#the dialogue is the first of the tags smh
picavecalyx · 2 years
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pixlatedvampire · 4 days
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You gave those wounds to your god, Enki. Did you think they would heal so easily?
(Uh Oh! Someone gave the priest catholic guilt!)
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litteredcorpses · 2 years
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also here’s them being friends I also like this scribble n want to share it
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elvirable · 9 months
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[ Astarion x f!Reader/Tav ] | ao3 link
rating: explicit | word count: 3.7k | status: complete themes/tags: vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, creampie, feelings realization, denial of feelings, light angst at the end, you know the sex scene after the tiefling party?, yeah so this is it, with astarions pov, already catching feelings smh, smut is halfway through, just skip to after all early dialogue
Little did he know that evening, that was the beginning of his simple plan crumbling apart.
In other words: Astarion has been struggling to balance century-long instincts with newfound feelings, an undeniable connection. He carries out his simple little plan as intended, but meets complications he didn't quite expect. ----------- A/N: so i hung up my cod medals of honor to write this.. i've been playing for a month now. originally posted without proofreading, but its now edited for grammar and some terms -----
It was hard not to have fun around you.
Something of a child-like giddiness would buzz through his nerves whenever you sauntered over, his marbled red eyes wouldn't dare to miss a beat of the vision you were. Swaying hips and that deceivingly coy face. Of course, you were strikingly beautiful – a wickedly delectable sight – but that wasn’t the only source of his carnal anticipation.
It was just you, the enigmatic little thing you were. 
Admittedly, Astarion believed he had read you like an open book the moment he laid eyes on you. It was an instinct of his: gathering a cerebral repository of notable ticks and body language, facial twitches, and octave changes in those around him. Watchful, constant observations.
He had chalked you up to a sort of stoic character at first. Graceful, to a degree, in your manner of subtly balancing the world around you. A stable composure, quick and quiet without brash or idle chatter.. unlike that Gale. You were a less flagrantly repulsive hero-type crafted in his mind – but he had still expected you to be oh-so predictable with a shallow drive for self-emaciating ‘justice’. Whereas the others wore their baggage like a garment, you held your cards close to your chest – like a chameleon suddenly thrust into the spotlight.
Yet the sun rose and fell two or three times around the wilderness of Elturel, when he found himself pleasantly contradicted. He normally didn’t dedicate much attention towards someone he believed he so easily pegged, but his interest began to pique. Just enough to leave him sitting with an edge and a consuming desire to peer in closer. 
Maybe it was the way your mouth twitched into a quiet smile during his verbal antics on the road or the firm passiveness you held from the blighted village to the drama of Emerald Grove; an intoxicatingly confusing blend of traits you harbored. The closer he watched you, the less blurred you became. You didn’t fear being authentic and enforcing boundaries to those who attempted to use you – but you weren’t cruel; you met the world around you just as it was, without discrimination. No unnecessary harm, no free handouts either. 
Or perhaps it was your sarcastic remarks that stirred what little glee he had in him; an especially delicious and refreshing insight into your humor. While he could care to give a critical note or two on your lack of blatant cruelty, Astarion respected your compelling demeanor; he witnessed how all these companions turned their eyes so frequently to you with decision.
But what he did know for sure was the eye contact.
Gods, the first time your heads swiveled mid-strife and your gazes locked with a rich crackle – the memory alone was enough to stupefy him! Something strange stirred, something that didn’t sit comfortably. He didn’t know  what to make of it.
With all this said, that same sensation boiled inside his stomach as he mulled over his every interaction with you. He recalled that moment of midnight – when all was still and you had caught him prepared to taste your throat. Your wary stare pierced through him, washing away briefly the desperate pangs of blood-thirst and left him feeling.. nervous. 
Ugh, how he despised the feeling. 
He was sickened when all those ledgers of observations caved in on himself, caught in his pale throat. He had taken such an overwhelming liking to you – to the extent, he had realized, that he was drawn to your guidance, your approval; a repulsive frustration at the time enough to coil through his cold veins. Without much to say, however, he was adamantly relieved when you conceded and soon regularly allowed him to drink from your slender neck. 
His trail of thoughts glossed over your stifled grunts onto the following morning: when you came to his defense as everyone felt the need to chime in with their unfettered prejudices. And how his ease, his excitement around you became persistently potent – a fresh energy that filled him as you spurred on his teasings and whims. Astarion noticed your subtle release of your ever-strong walls, just enough so he could relish in your humor and affable side.
There was always a hesitation at doting on the sensation that rose inside him at these thoughts of you. He surmised he was merely back in the practice; where he spun honeyed words and charmingly guile eye contact, to wrap his target around his finger. Any little edge of control he could grasp onto, the familiar taste of influence he used to know so well. These habits of two hundred years were kicking in. He’d play the part and – sooner or later – this eagerness to please would be reversed onto you.
Whether it was his own willful denial or the culmination of fate’s ever-spinning thread, the first crumble began the night of the tiefling party.
Cool and clear was the star-freckled night. Everything was too merry for him: the wide-toothed grins of the tieflings, sharp strums of the lute, the chatter. Even the wine was downright awful, pungent and tart like vinegar. 
Astarion would’ve normally indulged in his bitter mood, but it was the sight of your drunken smile that diffused his prior desire to complain.
How interesting, he thought as his eyes lapped up your squinted grin and eased laughter. It was helplessly infectious to see you so earnest, casually prattling on in conversation throughout the camp. 
Red eyes followed while you made your rounds, encouraging the tiefling’s dancing lights spell and conversing with the bard. Astarion even raised a brow at the playful expression that washed over your face as you spoke to the hulking druid by the name of Halsin.  When you strolled over to Shadowheart and he caught that carefully provocative glint in the raven-haired cleric’s eyes – a chord of jealousy grew taut inside his chest.
He had half the mind to feel insulted that you hadn’t wandered in his direction yet, but that was quickly dispersed when he noticed you dismiss yourself and head towards a wooden crate near the riverfront. 
Almost like a shadow, Astarion swept in your direction. Whether it was to merely take in your smile up close or to put his plan in motion, he settled on the latter. You were rifling through the crate that held what could barely pass as wine, muttering a quiet curse about the little tiefling probably pocketing a bottle or two.
“Here’s my little treat with her cheeks all flushed,” the words dripped from his mouth with a sweet cadence. “You will come to my bed tonight, won’t you?”
You swiveled at the sound of his voice, raised brow accompanying your hazy smile. The influence of wine lowered your usual wariness, and he caught the realization flutter across your face; there was no constitution in attempting to act reserved, especially with the rapport you two had grown. Amusement was written all over your face, hardly concealed – you had decided to play along.
