#the eye of harmony might be a well established concept
eliduremaybe · 5 months
the doctor who movie has my favourite plot in the entire world.
set in the distant future of 1999. kill off the main character immediately. oh no here's the master. he's turned himself into a silver worm. the brief frankenstein doctor who crossover you weren't expecting. there's this made-up thing they're talking about. and several more made-up things. for luck. they go for a walk and talk about shoes. there's another made up thing. puccini. they're lesbians your honour. the master gets a funky little outfit. a major plot point is contrived to facilitate an absolutely sick ambulance-motorbike car chase. world's going to end. the time machine of the time lords holds a mysterious, powerful and deadly device that can only be opened by a human. no explanation is given. eye of harmony eats the master. unclear how he will survive this. this will also not be explained. the doctor finishes their cup of tea.
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thevalleyisjolly · 4 months
Rewrite of the Timeless Child concept to keep what I feel are some of its strengths (the idea of Gallifrey as an Omelas that's rewritten its own history to obscure its exploitative foundations; opening up story opportunities with forgotten regenerations) and addressing some of its weaker areas (making the Doctor even more secretly and innately special; keeping the Doctor's sense of self-identity static throughout their regenerations instead of grounded in their choices and experiences; some logistical questions about the reconfiguration of Shobogan society into pretty well established Time Lord lore):
Long ago, when the inhabitants of Gallifrey still called themselves Shobogans and they were newly venturing out into the wider universe for the first time, a colony ship meant to travel to the next galaxy over fell through a rift in time and space and was lost. For generations, the Shobogans thought that was that and regretfully wrote the colonists off as dead.
Several hundred years later, an explorer named Tecteun travels to the edge of the universe in a much more advanced ship and finds the wreckage of the colony ship around a monument underneath a wormhole. Oddly, there is a small group of children living amongst the ruins but no trace, living or dead, of any adults. The number of children is the same as the number of children recorded as being on the colony ship, though none of them match any passenger descriptions, and none of them have any memories of anything other than the small planet they're currently on. Tecteun scans them and while their base genetic structure reads as Shobogan, there are some fascinating anomalies she can't make sense of which seem to have something to do with the wormhole.
She brings the children back to Gallifrey where they collectively become known as the Timeless Children. Opinions are divided on whether they're descendants of the colonists on the ship or if they're somehow the same children from hundreds of years ago and if so, what might have happened to them to enable their survival for so long.
Tecteun begins conducting highly unethical experiments to decode the anomalies she detected. Along the way, she discovers that the children have gained a high sensitivity to temporal energy and that their cells contain some sort of regenerative quality which should give them a much longer lifespan than the average Shobogan. The biggest "discovery" happens when one of the children falls off a cliff while playing, and regenerates into a new body in front of Tecteun's eyes.
Using this knowledge, Tecteun ramps up her experiments on the children until she figures out how to reproduce the secret of regeneration. Most of the children die as a result of experiments about what conditions would cause or prevent a regeneration. Receiving a fatal wound to both hearts, for example, or complete destruction of the body will prevent regeneration. In the end, only one child survives the gruesome experiments and outright murder - the child who first fell off the cliff.
Inspired by their new regenerative abilities and awareness of temporal lines, the Shobogans refocus the bulk of their scientific and societal development towards the mastery of time. This is eventually fully realized by enterprising scientists such as Rassilon, Omega, and The Other. Having gained the power of the Time Vortex and the Eye of Harmony, the Shobogans rename themselves as "Time Lords" and fully dedicate their society and culture around this theme of temporal mastery.
The child is largely forgotten by everyone. Eventually they are snatched up by the Division as an agent. They don't use the name of "Doctor" and they are seldom trusted alone with any TARDIS, but they seem to enjoy having the company, they show a delighted wonder in seeing the universe, and to the Division's occasional frustration, they will drop everything no matter how important or pressing to help a child who is crying or alone. After an unspecified amount of time and several memory wipes, they vanish even from the Division.
Coincidentally around this era, one of the official founders of Gallifrey, the Other, quietly disappears without any fuss. It is unclear if they died or were lost or are still living somewhere as a recluse or were even assassinated, but it very easily (almost too easily) falls out of everyone's minds.
Some generations later, the House founded by The Other gains a new child of somewhat vague origins. The official position is that they were Loomed like any other proper Time Lord, although there are scurrilous rumours that one of their parents is actually a human, while some within the House itself believe that the child is a reincarnation of The Other due to certain dreams and memories in their mind. Whatever the truth, they thoroughly disappoint everyone when they're brought to the Untempered Schism for initiation and instead of being inspired or even driven mad, they just run away.
Many years after that, an old man and his granddaughter steal a TARDIS (or maybe a TARDIS steals an old man and his granddaughter) and they run off into time and space.
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horsemusicherald · 1 year
Over half a year in the making, and actualizing concepts from the last five years, Vylet Pony's new album is jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring, and breathtaking. It is an album shroud in mystery as its narrative follows the protagonist and their shadow through a plethora of genres, each track morphing seamlessly into the next, starting with heavenly soundscapes before descending into darkness and death, only to turn around and ascend back to its harmonious beginnings. Much of the story is incomplete, and the listener is invited to theorize more about it. Throughout the album you'll hear samples from previous Vylet songs, the classic "Sing a song about life" clip, as well as a new carousel motif.
Get a song-by-song breakdown after the break
Track one, "Let's Fly to the castle," starts out as a lovely house tune, with fluffy synths creating an incredibly warm tone and vocal chops floating effortless around the mix before dropping into a jazzy, chiptune like section. The piece then builds up anticipation with its marching snare and ends with a gorgeous violin solo backed by piano.
Track two, "Pony Rock!" quickly jumps into pony chops taken from the iconic "Winter Wrap Up" from Season 1. GalaxySquid's vocals add so much warmth to the sound and NekoSnicker's performance on top of piano is heart wrenchingly beautiful. Then the drop hits back into the main groove, and just when you think the sound couldn't be any fuller, it drops out and comes back in with insane 16th note chiptune synth runs! Absolutely stunning!
Track three, "Constellation Cradle", travels away from the warm synths and into glitchy, hyper pop vocals. But it doesn't stay there for long, whiplashing to ambient electronic, reminiscent of Vylet's previous album, only to drop a jazzy interlude for three seconds before dropping into heavier dubstep. There's even some baroque harpsichord in there! Honestly, this track is such a flex as Vylet Pony commands mastery of an incredible variety of different sounds.
Track four, "How to Talk to Your Shadow?" rings heavily with carnival music as an announcer introduces the listener to the shadow, building up anticipation for what's to come as the carnival music creepily dies down. A radio bumper throws us some early fandom memes before introducing the next track, "Brohoof!" This certified brony classic is complete with pony chops galore and an infectious beat that will surely have you dancing forever likes the lyrics say /)
Track six, "Bass Cannon", takes the intensity up a notch with its avant-garde hardcore sections paired against gorgeous bossa nova. Its dissonant chords ring loudly as the lyrics start probing… "Is it a bliss? To forget" and "Is it so wonderful?" The carousel is turning, and it's taking us to a very different place than where the album started.
Track seven, "Crush Kill Destroy Swag", in contradiction to the YouTube video it references, begins with beautiful pads, pianos, and strings, establishing a heavenly orchestra-like sound before switching to a funkier, bass heavy groove. It takes a darker turn in the middle with a mesmerizing darkstep beat accompanied by Vylet's vocals which eventually fade into the ether, leaving us in a void of scratchy, glitchy, eerie ambience…
…aren't you excited?…
Track nine, "Hush!" begins with Vylet delivering an intense vocal performance which feels like a cross between rap and spoken word before dropping back into a gorgeous synth-scape leaving you in awe. But don't let your guard down because it's just the eye of the storm and the intensity ramps back up into a grungy, heavy metal section. It might be the longest track on the album, but it will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time.
Track ten, "Examining the Afterthought", is reflective in nature as its title suggests, giving the listener a break with some lighter synths playing over a radio broadcast of someone who sounds very much like Obama. The sound design is stunning with arpeggios rapidly speeding up and slowing down in waves, giving the track a very relaxed, ocean like feel.
Track eleven, "Flair for the Dramatic" features a slightly darker but incredibly deep sound which will leave you feeling exposed as the narrator confronts her shadow in the lyrics. Its chorus is one of the most rallying anthems of the whole album, and in its final iteration, it modulates up a half-step to given it even more intensity! In the second half, the synths give way to just an acoustic guitar and the vocals, creating a really vulnerable and special moment for the listener.
Track twelve, "Carousel", with its dark piano, violin solos, and its angelic vocals is hauntingly beautiful, building up to an incredible moment of catharsis. The track then turns into a moodier ballad with its bitter lyrics before turning again to a more hopeful sound with Namii's beautiful voice accompanied by piano. Much of the song is in 3/4, which gives it the perfect sensation of a Carousel spinning round and round.
After much of the album has explored darker themes and sounds, track 13, "Futura", is a departure from that to a brighter place. Its starts with just a few mellow synths, bass, and vocals before fully opening to a warm and hopeful sound complete with synthetic bells, guitar, and even a Theremin! Lyrics such as "no healing without pain; no clear skies without rain" also reflect this tonal shift and mark the restoration of balance.
Thus we arrive at track 14, "Creekflow", which opens with the glitchy carousel motif looping on itself, soon to be joined by acoustic guitar and strings. The texture is fluid and crisp like the sound of a brook of light flowing and made complete by Vylet's blissful vocal performance. Not to leave without a bang, the sounds explodes at the halfway mark before fading back into the sound of the creek. The end of "Creekflow" immediately leads back into "Let's fly to the Castle!" to complete an entire spin around the carousel.
The album stands as an incredible accomplishment! The concept is stellar, its execution wondrous, and there's so many genres and idea packed into it that it will keep you engaged well beyond your first listen through. Great work Vylet!
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araxindia · 11 months
Shopping Racks and the Science of Visual Merchandising
Visual merchandising, which entails making aesthetically appealing displays to draw people and increase sales, is a potent technique in the retail sector. Shopping racks are essential for visual merchandising because they offer a place to display goods in an orderly and alluring way. Display Racks in Delhi, we'll examine the science of using shopping racks for visual merchandising and reveal the techniques that may be used to make your displays as effective as possible.
1. Recognising Consumer Behaviour
Understanding consumer behaviour is the first step in effective visual merchandising. You can design your shopping racks to successfully attract customers' attention and promote product engagement by gathering insights into how they move through and interact with displays. Think of elements like shopping habits.
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2. Product Placement Has Power
One of the primary components of visual merchandising is strategic product placement. You can arrange things on shopping racks in a way that draws customers and encourages sales. Think about employing horizontal lines to direct customers' gazes or positioning high-margin or well-liked items at eye level as examples of product hierarchy concepts. Try out various product groupings, emphasising supplementary or seasonal products to promote cross-selling. You can take customers on a visual journey that maximises their exposure to diverse offerings by utilising the power of product placement.
3. Establishing Visual Cohesion
The balance and consistency of your displays are what are meant by "harmony" in visual merchandising. The placement of the shopping racks should produce a visually pleasing 
Take into account elements like product grouping, spacing, and colour coordination. Make sure your displays are not too sparse or busy, as both extremes might lessen the overall impression. Utilise your store's shopping racks to establish focal points or zones that will lead clients through a visually pleasing and seamless shopping experience.
4. Making Use of Lighting Methods
Shopping racks present opportunities to employ lighting strategies that improve product visibility and create ambience. Lighting plays a significant part in visual merchandising. Use a blend of ambient, accent, and task lighting to illuminate your displays. To achieve the ideal ambiance, take into account the colour temperature and brightness of the lighting. To draw attention to focal points, emphasise important items, and elicit feelings that are consistent with your brand and merchandise, use lighting intelligently.
