#the dunwall archives
karnaca78 · 1 year
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Exploring The Dunwall Archives a bit for writing purposes, I stumbled upon this excerpt.
The Overseers' Ancient Music is an often overlooked theme in Dishonored's lore, but a very fascinating one. I regret that it's not addressed much beyond the few Overseers we encounter carrying music boxes.
I wonder if there's any fics or posts on this subject? Sadly I don't have time to skim through AO3 and Tumblr much today but I'm very curious about what other people's thoughts are on this!
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kaijuborn · 3 months
Emily and Corvo were forced to go with Daud when he decided to leave Dunwall in favor of a vineyard in the Serkonian countryside. It's not at all the life Emily had imagined, but she ends up liking it a lot more than she thought she would. Alternative title: Emily makes five new friends and then realizes that her father has found more than a friend.
This is a complimentary oneshot to my fic Two Halves of a Whole, from Emily's POV! It probably won't make much sense unless you've read the main fic.
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void-damned · 1 year
Thoughts on the marking process. When do you think the other marked except Corvo and Emily got the mark of the outsider?
Thoughts? I have a lot of those!
First of all, the Outsider gives his Mark to people who seem to be at a low point in their life and who possess the drive and the opportunity to cause change in the world. But not all live up to those expectations - the Outsider seeks interest but as we all know, the paths are endless and they are not linear. Where Fate shall ultimately take his Marked is unknown. And he seems quite fond of gambling with that, high risk-high reward style.
We know of Marked like Corvo, Emily, Daud, and Delilah, all who caused great ruckus in the world, whose paths diverge and converge, change with the slightest actions. But their impact is felt heavily.
We know of Marked, who merely are, who might have had potential but became quite dull or too much, such as Granny Rags.
But we also know of Marked who had barely stirred much talk if any at all. I would say that the Lonely Rat Boy is one of them but I also like to think that he might have contributed to the spread of the plague. Others are barely mentioned.
Chronologically, we can speak of an almost clear timeline, actually:
(Potentially Daud's mother, who would have been marked circa 1790 before Daud's birth)
The Unknown rune-carving woman, marked c. 1800—3
Vera Moray, neé Dbhghoill, marked c. 1807—10
Daud, marked c. 1820
Delilah Kaldwin, born Copperspoon, marked 1831
The Lonely Rat Boy, marked 1835
Corvo Attano, marked 1837
Emily Kaldwin, marked 1852
Another potentially marked person, who'd have been marked around the same time as either Corvo or the Lonely Rat Boy, is one of the noble attendees of the Boyle party in DH1. If you point the Heart at the woman (chosen at random by RNG, I believe), the Heart tells you this:
"She had to dismiss the maid-servant who saw the Mark of the Outsider, branded on her back."
Either we are talking about the real thing or perhaps, as the gossip around the party went, someone who'd worshipped and prayed to the Outsider, enough to brand themselves as Zhukov and the Cultists did.
In any case, all years are more or less confirmed - however, we do not have much info on the when-circumstances other than Corvo and Emily. Vera, according to the Dunwall Archives, had been marked on her journey to Pandyssia, seeking the occult and religious practices native to the lands. We can only wonder just what she had witnessed and how the Outsider eventually approached her but whatever she went through, and whatever she saw, came at the cost of her vision and kickstarted her instability and steady decline into madness. With how men had begged for her, she might have had the potential to unmake the entire Empire. And wouldn't that be fun to watch? (But Vera had strayed from her path.)
Daud is said to have been marked after scouring the Isles and seeking out the Outsider's shrines. If there was ever any obsession, I would say it was the yearning for power and wishing for survival, yet with craving for blood - Daud had been a mercenary for hire since his young age. Who's to say that what ultimately lead to Jessamine's death wasn't a part of his resentment and thirst for revenge after what had been done to him as a child? He had inadvertently set things into motion but came to regret his actions - maybe he had realised he had become someone who he had fought his whole life against.
Delilah was at her worst. Young and so full of anger and despair. 'He came to us in 1831,' she whispers to you. She begun her apprenticeship under Sokolov in 1828 but perhaps the Outsider's Mark was the last push she needed (or maybe he merely wanted to spite Sokolov by marking her, who knows) - she learnt how to weave the Void into her art to get what she wants. The life she was always promised. And one she would make real one day, through the blood of her blood and flesh of her flesh. Even if it meant destroying everything in her path.
The Lonely Rat Boy was marked at the beginning of the plague. Of course he would be the target of all the adults who had immediately written him off for death. Another case of being wronged and being angry, of seeing revenge. And survival. But the boy had burned through his gifts immediately and paid the price too soon.