“A little treat? You can do better than that.” 
“Oh, I certainly can. It would be my pleasure.”
He leaned closer, half-lidded eyes darkening and breath heavy with a mischievous delight. You watched him expectantly, reveling in what would pour from his lips.
“How about this one,” he loosened his posture, as if you both were stowed away from the entire world instead of dawdling along the outskirts of the shoddy camp. “All these accolades from the tieflings are nothing compared to the sound of my name, cried from your lips.”
Astarion watched the smile further spread across your soft lips, the wickedly sweet crinkle in your eyes while you crossed your arms. An exhilaration rose underneath his suave demeanor, even the bemused snicker invigorating.
“Is that the best you can do?” came your quick quip.
“Hmm, let me give it another go,” his voice was thick with arousal, a hungry glint in his eyes. “Every part of your perfect body whispers temptation – it’s as if the Gods made you just to ruin me.” 
His words clung to the air for a moment. The deliberate onslaught of poetic pleasantries laced with such ardent lust, the hum of the wine – Astarion studied your face swirling in thought. Heat had built up from the lower half of your body up to your cheeks, a quiet neediness wavering in your stance and threatened to boil to the surface of your skin.
Gods, you were thinking, it had been the longest time and you’ve been touch-starved.. more so under the urgency of all the trouble you had been thrust into. You never trusted a pretty boy, but you'd be damned if his flowered prose didn't stir something in you; you had never been the subject of such pursuits, real or not. Desire rushed through you, coiling in your stomach.
There was a beckoning in his eyes as they clutched onto yours, imporing you to draw closer, and his boyish features were even more alluring when caressed by the moon’s glow. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to trust those flowery words. They were tinted with an air of rehearse.
“Did these really work on Cazador’s targets?”
“Well, they’re working on you, aren’t they?”
A mild bashfulness buzzed through the warmth on your cheeks, as you couldn’t really deny it. 
“How about if I said these little words… everyone’s favorite,” Astarion continued, pausing for effect.
“I love you.”
Sly amusement colored his face. He had succeeded in riling up the intrinsic urge, no matter how much you tried to conceal it. How adorable you were when your gaze fluttered briefly.
“Having fun, are you?” you observed, smile holding on your lips.
As he had mused earlier, he was. It was hard not to whenever around you.  
Festivities settled down, the entire camp fast asleep once the wine crate had emptied and bellies were full. Only the chittering of crickets could be heard amongst the trees.
The forest, usually dressed in potent darkness, stilled beneath the moonlight. A serene, subtle beauty of the night – one Astarion was very accustomed to knowing, to living . He had done this so many times it had become second nature – the salacious rendezvous, the secrecy and fleeting thrill of them all. 
He had contemplated before, the image of you melting in the throes of pleasure. He wondered whether you preferred his hands gentle or rough, what sounds would dribble from your lips – if they sounded as sweet as you tasted. 
Though nothing could prepare him for the reality, which far surpassed fantasy; the pretty little thing you were, bare figure caressed by the lowlight, slowly making your way towards him.
“There you are. I’ve been waiting.”
You offered him a coy smile, cheeks still warm and rosy. An ache rushed between your legs at the sight of him sauntering forward, his well-formed broad physique. Lean, yet muscular – and the soft details of his appearance; the crease of laughter lines, the curl of his lashes. Just the anticipation of it all served enough to make you wet.
“Waiting since the moment I set eyes on you. Waiting to have you,” he leaned closer, desire coating every syllable.
“You don’t have me yet,” you matched the pulse of his words, emanating a playfulness to goad him on further.
Greedy lips suddenly met yours, and you were pressed against the tree trunk. His palms gripped the back of your thighs, swift dexterity almost catching you off guard. You instantly melted, like a puddle, in his grasp; your soft lips just as eager, skin aching and impatient for his touch. You never realized how sensitive you were, how truly touch-starved until you fought the gasp that escaped your throat.
Astarion didn’t waste a beat, carefully laying you onto the grass below while he drawled slow kisses along the curve of your neck. Fervent yearning permeated from your skin; you wanted more, and he was prepared to give you everything .
He drank in the sight of your arousal, eager to please you yet potently roused from the position he was in: you were such a delectably pretty thing sprawled beneath his weight, completely bare and vulnerable. Wide eyes bashfully beckoning him to just taste you.
“Part those precious legs for me, beautiful.” He directed, his voice less of a growl this time – instead more sweet. Soft. 
You could feel your face heat up further at his words, following his command without hesitation. Tender hands trailed along the soft skin of your thigh, his intense eyes briefly leaving yours to watch his fingers lingered over your folds – you were glistening with slick , fevered arousal.
“Oh my, you’re already so wet for me.”
His voice was almost a whisper now, as a keen excitement rushed through his veins. A twitch pressed against his briefs, his cock already hard and eager especially when his eyes darted towards your rosy. So willing, ready to indulge his every whim. For a moment, he settled in your vulnerability – a sight he didn't expect to see. You were always full of such delicious surprises.
He shook the thought from his mind, allowing a sly smile to return to his lips.
“Who knew you were so needy?”
Your cheeks flushed, timid lips scrambling to form a defensive retort before he slipped two fingers inside. Only a quiet gasp left your mouth as your soaking warmth struggled to adjust, tightening around his digits. You were barely able to comprehend the words he said, instinctively bucking your hips.
“ Astar ..” your breath hitched before you could even finish, when his fingers began a slow pace. Teasingly slow, you would beckon, but there was nothing you could even fathom whispering anymore. Your walls began to clench, eager to receive his unwavering attention.
Hums of pleasure pulsed through your every nerve, rapidly as he fastened the curling pace of his fingers. Every hitched and quiet whimper encouraged him, his palm soaked with your slick. He relished the sight of your round breasts rising and falling feverishly, your heat clenched around him – his cock further hardened, precum no doubt pooling on the fabric of his briefs. 
All you could manage was to focus on the pleasure mounting between your legs, thighs now quivering with anticipation. His thumb slid up to your swollen clit, never breaking pace, to draw teasingly slow circles. He adjusted his weight to lean closer to your face, the sudden attention causing an overwhelming shyness to press your eyes shut. Your thighs trembled more now while his fingers beckoned and lured your pleasure to spur closer and closer.
“Look at me,” he whispered, his voice the gentlest you’ve ever heard. 
He couldn’t place the sensation – of feeling entranced in a sense, when whimpers of pleasure fumbled from your beautiful lips. Astarion almost felt lost, nearly mesmerized, when you kept those pretty eyes trained on his. He could feel his eyes soften at your vulnerable stare, and all at once everything inside him craved to slide into your warmth. To feel you melt into him, to hit every right spot to make you sing, for every sweet prayer cascading from your lips to be for him.
