#that sounds super childish but i don't mean that i'm sad that i'm not the main character in other ppls lives. just that i don't matter
stillfruit · 1 year
no one would love me if i was a worm
#this is a joke but also i 10000% mean this and i will die alone never having known love unlike everyone around me#it really gets more difficult to accept being alone when you get older because your aloneness is constantly contrasted w everyone else#having parterns or otherwise active social lives with very close friends while you just? barely exist as a person to others#i flat out cannot understand how people grow to be close friends let alone romantic parters like what do you need to do? how is everyone#just doing it? talking to people? opening up? being an important part of someone else's life? i don't get it#i have friends at uni i can freely talk to people there and everyone is very nice and i have closer friends i hang out with but like#if i just disappeared one day there wouldn't be that big of a change outside of maybe a small adjustment period after which everyone would#carry on as before because i'm not integral to anything#that sounds super childish but i don't mean that i'm sad that i'm not the main character in other ppls lives. just that i don't matter#and while that's of course understandable and i'm not looking to changing that it's also undeniably sad#and because i am the only person who can do something about that i'm just stuck like this i guess#i want to ask my closer friends how good am i at masking everything but 1 it would be weird and 2 i don't think they would be honest#not because they don't like me but because they are nice people#anyway lately as i'm getting older and meeting new people things are just getting exponentially more overwhelming and it physically hurts#i know i'm just suffering because i put myself up in a position to suffer but also literally what else would i do#if i have any time to stop and think about things i will actually have time to get even more mentally ill#i'm not looking to die right now i have things going on i'm doing my silly little degrees and spending time with my friends but like#it's not forever and i'm not holding out any great hopes for what comes after#i know i probably should go and talk to the student health services again but honestly i dont have the time or energy#for that kind of process and i know i'm a terrible patient in therapy so what is there even to gain from that#shit talking
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luveline · 7 months
hi honey, i love you so so much!!
what about stripper!reader with derek morgan?? he's on a case where strippers are being murdered, and while hotch is driving morgan calls you and tells you not to go into work because of what's going on, and emily is listening in on the conversation from the backseat and they tease him
thank youu!! love you!
ty for requesting lovely!! ilysm ♡
"I know you don't like listening to me, but could you do me a favour? Just this once?" 
Emily leans over in her seat so Spencer can see her side eye. "Who's Morgan talking to?" 
"Stay home tonight. No, this isn't a jealousy thing, you vixen–" 
Spencer shrugs. "No idea. But–" 
"But," Emily agrees. They've just left a crime scene with a specific victim, and now Morgan's on the phone asking someone to stay home. That someone would have reason to visit said crime scene's location, and the word vixen suggests female rather than male, which means, "Morgan has a secret stripper girlfriend." 
Spencer's entire face takes his frown, eyebrows pinched, mouth quirked into a telling line. "I like the implausible," he murmurs, "but that feels illogical. Where would they have met?"
"Uh," Emily says, widening her eyes at him. "Where do you think, Spence?" 
"Morgan doesn't need to go to a strip club." 
Emily understands what Spencer's saying. There are lots of reasons that people frequent strip clubs or gentlemen's clubs and none of those reasons apply to Derek. It's possible he could go socially, but it's just so unlike him, it doesn't add up. 
"I'm telling you the truth. I can't give you more detail than that, I just need you to stay home tonight." Derek pauses, laughs. "Alright," —his voice takes on a mechanical rendition, clearly having been fed a line he has to repeat aloud— "I, Derek Morgan, am an ignorant, jealous man, who can't cope with the fact that you don't want me, and am making up sad and childish lies to get you to stay home from your job. Is that what you wanted? Yeah, laugh it up." 
Emily laughs and grabs the headrest as he hangs up on you, pulling herself forward to taunt him as is required. "Care to explain yourself?" 
Derek sighs. "This is why I didn't tell you guys." 
"What!" Spencer says, though his smile is more audible than his incredulity. 
"So you have something to tell us?" Emily asks. 
Derek knows he can't weasel his way out of telling them, and he doesn't really want to. "I don't have a secret stripper girlfriend," he says, rolling his eyes, "she's not my girlfriend. She is an exotic dancer at one of the clubs downtown, and I met her at Home Depot." 
Emily isn't perturbed that Derek heard their gossiping. She's shameless. She doesn't even care that Hotch is frowning behind the wheel. "What was an exotic dancer doing at Home Depot?"
"Weirdly, Emily, she has a home. She wanted help finding renter friendly flooring." 
"Can we meet her?" 
"Never," Derek says with a smile. Emily couldn't know this, but he really likes you. You're sweet, super funny, and yes, you're a stripper. You work hard. Pole dancing is as physically demanding as any manual labour and you're damn good at it. "Ever." 
Spencer interjects the ensuing argument with a statistical analysis of strippers who are homeowners (unfairly few), but Morgan doesn't answer, trying to read a new text from you discretely. 
Sorry if I embarrassed you at work :( is it really not safe to go ?? Maybe u can come and be my bodyguard. I won't even make u tip me 4:10PM
He sends back, Really not safe. Stay home for me, relax for a few days. Call you tonight even if nothing changes 4:11PM
My hero <3 I trust u, but be careful OK ? and pls if it isn't too much trouble can u bring back some of those weird candies again? thank u thank u <3<3<3 4:14PM
Hotch makes a quiet sound of approval, eyes on the road. "The same girl you were with at Docklands? Rossi said she was cute." 
"She is." 
"Rossi met her?" Emily asks. "Oh, you're the worst."
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
*puts 'What's New Pussycat' 21 times in your Diner Jukebox and 'It's Not Unusual' somewhere random in between*
*sits at a random table waiting for Celia, who definitely knows what I've done*
Don't look at me like that, there's a reason why I'm doing this.
Okay, I don't really have a real reason. I just thought it would be funny after everything going on in the Ghost Zone.
You know that old fairy tale? Of the Princess Who Doesn't Laugh?
Well, it isn't as well-known. The version I know if is of this princess who hasn't been able to laugh since her mother died, and the person who manages to make her laugh will be her spouse and new King of the Kingdom.
The Ghost King's sibling, Princess Jasmine, had been apathetic lately. Us ghosts think it's the immortality being liminal gave her. Immortals gets bored after the first few hundred years, y'know?
But... His Highness believes that she's... well... heartsick? Which is stupid, because I've never been much for romance myself. But, I guess when you've got most of your life together, you do get ready to take the next step, amiright? Marriage. Family. All that romantic shit.
*receives burger* Thanks.
Most of us ghosts has now tried to woo her, but His Highness put a stop to the wooing. Instead, he put out this... contest. Whoever manages to make Princess Jasmine smile will be a 'candidate'. Not a guarantee, but a 'candidate'. Which means that even when you've managed to make her smile or laugh, she still has the means to turn you away.
I love His Highness for doin' that.
There's this little problem, though. The contest isn't limited to ghosts. Anyone from the living could also participate, and once they win the heart of Princess Jasmine and marry her, they'll receive the same liminality she got.
So, everyone's super surprised when this... this... kid from years ago with your Gotham Robin colors dropped into the courtroom and managed to make her smile! And Laugh! Princess Jasmine didn't let him be part of the contest because he's, well, a kid. Kudos to her. The contest was paused after that, because her motherly and sisterly instincts activated just by being with the kid. And, when you're a ghost kid, you don't actually grow. You learn more, yeah. But your childish tendencies don't really mature.
Anyways. He made her happy, so us ghosts just left it alone. Maybe her obsession was caregiving or some shit, so when His Highness became independent and really didn't need his sister anymore, she had nothing to do.
Then, the kid disappeared. And Princess Jasmine was back to being sad.
But here's the thing, the Kid is back. Just last week. He's alive, he's taller (not as tall as our Princess, though!), he's rougher, and he's... he's... *holds face in hands* HE'S HOT. HE'S NO LONGER THE CUTE SUNSHINE BOY THAT FELL INTO THE THRONE ROOM.
I thought the Princess Jasmine was going to turn him away, because he doesn't seem like the type to activate motherly instincts anymore (maybe just mommy instincts-- *is bonked* OW! Yeah, I probably deserved that)
But no, the... the man (Oh Ancients, he's a MAN), the first thing he does is drop his bad boy persona and turn back to the cute boy that fell into the throne room, AND CRACK THE LAMEST JOKE I'VE EVER HEARD.
It was so quiet, I was feeling secondhand embarrassment for him.
It was the most beautiful sound in the Ghost Zone that got even His Highness crying with happiness.
*wipes eyes*
After that, the two decided to reconnect. King Danny even removed the bad ectoplasm in his system. And...
For the past week...
*gestures to a table near the window, which had Jasmine laughing at Jason seething with frustration over the music. Jasmine then says something, which calms Jason down, and they begin talking about cutesy couple-y stuff.*
*It's Not Unusual starts playing*
*everyone sighs with relief*
Anyways, *hands you some sharpened shoulder blades of Mammoths* Thanks for listening to me. Have a good one, Celia! The Burgers are delicious!
*After heading out, a few minutes later, one Batman cries loudly in frustration when What's New Pussycat plays in the Jukebox, causing Jasmine and Jason to find out that they're being stalked by the Batfam*
first of all anon, thank you for being the person who started the entire celia bones thing because holy shit it's been so fun watching people make lore and create concepts of the diner. (at least I'm 99% sure its you cause its the same writing style.)
In thanks, I did a very speedy lil doodle for ya <3
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and now, on to answering this prompt. The story of the Princess Who Doesn't Laugh is quite a wonderous tale. I appreciate your gracious tip and story. Come back again!
From what I hear, The ghost child was there for many years but the day he vanished, oh that day is known around the entire Ghost Zone. Ghosts claim that they could hear the Princess's wails of sorrow throughout the entire Zone.
Hearing that he's back is quite a surprise. I can agree that the Princess has a type and I admire it Heavily. The man grew up a lot. More so than a person should in those years of being back in the living realm.
It's interesting. The Princess hasn't laughed in so long. Some even rumored that her laughter was a form of blessing. to be bestowed the honor of letting the princess experience joy was incredible in and of itself. The possible magical wards and protections said to be given to the jokester have been claimed to be simple spells to some of the most complex magical enchantments that the Ghost Zone has ever seen.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 9 months
Ok ok here are my ramblings about the reunions with the Blades LIs (mostly Mal) off the top of my head, like immediately after finishing the chapter.
