#thank you so much for your ask anon 💚
melverie · 6 months
"artist and writer who does neither." I felt that... /pos
+ YOUR PFP IS SO CUTE?? SO. pretty.. omg...
The almost constant state of any creative person, huh...
Though lately I've actually been super motivated again, and have been working on several different projects at once, so I guess I have to take it out of my bio now lol. Anyway I hope you also find the time, motivation and energy to work on your wips soon, anon!! 💚
And also
A friend and I were talking about how well Satan could pull off a Link cosplay, so I took his Ruri Tunes sprite and forced him in my favorite BotW/TotK outfit, and then decided to make a little comic that I've never finished about Levi and MC forcing Satan to cosplay as Link <3
Anyway here's a higher quality version with and without the diamond circlet:
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alwida10 · 1 year
Hi. I'm not sure what's going on right now, I just saw you had a mean anon lately and it seems you're going through hard times.
I will admit I've definitively made some assumptions about you and not always been the nicest when discussing some posts of yours with friends. But just because I found some things you said offensive doesn't mean I think you are a bad person. Words we say often take a life of their own in other poeple's head. Also anger and hurt makes us all agressive and without a filter. On both sides.
There is a lot of gossip in the Loki fandom, but behind the vitriol, some poeple care about you and are genuinely worried when things seem hard. Whether it's about you or other "antis" recieving hate anons (sadly the whole point of anons is that we'll never know for sure who sent them). We're also not stupid, a lot of poeple who are angry have been through hell in their life and healing will always be far more important than fandom wank.
I just wanted to say you deserve to feel safe and to have a space where you can express yourself, even if it won't make everyone happy. Poeple are free to block you, or ignore your posts if they end up in their recommended section. Nothing has ever been achieve with hate and petty games.
Sending you my best wishes.
A cowardly anon ^^
Thank you! This message made me cry, in a good way. 💚 thank you for your kindness!
And yes, you are right in many ways. We never know who the anons are, and I admit that in my mind I tend to conflate them, assuming most are from one single person, who just never knows when to stop.
When I first came to tumblr, I found the anon-function weird. I thought “we are on the internet. We are already anonymous!”, but I guess that’s not entirely true. While this sphere is (more or less) separated from our offline life, nobody is free from expectations of their mutuals, followers, and even critics. And since we all get trained to act according to the expectations people have, some things would never get said without the anon function. But being anonymous brings forth how we really are in that moment. And hurt, stress or rage has made me say bad things in the past, too. That said, at most times I DO mourn the split in the fandom, and I am aware that echo chambers make opinions grow more extreme. So, should you come across something I have written which is offensive, please let me know, so I can check if I’m a victim of my own rage once more, worded things badly, or applied faulty reasoning. You can always point me this post if you fear a harsh answer, so I will remember I, too, was gifted with kindness.
I am sure we all just wished the fandom wasn’t so torn apart and everyone could thrive in the community. I admit, the only other fandom I participated in was supernatural, so my expertise isn’t the best, but I would bet any day that the Loki fandom is full of people who take strength from his story for their own healing and growth. So, in a way it’s even more heartbreaking that there is so much fighting about him. Because interpretations of his motives and morality are never just that. They can always be perceived as an invalidation of another person’s suffering or healing or hopes. And while you might be able to cope with an attack of an fictional story, an attack of one’s trauma or hope is much more personal.
So, yeah. It’s always better to take a step back, remember this isn’t about oneself alone, and that beyond the screen other people are humans, too, and deserve the benefit of a doubt. 💚
Also, i kinda think it’s a shame there is so little communication between the “two sides”. The last debate opened a new perspective for me, and helped me to put some things back into context. Sometimes I wish for a friend on “the other side” to discuss things in a appreciative way, where no one tries to convince the other or feels the need to defend their view. Just a comparison of perspectives, to open up new points nobody considered yet. There could be a lot of cool meta buried there. But alas, I guess the topic is too close to the heart for most of us, and I don’t exclude myself there.
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
so i just came over from ao3 and im uh, not really very sure what’s going on with the other asks on the blog but since i saw you’ve been having a rough time, i just wanted to say, i discovered into the black yesterday, ended up binging it, and am in the process of binging black acres, and i am so blown away by the quality of not just the writing, but the story and the progression itself…I found itb randomly, im actually not much of a…sub lol, quite the contrary, but the concept of the mc’s personality piqued my curiosity, and i am pleasantly surprised to see just how much I’m enjoying the story. the tropes and kinks in it are super mega hot, the characters so easy to become attached to, the plot keeps me on the edge of my seat wanting more. the conflicting emotions from the way albert acts lol. anyways, just wanted to pop by over here and give as much effusive praise as I can given that im not very good at expressing myself in text, and to show support for your work! i am also super excited to see what comes from non compos mentis. that’s all, keep up the good work!!
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I so, so appreciate you reaching out to tell me that 🥺 It’s incredibly sweet of you!! I’m so flattered, I’m legit burying my face in my sweater right now 💚💚
Yeah, there’s been this whole drama with someone plagiarizing Into The Black, and her supporters coming over here to harass me, but that’s neither here nor there—you’ve made my day 🥺☺️💖
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allylikethecat · 3 months
Ally why r u literally the nicest? I just get the best vibes from u always. Thanks for being so sweet to us all xx
Omg what? Why are YOU literally the nicest?! This might be the sweetest ask I've ever received, I'm currently very tired and feeling vulnerable and this actually made me tear up. Thank you so much for saying the vibes are good 🥹
My mom always taught me that the energy we put into the world, is the energy we get back. (Her version of the whole treat others the way you want to be treated thing) and there is already so much misery and sadness and bitterness and not greatness going on in the world, and I just, idk I don't want to be a part of that? Being in this lil fandom on tumblr makes me smile, and if you follow my blog, I want to make you smile as well. 🩵 I'm so grateful to be a part of an online community where, for the most part, everyone I've interacted with has been so kind, and lovely, and respectful and I'm so very thankful to have found this little niche section of the internet. So thank YOU for being so sweet and supportive of ME. I hope you had a WONDERFUL Monday and that the rest of your week is the very best. Thank you so much for your kindness, and your support. I literally screenshotted this and sent it to my friend that's not on Tumblr and was like "LOOK HOW WONDERFUL THIS ANON IS THERE IS STILL GOOD IN THIS WORLD" so thank you thank you thank you!
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anjukoneko · 10 months
You’re doing a good job!
;w; Thank you my beloved, darling anon; I'm sure you are too!! >:3c let's get married about it
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likesofsue · 2 years
Ahh! It’s official now🤭🥰😁🖤 I told him! I told Eddie how I feel and I’m so happy. I feel soft and fluffy now and I’m wearing my Hellfire Club shirt. Wooo! Thank you for your encouragement, your support means the world to me.🤗🫂 I hope you have a great day 💜💚😁
Can you hear me scream, dearest anon? Omg🤧❤️❤️ I'm sooooo happy for the two of you!! It's perfect! You made me smile for the first time today, so thank you very much🥺 Again, thank you for sharing this with me, this is such a huge honor. Hehe, I bet Eddie feels all soft and fluffy too. And he thinks you look absolutely gorgeous and pretty in this shirt🥰 He better give you some really nice cuddles and smooches now😌💘 Here's to a long and happy time together full of love😭😭 Of course, I'm always here for you, anon. I hope you and Eddie have a very wonderful day together!!
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lillythecoolest · 6 months
I was wondering if I could ask for hcs about Veneer or Velvet [your favourite of the 2] x troll reader, if they ever somehow dated one?
Veneer⭐️💚 x Troll Reader!
Warnings: None
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•I’m guessing he’d somehow need to get tips from Bruce
•Since he thought Floyd was cute, he’d think you’re the cutest thing he’d ever seen!
•If you’re a singer, he makes sure he keeps you as far away from Velvet as he can
•He makes Crimp make luxury clothes for you
•He has an EXTEME soft spot for you, actually spoiling you rather than spoiling himself
•He absolutely loves your hair, styling it for you with all of his expensive products
•If you have a hug-time bracelet, he’ll love it so much he asks you to make him one!
•And if you do make him one, there’s not ONCE he won’t hug you at hug time
•Even if he’s on stage, he’s that dedicated!
• *Hug time bracelet goes off making veneer run off to you* “VENEER WHAT THE HELL-?”
thank you anon! veneer is ultimately superior I don’t make the rules :]
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n0tangeliccc · 1 year
Hi lovely! How are you? How have you been? Sorry for bothering you, I just wanted to request! I hope you're requests are open, if they aren't you can totally ignore this! Can I request smut for Tweek, Kenny, Stan & Kyle reacting to their s/o wear a lingerie?
Thank you so much! Have a lovely day/night and take care!!
Reacting to their S/O in lingerie!
Kyle, Kenny, Stan, Tweek (separate) x fem!reader
(Everyone is 18+ don’t rip my head off guys)
Warning: Implied smut
A/N: Hope you also have a lovely day or night anon!<3
Kyle Broflovski💚
- His jaw drops to the floor and his face gets as red as his hair
- He gets so flustered he can’t even talk
“W-woah, you l-look so..woah j-just-“
- Just kisses you all over and praises your body
- Instantly just wants to please you
- Tries to be super careful when taking it off as to not rip it
- Hopes you’ll wear some again because he thinks you look gorgeous in it
Kenny McCormick🧡
- He has the cockiest smirk on his face when he sees you
- ABSOLUTELY LOVES IT (no surprise there, I mean this is Kenny we’re talking about)
- Instantly pulls you on top of him
“God princess, you don’t know what you’re doing to me right now. You look so fucking sexy.”
- Completely marks you, from your neck all the way down to your thighs
- Rips it off you, he doesn’t care how expensive it was he just needs you so desperately
- Wants to pick what you wear next time
Stan Marsh💙
- Like Kyle, his jaw drops to the floor
- In complete awe of you, he has to just stare at you and take it all in for a second
- Gets super touchy and has his hands all over your body
“Damn…look so good baby”
- Leaves tons of marks on you
- Actually wants you to keep it on during sex
- Asked you to wear it more often
Tweek Tweak💚
- Almost had a heart attack when he saw you
- His faces got so red and he got even more nervous than before (if that’s even possible)
- Because of this he gets scared to touch you
“Y-you’re s-so g-gorgeous-acK! C-can I t-touch you?”
- His hands get all shaky as he touches you
- Tries to remove it carefully but accidentally rips it
- Like Kyle, he hopes that you’ll wear it more often but is too scared to ask
Damn I’m posting this late as fuck (it’s almost 12 am)
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miintsprigz · 4 months
Hello!! What would Spy, Scout, and Engie be like with a s/o who is startlingly good at voice impressions?
Dang, Anon, kept ya waitin’ long enough?
Thank you for your patience! I hope that this brightens your day.
Gonna do bullet points for this one just because I think it’ll work better. Apologies that this one isn’t as long, this is a really creative prompt! I just didn’t want to keep you waiting any longer. 💚
Mercs With A S/O Who Does Voice Impressions
Characters: Spy, Scout, Engineer (Team Fortress 2)
Warnings: none come to mind
Spy 🥖
•Spy discovered your hidden talent one day when you were asking him if he wanted to accompany you out for a quick grocery store run…on what happened to be a rather rainy day.
• “(Y/N), mon bijou, as much as I love being around you, the rain will—”
• “… ‘ruin the new shoes I just got, and I can’t have this suit getting wet either’.” You’d been working on that one for a while. Spy stared at you, actually slightly slack-jawed.
• “…pardon?” “Didn’t know I could do that, did you?” “…no, no I did not.”
•Honestly? He’s just a little jealous. That was kind of his thing? I dunno, man just wants to be a bit special.
•That being said, as you start implementing this into your talks with him more and more, he finds it to be yet another quality that makes you lovely.
•He’ll tease you at times. “How can I be sure you aren’t an enemy spy?” You laughed at this, resting your hands on his shoulders. “I dunno, do these feel like the hands of an enemy spy?”
•Biting back a laugh, he shakes his head and pulls you closer, dipping you into a kiss. As he draws back, he smirks. “And those feel like the lips of my love…very well. You must be the real one.”
Scout ⚾️
•You actually first utilized this ability of yours as a hail-mary during a fight. Scout was close to bringing the briefcase to safety when the enemy Scout suddenly charged.
•Seeing this, you looked over at Heavy, hoping he would be okay with this. “‘GOOD TIME TO RUN, COWARD!’”, you mimicked. Instinctually, the enemy Scout flinched in terror. Giving yourself just enough time…
• “Heavy! Thanks for the help, man.” “Scout, I was not over there…” “But I heard you right behind me…” The gears in his head visibly turned.
• “Oh! That would be (Y/N). They are very good at that.” Jeremy’s mouth dropped open, only to immediately curve into a huge grin. “(Y/N)…for real??? Do it again!”
• With a proud grin, you obliged. “‘(Y/N) can sound like giant man!’ See?” Scout howled with delighted laughter.
• “Whoa-ho-ho, that’s freakin’ SICK, (Y/N)! Why didn’t you ever show me you could do dat?” “I dunno, it never really came up in conversation.”
•From that point on, he’d ask if you could “do the thing” all the time. You almost always agreed, his reactions were the cutest. He’d actively show it off, with your permission.
• “Yo, my baby here, watch ‘em. …ain’t that cool?!”
