thatsabae · 5 years
Salus - Chanyeol (mafia!au) | Chapter 3
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genre: romance/drama/angst
summary: The thought of being back home always tormented you, ever since you left. You thought about all possibilities, but not one where your ex-boyfriend would want to be your friend again, just like before all that mess, as if it would be easy to ignore how your heart still races just by seeing him.
prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
Chanyeol made clear that he wanted to be friends again, but you were clueless how he would do it. Half of your heart was expecting him to say that just because he felt bad and not give it attention, but the other half was expecting him to come around and make effort. Do what he promised, at least once.  
Jude was always on your mind before her father finally decided to show up and prove you that he was sticking to his words, a few days later. You thought it would feel like being thrown back at the moment that Meri told you about her pregnancy but it felt nothing like that at all. 
When Minseok came knocking your door, telling you that Chanyeol was there, you took the longest you could, mentally preparing yourself. What would you both even talk about? About those years apart? Maybe something random?  Each subjecting terrifying you even more. You didn’t even know him anymore, just like he didn’t know you. 
Arriving at the living room, you regretted wasting so much time locked up in that room. Sitting beside Chanyeol on the sofa was Jongdae. Your friend, that was not that friendly to you anymore, but still was there.
“Dae?” The surprise is clear in your voice. He only nods at you, still upset but not enough to ignore you. 
You were relieved. If Chanyeol managed to bring Jongdae to your apartment, that could only mean that there was a chance of fixing things in your friendship. Knowing Jongdae for so long, you knew he was stubborn. Way too stubborn. Once he made up his mind, no one else could change it, it didn’t matter that the person proved him wrong, it would actually make everything worse.  
“Let’s go?” He asked the other friend, still not looking in your eyes. “The others are waiting, already”. 
It was not enough, you still felt too distant from him, but it was a beginning. At that moment, you decided to not let it affect you even more than it was already doing, and instead of focusing on dealing with Chanyeol, you would worry only about saving your old friendships. That would be your goal before leaving again and a good distraction.
When you arrived at the pizza place, a smile took over your face when you saw Yixing sitting there, chatting with Baekhyun and Sehun, alongside a woman, dressed formally. 
“That is Yixing’s girlfriend.” Chanyeol murmurs, walking to the table. 
“And what about Liao?” You remember his girlfriend, that moved with him from China when he exchanged places with Minseok, ten years ago. Something that was supposed to happen for only a year, but turned out better for both. 
“They broke up years ago, a little after they came. It was bad.” Jongdae starts, forgetting for a moment that he’s not talking to you. “He’s dating Karlie for… I don’t know, maybe six, seven years now. I think he will propose after Junmyeon’s marriage, at least that’s what I picked on our bet”. 
“I see.” You decide to make a joke. “I guess you forgot to mention it in our calls”. 
He stops walking, making Chanyeol and you, that were behind him, stop too. 
“It’s not like you were sharing news too”. 
You stay quiet, not really knowing how to answer that. You felt red in the face. Chanyeol gives you a wink, encouraging you to not let Jongdae intimidate you. Your heart aches when you remember that he would always do that when you felt insecure. Maybe they were the same, after all. 
Dealing with Jongdae would be harder than Chanyeol, you realize. 
“Hey, finally!” Sehun was the first to notice your arrival. “We’re over here”. 
Everyone got up and started to greet each other, and Yixing introduced you to Karlie, his new long-term girlfriend. 
“What took so long?” Baekhyun question Jongdae. “We’ve been feeling like a third-wheel over here”. 
“We can finally chat, Y/N.” Yixing started, ignoring the other one. “How was your trip?” 
You shrug. 
“I don’t really remember. When I realized, the plane was already landing, I slept through it all.” Except for Jongdae, they all chuckle and the conversation change topics. 
After the first slice is served, you stare your old friend, unable to eat. He was talking to everyone else, normally, even laughing, but no word directed to you. You never expected Jongdae to be so childish. 
“We gotta go now.” The lawyer announces before you could finish the second slice, with Karlie by his side, already saying bye. “I have a trial tomorrow morning”. 
“And I need to bring you safe, or else Minseok will kill me.” Chanyeol jokes with you. “Not that he doesn’t want me dead, already. It would just legitimate him to do it”. 
You chuckle, hiding your mouth. 
Baekhyun shrugs at him. “He’s just waiting for a good reason to punch your face again”. 
“Again?” Your question is ignored in the middle of laughs. 
You can see the interest in Jongdae’s eyes change suddenly. Oh no. He’s looking, back and forth, from Baekhyun to you. 
You know you’re in more trouble. 
“Do you all want to leave already?” Chanyeol breaks the silence, looking unsure. “It’s still soon”. 
“I need to get going too. I have a flight early in the morning”. 
“You gotta solve that contract?” Jongdae wonders, looking at Sehun, that just nod, but you know his focus is not totally on the youngest. 
“Which one?” Chanyeol seemed interested, and so did Yixing. You were bored, not even knowing what they’ve been working now. 
“That beach house. The owner is just giving me headaches. Always changing his prices and… Now even his daughter is involved.” He looks at you, not saying any other word. Was that a secret? You felt left out. 
“Sehun was hired to mediate a sale, but since its value increased so much these last months, the owner is always increasing its price too” Chanyeol explained to you, seeing how confused you were. 
“If it’s too high, just don’t buy it. Costumers make the price”. 
“The thing is… " Sehun started explaining, very quickly. “That’s the only house left in that block, and they need that space”. 
So pay what they are asking, you wanted to say, but you hold your tongue back, not allowing to show how ignorant about this topic you were. You barely knew how to calculate the taxes, Minseok would always help you when it came that time. 
“It looks like they don’t want to sell it, they are just wasting your time. Probably testing how long is your patience.” The moment you said it, you could see Sehun’s face turning red. Being so young, you could imagine how many times people didn’t take him seriously. 
Chanyeol’s attention changed, looking at his cellphone like it was the only thing in the room. Baekhyun got closer to him, trying to sneak peek. 
“Uh, I need to go to Junmyeon’s before going home.” He murmurs, more to himself than to you. “Dae, do you mind taking Y/N?” 
Oh. No. 
“No problem.” He crossed his arms, but he seemed worried about Chanyeol too, letting his childish behavior go for a second. “Something happened?” 
“Yeah. I mean, no. That’s Kyungsoo. He needs help with something”. 
“I thought you said you need to see Junmyeon?” You can’t help yourself. If he was ditching you, at least do it properly. 
You feel how tense he was, but you don’t let this pass. Why can’t they just tell what’s wrong? Even Yixing and his girlfriend seemed to be worried, and for the little, you know the lawyer, he’s way too calm. 
“I did? Uh. That’s because I do need to pass there, and then I’ll go to Kyungsoo”. 
You were not satisfied with that answer, something felt off, everyone was tense. You were being excluded by your friends. But you let it go, there was no use to ask about something they didn’t want to share. Especially with Jongdae and Chanyeol. And your friendship wasn’t strong enough to push both. You didn’t have a place in their life to do it. 
“Can we leave, Dae?” 
You knew Chanyeol was feeling conflicted on letting you leave like that, but you couldn’t care less. You hated feeling outside, especially around people that were supposed to be friends with you. 
Jongdae and you went silent to the car. His mind was going wild, a lot of things going on, you could see that by the way he gesticulated his hands, talking to himself. 
“Dae?” You call him, suddenly, when he stops at a sign. “What was that when we were leaving?” 
“With Kyungsoo?” 
You nod, waiting for him to kill your curiosity. These years you spent away, Jongdae has become more and more silent, holding back information, sharing only what he thought that was interesting to you, or worthy saying, at least that’s what you thought. You felt his change, but you wished that he wouldn’t do the same when in front of you.  
He seemed… Like he was doing the same you did before. He didn’t trust you like you didn’t trust him. 
“It’s just. Chanyeol did something, years ago, something that wasn’t really legal… Something really bad. We all kinda did.”
 “What? He tried drugs?” You interrupt him, joking, but regret the same moment, seeing his face. That look he gave you, it chilled you. “Why is Kyungsoo taking care of it instead of Yixing or Minseok?” 
You hoped that Minseok wasn’t denying help because of you. 
“It’s a mess. As long as we can take care of it without lawyers, it’s better. Believe me. ” His grip on the wheel got tighter. You could see how white his knuckles got. “Let’s not talk about what happened, it doesn’t matter, we can’t go back. Focus on now. Someone knows what happened.” He starts gesticulating while driving. “If this person spills the beans, she will get in trouble too, but nothing compared to what Chanyeol could face. Kyungsoo was negotiating with her. Chanyeol is going there to know the news”. 
You wonder who she could be. A lover that now changed her mind? That made you sick, still jealous of a man who did not belong to you. 
“So, someone is blackmailing Chanyeol?” 
“No, not him. It’s blackmailing Junmyeon. Everyone. Us all. We knew it. Shit, I even helped. But Chanyeol is this person’s target. He did the ugly part. Metaphorically speaking, he pulled the trigger.” Jongdae sighs, before continuing. He’s getting angry.  You wonder if that was really just a metaphor. “Just please, don’t think too much about it. It’s been so long, doesn’t matter anymore, anyway. We will take care of it”. 
“It seemed like it does matter”. 
“You know what matters?” His grip on the steering wheel got tighter as if that was possible. “Baekhyun seems to know the reason why Minseok was so furious at Chanyeol because of you, and I don’t”. 
“Can’t we leave Chanyeol out of a topic for once? It seems like he’s the only subject we have to talk about.” 
When Jongdae kept silent, you give up ignoring it. 
“Ugh. Baekhyun wasn't supposed to know. Chanyeol probably told him, you know how annoying he can get when he’s curious”. 
“So Chanyeol does know the real reason. What is it?” 
“It’s something that happened so long ago. I never expected Minseok to behave that way. So unnecessary, but it’s my fault. I should have kept silent”. 
You knew that changing the subject was not going to help you, and Jongdae wasn’t going to let you do it, but trying was still an option. Just talking about it made your chest ache, for many different reasons. Jongdae could end up being more angry at you than he already was! Thinking about it all, was so silly. 
He stayed silent, still waiting for your explanation.
“Sorry I lied to you. I do know why Minseok was angry, sorry, Dae.” You pause for a moment, thinking carefully on your next words. “Before Chanyeol and Meri were a thing, things were different”. 
“How different?” You could feel the softness on his voice now. You didn’t have to voice it, he already understood. 
“It was a secret. Chanyeol and I.” Tears were forming on your eyes. All you didn’t cry on your best friend’s shoulder were here now, ready to embarrass you. “For two years”. 
Jongdae kept silent, thinking about what you just confessed. 
You felt relieved. Your best friend was no longer in the shadow, there was no reason to not tell everything now. You felt lighter. Except you wouldn’t tell him everything, just most part of it. 
“When he came to break whatever it was that we had, he was already seeing her. For months. Chanyeol told me that. He didn’t care how I felt about it. He asked me to stay friends with him. And I stayed, for a year.” The tingle sensation got you, remembering that even years later Chanyeol would ask you that. 
After a few minutes staring the road without looking at it, you realize that Jongdae already parked in front of the building. Your heart asked you to tell the whole truth but things were so ugly… You were not ready to have Jongdae knowing this side of you. 
“You’re quiet, but you don’t seem to be shocked”. 
“If we’re being honest here, it’s not really a surprise that something was going on between you two. Baekhyun and I… We kinda knew it, never knowing. We even guessed it once, before he was with Meri.” He pressed his forehead, looking stressed. “I always knew you felt something different when it came to Chanyeol. It was really obvious”. 
You sighed, recognizing the truth in his words. That was absolute truth. Everyone knew. Even kids at school used to joke about it. You always denied, and so did Chanyeol, but deep in your heart, you wanted him to stop kids from joking about your friendship and tell everyone he liked you, so you could finally assume your feelings.
