a minicon but really tiny compared to a normal cybertronian, she was an auxiliar and mechanic on an energon refinery, that due to political tension, was bombarded and incinerated to ashes, like her spark. First the autobots, then decepticons, then the Earth, and now, thanks to Optimus Prime she was she was send to Griffin Rock with Salvage and Blurr to be Rescue Bots.
Don’t let her little height confuse you, her spark and determination is greater than Primus himself”
Jeez, i could finally finished her, it take me like a THOUSAND YEARS but did it.
More content and inspiration in the future, fellow dears.
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annabelle-creart · 18 days
Life of Rescue Bots shenanigans part 7, again in the actual time...
Sissi: Oh! I want to present to you the rest of the Bunrses
Twitch: Finally! I'm still upset with you for not present them before, haha.
Dot: come on, Twitch, the island is still a secret, you now she can't send too much
Charlie: maybe it's not Colombia but we still have beaches
Will: whatever except rain or snow is good for me
Dot: don't worry, Charlie, I'm glad I finally meet your home after, what? 16 years we know each other?
Sissi: there are! Heatwave! Boulder! Graham! Where's the rest?
Boulder: I think they're in the bunker
Sissi: well, who's with me..? Hashtag?
Hashtag: uh, sorry, yesterday I couldn't see the stream
Twitch: the Griff-boy's direct? You know you could see it later, you know?
Hashtag: sorry! But he was teaching how to trick death in The Sims!
Alex: ok, who's that kid with you are so obssesed with?
Hashtag: Griff-boy is a streamer, he plays videogames and gives hints and fun facts to pass them all
Heatwave: why Cody is on your screen?
Hashtag: who? Wait. DO YOU KNOW GRIFF-BOY IN REAL LIFE?? REALY?!?!?!
Cody: who was calling for me?
Trash: ...
Sissi: eh, Heatwave?
Heatwave: better don't get into the problem, climb my shoulder
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annabelle-creart · 20 days
Life of Rescue Bots shenanigans part 3
Blades: ok, so, do you think the other kids don’t see you as normal?
Cody: ujum
Blades: so… that’s why you’re only with Frankie and us
Cody: aja…
Blades: well… I don’t know what to say…
Chase: I do. But in first place, why do you think that?
Cody: because always I get into a topic, is like, they don’t get it or just ignore me, even the scouts! And sometimes they talk things I don’t like, and well, it’s like the rest don’t get me
Chase: hm… you know, I felt the same when I was younger
Cody: really?
Chase: yes, sparklings can be rude because they’re sincere, and that can be a problem sometimes. When I was like Sissi’s age it was really hard to make friends with sparklings of my colony, even from other colonies because I prefer to talk about architecture than about racing, and they were making jokes about everything most of time, I think that I didn’t have a real friend till academy
Cody: you were at an academy?
Chase: we all were, I met Heatwave there, he was my first friend. Like Frankie and you. Thanks to him I learned that friends, at the end of the day, are forever, that’s because you don’t need to have many
Cody: but that doesn’t mean I feel bad about it… how did you get rid of it?
Chase: I never did. It never get away, I still feel it sometimes
C&B: really?
Chase: yes, it’s a hard feeling to deal with but, I also learned it’s not my fault, I can’t be friends with anyone… but, if you need it, I made my own system to choose who can be my friend
Blades: a system? Really?
Cody: and it worked?
Chase: it works for me, it still works. To make it simple, I have a two points: moral and interest. Just take one of them as a priority and the other as an option depending the person, and then, analize if that person is what you’re searching, and then just talk, usually I let them talk first to know about them
Cody: I think I’ll try it… thanks, Chase
Chase: you’re welcome, Cody
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annabelle-creart · 10 days
Life of Rescue Bots Au Angst part 1 (even the angsty of the shenanigans is not enough, let's get into the real shit)
// This can be canon or not in my Au depending my mood, don't take it seriously //
Soundwave: Here, Laserbeak!
Starscream, with just one eye and about to passed out: SOUNDWAVE! I am willing to forgive this betrayal! You can still choose... the right path of our species! You can-
Soundwave: You kicked My Ravage!
Starscream: pff, the cat?
Soundwave: when I first met you, you remember me of someone, that's why I give you his voice.
Starscream: What the frag are you-?!
Soundwave: you don't deserve it!
Unfortunately for Soundwave, that day Megatron showed his own plan, Earth was his new home, and Soundwave was distracted by Megatron's new entrance. G.H.O.S.T was his new team, and even if Starscream wasn't Meg's target he couldn't let his old second in command die at his best soldier's hand, attack was the only option the three of them knew to use.
Since that moment, Soundwave regreted ANY moment the Soundwave of the past thought it was a good idea to give Heatwave's voice to this cranky asshole who one day before considered a brother in arms in danger of losing his voice box, only because of the loneliness and the lost.
How much Soundwave wanted to hear Heatwave's and Shockwave's real voices again.
What a pity Starscream wasn't the correct one for it.
And what a pity Soundwave couldn't tear up Starscream voice box.
That never was his voice box, it was only a replica to replace the old one.
But still use it to this day...
// based on the fact that TFES, TFRiD15 and TFP Starscream, WFC and FOC Shockwave and TFRB Heatwave are voiced by Steve Blum, that man is the goat, he wasn't casted for Soundwave too because it was too much, shit... //
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