5. Making Use of Visual Storytelling
Customers can be engaged and made to feel a connection to your business with visual storytelling. You can use shopping racks as a blank canvas to make an engaging story with your displays. Think about the background of your products, the way of life they represent, or the issue they resolve. To successfully convey this story, use interactive features, props, or signage on your retail racks. By incorporating stories into your visual merchandising, you may arouse interest, inspire creativity, and forge closer bonds with your audience.
6. Displays that rotate and update
Consider rotating and updating the merchandise on your shopping racks on a regular basis to maintain your displays interesting and compelling. This practise promotes return visits by preventing visual fatigue and maintaining customer interest.
7. Message Boards and Calls to Action
On-rack signage that is strategically positioned can direct shoppers and affect their purchasing decisions. To explain product benefits, costs, or special offers, use clear and succinct signage. Include call-to-actions and persuasive language that nudge users to take particular actions, including sampling a product, perusing a collection, or making a purchase. Shopping rack signage that is effective guides customers through your displays, informs them about the products, and inspires them to take the necessary activities.
8. The Effect of Textures and Colours
Through the use of shopping racks, colours and textures can be used to great effect in visual merchandising. Take into account colour psychology and how it can be used to convey emotions or brand traits. Select hues that are consistent with your brand identity.
9. Using sensory components
Visual merchandising encompasses more than just sight. Utilising shopping racks, think about include sensory aspects in your displays. Create a multi-sensory experience for clients by appealing to their senses of touch, smell, and even sound. Use tactile materials on the shopping racks, add aromas that go well with your goods, or play relaxing background music, for instance. You can create a complete, immersive experience that leaves clients with positive memories by incorporating sensory aspects.
10. Monitoring and Success Evaluation
Monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of your visual merchandising with shopping racks activities is crucial for continual improvement. Observe consumer behaviour, monitor sales data, and ask for comments to evaluate the performance of your displays.
Shopping rack visual merchandising is both an art and a science. You can design effective displays that boost sales and improve the entire shopping Display Racks Manufacture in Delhi by comprehending customer behaviour, strategically placing products, creating visual harmony, utilising lighting techniques, incorporating visual storytelling, rotating displays, using signage effectively, leveraging colours and textures, embracing sensory elements, and monitoring success.
By devoting time and energy to learning the science of visual merchandising with shopping racks, you can produce visually stunning displays that draw in customers, influence their purchasing behaviour, and strengthen brand loyalty.
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mindclassic · 11 months
Plant Perception - Can Plants See?
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Plants have long been admired for their beauty, their ability to grow, and their vital role in sustaining life on Earth. However, recent scientific discoveries have shed light on Plant Perception. They have the ability to perceive and respond to their environment. It is well-established that animals and humans possess the ability to see. The concept of "plant vision" may seem far-fetched at first. By delving deeper into the world of plant perception, we uncover a captivating realm where plants possess complex sensory abilities. These abilities go beyond our conventional understanding. In this article, we will explore the intriguing question of whether plants can see. We can find some evidence by examining the mechanisms of visual perception. Moreover we can check plant responses to visual stimuli, and the significance of plant vision in their survival and evolution. Additionally, we will explore the potential implications and applications of harnessing plant vision for agriculture and environmental monitoring. Prepare to embark on a journey into the hidden world of plant perception. Their senses may be more intricate than we ever imagined. 1. Introduction: The Fascinating World of Plant Perception Plants have always amazed us with their ability to grow and thrive, seemingly attuned to their environment. But have you ever wondered if they can actually see? It might sound like a bizarre question. But as it turns out, plants have their own unique way of perceiving the world around them. Exploring the Notion of Plant Vision By vision, we typically imagine humans and animals with eyes that allow them to see the world in all its vibrant colors. But what if there's more to vision than just eyeballs and lenses? Could plants have their own version of vision? The idea of plants being able to see might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie. The scientists have uncoverered some intriguing evidence that suggests plants may indeed possess a form of perception akin to vision. 2. The Science Behind Vision: What Does it Mean to "See"? Before we dive into the world of plant vision, let's first understand what it means to "see." Vision and perception go hand in hand. Both allow living organisms to interpret their surroundings through the use of specialized sensory organs. In humans and animals, vision is primarily associated with the eyes. It is however important to note that different organisms have unique ways of perceiving their environment. How Do Humans and Animals See? In humans and many animals, vision relies on the presence of eyes that can detect and process light. These eyes contain specialized structures called photoreceptors. It converts light signals into electrical signals that the brain can interpret as visual information. The brain then constructs a visual representation of the world based on these signals. That helps us to navigate and interact with our surroundings. 3. The Complex Senses of Plants: Beyond Vision While plants may not have eyes like humans or animals, they possess an array of other sensory abilities. These abilities allow them to perceive and respond to their environment. For instance, plants can sense changes in light, temperature, gravity, touch, and even the presence of other organisms. These sensory abilities play a crucial role in their growth, survival, and reproduction. Non-Visual Forms of Plant Perception Our focus here is on vision. It's important to highlight that plants rely on more than just visual cues for their perception. They have an intricate network of sensory mechanisms that work in harmony to provide a holistic understanding of their surroundings. Through chemoreception, mechanoreception, and other mechanisms, plants can detect and respond to signals in their environment. That perception helps them make important life-sustaining decisions. 4. Visual Perception in Plants: Evidence from Research So, the burning question remains: Can plants actually see? Researchers have been diligently investigating this intriguing topic. They have conducted numerous studies to shed light on the visual perception of plants. These studies aim to uncover whether plants have the ability to detect and respond to visual stimuli in a way that mirrors the concept of vision observed in humans and animals. Experimental Techniques and Findings Scientists have developed innovative experimental techniques to study visual perception in plants. These range from measuring the movement and growth responses of plants to light patterns to examining changes in gene expression associated with visual stimuli. The results are still being debated and further research is needed. Some studies suggest that plants may indeed possess a form of visual perception. That is but definitely different from what we commonly understand as vision. Intriguing, isn't it? Whether or not plants can truly see as we do, the fact remains that they possess a mesmerizing array of perception mechanisms. The phenomenon allow them to navigate and thrive in their environment. So, next time you encounter a majestic plant, remember that it might just be perceiving the world in its own unique way. 5. Mechanisms of Plant Vision: Light Sensing and Signal Processing Plants and their photosynthetic prowess are no strangers to the sun's rays. But how exactly do they detect light? Well, plants have a nifty tool called photoreceptors. These special proteins are like the plant's version of sunglasses, helping them perceive different wavelengths of light. Think of photoreceptors as nature's color filters, allowing plants to pick up on the specific light cues they need for survival. Signal Transduction and Processing in Plants Once plants have successfully sensed light through their photoreceptors, the next step is signal transduction. This is when all those light signals get converted into biochemical messages within the plant's cells. It's like a botanical telephone exchange, where important information about light intensity, quality, and duration is processed and relayed. It's fascinating to think that plants have their own intricate communication system, all happening behind the scenes! 6. Plant Responses to Visual Stimuli: Movement, Growth, and Adaptation While plants might not be packing their bags and moving across the country, they do showcase some remarkable movements in response to light. This phenomenon is called phototropism, and it's the plant equivalent of chasing the sun. Just like sunflowers, plants will bend, twist, and stretch towards the light source, ensuring they make the most of those precious rays. It's a botanical dance that reminds us that even though plants can't physically run, they can still reach for the stars. Photomorphogenesis: Plant Growth and Development Triggered by Light Plants have a secret power hidden up their sleeves – or rather, in their chloroplasts. When exposed to light, plants undergo a process called photomorphogenesis, which is just a fancy way of saying they grow and develop in response to light. This means light can shape their leaf size, stem length, and even flower production. So, when you see a plant flourishing in the sunlight, you can thank its photomorphogenic magic for its healthy glow. Adaptive Strategies: Plant Vision in the Context of Environment Plants might seem rooted and stationary, but they're not ones to sit idly by when it comes to their environment. They've evolved some pretty incredible adaptive strategies to make the most of the visual cues around them. From adjusting their leaf orientation to minimize light and water loss, to optimizing their energy allocation based on the available light spectrum, plants are masters of survival. It's like they have their own botanical version of "Survivor," and they're the reigning champions. 7. The Role of Vision in Plant Survival and Evolution If plants were on a dating app, their bio would definitely include "great vision skills." Vision plays a crucial role in a plant's fitness, helping them make important decisions about where to grow, when to flower, and how to compete with their neighbors. By perceiving light patterns and sensing changes in their environment, plants have a leg up in the survival game. So, next time you see a plant basking in the sun, give it a nod of acknowledgment for its stellar vision skills. Evolutionary Significance of Plant Visual Perception Plants have been around for millions of years, and their visual perception skills have played a significant role in their evolution. The ability to perceive and respond to light cues has allowed plants to colonize diverse environments and adapt to changing conditions. It's like they have their own botanical roadmap, constantly guiding them along the path of survival and success. So, when you admire a majestic tree, know that its visual perception has been its steadfast companion throughout its evolutionary journey. 8. Plant Vision for Agriculture and Environmental Monitoring Plants clearly have a well-developed visual system, and we can harness this to our advantage in agriculture. By understanding how plants perceive and respond to light, we can optimize their growth and development. We can manipulate light conditions to improve crop yield, adjust light quality to enhance certain plant characteristics, and even use light as a tool for pest control. It's like giving plants their own personalized spa treatment, ensuring they thrive and produce bountiful harvests. Environmental Monitoring Using Plant Vision Plants have a unique perspective on the world, and we can capitalize on this to monitor the environment. By studying how plants respond to changes in light conditions, we can gain insights into climate patterns, pollution levels, and ecosystem health. Plants become our silent and reliable environmental watchdogs, silently keeping an eye on the world around us. It's like having a team of green detectives, helping us uncover the mysteries of our changing planet. And there you have it – a peek into the fascinating world of plant vision. So, the next time you encounter a plant, remember that it's not just sitting there looking pretty. It's a sophisticated organism with its own visual perception, responding and adapting to the world around it. Just like us, plants have their own way of seeing things, and it's a remarkable thing to behold. In Short In conclusion, the notion of plants having the ability to see opens up new avenues of understanding and appreciation for the complexity of the natural world. Through scientific research and experimentation, we have gained insights into the mechanisms of plant vision and witnessed their remarkable responses to visual stimuli. The role of vision in plant survival and evolution highlights the significance of this sensory perception in their adaptation to the environment. Furthermore, the potential applications of harnessing plant vision for agriculture and environmental monitoring hold promising possibilities for improving crop management and ecological studies. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of plant perception, let us not underestimate the incredible capabilities of these seemingly immobile organisms. Plants may not possess eyes like humans or animals, but they undoubtedly possess a unique form of visual perception that adds depth and wonder to the tapestry of life on Earth. Image by pvproductions on Freepik Read the full article
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[ad_1] Building Empathy: Essential Social Skills Tips & Tricks for Understanding Others Introduction Empathy is a fundamental aspect of human interaction and plays a vital role in establishing meaningful connections with others. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person can greatly enhance communication, foster deeper relationships, and promote a sense of harmony in our communities. In this article, we will delve into the concept of empathy, exploring its significance, benefits, and practical tips to cultivate this essential social skill. What is Empathy? Empathy can be defined as the ability to place oneself in someone else's shoes, to understand their emotions, thoughts, perspectives, and experiences. It involves being sensitive to others' feelings without judgment and responding with kindness and compassion. Empathy goes beyond sympathy, which entails feeling sorry for someone; it involves actively engaging with another person's emotions. Why is Empathy Important? Empathy is a crucial aspect of human connection and has numerous benefits for individuals as well as society as a whole. Here's why empathy matters: 1. Enhanced Communication: Empathy allows us to truly listen to others, comprehend their needs, and respond effectively. It leads to better communication and reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings. 2. Strengthened Relationships: When we understand and empathize with others, we build trust, foster closeness, and deepen our relationships. Empathy is the foundation for meaningful connections. 3. Conflict Resolution: Empathy promotes a constructive approach to conflict resolution. By understanding others' perspectives, we can find common ground and seek mutually beneficial solutions. 4. Emotional Support: Empathy provides much-needed emotional support to those in distress. By showing empathy, we let others know they are not alone and that their feelings are valid. 5. Social Cohesion: Empathy contributes to the overall well-being of communities by fostering tolerance, understanding, and inclusivity. It creates a harmonious social fabric where individuals respect and honor each other's differences. Tips for Cultivating Empathy: 1. Active Listening: Practice active listening by giving your full attention to the speaker, maintaining eye contact, and acknowledging their feelings and experiences. Avoid interrupting and allow them to express themselves freely. 2. Put Yourself in Their Shoes: Imagine yourself in their situation and try to understand how they might be feeling. Consider their background, values, and experiences that may shape their perspective. 3. Non-Verbal Cues: Pay attention to non-verbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. These cues can reveal deeper emotions or thoughts. 4. Practice Perspective-Taking: Deliberately attempt to see things from another person's point of view. This can help you understand their motivations, fears, and needs better. 5. Be Mindful of Bias: Recognize your own biases and assumptions that may hinder your ability to empathize. Challenge these biases and strive for a more open-minded perspective. 6. Cultivate Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence involves recognizing and managing your own emotions as well as understanding others'. Practice self-awareness, self-regulation, and empathy for a well-rounded emotional intelligence. 7. Seek Diverse Perspectives: Engage with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences to broaden your understanding and develop empathy for a wide range of perspectives. 8. Practice Kindness and Compassion: Extend kindness and compassion to others, even in small ways. Acts of kindness can help foster empathy and create positive ripple effects in society. FAQs: Q: Can empathy be learned? A: Yes, empathy is a skill that can be developed and refined with practice. By incorporating empathy-building exercises into your daily routine and consciously working on understanding others, you can enhance your empathetic abilities.