Except he never did that. It felt like you were still expecting it. For years you thought he was just shy about it, but when he declared his love for Meri on his birthday, the truth came. He probably never even realized you had feelings for him. Child’s dream. 
“Baekhyun once mentioned that he thought Chanyeol looked different at you. That he commented something that piqued his interest, but I didn’t really believe. You know how Baekhyun is. Even Junmyeon said something once. Knowing it was true is not really that shocking now”. 
Junmyeon? Your heart raced. That could explain so many things. 
He turned to you, but still not looking into your eyes. 
“But then he made all that scene for Meri. The guys even admitted they were wrong”. 
“You mean Chanyeol confessing his feelings for her at his birthday party? That was when it all started”. 
“What? How? I slept at his house that day”. 
You chuckle at his innocence. He really slept there, so did Baekhyun and Jongin, but not the owner of the house. They stayed for an after-party, that was what they called, and to mend Chanyeol’s broken heart, picking its pieces.
“Boys got so drunk that you all passed away in the living room. He was bored, wide awake, Chanyeol didn’t want to sleep yet, so he came to see if I was still awake. My parents didn’t see him coming in, but they caught him leaving. Didn’t you always wondered why dad still looks weird at Chanyeol?” You try to make a joke, but you only earn a smile from Jongdae. It looked almost like pity. 
“Please, don’t look at me like that. I loved him so much that I didn’t care about his silly crush on Meri. It was just it. A crush. We were friends for so long that I never thought he would leave me so easily, breaking my heart. I’m fine now”. 
You expected Jongdae to call you a liar. He didn’t, but you knew he knew. 
His expression wasn’t changing, and anxiety was consummating you. It was hard to breathe, so you tried to open the car’s window, but that wasn’t enough, so you opened the car’s door. 
You turned your whole body for outside, to catch air easily, and felt when his hands were caressing your hair, just like he'd done back then, whenever you needed someone to just… Just be there. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Softness was back at his voice and you felt like going back on time. Maybe he was still the same Jongdae and you were still the same Y/N. 
“He wanted to keep it a secret. Always delaying it. Only when he told me about her that I understood his reasons. He never planned to stay”. 
At this point, there was no reason to hold your tears. You just let them fall, not able to endure the pain in your throat. 
“I guess that’s why it still fucking hurts. I thought that since we were friends, he would care for me”. 
He never planned on staying because his place was by her side. You cried harder, unsure if they were for your first heartbreak or guilty. 
Guilty was consummating you since you got back at the city. Even before that, but now things were worst. You couldn’t walk the street without remembering that she walked that before, too. 
“I know I’m an idiot but, even if I could, I wouldn’t change that. I would change many things that I’ve done, but not loving him. But I hate him. Being friends again is almost killing me, Dae”. 
After calming down, you seat straight again and close the door. 
“I called off my engagement. I had to tell Minseok why I didn’t want Alec here. I like him, but I don’t feel like I deserve him. Not when I still have feelings for someone else”.
“Is that why Minseok was so mad at Chanyeol?”
You wanted to scream the whole truth, but that was enough for now. Not even you understood what happened all those years ago. That would always be your secret. Your and… 
“I had to tell him why to explain what I couldn’t explain to Alec. I just didn’t think he would take it to his heart. Do you think I did wrong?” 
He stood silent, just staring you. 
That was even more difficult than when you told Minseok. Your cousin got really angry at Chanyeol, but that was it. You were spared. Jongdae no. Jongdae was just silent, not showing any reaction. He was almost numb. 
“If you miss him, or think of giving him a real chance, call him. Invite him, so we can meet the guy. You already said you've engaged anyway. You’re worried that you may realize that you don’t like him at all?” Then you finally feel his eyes staring you. “Or you think on trying something with Chanyeol?” 
“I didn’t break up with Alec because of that. I just want to make sure that I’m not doing to him the same that Chanyeol did to me”. 
“Y/N.” Jongdae calls for your attention. “If you feel like that, maybe you like him way more than you think. And people don’t deserve people. We can’t control feelings. If he likes you, there’s no such thing as deserving. Understand your heart and fight for what you love”. 
Yes. Maybe you did like Alec more than you thought.
You entered the apartment, determined. You were going to call Alec and be nice to him. You wouldn’t rush and tell him to come already, but talking to Jongdae made you soften your heart and want to be nicer with him. 
“Were you crying?” Minseok surprises you, when you enter the kitchen, making you even forgot what you were going to pick. 
Your cousin is sitting in front of his laptop, wearing his work glasses. Carla nowhere to be seen. 
“It was nothing. I was talking to Jongdae”. 
“You’re really fine?” 
“Minseok, I think I’m gonna call Alec and tell him that I don’t want to break up with him. At least not yet”. 
The only other time you saw Minseok smiling so big was on his wedding day. Your heart felt warm, maybe you were finally doing things right.
“I’m glad you’re giving it a second thought”. 
You were going back to your room when you remembered. 
"Why did you punch Chanyeol the first time?"
A laugh crossed his face, seeming to be a good memory. "That was a long time ago. Let's just say that at that time I also had a crush on Meri". 
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i-growl-growl-growl · 5 years
Hello! I love your blog very much. I enjoy the yandere and mafia style, but tumblr doesn't really gives me results... Do you know any good accounts? ♥U
 @an-ordinaryghost @mashimanxxx @aestaetic-co  @yandere-society @chinkbihh @mint-yooxgi @hoseokisamood @daebak-dreams @yanderekpop @zero-three-two-five @nomnomsik @cherrysweettea @yandere-kpoponeshots @xxateez @yanderekpopscenarios @yandereskz @yandere-reacts @ateez-skz-yanderehours @darkly-skz @yandere-hanjisung @yanderefelix-skz @ping-ping-ying @seo-dak @darksidedmonstax @kpop-imagines-247 @thatsabae @yanderebabyvamp @btsareyandere @neo-culture-mafia @minatozakiipotter-aus
I know that there are more blogs that I’m forgetting. I also follow a few non-kpop yandere blogs but I’ll leave them out since I assume that you want kpop-mafia & yandere blogs.
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jjong-dae97 · 5 years
Five little things
rules: share 5 little things about yourself that people might not be able to tell without seeing you in person, and tag a few people you want to get to know!
Tagged by @taexual thank you honey! This is such a cool game 💙
1. I can't go out without wearing mascara because I think that my lashes are a big part of my attractiveness so (? You never know.
2. I laugh A LOT, like seriously I laugh at everything, you can say potato and I'll start to laugh like crazy :) though I'm a pretty serious person lol
3. You'll never see me wearing a dress unless it's strictly necessary, basically because I feel really uncomfortable when guys say shit about what I'm wearing and it intensifies with dresses.
4. I'm too lazy to change my earrings, I sleep with them, shower with them and I only change them when I have a performance or a date.
5. I have an scar on my forehead because I fell from the stairs when I was two and I took of the stitches, but now it's almost imperceptible and I don't remember my face without that.
Tagging: @axiumin @guccijaee @gucciwoojin @thatsabae @noona-clock
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kpopfanfictrash · 6 years
Omggg! I just saw your pic, you're so pretty!!!
Cjsdnmskdd ily you’re too nice !!! TT
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thatsabae · 5 years
Tamed | Im Jaebum (mafia!au)
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Jaebum entered his father’s office quiet and, if he was being honest, moved by pure curiosity. Ever since the marriage took place, talking to his strict parent was limited to polite good mornings and good nights, when they weren’t in a meeting, much to his please. 
He couldn’t clearly remember the time which talking to him was easy, with no pressure or second intentions, but Jaebum knew times like these happened before, a long time ago. 
Still quiet, he sat on the sofa in front of his father’s desk, watching conflict go through those eyes he knew his whole life. 
“Was there a problem in the last deal, sir?” Jaebum asked, anxious to discover what bothered his, usually too calm, father. With the silence of no answer, he tried again. “Donnie said… He said we had a deal. He’s backing out now?” 
Fear of disappointing his father took over Jaebum’s heart. Due to his quiet nature, the son always tried to impress the older, seeking for a little bit of attention. Even as a married adult, things don’t change easily. 
“Jaebum, my son…” He tried to speak, clearly not finding words to express. Jaebum could see how torturing that was to his father. 
The worst-case scenario passed through his mind. “Where’s my mom? Did something happen to her?” 
“No. I just don’t know how to talk about it. Your wife… She…” He lost words again. 
Jaebum thought about what could have happened. He saw you just before entering the office, you wanted to speak with him, so he just stood there, quiet again, waiting for the words that were taking too long to be spoken. 
 “She is having an affair with one of our trust men”. 
His stomach twisted. 
“I still don’t know who, but the moment we find out, I want you to take care of this problem. Can you handle that?” 
Trying to keep his head clean, think about the situation, Jaebum thought of it. Could it be true?
“If you don’t know with who, how do you know it’s happening?” 
“One of the maids found this in her bathroom.” His father reached something in his drawer, exposing a white stick wrapped in paper. Jaebum knew what that was. 
Too shocked at the news, holding the test, the young man had trouble to keep his breathing pace. 
“What are you saying?” He didn’t know how long he spaced out, but his father was still talking. 
“We gotta be quick to solve it, we don’t want you raising bastards and I don’t want others to know something like this happened right bellow our nose”. 
“A bastard?” His father was going too quick, while Jaebum was still focused on the pregnancy test in his hands. “I don’t understand”. 
“Jaebum, she’s not Mary. Someone knocked her up. We know she’s not sleeping with you, so someone else is, considering it’s only one”.
The excitement of finding out your pregnancy disappeared the moment he heard his father’s words. 
“You know we are not sleeping together.” Disgust was clear in his paused words. “What do you mean by that? Are you keeping a track on our sex lives?” 
His father was shocked by his tone. Jaebum never questioned him, never raised his voice before. 
“Are you stalking our marriage?” 
Still shocked, Jaebum’s father took a moment to realize that was a real question. “You kept your room, she has hers. You sleep in yours, Y/N sleep in hers every night. You never visited her room, seven months of marriage now. My son, one plus one doesn’t turn three”. 
“You sound so perverted.” Jaebum felt sick. “I’m not really surprised that you want to control even that if I’m being honest.” A laugh emerged from his chest, involuntary. 
The older one moved back, resting his back in the leather chair. “So you’re saying it could be yours?” 
The cold tone used to scare the shit out of Jaebum, but not now. There were limits. He would take a lot, be quiet and obedient, but it was tiring. He was tired of living in a house with eyes and ears every wall, spying him. 
“You want to know if I’m fucking my wife? Ask me then”. 
The father paused for a good twenty seconds, making Jaebum think he wouldn’t dare, but he did. 
“Are you?” 
He lost his cool. Everything he kept inside his chest, trying to be the good son, came out, and there were lots more inside. 
“I’m leaving this house by the end of the week. I can take you criticizing me for minor mistakes, picking my clothes, hairstyle, friends I can mingle.” Jaebum thought of all those friends he had to hid the friendship because his father would see no profit in them. “You even chose me a bride and our guests for the wedding. I agreed. Accepted”. 
Jaebum took a great breath, trying to calm down. 
“We feel awkward here, it’s horrible. How could we get to know each other with everyone in this house watching us? Like mouses in a lab.” He waited for his father to show any emotion, but the same cold façade was there, like marble. “Do you know how shitty I felt for taking my wife to a hotel room after dinner because I can’t have sex with her at my bed?” The weird laugh was back. 
“Most guys feel bad because they can’t pay a good hotel room to spicy things with their girls sometimes, but for me is the opposite. I can’t bring her home because my father will be watching everything. He needs to control every single human being around him!” Jaebum’s voice elevated, he didn’t doubt that people outside could hear him. 
“Are you done?” 
Jaebum spoke before words were thought. “We’re leaving the house today”. 
“What?” His father showed he had emotions again that day. “I need you here”. 
