#the honeymoon trip around england
mercurygray · 20 days
hiiii could i pls ask about any fred/brady wedding and/or honeymoon thoughts? i love them a normal amount — @shoshiwrites
Being completely transparent here, I haven't thought about this at all, so this is very rough. (And now it's getting long??)
I have this vision that after the stalag, the flight that John is on goes to Paris, where they find Fred working in the Red Cross Club there. The mail's been wild for a few months, and she wanted something new when sticking around Thorpe Abbotts started to feel like a burden she didn't want to carry any more.
and they spend as much time as they have getting to know each other again shhhh.
John goes straight home after that - Paris to England, England to New York, New York to the loving arms of Mom and Dad and the rest of Victor, wondering what he's going to do with his life now that he's not a bomber boy. Fred has to stick around for a bit in Europe until everything wraps up, so it's John who's meeting her boat at the terminal, looking strange in civies and a fedora that doesn't look like it belongs to him after so long seeing him in crusher caps.
Maybe he has a ring that day. He's had enough time to think about it and he's not letting her go again.
(This does not surprise or alarm his parents. He's been talking about her for a while, and they know their son.) They swap her train ticket for one going upstate and go to meet the folks, and Fred calls her parents long distance to tell them that she's engaged. (I think Mr. and Mrs. Torvaldsen are a little more alarmed, but that's only because they've never met the guy, and Fred talked about everyone.)
Everyone's still working everything out, after the war - John's trying to figure out back pay and the GI bill and where they're going to live and find a job so it's just easier for Fred to go home first and get her feet under her. They write constantly and call whenever they can. John decides to take his teacher license exams and Fred coaches him by mail until she can move to be closer to him and start her classes to officially convert to Catholicism. (This is more of a formality for her, but it's important to his parents, so they're doing it. I don't see her as a particularly religious person, but it's not a huge swerve from her Lutheran upbringing.)
Small Catholic wedding - bride in tea-length white dress with a blusher veil and a hat and gloves. (It was expensive but what else was she going to do with that back pay? She's going to dye it afterwards, for a going-out dress.) Her something blue is a piece of her ARC uniform pinned inside her bodice and the silver sixpence was sent from England by her landlady in Thorpe Abbotts and she's borrowing a pair of silver shoe-clips from a friend to dress up her heels. They're absolutely thrilled to pieces that as many people as they get come - Crank made it in from Boston at the last minute, and a few of Fred's Clubmobile friends, and so so so many people send cards. A mountain of cards. ("It's almost like people like you, Freda," John says, very much teasing. "They're sure as hell not for me.")
Honeymoon is probably Niagara Falls, honestly. Or maybe Montreal? A train trip for a couple of days where they can be alone and in love and spend a lot of time with their clothes off and maybe do some touristy things.
...hhhhh this is so long i am so sorry.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
Great Scots News article by Bernard Bale
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Just like her late mother, HM Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Anne has always had a strong affection for Scotland…
“I didn’t ask to be born a princess!” she once replied to an interviewer’s leading questions. It was partly a rebuke, but it was also a telling statement from Princess Anne. 
Even though she did not ask to be born a princess, nobody could ever accuse Princess Anne of shirking her responsibilities. She has been tagged ‘the working princess’ and even anti-royalists have to admit that Princess Anne lives up to that label.
She has proved herself time and again to be capable of bringing a ray of sunshine to many of the world’s less fortunate people, yet on the day she was born – 15 August 1950 – it was a rainy morning in London. Almost prophetically, the skies cleared and the sun appeared just as Big Ben struck noon. Only 10 minutes before, Anne had been born.
The birth was announced in a Court Circular issued immediately. It simply stated: “At 11.50 o’clock this morning, Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh, was safely delivered of a Princess at Clarence House.”
Duchess of Edinburgh? Yes, prior to her ascension to the throne, HM Queen Elizabeth II was the third royal to hold this title – George III’s mother was the first – but has any royal nailed their tartan colours to the mast more evidently than the Princess Royal, Princess Anne?
“Scotland is such a beautiful country with such passionate people, who could fail to want to be a part of it?” she once said. Those were not idle words either. 
Throughout the years her affinity with Scotland has grown and grown. It may have all started when she was five years old and started to really take notice of her surroundings.
Anne had been to Scotland before, but this was a different trip in that she journeyed with her mother and Prince Charles to the village of Portvoller on the Isle of Lewis, further north than she had ever been before. The holiday not only cemented her love of Scotland, but during the trip the Royal Family visited Tiumpan Head Lighthouse on the Eye Peninsula and thus also began Anne’s love of lighthouses. 
