#that moment is a dream where you refresh tumblr and read a reply and that reply plays out in yojr brain
picavecalyx · 2 years
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foxghost · 3 years
Joyful Reunion, Chapter 84
Translator: foxghost @foxghost tumblr/ko-fi1 Beta: meet-me-in-oblivion @meet-me-in-oblivion tumblr Original by 非天夜翔 Fei Tian Ye Xiang Masterpost | Characters, Maps & Other Reference Index
Book 2, Chapter 19 (Part 2)
Duan Ling and Fei Hongde agree upon taking turns for the night watch, with Fei Hongde on the first watch, and Duan Ling returns to his room. He feels as though these seven days have truly been the longest seven days of his life.
Wu Du is lying on the bed, reading the secret manual Lang Junxia returned to them. Duan Ling lies down next to him, and before long he’s asleep. His dreams are filled with close quarters combat, with soldiers fighting through the streets. A year ago today, he was in the city of Shangjing safeguarding what last hope they had; cavalry dressed in iron and weaponry held high through a sea of flames are drawn in scenes that seem to be slowly replaying by his ear.
At the fifth of the night watch, Duan Ling wakes up. The city lies silent in the still of the night, with a river of stars shining above.
“Wu Du?” By the time Duan Ling turns over, there’s no longer anyone next to him.
Duan Ling gets off the bed and walks outside on silent feet.
Wu Du is in the courtyard practising the Palm of the Realm from the manual. Fist forward, turn to palm, right palm press, left palm follows, each move flowing with poise and perfect composure, foot up, step forward.
Duan Ling can’t help but remember Li Jianhong’s silhouette while teaching him; beneath the stars Li Jianhong is a phantom-like silhouette cloaked in stardust, moving like a shadow behind Wu Du, moving through identical motions.
In that moment, Wu Du’s figure seems to take on most of Li Jianhong’s presence, seemingly exhibiting the dignity of an emperor surveying his land.
“The Sword of the Realm can be transformed to use as a hand-to-hand style through fist, palm, and feet.” Wu Du turns around, palms pushing down. Then his left hand makes a gesture of separation while his right hand lifts, he puts one leg to cross over the other, and he pushes both palms forward. He says in a solemn tone, “It uses motion to train the self for stillness, with the flow of qi in the body moving in the opposite direction as the fist and palm.”
Duan Ling watches him for a while, then he walks up to go through the entire set once with him. Previously, he had hastily learned the movements without trying to get a deeper understanding, but this time, with Wu Du, he has managed to understand a bit more. After they get through the full set, they’re both covered in sweat, but Duan Ling feels very refreshed.
The sky is starting to brighten, but dark clouds have come to cloak the sky. It is an exceedingly stuffy and hot morning, the air sticky with humidity, and Tongguan is always foggy and moist, so everyone inside is covered in a sheen of sweat. Duan Ling puts on fresh clothes and says to Wu Du, “I’m going to send Yao Jing off to her groom. Come on, come with me.”
Wu Du nods. They both get into formal clothes and head to one of the wings in the Bian estate. Yao Jing is keeping watch over Bian Lingbai’s sickbed, in a conversation with Fei Hongde. Duan LIng gives Fei Hongde a nod and says to Bian Lingbai, “Uncle, I’m sending Jing’er off to be married.”
Bian Lingbai lies there motionless like a corpse, so Duan Ling turns away from him and brings Yao Jing out of the room. The steward has already had her dowry organised, and they wait in the main hall as one must, in accordance with the rites. Shang Leguan comes in first to seek permission; since Bian Lingbai has no children and he’s bedridden besides, his only “nephew” is left to preside over the ceremony. Duan Ling first must decline, but then he’s saying, “Shang Leguan, you’re not following the correct etiquette. What groom comes to ask permission in person?”
Everyone finds this funny. Yao Jing sticks her head out from behind the screen to sneak a glance, and she can’t help but smile either.
Shang Leguan is tall and handsome, and though he’s just been made fun of he doesn’t seem to mind. He smiles softly and withdraws from the room.
Soon enough, Shang Leguan enters the room to state his request again; Duan Ling once more refuses.
“After the third ask,” Wu Du says to Yao Jing, “you’ll be leaving for Xiliang to be wed.”
Outside of Duan Ling, Wu Du seldom speaks with anyone. In the eyes of outsiders, this assassin who seems to exude danger from every pore of his body is mysterious beyond comprehension, but from Yao Jing’s perspective, Wu Du has saved her life once. As she’s Yao Zheng’s cousin as well, it gives them yet another layer of familiarity.
“Thank you, General Wu, for saving my life,” Yao Jing says quietly from behind the screen.
Wu Du adds, “Be sure to take good care of yourself once away from home. Xiliang isn’t like Great Chen. It’ll take time, but you’ll get used to it.”
“Yes,” Yao Jing whispers.
Listening to what Wu Du is saying to her, Duan Ling feels a nameless sort of sadness. He remembers not having a thing to his name when he arrived in Xichuan and how equally lost he was.
But he believes that Helian Bo will take good care of her.
For the third ask, Helian Bo comes personally. He doesn’t say anything at all; wordlessly he performs a special set of rites facing Duan Ling, and Duan Ling replies with the same.
It’s the third ask where the fiance himself comes personally to greet his bride. All at once, everyone in the room seems rather surprised, but Duan Ling has known about this for a while.
“Make sure you take good care of my younger sister,” Duan Ling says in Tangut, then he repeats it to everyone else in Han.
“You have my word,” Helian Bo replies.
Thus Duan Ling takes Yao Jing’s hand and guides her out from behind the screen, and places her hand in Helian Bo’s. Yao Jing had thought she was going to marry Shang Leguan, so on finding out that her fiance is actually “He Mo”, she looks entirely shocked.
The middle-aged steward speaks up, “Mister Bian, hasn’t there … hasn’t there been some mistake?”
“There’s no mistake,” Duan Ling explains to them. “This is the prince of Xiliang, His Highness Helian Bo.”
Yao Jing finally regains her composure, realising that the position waiting for her is actually going to be Princess-consort!
Wu Du’s face has also taken on an extremely strange expression as he studies Duan Ling. Duan Ling nods at him and says, “There’s no problem.”
With this confirmation, Wu Du says, “Let’s go.”
Helian Bo helps Yao Jing into her carriage, and her dowry is carried onto it one box after another. Everyone else gets on horseback and they canter along with the Xiliang wedding party, all the way to the gates of Tongguan. When he says goodbye to Helian Bo, Duan Ling feels a bit ashamed; he recalls how Wu Du had told him he was “heartless”, and suddenly he does think he seems rather heartless.
“Take care, Helian,” Duan Ling whispers next to his ear, “I’ll come visit you.”
Helian Bo gives Duan Ling’s arm a pat, “Letter … will come soon.”
Duan Ling nods. Helian Bo is trying to say something else, but Duan Ling is signing with one hand like a brush going across a page, letting him know that if there’s anything important, Helian Bo should write to him.
“Go on.” Even now, there’s still a great weight on Duan Ling’s heart — after all, Helian Bo isn’t out of danger yet. He’ll only be safe after he returns to Xiliang.
Brokenhearted at the thought of their separation, Helian Bo stares at Duan Ling from afar. Duan Ling waves at him; he can see Helian Bo stopping his horse in the middle of the plains as if there’s something else he’d like to say, so all Duan Ling can do is turn his back on Helian Bo, and pretend that he’s leaving.
Wu Du finds this quite funny all of a sudden, and ridicules him. “A Tangut barbarian, and a stammerer who’s hardly known you for long at all at that … But he does seem to have a lot of feelings when it comes to you.”
Sometimes when Wu Du speaks he seems rather too willing to catch people in the raw, leaving no room for argument. It makes Duan Ling really want to punch him.
“Is he gone yet?”
“Not yet,” Wu Du replies absentmindedly.
Duan Ling waits a little while longer, and Wu Du tells him, “He’s gone.”
Duan Ling only turns around then, staring off distantly in Helian Bo’s direction. The wedding party has already turned into a tiny little black dot.
Mountain peaks gather, turbulent waves billow; Tongguan road winds through mountains and rivers inside and out.
Like waves the dark clouds tumble as they roll in, with lightning flickering between the cloud layers.
“I forgot to pack them umbrellas,” Duan Ling says.
Wu Du starts to laugh, and Fei Hongde’s voice suddenly rings out from beneath the gate tower.
“Young master!” Fei Hongde is climbing the tower, and Duan Ling hurries down to help him up the stone steps. Fei Hongde is huffing and puffing, and as soon as they see each other Duan Ling knows that it’s most likely bad news.
“The scout’s come back with a report,” Fei Hongde says briskly. “According to their surveillance, all of the mounted bandits in Qinling have withdrawn.”
“What scout?” Duan Ling doesn’t remember giving these orders. He sounds surprised.
“I sent them to keep an eye on things,” Wu Du explains. “Which way did they go?”
“The mounted bandits are gathering in the easternmost section of the Qlnling.” Fei Hongde says solemnly, “I’m afraid they already got word that General Bian is immobile, and they’re planning to come attack Tongguan!”
This news is no surprise. All of Duan Ling’s previous plans were made to prevent the other side from starting a fight abruptly. Yet what’s meant to happen will happen anyway. Fortunately, the governor sent by the imperial court is already on his way — even though Tongguan isn’t safe, it has a fighting chance.
Duan Ling meets Wu Du’s eyes. Wu Du says, “How long do you think we can hold out for?”
“Killing was your mission. Don’t worry, what comes after that is my responsibility. However, you’ll have to follow my orders.”
Wu Du looks like he just heard the funniest thing he’s ever heard. “What can you do about it?”
Duan Ling looks into Wu Du’s eyes. “Do you trust me?”
Wu Du frowns. He studies Duan Ling again, feeling as though it’s the first time he’s ever seen him.
“I’ll go make the arrangements now,” Duan Ling says. “As long as all goes as planned, we can definitely last until the governor gets here. But he won’t be taking all that many people with him, so even if he arrives we’ll still have to rely on ourselves.”
It’s the most rigorous challenge Duan Ling has ever faced. He will finally have to go on the battlefield. No matter when the new governor arrives, this is a battle he must fight.
“Tell me.” Wu Du says, “Tell me what you’re going to do. I can follow your orders.”
“My Lord—” Another soldier is coming up the gate tower. He says to Duan Ling, “General Wang and General Xie have returned. They would like to meet with you at the estate.”
Duan Ling gives Fei Hongde a nod, and the three of them return to the general’s estate.
Two giant cases of gold bars are sitting in the main hall.
“It’s all gold.”
As soon as Duan Ling enters the hall, Vice General Wang reports, “There was a full fifty-thousand taels of gold there!”
With a single glance, Duan Ling could tell that the two of them had already taken a pretty big cut — several thousand taels, at least. He doesn’t expose them though. He says to Fei Hongde, “Please pass along a message to summon every soldier ranked Major and above.”
While he’s waiting, Duan Ling unrolls a map on the table. He sends Wu Du a glance, then he asks the two Vice Generals to come closer.
“How many men do we have left?” Duan Ling asks.
“Minus the ones on patrol outside of Tongguan,” Vice General Wang has just taken some gold so he’s obviously in a good mood. He says to Duan Ling, “we have a force of twenty-seven thousand men in total.”
“Twenty-seven thousand …”
“What’s this?” The Vice General with the surname Xie asks him.
“These are the places where the Tangut mounted bandits are lying in ambush, and their force is twenty-thousand men.” Duan Ling points at the Great Wall and moves his finger to the east, landing in Tongguan. “Both these markings outside and inside the Great Wall mark their troops.”
As he finishes speaking, Duan Ling observes the look on their faces, thinking to himself that there’s no way these two don’t know that there are mounted bandits moving about within Tongguan’s jurisdiction. It must have been one of the transactions between Helian Da and Bian Lingai; Helian Da is selling his horses to Bian Lingbai, so Bian Lingbai has been looking the other way about the bandits Helian Da has sent over. Otherwise there’s no way he’d have dropped that investigation against those who robbed Yao Jing’s caravan.
As he expected, both Vice Generals looked a bit uneasy, turning to glance at each other. Duan Ling doesn’t expose them this time either. “News of my uncle’s bedridden state and immobility has probably already reached the other side. I worry that the Tangut are going to work with the men they’re keeping inside the city walls, and attack Tongguan.”
Even if Bian Lingbai hasn’t told his subordinates what he’s been up to, there are traces to be found, ultimately; these two would be able to at least take a vague guess at what he’s done. If Bian Lingbai is severely ill and this illness is incurable, Helian Da won’t be able to get back the money he’s owed. While there’s no commander at Tongguan, the enemy will most likely fight their way in here.
“Master Fei Hongde has already dispatched a messenger to Xichuan with an order not to stop along the way, in order to inform the imperial court of our situation. I have invited the two of you here to ask your opinion — are we going to give up on Tongguan’s defences and run off with the money? Or will we hold the city until the court sends a governor to come reinforce us?”
“You jest, young master.” Vice General Xie’s name is Xie Hao, from Yingchuan.2 He used to lead the garrisoned troops beneath Mount Jiangjun in its defence of the border, and once fought at Li Jianhong’s side. Even if Duan Ling isn’t trying to goad them into action, there’s no way he’d desert.
“If Tongguan ever comes under Tangut control,” Xie Hao says, “the central plain will lose its defensive barrier. Let’s not even speak of whether we should run for now — even if we do run, where could we ever run to?”
Duan Ling turns to Vice General Wang, but he’s not as firm as Xie Hao. He smiles as he says to Duan Ling, “There’s no need to try to goad us, young master. Our loyalty is with you, as it is with the General. Just let us know what you need.”
That’s all Duan Ling needed to hear. “Naturally, the bandits are rallying because they’re going to mount an attack on Tongguan, but a regular army is surely heading here from outside Tongguan as well. We must split our forces into two — one force will have to eliminate the bandits from Qinling as soon as possible, and attack them by surprise.”
Duan Ling draws the bandits’ route on the map and says to them, “Whichever one of you is willing to stop the bandits from advancing on Tongguan, take Wu Du with you.”
Wu Du stands apart quietly, watching all this without a word.
“I’ll go,” Vice General Wang replies.
Duan Ling produces Bian Lingbai’s tally and hands it to Vice General Wang. “You must end the battle as quickly as you can. Total annihilation is not our goal, what we want instead is for them to lose their bearings — use an ambush to defeat them.”
Vice General Wang takes the command tally. Duan Ling turns to Xie Hao. “From today onwards, we must strengthen Tongguan’s defences. Hide troops inside and outside the gates. As for the rest, listen to Master Fei’s instructions.”
Xie Hao nods, “Yes sir.”
Those people Fei Hongde summoned earlier have also arrived.
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Yingchuan, located in present central Henan. ↩︎
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words: 3256 universe: human AU characters: Patton, Logan, Poman pairings: romantic Logicality, platonic Royality warnings: angst, crying, kissing (which i’m not very good at writing in the first place) a/n: this is a sequel to “little miss perfect”, an absolutely wonderful fic written by an absolutely wonderful person, @katlikethesword​. this is my first songfic, and my first time writing a kissing scene, so i hope it’s okay. enjoy!
I notice how she looks at me, but I pretend that I don’t see. It’s easier if I let the tension subside. It had been three months since Patton had last spoken to Logan. It tore at his heart every time he saw his friend avoiding his gaze, averting his eyes whenever they met Patton’s. He missed Logan horribly; after all, he had always considered the intelligent boy to be one of his best friends. Patton often wondered if Logan hated him. After the last time they’d spoken, he wouldn’t be surprised. He’d moved much too quickly, and had made a fool of himself. As usual.
I’ve seen it in the books I read, a magic that you cannot see. There’s no limitations, they wear it with pride. Patton was standing by his locker, getting ready for his next class. His eyes fell on a drawing he had attached to the door of Steven and Connie from Steven Universe. Roman had drawn this for him as a gift for his last birthday, a very nice drawing that had taken him days to complete. Patton stopped for a moment. They looked so happy together, without a care in the world. He couldn’t help but wish he and Logan could be like that again, like they used to— whether he wanted their relationship to be platonic or not, he wasn’t sure. Still, why couldn’t it be that easy?
But the characters I read never act or look like me. I can’t depend on them to lead me through the right door. Suddenly, Patton felt a soft tap on his shoulder. He spun around and, to his delight, there was Logan. “Logan!” His voice was probably about five times as loud as it had to be, but he didn’t care at all. Logan was talking to him again! By his own free will!  “I’ve missed you! Where have you been?” “I’ve still been in school, Patton. I’m legally obligated to be here, after all.” Logan gave Patton one of his rare, genuine smiles, making his heart do a flip in his chest. “That’s a good point. So what’s up?” Patton asked him. “Well, I actually wanted to ask you if you would like to come to my house tomorrow night? My parents will be out of town, and I figured it would be a good time to reconnect.” Hold the phone. Logan wasn’t mad at him? He wanted to see him? And spend time with him? “That sounds perfect, Lo! I’ll absolutely be there.” He beamed up at his friend and was rewarded with another smile. “Good to hear. I’ll see you then.”
And what’s the point of falling when I know I’m only stalling? For the rest of the day, Patton could hardly focus in class. His thoughts all went back to Logan, Logan, Logan. What had prompted him to invite him over? Why had he stayed away for so long? What was going to happen that night? Was it going to be awkward, after what had happened before? Were they going to be alone, or were there going to be other people there? This went on for the rest of the day, which meant that he had hardly thought about anything else. After the last class of the day had ended, Roman was waiting at the door. “Hey, Pat. You okay? You’ve been kinda zoned out all day.” “Oh, yeah, I’m- I’m fine!” Patton replied cheerfully. “Just… got a lot on my mind, that’s all.” Roman gave a knowing smirk as the two of them started heading out of the building. “Wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain nerd, would it?” “What?” Patton let out an awkward laugh. “I have no idea what you could possibly be talking about!” “Uh-huh. Okay, sure. It’s not like I saw him talking to you in the hall earlier or anything. For the first time in months. What was that all about?” “Nothing!” “Looked like a little more than nothing.” “He just asked if I could come over tomorrow.” They reached the building’s exit. Patton held the door for Roman as he passed. “It’s not that big a deal, he’s my friend.” “Yeah, because friends ignore each other for three months, and then suddenly invite them over out of the blue.” Patton went silent for a moment. “It’s… It’s complicated.” “Whatever you say, Padre,” Roman chuckled. “I’ll text you the notes when I get home, okay?” “Thanks, Roman. I really appreciate that.” “No problem.” Roman started toward the school parking lot. “You driving home?” Patton shook his head. “I’m walking today. It wasn’t my turn to take the car this morning.” “I can drive you home, if you want.” “No, that’s okay. I can walk.” “It’s really no problem. C’mon, hop in.” Patton opened his mouth to object, but Roman was already opening the door and pushing him into the passenger seat. Patton buckled his seatbelt as his friend went around the car, got into the passenger seat, and turned on the engine. “You know where I live, right?” “‘Course I do.” “Really? You sure you won’t get lost.” “Patton, I’ve been to your house dozens of times. I know exactly where you live.” Roman buckled his seatbelt and backed out of the parking spot. “So, what’re you gonna wear tomorrow night?” “Probably the same thing I’m wearing to school that day.” Roman shook his head as he left the school parking lot and turned right. “No, absolutely not. You’ve gotta look nice! This is your first date!” “It’s not a date!” “Did he invite you over?” “Yeah, but—” “Is anyone else gonna be there?” “I dunno. I don’t think so.” “It’s totally a date. So you need to wear something nice. What about that skirt you got last weekend? The light blue one, with the cats on it?” “Do you think he’ll like it?” “Oh, he’s gonna love it.” Their conversation went on like this for a while. Patton found it refreshing to talk about his feelings with Roman without anyone else around to hear. Soon enough, Roman arrived at Patton’s house. Patton got out of the car and onto the sidewalk by his house. “Bye, Pat!” Roman called, rolling his window down. “I’ll see ya tomorrow!” Patton  waved goodbye. “Bye!” With that, Roman drove away. Patton sighed and, dragging his feet, trudged to the front door of his house.
‘Cause I have to go back home… where I’m just one in the herd, tripping over my words, trying hard to go with the grain, keeping the quirks in my brain. As usual, Patton received no acknowledgement upon entering his house. His mom was on the phone, likely talking to one of her clients, and his dad was playing outside with his two little sisters. This didn’t surprise him; nobody in his family ever greeted him when he got home. Sighing, Patton headed up to his room, throwing his backpack down on the floor and laying on his bed. He took out his phone and opened Tumblr, scrolling absent-mindedly.
I’m on the brink of discovery I think, but what if I’m dreaming? That’s what it seems like. Logan hardly left Patton’s mind the rest of the night. His head buzzed with endless questions for his classmate, none of which he would dare ask. Why had he invited Patton over? Why was he only now expressing a desire to rekindle their friendship, after avoiding him for so long? Patton knew he should probably resent Logan for acting as if he didn’t exist. After all, he wasn’t sure he had done anything wrong. Had he? Maybe he had, and he just didn’t remember. After all, he did have a pretty lousy memory. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to be upset with Logan. He couldn’t help it; he cared too much for him to harbor any hard feelings. He instead felt relief that Logan hadn’t given up on their friendship, alongside a giddy kind of excitement for the next night. He loved all of his friends, of course, but there was something different about Logan. The way he listened intently to Patton’s ramblings no matter how absurd they were, the subtle smile that crossed his face when he was amused by Patton’s ridiculous puns and not wanting to admit it, the way he went off on tangents about the things that interested him. All of these little things, to which nobody else seemed to notice, were what made Logan special. All of a sudden, Patton felt a twist of fear in his chest. What if tomorrow went horribly wrong? What if this was some kind of elaborate joke? What if he messed up somehow, and made Logan hate him all over again? Patton shook his head to clear it. Everything would be fine. It had to be.
‘Cause this girl thinks I’m part of her world, and that new territory’s scary. If I turn the handle, am I asking for a scandal? Patton stood at the door, fidgeting with his skirt. The same worries that had swarmed in his head the night before remained all throughout the day, no matter how hard he’d tried to ignore them. Finally, after hours of waiting and worrying and wondering, he was standing on Logan’s front porch. He took a deep breath, smoothed out his shirt, and rang the doorbell. Almost immediately, the door swung open, and Logan was standing in front of him. The sight of Patton seemed to take him off guard, opening and closing his mouth as if searching for the right words. Patton broke the silence. “Whaddya think, Lo?” he asked, swishing his skirt a little. “I saw it had cats on it and I knew I had to get it immediately.” “You look… magnificent. I mean gorgeous! No, I mean good! You look good, Patton.” He couldn’t help but giggle. He’d always found it endearing when Logan got all flustered like this. “I know what you mean, don’t worry. Thanks!” Logan moved out of his way, and Patton stepped inside. “Make yourself at home.” He followed the other boy into the living room and sat down on the couch.
Should I try to be ordinary? “So… what do you wanna do?” Patton asked, feeling a bit awkward. “It’s up to you. You’re my guest, after all.” “Yeah, I guest that’s true,” he cracked with a goofy grin. Logan rolled his eyes, groaning. “You haven’t been here for a minute and you’re already making puns?” “Aww, c’mon, you gotta admit, they’re pretty pun-derful!” Despite his dramatic eye-roll, Patton didn’t miss the soft laugh that escaped Logan’s lips, making his heart skip a beat. Baaah!
I’ve always been a little odd, the only pea inside the pod. That’s not an expression, I’m guessing, oh well. Before long, the two were going about their night as if nothing had changed. Logan had ordered a pizza— Patton had offered to pay multiple times but he had insisted on it being “his treat”— and they ate their dinner on the couch, watching Steven Universe. Logan had nestled between Patton’s legs, Patton’s arms draped around him. A peculiar sight for many, but it wasn’t that unusual for them. Patton was a naturally affectionate person, and Logan didn’t seem to mind his cuddly tendencies. When the episode ended, Patton was struck with an idea.
