#thats a lie i love a good pin
hailsatanacab · 10 months
YES I should be saving money YES I just bought a Cackle's Academy enamel pin YES I'm contemplating getting another one because I bought it in red when I really wanted a purple one because the purple house is objectively the best house NO I will not buy another pin specifically so I can have a purple one even though I have it in my basket YES that's still a really difficult choice for me and a huge excerise in restraint
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accidentwithapen · 2 months
Hiii!!! GIGS in Space AU Once Again on my mind so heres a quick plot rundown allll put in one post
If you read through this all i love you <3
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If not, have this grian doodle anyways
So Grian, Scar, Impulse, and Skizz are all prisoners in this like,,, dystopian space society. All are imprisoned for different reasons:
- Grian is a vandalist, doing graffiti and setting minor explosions around different government/company sites. When arrested and asked why he does what he does, he claims "it's about the principal"
- Impulse worked as a mechanic for a major company, but an incident resulting in a death and 3 injuries gets wrongfully pinned on him. He still believes that all circumstances surrounding his arrest are just one big misunderstanding. The company, however, doesnt care.
- Skizz is a hacker, and good at it too. He logs into the system of the same company Impulse worked for, and subsequently gets caught red-handed.
- Nobody knows why Scar is arrested. There are many rumors spread around the prison wing that he and Grian are in that Scar is Secretly A Mob Boss for the Con Corp. family. But surely someone so clumsy and silly cant possibly be so powerful, right? thats what Grian thinks, anyways.
So these doofuses have two options.
1. they can serve their sentence rotting in a shitty space prison with Nothing To Do and being forced into manual labor
2. they can get out slightly earlier after enough time spent doing Community Service
They go for the second one, which Happens to be gathering extraterrestrial data for Impulse's old Company (i need a name for it dear god its ridiculous at this point). So after all independently choosing the community service option, they get grouped into a squad of the four of them and get sent out to different semi-abandoned planets to hunt monsters/ghosts/aliens and collect data. What they eventually figure out is that the reason they are given so much freedom with their community service is that they are not intended to survive. They devise an escape plan and on their third mission together, they successfully escape together.
Its important to note that Scar and Grian came from the same cell block, so Grian decides to tell Skizz and Impulse about the mob boss rumors (as a prank, of course), and warns them that Scar Doesn't Like Swearing. basically scaring everyone into facing these cosmic horrors with a PG attitude
So the GIGS escape with a real shitty spacecraft and are on the run from the government (theres no way they're gonna succeed like this) up until they get captured. but not by the government.
They get captured by morally gray, filthy rich, weapons manufacturer Doc. (or his hitman at least, one Geminitay)
Doc explains to the GIGS that he has paid all of their bail fees, and now they must work off their debt to him. as delivery boys.
Doc enlists Gem to look after the GIGS during their deliveries. Gem Does Not Like This but shes not gonna say no to her boss.
Basically the rest of it is a silly stupid sci fi sitcom about funny found family doing goofy delivery missions and learning more about each other along the way.
Oh, and remember those rumors about Scar? Theyre all true. And there are Consequences for his absence in the family....
Heres some extra little character notes:
- While Impulse believes his arrest was a genuine mistake at first, during their second bout of community service, he and skizz discover how little the company actually cares about its employees and Impulse gets real mad that his entire livelihood is a lie and goes ham and wrecks some shit (good for him)
- Gem was taken in by Doc at a very young age, with life-threatening injuries. Doc used his experience with mad sciencery to fix her up with whatever he had on hand, mostly animal parts. now shes a hybrid.
- Gem sees Doc as a father figure, but has No Clue how to express that so from her perspective shes just Really Loyal to her boss and doing nothing more than paying off a life debt.
- Grian has a mycelium infection running up his arm that he keeps secret from everyone else. the first in the group to find out about it is Gem
- Scar uses mobility aids of many varieties, but mostly uses a cane with robotic leg splints on missions
Anyways thats all for now, if you wanna see some more doodles and stuff you can look around my gigs in space tag!!
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blingblong55 · 5 months
The Great War -141 & Vladimir Makarov
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Based on a request:
with the new mw3, lets do angst, something along the lines of “Somewhere in the haze, got a sense i’ve been betrayed” coming from us because 141 betrayed us horribly, which ended up in us getting tortured and then we pretennd its fine when it isnt. forget and forgive we lie and when we meet with Makarov, we tell them, ‘oops sorry, forgot i was also a enemy at some point, guess its time to betray like real enemies do’ and as we set Makarov free, we show that we have been working as his spy ever since they betrayed us. also can this be with a female reader and we also marry makarov behind their backs so thats why we betray so hard? i love u! ---- F!Reader, soldier!reader, enemy!reader, betrayal, mentions of war and violence ----
Part 1, Part 2
One was set to win. That win would set a new record for all criminals and good men. This is how modern warfare changes for the better and worse of us.
This is the great war.
"So, how will we do this?" Price asks Laswell, who was looking at the board of pinned suspects and the three main targets. A love triangle, what a mistake and blessing this was for the three people involved. "I gathered some intel, I know that tension is high with Makarov and R/N. My source tells me Ghost is driving a line between the two lovers and we will use that leverage." Amongst all the people looking for the three criminals, there was an underground world that wanted their story to succeed. After all, what is evil without danger? 
Meanwhile, somewhere in Amsterdam. 
"Simon, stop-"
"R/N, he isn't going to make us last long," Ghost tried to reason his idea for throwing Makarov to the dogs that the soldiers around the world were. "We are not killing my fucking husband, I am not going to give him to Laswell so she can send him to prison." The gun in your hands is cleaned from the fresh blood. 
Everyone knew that this is what always kills such powerful villains. Love the fact that someone else was introduced to the already steady team. Simon was a liability, there was no lie there but what he brings to the table is stronger. His background runs deep and he knows best. 
Soldiers on both sides train, wanting their idea of 'Good' to win. In war, there is no good. It is all bad and cruel, even if you are told you are on the good side of history, you know deep inside, that for one story there are two sides, so you will always be a villain no matter what. 
Six months and five days and now you find yourself in a meeting room. Vladimir tells soldiers the plan, Ghost giving you a look and then you looking at your husband. His hand holds yours, "We are doing this to end those who think they have better us and we will crush them. 
It was a nightmare for Task Force 141 to fight against their own. 
There you were, opposite sides of the line. Guns in hand, bombs waiting to explode and you, holding Vladimir's hand. The first gun shot fired and it was to the opposing team. 
This is how all wars begin. 
Price had minor scratches, Gaz with a minor wound to his shoulder and Soap, running across the hills to place bombs and ready himself for what came. On the other side, snipers were on hold, Ghost commanding them. Vladimir commits crimes as his militia moves closer to the targets. 
Skies roar, rain and thunder fall but no one has any reason to stop. One must win, they all think and dream of. 
Three weeks into this and there you stood, watching as both sides created good-faith treaties. Ghost gives you a knowing look and you shake your head. "No, we're not going with that plan," you oppose but the man with the final word is Makarov. 
"My love, there is no other choice," his hands take hold of your face. "No, we're not doing that. Please, let's not do this, Vlad," you plead and he kisses your forehead. 
As he told you the steps to this dreaded plan, all went silent. Life flashed as his words continued. Everyone in that room watched as you shed tears, as you held your husband and as you continued to refuse the plan. 
"I'll see you soon," Vladimir kisses your forehead and leaves the room. His men holding you back. "Ghost," you say out of desperation but all he does is give you a small head shake. "Sorry," he whispers and leaves. 
Once you had calmed down, you were guided to Makarov's private office, where you just awaited with grief. 
Out in the field, Vladimir turns to Ghost. "We fight or die, you hear me?" "Loud and clear," Ghost says back and they both go into position. 
141 and Konni Group made up floors with blood and gun shells. It was a blood bath and one that would guarantee some repercussions. 
One shot made the surrounding areas fall silent. 
"Enemy down," Ghost says over the radio.
Vladimir looks up at Ghost. "You sonovabitch," Vladimir tries to sit up but Ghost presses his boot to his throat. "You took men I worked with down back in London, and rest assured it won't happen again." Ghost pointed his gun to the side of Makarov. "And don't worry, your widow will be occupied as you burn in hell." His finger is close to the trigger. 
"Don't you dare hurt her!"
"Who said anything about hurting? She will be a widow for a short time, soon or later, that widow will become my wife."
Ten minutes later, Ghost knocks on the door. You open it expecting to find him and Makarov but he hands you Makarov's gun and he shakes his head. "No, please...please tell me this isn't true," you begin to cry. "I'm sorry. I tried to stop him but-"
"Stop him?"
"He committed suicide" The lie left Ghost's lips. 
"No, no that isn't true. He would never-"
"R/N, I saw him, I tried to reason with him but...nothing worked and I was there too late, I'm sorry." He hugs you. 
Then the conversation he told you before stepping out of the meeting room made more sense. 
"If me and Ghost don't make it back to the office, you grab your bag and go to Switzerland. A home has been set for you, it's a peaceful place and I know it'll be difficult to move on but my love, you have to. Don't look back and live a long life. There is a bank account that has billions of dollars in it. You use that money for whatever you please. I love you," he kissed your hands and sighed. 
Many will win. Many will die. Many will go home and just like Makarov, many will die on cold frozen ground, away from their loved ones and away from home. 
Back at the 141 HQ. 
"Laswell, explain it!" Price said through gritted teeth. 
"Fine." She sat down and lit her cigarette. 
"I made R/N fall for Makarov. I was the reason they met. I sent all of you away from her and I made her and Ghost stay behind so she could have some rendevous with Makarov. You wanted Makarov dead and you got it."
"You fucking lied to us," Gaz mentions. 
"No, I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you the truth of the real plan."
"And what is the real plan?" Soap questions.
"Unbeknownst to everyone but me and Ghost, I made R/N fall for Makarov. Who do you think gave her the advice to marry her prohibited love? I knew Ghost fell for R/N long before Makarov came into the picture. So I made a deal. He and R/N live a life away from worry and in exchange, he betrays us and kills Makarov. It's crazy how far love goes." 