•Scout was actually pretty decent at impressions himself (you already know where he got that from), and sometimes the two of you would go back and forth for a while, cracking yourselves up.
•There came a time where you rolled your eyes at one of his requests. That seemed to make him a little nervous.
• “Hey uh…(Y/N)…do you want me to stop askin’ you to do the voices?” “Huh? Oh…I mean, if I’m tired, maybe.” “Arright…I know you’re probably sick of doin’ it, but I just think it’s so cool.”
•You giggled. He looked all lovestruck even now. “I’m glad you think so~” “You really are the coolest, babe, you know that? All around. I’m the luckiest guy in this whole place.” “Awww~”
Engineer ⚙️
•The first time you did this, it was to try and mess with Dell just a little.
• “‘Needa dispenser here!’” “Scout? Where’d you need that dispenser?” “I have no idea whatcha talkin’ about.” “What? But I just heard ya!” “Hardhat, I wasn’t even over there!”
•You only got away with this a few more times before he caught you midway through. His head turned quick enough to see your mouth moving.
•With the way his goggles and hardhat covered up some of the more expressive parts of his face, you couldn’t tell if he was genuinely mad or not. “(Y/N), that’s you doin’ that, ain’t it?”
• “Yeah…” Your face flushed slightly with embarrassment. “…sorry. Got carried away.” Shaking his head, the serious expression began to break somewhat, chuckling. “Ah, no harm no foul, I s’pose. Just uh…not while I’m workin’, maybe?”
•With a smirk, you mimicked him perfectly. “‘Alrighty, partner.’” “Hoo, that really is uncanny, ain’t it? How do you do that?” Holding a finger to your lips, you snickered, and you could tell he was rolling his eyes at you.
•A week or two later, while you were on break, you heard him calling you. “Engie?” Following his voice to his workshop, you looked for him. He was nowhere to be seen in here…but you’d sworn his voice had come from here.
•Looking down, you saw a new machine on his desk. Looking closer, you saw a speaker.
• “Checkmate, darlin’!” With a hearty laugh, Engie leaned in through the doorway. “Okay, you got me…” It was your turn to roll your eyes, but you couldn’t help but laugh.
•The two of you actually would utilize this on the battlefield if you had the energy for it, getting the other team mixed up. Both of you got quite the laugh out of it.
•He never really asked you to do any of that on your own time though.
•One night, he even took you on the side after using that technique. “Hey, (Y/N)…you know I love hearin’ you as yourself more than any of your impressions, right?” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
•Laughing, you rested your head against him. “Yeah, don’t worry, I know.”
• “Alright. Just wanted to make sure.”
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n3ptoonz · 2 months
Could you please write the reader waking up from a wet dream with Smoke? reader mumbles his name during it so it isn't that hard to tell what's happening and helps when you wake up after maybe... 😵‍💫 established relationship. I LOVE your stuff so much by the way every time you post it's Christmas for me.
christmas 😭😭😭 i love that analogy TYSM anon❤️💚
now...this is what i'm talkin about 😈😈 let's get it DONEE
'Love On The Brain'
Pairing: Royal Guard!Smoke/Reader
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)
Warnings/tags: Smut, Explicit, service top!smoke, switch! smoke, gn reader, reader is a switch, wet dream, established/secret relationship, creampie, m!nipple play, cowgirl, prone, missionary, handjob, sphinx likes when men beg, dacryphilia, reader is like the heir in a primarily female tribe (very outworld-esque)(idk i just wanted to sound cool), barely proofread apologies for typos
Word count: 1.9k
Explicit content under the cut
To be the heir in a tribe that was ran by mostly powerful women, it was naturally a blessing to be in your position. Because here, gender didn't matter. First born = next in line for leading. Period.
However, your mother was no stranger to keeping men in their place. Most of the guards that did nothing but protect and serve were in fact men, especially ones that were chosen from clans with high status.
Your quarters, like your other siblings, were a bit far from the main part of the land, but that meant you had your own guard all to yourself--like everyone else. One man that was capable of just about anything, if not everything.
His name was foreign; that of a whole different region outside of your knowledge. What was it again? Ah, it was-
"Tomas-!" you choked out a whine as your eyes shut tightly. Tomas held one of your hands while the other was gripping your other hip, watching the stomach bulge appear with stars in his eyes as he had no shame going at a relentless pace.
This was the third time you came in one round. Whatever he was doing, he was doing it right. Who knows how long you've been going at it by now? Honestly, who cares. To basically have the shape of him molded inside you, time was the least of your concerns.
You were signaling that you were about to cum again by the slight grip you had on his hand while the other flew over your mouth. He suddenly stopped his movements and leaned forward to kiss the back of that same hand.
"I want to hear you. Can you do that for me?" he whispered. He said your name over and over in a sweet, gentle manner, as if he was trying to get your attention. What was once a hazy and muffled voice was becoming clearer every time he said your name. And as you opened your eyes-
You shot up in your bed and panted, shielding your eyes from the sun rays that assaulted your vision. Your breath stilled you turned to look to your side; Tomas was standing at the foot of your bed in position but a concerned look on his face--he was typically bad at hiding his emotions, it's an ongoing joke between you two.
"I heard you calling my name, are you alright?" he asked, a faint tint of blush betraying him. You were about to get up off the bed when you felt a sort of...sticky substance in your underwear. You froze in your spot before sheepishly looking up at him.
"I am, thank you...Could you, um..." you trailed off.
With these three words he has heard before, he's assuming you're about to ask him to leave so you can have your privacy. Being in a secret relationship with your own guard wasn't exactly all fun and games, he still took his job very seriously, but boy did he enjoy the thrill alone.
He had already made a move to leave the room when you hopped out of bed, remembering that feeling between your thighs as soon as you took a step. If there wasn't a bloom of even more concern on his face before, it's there now. He takes one look at how you were standing, and one look at your bed. Upon seeing a bit of a stain where you were just laying, he was no fool. He knew it exactly what that meant. From you repeatedly whispering his name in your sleep, to the slight jolts every few seconds...
"Did you...uh-"
"Tomas," you said as now stood in front of him with no intention to break eye contact. You looped your index finger around a piece of his armored chest plate and pulled him in for a short, but meaningful kiss. Eventually going back in for even shorter seconds and thirds. You felt like a starved bear woken up from hibernation, and you needed your fill.
"You are going to fuck me. And you will do it how I tell you to. Is that understood?" you whispered. The color red almost completely took over his entire face upon seeing this newly discovered hunger in your eyes, but he was more than happy to oblige by your commands. He did serve you, after all. Why not put it to good use?
The only sounds that could be heard was the bed shaking, skin slapping together, and your cries muffled by your pillow. The swiftness in which Tomas put you in the prone position and pinned you down with his body, he didn't even really need to use his hands for anything besides holding himself up.
"Look at you loosening up for me. Is this how the heir behaves?" he taunted. You gave him free rein to speak how ever he pleased. Your nails drug against the sheets and you panted as the room grew hotter and your skin felt prickly from the cold sweat.
The pure bliss of his long, thick dick dragging in and out of you and the contrast to what was once cold metal armor to his sweaty, warm muscular chest atop your back made you see stars. This was a thousand times better than your dream, honestly.
"Nothing to say?" he asked, slowly yet agonizingly pushing himself into you and bringing his movements to a halt. He was holding your hips down at the same time until a good amount of his weight engulfed you. The angle he was laying at had him brushing right against your g spot, but not enough to get you to cum in an instant.
"Tomas--!" you cried out, squirming and groaning underneath him. You couldn't see it, but Tomas himself had to pause before responding because he was getting overwhelmed. You felt so good around him, he almost moaned your name back.
"You feel...so fucking good wrapped around me..." he whispered. He didn't expect himself to say it out loud, but the cat's out the bag! He slowly shakily pulled out and flipped you onto your back, the sight of your slick mixed with his pre-cum leaking out of you made him dizzy.
Your face was flushed, eyes glossy, and chest heaving; he looked the same. Without second thought you pulled him close for a deep and passionate kiss, reaching your other hand between your legs to grab and pump him. He nearly got choked up mid-kiss. You smiled and chuckled against him as you could feel his hands grabbing for the sheets next to your head. His body was trembling with love and lust.
You continued to stroke him and made sure it was known he wasn't allowed to be inside you again...yet. And this? This...newfound dynamic of power, he loves it. He instinctively started thrusting his hips into your palm and wishing it was you.
He broke the kiss and started nipping at your neck, his shallow breaths and breathy whimpers all too familiar right in your ear. He knew it wouldn't be possible to mark you up the way he wants to, but that didn't really matter. Only he gets to be this close to you and he relished in that alone.
His breaths picking up meant he was close, but you weren't having that. Him coming before you? Especially if you haven't yet? Madness. Though, you knew he wasn't about that either.
You quickly angled him in front of your hole and pulled away right as he thrusted forward. The both of you groaned in pleasure at the sudden contract on both ends and a cold shiver washed over your bodies.
He couldn't help but cum instantly, but he was no punk. He just kept going at the same time you were being filled to the brim. The room couldn't be louder with his determined grunting and the sound of squelching coming from between your legs.
You came shortly after and dragged your nails down his biceps since he had you caged in. He had your back arched, seeing stars, and out of breath.
There must've been something about this morning air because neither of you felt like this was over. Or maybe you didn't want it to be...
You smiled as he rested his forehead against yours, giving him a quick kiss on the nose before pushing him off of you and crawling on top of him. You watched his gray eyes practically twinkle at the sight of you--spent but willing. But also the rays from the sun shining through your window.
One of your hands carefully wrapped around his neck while the other simply put his length back inside. Being on top of him now, you could feel his quick breaths and the slight bucking of his hips.
"No touching while I ride you. Understand?" you said, tone just above a whisper when you leaned in closer to him. He gulped and shyly nodded. He was determined to try his best not to, because he knew you'd be even more willing to punish him for it.
There was no more starting slow. You both wanted and needed to chase this high as fast as possible especially under these circumstances. You took turns having control, and you were going to make the most of it. You were already pumped full of his seed so who needs slow and sensual now?
Your body was kicked into overdrive as you took all of him again. You tried to keep a not so expressive attitude, but damn that was growing harder by the second. No pun intended.
Since there was a free hand that wasn't on his neck, you decided to try something new. You gently rubbed his nipple to see if he'd have a reaction. And boy DID he have a reaction.
"Fuck-" he cursed multiple times. His face contorting and hips bucking harder was all you needed to see. "Ah, don't stop, please." he whispered.
He had to keep balling his hands into fists so he wouldn't just grab your hips and fuck you til you cried again. "By the gods, I'm so close. Don't stop-" his own words interrupted by a combination of a gasp and a moan. You've never seen this side of him before. Even if you did have sex the amount of times that could be counted on one hand, you didn't expect he'd act like this. Of course, he's a sensitive and sentimental guy at heart even if he doesn't show it much outside of being alone with you.
Good thing you were also about to blow too. Would you believe me if I told you he was about to cry? Well, you should. Because he's doing so right now.
"Can I- Agh- Can I please touch you? I can't go on like this-" he begged. You denied him just to watch him cry some more. And as the tears poured from his eyes, you both came together. He wasn't sad or upset. Quite the opposite actually. Little did you know it was so fucking hot to him that you wouldn't give him what he wants right after he just had you pinned to the mattress and filled with his cum.
After you calmed yourselves down, cleaned up, and changed the sheets, you convinced him to take a bath with you and cuddled close to him. You didn't want him to go back to his post yet. It had been some time since either of you had gotten the time to yourselves to do something like this, clearly. You innocently sat in his lap while you two cleaned each other off--including the dried tears under his eyes.
And then you woke up.
Kidding! After your nice, hot bath, you pulled him close as you plopped down onto the fresh sheets just to hold him for longer...Thank the gods today was your off day.
a/n: HI...! XDXDXD COLLEGE WAS WHOOPING MY ASS, my bad y'all! i hope yall fw this bc deadass this person asked for this in fuckin january, i feel like a shitty author rn😭😭but we got it done 🙏🏾 idk when imma be able to focus on tumblr fics again, but hopefully it won't take as long like this did!
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joviemotional · 16 days
Hiii! Can you do a Joost x Hungarian! Reader , where Reader makes Joost a Hungarian dish(like goulash) and he actually really likes it?
Thank you in advance❤️🤍💚
thank you so much for the ask anon! i'm not hungarian so apologies if this isn't the most accurate but this is what my research has told me.
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˗ˏˋજ⁀➴ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .
i don't think joost is a massive picky eater but i do think he's a little hesitant to try new foods. he does really enjoy being involved in the process, so he'll watch you in the kitchen intently and help whereever you let him.
i imagine you'd be prepping this meal for the rest of the week, having to start in the afternoon to get it all done in time. joost would poke his head in the kitchen and ask you why you're cooking dinner so early. then, you'd explain to him the process of making goulash. he's a little unfamiliar to this style of dish but he really wants to cook with you.
he'll help you cut up the vegetables and chew on the scraps while you fry the good bits in the pan. by the time you're up to cooking the meat he acts like he's starving. he almost dies when you tell him it has to simmer for another two hours or so. even though he's eaten pretty much every ingredient individually, he constantly asks you how it's going to taste, the texture of things, how spicy it'll be, etc.
eventually when you're over his impatience, you'll send him to get bread or noodles from the store to eat the goulash with. he will send excessive texts asking on the status of the meal while he's out because he's secretly really excited to try.
you fix him a plate and he pokes at it a bit with a fork first but he does try it. you can see every cog in his brain turn to decide whether he likes it. he does end up really enjoying it though and asks you to share some of your meal prep. expect goulash-flavoured kisses for the rest of the week.