“Let me braid your hair!” he blurted without thinking. See, that’s exactly what I mean! I’m just as awkward as I seem! Plus she makes me nervous, I hope she can’t tell. Embarrassment flooded over him. What a stupid thing to stay! He hadn’t been prompted by anything, they hadn’t even said much at all, and here he was suggesting something Logan surely thought was childish! “What?” “Let me braid your hair! I have two younger sisters, so I know how! Plus I think your hair would look really good braided!” His suggestion may have been stupid, but he couldn’t retract it now. Logan looked as if he was about to object, but, in an act of desperation, Patton broke out his secret weapon: his puppy-dog eyes. “Alright, fine.” Logan’s reluctant response discouraged Patton more than he would like to admit, but he didn’t show it. Instead, he just clapped happily, cheering in triumph. Gosh, he must look so ridiculous! “You’re too tall to do it like this,” he said. “Here, lay down in my lap.” Logan moved to do as he was told, and Patton slipped into the familiar motions of braiding, using his fingers to comb through his silky hair.
What is it she sees in this cluster clump of me? Or, could it maybe be I’m going crazy? And hey, who am I kidding? This isn't some sweet beginning! Just a detour to the end. Then back to the herd, tripping over my words, trying hard to go with the grain, ignoring the quirks in my brain. It didn’t take long for Patton to finish the braid, as Logan’s hair was much shorter than what he was used to. Satisfied with his handiwork, Patton started to lean back. Alarm shot through him as Logan reached up and grasped his shirt. His deep brown eyes met Patton’s. The voice inside his head was yelling at him, urging him to kiss him, kiss him, KISS HIM! I’m on the brink of discovery, I think. “If you’re uncomfortable, please tell me to stop,” Logan breathed, before Patton could do anything. “What? Why would I be uncom—?”
But what if I’m dreaming…? Patton didn’t get to finish his sentence as Logan’s lips met his, moving his hands to Patton’s cheeks. He felt his heart soar as he kissed back, closing his eyes and taking Logan’s face in his own hands as if it had always belonged there. He took in the moment, wanting to remember all of this, as he kissed the boy he loved at last. All of a sudden, Logan pushed him away and dashed out of the room as Patton felt his heart shatter.
Do I rewind, induce amnesia? Pretend I didn’t see her? Succumb to stupid fear? Or just believe in my heart? Patton just sat there, tears rolling down his face, in shock and in disbelief, trying to process what had just happened. That kiss, that small handful of seconds, had felt more perfect, more right, than anything he had ever experienced. But Logan’s reaction… he had been the one to initiate it in the first place, so why did he panic like that? Was it because of Patton? Had he done something wrong? Was he that bad a kisser? When they’d kissed, Logan had seemed so sure in his actions. He had been the one to initiate the kiss in the first place, so why did he run away? If it wasn’t Patton’s fault, then what other reason would there be? Patton sat there, pondering for a while. After what felt like an eternity, Logan returned. Patton looked up at him, and just seeing Logan’s expression made his heart ache. “Lo?” He cringed mentally at how pathetic he sounded. “I’m sorry, Patton. I don’t know what overtook me. Silly impulses, I’m sure. It would be best for both of us if we acted as if this never happened.” Patton blinked back the fresh tears that began to form in his eyes. “Do you not… like me that way? I thought that after what happened in the bathroom, I might actually have a shot with you. I guess not.” He let out a bitter laugh. “I do like you, Patton.” The other boy sat down beside him. “It’s just that the people at school… what will they do if they find out that I’m…?” He trailed off. Patton looked at him. Was that all he was worried about? A handful of other students judging him because he was attracted to men? Why play a part? Why follow the herd? Why not trust in my words? Don’t wanna go with the grain! Why try to make myself plain? I’m on the brink of rediscovery, I think. So what if I’m dreaming? I like the scene that I’m in! “Gay?” he finished for him. “Logan, please don’t start with that,” he pleaded. “Who cares what they think? It’s just high school.” “Yes, but high school leads to college, and college leads to graduate school, and graduate school leads to the rest of our careers.” Logan slumped his shoulders. “I have to be perfect if I want to achieve everything I want to do.” “Logan, no one is going to care who you do or don’t kiss in high school. It won’t affect your future at all, assuming that you and I…” He couldn’t bear the thought of it. “don’t see each other after high school.” They were silent again for a minute. Did Logan really care about his reputation that much? Patton hadn’t realized how important it was to him. More important than friendship or even romance, that he couldn’t tell.
And this girl is a part of this world. The thought of being normal’s far more scary. “No, I… I really do like you a lot, Pat. And if I could, I’d love to try dating you some day. But the others at school—” Patton let out an exasperated noise and leaned forward to kiss Logan again, this time only for a few moments. “Forget about the others at school for a second, Logan! Literally no one will care! Sure, people will spread gossip for a week, but then they’ll move on to some other thing. Think about what you want here, right now.”
I’ll be brave and I’ll be kind. I’ll make a choice and change my mind. I will mess up all the time. They’ll say I’m weird but I’ll be fine. He looked into Logan’s eyes, his exasperation giving way to fondness. “Why did you kiss me?” “Because I’ve wanted to for several years,” he replied without hesitation. “Okay. And do you want to kiss me again?” “Yes, very much so.” Patton forced himself to keep his voice steady as he said, “Then do it.” Logan didn’t argue; he simply leaned toward Patton and lightly pressed his lips to his. “Do you want to kiss me again?” Patton repeated once Logan pulled away, feeling confidence building up inside him. He nodded. “Do it, then.” Again, Logan obeyed, this time letting the kiss last a few seconds longer. Patton couldn’t stop the smirk that spread across his face. “Do you still care about what the others at school will say?” he asked. Logan didn’t answer with words this time. He instead surged forward and once again his lips met Patton’s. Instead of pulling back again, like Patton had expected, Logan held the kiss. Patton moved his tongue ever so gently against Logan’s teeth, and the other parted his lips for entry. Everything was perfect— in Patton’s eyes at least— and neither seemed to want to pull away. When they finally did, Patton found himself on top of Logan. He worried for a moment that Logan would try to pull away again, but he didn’t. “If you want me to stop kissing you, I will,” he told him, smiling softly. “But do you get my point now?” He nodded. “Screw the others.” He moved his hands to his cheeks. “You’re right, it doesn’t matter what they say.” Patton’s smile widened, nodding. Without either saying a word, Logan sat up and kissed him once again. I’ll be anything but ordinary!
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The Revived - Chapter 16:
This is chapter 16 of the Dream SMP multichapter fic @dramaticsnakes​ and I wrote together! I hope you’ll enjoy!
Read in order (on Tumblr)
Characters in this chapter: Wilbur, Ghostbur, Tubbo, Ranboo, Michael
Word count: 3504
Cw: implied loneliness, discussions of bad coping mechanisms, jokes about drugs, guilt
Fic summary: Wilbur was alive, and it was such a magnificent feeling, that made his mind spark with anticipation. It didn’t take long, however, for Wilbur to realize that this new breath of life, was not just his own. An echo-y voice hides in the back of his mind, and before he knows it, the transparent version of him he saw at the endless train station, is a lot more ingrained than he’d expected him to be.
And Wilbur really shouldn’t care. Because he’d be damned, if he spent the life he’d awaited for so long, babysitting a lost cause of a ghost, stuck in the very same limbo Wilbur spent so long in. It was an even exchange, and one Wilbur wasn’t going to mess with. Why exactly he ends up setting out to get the ghost out of his mind, in order to save the both of them, however, is beyond him. And perhaps Wilbur’s past isn’t as easy to leave behind, as he’d hoped it would be.
The evening in the mansion was rather quiet and peaceful, all things considered. Michael had immediately handed the drawing to Wilbur, who reluctantly kept it close. He wasn’t sure if he wanted Tubbo or Ranboo to see it. Not so much because of his own appearance in it, but because he realized that the sight of his ghost counterpart would likely bring up some bad memories.
Another thing that was mostly quiet during the evening was the actual ghost counterpart, much to Wilbur’s dismay. It was simpler, to distract himself from it when Ranboo and Tubbo were talking to him during dinner, or when Michael wanted to show him something, but it bothered him nonetheless. Tubbo and Ranboo had let Wilbur stay in a medium-sized bed in an almost empty room, with a couple of boxes in the corner. Wilbur had promptly excused himself to it, once the silence in his mind, and the chaos from outside, became a little overwhelming.
“Ghostbur?” Wilbur asked, once the door was closed safely behind him.
There was a moment of silence before he heard a quiet gasp. “Oh! Hello!” Ghostbur said, sounding excited to be addressed, but disheartened nonetheless.
“Did you have a good day?” Wilbur asked, taking a deep breath, a little relieved to hear the familiar voice again. “You didn’t say much, so I wasn’t sure.”
“Ah, sorry!” Ghostbur said.
“There’s no need,” Wilbur said, gently. “You can talk if you want to, or remain quiet if you want.” He shrugged, because it shouldn’t matter to him after all.
“Right, right…” Ghostbur said, and Wilbur wasn’t entirely sure if it was understanding or defeat.
Wilbur strolled towards the bed, and sat down, at the tempting mattress. His limbs grew heavier at the feeling. He hummed, thinking of what to say. “Did you know Michael drew you?”
“Huh?” Ghostbur asked, a bit of interest creeping into his tone.
“He did! He made a little crayon drawing of you and Friend.” He laughed slightly at the sentence, “And me.”
“He did?” Ghostbur said, familiar excitement slipping into the words, “What does it look like?”
Wilbur went on to explain as many details of the drawings he could reasonably give, despite the minimalist art style. The ghost listened intently. It was strange, the peace Wilbur suddenly felt, as the ghost sounded gradually happier, and he was sitting there alone as the night grew darker outside. Eventually, the inevitability of sleep snuck up on Wilbur. It felt strange, unfair even, to leave Ghostbur hanging like that. Not that Wilbur concerned himself with it of course, but it was a bit sad to think about the silence Ghostbur would experience, as soon as Wilbur drifted off to sleep.
But it happened nonetheless, and the darkness surrounded him, carrying him to rest in a matter of minutes, all the events of the past day slipping away calmly. They wouldn’t bother him until he turned to the waking world again.
The next morning he awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and the sun barely visible, but still visible enough to fill the room with a faint light. He stretched in the bed, before lying there for a few moments. His mind wandered, mostly refreshing his mind of yesterday and if there was anything he was supposed to do again. He remembered Ghostbur’s gloominess from the day before with an awkward feeling in his chest. He mumbled, “Good morning.”
A few moments passed with no response. Wilbur slightly frowned, “Ghostbur?”
“Oh! You were talking to me!” Ghostbur’s tiredness showed through his voice. It wasn't tiredness from a lack of sleep that made your voice gently crack on itself, but rather an exhaustion that couldn’t be fixed with rest. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”
“Mhm.” Wilbur sat up from the bed, swinging his legs over so he was sitting normally. “I don’t remember being able to sleep that well in limbo, can you?” 
He hoped it was different for the ghost. That maybe he could also have a copy of Friend there for him instead of only having a faint grip of reality through Wilbur. “Nope. What did you do for fun here?” He heard a sigh from Ghostbur.
Wilbur pursed his lips. “I mean, it wasn’t really the best place in the universe.” He heard a small hum of acknowledgment. “Sometimes I walked down the tunnel. I would go ‘til my legs were tired. Then I tried to go for longer.” The words slipped out effortlessly, yet his voice became quieter the further he got into it, “I timed myself in my head, the quickest I could collapse was… two minutes? There were some seconds added on, but I can’t remember.” 
“Yeah, maybe I’ll try that.” His voice wasn’t enthusiastic- something Wilbur was grateful for.
Wilbur shook his head, “No no no, I’m a bit of a hypocrite. You shouldn't follow in my footsteps.”
“Don’t worry, maybe I’ll run the way you didn’t go! Wait- why shouldn’t I run where you did?”
Wilbur sighed, “I didn’t mean that. I just meant you shouldn’t do what I did. I’m just…” Wilbur wanted to say he wasn’t a good role model because while it certainly was the honest truth, he didn’t care for the truth all that much. Information gives you the upper hand. “It was just a dumb decision and I don’t want to waste your time.”
Ghostbur’s voice was clearly dismayed, “There’s nothing much else to do. I mean- sometimes I can imagine stuff in my head! Like when I would play with Michael!” His excitement picked up at the end, but it wasn’t at the same level it used to be.
Wilbur tried smiling, “Yeah. That’s good. You should continue doing that.”
“I try to, but then it makes me sad. The feeling doesn’t go away anymore.”
Wilbur would’ve stood up from the bed and walked downstairs, but he didn’t want to end the conversation. “Doesn’t go away anymore?”
Ghostbur sighed, “Yeah. When I was alive, I would talk to people. Then- I think something bad would happen. At least that’s what other people said. After it was over, I would be talking with friends again! It was nice because I felt better a lot sooner than other people would.” Ghostbur paused for a moment. “I’ve heard that people get sad for multiple days, and I’m glad that never really happened to me. I wish it didn’t happen in general though. They deserve to be happy.”
“Yeah… being sad isn’t that fun.” Wilbur felt oddly empty at the words, the simplification of them making him remember the past. The days he went without sleep, trying to figure out how to win the election. The look of concern he got when Tommy told him that he should rest. Yet, he supposed those days weren’t exactly sad. They weren’t cheery, but they weren’t sad either. They held an odd sort of void to him, blending together before he even knew they started. 
He’d known about it, partially. About how Ghostbur was shaped by the good and didn’t remember any of the bad things Wilbur had experienced, nor the bad memories he had on his own. Yet it was quite another to hear him say it. To hear him speak of it as if it was something natural. Feeling better faster than others, because the memories slipped away. Wilbur hadn’t realized that wouldn’t be the case anymore. Perhaps forgetting was more merciful.
Wilbur stood up from the bed, “I’m gonna go eat some breakfast.”
Ghostbur seemed excited once more as he clapped. “I love breakfast so much! It’s one of my favorite meals.”
Wilbur nodded as he let out a sound of amusement, “Good choice.”
He walked to the door of the room, opening it slowly, afraid of disturbing any peace inside the house. He peeked his head out and looked both ways, yet he couldn’t see anyone awake. He exited the room, closing the door behind him. He carefully made his way downstairs.
When Wilbur entered the barely set-up dining room, it was as if the entire place hadn’t quite woken up yet. Tubbo was languidly standing on one side of the room, half doing the dishes, and half making breakfast. On the floor on the other side, by an open box of whatever furniture or household items it contained, Ranboo was sitting up against the wall, flipping through a book. Michael was sitting right next to him, once again leaning over a piece of paper, happily doodling on it with crayons.
He walked to where Tubbo was, making his footsteps loud enough to be heard, but not enough to startle him. Tubbo turned around, a welcoming smile on his face, “Good morning.” 
Ghostbur cheerily replied, “Good morning!”
Wilbur stood next to the boy, looking over his shoulder, “Whatcha making?”
Tubbo shrugged. “I’m just cutting up some apples right now. Makin’ pancakes. American ones specifically, because Ranboo says English ones are just sad crepes.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes. He was surprised the centrist even had an opinion on food. He seemed to stay neutral on so many other regards, yet pancakes were where he drew the line, “What a weird guy. What should I start doing?”
Tubbo furrowed his eyebrows for a moment before speaking, “You’re a guest, you aren’t going to be the one cooking.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes as his tone returned gentle, “Like old times.”. He spent so many days making breakfast in L’Manberg that he hadn’t even thought that things were different. Most of those early moments were spent with Tubbo before he went undercover as a spy. They both couldn’t stay asleep or didn’t sleep soon enough and decided to just start the day. They formed the routine of the person in the kitchen, decided what they were making, and the other helped until it was finished.
Tubbo looked away, his posture more rigid. Wilbur pursed his lips, he ruined another moment. Another peaceful moment was torn out of Tubbo’s head by the hands of a person he only invited to his home out of pity. He forced words to roll off his tongue, ones that didn’t belong but had to be placed there, “Just joking, man.”
Tubbo hesitantly laughed, “Yeah,” He returned his gaze to the fruit in front of him. Wilbur slightly narrowed his eyes, not out of anger, but the confusion that persisted ever since his return. Everyone asserted that everything was different, but it all lingered in his head all the same. He could picture L’Manberg in its glory along with the uniforms that fit his soldiers perfectly. Yet no one else could. 
“Michael, no!” a voice from the other side of the room suddenly exclaimed, Wilbur immediately turned his head. He was met by the sight of Ranboo, worriedly trying to pull a piece of paper out of Michael’s mouth. Only a small part of it was stuck in there as if Michael had merely tried to lick it and had decided to chew on it afterward. “Let go, it’s not food.” Ranboo tried. With a sharp pull, Ranboo landed on his back with the paper in hand, and Michael looked disappointed.
Tubbo’s squinted, looking confused and concerned at the same time. “Didn’t we take away the yellow crayons?”
Ranboo sighed deeply, “Orange.”
“Michael doesn’t eat orange though?” Tubbo said.
Ranboo sat up and looked at Tubbo with a completely deadpan expression. “You haven’t considered the implications of light orange.”
Tubbo gasped with realization. “Oh,” he rushed towards the packet of crayons, picking out the orange ones hurriedly. Ranboo discarded the paper, and Michael watched with crossed arms, looking a bit annoyed at the whole ordeal. Wilbur couldn’t contain some light laughter as the scene unfolded.
Not too long after, breakfast was served. It was a lot less strained than Wilbur had perhaps feared. They chatted about Michael’s strange habits of eating crayons along with similar childhood stories. Light-hearted chuckles passed around the table, with Michael joining in occasionally. Even when they all finished their plates, they continued to sit. They only started moving when Michael seemed fussy with his high chair. Tubbo quickly took him out, setting him on the floor again. 
Tubbo picked up the dishes from the table. “I’ll clean these up. You and Michael can play for a bit.” Wilbur nodded and got up from his seat at the same time as Ranboo. Wilbur felt a pulling sensation on his pant leg, he goofily smiled when he looked down and realized it was Michael. 
Ranboo took the plates from Tubbo’s hands. “You cooked breakfast, it’s only fair that I wash the dishes.”
Tubbo gently pulled on them back. “And you played with Michael all morning.”
Ranboo rolled his eyes as he set the plates onto the kitchen counter. “Oh my, it’s so hard to be a Dad. Wow, it’s so difficult to just watch a child when the child is still waking up.”
Tubbo groaned, “I can’t believe you.”
Ranboo nodded. “I make such good points that you can’t even try.” While he seemed disinterested in the beginning, a small smile appeared on his face.
Tubbo sighed, “Yeah. I really can’t compete with the world’s best dad and husband. If only I could wash the dishes to pay him back.”
“Awww, I think they’re flirting again,” Ghostbur cooed. 
Ranboo let out a laugh, “Sure sure, maybe tomorrow.” He quickly leaned down and planted a quick kiss on Tubbo’s forehead. 
Tubbo scoffed, “Bitch.” He playfully punched Ranboo’s shoulder before heading off in Wilbur's direction. Wilbur even forgot he was there, wrapped inside the domestic peace of their family. He blinked and looked down at Michael, the child still pulling gently on Wilbur’s pant leg. 
“We’ll be in Michael’s room,” Tubbo called out to Ranboo. Ranboo nodded and continued putting the dishes in the sink. Tubbo started walking up the stairs and Michael quickly followed. Wilbur was walking a bit slower than before. Cautiously perhaps, though he wasn’t certain why. He smiled at Michael.
“Ooh, what are we going to play with Michael?” Ghostbur asked, though it was said in such a way, that he likely didn’t expect a response. Wilbur let out a relieved breath, at least a little comforted by the fact that Ghostbur had been talking this morning. It was going to be alright. Wilbur held on to the faint thread of a connection for now, each word from the ghost feeling like his one chance to take a breath. 
As they returned to Michael’s barely furnished room, Wilbur almost felt as if he’d settled into a routine. It was silly really, having been there for just one night, but the walls seemed familiar. Familiar in a way that was a lot less suffocating than most familiar walls Wilbur could think of. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to settle into that feeling. It wasn’t there to stay, but he could pretend it was for the time being. Though the warmth almost seemed to burn him.
Soon enough, he found himself sitting on the floor, playing with little toys shaped like various animals and other mobs. While Wilbur found it difficult to figure out exactly what they were playing, he released a scream from a toy he’d dubbed the Skeleton King, as Michael played the chicken protagonist, defeating the king for the last time. Ghostbur chimed in every once in a while, despite him knowing even less of what was going on. Ghostbur suggested that the chicken hero had a friend who was a ghost cow, and Wilbur had decided to incorporate it into the story. Partially just to please Ghostbur, though the smile on Michael’s face was priceless.
He looked over in Tubbo’s direction. The boy was feeling the walls when Wilbur realized they had a bit of crayon on them. Not much, but enough to notice if you looked close enough. He gasped quietly at the thought in his mind. He reached in his pocket, feeling the sugar cane in his hand. A small grin slipped onto his face as he discreetly crushed it up, forming a small pile of sugar in his hand. 
He shuffled slightly towards the edge of the table, gesturing for Michael to come along. The toddler tilted his head but walked over to where Wilbur was. Wilbur barely resisted laughing as he put the sugar on the table in a thin line. It wasn’t the neatest one in the world, but it would have to do. 
Wilbur spoke loud enough for Tubbo to hear, “Alright, first you get it in a line. It can be a bit hard to do sometimes, but you can always use the edge of a sword or a piece of paper if you’re really desperate.” Tubbo raised an eyebrow as his eyes widened at the scene. He immediately ran over, picking Michael up as he quickly placed the child farther away from Wilbur. Michael, on the other hand, didn’t understand the situation as he attempted to run back to Wilbur. 
Tubbo grabbed onto Michael’s shoulders before he could go far, turning the zombie piglin around to see him. His voice was tense, but still light enough. “Michael, how about you play tag with Dad for a bit, okay?” 
“Tubbo doesn’t sound okay,” Ghostbur supplemented. Although Wilbur could’ve been able to read the room himself, the ghost’s voice was always a nice echo in his mind.
Michael huffed, looking between Tubbo and Wilbur. Tubbo nodded, showing him the direction of the door. He even slipped a smile into his voice, although the one on his face seemed tense, “You can go down the stairs by yourself.”
Michael squealed excitedly as he ran out of the room, his footsteps heard as he excitedly ran down. Tubbo closed the door behind him as his eyes met Wilbur’s. A foolish grin sat on Wilbur’s face, “Your reaction was priceless!” He cackled as he casually pushed around the sugar on the table.
Tubbo sharply exhaled, “Wilbur.” His voice was sharp and jagged in a way Wilbur didn’t quite expect.
“It’s just some sugar in a line. C’mon, man, you can taste it yourself.” He picked a bit of sugar from off the table and put it in his mouth, making slightly exaggerated expressions as he emphasized that it wasn’t anything bad.
Some of Tubbo’s edge disappeared, but at least half of it remained, “Yeah, I know you wouldn’t hurt Michael it’s just-” He cut himself off with a sigh. He looked away from Wilbur’s gaze and back at the wall with some crayon on it. “L’Manberg.”
Wilbur furrowed his brow, “What about it?”
They waited a few moments in silence before Tubbo hesitantly spoke, “Why did you start L’Manberg?”
Wilbur stated his answer automatically, “To declare independence from Dream. You were there, Tubbo.”
Tubbo shook his head, “No no, what was the original purpose of L’Manberg?”
Wilbur thought for a moment. Tommy’s disks flew into his mind, but L’Manberg was never really centered on them, only Tommy and Dream did. He drifted onto the idea of community, but that was found after the nation was formed. Power maybe? Power seemed like a nice answer, but it somehow didn’t feel right on his tongue. He snapped his fingers as a look of realization came across his face, “Oh! We were gonna set up a drug empir- oh.”
History really does repeat itself in an ironic way.
Tubbo pursed his lips as he couldn’t meet Wilbur’s gaze, “Yeah.”
“Tubbo…” Wilbur’s voice trailed off before he continued again, “I mean, L’Manberg is over and done with. It’s not too big of a problem.” Wilbur scooped up the remaining sugar on the table and dumped it into his mouth.