I feel like they could have rearranged it so that we reunite with Tyril/Nia in one and Mal/Imtura OR Tyril/Imtura and Mal/Nia (since the two are working together with the orphanage) in the next so each LI gets a fair half. I find it weird that Tyril basically got an amazingly cute whole chapter reunion (and Imtura too probably but female LIs deserve more attention so good for her!) while Nia and Mal romancers have to share one lol. I know I sound childish but I kinda expected...more
Is Mal corrupted or something because there's no way he would be so chill about us returning? Like it's not as bad of a reunion as others are making it but it felt really lukewarm. I wanted more anger or pain or sadness of some kind. I have to do the scene with Nia but from what I've heard, it was really sweet and she actually cried when we disappeared lol
I think it would make sense for Mal to not be super vulnerable and rebuild the walls around his heart because he didn't want to think about what happened to her. I just don't think this chapter conveyed that super well or did it halfway between Mal and MC. Like where was the intensity of "I did everything I possibly could to find you and when I thought you were gone forever I just had to do whatever I could to take my mind off you," pause, "It was like you were taking over my every thought and I distracted myself by helping the Whitetower orphans it's... what you would have wanted" like COME ON. Also, could he be that closed off if he was taking care of them? Like being a parental figure means having to open yourself up a lil but wtvr
My lil headcanon was that Mal actually did do the depression haircut but he didn't want to admit that so he made up some excuse about it being too hot in the summer because I find it hard to believe that wearing all-black armor isn't equally as hot as having long hair
Stan Imtura for having the most iconic reaction to our disappearance like I was mad too bestie
If Aerin becomes an LI I would say we had the best reunion scene tbh he wasn't corrupted and still helped propel the story but was also checking in w MC and clearly worried about them
yeah yeah ik it seems like i'm super mad, but it's more so disappointment. i do still have hope for the book, maybe their just getting their footing again
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straykats · 1 year
I did a whole album review again may I… pass it across the table to you 👀👏🏼 (aka can we exchange thoughts)
hehe hi izzy here is my lil review (that isnt much of a review and more a reaction/commentary thingy, as all my stuff always is HAHA) BUT !! imma read ur review now and kinda make comments in relation to yours? like a really bad one way email discussion hm AHAHA i avoided reading ur review until i did mine so i don't go into the album with other thoughts (although??? i've listened to all the songs on the album at least once before doing the 'review' so?? idk man HAHA) anyways relistening to the album as i read through yours/reply below HAHA sorry to make this kind of a two-part thing heh (with the review post and then this as well) (dont feel pressured to read both 😭😭)
hall of fame // i agree, it's such a good intro to the album with it's message // yeah the bass is so COOL AND OMGOMG YOUR SCI-FI COMMENT RIGHTTTTTTT RIGHHHHHHHHHTTTTTT i thought i was a weirdo for comenting on the alien-esque sounds (thats what i called that recurring riff in the background AHHA)
s-class// your comment about it showing a bit of everything? so true.
item // yes @ having changbin and lix do the 'item' lines // omg i didnt mention this in my post but i love the vocal pre-chorus thing // oh!! you mentioned the mix of happy and aggressive and it reminds me of one of my first thoughts on the song: okay hear me out idk how to explain this but i feel like if anyone can get me its you HAHAHA so this song gives me like. hacker vibes. BUT LIKE but like the happy go-lucky hacker that acts kinda childish and takes risks and is really. tricksy. like they hack in a way that annoys people and they leave little messages on their targets screen or smth idk man HAHA but like on this relisten of the song and ur mention of the aggressiveness, i'm seeing less of an individual and more of a group? like, a.. rebel kinda group but not rebel. i forgot the word. but like you have ur happy go lucky hacker, you have ur aggressive gunsmen or weaponsmaster and your sniper and the cool leader that always smirks (like think kuroo tetsurou but the Cool part of him not the annoying or dorky part HAHAHAHAH i miss him <//3) and like this song gives me a SUPER specific vibe that i want to write as a fic ARGH
super bowl // yeah i love the chanting/group lines !! it kind of really fits the vibe of this song? cant explain it properly. but haha i applaud u for loving the whispers w headphones; im gently cringeing JNVDJSKNVJDSK HAAHAHA
topline // this song would be so funny at concerts bc everyone will say fuck and then chan will have another meltdown // YES the transition to jisung's verse from tiger jk's is so uGH AND THEN TO HYUNJIN THAT WAS SO SMOOOOOTH // yes this is such a concert song i just hope its one of the songs where they can run around the stage freely bc for the final chorus i can see them hyping up the crowd w them and it would be so fun
get lit // YES THE LIL TRILL THING AFTER 'dance like crazy' right theyre so fun theyre so nice they're so--- wait i though i was typing in caps this whole time (i was reading ur comments while typing and just looked over LMAO) im having so much fun w that part on the piano. its stressing me a little but in a really good way like its so fun // really interesting (that sounds really rude/like online forced politeness and i dont mean it that way okay ily i mean genuinely interesting) how ur seeing this as such a happy cute song and in my thing i was like 'god this song is so bittersweet and sad' HAHAHAHA like YES it does have a lot of happy fun vibes to it (i called it a 'tropical' vibe LOL) but smth is also like. hm. // by little vocals at the end, did you mean the lalalalas? bc yeah same hehe
get lit // ur comment about the bass FJDKD UR RIGHT but im sorry idk why im laughing ur comment just made me laugh // yeah that verse really is harsh, i didn;t notice before // YEAHH THE CHORUS SYNTHHHHHH it kinda gives me like. i can see a girl group going nuts to this but in a really good way idk how to explain it haha // WAIT THATS HYUNJIN W THE SLURRED LINES????? // yes the little sound at the end hehehe
collision // RIGHT RIGHT THE TRUMPETSSSSSS // dont mind quickly editting my post to include collision as one of my favs. i forgot 💀 // i see you are having a lot of verse 2 > 1 moments hehe // yeah the phone ringing !!!!! its so cool i HBVJDSBVHJSVHSJ
fnf // yeah felix vocals :(((((((( love sm and then followed by hyunjin too i ahhbvdsjbvhsjbvhs // oh i only just paid attention to the lyrics bc of ur comment and now im feelin a lil sad HAHA // oh omg hyes it does give tmt vibes // ohoho??? gotta find out what chan said about 'catching up'
youtiful // smth about channo opening it feels so comforting, right? like, the whole song is comforting and feels like sitting on a rooftop swaddled in blankets with them (all of them, one of them, some of them) but opening it w chan specifically was the cherry on top. // omg yeah the disney vibes >>> // (re: one of ur comments) that was the saddest 'woohoo love that for me' ive read in my life
and i'll stop here. sorry again if this was such a long response ahhh heehfhshjs but it was really fun to make my own comments and then listen to the album again and read ur comments.
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m34gs · 1 year
For the character ask: Amaimon (Blue Exorcist), Trein (Twisted Wonderland), and Maki (Fire Force).
Thank you so much for the ask, friend!!! Super excited to answer these :D (related to this post) It will be a long one, so under the cut she goes!!
1: sexuality headcanon: I think Amaimon is either bi or pan. He just...doesn't strike me as the type to care about what his partner is in terms of gender. Amaimon likes what he likes and that's just how it is.
2: otp: I don't know if I have a pairing with Amaimon that I feel strongly enough about to consider it an OTP. I have pairings I like with Amaimon, but for those characters I almost always have another pairing that I like better for them. And I don't think Amaimon would do well with polyamory. He's very selfish.
3: brotp: This is not canon. This is most definitely not canon. But I am *obsessed* with the idea of Amaimon actually doting on Rin after they get past the "tried to kill Rin/Shiemi/other exwires" issue. Like, to Amaimon, a demon, he really just wanted some entertainment. Gotta remember, he's NOT human, and to him "playing" is something totally different. So, it makes sense in my little world that once he realizes how strong Rin is, and that he can get Rin to "play", he wants to more and more, but also becomes a bit jealous and clingy. Maybe even protective? Anyway. This is why when I write him, I most often like writing him as a doting yet teasing older brother for Rin. And maybe Rin warms up to him eventually and really starts to enjoy being around him and trust Amaimon.
4: notp: Lucifer. Not as a friend, not as a lover (Again, they are demons; so remember, demons play by demon rules and not human ones) and not as a brother or 'bromance'. Why? Mainly because I dislike Lucifer, if I'm being honest. But also because I just don't see them being on good terms. I feel like Lucifer would be like "Listen to me" and Amaimon would flip him off and scitter around on the ceiling or something. Which is like, his attitude with Mephisto, except then Mephisto usually has a good counter, where I just don't think it would give the same delightfully funny vibe with Lucifer.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Again this would be the "Amaimon not so secretly dotes on Rin and the only one who doesn't realize this is Rin" because it makes me happy. That's literally the main reason. It just makes me so happy.
6: favorite line from this character: "I have a cousin with a penchant for the occult who collects eyeballs". I don't know if I can explain this one. I just find it funny.
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I think what I relate to most for Amaimon is his impatience. I try my best to be patient, especially given my work, but there are some days I just want to lose it because nothing is going my way, or because I really wanted something and I don't get it. It sounds a bit childish of me, but Amaimon is childish too. I think part of why I like him so much is because he acts out his childish urges freely and I wish sometimes that I could do that.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: His hair spike. Amaimon, sweetie, why?
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Oh, Problematic Fave, 10000%.
1: sexuality headcanon: honestly, I think Trein is gay. But he strikes me as someone who lost love once a long time ago and never tried to love like that again. I don't know, I just think sometimes there is a lot of sadness in his eyes. (I've played to the end of Book 6 Part One, so if there is backstory on Trein in the next part or chapters, I am unaware of it at this time)
2: otp: None. As I said, I kind of picture him as someone who did have someone, but then lost them. Maybe someday I'll write him a headcannon backstory about that love.
3: brotp: Trein is not 100% sure what this term means, but I like to think that some students saw him having tea with Crewel and now all the students know he's pretty close to Crewel and Crewel is his brotp.
4: notp: Crowley. Because I think Crowley would drive Trein into madness if they were anything other than colleagues.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Well, friend, honestly it's our Bar AU headcannon of Trein Taking Care of Crewel By Sneakily Getting Him To Eat. I just like the idea of Trein realizes Crewel doesn't take good enough care of himself and is like "well, I guess I need to suddenly have a routine of having tea in the evening with biscuits or fruit as a snack and invite Crewel so he eats something". I also like the idea we had together that Vargas goes to Trein every time he tries to figure out how to interact with Crewel because he is Very Enthusiastic and Crewel is less so, and Vargas worries he is overwhelming his coworker. (Side note: Vargas = himbo is the best hc for Vargas ever! hehehe)
6: favorite line from this character: “Excellent. Keep up this hard work for the next time as well.” When Trein praises me, I am almost in tears. Getting his approval is Goals. lol
7: one way in which I relate to this character: Trein seems to like things done in particular ways and puts value in honour and tradition. I may not be so much for tradition, but I do get particular about how I like things done. And I get frustrated when I can't deliver to my own expectations.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Nothing, really. I don't find anything about him, at this point, gives me second-hand embarrassment.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? I don't know if I would define Trein as either of these...lol, though if I had to choose I guess cinnamon roll? He seems like the type of person to be a bit tsundere to be honest.
