#that i know
synthshenanigans · 3 months
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and what if i said there's some merit to this
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larkspurglove · 2 months
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Nothing gives me "the ick" faster than either one of my parents saying that they love me or are proud of me. Both of these people emotionally neglected and abused me throughout my childhood and adolescence, treated me and spoke of me as a terrible burden on them and are the direct reason for most of my self hatred and self esteem issues. I don't buy their lovey-dovey garbage for a second. Nothing they have ever done in the past until now has convinced me of their sincerity.
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tothesolarium · 2 months
Thoughts on me making a character who’s called Babe (Babis true name but-)
He used to be a very charming sales man~pusher of ideas~ give my wife money to make her cool designers or you’ll be losing out on the coolest thing ever
Ex very charming man. Kinda has fuck boy energy even though he is very loyal to his wife but- do you get the vision? Blonde man, works out for aesthetics, does finger guns a lot, some dude has done that thing where they draw lines to show the “authority” of the couple? And he is absolutely leaning into his wife and she does have murder eyes but like, we love Grey
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snoozefm · 1 year
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“ummmm you could back up a little”
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Gender is so confusing... why am I supposed to know what I am?? Does anyone truly know what they are?? Like?? Just. How does anyone label themselves confidently??
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fire-but-ashes-too · 7 months
Hi there! :)
An Ask: What's something about a piece of your writing that you really, truly appreciate? It can be anything
probablyyyyyy the descriptions
i love writing them, and if i wrote it, u bet there will be at least one big part of dramatic poetic descriptions about whatever the hell u want. usually places tho.
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levforfakes · 7 months
‼️this is a joshua lyman simp post‼️
based on my little ww world in my head, with an oc who is a GUY and also been dating josh since college bc they were ROOMMATES, and also homosexuals, at random times josh likes to say 'we NEED to legalize gay marriage' esp when hes in looOove and stupid politician gay things 'im gonna legalize gay marriage for you' bc hes a loverboy and also in college during the aids crisis dont tell me hes not a raging gay fiend.
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firerose · 1 year
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thetimba · 1 year
How to hurt a critter in 10 words or less, today's edition:
"Do not go far from me"
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schadenfreudich · 1 year
Hey, you know the post I made about how much I was thinking about a former rice container now flower pot? If not, well, okay, I can't find it.
The exact parts aren't very important, but the post was about how much you could guess from just seeing a flower pot that had "Reis" written on it. About how long it was probably used to store rice and how it wasn't needed for rice anymore or the lid got lost or something. And how it wasn't thrown away because it could serve it's original purpose or wasn't needed for it's original purpise anymore. And how it was instead used to hold flowers, and how the flowers inside matched the flowers on the now flower pot. How the container was too pretty to throw away completely, how many decades it probably has existed and how many people have held it and maybe didn't think much of it. Because it was just doing it's job.
But I'm only saying this because I have a similar thing. It doesn't have a purpose written on it. So I don't know exactly what it was used for. It has a lid, so it was probably used to store something. But that could be anything. And it has flowers painted on it. Hand painted, as the painter wrote "HAND GEMALT" in all capital letters on the bottom with the same brown paint as the lines around the flowers. As they wanted people to know it, to see, when they look at the bottom, where normally brands would put their logos. But they didn't have a logo, their name wouldn't tell you much, but two words, two simple words tell you everything you need to know about it. That every line, every little dot, was put there by someone's hand. And they were proud of it, so proud they wanted people to know it was hand painted. And I wonder how long ago it was. But I will never know. The surface has little cracks, one's I have seen so often on older things. Which is the only thing it tells me. It's old. And it's beautiful and it's now mine.
And I'm thinking. What if I put flowers in there? Because I think they would perfectly complement the flowers painted on it.
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jackleopard · 2 years
still trying to make sense of what I even think of midnights
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why is ao3 is blocked on the hospital wifi????
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Knowledge Revenge.
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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