“Not the whole time. I’ll come back and fulfill my obligations, but I won’t live here anymore. I’ll be packing my stuff if you need me, but then, we’re leaving”. 
Jaebum started walking away from the office, anger still giant in his chest, but he couldn’t make himself leave the room before spilling another truth. 
“Just in case you’re still confused, yes, I’m fucking my wife, pretty good. Actually, I did it yesterday. We did eat our breakfast out like I told ya. The out was a hotel room. Guess that’s how she got pregnant”. 
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thatsabae · 5 years
Salus - Chanyeol (mafia!au) | Chapter 2
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genre: romance/drama/angst
summary: The thought of being back home always tormented you, ever since you left. You thought about all possibilities, but not one where your ex-boyfriend would want to be your friend again, just like before all that mess, as if it would be easy to ignore how your heart still races just by seeing him.
prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 
“Y/N.” Chanyeol stopped you when you finally found Baekhyun and Sehun outside chatting. 
You didn’t even hear him coming, so you pushed his hand away, scared, but he didn’t seem to care.  
“Give me one chance. I’ll make it up for you. Please, trust me on this, trust in me again”. 
You stared his face, recognizing his honesty. You cursed your soft heart that wanted to take a chance, trust him again. And like a fool that you were, you’ve always been for him, you accepted, even if you felt like you were not ready for it.  Well, you were definitely not ready for it. 
But that was no surprise. That’s why you needed distance from him, always. You could only think straight if he wasn’t around, you discovered these last few years. You’ve always been like this. Whatever the shit that Chanyeol asked, you would do. You could never say no. Not to him.
Even at his eighteen birthday, when he decided to confess his crush on Junmyeon’s older sister, and obviously was rejected that day, you didn’t care. It didn’t matter, it was just a silly crush. At the end of the night, you were there, against your parents' wishes, in a bed with him, celebrating his birthday in the most sinful way. 
That day you both started a thing. When you’re eighteen, you think you can make someone fall in love with you as long as you try really hard, it doesn’t matter if he had enough time for it before, that could still happen, you had your hopes high up. No one else knew, but it didn’t bother you, that was between you two, just you two. No one’s opinion mattered. You went with all you had, that at the time was your strength and in love heart, enjoying all the affection he had for you, even if that was so little. The way he treasured you, he made you feel like the only girl in his mind and bed. 
You were not a fool. You knew he didn’t love you yet, but he was falling for you. You felt that. At least, you thought that.  
Little did you know his feelings were slightly different. 
After almost two years like this, you thought it was Chanyeol and you against the world. But every night he spent at Junmyeon’s, working hard -he used to say- and learning the job, proving himself loyal to his friend, he was getting closer to Meri. All the times you asked him to go out and he couldn’t, he was busy with Meri, you would discover later. 
Until she finally accepted to give him a chance, ignoring their age gap, and he had enough courage to break whatever the thing you had. And with that, your young heart. 
“Still friends, right? Just like before?” 
Like now, then, you said yes, why not. Whatever you want is okay, as long as I have a place in your life. You thought you would handle things fine. Things wouldn’t change that much, right? You could handle being left without a second thought. Except that you couldn’t. After too many months seeing the new couple, showing how much they appreciate each other in front of everyone, you decided to leave. You couldn’t cut him and his precious love of your life, so you had to heal somewhere else. Just for a while. 
The last time you visited the country, Meri told you she was expecting. Out of a blue. It would be cruel if she knew. She wanted to keep it a secret for a while. So you kept a secret, not only about that but also about how wrecked you felt with that news when you were so hopeful, still so in love. That was nine years ago. When she ran away, you still kept her secret, with yours. Sometimes you still felt selfish. What would have happened if you had told Chanyeol when you had the chance? Would Meri still be alive? That thought hunted you at night, sometimes. 
Only when Jongdae called you, telling what happened to Meri, her tragic death, you asked him about the baby. But you never explained how you knew or what you knew. It was a secret for almost everyone. You couldn’t tell them that this whole time you knew about their baby. You knew more than they did. 
Years after that, every year more distant from them, you felt bad. Bad for loving her boyfriend. Bad for hating her for having what you most wanted. And bad because she didn’t deserve that end. She didn’t deserve what happened. Guilt was eating you alive ever since. You could have done something. You should have done nothing. You did something really wrong. 
And now you were not asking yourself that same question you had back then, why won’t you love me, you only asked yourself why do I still love you? Maybe it was your curse, for destroying what they had. For envying what they had. 
You meant when you apologized and wondered if Junmyeon understood. Almost nine years passed and you still felt the pain in your heart, you still felt like that all happened because of you. Guilt was consummating you even more now, here. Seeing them all again but nothing else to do, to make it up. Past will forever haunt you.
Minseok was staring you since you began the talking. You felt like having the talk with your parents again. He seemed angry, disappointed, so you just stopped looking at his reaction. You couldn’t handle it, but you had to tell him. 
“If you decided that, I can’t say anything else” Minseok said. You felt bad. He was doing his best to protect you, knowing you still had feelings for the guy. 
“Just don’t expect me to forgive him. I love you too much for that”. 
You didn’t expect it. You knew Minseok was right, but Chanyeol wasn’t a monster for not loving you back. Maybe you were the real monster here. 
“I also did not. But I’ll try. Maybe that’s what I need to continue. To start over”. 
“Did you call Alec?” Carla’s attention was fully on him, she seemed surprised. 
You stop moving the knife, that you were only grinning before. 
“She said we shouldn’t tell her when he calls, Minseok. She asked him a break.” Carla whispers. 
Not feeling hungry at all, you give up pretending and leave the cutlery at your plate, making a death sound. 
“When did he call?” 
“Yesterday.” She confesses.
“Why can’t he just stop?” Why couldn’t you stop? Were you just like Alec? 
“He does have faith. He called me this morning, wondering if you were fine.” Minseok told you. “Talk to him. Alec is in despair. At least give him a better motive, instead of just returning the ring and an apology note”. 
“I can’t.” You felt bad. You really did. “If I say anything else, he’ll be even more hurt, I can’t handle that, or worst could happen, he would have more hopes. I like him too much to do that, Minseok”. 
You didn’t want to give Alec hopes while you were so unsure, but you remember very well telling Chanyeol that you were, for the fact, engaged. You were horrible. Each year getting worse. Each year getting crueler, each year using more people. 
Your ex-fiancé was the greatest person you ever met. He was sweet, called you first when he missed you -even when he was with you minutes before-, gentleman, handsome, had a comfortable life. You loved him. You really did and a lot, way more you thought you could. But it was still not enough. He was not Chanyeol. 
When he proposed, you were on cloud nine. Yes, yes, of course, yes. You did love him. But then you started wondering, and doubting. Was he enough? Were you enough? The moment you saw the invitation to Junmyeon’s wedding on Minseok’s desk, you knew you were not. He didn’t deserve it. Because every once in a while, you would be thinking about Chanyeol. 
You shouldn't keep Alec, just to not feel lonely, while another man was in your heart. Knowing that you would see Chanyeol at the marriage, you decided to take a break with your fiancé and figure out what you really felt for him, if it would work. Should I stay or should I go, is what they say? 
“Just talk to him. Let him listen to your voice. I know you miss him too”. 
It wouldn’t hurt, would it? You also needed stability after that day. 
In your room, you wait a few moments before typing the already too familiar number and wait while it rings, not even worrying about the timezone. Alec wouldn’t be mad at you, he never was. 
His sweet voice brings a smile to your face. You were afraid of doing the same that Chanyeol did to you, years before. Use him until you found someone else, someone you liked better. Until being finally accepted for the one you were expecting the whole time. 
“I heard you called me. Twice”. 
“Twice? No. I called you three times. The first you were still in your flight, sorry for that”. 
You closed your eyes. This was going to be harder than you thought. 
“How are you?” 
“Getting better. I was worried about you. You haven’t talked to me for three days now”.
“I’m kinda busy here. You should be too, Minseok will kill you if you miss any deadline. He trusted you his work”. 
“Are you busy connecting with your old friends?” His voice was worried and you can’t help rolling your eyes. 
“I told you that, already. Did you wanted to say something important or just talk?”
“I don’t think you should get closer to them. I’ve heard some stuff… They might be different from what you’ve been imagining these years you spent here. Also, about your cousin, I’ve seen something…”
“Listen, Alec, I gotta go, okay? I’ll be the one calling next time, okay? Just… Just wait.” 
You could only hope he would, for once, listen to you and stop calling before he made you totally disgust him.  
Thursday night and you can’t help being nervous, while you try to straighten your dress for the hundredth time, waiting for Junmyeon or Maria open the door to their apartment. 
You vaguely remember it’s inside, being there only once, nine years ago. With Meri. 
Junmyeon had just bought it, he wasn’t even living there yet, but Meri insisted on showing you before you could go back and pack your things again. Seeing the big apartment, with three bedrooms, but one already being reformed to a home office, you joked that she could always stay there after heavy drinking with her brother, something that was no secret between their intimate friends. They were so close that some believed she was the head behind him. 
That day, the day before you left again, she told you that room would never be enough anymore. That she wouldn’t be able to stay out and drink a lot anymore, at least for a long time. 
When you finally understood what she meant, you couldn’t feel your legs, neither the weather or the wall you supported yourself into. Everything inside you was burning and hurting. Why did she have to tell you that, so out of blue? Why you? You were not even her friend. It was like she was bragging herself up on you. You’ve always wondered if she knew how you felt about Chanyeol. 
When María opened the door, looking beautiful with a black dress, you forced your prettiest smile, pretending to be ready to go inside that same apartment. 
It’s interior was way different than that time. Now it had furniture and clear signs of a child living there. Her child. Their child.
Going to the dining room, you could see the corridor that leads to the rooms and Junmyeon’s office. 
You knew that Chanyeol’s daughter lived with them, and you wondered if her room was the same one that once her mom told you she was expecting. 
It was still a sensitive subject to you, but curiosity was bigger. You wanted to meet the little girl. You always wondered if she was pretty like Meri or Chanyeol. Jongdae’s poor skills of description were not enough to satisfy your curiosity.
Carla and you sat at the table, chatting with María, while Minseok and Junmyeon left to the room office.
Although Carla knows the whole story, she asks her about the way María meet her fiancé. You can see in her smile that she loves him deeply. She was the nanny. When Junmyeon’s sister decided to leave, she went alone to a strange and distant city, only Jongin knowing where she was, being her only connection to her previous life. When she was murdered, Maria had to seek their help, meeting, then, the baby’s uncle. 
“Talking about her… The girl is here?” You wonder, hoping to not sound rude. 
“The girl… Jude?” Her smile grows even more than when she was talking about Junmyeon.
It’s so obvious how much she loves Chanyeol’s daughter. You’re glad that Meri could choose someone this great to take care of her daughter. 
“She’s sleeping. She went to play with her school’s friend, and she was so tired that I decided to let her take a nap before dinner”. 
You nod, understanding but still curious. 
“Oh, you haven’t met her before, right?” Carla agrees before you understand what she said. “She’s bright. So smart, hyperactive and lovely”. 
“I only know what Jongdae told me. He said she looks a lot like Junmyeon”. 
“He was not lying.” Junmyeon reply, surprising you, coming back with Minseok by his side. “Whenever we go out together, people think she’s my daughter”. 
You’re glad that Carla is able to keep the conversation because you’re too deep in your thoughts. 
You always imagined that Chanyeol’s kid would look exactly like him. His adorable eyes, cute ears and a huge smile, and that were why you refused to believe in Jongdae. 
“I need to ask you this. Are you sure we’ve never met?” Maria asks you, out of blue. 
“Me? I don’t think so”. 
“There’s something bothering me. Maybe I’ve met someone with your name and I’m confusing it now, but I’ve been feeling this since the day we met”.
That disconcerted you, so you just stood silent. 
“Hello, my sunshine!” Junmyeon says, suddenly, to someone behind you, but there’s no need to look back to understand who just arrived. “How was your sleep?” 