Ghostbur seemed flabbergasted, “What are you eating? It seems… good? Is that the right word?” Wilbur nodded but Ghostbur couldn’t see.
Wilbur moved his gloves against each other, removing the rest of the remaining substance from himself. “Sugar never really loses its touch.” He stood up from the table. He slightly frowned when he spotted the cloudy look in Tubbo’s eyes. “You… okay?”
Tubbo met Wilbur’s gaze for a moment before looking towards the door. “I know it was yesterday when you read the destruction of L’Manberg, really, it’s a new day. But-” Tubbo shakily exhaled, “Just because you got to destroy all of your hard work, doesn’t mean you’ll get to destroy mine too.”
Wilbur sympathetically looked at the boy as he walked closer. Tubbo tensed up noticeably. Wilbur stopped a few steps in front of Tubbo. “Tubbo.” A gentle assertiveness filled his voice, “Tubbo look at me.” Tubbo narrowed his eyes for a moment but met Wilbur’s gaze. Tears laced the boy’s eyes, the shine of them giving it away.
Wilbur took a breath, “Dream is in prison. L’Manberg is… gone.” The word felt bitter on his tongue. “I don’t have anything against you. I- I care about you being happy. I wouldn’t do anything to purposely ruin it.” Wilbur opened his arms for a hug.
Tubbo stepped forward as Wilbur’s chest lept and a small grin went across his face, but Tubbo side-stepped at the last moment, opening the door just a bit behind Wilbur. Before the door closed, Tubbo mentioned a whisper into the air, “It’s okay.” The words seemed to waver slightly as if they were meant to comfort himself and not Wilbur. The door clicked and he was alone once more.
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fizzyxcustard · 4 years
Fear and Loathing (4)
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
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Fandom: seaQuest 2032
Summary: (Part 2 of The Right Thing - this will be a chaptered fic) Captain Hudson knows that you and Lucas are more than just friends, and after changing your shift rotations to make sure you’re not on duty together, you take things into your own hands and request a transfer from seaQuest. Before your transfer can be processed, officers and crew begin showing signs of extreme anxiety, anger and paranoia. Some are worse affected than others, you being one of them. Can you fight for not only your relationship with Lucas but your state of mind?
Pairings: Ensign Lucas Wolenczak x FemLieutenant!Reader, Commander Jonathan Ford x Lieutenant Lonnie Henderson (only slight)
Warnings: Language, violence, insecurity, angst, paranoia, anxiety, mental instability, very mild sexual references/smut mention, age difference/gap.
Comments: If you wish to be added to my seaQuest tag list, which will be separate from all my other tags, let me know, and I will only tag you in these if you specifically request to be tagged. This is practically a dead fandom now, but I would still like to share my writings with you. If you would like to ask any questions, then by all means just ask! People are probably wondering why I’m still continuing this fic when it gets so little feedback, but it’s purely because I enjoy writing it. It’d a pleasure to be reminiscing in old times.
That night, while you remained in the Med Bay, the mess hall seemed to begin hosting a midnight coffee refreshment for a handful of crew. Lonnie Henderson wandered into the room, drying the sweat from her brow and neck after waking suddenly from a nightmare of being suffocated by unseen hands. She saw Jim Brody sat with his head in his hands, and one of the engineers was resting with their eyes closed and their feet up on a chair.
“Tough night?” Lonnie asked, approaching Brody.
He gasped suddenly, nearly jolting out of his chair. “Yeah….ugh…..sorry,” he grumbled, and rubbed his face, trying to force himself more fully awake.
“What’s going on tonight?” Lonnie asked. “No one can sleep and everyone is on edge.” She then said your name and her eyes widened. “Do you think it’s got anything to do with her and the virus?”
“I doubt it,” Brody scoffed. “A virus that gives panic attacks and nightmares?”
“Come on, Jim. We’ve seen things more unbelievable than that in the last two years. We’ve contacted aliens and come face to face with Greek gods, yet we can’t believe that a virus may exist which causes panic and fear?”
Lucas remained in the Med Bay that night, falling asleep next to your bed. The gentle beeping of the monitors swept him into a dream. There was water, screams and fear. They were your screams; begging him for help. Lucas only remembered the cold water and your screams as he jerked awake.
Your eyes were open and you were smiling at him. “You okay? Have a bad dream?” you asked, yawning. You felt groggy, but strangely content, especially upon seeing Lucas.
He rushed to you, cupped your cheek and then kissed you softly. But gradually the kiss grew deeper, and hotter, until he pulled away. “How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Just tired,” you replied.
“Do you want me to get you anything?”
“Can I have a cold drink, please? Soda, milk, water. Just something cold.”
Lucas left the room and you pulled yourself up slowly. A thumping headache began in your temples and behind your eyes, a sure sign of tension and stress that you knew all too well.
The next two days saw more crew visiting not only the mess hall at night but the Med Bay, asking for advice on nightmares and panic attacks. Even Captain Hudson had noticed that he seemed more on edge of late. There were far too many crew affected now for it not to be noticeable and not be a problem that needed addressing.
Jonathan Ford and Tim O’Neill, along with a couple of the engineers, Dagwood, the chief cook and the doctor himself, were the only people who seemed to be unaffected. Every other person was showing symptoms, to varying degrees, of fear, panic and dread.
On the third day of you being in the Med Bay, a mild sedative still in your system to calm the nightmares you were having a night, you were awoken to Lieutenant Fredricks being pulled into the room by Brody and O’Neill.
“Please, don’t. They’ll run experiments on me,” she wept, pulling against the two men either side of her.
The screams had pulled you out of another beckoning nightmare with the visiting shadow demon, who sometimes came to you at night and stood at the foot of your bed. All of the noise and commotion shook you to the core, causing a shockwave of anxiety to race through you like a power surge. But your concern for your comrade still trumped the fear you felt.
“Freddie?” you called to her. She continued weeping uncontrollably as Brody and the doctor held her down on the bed, ready to administer a sedative. “Freddie? You’ll be okay. I promise. They won’t hurt you.” You slipped out of bed, almost falling in your weakness, and you took her hand in yours. “Shhh, it’ll be okay.”
The feel of your hand in hers, and your kind words, soothed Fredricks as the sedative was administered by the doctor.
“How can she feel so much fear when she has an implant?” Brody asked.
“The virus is somehow overpowering every other emotion in those who are the worst affected,” the doctor replied. “I don’t think the sedatives, long term, will be enough. The UEO still has no idea what’s causing this. They’re requesting blood works be sent of each crew member who is affected, which is over eighty per cent. I don’t know if I can get that many reports sent over all at once in the time frame they’re asking for.”
“How long are they asking for, Doc?”
“A week. I’ve only got the capacity to run five blood samples every twelve hours. That’s ten every twenty-four hours, and there are well over a hundred crew affected by this. If this gets worse, we may have to abandon the tour and return to land to fully hospitalise and test everyone. And we don’t know how contagious this is or where it came from.”
By the end of the week, the Med Bay was full. Most of the crew were utterly exhausted through lack of sleep due to night terrors. Frequent fights were breaking out over mundane issues. The latest fight had been when Tony Piccolo had had the last croissant at breakfast, pissing off an engineer. A broken nose and black eye later, Tony found himself in the Med Bay for a couple of hours.
You still kept dreaming of the shadow demon, and often you huddled under the covers, hiding from him, just in case he appeared at the end of your bed again. The fear seemed to come in waves; you would be peaceful for a few hours and then suddenly feel the panic rise and see the shadow at the end of your bed, set with glowing eyes and saliva dripping from sharp fangs. Nights were horrendous as that’s when the most fear came out to play and it hung over you all like a thick mist. Fredricks often woke screaming in the bed next to you. The engineer in the bed opposite you had had regular seizures. Thankfully, you had only had one.
The milder cases meant that crew had to continue working, despite being exhausted. Jonathan Ford felt as though he had had no sleep in a week. Every waking moment and he was on the bridge, taking the helm for part of it while Hudson tried to ward off the anxiety that was beginning to get the better of him. Tim O’Neill hadn’t seen his quarters in days, and was often found most nights dozing off in his seat on the bridge. Dagwood had even offered to help, but his kind offer was politely rejected.
Captain Hudson had been having regular talks with Secretary McGath, and it was now becoming a viable option to abandon the tour and return to shore. However, this virus was still unknown, and the UEO would have to make sure that strict quarantine procedures were put in place once the seaQuest returned to its berth. Crew would not be able to disembark immediately. McGath reassured Hudson that everything that could be done by the UEO was being done. The blood samples were being tested; each crew member, one by one, even those who were not affected and weren’t showing symptoms. Some were being tested multiple times. Even full genome scanning had now begun to try to pinpoint some kind of link to all those affected. The UEO had already received the sub’s black box recordings, knowing exactly where it was at any given time. No other infections had been reported in the waters recently visited.
Lucas lay in his bunk, listening to Tony’s snores from below. The snores had been louder and more obnoxious since his broken nose. Lucas was scared to sleep. Dark circles were beginning to frame his blue eyes, marring his pale complexion. Every evening and he visited you, sitting with you for a couple of hours. He would read to you, trying to soothe your nerves. But Fredricks’ outbursts would put you on edge and Lucas knew that any kind of relaxation was impossible. Whenever he closed his eyes, Lucas would see the water and hear you calling for him. It all felt so real, maybe too real.
The hallways were quiet, but then he would feel the energy buzzing from the mess hall, which was usually full of half dozing crew. Should he go for a wander tonight? Maybe a swim with Darwin would help. Or would the water only exacerbate the dreams?
He didn’t know how long he lay awake, but Lucas looked up at the pipes which ran above his bunk. He looked at the photo of you both which he had taped to the metal. You had your eyes open wide, shocked, whilst Lucas was gritting his teeth, pretending to be angry. He remembered fondly all the staged photographs that Tony took of you both whenever you were on shore leave back when Captain Bridger was aboard. There was such a happiness and peace amongst the crew. He remembered when Jim Brody had attempted to flirt with you once or twice, for him only to be scoffed at. Flirting had never impressed you. Humour and compassion impressed you.
He missed you so much, and slowly he turned over, pulling a pillow to his chest, trying to imagine it was you. To think that Lucas had been prepared to give up his place on seaQuest when he met Sandra just over a year ago. She had deceived him, pretending to interested in a relationship, when she only wanted the emergency codes to gain access to seaQuest. And now he was with you. It was a much, much deeper connection, that ran right through to his bones. It had become a dependency on you, a need, and considering that you were the one who had taken his virginity, that made everything so much stronger. Even though he had always had a crush on you since your first meeting, his very brief relationship with Sandra helped him forget the unrequited feelings he had for you. But then they came back even stronger. You had been the one to pick up the pieces of his broken trust that she had left behind.
Lucas lay awake, his eyes stinging with fatigue. Until finally he jumped down from his bunk and wondered out into the hallway, venturing towards your quarters. He just wanted to be close to you in some way, even if only sleeping on your bed.
The room smelled of you, sweet and flowery. And as he stepped inside, closing the door behind him, Lucas smiled to himself. There was a small stack of books on your desk with a pot of pens, all alongside your computer. A potted, ornamental plant and two matching china owls decorated the desk.
On your bed was your favourite patchwork quilt and on the wall were photos and little drawings that you had doodled. Lucas looked closer at the photos, recognising a few of you both with other members of the crew on shore leave. Then there were pictures of you with people whom he had never seen before, no doubt old friends or family members.
Lucas lay on your bunk and wrapped himself in your quilt, inhaling. He immediately felt warmth radiate through his chest and stomach, easing the tension. Exhaustion made it impossible for him to stay awake any longer, and gradually he fell into a deep sleep.
The dream changed; it was no longer water, but darkness. A light shone in the distance, a faint candlelight and when he got closer to it, he saw that he was standing in an empty garden. A candle, resting in a glass jar was upon the grass. He picked up the candle and began to walk, following a pathway. The whole place was empty, quiet and dark. The feeling of being so alone made Lucas’ heart speed up, pounding like a drum in his chest. Where was everyone?
He began to call, hoping someone would answer. But nothing. No one was there. Everyone had deserted him.
With a gasp, Lucas woke suddenly. He wiped his cheek, only to feel a tear clinging to it.
Captain Hudson reluctantly agreed for UEO officers to come aboard seaQuest in two days’ time to begin the gradual emptying of the sub of all crew. The crew would be taken to a contained quarantine facility in Florida whilst tests were still being carried out and their symptoms could be monitored closer.
Secretary McGath’s image dominated Hudson’s screen in his quarters. “Captain, it’s obvious that the crew aren’t recovering from this virus, whatever it is, and bringing the seaQuest into berth could possibly cause a contamination of the coastlines.
“So you’re saying that the boat has to be left out here in the middle of the Atlantic with no crew aboard?” Hudson asked in disbelief.
“Oliver, what else do you propose we do? The biggest cause for concern is the sub’s bio skin which can quite easily carry viruses and disease. Until we know what this virus is and how it’s affecting the crew, we have no other option. seaQuest will have to remain dead in the water until our chief scientists have figured out what needs to be done. All the sub’s recordings and mission data are still being analysed.”
seaQuest tag list: @shrimpsthings​
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hwajin · 3 years
Alright so I can't remember everything perfectly because it's a bit blurry, but I'll try my best.
My family usually never goes on vacation. I mean, we obviously couldn't last year and the two years before we did, but that was a big exception. But in my dream we did. I don't know where, but I wasn't too excited about it, so none of the places I would like to visit. Which is honestly hard, because there are tons of places I wanna visit some day.
Anyways, it also wasn't somewhere too close since we had to get the plane, but just as always, I was ready but my mother was running late. I don't know why, but she's always the one that takes the most time but rushes everyone else lmao.
Since I was already done, I was answering messages on my phone. Well, not really, I have tons of unread messages but I don't feel like answering them. So I wasn't answering messages, but rather sending some on here. Sending in gifs, pictures, thoughts and normal messages, just like I always do.
I still had about an hour left, so there was no need for me to be stressed. So yea, I was on Tumblr, reading a bit, sending messages, you know the drill. I can't remember the thoughts I sent in right now, but if I manage to get them back, I'll actually send them in later.
We were in a conversation about the latest thought I sent in, a thought about Hyunjin and I sent another one. I was scared but really excited for your reaction, constantly checked my phone for new messages, opened Tumblr and refreshed it and so on. And then I got the answer.
I don't know how, but it was a voice reply? So I heard your voice for the first time and I probably fell in love with the voice my dream gave you figured it would only be fair to send a voice message back. We had a small conversation over phone afterwards (I don't know why but that was suddenly an option on Tumblr lmao), but it really wasn't like calling at all, but like having a normal conversation. I can't explain it, it just didn't feel like a call at all.
But that was when I had to go. I was only a few times in a plane so far and most of this was when I was a baby, one time when I was like 5 or 6 and one time two years ago. I have memories of the time when I was 5 or 6, but they are very blurry and I basically only remember the food (scrambled eggs mhmmm the first time ever for me xD) and the songs I listened to (songs for children, openings of several tv shows and a reading of a show I liked), so that won't help. But I do remember the time in 2018 pretty clearly. You can't have your mobile data on, so I didn't have a connection and couldn't talk to you guys anymore. But that's not too important. I know that something happened, but I can't remember what it was right now. It's also not necessary. I might add it if I remember it lately.
The next moment I remember was when we had to go back. I was glad because honestly, it's no fun being in vacation with my parents. But again, everyone was extremely stressed. This time there was a reason, we were running late for the plane, but I was ready. My mother (again) was the one running late. But I'm used to it, so while I was a bit stressed, I didn't let it out and just waited on my phone again, talking to you guys, writing some more thoughts. Well, adding to my Hyunjin thought and if I remember it correctly, answering rpg messages. (Damn I miss RPGs)
And again, we ended up having a small voice conversation. But his time neither of us had time and the connection kept on breaking up. So yea, this time it didn't feel like talking to you in person at all. But it was still so much fun.
It felt good talking to you. A bit like talking to a long lost friend again after years (that reminds me, I should probably message my friend again)
Soo thank you <3
- 🐈
i- that is the most adorable thing i've ever read I'M SMILING LIKE AN IDIOT JFJEJD THIS IS SO CUTE 🥺 also i will leave you with only my dream voice then cuz my actual voice is nothing you'd fall in love with dujwbdn
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 17 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 17 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
She went forward, toward the galley, along dimly lit passages that she had known all of her life.  Great Dragons!  He trusts me this much?  Why?  Odd though, I think that I trust him, too.  He seems to have been completely honest with me.  I wonder what I would feel for him if I weren’t trapped in this mess?
The first rule of survival is to live.  I’ll do this job, too.  I won’t be sick.  
The worst of it is, what I told him is true.  I saw what they did to the last couple that violated the Marriage Laws.  They won’t execute me!  After the dinner tonight, nobody would believe that I was coerced. — — At least he’s not bad in bed.
She pushed open the galley door and was greeted by Jaret who was emboldened by the Captain’s absence.
“Well if it ain’t the high and mighty!” he said sarcastically.  “Quite a leap up from stores clerk to cabin-girl, ain’t it?”
Shaking inside, because she had never simply seized power that she did not actually have, she steeled herself and looked about brightly.  “I’m glad that you agree.  Looking at how you are dressed and how I’m dressed, the difference in our stations is obvious, even to you. Backing that up, of course, is where I sit at dinner and where you sit.
“Now, I need three snack trays delivered to the Captain’s cabin before the second drum of the evening watch.  We will need one with crab-cakes and puffs and a divided center-bowl with sweet sauce and sharp sauces.  The next one should be thin sliced red-weed bread with minced paddle-duck egg spread.  The last one should have crunchy fried fish puffs in an assortment of flavors and a divided center-bowl with tart and sour sauces.  We also need a large flagon of water and a pair of bowls with dried sauce bases, both sweet and tart.”
She looked brightly up at him, standing with his arms truculently crossed.  “Can you remember all of that Jaret?  You didn’t take any notes.”
“Want ‘em all you want, Chit-girl.  You ain’t gonna get ‘em.  Watch changes next drum and the galley’s already closed.”  He started to spin about contemptuously when her icy voice stopped him cold.
“That’s perfectly understandable.  I’m sure Captain Barad will forgive your ruining his evening’s entertainment.  Of course, if he should be in one of those moods, the entire galley crew on this watch could be tomorrow’s entertainment.”
Houfan, the lead journeyman cook of the watch, abruptly pushed Jaret aside so forcefully that the apprentice bounced off a counter.  Houfan had a tallow-slate in hand and a worried look on his face.
“Kurti, …” he searched frantically for a title in this unprecedented situation, “Ma’am, I thought that Jaret was taking care of your order.  I apologize for the rudeness of our heedless apprentice. What was your need again?”
Kurti told him politely and then left.  She closed the door and leaned against it listening.  “What’s the matter with you, boy?  Even if she doesn’t have the Captain’s favor, and she does — ”  There was an inaudible mumble followed by, “He’s spent more on her shoes than your shares will be for a Gathering!  That’s how I know!”  It may only be reflected glory but I actually have some power now that I know how to take it, she thought as she went back to the Captain’s cabin.
She assessed her resources and set out three nested tray tables and matching comfortable chairs.  She cleared the chart table for a sideboard, carefully putting everything away in its proper place. She dressed herself in many layers of loose clothing, the inner ones being of seductive sheers.
The cooks arrived with the food trays, water and plates that she had requested.  She was setting the things up on the sideboard when Houfan spoke up diffidently.
“Ma’am, I wonder, what will you be tellin’ Captain Barad?  About the thing in the galley, I mean?”
She smiled calmly at him and replied, “Why, that you people stayed two drums past your watch to fix these snacks just for his entertainment. Should I say anything more?”
Gratitude filled his eyes as he said, “That would be fine, Ma’am.  Thank you … What are you going to do with the powdered sauce bases that you asked for?”
“I am going to use them to add flavor to the water, Houfan.  Thank you for remembering them.”  He left, almost at a run.
She got out the Captain’s best set of Three Dragons dice, dice boxes, the counters with their boards and the gaming tray, gridded with point spaces.  She was just finishing the setup when Morgu knocked at the open door frame.
Kurti smiled at him, “Come in!  I can’t tell you how much I look forward to this game!”  Won’t is more like it!  I am just getting used to Barad.  I didn’t expect anything like this!
Morgu looked her over in frank appreciation and replied, “Well, this is a change.  I’ve never seen the Captain’s door unlocked and unguarded before.”  He leered, “Nor an openly willing cabin-girl either.”
“The Captain’s door may have been unlocked, because we expected visitors but it is not unguarded.”  Still smiling, she pulled the large Strong Skin tooth dagger from her sash.
“He lets you be armed?” questioned Morgu, disturbed by the development.
“I do,” came the voice of Barad from the door, “I chose the knife for her personally.”  He had his arm about Selked’s shoulder as they came in.  “Where do you want us, Kurti?”
“Chose the chairs and tables that suit you,” she answered, handing the Captain the knife on the flat of her hand.  “I will bring the snacks for the first round.  We have red-weed bread, crab rolls and puffs and crunchy fish puffs in several flavors.  I can flavor your water too, either tart or sweet.”  For the next few minutes she was busy setting up plates and fetching flavored water.
“This is all very nice but where is the gaming table?” asked Morgu slightly petulantly.  The Captain doesn’t let me carry a knife around him!  Why does she get one?
Why, right here,” said Kurti kneeling in the center of the group of chairs and holding out the board in her hands.  She was  grinning with pleasure at the effect that she had created.  “Gentlemen, to your dice!”
Hard cubes of Wing Ray bone rattled in their cups and bounded about the board.  Each was engraved with pictures.  On opposite faces were a skelt and a Glue Fish, paddle duck and Wide Wing, sometimes known as a Sea Hawk, and Strong Skin paired to Lesser Sea Dragon.
As the dice came to rest, enthusiastic players leaned close.
“Ha! My paddle duck eats your Glue Fish!” Morgu said excitedly.
“Yes, but my Strong Skin eats you both!” cried the Captain in childlike glee.
“If you will look,” said Selked calmly, “my Glue Fish is on 45.  Your paddle duck is on twelve and the Strong Skin is only on fourteen. Glue Fish escapes with 19!  Pay up!”  Grumbling cheerfully they forfeited counters.
“Now, Morgu,” said the Captain, “will you pay me to escape or be eaten?”
“I’m eaten,” he said, shifting a peg down one hole on the ‘food’ board that also held his counters.
The next throw and the next followed suit.  As they were preparing for the fifth throw, Kurti announced, “This is a hand throw gentlemen. Are you ready?”
They Shook their dice boxes and threw.  The Captain threw another Strong Skin.  Morgu threw a Wide Wing and Selked threw a Dragon.
She called out cheerfully, “Hand throw, no point escapes.  Dragon eats all.  Pay Master Selked the points you are on and move one down the food board.  Master Selked, move two up and receive this prize!” She untied the loose collar of her first blouse and slid out of it, handing it to the startled Master.
“I see — One at each hand throw?  To the winner?”
“Yes,” she said smiling at the impression that she had made.
Looking carefully at how she was dressed, Morgu said, “This could be a long game.”
“Unless the Captain commands it otherwise, yes, it will be,” she replied. “More refreshments?”  Dragons help me!  I am actually enjoying this.  Whatever happens later, I’m having fun now!
The game went on its wild way, long into the night. The men were amazed at how many clothes one small lady could wear and still look good. And how transparent some of the last ones could be.
At last, there was only one short, transparent gown with a little Longin Lace trim.  As the hand throw came up, Kurti said, “This is the end of the game, Gentlemen.  There will be two hand throws.  Lowest is eaten and out of the game on the first throw, and the winner of the second will have this,” she fingered the diaphanous material, “and myself in his bed until morning watch is drummed.”
Dice rattled in cups and bounded about the board, thrown one at a time, to increase the suspense.  Morgu, as winner of the last hand threw first.  A Wide Wing.   Selked threw next.  The die rebounded twice off the edges of the board before coming to rest.  A dragon.  Barad’s throw hit the side and rolled over twice.  A Strong Skin.