Q: What are the barriers to empathy? A: Barriers to empathy can include personal biases, lack of self-awareness, cultural differences, distractions, and the inability to manage one's own emotions effectively. Recognizing and addressing these barriers is essential for cultivating empathy. Q: How can empathy be beneficial in professional settings? A: In professional settings, empathy can improve teamwork, enhance leadership skills, and foster effective communication. It helps create a supportive work environment, boosts employee morale, and contributes to customer satisfaction. Q: Can empathy be overused? A: While empathy is a valuable skill, excessive empathy without appropriate boundaries can lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout. It's important to strike a balance between empathy and self-care. Conclusion: Building empathy is an essential social skill that holds tremendous power to transform relationships, communities, and society. By embracing empathy and incorporating it into our daily lives, we can foster understanding, kindness, and greater harmony. Cultivating empathy requires active listening, perspective-taking, and a genuine desire to understand others. Let us strive to build a more empathetic world, one interaction at a time. HTML Headings: - Introduction - What is Empathy? - Why is Empathy Important? - Tips for Cultivating Empathy - FAQs - Conclusion [ad_2] #Building #Empathy #Essential #Social #Skills #Tips #Tricks #Understanding
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armanrugs · 1 year
Ways To Freshen Up The Home Décor With Persian Rugs
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As we enter the new year, why not give your home a makeover? Give a fresh new look by adding a couple of special Persian rugs for sale. After all, it's the perfect time of the year to make resolutions, and one of them could be to spruce up your home. Let's start 2023 with an upbeat state of mind and a fresh start!
Here are a few quick, enjoyable, and low-effort methods to revitalize your house for the new year.
Use a variety of rug patterns to establish a timeless contrast
A wonderful method to make a color scheme stand out is to use contrast. To really make the colors stand out, place stunning pale yellow and other pastel-colored rugs beneath a dark wooden dining table. Rug designs in vivid hues go well with light-colored living room furnishings. You'll create a room with more energy using this easy decorating technique, which you and your visitors will adore.
Rugs should match the backsplash
If your home has wall paneling, coordinating the rug's design with the wall paneling is a fantastic way to tie the space together. Brown rugs go well with wooden wall paneling that has an older look. Match the rug's pattern to contemporary paneling. This fosters harmony in your house, which promotes a sense of serenity and relaxation. 
Add Personality to Your Decor with Eye-Catching Designs
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Using traditional Persian rugs in strong color combinations is a terrific way to make your home's focal point stand out! Underneath little pieces of accent furniture or floor lamps, place small Persian carpets. To provide a lovely focal point, place a huge, intricate rug in the middle of the floor with geometric designs in brighter colors. Any rug with vivid colors and patterns is a terrific choice to help you give your space more personality, especially patterns that feature people and/or animals.
Bring Some Greenery Inside
Did you know there are groups online specifically for those who enjoy indoor gardening? This is due to the fact that it is among the best decorating advice available and seldom ever fails. If the exterior of your home seems drab and uninteresting, it's extremely possible that some additional vegetation is needed.
Display lovely rugs on the wall
It's a terrific idea to hang decorative carpets with gorgeous color trends on your walls! Create a focal point in your living area using this concept. Dark-colored, lovely old rugs can also be put on walls as discussion pieces! Simply hang them where you would typically display paintings on the walls.
Decorating for the new year is a really exciting activity for people who love décor and everything that improves the look and feel of their home. If your family and friends join you, you might decide to create a day (or perhaps a week) out of it. When trying to totally renovate the house, it's important to understand your feelings of overwhelm.
If you’re seeking premium handmade rugs for sale online, check out ArmanRugs!
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soulwarmness · 1 year
If you make up your mind to become a witch, it's possible that your decision will influence every aspect of your life. It is a pattern of behaviour that is regularly brought into question and misunderstood by people. It is of the utmost importance that you demonstrate that you are a skilled witch. Even though there is no guarantee that you will succeed in being an exceptional wiccan, it is nonetheless beneficial and reassuring to follow the proper steps that will support your desire of turning into a decent witch. You should make it a priority to locate a reliable and well-known witchcraft store in your area that can provide you with a diverse selection of wiccan and pagan supplies. This is an essential step that you can do. These kinds of establishments also help you expand your understanding by stocking extensive libraries of occult and supernatural books, which you can peruse to learn more.
You should keep a journal of your thoughts and beliefs relating to your work as a witch before you start practising witchcraft. This journal should be kept for at least a month. Do some soul-searching to figure out why you want to become a witch, and test out the reasons that initially inspired you to take on the persona of a witch. Whether or not you are genuinely being truthful in your efforts to become a high-quality witch can be determined by performing this self-examination, which will assist you in establishing your sincerity. When it comes to the proper performance of witchcraft, honesty is one of the most important factors.
As was indicated before, going to witchery and mineral stores might turn your encounter with witchcraft into a very fruitful one. These shops carry a wide variety of helpful occult publications for customers to peruse. These books contain the formulas, meditations, and magical spells that the professional witch has used to achieve a great deal of success in their practise of witchcraft. The majority of the time, books of this nature end up becoming part of a family's collection and are handed down to subsequent generations. The books of the occult are quite old. It was generally accepted that they were kept in the strictest confidence and carefully concealed from prying eyes.
Crystals and gemstones can be purchased from witchcraft and mineral shops, which can be located either offline or online. You have the ability to harness the power of these valuable stones for your own benefit. Gemstones and crystals are employed regularly by a big number of specialists in the field of witchcraft to enhance their capacity to perform paranormal functions. It is believed that their vibrating frequencies can be brought into harmony with the supernatural intention nearby, an event that occurs naturally and is referred to as the concept of entrainment.
Additionally, those who engage in witchery have access to a diverse selection of dried herbs. Herbs play a significant role in the process of building your witchcraft practise and can be used in a wide variety of rituals, including candle magic, spells, meditations, benedictions, and rites associated with the witches' Sabbath. Basil, rosemary, mullein or flannel leaf, mugwort, nettles, and either lavender or lilac are some of the herbs that might make up a useful starter kit of herbs.
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siswritesyanderes · 3 years
How would the first meeting between Sadie and the founders be, what does he think of her???
Thank you for this question!
I want to say that Sadie and the founders meet at a magical library, but in Quite Harmoniously I said/implied that it's uncommon to see a lot of magical books in one place, unless you're very rich- which, granted, I made up for the sake of emphasizing the importance of Hogwarts and for character purposes, but I'd like to be consistent without requiring Sadie to be inordinately wealthy, lol.
So here's how I'm thinking this plays out.
Rowena goes to some wizarding dine-in establishment or gathering place to read in solitude; she brings a lot of books with her, and she forgets one when she leaves. Sadie finds the book, and on the inside cover is written something like "This book is the property of the Hufflepuff estate". (Rowena has borrowed the book from Helga.)
Sadie goes to Hufflepuff manor to return the book. The founders are still living in Ravenclaw manor together, like in Quite Harmoniously, but Helga's house elf sends for Helga to floo over, and she brings Rowena along as well, since she's the one who forgot the book. Sadie basically goes, "Hello, I'm here to return this book to you, but also I wonder if I could borrow it one day? The title sounds awfully fascinating." (It's the old-timey equivalent of a psychology book.)
Helga is enchanted by Sadie's politeness and ethics; she could have just kept the book long enough to read it and then returned it after, but she brought it straight back to her and asked for a chance to borrow it!
Rowena is enchanted by Sadie's clear interest in what most would consider a boring subject; she would love to have long, deep discussions about it with someone as engaged as she is. To discuss each chapter in detail...even debate the conclusions drawn...
Helga says that of course Sadie can read it, once Rowena is done.
Rowena says that Sadie can read it whenever she wants, as often as she wants; all she has to do is come and visit Ravenclaw manor, and she can read anytime, and Rowena will serve refreshments (Fidelius will serve refreshments.) and they can talk about it.
Sadie gladly agrees. She visits Ravenclaw manor nearly every day, and she and Rowena have a mini-book club. Helga sits with them, because she enjoys their energy, she likes seeing Rowena so happy, and...and she finds herself so transfixed by Sadie's animated, brown eyes, and her sincere smile (her lips!), and the way she periodically tucks her hair behind her ears...
While she's there, Sadie meets the other two.
Godric introduces himself pretty early on; if two out of the house's four human occupants are meeting with someone for hours, on an almost-daily basis, he would like to meet that person as well. It's that or bother Salazar. (Well, it's that and bother Salazar; he makes time for both.) He sits in on the little book club meetings and flirts, cracks jokes, or just zones out watching Sadie express her thoughts.
Each time she leaves the manor, he offers to walk her home, but she politely declines, saying she's sure she'll manage. (She's not even connected to the Floo network!) He preoccupies himself, wondering if she's in danger, or worse: meeting someone else! Someone (obviously) less handsome and chivalrous and clever than him, but she might fall for his wiles all the same, the poor thing.
He's much less distracted when he knows she's in the manor, taking about the human mind with Rowena.