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Like her older brother, Anne was close to her grandmother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, who also had such a love of Scotland that she considered herself to be a Scot even though she was born in England. 
Much of her maternal grandmother’s childhood was spent at Glamis Castle and the whole family have always loved Balmoral, so it is not surprising that Anne has such an affinity with Scotland. “My grandmother was a great influence on all of us, but I don’t think any of us needed convincing to have a love of Scotland,” she said on one of her many tours.
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The Princess Royal’s busy schedule is legendary, with more than 500 official engagements every year and sometimes nearer 700. Many of those engagements are in connection with charities and organisations of Scottish origin or with branches dotted around the country. 
Then, of course, there is rugby. Anne hardly ever misses a home match and has travelled abroad to support the Scottish national team. Her son, Peter, won Scotland Schoolboy international caps and there was never a prouder mum looking on whenever he played.
The princess has always had a love of sport, of course, having represented Great Britain in equestrian events at the Olympics, and she has made no secret of her love of rugby and being Patron of the Scottish Rugby Union, but she is also an avid sailor and looks forward to her holidays in Scotland where she and her husband, Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, regularly sail – and, of course, visit lighthouses. That first experience at Tiumpan Head would eventually lead to her becoming a keen pharologist.
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Talking of married life, Princess Anne and Sir Tim tied the knot at Crathie Kirk, near Balmoral, and spent their honeymoon in the Highlands rather than on an exotic island somewhere in the Caribbean. 
As she approaches 70, the Princess Royal shows no signs of slowing down, and why would she? We are talking of a princess who survived a kidnap attempt, has competed in the tough world of horse racing and is generally regarded as a no-nonsense lady who likes nothing better than to wrap a tartan scarf around her neck and go for a walk with the dogs in the Highlands. “I am a member of the Royal Family,” she said. “Certain things are expected of me, but I am also a human being.”
Away from the media spotlight and the public perception, what is she really like? She has the reputation of being grumpy, but nothing could be further from the truth. Her son-in-law, ex-England rugby star Mike Tindall revealed, “She has a great sense of humour and she is very knowledgeable about many things, especially rugby.”
Her son, Peter, also spoke glowingly of his mother, “If ever we showed signs of getting above our station, she is the first one to bring us back to earth and she has always been there to give advice on life in general, invaluable advice.” Her daughter, Zara, echoed the same view adding, “She is great fun, has a wicked sense of humour and she is a good dancer too.”
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Now we are really getting behind the scenes. We know that she likes a drink but is moderate, a whisky now and then, but probably more often a Martini at the end of a busy day.
She also genuinely appreciates the many gifts she receives during official engagements, especially chocolates. Many times, her smile has widened when she’s received chocolates and she will say, “These will not get home.” That is not a scripted response, she means it and they don’t.
Princess Anne, the Princess Royal holds many titles and quite a few of them are related to Scotland, but what will surely delight her more than anything is that she has often been referred to as ‘the unofficial Queen of Scots’ – a sobriquet of which she is undoubtedly proud.
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of-many-fandomss · 1 year
tangerine x gn or m reader for the valentines day reqs where they like meet cute kinda in england on v day. reader spending their first v day alone on vacation in a while after being broken up with and tan THINKS he doesnt want a partner (hes wrong obviously). basically reader had a two person vacation planned and a nice reservation for two in london and tangerine offers to go out with them after they meet earlier in the day/r’s trip. sorry if that is worded weirdly im bad at explaining my thoughts. 😭 have a nice day
Omg I love this smmm!! (I think I’d like to write more blurbs going off of this prompt with a bit less of ooc tangerine 👀)
“No,” You protested with a shake of your head, “Please, I don’t want to be in the honeymoon suite anymore. Just move me to a regular room.” You were practically begging pathetically at this point.
The receptionist frowned, looking down at her computer for the hundredth time, “I’m sorry,” She apologized again, “We’re all booked, there’s nowhere else I could put you.”
You dropped your head onto the desk with a groan.
Of course, of course they had nowhere else. That was just your luck, wasn’t it? First with being left at the alter. Then deciding to still go on the originally planned honeymoon just to spite your ex-fiancé, only for you to realize what a terrible idea it was as soon as you got to London. Everything that had been planned and booked was supposed to be for a newly wedded couple, not for a sad, single person. On Valentines Day, nonetheless. A day that was supposed to be special and romantic.