You turn around anyway, anxious to meet Meri’s daughter. You’ve been anticipating it for almost ten years now.  Seeing her there, after years of imagination, a sincere smile takes over your face. 
Jude really resembles Junmyeon and Meri, but you know better. She looks more like Chanyeol when he had her age. 
 “Hello, little one.” You talk to her, wanting to earn her friendship. It was no secret how much you loved kids, and there was no reason to feel different from the daughter of your friend. 
“Hi.” She waves at you, shy. 
She sits beside you, in front of her aunt, her eyes showing how sleepy she is. 
“She’s an old friend of your dad, sweet.” María tries to break the ice. 
Jude looks at you with her big eyes, curious about the woman she just met, trying to, somehow, confirm it. 
“Is he here?” After María denies, her focus is back at you. “You know him for a long time?” You nod. “Before me?” 
Your smile grows bigger, while you confirm it. 
“How old are you now?” You know the answer. 
“Eight. I’ll be nine in two months”. 
“Well. I know Chanyeol since before we were your age.” 
“How old are you, then?” María warns her about how rude it is. 
“That’s okay.” You reassure her. “I’m thirty—two. My birthday is also coming”. 
After chatting a little more with Jude, stopping only when the pizza arrives, you feel the need to share your previous thought. 
“You’re all, and Jongdae, are wrong. She may resemble Junmyeon, but she looks like Chanyeol”. 
You think about the little kid you met on your first day at the kindergarten. Yeah. She looked like him, not only appearances but her personality. 
“You think so?” Junmyeon wonders, looking at his little niece, that was also paying full attention. You could notice how much she loved her father, even not living with him. She looked proud of looking like him. Dads are our super-heroes, after all. 
“I know it. You can’t see it because he changed a lot growing up. My mom must still have my old pics. If I find them, I’ll show you all”. 
“You have pics of my mom, too?” That takes you of surprise. “I would like to see them”. 
You feel like your heart lost its pace inside your ribcage and you can’t find words to answer her. 
“Sweet,” You pause, thinking a little more. “I met your mother a few years later. I may have a pic when she was older, but none of her that young”. 
Jude’s expression breaks your heart. She was just a little kid, dealing with being without her mother and living without her father. She had her uncle, and father there. They probably loved and spoiled her more than any other kid you knew, but of course, that was not enough. María may have raised her like a daughter, showering her with love and affection, but she wasn’t her mother. 
The way she looked was still in your mind that day, when you lied in bed, trying to sleep without success.  
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thatsabae · 5 years
Salus - Chanyeol (mafia!au) | Chapter 3
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genre: romance/drama/angst
summary: The thought of being back home always tormented you, ever since you left. You thought about all possibilities, but not one where your ex-boyfriend would want to be your friend again, just like before all that mess, as if it would be easy to ignore how your heart still races just by seeing him.
prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
Chanyeol made clear that he wanted to be friends again, but you were clueless how he would do it. Half of your heart was expecting him to say that just because he felt bad and not give it attention, but the other half was expecting him to come around and make effort. Do what he promised, at least once.  
Jude was still on your mind when her father finally decided to show up and prove you that he was sticking to his words, a few days later. When Minseok came knocking your door, telling you he was there, you took the longest you could, mentally preparing yourself. What would you both even talk about? About those years apart? Maybe something random?  Each subjecting terrifying you even more. You didn’t even know him anymore. 
Arriving at the living room, you regretted wasting so much time locked up in that room. Sitting beside Chanyeol on the sofa was Jongdae. Your friend, that was not that friendly to you anymore, but still was there.
“Dae?” The surprise is clear in your voice. He only nods at you, still upset. 
You were relieved. If Chanyeol managed to bring Jongdae to your apartment, that could only mean that there was a chance of fixing things in your friendship. Knowing Jongdae for so long, you knew he was stubborn. Way too stubborn. Once he made up his mind, no one else could change it, it didn’t matter that the person proved him wrong, it would actually make everything worst. 
“Let’s go?” He asked the other friend, still not looking in your eyes. “The others are waiting, already”. 
It was not enough, you still felt too distant from him, but it was a beginning. At that moment, you decided to not let it affect you even more than it was already doing, and instead of focusing on dealing with Chanyeol, you would worry only about saving your old friendships. That would be your goal before leaving again and a good distraction.
When you arrived at the pizza place, a smile took over your face when you saw Yixing sitting there, chatting with Baekhyun and Sehun, alongside with a girl. 
“That is Yixing’s girlfriend.” Chanyeol murmurs, walking to the table. 
“And what about Liao?” You remember his girlfriend, that moved with him from China when he exchanged places with Minseok, ten years ago. Something that was supposed to happen for only a year, but turned out better for both. 
“They broke up years ago, a little after they came. It was bad.” Jongdae starts, forgetting for a moment that he’s not talking to you. “He’s dating Karlie for… I don’t know, maybe six, seven years now. I think he will propose after Junmyeon’s marriage”. 
“I see.” You decide to make a joke. “I guess you forgot to mention it in our calls”. 
He stops walking, making Chanyeol and you, that were behind him, stop too. 
“It’s not like you were sharing news too”. 
You stay quiet, not really knowing how to answer that. The blush was covering your whole face now. Chanyeol gives you a wink, encouraging you to not let Jongdae intimidate you. Your heart aches when you remember that he would always do that when you felt insecure. Maybe they were the same, after all. 
Dealing with Jongdae would be harder than Chanyeol, you realize. 
“Hey, finally!” Sehun was the first to notice your arrival. “We’re over here”. 
Everyone got up and started to greet each other, and Yixing introduced you to Karlie, his new long-term girlfriend. 
“We can finally chat, Y/N.” Yixing started. “How was your trip?” 
You shrug. 
“I don’t really remember. When I realized, the plane was already landing, I was a little bit anxious.” Except for Jongdae, they all chuckle and the conversation change topics. 
After the first slice is served, you stare your old friend, unable to eat. He was talking to everyone else, normally, even laughing, but no word directed to you, that happening through the whole meal. You never expected Jongdae to be so childish. 
“We gotta go now.” The lawyer announces, with Karlie by his side, already saying bye. “I have a trial tomorrow morning”. 
“And I need to bring you safe, or else Minseok will kill me.” Chanyeol jokes with you. “Not that he doesn’t want me dead, already. It would just legitimate him to do it”. 
You chuckle, hiding your mouth. 
“I thought the same.” Baekhyun tells him. “He’s just waiting for a good reason to punch your face again”. 
“Again?” Your question is ignored in the middle of laughs. 
You can see the interest in Jongdae’s eyes change suddenly. Oh no. He’s looking, back and forth, from Baekhyun to you. 
You know you’re in more trouble. 
“Do you all want to leave already?” Chanyeol breaks the silence, looking unsure. “It’s still soon”. 
“I need to get going too. I have a flight early in the morning”. 
“You gotta solve that contract?” Jongdae wonders, looking at Sehun, that just nod, but you know his focus is not totally on the youngest. 
“Which one?” Chanyeol seemed interested, and so did Yixing. You were bored, not even knowing what they’ve been working now. 
“That beach house. The owner is just giving me headaches. Always changing his prices and… Now even his daughter is involved.” He looks at you, not saying any other word. Was that a secret? You felt left out. 
“Sehun was hired to mediate a sale, but since its value increased so much these last months, the owner is always increasing its price too.” Chanyeol explained to you, seeing how confused you were. 
“If it’s too high, just don’t buy it”. 
“The thing is… " Sehun started explaining, very quickly. “That’s the only house left in that block, and they need that space”. 
So pay what they are asking, you wanted to say, but you hold your tongue back, not allowing to show how ignorant about this topic you were. You barely knew how to calculate the taxes, Minseok would always help you when it came that time. 
“It looks like they don’t want to sell it, they are just wasting your time.” The moment you said it, you could see Sehun’s face turning red. Being so young, you could imagine how many times people didn’t take him seriously. 
You notice how focused Chanyeol got, looking at his cellphone. Baekhyun got closer to him, trying to look at it too. 
“Uh, I need to go at Junmyeon’s before going home.” He murmurs, more to himself than to you. “Dae, do you mind taking Y/N?” 
Oh. No. 
“No problem.” He crossed his arms, but he seemed worried about Chanyeol too, letting his childish behavior go for a second. “Something happened?” 
“Yeah. I mean, no. That’s Kyungsoo. He needs help with something”. 
“I thought you said you need to see Junmyeon?” You can’t help yourself. If he was ditching you, at least do it properly. 
You feel how tense he was, but you don’t let this pass. Why can’t they just tell what’s wrong? Even Yixing and his girlfriend seemed to be worried, and for the little you know the lawyer, he’s way too calm. 
“I did? Uh. That’s because I do need to pass there, and then I’ll go to Kyungsoo”. 
You were not satisfied with that answer, something felt off, everyone was tense. But you let it go, there was no use to ask about something he didn’t want to answer. And your friendship wasn’t strong enough to push him. You didn’t have a place in his life to do it. 
“Can we leave, Dae?” 
You knew Chanyeol was feeling conflicted on letting you leave like that, but you couldn’t care less. You hated feeling outside, especially around people that were supposed to be friends with you. 
Jongdae and you went silent to the car. His mind was going wild, a lot of things going on, you could see that by the way he gesticulated his hands, talking to himself. 
“Dae?” You call him, suddenly, when he stops at a sign. “What was that when we were leaving?” 
“With Kyungsoo?” 
You nod, waiting for him to kill your curiosity. These years you spent away, Jongdae has become more and more silent, holding back information, sharing only what he thought that was interesting to you, or worthy saying, at least that’s what you thought. You felt his change, but you wished that he wouldn’t do the same when in front of you.  
He seemed… Like he was doing the same you did before. He didn’t trust you like you didn’t trust him. 
“It’s just. Chanyeol did something, years ago, something that wasn’t really legal… Something really bad.”
 “What? He tried drugs?” You interrupt him, joking, but regret the same moment, seeing his face. That look he gave you, it chilled you. “Why is Kyungsoo taking care of it instead of Yixing or Minseok?” 
You hoped that Minseok wasn’t denying help because of you. 
“It’s a mess. As long as we can take care of it without lawyers, it’s better. Believe me. ” His grip on the wheel got tighter. You could see how white his knuckles got. “Let’s not talk about what happened. Focus on now. Someone knows what happened.” He starts gesticulating while driving. “If this person spills the beans, she will get in trouble too, but nothing compared to what Chanyeol could face. Kyungsoo was negotiating with her. Chanyeol is going there to know the news”. 
“So, someone is blackmailing Chanyeol?” 
“No, not him. She's blackmailing Junmyeon. Everyone. Us all. We knew it. Shit, I even helped. But Chanyeol is this person’s target.” Jongdae sighs, before continuing. He’s getting angry. “Just please, don’t think too much about it. It’s been so long, doesn’t matter anymore, anyway. We will take care of it”. 
“It seemed like it does matter”. 
“You know what matters?” His grip on the steering wheel got tighter. “Baekhyun seems to know the reason why Minseok was so furious at Chanyeol because of you, and I don’t”. 
“Can’t we leave Chanyeol out of a topic for once? It seems like he’s the only subject we have to talk about.” 
When Jongdae kept silent, you give up ignoring it. 
“Ugh. Baekhyun wasn't supposed to know. Chanyeol probably told him, you know how annoying he can get when he’s curious”. 
“So. What is it?” 
“It’s something that happened so long ago. I never expected Minseok to behave that way. So unnecessary, but it’s my fault. I should have kept silent”. 
You knew that changing the subject was not going to help you, and Jongdae wasn’t going to let you do it, but trying was still an option. Just talking about it made your chest ache, for many different reasons. Jongdae could end up being more angry at you than he already was! 
He stayed silent, still waiting for your explanation.