“Mmf..” You were left in a sudden foggy haze, a mix of pleasure and confusion when he abruptly withdrew his fingers. You couldn’t fathom any words to speak, only furrowed your brows in a hazed and disorientated manner.
“I’m sorry, love.” His breathless laugh seemed dazed before the low, heaviness returned to his tone, “You were practically just begging with those lovely eyes of yours.”
He leaned downwards to plant soft, reassuringly delicate pecks across the nape of your neck; each a mantra to affection, leaving a buzz in their wake. Carefully he peeled down his briefs with a wasted moment to rub his eager cock against your slick warmth.
Your moans sounded even sweeter closer to his ear, and a delighted sigh pressed from his lips onto your skin. His throbbing cock was met with some resistance as the length and girth was suffocated by your tightening walls, warm spasms at the sensation being filled. 
A guttural, low moan hummed from his throat. Fuck, you were so perfectly tight.
His cock pulsed at the sudden attention, aching with pleasure and a warm buzz radiating through his skin. He paused for a moment, needing to relish every second it felt to be now pressed so deep inside you. The softness of your skin, delicate cues of pleasure washing over your face, how your warm walls enveloped his cock.
You moaned as he pushed more of his length inside your needy warmth, tears beginning to well up in the corner of your eyes. Pleasure and slight pain blurred, the tip of his cock almost pressed against your soft cervix and a rouse of heat traveling up your spine. 
His hands gripped the globes of your ass to adjust his leverage, slowly but deliberately digging his hips against yours with each thrust. His body was achingly ready, alive with frantic urge. He was incapable of any pretty words to whisper, tangled groans replacing his usual velvet tongue.
As he pounded quicker into your warmth, your pulsating soft walls sucked his cock tighter and deeper with each buckle. He nestled his head into the nape of your neck. Sweat formed on his pale forehead as he wrestled with his restraint, his cock stroking in and out, hitting pleasure points you never knew existed and relishing in your shameless cries – desperate for him.
Soft, warm pleasure unraveled across you in hot waves. If you had the mind, you could only hope that no one could hear you two – the sounds and wet smacks of his skin colliding against yours – but all you could do was turn your pleasured cries and whimpers into soundless gasps.
Your lips parted, hips bucking before your back arched from the ground. Every fiber of your body attempted to get closer to him, and his to you. Of some act of grace, your hand caressed his face, lifting him to face yours.
Oh, how he wanted to melt right there. 
Eager eyes met each other, brows furrowing together into a soft, tender stare. Astarion’s hips began to buck erratically for a moment as he struggled to regain his resolve. Once steadied, he continued to bury deeper into you in every perfect way. You were clenched so tightly, so divinely around him while his name trickled as a whisper from your lips. 
“You – fuck .. “ you couldn’t be bothered to form a proper sentence, every whim of comprehension overwhelmed by new heights of white pleasure. You were lulled into a stupor, and his grip tightened at your garbled pleas.
“Thaaat’s it,” Astarion practically begged, voice ragged, his eyes never leaving your beautiful face as it twisted with sweet expressions. An eagerness gnawed inside him, to push you to the edge of your pleasures. You were so perfect while you cried his name, taking all of him so well. 
“Come for me, sweet girl –” Hushed and delicate was his tone, only causing you to surrender any inhibition.
Heat wound tightly in your abdomen, lashes wet with the tears trailing down your warm face. Every nerve was wound so tight, finally snapping into a rush of white hot pleasure that left your skin flushed and tingling. You tried to whine out his name, but it spilled out into broken gasps as you reached your fingers to grip his silver curls. 
His hips began to stagger, riding out your pleasure until he could no longer postpone the succumb to pleasure. They lost their rhythm, and a low moan rumbled from his throat as he surrendered to the overwhelming sensation of your tightening walls, pressing into you.
You could feel his cock throbbing in you, as your nerves are slow to fizzle from the glowing buzz, and it swelled. Your slick walls were overstimulated nearly by his desperate, choppy thrusts before a cry escapes his lips – his cum flooded into you, thick and hot. He felt waves of warmth, so real and alive. So helplessly right.
The air was silent, as you both collected your breaths in hurried gasps. Astarion peeled his weight off of you only to roll onto his back, by your side. Your body felt light and completely slack, almost boneless as you sunk into the earth underneath you. Aftershocks of pleasure still rippled throughout your nerves. 
Both of you laid sweaty, flushed, exhausted, lacking the energy to care. You broke the silence with a wobble in your voice.
“Fuck, you came inside me..” you stated the obvious, reeling from pulsing nerves and vision hazy. 
“I’m sure the druids have something that’ll take care of that..” Astarion said breathlessly, extending an arm to wipe the sweat glistening off his forehead. 
He waited for a quiet laugh or a retort, but neither came.
Turning his head, he was met with the vision of your exhausted figure fast asleep. Slowly your chest rose and fell, face at ease – a vulnerability he had only seen when you were in deep sleep, if you weren't tossing and turning.
The quiet sat with him while he attempted to gather his thoughts, his experience. He had seen an entirely different side of you – exposed delicate. Part of his conscience pooled with guilt. 
He had a plan. A nice simple plan. It wasn’t foreign to casually bed strangers, seducing and manipulating them into following his every whim. Hells, this had been routine for two hundred years . The count was lost on how many nights he spent using people like ragdolls, only to be lured back into the hands of Cazador.
Astarion returned his gaze to the stars glistening above, attempting his best at reducing it to the odd circumstances or perhaps he was simply out of practice. 
Regardless – even if it was more than a fluke – he had already fucked things up. The thought felt tainted now, uneasy and riddled with remorse. 
Little did he know that evening, that was the beginning of his plan crumbling apart.
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2knightt · 2 months
CANT HOLD IT IN ANY LONGER!!! i’m utterly obsessed with the curtis brothers.
idk if u do this, but if u can, the curtis brothers with a reader who’s super down bad for them? they make it so clear, too. constantly doing everything for them, making food, buying snacks, just utterly everything. compliments, holding their hand religiously … yk.
୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ you know i’m a fool for you. ⋄ 𓍯
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…IN WHICH! you think the curtis brothers are the only men on the planet.
tags/warnings: swearing(on my end/once during dialogue.) reader being slightly overprotective or insane, mentions of reader getting hit on, mentions of reader leaving lip stick stains, me not knowing what to write for darry.
ೃauthor notes⁀➷ i’m using ny other accounts layout bc i can’t be bothered rn. also i’m here to feed y’all i’ve noticed the outsiders x reader tag is lowkey dry asl.