“Hello there, love, nice to see you again.” A beautiful cockney accent drifted through your ears, and you immediately whipped around.
There, stood a man you had met on the plane ride over, and the poor guy had to sit through the entire flight as you practically spilled your life story to him after getting your hands on some champagne from a receptionist.
“O-oh, hi,” You stuttered out, eyes widening as Tangerine came to stand beside you. To be completely honest, you had never expected to see him again.
“Is there a problem here?” He asked in innocent curiosity.
You stifled a sigh, ignoring the receptionist pitying look, “No, no, I just can’t change out of the honeymoon suite.” You admitted.
There was no reason to hide the truth from him, he already knew all about the story with your asshole ex.
“Ah, I see,” He said, eyes turning to the worker, who was now gaping up at the devastatingly handsome man, “And are we sure there’s nothing that could be done about that?” He asked sweetly.
“N-no, sir,” She stuttered out, “I’m afraid not.”
“Pity,” He frowned at you apologetically.
“And,” You chuckled, “I haven’t been able to get a refund on any of the various activities I had planned. So either I go and have a miserable time. Or I don’t, and watch all that money go down the drain.”
Tangerine fell silent for a moment, seemingly contemplating something, before turning towards you questionably, “Would you like me to accompany you?”
You were taken aback to say the least, “What?”
“That way you wouldn’t be alone,” He explained, “We could do the activities together as friends and have a splendid time.”
The receptionist was snapping her head back and forth between the two of you like a tennis match, lips parted slightly as she watched the scene that was seemingly from a movie, unfold.
“I-“ You were in shock, “You would do that?”
He grinned, “Of course! I’m in London for two weeks with nothing else to do.” His eyes shown brightly as he beamed at you, “Why not have some fun?”
A grin broke out onto your face suddenly, “You know what? I think that would be a lot of fun.”
Tangerine kept on grinning, “Wonderful! Now, what’s first on our list?”
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divinekangaroo · 7 months
I keep seeing takes indicating T/G would have been living together for 2 years prior to their marriage. This has always bugged me because it would have been a social suicide at the time, a respectable women living with her lover? No way they would have risked it as Tommy was trying to climb the social ladder plus he would not have risked tarnishing Graces reputation? Her family would have disowned her and no one would have turned up for the wedding. Grace was fronting the "single mother and a grieving widow" until it was socially appropriate to remarry? Tommy also looked to set everything up for them to start living together - his trip to NY to bring her and baby back, the wedding, the new house - it just seem to fit that they would have stayed in touch but would have only got together maybe a few months prior to the confirmed wedding.
This was my take watching the show or maybe I'm missing something here. I remembered you addressed this vaguely in one of your fic. I know you do tons of research and I would love to hear your thoughts/facts on this subject :)
I had it in my head that Tommy didn’t see Charlie until Charlie was 6 months old, which was a 15 month duration from conception to Tommy going to New York to collect Grace and Charlie.  This would mean he and Grace only really had, let’s say 1 month pre-wedding honeymoon in New York together, and 6-ish months in Arrow House together prior to the marriage.  (6 months is long enough to float a new charitable institution...)
But, this time gap for me was motivated more by headcanon/thematic desire rather than well researched. I mean, thematically, I just *really liked* the idea that Tommy never saw any of his women pregnant with his children or their early lives (Zelda (Duke-17y), Grace (Charlie-6m), Lizzie (Ruby-3m)). 
There were a few other factors which might lead to the lag between conception and Charlie being 6 months old, but these are more floater thoughts or first perceptions than anything I've double/triple checked:
The biggest one: I assumed Grace went back to America with Clive the morning after Derby Day, because Tommy didn't get back to her in time.  Because she was probably a *minimum* of 6 weeks pregnant at that point, possibly 8 (had to miss two periods minimum; no pregnancy tests back then and cervix takes 6 weeks before it looks different to a gyno), she told Clive the baby was his on the steamer to protect herself on the assumption Tommy didn't want to proceed with her. (If this doesn't happen, and Tommy manages to catch her before she leaves, it's possible she could have physically left Clive then and lived the full two years or so with Tommy and just weathered the scandal.)
The simplest possible divorce (Grace accepts fault for committing infidelity) would be 6 months, however I assumed with an investment banker for a husband, that divorce would be very complicated, so let’s say an 18 month process.