Morgu was downcast until Kurti put down the board for a moment and said, “You deserve a consolation prize.”  She gave him a hug and a kiss.  “Have good dreams.  The game was well played.”
Taking up the board again, she held it to Master Selked.  He was so nervous that his throw nearly missed the board.  A Glue Fish.
Ruefully, he said, “Well Captain, it appears that you have kept your beauty.”
“I still have to make my throw to be sure.”  He cast his die.  A skelt.  They stared.  Barad leaned back in his chair and laughed a big hooting laugh.  When he calmed down, he turned to Selked.  “Never give up.  Just because your cast is low doesn’t mean the other guy can’t get lower!  Have a good night, you two!”
Kurti got a robe and slippers and went with Master Selked.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Mad Predictions
TITLE: Mad Predictions
AUTHOR: inspired-snowflace
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: “A freedom restrained the sun shall invoke, The gift from the plea a mother spoke, Purpose shall be bestowed upon your life, In form of one you should have called wife, A lover presumed dead shall be back, Now shall you truly pay for your attack.”
Ever since the fortune teller had spilt these words, Loki’s life was thrown into a hurricane. He dared to hope that after the attack on New York and the following arrest, things would get better, but these words seemed to point in an opposite direction.
Things would never remain the same, for better or worse.
RATING: Everyone
NOTES/WARNINGS: Just a note- Tony can be playfully annoying in this story, joking at the wrong moments, but that is only because he knows that humour would cheer you up. Otherwise, he loves you as if you were his child. Mentions of nightmares. Also, there is a description of the scars. The medical analysis is not from any reliable source. Read the next chapter early on my tumblr!!
RECAP : You are an avenger, who remembers nothing of her past. Her powers can kill painfully, but they can also heal people. When Thor brings Loki on Earth to serve for his punishments, the reader and Loki have a fight. However, you feel a connection to Loki. Loki remembers you too, but as a lover he murdered.
That night you had one of your worst nightmares. With assassinating people, nightmares came. But today, it was not ghosts haunting you. You felt as if you were falling off a cliff. No. You were being THROWN off a cliff. You could not identify the person standing in front of you in your dream. Was he the one that pushed you off? Was he there to save you? You didnt know how but you were sure of three things- first, the person was a man. Second, he had betrayed you. Third, he was filled with remorse for his actions.
“Y/N!!” you heard someone scream. But you knew it wasn’t in your dream. You woke up to see yourself completely drenched in sweat. You were shivering and the dryness of your throat had you thinking that you had been screaming your lungs off. But a look around the room, confirmed that thought. Your screams woke the avengers up. And all of them were ready as if to kill some attacker.
“Are you alright?” Clint asked.
“It was only a dream, right?” Tony questioned with concern.
“It was! But it felt so real!! As if that had actually happened..”
Through the corner of your eye you saw a figure standing idly in your room. A figure looking at whom you wondered why he had even bothered to come here.
“What did you see?” Clint asked while handing you a water bottle.
“I…. fell off a cliff… no…. somebody pushed me off the cliff… it was a huge drop…like a 100 feet drop… I most definitely… died.” You said as the memories crashed back.
“It was so real.” You added; still shaken slightly. With an involuntary glance, you knew that Loki was looking at you with sad eyes, his shiny green emeralds upon you.
“Y/N” Nat started carefully, “By any chance do you remember whether you fell on your back or front?” her voice seemed relaxed but you knew it was urging.
“I was facing the person who pushed me off. I think I landed on my back.”
The assassin and the archer exchanged a look. Before you could say anything, the assassin added, “Do you think the scars on the back of your head are… due to being pushed off a cliff?” As a reply, you frowned. Dr. Banner checked the cracks on your head and looked grimly “They can be. A 100 feet fall you say? The closely bunched up nature tells us that the impact was absorbed by one region and the slight branching out indicates that there was just one powerful impact. So yes… what you are thinking, about it being a memory, it is possible.”
“Is that possible? A memory?” You said glancing at both Bruce and Tony.
“Yes. Often when you see certain things, certain triggers activate your subconscious to be active and instead of recalling them as memories, you recall them as dreams, or nightmares, in your case.” Bruce explained.
“Very similar to PTSD” Tony added, shooting a hot glance at Loki.
You had no idea what to think about this. A memory of the life you have lived? And that memory was being thrown off a 100 foot cliff?
“No, Y/N, that does not mean that your life was filled with trauma. It is just that the trigger reminded you of the most horrible event in your life.” Bruce said as if reading your thoughts.
“Y/N, do you want to sleep with Nat instead?” Steve questioned.
“No. I am really very sorry that I woke you all up…” you felt ashamed. “Nothing to worry about lady Y/N. Everyone has such times.” Thor reassured.
“Thank you guys.”
“And Y/N don’t worry. If anything dare disturb your sleep again, we would love to torch it to death.” Tony said with a playful wink but you knew he meant his words.
The next morning you woke up to see you room bare with none of your things in there. You rushed out to check what was happening. “Hey Y/N, you are awake!” Tony said when he saw you. When you questioned him for an explanation he replied, “Oh, well, last night you seemed pretty shaken. So we decided to shift your room. Perks- you are closer to Thor and Bruce now. But there is a disadvantage- you are now also closer to reindeer games. But don’t worry, he was threatened enough times.” After thanking him and his usual- “don’t mention it, kid”, you entered your room. Everything was placed beautifully.
However, at night you woke up at the sound of muffled up screams, only to discover that they were not coming from your throat. You opened your door to check that they were from the corner room, where Loki lived. Hesitantly at first, you went to his room to see him in a mess. His hair scattered in a circle around his head and body covered in sweat. You decided to help him for reasons unknown to your own self. You sat down and started humming many songs that you knew. Many were pop songs, but there were some that sounded like classical folklore. You seemed to know the entire tune but could not recollect the lyrics. His body seemed to calm immediately under the soothing touch of your voice. However, that meant that you will have to sing the entire night so that he could sleep. You tried using the original recordings or recordings of your voice but nothing seemed to work. He needed your and only your voice.
These late night adventures caused you to loose a lot of sleep. There were not many nightmares, for there was hardly any sleep. But the nights where there were, it was the same- falling off a cliff while the sky was painted a bright orange. This caused your dark circles to run deeper, you became lazier and generally grumpy. However, you felt happier that you were helping somebody. Loki seemed more refreshed during the day and less grumpier.
Despite the first conversation with him, Loki granted you sad meaningful looks from time to time as if he knew something. At times, it seemed like an apology. Sometimes it just felt like he KNEW that it was you behind his newfound sleep. Yet he made no efforts to talk to about the same. Despite everything, the conversations were very few, if any at all. But whenever he was with you, there was a sadness laced in his eyes.
This continued for a month or so. The other avengers seemed to notice your lack of sleep and whenever they confronted you about the same, you would come up with some silly excuse for staying up late- “Oh! I was craving some ice-cream” or “I wanted to finish this book but didn’t realise it was late”.
You weren’t exactly sure why you were doing this- he just seemed like someone who atleast deserved a good night sleep. Or probably, you were doing it due to the connection earlier. Or was it something else? Well, he was handsome and charismatic but that couldn’t be it, could it? You weren’t sure about why you were lying to the avengers. They would generally be proud to know you were helping somebody, but in this case you felt that they would try to talk you out of it. Or rather force you out of it (they can be rather stubborn) and so due to such reasons you kept it a secret, even from Steve. You didn’t require as much of sleep as the others but one month of seldom sleep was taking its toll on you. One day, knowing that you wouldn’t last much longer if you kept sleep depriving yourself, you decided to investigate the cause of his nightmares. If you could solve that itself, you would be able to sleep and Loki would get a goodnight’s sleep.
You had been tempted to do this before but you felt that by invading his nightmares, you would be stepping into a private area without permission. But today you felt that you would just go to sleep and feared that Loki would discover you sleeping in his room ( unbeknownst to you, that had already happened where he had carried you to your room, confirming his thoughts that you had been behind his sleep). However, the thing bothering you other than the invasion of privacy was the unknown nature of your powers. Wanda had seen your mind while searching for memories and the only thing that she had stumbled across was that your base powers were the ones related to life only. But occasionally, you displayed powers like teleportation or telepathy (that is how you knew Steve’s past with Peggy and that led you to connect to him due to the loss of his lover). And to see into his dreams you would require to tap into that side of your powers that you had no idea about. But overwhelmed by the need to sleep, you ceased singing.
After a few minutes, you saw Loki moving his head from side to side and you knew that the nightmare had started. A few shivers went through his body like the waves of the sea. You sighed and tapped his forehead with your index finger. Your head jerked back as you entered his dream. You saw Loki walking, an orange expanse spread in the sky with a funnel of clouds above the cliff he stood on. You even thought that you heard a muffled warning somewhere. But no, that was not the weird part. You were there with Loki!!! You wore something that vaguely resembled a gown, a faded leafy green and flower designs. You looked very happy and were taking animatedly while using your hands. For some reason you were facing Loki and walking backwards.
However, the present you couldn’t hear their conversation. Both Loki and well, you, didn’t notice yourself watching them. Suddenly, you reached the edge of the cliff and the present you’s heart got caught in your throat thinking this is your end. Little did you know that you had a worse fate.
Loki caught your shoulders before you could fall. The past you looked thankful then confused. The present you didn’t understand this until you saw Loki’s solemn expression and a lone tear gliding down his cheek.
And then it happened. Loki pushed you down the cliff. You saw the tears and heard the scream of agony of your falling self. And then silence. A strong jolt went through your (present self’s) scar. Loki turned to the man who you assumed was the one who had given out the muffled warning. He wore a black cloak so you couldn’t see his face.
As Loki argued to the body, you saw an avalanche of emotions tumble through his face- sadness, regret, anger. After talking, he hastily hurried away (as if he hadn’t just killed you so to speak). The last scene you saw was your limp body lying at the cliff below with the waves of your hair surrounded by a crimson circle. You and Loki both woke up with a start. You both made eye contact before you ran to your room as the truth dawned on you- he had murdered you.
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northwest-cryptid · 4 years
Sometimes I think about the fact that this site legitimately convinced me that follower numbers and post popularity determine your worth as a person all because I had been ignored by people more popular than myself. Which I can only assume stems from the “fan/follow and content creator/blogger” mentality which we can simply summarize by saying, if you are a content creator and I follow you, I am a fan of your work. I am one of the hundreds if not thousands of people who follow you. Suddenly you have a dilemma, if I try to talk to you and if you reply to me; suddenly every single one of your fans wants a reply. It falls back to the classic “if you don’t have enough to share with the class you shouldn’t bring anything at all.” The issue is that simply put you are giving me attention which costs you a bit of social energy and your time; which you might not have for everyone. So you have a couple options if you want to be my friend, you can either talk with me openly and deal with a ton of people becoming upset and believing it’s unfair that you do so because you won’t also give the thousands of others the same time of day simply because you can’t. Or you can talk to me in secret and just HOPE that I don’t go spilling the beans because “hey look at me I hang out with big popular person” would bring in a lot of personal “clout” and popularity for me. There is however a loophole to this whole situation... if I am ALSO a content creator or popular blogger, suddenly it just “makes sense” why you’d give ME the time of day, “after all, who wouldn’t” is likely going through the heads of people who follow both of us. 
(This got really long so here’s a Read More to save your dash.)
This... is the exact kind of toxic mentality that almost broke me mentally about a year ago. I say I left this site about a year ago, but in reality it was even before that; you could see me slowly “losing interest” I had begun to stray so far from who I was that I no longer felt like me but rather something that wanted to be “more” something that wanted to be popular not for the fame or the popularity itself but for the freedom that came with it. Because if I was as popular as all the others who I had tried to speak with maybe they’d actually reply, maybe then I could have the friends I so desperately wanted, friends who I’m not just following around all the time pretending I’m worthy of their time, but rather people who value me and WANT to spend time with me; people who like me and actually think I’m a cool guy to spend time with. Therein lies the problem, even if people did want to spend time with me, I wasn’t even sure of what or who I was anymore. I was a blogger, I was a bunch of tropes; I was someone trying to appease everyone, and I didn’t realize that I had friends who genuinely just wanted to know me. The actual, real; honest me. Only thing was, I was so far gone at this point I didn’t know who that person was anymore. For the last roughly 2.5 - 3 years I’ve been slowly recovering from all that, I found who I was; I went through the cultural ceremonies sure, but what I honestly believe was my “coming of age moment” was when I had the realization that the people who mattered to me most didn’t care if I was anyone popular, they were willing to risk the odds of people seeking their attention and despite the risk that people would feel that it was unfair for them to give ME of all people, their oh-so-important attention, they did so; openly and proudly. This is why I have so much genuine respect and love for my friends, because they wake up every day and CHOOSE to spend their days with me. 
This is going to sound really cheesy but as much as I owe a LOT to all my friends in general; I really owe so much to 2 people in particular. Those being my good friend Shelby and my amazing girlfriend Ryu.
I apologize for this post already being really long and kinda weirdly worded but, it’s very late; or early or whatever and I have a lot of things to say. As for Shelby she was someone I was VERY intimidated by, she is an amazing artist and someone who I genuinely looked up to (still do). I really wanted to be her friend but I felt like we had too many barriers, she’s really into gore and I’m really squeamish, she’s and artist and I can’t hardly draw for shit, she’s a big time horror fan I’m an absolute coward. So you can see where I thought “we’re not going to be great friends” and BOY was I wrong. I didn’t think she’d give me the time of day, she was someone people knew of, I was someone... well I was someone lol. But she did, she did give me the time of day, and she seemed to appreciate the time we spent together; despite the fact that I was just some random asshole. She even introduced me to Laura who would go on to become a very good friend of mine and like a sister to me and honestly I don’t think I’d be where I am today if Shelby hadn’t decided to be my friend. She helped me gain a sort of self confidence I didn’t have and it was that sort of self confidence that lead me to later meet my girlfriend.
For the sake of keeping to her online handle I’ll refer to her as Ryu, we actually met on tumblr and had been following each other for a long time talking on and off and I always felt way too shy and awkward to talk to her properly because I am very intimidated by new people and it’s very difficult for me to make friends as I believe I’m being a bother. However she never seemed to mind my shyness, she was there to give me a hand up when I was depressed and was often understanding of my really awkward attempts at becoming friends lol. She and I spent a lot of time together most of the time just talking about legitimately random stuff didn’t even matter what, I just enjoyed spending time with her. I don’t want to get too into my personal life on a public tumblr post of all things but it was so refreshing to meet someone who was just human, and understood that people aren’t perfect. She accepted me knowing of my flaws and being okay with the fact that there was a lot I still had to work on, I’ve fucked up a lot before and I appreciate that she’s willing to forgive those mistakes and let me show that I’m growing and making positive changes. We mesh really well together and I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who I can just so unapologetically be myself around. She has helped me to learn to accept and love myself and I do my best every day to see myself the way she sees me. I’m used to wanting to be better for the sake of someone else, but she has taught me that I should also want to be better for my own sake. She is genuinely the kindest person I have met, and to be living with her now feels like some kind of dream. She once told me that all she wanted me to be was myself, and I don’t think I’ve ever had that level of genuine acceptance and love. To hear someone say that I, myself; was good enough for them was something I never thought I would hear. 
I love all my friends, and they mean the world to me. However I say I owe these 2 the most because my life would literally not be the same without them. Shelby picked me up when I was at my lowest, she offered me her friendship and a chance to start again and forge a self where I didn’t have to be anything more than me. That eventually lead to me meeting Ryu who not only accepted me as a friend, but fell in love with a fluffy haired cryptid like me. I don’t know where I’d be without her in my life, but I really don’t care to find out because I’m more than happy to have her in my life. 
If there’s any wisdom I can pass onto anyone using this hellsite, it is this:
Numbers are meaningless, your worth is not determined by the time or attention that some popular blogger or artist or musician gives you. You don’t NEED to be anything more than you. You should never stop striving to improve yourself, and growing is always a great thing; but you don’t need to be “more” you are enough.
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morganeuk · 5 years
The Doctor & the Librarian. (Sherlock AU)
Part 4: Want to meet?
(Read Part 3: The British Government interferes on Tumblr)
(Read Part 2: Brainy is the new sexy on Tumblr)
(Read Part 1: Kissing is not required on Tumblr)
Summary: After talking online with a flirty doctor from London, Sherlock - librarian at Oxford University - can't stop thinking about him! It won't do! Fortunately, Lestrade asked his help on a case. But poor Sherlock can't work with Anderson... don't worry, he knows the perfect substitute!
In his brother's private sedan, Sherlock remained silent for the hour-long drive back to London. His brother, content that he was back to a somewhat 'normal' version of himself whatever the reason, respected the privacy of his thoughts. He was overall satisfied with his younger brother's relationship with DI Lestrade. The NSY officer was now asking for Sherlock's assistance on a more regular basis, forcing the librarian to skip work on occasion.  Of course, as Mycroft was a schoolmate with the dean of the university, Sherlock's job would never be in jeopardy as long as he wanted it. The older Holmes' end goal was of course that Sherlock ceases playing at being a librarian! The thing with Doctor Watson may also become a positive influence in his life, possibly even bring him back to a more active role against our enemies...  
Once in front of Lauriston Garden, the crime scene where Lestrade is expecting him, Sherlock leaps out of Mycroft's car as soon as he can. Even though he wasn't expecting any thanks from his younger brother, the government man was irritated by his sibling's attitude. But, as usual, he brushed it off and instructs his chauffeur to continue to his club and let the DI deal with him.
A vast police perimeter was surrounding a disaffected building. Once beautiful flats, the edifice was now abandoned and surrounded by junk.  Passing under the yellow tape, Lestrade's assistant Donovan spots him at once.  "What are you doing here, Freak? Shouldn't you been sorting books in a basement somewhere?" Sally Donovan despised Sherlock to a fault. His condescending attitude towards NSY and the fact that he was nearly always bloody right, was a personal affront to her.
The hostility was cut short by the arrival of Lestrade who motioned the young man to follow him inside. "Hi Sherlock, thanks for getting here so quick... How's village life?" The DI, still wanting to convince Sherlock to return to the city, was always teasing the detective about Oxford.
"It's as charming as always, Geof, how's your adoring wife?" the amateur detective replied with an innocent smile.  He knew perfectly well that Lestrade's wife was having affair after affair, despite Lestrade's wish to save their marriage. Sherlock knew he was treading on dangerous territory, but the teasing about Oxford and his 'desk job' was getting old so... Fair game. Lestrade, not mentioning that he effectively found his wife with one of her co-workers a few days before and that his bloody name is Greg, turns on his heel and strides toward the entrance of the building. "Who's on forensic?" Sherlock asks before moving a step further.
"... Anderson." The DI sighs heavily "Could you please just this once try to ignore his shortcomings and work together!"  He knows that Anderson and Holmes are far from being friends, but he had hoped... But it was too late, Sherlock was already on the defensive, not wanting to deal with the man.
"He won't work with me, and you know it!"
"Stop nagging him about everything and he will!" An exasperated Lestrade retorted, finally losing his temper.
"He's useless, I can't use any of the photographs he takes, not a single one of his ridiculous analyses... His 'work' is utter garbage!" Of course, Anderson chose that moment to walk out of the building and overheard everything.  The loathing between them was mutual and obvious to everyone around them.
It won't do... Sherlock sighs internally.
"Do as you want, but you'll have to deal with Anderson, I have no one else." and the DI went inside, leaving Holmes outside.
Argggg! GOD! This is a good one, a serial killer I'm certain of it... But Anderson... I can't do it... But I have no other option, I need a medical opinion... A flash of a blond doctor, not remotely annoying, and cleverer than most passes in front of his eyes. Taking out his phone, he texts without even thinking.
I'm in London. Want to meet? - SH
The reply comes quickly.
Sherlock? - JW
Know anyone else with this phone number? - SH
Sorry, stupid question. ;-) - JW
When? - JW
Now. 3 Lauriston Garden. Ask for Lestrade. - SH
Lauriston Garden? Is this a restaurant? Who's Lestrade? - JW
Sherlock? - JW
But it was too late, Sherlock was already inside, following the DI up a circular staircase. A bickering Anderson tried to block the way and slow them down, not wanting Sherlock anywhere his corpse. After a few long minutes, they were finally able to access the third floor where an apartment was highly illuminated by huge spotlights. Before entering the room, Lestrade slowly and carefully puts on a coverall and gloves before asking Sherlock to do the same.  With an exasperated look, the young man advanced towards the corpse, being careful to not touch anything.
"I can give you two minutes," Lestrade explains, knowing that bringing an amateur consultant on a crime scene can cause him problems.
Ignoring the DI, the young man murmurs dismissively "May need longer..."
"Her name’s Jennifer Wilson according to her credit cards. We’re running them now for contact details. Hasn’t been here long. Some kids found her."
In the middle of the room, Sherlock's focus turns to the woman in pink. Everything in pink. What an awful gaudy shade of pink, Sherlock mused, followed by I wonder if John, Dr. Watson, is coming... Distracted by the idea of John being there with him, he can't restrain his instinct to snap at the policemen around him."Shut up!"
An offended Lestrade protested, "I didn’t say anything!"
"You were thinking. It’s annoying." Sherlock, closing himself to anything outside the body in front of him, stays silent for many minutes while Lestrade checked his watch anxiously.
From the bottom of the stairs, they heard Donovan below. "Boss! Someone here, he said he's looking for you! It's about the Freak!"
Sherlock's heart somersaults... John!
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Less than half an hour before, John was relaxing in his flat. Drinking tea and eating biscuits Mrs. Hudson made earlier. He was trying to focus on his book but it was at no avail. Last night conversation with William, no Sherlock!, was still fresh in his mind.  Oh My God... I can't believe it... He was actually there, at the end of whatever connects computer together! He texted with me and let me flirt with him without evaporating in the night. Sherlock... More precisely Sherlock Holmes. An unusual name, for an unusual man... He discovers little on the Internet, but enough to convince him that the name was real. He was listed as a librarian in the university directory. There he is, in black and white, 'Sherlock Holmes, BChem MLIS' . He found two blogs under the name, one about data mining - the concept of being able to program a computer to actually read and analyze a text if he understands it correctly! - and one about the science of deduction.  That was different... but he reminds himself how quickly the librarian deduced he was an ICU doctor.  John was wondering what else the man would be able to find if they meet. Curiously, he was unable to find an image of him, there was nothing that could tell him what the man looked like.
As he puts down his mug, his phone chimes with an elegant group of violin notes. Taken by surprise, his mug misses the table and crashes to the floor. It was Sherlock's ringtone! Putting away the thought of how pathetic to have a special ringtone for a man you never meet... He opens his phone.
I'm in London. Want to meet? - SH
His positive reply was instantaneous as a brilliant YES crossed his mind! He took five minutes to brush his teeth and refresh is after-shave, changed his t-shirt for a nicer shirt and flew down the stairs to find a cab.  The less than 5 miles trip to Lauriston Garden (Where the hell am I going?) was done in record time as John offered a generous bonus to the cabbie. Less than 25 minutes after Sherlock's mysterious text, he was in front of... an old decrepit building with half a dozen police cars and yellow tape everywhere.  He walks up to a woman who was managing the scene, phone in hand. "Excuse me, officer, I'm looking for..." John reads the text again, "Lestrade?"
"Who are you? Why do you want to talk to the DI? Are you a bloody journalist? We have nothing to declare for now!" She turns her back to John and starts to talk on her phone.
"I am Doctor John Watson. This was the instruction that I received, to ask for Lestrade. Maybe it would help you if I told you that I am here to see Sherlock Holmes?" John was unsure of what was happening, but he was certain that he would fight for the chance to meet the man he has dreamed of for the last three days!
"Holmes? What do you want with the 'Freak'?" Donovan was now surveying John with a curious gaze. "Do you know him? Are you a... friend?" The mere idea of Holmes having a friend brings a laughing tone to Donovan's voice.
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Without knowing the woman, the doctor instantly hates her with a passion. What's her problem?  He decided to omit the fact that he has never seen the man and simply reply "Yes, I am a friend and he texted me to join him here. If you are unable to help me, I can talk with your superior, DI Lestrade?." He used what he called his captain voice to snap the woman out of her sarcastic attitude.