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the-way-of-words · 5 months
Flustered//Nick Folio prompt fic
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Nick Folio x Female Reader
Content warnings: casual drug use, unprotected P in V sex, semi public sex, mentions of oral sex, mentions of using emergency contraception (this is a pro choice blog)
contains sexual situations with a fictionalized version of a real person. this is rpf. none of this is real. but if its not your jam, keep scrolling.
So apparently if you have an answered ask scheduled and then you try to move it to drafts, tumblr will just delete the whole thing. But, hey. Hi, anon. Here I am with your prompt fic (smut prompts found here)... about six months later.
If you'd like to request something and are up for possibly waiting, my inbox is back op
Thanks to Illy for being an awesome beta and catching my mistakes 💚
tagging: @throwingmetothelions @agravemisstake @ladyveronikawrites @jxstthisonce @cncohshit @kingdomof-omens
If you'd like to be tagged in any of my works just ask.
Master list can be found here
It’s been years since you’ve seen him, since you’ve both been back in town at the same time, and yet here you both are, sitting in your backyard in the hottest part of summer. The heat was miserable, but that wasn’t going to stop your parents from throwing their annual barbeque, especially not with you and your brother home at the same time. 
It didn’t take long for him to show up, and you don’t know if he was home for a visit, or if he came just because your brother called. But you can’t help the way your heart stutters when you walk into the backyard and see him sitting there, engrossed in conversation with your brother, your cheeks coloring when he finally glances over at you. You clear your throat, quickly trying to shake the way your heart skips a beat when he does a double take, because even behind those sunglasses you can see the way his eyes rove your body; taking in every change since he saw you last.
There aren’t a lot of things your brother doesn’t know about you; it's hard to keep secrets from the person you came into the world with, but with Nick Folio, you have more than enough.
Your brother still doesn't know about that time right before graduation when his best friend snuck up to your room where you were waiting for him. Doesn't know that his best friend buried his head between his sister's thighs, using his tongue and fingers to bring her off before using her slick to ease the way as he jerked himself off. He definitely doesn’t know that you took pictures of your cum covered tits to send to Nick sporadically over the next month or so. 
It was never more than that, a few flirty texts here, a conversation or two that skirted the boundaries there. All culminating in that one moment of need, and then he was gone, sequestering himself with his new band. But that's okay, he wasn’t the only one off to bigger and better things, anyway.
But a year later, you found yourselves in the same city for the night; the cheap hotel sheets scratching against your knees as you rose and fell above him. his hands burning like a firebrand on your waist, urging you on until you both found your release. He left early the next morning, with nothing but the bruises on your skin and the red lines from your nails on his as proof that anything ever happened. 
Your dress sticks to your thighs when you sit down and you can feel the heat of his gaze even as he and your brother talk about the last time they went fishing, his eyes stuck on your inked skin as you try to keep your composure. It used to be a favorite pastime of his, to see how quick he could get you to blush. I love making you flustered, he’d say whenever he’d get your cheeks to turn pink; it’s cute. But you like to think you’ve grown up in the years since then, and you’re determined to not let Nick Folio get to you. 
You’re proud of how long you stick it out, putting up with his wandering eyes as the three of you catch up, and it’s nice. The years have made it easy to forget how much you missed having him around. But just when you begin to think you’re in the clear, he corners you in the back of the shed after you slip away once the sun starts getting low on the horizon and people start saying their goodbyes. His voice sounds loud in the quiet space as he interrupts you lighting up a joint. 
“Figured I’d find you here.” For the first time this afternoon, he looks unsure of himself, the usual swagger missing as he stands in front of you, hands buried in the pockets of his black jeans.
Your eyes roll skyward as you inhale, pulling the smoke deep into your lungs before you turn to look at him. “Busted.” A smirk pulls onto your face and you shrug, tilting your face back to avoid blowing the smoke into his face.
Maybe you should have picked a different place for a smoke, but your feet took you to the only place you knew you would be undisturbed. However, it also just so happened to be where you, your brother, and Nick would kick back in high school. Old habits die hard, you guess. 
“Did you follow me here to stare some more?” 
It seems to startle him out of whatever nerves were holding him back, and he huffs, a smile pulling at his mouth. He rolls his shoulders, standing up a little straighter. “I don’t know what you're talking about,” he says, even though his eyes track down to where the joint sits between your lips as you take another hit.
You scoff, a biting retort sitting on the tip of your tongue, but before you can get it out, he steps into your space, electricity sparking at your fingertips when he pulls the joint from you to bring to his own mouth. His intense gaze burns against your skin as you step back, leaning against the old workbench your dad stopped using ages ago. You look around the small space, trying to ignore the way his arm brushes against yours when he settles next to you. Your parents moved out the old couch you and brother found free in front of the neighbors a year after you left for college, boxes now filling the space once occupied by the milk crates the three of you used as a makeshift coffee table. 
But being here with him at your side quietly reminiscing as you pass a joint back and forth almost makes you feel like you’ve been transported back in time.
“You ever think about that night in St. Louis?” 
The peaceful moment shatters just as you inhale a mouth full of smoke, choking on it as it makes its way down your throat. You cough, trying to cover it up before you take a deep breath and scoff as you hand the blunt back to him. “What? As if you do?” 
Out of the corner of your eye, he shrugs, takes another hit, “Sometimes.” Your eyes are drawn to his mouth as he blows the smoke out, and for a moment, you remember just how soft his lips were compared to the scrape of his teeth. The smoke curls between you and you try to think of something, anything else, to avoid the heat growing between your legs as you reach for the joint. But instead of passing it over, he holds it back. 
“Are you really withholding my own shit from me?”
“Answer the question and you just might get it back.” He straightens his arm when you go for it again, holding the blunt out just beyond your reach. You know he has no intention of doing what you ask until he gets his answer, and contrary to popular belief, Nick Folio has the patience of a saint if it’s going to get him what he wants.
A frustrated sigh leaves your lips and your eyes roll as you cross your arms. You level him with a look and throw his own response back at him. “Sometimes.” 
He smirks. “Only sometimes?”
As much as you forgot how much you enjoyed his company, you also seemed to have forgotten what an absolute annoying shit he could be. Because he knows how to push; knows exactly how to dig to get under your skin. However you’ve been here before, played this same song and dance with him over the years, and this time, you refuse to give in. You can tell the minute he realizes he won’t get any more out of you.
He sighs, squinting your direction as he tilts his head. “You know, you used to be a hell of a lot easier to crack.” 
Your head tilts and you shrug. “People change.” 
“You certainly have.” He snorts, exaggerating the way his eyes move over you, just like they have all day. “You didn’t have any of these the last time I saw you,” your breath hitches when one of his fingers traces the shape of the snake on your right thigh, almost hoping he’ll follow the lines of ink up under your skirt. Disappointment curls in your stomach when the warmth of his hand slips away and he must notice because his mouth is curled into a smirk when your gazes meet, his thumb brushing against the apple of your cheek, “and you blush nowhere near as easily as you used to.” 
Like prey caught in a predator’s sights, you freeze, holding your breath as he studies your face, only feeling free to exhale when he takes a step back. You gesture to the dying joint in his hand refusing to focus on the butterflies swirling in your belly. “Okay, I answered your question, can you give me my shit back and let me finish it out in--”
You pause mid sentence as you watch him take a hit, anger flaring in your chest as you watch him finish it off. “Are you fucking kidding me??” 
You scoff when he crooks his finger, but all he does is tilt his head, raising an eyebrow and it’s almost as if you can hear him goad you. C’mon. You know you want to.  
And perhaps you shouldn't. You've indulged this for too long, despite your better judgment, you do. “Fine,” you mutter, pushing off the workbench and into his space. He cups your face in his hands, his lips brushing against yours as he blows the smoke into your open mouth. You’re not sure if it's the marijuana or his closeness, but you feel dizzy as you inhale, hands gripping his wrists to steady yourself. 
You’re very aware of the fact that he moves first, walking you back against the workbench, but you meet him halfway; slotting your mouths together and slipping your tongue between his parted lips. He groans, fitting his body against yours as he nudges his thigh in between yours and heat sparks anew in your belly when he presses the thick muscle against your core. 
You pull away from his mouth to hoist yourself up, spreading your thighs as soon as you’re settled and pulling him back against you.
Your hands move on autopilot, tugging open his pants and shoving his underwear down as he pulls you to the edge of the tabletop. He hooks two fingers in the edge of your panties, pulling them to the side and slips the head of his cock inside you. Your mouth falls open with a quiet gasp at the stretch, head falling back as he sinks himself deeper and deeper until you’re flush together. 
Nick curses and cups the back of your head to pull you into a kiss as he grinds into you before breaking away.
“Shit,” his fingers drum against your thigh, “do—do you think there’s still some condoms in here?” 
You snort. “Probably? But I don’t know how good they’d be. Last time any of us were in here was--”
“Senior year.” He finishes for you with an exasperated laugh. Nick sighs, squeezing your waist one last time before he moves to back away. But you don’t let him. Your feet lock behind his back and your thighs hold him close. Your name sounds like a benediction when it leaves his lips.
“You just said…” 
“I know, but I still want to.” You say, rushing to add, “If you still want to.” 
“Yeah?” There’s a blush on his cheeks as his dick kicks inside you and you can’t help yourself.
You skim a finger across the flushed skin. “I love making you flustered… It’s cute.”
“When did you get so damn mouthy?” He asks with a roll of his eyes, groaning quietly when you clench around him for a beat. 
A self-satisfied smirk pulls on your mouth. “I’ve always been this mouthy. You’re just not used to it anymore.” You slide your fingers through the short hair on the back of his head as he huffs and pulls his hips back. “But if you cum in me, you’re buying me a Plan B.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” He replies right before he thrusts back into you sharply. 
While you’re aware how stupid this is, you can’t find it in yourself to care. Not when he wraps an arm around your back to hold you close as the table beneath you shudders and shifts with every thrust of his hips. Pleasure lights across your nerves as the new angle has his cock grazing along that one spot inside you that always works you closer to the edge.
“Oh, fuck.” You curse. “I’m gonna--”
“Yeah? You gonna cum?” You can hear the smirk in his voice as you nod. “C’mon, then, cum for me. C’mon,” he taunts quietly into your ear and you hate how it’s that easy, how you seem to do it on his command. 
Your pussy clamps down on his shaft as your inner muscles work him and you bury your face in his neck to smother the noise you can’t hold back. His arm tightens around you and his rhythm slips, muttering a litany of curses until he suddenly stills, warmth flooding your cunt as he releases into you. 
His forehead comes to rest against yours, your breath mingling as the two of you come down. It almost feels tender, this moment in the afterglow, and it's easy to get lost, to let the rest of the world fall away where the only things that matter are him and you here together. But the world comes rushing back when you hear your brother's voice right outside the shed, sending the two of you scrambling away from each other.
You hold your breath as you pull your dress back down, straightening it out while Nick rushes to pull his pants up. He gets his belt buckled just in time for your brother to round the boxes blocking you from view. 
“Heyyy,” you try to keep your voice steady and aim for a casual air, but it’s no use. Not for the first time, you find yourself cursing the twin intuition as he crosses his arms and levels the both of you with a look.
“Really dude? My sister??” 
Your and Nick’s voices mix together as you both try to spout off some excuse, but your brother just holds his hand up, waiting for you to fall silent before he sighs. “Have you guys been hooking up this whole time since St. Louis?”
“What?! No. Absolutely not!”
“How do you know about that?!”
You speak at the same time again and you swear you watch your brother age at least five years, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. “I honestly don’t know which option I dislike more… Did you really think Janey wouldn’t tell me—fuck.” He cuts off, eyes wide. “I owe her twenty bucks.”
“Did you and your wife really bet on us?” Nick asks incredulously.
“You,” Your brother’s finger points at Nick, “just fucked my sister. You don’t get to be offended.” He sighs again. “I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but, you hurt her, I will come after you, clear?”
“Uh… yes?” 
“Good.” Your brother nods and turns to go, pausing to turn back and face you. “Actually, mom told me to tell you to stop smoking weed in the shed.”
You have the courtesy to at least wait until the door shuts behind him before you let the hysterical laughter burst forth, falling into Nick as it takes over and he joins you. The air feels charged when it finally subsides and your eyes meet. He regards you with a soft look, and it pulls at your insides. It almost feels like he’s going to kiss you again, but then he sighs. 
“Come on.” He takes your hand, sliding his fingers between yours. “Pretty sure I owe you a trip to CVS.”
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
Penny I’m sorry you’re having a hard time. I will be praying for you . Take this time to heal . Don’t worry about ( Black acres) Take care of penny . penny comes first .
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Hi thank you so much friend!!! 🥺🥺💚 I’m so sapped of energy, I just need Life to chill tf out for two seconds and stop dropping cartoon anvils on my head
The long story short of it all is that I’ve medically been trying to figure out if something didn’t heal right or broke from my last surgery, and mentally I’ve had multiple emotionally traumatic incidents recently both at work and in my personal life, so it’s all very physically and mentally exhausting.