Once Clive died, with no word of divorce mentioned, an uncomplicated estate settlement can also be around 9 to 18 months. (if Clive committed suicide on his own in America without a divorce processed, and Grace was in England, she would have had to travel back to America for settlement)
Back in the day, pregnancy was still fairly high risk, and medical advice cautioned against extensive travel during pregnancy, especially in the later stages, due to the potential discomfort, risks associated with the journey, and limited medical facilities on board steamers.  Given my assumption she went back to America, Grace was probably four months pregnant by the time she and Tommy agreed (via remote correspondence! every letter taking 10 days! phone calls with terrible lag and disconnections!) they would get married and worked out a disentanglement strategy with Clive, they decided to wait until the baby was born before starting any of these proceedings.
The risk of travelling with a newborn was similar, and recommendations in the day suggested waiting until they were older to deal with all the foreign bugs. So whatever kept Grace in America until Charlie was born, meant she had to stay until he was older anyway.
In terms of what did keep Grace in America until Charlie was born, rather than simply getting on the next steamer back to England at 4 months pregnant and dealing with all divorce etc remotely, I headcanon that:
Grace’s strategy was to wait until Charlie was three months old (so she could be fully supported in America) then admit the infidelity and process the divorce
Tommy agreed with her at face value, then promptly executed his own secret strategy, which was to find dirt on Clive and blackmail him into saying he committed the infidelity, and Tommy tried to push this as fast as he could; the quicker the divorce was processed the better, and as far as he was concerned, Grace could get on that ship at whatever point and he’d throw a bunch of doctors on with her if needed to get her there
Whatever Tommy found, whether he tabled it with Clive, whether Grace got emotional and told Clive everything, whatever it was: Clive committed suicide before Charlie was born.  This threw a spanner in Tommy’s ASAP-timeline because Grace then had additional reasons to wait in New York (until Clive’s estate settlement was dealt with, as well as Charlie being old enough to travel safely). In the meantime she was able to be supported by Clive’s money as a widow.  My irony headcanon: inadvertently, this pre-birth/pre-divorce suicide also left her with Clive’s fortune, and after her death, left Tommy with her fortune *gasp*.  For me this fortune-transfer headcanon is also thematically relevant – that whole “everyone Tommy touches” curse, but even as people die around him, all the time his net worth and assets increase. 
So yes – mostly headcanon and themes rather than anything concrete! I don’t think fear of scandal would have bothered Grace all that much. BUT, given how supportive her family actually were – they only picked on Tommy’s corrupt reputation with mild concern -- I can assume there was no hint of pre-marital infidelity or divorce.  Tommy was a dubious match, but there was no suggestion he and Grace committed infidelity, and no one seemed to blink twice about Charlie so would assume the family thought he was Clive’s and Tommy adopted him.  I also had the undercurrent Grace's family thought Tommy was marrying Grace (as another man’s widow/seconds, and taking on another man’s child) to socially advance himself, and they could reluctantly understand that coming from a man like him; they were satisfied enough with the match because he had his military record, he was firmly new money by then, and Grace was, after all, widowed and had a child, had no parents or sibs to support her (they were all uncles and cousins), was very happy with Tommy, and would have been difficult to convince to a different pathway/marry off again. So they acquiesed.
(On scandal -- Grace's whole profession seemed scandalous for a woman (?) -- I just don't think she would've cared all that much about a reputation for infidelity given she was basically prepared to sleep with men (Campbell's orders) as a spy. Society/family might have different opinions but I just didn't see it too much as Grace's motivational concern. In my head, Tommy was probably more concerned about that reputation landing on Grace (hence his scheme to have Clive take the fall) than she was.)
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joshxmorgan · 5 days
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my name is JOSHUA MORGAN … and i am from MANCHESTER, ENGLAND and i’m a BARTENDER AT HELLCAT'S DEN. i lived in helltown for NINETEEN YEARS because HE MOVED HERE WITH HIS DAD WHEN HE WAS 10 YEARS OLD. i am TWENTY NINE my pronouns are HE/HIM and i am FLIRTATIOUS, CHARMING, ENERGETIC ] though some may say i’m [ MANIPULATIVE, SHORT TEMPERED, BLUNT ]. i also hear i look a lot like JACOB ELORDI but, i don’t know if i see it. i’m here because HE STICKS AROUND FOR HIS DAD but, maybe there’s more to it than that. you never know with helltown.