"Alex was right about you," Gaz mentions and Laswell shakes her head. "Gentlemen, you got what you wanted. Makarov is dead and Russia is in talks to prevent another attack. We all win."
"Why not imprison him?" Soap asks. 
"He would escape. So, Ghost came up with the plan to kill Makarov as he pretended to be on the side of Konni. It's not a complicated scheme," Laswell crosses her legs and lets out a puff of smoke. 
"You made us believe Ghost betrayed us-"
"What about R/N? Did she know about this plan of yours?" Price, as the older brother he was to you asks. 
"She didn't know and as far as I'm concerned, she believes Makarov committed suicide. He even went out of his way to make her life away from the military comfortable and gave her nearly 2 billion dollars so she could live comfortably. If only he knew that Ghost would also enjoy those riches," she chuckles and stands up. 
"Go rest," she advises and leaves the room. 
In every story, there will always be villains.  
A/N: Tagged everyone in the original post since I believe this will be the last part to this..
@liyanahelena @bbyfimmie @missaimfire14red @tf141glory @quaritchscupquake @dilfgestivo @thefragmented@scarletdfox @arialikestea @unicorngirly1 @alhaizen @willowaftxn83-87 @koniglovesme@bbyfimmie @mothcelestial @kit-kats06 @palomesa @dheet @dontfearthereaperazura
Join my TagList
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cafecourage · 3 months
Prince Sky confessing to his crush
This I 100% know is targeted so I’m making this super self indulgent.I will have to dig through dms for this one. And for shts and giggles we are leaving this unresolved too.
Ever since the first time they had met Sky had fell in love with the Super Hero on the Surface. Even though it was hard to pin them down sometimes Sky had manage to have a relationship with them. A good one at that. The hero would sneak up to skyloft but some means and sneak pass security which… alarmed the Prince a bit the first time. But he got to have dessert with them in his office from time to time so it was something he could somewhat over look.
But it was getting hard to keep his love a secret. The Prince was a hopeless romantic at heart and if he read the hero correctly they felt the same way too. Which was why on their visit today Sky finally found courage and spoke up.
“I’m in love with you.” He confessed not even phased as he played it off cool.
The hero though. The hero paused in the middle of their bite of their cookie. “I’m sorry.” They said first “while I am happy. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Not a full rejection but it still stun. “Wait.” It wasn’t a full rejection, “why?”
The hero looked at him as if he was crazy. “You don’t know me?” They said as if it was obvious but to Sky that was the most outrageous reason.
“Have you been lying to me?” He asks as that would be more offended then anything else. “Was everything a lie?”
“No! Well. Technically no.” They were quick enough as panic had set in. “I am not usually this…. Confident. Heroes typically are so I just… pretended.”
Sky paused for a long moment, “is that all?” He asked as he didn’t understand that it was the only issue here. He knew that you weren’t in a relationship as he asked about it before. He knew you had a cat and that you lived by yourself away from family as you came from Wolvendom. But when he looked he didnt see you mentioned in the news at all unlike skyloft/the surface. Not even Twilight knew of them.
The Hero looked alarmed “Thats! You!” They stood up flustered “I have to go.” They tried to make a break for it but Sky was faster. Before they could jump the banister he pins them against it.
By all means by accident.
Sky might of jammed their lower stomach against it as he presses his chest against them. “Do you not like me?” He asks bluntly.
“No! I- Thats not the point!” They kept their face forward but Sky could see their blush.
Sky may or may not be watching their expression “is it because I don’t know your civilian identity?” He asks as he wanted to make sure, Sky could have missed it but they nodded. “I’ll find you then.” He said kissing the heroes cheek. “I want to see if I could identify the love of my life.” He said with confidence.
“LOVE OF MY LIFE?!” They said cheeks exploding with red. Sky let out a laugh as he back off, they looked behind you with the most soft eyes that only made them melt a bit.
The hero still ran.
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meowsgirldrawing · 1 year
Small idea for my Fellow Sebastian Lovers! Hear me out!!
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So we all know that Sebastian from Stardew is the famous emo marriage option, a very popular one at that if media doesn't fail me.
So during the time him and the farmer are starting to get to know each other, like see each other more, hang out more, all that fun definitely platonic pinning stuff
Its all nice and sweet, like Sebastian is starting to get somewhat comfortable, not a whole lot, but definitely better than before.
So much so that hes seen sometimes lingering just a little longer outside or inside when he leaves his room, kinda hoping to catch at least a glimpse of the farmer.
Doing little actions like these while he doesn't even realize it!
But someone does 👀
Not only Abigail and Sam- Not only the other two of the ASS squad- The two who share knowing smirks and small nudge nudges all while Sebastian is too busy talking with the Farmer infront of them.
More like stuttering and flustering about-
Who am I talking about?
Maru? Ehhh, not exactly.
The frogs? Yes but also no-
Robin? Nohoho- Oh wait, your right!
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Robin, the beloved only Carpenter of this amazing town!
She notices after witnessing Sebastian cross by the hall, taking a tad bit longer glance at the door before leaving. Multiple times!
Shes like "Hm. Is he waiting for someone? One of his little buddies?"
But she never says anything cause she thinks its probably nothing, y'know?
Until one day it occurs-
Sebastian stays long enough for the farmer to waltz in, at the right time, at the right place.
Instantly she notices a change-
Sebastian sticks near the doorway, waiting for the Farmer to finish their order for a new addition to the farm, and once their finished, he greets them.
Robin stays near the counter, counting through whatever blue prints for the commission, but keeps glancing up.
We just love mothers, dont we?
Her jaw nearly hangs when Sebastian gets offered a crystal but gets a bit flustered at it, taking the gift with such gentle hands as he thanks the Farmer.
He ducked his head a little, gave a small chuckle, and grateful nod- all while giving the Farmer all his attention without an inch of seeming like he wanted to be or hide somewhere else.
She knows. She immediately knows.
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But she doesnt say a word-
Not to Sebastian at least-
She does tell Demetrious a bit of it, the more she notices.
What can you say? The woman, who thought her son just wasn't interested in just about anyone or anything besides his room and computer stuff, finally sees her little man find someone he's clearly interested in.
Demetrious is all like "Thats great, honey :)"
....We know you were just thinking of your work, Demetrious, you dont gotta lie. 💀
Anyway! Robin feels satisfied, knowing her Sebby will probably-
Wrong, she knows that man will never confess on his own terms.
She starts planning like its the Egg Festival and she got put in charge of hiding all the eggs- aka, the clues for Sebby to figure out
First- Find out if the Farmer likes him back!
Shes not just gonna do it if she knows theres a chance the Farmer will reject Sebastian. If that were the case, she would let Sebby handle it the way he feels is just.
The next times the Farmer comes around, she asks subtle questions.
"How's the Farm doing? It doesnt feel too lonely, does it?"
"I seen you met my son, Sebastian! Hes treating you good, I hope!"
"Do you like my son-" (Robin no-)
Little stuff like that until eventually- she gets her answer. The one shes been hoping for!
The Farmer, despite their usually calm persona, turns a wee bit heated at the cheeks, scratching their neck and giggling/chuckling nervously while answering yes, Sebastian is a good guy!
Boys, we got em.
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Now Robin can do what mothers do best, interfere
(Mom, if you are ever reading this cause whatver reason, I love you and promise that isnt the truth-") what I said, y'know, like a liar.
Now that we think about, Robin probably cant do too much in the position shes in. She doesnt want to overwhelm her son, nor does she want to accidentally scare the Farmer away. Hmmm.
Maru, the beautiful genius comes in with, "What if you sent Sebastian to help the farmer ?"
So she does.
Anytime she can, Robin asks Sebastian if he can either go drop off something or help the Farmer bring something into the shop, or plain and simple like "Sebby, I need you to run this fish down to the Farmer."
"Why do (they) need a fish? Cant they just get some-"
"Go talk to your crush already-"
He does so.
She doesnt just do that, whenever they're at the Saloon, she'll ask Sebastian and the Farmer to help her bring drinks to their table even if they arent sitting with them.
Maru even pitches in sometimes with asking Sebastian if he can ask the Farmer to bring her something for one her experiments/robots.
Anything and every chance is given directly to Sebastian to talk to the farmer when hes free.
And it pays off- On calls Sebastian takes for Robin from the Farmer, Robin can hear him laughing a bit with them after getting their order in.
Maru catches them jokingly nudging each other as they walk to the table with drinks.
And Sebastian seems to take a good bit longer to come home even though they have a shortcut to the Farmer just a little higher up the mountain.
Even Demetrious commented about one time seeing Sebastian snuffing out his smoke as the Farmer immediately came into view, and quickly striking up a conversation as they were walking through.
The girls were giddy with excitement and Demetrious was.....there.
Listen, I dont hate him but he isnt exactly my favorite either-
Then it came!
The day the Farmer walked into the shop, grasping a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a Tear Drop in the other.
Robin had to hide the large and practically beaming grin on her face with a handbook of what you guessed? Carpentry, infront of her.
Maru noticed the Farmer walking past with a handful wave and waved back so fast and so giddy like.
When the Farmer came from the basement, you could tell no one can wipe the smile cemented onto their face. The items were gone and they were basically skipping in their walk out.
And that ladies, gents, and nonbinary boos, is how Robin (noname), Pelican Town's only Carpenter earned her rightful spot upfront for her son and new in-laws wedding in the future.
And you can just imagine the look on Sebastian's face when he realized how his mother had a hand in getting him and his now S.O. together HAHA💜💜
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yuyu1024 · 5 months
Midnight rain
Pairings: S.coups × y/n
Genre/tags: idol dating, confession, hidden feelings
Warning: insecurity, unsureness, relationship issue, cursing, [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 0.7k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: repost. Check pinned post ♥️
"What did you say?" You ask. "I didn't... I didn't hear you properly..." you stutter.