“Sorry I lied to you. I do know why Minseok was angry, sorry, Dae.” You pause for a moment, thinking carefully on your next words. “Before Chanyeol and Meri were a thing, things were different”. 
“How different?” You could feel the softness on his voice now. You didn’t have to voice it, he already understood. 
“It was a secret. Chanyeol and I.” Tears were forming on your eyes. All you didn’t cry on your best friend’s shoulder were here now, ready to embarrass you. “For two years”. 
Jongdae kept silent, thinking about what you just confessed. 
You felt relieved. Your best friend was no longer in the shadow, there was no reason to not tell everything now. You felt lighter.
“When he came to break whatever it was that we had, he was already seeing her. Chanyeol told me that. He didn’t care how I felt about it. He asked me to stay friends with him. And I stayed, for a year”. 
After a few minutes staring the road without looking at it, you realize that Jongdae already parked in front of the building. Your heart asked you to tell the whole truth but things were so ugly… You were not ready to have Jongdae knowing this side of you. 
“You’re quiet, but you don’t seem to be shocked”. 
“If we’re being honest here, it’s not really a surprise that something was going on between you two. Baekhyun and I… We kinda knew it, never knowing. We even guessed it once, before he was with Meri.” He pressed his forehead, looking stressed. “I always knew you felt something different when it came to Chanyeol. It was really obvious”. 
You sighed, recognizing the truth in his words. That was absolutely true. Everyone knew. Even kids at school used to joke about it. You always denied, and so did Chanyeol, but deep in your heart, you wanted him to stop kids from joking about your friendship and tell everyone he liked you, so you could finally assume your feelings.
Except he never did that. For years you thought he was just shy about it, but when he declared his love for Meri on his birthday, the truth came. He probably never even realized you had feelings for him. Child’s dream. 
“Baekhyun once mentioned that he thought Chanyeol looked different at you. That he commented something that picked his interest, but I didn’t really believe. You know how Baekhyun is. Even Junmyeon said something once. Knowing it was true is not really that shocking now”. 
Junmyeon? Your heart raced. 
He turned to you, but still not looking into your eyes. 
“But then he made all that scene for Meri. The guys even admitted they were wrong”. 
“You mean Chanyeol confessing his feelings for her at his birthday party? That was when it all started”. 
“What? How? I slept at his house that day”. 
You chuckle at his innocence. He really slept there, so did Baekhyun and Jongin. They stayed for an after party, that was what they called, and to mend Chanyeol’s broken heart, picking its pieces.
“Boys got so drunk that you all passed away in the living room. He was bored, wide awake, Chanyeol didn’t want to sleep yet, so he came to see if I was still awake. My parents didn’t see him coming in, but they caught him leaving. Didn’t you always wondered why dad still looks weird at Chanyeol?” You try to make a joke, but you only earn a smile from Jongdae. It looked almost like pity. 
“Please, don’t look at me like that. I loved him so much that I didn’t care about his silly crush on Meri. It was just it. A crush. We were friends for so long that I never thought he would leave me so easily, breaking my heart. I’m fine now”. 
You expected Jongdae to call you a liar. He didn’t, but you knew he knew. 
His expression wasn’t changing, and anxiety was consummating you. It was hard to breathe, so you tried to open the car’s window, but that wasn’t enough, so you opened the car’s door. 
You turned your whole body for outside, to catch air easily, and felt when his hands were caressing your hair, just like he had done back then, whenever you needed someone to just… Just be there. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Softness was back at his voice and you felt like going back on time. Maybe he was still the same Jongdae and you were still the same Y/N. 
“He wanted to keep it a secret. Always delaying it. Only when he told me about her that I understood his reasons. He never planned to stay”. 
At this point, there was no reason to hold your tears. You just let them fall, not able to endure the pain in your throat. 
He never planned on staying because his place was by her side. You cried harder, unsure if they were for your first heartbreak or guilty. 
Guilty was consummating you since you got back at the city. 
“I know I’m an idiot but, even if I could, I wouldn’t change that. I would change many things that I’ve done, but not loving him. But I hate him. Being friends again is almost killing me, Dae”. 
After calming down, your seat straight again and close the door. 
“I called off my engagement. I had to tell Minseok why I didn’t want Alec here. I like him, but I don’t feel like I deserve him. Not when I still have feelings for someone else”.
“Is that why Minseok was so mad at Chanyeol?”
“I had to tell him why to explain what I couldn’t explain to Alec. I just didn’t think he would take it to his heart. Do you think I did wrong?” 
He stood silent, just staring you. 
That was even more difficult than when you told Minseok. Your cousin got really angry at Chanyeol, but that was it. You were spared. Jongdae no. Jongdae was just silent, not showing any reaction. He was almost numb. 
“If you miss him, or think of giving him a real chance, call him. Invite him so we can meet the guy. You already said you've engaged anyway.” Then you finally feel his eyes staring you. “Or you think on trying something with Chanyeol?” 
“I didn’t break up with Alec because of that. I just want to make sure that I’m not doing to him the same that Chanyeol did to me”. 
“Y/N.” Jongdae calls for your attention. “If you feel like that, maybe you like him way more than you think. And people don’t deserve people. We can’t control feelings. If he likes you, there’s no such a thing as deserving”. 
Yes. Maybe you did like Alec more than you thought.
You entered the apartment, determined. You were going to call Alec and be nice to him. You wouldn’t rush and tell him to come already, but talking to Jongdae made you soften your heart and want to be nicer with him. 
“Were you crying?” Minseok surprises you, when you enter the kitchen, making you even forgot what you were going to pick. 
Your cousin is sitting in front of his laptop, wearing his work glasses. Carla nowhere to be seen. 
“It was nothing. I was talking to Jongdae”. 
“You’re really fine?” 
“Minseok, I think I’m gonna call Alec and tell him that I don’t want to break up with him. At least not yet”. 
The only other time you saw Minseok smiling so big was on his wedding day. Your heart felt warm, maybe you were finally doing things right.
“I’m glad you’re giving it a second thought”.
You were going back to your room when you remembered. 
"Why did you punch Chanyeol the first time?"
A laugh crossed his face, seeming to be a good memory. "That was a long time ago. Let's just say that at that time I also had a crush on Meri". 
@jjong-dae77 @portietomednalynn @xcharlottemikaelsonx
46 notes · View notes
thatsabae · 5 years
Salus - Chanyeol (mafia!au) | Chapter 1
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genre: romance/drama/angst
summary: The thought of being back home always tormented you, ever since you left. You thought about all possibilities, but not one where your ex-boyfriend would want to be your friend again, just like before all that mess, as if it would be easy to ignore how your heart still races just by seeing him.
prologue |
Later that day, you would remember how it felt looking at Chanyeol again. It felt warm, the same as it always were, but it also felt different. You couldn’t explain it with words. The same way that it was good, looking at his handsome face again, it was dangerous. Dangerous because of how much your heartbeat increased. 
Before Chanyeol had his chance to say his own ‘hi’ back, you felt Minseok’s hand pressing your arm, pulling you behind himself so fast that you had to hold onto him to not fall from your high heels. 
“Don’t!” He whispered, pointing his finger to Chanyeol’s face. You felt the world twisting, leaving you sick. “Stay there”. 
Everyone was shocked at his reaction. The last time they all saw each other, that was not the mood. They were all friends, if not, at least friendly. What could have changed?
“Minseok, what’s wrong with you?” You whisper angrily, trying to hold back your tears, these you couldn’t tell if were for embarrassment or the pain on your heart. “Please, stop, you’re making a scene.” You ask him, pulling his arm but not able to move him. He was so angry, you could feel his arm shaking.
“Don’t dare.” He simply said, in the same tone. The guys were confused, Minseok was not the kind to these reactions. They could expect something like this from anyone else, but never him. Never the smiley and sweet Minseok. He was the one to control everyone else’s temper during negotiations. The softest of them all. 
“Chanyeol…” Baekhyun tried to find words. “What did you do?” 
“What are you guys doing?” Junmyeon asked, his face red. You look at the other side of the saloon and find too many curious looks, staring all the scene he was making. And there’s Maria, worried. What a great first impression. You close your eyes, trying to pretend they do not exist. Breath.
Minseok seems to realize that too, so he put his hands down. 
“Chanyeol?” Baekhyun tried again, catching his attention. 
“I don’t know.” His eyes finally leaving you to stare at his friend. He looks confused. Shocked.
Your hold gets tighter on Minseok’s arm, nails craving on it, and you realize only when his hands force you to lose your grip.
Inspire, expire. No tears. 
He didn’t even know why would Minseok react like this. You take another look at his face, to be sure if he’s being honest and really don’t know or if he is just pretending, so the others wouldn’t ask anymore, making the whole situation get worse. What you see makes the pain grows bigger in your chest. Tears back in your eyes. 
Chanyeol is just as confused as the others.
It’s better like this. Breath, please. 
You can feel the salty flavor in your throat, left there by the tears you didn’t allow to leave your eyes. 
“Minseok, please…” 
“I have no idea what happened, but please, not here. Later.” Junmyeon whispered, with the voice that leaves no open space for any other saying. He was not asking. 
“Can we talk?” You almost miss Chanyeol asking, daring, realizing he was talking to you only because of Minseok’s body tensing again. 
You look at Carla, beside you, scared of how Minseok reacted. She never saw him this angry before, not even in their worst fights. You needed to do something, this was all your fault. You felt like a scared cat, that would do anything to take the next flight back home and hide under the bed. Just like you did these last eight years. 
Forcing a smile, you said: “I would love to talk with you, guys. I missed you all so much.” You look at your old friends' faces, pretending. Seeking help while running from Chanyeol.
Still not prepared for talking with them, you force yourself to walk into that balcony. Too much time spent in the ladies’ restroom, gaining time. You had your answers to most of their possible questions, but they were not good enough. They would never be enough to explain. 
“Where are the others?” 
“I shooed them away” Jongdae answered, rolling the cigarette on his lips. “Thought you wouldn’t be honest if they were here”. 
You chuckle, nervous. 
“What would I lie about, Jongdae?” 
Since when does he smoke?
“So many stuff. Starting from the reason about Minseok’s outbreak?” He offered you his cigarette and shoved it back into his mouth when he declined.
Your lungs were burning. Jongdae has always been the closest to you growing up, so you expected him to be the softest with you with questions. To at least try to be comprehensive.  
“How could I know that? Maybe one of the clients that Chanyeol sent him was a problem”. You felt the need to complete it. “You know how he is. He doesn’t like when his clients are too problematic”. 
“I see. Guess I was wrong, after all”. 
You sigh. 
“What did you thought?” You smile at him, trying to see his smile that you were so used to. It would help you calm down and think straight before answering. 
“That you wouldn’t lie to my face”. 
You had no words to reply, feeling like there was a steel knife on your windpipe. You could only face him the moment he passed through you, leaving behind the smell of his cigarette mixed with his favorite colony and alcohol. He still wore the same colony when you were both teenagers. 
“Are we still friends?” He paused at the door, before opening it and thought about your question. You couldn’t see his face, just his back, broader than how you remembered. Jongdae wasn’t a teenager anymore. 
“You will always be my best friend, no matter what, but it doesn’t look like I’m yours, Y/N. And it’s been a long time.” And he left you alone on the outside. Just you and the breeze. 
You couldn’t help thinking he was right. Before the very ending, he was not your best friend. Not anymore. That was Chanyeol’s position. There were things you just couldn’t talk to Jongdae but were so openly shared with Chanyeol.  At least Jongdae never left you. But you did it. You left him before and after, too. When things got too heavy, you didn’t think twice.
Junmyeon would have to forgive you, but it looked like you wouldn’t handle staying until the marriage day. Not that you felt welcome, anyway. 
You left the balcony too, to find Minseok and leave that party that felt like hell on Earth to you. 
“Good morning, Carla”.
