#the duck answers
Thoughts on updog?
The app? Never used it.
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thewritingduck · 2 years
Your ask button says you don't bite - is that because you are holding the knife in your teeth? Will you stab me instead? O.o
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originalartblog · 1 year
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they're experiencing issues over at the Armed Detective Agency
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queenoftheantz · 1 year
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I finished commissions for my dad!! He asked me to draw him together with his favorite comic characters c,: I'm curious to see if people will recognise the styles!? Also enjoy my dad in lot's of different styles. 
And one is of course my own style c:
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bun-fish · 1 year
WIP update !!!
Imaginary Book Cover huehuehue
Of @noir-renard 's If You Give A Bat A Burger
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(tap for better quality :)
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markers and color pencils, the basics works the best.
I thought about toning down the colors (or just straight up leave it the way it is) of our resident fully-dead ghosts, but I couldn't resist adding the pink hair & boxing gloves Angela deserves ;)
there are two Yoricks in this btw
Just the Gang (in progress):
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digitalmyyth · 1 year
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Great answers all around guys
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skullsemi · 8 months
Do you have any headcanons on whether the fab five have favourite Disney characters (that aren't part of the Mickeyverse)?
Like I know that Mickey and Minnie aren't the type to show favouritism but I feel like they would have a soft spot for Snow White since she was the very first animated movie.
I also feel like Daisy and Tinkerbell would be BFFs.
I know I sound like a broken record at this point but House of Mouse was all about that! Many interactions with them all!
I do agree about how Mickey and Minnie genuinely adore Snow White, she shows up and they just
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And absolutely Tinkerbell and Daisy together is such an adorable idea!
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cloverconsolass · 1 month
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Louie would be a great onceler tbh
Without glasses under cut
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Sorry for suddenly dying for 2 weeks, my school just started and man, I haven’t had the time to draw. I drew this in class so it’s not very polished but oh well.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 29 days
Odd duck!things pleaser Ari?
"Soo," Lois said skipping along next to Bruce, "How-"
"If Y/N isn't talking to you about it I'm not telling you," he snorted, straightening his sleeves. "Honestly, Lois."
"You two are absolutely no fun," she pouted.
Bruce shrugged. "Our love life is not for public consumption. We don't talk about it with other people because other people's opinions don't matter-"
"And she's shy-"
"She likes certain things kept out of sight. And I agree," Bruce corrected. "Since I was 13 everything that happened in my pants was speculated about. It's... well frankly dehumanizing. And I like that there's a lot less pressure on this relationship. She's okay with quiet nights in. Out-of-the-way dates and such. It makes her happy, and that makes me happy."
"Aww," Lois said, "You really are a reformed playboy."
"And on that note. I've had to cancel two dates and I have a very disappointed Doctor waiting for me at home. And a Hyperactive nine-year-old who has gleefully accepted an invitation to a sleepover."
"So... You have the whole house to yourself and a lot to make up for?" she asked raising an eyebrow?
"With champagne chilling, and hopefully the hot tub waiting at the perfect temperature for her and flowers and candles being set up as we speak," he said unruffled.
"You'll have her ruined for anyone else," Lois sighed. "You're proposing when?"
"I'm thinking somewhere with lilac blossoms- maybe butterflies. I might have to orchestrate it," he mused.
"Utterly ruined," Lois said shooing him. "But please. Please. Can you answer me one question? What the hell is the furry blanket for?"
"After care," Bruce said coughing, cheeks coloring. "It's grounding." And before she can press him for anything else, he lets her shoo him out the door. He was ready to go home. He missed home.
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bullyet · 1 month
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flouftie · 5 months
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I felt a great need to do this
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do you actually use duckduckgo irl?? also proud to say i am an avid duckduckgo user
Take that, @the-real-google , even your children (niblings? Family members?) forsake you.
(also, yes, I started alternating ecosia and duckduckgo when I created the blog, and completely transitioned to ddg a month ago.)
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thewritingduck · 2 years
I hope you don’t mind me asking (and you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to). What are some your favorites tropes? And your favorite character dynamics?