But that was a lie. You did hear him. You heard him loud and clear that each word echoed and still ringing in your ears
"I said... I'm going to ask Shanie to be my girlfriend... officially."
That fucking hurts. You wanted to scream and walk away. You wanted to ask him why. You wanted him to say that it was all a joke.
But looking at his smile, his eyes it is true.
"Oh..." You force a smile and smacks his shoulder, "Congrats! Y-you.. finally have the courage to ask her... that's awesome!"
Then there was a moment of silent that stretched between the two of you. You tried to ignore it. You went on to look up to the sky and watch the fireworks fill up the night with beautiful colors. You kept your smile even though your hands are literally shaking. Your so good at hiding it.
Or that's what you thought.
"Are you really happy? I mean... me asking Shanie to be my girlfriend..."
"Ahm, of course! Why would I not be?"
"Stop it." He adjusted his position. He's facing you more. "Stop pretending... I'm not blind..."
"What are you talking about?" You were trying so hard to brush it off.
You can face it. You can't talk about it.
The feelings you and Seungcheol have for each other. The feelings that the both of you kept on pushing back, acting like it does not exist even though both of you feel the vibrations in your hearts.
"Cheolie..." you closed your eyes and took a deep breathe first. "Please..."
"Please what? I don't get it! I like you. You like me. But you keep on choosing to avoid it. Why? What's wrong with choosing me? What's wrong with... allowing yourself to love me?"
"You know, we can't be together." You look away. "It's complicated..."
"Is it because of my work? Being an idol? You know I don't care what the media says. You know I can handle it! My fans... they will understand it. If not everyone... or immidately but they will someday so... It's fine."
"But I do care." You sighed. "I can't handle it... people talking shit about you. Saying mean things... your career... I... it matters to me..."
"So... you're willing to sacrifice your own feelings... and mine for my career? You think thats more important than you?"
You try to calm yourself so you would not cry. You are in public and with his family. Yes, his family. You two have been friends for a while and his family have treated you like theirs. They invited you in this family outing because its been a while since Seungcheol had a break at work.
"Y/n... please..."
"I know how much your work means to you... your members... your fans... making music, singing and performing...is your life."
"But you are part of my life too!"
"Cheolie..." you stood up and about to walk away but he pulls you back down again.
"Why are you like this? You've always told me to follow my heart and dreams... and I did with music and now I'm following it for you . I am in love with you y/n."
"People will hear." You hiss at him. "Cheolie... please..."
"Do you want us to stay like this? As friends?"
You paused and looked at him. "Yes."
"You... really are okay with me to date other women?"
"No... but... it's safer for you..."
"What's the difference of me dating them to you dating me?"
"They are better than me. People would accept them..."
"What?" His brows furrowed. He can't believe what she's saying. Her insecurities. Because for him, she's perfect just the way she is. "Is my love not enough... to make you feel... loved... content... secure...?"
You started to tear up and sob. "No... And you don't deserve to be with someone who needs constant reaffirmation... someone who haven't started the process of loving herself..."
"But... Y/n... I love you... I fucking love you..."
"I know... I do to... but... I'm not the right person for you... you deserve someone better."
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bubble-tea-blossom · 2 years
Wake Up Call
Pairing: Joel x f!reader (SMUT) 18+
Summary: Sneaking around in secret with Joel is proving to be extremely fun. Downside is when you spend the night, and have to be at dawn patrol, no one can see you leaving his house, meaning you have to get up even earlier. You’ve never been a morning person, luckily Joel has a particularly pleasant way of waking you up.
Rating / Warnings: Explicit. Oral sex. PWP.
WC: 1.1k Short but sweet :)
A/N: This was also cross posted to my AO3 Bumble_moon.
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Joel brushes your hair away from your face, “Sweetheart, you gotta get up now.” He murmurs gently.
You groan and pull the covers over your head.
“You're a pyschopath. How are you already so awake?” You grumble, peeking out of the covers, squinting at him with one eye, his figure blurry, sitting on the bed besides you.
“Already through my first cup of coffee.” He hums, all too pleasantly.
“Yeah, and who got you those beans?”
“Hmm, seems to have slipped my mind. I can’t recall if I’ve thanked this angel.”
You pretend to hum in thought, “I don’t think you have.” Your voice is still groveled from sleep, and of course thats a lie, Joel has thanked you numerous times.
He’s leaning closer and you peek your whole face out of the cave of covers.
“Seems I should rectify that.” Joel’s speaking through a smirk and the shape lingers for a few seconds when he kisses you softly.
After a few moments you deepen the kiss, which Joel is welcoming to. Eventually his kisses trail around your face to your neck, his whiskers tickling you, pulling little smiles off your face.
His kisses trail lower and lower, they grow from soft pecks to sloppier tongue, sucking. He’s climbed over your body, as he peels the blankets away from you he warms the newly exposed inch with his tongue. And you lie there, eyes closed, skin heating up, breaths growing heavier, as you let him love on you.
He rucks your tank top down, exposing a breast for him to suck on, causing shivers to break out down your neck.
He continues down, laving his tongue across your hip bones, glancing up at you, waiting for your exhilarated nod before finally peeling your shorts down, casting them aside.
Joel puts his hands on the inside on your knees and you let him spread your legs. He does so slowly and gently, looking up at you to find you watching him. The intimacy of the act, no matter how many times he’s done it still makes your heart race.
You see his small smile before he dips his head down and licks into you.
You let out a groan as your head falls back, eyes looking up at the ceiling as more shivers break down your neck.
He licks deep and slow, cleaning the aftermath left over from your previous activities, only a few hours before.
You’re still a little sensitive, and his flat, warm tongue is soothing while simultaneously arousing.
Joel’s tasting you with deliberate, unhurried strokes of his tongue. He’s unafraid to push his whole face into you, as if searching for the source of the honey.
When you look down again, you realized your eyes had been squeeze shut. You take in the gorgeous view. Joel’s long body stretched out before you, his broad shoulders pinning your legs down, and his face buried in your cunt.
You reach a hand down to stroke through his hair.
“Good boy” you teasingly breathe out. You feel his chuckle against the sensitive skin on your inner thighs.
The ajoinment of his thumb swirling against you pushes soft wimpers fron your open mouth. Your hand previously petting through his hair grips it probably a little too hard, but Joel makes no mention of dislike, while your other grips the sheets besides you.
Your orgasm builds firm and gentle, matching Joel’s touches. He’s always so gentle with you, always so-
“Ah fuck.” You breathe out when Joel closes his mouth around your clit, and sucks. The sensation being the last little push you needed.
A high pitched whine escapes from your throat as your crest peaks and rolls over you slow and comforting. The complete opposite from last night when he had finally let you come, which had felt like you been struck by lightening, every muscles clenching hard as your chest had stuttered out your ragged breaths.
You let out a big sigh as your heart rate evens out slowly, the muscles in your legs going completely limp.
Joel crawls back up, planting short kisses up your body before landing the last one on your forehead and climbing off the bed.
Your eyes close, and the warmth of the bed and the sastifcation in your bones is a heavy pull back to sleep. He’s thoroughly relaxed you.
“Hey, girl. Don’t go back to sleep.” He says from somewhere else in the room. He only calls you girl like he used to do when he’s trying to be stern.
“Can’t help it. You’re too good.” You mumble, your eyes closed.
“I’ve tried waking you up the nice way, I can wake you up the mean way instead.” He warns.
You choose to ignore that.
You hear him cross the room and walk into the bathroom across the hall. Then you hear the sound of the tap running. You know that tap pulls water from the well, it’s absolutely freezing.
Your eyes snap open and you sit upright in bed.
“I’m up!” You yell at him indignantly which he peeks out of the bathroom, a stupid smirk on his face. You swing your legs out of bed, your feet touching the cold wood flooring.
Joel leans against the doorframe, arms crossed and cheeks warm as he watches you pick up your clothes. He’s giving you moon eyes as he watches you dress and you can’t help but make them back.
Once dressed you lean into him and kiss him goodbye. You feel both of you again deepening the kiss, your hand resting against his broad chest. But this time when you start to get carried away he pulls back.
“Alright sweetheart, it’s almost light out.” He whispers, his nose pressed into your cheek.
“But I haven’t returned the favour.” You purr, your voice still a little throaty. Your hands on his chest moving lower.
He gently pushes you off him, “Scram.” He tells you, a smile on his lips. So you wave goodbye and exit into the cold summer morning.
You hurry back to your cabin, heart beating a little hard from anxiety that you would bump into someone combined with running short on time to make it to the stables for the dawn patrol.
Keeping your…thing with Joel a secret is the best move at this point. Although the both of you had pined for each other for awhile before anything happened, with both of your histories of bad experiences with loss, rushing into things and announcing it to everyone was way to far out of both of your comfort zones.
It just made situations like these annoying, having to get up even earlier, sneaking around, so the two of you can arrive from your respective homes and not rouse suspicion. Ok sneaking around with Joel  is pretty exhilarating most of the time but it does have draw backs. And with the way the two of you can’t keep your hands off each other, you’re worried a slip up is bound to happen, sooner or later.
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dirtybitfic · 5 months
Hit me I dare you-
Matt sturniolo fan-fic
Smut. Fighting. Slapping. Yelling. Making up.Bondage 🫣
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Y/n pov
“FUCK YOU MATT . YOU ARE SUCH A DICK I CANT EVEN LOOK AT YOU RIGHT NOW” i yell in his face as he’s breathing hard fuming with anger.
“DID YOU JUST CALL ME A FUCKING CUNT MATT . OH MY GOD FUCK YOU GO TO HELL AND GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME” I yell as I try and tear his hand off my throat but he just starts to squeeze harder making me go light headed. I hate to say it but seeing him so mad had me soaking fuckin wet.
Matt was always very dominant in all aspects of our relationship. But sometimes he takes it a little to far especially his possessiveness over me . He even clenches his jaw when I give Chris a hug . His own fucking brother who I am fully platonic friends with hugs me and he gets pissed off.