Ponyboy Curtis:
like actually. he is TWEAKING AT ALL TIMES! when you first like started complimenting him, showering him in kisses, giggling n’ shit—he thought it was a one time thing.
ponyboy just thought he’d have to thug that shit out once a week or something. he was, in-fact, pleasantly surprised when you continued to do it.
“you’re so-mwah-cute! i wish-mwah-i could-mwah-hold you forever!”
he’s so flustered omfg like actually he’s beet red LMFAOOO. if you were to put your fingers to his forehead it’d be so hot. like ponyboy’s avoiding eye contact, his lips are tightened, etc.
if he were to stay the night at your place—you make him all types of food. like, food he’d never heard of. or food he’d dream about after eating bologna for a week,
“for me? …really?”
“mhm! c’mon, don’t let it get cold now.”
ponyboy is DIGGING RIGHT THE FUCK IN. okay he is SCARFING THAT DOWN. after he’d be a little embarrassed of how quickly he ate but like you just took it as a good thing.
thinks you’re the best cook ever tbh. gordan ramsey has nothing on you type levels.
going on a walk with him to go grocery shopping for the curtis house with your hands intertwined and letting ponyboy ramble about this annoying substitute he had!!! IT’S REAL!!! ALL OF IT!!!
“n’ then he tried to tell me my answer was wrong when i studied last night—I EVEN ASKED MY FRIENDS. so, i know it was right. i just think mr. johnson had a personal vendetta against me.”
“smh…i could do slash his tires if you’d like♡!”
he’d like holding your sleeve or the hem of your shirt as you walk around, looking more awkward above all else.
uwahh showering ponyboy in compliments late at night when it’s just the two of you, twirling his hair as you hold him closer!!!
“you’re hair is so pretty. it’s so soft…i dunno why you put grease in it. if i was you—i’d never let anyone touch it.”
“i don’t. i only let you.”
ur friends are soooo sick of you talking about ponyboy LMFAOOOO like actually. every time you go, ‘omfg did i tell you guys, he-‘ they know to just let you mindlessly ramble.
“and then ponyboy read to me ‘til i fell asleep! he’s so sweet—i dunno how he’s real!”
“i dunno how you’re so whipped.”
“he must be the funniest motherfucker on the planet if y/n’s this obsessed.”
Sodapop Curtis
HE’S usually the whipped one in the relationship…he felt both extremely lucky and threatened when you started attacking him with kisses…
“you’re so handsome. i’m just the luckiest person on earth—ain’t i?”
“why’d you say it like that?😞”
“cause I’M the luckiest person on the earth…I’M supposed to be tellin’ you this…”
but as time goes on—he does take the loss and accepts you’re better at him. for now. it’s only a matter of seconds until sodapop thinks of something insane to show his love for you.
anyways! IMAGINE COOKING WITH HIM OHHHH NY GODDDDD /?:&$:&: he just mainly stands there and looks pretty as he asks what you’re doing but SHHH. HE’S MORAL SUPPORT.
“i’m chopping onions for the flavour, honey.”
“you don’t like onions, though?”
“i don’t like the crunch rather than the flavou—YOU REMEMBERED I DON’T LIKE ONIONS??☹️☹️”
“of course i would!”
gladly holds ur hand 24/7. i’m not kidding. you two are like super magnets. HEHEHE IMAGINE HIM DRIVING WITH ONE HAND ON THE WHEEL AND HIS OTHER HAND HOLDING YOURS!!/!2!
you do take him grocery shopping. only sometimes, though. he only buys junk food rather than actual food.
“can i get these? please?”
“you already have two bags of chips in the cart, soda.”
“SIGH…get them.”
knows you can’t say no to him and that’s like the only time he uses it to his advantage.
soc’s do hit on you under the premise of ‘showing you how a real man is supposed to spoil a lady like you.’ HOWEVER, you look at them like they’re aliens.
“hey, baby. what’re you doin’ around here?”
they’re shocked above all else as they see you turn away from them and quickly walk away without looking back. AND WOOO SODA IS SO PROUD.
Darry Curtis
the gang acts like you two are constantly fighting whenever you start to look at darry with that sparkle in your eyes.
“what the hell are you on about, soda?”
“you’re scaring pony!” “don’t bring me into this.”
“mind you’re own business, soda.”
“y/n, please. these are for my house.”
“so?? my wallet was out first.”
“that doesn’t mean anything. baby, i’m telling you, i’m paying.”
“too late, i already handed the cashier the money.”
you cook and clean for the curtis’ to take something off of darry’s back out of the kindness in your heart and totally not because you want him to pay more attention to you!! NEVER!!
but you do enjoy the fact that darry has more time to sit down and pay attention to you! and darry really likes the extra time he has!!
“you didn’t have to.”
“yes i did! you’ve been so stressed out, it’s the least i could do for you.”
“you’re such a treat, y’know.”
“mh. only f’you.”
you FORCE him to hold your hand. sometimes he forgets that he’s supposed to hold your hand in public so do NOT BE AFRAID TO GRAB IT YOURSELF.
but once you do, darry is the last person to let go. maybe to wrap an arm around your hip—BUT THAT’S IT.
teehee leaving lipstick stains on his white t-shirt accidentally🫶🫶!! it’s all so real to me!! sure, darry’s a little annoyed but it’s okay! he can never be mad at you!
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rosesaints · 11 months
do you have any miguel fic recs😭i’m running out of good ones
this is too real! i actually don’t read many other miguel o’hara fics but here’s a few that i’ve really enjoyed on ao3 :)
For the Archives — Alkhale
this one is so freakin’ funny!!! it is genuinely one of the most thoughtful, creative, and character-driven fics on the miguel o’hara tag. i’m such a big fan of this work, you don’t even understand 😚
Oh, Lover. — wanderwithme (wanderlustt)
wanderlustt is one of those authors who genuinely pulls you in and writes a compelling story no matter the plot, no matter the character, so i was over the moon when i found out that they had a miguel o’hara work! such a big big fan of this author and the first chapter of help wanted was heavily inspired by one of their other works (they were friends). i highly HIGHLY recommend giving this a read, it’s also completed!
if you want to give (give me all you can give) — lycorisradiant
ugh, genuinely obsessed with this one. it’s inspired by the couch sex scene from chapter five and features really good dialogue, as well as just some delicious smut. give this one a read! it won’t let me add a link smh
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sssammich · 2 months
fanfic writer questions
Thanks for the tag, @foibles-fables
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
i'm at 122 right now (wahoo!)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
794,634 (i am on a mission to 1 million in the next couple of years)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
well i've been around many a fandom block, but i'd say for current brainrot:
supergirl (mostly supercorp, but i have a smattering of rare pairs because women, amirite?)