And the rest, we can only hypothetise as there are no accounts other than the bone-carving woman whose son's journal we get to read. Her story was of survival too, of running away from the Abbeymen that had pursued them.
The Outsider really is just someone tapping at the glass surface separating the waking world and the Void, like it is merely water surface and he (and his Marked) is creating ripples. To see what will happen and what people are capable of. Whatever happens, happens. He's there just to observe the human nature and how power shapes men when they are given access to it.
(And what of Morris Sullivan, you might ask? I believe his teacher, Vera, had merely shared some power with him in the same way Daud shared his through an Arcane Bond or Delilah had. But we can see him being immune to Bend Time, which oof.)
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scribhneoir-sidhe · 10 months
Dynasties rise and fall with the ages, through mundane catalysts such as famine, plague or bankruptcy. Now, however, we live in a time that is being shaped by genius! Just as Roseburrow, Sokolov, Joplin, and Hypatia have set the wheels of history spinning with their contributions, so will Kirin Jindosh. And it is my goal to eclipse those who came before me. No matter how the history books record the tale regarding this turn in power, it must be stated that it was only possible through advances in industry and technological exploration. Power now rests in the hands of the brilliant, and the world will never be the same. – Kririn Jindosh An Unfinished Letter on Legacy
Hello!! This post is to let you know that the 10yearsofdishonored zine is out now and you can grab surplus merch and PDF copies of both Dunwall Days and Karnaca Nights at our Etsy store!
This piece appears in Karnaca Nights, alongside so many talented and creative artists and writers! My thanks to everyone at @10yearsofdishonoredzine who all worked so hard to bring this together!
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kg-clark-inthedark · 7 months
Chapter 15 is up! Preview below the cut:
Leaving them to their discussion, I peruse on my own a bit. The walls are filled to the brim with paintings, all of which are high quality. I recognize many of the locations: the University of Wynnedown featuring the dreary sky Morley usually hosts, the Royal Conservatory here in Karnaca looking overgrown and run down during the time of its closure, and even Dunwall Tower from a distance on a sunny day. This painting must be old, because it’s from before the construction after Burrows’ alterations to the building. The details are immaculate. Every window is rendered perfectly. Even the gazebo down in the courtyard has… three people standing in it. A woman beautiful beyond words, a child in white, and bending down to embrace her is…
“That’s one of my favorites, Lord Protector.”
The painter has settled by my side now and looks at the painting with me. Alastor quietly joins us, inspecting it as well. 
“Did you really see us?” I ask.
“Eighteen years ago,” She confirms with a nod. “My third trip to Dunwall. I was on a rooftop nearby, painting the tower. I’d been up there all day. Didn’t expect to get a glimpse of the Empress though, let alone the whole family. Lucky I suppose.”
She takes the framed painting off the wall and hands it to me to get a closer look.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t put this one on display until after you and your daughter went public. Didn’t want to cause a stir.”
We’re so small, just tiny figures in the bottom left of the image, but it’s us. Jessamine has her hands on her hips the way she always used to when she was happy but still guarded. Even without the details of our faces I can see her delight at the love Emily and I shared, mixed with her fear that someone might witness it. Emily is latched onto my legs, little arms hugging tight, and I’m leaned down to pat her shoulders and hair. 
Void, how I wanted to actually hold her back then. How desperately I wanted to pick her up, spin her around, and tell her she was my princess, that she could do no wrong in my eyes. All I wanted was to tell her I loved her and I couldn’t.
I suppose I’m destined to repeat the same pains of the past.
Continue reading on Archive of Our Own…
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icetigris · 1 year
The Outsider is freed from the Void, his name the key. The bitter irony is that, now that he is alive, that which was his is lost. Struggling not to fall back into old patterns or be returned to his eternal prison, he drifts, trying to adjust to life and find his own purpose after millennia of being a slave to others' whims. Once he finds his way back to Dunwall, his millennia of knowledge and limitless curiosity help him settle into a new life.
Meanwhile, the Void destabilizes, yearning for the god who was once at its core.
Empress Emily Kaldwin, a reluctant, but benevolent ruler, faces the ongoing fallout of her recent deposition and return, an energy crisis, and now the Void's growing hunger. Her search for a solution brings her to Kendrick's Rare & Used Books, where she meets someone she didn't expect to meet again.
It will take both of them to prevent the Void from swallowing the world and all the stars in the sky.
