#thank you for asking this!
i-am-just-a-girli · 4 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart
desiblr: @tired-yashika-core <3
I haven't really interacted with a lot of people here but all my mutuals seem so nice and I love their blogs so
@willothecrisps @withloveleclerc (deactivated TwT) @intellectual6666 @scentedunknowngarden/@tired-yashika-core @shyam-kariya @moonhymnss @nia-academia @fikaeeshtales @numpypandas @khudkifavourite/@geethere @serafina-nyx @themoonadmirer
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gouthepro · 4 months
hi i want to know your lyney headcanons a b c and d im sooo curious !!!
omg ok so
a- He is undeniably pretty and so many people in Fontaine have crushes on him because of that. His flirty persona only makes people like him more. Usually he doesn't mind this but it does frustrate him sometimes, especially since he's convinced most people wouldn't like the real him even a quarter as much as they like the fake version of himself he shows the world.
a- Most of the time Lyney is happy to be recognisable when he's out and about, even if he's just going shopping he'll be prepared with magic tricks in case he runs into any fans or friends. But on the occasions when he doesn't want to run into anyone who knows him, yet still has to go out, he'll go out of his way to make his appearance as unrecognizable as possible. Somehow this fools everyone except his siblings and Traveler and Paimon.
b- This absolute failure once fell into the lake near the Opera Epiclese while Charlotte was interviewing him and Lynette about their magic show (he was walking backwards very dramatically while talking then he tripped over the short railing and fell in the lake). There are pictures of him climbing out of the lake looking like a drowned rat. Lynette has said pictures framed.
c- So canon says that Lyney isn't truly as outgoing or chatty as he appears and that he keeps a lot of things to himself. I hc this can stress him out badly sometimes and that one night he was taking a walk to clear his mind of the stress of it all when he ran into The Traveler, when they asked if he was okay it all came crumbling down and they ended up sitting on a bench with Lyney crying quietly in The Traveler's arms into the late hours of the night. They have an unspoken agreement to never mention that and Lyney is forever greatful towards them.
d- I reject the canon that Lyney isn't as close to Freminet as he is with Lynette. So I hc that they all spend quality time together, have movie/book nights and steal share each other's casual clothes. I also think Lyney and Lynette find ways to add Freminet in to their magic shows whenever he's there in the audience, even if it's just something small like asking him to choose a card or one of them pulling Pers out of a hat. I just believe Lyney is a good older brother, okay?
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sylkiddsey · 4 months
What are some things or storylines you wish the show had explored with Matt, Sylvie and Brettsey?
Or maybe there were times they should have gone deeper?
Love this question.
The main thing that comes to mind is the Arnow fire. Matt clearly felt so guilty about Sylvie getting hurt. I wish they had a conversation about that. I also wish the writers acknowledged Olivia’s comment during Brettsey’s canon phase. I’d love to see Matt’s reaction to that.
I’m also a sucker for hurt/comfort so I would have loved a bit more of that but 9x02 definitely delivered nonetheless.
I honestly try not to think about all the things I wish we got and instead revel in the things we did. I just wish they had more time to show the canon relationship but we are literally getting a wedding, girl dad Matt, possibly Sylvie’s parents and 51 celebrating them.
That’s all that matters to me now :)
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indestinatus · 7 months
Um idk how you expect me to pick a number for the Kiss Asks. All of them.
But if I had to pick, Tiva 38. Or 8. I'm very indecisive
Tiva: 38) because they're running out of time & 8) in secrecy
Ziva glanced at their daughter, not even 4 years old, hanging onto Tony's leg. It was such a surreal sight, to see Tali behind her father's protection, after years of Ziva running away from it. She tried to blink away the tears, knowing strength was crucial in a place like this. They had to hide, abide by shadows. But she failed. They were in Cairo. The clock was ticking.
Tony pulled her head close to his chest, embracing her without a word. They both knew no word could be spoken about their agreement - to lead different lives to keep her safe. Everything solely to keep her safe.
"We will be there," he said. "When the waters calm. We will be there, waiting for you."
Words failed her. Ziva only nodded.
"Afraid she'll turn too American?"
Ziva snorted through the tears. "No," she said. "She will resemble you."
Tony's smile was faint. He pulled her chin up, cupping her face. "I love you," he said, kissing her. "I've loved you for a very long time."