Salazar doesn't introduce himself for a while, but he's eavesdropped and slipped covertly into the room before, so he's already developed an attachment to Sadie by the time she first lays eyes on him. He's even followed her home a couple of times. He likes that she's so smart and finds it endearing and almost funny that she's so principled. So bogged down by these abstract concepts of honesty and fairness, but not at the expense of intelligence. When he kisses the back of her hand, in greeting, his lips linger just a bit.
The founders begin to notice that they all have feelings for Sadie. After discussing it awhile, they realize that the current arrangement is inefficient; they aren't satisfied by their exposure to Sadie, and they aren't able to continue in their studies or their work at the preferred pace. So, one day, when Sadie visits to read, the refreshments are spiked with a sleeping potion. She wakes in a soft, expensive nightgown, in a soft, expensive bed.
When they explain to her that they have agreed to abduct her, she inquires about the nature of their agreement. She wants to know everything that they have agreed about, with regards to her. Eventually, Rowena hands her the treatise they wrote on the subject, and Sadie reads the whole thing. (They all sit in silence, watching her eyes scan the document. Watching her eyebrows periodically quirk in surprise. Silence, interrupted only by her intermittent sounds of interest, dismay, distaste, and bemusement.) When she's done, she says, "I would like to object to a number of these settlements. I don't think it's fair that I haven't been allowed a voice in this matter."
She isn't able to talk them down from kidnapping, despite her valiant efforts, but she is able to negotiate a lot more freedoms for herself. She can leave the manor at will, but she will be accompanied or followed by at least one of them, and they will always make sure she returns. In fact, besides the stipulation that she has to live with them, she can pretty much do whatever she wants. She can outright tell people in public that they've kidnapped her; they'll just obliviate those people when she's done. She's allowed to keep her wand, though Salazar does check her most recent spells whenever he feels like it. She does not permit Rowena to practice Legilimency on her, but she does agree to cast some of her memories into the Pensieve, for Rowena to see.
(Now, you may be wondering: Why have Rowena borrowing Helga's book instead of just having Rowena lose her own book, or Helga lose her own, or have Helga lose a book loaned to her by Rowena- since that would have gotten Sadie to Ravenclaw manor more efficiently. The answer is that I wanted Helga and Rowena to be directly involved in Sadie's return of the book, since I knew it would be so attractive to both of them, and I knew that Helga would be much less likely to absentmindedly forget a book in a public place than Rowena would, especially if the book were loaned to her. So while, for streamlining purposes, I would rather Helga have forgotten a book borrowed by Rowena, so that both of them could get involved and Sadie could go straight to Ravenclaw manor, I didn't think it in-character for Helga to make that kind of mistake with an object she does not own.)
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kurowrites · 4 years
“You’re a tea-lover yet you come to the coffee shop where I work at just to see my foam art and you give me hefty tips regularly so I’ve taken it upon myself to master the art of tea-making just for you” AU. - Wangxian for preference!
“Hey, Xianxian,” Luo Qingyang whispered, poking Wei Ying with her pointy elbow. “He’s here again.”
She didn’t have to elaborate who ‘he’ was – the person in question was already sitting down at his usual table, in full view of the counter Wei Ying and Luo Qingyang were standing behind.
This customer had become somewhat of a fixture in their shop lately. All the people who worked there knew him by now, for two different reasons. The first reason was that the man was simply insanely good-looking, with handsome, harmonious features and well-formed, sensual lips that some women would be willing to kill for. He always wore well-tailored clothing that looked expensive in an understated way, which only served to underline his immaculate looks. The only thing that marred his good looks was that he never smiled and rarely spoke.
The second reason why everyone knew him was that he always ordered a coffee with latte art, but only from Wei Ying. There were some customers that made it a habit to order from their favourite barista, but it was strange for this particular customer, since he never actually seemed to enjoy drinking the coffee he’d ordered. Wei Ying had often wondered why he still insisted on ordering Wei Ying’s coffee’s if he didn’t like the coffee that Wei Ying made. Or why he came to a shop that served nothing but coffee, at all.
(Self-punishment? Harassment? Wei Ying refused to be intimidated.)
In short, the man was an enigma. But he was a handsome enigma, so all the girls in the shop went crazy over him whenever he came. All girls apart from Luo Qingyang, that was. She alone seemed to be completely immune to the customer’s good looks. But then, she was also immune to Wei Ying’s charms, so maybe she just disliked handsome men on principle.
“Xianxian, stop gawking like the embarrassment that you are and go take his order!” Luo Qingyang hissed in his ear, jabbing her pointy elbow into his ribs once more. “It’s not like he lets anyone else take his order!”
“Ouch, Mianmian, you’re so cruel!” Wei Ying complained, rubbing his smarting side. “I’m going, I’m going! There’s no hurry, it’s not like we’re busy right now.”
Luo Qingyang gave him a stern look and he hurriedly took off, making his way to the now occupied table.
“Hello,” he greeted with his friendliest customer smile. “What can I bring you today? The usual?”
The customer sent him a slightly confused look (as if Wei Ying wouldn’t remember his order by now, hello), but then he nodded once.
“Very well, I’ll be right back.”
He turned around and went back to the counter. But today, instead of heading directly for the coffee machine to prepare the order, he opened one of the cupboards where he had prepared a surprise just for today. Well, he had hoped he’d get to use it today, but he hadn’t known if the customer really was going to visit. And indeed, he had been lucky.
He pulled a small tea set out of the cupboard and started to heat up the water and prepare the tea, just as he had practiced a dozen times at home. His movements were confident by now – he was sure he was going to prepare a really good cup of tea. Maybe not perfect, but good. And because he was unable to make any latte art as he usually would, he had prepared something else. He put the prepared cup of tea on a saucer and placed a little chocolate rabbit (self-made, of course) onto the rim of the saucer as decoration.
Luo Qingyang gave him a strange look, but he ignored her. He needed to move before the tea would go cold. Putting his creation onto a tray, he carefully carried his work to the waiting customer. With a flourish, he set the saucer onto the table in front of the customer and presented his work proudly.
All he got in return, however, was a severe frown.
“It’s good tea, I promise,” Wei Ying said encouragingly. “I can’t say I’m perfect, but I’m confident in the quality of the tea. And since I think you liked my little foam rabbits, have a little chocolate rabbit as decoration as a replacement.”
“I did not order tea,” the customer said, severe frown still in place.
“I know, I know,” Wei Ying reassured him nervously. “But uh… you never actually seemed to enjoy drinking the coffee that I make. I don’t want to make my customers suffer through my drinks, you know. And well, if I’m not entirely mistaken, then you’re the nephew of Gongfu cha master Lan Qiren. I thought that tea, rather than coffee, might be more your… thing.”
Lan Zhan (Wei Ying was relatively sure that that was his name) did not reply. He just kept staring at the cup in silence.
“I’m sorry if I overstepped,” Wei Ying said, suddenly feeling very nervous. How had he ever thought this was a good idea? Of course he’d overstepped. This wasn’t what the customer had ordered. Whatever he might feel about Lan Zhan not enjoying the coffee he brewed, it was none of his business.  He had to do what the customer asked him to. “If you want, I’ll bring you your coffee now. Free of charge, of course.”
“Excuse me?”
“This establishment does not serve tea,” Lan Zhan observed.
“No, usually not,” Wei Ying said, clutching at his tray as if it could provide him with security. “I brought my own stuff to work. Oh! I made sure everything is in order, of course. I properly cleaned everything beforehand, and the tea is fresh.”
Lan Zhan didn’t visibly react to Wei Ying’s words. Instead, his attention seemed to be focused on the little chocolate rabbit next to the teacup, the one that Wei Ying had painstakingly modelled and decorated in order to make it look as cute as one of his foam art rabbits. Carefully, Lan Zhan reached out and touched the rabbit with the tip of his finger.
“You… made it?” Lan Zhan asked.
“Yeah! Took me a while to figure it out, not gonna lie, hahaha,” Wei Ying said. “It’s cute, though, no?”
“Hn,” Lan Zhan confirmed, and a big smile spread over Wei Ying’s face. Lan Zhan thought his little rabbit was cute!
Lan Zhan finally peeled his eyes away from the rabbit and looked up at Wei Ying.
“I like tea,” he enunciated. “I also like rabbits.”
Wei Ying smiled, feeling way too relieved for getting away with switching up a customer’s order without asking. But he didn’t care! Lan Zhan liked his surprise!
“So, what made you order all those coffees that you didn’t like?” Wei Ying asked, a little teasingly. “Don’t tell me the foam rabbits I make were cute enough to make you drink all that bitter bean juice in exchange?”
Lan Zhan looked back down on the tea in front of him.
“Hn,” he said, and before Wei Ying could ask what exactly he meant, Lan Zhan had lifted the cup to his mouth and was sipping on the tea.  
“It is good,” he declared once he had set the cup down again.
“If you want to,” Wei Ying said eagerly. “I’ll make tea for you from now own. But shhh.” He conspiratorially held a finger to his lips. “Don’t tell the others. I’m not sure my boss is going to like it if I supply the customers with anything other than bitter bean juice.”
Lan Zhan looked up at him, and Wei Ying’s heart beat a little faster. Lan Zhan really was very handsome. Especially from up close. Such pretty eyes that almost seemed to smile at him. He could drown in them, almost.
“I know a very good tearoom,” Lan Zhan said, and Wei Ying tilted his head, confused at the non-sequitur. Was he trying to gently refuse Wei Ying’s offer?
“If you like tea, we should go there,” Lan Zhan continued. “When you’re… not working.”
Wait, what?
Wei Ying gaped at Lan Zhan, speechless.
Wait, was this– shit, was this– He was familiar with the concept, because it sometimes happened to his female coworkers, but this couldn’t– there was no way–
“Forgive me,” Lan Zhan said, already reaching for his wallet. “I overstepped. I will–”
“NO!” Wei Ying shouted, just barely managing to hold himself back from latching onto Lan Zhan’s arm at the last moment. “I mean… sure. I can give you my number. If you want.”
Whatever it was that happened the next moment, there was no way Wei Ying’s poor heart could have been prepared for it. Lan Zhan’s mouth did something small, an almost imperceptible curving of his lips, but it transformed his entire expression, and… he was smiling.
Oh god, he was smiling at Wei Ying.
With a thundering heart, Wei Ying smiled back. Oh god, this was impossible. This… wow. He would do a lot of things to get smiled at like that again.
“I… give me a second. I need something to write.”
And with his still thundering heart, he ran back to the counter to grab a pen.
Luo Qingyang gave him a flat look as he rifled through their weird collection of mostly broken pens.
“Listen, I’m glad you two finally got your heads out of your asses, but can you please remember you’re still working right now?” she asked. “I’m not going to do your work just so you can make heart eyes at loverboy over there.”
“He’s not–”
“Sure he isn’t,” Luo Qingyang cut in. “That’s also why he only ever looks at you whenever he visits. Give him your number and go back to work, it’s upsetting having to watch you two being shy maidens at each other. It’s nauseating, is what it is.”
“Wait, Mianmian, so you think–”
Luo Qingyang gave him a slap on the back of his head. “The answer is yes, now go give him your number and get it over it.”
Wei Ying peered over the counter curiously, and he found Lan Zhan watching him. When he smiled, Lan Zhan answered with a matching almost-smile.
Oh, Wei Ying’s heart was going to stop any minute now. No wonder Lan Zhan never smiled. It was an actual health risk. He was doing humanity a great service.
“Dammit, stop it already!” Luo Qingyang hissed, and pushed him out from behind the counter.
He wouldn’t stop, Wei Ying thought giddily as he approached Lan Zhan’s table with his number in hand.