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rapturezoo · 1 year
Land of Blood and Corpses
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Chapter 1: The Morgengaard Conquest of Gristol:
[Excerpt from a longer work about the history of the Isle of Gristol by Algernon Wicick, historian]
“Not much is known about the dynasty that held the Gristolean crown before the Morgengaards. The scarce written records, dating back to the early days of our fair nation, were seemingly lost forever during the fire that ravaged the Royal Archive in Dunwall Tower that dreadful fall of 1716. However, recent excavations have shed light on our capital’s roots, settling once and for all the long-debated question about the civilization that preceded our ancestors.”
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lucifer-kane · 13 days
i need to draw death of the outsider daud..... so bad...... i've been playing around with panting in the dishonored style that's in the dunwall archives book and i still haven't drawn any actual character like i want to
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exultedshores · 10 months
The world has righted itself again; Emily Kaldwin sits the throne, and there will be a cure for the plague soon. Dunwall will survive, and Cecelia will survive with it. Wallace, however, might not. And that bothers her more than she expected it to.
Cecelia refuses to just let Wallace die. One day, he may even appreciate it.
I wrote this for Dunwall Days, one of two beautiful zines that make up a project to celebrate Dishonored's 10-year anniversary! Leftover sales are happening right now (until the 30th of August), so check out @10yearsofdishonoredzine's blog if you're interested!
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Summary: The Outsider is human again, but no one knows him except his Marked—so he’s certain Corvo won’t, either. Meanwhile, Corvo, adrift without his Mark and the sudden silence from the Outsider, tries to move on. But a chance meeting hurls the two of them back into each other’s orbit just as the corrupt Abbey is regaining power in Dunwall. It’s up to them to stop the Overseers before they hurt anyone else—including each other. 
Author: @sp-oops
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The Drafts of the Trivial Man; Dishonored fic;
The Drafts of the Trivial Man (ao3); 2520 words Dishonored, implied Corvo x Outsider, the Magnus Archives style fic;
Dunwall Courier hereby releases for the pleasure of the public audience “The Drafts of the Trivial Man”, a fascinating collection of fictional anonymous statements recorded and transcribed by an unknown author. Critics all across the Isles have named the publication “a passionate project, dancing on the edge of heresy and mystique”. The work presents unverified events during the Rat Plague and is to be considered fiction. All names are fictional and we apologise in case of any coincidence. A collection of anonymous statements, recounting the story of a certain Masked Fellow and his connection to the Void.
Here is my submission for 2022 @fandomtrumpshate! Hope everyone likes it :) It's been really fun to work on, from the idea down to the execution!
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kaijuborn · 5 months
Chapter 8 of Two halves of a whole is up! In which there's news from Dunwall, Daud has a Realization(TM) and the Fugue happens!
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overseermartin · 8 months
Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: Dishonored (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Daud/Teague Martin Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Torture, Psychological Torture, Dehumanization, Knifeplay, Bloodplay, Collars, Dom/sub, Unhealthy Relationships, Bad BDSM Etiquette, Praise Kink, Extremely Dubious Consent, Dishonored Kinktober, dhkinktober2023 Summary:
“Is that what you want? To kill me?” “Stars, no, that would be a waste,” Martin shook his head, disgusted at the idea. He unbolted the cage door and stepped within, his eyes fixed on Daud. “I’m going to break you.” In which Martin attempts to tame a ferocious beast - the infamous Knife of Dunwall.
Written for kinktober.
Week one: collar kink + knifeplay
[Read it here]
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bitd · 1 year
eading the dunwall archives is always such a weird experience because it gets overwhelming at times i guess. i lived there. i can taste the air in slaughterhouse row and i know people who poured over some of these documents for hours on end. learning them. and some of it just feels... invasive? like i shouldn't have access to billie's journal some of this shit is just encroaching on personal space i feel like. i feel nosy and weird and homesick
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kleiner-ghost · 7 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
Thank you @spacejammie-eimmajecaps for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
27! But I do have a few original works that I post on a different website.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
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You can tell I mostly write one-shots haha
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Quite a few, but Deathloop and Fallout 4 are my top ones ^^
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
The stars in your eyes - Kleiner_Ghost - Fallout 4 [Archive of Our Own]
Follow the Black and Gold Rabbit - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Deus Ex (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
December in Dunwall - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Prey (Video Game 2017) [Archive of Our Own] - which I haven't touched in years, and honestly needs a rewrite ^^;
Mirror, Mirror, on the Ceiling - Kleiner_Ghost - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
Your Value to Me - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Fallout 4 [Archive of Our Own] - which was my main before kinktober and then Nano hit ^^
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yep, as a rule of thumb. Sometimes I don't know what to say though ^^;
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, oh, the working title for this one before I posted it was 'Frank Angst'!
