#thank you for your patience :)
bluegiragi · 10 months
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bag of tricks
early access + nsfw on patreon
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sandeewithtwogaye · 1 month
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Woah, more doodles! Who could’ve seen this happen?!
Reaper belongs to renrink
Ink belongs to comyet/myebi
Cross belongs to Jakei95
Fresh Error belongs to… uhh I’m not sure, but I think I made the design on a whim
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paper-cities · 10 months
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jccatstudios · 1 year
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Six of Crows: A Comic Adaptation
Part 1, Chapter 2
Pages 11–12
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Download the Chapter 2 Digital Copy
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honeys-marmalade · 4 months
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𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓘𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓰𝓸 🦋🪻
𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻: @1indigoisles
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 month
Hi everyone,
I apologize for the lack of posts. I had a tonic clonic seizure both last night and today. I hope to get feeling better soon.
I appreciate you all. ❤️
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earththings · 4 months
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𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓤𝓻𝓼𝓾𝓵𝓪 🖤💜
𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂: @ursulawhosoever
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 5 months
Hi, I just recently came across your blog and I really liked your stories "human pet" and "baby".
You've done a great job, keep it up.
And I have a request: Could you, when you have the opportunity, write about the Bully x fem!nerd! reader?
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(He hurts her cuz he likes her stereotype imaged above)
Yandere!Bully x Fem!Reader
Very small drabble CW: Bullying
He just wanted to get her attention.
At first, anyway.
Simon wasn't always a bully. As a younger child his anxiety was so bad that he distanced himself from his peers, unintentionally ostracizing himself. The less interaction he had with others his age, the worse he became at communication. When he did try to talk to his classmates, his words always came out wrong, or were misinterpreted, which caused him to feel flustered and get angry.
So, in order to save himself the embarrassment, he stopped trying. And he was perfectly fine being alone; without friends or enemies.
Until one day, he saw (Reader) for the first time.
The single most beautiful person he'd ever seen. Her laughter ripped through his chest, and the scent of her body wash made his head feel fuzzy.
(Reader) never saw him. Simon had succeeded in making himself invisible, so much so that even if he stood right in (Reader's) path on the sidewalk, she would side step around him.
One day, she did just that, casually maneuvering around Simon without so much as making eye contact.
Simon didn't mean to hurt her.
His hand reached out before the thought fully formed in his head. He just wanted her to look at him, so maybe he was just reaching out to grab her shoulder? It happened so quickly, that Simon didn't comprehend what he was doing until (Reader) was knocked over, hitting the asphalt.
But it worked.
(Reader) rolled over, startled, staring at Simon with doe like eyes, shaking a little from the sudden impact of her fall. And any sympathy he had for accidentally hurting her immediately flew out the window when he realized that, for once, she was looking at him and only him.
"Next time, don't ignore me." Simon hadn't intended on sounding so threatening, it just came out that way.
She nodded before scrambling to her feet, grabbing her belongings and dashing away.
Having (Reader) look at him was.. exhilarating. It was so intoxicating that when she turned away and robbed Simon of her sight, it felt like a piece of him was stolen away.
He needed to have that again. He didn't feel bad about what he did because he had been rewarded with (Reader's) undivided attention, but planned an apology for when he would later see her at lunch, to mend the misunderstanding and, eventually, form a beautiful relationship with her. However, when lunch came around, and he was excitedly rehearsing his faux apology, Simon saw (Reader) from across the courtyard; he watched her notice him, then speed off in the opposite direction.
Simon forgot the apology. She saw him. She looked at him. And she had the audacity to run away?
The lanky young man chased her down, finding her quickly and cornering her behind the gymnasium.
"I thought I said to not ignore me?" Simon said with a tight smile.
"Please don't-"
"You really hurt my feelings, (Reader)." Simon interrupted, shocking the young woman. For the life of her, she couldn't recall who this person was, and Simon could see that on her face.
"I'm sorry.."
"You're sorry?" He didn't know why he was being so mean, but the words just kept tumbling out of his mouth at a speed he couldn't control. It was empowering having (Reader) acknowledge his existence, even if it was by cowering in fear. "That's not good enough."
He grabbed (Reader's) face with one hand, squishing her cheeks together, distorting her shocked gasp.
"You're never going to ignore me again, you hear me?"
"Yed." (Yes)
Simon gripped her jaw tighter, making her wince. "I think you and I are going to be best friends.. isn't that right, (Reader)?"
When she refused to answer Simon forcibly made her nod her head with his hand.