1: sexuality headcanon: I headcannon Maki as straight. I don't know why, I just do. (You're probably thinking "what??? But she's one of your anime wives???", and I know. I know, it's odd. But she's a fictional character so I try not to read too hard into it)
2: otp: I don't actually have one for Maki. I really don't ship her with anyone in the show at this point, if I'm completely honest.
3: brotp: Hinawa. I feel like Hinawa and Maki have a really good understanding of each other and have this quiet support for each other going on behind-scenes. I really feel like Hinawa is probably Maki's closest friend in Company 8.
4: notp: Like I said, I don't really like shipping her with anybody in the show honestly, so I suppose that makes them all notp's in my eyes.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: I think Maki was probably bullied as a child for being so strong. To me, this makes sense as to why she's so hung up on "not being feminine enough". Bullying is something that sticks with you long after the fact and preys on your mind.
6: favorite line from this character: I don't have a favourite line from Maki.
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I relate to Maki a lot about feeling insecure over my body/appearance. I also want to be seen as very feminine, so I get her discouragement and worry about coming across masculine.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: The way she misinterprets even compliments about her strength to mean she's an "ogre" or "gorilla"; like...calm down? Literally no one said anything like that...
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon Roll! Maki is an absolute sweetheart!
Hope you enjoyed these answers, friend! I had fun writing them. (My computer started glitching out halfway through, though, so I had to save a draft and restart it, which is why it took me so long, lol!)
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foggyparadisecandy · 2 months
Therapy today ... I'm dumping here ... only read if you are fascinated with my life lol
We discussed how I generally don't get embarrassed about stuff - like ... ever.
That said, we discussed how I was embarrassed hugely twice in the last year. The first time was when I realized that I wanted to be with K fr fr in a serious relationship last July and I started dreaming about being with her. I was too ashamed of myself to even bring it up to K, because I'm old and she's young and I felt like a total fucking creepo. Still bugs me. In my defense, I fell in love with HER character and personality before I ever saw her so her youth wasn't always in my face making me feel so creepy. IDK. It's so fucking complicated even now.
The second thing that severely embarrassed me was how insane I became when K split on me. And that one is EXTREMELY fucking complicated because K was massively hurting (and I'm guessing she still is) over a recent personal trauma plus all her childhood shit AND she ghosted me AND then she blocked me AND I knew she still loved me AND I had so much I wanted to share with her still AND AND AND AND ... fuck it ... it's been talked about to death. Either way, my reaction embarrasses the holy fuck out of me. She didn't owe me a damn thing and I acted like we were some fucking perfect relationship, destined since time began. Pathetic and weak. It will surprise anyone who read my meltdown posts but I HATE showing my emotions. I learned as a young kid that my emotions were not useful and sometimes very dangerous to me.
We talked about how I won't ever reach out to K again because I refuse to break her boundaries she set and disrespect her. I have no way to contact her without being an asshole so I won't. Oh ... and ... yeah ... I shouldn't want to reach out, because it would be pathetic of me to set myself up to be told to fuck off (politely I'm sure).
We talked about how I wake each day hoping this is the day she reaches out so I know she's ok and ... IDK. And that's the problem ... I don't know what I hope for. Would I be happy with a "I'm doing ok?" Would I really be happy? Would that be enough for me? And the truth is so fucking annoying to me ... I still want to be connected with K and in her life. So goddamn frustrating to me ... she didn't want to make any time or space for me. How sad of me to want more of that pain. I guess I wish the world was different is all. How childish. it's been nearly six months since the first split and she is still on my mind.
lol trying not to judge myself as much these days but there I go.
Talked about a very good friend I have and how I am mentoring her a bit and how much I really love doing that and love her and love helping her. We agreed I should focus more attention on the positive things like this that give my life meaning. Sounds like a plan to me. I hunger for meaning atm. I feel useless and unwanted most days.
Talked about how I'm no longer attracted to other people at all. It's fucked up but for the last four weeks or so, I've noticed that I no longer find anyone attractive physically / sexually. That's a bit alarming tbh. It's right up there with my emotions being up and down and messy. I feel like a mental ward escapee many days.
Talked about how my anxiety disorder is coming back. That's super fun. Nothing like freezing up when people ask you simple questions about life. Super duper fun.
All in all, I know some things are "better" but overall I feel like I don't have a place in my own life any more. It's annoying af.
I'm assured that I am healing. Rebuilding myself.
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chuluoyi · 6 months
Yes... I grinded my ass off... And now I have nothing to grind for baby Lukey... And IT'S OKAY!!!! You can still get tears from the event itself!! And by upgrade they mean upgrade the star thingies- You know when you get dupes you can star up the cards? Yeah that's the upgrade they meant... I didn't know and kept trying to use my stellin till I realised like 'oh fuck I've been wasting stellin for no reason' cause I still couldn't clear the achievement... But yes I'm left with 36 stellin now after levelling up my new card...
Ah omg arranged marriage 😭Omgomg do you read 'Under the Oak tree' ? It's an arranged marriage manhwa with spicy scenes [ohohoh!] If you don't you should give it a read, see if you'll enjoy it. And Angst! My absolute fave! AHHAHA SAME GIRL I thought he was the antagonist 😭😭Especially after the prologue I was like 'Who tf are you' and I thought there would be that route where the MC gets together with the bad guy and gets whisked off... And I guess I know why I'm still single now... It's either I'm really just too in love with 2D men, or it's my mum's high standards and taste in men...
Right!!! Ahhhh I'm so in love with Satosugu! And it's okay! Take your timeee, just do it once you're more comfortable. Geto has a pretty complicated character if you ask me so it's understandable that you'll need more time...
😭😭You must be so tired... Remember to stay hydrated and rest well too! Your health comes first!! LUKE JUST GO HOME SO PEOPLE CAN REST 😭😭😭
Hidden inventory is indeed our last spring of youth... I felt my teenage life get sucked away HELP. To add up I'm like around their age during hidden inventory and I relate so much better to them except the cursed energy part... And Culling games... I don't even want to imagine... I'll probably drop JJK by then I don't think my heart can take it. I think JJK will end me before I do it myself...
exactly... It's really childish and stupid... Like guys most of you are at least 16 so act like your age please don't go around arguing over shit only kids fight over... I used to watch Aot like I stopped at S3 before they switched to MAPPA... and yeah basically every big fandom will or has experienced debates over the littlest things... Every fandom has it's toxic community...
Hahaha! How's your bf after the last episode? I heard it's super depressing...
i… only got 1 tears *sobs* and now it’s in pity 60🤧 STAR THINGIES LMAO yeah it immediately comes to mind the moment you describe it like that😭 36 stellin is alright! i’ve been left with 2 stellin i remember thinking just how broke i can get?💀
i read that!!!🥹 i love it but i’m a bit sad that maxi struggles so much to stand up for herself😔 riftan is a hunk though omg. oh and i read another manhwa called “light and shadow” it’s such a good arranged marriage manhwa that i read it lit thrice bcs the both the hero and heroine are badasses who take no shits from anyone else🥹
aw don’t worry disco anon!! i’m sure you’ll find the right person someday!! i used to be insecure with myself too and thinking that i don’t fit but no—it’s just that we haven’t met the right person yet!!🥹 they are there somewhere🫶🏻
aww thank you!!! you’re so nice afahjsa and you stay healthy too!🥹🫶🏻 the weather nowadays can be a little challenging😫
omg really?!😭 you’re still so young and your watchlist being jjk is indeed so soul-sucking😭 not that i was any better. when i was that age (gods why am i sound so old i’m only 24) my watchlist was naruto… and i binged it all until the end over the course of summer holiday🥲
SO TRUE AHHAHAHA jjk will end us before we do it is so canon ogmf😭 like for how long now that we didn’t know what megumi’s status is?
ohhh may i know why? they said it’s much better when it moved to mappa? bcs tbh mappa is a good animation company, but it’s just that their working conditions that are so concerning🤧
he’s being dramatic and totally heartbroken about eren and mikasa🥹 he even has his lockscreen changed into a live wallpaper of aot🥹 i swear it’s karma bcs when gojo died, he was unapologetic towards me (he rolls his eyes 🙄 whenever i’m swooning over gojo and he is a suguru lover, btw!) and now i get the chance for a payback🥹
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vaiisravana · 9 months
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Looking Back ;
A self-soothing, transdimentional talk with myself. This is a work by a fictive in a system, and I would like to put it here so that I can flesh this blog out with who I am a bit more, as opposed to just being a reblog pit. Anyone, of course, is free to read if they wish.
Word Count : 2750
"What's it like?"
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The hill is quiet. There's a gentle breeze that rustles the leaves of the sakura tree behind us, and the grass sways in its presence, but it's quiet. You can't hear the people nor the cars nor the children like you usually can. The world is still. The sun remains at a fixed point, low in the sky, in eternal set. Waiting. Watching, maybe.
I sit in it as I think. We don't look at each other, we just stare forward beside one another. My legs are crossed. She has one out in front of her and is leaning on the other, bent to her chest. She does turn to me after a bit of silence. She does command an answer, but she doesn't mean to. She expects one and makes that apparent with just the tilt of her head, but she doesn't mean to be demanding. Her aura isn't her fault.
"It's tough," I say finally. "It's nice in a way, but tough."
"I think that's true for anywhere, and any life. Especially a human one."
"Yeah… I mean." I take a breath and hold it, trying to figure out what I want to say, and how I want to say it. "I like humanity. Even with its flaws I'd say I like it. I still feel kinda like an outsider, even as one'uv'em. I have all the weaknesses n flaws of a human and yet they still feel beyond me."
Her face falls a bit. "I see… So it isn't so simple as integration, then."
I shake my head. "I still feel. Like you feel. That intense, all consuming way of feeling? Where everything is everything all the time. I feel joy, n sadness, n anger, and they all feel turned up all the way. I feel everything as fully as my lungs take in air, or my blood runs through my veins. I am nothing if not my emotions, I think."
"I've been told it's different. That a God cannot feel the way a human feels."