Having breakfast was not something you looked forward to, never, and probably the worst part of your days, but living with two other people made you get used to at least sitting there before the work day start. Created a habit. Talk about useless things, interact. 
“Morning.” Her sad look worried you the same amount that made you feel guilty. Carla was always at her most happy state of mind. You would, very often, envy her. “He left just now. Office stuff to do with Junmyeon. I think he’s meeting Yixing after, at the office, contracts and boring conversations. We’ll have lunch alone today”. 
“I’m sorry. About that mess yesterday”. 
She took a sip of her coffee before looking at you, finally. 
“It’s not your fault, I know. It’s totally his”. 
“Don’t blame Minseok, please. He was just mad.” You try defending your cousin, but you knew this would be pointless. His wife was the most stubborn person you knew. 
“Not Minseok’s. He was right. Excessive? Maybe, but he wasn’t wrong”. 
Your mouth went dry, it was good that you were already seated. That was the first time that Carla made clear she knew, at least a little bit, about the whole mess with Chanyeol. You were the one mad at your cousin now. God have mercy on him because you wouldn’t.
You were not that silly to expect that his wife was still on the dark about it all, but you couldn’t help feeling fooled. You couldn’t even open up about it with Jongdae, or Alec, while Minseok simply told her how heartbroken you got after Chanyeol choose Meri instead of you.
“Will you visit your father today?” She asked, breaking your focus on her plate. You were probably staring it for way too long.
“I.” You started, not interested in keeping a conversation, but the doorbell caught your attention. “I’ll answer it”. 
You did not care who was at the door so early, it didn’t matter. You would thank the person for helping you to get out of there. You were hurt that Carla knew and you were not warned about it. How long did she know? Did she know it was very recently that you had stopped crying over it? Not that the night before counted.
Looking through the peephole, you find Baekhyun standing there, looking impatient and sleepy, as always. You were not in the mood to talk, but you opened the door anyway.
“How did you get inside the building?” 
“I’m an estate agent, don’t forget. I showed this apartment more times than I could remember. They all love me”. 
“You’re not that great if you couldn’t sell it”. 
You give him space to enter, but he didn’t move. 
“Is Minseok here?” He sounds tense, trying to look past you. Maybe afraid of the older one. You smiled. 
“Carla said he just left. Why?” Baekhyun seemed relieved and that worried you. 
“Then let’s go.” He pulled your hand. “Didn’t you say that you would love to chat with us?” His smile was ironic but you ignore it. “That’s your opportunity”. 
“Where are we going?” 
“To our favorite place in this whole big city.” You closed the door behind you, waving bye at Carla, that came to see what was taking so long. “Your father’s restaurant. He’s dying to talk to you”. 
You felt bad for leaving Carla all alone, but you were not ready to have that conversation yet. 
The moment you entered the restaurant, you felt silly for thinking that the ‘he’ Baekhyun mentioned was your father. You really had to make your legs work the moment you saw Chanyeol sitting at the most distant table with Sehun, chatting so casually. Like their world was not falling apart. 
While you waited for the waitress move so you could start walking again, you felt Baekhyun’s hands holding your arm. 
“If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me and we leave, okay? Don’t think I’m doing this because I want to.” He whispered to you. “You need to trust me, Y/N. I’ll always be your friend”. 
At that moment, you realized that Baekhyun knew it too. Of course, he would, Chanyeol and him were like hand and glove before. Things like this wouldn’t change. But there was no time to feel ashamed, you had to face something worst. 
Chanyeol got up so fast, the moment that you reached the table, that the chair would have fallen if Sehun wasn’t too quick holding it. 
Sehun, that wasn’t even legal when you moved, was the first to give you a hug. So tight, that you felt hope, you felt like things could get better. Maybe you could all be friends again, probably not like before, but… friendly.
“I’m glad you’re finally back”. 
You smile at him, trying to show you felt the same. 
“Jongdae didn’t want to come, right?” 
“He is…” Baekhyun tried to find a good excuse. “Busy with paperwork, you know, right? Many houses selling.” You saw on the news about how the market was doing terrible. 
Yeah. You understood. 
“Sehun, why don’t we wait outside?” Baekhyun called the younger. 
“What?” You felt the panic grows in you. “Why?” Realizing by their expressions, you add: “I mean, I thought you both wanted to talk to me too.” 
“We will. After.” Sehun just said, and you had nothing else to say, so they just left, leaving you alone with Chanyeol, except for the staff of the restaurant, getting ready for opening at lunch. 
The restaurant here was not very different from the one in China, that you’ve been administrating since you moved. You tried to make yourself worried about how things were going since you left, but your focus still was on the problem in front of you, literally. 
You sit, upset. Only then you realize that Chanyeol was silent the whole time and that you haven’t heard his voice for almost nine years, except for a few words the night before.
“I heard you are engaged. Jongdae told us last year”. 
Your pride didn’t let you deny. What use would it have? ‘Not anymore, seems like I couldn’t forget my first heartbreak after more than ten years’. 
“Yeah. But we don’t have the day yet”. 
“I’m happy for you. He must be a great guy”. 
“Alec is.” You feel a bitter taste in your tongue. “He’s also a lawyer. Works with Minseok”. 
There was no reason to add that, but you felt the need to. Showing off how great you were. Like you were not pitying yourself since he left you to be with Meri, thirteen years ago. Thinking like this, you felt you should seek help. You chuckle of the idea. 
Abroad, most of the times you didn’t even remember you had a different life, a different lover. It was just sometimes, an old memory that would happen to appear, uninvited. You didn’t need help, you need distance. 
“I’m not sure why Minseok is so angry at me”. 
“Neither do I.” You lie. “But you know how he is. When he’s stressed…” 
Chanyeol just nod, and you both stay silent. Not an awkward silence, but one of those that you know way too many secrets of the other one, so there’s nothing else to be said. 
“That’s what you wanted to say?” 
He looks at your eyes and you know your face is hot and red. Damn. 
“Actually… I just wanted.” He sighs. “I wonder why we are not friends anymore. I want it back”. 
“Oh.” You move uncomfortably in your sit. “I don’t know how to answer this. We never really had a point that we stopped being friends.” We just stopped being lovers. “You just… stopped calling. I know you were in a very bad time, but… You didn’t call me and I was mad…” 
“Give me one chance, to be your friend again. I can’t promise I won’t let you down again, but I promise I will do my best.” Chanyeol sighed and rubbed his eyes. “You have no idea how much I missed you these years. Someone to talk to. The guys… They never understood me like you did”.
He missed me. Like a friend.
“If you wanted to talk so badly, you could have called me, like you used to, before. You had my number. I never changed it”. 
“You know why I stopped calling you, Y/N”. 
He was right. You did. 
You didn’t feel cruel for saying it. He was the one being cruel, talking like it’s easy for you because he felt nothing at all. 
“I don’t.” You lied. “When I left eight years ago, I thought we were still friends.” You lied again, just wanting to hurt him, make him feel guilty. “We have grown now. I guess we must face the truth. We are not friends, and it may have been a lie back then, too”. 
Not wanting to face the cruel truth anymore, you left him and went outside, after Baekhyun. You were done talking and he promised to be your rescuer. Before your memories consummated you more, you needed to get out there.
Hi guys! My original plan was to only post it when the story was finished, but... Change of plans! I hope you guys like it and giving it love <3 
Also, I couldn't find the same gif, so I’ll try this one 😢
@jjong-dae77 @portietomednalynn @xcharlottemikaelsonx
70 notes · View notes
thatsabae · 5 years
Payback - Jungkook | Final Chapter
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genre: romance/comedy/friends-to-lovers
summary: “Revenge is sweet”, that’s what they say, and your plan is to find out if that statement is true. After finding out about your boyfriend’s infidelity, you seek after his lover’s boyfriend, cause mama always told you that sweets are better when shared. But first, you need to convince him to join you.
prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | chapter 11 | final
Jungkook: Almost there! [received: 07:48 p.m.]
Saying that your phase ‘pos-breakup’ was changing you was probably an overstatement. You were pretty much the same girl. You changed? Yes. But not really, if that even makes sense.  
It took you a few hours thinking about it after the whole chaos passed to make you realize what they meant when they said: “breakups are new chapters”. Life was full of chapters, each one leading you to a grand finale. 
At least you thought that the moment you ended things with Jordan. A new person, making changes and growing up.  
You were changing, yes, but you still had the same dreams and ideas. You would smile to the same things that used to make you smile. You still felt like there were butterflies at your stomach sometimes. 
“I want to study another language.” You told your parents the morning after the breakup. And then you told them that you already found a school for it. They never looked prouder than that day. 
You were trying and challenging yourself. You were growing, not only maturing but improving yourself. 
“We should ask Taehyung to bring something takeover.” You father said, without moving his eyes from the news on TV. “How about Chinese food?” 
“I prefer pizza.” Your mom said, by your side on the sofa, pausing the fruity game she was playing. 
That was Taehyung’s first day at Emes Publishing House and you were so proud of your brother, and so were your parents. 
But that didn’t make you less excited. 
Your parents knew you were seeing someone else right after ending things with your ex, but they haven’t met him. And Jungkook was coming with your brother. Not that your parents knew yet. 
A smile appeared in your face just because of the thought of him. 
Jungkook was great for you, comprehensive of taking things slowly but also being a constant presence the last month. 
You took two days before calling him. You wanted to be sure you were making the right decision. Not that you doubted your each-day-growing-more feelings for him, but you were not sure if jumping into another relationship was right for you at that moment. 
At first, you were afraid of what people would think. What your friends could think!
But the second day, you couldn’t wait anymore. You missed him. 
So what if you were pushing things too fast and way too hard? If Jungkook was so sure about his decision, you could be too. After your fiasco with Jordan, you knew that heartbreak was nothing careless. 
“What?” You ask, surprised, only know to notice your parents were staring you. 
“We were only wondering…” Your father mutes the tv before saying it. 
“Why would you be so dressed up for a dinner at home.” Your mom finishes the sentence. The fruity game no longer seen at her cellphone's screen. “You don’t have the excuse of work anymore”. 
“Ah. It’s just, we never know who might show up with Taehyung”.  
When the door was opened, you felt like saved by the bell. By the look in your mother’s face, you knew she was pretty pissed at you. 
But your relief soon vanished, seeing your brother standing next to the door, alone, with his pizza box. 
Taehyung just motioned outside with his head, and as quick as you could, you went there, finding Jungkook scratching his hands, walking back and forth. 
“Is there something wrong?” You whisper, worried about him. What if he decided to regret being with you the last minute? 
“No, I’m just…” He moved his hands to take his bangs from his eyes. “I’m nervous. I’m meeting your parents. Taehyung told me they are not expecting me”.
A smile emerged on your face. 
“That’s sweet and all, but the pizza is getting cold, let’s get inside”. 
“How can you be so confident? I’m sweating”. 
You look at his eyes, those brown and deep iris. Gosh, you were so in love with him that you felt like jumping around as if you were a kid. 
“I’m super nervous too.” You touch his smooth skin, Jungkook is clean-cut this day, as handsome as the first day you met him. “It’s just, I’m excited too. Thrilled. I want them to like you, and I know they will”. 
He still looked hesitant. Where did all his confidence go? 
“Jungkook, we faced much worst than my parents. I can’t accept that you’re gonna chicken out now. We’ve come so far.” You looked at him, pretending to be disappointed, but by his looks, you realized he was being serious. “They will love you. You’re great. The perfect son-in-law”. 
“You sure we’re not going too fast?” 
You didn’t feel like you needed to answer his question. Of course, you were. And if, for some unknown reason, you were not, you would have to be. You needed to be impulsive sometimes. That had already lead you to great achievements. 
Your head is moving, nodding, before you realize, your smile only growing bigger.
“Kiss me then. Give me some of your courage”. 
“As you wish”. 
His mouth felt like heaven. So soft and… Kissable. God, you loved kissing him, moving your hands through his dark hair, pulling it and leaning your body against his. You could kiss him the whole day and not get tired of it. Well, you actually did it before, so you knew first-hand it was true. 