Donovan, out of arguments and under the influence of John's commanding voice, lifted the yellow tape and leads Watson to the base of the stairs, then yells for Lestrade. She shows Watson the stairs and simply muttered "third floor," before leaving him alone.  
Looking at the flights of stairs, John screams inside. Of course, it's on the third floor.  His leg was doing better and he had left his walking stick at home, but fifty-ish steps... that was a challenge. Putting his hand on the rail, he starts the ascension that will bring him to, he hopes, Sherlock Holmes.
At Donovan's announcement, Sherlock, to Lestrade's astonishment, was having difficulty containing himself. He jumped up from the floor where he was nearly sprawled on, removed any lint on his already spotless coat, passed a nervous hand in his curly hair, and withdrew further in the room. Not knowing what to do... What's happening? Is this the man Mycroft mentioned? If so, this is going to be funny!  
John, now on the landing of the third floor, inhaled and exhaled profoundly, trying to relax and compose himself. He walks in the room and, seeing Lestrade first, he was impressed by the stature of the man, his silver fox look, his smart and cocky smile but... he was also disappointed.  The man, disregarding the protective kit he was wearing, didn't have the elegant and posh demeanour he imagined. He was a nice looking man and seemed friendly but John's gut didn't react at all. He was a regular bloke with whom he can go to the pub for a beer or two, but nothing more... no 'sparkles'. Kind of sad, his expectations were maybe too high, he extends his hand to the man. "Hi, I'm John Watson, nice to meet you...".
Lestrade politely takes John's hand before putting the poor man out of his misery. "Hi, John, nice to meet you, too.  I'm DI Greg Lestrade... You're here to meet Sherlock if I'm right?" and he turns towards Sherlock who had frozen in a corner of the room where the doctor can't see him. John, following Lestrade's gaze, understands his mistake and finds Sherlock's eyes that were gazing at him reverently. Hypnotized by the grey and blue eyes that were watching him, he registered unconsciously the tall elegant frame, the soft curly hair...
Oh God, I'm in deep trouble.
Read the rest of the story here! http://archiveofourown.org/series/770607
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cherrii-xo-blog · 6 years
Edmund Pevensie x Reader - “Hey, How’ve you been?”
This is legit the first time I’m publishing on tumblr or even writing on tumblr (I mainly publish on wattpad) and I’m so new to this and I do need lots of help with this ‘cause I’m not familiar with how this works, I truly hope this gets some sort of recognition. :’)
Swords clashing, smiles on faces and crowds cheering. It was a very nice day to spar at the training grounds of Cair Paravel, a VERY nice day for an interesting turn of events.
“Just lose already! We all know I’M the best swordsman now.” (Name) laughed as she once again dodged the swing of Edmund’s sword.
“Oh let’s see about that.” He said, obviously up for a challenge and that’s where the fun little spar turned serious. The crowd went quiet from their cheering as soon as they felt how intense the fight had become.
Tired grunts, breathless pants and crowds focused on the swords clashing continuously. The King then quickly disarmed the girl, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly gaped in shock. The tip of Edmund’s sword pointed to her throat, a smirk playing on his lips knowing that he had won. Although, (Name) was fast to get back to her senses as she moved back slowly and crouched down to grab the knife that was safely placed in her boot.confusion etched on Edmund’s face still pointing his sword at the girl. The crowd moved closer —not too close— to see what was happening. (Name) pulled out her knife and swinged it at Edmund’s sword. He started swinging it at her as she continuously dodged. Once she was close enough to reach her sword, she picked it up and in a blink of an eye, the tips of their swords pointed against each other’s necks. Both had huge grins and were breathless. The crowds began cheering once again as the two lowered their swords. Truly they both were neck-to-neck when it came to sword fighting. They went to a nearby table where a stack towels and water bottles were placed. Edmund handed her a towel and a bottle of water, still too tired to utter a word.
After a few minutes refreshing themselves, Edmund spoke up first, wrapping an arm around (Name)’s waist, pulling her closer. “You did great back there.”
“Not too bad yourself,” (Name) replied looking up at him. Edmund just chuckled in return. (Name) continued, “Coming from the best swordsman ever lived in Narnia, it would be nice if you were a bit more flattered.” She said jokingly and rolled her eyes, faking a disappointed look on her face.
“Very well then, thank you for complimenting my outstanding skill in sword fighting.” Edmund played along. You adjusted yourself so that now you were in front of Edmund, both his arms were wrapped on your waist while your hands were on his shoulders. “By Aslan’s mane, I love you so much.” His voice nearly above a whisper.
You grinned and pecked him on the lips. “I love you too.” You giggled, then a moment of silence —a comfortable kind of silence.
Suddenly both of you were moving closer, lips centimetres apart from each other. Nobody noticed the sound of someone running near them. “Edmund- oh,” The both of you separated from each other’s touch immedietly. “Sorry to interrupt,” Lucy smiled apologetically. “Edmund, it’s time to go after the White Stag.”
Edmund nodded in return then looked at you, you looked back at him, frowning. “I want to come along! What if all of you were in danger and I-“ you were interrupted with him pecking you on the lips.
“I’ll be back as soon as possible, I promise on the name of Aslan.” He held your hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Kissing you on the forehead. “I’ll see you then, alright?” You nodded in response and he turned to Lucy “Let’s get moving before it escapes.”
Lucy looked at you and smiled. “Don’t worry (Name), we’ll be safe.” She told you and you smiled in return then you bid them goodbye. Unconsciously, you started to play with the ring on your finger. You did this whenever you get nervous. Something in your gut told you something’s up but you silently prayed to Aslan for their safety.
You were reading a book in your shared chambers with Edmund. When suddenly someone hastily bursted through the door. This caught you by surprise, looking up, you somewhat sighed in relief. Although, you noticed the look on Mr. Bevear’s face. The growing discomfort and worry that something’s happened worsened. “They’re gone. All four of them.” You knew this’d happen.
You quickly rushed out the doors, running out the castle and to the nearby stables. You were too much in a shocked state to cry. Philip saw you running and galloped to you. “I’m sorry My Lady, if only I have known I would’ve stopped them.” He said full of regret and sadness.
“It doesn’t matter, we’ll find them and the White Stag.” You then quickly mounted Philip’s back, bringing along another talking horse, Genevieve. All of you quickly rode to where they were last spotted, to the lantern wastes.
“That’s where they were last spotted, My Lady.” Philip said then you quickly dismounted him. Going closer to the lantern. It looked familiar as if it was from a dream of another dream. Instead of going through the bushes like what you intended to do, your feet started leading you someplace else farther. Not looking where you were going you slipped in a hole.
Then it clicked to you. The change of scenery. You no longer felt the familiar comforting weight that rested on your ring finger. You touched your finger where the ring was supposed to be but nothing was there. You realised an opened book on your lap. There, a picture of a lion that coincidentally looked like Aslan. You heard a distant roar, a roar that made your spine shiver and your whole being weak and yet strong at the same time, the feeling of hope grew in you. You were back in England somewhere in the countryside. You believe you’ll get back to Narnia, someday, when they call you. You hugged the book and started to cry. You didn’t notice your mom calling you or the opening of the door.
“Oh dear! Why are you crying sweetheart? Come here,” She went closer to you and gave you a hug, wiping away your tears. “You shouldn’t be crying, the welcoming party’s about to start. What’s the problem, sweetie?” She asked sweetly. You stayed quiet, you know the mere mention of Narnia would send you back crying harder. Your mom understood and kept quiet continuing to comfort you. You were never going to get used to this and you’ll never forget Narnia.
It has roughly been two years or so when you last went to Narnia and you never forgot about it. At first, you’d always cry in your room whenever your mom was busy doing work or either spending time in the garden. Later on, you didn’t cry about it as much as you used to. Don’t get me wrong you still missed Narnia, you’d even cry sometimes late at night thinking all about it. You’d even dream about it. You snapped out of your thoughts when your mom called you from below the stairs about being late for school. The holidays were over now and it was the start of another semester. You quickly went out of the room, not forgetting to grab your suitcases. Your mom hugged you goodbye telling you she’d fetch you from the subway station on the very first day summer.
You went down the stairs to the subway you saw four siblings, all seated on the same bench. They all seem to be busy talking. You smiled sadly, remembering the Pevensies. A black-haired boy looked up, probably felt that someone was looking—or staring— at them. For the first time in years you saw him again. You missed his brown eyes. You missed everything about him, about them, the Pevensies. It took a while to process things but as soon as he stood up, hesitantly walking towards you. You did what you’ve always wanted to do for the past years, running to his arms. The both hugged the life out of each other, both crying or at least tearing up in tears of joy, then shared a quick but passionate kiss on the lips. You quickly pulled away from Edmund.
“Hey, how’ve you been?” Edmund asked, a big grin on his face, both hands were on both sides of your cheeks, wiping away the tears on your face. The others gave the two of you some time to each other.
“I’m okay, but now we’re all together I’m more than okay and you?” You laughed.
“Better than ever, I still can’t believe you’re here with me.” He replied hugging you once more. You went to the others and started hugging them and sharing laughs.
After you all settled down, you went back to where you dropped your suitcases (surprised no one has stolen your things) and went back to the Pevensies who were having a little argument. You begin to notice the tiles peeling off of the walls and the floors and the whole place breaking apart. You and the others knew that magic’s at work. Soon before you know it. You were in another world, inside a cave to be exact. All of you knew at once, you were all back in Narnia.
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fabermemorialrink · 7 years
some mistake, part 5
When exactly is something going to happen in this story, you may ask. Soon, but the pacing will be super weird, I tell you. In other news, to answer a question that I am too dumb to understand how to tumblr-reply to, this story isn’t yet on AO3 because it’s very unfinished, but hopefully someday I’ll get it together! Thanks for reading so far!!
Derek’s first year at Phillips Andover finally draws to an end, and it's as he’s locking his dorm room closed that he takes a deep breath and decides that yes, he's got this. He can make it through the next three years.
Summer passes in a blur of lazy days spent lounging at the Met trying to find inspiration for his summer writing assignment and hot afternoons on the balcony looking out on the city. Derek rides four different airplanes and swims in two different oceans; he visits family down the east coast for the Fourth of July and hits up Chowder in early August to see all the local sights in the Bay Area. Chowder takes him to San Francisco where they walk along the wharf and gawk at fish at the aquarium. He drinks milk tea full of custard and eats enough egg tarts to last a lifetime. They go surfing and Derek manages to trip while underwater, causing Chowder to go into heroic lifeguard mode even as he's shrieking barely censored profanities in alarm. C helps him pick out a tiny orange crab keychain for Dex that Derek wraps protectively under several layers of tissue paper.
Derek returns to New York to hang out with his parents before their schedules de-sync again. Mama takes him to the ballet while the other two are busy. He goes with Mom to Central Park where they eat ice cream and people-watch for an entire day. Dad decides they should try a glassblowing class together while he's not needed for a few blessed days at the company. Derek makes a clear paperweight with a golden-red heart, like a flame suspended in crystal. It's pretty and pointless and it makes him think of Dex, who'd hate to know what Derek's comparing him to. He wonders what Dex is doing for the summer. Is he working somewhere else, or still doing his odd jobs in the forest? Derek can imagine him working in a hardware store half the week and on the docks for the other half, plus baby-sitting duties on top of it all. Dex has never talked about his family, but he seems like he would have siblings. Derek's never asked if Dex is home-schooled, though he suspects it might be the case. Why else would he have so much time to spend in the woods? He figures he'd have learned by now if Dex went to Andover High. Maybe he attends the technical school in town?
There are a lot of things he still doesn't know about his best friend. It's sad, he realizes as he watches sunset dip into twilight over the skyline. He knows little things, like Dex's favorite cookie and that he likes all bugs except mosquitoes, and that he knows how to ask for a glass of water in French and Russian. He knows that Dex is afraid of the undertow in one of the forest's brooks, and that he has a collection of odds and ends that's been bestowed upon him by the forest crows (which Derek maintains is the most YA protagonist shit that he's ever heard of).
But none of the big stuff. Where Dex lives, what his parents do, how many siblings he has. What his hobbies are and what his dream job was when he was a little kid. Whether he's ever broken a bone or his favorite Halloween costume or the first person he gave a real valentine's card to in middle school. Who he is when he's not with Derek. Who he is when he's not in the woods.
Derek doesn't even know Dex's real name.
That's a part of the rules though. Derek knows that, but it doesn't stop him from wanting.
Early at the start of sophomore year, Derek finally takes Chowder into the woods with him. Chowder waffles between being excited to meet Dex after so long and wary of all the rumors that still float around the school.
“Do you think Dex knows about all the ghost stories?” he asks as they trek across the field. “Do you think he’s ever seen a ghost?”
“Even if he has, he probably wouldn’t admit it to me,” Derek says. It seems like the kind of thing Dex would remain tight-lipped about. Dex can talk for hours with Derek about fly fishing and carnivorous plants and the nitrogen cycle, but important subjects like Dex’s birthday and rumored exorcisms have him clamming up before Derek can even think of an objection.
“Maybe he’s shy because he thinks we won’t take him seriously! Nursey, you’ve gotta tell him that I won’t laugh at him. I mean, unless he does something hilarious. He sounds like a funny guy.”
Derek isn’t sure where exactly Chowder got that idea from, but Chowder does have a hidden streak of schadenfreude under his naturally caring personality. He and Dex probably have that in common. Derek’s been chirped enough times by both of them for injuring himself whilst just trying to live his life.
Shit. What if they get along too well? Not that Derek’s jealous or anything. He just doesn’t wanna get ganged up on by these two terrors.
They enter quietly, with Chowder making a suppressed fuss over every cool thing they see. Derek brings him to his hollow tree, where they huddle together trying to listen for ghosts, or birds, or any other sign of life. Nothing appears, as always, so they lie there trying to decide if they should take digital photography or sculpture next year.
“But think of how sick it would be if you woke up and were like, ‘oh I sure would like some wheaties-’”
“C, wheaties, really?”
“ ‘-wow am I glad I can eat out of this mad awesome bowl I made in sculpture with my buddy Chowder!!’” Chowder’s New York accent is so exaggerated it warps into Jersey, Appalachian, and leprechaun by the time he's done.
“Okay, but consider this: you, fifteen years in the future, sitting at your desk coding or some shit. You look to your right, it's to a stunning framed photo of your beautiful spouse and your beautiful kids. You look to your left and see a gorgeous photo of yours truly that you keep on your desk to remind you of what a hella cool idea it was to let me convince you to take photography!”
“Pretty convincing, but why does ‘hella’ always sound so wrong coming from your mouth?” Chowder ponders, which is when Dex pokes his head into the hollow and observes them needling each other about regional slang, Chowder starting to put Derek in a headlock.
“Yeah, I think I'm gonna go,” Dex says blandly, ducking back out as Derek tries to pinch behind Chowder’s knees.
“No, wait, hold up,” Derek gasps out as Chowder lets him slip free. He falls to his knees, about to introduce them to one another when Chowder releases him like deadweight and springs to his feet outside the tree.
Chowder opts for a wave at the same moment that Dex reaches for a handshake, and they wind up swaying their hands around in that dance of indecision, until they settle on some sort of awkward introductory fistbump mush. Derek clears his throat to pretend he isn't laughing. Without further delay, Chowder jumps right into his spiel, full speed ahead.
“Hey, Dex! Nursey’s told me all about you. You can call me Chowder! I know you have these, um, special rules, but I swear I won't break them, so I hope we can be friends too. Not to pressure you or anything! Acquaintances is fine! People in casual acknowledgment of each other, or whatever! It's all good!”
He finishes by tossing up his arms in a mix of declaration - here I am! the famed chowder! - and apology, which Dex watches with a sort of baffled fascination in silence. He looks somewhat overrun, Chowder drops still after his stream of crescendoing words, and Derek has flip-flopped from being afraid they'd like each other too much to being terrified they won't like each other at all.
But Derek’s told Chowder all the rules before, made him promise to remember every single one or Dex would blow his fuse and murder them both, and it pays off, because all Dex does is take a deep breath before meeting Chowder’s greeting with his own slightly flabbergasted one.
“Hey...Chowder. Nursey talks about you all the time. But I didn’t realize you were, uh. So exuberant?” Dex scratches at the base of his skull, watching Chowder like he might solve him if he looks long enough.
“Oh my god, it’s too much, isn’t it? Shit, sorry, I know, I know, I'm way too excited, but like, Nursey’s my closest friend here? I still feel like the ‘new guy’ with everyone else, and you’re his best friend, and I just thought it’d be ‘swawesome if we could also be...something? I should just shut up, sorry-”
“No! No, ch- calm down,” Dex says, biting back the ‘chill’ that Derek is positive he was about to let slip. Derek cackles internally, expressed as a smirk, and Dex glares at him before continuing. “You’re fine. I just don’t hang out with people much. Besides this guy,” he says, jerking a thumb and Derek, and how he manages to make it sound both fond and contemptuous is impossible to understand. “I need to adjust, but it’s not a big deal. You're kind of refreshing.”
Chowder goes from raincloud to solar flare in under a second, beaming at Dex so brightly that the redhead staggers momentarily under his light. “Really? I mean, since you mostly talk to Nursey, and he’s a huge dork-”
“What,” Derek interjects.
“-I mean, I love him and all, but…”
Chowder stops to give him a pointed look, which Dex notices with a stifled laugh, and he claps C on the arm.
“Yeah, I know,” he says, the lines of his frame finally loosening up. “I’m with you on that one.”
Derek eyes them suspiciously. “Yo, are you two just here to slander my name, or-”
“Oh! I brought you a burrito!” Chowder interrupts, swinging his backpack around to present his prized offering to Dex, who accepts it with an unholy gleam in his orange demon eyes.
Chowder had wanted to bring a gift for their “host” because it’s only polite, and Derek has learned by now that Dex, despite being a self-professed unadventurous white American, will eat basically anything Derek offers. Junk food, spicy food, vegan food; “anything but bugs” seems to be the general rule. Regardless of his height and a fair amount of muscle from what Derek can make out under Dex’s loose flannels, Dex’s poor dietary choices can't be doing him any favors.
“Wow, thanks,” he says blankly, trying to absorb the burrito through its foil wrapper with his stare.
“Go ahead; we’re down to chill while you eat,” Derek says, and Dex tears into it, dropping to sit up against the roots of Derek’s tree. He's toting a canvas bag that he dumps in favor of food.
“What's in the bag?” Derek asks.
“Garbage,” Dex replies. “No, seriously, I was picking up litter,” he says when Derek tries to sneak a peek after that unsatisfying answer. True to Dex’s word, there's nothing but wrappers and styrofoam and cigarette butts.
“Whoa, that's great! Nursey says you’re really into nature and science, but I didn't know you were such an environmentalist!” Chowder, squatting next to Dex, bounces on his heels.
“It's not quite like that,” Dex says, words only a little muffled by all the food he’s crammed in. “I'm not planning to study this at college or anything, but- it's just something I do. I take care of the forest.” He scrunches his mouth on one side as he tries to find the words; Chowder waits patiently until he starts explaining. Both of their hands soon join in the conversation as Dex gives Chowder an overview of what he does in the woods all day. Derek watches as they string together movement and sound, orchestrating words with every sweep of their arms. There’s poetry in it, but Derek is content to let the words flow through him without trying to capture them.
He lets them talk without giving much input, happy to sit back and see where things go. Around him, the forest is quiet and light, an island of respite from outside. Conversation between the other two runs easy, a comfortable air already settling around them, and Derek lies down to rest his head on Chowder’s shin. He feels almost completely at ease.
He doesn't realize he's dozed off for a short while until he’s woken by the sound of his name from Dex’s mouth.
“Y’know, I'm, uh- I’m glad Nursey has you at school. He was- I think his first semester was hard for him. But you’re actually normal and nice, unlike all those dyed-in-the-wool old money jackasses. And me, who lives in the fuckin’ woods.” Dex’s voice is wry, but truthful, and Derek studiously keeps his eyes shut so Dex doesn’t stop talking. It feels slightly disingenuous to be listening in like this, but when else will he get the chance to enjoy Dex being the secret sap that he is?
Chowder, perfect as he is, hasn’t moved at all since Derek passed out on his leg. He keeps his legs still, though Derek can feel that his upper body must be moving as he speaks. “No, you're super cool! Living like a book character from one of those outdoorsy survival books like The Hatchet? And you're really nice too!”
“I’m really not,” Dex says around a smile; Derek can tell as much even with his eyes shut.
“Even better, then,” Chowder declares. “It's good to have at least one friend who’s kind of a dick.”
Dex’s laugh slips out, raucous and surprised, and Derek bites his lip to keep from laughing himself. “That's a role I can play,” Dex replies warmly, and for the first time in his life Derek is truly, legitimately glad he came to Andover, if only for the chance to meet these two.
With a loud yawn Derek visibly rouses, stirring on Chowder’s shins. He meets Dex’s upside-down gaze and crosses his eyes even though it makes him dizzy, just to see the way Dex’s mouth twitches as he raises an eyebrow.
“Good nap?” Chowder asks.
“Of course; you're the best pillow I could ask for,” Derek replies, and both his friends snort.
“Don't sugarcoat it, Nursey. I know I'm all bones down there,” C says, nudging Derek with his knee to drive the point home. “Good thing you woke up. I was just about to ask Dex for camping tips! He lives in the woods, you know. Oh, you probably do know - have you seen his house before?”
Derek, stretching his arms wide enough to almost punch Dex in the side, finally lifts himself off Chowder as he tells him, “C, he doesn't actually live in the forest. He just spends like 85% of his time here.”
“Ha, yeah, what he said,” Dex says hurriedly, taking another bite of his burrito. “This is really good; thanks, C,” he mumbles, cramming the rest in and tossing the tin foil ball into his rubbish bag.
Chowder goes supernova when he notices Dex using Derek’s nickname for him, and dives into an extended analysis about the burrito places he's encountered so far in the northeast, and how they can never compare to the ones back home. Dex, used to Derek’s rambling, impassioned treatises about food, flashes him a knowing smile and settles in to listen.
When sunset draws close, Dex walks them to the field. Derek stays behind a minute to dig up a few pieces of trash Dex didn’t notice: glass shards and what looks like a crumpled dryer sheet. Carefully, he wraps the glass pieces so he doesn’t cut himself and jogs to catch up with C, who is saluting Dex goodbye and starting to walk swiftly backwards out from the trees.
“Hey, wait for me,” Derek calls, but Chowder shakes his head, yelling back, “I’m not gonna get stranded in pretzel prison again!” as he hustles across the grass at an alarming rate while waving at Dex.
Derek resists the urge to pull a face, but Dex notices his displeasure anyway, asking, “Pretzel prison? What the heck is that?”
“Team movie night. Coach always buys these unsalted wheat pretzel sticks and someone gets stuck with the responsibility of eating them. Usually it’s last one through the door; C learned this the hard way.” Derek wrinkles his nose, then gets an idea. “Hey, you wouldn’t happen to-”
“I’m not going to pretzel prison for you, Nursey.”
“Weak.” Dex bats Derek’s thumbs-down away, his face a ruddy pink. Odd. “Why do you look like a Valentine’s Day candy display?”
“Shut up, that’s why.”
“Ooh, nice burn,” and when Dex just rolls his eyes, Derek decides it’s time for his customer satisfaction survey. “So, um, Chowder’s cool, right? You guys had a lot to talk about.” A flutter of worry lands on his chest at the thought of them somehow hating each other, regardless of any evidence saying otherwise.
“Yeah, he’s really- uh, he’s great. How do you handle it? He’s so...dazzling,” Dex hisses. He looks overwhelmed still, a tinge of pink on his cheeks. He keeps glancing away from Derek to return another little goodbye wave to Chowder, who's shuffled backwards quite a ways on the soccer field, waiting for Derek despite his fear of low-sodium snacks. Dex’s gaze won't hold for long though, and keeps skittering back to rest safely on Derek, who doesn't make him act like a shifty corner dealer. Suspicious.