"If that's true, then I haven't changed. I think you've been super lied to, though. I mean. I feel your pain still sometimes. In all its intensity."
"... I'm. Sorry to hear that."
"I don't mind. It reminds me that… I'm not totally different from you. Even though I feel like I am."
"Do you? You look about the same. Perhaps more American." Her smile is sweet. She has a sense of humor but it's clumsy. I laugh anyway, though not very loudly.
"I'm weak now… And like. Extremely childish. I talk funny, n I can't get outta bed for days sometimes…"
She's quiet. Thinking.
"I can't do shit by myself. I was raised perfectly capable but if I'm alone I get scared. I can't go ta the store without someone with me. I can't eat alone at a restaurant. I'm terrified'a loneliness n stepping outta line in case I break some kinda rule I don't even know about. I'm horrified of embarrassin myself by bein alone, or even just. As a concept. I'm mortified by the idea of embarrassment, and bein an embarrassment, and then I do things like. Scream when I laugh, or sneeze dumb, or stomp my feet n twirl around when I'm happy. I say gurl n like n use my hands too much when I talk. I'm capable of bein serious about stuff but I never sound serious. I can't work a full time job, I'm too exhausted all the time. I fall short'a you… In so many ways… I mean, Jesus Christ I know I'm not a god but I'd like to be able to do the bare fuckin minimum, yanno? Like I wanna provide! I wanna have kids one day! I wanna stand on my own two feet! I want people to look at me like wow! You're so strong and capable and helpful! Not the way they do now… People just… See me as silly. And tired. And like a slacker, I think. I have hardworking friends that are so successful and I can't keep up and I know they think at least some type'a way about that. Even if they don't mean to. I try to inspire myself with you. Maybe if I can just push and push, I'll get there. Maybe I could work two jobs and fix everything. Maybe I could be stronger…"
She rearranges herself. Leans back on her hands and stares at the sky.
"You'd do well to listen well: These things have always been present. The way you perceive yourself right now are ways I've perceived myself since the dawn of time. I've relied on growing amounts of medication to handle my shinki instead of doing the hard but just thing and working out their problems. I've spent hours in hot springs and sleeping instead of protecting my people. I've watched my regalia laugh and play as an outsider who only wished to provide. I wanted to have children, and so I took them in. More than I could carry, in my own desperate desires. And I hurt them.
They didn't know any better than what I told them. I tried and failed to be their guidance. I tried and failed to provide for myself and others, and without Kazuma, or any of my close regalia, I would have squandered what little success I had much sooner. I, too, cannot go out on my own. Without Kazuma I am utterly lost. I've grown dependent not only on him, but on all of my regalia. To walk into any open place without them is to walk into battle without armor."
She stops. Just for a moment.
"We're still the same… You're shorter now, and a bit younger, but you're smarter, too. You're tired, like me. And you fight. And you fail. And you succeed, but you fail."
The silence returns as I take her words in my hands. Roll them between my fingers…
"If you saw me out there, you'd be embarrassed…"
"Why? Because you experience joy? Because you laugh? You sing? You dance? You think I'd be embarrassed by the very things I've longed for? To love, to be loved, and to experience the liberation of humanity?"
I hug myself, pulling my knees up as tears fall from my eyes. "I dunno…"
"I do not find you embarrassing. Nor do I see you as weaker than I am. You are human. You are experiencing human troubles and human joys and you are my experience in a world I have never belonged in."
"I think you belong… Now, and as me… Even when we don't feel like it… Even when we feel like outsiders…"
"...Maybe. I have my place. You have yours. Your strength is not measured by your failures. It isn't even measured by your success. It's measured by your willingness to go on. To get back up, to do it again. I know you have it in you. I know you still get up. You still push, even if it isn't as hard as you'd like to push.
Speaking of… Perhaps I'm no expert, but I think something should be said about not wearing yourself down. I have a bad habit, myself. I put myself in danger, shove myself to the brink, and make matters worse more often than not. To learn what hurts you, and to manage that, is growth. I have yet to learn it myself."
"It feels like quitting… It feels like giving up and taking the easy way, but it hurts so bad to keep going that I…"
"You do as you must. That's okay."
There's quiet again.
"What else have you experienced? Tell me what it's like to be a part of humanity."
I hum. "Sometimes it feels hopeless. Bigger than me, bigger than anyone. Billionaires and corporations run the Earth into the ground and we're helpless to do anything about it. Global warming and oil spills, ocean pollution n air quality, all'a the Earth's problems are blamed on us. On the little guys living bit by bit every day instead'a on those actually ruinin it all. Sometimes it's frustrating. Sometimes someone does somethin or says somethin or is a type'a way n ya just wanna-!" I throttle the air in front of me, shaking it like I'm choking it out.
"A lotta times I am still a lil outside'uv it. People are people n not an individual sometimes. Other times I understand too well, cuz I like psychology so much, and my empathy is too high. And sometimes when I see someone n they piss me off, I feel guilty that I'm not offerin this... Above it all sorta grace I could be offering. But, as a person. As someone involved in it all. As someone who's been bitten time and time again by people that are literally just. Shit. I've had ta learn. I've had ta learn time n place. I still struggle with it. Boundaries and stuff? I struggle with allowing things for too long. But sometimes ya gotta clap back."
"Clap back?"
"Yeah, like. Give em what they gave you. Stand yer ground n stuff."
"I see."
"It's different when people see ya as a person n not a God. They treat you like they would anyone else. That's good in that you can be more vulnerable and expressive, but bad in that sometimes people have bad intentions. It's easier ta hurt another person than it is ta take down a God, yanno?"
"So it's been unpleasant…"
"Not totally. There is a lotta joy. I have friends. I love my baby sibling. I was given the opportunity ta raise em, and I couldn't be prouder of'em, and happier ta be seen as a parent to em even though we're like. Not even 5 years apart. I love music, and performing, and gettin doted on by people who hear me sing. I like ta draw n get invested in my fandoms and my many lil men with glasses."
"Yeaaah, I got a type. Like BAD it's REAL bad. A man has dark hair and glasses and it's over for me. Green eyes? Done. I'm out. And in love. Head over heels. Then they're smart? That's it. That's it!"
"Speaking of… How is Kazuma?"
"I'm… So lucky ta have him. I mean, it has its own troubles. I have mental illness out the damn wazoo, so havin him as an alter instead'a as a whole other person can be a challenge sometimes. On one hand it's great cuz we can be together all the time, but sometimes I just wanna hold his hand. Or like. Go to the store n have him with me. I'd way rather rely on him than any'a my friends. Not that I don't like em, he just… Actively brings me comfort, whereas most'a my friends just help me do the thing. Does that make sense?"
"I think so…"
"Like if Kazuma were there n we went to the store together I'd be giddy. I'd have a great time! I'd be giggly n bouncy and feel comfortable… But when like. Winter. Takes me. They're just there so everyone sees I'm not alone. I like Winter! They're a great friend! And we've had some fun times together! But it's not the same…"
"I see. I understand. But he's with you? And he's happy? What does he think about all of this?"
"He thinks I'm dumb. Well, I mean, he didn't say it like that, but…
I had this dream last night. It was kinda convoluted, lots was happening, but the basic premise was that I was in like. This videogame, kinda. Like I was the main, playable character in this new world where these lil. Monsters. Were runnin around. Like paint monsters. The Yomi no Koto no Ha is not lost on me here, believe me. They were made'a paint, but they needed ta be destroyed with paint as well."
"Were they phantoms?"
"Not quite. They were really small, and not so brightly colored. They were kinda inky, kinda doodly. Like they were drawn, or made'a liquid paint. It's hard ta explain, I guess. They were specifically minions, though. Made by One Guy ta do his bidding - again, the parallel is not lost on me.
Anyway, I was in like. The tutorial part. Kinda. Where my weapon was bein supplied, and some lil creature guy was tellin me what was up or whatever. And he handed me this brush and said I could create anything I wanted. Anything at all, but only once.
And I made Kazuma."
Her smile is sweet. She knows she would do the same.
"He wasn't quite my Kazuma. He wasn't quite a real Kazuma. He was like an AI in that he had to "download" information about himself. Yeah I gave him life n all but because I crafted him, he wasn't exactly the real deal.
There was a part like. Right after. We walked into the next room and it was like a fancy restaurant. We sat at a table and talked a bit. I introduced myself kinda shyly. I don't remember why it started, but he kept drawin comparisons between us. First physical ones. Then like. Attitude ones. And concept ones. 
You created me. Gave me a name, gave me life, just like she did. That's the line I remember. I remember gettin scared n embarrassed n upset. I had ta take a walk outside because I felt so damn guilty. Like it felt like an honor because I know he loves you so much, but it felt like a lie because I feel like I'm nothing like you.
He met me outside and I cried in his arms. He made another connection. We talked about the times you felt weak. Like you weren't enough… We had a talk kinda like this one. I wish I remembered it in more detail… I would'a liked to have known all'a the comparisons… I think my passion was one? Or like. Something. I don't know.
I know I said it was a dream, but because the whole alter thing, it's pretty likely that if he shows up in my dream, he's actually there. That's why I bring it up. He seems ta think the same things you do."
"And you doubt him?"
"It's less that I doubt him and more that I'm afraid to believe it. It feels kinda like. Pompous? Kinda? To be like I am the reincarnation of a God, actually. Especially when like… I feel like anyone would look between us and laugh. Mostly cuz'a my temperament."
"Then they sorely lack the understanding of how this works, and who I am. To see you live and laugh freely is my greatest relief. To watch you love Kazuma, and talk with him, and work with him not only as a team, but as partners, as proper lovers… It's everything I could have wanted. Watching you laugh, and smile, and twirl and dance… Every time, that is me living out my dreams of living a simpler, more human and more freeing life. A life away from phantoms and the stress of being unapproachable. Away from the status, and the expectations of a War God. It's living my dream of frolicking and dancing in the fields in the sun, cared for by higher powers who love me. It's love. It's a love of being. A love of the world around me, and the new and bright ways I get to experience it. A love of the intimacy. A love of not only my people, but all people, and how wonderful it is to be a part of that.
If no one can understand that, then they simply do not know what it is to be a God.
You are my escape. My vessel of a new, more relaxing life. I know it hasn't been easy. You are not wealthy, you are not in a position of power. But people love you, and they take care of you as you do them. It's all I've ever wanted."
I wipe my eyes again, finally facing her. I sniff and lean against her, and she holds me close with a warm smile.
I am her. I am the life she gets to live. A human life. One with all of the toils and troubles and highs and lows that are ever present but distinctly human.