"I know," Ziva nodded. And kissed him back, knowing that the moment was so precious it would disappear quickly. Like footsteps in the desert sand.
send me a ship and a number and I will write a kiss ♡
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makeitmingi · 8 months
I love CBYMM so much, you're so talented 💖
Can I ask a question? I'm so curious of how far they've gone into the relationship, I mean it seems like they never done it, but they're so comfortable in sleeping together and then in the last chapter he was shirtless and she in just her shirt and it was no big deal so like it has me wondering, if it happened and you just didn't focused on it because it was irrelevant to your plot and all...
thank you!
hmm, at this point, i'm kind of leaving it up to the readers if they want to imagine that Indigo and Mingi have shared coital relations. I don't want to insist that they have or haven't done it since it isn't all that relevant to the plot at this point in time.
(rambling below if you want to read)
personally, i'm kind of teetering between the two. like you said, they are VERY comfortable with each other so sometimes i do consider eluding to the fact that they engaging in coitus. but how i built indigo as a character, i would think that she's not "rushing" to sleep with mingi yet.
yes, she trusts him and lets herself be vulnerable to him but she's still in the process of fully letting him into her bubble.
growing up 'alone' and independently with her experiences from a young age, Indigo is cautious and isn't used to having so many people in her world.
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lovelaceisntdead · 9 months
What got you interested in book binding?
It started when I was doing my A levels, my graphic design exam was to create something related to the poetry of Edward Lear. I think I the idea I ended up with was making a commemorative gift set that would have been sold in a museum or something (I don't remember exactly, it's been a while), so it was like a special edition book and some stationary in a gift box. I think my tutor may have suggested using bookbinding to me, and showed me some tutorials, and from there I just found it really interesting, I learnt the very basics doing that project (I got an A on the exam. Not to brag.) and then when lockdown happened that's when I really got into it.
I started really researching the different methods and techniques and just started with bits and bobs I had at home and any spare materials I could find. I've slowly grown my toolkit and skills over the last couple of years.
It was after I dropped out of uni two years ago that I really started to focus on it in a more intense way and started selling some pieces and now here I am. I very much love it and I would love to be able to one day either work at a bindery or be able to sustain myself with my craft
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nympippi · 1 year
Necromancer Finney AU: I just read the pinned post and my first thought was that I don’t think that Finney would revive the Grabber even if he could. I kinda just assumed that Finney never revived the Grabber because the doesn’t deserve to live anyway
You’re right! Finn in no way shape or form would ever consider to revive the Grabber even if he could. However I never said he outright knew the boys would come back because of the links they share with each other.
In this au Finn’s gift is something spontaneous and unpredictable, it is something he has very little control over in when he first revives the boys. When Finn first went into the basement where their bodies were and actually seeing where their corpses were sparked this ability because of how the user has to have that personal link that’s so intense it breaks the very veil of the alive and dead.
When the boys are brought back Finn didn’t have a clue about this gift because he’s never had to experience something so extreme and the only person he might’ve been able to revive is Gwen because they both have had to deal with the abuse their dad put them through and that only would’ve happened if Gwen had died previously.
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foxofsunholt · 2 years
Considering the MC will wind up making a "debut " of sorts at the court in Sunholt, does that mean the MC will get a crash course in etiquette training like in "My Fair Lady"?
It's just the mental image of the various LIs trying to help the MC, who's basically been sleeping in trees, learn how to carry themselves like a gentleman/lady when interacting with the court, is entertaining. Probably while having varying levels of success, I know about 3 of the LIs are confirmed to have a noble upbringing, but I'm not sure how effective they'd be at teaching courtly social graces.
I’ve never seen “My Fair Lady” (my reference point for this has to be the princess diaries lmao) but yes! The specifics of that moment depend on many factors! At that point, you’ll have locked into what LI (or LIs) you are interested in and obviously they want to help you out! So you can imagine the equally court-scandalous Faith sitting beside you as you figure out which forks to use. But the nature of your courtly debut also depends on your choices in game; perhaps your character has been knighted, perhaps they are uninterested in etiquette (and certainly, Adelaide doesn’t care much for courtly gossip about the fact the friend she invited to court is shoving a whole roast duck into their mouth). Or maybe the years of observing nobles at play makes the MC skilled at the imitation of grace!
The MC is being introduced to court in a consensual political ploy; the gang needs the MC to schmooze with the nobles for a plot reason. So, the MC does have some incentive to try, though how well they do it, if they want to at all, is up to you!
And of course, there’s a ball. What kind of a fantasy game would this be without a ball?