Full Name: Joshua James Morgan
Nickname: Josh
Age: 29
DOB: October 23rd 1994
Parents: James & Amanda Morgan
Siblings: n/a
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown
Piercings & Tattoos: here
Sexuality: Heterosexual
character playlist
tw: post natal depression, parental loss, cancer
Josh grew up in England during his earlier years to Amanda and James.
His parents met when his mother was on a gap year at 18 and travelling America with her friends. She was half way through her trip when she met James in his hometown in Ohio, the plan was she and her friends would be there a week to visit a few things but James convinced them to stay an extra week. After that he joined them on their trip because he wanted to spend more time with Amanda.
Once their trip came to an end and she was to fly back home he was devastated. He only lasted a month away from her before he hopped on a plane to visit her in Manchester, England. That trip them became a permanent stay, the only time he spent away from her was whenever he had to fly home for a short amount of time before coming back until his work visa was approved and he could stay longer.
Life quickly changed when Amanda fell pregnant after 4 months and she decided to drop out of university. This is when things rapidly changed. What Amanda's parents assumed was the honeymoon period of a short relationship, something that would be over with soon and James would move back to the states now became more real. They were furious. Their 18 year old daughter was now pregnant, dropping out of her education and ruining her future in their eyes.
Of course the blame was completely put on James. Her family hated him. It didn't matter how much he tried to convince them he loved their daughter, how much work he did to provide for her and their future baby it was just never good enough.
Josh was born and he was everything they could have ever asked for. However, things weren't so easy for Amanda. She had Post natal depression and really struggled to bond with her baby for at least a year. She was sad, angry and scared to even be alone with her child because she worried what she might do. She blamed Josh, she blamed James, her parents she blamed the world. Her life was ruined and there was no coming back from it. James did whatever he could to help her through this but it was a rough year for all of them.
The next few years were better. Despite what he felt was a constant battle with Josh's grandparents things were on the up, they moved into their own home, money was tight but James did what he could, they got Josh into nursery and then primary school, their little family felt complete and even Amanda was finally happy too. She got herself a part time job that worked around Josh's school hours and at weekends they did family trips to things like water parks, zoo's and more.
This was all until Amanda was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer when Josh was just 9 years old. It was a late diagnosis and she was given treatment to help control the cancer for a number of months, enough to see Josh turn 10 and give him a little party. She was very sick but wanted him to remember something nice around these tough times. They booked out a wacky warehouse for him and his friends, had a nice meal and celebrated and then went home. Amanda only held out for a few more weeks after that until she passed.
James gave her the best send off that he could, stuck around in England for only a few more months after that. Amanda's parents were grieving too but that didn't stop the abuse they still hurled his way, he had never been good enough for their daughter. He packed up their things and moved to Ohio back to his family where he could grieve in peace and give Josh a life without fighting a battle constantly with them.
For a while Josh felt like an outsider. Life was very different here. He didn't sound the same as everyone around him, school felt different, the weather was different, he had no friends and he felt like he didn't fit in. He hardly even knew his family here. These weren't the grandparents he was used to seeing all the time, he'd only really spoke to them over call or through letters and postcards. He had lost his mother and now he was in a completely different country.
A year later Josh's life changed for the better when his dad came home with someone only a few years older than he was. James had found Austin on the streets and brought him in while he tried to figure out where he lived and where his parents were, the story is still a little unclear for Josh as he was so young but from that day on Josh had gained an older brother that he loved and cared for, he looked up to him and was so excited to have him around. Austin's stay went from being here a couple of days to weeks and months until eventually James decided to permanently adopt him into the family.
His school years became a blur once he hit his teens, he became more confident and that probably is down to being around Austin a lot. He didn't feel so alone anymore and that brought him out of his shell here. He started drinking once he hit high school age, became a bit of a class clown and then once girls became a thing he was interested in there was no stopping him.
is a lover of gaming and enjoys bullying kids online ngl
he is a swiftie
started a twitch account that he streams on twice a week, he doesn't have the biggest following but he enjoys it
he was actually was banned from a gta rp server permanently for saying and I quote "fuck you, you're all a bunch of bitches. If you look at me one more time and aim that gun at me one more time I will hit you so hard you land in a whole new server." Then proceeded to hit everyone with his car.
His accent is a bit of a mess to be honest, he still has his northern accent as he grew up for 10 years in England but it's a mixed mess with hints of American now. Sometimes he says things and he sounds extremely English but others the American side comes out since he has been here for so long now.