“Holy shit, you have a crush on Chowder,” Derek accuses when he realizes the truth.
“I don't have a damn crush-”
“Your face is fluorescent pink right now, you liar-”
The color only worsens. “He gave me a hug, okay? I haven't hugged anyone in years, and he's good at it, so sue me.” Dex’s choppy robot arm movements aren't doing him any favors. “And you know I turn red at everything; it doesn't mean anything, Jesus.”
“Years?” Dex's family must not be big on physical affection. “You should've told me. I could hug you.”
“Why the hell would you hug me?”
Derek fixes him with his sternest frown. “You're clearly hug-deprived; it's my duty to fix that.”
“It's really, really not. Stay back, Nursey, don't you come any cl- aaaurgghhh!”
It's unintentional, of course, but when Derek latches on for a hug and unavoidably knocks them to the ground, Dex lands in a painful heap on a cluster of roots and rocks, and he groans miserably into Derek’s shoulder.
“Shh, shh, there there. I'm here now.” Derek uses one hand to pet gently at Dex’s hair; Dex wriggles anemically in his grasp for a moment before sagging into the ground, his face still buried in Derek’s shirt. He’s solid under Derek’s weight, all his sharp corners leaving Derek comfortably uncomfortable.
“Thanks. Now please leave.”
Derek already knows he’s going to be turned down, but he can’t help asking on the off chance that one day Dex decides to accept, so as they walk to the treeline he asks, “You sure you don’t wanna come crash movie night? We’re watching Toy Story 3. It’s supposed to be incredible.”
“They made a third one?” Dex looks pleasantly surprised, but he shakes his head. “You know me; I’ve got wood to chop and fires to extinguish. Maybe next time. Good luck on your math test tomorrow.”
Maybe next time is better than all the other previous rejections. Someday perhaps it’ll become a yes.
“Alright, Smokey Bear. I’ll save you some pretzels.”
By the time Derek catches up with Chowder, Dex has retreated back into the forest, but Derek is left pondering one glaring oddity about his friend that he’s wondered about before.
It’s been over a year, but Derek has never seen Dex cross the treeline before. At the very most, Dex will linger right at the edge of the wood, but Derek has never seen him step foot on the soccer field. That, he could attribute to some kind of superstition, but what he really wants to know is...
Does Dex actually live in the woods somewhere?
His stories - the ones about Bitty the baker and his boyfriend J, about Lards and Cam and April and the party girls - mostly seem to happen in the woods. Could it be that they all reside in some kind of wilderness commune?
Dex talks more about his friends than his family, and Derek would assume that Dex just has a shitty home life, or terrible parents, but the few times he does mention them in passing during vague anecdotes of his childhood, he always sounds fond. Sometimes he seems envious of the good relationship Derek has with his parents, but as if he misses them. Maybe his parents passed, or there's some other complicated situation with his folks, but Derek doesn't know how to ask without making Dex feel trapped and on edge, so he continues to keep his mouth shut and wonder about all the sad possibilities.
Because there are times he wants to ask more, wants to press his luck and tell Dex, hey, you're my best friend and I'm here for you; you can tell me anything. Like when Derek asks why Dex has such strong feelings about the fishing industry, or where he grew up, because sometimes his inflection and the draw of his vowels doesn't quite match any of the Massachusetts accents Derek’s used to.
Or when Dex traces those three letters on his hatchet, KAP, and his eyes go dark and wistful before shuttering when he notices Derek watching.
But Derek is patient, and if he needs to wait a lifetime until Dex is comfortable enough to tell him all his forest-kept secrets and the memories he holds close to his heart, then he will. He will wait until they're both ready.
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kunalkarankapoor · 5 years
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I'm a crazy fan of NBT & KKK… i have watched NBT's Tamil dubbed version 'Nenjam Peuthe'. it's a unique story i have never seen...!!! I like KKK's hairstyle, expressions, acting & specially his eyes...!!! I haven't enough words to express my feelings about NBT & KKK..but my drawings can..... From, Sinthu Sagayan, tamil fan of NBT & KKK
By Pushpa Kunal Karan Kapoor is a rainbow in my life. I don’t know where to start and what to write about Kunal’s performance. I am not a writer, lots my FB friends wrote lots of things about Kunal’s performance so i want to write about how Kunal came into my life, how he changed my thoughts about life and how crazy I am over him. Kunal came into my life like a fresh air, he is my rainbow because he brought lots of colours into my life. Before NBT, there was a bleakness in my life, bareness and loneliness captured my life to the fullest. I felt very depressed even when there were lots of people around me. I used to have lots of negative thoughts in my mind. I used to feel my life was meaningless and wondered why I am living a life like this etc,.. Being a disabled girl, home is my world. I have never seen the outside world much. The only time i used to see the world is when I go to hospital. So TV is my world and I used to watch lots of tv programs and of course serials too. That time I used to like GC a lot .On 9th Jan 2012 when I was watching his serial at 10:30p.m, during AD break I was switching channels when I saw a guy is chasing a girl. Due to curiosity I stopped, that was the first time I saw KUNAL. The truth is, the next day I didn’t watch NBT on prime time BUT I never forgot to watch it in repeat telecast. Things went on like this for few days. The first thing which attracted me towards Kunal was his mischievous deeds and dialogue, mesmerizing gaze n captivating voice and most importantly his natural acting. Till then I saw lots of actors overacting including my then favourite GC. I never saw all this combination in one man before. Slowly Kunal’s magic was capturing my mind. One day I was watching GC performing a emotional scene, my mind automatically started to compare his acting with Kunal. My mind said What is he doing? If Kunal was in this scene he would have nailed it right on the dot with his expressions. That was the last time I watched GC and I shifted to NBT on prime time. I started to amazed , mesmerized seeing his performance in each episode. I used to watch all episodes repeated telecast also because of Kunal’s magic. My sister used to scold me saying I have gone mad? I became more crazier after navaratri episode and lift scene... Whenever I feel low or depressed I used to watch his episodes, interviews, VM's. I will feel automatically refreshed n charged up. Before NBT , i know nothing about computers, internet. I don’t even have basic knowledge about them. After season 1, I wanted to know more about Kunal as a person . Till then I knew only him as Mohan Bhatnagar. Due to this reason I bought a tab through my saving . Slowly, I found out who Kunal is as a person. I used to watch lots of award functions and interviews of other stars. I used to get irritated with the arrogance of some television stars that I came across. But whenever I see Kunal I used to be amazed with his simplicity. When I got the privilege to watch his interviews, I found out what a nice, down to earth person he is! Whenever i watch his interviews I will have a big smile on my face. He will always be very genuine and honest in his reply, I like this he most about him. I never felt as if i am watching a celebrity. In the journey of exploring more about Kunal, I started downloading all his previous shows episode which I never got a chance to watch before. Whenever I watch Angad, I will smile and blush . I mean, I smile at a local goon teasing a girl. But when I realize the real reason behind is , of course the reason is KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR. It was super duper fun to watch him as Madonna. Playing a girl role was not easy but he did it with so much ease. Hats off to you Kunal. The suicide attempt scene of Yudi gave me the shudders-goose bumps, brought a wave of sadness that remained with me for long. I found AMREEK as a very adorable character. In the end I cried seeing his character being killed. I just love his Punjabi ascent. Reading about him gives me lots of happiness . I searched lots of article about him and I wanted to keep them my whole life, so I have taken printed copy of them. I am not fond of reading but reading articles about him gives me immense happiness. One thing I adopted from Kunal reading habit. Before NBT, I don’t know anything about FB, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, INDIA FORUM, TUMBLR, IMGUR. But just to follow him I joined all them and he is the first person I followed. Through all of this I explored lots of things in my life which I never knew before. Then came the sensational NBT, which completely stole the hearts of thousands of audience, including me. Whatever I described about NBT, it will never be the most appropriate as I am not able to put the impact of NBT in words. It is just above words and description. Then out of the blue within a short notice came another of his benchmark show, Doli Armano Ki. I saw again the amazing performance of Kunal in another perspective altogether. It was an addition to the collection of memories of Kunal. Still cherishing it, while regrets are there of it’s short life span. I don’t have lots of friends before NBT, my life was confined within the four walls of my room. Because of NBT and Kunal I got lots of friends. I started learning to express my thoughts and feelings. I learnt editing pic & video, Now , makingVMs on Kunal’s show is my hobby. My happiest moment of life is when Kunal got ITA Award n 18th Jan 2015, 22Jan 2015, 22 july2015, 22aug 2015.These are the days Kunal liked my comment n read my messages. I used to message him during Doli Armano Ki, and he always read my message. I felt as if the whole world of joy was at my disposal. If Kunal is nominated for any award, if he didn’t get it I would feel very sad through out the day. If Kunal is nominated for any poll, I will vote him for hours . These little little things gave me lots of happiness n satisfaction For the last 3 years I celebrate his birthday with my tuition students. They used to ask me “akka today is Kunal’s birthday? They also know my craziness for him. It gives me immense happiness and satisfaction. I have only one wish in my life, that is I want to meet KUNAL. I know this wish will never come true in this janam, So at least if Kunal mention my name or write my name, that day will be my best day in my life. I cannot describe the words.... I missed the chance to contribute for his birthday celebration, if I contributed my name would have appeared in front of his eyes. I regret that every day. Whenever I see non talented, non deserving persons ruling the tv industry n award function it feels deeply hurting. It’s really sad to see that an actor of a great caliber, Kunal Karan Kapoor has to wait so long to get a role worth his talent. He deserves lots of success than most other tv actors. Kunal has set up the standard of acting at such a great height,that it is impossible now to find any current actor or show watchable. I miss you so much Kunal, i wish you get a new show as per your liking and come back soon to mesmerize us through your performance. Always be happy n also make us happy too. I wish you lots and lots of happiness, success, fame, health and wealth in your life forever. Lastly, thanks Kunal for coming into my life. You have influenced, inspired my life in many ways. Thanks for making me believe and obtaining hope in life through your characters. Lots of love KUNAL. Thank u so much to the admin of Kunal’s fan page for giving me such a great opportunity to express my love for KUNAL.
Ahana Mitra Nbt happened to me...it impressed me and left it's impressions on my mind.. I can never forget those evenings spent watching nbt..those wonderful moments imagining the moment when megha and Mohan would unite..dreaming about kunal and akangsha.. I was very young Back then..11 years..I was emotionally attached to Mohan..I used to cry into the nights..when Mohan despaired..used to go to school and discuss last days episode.. Nbt moulded my character..made me what I am..I dress and talk like a boy..I dream of becoming a journalist..I am on the way to becoming a successful direction..I love acting..all thanks to Mohan.. I believe Kunal is a great actor..his "arey yaar" will be immortal..his comradie with nanhi will be immortal.. When season one came to an end..I stopped watching tv ..it was too lonesome without them.. Personally..kunals travelling instincts..bookishness ..talent..intellectualism..all appeal to me a lot..one of my role models in life..kkk stay happy stay mohan
By Riya
Hi This is for the very first time I'm writing something for you Kunal ..,Actually I can't express how much I respect you & adore you...You are the Most talented actor I have ever seen... How I met Kunal I was a girl who can watch anything & everything ...but wasn't addicted to any particular show or actor ... It was mid March of 2012 & my 12th board exams were going on ...I think it was Sunday morning & my cousin who is a lawyer was watching a TV show .. Initially I was surprised because I have never seen him watching any frictional show & my reaction was like what is this bhaiya you watching a TV show? & he was like watch it first .. & I started watching with him.. It was the repeat telecast of NBT mahaepisode..."The very famous lift wala episode". I thoroughly enjoyed ...I was like how can any show be so realistic ...specially the last scene where Mohan was singing .. It's was so real & natural ...From then on-words I started watching NBT...After watching NBT I realised what real acting is & what all crap I was watching before ...Never seen any actor who can emote well that sometimes I feel it's not Mohan its Kunal...gradually I realised its Kunal who made me crazy for the show ...My respect & love for Kunal increased further after watching his interviews and off screen segment ..He is truly an inspiration ...The most humble, down to earth & an honest person ...His smile have a power to make you smile no matter what the situation is...I never followed any celebrity from Hollywood, Bollywood or Tally Wood except Kunal ...whenever I feel low or depressed I just watch his show or his interviews & feel refreshed & happy...Not only NBT I watched all his previous show...and I always feel how can someone be so perfect ...He was equally good in his all shows ...loved his performance ... After NBT, LRL is my second most favourite show ...your absence hurts a lot & a update from you makes me happy like anything...After NBT I really missed you a lot ...used to check your Twitter & Facebook account in every hour to get any news or update ... & you came back as Shaurya...I was very upset on that day & thought to check your Twitter account to divert my mind ..and I saw your tweet : "Oh and btw...I think you guys should watch @ZeeTV tonite at 10.30... #jussayin...love...". And I was suddenly very excited .. Why he said this? .. I was aware about the leap, but the promo guy was not at all like Kunal...maybe he is promoting his friend..!! Maybe voiceover..maybe he is back !!! I was full of excitement ...read fans comment ..and finally it was confirmed he is back .. I was on cloud 9...Enjoyed each & every episode of DAK & of screen bonding of the DAK cast ...I was very sad & disappointed with new of DAK ending ... But then as our hero said everything happens for the best .. I'm sure something bigger and better is waiting for Him.. Can't express the kind of excitement & happiness I feel when you are on screen..waiting for the excitement & happiness Kunal ... Hope the wait will end soon..wish you lots of happiness & success .. May you get all you wish for .. Keep smiling & keep rocking .. Maybe I'm not the biggest fan but I'm surely a die heart fan of yours.. Riya ...
March 2016
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First of all, this show is the only serial that I have ever watched in my entire life. I saw one of my friend seeing this serial in youtube. I started watching this character... and instantly fell in love with Mohan and Megha.
Mohan is not only a funny character but also a guy of high intelligence and obedience... He was so true to his character that it never felt like he was acting, Mohan was real… The serial itself rocks so much, all characters are just the best. With a superb and important essence of Mr.Mohan Bhatnagar. Mohan = kunal, the best human being and the best character. I fell more for him when he became a matured father in season 2, where his role in season 2 was epic.. incomparable to any other star.
I being a big fan of his, wanted a partner just like him. To my amazement, yes… I did. He is not exactly Mohan but a man of same principles. Thus if any of the Admin or someone who truly like my post, please convey my heartfelt thanks to Kunal Karan Kapoor, if by any chance u meet him. Following him and his ways has changed my thoughts and has brought a lot of happiness in my life.
Mr Kunal Karan Kapoor.. bas ek akhiri baat bas yahi kehni h tumse.. "yadon me kitni dafa tumhara naam pukarti rahi magar kya kru mujse hi aaya na gaya..ek gam jo tumne dia mujse bhulaya na gaya..." forever in love with you Mohan.. forever..
From, an ardent fan of Kunal Karan Kapoor
Vanshu S ........Kunal aka Mohan No doubt he's d best actor ever on TV d way he acts and connect his emotions to d viewers..... Every time he cried for Megha he made me cry..... I feel lucky coz even my name is Megha.... those wavy uncombed hair... That sharp pointed nose... That habit of eating chewing gum... D blunders he made.... I can say I am in love with mohan..... His relationship with chavanni (nanhi) and mirchi madam (megha) and guru..... I just remember d episode he cried for d first tym for Megha..... Every background song played in d show.... Every spcl episode.... I even watch it on YouTube when I miss kunal.... That was d best show ever with a moral story.... D perfect couple..... D best actors like kunal and akansha.... I was so happy with d sequel as well..... I hope kunal keeps going with d grt work ..... Want to c him again on screen with a bang.... And a bold unforgettable character as mohan.... Love u kunal Keep up d gud work....
Hi! I would like to share my thoughts on KKK too. There it goes.... Beginning of everything has some or the other memory attached to it! 4 years back, in 2012, it was basically a start of new life for me, as school was over and college was being looked forward to. Never was I a fan of hindi TV soaps, but when parents came back home, tea time with them was always with a side-dose of then running shows. And just like that, the promos of NBTNMKK started airing! The profession of a journalist has always had me a little inclined, because my grandfather was one! And then appears this character, Mohan Bhatnagar. Messy hair, plaid shirt and that signature reporter jacket and like a cherry on this perfect cake, that noncholant tone of voice! There was something very intriguing yet relaxing about it all. And hence began the journey of the show and my attachment to it. Every episode was a roller-coaster ride and every end was a cliff-hanger to me, I was that addicted to it. Maybe it was the emotional turmoil for beginning a new life or the nostalgia of leaving the old days behind, this character gave me a stand to support my mind on! I got involved in college, forgot about television as the craze and frenzy of movies took over. There was only me and my laptop. As I welcomed 2016, there was yet another change. Job life starts. I am to re-locate yet again. Leaving 4 years of memories just like that, not even a proper gooddbye. And while surfing youtube, I stumbled upon the show again. Started watching it again. Like crazy. Back in 2012, I was quite kiddish. Now I see, how lively Kunal Karan Kapoor has made the character. There is so much to him, and every detail is projected so beautifully! Great idea of the crew to team it up with Shafqat Amanat Ali's soulful songs! Its all just a treat for a craving soul. A soul craving for some support, some re-assurance, that everything will be alright! Years ago, I had taken the support of this character and I am doing the same now. I am so very thankful for the creation of Mohan Bhatnagar, and even more thankful to Mr.Kunal Karan Kapoor for giving so much life to the words, that its more than over-whelming! Little things make people happy. Beyond the serene storyline and perfection of direction, there is some spark in his character, all credits to him, that still holds the power of re-surrecting a drowning soul!
Devanshi Nigam
At first I had seen Kunal Karan Kapoor in Pratigya and I was like “eeekk ye kon hai, paan khata hoa”. But my sister says “ye kisi ache role me ayega na phir dekhna”. In 2011, I was going through depression phase, totally shattered and then the magician came as a relief from my stressful life. I had seen trailers and I was stunned “aray ye to pratigya wala villain hai, kitna change lag raha hai, sooo handsome. My sister said “maine kaha tha na”.
I turned on television on 9th of January 2012, at the time when Nanhi was making wish and here comes the Spiderman, Nanhi’s wish was fulfilled. I had seen the whole season and liked it very much; it was not like regular saas bahu dramas. The friendship bond between Chawwani and Spiderman, Mohan-Guru bond, fights of Mohan and Mirchi Madam, Mohan’s tagline “aray yar, suunnna” and Megha’s “aji! suntay ho”, all the elements are really superb and extraordinary.
And then it was any month of 2015; I was getting so much bored. Nothing good on television so I decided to start seeing NBTNMKK Season 1 again as nothing else is good as it is, so I just started. I could not see whole season 2 in 2013 and did not have any intention to see it again, but one day when I was searching for season 1 episodes suddenly I caught by the episode in which Mohan died, I played that episode casually. I was really upset by seeing how much Addu is bitter towards Mohan and then suddenly Mohan fell from the hill and that was the moment; it was like “Mohan ke girnay ke sath sath mera dil bhi doobta ja raha tha”. Then I see whole season 2, and I was amazed by Kunal Karan Kapoor’s acting, I was amazed that how a person can portray one character in totally two different ways. Mohan Bhatnagar in SSN 1; carefree but still so much caring, hilarious and his bindaas style uff ! and Mohan Bhatnagar in SSN 2; having so much pain and guilt in his heart. I searched about him and his dramas and started seeing Left Right Left, see Dolly Armano Ki just because of him. I get to know how much talented and fine actor he is and above all how wonderful he is as a human being.
The most amazing fact about him he is the reason of smile to a lot of people. But I like this fact of him most because he make me smile when I forgot what is happiness, I forgot how to laugh. He is the charmer,magician and above all he is inspiration for me. He is inspiration for me to do something for myself.
Kunal Karan Kapoor I wish you all the best and hope to see you soon on screen, Cheers
Asha Pari's story!
"yaadon me kitni dafa, tumhari gali tumhara dard pukarta raha..." yeh shayari waise toh aam hai, but jab aapki aawaaz me suni, tab uske har lafz ki gehraai ko samajh paai. Tab se lekar aaj tak meri ek hi wish hai ki main just once in a lifetime aap se milu aur aapko yeh poem sunau. kam se kam 10 baar maine iss poem ki recording kii but apni awaaz main wo dard hi na laa paai jo aapki awaaz me tha. K3, the king of expressions, the most versatile actor of television, etc NA BOLE TUM NA MAINE KUCH KAHA toh chala gaya, par apne saath de gaya woh hame kuch khatti-meethi yaadein, kuch log jo jaane anjaane hamari zindagi ka ek atut hissa ban gaye i.e K3, akangsha singh, etc jinse milna mushkil hoga but namumkin nahi, chahe mile na mile but unke liye hamara pyaar toh hamesha rahega unconditional. some really unforgettable things of nbtnmkk, 1."arrre yaaar" jo aaj kal koi bhi kahe, par ham mudkar jaroor dekhte hai ki wo kahi kunal karan kapoor toh nahi. 2."paapu" aajkal toh main apne papa ko bhi paapu keh ke bulaati hu. 3."mirchi madam" ab toh har mirchi hame mirchi madam ki yaad dilaati hai. 4."ae chavvani sunna " chavani milna toh band ho gayi, but yeh chavvni koi nahi bhool payega. 5."spiderman" ab tak sabke liye spiderman sirf ek laal kapde pehen kar ucchalne wala insaan tha, but tabse spiderman ki toh paribhasha hi badal gayi. kuch aisi yaadein aur inke kirdaar chahe kitne hi kyun na badal jaye par hamare liye kabhi nahi badlenge... issi ke saath main K3 ko apne future ke liye all the best kehna chahungi aur unke fans ko fans ko bhi all the best kehna chahungi ki wo bhi kabhi na kabhi unse mil paaye, aur sabse bada all the best mere liye .....TAAKI MAIN APNI LIFETIME ME BAS EK BAAR UNSE MIL PAAU.... -- Varishka
It was d month of March 2012 and d Holi track was going on in NBT,when I first watched it..12th board exams were going on & I needed something as a stress buster,so as per my cousin sister's suggestion I thought to give it a try!! From that very episode,I got curious to know about its plot & luckily d same week I saw its 'Kahani ab tak'..I wondered why I missed it despite it was one of my family's favorites..!! My first reaction after hearing Mohan's name was..Wow..my father's name..:) !! Mohan..d name itself says-"Charmer"..Mohan Bhatnagar charmed us in every still-be it with his Chawanni as her Spiderman,or with Guru or with Megha..!! I loved his attitude & nature,he was not a typical hero with well-gelled hairs,six packs,dole shole & all..instead we got a carefree 'lafanga patrakaar' whose style & mannerisms were totally unique!! Mohan Bhatnagar was someone whom U can relate to,the character had a realistic approach..And it would not had been possible without Kunal Karan Kapoor..he left his viewers spellbounded by his phenomenal acting..!! My addiction for d show started with season 2 of NBT..every single scene of d same gave d feeling of awe..it showed d transformed avatar of Mohan-d carefree news reporter to a much sensible & mature head journalist of Awaz India!! Watching KKK as Mohan was & is always a treat even if we watch d same scene repeatedly..!! The way Kunal presented himself as Mohan,no other could have done it..I not only admire & adore Mohan but in hard times I get inspired from him..there r a few male characters who have been my favorites but Mohan Bhatnagar still tops my favorite list..!! • Vasu was another memorable character in NBT 2 which made a special place in d hearts of d viewers..although it was short-lived,but if chances would have been given,then Vasu too surely would have been an iconic character..KKK said in an interview- " let people hate him"..; I must say he was truly successful in it..initially I hated Vasu but as d story progressed Vasu became my 2nd fav after Mohan!! I would like to thank d whole team of NBT..directors,actors,producers everyone..for giving us a masterpiece!!
There r only 2 actors whom I adore them for who they r as a person..1st is Mr Amitabh Bachchan & 2nd is Kunal Karan Kapoor..!! We,all fans of KKK love his personality,simple yet enchanting,down to earth,calm,talented actor & what not..!! On a concluding note I would like to add that I'm proud to be his fan will b forever..!! May God bless him always & best wishes for all ur upcoming projects.