All he could think about was kissing her soft looking lips puckered up between his thumb and pointer finger. But that would have to wait. She shook in his hand, and was clearly sniffling back tears. But Simon still didn't feel any guilt.
He didn't mind becoming (Reader's) bully, as long as it meant that she continued paying attention to him and only him.
A/N: I'm sorry it took so long! And I'm sorry that it ended up a short drabble ☹️ sometimes, inspiration robs me of my sleep, other times out pumps out onr sentence and thinks it's done lol
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tpwkwriter · 5 months
Can we get y/n as a total book worm and Harry just finding it so adorable and loving that about her and teasing her and recreating cute scenes from romance books with her
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Head in a book
I wish I could say I was a bookworm but in fact the only things I read are on tumblr🥲
Warnings: slight cursing, mentions of book tok😭fluffy as!!☁️
Pairing: Harry x quiet!y/n
Y/n appreciated a quiet life, the small moments were a huge thing to her, the smell of freshly baked bread, picking flowers, watching the stars n all.
So when her boyfriend is the most biggest popstar, surrounded by loud music, screaming fans, and flashy cameras, everyone thought the couple wouldn’t work out, oh how they were so wrong.
After loud music, flashy lights, the screams and chants of millions of fans, Harry learnt that quiet and peaceful moments were better shared with y/n, he didn’t just love her, he adored her and everything she did.
She was the quiet rain in the darkest of nights.
It was a common occasion that Harry would come home to y/n absolutely nose deep in a book on the sofa, he loved watching the way she would get totally immersed in the story and endorsed on the character’s behaviour and thinking process.
Well tonight was no different, the time neared 6:45pm and Harry was out of the studio relatively early, he walked into there shared home, before he could look around he could sense something wasn’t right, the lights were all off, normally y/n would have various candle scents lingering in the atmosphere and the sound of her playlist would be faintly heard in the background.
He toed off his shoes and released his belongings by the door (making a mental note to clean it up later)
And walked through to there shared living room, y/n was bundled on the sofa with a grey faux blanket covering her, her hoodies hood was covering her hair and her eyes looked red and defeated.
Alarm bells are immediately going off in Harry’s mind, and he’s quick to act.
“Hey you, what’s happening?” He asked gently asked, swiftly sitting down next to her, leaning back and gently tapping her arm enough to signal ‘come here’
“Harry? Didn’t even hear you come home” she said voice a little wobbly, she joined his side, lounging her legs across his lap and resting her head on his chest.
“S’okay, what happened my love?” He asked softly into her hair, allowing his hand to slowly trace gentle circles on her back.
“Well” she started
“You know the book i was close to finishing?” She sniffs.
Harry begins to slightly relax at the fact it may not be as serious as he anticipated.
“I do m’love” he smiled
“Well because, it wasn’t a good ending at all” she begins to tear up again and snuggle her head further into his chest.
He mainly chuckles out of relief that it wasn’t anything ‘real’ and ‘serious’ he continues to hold her and press kisses to her hairline.
“I’m sorry to hear that m’love, wanna speak about it?” He’d gently ask.
As she begins to tell him the tragedy of the protagonists death and the failing love story between characters, even if truthfully Harry had no idea, he loved listening and taking in what she had to say.
“It sounds like such a beautiful story though my love” he said, trying to amp the spirits up.
“Mhmm” shes hum against him, the rest of the night was filled with cuddles and a lazy dinner together.
It was a few weeks later and now y/n had got on to some new books, she was never without one.
One evening when y/n was sitting up reading in bed, and Harry was in there shared en suite getting ready for bed, y/n had an idea, that would send not only her but many girls around the world into a frenzy.
Before he finished up she sent up her phone discreetly on her beside table and began to work her magic.
“Harry!” She called
Lucky for her, timing was great, he emerged from the bathroom and was about to head out to the bed.
“Stay right there mister” she smirked
A confused smile crossed his face, at her instructions but he did as she said.
“Babe-?” He chuckled lowly.
“I’ve just been reading here” she said holding up her book
“And it says here: “with arms holding him up he leant against the doorframe admiring the girl in-front of him” “ she recites from the paper.
Rolling his eyes already knowing what she was gonna request.
“So if you could please, show me your best doorframe lean, I’d be very happy” she smiled as she put the book in her lap and leaned back against the headboard.
His famous smirk flashes at the girl
“Y’want me, to lean against the doorframe?” He chuckles.
“Basically, but like- in a really romantic and heroic way, y’know” she giggles.
Y/n can practically see Harry think of how he’s gonna do this.