“You’re both lucky that I decided to come to call you instead of dad.” 
Feeling like a kid that got caught, you step away from your boyfriend, ashamed. You could sense your lips swollen. 
When you finally decided to spy Taehyung’s face, he was already inside the house, left with the door open wide. His way to tell that next time wouldn’t be him calling you. 
“Was that enough?” You offer your hand to Jungkook, smiling at him. 
Hesitating for a moment, a shy smile appeared at his face when he took your hand. 
“Kissing you is never enough”. 
51 notes · View notes
thatsabae · 6 years
Payback - Jungkook | Chapter 8
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genre: romance/comedy/friends-to-lovers
summary: “Revenge is sweet”, that’s what they say, and your plan is to find out if that statement is true. After finding out about your boyfriend’s infidelity, you seek after his lover’s boyfriend, cause mama always told you that sweets are better when shared. But first, you need to convince him to join you.
prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | chapter 11 | final
Jungkook: Sorry, I didn’t check my phone earlier! [received: 10:38 a.m.]
Jungkook: The party went fine. Better than expected ;) [received: 10:38 a.m.]
Jungkook: I’m still here, helping [received: 10:41 a.m.]
Jungkook: If want, come around and we can have lunch tgt! [received: 10:42 a.m.] 
You feel anxious, looking at the yellow house in front of you. The night before was so easy to open and enter, then cause a scene, but right now, with its door wide open, it was hard to take another step. 
But you couldn’t really understand why. Your heart was beating so fast in your ribcage, your mouth was dry. Could it be because of Jungkook? 
Of course, it was. Why lie to yourself when you couldn’t even lie better? 
You wanted to see him. It didn’t matter if it was only to help them cleaning house after that crowded party, you just had this feeling. The feeling you get when you start a romance with someone, the excitement. The cab driver was probably right. You were falling for Jungkook. 
That would explain why so many emotions were going thought your heart while waiting outside Jin’s house. Shyness, anxiety, fear, self-consciousness. 
And that kiss… How should you act? 
“Oh, hey!” Jimin, the guy from yesterday, sees you standing there, like a fool, while he’s taking the garbage bag out. “Y/N, right?” 
“That’s right, Jimin.” You give him a smile. Did he see you standing there for so long? You felt yourself blushing.
“You’re coming in?” He passes you, taking the garbage bag to its place, on the sidewalk. You wait for him to come back before answering. 
“I guess. Jungkook is busy?” 
“As if. He’s lazy and hangover” He shares a big and warm smile. “You came alone?” 
You nod and notices the way he’s staring at you. 
“I see…” 
You start feeling weird with the way he’s looking at you. Almost like judging. You wonder how much he knows and how much he imagines.
“Listen. Yesterday was a mess. We didn’t know Calli was clueless to your…” His hands moved to his hair, he seemed nervous. “If we knew, if Jungkook had only… We wouldn’t have said anything”. 
“It’s okay, Jimin. Nothing is wrong. Why are you so upset?” 
“Oh. So you’re single too now? I confess I’m kinda relieved. We all are gonna be”. 
“I’m not. Why would think that?” 
Jimin pauses for a moment. You can see in his forehead how hard he is thinking. 
“We thought… Jungkook and Calli are not a thing anymore. We thought it was because of you”. 
“They split?” Jimin nods. “Why she broke up with him? Because she was jealous of me?” You wanted to laugh, but it was trouble to your plans.
“Uh. It was the opposite”. 
You wait for him to explain. You can sense anger boiling inside of you. 
“Jungkook broke up with her. In front of everyone”. 
Jimin doesn’t even finish what he was telling you, because you leave him, rushing inside the house. 
Jin’s house, without so many people, was beautiful. And wide. Really wide. If you were not in rush, you would’ve a joke and ask if Emes Publishing House was hiring. Or if Jin wanted a girlfriend, you were going to be single soon.
“Excuse me. Do you guys know where is Jungkook?” You ask two boys, cleaning the area around the couch. 
“He’s upstairs, with Jin.” Answers the one occupied of taking all the red cups from the floor. They both stare at you. “Ain’t you that girl…” But you don’t stay long enough to hear what they have to say. 
When you reach the second floor, you call his name. 
“We are here.” You hear Jungkook answering, in the last room of the corridor. Probably Jin’s.  
The door was open, and you find them laughing there. Both red from laughing so hard, and still with the same clothes they were wearing the night before. 
“He was just telling me what happened yesterday, Y/N! Now I want to hear your part of the after party.” Jin did not realize how mad you were. 
“I’ll tell you, Jin. But first, I need to understand why Jungkook broke up with Calli”. 
That’s when they realize and the laughs cease in less than an instant. 
“Actually, you can tell me later, babe. I think I heard Hoseok calling me downstairs”. 
You wait until Jin closes the door, to look back a Jungkook. 
“What?” He seems innocent like he doesn’t understand why it would be an issue. 
“What happened?” You can’t control the tone in your voice, so you almost yell at him. 
“Oh. I just told her that if she wanted to leave, she would do that alone. And she left.” He told you, sitting in bed. “We still haven’t talked”. 
You finally can breathe properly since you entered that house. 
“Thank God. It’s reversible”. 
“If you think that I’ll come back with her, you’re absolutely wrong”. 
It was too soon to think the trouble was solved. You can’t breathe properly again. 
“Excuse me? I thought you agreed with our plan? Why are you backing out now?” You know that your voice sounds high-pitched at this moment and you notice the way he presses his temples. Jimin said he was hungover and you remember how much he was drinking last night. It was pleasuring you that he was like this now. 
“You mean your plan? I did all you asked”. 
“Not, you did not. I made it clear as crystal that you were not supposed to break up with her yet. You really need to make it up, Jungkook, you still have time. Blame being drunk, I don’t know, just find a way”. 
You can hear Jungkook chucking, very low. until he looks at you. 
“I’m not changing my mind. If for you it’s okay to stay with an unfaithful person, for me it’s not. I feel disgusted”. 
That shocks you. He thought you were okay?
“Of course it’s not. I made it very clear why we are doing this”. 
“You did it. Only you. Since you told me the truth, three weeks ago, only now I can think straight and feel good with myself. I’m finally free from this misery”. 
“Jungkook, if you didn’t want to be part of the plan, you should have said so”. 
“I was curious, about her, the truth, about you and even about Jordan. I wanted to know who was the guy. To know if somehow he was better than me. Guess what, he’s not”. 
He laughs, getting up the bed. 
“I don’t really understand how that guy has a girlfriend so pretty and even has his side girlfriends. He must be really rich, right?” His hands move to his hair, making it even messier. You stay quiet and shocked at his outburst. “I don’t understand why you both would accept staying with that guy. He’s not even handsome, he’s equipment must be big. Not that you would know”. 
He looks straight in your eyes now, and you can see all the anger he was hiding these weeks now. His eyes are furious. More than yours.
“Actually, I understand it all now. Why you’re accepting it”. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Yeah. Since you’re not having sex with your boyfriend, he needed someone else. Pay attention, that’s the part Calli comes in.” He laughs, humorless while walking around the room. “They have a thing while he waits for you to give in,” He points a finger at you. “his lovely and virginal girlfriend, and while he’s having fun somewhere else. But, are you following my logic here?” 
You feel like slapping him, not once or twice, countless times, but you control your hands, wanting to know how far he would go into hurting your feelings. 
“Calli was fine with their deal for a while, but then she started feeling lonely. Jordan was not available the whole time, only when he was not with you, or when he wanted sex, so here comes Jungkook. I’m here to not only to cure her loneliness but also make Jordan jealous. Her perfect solution”.
Tears are forming on your eyes, but you hold them. If your heart were not broken because of Jordan, Jungkook would have done it that moment. 
You trusted him. That was the reason you felt comfortable enough to tell him something so in intimate of your relationship with Jordan. God, you trusted Jungkook, knowing him just three weeks, more than you had in all your relationship.  
The way you felt comfortable around him, you never felt with your boyfriend. With him, you always tried to be perfect, to look pretty and loving, caring. “Good morning, baby. Good night, honey”. While with Jungkook you felt that you were yourself again. Crazy and free. Young. Free to be yourself. 
Listening to his harsh words and ridiculous imagination, you realize that you shouldn’t have felt like this. He would use that to attack you the moment he could. He was a man, after all.
“Did you tell Calli something about these weeks?” 
You look at his eyes, there’s no humor there. You can see he’s just as hurt as you are, but it’s nothing you should care. 
“Good.” You turn around, ready to leave that room that suddenly looked so small, suffocating your thoughts, but you still have something to tell him, so you turn around again. “Listen. If you think that not having sex with my boyfriend is an excuse for him to cheat me, or threat doing it, you should be really worried. You’re having sex with Calli, but she still seeks my cheater boyfriend for sex”. 
You feel tears rolling down your face when you open the door, only to find standing there at the floor Jin and another boy, really close to the door, listening to your conversation. 
Great. It would pain Jungkook even more, his friends knowing that you implied he’s not good in sheets. Whatever. 
“Excuse me, please”. 
Jin’s eyes were shocked. He was probably expecting cheers and crazy laughs commemorating another step into the plan. Not such a silly fight. 
Monday again, almost a month since you started your plan. Just like a flash, your weekend was over. Not a weekend spent pitying yourself like that one almost two months ago, but an empty and boring one. 
After those words shared with Jungkook, neither of you exchanged any messages, the same with Jordan. All the messages you received were from friends or your cousin, Kimberly. 
This one that you were waiting for this moment, and was really late. She wanted updates too. 
“Are you coming soon? My lunchtime will be over”. 
“Almost there. You know I don’t really work that close. You should be glad that I’m the one coming”. 
You just stood there, sat, with a bored face, looking outside the glass wall of the building you worked. Staring the traffic outside, wondering what was going through everyone’s head. Were they only busy, or sad too? Was someone there really happy? What did they work with?
You notice her, looking and waving at you, outside the building. 
“See, I’m here.” She tells you, smiling but out of breath, a few minutes after ending the call. 
“Were you running?” You laugh. “Ew, you’re going back to work all sweaty”. 
Holding her arm, you start walking around looking for a quick place to eat. You had to be fast, or else you were going to be late and your boss was expecting a very important client in one hour. Your life was a mess, but work couldn’t be. 
“Hey, Y/N.” You hear Jungkook calling you when you reach the sidewalk. He’s coming from the opposite side. 
“You know him?” Kimberly asks you, while he gets closer. 
“He’s the boyfriend of that girl.” He’s close enough to listen. “Sorry, ex-boyfriend”. 
Your cousin seems excited to finally meet him. If your tone bothers Jungkook somehow, he does a good job hiding it. 
“Lunch time?” She confirms before you can even think of how to escape. “Mind if I join?” 
“Of course not. I was dying to finally meet you. I can’t believe she hid you for so long”. 
Not able to deny what she said, you just followed the current and made sure to sit by her side, leaving her to be in front of him. They were the one talking, anyway, and the less you would have to face him, better. 
You listen how happily Kimberly talks to Jungkook, about everything that’s related to the plan. Your plan. The plan he said with all words he couldn’t bear any more. 
That was so… frustrating.
The whole Sunday you were mad at him, at Jordan, at Calli. Not even Jin, that you met twice, escaped your angriness. But right now, looking at him, happily talking with your cousin, you didn’t feel like that anymore. You felt just like entering the conversation and forgetting all his harsh words. 
They were just words, right? He was just as sad as you were. Also, that didn’t really hurt you. You were stronger than that, you knew it wasn’t your fault if they were cheaters. What pained you was that he tried to use them against you. 
After finishing her lunch, your cousin had to run or else she would be late for work. 
Jungkook followed you while you were heading back to the building you worked at. You sighed. Each step you took, he took too.
“Hey. I’m sorry for what I said”. 