Dilwali Kudi Kunalian
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The Magical Mr.Kunal Karan Kapoor, 'Bash!' entered my life two years ago. It was my sister who introduced Mr.Mohan Bhatnagar to me. It was 9pm, that's when I heard the iconic title song of NBT first time (In Tamil). Episode started, with Megha losing her luggage, she got to wear Mohan's kurti, yeah right, it was their honeymoon! Sis tried to explain the scenario, and immediately Mohan’s role hit me.
It was absolute pleasure watching the cute couple and their cute kids. Day by day I fell more and more for the serial. Carefree Mohan trying to be a responsible husband, a perfect family man, he changed for his love, his pure love was endearing and very beautiful. It really did change the perceptions I had on serials. I felt really bad because the show was ending. My first ever watched and loved serial is ending. But to our surprise, the next day the show started as season 2.
The very first episode drove me crazy, so much of suspense that I could not wait to know what happened! I searched and found the serial online…watched episodes after episode. The surprising fact was though I didn't understand Hindi well, his performance, his expressions, voice modulations and the excellent background score was phenomenal that I didn't realize the need of any language. It was extremely interesting that I couldn't stop watching. The show was full of ingenious ideas and situations. It’s characteristics have made this show one of a kind. The twist in the plot, personified performances and it’s signature art of storytelling was mesmerizing. I ended up watching the show till 4am with bloodshot eyes. I laughed and cried with this family.
There were moments I stood paralyzed hugging my computer, especially when Mohan left Addu's hand to die! After the sleepless days and nights the show concluded. (including season 1). Mohan and Nanhi's astounding bond, Mr and Mrs. Bhatnagar’s incredible love story, Vaasu the real Mohan. . . was all like a beautiful magical dream that happened to me. I was so overwhelmed and pleased! Truly NBT happened to me on right time, thank heavens. At that time frame I was in a critical situation, thorny period of my life where none could help me. There were lots of people around me but not someone like Nanhi has, her Spiderman. Looking at them I urged for love. Honestly, I soulfully loved spiderman, who made me regard him like my own dad. Though not true but that love made me feel better, loved and pampered! As a 16 year old girl I needed nothing else.
I really loved the adorable, charming and handsome Kunal Karan Kapoor. Admired the way he fought for chocolates. He is a skillful photographer, passionate traveller and a delightful bookworm. What a heavenly combination! Next things I loved, the interviews of the real Mohan and Megha. It was an interview by Tinsel Gupta. . .which I was dumbstruck! I admired his honesty, dedication, simplicity, his sophisticated talent, uniqueness and his calmness with dropped jaw. What a wonderful human being! Fell flat for this man! Two photographs of his made me realise the loving and emotional side of him. One during Shveta Di's marriage, He was holding one side of the Saree above her like a shelter. I don't know why the ritual is for, but it somehow reflected his love and affection for his bestie. Another one, was when he held a baby in his shoulder, which he posted with a caption 'Parii ka mamu'. Seeing that I went speechless. . .
Lastly, thank you for being my greatest inspiration. Your smile gives me greatest pleasure and it abundantly fills my heart with happiness. Wish I had some magical powers to still your smile. If I ever had Alladin's lamp, my first wish would be 'I want Kunal Karan Kapoor to be the Happiest Person on Earth'. . . I would like to thank Kunal for giving me such a sweet Kunalian family. I feel proud being part of your family!
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Hi Kunal.... This is Juhi Malhotra from Mumbai... Read the post regarding the write-ups for you... To be frank I am not that good at it... But still would like to say a few words for you... First and foremost... I know everybody says this... But still I would like to tell you that I am a diehard fan of yours... People have started calling me a psycho because of my OBSESSION for NBTNMKK... N this is only and only because of you Kunal.... How can somebody not love you?? You are such a sweetheart ... I am such a person who has never watched any serial apart from NBTNMKK... Never in my life did I ever watch any kind of serial... But NBT has taken my heart away 💕 Sometimes I repent.. I wish I had watched Left Right Left and Doli Armanon Ki... But it's ok... I am satisfied with NBT... Because in NBT I feel you have given your best... You are the most genuine and most natural actor I have ever seen... The way you have enacted Mohan's and Vasu's role, nobody could have ever acted the way you have.... You are ULTIMATE, Your expressions .. Your smile .. Your hair... Your way of talking and walking ... Your looks... Your charm... Your personality.... Your voice.. You are the only one who made me cry whenever I saw u crying on TV.... This is the impact of you Kunal... Everything thing about you is just WOWWW!!!! ...for me perfection=kunal. Not to forget the way you say 'Aye Chavanni... Sunnnn naa', 'mirchi madam' and ‘Mother India' ... Kunal you are the Greek God of Indian Television!!! It is only and only because of you that I have watched NBT (season 1 and 2) almost all the episodes 5 times... I mean it's unimaginable... A girl who never watched any kind of serial watches NBT that too both the seasons 5 times!!! It's possible only because of a magician... And that MAGICIAN is none other than you KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR!!!!!! Your magic has made me crazy kunal... You are the best.... Nobody can be better than you..... You are stupendofantabulously fabulous... It's my wish to meet you once.... And to hear from you 'Aye Juhi... Sunn naa' because the way u say it, nobody can say it the same way.....It's the only wish of my life... Just to meet you once... And last but not the least.... LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK KUNAL!!! MAY YOU BE SUPER SUCCESSFUL AND SUPER DUPER HAPPY THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE!!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!! TONS OF MAGIC DUST FOR YOU KUNAL... Love you 💕💕
February 2016
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Hello Everyone!! So! How I met Kunal Karan Kapoor..... I watched the promo of 'Na Bole tum na Maine kuch kaha' and I found it really interesting. I mean the promo itself had uniqueness and a magnetic effect which attracted me towards it. I remember I watched the first episode and the starting story was all about Megha and I had my exams going on so I left it at half. Then I could not manage to watch the show. But one day my Sister was watching the episode where Megha started feeling for Mohan. The 'o re piya' scene.! Each and every scene which Megha was recapturing was so heart melting. With Megha I also started feeling for Kunal. And there I met him.. After that I didn't miss to watch any of the episodes. I got attached to the show emotionally. I watched the episodes which I missed before on YouTube. His role as Mohan made me love him. I loved each and everything about him. His eyes, his smile, his voice, his hair, his body language, the way he called Megha 'Mirchi Madam'and 'Mrs.Vyas , The way he used to say 'Sunn Na', 'Arrey Yaar' and the cutest one 'Ae Chawanni'. Even if he hated kids but he loved Nanhi unconditionally. And The Mohan-Guru bond was more than awesome . The childish behavior of Guru and the 'Gusse wali Nazar' of Mohan was really funny' This was my love for Mohan Bhatnagar but after knowing about his personal life and feelings, my love and respect for Kunal started growing day by day. But then the show ended with a promise of season 2 and I started waiting for it. Then Season 2 came and my eyes were searching for him and there he entered. My whole family used to watch Season 2 and I was the one who explained them of season 1 if required. And then Season 2 ended with tears in my eyes. But I was still attached to Kunal and was waiting for his comback. Then again one day. My sister was again watching a show. She was watching 'Doli Armanon Ki ' and coincidentally I sat with her to watch it. That time I did not use fb or Twitter or anything for one month so I did not had any news related to Kunal. I remember when Grown up Shaurya Sinha entered, it showed him from the back and he was moving towards the stage. As soon as I saw him from the back I told my sister that his hair and the way he walks is similar to Kunal. But I didn't take much concern to it I don't know why. But the next day when I opened my twitter account and saw his post about the grown up Shaurya, I got surprised. For a moment I thought, 'Is it a dream?' and it wasn't. I was really very happy . That was all how I met Kunal Karan Kapoor. Thank You so much Kunal. You are the one who make me feel good eveyday. What if you don't post your pictures everyday, I have your pictures to see and smile and feel good eveyday. While writing this I really went down to the memory lane. So Thank You so much to the admins of Kunal's page for giving us such opportunities to express ourselves. Thank You.
Akanksha Kashyap   February 2016
Sometimes we want to say a lot of things but some make us speechless with their act. The same thing is always happened with me whenever I watch the performance of King of expression and emotions Mr KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR…. I have never seen KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR before NA BOLE TUM ….BUT after seeing him in the promo of NBT one question is always in my mind “Why do we connect with a cinematic character ,a film, a TV series , a phrase , a poem ?’’The day one I was connected with the character MOHAN BHATNAGAR . The above question is always in my mind and after seeing only two and three episodes I got my answer “Every time something connects with me, it completes something, answers something, heals something and so on ….. Then another question came up “Why only it happens with MOHAN not others? This also I got the answer “ BECAUSE the person behind MOHAN knows HOW TO CONNECT WITH PEOPLE which is UNIQUE and BEST THING about KUNAL that he knows HOW TO INFLUENCE the AUDIENCES . I do know that KUNAL is gifted. He is capable of protraying different shades on screen which is his strength. His best shade is emotion as his eyes speaks volumes. His best character till date is Mohan Bhatnagar . I love Mohan a lot, smile emoticon Mohan is a character from which we can learn. He makes us to feel his pain of suffering. He is imperfectly perfect in all his work. We all love a person but he loves a person's ability and strength. Mohan is a world in itself. Mohan is a immortal character who cannot die. I think Kunal karan kapoor has made Mohan immortal. I know milestone cannot be made every day, kunal made Mohan a milestone and I know he can make many more. As mohan has given my a lot I have always seen that the writer’s makes the character a great one BUT here it’s the actor how make the character immortal . REALLY MOHAN BHATNAGAR cannot die in any of the audience heart . BUT STILL I WANT SAY IN FRONT OF ALL THAT I personally cannot see NBT as the love story but I rather see to it as the MOHAN ‘s JOURNEY and this CREDIT ONLY GOES TO KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR . MOHAN BHATNAGAR have given me many lessons that “never give up hope’’ ,”people who have suffered in pain can live without anyone ,even without it’s lover ,because the grief is enough to allow him to live. I would Love to believe..People like Mohan still exist in this materialistic world, otherwise I'll lose Faith on Love...may be yeh meri 'galat fahmi' hai but as Mohan said... "Zinda rahne ke liye kabhi kabhi galat fahmiyan bhi jaruri hoti hai...". I want to write a lot about the MOHAN’s character but right now I have to move on to vasu it is also greatly developed character because of KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR .It has potential but it does not have time to develop as much he can. I conclude by saying: Pleaseeee come back as early as possible with any new and great project.
My Jaan Kunal
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By Dusky: Kunal karan kapoor- A magician. You make me smile. You make my heart beat. My association with Kunal goes back to Remix days. You frittered in and out . and I didn't pay attention to the nerd. The turning point was ' left right left' . started watching it only for my then favorite actor Rajeev Khandelwal. Slowly I started liking all cadets. Cadet yudi became my favourite. I used to hate it when he was teased n made him the butt of everyone's jokes. The madona track; suicide and the detention track blew everyone away. I was one of them. Time went on. My carrier started. It was going great guns. And being a performer I was transferred to Delhi. Professionally great. Personally I got immense pain in a relationship.I became a wreck. Took the next flight to mumbai. Heartache refused to go.job was in doldrums. Yes I'm a victim of depression.. Dec2011 I was wallowing in self pity and surfing tv channels. There I saw this guy. He tugged my heartstrings. I tried to recollect why is this boy is so endearing. And then it came as a flash. Cadet yudi.. Kunal karan kapoor back. His first project as the lead role.the ads were very appealing. 9th Jan 2012 the TV was switched on. 15th mnts into d first half I wondered if its a sas bahu show. I still stuck to the show and nanhis wish was fulfilled. The dashing lafanga had made his entery. Like tsunami everyone fell for him. No holds barred. No age limit. It was not difficult not to like him. He had his imperfections, brash, gentle with the kids, love hate relationship with mirchi madam. And boy he had a job. A real job. A news reporter. A job which was his passion and he did in with utmost sincerity. I have not seen any other actor getting into the skin of the character. No actor can boast that any other actor has won both accolades fr himself n the character he is playing. I have walked , laughed and cried with bmohan bhatnagar. He is a directors actor. Kudos to sonal gantara mam for etching such a wonderful character. I can watch this show on a repeat mode and don't get bored I remembered when Nbt ended there was chaos every where. We want season 2 every where. Season 2 came albeit with a difference. Viewers were shocked. But we got to see a spectacular performance by our ' king of expressions'. His angst, his seperation from megha, navikas indifference with her superman was the final blow. I have cried a lot in season 2. Oh then the much needed relief. VASU...nor once did I see mohan bhatnagar in vasu. Two of them were different entities. We wished time would remain still. But no. We had to wait for two painful years before we got our hero.. SHAURYA. A devoted son, a protector, the pain in his eyes, trying to wipe out the past.. Brilliantly portrayed by an ace actor. Many of his scenes demands an encore. Kunal is responsible for giving us such good friends. There have been hurt souls who felt it, and connected with each other .. Became fast friends. We are there for each other. And love is mutual. Nbt and Kunal you both are very special.. Mr kapoor a comeback soon plz.
January 2016
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Belicia Alphonso
KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR – JUST EXTRAORDINARY Well it all started with Na Bole Tum and I became part of Kunal’s fandom. I had seen him as Angad in Pratigya which was my first encounter with my rockstar, but as I wasn’t following the show it went unnoticed. But then NBT promos went on air in 2012, felt that this is interesting but wasn’t sure whether I will follow it religiously. But then I happened to watch MAHASHIVRATRI EPISODES and instantly fell in Love with the show and tried catching up with all the previous episodes and soon fell in love with Spiderman Chavanni bond which was unique and refreshing. This show was breeze of fresh air and slowly I became Kunal Karan Kapoor’s diehard fan. NBT1 and NBT2 gave us our most beloved character MOHAN BHATNAGAR and I admit no one could do it the way Kunal did it, it was simply flawless. My favourite scenes they are so many. MAHASHIVRATRI EPISODES love the whole sequence it wouldn’t be unfair if I say this was the best track. But the episode where I fell in Love with Kunal’s performance was where Megha tells Mohan that she too loves him and the reaction that Mohan gave, I mean the way Kunal performed was sheer brilliance. It made me wonder how this guy can be so natural. His all scenes with Ashnoor Kaur aka our nanhi they are just filled with such innocence. Then comes the second innings of NBT. Aahhhhhh!!!!! “eh! Pharmal jacket, agar dil hota toh vasu ki pehchaan ni hoti” still echoes in my ears. VASU RAJVARDHAN, another brilliant character NBT gave us. Vasu is my topmost favourite character that Kunal played. A complete mixture of ruthlessness and innocence. His attitude speaks for him. NBT2 had matured Mohan and Vasu was Mohan redefined which I loved thoroughly. Again Vasu Jaan and Mohan jaan scenes rules my heart. Kunal’s emotional scenes as Mohan still makes my eyes wet. Simultaneously, Ruku and Vasu’s mucky scene make me smile like anything. By then Kunal Karan Kapoor had made me addicted to his performance so much so that I do not like any other actor’s performance. THANK YOU A LOT KUNAL FOR POTRAYING MOHAN BHANTNAGAR/VASU RAJVARDHAN WITH SUCH PERFECTION. Then came another character that is Shaurya of Doli Armanon ki, another gem. A very emotional character. It had so many shades, if only the character was given enough time. It had lot of depth and the way Kunal portrayed every emotion was amazing. Kunal always left us wanting more be it any character. Now, I follow his old shows too. His every character had message in it. If Yadhuvansh sahni (Left Right Left) taught us the actual meaning of strength, Mohan taught us selflessness. Every character is memorable be it Angad, Amrik,Sukhi, Varun or Monty. They reside and have a special place in my heart. Besides Kunal come across as a down to earth person and honesty in his eyes is evident, which makes fans like me proud and his smile makes us crazy. When you won best actor award we felt like we conquered the whole world. Lastly I want to put full stop here with this line of Shaurya which I feel completely applies for Kunal “itni shiddat se nibhao apna kirdar, ke parda girne par bhi taaliyan bajti rahein”. ohhh yesss Kunal you indeed portray your each character which such perfection that it will be remembered forever and Taaliyan abhi tak baj rahi hain. Here’s me waiting with lots of enthusiasm and excitement for you to comeback with another amazing character. WITH LOTS OF LOVE AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU WITH ALL SUCCESS AND HEALTH.
 Bhagya Sahoo
On 28th January 2013, time provably 9:50 pm I was watching any programme on TV. I have a big problem that i always change channels when i sit to watch tv . Suddenly my eye saw a MAN who talk to someone in mobile & became irritated and said ARE YAARRRR .It really sounds very good. So from that moment i was attracted towards him just like a magnet . I continued to watch . When that episode was finished i just open the internet and impatiently wanted to know who is this charming MAN . Then i read about the serial and knew he is none other than Kunal Karan Kapoor as Mohan Bhatnagar whose basic line is Are yaar ;Suuunaa . Then i downloaded some pic showed to my mother . My mother said, :what a handsome guy” with a big smile with her face . This is the first day experience for me with Kunal as Mohan with NBTNKMKK-2. Not only me my entire family love u Kunal as Mohan . Day after day I became more addicted to Mohan . Then i started to know more about Kunal karan Kapoor as a person . I m always think about u that what r u doing, how r u etc just typically like a mother. I can't explain in words that how much i love u, care for u, respect u. One of the best gift that god gifted me is U "KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR" . Another thing soooo unique about "Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha " is that, I never ever expected that a serial became a vital organ of life. Honestly i always feel that NBT family is like my another family. It is sooo real that it can attract any one. Another important thing I'm just like Mohan Bhatnagar nature wise & behaviour etc . I watch NBT everyday but one thing is strange that it arises same feelings just like i watched it for the first time. I love the NBT family . I love u Kunal .My love will continues till my last breath . Lastly i m really thankful to the creator , the maker & total team of NBT for giving such a unique family that remain with us for lifetime . Great honour to God for his lovely creation "Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha ".
Kunal Karan Kapoor....name is all for me.I met him way back....11 years ago in a show called Remix....he played a nerd viz Varun....sheepish, stammering half the time he spoke, butt of all jokes and then came Varun's resurrection and when I saw that I said to myself "boy,this actor is something else". To be honest I was a tvholic and I had other favourites... But Varun did leave a mark...silently...With time I flew...Kunal honestly took a back seat...Suddenly one fine day my path crossed with Yadhuvansh Sahni aka Yudi in Left Right Left...I was keen on LRL more because of Rajeev Khandelwal who still is amongst my list of best actors. I quite liked the way Yudi was...in fact I was almost the same in my class..very cool...yo yo types....struggling to mix with the herd...yet there was so much depth that was hiding inside Yudi...nobody knew...nobody noticed!!!!!!only that suicide scene when everyone understood that happy go lucky Yudi suffered and his pain was almost like a volcano that erupted saying " enough is enough"....sometimes I question was it Yudi or Kunal ?Kunal had to be Yudi or Yudi had to be Kunal....it was that powerhouse actor who overtook...I was amazed, awed..... Again time passed Kunal performed but I was glued to his negative portrayal of Angad in Man Ki Awaz Pratigya...I simply adore that rowdy Angad...Kunal is very sophisticated yet it is amazing to see him performing a rustic gundaa...thoroughly entertaining... I was growing fond of him day by day. Kunal Karan Kapoor the actor took me over. And then came Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha......an ode to pristine performance and screenplay.Mohan Bhatnagar.....ohh!!!! He is still a lifeline... I have heard destiny plays game with us.NBT happened when I was broken and shattered...a mere TV serial,a character can give you life....yes is the answer....positivity of Mohan, purity of Spiderman and Chavanni relationship, unconditional love of Mohan....bindaas attitude of the righteous journalist who believed in triumph of truth instilled HOPE in me....and it was the actor Kunal who made me believe in Mohan in all its perfection and imperfection. SALUTE to Kunal for converting a scripted character Mohan into someone of flesh and blood. I presume it had to be Kunal this great actor became my mantra of living. He continued to amaze me in the avatar of matured Mohan carrying a sense of guilt and unbearable pain in the second innings of NBT...perfection at its peak(no exaggeration).... And so also total contrast in the same platform as Vasu....the adorable baddie....Flawless!!!! I was overwhelmed by Kunal Karan Kapoor.....so also Shaurya in Doli Armano Ki....lasted a bit but Shaurya is someone whom I can never forget....self made, righteousness being the attributes of Shaurya yet I was attracted to the inner struggle of Shaurya which was aptly portrayed by Kunal....so much so I at times thought that intensity.....is Kunal in real so intense? Its really difficult to confine such a beautiful actor into string of words and sentences. I am blessed to be his fan, a performer par excellence. Through his acting Kunal won my heart and my entire being.and with time I got to know a little part of my prince charming in reality. He is almost the same as the Mohan Bhatnagar that I am so fond of with a little twist. the most correlating stuff is that Kunal is as down-to-earth as Mohan is.all this stardom,fandom yet #kunalkarankapoor is so grounded. respect is what comes and echoes for my Rockstar.To this Charmer, my lifeline I just want to wish you all the very best and may he gets whatever he wishes for and deserves. I love you #Kunal.God bless.Rock n Roll Charmer -----Debapriya
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angisam · 7 years
you wild side
Chapter 4 - The Non-Existence    
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tag chapter: underfell (au community) wolvesfell( au and charater @sanspar)
uf!sans , wolvesfell!pap, non-existence, Beartler
note: my english is bad I hope you won't have problem to read it
"Hurry up! They can't escape!" - Bearlte's shouts could be heard uncomfortably close by was a clear sign that they should accelerate the pace.
"C'mon Bossy, We should sidetrack them already! Hurry up ! "The beast growled at him complaining of the comment. Sans clung as he could to the back of the other didn't even know how he could continue to cling to him taking the strides he gave trying to dodge all the obstacles he found in the forest. Little by little the trees began to become less frequent until they disappeared almost completely, giving way to a large white meadow. "Tell me you know where we're going in?!" He looked up and smiled with total confidence - oh no ... he knew that face, Papyrus would do that face when he do madness. When he look back, he notice that Bearlte appeared with four soldiers from the forest left behind, now that there were no obstacles in between, it was only a matter of time before they were powdered. "!we have to!…. No ... you won't  be able "- Bossy increased speed in response. His grip tightened- "oh for Asgore I guess it's better than dying devoured by dogs" - in the background was observed how the land had long ago split apart in two halves; A cliff appeared before his eyes.
Each time they were closer to reaching them one could hear their tired breaths. "Stop! It's an order! "- ordered the Mighty Bear monster, but it was too late. They had already jumped the great and impressive ravine. The jump was incredibly powerful, despite that, wasn't enough to avoid the blow he received in the ribs after landing on the same edge of the other end. It was noisily painful it was so dry that the rider gave a full turn before sliding down the floor. When Sans looked up he saw Bearlte standing at one end and watching with his great and fearsome mace surrounded by four guard dogs and at the other end Pupyrus trying desperately to climb. "Damn it!" The monster skeleton rose quickly to To succor his hairy brother. I grabbed his jacket but it was too heavy for him. The other tried desperately to climb but his legs couldn't grab at anything the rock would come off at every attempt. There was a dreadful snarl and then a sharp blow to his side they both looked at the direction where it occurred and before they could really perceive that Bearlte threw their mace at the other end the ground cracked around them falling down the deep cliff.
Two days before
There is a lot of noise around him. Sans doesn't know where he is, the last thing he remembers is to have fallen asleep at the sentry station and to have woken up in a place full of smoke with people screaming nothing coordinated with a loud alarm. he was in a bad way shortened on a hard cold ground and a red light with an appearance pattern banged his eyesocker uncomfortably. Never in his life had he been so confused and sick, he felt like ... like .... It was indescribable. It was like if he had been thrown into a tornado while his ribs is hit their . He repositioned himself to sit down and made an effort to assimilate his surroundings, it was the most grotesquely realistic nightmare he had ever dreamed of. "! HERE AMONG THE SMOKE! GETTING IT "- wait ... were they referring to him? -  can hear the floors of several monsters heading towards their position -" LOOSE THE NOOSES"- oooohhhhh shit they referred to him, confused with fear and with stressed, the last thing he saw before teleporting away from wherever he  was looked up to a person tying a long stick with a bow at the premiere. Nop! Nop! Nop! The hard floor give way to the snow soft. Sans, still in his seated position, began to crawl backward until a solid wall prevented him from continuing. He tried to breathe as calmly as he could, questioning whether what he had just lived was only the product of a nightmare. Over time he forced himself to relax and inspect where he had stopped ... nice thing, he was leaning on one side of his house, between the house and the shed more concretely. It rises up little by little even having the discomfort of when it woke up in that place, bitter proof that that really happened. - I have to look for Pap- I think whatever that place is, it's something serious. He begins to walk towards the setting of his house using the wall as a support, he still feels  like a shit but gradually disappears.