He wouldn’t stop, he thought as he placed the paper into Lan Zhan’s hand, their fingers brushing against each other in a way that certainly wasn’t a casual, appropriate touch.
He wouldn’t stop, he thought as Lan Zhan looked up at him with a slight flush in his cheeks.
And after all, he had just started.
He would make it up to Mianmian later.
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indigo12 · 2 years
Indigo Child.
What is an Indigo Child?
An Indigo Child or Indigo Kid is an upgraded blueprint of humanity, a term that came up when addressing the aura colors of these very different kids. Previously, auric fields were expected shades of the rainbow, but the Indigos’ field was dominated by a royal blue color. Thus, establishing a change of course in human evolution and their indigo aura.
Gifted children, on a clear mission to challenge and shift reality, they first began appearing in the 1970s. Beyond psychic awareness, they are highly driven and creative with a perception that sees through the established norms of society. Old souls indeed, their mission is clearly laid out to shake up the modern world and pave the way for future generations to create greater peace and harmony for all.
Both of these generations of “children” are well into their teens and adulthood, so don’t allow the label to dissuade you from exploring the concept of Indigo Children.
13 Common Traits of Indigo Children
If you wonder if you might be of this distinct soul lineage, here are a few personality traits that may feel familiar.
spiritual awakening spiritual growth
1. You Feel Spiritually Awakened
You were born to be a light worker and have felt from a young age that you’re tapped into something spiritually greater than most people are.
2. You Are Destined to Be Here
You are confident and even arrogant at times – and emboldened by something larger than you can name. You know that you were put on this planet for a reason and that reason is to enact positive change. You know that those who are native to this planet are growing and ascending and need help in their transformation.
3. You Have High Expectations of Yourself and Others
This can make for challenging relationships and interactions. You see only the best and expect others to live up to it. Toward yourself, you can be unrelentingly self-critical. Don’t let this get the best of you, instead use it to your advantage to push yourself and others, but also know that others may not be as motivated.
4. You Have a Strong Intuition
Indigos see the world differently. Coupled with innate-self assurance, you often think your way is right and are offended if others cannot see, much less take action, from your point of view. If Indigos ruled the world, you are confident no problems would exist.
5. You Question Authority
You are not one to negotiate, so certain in your views and ways, you are often rebellious and a skeptic of those in power. This can occasionally get you in trouble, so know how to get into the good and noble types of trouble.
6. You Want to Overturn the Man
Difficult and rigid systems seem foolish to you and you often become antagonistic to what others experience as normal. These systems may also seem antiquated compared to those you know and believe are much more effective. Have patience and know that these massive systems that need changing are like giant ships that can’t always turn on a dime.
7. You are Creative
Musically and artistically gifted, your art invites others to see the world around through your eyes. Nurture this ability,
8. You are a Change Maker
You’re so aware of the failings of society which, in turn, makes you a magnificent leader. You’re always finding new and better methods of business, society, and ways of existing within the chaos of a society that is growing and evolving.
9. You are a Lost Soul
You feel out of place with others as you recognize you are different than most people. You can tend toward being a loner or rebel, unwilling to compromise just to fit in.
10. You are Headstrong
As the Indigo soul mission is encoded in your very being, you know your self-worth, you are unwilling to back down from confronting what feels out of integrity.
11. You are Passionate and Focused
While fiery temperaments may be hard to take, you are not one to be still or silenced. These two traits should and do balance each other, as too much unchecked passion can lead to negative outcomes. Nurture these traits and use them in conjunction with each other.
12. You Have Psychic Abilities
Without any need for development, your psychic capacity (clairvoyance, empath, telepathy) is finely tuned. While you see nothing special in your ability, it gives you an advantage in reading others with ease and seeing through masks.
13. You are Frustrated
Coupled with their big-picture vision and restless soul drive for change, you become easily frustrated with society and others who are not shifting quickly enough. Patience is something that should be developed.
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Many of Horror (Chapter one: This secret goodbye)
Fandom - How to train your dragon (movie franchise)
Ship - Eretlout (+ background relationships)
Wordcount - 3748 words
Fanfic summary - Moving on is hard, especially from something that doesn’t want to be forgotten. But it’s easier when you have someone with you who understands that mind-scarring agony, it’s easier when someone will hold you in the dark when all the monsters come out to play, it’s easier when you’re loved. But Eret is going overseas and Snotlout is left alone in a cold bed. 
The dream is back and he feels sick. Sick in the head. (I really can’t think of a good summary for this, so sorry my dudes)
Tags/Warnings for this chapter - Mentions of past child abuse
So I have yet to finish this Fic yet but I’m just so excited to show it to yall that i just had to give you a little teaser!!! This fic takes place a year after HTTYD3 but the dragons never leave and Stoick never died because Hiccup deserved a whole family for more than one day (Dreamworks, i’m talking to you asshole)!
Also please check out The colour of friendship by Sarahenany and The colour of family by Thurdsday26 on the Archive because it they are big inspirations for this fic and if you love Spitelout bashing and Snotlout whump and found family then, oh boy, that is truly the jackpot of all Snotlout whump fics! Also, the title of this fic is based on the song Many of Horror by Biffy Clyro and this to the first like three lines and you’ll understand why! 
Please enjoy and give me any feedback that you have, negative or positive, do not hold back bitches!!!! Haha lol bruh
Eret is leaving today, but he'll be back in a few weeks, a month maximum if the summer storms keep at bay (Ruffnut prayed briefly to Thor before bed last night. She doesn't know why; it was an impulse thing). He, along with six other crewmates, will be sailing far up north to the port-island he once called home to establish a trading route for Berk and to perhaps arrange a meeting between Chief Stoick and the chief of his native village. The Northmen are good people, Eret had reassured during a council a week back, who've long been held under the sole of Drago's boot and will gladly reward those who levered that pressure with both miscellaneous goods and a long-lasting alliance.
The only problem with this grand adventure is that they'll have to travel dragon-less.
The Northmen too have been terrorised by dragons for generations and they will not hesitate to net, bludgeon, and flay the first dragon they see, even if said dragon has a rider on their back. Act first and ask later kind of folk, a mindset which Ruffnut is very familiar with. Eret predicts that the concept of living with dragons in peace and harmony is one his people will be suspicious of for a time, but he assures that they'll warm up to it eventually. So, the first few trips will be dragon-less and slowly they'll weasel their Berkian values in, a very cunning plan indeed if Ruff didn't say so herself.
So today is the day of departure and she's on her way to the docks for the send-off, alone for a change. Tuffnut, eager to be out the house and tired of waiting for her to finish braiding her hair, had nabbed Barf and Belch and left her on her lonesome to walk. At first, she'd been peeved to all Hel, rightfully so, muttering to herself about how easier life would be without her dolt of a twin till she remembered just how peaceful, well, peace was. As vexing as Tuff is, Ruff cannot deny her sibling love for him, but she also cannot deny the simple serene beauty of silence.
She's striding down a street of huts, the docks insight, when she hears a terribly familiar voice.
"You better be back in two weeks, if you're not, I'm coming after you,"
Ruff pauses mid-stride and takes a step back, looking into a narrow alleyway between two huts. She steps closer and presses herself against the left hut wall, slyly peeking her head out to gaze searchingly into the shadowed alley where she'd definitely heard Snotlout's voice. As mad as she is (and she is mad), she isn't to the point of hearing imaginary voices in the shadows (not for a few years, at least).
There. Stuck between a wall and a bulky silhouette, is the short and distinctive shadow of Snotlout Jorgensen. The figure Snotlout is pressed against lets out a hushed laugh, head bowing and if wasn't for that laugh, she'd definitely be able to identify him solely for the dark outline of his facial profile.
Eret, Son of Eret.
Oh, this... This is interesting, very interesting indeed.
"No promises, we might have to delay returning if we see a storm on the horizon," Eret informs and Snotlout makes a displeased snort, to which Eret adds in response, "But if we don't then, we'll be back as soon as we can. Snotlout, you won't even know I've left,"
"It already feels like you've left me," Snotlout murmurs, head hung low, and it catches Ruffnut by surprise, that statement because it's such a vulnerable thing for Snotlout to say and the way he says it, quiet and anxious, is so alien to her.
The use of the word "me" too, makes her mind turn and burn with theories because there is something so very deep in the small, added word. She doesn't know what yet, but there is something painfully human about it.
Ruff watches the shadowed duo, transfixed as Eret lifts a hand to Snotlout's chin, tipping his head up so that they are looking at each other.
It's such an abnormal gesture for her to witness, especially between two people with whom she's never associated such tenderness before.
Eret has always been this tall, handsome, foreign stranger with a silky voice and a self-assured walk, who is as handy with a sword as he is on a boat, who's always there to help and give back to the people who gave him a better life. Snotlout has always been this hot-headed, confident loudmouth who is way too short to be as brave as he is and is way too good at singing for Ruff to admit, who's full of unyielding loyalty and howling laughter. But most importantly, they hate each other.
Or, now that she thinks of it, they did hate each other.
The last few months have been lacking the usual rivalry between Snotlout and Eret and she doesn't know why it's only hitting her now. At some point, they two of them became friends and she's pretty sure she isn't the only one who hasn't noticed, which is so peculiar because she, and the others, have seen the two of them hanging out at the sawmill and flying together at dusk to light the torches. Gods, they drank with each other last night and there hadn't been a single crass word spoken. When did this happen? She and the rest of Berk have gone blind!
"Snotlout, I'll be back. Soon. I can't promise you when, but I'll be back, and next time I go north, you can come with me," Eret assures, and though Ruff can't see Snotlout's features, she can feel the atmosphere lifting and hear the smile in his voice.
"Yeah?" There is something so hopeful and childish in the way he breathes that word, something that tugs at Ruff's heartstrings.
"Yeah, I'm sure I can convince Hiccup to spare you of your very honourable duties for a few weeks,"
"Hey, shut up!" Snotlout's foot jerks out sharply to jab Eret in the ankle, the former laughing breathlessly in response, "My work is honourable, okay? Someone has to test all those crazy weapons Hiccup cooks up and I'm the only man for the job, no one else is as brave as I am," He exclaims, all confident and cocky and familiar to Ruffnut.
"You're sure right about that," Eret says as he again raises his hand and, this time, it comes in contact with Snotlout's cheek, she can see the faint movement of his thumb smoothing over the skin beneath his eye. His voice is awfully soft with a terrible fondness that Ruffnut sometimes hears in Hiccup's voice when he speaks about Astrid or vice versa, it's a tone that she automatically links up to people who are fiercely in love.
Oh, Freya, they're in love.
"You gotta head down to the docks, Eret, you'll be late to leave... or whatever," Again, that insecure whisper is back and by Gods, it sounds so brittle and shaky that Ruff almost considers the thought that Snotlout might be crying.
She would be if she was about to be separated from her lover for an unknown amount of time, Ruff ain't afraid to admit that, but if Snotlout is afraid of anything, it's expressing feelings and emotions (He's afraid of proving he's human, proving he's weak). But then again, maybe it's easier for Snotlout to air out his inner thoughts in front of Eret because, well, they're in love and to be so intimate with someone, they're eventually going to see all the ugly parts that you hide beneath the pretty façade. Eret has probably seen the old insecurity they all know that still lurks deep inside Snotlout, raw and unfiltered, a thing from his youth that made him angry and afraid, a thing that was just as damaging as the scars on his flesh.
Ruffnut, nor anyone else on Berk, will ever forgive Spitelout for what he did to Snotlout. She will gladly say that the day he was exiled was the best day of her life and she will not be alone in the statement. Cruel, merciless, cold-blooded bastard deserved to be Blood-eagled if you ask Ruff and Tuff (probably Hiccup too, no one was more enraged than he was.)