“WHAT DID HE SAY TO YOU HUH . DID HE TELL YOU LOOKED HOT . MAYBE THAT HE WANTED TO TAKE YOU HOME AND TREAT YOU LIKE A LITTLE SLUT” he said so much in my face that I felt his words vibrate through my head.
I just looked at him shocked by what he just said .
“ARE YOU GONNA FUCKING ANSWER ME OR AM I GONNA HAVE TO MAKE YOU” he said practically spitting the words in my face.
“YEAH MATT. HE ACTUALLY TOLD ME HOW MUCH HE WANTED TO TAKE ME TO THE BATHROOM BEND ME OVER THE SINK AS I WATCH HIM HIT IT FROM THE BACK THROUGH THE MIRROR” I yell back . This was obviously a lie . The guy we’re fighting about was actually gay and was asking me if Nick was into guys or not but Matt doesn’t need to know that just yet . Seeing how mad I can get him is just too entertaining.
“OH YEAH YOU THINK THATS FUCKING FUNNY DONT YOU YOU LITTLE FUCKING SLUT “ matt says as his grip on my throat tightened and he slammed my back against the wall he had me pinned too knocking the air out of my lungs.
“YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING BRAT . TELLING ME LIES JUST TO FUCKING PISS ME OFF NOW. YOU SHOULD KNOW NOT TO DO THAT BY NOW Y/N” his breathing has gotten more heavy and the next second his hand is raised by my face winding up to slap me.
Oh this is gonna be fun. Matt knows I love being slapped across the face in bed . I’m such a submissive little bitch when it comes to him. He could tell me to do anything and It would take no more than 5 seconds to oblige. But right now I know if he slapped me it wouldn’t be gentle . That thought intrigued me I wanna see how harshly his hand will hit my face so what do I do . PROVOKE HIM BITCH.
“OH YOU GONNA SLAP ME BITCH . I FUCKING. DARE.YOU” I scream in his face smiling a little bit pissing him off more than I thought I would . His hand still hasn’t moved so I tried a new tactic.
“AWW TO MUCH OF PUSSY TO DO IT . GOD THATS SO PATHETIC “ I said getting even more in his face then before.
Then all the sudden he slaps me so hard my head snaps to the left and my ear starts ringing a little bit. I just looked back at him smiling as a moan escapes my lips feeling so intensely turned on .
“WOW THAT WAS A GOOD ONE MATT . I GUESS YOUR NOT AS MUCH OF A PUSSY AS I THOUGHT” I said as he just looked down at me with darkened eyes pupils fully blown out.
“GOD YOU THINK YOUR SO CUTE DONT YOU GETTING ME RIALD UP. I BET YOUR PUSSY I JUST SOAKED ISNT IT” he yelled again now gripping me by my hair making me look him in the eyes and all I can to is whine from how hard he’s pulling . It’s kinda giving me a head ache.
“Aww what . Finally decided to shut that slutty little fucking mouth “ he said so dominantly my knees went weak and I moaned .
“God your such a mess . This is all because you just couldn’t walk away from a man trying to hit on you. How pathetic is that” he said in your ear almost as a whisper . His voice is so deep and horse from all the yelling and it’s driving me crazy.
He starts sliding his hand under my dress causing me to close my eyes and let out shaky breathe.
“Woooow. Such a slut . You didn’t even wear fucking under wear. Did you want other guys to see your Pussy as you bent over the bar to order drinks . Huh. Is that what you wanted .” He slid his fingers through my pussy lips feeling how wet i really am. Causing me to whimper it’s honestly concerning how wet I am from him yelling at me.
He yanks my hair causing my eyes to open back up .
“Fucking look at me when I speak to you. Is.that. What . You . Fucking wanted “ he said pronunciating every word as he stared into my eyes as anger flashed  though his .
“N-no Matt i… “ I tried to get out .
“You what slut” he said angrily.
“I d-didn’t wear under because my dress was . T-too tight to wear any . T-they all showed lines.” I say sounding to pathetic as his fingers starting rubbing my clit. I closed my eyes and moaned from the feeling of his fingers driving me crazy.
“Strip. Now “ he said horse and authoritative.
I immediately started taking my dress off as he let go of my hair.
“Good girl. So fucking submissive for me” he says as i step of out my dress being fully naked for him now.
He grabbed me by my jaw harshly.
“Open that slutty little mouth for me “ he says as I look at him .
I open my mouth as he shoves his fingers in my mouth holding my tongue down and shoving his fingers down my throat causing me to gag and cough.
“Such a mess for daddy aren’t you slut “ he says making my eyes roll back into my head . He’s so fucking hot when he’s like this and I love every fucking second of it.
He pulls his fingers out of my mouth and then chokes me as he goes down to suck of my tits harshly nipping and sucking creating big dark hickeys all over them .
My hands go to his hair as I arch into him letting whimpers leave my lips.
“On the bed . Now “ he says huskily .
I immediately start walking over to the bed and lay down . I look at him waiting for his next move . He starts walking to the dresser opening the top drawer. Oh shit I must have really pissed him off cause he pulls out the pair off hand cuffs he uses on me when he’s mad as me and wants to restrain me from touching him.
“Sit up . Hands behind you back” he says darkly as he walks over to me in the bed.
I sit up on my knees and put my hands behind my back as he secured the cuffs pretty tightly.
“ Ass up face down slut “ he says.
I try my best to position my self the way he wants but struggle since my arms are secured behind my back . I guess I wasn’t how he wanted me be causing he harshly pulls my hips back and pushes my back down so I’m arched more .
I hear him unbuckling his belt and then hear his pants drop to the floor along with probably his shirt and boxers.
“God your so wet . Your pussy is just begging for me huh” he says as he walks closer to the bed and kneels behind me on the bed.
All I can get out is a couple whimpers.
“Use your fucking words” he says as he plants a hard slap of my ass.
“Y-yes Matt please I need you so bad” I say in a Winey tone.
“ beg for it then slut come one tell daddy just how much you want it” he says as he grabs a hold of my hair yanking my face off the bed.
“Mmm please daddy I want it so bad . Please fuck me . Ple— “
Was all I got out before he slammed into me painfully.
“FUCK DADDY “ I screamed out as he started ramming his hips into my ass hitting my G-spot painfully hard. He practically bruising my insides right now.
“Yeah you fucking being treated like a slut don’t you “ he says as he leans down to get closer to my ear.
“ YES FUCK DADDY “ I screamed out already feeling my orgasm coming . I’m kinda shocked cause I’ve never been this close so fast.
“I can feel you tightening around me slut. If you wanna cum your gonna have to beg me for it” he growls out in my ear bringing me even closer .
“Mmm I don’t know . You think you deserve to “ he says
“YES PLEASE .I-CANT H..HOLD IT MUCH LONGER. PLEASE DADDY PLEASE” I scream out almost in pain from how hard I’m holding my orgasm back.
“go on the. Cum on my fucking cock slut” he groans out in my ear .
I immediately let go legs shaking and my breathing becoming rapid as my orgasm courses through my whole body.
“Good girl that’s it squeeze my fucking cock” he groans out as I start to come down from my high. His thrust started to get deeper causing my legs to shake more.
I start to try and push him away from the overstimulation but fail because of the handcuffs.
“Aww is to much mama want me to slow down” he asks mockingly.
“Yes Fuck Matt it’s to much “ I wine out trying to get him to slow down but instead he grabs ahold of the hand cuffs pulling me up off the bed a little and starts ramming into me so hard I’m crying.
“Nah ma you should have thought about that before you let another man even speak to you. “
I mean he is kinda right but Jesus Christ I’m about to orgasm again and I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle that so soon.
“ you can take it ma . I can tell your getting close again” he says as groans come out of his mouth turning me on even more.
“Fu… FUCK MATT DONT STOP IM SO FUCKING CLOSE” I scream out feeling my orgasm approaching but this one feels a bit different than last time.
“ come on ma give it to me like a good little girl” he says as more moans come out of his mouth from how hard my pussy I’d clamping down in him.
“FUCK MATT IM GONNA…” was all I got out before I felt like I got hit by a tidal wave and I’m seeing stars.
“Holy fuck yeah squirt on my fucking cock ma” he says as I feel like water is dripping down my legs.
“That’s a good girl . Aww look at you shaking under me “ he says in a mocking tone.
“Fuck Matt I can’t take anymore please “ I say as my entire body starts to shake it’s becoming way to much for me to handle .
He pulls out of me and I feel the bed dip behind me as I heard him walk back over to the drawer.
Oh fuck what could be be grabbing now . All I know is that it’s not gonna be fun for me . I’m still shaking as I drop my body onto the bed now laying flat on my stomach.
I hear him walk back over to me but I’m too tired to even turn my head to look at him. Next thing I know the hand cuffs are off and are replaced with ropes. Fuck me I should not have pissed him off as much as I did. He flips me over so now I’m on my back an yanks my left arm and ties the rope over the head bored . Then moves to tie my right arm up too.
“Matt please I’m sorry . I cant take anymore . Fuck my face for all I care but please give my Pussy a brake” I say begging him because my Pussy is feeling very abused and overstimulated right now
“Aww cute but no your gonna take what I give to you . Cry for all I care but I won’t stop until my cum is fulling you up” he says deeply sending shivers through my body.
He gets back into the bed and hovers over me and places kisses on my neck then sucking harshly creating more hickeys all over.
I let moans out at he starts sucking on my sweet spot making me even wetter than I already am . I try to pull my arms to put my hands in his hair but the ropes don’t budge and the knots around them seemed to tighten from the tugging.
“ stop pulling in them or your gonna cut your circulation off ma” he says warning me.
I feel him line back up at my entrance and slides back in easily from how wet I am. His dick is pretty big about 8 inches and thick . A good amount of the time it takes me a while to adjust to him no matter how many times we fuck he stretches me out almost painfully .
“ fuck Matt it’s too much please be gentle “ I say feeling tears start to form in my eyes.