“M’kay, I need you to c’mere then” he calmly requests.
“Harry, just do it!!” She blushes, she’s also thinking of how thankful she is for the 5 minute feature on TikTok!
“Will, just come here” he laughs, he walks over and takes both of her hands and guides her to the place he wants which is right by the doorframe but far enough.
When satisfied with were the both at, harrys left arm lifts up and due to his height sits just above the top door frame, already y/n found her self flustered, and with his right hand he held her face and pulled her in for a sweet kiss on her lips, while still holding the “doorframe leaning position”
She pulls away flustered and blushed up,
“You did not just do that” she laughs as she stares at him.
“No Harry, I know the fuck you did not do that” she states, her eyes still wide and her mouth curling up into a big smile.
The smirk of satisfaction crawled up on his face as he managed to to fluster up his girl, despite nearly 5 years of being together.
Remembering the iPhone camera pointing in there direction, she quickly turned on her heels to stop it, at the realisation of she’s been filming them hits Harry and it’s now his time to go red.
“You cheeky thing” he says going up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, he kept his chin on her shoulder as they watched the video they just made together, sharing laughs and smiles.
“Fuck sake” he smiles, pressing a kiss to her temple and getting into his side of the bed.
She presses post and couldn’t wait to see what everyone had to say tomorrow, she joined in the bed next to him.
“Safe to say girls are gonna be having a field day with that one” she laughs.
“Where did you learn that stunt from anyway?” She giggled leaning in to his side.
“Well baby” he started.
“When your girlfriend is obsessed with books and romance novels you do learn a few tricks along the way, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t read a few of your stuff” he nonchalantly pointed out.
Her eyes light up again.
“Really? You have?” She excitedly asked
“Mmmhmm, I got say y’got good taste” he shrugs.
“If you want recommendations just say”
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stil-lindigo · 10 months
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scorched earth.
a comic about a princess who died in a fire.
(this is a sequel to bite of winter, a comic about Snow and what became of her after her death.)
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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originalartblog · 1 year
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it's a goose picture takeover!!
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battenthecrosshatches · 10 months
would it be predictable to request supercorp + 31 ("if we’re going to keep ending up in life-or-death situations, trust that I will save you every single time") ? 🖤
I picture Supergirl and Lena, friendship still on the rocks, having narrowly escaped a bomb (a Lex special delivery to his favorite sister). They're trapped in a resulting cave in. Lena is still wrapping herself in a cloak of ice to mask how hurt she's been.
Lena for all her trying can't stand the silence. She throws an accusatory jab to give herself some relief. "For a moment, I wasn't sure if you were bringing the bomb to me or trying to turn it away."
Kara, drained, says, "If you can't trust me as a friend- if we can't- if we're going to keep ending up in life-or-death situations, trust that I will save you every single time. That has always been true."
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whinlatter · 2 months
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hi lads!
just wanted to share a little beasts update for you all. chapter 13 will be coming this coming week! but unfortunately won't be with you this weekend. phd hand-in straight into new job has unfortunately not been giving writing retreat (i’ve been absolutely shattered tbh, in bed by 9pm every night, very chic from me). but! i've been getting back into the groove of writing this long weekend and am v excited to share the next chapter with you all when it's ready (and honestly hyped to get back to telling this story in general, a source of great great joy). thank you very much for the very very kind messages - i am grateful for every single one. lots and lots of love!
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fraserstanclub · 11 months
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"It's a letter from Claire. She's with Sandringham." "Vir meus. My husband. She wants you." Jamie Fraser -> receiving coded letters from Claire in captivity Outlander 2x11 | 7x01 ↳ Requested by @gotham-ruaidh 💜
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rebelspykatie · 10 months
RWRB Steddie AU - Part 1
Wayne Munson who accidentally won the presidency running on a progressive working class ticket. Eddie Munson, the first son that causes international incidents without even trying. Like the time he made a crude hand gesture towards a foreign dignitary thinking he was saluting them. Or the time he connected his phone to the speakers during a dnc event and blasted Metallica through the entire arena. Or the time he knocked over a child on the lawn of the White House during the annual Easter egg hunt and had to issue an apology to a five year old for stealing their eggs. 
Wayne has reprimanded him more than he’s spoken in front of Congress. The secret service hates him, especially Hopper, who has to drag him back inside when he tries to escape down the trellis and cockblocks him from flirting with the barista at the Starbucks right outside of the White House. 