(Ruff has never been afraid of Hiccup, except for once. He's far too lanky, too merciful, too kind, to be a scary guy. But that day, when Snotlout had lifted his tunic in the clubhouse and revealed the ivory scars that were striped across his back and chest, she'd taken a step back at the sight of the inferno that had kindled in his eyes, at the sudden look of mercilessness that had steeled his features, at the trembling fists clenched at his sides. He looked like a man ready to kill, like a man ready to burn then world to the ground, like a man ready to give it all up just for revenge. She was afraid of him that day. So, so afraid that she had nightmares about him for days afterwards.)
"I'll be a bit late, the lads won't mind," Eret says lowly, drawing Ruffnut from her walk-in memory-lane, and she feels her heart tug as he bows his head to press against Snotlout's, "I'll stay here. With you,"
Forehead touching, especially in Viking culture, is the tenderest way to touch the ones who mean dearest to you. Be it a lover, a blood-relative, a shield-brother, anyone who is buried deep in your heart. And here, in the shadows of an alley, hidden and quiet like a forbidden dream, two people hold each other. Soon, they will have to let go and isn't that the most heart-breaking thing? Letting go?
Her heart feels too big for her chest and she almost feels like a changed person by witnessing this, witnessing something she was never meant to see. Will love be like this for her too? Terribly tender and awfully soft? She doesn't know, Gods, she shouldn't be here.
Ruff tries to drag herself back but she's like a moth to a flame, unable to pull herself away from this blindingly beautiful display of love, so raw, so real. She never imaged Snotlout to fall so easily to soft caresses, but of course, he would. It is always our deepest wants that will bring us to our knees and all Snotlout has ever wanted is love, a gentle hand, a place to bury his heart.
They share a deep and long kiss. It makes her feel lonely and she doesn't know why. They part, breathing on each other's lips and holding each other tightly because they know, they know, they have to let go any moment. Their foreheads are still touching.
"Promise me," Snotlout whispers and she sees the silhouette of his Adam's apple bob as he swallows thickly, "promise me you'll come back. To me. Eret, promise you'll come ba-"
A quick but meaningful kiss quietens Snotlout's desperate pleas and Ruffnut has never heard him beg before, not like that, not like he's afraid that Ragnarök is about to fall upon them. Eret cradles Snotlout's face with his large hands. They are so close, they've almost become one shadow.
"I promise you, Snotlout," Eret vows, quiet but vehement, his lips brushing against Snotlout's, "I promise that I will come back to you,"
Another kiss is shared between them, sealing the oath that Eret has made and therefore making it unbreakable. Eret will return, he has to, and Ruff doesn't know what will happen if he doesn't. Something tragic, something unbearable to watch, something she can't allow to happen. She will not see Snotlout ruined again. So, she promises herself that if Eret does not return, she'll fly herself up to Valhalla, drag him back to Berk and the Gods best keep themselves to themselves and not get in the way of her mission, lest the know the true wrath of a Thorston woman.
"Come on, before Hiccup starts a search party," Snotlout says, voice stronger now that the promise of returning has been made, "Selkie's gonna want a proper goodbye too or she's gonna follow you the whole way,"
Eret nods in agreement and peeks his head out of the alleyway, looking up and down the street in search of any unwanted bystanders. In the sunlight, his eyes glitter amber and Ruffnut can make out his hand, large and golden, curled around Snotlout's.
"You sure you can handle her? I know that-"
"Gods, Eret, she's the timidest Thunderdrum I've ever seen! If I can handle Hookfang and a borderline psychotic Terror, among other things, then she's going to be a piece of cake," He reassures, almost sounding offended, and Eret chuckles softly as he gives Snotlout a fond look.
Ruff watches them step out from the alley into the sunlit street, hands no longer intertwined. She can make out the red flush on Snotlout's cheeks and the faint wetness beneath his eyes, which he wipes away hastily. The two of them share a look, secret and quiet, lips curled into gentle smiles, fingers twitching with the longing to touch. Then, as sudden as lightning, the tender-faces fall away and they leave, together but still somehow so far apart. They enter the real world not as lovers, but as friends, as a secret waiting to reveal itself.
For a few moments, she stays where she is, staring into the unlikely place of a secret lovers' farewell. Who knew that a place like this, small and dark, would hold such a tragic and beautiful moment? Ruffnut feels a mixture of emotions, the biggest one being happiness because bless the Gods, Snotlout has found love and if anyone deserves it, it's him.
At the after ceremony of Hiccup and Astrid's wedding a year back, a drunk Snotlout had suddenly embraced her tight and long and said; I'm gonna be alone forever, Ruffy, but that's okay, I got you guys, so... I not really alone. And being just as drunk as he was, she'd laughed and poured him another drink, dancing with him till the sun came to steal the night. She didn't remember what he said till a few days after and it had filled up with such a fierce and sudden sadness that Tuffnut had dragged her home, demanding an explanation for the terrible look in her eyes.
That's the thing with a twin like Tuff, the second her mood changes, he can sense it like a hunting dog catching the scent of blood. She can do it too, but Tuff has never been one to hide his true feelings while she, similar to Snotlout, would rather avoid the conflict of talking sentiments (even with Tuff). Her brother has to drag it out of her most times, corner her and say stupidly melancholic stuff like;
I can smell it, sister. You're sad.
Tuffnut is a curse and blessing all at once and she wouldn't have it any other way.
But anyway, she's overjoyed to see Snotlout in love and loved, but she's also anxious about it. Anxious in a way an older sibling is over a younger sibling when they start to dabble in dangerous things, in things that can get them hurt. And if love is anything, it's dangerous. If love can do anything, it can get you hurt.
Snotlout has been hurt enough. Snotlout has endured and lived through torture and torment, through betrayal and loss, through things she can't imagine surviving. She will not see him hurt again, not by Eret, not by love, not by anything. He doesn't deserve it.
The others will also share her feelings when they discover this secret love story, that she is sure of. Especially Hiccup, who in the past few years has become like an older brother to Snotlout (like the same way that Stoick has become a father to him, the same way Valka has become a mother to him). He takes his new sibling occupation very seriously and it is comical, the wiser brother and the reckless brother always at odds but always there to protect each other.
There's a headache brewing in her temple. Gods, she's been thinking and overthinking again.
It'll be fine, she reassures herself, stepping away from the alley and making towards the docks, the Gods wouldn't curse them all with more bad fortune, would they?
It's probably the most stupid question she's ever thought, in hindsight.
When she gets to the docks, it's jam-packed with dragons and Vikings alike, friends and family saying farewell to the crew and wishing them good fortune on their journey. The sky is clear and blue, perfect for sailing, and Ruff concludes that she wasn't the only one begging Thor to keep his storms to himself.
Immediately, her eyes are drawn to Tuffnut, dangling upside down from Belch's neck as he converses with a bemused Fishlegs. She's tempted to go over, but not yet, she has to do something first.
She quickly surveys the area, seeing one of the Berkian members of Eret's crew giving his vermilion Nadder a thorough farewell and a Northman kissing his Shield-maiden fiancé goodbye.
The Northmen, Eret included, were intrigued to see such wild and free women when they first came to Berk. Berkian women are hearty and frightening and hard to impress, daughters of wolves, bearers of warriors, the fiercest things on the battlefield.
So it had been a cultural shock to them, Eret had admitted one day, for their home only holds women who sew the clothes and make the food, who bear the children and tend to the house, who are quiet and timid and easily won over by a half-assed sonnet. Most marriages are arranged and many daughters are traded for land or gold, true love is a rarity to come by. Eret is proud of his home, but these are the parts he is ashamed of.
Astrid was the first woman Eret had ever seen to hold a weapon and he'd never met a woman as savage as Ruffnut before. Ruff will forever be proud that she was Eret's first taste of wildness.
There. She's found who she's looking for.
Eret kneels on one knee before Selkie, his beauty of Thunderdrum. She's orange like a sunset, pale and washed-out, with white flecks scattering her hide like parted clouds, matching her ivory belly, and Ruffnut has never seen a dragon with eyes that blue before. Selkie lets out an unhappy groan as she presses her face further into Eret's hand, eyes low in her grief as she listens to his whispers. Ruffnut can't make out what he's saying, but she's sure it's everything soft and reassuring.
Snotlout is close by, she notices, watching Eret with an open fondness. If Hiccup or Astrid walked by right now and took notice of the raw love in Snotlout's gaze, they would immediately know the truth. Clearly, she isn't the only one thinking this because Hookfang, stood beside his rider, nudges Snotlout with a warning hiss in the back of his throat. Never let it be said that Hookfang doesn't look out for Snotlout, he's ornery and easily distracted, but he makes up for it all with his loyalty.
Soon enough, the ship is ready and it's time to go. People gather along the docks and make their last hurried farewells. The drums begin and the chants of fortune echo across the waters, there's an intoxicating atmosphere permeating the air. Ruffnut hurries through the crowd, easily shoving unmoving folk to the deck in her haste because she has yet to speak with Eret. He's shaking hands with Chief Stoick and is about to go up the gang walk when she suddenly lunges herself at him.
"Ruffnut!" He gasps, surprised and clearly a bit uncomfortable, but he'll have to deal with her for the moment, "Thought you weren't going to- uh- show,"
"Course I was, idiot, and anyways-" She leans her head close to his ear and wraps a hand around his bicep, digging her sharp nails into his flesh threateningly as she whispers, "-I have to remind you to keep to that promise, Eret, son of Eret, I'm not going to have Snotlout hurt again. I was robbed of my revenge last time, I won't be again,"
When she pulls back, she flashes him a smile with too many teeth and bats her lashes with an intimidating gleam in her eyes. She's given this look to men who are now dead and it is Eret's choice if he wishes to be added to that mass grave. Eret stares back at her with shocked eyes, cheeks slightly red, and he clenches his jaw as he swallows thickly, rubbing a hand over the raised welts on his bicep. The drums echo across the water and the chanting voices chase after in earnest. After a bewildering moment, Eret gives her an awkward but thankful smile and nods his head in understanding.
"I'll keep that in mind," He says and all the tension in his muscles seem to slip away as Ruffnut softens her menacing gaze on him, clapping him boisterously on the already injured shoulder.
"Atta boy," She cackles, shoving him up the gang walk as she calls after him, a throaty laugh colouring her words, "You better be back in two weeks, you son of an Eret, or I'm coming after you!"
To her delight, she hears him laugh back at her.
The ship finally departs from the dock, sail high and proud as its pushed by the encouraging wind and the waves part smoothly as the bow cuts through the water, sure and steady. Some of the crew hang off the ratlines, saying goodbye to Berk (for now), and Eret stands, tall and almost warrior-like, on the stern. The salt-touched wind carries his dark hair and the sun reflects off his dark eyes, they glitter with a sadness that Ruffnut wouldn't have noticed if she didn't know the things she knew. His smile is melancholic, Gods, he already looks homesick. He's looking at someone and she already knows who.
Turning to look at Snotlout, she can see that his hands are balled up into white-knuckled fists, that his smile is forced and pained, that his eyes shimmer with tears.
Snotlout has always hated goodbyes. Especially ones that aren't supposed to last. Because they always do.