“ shut the Fuck up and take it “ he says before putting a hand over my mouth then grabbing my legs with the other and putting them over his shoulders and starts pounding into me deep, hard and fast. The angle he’s pounding into me hurts so good and I can’t help but scream out into his hand as tears start to stream down my face as he keeps pounding me he lifts his hand and reaches for something still keeping a steady pace.
Then I heard a buzzing sound it takes me a second to realize what it is . FUCK ME . If he puts a fucking vibrator on me right now it’s gonna send me into overdrive and I can not handle that right now.
“NO MATT DO NOT USE THAT ON ME RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO …” before I can finish that sentence he pushes my legs open . Dropping one to his hip and keeping the other propped on his shoulder as he puts the vibrator on my clit.
“FUCK MATT . TAKE IT OFF NOW I CA-CANT T-TAKE IT” I scream out as tears start fully pouring out of my eyes . It hurts to good but Jesus Christ in so overstimulated right now .
“Nah your gonna cum again all over my cock and then I’ll ease up “ he says deep toned in my ear. He then turns up the vibrations and I scream out as my legs start shaking and my breathing becomes loud and rapid .
He comes down and pressed him lips on mine swallowing down all of my screams and moans trying to get out of my body .
“Come on mama give me one more I know you can do it “ he says against my lips as the tears keep streaming down my face.
“ FU… FUCK DADDY IM GONNA CUM” I scream out feeling the orgasm build up in my stomach. I just know this one is gonna be hard to take .
“Come on mama give it to me cum all over my cock” he whispers in my ear.
I’m sent over the edge as I feel myself squirting so hard and so much it covers my stomach and chest , the bed and him.
“FUCK ME . MATT TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF PLEASE” the vibrations becoming way to fucking much than they already were. At this point my legs will not stop shaking as I’ve pulled so hard on the ropes that my wrists started to feel raw.
“Such a good girl for me ma . I’m getting close I promise .” He says as he slows his thrust down still hitting me hard and deep just not at such a rapid pace.
“Fuck I’m gonna fucking fill you up” he moans out as he drops his head to my shoulder .
“Fuck Matt give it to me .Fill me up “ I moan out so exhausting and just ready for him to finish .
“F-Fuck I’m coming “ he groans out as he rams his hips deep into me and I feel his cum filling me up.
“Mmm Fuck Matt” I moan out from the sensation of his cum filling me up .
“Who’s pussy is this ma “ he asks deeply .
“Yours Matt only yours” I say out of breath.
“Good girl” he says as he pulls out of me .
He starts untying the ropes as my arms drop down to my sides . I have zero energy to move right now . My legs are still shaking and my arms feel like dead weight.
“Now you gonna tell me what that guy said to you or should we go for round two “ he says as he grabs my jaw and makes me took up at his standing above me.
“No Fuck no I’ll tell you.” I say .
“Go on then tell me” he says with a smirk on his face.
“ he was asking me if Nick was into guys or not cause he thought he was cute” I say smiling looking up at him.
He looks shocked then sits down beside me and strokes my hair .
“ your telling that you let me scream in your face, smack the shit out of you then practically sexually torture you . Over a GAY MAN” he says sounding a bit upset and apologetic.
“Mmmmm yep sure did” I say as I started to laugh.
“Oh mama I’m sorry I should have gone easier on you . Why did you not tell me he was gay” he asks kinda confused .
“Mm idk to be honest it was fun to see how angry I could get you. But I started to regret that after my second orgasm” I says laughing a little bit.
“God you are crazy “ he says starting to laugh too.
“Come on we need to shower “ he says as he stands up pulling my arms up and grabs me carrying me to the bathroom.
He sets me down on the toilet so I can pee as he goes to grab a change of clothes for us both.
After I finish and wipe he comes back in with the clothes and sets them down before coming to pull me up off the toilet and hold me as he turns on the shower . And steps in still holding onto me as we go under the hot water .
I feel my muscles relax as the hot water runs over my body and I hike Matt closer as my face rests on his chest and I listen to his heart beat as I feel warmth and calmness wash over me .
“We good mama “ he asks as she starts to wash my hair .
“Yes Matt we’re good “ I say looking at him smiling as I press a kiss on his lips and he smiles against me then moved me to rinse the shampoo out my hair as I still hold onto his waist and lean my head back letting the water run through my hair.
“You know Matt . You have such a slutty waist” I say making him laugh loudly.
“Shut the Fuck up y/n” he says shaking his head smiling at me.
“What it’s true “ I say laughing and smiling at him.
“ yeah yeah whatever” he says as he leans down to kiss me sweetly on the forehead .
We finish up our shower and get out drying off .
“Matt carry me my legs hurt” I say as we finish getting dressed.
He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us to the bed and sets me down. I get comfortable under the covers as he goes to turn off the light.
He gets under the covers and scoots closer to me spooning me as we start to nod off to sleep .
“I love you beautiful “ he says as he plants soft kisses on my shoulder.
“I love you too Matt” I say as I fall deeper into sleep.
The mofokin end .
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hornysaur · 2 months
okay prefacing this with i dont have a detrans kink (i think?? you make me question myself <3)
you convince me that if i wax my body, my hair will come in thicker and darker, make me more masculine, and why would you lie to me? youre so loving!
slowly the compliments turn from masculine to feminine, but you assure me that you mean it in a masculine way, like when you talked about how pretty my tits would look filled with milk
wait..... what? no, i meant when you said i look better with super long hair, so you can make me look all pretty, especially with a matching skirt
huh? um... oh, right, silly me, you want to help me break gender roles! thats why youre buying me clothes to emphasize my tits and ass... right?
so, to really break gender roles... you wanna get me pregnant? wait- no- i cant! id have to stop my T sho- why are you laughing? you... you did what? no... you labeled estrogen as testosterone... how long have you been making me take estrogen?
~V (i swear i dont have a detrans kink... nope, none at all...)
oh yes baby, you clearly don't have a detrans kink~ you'd never want to be feminized against your will by a manipulative transfem, and you'd certainly never consider touching yourself thinking about what a good girl you're being~ nope, you're clearly obviously definitely a boy~ and you don't get wet at all when I threaten to pin you down and rape a baby into you, right princess~? no, of course not~ you don't find your hand drifting down to your pussy as you imagine the changes you'd undergo from a forced pregnancy~ the big, swollen, milky tits~ the extra fat building up on your thighs and hips, making them even bigger and more feminine~ the huge tummy that everyone can see is full of my pups~ I bet nobody would ever mistake you for a boy again~!
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How would the mercs react to their s/o trying to write them a love poem?
Ok, I'm not good at all with sappy stuff but let me give it a try. @blubushie (for mention of sniper. go crazy buddy.)
Demo: Demo is very emotionally backed up so it would take him a good long while for him to actually understand the deeper meaning of the poem. But when he does he wont really know how to react. He'd sort of stand around and wait for his S/O to ask him about it again so he could give them praises while he hugs them. If the opportunity doesn't arrive he'd probably try and write one back (badly) so they can bring it up.
Engie: Engie would start a little war between him and his partner. Its a gesture game baby and this man is king of subtlety. Though for love he's a bit of a show off. The more heated this fluffy little competition gets the more he amps it up. He's likely gonna try and show off with an invention or a song that'll knock the socks off of his S/O. Then he'd feel accomplished enough to lie down with 'em and whisper just how much all that stuff meant.
Heavy: Heavy is very poetic himself, though its a lot harder for him to explain it in English. Theres a lot of metaphor in his work he would have to explain to his S/O and thats easier said than done. He's very much a show don't tell sort of guy so why would he be any different in delivery. If they speak Russian rest assured that letter will return every bit of love reflected at him.
Medic: Oh boy Lutz would tease them so hard, he's so mean but he loves them very much. He's not at all used to this fluffy stuff and would scoff if anyone else did it. But with them? Of course he loves the goofy prose and obvious infatuation they have with him, how could he not? He loves every bit of the attention and will make sure to prove it by being plenty affectionate throughout the week.
Pyro: Pyro almost goes too far in excitement, theres likely a chance that Pyro just saw the Letter P followed by a heart in their bedroom and just about pranced with glee. Pyro is the type to parade their partner around proudly showing off how much they love each other. This ends up with half finished love poems strung around the room that the two encourage each other to finish.
Scout: Scout is an absolute dweeb but he'd try to play it cool by insisting that it was only expected of him to get 'fanmail'. Truth be told though Scout would melt into the floor from a kiss to the cheek by someone who he can actually call his partner. So this gesture is returned the very next day by a goddamn tsunami of gifts at their house.
Sniper: Sniper doesn't know how to react to this at all? He isn't sure why its necessary, and its hard for him to understand, but its the thought that counts. He's conflicted for a while about why exactly they'd want to tell him how they feel in writing. He's ultimately very confused but he keeps it pinned to the inside of his vest or tucked neatly into one of his pockets to keep their words on him. (He's grown on me thanks to someone I know.)
Soldier: Soldier doesn't get it but he's a big enough doofus to love it anyway. He seems like the type of guy who only ever really got valentines cards for parties. So if his S/O wrote him something he'f for sure cherish it. Even if he didn't fully understand the point or its meanings. He's a lot like Drax from Gardians of the Galaxy.
Spy: Very bold of his S/O to assume he's going to be the only one receiving love letters. Its very likely Spy knew very well before hand that they were going to be making him one so he thought ahead and got them presents and a letter of his own to be prepared. This cheeky and clever asshole!
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sopiao · 10 months
Imagine price with a reader thats a metalhead and one day price js saw readers old photos wayback when reader was a kid and the reader had braces and glasses. Price's reaction is in shock and he wont stop teasing the reader about it
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a hundo percent something he’d do. (i assume their a couple in this, i’m terribly sorry if i misinterpreted it :,( )
It’d be when you first officially move in together. You would live pretty far from your family so you two visited for the weekend! There were no guest rooms so there was no choice but to sleep in your room. So, naturally, he was curious about your childhood and your teenage room.