Thank you for the ask Anon! That is a really good question. I don't actually know my favorite ones but here is a little list of ones I like in no particular order. <3
(also I don't know if this is supposed to be romantic character dynamics and what not so this will either be platonic or general unless otherwise stated.)
I think in terms of Tropes I like
The reincarnation trope (especially if the pair, whether it's romantic or platonic, had some kind of tragic past life and they get a chance with happiness again.)
Time Loops >:3
"I'm not a parent..." *Is followed by at least a dozen kids who all call them Mom/Dad/parental unit*
Roll swap is fun
Everybody Lives AU (just let them all be happy! ;-;)
Everybody Dies AU (They can be happy in the afterlife, yeah? Pairs great with Reincarnation fics lol)
Strongly Written Female Characters (not just physical strength too. Also allow them moments of "weakness" where they can cry if they need to)
"I'm Fine!" - "Bull!" (Give me characters that break down the unhealthy walls of another character. Let them process the event that happened! And let them come out alright, hurt and changed, but alright.)
In terms of Character Dynamics I like
The loud "dumb" one and the quiet chaotic one (Kinda like Preset Mic and Eraserhead. Those two are both super smart even if it doesn't seem like it and I'm loving it)
Enemies to Lovers (except it needs to make sense! If the characters hate each other specifically at the beginning it's a no go for me. This trope can be a very abusive one if not done right sadly.)
Lovers to Enemies (slow burn is really good for this one but sudden reveals about some dark thing that one of the characters is doing [not cheating, my AroAce self does not comprehend cheating on your partner] like "oh hey I murdered someone" and the other partner recoils and questions whether they knew their partner at all. Basically slow burn or speed run, no in-between lol)
👏 Found 👏 Family 👏
Angry One & Sunshine Babey
Queerplatonic Partners make me so somft
Mentor & Mentee (also similar to the "Big Sibling" energy)
Friend Group who gets insanely protective over each other especially when one of them starts to cry
Oops... So this ended up longer then I expected. Hope this answers your question. Have a cookie 🍪 if ya want <3
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dewdropdinosaur · 2 months
Rubber Ducky, You're the One
Summary: Lucifer has had a hell of a week, no pun intended. But you know just what he needs to relax.
Warnings: Implied nakedness, cussing. Rating: PG-13
For the wonderful @anon-of-the-void
In the depths of Hell, amidst the chaos and cacophony of damned souls, Lucifer Morningstar, the charismatic and somewhat prideful King of Hell, found himself buried under the weight of his responsibilities. Yes, the King did actually work despite his duck inventing hyper focus. From managing the unruly demons to negotiating with powerful overlords and complaints from citizens, his days were consumed by the ceaseless demands of ruling the underworld. And as if that wasn't enough, the relentless manifestations of the seven deadly sins only added to his burdens(Mammon is a right pain in the arse) 
Each day seemed to blend into the next, the weight of his crown growing heavier with every passing moment. Despite his unparalleled charm and wit, even Lucifer had his limits.
One particularly exhausting day, Lucifer trudged back to his imposing castle, his shoulders slumped with weariness. His mind buzzed with the endless tasks that awaited him, and his steps echoed with the weight of his concerns. The grand halls of his fortress felt suffocating, the shadows whispering reminders of his never-ending duties. His shoulders slumped with exhaustion, his usually vibrant demeanor dulled by the weight of his burdens.
As he entered his private chambers, he took off his top hat and sat his cane to prop against the adjacent wall. Walking to his desk and plopping down on the plush office chair, he groaned into his hands and buried his head in them. 
Only when the small creak of his door sounded did he look up after what felt like hours. He was met with a sight that momentarily lifted the heavy veil of stress from his soul. There, amidst the dim glow of flickering candles, stood his beloved Y/N, radiant and serene, a gentle smile gracing her lips. They had been together for quite some time - the Hellish monarch getting a second chance at love despite thinking that the time for him was long passed. 
"Welcome home, ducky," she greeted him, her voice like a soothing melody amidst the chaos of Hell.
Lucifer's heart swelled with warmth at the sight of her. Despite the darkness that surrounded them, Y/N was his beacon of light, his solace in the storm.