And she loves that. She loves me.
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pet-pet-peet · 2 years
Hmm, I think requests are open? If they're not, feel free to ignore or delete!! Can I request for seperate headcannons where Azul, Jade, Vil, and Sebek have to deal with their spoiled SO during the holidays. The reader has a sweet tooth, so they'll whine about wanting to eat sweets and maybe ask the boys to make desserts for them. Basically, kinda childish reader? Thanks~
This sounds super sweet (ehehehe), of course!
This is the first of two Holiday related posts, I will be posting the other afterwards since both are very late ><
Tw: uses of words such as annoying, but in light context (I'm sensitive to it, so just letting anyone like me know-); lmk!
[Requests on hold until I catch up]
Pairing(s): Azul, Jade, Vil, Sebek x gn reader who’s spoiled during the holidays (separate)
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He's there to cater to your every need, no matter how often they may be
You need sweets? Coming up! Not to your liking? He'll get more!
The only issues that come up is when he needs to focus on the Mostro and dorm leader stuff
He knows you'll be upset that he had to shift focus for so long, so he brings a whole variety of sweets he (forced) asked Jade and Floyd to help him make
Doesn't really mind how spoiled you are, honestly probably one of the reasons you're still spoiled lol
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He can tolerate your childishness, he can be pretty childish himself, but he's not always around to get you what you want
He likes to go into the mountains and see new plant life that he's never seen before, so if you start whining to him about wanting sweets he may get a little sad to leave
He will, though, and takes you to either the Mostro, if he has work, or another bakery, where he'll get you anything you want
If you're acting childishly and it's not the time for it, he may lightly reprimand you but never tries to make you upset
He also doesn't mind how spoiled you are, it at least keeps things interesting
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He has his moments where he feels you're intolerably spoiled, but knows you only act such during the holidays
He tries to bear with it as long as he can, but if he reprimands you it won't be a big surprise-
He likes order and a serious environment for certain situations, if you start whining for sweets while in the middle of helping him decorate, he's gonna get a bit upset
All that being said, he does end up catering to your wishes anyway; it makes you happy, and it's only during the holidays, so why not?
Your spoiled behavior is something he has to slowly learn to accept and get used to, but he's willing to try for you
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He can be a bit of a brat during the holidays, too, but he'll never admit that
Probably finds you to be annoying when you whine, so he'll throw you whatever you want (not literally) just to make you stop!
Or, so he says- in actuality, he just feels good being the one that gets you what makes you happy
He's a big softie on the inside, no matter how annoying you may get he'll never say anything too harsh or serious (aside from the occasional "you're being really annoying," but he never actually means anything negative behind it)
I don't think he'll truly think much of your spoiled behavior, especially because he can be the same way so he's used to it
*All Images are official art from Twisted Wonderland and do not belong to me. They are the Lab Coat Groovy card art
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heyyy! im in my first semester at uni and super missing my family. i would love if you could write something fluffy with joel and ellie (if you want to, no pressure) :) (btw im so happy you reopened ur fic prompts!)
aw of course <3 this turned out a more hurt and comfort than fluff but it's me what did you expect XD
"Ellie!" Joel calls, opening the back door to shout out to Ellie's room. It's getting dark now, the sun just setting behind the trees, casting the sky in beautiful shades of purple. Fireflies already flit about the yard lazily. "Come on, kiddo! Dinner!"
When she doesn't respond, Joel sighs and jogs off down the steps. He knocks a few times on the door, "Ellie, come on." When there's still no response, Joel tries the handle. It swings open and Joel peeks his head inside. On the bed, he sees an Ellie sized lump turned away from him with the blankets drawn over her head.
"You alright, sweetheart?" He asks softly, walking in and quietly shutting the door behind him. He walks over to the side of the bed and sinks down around her knees. "Ellie? Talk to me, baby girl."
"I don't feel good," she says, her voice muffled by the blankets. "Go away, I'm fine."
Joel chuckles a little, "Those are two different sentences there. Which on is it?"
"Go away," Ellie decides.
"You see, I'm not going to do that. You don't leave kids alone when they're hurting," he tells her.
Ellie sits up, throwing the blankets away and glaring at him. "I'm not a kid, Joel." Her sharp tone is cut by the fact that her cheeks are wet with tears. In their time together Joel has learned that when Ellie gets sad, she gets upset to hide it. So instead of rising to the bait, he just gives her a sympathetic smile.
"I know you're not a kid, but you're my kid," he tells her, squeezing her ankle. "And I'm here for you."
"Why?" Ellie asks quietly, pulling her knees to her chest. "Literally everyone else I know has given up on me or abandoned me or died in front of me. I'm a fuck up, Joel, I couldn't save fucking anyone. Why do you want me?"
Joel sighs and glances down at his hands. "Ellie-"
"Do you just keep me around because I remind you of your dead daughter?" Joel looks up and meets Ellie's eyes, seeing the immediate regret on her face and a worrying flash of fear. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean that-"
"You did," Joel says, keeping his voice even, "and it's alright. Look at me, Ellie." He waits until she does before he continues. "I look after you because you're my kid, not by blood but that doesn't matter. I love you, Ellie, I'm not going to leave you."
"It would be easier if you did," Ellie tells him. "Then I wouldn't have to wait for you to give up."
"Oh." Joel's heart aches for Ellie. She's been through so much in her short life and he only knows a fraction of it. "Oh, Ellie..." He moves forward, giving her time to push him away, but she doesn't. She allows him to pull her into his arms. Ellie so small, smaller than Sarah was at her age, Joel holds her close, feeling her cry against his chest.
"I'm not going to give up on you, baby girl," Joel whispers to her. "You are so goddamn important to me. There is no way in hell I am ever going to let me go."
"You can't say that shit and not mean it," Ellie tells him.
"I mean it more than anything," Joel assures her. He kisses the top of her head and then holds her at arms length so he can see her face. "It's you and me against the world, kiddo."
"I like the sound of that," she says, wiping her eyes with her sleeves.
"Do you like the sound of dinner?" Joel prompts. "I made red beans and rice."
"Yeah." Ellie's voice is small, childish in a way she usually isn't.
"Come on then." Joel helps her to her feet and keeps an arm around her shoulders all the way inside.
Later that night, with a movie playing on the tv, Joel looks down at Ellie. She's tucked under his arm, fast asleep with her cheek on his chest. A knitted blanket is tucked over her legs, one that was gifted to her by someone in town. He thinks of the little girl he met almost two years ago with her nervous eyes, always ready to sling a punch.
Now she's cuddled up next to him, she's safe, she's warm, and she's home. He'll take care of her. Any doubts he had are now long gone, a fleeting memory. She is his kid. There's no changing that now.
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kerie-prince · 3 years
We're Worlds Apart (3)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: cursing, angst(?), Draco being a meanie :(
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: not my best lmao kinda gets cheesy. anyways, Y/M/N = your mother’s name and Y/B/N = your brother’s name
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(gif cred)
“Do I really have to get one?” Draco whined in the middle of the phone store, getting his very first cellular device.
“Yeah, man. It's 2008 and you still write letters. Plus, your bird took a shit on my car,” Blaine said matter-of-factly. He found it funny that Draco still used an owl post for communication; the only other person Blaine knew that still uses an owl is his 97 year old grandmother. And even she has a landline in her house. “It's just easier and quicker to use. Why wait a whole day for a letter when you can just text me and I’ll respond in two seconds?”
“I’ve never even used a wall phone, how do you expect me to use a bloody cell-phone, Blaine?” Draco was fidgeting in his seat as he waited for the store employee to finish, what was it called, a credit score? Muggles sure are weird.
She came back shortly with a small, black box that had a weird word on it. What the bloody hell is an iPhone? She explained how it turned on, all the applications it carried, and details about billing and more. Draco was still confused about the whole thing but Blaine said that he would help him understand it better.
“Well look at you, Dray. A modern wizard in America,” Blaine jokes. Draco played with the new device, working out all the kinks of it. He sent his very first text message to Blaine at that moment. Took him precisely 5 minutes to type out a very bland, simple ‘Hello. -Draco L. Malfoy’
It made Blaine laugh so hard that he held his stomach. “My god, we’re gonna have to work on your texting skills, man. First things first, you don't have to sign your name at the end of a text. I know it's you.” Blaine explained to Draco all the fundamentals of texting as they walked through the halls of Santa Marie.
Throughout the day, Draco shared his new number with his department. The more he shared his number, the faster he became at typing.
At the end of his shift, he went to a nearby restaurant where he usually picked up dinner —not one to know his way around the kitchen — and headed home.
It's been a good week for him; his mother had sent him a letter everyday, he finished setting up the guest room for Theo and Blaise, he has this new phone, and best of all, Y/N had not crossed his mind once.
Now he still hasn't accepted what she does in her free time, but also he realized that she’s not exactly harming him nor did she know what he was. He's usually busy with all the work he does, anyway. It was quite a sudden change of heart. But mostly, it was his mother that was able to talk to him and change his views.
My dearest son, had it been during the time before the war, I would have agreed with you. But you have to understand that things are different now. You're different now. Now I am not forcing you, but maybe you should just talk with her just once. If not, just ignore her. After all, she only lives next door.
When he read the letter, he could practically hear all of his friends telling him ‘She's right, you know.’ And deep down, he knew it too. So he went with her advice: ignore Y/N.
You’ve had a terrible week; your assistant manager forgot to count the inventory which meant she also forgot to make an order for inventory. A group of teens stole a bunch of little vials of oils you had put on display. And to top it all off, a man stood in front of your shop with signs that had biblical verses written on them, blocking the entrance way and essentially driving away any potential customers. You called security but they never came.
You were used to this happening, it's happened all your life. But that didn't mean that it didn't hurt. I'm not harming anyone, so why does this happen to me? Next week, your mother was flying in from Maine to look around the house to make sure nothing would ‘freak Stephanie out.’ 
Driving back home, you were just waiting to mix some bath salts in your tub, play music, and relax for the next couple of days. By sheer coincidence, as you pulled in you noticed your neighbor that you now knew as Draco pull into his driveway.
This week can't exactly get worse you thought as your legs carried you to his front door. With gentle knocks on the door, you waited patiently. Being rejected once more didn't bother you, but you at least wanted to hear him speak to you and try your chance to become better acquainted.
Draco opened his door, his tie was undone and he looked confusingly at you. “Can I help you?”
Panic overcame your senses and without thinking, you blurted out, “Do you hate me?” You noticed his shocked face as it was probably not something he expected to hear.