“We might have to leave early tomorrow to be there on time—” You begin to unwind for bed, brushing your hair, and doing your overall routine for bed.
“Bascom High Yearbook?” Price reads out the title of your freshmen yearbook. Making your stomach drop, along with your brush. You immediately whip your head to see Price with a leather yearbook on his hands, a smug smile targeted towards you. Judging by your reaction he already knows he’s gonna get a good time out of this.
“Oh! That must be my sister’s!” You lie, although it was quick and sorta convincing, he already knew by your tone and reaction that you were lying. You quickly walk over to him and reach for the book in his hands. Chuckling at how desperate you were to hide this part of your life from him, snatching it from your reach before you can get too close.
“No, no. I saw that look in your face” He caught you. You took no attempt to lie or even hide that you didn’t want him to see it. Climbing over him and reaching to get it away. Laughing at your nervousness as he had you pinned on the bed, him laying on his side on top of you.
“Oh. My. God” You went limp in defeat, already knowing he saw your embarrassing photo. Your Freshman year wasn’t your best, maybe your Junior or Senior, but not Freshmen. It doesn’t help that the photographer never got your flattering side. No one ever looks good in yearbook photos, and if you are, you’re either lying or God’s favorite.
You had big oversized glasses that barely fit your face, braces on full display from your excited smile to be a high schooler, and a hairstyle that you were sure made you look cool. Price started laughing even harder, his head resting on his cheek as his other hand held his side.
“Shut up” You grumble, slipping away from him to snatch the horrid book away from him.
“No- no. Wait” He took the yearbook away from you once again and laid on his stomach with the open book in front of him. He flipped through the other pages, you sitting on his back, giving up and letting him search. Every so often you’d point out someone you’re still friends with or someone you didn’t like.
“Aww, weren’t you adorable?” He laughs out of pure adoration when he sees a photo of you in a cow inside for halloween. Another photo of you in an oversized jersey, probably your dad’s. With each photo he spotted you out, he fell in love more with how similar yet different you are now, and the more you wanted to die out of embarrassment.
“Christ. You look like you were being tortured” He chuckled again at a photo of you at your worst phase of your braces, having to wear 10 rubber bands on the brackets. “Brace face” He whispered, a teasing smile on his face, making it easier for you to smack him on the bicep.
“I guess that’s when it all started, hm?” He chuckled, turning the book to show you yet another photo, in this one you had your hair down and partially covering your face with a dark blue streak, pulling out a rock hand sign with a Rammstein shirt on, horrible black eyeliner, the studded cuff, and worst of all, the undercut, standing with a group that looked similar to how you looked.
“UGH—” You turned away, jump-scared by your own self. Cringing to yourself. Making him laugh even more. Immediately shooting up with an excuse to try and save yourself.
“To be fair, that was my friend’s idea. She wanted to do that” Price nodded, over exaggerating like he was convinced.
“Ahh, yes. I get it now. It was this friends idea” He teased and taunted even more. Causing you to roll your eyes at him and playfully land a punch on his shoulder. After a while of more silence and an occasional hum chuckle you heard the book clap shut and felt the bed shift to turn to you.
“Got any more?” He asks so casually. What else do you have to lose? After a minute you sigh and go under the bed to pull up a box of old polaroids and flip phones. Filled with photos of things you find cool and selfies of you and your friends together.
“At first I was kinda intimidated to approach you. Seeing this just makes you softer” He commented under his breath, not really intending you to hear him. Even though you were beyond embarrassed, this little comment made you melt with how he really saw you.
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parkitaco · 9 months
the record boygenius :):):)
:):):) i was midway thru answering this when i saw yours and it is so funny how many of ours are the same (we r both gay and mentally ill it makes sense)
with you without them
please take what i can give / i want you to hear my story and Be A Part Of It
in another life!!! we were arsonists!!!!!! (<- this was written abt us btw)
emily i'm sorry
emily i'm sorry. baby. you know how. i get when i'm wrong
true blue
you can't help !!! but become the sun!!!!
cool about it
i came prepared for absolution!!! if you'd!! only!!! ask!!!
but also
once i took your medication to know what it's like AND NOW I HAVE TO ACT LIKE I CAN'T READ YOUR MINDDDD
not strong enough
every single lyric. but mostly
i tried / i can't stop staring at the ceiling fan and / SPINNING OUT ABOUT!! THINGS THAT HAVEN'T HAPPENED!!!
revolution 0
i fomd. i edogh. i don't. wanna die. that's a lie. but i'm afraid to get sick. i don't know. what that is
leonard cohen
(straight up copy pasted this one from u) leonard cohen. once said. theres a crack in everything thats how the light. gets in. and i am not an old man having an ex i s t ensia l cr is i s. at a bud d his t mo na. ste r y. writing horny poetry. but i agree!
will you be a nihilist with me <33 if nothing matters man That's a Relief
we're in love
i'll be the boy w the pink carnation pinned to my lapel. who looks like Hell. amd askdk for hlepppp
anti curse
i have Many for this one but uhhh
tried to be a halfway decent friend wound up a bad comedian and honest fool w more bad habits Than You Can Count
breaking curfew w illegal fireworks. unpacking god. in the suburbs
and then just. i'm swimming back - all the way through to the end
letter to an old poet
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fuck-you-official · 2 months
fuck you dad. fuck you for everything. fuck you for ruining my life. fuck you for being such a good respectable man when we all knew who you were. especially me and you. the both of us know that that facade is faker than the love you pretended to have for both me and mom. you only cared about yourself, and when something bad did actually happen to you, when your mother died and you expected us all to coddle you. the rest of them might've cared, but I didn't. not after the trauma you gave me at such a young age, i couldn't even process it and whether it was a dream or if you knew i wouldn't be able to differentiate that memory if it was real or not. id say fuck you to my mom for never noticing, but i've forgiven her. unlike you, she had something to grow and change from. you could only abuse the ones you love and say nothing or even deny it. she accepted her mistakes and knew she did something wrong but we all know that even if you did that for once in your life, who would ever forgive someone, even less someone they were supposed to love and trust, for ruining me and defiling me, selling my body out just to get yourself kicking. god save my mothers gut-wrenched soul for the fact that you manipulated her into making her believe every slippery lie that fell off your tongue, every excuse that you came up for yourself, every pin and pointing finger you threw at me to blame me. i love my mother so dearly, the fact that you would get angry at her for your own faults and whine like a man baby when she called you out on it makes me want you to take a nice visit to the ninth circle of hell. the years its taken me (and still taking me) to recover from your abuse. i can't ask for help easily, i can't speak up about my interests or thoughts without thinking of how people might think, i can barely stand in the same room next to an older man around your age without wanting to cry or shutdown. my mom can't even bring a man shes been talking to into the house without me shutting myself away and wanting him to leave. i love reading, but god forbid i try to imagine the image of big, rough, course hands without thinking that they were yours. you made me begin to form insecurities at the age of 6. i thought i was so ugly and weird because thats what daddy told me. you sexualized me so much, i began to question whether that was normal for most families. i asked friends at school, essentially asking "hey guys, does your dad tell you you're chest is growing in so well already or is that just me" and they were fucking concerned, and i didn't know better so i thought they were just judgemental. i thought everyone wrestled with their dad and tickled eachother and even did a little gropin here and there, hell everyone knows that tradition! /s
it's been 3 years since i moved. im forgetting your face, but im also forgetting my stepbrothers faces too. they were the one thing i loved about living there, i miss them both, and the fact you ruined my life to where i can never see them again makes me realize how much of a selfish prick you are. i hope all the fat in your body doesn't add fuel for the flames of hell you'll burn in. I've far moved on from the chapter of my life that had you in it, but are you ever really able to move on from an imprinted image in your mind that haunts you occasionally, reminding you why you're like this, telling you that you're the reason for both the cause and effect of your trauma? not really. when court decides to get off their ass and actually plan the court date for your charges, I will be there. and I'll be the last, sweet image you see before your soap dropping, bitch boy days in a cell. and when you die, ill cremate you so i can roll you into a joint and smoke you.
sincerely, the kid you never bothered to respect.
p.s wait till you find out how nicely they treat child predators in jail.
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🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
💻 ― excellent writing
🌼 ― creative headcanons
🎙️ ― great to talk to
📚 ― nice threads to read
🎀 ― all-around kind person
🥇 ― well-developed oc
😍 ― admiring from afar
📌 ― a staple on the dash
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
Yeah fuck you, ilu bitch (:<
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
── For this I've decided to talk a little about @bells-of-black-sunday because he deserves it and also because his blog is just generally an all around treat that excels in multiple areas!
🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog
── While they've recently gone dash-only, their carrd (or one of three - he's working on more because he's insane) is wonderfully put together, and so is his pinned post!
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
── Spük has a really amazing way of writing Tarhos and Danny in ways that both treat them as humans but also does not dance around the atrocities both of these characters have done. Both of these characters are expanded upon in a realistic way that fits both of their personalities. It also ties together loose strings for their lore - particularly in regards to Danny's lack of mother and Tarhos' complicated relationship with violence.
💻 ― excellent writing
── This goes without saying, if you're on my blog you've seen Spük's writing at least a few times a week LOL - his writing is really inspirational to me and is a big part of the reason I write so much. He has a very blunt way of writing which I appreciate, but there's a good bit of prose sprinkled throughout that really makes it enjoyable and easily understood for me and my dyslexic ass.
🌼 ― creative headcanons
── THISSSSS!!! Spük and I talk so much about their muses and headcanons about their lore and each one is like a gourmet meal served on a silver platter for me. This semi - relates to the point I made above about how he can tie together loose lore really well, Danny's lack of mother turning into abandonment issues and Tarhos' violence being a coping mechanism because its the only constant in his life? MAN - GOOOOOD fucking food all around. Don't even get me started on Karthus - LJFDGNFK HE'S SO ... SO ... Look I just love the entire idea of corruption through religion -- also modern verse being this bored asf British Ghost who smokes weed is the funniest shit to me idc.