Camille, Adelaide and Mars have all received formal etiquette training (though Mars’ social anxiety may make you think otherwise). Unfortunately, the three of them make for terrible teachers. Camille has no patience, Adelaide is too forgiving, and Mars doesn’t know what he’s doing either. Yoon likes to pretend to be fancy so he also knows his stuff, and he’s probably the best teacher to have. Faith is uninterested in even attempting any of it. And Sid is trying his best, but is gets it all mixed up.
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licncourt · 2 years
Hey, hope you are doing good! I love your blog and all your answers to these questions so much!!
I wanted to talk about how there is (almost) no lesbian relationships in the books, and wanted to ask you what do you think about that? Considering "all vampires turn bisexual once they become vampires" (which, I agree with you, feels a little wrong), there should be lots of wlw relationships but the only ones I can think of are Eudoxia and Zenobia who are described as lovers, and Rose’s guardians Aunt Julie and Aunt Marge which reads to me as lesbian parenting but it’s not explicitly said (I could be wrong about that, forgive me if I am). I know some people like to imagine Gabrielle and Jesse as a couple but it’s just headcannon. It’s a waste of good potential romances in my opinion because some characters would be SO GREAT in lesbian relationships, especially Akasha (the official man hater) and Gabrielle. I think a big part of that has to do with AR seeing mlm relationships as sexy and exciting but seeing no point in writing wlw relationships, which is super sad.
Thank you so much!! Hot girl from my notes!!
This is something I haven't talked about much but I've definitely thought about as a lesbian fan of VC. Like you said, if all vampires are "bisexual", there should be just as many relationships between women as between men. Eudoxia and Zenobia are the only canon example I can think of and honestly I hardly remember them. They certainly weren't real, actual characters.
I think this is largely an extension of AR's overall disinterest in female characters, one that grows even more obvious as the series progresses. (I'd say Claudia is the primary exception, though she isn't entirely.) That's another can of worms, but it really is the groundwork for this issue. I think the place this intersects most clearly is in Gabrielle.
The fandom jokes about AR being so misogynistic that she created a super cool butch (or transmasc, I just personally read her as butch) character aren't really an exaggeration. Gabrielle's masculinity is clearly meant to be read as a flaw and a disparaging "not like other girls" and that really says a lot about AR's feelings towards GNC women in general. Her shorthand for "bad woman" is a masculine woman (one of the only times she's really praised in the narrative is when she performs femininity, like at the end of Blood Communion).
There's so little representation for truly masculine women in media, and while it's wonderful to feel that connection to Gabrielle as a lesbian-coded character, the truth is she isn't really. Not intentionally. It's just another instance of fans improving upon canon by applying their own readings. She's just the exception that proves the rule.
Akasha is another great example, but she really reads more like an anti-feminist strawman than a real, well-rounded character. Again, it can be easy to want to cheer her on and enjoy the female power fantasy she creates, but like Gabrielle, she's another "bad woman" who AR made powerful to disparage. Her strength isn't a compliment and she isn't given the courtesy of any real complexity.
Besides AR's clear dislike for GNC/non-traditional women, there's the flip side which is the fetishization of gay male relationships. This isn't a new phenomenon to most people who have any experience with fandom, but it's a very common issue in media. If anything, I would say AR was one of the first authors to really establish this type of straight female gaze for gay men in literature.
To be quite frank, the repetition of the young, white twink in a relationship other young, white twinks has fetishization written all over it. The way they're described and the incredibly lopsided favoring of this kind of relationship in the absence of much else (besides pedo shit still involving at least one white twink and exoticized POC) is very uncomfortable, even more so alongside the absence of good female characters and the extreme sanitation of gay relationships.
The fujoshi craze isn't quite as pronounced as it once was, but the crafting of a specific type of male character in a heavily emphasized yet deeply idealized same-sex relationship that's attractive to a straight female author isn't new. It also hasn't stopped since then. In my opinion, it's the inverse of the straight male obsession with lesbian porn despite dehumanizing actual lesbians and disliking gay men.
As far as we know, AR was a straight woman and she was writing the ideal of what she wanted to see. It's obvious in her writing (and her own words) that she didn't think highly of other woman and thus she had no interest in writing them well. On top of that, lesbian relationships didn't cater to her personal fantasies (and tbh, neither did genuine gay relationships, just fetishistic, curated ones that are basically proto-yaoi).