“Excuse me, what exactly are you talking about?” he asked in his entrancing British accent. It was too late to take it back, so you just kept going with it. “I’m sorry, but you moved in here four months ago and you seem to have made friends with everyone around here but for some reason, you won’t even say ‘hi’ to me. Did I offend you or something?” You sounded exhausted and sad. Not only at the week you just had, but how Draco wasn’t being so neighborly with you as he was with everyone else on the street. It bothered you so much to no end. And the most frustrating thing was that you didn’t understand why.
“Uh, I apologize that we haven’t been on speaking terms but I don’t think I have to talk to you now, do I?” Draco scoffed. Why is he being such a jerk? “I’m not saying that you have to talk to me, but it’d be nice if you could at least wave or something. But instead, you look at me funny and ignore me. It’s kinda rude.” 
“Merlin, you muggles are so temperamental.” Draco said under his breath. The word sounded funny to you.
“Muggles? Did you just call me a muggle?” The look on Draco’s face didn’t go unnoticed. He stared at you for a few moments, not saying anything. What does that mean? “Is that what you call Americans in the UK? Doesn’t really sound nice.”
Draco started laughing mockingly at you, his grip on his door tightening and knuckles turning white, “Look, I don’t understand what it is exactly you want from me but I will say this; the fact that you are so offended that I won’t acknowledge you is honestly quite fucking childish and if you couldn’t get the hint then I’ll say it plainly for you now. I don’t. Wish. To. Be. Friends. With. You. Got it?” and with that, he slammed the door in your face.
Groaning out, you yelled at him through his door, “Fuck you then! I don’t wanna be friends with some rude prick!” You ran to your door and slammed it pretty hard. The sudden noise frightened your cat and made her run from her tower into your room. What the fuck is his deal? 
You walked to your room, pissed off and tired. Looking up, you saw Draco in his room. You stared each other down before you walked up to your window to close your blinds, flipping him off before it fully closed. Afterwards, you took a regular shower and went to bed. Anger built up inside you, and for probably the first time, you hated another human being. And you had to live next to him for god knows how long.
“I mean, did you really have to say that to her?” Ian and Ashley had just listened to Draco explain what had happened the night before. Ian just sat in the chair eating his lunch as Ashley responded to him. “I know things might be different in England, but you should’ve given her a chance. She could be nice. I have a couple No-Maj friends on my block.”
“I’m on Ash with this. Is it really all because she’s Wiccan? Be honest, Dray,” Ian chipped in. At that point, Draco didn’t really know what to say. He thought he could look past it, but he couldn’t. “Maybe, yeah. I come from two families that had very strict traditions and views of muggles. I thought I dropped those views but seeing first hand what they do and-”
“And it makes you feel like a freak? Because you’re a real wizard that can do magic and they sit in some weirdly drawn circle and ‘do’ magic?” Ashley finished Draco’s sentence, making quotation marks with her hands. “I get it, I really do. I was offended too when I had to read about No-Maj’s doing this during school. And then to see movies where witches are viewed as ugly, green-skinned hags with warts on her face and wear rags for clothes. Kinda brings you down as a kid. But I got over it. You should, too.” Ashley held Draco’s hand for a bit before she grabbed her coffee mug and left for her appointments.
Ian sat quietly, watching as Draco was sinking in everything he was advised. “Look man, it’s not really my business to be telling you what you should or shouldn’t like, and who you should or shouldn’t like. And you know what, you’re not exactly in the wrong to get mad about what happened. After all, she just kinda picked a fight with you out of nowhere.” Draco had a face that looked as if he was saying ‘Right? I’m not crazy here’
“But,” of course there’s a ‘but’, “from what I hear around the street, Y/N’s really nice. Super weird for sure, but an overall nice person. I think you should think about it.” Ian nodded at Draco before joining Ashley out of the breakroom. Draco sat there, thinking about what his friends said and also thought back to his mother’s letters. I’m such a child. And I’m the one that called her childish. If he was honest, you were but it didn’t make him better.
He knew what he was going to do after work. It pained him to have to apologize to someone. Apologizing wasn’t something he was exactly used to doing. He’s only done it once to Harry and his friends nearly three years after the Battle. He didn’t even really know what to say to you. But he’ll figure it out. Right?
You stood shocked at your doorstep, hands holding onto the sweater as you looked before you. “Mom, you’re here early.”
“I had been given an extra week off of work so I thought I’d just come and see my oldest baby before your brother and Stephanie comes. Also gives me a head start to plan our dinner and get this house situated,” your mother walked past you with her two large luggage cases and dropped them on your living room floor. She looked around the house and eyed all the decorations and pictures on the walls.
To her, everything was nearly normal. You had family pictures posted and some pictures of you and your friends from college. In the living room, you had a tapestry hung up behind your couch that used to belong to your grandmother. “Y/N please, will you take down that blanket? Why don’t you put up a picture of some flowers, or maybe something abstract?”
“Because I don’t want a picture of flowers and that’s not a blanket. It was Grandma’s. I want it hung up there. Ma, you gotta understand that it’s my house now.” Your arms were crossed due to the cold. You had the day off and tried to spend it well as you did your cleansing spell in the morning, but it seems that it wasn’t very effective seeing as your mother came in and immediately started nitpicking everything.
“It was cute in your room when you were a kid. But you’re 26 now. How would your boyfriend feel if he walked in here and thought ‘oh, didn’t know I was dating a 16 year old.’” Her constant criticism was nearly pushing you to the edge. “Ma, I don’t really want to argue with you tonight so I’m just going to bed-” a doorbell rang throughout the house and you were thanking whoever was listening for giving you a reason to walk away from your mother. 
As soon as you opened the door, you were met with another face that you weren’t exactly excited to see. “Can I help you?” you repeated Draco’s words from last night back at him in a spiteful tone.
Through gritted teeth, he looked at you and said, “I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for being an arse yesterday. I hope we can look past it and become well-acquainted neighbors.”
“Huh, you’re sorry? You don’t really sound it.”
“I know, I’m not really used to doing this,” Draco quipped. “But nonetheless, I would still like to apologize.”
“Yeah, whatever, I’m sorry too.” You were about to close the door until your mother came up and pushed the door completely open, “Honey, who’s at the door- oh! Hello, I’m Y/M/N. And you are?” She looked at Draco with the nicest smile that you had ever seen on her.
“Hello, My name’s Draco. Nice to meet you,” he awkwardly shook your mother’s hand. He didn’t smile, but he also didn’t have the usual scowl on his face when he would look at you. Guess he does have manners. “Y/N, is this a friend of yours?” your mother insinuated with a less than discreet wink. Without missing a beat, you replied, “No. Ma, this is my new neighbor. I just met him. But it’s late, so nice meeting you Draco. See you around.” And you closed the door.
“That was rude, Y/N. You should have invited him in. He’s very cute,” your mother grabbed her bags and headed into the guest room. From a distance, you could hear your mother speak to herself, saying ‘At least this room looks normal’. “It’s kinda late. Besides, we have all the time in the world to talk.” 
You walked to your small closet and grabbed the special bath salts for stress relief and walked to your bathroom. Starting to strip, your mother barged in. “Ma! Privacy, please!”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Y/N. I gave birth to you. Anyways, how long has it been since he moved in? Do you think he knows about your witchy stuff?” She asked as she stood by the door, checking her reflection as you continued to undress for your bath. “I don’t really hold a sign around my neck that says I’m a Wiccan, Mother,” you said with closed eyes. Your mother said, “I hope not. Night, baby,” and closed the door.
This is going to be a long three weeks.
The morning came and you woke up before your alarm and did your daily routine. The only difference was that your mother was going through your pantry looking for ingredients to make breakfast. “Morning, honey. Do you want some pancakes? I’ll make your favorites! It’s still blueberry, right?”
“No, that was Y/B/N. Mine are chocolate chip and peanut butter.” You said flatly as you grabbed your watering can. “Oh that’s right. But I already bought the blueberries.”
“That’s fine, they still taste good.” Your mother was satisfied with your response and started right away. You walked out to your front yard and watered your plants along the fence. The betony plants were beautiful, its sight was calming your nerves as you poured water over them. The sound of a door closing caused you to look up, watching Draco as he was standing in his yard with what seemed like a cigarette attached to his lips before he took it out and placed it onto an ashtray that was on his porch.
He walked over to the fence that separated your yards. The smell of the cigarette was in the air and it reminded you of your late father. “I meant it last night,” he mentioned his apology. You didn’t really know what to say so you just nodded and went back to watering your plants.
“But if I recall, you did start that fight,” he chuckled. You glared up at him for a few seconds before returning to your task. “Alright, I guess I’m sorry too.” Draco scoffed and just whispered ‘Whatever’ and walked away. “Wait,” you called for him before he walked back into his house and luckily, he stopped. “I’m sorry,” you said with sincerity. “Can we just start over?”
He stared at you, visibly contemplating your question then finally said, “Sure.” He walked into his house and you stood shocked in your yard. Your mother walked out and announced to you, “Honey! Breakfast is ready! Come on, I think your plants are watered enough.” With the snap of your screen door, you were released from your daze and walked inside. Maybe this week is turning around after all.
Draco sat in his room, not exactly sure what exactly happened. Was he really going to try and become friends with a muggle? He could imagine the look on his fathers face. Just because he had lost in the Battle, didn’t mean that he magically accepted muggles and muggle-borns. Narcissa didn’t like them much either but she also didn’t hate them as Lucius did.
This would shock not only his parents, but also his friends, Blaise and Theo. Merlin, the person that would probably have a field day about this would be Hermione Granger. He sat there, imagining Granger either laughing at him or cursing him after all the bullying he put her through. All those years of calling her a mudblood and he becomes friends with a muggle. A No-Maj. A Wiccan No-Maj. But then he thought about what Ian said at work. Y/N is really nice. Weird, but nice. And when he agreed to having a fresh start with you, he figured that it would give you a chance to prove him wrong about what you were like.