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neshai-esper · 4 years
Seth: Phallus of Set, God of Sexuality
"I am Horus, my father Osiris, who seizes the phallus of Seth for you with his hand"
Finger and phallus seem to be interchangeable. We surmise that it can be said that the finger of Seth lights up the eye of Horus, because it is the phallus of Seth, that is thought of. Seth's phallus emits fire. Not only the open conflict, the homosexual play too is from the beginning of a violent nature. He who looses the finger or seizes the phallus, puts an end to the ascendancy of Seth. Elsewhere there is mention of the theft of seed. At the same time, it must be admitted that this attack on the part of Seth ultimately led to the appearance of the eye of Horus. Thus one can say: the finger or the phallus causes the eye to see or illuminates it. The familiar hieroglyph of the wd3t might be an eye overflowing with moisture or light. In the sacrificial liturgies we find the longing for and the belief in the restoration of peace and harmony. The lector-priest who says he is Thoth, recalls discordance that was overcome:
“The distress that causes confusion, has been driven away, and all that gods in harmony. I have given Horus his eye, placed the wd3t-eye in the correct position. I have given Seth his testicles, so that the two lords content through the work of my hands.”
In the "ritual of Amenophis I" the offerings made are called "eyes" and "testicles":
"come to these offerings . . . I know the sky, I know the earth, I know Horus, I know Seth. Horus is appeased with his eyes, Seth is appeased with his testicles. I am Thoth, who reconciles the gods, who makes the offerings in their correct form."
Horus, and no explicit mention is made of the testicles. Now the wd3t-eye in itself presupposes an integration of contrasts and a certain harmony between Horus and Seth. Such an integration, however, implies that Seth the privateer and outsider, shall be of service to others. Offerings the testicles to Seth is apparently a risky business. There seems to be some hazard attached to establishing a harmony in which Seth is so positively concerned that the testicles are independently stressed besides the eye.
Apparently it is no historical accident that the symbols "eye" and "testicles", light and sexuality, are paired in this way in Egypt. Elsewhere too, where no historical link whatever with the Egyptian religion can be pointed out, light and sexuality are opposed to each other. According to a Tibetan myth mankind had originally no sexual desires. They bore the light within themselves and were radiant. When the sexual instinct awoke, the sexual organs originated, but the light in man was extinguished and Sun and Moon appeared in the sky. A Tibetan monk added that originally mankind propagated themselves throught contemplation and light and that physical contact and sexual union was a phenomenon of degeneration.
We are strucky by the fact that in Egyptian mythology also the light has diminished, the eye of Horus has become small owing to the homosexual relations of Horus and Seth, and that here too the light is hidden in the semen. The moon comes forth out of Seth, who has devoured the seed of Horus. Naturally there are great differences between Tibetan and the Egyptian religion. An Egyptian priest would not judge sexuality to be a phenomenon of degeneration.
Even that sexuality, which in its symbol of the testicles of Seth is shown to be by no means confined to heterosexuality, does not remain in conflict with the light. Horus and Seth light and sexuality, are reconciled. In the sacrifice eye and testicles, light and semen can be joined. Indeed, according to the Egyptian concept of life they must be joined. Such is also evident from passages not taken from sacrifical texts.
“Aten: Thy rays penetrate into the ocean. Thou dost cause the seed in women to take shape, and make moisture into men."
[...] the testicles of Seth were not regarded as a symbol of political power only. The impotent man can turn to Seth in his distress.
It is not by chance that dead man who desires sexual pleasure in the hereafter, identifies himself successively with Baba, the god of the phallus in erection, and with Seth:
“My phallus is Baba. I am Seth.“
Kristensen called the testicles of Seth a fertility symbol. Now it is worth while to examine the nature of this fertility symbolised by the testicles of Seth. It would seem to us that everything is called fertility in earlier works of religious history-and that is a good deal-is not summarised in the symbol of the testicles. Van der Leeuw's view, that it was thought fertility would cease because if the mutilation of Seth, is not supported by texts. An interesting remark of Anthes, "the destruction of the testicles of Seth may recall the sterility of the desert", also fails to find comfirmation in the texts. More recently, however, Zandee has tried to show by means of a great number of texts that Seth was a fertility god. Yet the texts he adduces prove no more that Seth has greath strenght, and particularly great sexual strenght. It is true the rain, which Seth was lord of, promotes the growth of plants. Yet in Egypt vegetation and the fertility of the soil is not dependt on rain, but on the inundation of the Nile. Seth is called a bull, but in this comparison he is not a paragon of fertility.
[...] We hesitate to call Seth a god of fertility, for, precisely, his boundless energy is not productive. He is the voluptuary who is tricked, for his sexual power is taken from him. One might object that the testicles are offered to him. The sacrifice of the testicles to Seth, however, never takes place separately, as far as can be ascertained, but in conjunction, with the eye of Horus. This means that eye and testicles are sacrificed to a double-god. [...] A man who is ill or dead may, in extreme need, have recourse to Seth, and identify himself with him, but Seth is not the ideal of fertility. Even lacking the support of the notorious unpublished erotic papyrus of Turin, it must be garanted in a general way to Yoyotte, who gives various examples, that Egyptian eroticism is not summed up in fertility symbolism. The points mentioned above, Seth's homosexuality and the fact that he was credited with practices of abortion, demonstate that Seth is a god of sexuality which is not canalised into fertility. The aspect of sexual life which finds expression in marriage is not connected with Seth but with other gods.
Seth's sexuality cannot be equated with fertility, yet we must take heed not to mark it down as homosexuality only. He experiences heterosexual desire towards the goddes, Isis. His feelings are not returned. He is so badly deceived by Isis, that he complains in tears to Re, perhaps this passage cannot be held to constitute convincing evidence of heterosexuality as an alternative choice. The sexuality of Seth is irregular. The Sethian man is beloved of women "through the greatness of his loving them".
Seth: God of Confusion by. H. te Velde; pg excerpt (50, 51, 52, 54, 55)
ll Note: I try to get better understanding about the topic, and many books are at my (so our/your) service, but because it is easy to misunderstand Him and things connected to Him, I decided (at several requests) to share some parts of the books I’m reading in in the hope that these might help you to get better look as well.
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ninjayuri · 3 years
So, to start it, you must know that, according to Jung, the functions represent scales of Sensing-Intuition and Thinking-Feeling. The former is about how you perceive and learn information, while the latter is about how you make your judgements. This will be relevant in my explanation.
Also, keep something in mind: this is based solely on my findings and studies. I try as hard as I can to make the information accurate. If there is something wrong with what I said, please, correct me.
Let's start with The Extroverts™. Since these functions are extroverted, they interact with the outer world and on the objective; established facts and procedures, people, exterior feelings, the now, etc.
• Te:
Extroverted thinking, known as Te, is a judging function. This cognitive function is analytical, and Te users are all about facts, hard data, and standardized methods. They have the tendency to worry about what works and makes sense to the majority, and Te users take a logical approach via already existing systems and procedures. Most care about results and production.
Personality types where Te is their dominant:
Personality types where Te is their auxiliary:
• Fe:
Extraverted feeling, or Fe, is a judging function. They are able to read one's moods, feelings, and body language, making them aware of what the exterior world likes, deslikes, outer morals, what is acceptable and what isn't. Because some of their priorities are to connect with people and emotions, they tend to change some of their opinions and habits, so they can keep the “harmony”.
Personalities types where Fe is their dominant:
Personalities where Fe is their auxiliaryy:
• Se:
Extraverted sensing, or Se, is a perceiving function. Se users are focused on the objective, sensory world, and live in the moment. They make use of the five senses. Down-to-earth and practical, they are aware of what is happening around them, and unlike Ni/Ne, they are realistic. Se users learn about something via action and experiences; they go on new sensations and experiences so they can collect information. “Risk-taker” and “Free-spirit” are some of the titles you could associate to them. Some of the community may say this function has an eye for aesthetics and visuals.
Personalities where Se is their dominant:
Personalities where Se is their auxiliary:
• Ne:
Extraverted intuition, or Ne, is a perceiving function. Jokingly speaking, Ne users are the embodiment of the sentence “what if...?”. They interact with the outer world via patterns, metaphors, and abstract ideas. Those who have Ne are known to have many ideas and see the world as a bunch of possibilities to be explored. Ne users are not ALWAYS committed to only one idea. They have many projects, but only finish a few. Most people with this function are very open-minded and curious, and they are attracted to the new and novel. If something doesn't feel fresh to them, though, they end up... dropping it, and goes back in exploring.
Personalities where Ne is their dominant:
Personalities where Ne is their auxiliary:
Now, The Introverts™... since these functions are introverted, they mostly interact on the inner world and on the subjective; their minds, feelings, themselves, etc.
• Ti:
Introverted thinking, or Ti, is a judging function. Like Te, the Ti users are impartial, analytical and take decisions on a logical approach. However, it is more subjective; the systems and frameworks they use are more personalized and authentic to them. “What makes sense to me?” is one of the questions that can be associated with introverted thinking, because they have their own sense of reasoning.
One of the things I should probably add about them is how they handle facts. If an evidence is proven to be correct on a Ti user's perspective, but contradicts with their own logic, they find themself reevaluating their reasoning, so said evidence can fit in.
Personalities where Ti is their dominant:
Personalities where Ti is their auxiliary:
• Fi:
Introverted feeling, or Fi, is a judging function. Like Fe, they make their decisions based on values and emotions. However, they possess their own moral code, and they possess a sense of self. “What is important to me?” and “what feels right to me?” are one of the questions that you can associate them with. They tend to not care about how the others might feel about their opinions, attitudes, and feelings, and they dislike those who act fake and unauthentic. They tend to stay true to themselves.
Personalities where Fi is their dominant:
Personalities where Fi is their auxiliary:
• Si:
Introverted sensing, or Si, is a perceiving function. They worry with the “what it is”, and with the details. You could use a school book as an example: the book is full of details and concrete facts. That's how it works for most Si; they care about what is factual, and they prefer reliable evidence. Most Si users compare new information with their sensory data and the past.
Personalities where Si is their dominant:
Personalities where Si is their auxiliary:
• Ni:
Introverted intuition, or Ni, is a perceiving function. Like Ne, Ni users are good at identifying patterns, and both can also be quite attracted to metaphors, symbolism, and abstract concepts. They are focused on internal ideas. Most tend to have a deductive reasoning style to collect information. They try to find connections and trends with already known and old information to put it together, in order to find any clues to the present and future.
Personalities where Ni is their dominant:
Personalities where Ni is their auxiliary:
While Ni is similar to Si in many ways, one of the differences you might give to Si is that they are more organized in terms of reality and process. Ni users make use of abstract data, symbolism, and how one event has relations with the other, while Si uses more concrete data. Ni is not good at handling details, which is a strength to Si.
I hope you were able to understand something! My apologies if it's late; making the text took longer than I expected. In case there is a part you did not comprehend very well, let me know, and I will make further researching to explain it. You don't have to post this ask; I'm already glad in trying to teach you about the Cognitive Functions.
Thank you for reading through this.
OKAY I DIDNT ANSWER THIS BC I WAS READING OVER IT and ty!!! it makes wayyy more sense the way you put it. tysm for doing this for me :}} its really rather interesting, isnt it? please please please feel free to send me more stuff on it whenever^^ ill do some more research on my own, and itd be awesome to discuss if youd like :]
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mindclassic · 11 months
Plant Perception - Can Plants See?