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queenie-avenue · 6 months
Hey! I saw your post about the requests and was wondering if you could write a story about Sebastian and a female MC, which contains a lot of angst ( with a happy ending ) maybe about a huge misunderstanding with jealousy on MC’s side and all is good in the end? :)
Thank you!! 💚
You're so pretty, it hurts.
—> he's so popular he can barely give you the time of day now.
⤻ reader is a female, reader's house is not specified, reader is insecure, reader is easily jealous/a bit clingy, angst with a happy ending but it's like more internal turmoil than straight up arguing, jealousy, all characters are in their sixth year, ominis is the best wingman, mentions of the events in hogwarts legacy, sebastian is on the quidditch team as a beater
note: i know that sebastian is canonically unfit, and i love him for it, but i think he would be good as a beater. thank you for the ask, btw anon! <33 keep them coming!
🦋 ⤻ archives.
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Ever since the events of last year, you and Sebastian weren't that close anymore. He had promised things would be the same, but a part of you felt like Sebastian blamed you for the events that happened in your sixth year. You blamed yourself too, to be honest. If only you had been more persistent, if only you had been more persuasive, Sebastian wouldn't have lost his sister and uncle.
You still dream about the hollow eyes of Solomon Sallow, at times. Regretting how you did nothing to stop Sebastian from going down the path of evil.
Although you and Sebastian did not talk that much anymore, you still heard whispers about him. Well, technically they weren't whispers given how everyone was speaking about him to the point the whispers grew into a buzz that you could not fizz out from your brain. Your dearest slytherin boy had decided to try out for the quidditch team this year now that Professor Black finally allowed the darn sport to be played. Ominis told you — yes, Ominis and not Sebastian — that Sebastian wanted a way to let loose that anger inside him, he hoped that being a beater would help with his issues, get his mind off things.
That seemed to work, given how little he seemed to think of you nowadays.
Even now, as you sat in the library, you heard giggles from girls who thought that Sebastian looked rather dashing in the quidditch uniform or how some guys were jealous of the attention Sebastian was getting. Even some guys fancied the slytherin boy too.
You slammed your book shut and practically stormed out from the library. "A library is meant for studying, not gossiping." You muttered, overcome with jealousy, ignoring the fact that you had been gossiping with Poppy just weeks ago.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
You stood at the side of the quidditch field, staring up at the sky as the slytherin team flew overhead, practicing drills for next week's match with hufflepuff.
"You know, this would be much easier if you talked to him." Ominis said, interrupting the gawking session you were currently undergoing. You had invited Ominis over to the quidditch field in an attempt to make things less awkward when Sebastian would eventually descend from the sky back onto the green patches of grass.
You stood there alongside with Ominis, making small talk as you stared up into the sky — your eyes almost being burnt off by the afternoon sun — as you look at Sebastian flying up there.
His hair riding against the waves of the wind, the curls flapping like a bird's wings, the way all the worries in his chocolate eyes flutter away when he rides on the broom, going against the current of the wind. He looks happier, happier than he was throughout the remainder of fifth year and you can't help but feel jealous and left out. You wished you could make him that happy, so joyous that all his frustration seemed to melt away like snow when spring slowly came to reap.
Insecure thoughts plagued your mind as you played with your fingers, your head slowly dipping as it now paid more attention to the ground and dirt rather than the glorious sight that was Sebastian Sallow.
You didn't even notice when he landed and began speaking.
"[y/n]! [y/n]!" Ominis' voice brought you out of your daydream, and your eyes immediately snapped up to be met with those eyes.
"Hey." Sebastian's smirk was brighter than the sun.
Hey? Was that all he would say to you after avoiding you for the better part of the first two months of the year? "Hi." You replied dismissively, looking away. Ominis seemed to sense your apprehension as he nudged you. Poor Ominis, really.
"What are you guys doing here?" Asked Sebastian as he reached out to grab your shoulder but you simply moved away.
You would have paid to see that look on his face again.
"Just watching the show." You shrugged as you looked over at the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch team that had landed. Imelda seemed to shoot a particularly dirty look at Sebastian for riding away from them. "You did well. I saw you." You commented rather stiffly.
"Yeah well, training will do that to you. I can finally walk up the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower without running out of breath!" He laughed and you responded with a polite chuckle.
Then you both just stared at one another.
"Confident about the game?" Ominis asked, attempting for what seemed like the millionth time to help with the relationship.
"Yeah." Sebastian said rather cockily, looking like the fifth year you first met. "We're going to pummel hufflepuff, just you wait." You smiled at that.
Just then, one of the other beaters, a rather tall girl practically ambushed Sebastian, throwing an arm over his shoulder. "Oh Ominis, and the new fifth year!" She said, but all you could focus on was how chummy she was with Sebastian.
"I'm a sixth year now, actually." You corrected, perhaps a bit too sharp.
"Hah, yeah, sorry. You just made an impression was all, the whole defeating Ranrok thing." The girl smiled and you could tell she was genuine in her awe of you but your eyes kept glancing over at where Sebastian and her made contact. You had no claim over the boy but you felt like your heart was shattering into glass pieces as he returned her side hug.
"We should probably head back to doing drills, before Imelda burns a hole in either of our heads." Sebastian commented, his eyes drifting towards you intently.
"You will be watching us during the match, right?" The boy confirmed, looking at you with anticipation.
You were almost tempted to make a snide remark about how he didn't need you anymore given the fact that he had a whole team and school of people who wanted to be near him.
All you did was give a simple nod before excusing yourself, not wanting to have your heart broken further.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
As he soared through the winds, your eyes still remained on him and only him. You didn't even know whether or not Slytherin was winning. You could hardly care for anything else other than the triumphant look on his face every time he blocked or parried a bludger. God, maybe a bludger to the head would help see sense and just speak to you properly about why he was acting so strangely.
You barely registered it when they announced that Slytherin had won the match, only realising it when Sebastian practically tumbled to the floor, thrown onto it by the same girl you had been so jealous of the other day.
Sebastian smiled at her and lifted her up into the air, his eyes brighter than ever.
Had he ever looked at you that way?
You wanted to puke, you wanted to scream, but you couldn't. Not here. Maybe because of your pride but the moment his eyes met yours, you dashed. Skirts fluttering in the wind as you ran and ran, practically sliding down towards the edge of the black lake. With no one there other than the mermaids at the bottom of the lake, you sank towards the ground.
Perhaps it was a bit dramatic but you were a teenage girl and you saw your crush embrace another girl like it was nothing. You think you had the right to be dramatic.
You sat down, not caring about whether or not the dirt or water would stain the fabric of your skirt. You didn't care much about anything except the way Sebastian looked so happy without you.
Had avoiding you really made him that more relaxed?
You curled up, holding your knees close to your chest as you fought back tears.
The sun had set by the time you finally regained enough sanity to wonder whether it was time to head back to the castle.
Before you could have any other rational thought, you heard the rustles behind you, your wand raised and pointed at the intruder only to see a boy with freckles dotted all over his face raising up his hands. His forehead was marred with sweat, cheeks red and mouth panting as he stared at you.
"Where the bloody hell were you!" He practically screamed, causing you to lower your wand.
"Well, I'm here, as you can tell." You didn't mean to make his worries seem like a joke but it just slipped out.
"I was-" he panted. Despite how fit his arms had gotten, Sebastian still couldn't run well, it seemed. "I was looking for you everywhere! I thought you went to go fight Ashwinders, or something! I was scouring the entire place for you." He said, approaching you and grabbing hold of your shoulders, shaking you like a mad man as he looked into your beautiful [e/c] eyes. "Don't- Don't scare me like that. Please." He begged.
"I- I didn't mean to." You replied, shocked at how emotional Sebastian suddenly was.
"Please don't do that again. You know I lost her, I can't lose you too." He said and you knew he was obviously referring to Anne and you felt pity for him, but you also felt annoyed. You wanted to push him away as he embraced you, his sweat smearing all over your dirt-stained clothes.
"If I'm so important to you," you started, "why have you been avoiding me?" You finally let your emotions spill out as you caressed the side of Sebastian's face, eyes leering over his prominent freckles. You had once joked they looked like constellations but really, Sebastian was as bright as a star. "You kept running away from me," your hands gently touched his skin, enjoying the texture of the slight stubble he had shaved. "You didn't talk to me, I thought I did something wrong."
"You did nothing wrong." Sebastian cut in.
"Then tell me why."
"It was- I couldn't help it. I was terrified. I know you promised to always be by my side. But I was so scared I'd disappoint you, I wanted to better myself. At the start of the year, throughout the holidays, I kept having the urges to use dark magic. I knew I might cave in and use it and I- I didn't want you to see me when I eventually failed." Like you, it seemed Sebastian was finally spilling out everything he ever wanted to say. "It was so stressful." He whispered, head buried in your chest.
Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact the mood was so emotional, you would have thought Sebastian was trying to cop a feel.
"It didn't look stressful earlier when she hugged you." You thought aloud.
"Is that what you're upset about?" Sebastian asked, looking up from your hug.
"Ngh.." you groaned, not wanting to admit your jealous tendencies but Sebastian simply smirked as he wrapped an arm around your waist knowingly.
"I just needed a way to vent out all that stress. Ominis suggested Quidditch so I gave it a try. I just wanted to be better for you." He whispered. "You like more athletic guys, don't you? The way you look at the Gryffindor boys when they fly tells me a lot." He said, expressing his own envy.
"I don't like other boys, I just like you." You left those words hanging in the air.
"I was scared I wouldn't be. That if I caved, you would leave, like Anne did." He said, his grip on your waist tighter now.
"Even if you fell back into dark magic, I'd be there to pull you out. I would never abandon you." You emphasised, holding Sebastian closer.
"But it wouldn't sit right with me. I wanted to let you go, that's why I didn't respond to your letters all that much during the holidays, I thought you deserved some better." He said, blurring the lines between your relationship. "But when I saw you on the first day... I just couldn't. I wanted to be selfish. But I knew I didn't deserve you, so I wanted to become someone who did."
"You were always enough." You told the slytherin boy, bending down to press a kiss to his forehead.
"I'm getting better. I don't- the urges for dark magic aren't there anymore. Whispers tempting me but when I look at you, they all disappear." He admitted, one of his hands reaching up to brush your lips, taking in the curve of your eyelashes, the blush on your cheeks and finally the way your lips were pursed. "All I think of when I see you," he breathed, inching closer, "is just how much I want to be with you." He admitted.
He was getting closer and closer until there was barely a centimetre between the both of you.
His lips were so soft.
Both of you tumbled to the ground in a passionate embrace as your arms wrapped around his neck and his around your waist. It felt like forever as he continued kissing you, giving you only a bit of space to breathe before he dived back into your lips, wrestling your tongue like if he didn't taste it, he may die. His hands travelled up, bunching around your hair as he tugged softly, causing noises of ecstasy to escape from your lips.
"Sebastian." You called.
"[y/n.]" He responded as he pushed his lips harsher into yours.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, he pulled away. His eyes bore into yours, the reflection of you sparkling in his.
"Trust me, you are enough for me." You whispered as you pulled him into a chaste kiss, something sweeter than the desperate first kiss both of you had.
"You'll never leave my side?" He asked.
"Never." You smiled.
Sebastian's tense expression finally loosened as he kissed you again. "I suppose we can't exactly call each other friends anymore, can we?" He chuckled as he dived back into another kiss.
"Yeah, and that also means you can't let anyone else hold you like this. Even your quidditch team." Sebastian laughed at your words.
"With how jealous you are, I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner."
He kissed you again and it felt like heaven.
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freeuselandonorris · 10 days
💚 magic kiss either Oscar/Carlos or Oscar/Lando
omg ANON i had so little clue of where to start with this i had to panic crowdsource ideas from the gc (thanks guys!). then i decided to really challenge myself and write it as oscar/carlos even though i am not generally a carcar fan... unfortunately i must admit i had an absolute fucking whale of a time writing this lmao tysm for pushing me out of my comfort zone!
Carlos is waiting for him outside the FIA office after the post-race debrief with a face like a slapped arse. Rich, considering Oscar was the one who finished out of the points thanks to Carlos taking his front wing off on lap 32.
“I figured it out,” he says. 
Oscar looks at him askance, scrunching his nose. Behind him, Lando shoves his way past, catching Carlos on the shoulder with a squeeze as he does it. It makes a muscle on Oscar’s jaw twitch for no real reason.
“Remembered how to drive? Congrats.”
Carlos rolls his eyes and falls into step alongside Oscar as he tries to walk away. “No,” he says, insistent. He taps Oscar’s hand for emphasis, and Oscar stares at his forearm. There’s such a thing as having too much body hair. “It is a curse. A magnetism curse.”
“What?” Oscar scoffs. “Come off it. Reckon the FIA will cancel your penalty points if it’s a curse?”
“I am telling you,” Carlos says, but Oscar shakes him free. Magnetism curse. Honest to God, the excuses some people come up with.
Two weeks later, when Oscar locks up coming out of the pits on cold tyres and skids across the track straight into a bright red sidepod, he’s forced to admit Carlos may have been right.
He brings it up in the debrief, hesitant. Andrea tells him in no uncertain terms that, if his theory is correct, he needs to sort it out, and soon. Their position in the Constructors’ is under threat with only one car reliably scoring points.
“You know what the cure is, right?” Lando asks afterwards, smacking his gum. He looks unspeakably entertained.
“I’m not doing it,” Oscar says flatly. “I’ll just have to – drive better.”