Or she could be exactly what I always thought muggles to be. Foolish.
next chp
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
👉👈 Matchup, pretty please? 🥺 So... Personality wise, I'm very shy and awkward. I actually laugh when I'm nervous too, so sometimes first encounters are full of me stuttering And laughing my ass off for no reason, which tends to freak people out 😅 Other than that, I'm told I'm very mature for my age, despite the fact I enjoy collecting toys and watching cartoons. I actually tend to put most people first due to how I was raised, and I actually can get really stressed over being too 'selfish' whenever I get burnt out and want a break from running around for others. I try to avoid any confrontation I can, but If the time needs, and I feel strongly enough, I can be pretty stubborn. With friends that I'm close with, I actually can be a bit energetic and even obnoxious. I don't mean to, and over the years I've tried to stop, but whenever I get excited I tend to forget and end up getting too worked up that it annoys people 😅 I'm very jumpy as well. If anyone moves too fast near me, I'll flinch pretty badly, and most the time I actually duck down. My hobbies include dancing, skateboarding, writing, and music. I actually will listen to anything, from K-pop, to dubstep, to metal. I've actually been trying to train my voice to song to metal music, but It's too high and soft for it to sound right 😅 As for dancing and skateboarding, I tend to do really well with how much practice I've had, however, I actually have trouble walking without tripping on air or losing balance, so it's actually surprising that I'm as good as I am 😅 Deal breakers for relationships would probably be someone that's always sad or upset. I tend to overwork myself for others and disregard my own mental health, so it really wouldn't be a healthy relationship if I was to make sure I was always saying the right thing to them and keep them happy. But that's about it. I understand having flaws 😅 I myself actually have a lot, a main one be that I curse way too much. It's simply a habit, whenever I can't think of a word, or simply unknowing that I slipped in the f word or something. I won't add a physical description, but I do have many people tell me that their first impression of me was that they were intimidated. Despite being very small and enjoying cute things like Hello Kitty and such, I dress in a very edgy fashion, I have multiple piercings, and I usually wear heavy eyeliner. However, I'm not scary at all! I'm actually more scared myself 😅 but I think that's all 👉👈 I apologize if I missed any information you need, but thank you! 🥺
Hmmm this one was a cross between two different boys…
Let’s go with………….PAPYRUS!
First, papyrus is perfect for your dealbreaker. It’s rare to see him not in a cherry mood. And it isn’t fake either. Papyrus is just genuinely a happy person!
Papyrus is also good for a SO who can be a little awkward sometimes. He’s probably the least judgmental skeleton you can get. He’ll love all your little quirks and habits. Well almost all of them. He is gonna try and clean up your language. It’s a loosing battle, but he believes in you!! Lol
If there’s anyone who understands that you can still be “mature” and love childish things, it’s papyrus. He’s a huge comic book nerd and still even has all the super hero action figures from his childhood days. He refuses to let them go. Papyrus would take a lot of comfort in the fact that you feel the same
It’s great that you like metal music! That’s his favorite genre. Sans hates hard rock so papyrus will really enjoy having someone he can finally enjoy it with. And Kpop and any kind of dance/rave music I could see him getting into as well
And here’s a funny one: papyrus secretly likes that your clumsy. It means he gets a chance to catch you whenever you fall ;). He does love being your hero!
If you’re wondering, second choice was cash!
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Okay hi Sam, congrats again for 9k!! I'm terrible with requesting anything ever and gaaahh even when you're my friend I'm nervoussss because I'm just fearing I screw up. But maybe now when I don't have to make up any plot I could request?? But I requested an ID card from musicallisto too so you got this Jen... sooo could I get a ship drabble thing for The Maze Runner with prompt 32? (I literally just stuck my finger on random prompt BECAUSE I CAN'T CHOOSE MYSELF THEY ALL ARE SO GOOD) (1/7)
So for the apperance: I'm 5"8 girl, she/her. I have short, black pixie hair (my own hair color is brown), light skin and blue eyes with long eyelashes. I don't use makeup very often but sometimes I like to make myself pretty, usually if there's a birthday party or if I'm just bored. I usually wear t-shirts and jeans (long, capris or shorts depending on season). 2/7
Personality: I'm INFP-T Hufflepuff and very shy and timid with strangers, and I don't like big groups. At big parties you probably find me frozen against the wall and not moving. But with friends I'm very loud and make a lot of bawdy jokes. My friends say I'm loyal and kind. Despite that, I can be quite a hothead and it shows especially if I'm provoked by wrong people. 3/7
I also am very protective of my friends, going as far as cutting ties with people if they are mean to my friends (even if they haven't done anything for me personally). I've been told I'm like a lion protecting its pack in those situations. But if I have to deal with such situations myself (that people are mean to me) I'm incapable to survive from it without help, because I'm just blurting random things out if I'm angry at someone and I haven't learned to control it yet. 4/7
It often leads to people finding me childish when fighting. I find it difficult to talk verbally and I'm just awkward if I have to actually use my words. My hobbies include writing, learning to read more books, learning to play piano (I'm not very good with it yet though), play video + board games, taking long walks to the forest, fangirling and just clowning around. I want to be a crazy guinea pig lady when I'm old. 5/7
And for sexuality: I don't know my sexuality yet (I recently got to know there's a term called fictosexual though which means having sexual attraction for fictional characters), but I've been crushing on guys more than girls in fictional worlds. I've never dated anyone irl but I haven't really been wanting to date anyone as fictional characters have been enough for me as for now. But both genders are cool!! 6/7
Characters: Reader x Newt
Warnings: alcohol
Prompt: 32. “Oh God… I think I’m in love with you.”
Word Count: 475
A/N: thank u so much jenni!!! also u didnt screw this up at all and i’m super glad to hear u liked the prompt list :’) i debated between thomas and newt but decided to go with newt, i hope u like it!! 💕
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“Didn’t fancy on joining in on the celebrations?” Newt asks as he approaches you. He holds a mug out to you, and you wrinkle your nose, already knowing the disgusting alcohol concoction inside, but you take the cup anyway. He sits beside you, and you try to ignore how close his leg is to yours as he continues, “I have a good feeling about the new Greenie. I quite like him.”
Both you and Newt look over to the bonfire, where you can see Thomas a short distance away, getting to know the other Gladers. He looks disoriented, and understandably so — you remember how lost you felt upon entering the Glade for the first time.
The both of you turn away from the scene, falling silent as you listen to your fellow Gladers loudly cheering and jostling one another, enjoying the festivities. You enjoy Newt’s quiet company far more than the wild party raging on behind you, and you’re grateful for his calming presence. He takes a sip from his drink, wrinkling his nose at it slightly before he remarks, “Do you remember your first day?”
You gulp. It comes to you in your nightmares, the flashing lights, the loud mechanic sounds of the elevator. You slowly nod, and Newt chews his lip, “Yeah, me too. Was ages ago, but I still remember it like yesterday.”
“Do you think we’ll ever leave this place?” you blurt, and Newt falls silent, leaving you feeling miserably uneasy. Your shoulders slump, knowing the answer to your own question, and you let out a sad laugh as you remark, “I shouldn’t talk about this. We’re supposed to be partying.”
Newt doesn’t respond again, before he lets out a heavy sigh. He turns to face you, and you feel your cheeks getting flushed under his intense gaze as he tells you, “Look, I know it’s easy to feel hopeless about this whole situation, but we’ll be alright. We’ve got each other, yeah?”
You know Newt’s referring to the entire Glade, but you can’t help but think about just the two of you in this private moment. Newt’s always had that effect on you, making you feel as if you’re the only two people who matter, and you find yourself at loss for words before you suddenly confess, “Oh God… I think I’m in love with you.”
Newt blinks at you in surprise as you quickly clasp a hand over your mouth, but he quickly laughs to ease the tension. Gesturing to your cup, he teases, “I see the drink has gotten to you.”
You snort, quickly downing some, as if trying to wash the words out of your mouth. But Newt leans his leg up against yours as he takes a sip from his own drink, and you can see him smile out of your corner of your eye.
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ann-stay · 4 years
Night Owls Part II-Chan
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Some time had passed by and the group finally made it to the middle. Y/n was still asleep on Chan's back, unable to watch her friends' reactions. In the middle of the forest was a small picnic set up. Some games to the side and a bunch of seats. Everyone stared in awe.
"She did this for us?" One of her members gasped.
"Didn't she say in an interview how she hated that she never really showed enough appreciation for us and Stray Kids?" Another member asked.
The others nodded.
"Shall we wait for her to wake up?"
~Hours later~
"Thanks for the lunch Y/n/n!" Jisung said.
"No problem!" she giggled.
"See you all!" she said, watching her friends disperse in separate directions.
"And it's just us," Chan said from next to her.
"You don't have practice or a meeting?" she asked him.
"Nope, I'm free. Wanna join me on a walk?" he asked her.
"Where are we walking?" she asked back.
"There's another beautiful path in there that I think you'd love," Chan stated.
The girl nodded, and Chan led the both of them back into the forest. Once they got in, he grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers. A small blush crept onto his cheeks and a bright red one on Y/n's. In silence they walked for a bit, enjoying the scenery.
Birds and other small animals moved amongst the trees, chattering to their own kind. The beautiful mix of colours from flowers and other plants mixed together to create a calm yet pretty environment.
Between the two, only their soft breathes could be heard. Their feet crunched against the dirt as they walked in sync. Chan leads the way, yet he kept looking at Y/n, admiring her curious face. Her eyes were focused on their surroundings. A hint of curiosity in her eyes as she looked beyond the path.
Soon enough they arrived at a small waterfall. The small hill in front of them held the top of it, allowing the rest to flow perfectly to the bottom. Y/n's mouth fell open as she gasped at the scene. Her hand fell from Chan's, causing him to frown, and she ran toward the edge of the river. Chan watched her as she put her hand in the water like a little kid, a big smile on her face. The light peeking in through the opening of the area shone brightly, like a scene from a movie.
"Chan! Look how clear the water is! You can see all the fish!" She exclaimed.
Chan moved to her side and sat down beside her, causing the girl to also sit. She turned to him, smiling widely. Chan returned the grin and she turned away satisfied with a small blush. She stood abruptly and ran a little way down.
"What are you doing?" Chan screamed at her.
"Just give me a second!" She yelled back.
Chan watched, eager to know what was going through her mind. The girl bent behind some rocks for a few minutes before popping back up again with something in her hands. She jogged her way back and knelt by Chan.
Chan sat forward, watching curiously. Y/n opened her hands to reveal a small bunny. Chan's eyes widened at the animal and looked up to see Y/n looking at hi already.
"Isn't it super cute?" She said in a quiet voice.
"It is but where'd it come from?" he asked.
"I see in being chased by something, so I went to grab it," she stated.
Chan nodded, focusing on her beautiful orbs. How the colours in her eyes sparkled as she looked back down to the bunny. Her soft smile and mother-like nature when holding it.
"Look!" She said excitedly.
Chan looked to the side to see a mother rabbit hoping her way to her baby. Y/n handed the bunny over and pat both of them before they hoped away. Chan noticed the small sadness in Y/n's eyes as she waved goodbye, so childish. His eyes lit up at an idea though.
