#the dysphoria was INCREDIBLE
silverislander · 2 years
man. looking back at old travel photos and like... man i HATED that fucking choir uniform and anyone with eyes could tell hdjkGHFJD
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last year my mum said I have the same round face as Tintin so I should cosplay him. unfortunately she was right. I'm even the same height as him at 5"6 🥲
I went to comic con with my mate @tenderlyhands! They're cosplaying Midas Papos, a Greek merchant from the 1961 live action film Tintin and the Golden Fleece. He basically shows up, seriously serves with his amazing button up, gets told his friend died then is immediately shot. guy deserves a break so he went to comic con after recovering I guess
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eve-was-framed · 3 months
still trying to find out what the fuck “feeling like a woman” even means. i have yet to see someone explain it in a way that actually makes sense and doesn’t just come down to liking feminine things. like if you were to ask me if i “feel like a woman” or if i “identify as a woman” i would say no because literally what does that mean. i don’t feel it, i just am it. that’s like asking me what it feels like to have brown eyes
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mechagic · 2 months
Marcille is trans, but since she's half elf and was mostly surrounded by elves she didn't really have to transition that much, since you know elves are very fem
Every time someone tells her "hey you look masculine" she would just say that it came from her human father's side (if shes comfortable saying that) or that the lion decided to fuck her over one last time (as a joke)
Extra ramblings in the tags bc why not 👍
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My silly headcanon is that Jonah didn't know that Elias was a trans man (without bottom surgery) when he did the weird possession thing so he just went "Wait.. Where's my dick?? Why didn't I know about this??" And the eye went "Dude don't be transphobic"
this doesn't really go against elias' canon gender presentation, but i do like it. it's fun.
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thepunkmuppet · 4 months
idk about anyone else, but i really do want to get to the point in representation and fiction where we can actually have a trans villain.
and they’d be allowed to be the villain; they wouldn’t seen as problematic / bad rep by the community and allies, and not used as an example of how trans people are evil and horrible by transphobes (and of course not written in either of those ways either)
they do a catastrophic time travel spell to rewrite their own history, they summon an eldritch god and sacrifice people to it so that it will give them their perfect body - do you get what i mean?? a trans character that would be complex and tragic and layered but, ultimately, the villain.
idk man, i feel like i’m gonna write this one day. trans people obviously are not evil, but wanting to be pretty or stay young or change previous is often a villain’s motivations - why not use that specific and painful trans angst??
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donttouchtheneednoggle · 10 months
realising you're trans is like realising you've been driving in a clown car all your life and infinite clowns of misery and uncomfortableness and dysphoria have been squished into what looks like a completely normal car and once they start coming out they don't stop
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transmascvash · 8 months
Yknow what huge fan of projection makes sanji transmasc and hits him with the "women are perfect and good and everyone wants to be one so something is wrong with me" brand of dysphoria
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Adrien Agreste from Season 1 to Season 5
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officialpenisenvy · 6 months
Sorry if this sounds ignorant, but couldn't you just be non-binary or something like that? There are plenty of non-binary lesbians out there
i am nonbinary, in a sense! i definitely perceive myself outside the boundaries of manhood and womanhood, i identify outside of that binary, so by definition i am nonbinary, and i have used the specific label of "nonbinary lesbian" for a handful of years until very recently. right now im a person much less concerned with my interiority and individuality and much more concerned with the place i want to occupy in the world: the fact is i live in a society where it is impossible to exist as anything other than male or female, and as much as i hope to see that change within my lifespan, pragmatically i have to think about how i want to exist in the world, how i want other people to interact with me. i don't care how strangers interact with me, and i enjoy being seen as a man, but i also want to be seen as a lesbian by fellow lesbians, and i want my experience of systematic oppression to be as nonexistent as possible; in a society where i have been assigned female and have to decide whether to remain female or transition to male, being a masculine lesbian woman is the only thing that can give me a level of masculinity, a lesbian dating pool and as little transphobic oppression as possible. if any of these wants were different, for example if i was attracted to men or wanted access to a straight man's dating pool, i would very likely transition to male, simply because the transphobia alone wouldn't be enough to deter me.
so yeah, that's kinda where im at right now! as you can see this is all very broad, of course in real life everything varies with different people and contexts: many close friends know im nonbinary and understand that my outwardly womanhood is a matter of presentation moreso than identity (a sentence that could be judith butlered to hell and back), and of course in queer spaces i can potentially be as nonbinary and genderfucky as i want. i hope this is understandable enough, but do feel free to ask for clarifications!
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jaqdawks · 2 months
Landlord’s toddler, who is usually a very silent little angel, is letting all hell break loose upstairs and I’m sat here listening to the thumps thinking about my consultation to have my tubes tied next months
And like, I don’t hate toddlers. Shits wild man, I’d cry like that too if I didn’t understand why life is the way it is with my mere 2 years of experience. But idk, looking over the stuff for the appointment while this is happening feels poetic somehow
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vyeoh · 1 year
Somebody please stop me from having crushes on queer girls who I'd never have a chance with
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cerise-on-top · 26 days
Mental Check!!!!!
How are you?
Have you drank water today?
Have you got 8 hours of sleep?
Have you ate today?
Please know your so loved by many!!!!
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Hey there :3
I am doing great today! Yesterday I had some really nice gender euphoria! Nothing feels better than being a man, in all honesty :D
Thank you for checking in with me, I did drink water today, ate and had some good 11~ hours of sleep last night! So yeah, I am doing well, thank you c:
Hope you're doing well too, though!
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Remember kiddos, people will put you on a blocklist and try to ✨slander ✨ you because they don't read your tags if you have a nuanced opinion about anything
Obligatory "I'm not a terfy-werfy, not a racist, I just like shitposting about gay angels and David Tennant's fabulous existence"
I got called a 'crypto terf' lmao does that mean I get free bitcoin now
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Paralytic States by Against Me! is such a fucking song. It’s the repeated “she” in the first verse. It’s the hotel setting. It’s “our waking life’s just a living dream”. It’s “our waking life’s just a living dream”. It’s “she spent the last years of her life running from the boy she used to be”. It’s “a fucked up kind of feminine”. It’s “in her dysphoria’s reflection she still saw her mother’s son”. I am not okay
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devon-the-fool · 2 months
Rejection sensitive dysphoria is one of the most infuriating, frustrating, and distressing things I've had to put up with as a neurodivergent. Like, oh yeah my friend let me know I was upsetting them and set up a perfectly reasonable boundary, without even using any angry or aggressive language. Guess I'm just gonna spiral and cry and bite myself and feel like a miserable unlovable pice of shit. And then like an hour passes and I'm literally 100% fine. Like. Can we just Not Do That? Please, brain?
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