“Uh huh,” Lando says, smirking. “He’s a goood kisser, you know. Wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.”
Oscar waits until he’s left the room before he kicks the wall.
They’re separated by five cars in Austria, and Oscar relaxes all the way until Turn 3, when Alonso brakes hard in front of him and in the resulting concertina, Carlos’ front left tyre connects with his right rear.
Puncture, pit stop, strategy fucked. 
For fuck’s sake.
Carlos is in his room when he gets back, sitting on the edge of the futon and flicking through a copy of Autosport Oscar had been reading between the practice sessions. 
“Jesus,” Oscar says, stopping in the doorway. “Did Lando let you in?”
Carlos shrugs, which Oscar takes as a yes. He stands up without preamble, squaring his shoulders like he’s ready for a fight. 
Oscar shuts the door and sighs. “Fine. Let’s get it over with.”
There’s a bit of awkward jostling as they both try to line themselves up, heads tilting in the same direction and the toe of Carlos’ trainer butting up against his own. Oscar makes a frustrated sound in the back of his throat, and then Carlos’ hand is on his jaw, carefully angling his head.
His lips are annoyingly soft, as plush as they look. When his lips part and his tongue dips into Oscar’s mouth, he tastes of black coffee, bitter and unfamiliar. His hand – big, though not that big, on the scale of things – slides around to the back of Oscar’s neck, warm and secure. He bites down on Oscar’s bottom lip before he pulls away, tugging the flesh gently. Lando wasn’t wrong, he thinks, dazed.
“Well,” he says, stepping back. Up close, his eyes are so dark Oscar can see tiny reflections of himself in them. “Hopefully that has made the trick.”
“Reckon so,” Oscar says, and tells himself the tingling in his fingers and the throbbing in his chest is the curse leaving his body.
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Office Hours/Bells is lowkey becoming one of my comfort fics, I love the lore and that they come from a kind of friendship that makes the whole fucked-up-ness of their situation less apparent xd Is there any chance you're considering writing another part? 👀
Also, your writing style is very impressive to me, I love how you go into detail when describing Y/n's feelings and thoughts and I like your vocabulary :3
Office Hours/Bells - Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader (Part 3)
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Pairing: Professor!Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 10 329
Warnings: SMUT (public/car sex, fingering, masturbation, overstimulation, p in v, spanking, cunnilingus, dry humping, thigh humping, slight bimbofication), Obsessive behaviour, Professor x Student
Summary: Life had gone back to normal for Y/n now, back at uni and free to live, but she stayed with Jonathan. Then Jonathan starts getting needy and one thing leads to another.
A/N: I had no intentions of writing another part to this but I had to after this ask, thank you so much for sending me this anon 💚 I love hearing from you lot and I really appreciate it :) I'm glad to write someones comfort fic, it means the world to me.
I made Jonathan not only a horny bastard, but also a teasing bastard cause he's an asshat.
I also brought Edward back cause Y/n needs friends! I hope you enjoy 💚
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Y/n’s life seemed to have seamlessly returned to its familiar rhythm. University occupied her days and she was granted her freedom to leave whenever she wished. Returning to university proved surprisingly seamless. Explaining her abrupt absence required minimal effort, considering the shitty environment of Gotham. In a city with its own set of pressing concerns, the university showed little interest in the temporary disappearance of a single student. Some of her peers questioned her abrupt absence, but she told them it was family matters which made them drop the topic immediately. Her once-close friends, though accepting her explanation, gradually drifted away due to the lack of communication. She understood their perspective, yet the tethering force of circumstance made rekindling those connections a challenge. Nonetheless, in her newfound relationship with Jonathan, those fading ties held little consequence.
Jonathan had become the focal point of her existence, a gravitational force that commanded her thoughts every second of each living moment. Love enveloped her heart, and every morning, she revelled in waking up next to him, ensuring each time he left was accompanied by a heartfelt goodbye. She made sure he woke her up before he departed at ungodly hours just to say goodbye.
Yet, the intensity of her emotions caused many problems. Times when Jonathan would leave without waking her up, she’d frantically dial his phone, calling a hundred times if she had to, only to unleash her frustration over the phone. But Every time, Jonathan responded with unwavering devotion, hastening back to comfort her unrest and lull her back into a peaceful slumber. There were instances when she felt utterly adrift, grappling with the overwhelming weight of existence, succumbing to panic attacks that left her incapacitated. In those vulnerable moments, he would return to a dishevelled scene, a testament to the chaos that was caused by his absence.
Aware that her obsession was a result of his actions, he acknowledged the unhealthy dynamic but he honestly couldn’t care less. Rather than recoiling, he found a peculiar allure in her obsession. Initially motivated by a desire for her well-being, his aspirations shifted over time. Now, he craved her presence unapologetically, indifferent to the means employed to secure it. What once began as a pursuit of what was best for Y/n transformed into an unbridled desire to possess her, regardless of the cost.
"Should I go pick up the rest of my stuff from the dorms?" Y/n inquired, setting her book down and directing her gaze toward Jonathan, who was seated at his desk.
He glanced over at her, considering the question. "I suppose that would be wise. I can drop you off at the dorms to gather your things tomorrow if you'd like. I won’t be able to help you get them though, being a professor and all." Jonathan suggested.
"That’s fine, I have a bunch of suitcases to pack my shit in. I'll let my parents know I've moved into a new rental and won't need to pay for the dorms anymore," Y/n confirmed.
Although her belongings at the dorm were not extensive, the prospect of decorating the warehouse with her personal items excited her, transforming it into a space that felt more like home. She looked forward to the opportunity to drag Jonathan to a department store, determined to infuse the place with a proper sense of homeliness, complete with a well-equipped kitchen. The bathroom, too, demanded considerable attention. In its current state, it lacked any built-in features, as they’d only been there for a week.
Gathering her belongings proved to be a straightforward task. Y/n efficiently packed everything from her compact dorm room into the waiting suitcases nestled in her closet. The prospect of adorning the warehouse with her personal items filled her with excitement. Down the elevator and into Jonathan's car parked outside, she loaded her possessions before promptly returning the key to the front desk.
Back at the warehouse, she eagerly unpacked her bag. Carefully laying out her blankets on the bed, the necessity of being well-prepared for the harsh Gotham winters. Finally having a place for the essential home items collected over the years, like plates and cutlery, added a comforting touch to her new living space.
"You've got quite the haul," Jonathan remarked, observing Y/n pull out an abundance of items.
Raising an eyebrow, Y/n questioned, "You don't like my mugs?" She held up a pair of cat-themed mugs that she had just grabbed from her suitcase.
Jonathan chuckled, "I just didn't expect someone who lived at the dorm to have such an array of things."
"Well, I bought them so that when I was ready, I'd already have everything to fill a house," Y/n explained.
Jonathan arched an eyebrow, "Then it must disappoint you that this is barely a house."
"Nonsense. It means I get to choose how this place is decorated," Y/n retorted with a smirk, asserting her enthusiasm for transforming their living space.
"Oh, really? What's your vision then?" Jonathan inquired, intrigued by Y/n's plans.
Leaning against the modest kitchen, Y/n surveyed their current setup. "Well, I'm not entirely certain about the kitchen yet, but it's going to be a vast improvement from what we have now," she asserted, gesturing towards the pitiful kitchen space, barely accommodating a mini fridge with a microwave above and a small countertop.
"And as for the bathroom, gunmetal grey, I think. Nice tiles, too," Y/n envisioned.
Jonathan raised an eyebrow, a practical concern surfacing. "You do understand we can't have people coming in here to do that work, right?" he pointed out, as this place held all his illegal equipment.
"I know. I can do it myself," Y/n confidently replied.
Surprised, Jonathan questioned, "You know how to tile?"
"Yeah, my mum and dad used to do up houses together. I've got some handiness skills, don't worry," Y/n assured, her tone reflecting both competence and determination. “But besides..that’s a job for another day.”
Jonathan hadn't imagined such a skill from Y/n, but he found himself appreciating the prospect of someone finally transforming their warehouse into something more inviting. As Y/n carried on with her unpacking, the idea of a visually improved environment began to take root.
Y/n dedicated the majority of her class time to envisioning and designing the ideal kitchen and bathroom for the warehouse. Having already grasped the lesson from Jonathan a week ago in private, most of the material seemed redundant. Jonathan, aware of her tendency to zone out, didn’t mind much. He’d never call her out in lectures like the other students.
Armed with her sketches and ideas, Y/n meticulously outlined the placement of kitchen cabinets and various items in her notebook. She opted against structural changes, acknowledging her lack of confidence in altering the layout of walls.
From his desk at the front, Jonathan observed her from a distance. Even at that distance, he could discern a glint in her eyes as she immersed herself in the creative process. His gaze remained captivated by her presence. The subtle way she bit her lip in deep thought, coupled with her choice to sit at the front, afforded him a clear view of her legs beneath the desk. Legs crossed, bare, and accentuated by the skirt she had chosen to wear that day, further held his attention.
Jonathan had always perceived her in a clean, innocent way–until today. Now, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was a dirty old man. Though she wasn't doing anything remotely sexual, he still felt ashamed of himself. To make matters worse, he couldn't tell whether he'd manage to restrain his impulses once alone with her.
The lecture concluded, and Y/n patiently waited for the room to clear before slipping into Jonathan's office.
"I've got some home plans!" Y/n announced, waving her paper triumphantly as she approached him.
Rounding the side of his desk, she brought a chair with her and settled next to him. Leaning in, she shuffled closer, spreading out her papers and indicating the above-view image of the warehouse's floor plan.
"I was thinking we could shift the kitchen over here, away from the bathroom. I mean, having no space between the two rooms is kind of gross, don't you think?" Y/n explained, pointing at the image with her pen.
Jonathan tried to focus on her words, but her proximity, especially the enticing warmth of her thigh against his own, distracted him.
"We can relocate the living space here, and it would be a better setup than what we have now. As we settle in, maybe we could add some walls, but honestly, I'm not confident in my skill set for that right now, so tha—" Y/n abruptly halted her explanation, catching Jonathan's lingering gaze.
"Why are you staring at me?" she inquired, noticing his distraction.
Jonathan, unable to resist, admitted, "Sorry, my Dear," before capturing her lips in a surprisingly passionate kiss, letting actions convey what words couldn't.
She emitted a soft squeak in response to the unexpected kiss, attributing it to Jonathan's attempt to express affection. Detecting an unusual tension in him that day, she decided to let it slide. "It's fine, just don't complain when the warehouse looks weird," she quipped with a playful note.
Y/n rose from the chair and settled onto the couch. However, the lingering trace of her scent and the warmth from her body seemed to cling to him, leaving an indelible impression long after she had moved away.
They arrived back at his hideout later in the night, and Jonathan couldn't shake off the feeling that he was a dirty pervert. All he wanted was Y/n's body all over him, a thought that clashed violently with his normally dispassionate nature. Even when he was a teenager, he never had romantic thoughts about anyone, much less lustful ones. But in his defense, his school was full of assholes and his grandmother would beat the lust out of him. But now, with Y/n in the picture, he couldn't help but feel like he was losing control.
Jonathan had promised Y/n that they would sit on the couch together and watch a movie tonight. She was bouncing with excitement, already making microwave popcorn for the movie. When she jumped onto the couch beside him, Jonathan couldn't help but feel his heart pounding in his chest. He tried to focus on the screen, but all he could see was Y/n's warm, inviting body next to him. Jonathan could feel all the blood rush to his dick, making it twitch painfully under his jeans. Thankfully, Y/n kept a blanket on the couch so he could cover up and pretend that nothing was wrong.
Y/n laid her head on Jonathan's shoulder while he sat awkwardly straight. She thought nothing of his usual stiffness, and for once, he was glad for his natural awkwardness. He could feel her warm breath on his neck, and the gentle rise and fall of her chest against his own. He tried to focus on the movie, but all he could think about was the soft curves of her body. He couldn't help but feel a wave of desire wash over him as he fought to keep his hands to himself.
While Y/n was enjoying The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, Jonathan was stuck in a battle with his own thoughts. All he could think about was how he wanted to hear Y/n moan and scream beneath him as he rammed his dick into her. He tried to keep his cool, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was losing control.
Jonathan let his eyes drift from the flashy colors of the screen to Y/n. He couldn't help but notice the way her leg was thrusted out from under the blanket, her loose shorts revealing the soft, warm flesh of her thigh. 
All he could think about was how he wanted to bury his face between Y/n's thighs and eat her out while her legs squeezed his head. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and he couldn't help but imagine the way her body would shudder with pleasure as he brought her to orgasm.
Poor Y/n wanted to have a sweet moment together, but Jonathan's thoughts were ruining it for him. Y/n had no idea of the battle that raged within him, the way he wanted to throw her down onto the couch and rut her like a dog in heat. He knew he had to keep it together if he didn't want to ruin this precious moment with Y/n.
He remained blissfully unaware that the film had ended until the closing credits began rolling, accompanied by the familiar tune of "Ocean Man." Y/n sat up, stretching, and inadvertently causing her shirt to ride up a little.
"I love that movie," she expressed, glancing down at Jonathan, who remained seated, seemingly reluctant to move.
"Come on, time for bed," Y/n insisted, seizing Jonathan's hand and coaxing him off the couch.
As she switched off the TV and put the empty popcorn bowl away, Jonathan stood there, taking a moment to readjust his pants, ensuring they wouldn't expose him. The both of them climbed up the stairs and hopped in the bed. 