"Tag your it," he shouted, running away.
"Hey! You didn't give me any time!" Y/n yelled back.
She got up and chased after him, Chan dodged her for a bit. They continued playing along with the river's side, giggles and the sound of the waterfall filled the air.
Chan got bored of the side of the river and moved his way into the forest. Y/n was tagged and had to chase him. As she ran after him she tripped, Chan ran back and quickly caught her-but he tripped in the process as well. They both tumbled down, Y/n landing on Chan's chest as his back hit the ground hard.
Y/n, panicked, got up and helped Chan sit up, concern etched into every inch of her face.
"Are you okay?! Did you get hurt?" She asked questions rapidly, checking Chan over for any cuts and bruises.
Chan chuckled at the girl.
"This isn't funny! You fell down hard, why did you do that! It could've been me not you hmph," she groaned.
Chan stopped laughing and pulled her onto his lap. The girl's eyes widened in shock, a blush erupting onto her cheeks from the sudden action and position.
"Ch-Chan-" she squeaked.
"Don't say that ever again. If me getting hurt means that you don't, then let me. I don't ever want to see you hurting," Chan stated, looking her deep in her eyes.
Y/n's eyes moved everywhere, trying to avoid his gaze, but they eventually found their way back to his. She made eye contact with him and bit her lip.
"I-I'm sorry," she muttered.
Chan shook his head at her before pulling her down more. Their faces now a few inches apart. Y/n could feel Chan's breath on her lips and vice versa for Chan. Both were now blushing messes. Chan didn't know where this sudden confidence had come from. Maybe it was the beautiful forest, maybe he'd eaten something weird.
"M-may I?" Chan stuttered.
Y/n nodded, understanding what he meant. Chan leaned forward and connected their lips. Y/n kissed him back, sparks flew everywhere.
The soft yet passionate kiss seemed to last forever. Their lips moved in sync, their oxygen escaping them. They broke apart and gasped for air, looking back at each other.
"I-" before Y/n could say anything, Chan pecked her lips again.
"Don't say anything," he whispered.
The girl smiled softly, leaning her forehead onto his. Silence overtook them once more.
~A few months later~
"Chan? Why are you still up?" Y/n asked her boyfriend who had called her.
"Work, why are you up?" He asked back.
"You called me a dummy," she giggled.
"Uh uh, I know you. You won't pick up unless you're awake," he shot back.
"Ugh, fine. I-I can't sleep again..." she muttered.
"Meet me at the studio, you know the room I'm always in," Chan said.
The call shortly ended, and Y/n got up. She slipped one of Chan's hoodies on over her singlet, pulling on a pair of tracky dacks. She headed out the door and on her small adventure to the studio.
She arrived no longer than 5 minutes later, softly knocking on the door. A tired voice from inside called for her to enter. As soon as she did, she saw her boyfriend. He was at the big desk, the one with all the controls and technical music stuff.
She frowned when he turned around; a pen wedged between his head and ear, hair a mess (probably from him continuously running his hand through it out of stress), his clothes were wrinkled, he slouched over and the eye bags were extremely evident (Panda who? I only know Bang Chan).
"Babe~ You made it," Chan smiled up to his girlfriend.
"Christopher Bang!" The girl scolded, shutting the door and walking towards him.
"What?" He asked curiously.
"You're overworking yourself again. You look like you've been here for an eternity!" She said concern laced through her words.
"I'm fine babe promise. But you aren't one to talk," he commented.
She rolled her eyes and pressed the back of her hand against his forehead. He was right, she looked a mess as well, but not as bad as him.
"Babe you're gonna get a fever if you continue," she frowned more.
She ran her fingers through his hair, massaging his head slightly. Chan let out a hum and pulled her onto his lap, making her squeak.
"Oh well," he mumbled, burying his face into the crook of Y/n's neck.
"If you're gonna snuggle into me, then let's go to the couch so I can be comfortable as well," Y/n muttered.
She felt Chan nod his head before he lifted her up and tiredly carried her to the couch with her complaints of being carried. He laid her down before taking up space next to her.
Y/n grabbed the throw blanket and dragged it lazily over the two. A soft smile spread on her lips when Chan moved her on top of him, allowing her to rest her head on his chest.
She felt the soft rising and falling of his chest as he breathed. His hands snaked their way to around her waist, locking her in place. Their legs tangling together like a pretzel.
"Mmm, this is much better," Chan mumbled, reaching a hand up and playing with his girlfriend's hair.
"Wanna talk about that thing?" He asked.
Y/n propped her head up, leaning her chin on his chest, looking at him. She looked off to the side in thought, a frown returning.
"I can't sleep. When I try to bad dreams fill my mind. I keep remembering every bad thing people have called me..." She trailed off, tears starting to fall.
Chan sat up, pulling her into his lap. Y/n caged Chans torso between her legs, resting her head in the crook of his neck. Chan rested his chin on her shoulder, hugging her tightly and still playing with her long curly hair.
"It's gonna be okay I promise," he started whispering sweet things to her, calming her down.
In no time she'd fallen asleep, Chan titled his head to look at her, a blush creeping onto his face. She looked perfect to him. He changed their position back to the previous one, careful not to wake her.
"Mmm, b-babe?" She muttered.
"Shh, go back to sleep Love, I've got you," he whispered to her.
Time slowed as he held her in his arms protectively yet softly. It was now early hours of the morning, the time he'd start packing up to head back to the dorm so that Chang-bin and Jisung could come and do some work.
Sleepiness started taking over his body, and soon enough his eyes shut closed.
~An hour later~
The door to the studio opened and in walked 2/3 of 3racha. Jisung and Chang-bin joked with each other as they set their bags down. Suddenly Jisung hit Chang-bins shoulder.
"What was that for?" Chang-bin groaned.
"Look," Jisung nodded his head in the direction the couch.
"Thought it was weird we didn't see Chan, guess the night owls fell asleep finally," Chang-bin chuckled.
"True that, well since they're asleep here, technically we can't work, or we'll wake them," Jisung added in.
"Trip to the shops?" Chang-bin asked.
"Let's go".
And with that, the two boys left the sleeping couple cuddled up on the studio couch.
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itswildwinters · 2 years
Hello lovebug and happy December 21st! The day of the great reveal is coming, and it's coming fast so i hope you're ready. First of all, I wanted you not to worry about answering. This happens, and if anything I was just scared you were sick or something. You didn't owe me an explanation but I'm glad to hear you got to spend time with your family.
My exams went decently, I'd say? I don't think I quite aced them but I hope I'll pass, and I'm glad to be free of these awful, awful deadlines. Like I'll still be working during the holidays, but even though it's quite tiring, it is not the same. But the holidays being there also means I have to start looking for a master degree, so it's stressful but I'm trying to enjoy myself, keeping that info in a tiny corner of my mind. Thank you for your kind words by the way, it seems like you always have the right words to say. We have our whole lives to find ourselves, after all and whatever choice I make, will (hopefully) be a step towards something greater.
I finally got to see the Hunchback of Notre Dame and I must say Disney did a great job! Loved it a lot, even though it was less childish than I thought it'd be? i don't think 6-year-old me would have quite understood what this was all about.
I actually love Coraline and you got me super excited talking about it. I'll try to convince my roommate to watch it with me one of these days. Must be one of my favorite movies ever, it's just so magical to watch and I just love the concept. It's quite a shame, too, but I have seen very few of the movies your just mentioned. I'll write them down, though and will absolutely give you feedback if I end up watching them.
Me, a minx? I'm so sweet and I really don't quite know what you're talking about. Guess you'll find out if I really am one soon enough :)
You sound so so lovely! One of my favourite personality traits of yours is your curiosity. It's just so nice seeing how interested you are in so many things?
To answer your question, I don't quite know what my animal would be (reminds me of Brothers Bears, though!). I must say I love wolves but it feels like maybe it's too basic. But I love the idea of packs, of belonging and living together, you know! I loves foxes too. I was quite obsessed with orcas, too, a while ago so maybe that as well.
Anyway, I hope you're doing great and I hope this week has been treating you well. You deserve all the best things in the world, and I'm very grateful for you. Please take care and enjoy your family, I'll wait! I love you and support you, there's no need to worry about anything. You're safe and sound :) Love you and may happiness find its way to you!
Sending frozen kisses and warm hugs your way,
Your Secret Santa
PS: I remember wanting to tell you something but I forgot, that's meh
Hello my favourite human being!!
I know I don’t owe you an explanation but it’s so very nice to know that someone cares about me, I really appreciate it so much!!
I’m wishing you luck with choosing a master degree. I think that’s such a difficult choice to make because it’s a degree to perfect yourself, in a way, and it’s even more years spent studying so I guess it would be nice to get it right the first time. I’m also stressing about what to choose as my master degree tbh but, I’m sure we’ll both manage it!!
You should be proud of yourself for going through all of your exams!! What matters is that you did your best, regardless of the outcome. And I think that what you learn is more important than what you achieved, because a goal can always be reached at one point or another, but the knowledge you obtain over the months, the years — this is more valuable. I wish the academic system would think that way, too. It would put a lot less pressure onto people.
I think you’re so right, Hunchback of Notre Dame isn’t very fit for children because of the violence or the sadness, but that’s why I love it so much I guess haha. I’m so glad you did, too!! Now onto the book 😉
1) FINALLY someone who loves Coraline so much! I love you even more than I did two seconds ago, believe it or not. 2) I cant wait to hear your thoughts on all of them!!
I can’t wait to go see the French Dispatch. I sense a new fave coming through. Ofc, also Spider-Man — everyone is talking about it, it’s insane!
I know you’re the sweetest ever. 1/3 of the time I want to squish you in my arm and the rest I want to spend talking to you. You’re truly the best person I’ve had the privilege of meeting; and therefore the best Santa I could ever have asked for.
Wolves are sooo not basic! They’re such incredible animals, and I love them. I used to watch documentaries about them when I was little. Orcas are kinda terrifying 😳 but they look so intriguing with their mix of black and white so I understand you! It’s too bad we don’t often hear people talk about orcas, or even in the tv, I seldom see any documentaries on them which is so :(((
My trip with my family went well, except at the end when I got into an argument with my grandmother but oh well. It’s fine now, I’ve made abstraction of it. I hope you’re enjoying your break and taking care of yourself, you truly deserve it!!
Do you have any pet? 💝
Sending you love and happiness, wherever you go,
Yours 💓
PS: my mom always says that if you forget something you wanted to say, it was most likely a lie or it wasn’t important at all. Laugh with me because this always makes me laugh. That’s my mom for you!
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