swan queen
bumbleby (i also still have so many rosebird dreams i'll get there someday)
makayuro (with a smattering of rare pairs also because women, amirite?)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
well unsurprisingly, ever since plopping down on supercorp fandom, the numbers have been from there. but shoutout to my victorious fic from 2012 holding strong lol
evergreen, closest i get, not for nothing, you've got mail, and one way or another
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes yes absolutely!! sometimes i am late and sometimes i just leave it in there so i can have it stay unread but anyway i try to respond and i appreciate everyone who sends them to me. i have historically been a oneshot writer so it's been nice also to get comments on wips!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh shoot angstiest ending?? well i think i would say my supercorptober ficlet about memory loss of sorts might tick that (it ends kinda idk open but not bad, i will say)
but then there's also this one old soccer RPF i wrote that's more, idk, poetry than any real fic about one of them leaving lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the happiest ending? i mean all of them, i reckon. if they end up together or have a promise of together then they count lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
uhhh none that i've seen? i mean if it's in the comments, no? but if it's elsewhere, then also no? i have been fortunate in that way
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
uh i reckon comedy smut for now (read DickFic here) but the day is young and my doc is empty so who's to say
but i have dreams for some sad smut because i'd like to develop the range LMAO
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
surprisingly, i do not. what i instead do is just little spin through five fandoms at any given time and just confuse myself that way
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
unfortunately yes. twice now. once was for my victorious fic that was used for a 5th harmony RPF lmaooo
and then on thanksgiving weekend, the first chapter of Crepe AU was posted by an anonymous for a The Wilds ship (but my friends rallied to get it taken down so i didn't have to send a takedown form to ao3 while i was traveling home)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope but that would be totally rad
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i love fic writing group work so yes! i have a series of sad angsty women that i have with my best friend in my revue starlight fandom, and then, of course, @sideguitars and i have 'humans in the storeroom' (that reminds me it's my turn to write the next part smh)
i also like jumping into writing sprints or writing exercises with folks (like a round robin)
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
let's not do this, i shan't pick amongst my children
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
so far all my wips are things i wanna finish and will do my best to finish. i have a couple of retired wips that will just sit in my ao3 forever and i have made peace with them, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i wanna say characterization, pacing, emotional resonance, and a simple and natural writing style maybe
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action?? plot??? proper AUs lmao
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i do not because i find i butcher it and also then i cringe lmao
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh written for but never posted? hermione/ginny
posted for? god probably All My Children (bianca and maggie) when i was like a teenager hahahahaha
20. Favorite fic you've written?
sorry no can do i love them all because i wrote them and there are so many things i enjoy about them. but i will say that the writing events circuit i've done this past year (supercorp bigbang, bumbleby big bang, and swan queen winter solstice) are born out of a lot of labor of love and i'm really proud of the work i've done for them.
and not for a writing event, but i am also extremely proud of re:live for mayakuro fandom-- that one makes me think that if i never wrote for that fandom again, that that's a really good fic to end on)
No-pressure tags, of course: @sideguitars, @eqt-95, @fazedlight, @luthordamnvers, @vox-ex, and @waytooinvested
(yall have probably done this before but here it just in case!)
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six-demon-bag · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @zsparz!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 186 (some anon)
2. What's your total ao3 word count? around 1.1 million
3. What fandoms do you write for? MCU, The Cloverfield Paradox aka Schmidty, and other Brühl films
4. Top five fics by kudos: uhghhhgh i hide stats for a reason!! top 2:
Efficiency (Teen Wolf, steter) know you got my blood running (MCU, winterwalker)
5. Do you respond to comments? yepperrss! do my responses always make sense? no
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? hmm. I have a couple that would be angsty but. well heres three, all winterbaron:
even in the silence i can hear your song and nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have when you can’t dream, well, what’s life mean?
wow song lyric titles. huhh look at that . eheheh
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? man, i don’t know. most of them have happy endings, but i suppose you could say the ones where i torment the characters make for the happier endings? here's two i saw while scrolling bc my memory for my own fics is a sieve (both winterbaron)
maybe it’s the moonlight (mixed with carnal insight) love me while your wrists are bound
oops gave up looking. whatever
8. Do you get hate on fics? only once! it was pathetic. i expected better with all the trash i write, and i only get that lame shit? smh. cmon put some effort in doens't anyone want to work anymore
9. Do you write smut? u kno it
10. Craziest crossover: Dirk Brûleé x Lutz Heck
if you must look: Mustache Miscalculation
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but I was podficced!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but sometimes I think I should start tagging ves as a cowriter for some of these lutz works lmao
14. All time favorite ship? i am disloyal and flighty. cloverbaron
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? uhh. maybe that mafia thing i started writing a couple months ago. ah well
16. What are your writing strengths? smut. >:3
17. What are your writing weaknesses? plot.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? it’s fun if used sparingly, otherwise it gets annoying as a reader tbh. i don’t write it at all. i think.
19. First fandom you wrote in? MCU
20. Favorite fic you've written? aosfbjdakncl
i do actually love how know you got my blood running turned out. and Cover Charge, .and HYDRA Tupperware Party that was more than one whatever
i adore all of my schmidty fics obv.
No pressure tagging, in case any of you felt like it, and of course anyone else!: @hiddenxplaces-blog @tales-from-a-maphia-don @winterbonesthings @the-ravening @thepiper0fhameln @ex0rin
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stackthedeck · 2 years
currently begging for any spideydevil fic recs,
i’m so sick of searching and only finding fics where it’s tom hollands spidey and there’s a weird age gap, or it’s actually a platonic fic where matt’s his father figure but it was tagged as peter/matt for some reason. i am BEGGING please oh please
For real I am fighting for my life in this tag like it's already a rarepair and half the fics are making it weird like smh
First off, gotta promo my own fic. put me together and take me apart, you got the patching up trope, the romantic spider swinging, the one-night stand, the dramatic pouring out of feelings
gotta recommend hand-spun silk and the sequel chewing coffee by thevibesaresimplyatrocious. It is a/b/o, but it is one of the most in character fics for Peter and Matt I have ever seen. All the characters are so full and the dialogue and narration are so witty, like yes that's exactly how Peter talks!
I'm obsessed with the series ultraviolent by spideywhites. it's a beautiful character study of Peter and all the little identities that make him including his bi crisis and then his "has a crush on Matt" crisis. Like it's so good but it hasn't been updated since February but I'm holding out hope and as it is, it is very much worth the read.