In a perfect world, VC could be something really special. The biases of the author make it the opposite. There are huge holes in representation and what is there isn't there for the right reasons. It's not surprising that there isn't any real rep for lesbian and bisexual women, but it's disappointing nonetheless. Even more so because women are so used to relating to male characters and stories without representation that she could get away with it. This goes double for wlw who are extremely adept at that while also well-practiced at accepting not-great rep of gay men as our own because it's usually the best there is.
I guess this is just another stick in the pile of missed opportunities and offensive implications in VC.
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So with Shifter, since they're a... well... shapeshifter can they turn into any monster? Is there a form that they WOULDN'T take on?
They can change their forms to be whatever they want! Even things that aren't people or monsters. Even chairs and such.
But they would never, for some reason, take on the form of a Grillby. They say that it's because it's just too hard to get the fire to look right.
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kazanskys-mitchell · 9 months
Got a favourite piece of writing that you've made? If not, what's one you feel like you could improve if you rewrote it or collaborated with another writer to rewrite it?
ooh i love this ask!
honestly, i’m most proud of the current fic that i’m working on. i’ve been writing fanfiction for various fandoms for YEARS and i was never that proud of them, but i put my heart and soul into writing my current one. i’m extremely proud of being able to write over 3k words per chapter when i could barely write 800 words per chapter a few years ago.
i feel like it could improve if i rewrote some parts of it or worked with a beta reader, but i’m still very proud of it as it is!
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masquenoire · 1 year
@riddlethat​ asked: what would he be like as a father? like, to his own child??
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(Continued under the cut!)
Distant for the most part. Roman has very few, if any, good memories of his own parents while growing up and has no desire to perpetuate his experiences onto a small child. Mr. and Mrs. Sionis were domineering and self-centered people, utterly obsessed with their self-image and how others perceived them. Roman’s no different but the thing is he doesn’t pretend he’s a good man. His parents did and in public they portrayed themselves as a loving family, plastering fake smiles plastered on their faces as readily as the lies they spouted. Behind closed doors, life was a very different story where they openly reviled their son, if they weren’t pretending he didn’t exist or otherwise dismissing him as a nuisance in their lives. As a result, Roman would find it difficult to connect with a child. He’s cruel, vulgar and foul in every imaginable way, his idea of a good time being brutally torturing some hapless fool and making their death a slow and excruciating one. There’s no room for innocence in the life of a mob boss but upon becoming a father, Roman would at the very least try. What are they interested in? Are there certain things they like? All these and more he’d try to find out about his charge, gradually spending more time with them before asking upfront the more comfortable he gets. He’s not taking them to the ball game anytime soon but he will fund their interests and activities, treating them to the best of his abilities as a way to make up for the lack of presence in their life. It’s for the best, or so Roman believes. He’s a deeply troubled man who is prone to explosive violence and unspeakable acts of cruelty, plus with so many enemies who’d just love to use his children as a way to target him, keeping his distance is the best way to avoid them getting hurt. He’ll kill for them, and gladly do it too, but his own upbringing makes him too afraid to get more involved, out for fear of being just like his own parents once were.
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kcrabb88 · 1 year
how would u compare ur original books to your fic shoulder the sky? any shared tropes, plot points, worldbuilding, character dynamics, etc? am curious :) no pressure to answer
This is a great question! I guess I'd start off by saying that my original trilogy started off as a long Les Mis fic that kind of grew into its own beast, so you'll still see a lot of things that I love most about fic: a focus on characters and their dynamics + giving emotion and trauma room to breathe. There's also definitely a focus on found family and friendships in both my books and Shoulder the Sky, and also a lot of whump in both. The characters in both are Going Through It. That said, there's a good bit of focus on mental health/trauma, and all of that, too, in both. I've focused a lot on Star Wars politics/the fight against fascism in Shoulder in the Sky, and you can find a kind of similar vibe in the pirate trilogy, it's just the British Empire instead. Actually, there's a relationship in the pirate books, a found brotherhood, that definitely had some roots in how much I love Anakin and Obi-Wan, and, as Matthew Stover put it, all the damage they've done to each other. But it has a teacher and student who take different paths storyline. Both have the same kind of, digging into dark things while still shining a light on characters and how much they love each other, if that makes sense.
I think the biggest differences are one, obviously a really different setting in the books (the 18th century Caribbean as opposed to a space fantasy) and that the plot moves at a slower pace in the books because it's a whole trilogy that takes place over 20 years and a worldbuilding and such is required (but hey, book 2 is coming out in March, so if you end up deciding to read book 1, you won't have long to wait!)