"Y/N," he murmured, his voice softened by the tenderness that enveloped him in her presence despite his tiredness still coming through.
"What are you doing here?"
Y/N stepped forward, her gaze unwavering as she reached out to take his hand. "I could tell you needed a break," she replied, her touch gentle yet reassuring. "And so, I thought I might help if you’ll allow me?"
“No, no darling. I’m alright.”
“Bullshit Luci.”
“You don’t have to take care of me.”
“I know but I choose to. Nothing in return is needed - I just want to dote on you.”
With a gentle tug, to which he did not fight against due to his weakened state, she led him to the grand marble bath that awaited them; its waters shimmering invitingly in the soft glow of candlelight. The sight of it stirred a sense of longing within Lucifer, a longing for respite, for a moment of peace amidst the chaos.
Wordlessly, Y/N began to undress him, her movements tender and deliberate. She stripped away the layers of his regal attire, each garment a symbol of the responsibilities he bore. And with each piece that fell away, Lucifer felt a weight lift from his soul, leaving him feeling vulnerable yet liberated in her presence. Y/N never failed to make the prideful demon shiver. Despite being the harbinger of sin himself, Lucifer always faltered under to gaze - making him feel so small in the best way. Like she could envelop him in her warm embrace and the world would all be alright; that he could be taken care of without fault or repayment(something he never felt with Lillith)
Once he was disrobed, Y/N guided him into the warm embrace of the bubbling waters, the scent of lavender and jasmine enveloping them both. With a soft sigh of contentment, Lucifer sank into the soothing depths, his muscles relaxing beneath the gentle caress of the water.
There, amidst the flickering candlelight, she began to test the water of the luxurious bubble bath with her finger, the scents filling the air with soothing lavender. And as he slipped into the steaming bath, surrounded by a frothy sea of bubbles, he felt the tension in his muscles melt away.
Y/N knelt beside the bath, a soft cloth in hand as she began to wash away the grime and tension that clung to his weary form. Her touch was firm, her hands moving with practiced care as she tended to him with unwavering devotion.
As she worked, Lucifer felt the knots of tension begin to unravel, his mind drifting into a state of blissful tranquility. In that moment, there was only the soothing warmth of the water, the gentle ministrations of Y/N, and the overwhelming sense of peace that washed over him like a cleansing tide. As Lucifer sank deeper into the soothing bubbles, he couldn't help but notice a playful glint in Y/N's eyes as she reached for something hidden behind her back.
"Darling," she said with a mischievous grin, "I have a surprise for you."
Intrigued, Lucifer raised an eyebrow as Y/N produced a bright yellow rubber ducky from behind her back, its cheery expression contrasting with the dark ambiance of the bath.
"A rubber ducky?" Lucifer chuckled, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten. "You never cease to amaze me, my dear."
Y/N giggled as she plopped the rubber ducky into the bathwater, its buoyant figure bobbing amidst the bubbles. "I thought it might lighten the mood," she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Lucifer couldn't help but laugh as he reached out to retrieve the rubber ducky, holding it aloft with a sense of childlike wonder. "Well, I must say, it's a rather dashing addition to our bath time routine."
With a playful grin, Y/N leaned forward to gently boop the rubber ducky on the nose, causing it to squeak in protest. The sound echoed off the marble walls of the bathroom, filling the room with a sense of whimsy.
As the evening wore on and the bathwater cooled, Lucifer and Y/N reluctantly emerged from the luxurious depths of their tub. Wrapped in plush towels, they made their way to the cozy confines of their living room, where a crackling fire danced merrily in the hearth.
With a contented sigh, Lucifer settled onto the plush couch, pulling Y/N into his arms as they nestled together beneath a soft blanket. The warmth of the fire enveloped them, casting a soft glow upon their entwined forms.
"Tonight was exactly what I needed," Lucifer murmured, pressing a tender kiss to Y/N's forehead. "Thank you, my love."
Y/N smiled sleepily, her eyes drifting closed as she snuggled closer to him. "Anytime, darling. I'm always here for you."
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mimi-croissant · 1 year
Reblog after answering there IS a correct answer
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thatsbelievable · 5 months
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