Blood On The Couch by roryr because I love shipping heroes together just so they can put each other back together after a fight! Also right at the beginning, there's a backstory to their identity reveal and it's so good!!
this photograph is proof by suzukiblu this is at the top of the spideydevil tag on ao3 but listen I'm always a slut for identity shenanigans
Like a Prayer by Gruoch I'm always a slut for heists and identity shenanigans
Leave Before You Love Me by Better_Left_Forgotten, Peter and Matt are friends with benefits but also crime-fighting buddies and Matt simply won't let himself fall in love because he can't lose anyone else like the angst!! the drama!! it makes the getting together so good!!
And here are some pwps that I really enjoy, Beat the Devil Out of It by batflashforlife, give and take by towine, clive christian by superlawyer (recently found out that Matt's reaction to that perfume is in fact canon and not fanfic nonsense, just comic nonsesens)
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impishtubist · 8 months
I was tagged by seven of you (!!!) so here are my answers. Consider this an open tag, I have no idea who hasn't done this yet.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
222 if you don't count the hidden ones, 245 if you do.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1.5 million (this does count the hidden ones because I'm too lazy to go subtract them from the total).
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently HP and Good Omens, but I've written for 16 fandoms over the years, and you never know which one I'll go back to.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
-Finding Home (no longer available)
-the spaces between
-Da Capo (no longer available)
-Courtship Rituals (no longer available)
-quicken to the new life (no longer available)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. I go through fits and spurts of either responding to every single comment, or responding to none. It doesn't mean I don't appreciate comments! But I'm already writing and posting fics for free, and responding to every comment is something that I don't always have the time or mental space for.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Fuck, idk. I don't know what's angst and what isn't. The Fall of Gods, maybe.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write a lot of fluff, actually! Idk how I got a reputation as an angst writer, smh. The Trouble With Quidditch is pretty fluffy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh, sure. But it gets deleted.
9. Do you write smut?
Begrudgingly. It's extremely demoralizing as a writer to know that the only way a fic is going to get attention is if you put smut in it, so I do it sometimes just for the kudos/comments. But I hate every second of writing it.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yep. I've done a HP/GO one, and some cracky Sherlock/Star Trek ones, and probably a few others I can't remember.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep, several of them into different languages.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! @allcanonisrelative is probably the person I've written with the most, but I've written with others as well.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
This changes by the hour so I literally can't answer this question. Maybe Aziraphale/Crowley?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Hm, I have a few unfinished fics on AO3, but I've already admitted that those won't be finished. I have a Sirius/Bellatrix + Sirius/Remus fic in my drafts folder that it would be nice to finish someday, but that will have to wait until I feel like writing Wolfstar again (which will probably be never, thanks to the Remus apologists).
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Well, I know that it used to be standard that you would italicize it, and now you're not supposed to do that, so I no longer do. I also think that you shouldn't translate it! Especially not right there in the same line on the fic. If you're writing dialogue in another language, context clues should tell us enough about what the characters are saying that translation isn't needed.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek: TNG.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I never like anything I write, so idk. Price of Memory, maybe, because that one was at least a lot of fun to write.
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shoheiakagi · 28 days
I agree with you about the tags u left on that anon being rude to ciassu! Seriously thats just plain so fucking rude smh. Anyway u ended your tags with mention of shuhei x yata that op was going to write and it got me curious bc ive never thought of that pairing before lol so now im wondering if u have any other yata or shuhei ships u like/can think of? Sorry for the random ask i just want to see if theres any other ships i can add to my list other than chitose x yata lol
Hi!! Thank you for reaching out! And yeah, I feel like some ppl just like to send anon hate cause they’re bored? Like what is the end game here? You’re not gonna be the person with the last laugh cause your ask is either gonna be deleted or responded to in a post. And like, if you think there’s other writers who post the same type of fics, then why don’t you just focus on them? People need to realize that writing fics and drawing art is a skill, and that the creator puts in a lot of time and effort into perfecting it for the audience. I just don’t get why some ppl act mean online, when they don’t have that same persona irl?? Like why act like an internet thug??
Yes, I was also intrigued when I saw how op was working on a ShouheixYata fic! Like I know some bits and pieces of how they’d interact as friends, but as romantic partners? I’ve seen some EricxYata and and ChitosexYata, but never a ShouheixYata. I’m sooo curious cause Yata is terribly shy when it comes to romance, while Shouhei is charismatic and nicer than the other abc boys. Like is Shouhei going to be all flirty and try to charm him?? Does Yata develop a crush on Shouhei which he tries to hide but miserably fails at it??
And I do!! So to start off, I’ll be honest and say that I’m not really fond of romantic!banshou. Its weird cause i have other ships with similar dynamics, and i also adore both characters individually, but im not the biggest fan of them as a ship. I think its probably bc i dont like how its portrayed by the very few fans they have, and how a lot of things about shouhei, end up revolving around bandou’s inferiority complex towards him (which really sucks as a shouhei’s girl who wants to learn more about him).
But despite being in my y/n feels for shouhei, i do have a few ships for him! I don’t think it’s as obvious as it was when i first created this blog, but shouhei/eric is the closest to an otp i have for this fandom. Its probably bc theyre my top two faves, but i do think they have strong potential to be a sweet and interesting ship, and the few interactions they have are so cute 🥺 the fact that shouhei is the only person Eric refers to by their first name other than Anna 🥹🥹 (although i do think its probably cause everyone refers to shouhei by his first name lol. If im not wrong, i think eric refers to fuji by his last name despite being very close). I also do think they’d look really good together! Despite Eric being unkempt and not into fashion, he is objectively very good looking and i think his sharp and cool features are a good contrast against shouhei’s softer and warm features. I genuinely do think shouhei is the second person eric is comfortable with, after fujishima. I also ship shouhei with chitose and akiyama! I think i started shipping shouhei with chitose sometime last year and honestly? I think they’d be a fun and hot pair. I can’t really see them being them in a serious and committed relationship, but i do think they would probably hook up here and there (or even just be really good friends, since theyre pretty similar to each other except for some differences). Akiyama/Shouhei is always going to be that one opposites attract/enemies to lovers ship for me lol. I wish their fight scenes from s1 were longer, im so curious on what the dialogue would have been like.