Consistently Hangover and Automatically Assuming the Worst - Kleiner_Ghost - Deathloop (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Urgh. Happy endings are for happy people. The best I can give you in bittersweet?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. But then again, I don't get much comments either because of how small my fandoms are.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! Recently I have been messing around with it as well, for kinktober, and now I'm a bit ashamed to look my beta in the eyes.
I will admit, I usually post my kinky smut on an alt for that excat reason. Too many people I know irl know my main AO3 handle ^^;
But yeah, I love writing smut! But sometimes I want to play around with themes or settings too, and it doesn't always belong in those stories.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yep! My fave is this fic, which I consider to be one of my best works:
Two Pieces of Nine - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Deathloop (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
I am also working on a few side projects that are crossovers. Since they're both longfics, I'm waiting to have over half of them done before releasing them (I've learned my lesson about those XD).
One is a Bablyon 5 and Star Wars crossover, where droids invade the world of B5, and a clone battalion is sent through to stop them.
The other is about the bad batch waking up on Blackreef.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not stolen, but I have had elements of a story plagiarized. I never called the other author on it, because it was one of their first fics, and because of the fandom and tags we had in common I don't think it was malicious.
12. There was no question 12 so I'll make one up myself: How many WIPs do you have?
18, not counting all the unfished kinktober one-shots. Some of those are original stories that won't go on AO3 though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, but I would love to!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
How bad would it wound if i name something from a fandom I never wrote for? Winterfrost is my favourite ship. I would die for some Bucky x Loki.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
December in Dunwall - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Prey (Video Game 2017) [Archive of Our Own]
I just keep forgetting it exists tbh ^^; I've changed and grew a lot as a writer since I started it, and as I've said it would need a full rewrite. Maybe one day I will get to it (It is my second most popular fic as well), because the two fandoms it's from deserve that, but I have like 3 longfics to get through before that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characters. Funnily enough it's also one of my greatest weaknesses because if I can't write a character, I never will, but for those that I do write well, well, they're great.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dyslexia and writing on mobile. Sometimes my autocorrect does things, and I don't notice them, and then my beta goes "???" on stuff that any 4 year old would have caught XD
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I did it once, I'll do it again! But readers did drop it after those chapters (and that fic is no longer on AO3). I think it adds a lot of realism to a scene.
On that note, one of my favourite Outer Worlds fics had Welsh text in it. The author went to great lengths to make it readable to peeps who didn't speak it, with hyperlinks and stuff. But I was reading on mobile, so it never worked for me XD I had google translate open in the background, and was missing half the dialogue, but i was sooo into it that I didn't care.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Soul Eater. But that fic will never see the light of day. I'm even more embarrassed by it than I am from showing my experimental kinky smut to my irl friends. (Yes it involved a shinigami self-insert smooching Death the Kid). I was 14...
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Tough pick. I'd say overall this one :
Two Pieces of Nine - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Deathloop (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
But I love how weird this one got (it was inspired by irl sleep deprived shenanigans) :
The orange thing in the tree - Kleiner_Ghost - Control (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
And this one is the one I'm most emmotionally invested in :
Your Value to Me - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Fallout 4 [Archive of Our Own]
Thank you once again for the ask, I'm passing the questions down the line to @rowanisawriter, @the-lastcall-main, and Rieha (whose Tmblr I can't find ^^;), oh, and anyone who wants to join ^^
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the monster whispers ‘you haven’t changed’ chapter 1
Daud travels light — what few things he’d brought from Morley, he’d stashed in a safe place before coming to see Thomas, and retrieved them when it was clear he’d be staying with him until it was time to leave. So it’s hardly much he has to shoulder now: the weight is negligible compared to the past that binds him to Karnaca.
Daud and Thomas travel to Karnaca, then on to Dunwall to warn the Royal Protector about a witch and a coup — and get so much more than they bargained for.
Chapter summary: Daud and Thomas arrive in Karnaca, and it's bad news all the way down.
So guess who's back on her bullshit!! Same procedure as with assassins don't take sides: half of this has been written, and I'm editing and drafting the rest as I begin posting. There's going to be weekly updates again! Every Friday, as per :')
Note: this is a sequel to Oh well, the Devil makes us sin and starts off with Daud/Thomas, but endgame is Corvo/Daud/Thomas! We will be collecting our handsome rat husband shortly.
Ah, feels good to be home. I hope you'll enjoy this one as much as I've enjoyed writing it <3
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