“I do not care”. 
“But I do. I didn’t mean those words. It’s not your fault. Not mine’s too. I confess I got mad at what you said, but you were right.” He chuckles. You try to not smile. Why is so hard to stay mad at him? “If it’s your fault, then it’s mine too. Mine’s bigger, actually”. 
Your face is less angry now, you can feel it and Jungkook seems to notice it too.
“Let me make up to you. For being mean”. 
“I don’t think you can do it”. 
“After your work. Can I come by?” 
“We’ll see, Jungkook. Bye”. 
You wave at him and enter the building. You were earlier, still having ten minutes, but you did not want to talk to him. You wanted to keep your first decision, staying strong and showing him he acted wrong. 
“Hey, Y/N.” The receptionist waved at you before you could pass your card to enter. 
“Hi, Mel!” You got closer. 
“Your boyfriend just left. I think if you go outside, you can still catch him”. 
“Jordan was here?” You ask her, surprised. 
Why would he appear at your work? He used to refuse even picking you up. “I’m busy, honey.” Always too busy for you. 
You sigh. 
“Yes. He was with a huge pack.” She sounded romantic. “How lucky you…”
“If you think so, you can have Jordan.” You’re not joking, but she doesn’t know and laughs.
“He said that he would come back after your work is over. I’m surprised that you didn’t meet him outside. He really just left”. 
Your heartbeat increases, so you look outside to check them. Neither Jungkook nor Jordan are outside. Was there the possibility of one of them seeing each other? Maybe both could have even exchanged looks. You hoped so.
If Jordan saw Jungkook there. That would mean…
That would mean that your plan was still following the right path. 
You fight with your bag, trying to find your cellphone, lost inside it. You regret keeping so many papers that people at the street give to you. The moment you find it, you don’t waste time. 
She said Jordan would come back, right? 
Y/N: I’ll be out of the office a little late today, but if you don’t mind waiting for me… [sent: 12:56 p.m. / read: -]
Y/N: We need to talk. [sent: 12:56 p.m. / read: -]
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thatsabae · 6 years
My Shelf:
# stories that have the same “au”, in most of the cases, are connected #
# if the links are not working, please tell me! #
#also, I have an account on Ko-Fi now. if you feel like helping, I would be grateful! #
[on construction] 
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thatsabae · 6 years
Continuum - Suho (mafia!au) | Prologue
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genre: drama/angst/romance
summary: Your friend's wish was for you to find her brother if anything happened to her, so he could take care of her daughter and you, but maybe his surroundings were not the most safe. 
prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | chapter 11 | final 
You nested the kid in your arms, remembering her mother’s words exactly. 
“If something ever happens to me…”
“What are you talking about? Nothing will happen to you, Meri” You laughed. 
“Oh dear, of course not, but, just in case, you should know that you must take Jude to my younger brother. He will make sure to take care of her. Of both of you”. 
How innocent you were at that time. You never considered her words, how real they could be. And now Meri is gone, all you have left is a toddler and a cellphone number- which, you don’t know if still works.
Maybe you were being egoistic, but you couldn't help wondering if her brother would really take care of you just like his sister did, of if he would only want Jude and you would be left on your own again. Or maybe worst, he wouldn't want both of you. 
Forget it. Of course you were being egoist, your boss, your friend, just died. 
Just take a deep breath and make the goddamn call, you thought to yourself. 
You were still nesting Jude to make she fall asleep when you started pressing the numbers written on that old note. When it started ringing, you couldn't help feeling relieved, the number still existed. 
“Hello” answered a male voice. 
“Uh, is this Junmyeon’s number?”
There was a pause after that. 
“How did you get this number?”
“Mr. Kim, my name is Y/N and I work for Meri, I mean… I’m so sorry, but I have terrible news for you, sir.” 
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thatsabae · 6 years
Continuum - Suho (mafia!au) | Final
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genre: drama/angst/romance
summary: Your friend’s wish was for you to find her brother if anything happened to her, so he could take care of her daughter and you, but maybe his surroundings were not the most safe.
prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | chapter 11 | final
“And, the last but not less important. Congratulations to you all. It’s been a long way, you were focused, dedicated and I know it was not easy, but it’s done already. You all did it. Wasn’t it fast?” Your professor pause for a moment, seeming to get emotional. “Congratulations, it was deserved. See you all at the graduation day”.
That’s how your last day at college ended.
Like your professor said, it was not an easy path, you spent too many nights awake, studying for finals, sadly it was not once that you had bad grades. There were times you felt like giving up, like you were not made for this. But you did it. You should be proud of yourself. 
It was hard to make friends again, you were the new girl, skipping the first year you already studied, and a couple years older than them, but people became so receptive and it was like you were with them since the beginning. 
Back there, you were scared that you were making the wrong choice and would regret it later. It was the very opposite. You were never so happy. 
“Hey, Y/N! Were you leaving without us?” Your friend, Gaby, called you when you reached the door. 
“Sorry.” You laugh, waiting for them. 
“So… What should we to do celebrate before the official one?” Your other friend asks you both. 
“Do you have any plans with your boy already?” Gaby asked you. 
“Uh, I don’t know yet. I’ll text you later”. 
You reached the gate and tell bye to your friends. 
You were so glad about your decision. That lead you exactly where you were. 
“Auntie!” You feel little arms around your legs and your smile grows bigger. 
“Baby. What are you doing here?”
She giggles, not letting you go. 
“I came to see you”. 
“Should’t you be at school right now?” You look at her, with severe eyes, but a warming smile. 
“Daddy said I could skip class today. I’m not lying, auntie.” She looks at you with her big round eyes. 
Jude still looks a lot like Junmyeon, just like when she was a baby, but her eyes… They were Chanyeol’s. She was so beautiful, so tall now. Thinking about it brought tears to your eyes. Your baby was so big now. Eight years. So much happened. 
“Where’s your ride, Jude?” 
You look around, trying to find her uncle. 
“Wondering about me? You were so caught up on Jude, I felt a little bit forgotten here.” Junmyeon said, making drama. 
Jude laughs at her uncle’s pout. 
“What’s the occasion? Why you both came to pick me up? I could meet you at home.”
“What do you mean? Your last day at college is not important enough for you? And to think that I even cancelled a meeting to do this.” 
You smile at your boyfriend before kissing him. 
“Let’s leave. We need to eat something before I take her back to school.” 
“Can we have ice cream and cake later?” Jude asks, jumping inside the car. 
“You had sore throat just two days ago.” You remind her.
“Let her do it, just today.” Junmyeon asks you, too. 
“Please auntie, I promise I won’t get sick again”. 
You laugh, sensing you lost this battle. 
“I can ask my dad. He will let me eat ice cream, anyway”. 
“She will sleep there, so we can celebrate.” Junmyeon explains to you, and you don’t miss his wink. 
Meri couldn’t have choose a better father. Jude and her father got so closer, he even suggested living with her once, but it would be hard with his lifestyle and raising her alone. Kids need attention, sadly, he wasn’t really prepared for that yet. 
She lived with Junmyeon and you, and on weekends stayed with him. He were there at every big moment of her life. Of course Jude missed her mother, more than she tells you, but all of you (even Junmyeon’s friends) were there for her.
Junmyeon and you were together. Officially, for years, even introducing parents already happened. You didn’t really think it would work out, what happened before really scared you, but it was all in the past now. 
He was not perfect, and it was hard at the beginning, but everything was solved. You both had to give in, adapting yourselves, growing together. Learning with each other. 
You were happy. Even your family could notice it. 
This was your family. 
There was a time you had bad feelings for Meri. It took a while for them to leave your heart, but now you could only be thankful for her. You missed her. A lot. She should be here, raising her daughter, with Chanyeol. Being happy. Doing what she most wanted.
But that’s not something you should focus. What happened, already happened. 
Your main focus now was enjoying this happiness the most you could, because you made the right choice. 
They were the right choice. 
@jjong-dae77 @takura-rin @sarrahgoode @ironirene @kingkimjunmyeon
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thatsabae · 6 years
GOT7′s shelf
# stories that have the same “au”, in most of the cases, are connected #
# if the links are not working, please tell me! #
Racing Hearts (racer!au)  |  only chapter
When your champion is a champion, he must receive his prize. [smut alert]
Fired (plus Jinyoung) | only chapter
Request: After losing your job, coming home is way better than what you expected. [smut alert]
Fired (plus Jaebum) | only chapter
Request: After losing your job, coming home is way better than what you expected. [smut alert]
Apartment 804 | only chapter
Finding a hot stranger just in a towel right in the middle of your apartment means you’re lucky, right? 
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thatsabae · 6 years
A little bit of flour - Jungkook (domestic!au)
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genre: fluffy
summary: your kitchen is about to be down if you do not hurry on getting out of bed. 
You wake up with a very loud noise coming outside your room. It’s cold without Jungkook, but just the thought of leaving the bed doesn't worth it. That’s when you hear that noise again. 
You really must leave bed before your lovely, but devoid on cooking skills, boyfriend breaks everything. 
“Oh honey, did I wake you?”
“No, my kitchen breaking did.” You try looking at the bowl he was holding. “Okay, tell me what are you trying to do”. 
“Just pancakes, but I confess they seemed easier on the recipe I saw online”. 
“Why it’s so fluid, baby? Did you add the right amount of flour?”
“I… guess?”
The pout formed on his lips was enough to make your heart melt. Why he had to be so adorable when he looked so sexy with his messy hair and a boxer shorts? 
“Let me finish it for you”. 
“No! You always cook for me, let me switch for a bit. Just tell me how much I need to add and I can put on the frying pan.”
“Okay, big boy. Just try not hurting yourself.”
“As you wish, Madam”
And with your help, Jungkook is able to mix the recipe and finish it without big problems, except the part where he forgot to take the spatula off the frying pan and when he took it, it burned his hand a little bit. 
“Try it and tell me how it tastes.” He asks you with big and hopeful eyes. “But please, an honest answer”. 
“Of course, baby.” So you take a bit, a little bit hesitant. You already knew he wasn't a very good cooker. “It tastes good. Just remember to add salt next time”. 
“If you keep complaining, all I’m gonna remember is to never cook for you again!”
“You wouldn’t punish me like this!” 
“Just try me.” He says, with a joking tone. 
You can't resist the impulse and, before you can even think, you just grab a bit of flour and throw at him making a big mess and getting him by surprise. 
After the shock, the grin on his face warns you to hide because he was going to seek for revenge. For your bad luck, he was faster, giving you a bath of flour too. 
You both stare at each other for a moment, until you start to laugh. 
“Thanks for the meal, baby. I really appreciate it”. 
“You don’t have to say thanks, honey” He gives you a chaste kiss. “You're the one doing the cleaning, after all. I cook, you clean”. And then, he starts laughing from the expression on your face. “Okay, I may help you”. 
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thatsabae · 6 years
{GITM} Salus - Chanyeol (mafia!au)
Here are some musics I use to inspire me writing! If you have any recommendation, I would love to know!
Check here Salus! 
fOoL fOr YoU by ZAYN
Why Won’t You Love Me by 5SOS
wRoNg by ZAYN (feat. Kehlani)
I Fancy You by Crush 
dRuNk by ZAYN
Lies by Marina and the Diamonds (the acoustic version, please)
sHe by ZAYN
Close by Nick Jonas (feat. Tove Lo)
Bermuda Triangle by ZICO (feat. DEAN and Crush)
None of My Business by Cher Lloyd 
Want You Back by 5SOS (acoustic version is good too)
Sweet Despair by Cher Lloyd
Jealous by Nick Jonas (feat. Tinashe) 
I Don’t Wanna Live Forever by ZAYN and Taylor Swift 
You and I by Crush 
TiO by Zayn 
The Hills by The Weeknd 
No Candle No Lights by Zayn (feat. Nicki Minaj)
#Well, basically everything Zayn says is included haha#
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