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Plants have long been admired for their beauty, their ability to grow, and their vital role in sustaining life on Earth. However, recent scientific discoveries have shed light on Plant Perception. They have the ability to perceive and respond to their environment. It is well-established that animals and humans possess the ability to see. The concept of "plant vision" may seem far-fetched at first. By delving deeper into the world of plant perception, we uncover a captivating realm where plants possess complex sensory abilities. These abilities go beyond our conventional understanding. In this article, we will explore the intriguing question of whether plants can see. We can find some evidence by examining the mechanisms of visual perception. Moreover we can check plant responses to visual stimuli, and the significance of plant vision in their survival and evolution. Additionally, we will explore the potential implications and applications of harnessing plant vision for agriculture and environmental monitoring. Prepare to embark on a journey into the hidden world of plant perception. Their senses may be more intricate than we ever imagined. 1. Introduction: The Fascinating World of Plant Perception Plants have always amazed us with their ability to grow and thrive, seemingly attuned to their environment. But have you ever wondered if they can actually see? It might sound like a bizarre question. But as it turns out, plants have their own unique way of perceiving the world around them. Exploring the Notion of Plant Vision By vision, we typically imagine humans and animals with eyes that allow them to see the world in all its vibrant colors. But what if there's more to vision than just eyeballs and lenses? Could plants have their own version of vision? The idea of plants being able to see might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie. The scientists have uncoverered some intriguing evidence that suggests plants may indeed possess a form of perception akin to vision. 2. The Science Behind Vision: What Does it Mean to "See"? Before we dive into the world of plant vision, let's first understand what it means to "see." Vision and perception go hand in hand. Both allow living organisms to interpret their surroundings through the use of specialized sensory organs. In humans and animals, vision is primarily associated with the eyes. It is however important to note that different organisms have unique ways of perceiving their environment. How Do Humans and Animals See? In humans and many animals, vision relies on the presence of eyes that can detect and process light. These eyes contain specialized structures called photoreceptors. It converts light signals into electrical signals that the brain can interpret as visual information. The brain then constructs a visual representation of the world based on these signals. That helps us to navigate and interact with our surroundings. 3. The Complex Senses of Plants: Beyond Vision While plants may not have eyes like humans or animals, they possess an array of other sensory abilities. These abilities allow them to perceive and respond to their environment. For instance, plants can sense changes in light, temperature, gravity, touch, and even the presence of other organisms. These sensory abilities play a crucial role in their growth, survival, and reproduction. Non-Visual Forms of Plant Perception Our focus here is on vision. It's important to highlight that plants rely on more than just visual cues for their perception. They have an intricate network of sensory mechanisms that work in harmony to provide a holistic understanding of their surroundings. Through chemoreception, mechanoreception, and other mechanisms, plants can detect and respond to signals in their environment. That perception helps them make important life-sustaining decisions. 4. Visual Perception in Plants: Evidence from Research So, the burning question remains: Can plants actually see? Researchers have been diligently investigating this intriguing topic. They have conducted numerous studies to shed light on the visual perception of plants. These studies aim to uncover whether plants have the ability to detect and respond to visual stimuli in a way that mirrors the concept of vision observed in humans and animals. Experimental Techniques and Findings Scientists have developed innovative experimental techniques to study visual perception in plants. These range from measuring the movement and growth responses of plants to light patterns to examining changes in gene expression associated with visual stimuli. The results are still being debated and further research is needed. Some studies suggest that plants may indeed possess a form of visual perception. That is but definitely different from what we commonly understand as vision. Intriguing, isn't it? Whether or not plants can truly see as we do, the fact remains that they possess a mesmerizing array of perception mechanisms. The phenomenon allow them to navigate and thrive in their environment. So, next time you encounter a majestic plant, remember that it might just be perceiving the world in its own unique way. 5. Mechanisms of Plant Vision: Light Sensing and Signal Processing Plants and their photosynthetic prowess are no strangers to the sun's rays. But how exactly do they detect light? Well, plants have a nifty tool called photoreceptors. These special proteins are like the plant's version of sunglasses, helping them perceive different wavelengths of light. Think of photoreceptors as nature's color filters, allowing plants to pick up on the specific light cues they need for survival. Signal Transduction and Processing in Plants Once plants have successfully sensed light through their photoreceptors, the next step is signal transduction. This is when all those light signals get converted into biochemical messages within the plant's cells. It's like a botanical telephone exchange, where important information about light intensity, quality, and duration is processed and relayed. It's fascinating to think that plants have their own intricate communication system, all happening behind the scenes! 6. Plant Responses to Visual Stimuli: Movement, Growth, and Adaptation While plants might not be packing their bags and moving across the country, they do showcase some remarkable movements in response to light. This phenomenon is called phototropism, and it's the plant equivalent of chasing the sun. Just like sunflowers, plants will bend, twist, and stretch towards the light source, ensuring they make the most of those precious rays. It's a botanical dance that reminds us that even though plants can't physically run, they can still reach for the stars. Photomorphogenesis: Plant Growth and Development Triggered by Light Plants have a secret power hidden up their sleeves – or rather, in their chloroplasts. When exposed to light, plants undergo a process called photomorphogenesis, which is just a fancy way of saying they grow and develop in response to light. This means light can shape their leaf size, stem length, and even flower production. So, when you see a plant flourishing in the sunlight, you can thank its photomorphogenic magic for its healthy glow. Adaptive Strategies: Plant Vision in the Context of Environment Plants might seem rooted and stationary, but they're not ones to sit idly by when it comes to their environment. They've evolved some pretty incredible adaptive strategies to make the most of the visual cues around them. From adjusting their leaf orientation to minimize light and water loss, to optimizing their energy allocation based on the available light spectrum, plants are masters of survival. It's like they have their own botanical version of "Survivor," and they're the reigning champions. 7. The Role of Vision in Plant Survival and Evolution If plants were on a dating app, their bio would definitely include "great vision skills." Vision plays a crucial role in a plant's fitness, helping them make important decisions about where to grow, when to flower, and how to compete with their neighbors. By perceiving light patterns and sensing changes in their environment, plants have a leg up in the survival game. So, next time you see a plant basking in the sun, give it a nod of acknowledgment for its stellar vision skills. Evolutionary Significance of Plant Visual Perception Plants have been around for millions of years, and their visual perception skills have played a significant role in their evolution. The ability to perceive and respond to light cues has allowed plants to colonize diverse environments and adapt to changing conditions. It's like they have their own botanical roadmap, constantly guiding them along the path of survival and success. So, when you admire a majestic tree, know that its visual perception has been its steadfast companion throughout its evolutionary journey. 8. Plant Vision for Agriculture and Environmental Monitoring Plants clearly have a well-developed visual system, and we can harness this to our advantage in agriculture. By understanding how plants perceive and respond to light, we can optimize their growth and development. We can manipulate light conditions to improve crop yield, adjust light quality to enhance certain plant characteristics, and even use light as a tool for pest control. It's like giving plants their own personalized spa treatment, ensuring they thrive and produce bountiful harvests. Environmental Monitoring Using Plant Vision Plants have a unique perspective on the world, and we can capitalize on this to monitor the environment. By studying how plants respond to changes in light conditions, we can gain insights into climate patterns, pollution levels, and ecosystem health. Plants become our silent and reliable environmental watchdogs, silently keeping an eye on the world around us. It's like having a team of green detectives, helping us uncover the mysteries of our changing planet. And there you have it – a peek into the fascinating world of plant vision. So, the next time you encounter a plant, remember that it's not just sitting there looking pretty. It's a sophisticated organism with its own visual perception, responding and adapting to the world around it. Just like us, plants have their own way of seeing things, and it's a remarkable thing to behold. In Short In conclusion, the notion of plants having the ability to see opens up new avenues of understanding and appreciation for the complexity of the natural world. Through scientific research and experimentation, we have gained insights into the mechanisms of plant vision and witnessed their remarkable responses to visual stimuli. The role of vision in plant survival and evolution highlights the significance of this sensory perception in their adaptation to the environment. Furthermore, the potential applications of harnessing plant vision for agriculture and environmental monitoring hold promising possibilities for improving crop management and ecological studies. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of plant perception, let us not underestimate the incredible capabilities of these seemingly immobile organisms. Plants may not possess eyes like humans or animals, but they undoubtedly possess a unique form of visual perception that adds depth and wonder to the tapestry of life on Earth. Image by pvproductions on Freepik Read the full article
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drnikolatesla · 4 years
Nikola Tesla's Views On Life After Death
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Tesla’s reasoning is the reasoning of a practical man of science, who has not only given laboratory tests but deep mental consideration to the question of immortality. There is a deal of the esthetic about Tesla, and as he talks his deep-set eyes seem to be looking into the far distance. Born of a Greek church clergyman, in Smiljan in Serbia, it was intended that the young Tesla follow theology as a profession, but the inventive genius, inherited from his mother, took him into the realm of science. But all his life–he is now 68 years old–he has given deep thought to the question of life after death. He has come to no hasty conclusions, and his remarkable statement might be said to be a brief summarizing of years of thought.
“Since time immemorial the most profound thinkers have tried to lift the veil that hides the beyond. I have read thousands of volumes of literature and thought for years in the hope that I might get some kind of evidence to show that death is not the end. But all in vain. To me the universe is simply a marvelous mechanism, and the most complex forms of human life, as human beings, are nothing else but automatic engines, controlled by external influence. Through incessant observation I have so convinced myself of the truth of this that I cannot perform any act or even conceive a thought without locating at once the external stimulus that prompted it.
“A forceful argument in support of the existence of a creative agent is made of the law, order and harmony perceptible everywhere. But it must not be forgotten that Kant’s reasoning and conclusion in this respect are irrefutable. According to this philosopher, the conception of fitness has been created in the speculative mind of men, which thus admires a miracle wrought by itself.
“Granted a planetary system, it is absolutely inevitable that in the course of eons such organized beings as we are will evolve. The cooling of the hot masses results in a precipitation of water, and under the influence of the sun’s rays heliotropic action takes place and life is started. Through chemical and other agents and continuous adjustment complex mechanisms come into being, and these ultimately develop into structures of marvelous complexity with capacities of response to the faintest stimulae from the environment.
“When we realize this as a fact we begin to grasp the great idea of Buddha–that self is an illusion. Indeed, we are nothing but waves in space and time which when dissolved exist no more.
“There is this to be said, however, that science without hope is not satisfactory, and unless one has some ideals he cannot achieve happiness. The religious is the most lofty ideal, and it seems that the great reformers who, ages ago, laid down rules of conduct were right in their conclusions that a peaceful existence and a continued onward march of man on this globe is essentially dependent on the conception of a God.
“I have read Mr. Burbank’s statement in which he expresses an opinion shared by most natural philosophers, but one must not be too rash in contradicting the conclusions reached by countless men of genius who spent their lives in endeavors to ascertain the destiny of the human race. A single individual, however well informed and capable, may be partially unaware of if not utterly blind to evidences of a certain kind, which might be quite sufficient for others. This is the reason why I am distrustful of my own findings. Possibly Mr. Ford, who I understand is accepting old traditions, may be closer to the truth than such men as Burbank and myself.
“I have searched during many years for some process or means to test the possibility of future existence by scientific experiment, and I have devised one, which, to my great disappointment, has failed. But perhaps some more skillful experimenter might succeed if I suggest to him the course. To put it briefly, it is this:
“Our bodies are composed of molecules of various elements, harmoniously united. Do these molecules retain any after-effect when the body is dissolved? To ascertain this take, say, two molecules of hydrogen from the body of an individual and also one molecule of oxygen. Furthermore, provide another molecule of oxygen taken from some other body. Now place the two molecules of hydrogen so they can combine with the oxygen, and if they prefer that molecule of oxygen with which they were previously united, then reincarnation is proved. For, though it may take ages and ages, ultimately the molecules which constituted that body will get together again, just as in a vast city individuals from a distant land finally meet and establish close contact.”
–Nikola Tesla.
“After Death — WHAT?” By Ross Duff Whytock. Lima News, Lima, Ohio, March 14, 1926.
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