But nobody hates him more than Prince Steven. He doesn’t even understand why Steve hates him, only that their first interaction was disastrous, leaving Eddie fuming and confused. He remembers seeing Steve all over those teen magazines before Wayne had any political aspirations, his now gorgeous locks once too big for his tiny head and hazel eyes staring back at him from the glossy pages. Gareth never let him hear the end of it when he found those magazines tucked away under his bed, a collection that only grew over the years as Steve got more attractive.
The frosty reception from Steve had Eddie doubting every good thing those magazines ever said about how charming the prince could be. Sure, not a single hair was out of place on his stupid head and his polos were ironed within an inch of their lives, but his smile was fake and a bitchy retort slipped out of his mouth before Eddie could even introduce himself. 
He gave up on playing nice after that, not heeding his Uncle’s advice to stay away and not cause another international scandal while he was trying to make a deal with their prime minister. He practically begged Eddie to keep his big, dumb mouth shut.
Which is of course why The Incident happened. Eddie was a bit too drunk at a dinner for diplomats and their families. He approached Steve and started going on about the monarchy, a bit too loudly, where a very nosy reporter could hear. And that reporter wrote a scathing article about the first son not believing in tradition and how he was trying to undermine the authority of the crown, dredging up old tweets about how useless monarchies are and how Steve is handed things on a silver spoon. 
Wayne’s deal is in jeopardy, so he’s sent to smooth over international relations with the crown, which is a horrible idea considering Eddie’s track record. Staged photo ops have always made Eddie uncomfortable, but he sucks it up for Wayne. He winds up enjoying himself more than he thought possible in Steve’s presence because one of their PR stops is at a teen center where a group of kids regularly plays dnd. 
If it weren’t for a swift tug on the back of his suit from Hopper, Eddie would be standing on the table flailing around about a campaign, having already forgotten about the swath of reporters following them around on this tour. Steve doesn’t appear to know anything about dnd, but the little curly headed boy with an infectious toothy smile keeps tugging him around, talking a mile a minute while Steve fondly rolls his eyes. It’s the most relaxed Eddie has ever seen him. 
He learns that they’re both insomniacs during that trip, stumbling into the kitchen at 2am only to find Steve already there, riffling through the pantry. It’s the first time he’s ever seen Steve without the ramrod straight posture, notices the circles under his eyes and the way he’s always got a line of tension in his jaw. They come to some kind of truce in the dark of night over twin bowls of cereal. Something inside of Eddie unfurls at that, lets go of whatever weird grudge he was holding after their first interaction. 
It starts with a text. Steve sends him an article with the most ridiculous picture of Eddie, asks if he wakes up looking like that every morning. They’re teasing each other, taunting remarks about their status, realizing they have more in common than they thought. All summer, Eddie’s eyes are glued to his phone, anticipating texts from HRH (his royal hairiness), late nights dedicated to learning everything about Steve. Chrissy, the vice president’s daughter, corners him before the annual Halloween Party, forces him to invite his new friend Steve. She says it with a tone he doesn’t really understand, but it’s one that brooks no argument.
Maybe he learns all too well what Chrissy meant when it’s close to midnight and Steve pushes him against a tree outside and kisses him so thoroughly Eddie’s lost all oxygen to his brain. It changes the course of his entire life. He can’t stop thinking about it, feels the phantom taste of Steve on his tongue, but Steve isn’t answering his calls and Eddie doesn’t get a chance to corner him until a charity event almost a month later. 
They take each other apart that night, spend hours learning each other's bodies. Confessions spilled into the sheets they’re tangled in. Steve admits that his father arranged for him to be seen with Nancy Wheeler, who he has no interest in. They decide to try something casual, see each other when they can, get some much needed relief from the public eye. But Eddie’s never been the casual type, and he doesn’t think Steve is either, not after their nightly talks. He falls hard and eagerly hopes for more every time they meet up, wishing that Steve wouldn’t flee from his bed the next morning. 
Wayne’s pretty busy, running a country and all, but he eventually puts the pieces together on Eddie’s disappearances and his trips coinciding with events where Steve is present. His uncle knows him better than to think they’re just friends. Eddie never really had to come out to his Uncle, but they do have an intense talk on whether he’s ready to be perceived in that way by everyone in the world, Wayne apologizing for putting him in the spotlight. 
But Eddie feels forever about Steve. And Wayne’s presidency brought him to this man, to the love of his life, so there’s no way he could be upset about any of it.
If only Steve felt forever about him.
Part 2
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honeys-marmalade · 6 months
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𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓨𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓼𝓻𝓮𝓮
𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂: @jeahreading
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