🎙️ ― great to talk to/🎀 ― all-around kind person
── We legit talk from morning to night about everything, not only as a writer but as a person Spük has a wonderful personality. He's very kind and genuinely one of the most understanding, sweet people I've been lucky to meet. He's always eager to help flesh out other people's muses and plot too! I definitely recommend speaking to him ooc - he's just such a sweetie pie.
📚 ― nice threads to read
── Spük puts so much effort into each piece of writing he does, and it really shines through in how his long - form threads read and connect together. I won't lie and say that I don't ocassionally re-read our threads and kick my feet like a schoolgirl but thats besides the point. Each interaction on his blog is thought out beautifully and carefully, and they genuinely have some wild twists and turns throughout.
🥇 ― well-developed oc
── He has quite a few OCs on his blog, but Aita and Yijun are so wildly creative to me and they're both such deep, yet funny, characters. Aita's story is such a relatable tale for many of us, and I feel connected to him in how he feels in relation to his family and life's pressures. He just feels like a very realistic train-crash of emotions that have gathered up over time and I genuinely hope he can heal. Yijun on the other hand is a bitch and I also love them - the idea of turning a demon into a snake oil salesman that uses TikTok and social media as a way to form a pseudo cult is so fucking SMART and such an innovative way to explore demonic intentions. Plus he's just so ... mean? It's comical how bitchy he is - plus his relationship with Abel!!! AAAA!
😍 ― admiring from afar
── Not me peepin his blog daily for any missed updates -
📌 ― a staple on the dash
── Probably embarrassing to say but Spük is one of the first people I look for on my dash, they're such a huge part of it and I'm so invested in everything they make that I can't really imagine it without them on it. At that rate I'll just delete - NJKDHKJG this is a joke obviously but I really cannot picture the dash without him on it. He's so sweet, caring, has great writing and amazing art - how could I NOT want to see him popping up on my homepage everday? His content is a BUFFET.
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
The Rose Gold Kings (CH.1)
The Kings of The Rose Gold Kingdom, John and Philllip Price. 
They were the Kings since they were in their early twenties, as John’s parents stepped down shortly after their wedding.
Their heirs for the throne was a easy choice, but a difficult situation.
Their son, Kyle Garrick Price, was only nineteen at the moment. They knew that his guard and head of the royal guard, Alex Keller, and he were in a relationship. Had been since they were children.
But as their son got older, they found themselves thinking about how they ended up with their child.
The first part of the royal au! I hope y'all enjoy
“My love, you know when the next attack is planned, don’t you?” Phil asked as they got ready for the day.
“I do. Unfortunately, Alex will have to be sent on it.”
He nodded, “When do we tell Kyle that we know?”
“Not until we marry them.” He chuckled slightly, “he would panic, he and Alex both. I don’t want to do that to him. They don’t know that we’ve known for the last… four years, roughly. They don’t need to.”
Phil nodded, smiling softly, “I suppose thats true.”
He turned around, seeing Phil had just put his crown on, picking up the three Golden rose pins to go on his suit jacket collar. He smiled, slowly going up to him, “you just keep getting more and more beautiful every time you put this on.” he gently snaked his arms around Phil’s waist, resting his head in the crook of his neck, seeing him smile, pinning the roses on his suit
“So do you, John. That cape does need to get fixed, though.”
“I’ll get it taken care of. I have to go down to the village today anyway.”
Phil turned around to face him, resting his hands on his husband's chest, “shall we stay here longer or get our day going, my King?”
“Let’s go, my love.”
They walked to the dining hall, and they saw their guards, and Kyle's lady, Kaida, walking with him and Alex.
Kyle's braids were out, instead soft butterfly locs in their place. But it was too early in the morning for Kaida to have done that on him, carefully tied with three locs and low on his head to not hurt his head.
Alex had to have done it. He had always been doting on him, but, recently, threats to kidnap the Prince of the Rose Gold Kingdom had been pouring in, so Alex had gone to check on him earlier in the morning as of recent.
"Father! Papa!" Kyle called out as they saw them.
"Hello, my son." John replied as he ran up to them, hugging them, "your hair looks nice today."
"Thank you! Kaida was up early, she helped me with it."
Lie. But, they had gone through so much trouble to hide it. So, they decided to be quiet.
"You did well, Kaida." Phil said, smiling.
She curtsied to them, "it's no problem, my kings." 
And they turned to Alex as he bowed to them, "your majesty’s."
They'd give him credit on a million things he's done, but, one, even if he had known and been "Best friends" with the prince since they were little, he had always been very respectful towards everyone. He never felt privileged with his friendship with Kyle… His relationship with Kyle.
“Sir Alex.” Price replied, “Where might Madam Farah be?”
“Already at the Dining hall.”
“Ah, I see. Let’s go see them, shall we?”
They all nodded, and they walked to the dining hall. Normally, Kyle would be sitting across from his fathers, closest to the door, but, he had been sitting next to Alex for a while now. John could see the barely hidden joy in their face’s when they started doing that. It was for his safety.
“Madam Farah, Sir Alex, please come with us to the throne room.” John said, and they nodded, following behind Kyle.
Farah was a good friend of the Royal family, growing up with Kyle, Alex, and the rest of their friends. They suspected that she knew about their relationship, as she was around them more often then not, and redirected anyone looking for the prince while both he and Alex disappeared.
“What can we do for you, your majasty’s?” Alex asked.
“There’s a mission that we need you both to go on.” Phil replied, “You leave in a week.”
They both nodded, and John looked over at Kyle, who clearly was hiding his emotions. The sadness and shock.
“Where do we go?” Farah asked.
“One of Sheperd’s kingdoms.” John replied, “I’m not sure how… prepared they will be. But the threats to the Prince keep pouring in from there. We need to make sure they can’t take him.”
And they knew Alex wouldn’t turn that down, but he still glanced at Kyle.
“You leave in a week.” Phil said, “Prepare the Guard.”
“Yes, my king.” Alex said, bowing to them.
“Your both dismissed.” John said.
They both bowed before leaving the room, and John looked at Kyle, who looked a little nervous, but Kaida walked in.
“Your highness.” she said, bowing her head to all of them before looking at John.
She was only twenty, very young. But John knew her mothers for years, and trusted their child, as Mika was in the guard before she adopted Kaida, and she was very talented and amazing at what she was trained to do. She was an even better mother, along with her wife, Aimi, who used to be a nurse in the med bay. Kaida grew up to be a very kind, gentle, beautiful woman. Tan skin, dark brown hair, brown eyes.
“What might you need, my lady?” Kyle asked.
“I wanted to help you put your braids back in. If you're available?"
He looked at John and Phil, who nodded, and he stood, going down the stairs from his throne, and leaving the room with her.
John sighed. He would always remember how they got their little boy, no matter how long it had been.
They had to look over a destroyed village outside of their kingdom. They had only recently become the kings, John’s parents had stepped down. 
They had gotten to the destroyed village. Parts of it were still on fire. It was from one of their own enemies.
They checked through every home, finding very few survivors and getting them to their kingdom for medical treatment.
"This is just... cruelty." Phil whispered, going through a house, "There were children here. I hope they were safe..."
John sighed, walking through a room.
And they heard a small cry from a different room.
They looked at each other.
"Is that a child?" John whispered. 
They quickly went to that room. And they found a dead woman on the floor.
John saw a small jar floating slightly. And he got closer to the small sound to find a baby wrapped in a blanket in a basket. There was a note, covered in blood.
"They are going to kill me. Please, take care of him. His name is Kyle. He's a magic user. I was never sure what."
"Oh, my god..." He whispered, looking back at the jar. "Telekinesis."
"We have to take him, John." Phil said, tearing up.
"We are." He gently picked up Kyle, trying to calm him down and put him to sleep.
"You'll be alright, little one."
They quickly went back out, seeing the rest of the guard.
"Are there any other survivors?" Phil asked.
"No. We've checked every home- wait, that's-"
"A child. His mother his dead and the father is no where to be seen." Phil said, getting on his horse, reaching down to take Kyle from John's arms, making a sling out of the blanket to carry him.
"Get back to the kingdom, I'll be right behind you." John said, running to his own horse while phil quickly went off to their kingdom.
They had been half talking about kids anyway. They had to take care of Kyle.
And they would.
He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Phil saying something.
He looked over, “Sorry, just… thinking.”
Phil nodded, “So am I.” He sighed, “Kyle won’t take this well.”
“No he won’t… but we must do what we have to. To keep him safe.” He stood. I have to go to the village. Will you be alright?”
“Yes, my love.”
He smiled, “I’ll return soon.”
He went down to the village, going to the seamstress to get his cape fixed.
"Oh! My king! What can I do for you?" 
"My cape was torn, unfortunately." He said, taking it off, "could you help?"
"Of course!" She took it from him, "I am already working on something, would you mind the extra wait? Neither should take me too long."
"I wouldn't mind at all." He smiled, and she nodded, going to the back of her shop with it.
He sat down, waiting for her to finish with the other garment before starting on his. 
He saw a little of it. A dark red dress with black lining. He knew who it was for.
And she walked in.
"Ah, your majesty." She said, bowing to him.
"Mika. It's been a while, hasn't it?" He asked as she sat down.
"It has, sadly. My daughter seems to be at the palace more and more as time goes by. I heard that the whole guard was leaving for the attack on one of Shepherd’s kingdoms?"
"Yes, sadly."
"How is Prince Kyle?"
He smiled, "he's doing great. It's really amazing how fast time went by… I feel like just yesterday I was holding him when he was scared of his magic getting stronger… it was nine years ago."
She sighed, "I feel the same with Kaida. I greatly appreciate what you've allowed my family's legacy to continue, but it feels like she is just… so young."
"She is. But she is a wonderful woman. And I thank you for letting her assist my child."
She smiled, "I am glad that she's done the job well."
"Ah! Mika, you're already here! Wonderful!" The seamstress said as she walked back out with the garment.