"Goodnight," Y/n murmured, leaving a tender kiss on Jonathan's cheek before rolling over.
"Sleep came easily for Y/n, but for Jonathan, it was a different story. He lay awake with his hard dick pressed against his pants, thinking he couldn’t possibly be as horny in the morning as he was now, right? Oh boy, was he wrong.
For the next week, Jonathan felt like a perverted bastard. Every time he saw Y/n, he could feel his dick pulse in his pants. When he took her to the department store to look at cabinets and countertops, he couldn't help but imagine the way her body would shudder with pleasure as he fucked her over each one of them. How cute she’d look laying over the counters, moaning and squealing in pleasure as Jonathan fucked her. 
The two successfully purchased a nice set of countertops without Jonathan succumbing to his usual impulses. To maintain a low profile, Jonathan opted to rent a trailer for transporting the counters, avoiding the attention that delivery might attract. With the countertops secured, Y/n wasted no time and dove into the task of installing them in her designated kitchen space. Jonathan helped in rearranging everything, providing a helping hand as Y/n drilled the countertops into their designated spots.
Y/n was on the ground, drilling the indie shlefs of the lower cabinets. Jonathan walked up behind her and stood there. Y/n was wearing baggy pair of pajama shorts and he couldn’t look away from her ass. He wanted to grab her hips and force his dick inside of her like some shitty porno. Y/n noticed Jonathan standing behind her and looked back. 
"Everything okay, Jonathan?" Y/n inquired, her concern evident in her voice.
Jonathan inhaled sharply before walking away. He hoped Y/n hadn't seen his raging bulge in his pants. Y/n had begun noticing his strange behavior. If he wasn't strange before, he sure was now. She couldn't understand why he was like this. She tried to focus on their task, but all she could think about was the way his eyes had lingered on her body just a moment too long. Could he be thinking of some kind of twisted experiment like he does to his other victims. She couldn't help but feel a wave of unease wash over her as she wondered what was going on inside his head.
Y/n reclined on Jonathan's office couch, casually flipped through bathroom catalogues. As he watched her from behind the desk, Jonathan couldn't help but admire her stunning presence. Flipping through the pages with a smile, Y/n eventually stood up and approached Jonathan, holding a particular page out for him to look at.
"What do you think?" she inquired, presenting the page before him.
Yet, Jonathan found his gaze fixed on Y/n's face rather than the catalog. A face he looked at countless times daily, yet it still retained its irresistible allure, maintaining an enduring power over him. And these past couple weeks, everything about her he admire suddenly brought blood rushing to his dick.
Y/n's smile waned as silence met her question. "Jonathan?"
Before she could react, he swiftly cupped her face in his hands and pulled her into a kiss, leaving her momentarily breathless. She would have gasped if his mouth hadn't enveloped hers. When he finally pulled back, he held her gaze.
"Jonat—" she began, only to be abruptly cut off.
With a forceful motion, Jonathan cleared his books from the table, then effortlessly picked Y/n up from the ground, dropping her onto the tabletop. She squealed in surprise as he stood, the chair screeching against the floor, and loomed over her.
Y/n's heart raced as she realized Jonathan's true intentions. He brought his lips back down onto hers, kissing her with a fiery passion she'd never seen before. He pressed himself up against her, and she could feel his hard member pressing into her. It all made sense to her now. Jonathan was just really horny. All she could think about was the way his kisses made her body tingle with excitement.
She kissed him back, her fingers tangling in his hair. He groaned at her delicate touch and brought his lips down her face, leaving a trail of kisses on her jaw. He sucked and bit at her jaw and neck, leaving marks that would turn into bruises later. His hands glided down the sides of her body, gripping her plush thighs that he had been admiring for the past couple weeks. His rough fingers felt like heaven against her soft skin.
Jonathan subconsciously began grinding his hips into Y/n, and she let out a moan that echoed through the room. Y/n let her hands drag down Jonathan's body, making their way down to his pants, and that's when Jonathan realized what they were doing and where they were. He pulled away from her, but she couldn't help but feel a wave of disappointment wash over her.
"We can't, Y/n," Jonathan said, standing up.
"What!? Why not?" Y/n questioned, sitting up from the table, a frown creasing her forehead.
"I'm not going to fuck you for the first time on a desk in my office," Jonathan said.
"Then why don't you make love to me on your desk in your office?" Y/n teased, playfully dragging her foot up the inside of his leg.
Jonathan raised an eyebrow in response, and Y/n, with an eye roll, conceded, "Fine."
Jonathan assisted her off the desk and took a moment to brush her hair, ensuring she looked presentable. "Come on, let's go home," he suggested.
"Fine, but the second we get through that door, your dick is all mine," Y/n playfully declared.
Y/n practically sprinted to the car in the parking lot, surprising Jonathan with her infectious enthusiasm. Once both of them were inside the car, Y/n quickly slid into the middle seat and peppered the side of Jonathan's face with kisses. A warmth spread through Jonathan's neck beneath his collar, caught off guard by Y/n’s affection.
He pulled out onto the road and Y/n was still at his side, her finger drawing pattern on his thigh, her touch like a feather that ignited a flame within him. “You keep this up and I might crash.” Jonathan said, his voice shaking with desire.
She chuckled a little, her tongue darting out to lick the side of his neck while her hand began to wander, tracing patterns on his chest with her tight grip, sending tingles down to his core. Y/n dragged her finger down to his hard member through his pants and squeezed it suddenly, causing Jonathan nearly to swerve off the road. It was a moment of intoxicating desire that he could not control.
"Fuck, Y/n. Are you trying to get punished?" Jonathan inquired.
"Maybe..." Y/n replied with a sly grin.
Jonathan gently removed her hand from his crotch. "Not while I'm driving," he asserted.
"Can you at least play with me then?" Y/n pleaded, pouting.
He sighed, "Lie down," he commanded.
Y/n was caught up in the heat of the moment, her body craving Jonathan's touch. She felt pleasure rush to her core and quickly laid down on her back, her head on Jonathan’s thigh. Jonathan, with his eyes still on the road, brought his hand down Y/n’s body and grasped her thighs. He pulled it back, one of her legs now in the air.
“You naughty fucking girl.” He said, giving her ass a hard slap. “Can’t wait till we're home.” 
She squealed before giggling. “I’m sorry, Professor, I just want you so bad!” Y/n said, her words catching in her throat.
He brought his hand to her core and rubbed her through her shorts. She hummed and grabbed a hold of Jonathan’s arm, her fingers digging into his skin. She started grinding up against it, trying to get more friction, her breath coming in short gasps.
Y/n's body was on fire as she felt Jonathan's hand slide down her pants and into her underwear. She bit her lip and moaned, her hips bucking against his touch. She felt his fingers graze her clit, sending a jolt of electricity straight to her core. He could feel her wetness through her underwear, his fingers slipping and sliding against her. Jonathan did his best to stay focused on the road, his knuckles white on the steering wheel.
He couldn't resist the temptation any longer. He pulled over to the side of the road, his eyes locked on Y/n's. 
“What are you doing?” Y/n asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.
“Come here,” Jonathan said, pulling her right up against his chest.
He could feel her heart racing against his own. He pushed her shorts down her legs and opened her back up, his fingers dipping between her wet pussy lips. She let out a moan, her hips bucking against his touch. His other hand pushed her hair out of the way, giving her neck a passionate kiss. She let out a moan, her body arching into his touch. 
“You’re so desperate for my touch, my Dear,” Jonathan said.
He rubbed his finger in circles at her entrance, teasing her and driving her wild. “Yeah, but you’re the one who pulled over to finger me, Dr. Crane..” Y/n giggled, her voice breathy with desire.
He grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him, his eyes burning into hers. “Keep up that attitude and you won’t be cumming for a week.”
She let out a gasp, her body shivering at his words. “Sorry, Dr. Crane, I’ll be good..” she said, her voice trembling.
“Good girl,” he said, his eyes softening as he kissed the top of her head. He plunged his finger into her, filling her up with his touch.
He pumped his fingers into her hole, her body clenching and unclenching around his touch. The sloppy noises filled the car, her moans and gasps echoing off the walls of the car. The scent of her sex filled the air, making his head swim with desire. He gripped her hips tightly, his fingers digging into her skin as he pumped in and out of her.
“Tonight, I’m going to make you come, over and over again. You hear me?” Jonathan spoke, right up against her ear.
Y/n nodded, her eyes wide with anticipation. Her walls began throbbing around him, her body shivering with desire.
“Are you gonna cum on my fingers, my Dear?” Jonathan asked.
“Mhmm, Professor, I’m so close!” Y/n whined, her voice breathy with excitement.
He rubbed her in circles, his thumb rubbing against her clit, driving her wild. Her breath picked up as Jonathan continued to pump his fingers inside of her and flick her clit. She gripped his arm tighter, her body shivering with anticipation. He rubbed her in circles, his thumb rubbing against her clit, driving her wild. She let out a moan, her body arching into his touch.
It was a moment of intense pleasure that they couldn't resist. She came hard, her body shuddering with the force of her orgasm. Her pussy clenched and unclenched around his touch, the wetness of her sex filling the air. He could feel the heat of her body, the passion of their moment bursting forth in a explosion of desire. It was a moment of intense desire that left them both breathless.
Jonathan pressed a kiss on her temple. “Let’s go home, my Dear.” Jonathan said, his voice sweet.
He pulled his fingers out of her, a string of her slick stuck to them. He brought them to his lips and sucked her sweet essence off of his fingers. Y/n let out a gasp, her body shivering with excitement.
Just as Y/n was about to sit back up, Jonathan held her back, keeping her anchored against him. Her body swelled with love at this little gesture. She laid back against him, her head resting on his chest. She could clearly see his hard member sitting in his pants, but she knew she couldn't touch it while he was driving. The drive back never felt longer. 
Getting through the warehouse door, Y/n pounced on Jonathan, kissing him deeply. Her breath picked up as he lifted her off the ground, her body shivering with anticipation. He made his way up the stairs to the bed, dropping her down on it. She gripped the sheets in her fists, her body swelling with desire.
He climbed on top of her, his lips pressing against hers. He moved his kisses to her neck, suckling at the tender skin. She gripped his hair, her body arching into his touch. He thrust his hips against hers, the heat of his body pressing against her. She could feel the hardness of his cock in his pants, the tip pressing against her cunt. She tightened her legs around his hips, pulling him down on her. He groaned, his lips pressing against hers.
 “This is what you wanted?” Jonathan said, seductively.
“Mhmm,” Y/n hummed, her lips biting together.
He bit her neck hard, her body shuddering with excitement. “Say it,” he commanded.
“Yes, Dr. Crane!” Y/n cried, her body arching into his touch.
He smirked, his lips pressing against hers. He continued to grind down on her, the heat of his body pressing against her. She let out a gasp as he ripped her shorts down her legs. 
“Don't think I haven't forgotten about that punishment,” he said.
Jonathan left a hard slap on Y/n's ass, the sting of it burning against her skin. She let out a gasp, her body shuddering with excitement. He rubbed the spot where he had hit her, his thumb rubbing against her skin.
Jonathan grabbed her hips, pulling her up, so her ass was in the air. He spread her legs and gave her ass another slap. 
“Letting your Professor finger you in the car, naughty little girl,” Jonathan said. A hard slap came down on her ass before thrust his fingers into her pussy, the heat of his touch sending shivers down her spine. 
“Playing with your little cunt sounds a lot worse to me, Professor,” Y/n teased.
Another slap came down on her ass, “You calling me a dirty pervert?” Jonathan asked.
“I may be..” she smirked.
“Yeah? So I'm a dirty pervert and you're a naive little girl,” he said, his voice low and rough. He planted a kiss down on her red ass cheek.
Jonathan flipped her back over, planting sweet kisses on her lips. Y/n, eager for more, slid her hands to Jonathan's shoulders, working on removing his jacket. However, just as things were about to escalate, Jonathan's work phone rang, his illegal work phone.
The two of them cursed simultaneously. Jonathan sighed and rested his forehead on Y/n’s with his eyes closed. “You have to be fucking kidding me,” Jonathan said.
Jonathan sat back up, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his phone and promptly answered it. Y/n pouted, propping herself up on her elbows as she watched him on the phone. His voice conveyed clear frustration, and the expression on his face mirrored the sentiment. Whatever transpired, it was evident that the situation was far from favorable.
The call ended, and Jonathan's expression turned somber as he dragged his hand down his face. "I have to head down to Arkham, I'm sorry, my Dear," he sighed.
Y/n's face dropped, desperation evident in her eyes. "No! You can't leave me!" she cried.
"I know, Y/n, I'm sorry. I need to deal with this, the Batman's been snooping, and I can't let that happen," Jonathan explained, gently holding Y/n's face in his hands.
"But I need you!" Y/n's eyes welled up with tears.
"Y/n, if the Batman finds out what I'm doing, I won't be coming back to you at all, and you don't want that, do you?" Jonathan said.
She shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. Jonathan planted a tender kiss on her forehead.
"I'll be back, don't cry," he reassured her.
She nodded, sniffling. "I'll wait," Y/n declared.
"I know," Jonathan offered a small smile before hopping off the bed and walking down the stairs.
Y/n fought to compose herself, determined not to shed any more tears. Left lying on the bed as Jonathan exited the warehouse, she wiped away the traces of her emotional outburst and mustered the strength to rise. Making her way to the bathroom, she assessed her reflection in the mirror.