Yata was my first ever fave character/crush when i first got into K back in 2012, but unfortunately that died out. But i do think ericxyata is such a cute and funny pair! I remember reading this really old fic on them in which yata learns english just so he can finally respond to eric’s taunts, only to have the story end with eric kissing him on the cheek 💞 i don’t remember being sold that quick on a ship like i did with that fic lmaoo. They’re like my second favorite pair, but theres sooooo little content on them :/ thats what i hate about k. Most content are on the popular/designated ships, you barely see anything on different pairings/dynamics. Yata and Kamamoto are seen as platonic for the most part, but i can see some potential for it to turn romantic! Kamamoto is a ride and die for yata. Like if theres ever a rare chance that yata decides to leave homra (unlikely, i know), i do feel like kamamoto would probably join him idk. the loyalty there is really strong. I think yata and chitose would be interesting since chitose is a playboy while yata is a virgin, but its probably gonna end with a nasty heartbreak on both sides 😬
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azures-grace · 2 months
AO3 20 Questions!
tagged by @gwilin-stay-winnin :] Tagging @mistythedritten cause I know you write, and also @kagedbird! no pressure to either of you!
1 – How many works do you have on AO3? Uhh 2.
2 – What's your total AO3 word count? Published? 17540.
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
Elder Scrolls, currently just Skyrim and Oblivion, but I have some plans for a Morrowind thing too :D
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos? I've only got 2, lmao. It's The Shadow of The Wicked and then Let me hold you until I soften your hands
5 – Do you respond to comments? ALWAYS!! I LOVE THEM RAHHH
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? It's not finished yet, but it's TSoTW. Y'all ain't ready, cause I'M not.
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? LMHYUISYH. very sweet. :]
8 – Do you get hate on fics? Not so far.
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Uhhhh as of now, no. IDK if I will for a WHILE. I feel cringey writing kiss scenes, lmao.
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not published. I did write 2 crossovers with a friend between a book that used to be a Portal Fanfic and also TMNT but the version my friend wrote.
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated? nope.
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic? Not published. Just the above-written TMNT crossover, and also a 2099 fanfic that's neither done nor published. I got to write a lot of the existence of Gabriel O'Hara. My babygrill.
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship? uhh... not sure. Probably Chell x Wheatley because it was not only my first real intro to shipping, but i'm SUPER attached to it.
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? all of them. I literally am running on WHO KNOWS what, lmao. I have endings planned for a few but I'm very far away from them smh.
16 – What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, I think. I really like writing dialogue and emotions. How do I do it? a whole childhood of talking to myself thumbs up emoji.
17 – What are your writing weaknesses? Setting. I always forget to describe where people are and how they're interacting with what's around them.
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I mean... I do it in my Iri fic that's currently got no title. She speaks a bit of Falmeris rn, but I plan to add more languages. I think it's great as long as it's explained!
19 – First fandom you wrote for? Portal. Not published, but OH MAN it's 50 pages of. something. WAIT NO IT WAS A LOTR FIC I DIDN'T KNOW WAS A FIC THAT I MADE WHEN I WAS LIKE 6 LMAOOOO also not published, but it was called Legendary: a Hobbits Tale.
20 – Favorite fic you've written? Probably LMHYUISYH or the Iri fic. The first because it's SO SOFT I LOVE SOFT RAHHH. the second because the brainrot is strong. Also maybe the 6th House AU that is literally just floating around in my head and in messages and a few doodles.
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
5 – Do you respond to comments?
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16 – What are your writing strengths?
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
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domesticated-feral · 7 months
ao3 tag game!
thanks for the tag @scribeoffate i forgot i was tagged for a hot minute hehe
How many works do you have on ao3? 99. NINETY NINE!?!?!?!
What's your total ao3 word count? 215,544. woah.
What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Teen Wolf. I wrote and uploaded 1 fic for stay (2005) and I wanna write more for other fandoms like Brokeback Mountain, Merlin.
What are your top five fics by kudos? YFHAPBOS Fake It 'til You Make It The Mischief is Hereditary In An Empty McDonald's Parking Lot At 3AM Intoxicating
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, I love responding to comments!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i exist to nobody but you. it's angsty all throughout so yeah.
What's the fic you wrote the happiest ending? Most of my fics end happy so i'm just gonna pick one out the hat and it's Riding Drag! a fun little stackson one shot!
Do you get hate on fic? No, not on fic, fortunately!!
Do you write smut? Yep. Most of it is unpublished though but there's a great deal of it on ao3.
Do you write crossovers? i have like 2 smut wips of one of my two crossover ships. I really want to get more ppl in this crossover ship but i cant do that as long as these wips stay inside my docs smh
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of. hopefully not?!!!
Have you ever had a fic translated? not yet, but i'd be glad to have any of them translated by anyone!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? not really, the most co-written a fic has got is having one of my dearest friends watch me write it live on docs and them hyping me up and giving suggestions.
What's your all-time favourite ship? Stackson, I suppose. But you know what, I'll take this moment to also plug in my best friends, my current most-obsessing over ships, Scackson, Scerek, and my two brainrot crossover ships, Ditch Lapp (Detective David Loki/Mitch Rapp) and Scott McCall/Donnie Darko (these ships might not be an all-timer but they sure do feel like it)
What's a wip you want to finish but probably won't? HIYA, i want to finish it but i also dont want to touch it.
What are your writing strengths? i can pavlov's dog myself into writing specific wips sometimes with the help of music. (if i listen to the brokeback mountain soundtrack, especially riding horses, i immediately have to work on the stackson cowboys fic)
What are your writing weaknesses? sometimes i lose motivation for long stretches of time
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i haven't done it before i think, nor am i comfortable doing it with languages i don't know very well. i am already writing fics and stuff in my second language soo yeahhh
First fandom you wrote for? bandoms. I was one angsty tween/teen. I still have the residual teen angst in me.
Favourite fic you've written? Right now, it's Recollection. I've been tinkering away at a companion piece for it because I love writing Sam's pov but also Henry in Sam's pov.
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
Tumblr media
The first El WooWoo of the year! And as the banner says, I’m still reading instead of writing. So here we go. Buckle up, Klainers and ... Snovians (???? is there a name for Snowbaz shippers? This is just Simon. Snowbazzians?) (What would you call Baz fans? Bazzies?).
I am really enjoying these fic rec posts, more than I thought. It also motivates me to read more, which is a win-win. I do have some ideas for Ljubim te again, so I think I’ll start writing them soon. But maybe I will make a separate post for fics, aside from Wip Wednesday and Six Sentence Sunday? Fic Rec Friday?
ANYWAY, buckle up, it’s a long post, so the entire rec + tags will be under cut today!
Some non-fic recs first. Some? One, actually. I am rereading my Kickstarter books for Check, Please! in preparation for the delivery of the Year 4 Kickstarter. I... uh... asked the shipping costs for that campaign as a Christmas gift. But God yeah, I love this webcomic so much. Time to get back to the SMH (Samwell Meme’s Hockey Team).
Up to the fics!