When it finally arrives it he escaba in his pocket to extract the key of house. But for some reason It doesnt work "fuck ... I'm not for shit, open fucking door!" - to despair begins knocking on the door and pulling the handle almost trying to pull it out, eventually surrender, whatever, there is nobody at home. He doesn't know what time it is but there are no lights inside, his brother must be on patrol or something. Well he could wait, so he would be more relaxed and could think things through. It time to go to Grillby's.
On his way to Grillby's tavern he noticed that some monsters were watching him closely, it wouldn't be the first time that some monster was spying on him, but at that moment it was different, his eyes were to mistrustful. Sans noticed it but decided to believe that it was his imaginations so accumulated stress in such a short time, so that being watched was not something so unusual.
When he entered the bright and warm tavern, he found the same customers in their respective seats, counting the royal guards of Snowdin. That meant Papyrus would have finished his patrol hours ago .... It also meant that he would have to listen to the reprimands for not being in his station. Now more than ever he wanted a drink. But then? Where was him? Undyne. Probably called him on some matter maybe to train, well, it didn't matter, it would be late. Before going to the bar and asking for something he approached to ask Dogamy and Dogaressa to assure his theory. "Hey, do you know where my brother is now?" - Great dog tilted his head and Doggo only directed the ears to where the sound came without looking away from the fan of letters, regarding the couple looked surprised and then "You're the first one we see, surely we would remember seeing a monster as you, hehehe," replied Dogaressa. What the fuck? What did that creepy tone come to? But instead of answering he simply preferred to leave the conversation had already had too many strange things for today.
He sat at the bar in front of the flaming violet monster, which kept drying a glass with a rag. "Grillby put me the usual, you can't imagine how my day has gone" - the other simply remained silent ,silently looking behind his sunglasses- "... and what is it  the everyday?" - he frown while he kept his watch the fire "oh come Grill I'm not in the mood" - "... you're taking a lot of liberties runt " - "this is because of my tag ?, don't I always pay you ?" -they fire in front of him I stopped cleaning the glass, leaving it on the table while he was leaning one arm on the bar and the other I used it as a support to pose his head - "this is interests me now, is usually me who has to" refresh "the memory and not the Reverse, since we are what you owe me money mmm "-" ... what? ... "- his eye lights began to tremble" hey, are you bothering this appetizer? "- the other dogs laughed
the joke to Doggo. ENOUGH! A red light was the last thing they saw in the bar. Sans teleported to Waterfall, he had to find his brother, he only hoped that he and Undyne would know who he was.
he knock the door with pure terror in his hands. Out of the door came Undyne, who was looking at him with the face of few friends. Before she could say anything Sans stepped forward, "! Undyne tell me that you know where my brother is, something really fucked is going on and- "Before he could follow it the Captain she lunged at him, banging his skull against the ground. I grab him by the sweater from his lying position- "shut up! I dont get any more visits at this time of night, I don't know where the hell  your brother is. "" Undyne for Asgore, I have to find him anyway! You have to - "- Undyne put his spare hand on her Teeth without any affection, he didn't need to open his mouth to speak precisely but the message was more than clear- "I see .... He is dead "-" WHAT !? "-" you arent the first one who comes desperate asking to find a missing family member, if you haven't found him until now,so he is dead, don't have much hope "- with that explanation she get off  from above Sans and went back into houses.
He instantly got up "b-b-but I'm not- What's happening?" - again he teleported to Snowdin this time back to his house. He ran to the entrance, without expecting it, he found a giant bear monster opening the door. The little skeleton stared at him in horror, he was standing right in front of the door with a set of keys without noticing his presence. "Can I help you with something?" - well, maybe he already notice his presence - "..." - "I've never seen you around here is a bit dangerous to walk around these hours" - "I'm.. this-" "Yes? "-which I could answer-oh yeah, look me and my brother have been in that house for years but apparently no one remembers our existence-" yeah...  I'm looking for my brother, I ... em think he's in Snowdin ... in some place "- sounded  as the worst excuse in history but the other didn't seem to care or didn't notice -" I see ... "- began to rummage in his pocket -" look, I know you're worried but it isn't a good idea that monsters as you ronden at night "- the subject sack of the pocket 100 g-" W-What? "-" is for the hostal, it is at the other part of the town. There a point of transport there is behind the house in an igloo isn't lost "- where did this guy come from? Nobody gives money to strangers, the only way someone gives you money is with a beating before. "H-hey, thank you very much for your help, hehe" - "it's my job" - and with that last sentence he enter the house.
Sans kept looking at the bills that had been kind enough to give him. And if he didn't actually find his brother because he didn't exist. He had begun to tremble in his life he had been so afraid, to wake up in a strange place and never to have existed is never totally unlikely, but that is what was happening. There's something that big guy was right the nights are dangerous and he had nowhere else to go.
He intended to open the door of the hospal when he suddenly saw that in the other building the door was opened and he found another strange point to add to his day; a human .
 The human noticed his presence and gasped in surprise, more than frightened, confused.
"S-San- ..." - the human being quiet suddenly and shaking his head he stepped back without believing what his eyes were seeing, starting to run out of Snowdin.
Did that human know who he was !?
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loveaningenue · 7 years
Kaylor: Online Interactions Timeline
I’m not including their likes, but know that they usually like a lot of their pictures (but not all). Note that Taylor has recently been MIA, but Karlie is still active on Instagram and Snapchat. If I missed any posts/updates/replies, please message me.
I linked their posts on the username (on the left). I also included their friends’ posts if they are both in the picture (not all but most). Anyway, here is Kaylor 2012 - 2016 in the media.
Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat/Tumblr (almost complete, will update soon):
January 17, 2012: karliekloss: Hey @taylorswift13 love the @voguemagazine cover! Your kitchen or mine? :)
November 13, 2013: karliekloss: I knew you were trouble… @TaylorSwift rocking it on the @VictoriasSecret #VSFashionShow Runway!
November 14, 2013: karliekloss: Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the #VSFashionShow Class of 2013! #regram courtesy of @VictoriasSecret ❤️ karliekloss: I had so much fun on the runway with miss @taylorswift last night at the #VSFashionShow❤️ here’s a sneak peek of the @VicoriasSecret show airing on @CBS taylorswift: Class of ‘13 #vsfashionshow
November 15, 2013: kariannkloss: These two could rule the world #whpstrideby
December 3, 2013:   karliekloss: Only ONE WEEK until CBS airs the #VSFashionShow! Tune in next Tuesday at 10/9c to see the gorgeous @TaylorSwift & the @VictoriasSecret Angles take over the runway!
December 10, 2013: kariannkloss: Everyone had better be watching tonight ! #vsfashionshow karliekloss: my girl @taylorswift killed it last night in the #VSFashionShow! karliekloss: “We were both young when I first saw you…” favorite Taylor song xox @tayloswift13
December 12, 2013: taylorswift13: And this—Getting to sing with falloutboy! @LilyAldridge @VictoriasSecret @karliekloss
March 5, 2014: karliekloss:  karlie ❤️ ’s @taylorswift karliekloss: best. road trip. ever. karliekloss: adventure of a lifetime with my girl @taylorswift   karliekloss: delicious pit stop at the @BigSurBakery!…YUM. karliekloss: woah, what a view huh? karliekloss: another epic pit stop…Do you see the size of that elephant seal?! karliekloss: Fact: @taylorswift is a great photographer 📷 👍 karliekloss: ❤️ taylorswift: California here we come, right back where we started from… ROAD TRIP!! @karliekloss taylorswift: This forest situation. @karliekloss taylorswift: Beach, forests, cliffs, Northern California, sand, flower picking. Best road trip ever. @karliekloss taylorswift: On the way home. @karliekloss
March 10, 2014: karliekloss: Case of the Mondays? Shake it off with a hike. (A view of the Golden Gates Bridge doesn’t hurt either!) #latergram from my west coast road trip last week….photo courtesy of my big sis @kmkloss ❤️  📷  👍🏻
May 4, 2014: karliekloss: I had fun with these Lovely Ladies last night at #Harrysparty… thank you @harryjoshhair
May 5, 2014: karliekloss: Pre #MetGala glam party with @taylorswift taylorswift: Hair/make up/Motown dance party @karliekloss
May 7, 2014: karliekloss: “@DerekBlasberg: Me & @taylorswift13 trying to make @karliekloss jealous.“ mission accomplished…I’m jealous!
June 5, 2014: karliekloss: #tbt missing these lovely ladies ❤️
June 29, 2014: taylorswift: Hope you guys had a great weekend! Ours was super coastal. @karliekloss @amandygriffith
July 23, 2014:   kimbykloss: Had a lovely girls night with @karliekloss @taylorswift13 ❤️❤️❤️❤️💋
August 3, 2014:   kmkloss: I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22🎶 #BirthdayBitch 🎉🎈🎂🎁 taylorswift: Happy 22nd birthday to @karliekloss, who is made out of 100% sunshine. karliekloss: “@taylorswift13: Happy 22nd birthday to @karliekloss, who is made out of 100% sunshine. http://Instagram.com/p/rPal5ODvMo/ ” thank you my love!!! ❤️☺️❤️
August 4, 2014: karliekloss: I don’t know about you…but I’m feeling 22 😉 I am so grateful for all of the birthday love and thoughtful messages (Instagrams, tweets, texts and calls) I received yesterday. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such incredible friends, family and Instagram followers ❤️ Thank you for the overwhelming birthday love, I am looking forward to a Wonderful year ahead….#Feeling22
October 10, 2014: karliekloss: @HaileeSteinfeld @taylorswift13 AGREED! I want it nowwwwwwww!!!!
October 21, 2014: taylorswift: Having family that feels like your best friends and best friends who feel like family. #WelcomeToNewYork
October 26, 2014: karliekloss: The wait os OVER!…..#TS1989 IS (almost) FINALLYYYYY HERE!!!!!!……tonight at MIDNIGHT you can download @taylorswift’s full album on iTunes!!!! Woooohoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️ 🙌🏻 📀 📱 😎 👍🏻 ❤️
October 29, 2014: taylorswift: Karlie and I had the time of our lives at the Knicks game tonight. See you tomorrow bright and early on Good Morning America!
November 15, 2014: taylorswift: This will never get old. taylorswift: All true. We are actually the tallest elves ever documented. That’s why they kicked us out of the North Pole. So now we must conduct our business here.
November 19, 2014: karliekloss: California Dreaming
November 24, 2014: taylorswift13: Ahahaha KARLIE!! http://www.buzzfeed.com/kristinharris/21-signs-your-best-friend-is-actually-your-soulmate?s=mobile @karliekloss karliekloss: Hahaha... this is genius. ❤️👯❤️ @taylorswift13 selenagomez: Not a better way to end my night. Surrounded by SO much love. ❤️
December 2, 2014: karliekloss: Ed is quite popular with the ladies 😉 karliekloss: Backstage with the gorgeous @victoriassecret Angels!  👯 ❤️ 👯 ❤️ 👯 karliekloss: Backstage at the #VSFashionShow with these blonde bombshells! lilyaldridge: That's a wrap London 💥 #VSFashionShow @victoriassecret
December 3, 2014: karliekloss: ❤️  these talented (and GORGEOUS!) ladies rocked the #VSFashionShow karliekloss: The best dates a girl could ask for ❤️ 👯 ❤️ my lil sis kimby karliekloss: Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you…the #VSFashionShow class of 2014 💕 marthahunt: Boom!! #VSfashionshow 🔥🇬🇧❤️
December 4, 2014: karliekloss: Cause we never go out of style, We never go out of style ❤️ 👯 ❤️ taylorswift: When you get to see your best friend KILL IT at her job. @karliekloss karliekloss: @taylorswift13 You Outdid me at my own job!...You were the Belle of the @VictoriasSecret #AngelBall! ❤️😘❤️
December 5, 2014: lilyaldridge: Girls Night!!! ✌️ @haimtheband @karliekloss @marhunt @taylorswift 👯 marthahunt: Bae af💥💥@taylorswift @karliekloss @lilyaldridge @haimtheband
December 9, 2014: lilyaldridge: Kisses 💋 @adrianalima @taylorswift @karliekloss #VsFashionShow taylorswift: So proud of these girls, 3 for killing it at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (@marhunt @lilyaldridge @karliekloss) and 3 for their Grammy nominations!!!! (@haimtheband)
December 13, 2014: karliekloss: Happy 25th Birthday @taylorswift 🎂 🍰 🎂 🍰 🎂 🍰 🎂 🍰 🎂 🍰 🎂 taylorswift: So this is being 25….. #WHAT #bestbirthdayEVER taylorswift13: I just want to thank anyone who wished me happiness today. You’re my friend. These are my friends. And I’m so lucky.
January 17, 2015: taylorswift: KAR AND MAR. @karliekloss
January 18, 2015:  ashavignone: Spice up your life @taylorswift @karliekloss @marhunt @gigihadid gigihadid: Meredith is my spirit animal... karliekloss: I’m convinced, blondes definitely have more fun. marthahunt: @gigihadid no you didn’t. @ashavignone @karliekloss @taylorswift #meredith🐱 taylorswift: I didn’t get the ‘let’s all wear black’ memo. @gigihadid @karliekloss @marhunt @ashavignone
February 1, 2015: karliekloss: Hello Kitty 💜 karliekloss: Such a Wonderful weekend surrounded by suck Wonderful friends @lilyaldridge @taylorswift ❤️ 💃🏻 💃🏻 💃🏻 ❤️ lilyaldridge:  taylorswift13: Nashville! http://instagram.com/p/yk6_ojkSgo/ 
February 13, 2015: karliekloss: Nothing better than sharing the VogueMagazine March #PowerIssue Cover with your best friend TaylorSwift ❤️ 👯 ❤️ karliekloss: @taylorswift will you be my #Galentine? ❤️ 👯 ❤️ lilyaldrigdge: Yessss!!!!! So gorgeous I can't even handle 😍😍😍😍😍 @karliekloss @taylorswift @voguemagazine 💥 taylorswift13: When I want to go looking for wild desert kittens but Karlie is busy ‘reading’ and 'studying for NYU’. tonnegood: True friends
February 15, 2015: beau.sam: Meta #BFFs @voguemagazine
February 16, 2015: karliekloss: BEST. BEST. GAME. EVER. ❤️ 👯 ❤️ @voguemagazine @taylorswift @relsonmandela @hurricanejoost
February 18, 2015: karliekloss: So proud of my buddy killing it on the #TonightShow with @jimmyfallon karliekloss: Front row selfie with my best buds ❤️  (My best friend and my big brother. So how are they related? Step friends?)
February 19, 2015: karliekloss: (S)He who would travel happily must travel light. - Antoine de St. Exupery Back on the road carrying only my #TravelEssentials. Pack light, be happy. karliekloss: I could not be more proud of what I see on the Newsstand right now…Models on COVERS! What a wonderful and refreshing sight! So proud of my friends on these major accomplishments! ❤️ 😊 👍🏻
February 25, 2015:   karliekloss: With my squad at #BRITs2015 ❤️ karliekloss:....and a BIG thanks to all my friends who came out last night to support nakedheartfoundation ❤️ (thank you for being such wonderful friends and letting me feed you lots of kookies 🍪❤️😜)
February 26, 2015: karliekloss: Two KKs a Tay and Bae ❤️ #regram from @kimkardashian taylorswift: She helped me learn the walk!!! Good call there.  
March 8, 2015: marthahunt: Missing these baes😍
March 16, 2015:   karliekloss: @taylorswift13: 50 days until the 1989 World Tour kicks off, no big deal.” YAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYYAAYAY! 🎶🎤🎶
March 20, 2015: taylorswift: When the new Kendrick song comes on: taylorswift: You know what they say- girls wearing feather flocks together! Wait no one says that. @voguemagazine @karliekloss
April 3, 2015: gigihadid: Missing girls night for its Shirley Temples and Britney sing-a-longs, but mostly missing these two 💕  karliekloss: “@GiGiHadid @taylorswift13 💕 ” ❤️❤️❤️ I MISS YOU LADIES! ❤️❤️❤️
April 7, 2015: karliekloss: What a Surreal moment. #GRATEFUL❤️
April 24, 2015:  taylorswift13: The 10 Women Who Changed My Life @GlamourMagUK
April 27, 2015:  karliekloss: #regram from taylorswift ❤️  happy BDay @marhunt! missing these beautiful ladies ❤️ taylorswift: It’s Martha’s birthday and still technically Gigi’s birthday week!Wish I was with them! @GiGiHadid @marhunt
May 8, 2015: karliekloss: Missing my BFF @taylorswift ❤️ #Twinning
May 11, 2015: taylorswift: Meet Knockout. karliekloss #BadBloodMusicVideo
May 12, 2015: karliekloss: Meet my alter ego, Knockout 👊🏻 Honoured to be apart of @taylorswift’s #badbloodmusicvideo
May 17, 2015: karliekloss: So excited for the world premiere of @taylorswift13's epic #BadBloodMusicVideo opening the @officialBBMAs❤️👊
May 21, 2015: taylorswift13: I'll never be able to thank you enough, @JosephKahn @kendricklamar @selenagomez @karliekloss @iammarthahunt @LilyAldridge @Caradelevingne
June 8, 2015: taylorswift13: I took a photo of my favorite people–they were laughing so hard, the lens couldn’t capture it fast enough. https://www.instagram.com/p/3smbjDjCaX/
June 27, 2015: karliekloss: ❤️ karliekloss: Goodnight London 🇬🇧 ❤️
June 28, 2015: karliekloss: somehow, this picture captures te spirit of last night perfectly.👌🏻 #1989TourLondon 🇬🇧 ❤️ taylorswift13: Little known fact: Karlie is secretly an unofficial historian/London tour guide. Kind of.
June 30, 2015:   karliekloss: That moment when you realize you’re the 5th wheel on a romantic double date river cruise…. 😬
July 11, 2015: karliekloss: Best. Sign. Ever. #1989WorldTour
July 12, 2015: taylorswift: I ADORE THESE GIRLS. @angelcandices @lilyaldridge @marhunt @uzoaduba @karliekloss @behatiprinsloo @GiGiHadid taylorswift13: Joyful joyfulness brought to you by @karliekloss and @UzoAduba:
July 29, 2015:   taylorswift: “We just came up with my name: Knockout.” @karliekloss   Don’t forget to vote for VMAs!
August 3, 2015: taylorswift: Some of my best times are with her, laughing in the kitchen. Happy birthday to the ray of light that is @karliekloss! karliekloss: ❤️☺️❤️ @taylorswift SO many good laughs (and delicious cookies!!!) in that kitchen! ❤️🍰❤️
August 31, 2015: karliekloss: So much fun last night at the #VMAs with the #BadBlood babes 😜 taylorswift: Being ourselves at the VMAs
September 1, 2015: karliekloss: Congrats Tay on your #VMAs2015 win for #BadBlood, So proud of you! 🏆 💥 👊🏻
November 10, 2015: karliekloss: Love these Angels 😇 💙
November 20, 2015: karliekloss: a moon man with my name on it?! holy smokes. thank you for sharing your vma with us Tay. #regram @cindycrawford karliekloss: belated birthday celebration for the one & only @lilyaldridge ❤️
December 13, 2015: karliekloss: Happy 26th birthday to my cookie baking, road tripping partner in crime. Looking forward to a lifetime of adventures ahead together. I hope you have the most magical day and can’t wait to celebrate together @taylorswift 💞
December 17, 2015: taylorswift: We're excited.@lordemusic @SelenaGomez @behatiprinsloo @mistercap @marhunt @karliekloss @lilyaldridge @haimtheband @angelcandices @nickjonas #1989WorldTourLIVE Coming to @applemusic December 20th!
December 20, 2015: karliekloss: Hey @TaylorSwift, thanks for having me (and @GigiHadid @SerenaWilliams, @KendallJenner @MarHunt @caradelevingne) on your stage last summer :) #1989WorldTourLive karliekloss: Karlie Kam from @taylorswift13's #1989WorldTourLIVE (out now on @AppleMusic) is up on #Klossy! klossy: Seeing Taylor Swift in Hyde Park!! | Karlie Kloss
December 21, 2016: karliekloss: Flashback to summer nights in Hyde Park with @taylorswift13 https://youtu.be/dVpB4i87i48  #1989WorldTourLIVE
March 11, 2016: taylorswift: Words to live by and my favorite person to dance with!! @karliekloss @bodybysimone
March 29, 2016: karliekloss: Baby we're the #NewMetallics 🎸💥 @Mango #MangoGirls
April 7, 2016: karliekloss: Fancy a spot of tea? ☕️
April 18, 2016: karliekloss: Coachella ✅
June 8, 2016: karliekloss: a true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though she knows that you are slightly cracked 🐣 - Bernard Metltzer #nationalbestfriendday
July 1, 2016: karliekloss: @taylor are you watching this 😍 😂
July 5, 2016: karliekloss: Made in the USA™ karliekloss: 💥 💥 💥 karliekloss: red white and babes 🇺🇸 marthahunt: Just some wet noodles 😛💦💦💦 taylorswift: 🎉 karliekloss: Best. Weekend. Ever.❤️ 😬 🇺🇸 ❤️ taylorswift: 🏖 Karlie!!! 🏖
August 2, 2016: karliekloss: 13 minutes left of 23 😩 😱!
August 3, 2016: taylorswiftt: I LOVE YOU KARLIE! You’re such an exquisite person, always trying to make things better for others. Every day I’m inspired by how giving, loving, and thoughtful you are. Happy 24th Birthday!!! @karliekloss derekblasberg: HBD AW 🎂 @voguemagazine karliekloss: When you’re halfway around the world & your best friend still finds a way to celebrate 24 with you 😘@taylorswift13
August 12, 2016: taylorswift: Happy Birthday Cara!! Thanks for making my life more exciting, spontaneous and imaginative. Everyone who knows you is better for it. Love you!!
August 15, 2016: karliekloss: I will not allow the media to misconstrue my words. Taylor has always had my back and I will always have hers. karliekloss: and I will never be the girl that you can us to pit women against each other. That isn’t me.
October 14, 2016: sukiwaterhouse: Babesplosion ⚡️
October 28, 2016: karliekloss: Happy belated @champagnepapi 🤘 🌴 🎊
November 8, 2016: taylorswift: 💕💕💕 karliekloss: Happy Happy 20th bday Ella 🎂 😘 ❤️ Looking forward to the epic adventures ahead and memories to be made over the next 20!
November 15, 2016:   karliekloss: LOVE YOU LILS ❤️  Happy happy birthday to this incredible friend, mother, and all around beauty with a heart of gold to match!
November 16, 2016: karliekloss: What an honor to present @monica_logothesis tonight at lorealmakeup #WomenofWorth. Her organization dreamwakersflashchats connects students with mentors and leaders around the world. I’m humbled by her work and other extraordinary women recognized tonight, they are touching lives, changing their communities and the definition of being worth it. ❤️ 🙌🏻 ❤️
November 18, 2016: karliekloss: Red lips & rosy cheeks karliekloss: #tbt AMAs- I’m coming back and this time I’m presenting. Tune in this Sunday on ABC @8/7c
December 13, 2016: karliekloss: Happiest of Birthdays to my ride or die @taylorswift ❤️ 🎂 👯 ❤️ I feel blessed to count you as my friend, sister and partner in crime. Can’t wait to celebrate together very soon ❤️ 🍪 🍾
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