She smiled, standing, "thank you, Madam." She said as she took the dress, then turned back to John, bowing to him, "it was delightful to see you again, Your highness."
"You as well, Mika. Tell Aimi I said 'hello', would you?"
"Of course, my king. Enjoy the rest of the day."
She walked out, and he turned to the seamstress.
"I'll start on your cape now, my king." She said, walking back into her back room. 
He sighed, leaning back in the chair and closing his eyes.
Once his cape was done, he went back to the palace, seeing Kyle with Alex and two friends of theirs in the guard, Simon and Johnny, though, they preferred to be called “Ghost” and “Soap”.
He felt his heart crack, looking at Kyle’s face. He looked distressed, upset. Alex nearly put his arm around him, if not for spotting John in the distance.
He just went back to the Palace, to his throne next to Phil’s.
It was now a little over a week since the day that the guard left. Kyle went right to Alex before they left, hugging him tight. When they thought they were alone, they were softly talking, softly and quickly kissing before having to leave.
Kyle’s face was down for so long
John and Phil had seen Kyle upset before. But not like this. 
He barely ate anything for days. He just silently sat with them before they went to the throne room.
Kyle had always been reserved to a degree. Alex and their friends had broken them out of that shell, and he rarely retracted. Only if Alex was away for a while.
“Kyle?” Phil asked, looking over at him.
“What’s going on, little one?”
Kyle just stared down at his lap, “Just… worried about the Guards. We haven’t heard from them in… well, nearly eight days. I’m scared. I don’t know if their okay, and… it worries me.” 
Phil was about to reply, but Kaida ran in the room, screaming.
"Your majesty’s! Forgive me for barging in, but... the guards have returned!"
Kyle stood, running out of the room and to the village.
John followed after him, seeing him jump into Alex's arms, holding him tight, not caring that his suit and cape were getting soaked in blood and dust.
"My prince, your covered in blood." Alex said, almost touching his face before looking up and seeing John, moving his hand to Kyle’s back.
"I don't care. I missed you."
Alex smiled, taking his helmet off, "Come. Let's get you cleaned up." 
John smiled as they walked away, as Alex took Kyle to the castle, to the armory and his room.
He'd have to tell Phil. Their son was so deeply in love with the guard. And it was a good thing. 
They had four years before they could let Kyle get married to him... they were excited.
He walked back to the castle, seeing Alex taking Kyle to his room, they had both changed, and Kyle was still clinging to him.
He saw Phil running up, and he went up to him.
“They all seem unharmed.” He said, holding onto him.
Phil softly nodded, “Our child…?”
“He’s safe now. And he’s with Sir Alex.”
Phil chuckled, looking down the hall at Alex’s room, “Let’s just… let them be happy… maybe stay away from their room.”
John chuckled, looping an arm around Phil’s waist, “Leave them be. Let’s enjoy our own time.”
Phil smiled, letting John lead him through the castle, back to the throne room.
“The attack went flawlessly.” John said, “everyone is alive. Our child is a little safer… And he’s happier. We need to find a way to help him when Alex is gone.”
“Very much so…”
They would think about things they could do.
Until then, it was time for them to relax, knowing they were just a little safer. 
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moonhealing715 · 2 years
Your english is great so don't be ashamed! Whoever told you that is an idiot!
OKAY THIS IS A PROVOCATION I WILL DO IT /j Actually, I wrote this the same day you asked, but I was embarrassed to post it... So yes! You have been warned about my bad English :D
Falken x gn! reader fluff
You sighed heavily and leaned on your forehead against the cold wall of the corridor. From the very morning you felt weakness. You wanted to believe that it was only yesterday's mission, just a tiredness after difficult battle with miramons and nothing more. But the truth was clear - you got sick. And now head feels unbearably hot and heavy. In a good way, you should immediately go to one of the doctors and open a sick leave, but several people from your team already were seriously injured and stayed at home, so you didn’t want to let commander Falken down even more. Therefore, you crossed your fingers and believed that you could hold up until the evening and lie down tomorrow, during day off.
Thats why now you were facing the wall, hoping to cool your aching head in such a stupid way, without attracting too much attention to yourself. Falken's office is nearby, so happyly there no one around. All members of the Union tried to avoid meeting him, moreover making noise near his workplace. You didn't share their opinion. Yes, commander Falken seemed cold, but for some reason no one even tried to get to know him better and understand that he is not scary at all. You were lucky to find a common language with him. Starting with awkward questions about weather or today's menu and equally awkward answers, step by step you started talking more in your free time. You gladly agreed to walk together to the canteen or library. Falken even smiled when you joked. At least, it seemed so to you, because the impenetrable gaze of predatory hawk eyes seemed so warm at such moments. Well, you really wanted it to be truth. You were in love with Falken and couldn't deny it.
You flinched when you heard his voice. Oh no. Of course you didn't think that your crash could come out of his own office, which is two steps away from here. Great job, idiot.
“C-commander Falken?”
“You look bad.”
“You have the eyes of a falcon, commander” you tried to joke, but this time he didn’t even raise an eyebrow
“You are ill…” he didn't ask, he asserted.
He frowned, looking you up and down, his gaze was heavy and attentive, as if he was trying to pin you to the floor. Finally, he stopped at your painfully red face, squinting a little. Your head, hot with fever, considered this look as condemning. Feelings of guilt pricked your heart. More than anything, you didn't want to upset Falken any more.
“Excuse me commander! I know I'm letting you down. But I promise I'll be in better shape for the next mission!”
“Don't be silly, you'll only make things worse." Falken interrupted, shaking his head. “Immediately go to the doctor and take sick leave.”
"That's an order.”
Heart sank painfully. He is right. It's not certain that you'll be better in a couple of days, and like any other commander, Falken doesn't need a sneezing and coughing burden on a serious mission.
The next day, you just slept and took the medicine prescribed by Heng Yue. Headache and suffocating heat didn’t allow to rise from the bed, weakness fettered the limbs. Every muscle in your body ached painfully. It was as if you were crushed by a red-hot anvil, and your inflamed and restless mind kept returning you back to the corridor where you last saw Falken, repeating his words. And how did you manage to get sick at such an inconvenient moment?
A day later temperature finally subsided and you were able to walk unsteadily to the bathroom and bring yourself back to normal. A sudden call pierced the silence of the apartment. You walked towards the door in surprise. Maybe one of your friends decided to visit?
Falken stood in the doorway. You blinked.
“Commander Falken! What are you doing here?”
“I accidentally heard that your friends couldn't get through to you. When I tried it myself, your phone was off. So I came to check if everything is ok.”
His gaze no longer seemed as heavy as last time. Falken looked at your face, worry flickering in his eyes. Light eyebrows seemed to break, expressing sincere regret.
“Sorry, I should have sent you on the day off earlier. You've been working so hard lately…”
“I thought you were angry?”
“For what? It's my fault. I managed to get used to the fact that you are always there and help me, that I did not think about your health at all. I'm sorry.”
The sincere tone of his voice made you feel embarrassed. Falken… worried about you? And felt guilty? These thoughts excited your heart, which beat like a jackhammer, dispersing unexpectedly hot blood through your body. Unlike the temperature, this heat feels nice.
“No, it's not your fault!”
The voice sounded unexpectedly loud, repeatedly bouncing off the empty walls. It's only now that you realize that you're still keeping Falken at the doorstep of your apartment.
“Oh, sorry! Please, come in! I… oh, I wasn't expecting guests…” you mumbled absently, looking nervously around inside your house.
“Should I leave?” Falken asked calmly, stopping in mid-step.
“Not! It's just a little messy…”
“Don't worry about it, I came to check how you feel, not how you clean your house. Can you take me to the kitchen? I brought something for dinner.”
You escorted Falken in the right direction. Did he bring something for dinner? What could it be…? You haven't eaten for more than a day, so the thought of food involuntarily woke up your stomach, which immediately emitted a hungry rumbling. Falken set down a bag from ShrimpDog on the table.
"Your cheeks are red. Everything is fine?"
"It's great! Yeah, pretty good, thanks!"
May the gods save your soul, you're so excited.
Falken didn't seem to believe you. However, he did not say anything and only pulled containers with still hot food out of the bag. It was your favorite dish. You swallowed your saliva and stared at the food, surprised by such a lucky coincidence.
"Commander, this is my favorite dish! How did you guess?"
"But you told me about it yourself, didn't you?"
“A month ago. We were on patrol and we passed by the ShrimpDog, you said they make your favorite dish. I thought it would cheer you up.”
“Oh, so you remember it…”
“Of course. I really enjoy talking with you, you tell a lot of interesting things that I myself have never paid attention to.”
Your ears burned with embarrassment. It was very, very nice, but you never thought that one day you would actually hear it from him.
“I'm glad to hear it, commander”
“Just Falken.” Through the dark mask, you could see his soft smile. “You should eat before it gets cold.”
Fresh and tasty food from favorite restaurant not only filled hungry stomach, but also made you incredibly happy. Your lips curled into a gentle smile. A pleasant feeling of satiety and satisfaction spread throughout the body, driving away the remnants of painful weakness and fatigue after fighting the temperature. Now you really feel better. Thanks to Falken. He, in turn, silently watched you all this time, resting his chin on his palm in a strict leather glove with sharp golden claws. His eyes followed the expression on your face.
“Do I have food on my face?” you asked, grabbing a napkin.
“No, no, it's fine. Sorry, didn't mean to stare. You just look happy. It makes me happy too.”
You nearly choked in surprise. How can he say such nice things to you with such an impenetrable face…
“Yeah, I really like this dish. Thanks again, Falken.”
“I heard that many members of Union like this place.”
“Just heard? Have you ever been there?”
“No, never.” He paused, rubbing his neck. “Can I ask you to go there together when you get better?”
Your cheeks are on fire again. If it wasn't for the sore throat, you would have gone there with him right now.
“Sure, with pleasure!”
Falken smiled softly again, nodding his thanks.
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