But! I feel like both are very my style, in that I think if you enjoy one you could definitely enjoy the other if the setting was of interest!
I'm rambling, but I hope this helps! <3
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messrmoonyy · 1 year
when/where do you get the most inspiration to sit down and write?i find it comes to me particularly when i am outdoors so i always carry around a small notebook,what is it like for you?
Firstly I commend you for actually writing stuff by hand. I could never lmao. I write on my phone because it’s just easier for me and I keep things organised in a way I understand etc.
I honestly get inspired from anything and anywhere at random times. Sometimes I’m just playing a video game and I’m like ‘ I’m in the mood to sit and write now ‘. I do find that when I’m falling asleep I get random sentences or plot points come to mind and I’m like ‘ I’ll deal with that in tr morning ‘ and then in the morning I’ve totally forgotten it, I need to start writing things down the second they come to me.
But I seriously will find inspiration anywhere. Like I could see one sentence about something quoted in a Tiktok or something and that will spiral me off into 3k words yk. I’ve found inspo everywhere. People I see around, songs, poems. Literally inspiration is everywhere.
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dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Hi Mrs. O! 💝
For the writer's asks: 2, 12, and 15!
Enjoy your day! 🤗
Thank you Val!! I hope you enjoy yours too!!!!
2. Share a snippet of an old wip that you never posted.
This is me sweating, looking over my WIP folder haha...and opting to absolutely kinkshame myself.
You licked your lips, took a breath, and pushed - just as you saw Theo wheel about, his features still tightly locked. “I don’t want to have to make that choice. Don’t make me choose. I can’t.” The very prospect lanced through you, keen and wounding, and you willed them both to understand all of the other things you weren’t sure how to voice just yet.
“I don’t want you to have to, either,” came Vincent’s soft reply.
Then there were warm lips and teeth at your wrist, and the whole world tipped. A breath of pain followed by pleasure, and the last thing you saw as your eyes slid shut on an undone cry was Theo's own, gleaming foxfire bright as they held yours.
You swayed, unbalanced as the muscles deep within you tightened, until the mattress sank beneath a weight on the other side of you and a hand was at the small of your back to steady you. Warm despite the layers of fabric and boning separating you. 
“You know that blood isn’t all we’re going to want.” Theo’s voice, rough at your ear, clearly wasn’t pitched in a question. Fingers caught your jaw and traced along until they snagged at the point of your chin, dragging your gaze to his just in time for it to flicker down and meet his brother’s. Something silent and laden in that small glance they exchanged. “Give yourself to us. All of you.”
“Theo. Don’t bully her into anything.” Vincent’s chide was a soft warm breath across your damp wrist as he lifted his head, offering you a gentle smile. “You can say no. You can say no anytime, too. But I hope you say yes.” The brothers traded another of those coded looks, before a hint of unexpected devilry crept into Vincent’s expression. “Theo and I are very good at sharing...we always have been.”
12. Favorite ship you’ve written/the ship you write for the most?
Actually, the answer isn't otome related at all. Before I got into the fandom I was writing mostly for the obscure ship of Loki/Jane Foster...and I'm not sure any other pairing before or after will ever quite spark the mania that did. Half the fics I have posted on AO3 are for them...and absolutely most of the words I've written are.
15. How do you stay on track story-wise?
Bold of you to assume I do...have you seen my 'update' schedule? No? Oh right that's because it doesn't exist T_T My brain jumps from one topic to the next, and I just have to pray it stays still or circles back around enough times to produce something comprehensible.
That said I have been trying lately to sit down and make myself write on a daily basis, even if not much comes of it. I block off X amount of time and the only thing I'm allowed to do is write or think about writing. Even if that ends up just me staring blankly out the window drinking my cup of tea haha
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strawberrybyers · 2 years
Strawberrybyers what kind of cake do you think is Will & Mike's favorite
oo this is a fun question!
i was thinking will would love some sort of strawberry cake and for me to say that would 100% go with my url, but for some reason will gives me the vibe that he’d like an apple crumble cake?? also an apple crumble cake just seems like something joyce would make too and will would be so excited like “omg mom made cake!” idk lol
for mike, he gives major chocolate cake vibes. idk what it is but something about him screams that when he was a kid he constantly had chocolate residue on his fingers.
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