Apart from her puffy eyes, her appearance seemed unremarkable, but she desired to present her best self for Jonathan upon his return. Opting for a quick shower and freshening up, she hastily ascended the stairs to select an outfit for the occasion.
She tossed her clothes around in a flurry, searching for something alluring to showcase her body to Jonathan. Unfortunately, it seemed her collection of bras and underwear consisted mainly of plain and mundane options. While she did have a couple of lacy pieces, they lacked the thrilling allure she desired. She let out a sigh, berating herself for not anticipating such a scenario.
Preferring not to be entirely naked upon Jonathan's return, Y/n searched for an outfit that would offer him the pleasure of unwrapping her later. Opting for a nice skirt and shirt combination, she believed Jonathan wouldn't mind. Choosing a short skirt, she hiked it up even higher, pairing it with a small shirt that ended just below her breasts and featured a flattering sweetheart neckline.
Adorned in her chosen attire, Y/n felt she looked absolutely adorable and held onto the hope that Jonathan would think the same. Laying back on the bed, Y/n contemplated the moments she would share with Jonathan upon his return. Despite her efforts to stay awake and be ready for him, she succumbed to exhaustion within an hour.
Jonathan wante to kill everyone that fucked up his night with Y/n, he was furious the entire time getting things sorted at Arkham. Hiding his experiments was already a challenging task, and the incompetence of those who worked for him made everything more difficult to an unnecessary degree.
Jonathan raced back to the warehouse, speeding all the way. By the time he arrived, well past 11 o'clock, the faint sound of a radio reached his ears from upstairs. Climbing the stairs, he sighed at the sight of Y/n, peaceful and beautiful, lying on the bed.
Regret gnawed at him for leaving her alone, he should have stayed, leaving the complications at Arkham for someone else to handle.
Noticing her changed clothes, he smiled. She lay on her stomach, her skirt revealing a hint of her tempting silhouette. Chuckling softly, he joined her on the bed, sitting beside her. As he stroked her hair, he could tell she was deeply asleep.
Jonathan planted a gentle kiss on her head before undressing and changing into pajamas. Slipping into bed beside her, he tucked her in, sharing the warmth of the covers.
Y/n awoke to find Jonathan's arm draped over her waist. Uncertain about the moment she fell asleep or when he returned home, a hint of disappointment lingered that they never ended up having sex last night. Nevertheless, the joy of his return outweighed any regrets.
She leaned over to plant a kiss on his lips before gracefully rising from the bed. Jonathan stirred as the bed shifted with her movements, and he watched as Y/n stretched her arms upward and twisted from side to side. Chuckling at the sight of her, with her enticing figure partially exposed, Jonathan's amusement prompted Y/n to turn around and catch his gaze.
"You're up?" Y/n smiled, breaking the quiet morning.
“It would appear that way, my Dear,” Jonathan replied.
Y/n leaned over, giving Jonathan another kiss, and this time, he reciprocated as he was awake this time. Jonathan finally sat up, embracing Y/n in his arms. She smiled, and he swayed her gently from side to side.
“So… are you going to make love to me, Dr. Crane?” Y/n asked, her tone teasing.
She stood on her tiptoes, nibbling at his ear seductively. Jonathan chuckled and shook his head.
“Tonight, my Dear,” he said.
Y/n pouted, “I waited all night!”
“I know, but we have to go to university, and I want to take my time with you,” Jonathan explained with a playful smirk.
Y/n huffed and rolled her eyes. "You better!" she said before making her way down the stairs.
Jonathan chuckled, amused by her playful sulking. He got up, readying himself for the day ahead.
In the car, Y/n moved closer to Jonathan, reminiscent of the previous day. Her fingers traced patterns on his thigh, but Jonathan intercepted her hand before anything further could happen. Y/n huffed but decided to let it go.
Upon reaching the university, the two settled in Jonathan's office, awaiting the start of the lecture. Y/n occupied the couch, attempting to capture Jonathan's attention the entire time. She gracefully slid down the couch, causing her skirt to hike up, revealing her underwear.
Jonathan was well aware of her intentions. He chuckled a little, maintaining his self-control. Just the day before, he struggled to keep his dick in check, and now he found himself edging her. Though his thoughts were running wild, essentially eye fucking her, he managed to remain composed.
Y/n was driven wild with desire, yearning for Jonathan's touch. She didn't care where he touched her or where he fucked her, all she wanted was him. She pulled her skirt up higher, revealing her clothed sex, and sat with her legs open, giving Jonathan a view of what he was working with. Jonathan didn't hesitate to look, but he made no move to touch her yet.
Y/n sighed, "Don't make me hump the couch."
"Hump the couch and I won't be touching you," Jonathan said.
“So..” Y/n stood up from the couch and straddled his leg. "Can I hump your thigh then?" Y/n asked.
"Fine, but no orgasm," Jonathan said.
Y/n giggled and began rocking her hips back and forth, her breath hitching as she felt the head of his cock brush against her knee through his pants.
Y/n was riding Jonathan's thigh, her hips moving in a steady rhythm. Her dress had ridden up to her waist, revealing the black lace of her only pair of underwear. Her breasts swayed with each movement, her nipples hard and poking through the fabric. She was breathing heavily, her face flushed with excitement. Jonathan watched her, his cock twitching with desire. He could feel the dampness of her sex through the fabric of his pants. He knew he couldn't last much longer.
"Such a sweet girl, you are," Jonathan said, his hands settling on her hips as she rode his thigh.
Her knees continued to brush against his hard erection, and Y/n couldn't help but laugh. "Calm down, don't wanna fog up your glasses," she teased, looking up at him with a mischievous grin.
Jonathan pulled her closer to his chest, her ass jutting out. He delivered a hard smack to her ass, making her gasp. "Watch it," he said, his voice stern.
Y/n looked up at him with a sly grin. "Sorry, Doc," she teased, knowing exactly what she was doing to him.
Y/n continued to ride his thigh, her hips grinding down hard against his touch. She could feel the wetness between her legs, and she knew that he could too. His cock was hard, and she could feel it pressing against her. She bit her lip, trying to hold back the moans that were threatening to escape
Jonathan watched her, his eyes burning with lust. He delivered a swift smack to her ass, making her chuckle and him smrik. Y/n looked up at him, her eyes shining with excitement. 
"Doctor, I think I'm gonna cum," she said, her voice shaking with anticipation.
Y/n was on the edge of orgasm when Jonathan pulled her off of his knee. "I don't think so, Dear," he said firmly.
Her building orgasm vanished, and Y/n was left feeling frustrated and angry. "What the fuck!?" she yelled, her hands balled into fists.
Jonathan looked at her with a stern expression. "I said no orgasm," he reminded her.
Y/n huffed, her chest heaving with anger. "Fine. Then I'll just have to figure out another way to cum," she said, turning away from him.
But Jonathan wasn't done. He swatted her ass hard, making her yelp and turn back around. 
"Don't think for a second that you're in control here," he said.
Y/n was furious. She stood up from her position and stormed over to the couch, crossing her arms.
“No time for sulking, girl, gotta be out in 5...” Jonathan remarked.
She got up from the couch, declaring, “I’m leaving now!”
Y/n stomped out of the office door and headed to her usual seat at the front. She was in for a long lecture.
The lecture concluded, and Y/n approached Jonathan, who sported a familiar smirk.
“Ready to head home?” Y/n said.
“For you, yes,” Jonathan replied with a smile.
“What?” Y/n squinted, puzzled.
“I have a meeting, and I've asked Nigma to take you home,” Jonathan explained.
“What, you two are buddies now?” Y/n questioned.
“Doesn't matter what we are; I want you home safe while I'm at my meeting,” Jonathan stated, gathering his belongings.
Y/n sighed, “You better be back before 5, come any later, and I'll be cumming instead,” she teased.
Jonathan chuckled, planting a kiss on her forehead. “He's waiting outside,” he informed her.
Y/n sighed and walked out of the lecture hall and outside. She immediately spotted Edward by his bright lime green car.
“How subtle,” Y/n remarked, approaching the car with its windows down.
“Hello, Y/n. Very nice to see you!” Edward greeted.
Y/n hopped into the passenger seat of the car. “So! Doing favors for Jonathan now?” she asked.
“I owe him... and besides, you're much more fun than that stick in the mud,” Edward replied.
Y/n chuckled as Edward pulled out onto the road.
“I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?” Edward suddenly posed a riddle.
“Seriously?” Y/n raised her eyebrows, looking at Edward. “A map. What am I, five?”
“I see that one was too easy, you'll never get my next one,” Edward said.
Y/n sighed, this was going to be a long ride.
Y/n was mentally exhausted. Being horny for the entire day was hard enough but dWe ealing with Edward's annoying riddles during the 20-minute drive had only added to her frustration. Despite that, she found some enjoyment in Edward's company.
“Would you like to come in?” Y/n asked.
Edward raised his eyebrows. “You really want me to?”
“Well, sure... just no more riddles!” Y/n demanded.
“You ask so much of me,” Edward said, hopping out of the car.
Y/n rolled her eyes. “You’ll live.”
They entered the warehouse, and Edward looked around, whistling in appreciation. “I see you’ve done some work around here,” he remarked.
“You like it?” Y/n asked.
“Much better than Jonathan’s old place. He’s never been the decorative type,” Edward said.
As Y/n led Edward Nigma into the warehouse, she offered, "Would you like a cup of coffee?"
Edward's eyes gleamed with interest. "Ah, the elixir of intellectual stimulation. I'd love one, thank you."
She stared at him for a second, judging his choice of words before walking off. Y/n guided him to a makeshift kitchen area where she had set up a coffee maker. She busied herself with the task of brewing coffee while Edward observed her surroundings, his eyes darting from one detail to another.
Handing him a steaming cup, Y/n took a seat across from Edward at a small table. "Sorry that you had to take me home? Well, not really, you paid it all back by tormenting me with riddles on the drive"
Edward grinned, sipping the coffee. "Well, my riddles are a delight, thank you. Jonathan asked me to ensure you get home safely. You're important to him, you know."
Y/n raised an eyebrow. "I guess even Gotham rogues like yourself have a softer side."
Edward chuckled. "You know.. I’m surprised you even stayed."
Y/n maintained her smile, though it held a hint of frustration. "Well... We were friends before everything," she reiterated, trying to explain her perspective.
Edward continued stirring the conversation provocatively. "You sure it's not... Stockholm Syndrome?" he questioned, his finger tracing the rim of his coffee cup.
"No, it's not. He didn't really kidnap me," Y/n replied, laughter accompanied by a hint of stiffness.
Edward pressed further, bringing up the topic of the infamous bells. "Jonathan told me about the bells..."
"That doesn't matter anymore, he took them off. See!" Y/n shook her feet around, emphasizing that they made no sounds.
Edward, persistent in his scepticism, offered a backhanded suggestion. "I'd say you should see a psychiatrist, but I just think you'd find your way back to Jona-"
"Okay, Edward! I get it!" Y/n interjected, her smile tight-lipped, signalling an end to the topic.
Edward chuckled to himself, savouring a sip from his mug, as Y/n subtly redirected the conversation. "So yeah, I did up a nice kitchen and bathroom," she stated.
He observed his surroundings before responding, "Yes, it's a very nice kitchen."
As they continued chatting over coffee, Y/n was able to ignore the throbbing between her thighs for a couple of hours.
As the sun began to set, Y/n sat on the couch, her legs crossed and her eyes fixed on the TV screen. She was getting restless. It had been nearly 5 pm now, and Jonathan still hadn't come home. Edward had left a couple of hours ago, leaving Y/n with little to no distractions. 
She had tried to read, but her mind kept wandering. She had taken a long shower, hoping to relieve some of her tension, but it hadn't helped. Y/n had been feeling a sense of desperation building up inside her. It was like her body was craving something that she couldn't get on her own.
She needed Jonathan. She needed him to make her feel complete. But for now, she was left to her own devices. She sighed and leaned back against the couch, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths. She needed to relax.
She flipped up her skirt and slipped her fingers down her underwear, touching herself in a way that made her shiver with excitement. Her hands moved slowly and sensually over her body. She moaned softly, feeling her core throbbing with anticipation. She rubbed her pussy in circles, her hips bucking against her touch. Her eyes fluttered close. She needed to cum. She needed it badly.
The TV was blaring, and Y/n was so lost in her own world that she didn't even hear the door open. She was knuckles deep and close to orgasm.
“Well!” a voice from in front of her spoke loudly. She suddenly gasped, opening her eyes and shaking in fright.
It was Jonathan, standing in front of her with a disapproving look on his face.
"You said you had until 5," he said, looking at his wrist watch. "It's only 4:51."
Y/n shook her head, trying to regain her composure. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice shaking. 
Jonathan shook his head, disappointed. "You think you can just do as you please?" he asked, his voice low and menacing.
Y/n shook her head, her eyes wide with fear. "No, no. Of course not," she said, trying to pacify him.
"Looks like you don't want to cum tonight," Jonathan said.
Y/n begged, grabbing onto Jonathan's arm. "No, please!" she said, her voice shaking. Jonathan didn't say anything else.
He just picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She screamed as he took her up the stairs and dropped her back on the bed.
"What am I going to do with such a naughty patient like you?" he asked, looking down at her. 