@martsonmars wrote a fic about “consensual biting” between 6 years old: Love Bite. It’s adorable. I love how silly kids can be. And I am a bitch for fics where Lucy lives 😭!
I am catching up on The Rise and Fall of Simon Snow by @confused-bi-queer. I last read chapter 5, and [Jason Mendoza voice] oh Simon and Baz, we’re really in it now. I am upsetti spaghetti.
I am still riding the angst train right into Is It Over Yet? by @jayne89. God I really wish Carmen was actually this good, instead of a plot device for Rachel’s.... uhm... questionable storylines. Really excited for more of this verse.
God, I am really going through it, huh? @thnxforknowingme wrote a 2022 fic in review where she mentioned True Colors, a character study of Quinn between season 2 and 3, and I like the premise. I really enjoyed it. Damn, skank!Quinn had so much potential, but RIB just had to do the wack baby storyline.
This isn’t Jenna’s only fic that I have read. I finally, finally read Miles To Go, and I know a fic this wonderful should have a long and coherent comment, but I am just speechless. So utterly speechless. I started it when it was originally posted, but I had just lost my grandmother and yeah it was the wrong time. Now, we got the message that it’s time for my uncle to collect her ashes. Weird way to go back to a fic, but that’s what happened, and this fic tugged at my heartstrings. I definitely recommend it to everyone.
Also, more Jenna stuff, but insert the Chris Fleming meme here. Was no one ever going to tell me that Jenna has written Hades fic, or was I just supposed to find out by browsing through her AO3 by myself? Aíma.... YOOOO. The relation between Zaggie and blood? Jenna, your mind!
More sad shit? More sad shit! @wellbelesbian really made me say FUCK THE MAGE with the latest chapter of blow on the tinder. Guys, this is such a good fic. Alex, I am so glad you’re continuing it!
Okay, okay, whooo, time out with the angst. @redheadgleek‘s Pierce My Soul is a fluffy gem and I am a bitch for costume crew!Kurt. Although he got promoted here and he designed the costumes, including Blaine’s. There are so many great gems in this fic, but I lost it at Brad Ellis being the piano man. And when the fic mirrored dialogue from the show.... my heart!
I definitely boarded the fluff train now. I saw @letraspal‘s art for @skeedelvee‘s Drunken Kisses. I am all 🥺🥺🥺🥺 about this fic. Simon “He Is Plotting” Snow is amazing. Mix it with Baz “Gay Yearning” Pitch and voila!
@facewithoutheart delves into Simon’s sad childhood, but in a fluffy way, in What I Wouldn’t Give. Simon gets his first plushie and we all cry. I am such a bitch for this concept and Christina helpfully linked to another one, namely to @lifewithoutmotivation​‘s Flamey. I am just overwhelmed on Simon’s behalf! This guy deserves all the gifts and birthday parties! (Also, congrats on the new URL!)
And we’re going to end this rec post with more holiday cheers from the holiday queers (really, did anyone watch The New Normal?) with @1908jmd​‘s Klaine Advent 2022 - With their favourite people. Jen did a true drabble challenge and all the snippets are about the people in Kurt and Blaine’s lives and look I just got very emo over it.
If you’ve already been tagged in a rec, consider that a tag for WIP Wednesday (or Six Sentence Sunday). Also tagging @quizasvivamos @crissmastrees-and-candyklaines @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @takitalks @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ionlydrinkhotwater @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen​ @cutestkilla​ @artsyunderstudy​  
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alifeasvivid · 1 year
fic writer questions
tagged by @fireandiceland :D
1.) How many works do you have on AO3
19... it was 39 but I had a major self-loathing moment
2.) What’s your total AO3 count?
word count? 166,516
3.) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
if you mean currently on AO3? just Hetalia. If you mean only on AO3 ever: Kuroshitsuji, Hyouteki no Finder, BotW, and Hetalia
In total through my whole life uhhh >.> a few more than that
4.) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Thief of Spades Season One
Thief of Spades Season Two
If It's You
Desperate Measures
5.) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
It's gonna be between Last Hurrah and Payback probably... Payback probably wins just because it is incredibly bleak
6.) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Uhhhh hmmm I mean I'd say everything else that's finished they're all about equally happy. I write most fics with the intention of reaching a happy ending that feels earned. From most contrast between the rest of the fic and the ending, I'd say An Impossible Situation
7.) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Nah, I'm not interested in crossovers.
8.) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yeah. What else is there? XD I hope I write *good* smut. After Kuro, I think was really uptight about it and trying to be "clean," but I've loosened up on that a lot and I think it has greatly improved the quality of the smut I write.
I think I have a slight reputation for adding BDSM elements and of course there's my super hardcore kink of writing scenarios where everything is consensual and all parties involved care about and respect each other. It's pretty intense, pretty niche, not a lot of people are into it. LOL As for gender/sexuality >.> who really cares about that kind of thing nowadays?
I also primarily write UKUS, which many people find extremely offensive. 🤣 IT'S A JOKE!
9.) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I used to forget, but I try to do so consistently now because it shows my appreciation because I really like getting comments.
10.) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! :D I consider it to be quite an honor ^-^
13.) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. A long time ago.
14.) What’s your all time favorite ship?
USUK/UKUS. Nothing else even comes close.
15.) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but you don’t think you ever will?
T_T so many, but mainly Technicolor Heart. I just really like the concept, but that fic would have been soooooooo angsty..... also I don't wanna get ... fuckin.... run off of tumblr.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Pacing. I know I just have a sense of how a story should progress so that everything feels earned but there's minimal to no dragging. I get told people like my characterizations a lot which is nice ^-^ also my prose is pretty nuanced, but I don't count that as a strength because I think most people don't even notice.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
>.> speed. or lack thereof. I can't write action scenes, which dramatically altered the direction of Thief of Spades in particular. I don't have a beta so there's always typos I'm catching months after posting P: I struggle with description/creating atmosphere using sensory info.
18.) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I agree with Riva that salutations or endearments are fine, but writing whole scenes that way comes across as pretentious and annoying. Not to mention it can just be really confusing. Write in the language of your audience, it's basically just that simple.
19.) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Pffff. As if I'd say it in public smh. I'll spare 11/12 y/o me the indignity
20.) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Uhhhh hmmm
I mean the Thief of Spades series is always going to have a very special place in my heart but writing something that long with that much plot over such a long time, there's a lot of things about it I wish I could change.
In terms of canonverse type stuff, I love The Shape of Modern Imperialism. For shameless self-indulgence I think Three-Part Harmony is best. But I actually worked really hard on Precious Thing and I'm still quite proud of it.
tagging whoever wants to be.
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