"Anything, Doctor," Y/n said, her voice shaking. "Just let me cum."
Jonathan sighed, feeling frustrated. He wanted to punish Y/n and not let her cum, but he could also see that she was desperate too.
"I'll let you cum," he said, "but you listen to me. I'm in charge."
Y/n nodded her head quickly. "Thank you, Dr. Crane," she said, her voice almost breathless.
Jonathan climbed onto the bed, hovering above Y/n. "You're going to cum three times," he said, "with no breaks, okay?"
Y/n nodded her head quickly. "Good," Jonathan said, his tone firm.
He straightened his back, removed his jacket, and rolled up his sleeves. "Move up a bit," he said, gesturing for Y/n to sit back further on the bed.
Y/n moved up, giving Jonathan more room below her. He knelt in front of her, his eyes fixed on her bare pussy.
"You're going to cum," he said, his voice seductive. "And you're going to enjoy every second of it."
Jonathan grabbed Y/n's legs and rested them over his shoulders. He brought his face closer to her pussy, inhaling the scent of her arousal. Y/n's eyes were filled with desperation as she watched him get closer and closer to her wet cunt. Jonathan licked her slowly, taking his time to tease her. He licked up and down her slit, making sure to hit all the right spots. Y/n moaned, her hips bucking against his touch.
His tongue danced around her clit, circling it slowly before dipping down to her entrance. Y/n cried out, arching her back as she felt him eat her out. Jonathan's tongue was magic, teasing and tormenting her. Y/n wriggled underneath him, trying to get closer to his mouth. She needed him to make her cum. Jonathan smiled to himself as he continued to eat her out, his eyes fixed on her pussy. He knew he had her right where he wanted her.
“Fuck, Dr. Crane!” Y/n moaned, gripping Jonathan’s hair.
Jonathan stuck his tongue into Y/n's entrance, pushing it in as far as he could. Y/n let out a sharp gasp, her eyes widening with surprise. He moved his tongue around, making circles and figure-eights inside her. Y/n bucked underneath him, her hips pushing against his face. Jonathan smiled, feeling her walls clench around his tongue.
He was driving her wild, and he knew it. Y/n moaned, her voice thick with arousal. She could feel her orgasm building, and she knew she was going to explode. Jonathan licked her until she could no longer take it. He pulled his tongue out of her, watching as she cried out in frustration. He smiled, knowing he had complete control over her pleasure. Y/n was his to do with as he pleased.
Jonathan withdrew his mouth, adjusting his glasses as he looked up at her. "Enjoying yourself, my pretty patient?" he asked with a smirk.
“Mhmm, yes, Dr. Crane.” Y/n bit her lips, looking down at him.
Jonathan began to finger her, pushing two fingers into her wet pussy. Y/n gasped, her eyes rolling back in her head. He moved his fingers in and out, stretching her walls and driving her wild. Y/n moaned, her hips pushing against his hand. Jonathan smiled, feeling her tighten around his fingers.
He sucked her clit, teasing it with his tongue. Y/n moaned, her hips bucking against his touch. Jonathan's fingers moved in and out of her, hitting all the right spots.
"You're such a desperate girl," Jonathan said.
"Please, Dr. Crane," Y/n said, her voice shaking with excitement.
"I need it." Jonathan smiled, feeling his cock harden at the sound of her voice.
He knew he had her right where he wanted her. "You're going to cum," he said. "And you're going to enjoy every second of it." Jonathan continued to eat her out, his tongue dancing around her pussy.
Y/n moaned, her hips bucking against his touch. "You like that?" he asked, looking up at her. "You like the way I'm making you feel?"
Y/n nodded her head quickly, her eyes fixed on his face. "Yes," she said, her voice thick with arousal. "Please, don't stop."
Y/n's body tensed, her walls clenched around his fingers, and her face contorted in pleasure. Jonathan smiled, feeling her orgasm build. He knew he was driving her wild. Y/n cried out, her body shuddering with pleasure. Her walls pulsed around his fingers, and her cunt spasmed on his tongue. Jonathan continued to eat her out, his tongue moving in circles around her clit. Y/n moaned, her body convulsing at his touch. She rolled her eyes back in her head, feeling the intensity of her orgasm. It was like nothing they had ever experienced before.
Y/n was coming down from her high, her eyes fixed on Jonathan's face. He smiled, knowing she was addicted to his touch. Jonathan's tongue was still on her, lapping up her juices seeping out. She whimpered, pushing his head away lightly.
"No use in that," Jonathan began to unbuckle his pants, his cock already hardening at the sight of her. "I've got all night with you." 
Jonathan pulled his pants down just past his hips, revealing his hard cock to Y/n. She admired it, her eyes fixed on the sight. He stroked it slowly, the dick already slick with her juices from his fingers. Jonathan lifted her legs onto his shoulders, the position she would learn to love. He lined himself up at her entrance, his cock pressing against her wet pussy. He slowly pushed in, watching as Y/n gasped. He smiled, feeling her walls clench around his cock.
Jonathan leaned over top of her, his lips brushing against her ear. "You’re so beautiful?"
Jonathan began thrusting into Y/n, his hips moving in a slow, steady rhythm. His hand roamed up the side of her legs, gripping her ankle. He felt the scars on her ankles and rubbed his thumb over them soothingly. Y/n moaned, her body arching into his touch. She reached up to unbutton his shirt, but he grabbed her wrists and held them above her head.
"I'm in control," he said, his voice firm. "You're mine to do with as I please." Y/n whimpered, her body shuddering with pleasure.
“Sorry, Dr. Crane,” Y/n said, breathlessly.
Jonathan's erection was big and hard, sliding in and out of Y/n's pussy. The feeling of his cock hitting her walls sent shockwaves of pleasure through her body. She could feel every inch of him as he pounded her. The sound of their flesh slapping together filled the room.
Y/n's head fell back and her eyes were closed tightly as she enjoyed the ride. Jonathan's breath was heavy as he groaned, continuing to thrust into her. He'd never felt something more heavenly, he knew he'd be addicted to the feeling of being inside of her. He continued to thrust, hitting the sweet spots inside of her.
In the position she was in, with her legs over his shoulders and arms above her head, Y/n was at Jonathan’s whim completely and she loved it. She felt his every stroke deep inside her, the burn in her pussy building with each thrust. His musky scent filled her nostrils, and she couldn't help but moan in ecstasy as the heat between them grew.
“You're such a good patient, Y/n,” he whispered against her ear, his hot breath making her wetter. Jonathan's words sent shivers down Y/n's spine.
Y/n couldn't help but moan in response, arching her back as his cock hit her sweet spot again and again.
“Oh, fuck,” she gasped, “I'm your patient, Dr. Crane.”
With that, he fucked her harder, taking him deep inside her as she called out his name. Jonathan's thrusts grew harder and faster, his hips pistoning into Y/n's pussy with a force that made her gasp. 
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he growled, his eyes locked on hers.
Y/n's head fell back as she felt the burn in her pussy grow, her breath coming in short gasps. With each thrust, Jonathan's cock hit her sweet spot, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She cried out in ecstasy, her nails digging into her palms as she urged him on.
Y/n felt her second orgasm building, her breath coming in short, heavy gasps. Jonathan's cock was still inside her, his eyes locked on hers as he watched her writhe in pleasure.
“Aww, is my little patient about to cum?” Jonathan mocked.
She had no time to answer when her body began shaking all over again, underneath Jonathan. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her, leaving her panting and weak in his arms. Jonathan kept up his pace, his cock hitting her sweet spot with every thrust. Y/n couldn't help but wonder how he was able to hold on for so long without cumming himself.
Y/n felt overstimulated, her senses on overload. Jonathan's cock was still pumping in her, his eyes locked on hers as he watched her writhe in pleasure, Jonathan fucked her harder and faster through her orgasm.
“Doctor, it's too much!” she gasped.
But Jonathan was unmoved. ”I don't care what it is, I'm gonna make you cum two more times,” he growled, his eyes locked on hers.
“B-but I've already cum twice! You said three!” Y/n cried. 
“I changed my mind,” Jonathan replied, his voice low and sultry.
Y/n knew that if she said stop, he'd listen immediately. But she loved the idea that Jonathan was doing this all by force, his cock buried deep inside her as he pounded into her.
Jonathan suddenly flipped her over, Y/n lying on her stomach. Jonathan hovered above her from behind, lining himself up before pushing inside of her again. His body weight above her kept her in place, giving her nowhere to move.
Y/n felt the heat of his breath against her neck as he growled, "You're mine," into her ear. 
She couldn't help but shiver, feeling so desired and taken. As he pounded into her, Y/n couldn't help but cry out in pleasure and overstimulation, her body responding to his every move. The pallets holding the bed up slammed against the floor, the sound echoing through the warehouse.
His hands gripped her hips tightly, his fingers digging into her skin as he pumped into her. Y/n pressed on the mattress, feeling the heavy thud of his cock against her pussy. Jonathan's face was beaded with sweat, he enveloped Y/n in a warm embrace, his arms encircling her shoulders and waist, securing her close to him with a tender grip.
Y/n gripped his arm and sat around her shoulder, trying to hold on to reality. Tears pricked her eyes as Jonathan pounded into her. Y/n could feel his cock slide in and out of her, his balls slapping against her ass cheeks. It was intense, and Y/n couldn't help but beg for more.
Her voice cracked as she pleaded, “Pleae! Don't stop!” Tears streamed down her cheeks.
His rough features softened as he pressed a kiss to her cheek, just below her eyes, “You're so beautiful.”
Their breaths came in short gasps as he pounded into her, his movements becoming haphazard. Jonathan's movements became unsteady as he neared his own orgasm, his breath coming in short gasps. Y/n felt his weight shift as he slammed into her, his expression twisting into a snarl. It was a surprise his glasses never fell off with how animalistic he was.
“F-fuck, I need to pull out,” Jonathan shuddered.
But Y/n held onto his arm tightly, not allowing him to move. “No! Please, Dr. Crane! Don’t pull out.”
Jonathan's muscles tensed, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he came, his body trembling with the force of his orgasm. Y/n felt him pulse inside her, his hot cum filling her hole. But he didn't slow down, his thrusts becoming even more forceful as he continued to pound into her, ignoring his own overstimulation.
Jonathan's cum seeped out of her while he continued to pound into her, the sticky liquid dripping down her mound. Y/n had no time to think before her third orgasm came crashing down on her like a wave as Jonathan's thrusts grew even more frenzied. She cried out his name, her voice lost in the storm of pleasure that coursed through her body as her heart pounded in her chest.
Jonathan looked down at Y/n, her eyes glazed over and her body trembling with overstimulation.
“That's three,” he whispered, his voice rough with lust. “You can give me another one.”
Y/n couldn't form a coherent thought, her mind lost in a haze of pleasure as she felt Jonathan's cock pumping in and out of her. All she could do was moan and blabber.
"Is my patient all dumb, hmm?" Jonathan's voice was a low rumble as he held her face in his hand.
Y/n couldn't speak properly, her eyes rolling back into her head as he continued to thrust deep into her. She could feel his smile against her cheek as he looked down at her, the corners of his lips curling up in amusement.
Y/n's cunt was so overstimulated that it was numb with each thrust, but she could feel all the overwhelming pleasure that coursed through her body. She knew she wouldn't last much longer, her orgasm building up inside her like a storm brewing on the horizon.
“Fuck, already throbbing around me,” Jonathan muttered, mocking her. 'My sweet little patient is about to cum again, and it hasn't even been two minutes."
Jonathan felt his second orgasm nearing as Y/n was nearing her fourth. He gritted his teeth, his eyes darkening as he continued to pound into her.
“That's it, patient,” he muttered, his voice rough with desire. “Let it all out.”
Y/n's body arched sharply as her fourth orgasm crashed over her like a wave, her sobs of pleasure echoing in the room as Jonathan's own orgasm hit him like a bolt of lightning. He growled out her name, his heart pounding in his chest as he came, his body trembling with the force of his orgasm. They were both left panting and gasping for air, their bodies still pulsing with pleasure as they stared at each other in awe.
Jonathan stopped fucking Y/n and just held her, their bodies still pulsing with pleasure as they lay in a tangle of sweat-soaked sheets.
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, his voice rough with emotion as he whispered, “You did well, Y/n… my pretty patient..” 
Jonathan gently pulled out, tenderly turning her over. In her dazed state, he handled her with utmost care, cradling her in his arms. Y/n snuggled closer to Jonathan, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Their clothes, damp with sweat, clung to their bodies.
"Do you want my help having a shower?" Jonathan inquired of Y/n.
"Mhmm, later," Y/n whimpered.
"You really should freshen up, my Dear," Jonathan insisted.
"I can barely fucking think, let alone stand. Later, please," Y/n whined, her eyes closed.
Jonathan sighed. “Hour rest, then you’re showering.” 
“Okay, Dr. Crane,” Y/n murmurs, jokingly.
Jonathan chuckled softly, shaking his head, and simply held her close. Both of them knew that sex would now play a significant role in their relationship now, as neither could get enough of each other.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it. I plan to make some more for this series and feel free to request other stories too. I can't imagine it being a long series but I do have plans to write more. 💚
I began writing the smut scene while the poll was still going, so I started with calling Jonathan Professor Crane as it was in front but it ended up being Dr. Crane in the end, so I adapted to that, thank you everyone for voting in that poll, I appreciate the help :)
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