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strawberrisoulmate · 2 months
ICHIHAN WEDDING DAY !!!!!!!! congrats on your big day!!!! i'm so so happy for y'all 🥺🖤
for the ask game— how about 🏡, 🥂, 👤, and 🍯🌙 to start with? :3
AHHH thank you so much!!! i'm so so happy for us to finally be married!!!! 😭💕💕💕
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💒- are you two getting married outside or inside a certain place?
we got married outside!
ichi didn't really want a big, super fancy wedding (and neither did i tbh) so we just picked a nice spot at a pretty park and got everything set up there! it ended up looking absolutely gorgeous and we couldn't have been happier ♡
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🥂- who gave the first newlywed toast to you and your f/o? did they give a good speech?
the first speech was hinata. he was really excited to go first, and he did a really good job! honestly, i got really emotional hearing everyone's speeches, but his was very sweet 🥺
👤- who’s the best man and maid of honor at your wedding?
haha, you're my maid of honor! of course i wanted to have my best friend, who also was the one to introduce me and ichigo in the first place, as my most special bridesmaid <3
as for the best man, i remember ichi having a bit of a hard time choosing because all of the other guys are his closest friends and we wanted all of them to participate. but eventually, he asked tai to do it. hinata and kazuki still got to be groomsmen though, of course.
🍯🌙- where are you and your f/o going for a special honeymoon spot?
at first, we talked about going on a big trip somewhere like paris or england, but the more we discussed it, the more we wanted to do something a bit simpler and go somewhere we could actually relax and enjoy ourselves instead of trying to fumble around in a different country.
we decided to look up the best hot springs spots, since neither of us have ever actually gone to one before, and settled on a 10-14 day trip to kyushu, where we could visit a few of the hot springs towns and stay in the inns there. specifically ibusuki onsen and beppu onsen grabbed our attention, but we wanted to travel around a bit and enjoy a lot of tourist spots around kyushu as well.
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of course we wanted to have a bit of time after the wedding to relax and celebrate easter with family, so we are going to go on our honeymoon trip starting next week 🥰
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bloodyknucklesforme · 2 years
Don't Blame Me | John 'Soap' MacTavish x Fem!OC
Chapter 8: Renegade
Ao3 | Masterpost
John 'Soap' Mactavish wasn't thrilled to be given an escort mission to bring a young woman halfway across the world to a secret safe house especially when he has to pretend to be her husband. At least she's pretty.
CW: Mentions of Suicide
General Tags: Fake Marriage, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Slow Build, Canon-Typical Violence
Words: 2.4k
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When she woke up again they had let go of each other but moved closer together. The pillow was crushed between them. She could feel his head resting against hers through the shitty fill. Their legs were tangled around each other. She was careful not to wake him up as she got up. She rolled away, letting the pillow fall to its side in her open place. 
She dug through his backpack. She found the combat knife at the bottom. She unsheathed it and left the case on the floor. It was serrated which wasn’t ideal but it would work. She shut the bathroom door behind her. 
They’d washed it out the night before yet her hair still felt heavy. Her bloody shirt was still on the floor of the bathroom. There was blood under her nails, she noticed. Her stomach twisted and she pressed her forehead against the edge of the sink. She turned on the water and used the tip of the knife to scrap underneath her nails. She had to bite down on her cheek to stop herself from shaking too bad. 
The ring had blood on it. She’d kind of forgotten she’d been wearing it all this time. It was embarrassing but she did love it. It made her feel normal like in another world she could be sleeping in a hotel room with her husband. They wouldn’t be running from anything. They’d just be on their honeymoon or some trip. He was a good fake husband. She did her best to scrub the blood from the band and stones. She chewed on her cheek the entire time. 
“You’re going to chew a hole in your face.” Price had said on the plane to England. “It’s okay to cry, Nina. No one’s going to say anything.” 
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, it was just why let other people see you like that when you can bite through it? 
She slipped the ring back on when she was satisfied. She had scratched the band but it wasn’t covered in blood anymore. She stroked her cheek with the back of her hand, letting the stones drag across her cheek. 
She still didn’t feel clean. She could still feel where he had gripped the back of her head before slamming her face to the floor. She grabbed the knife in one hand and pulled her hair back, twisting it up around a finger. She’d cut her hair before, multiple times, anytime it got too much in her way. She hacked at it. The blade wasn’t meant for this kind of work. Chunks of dirty blonde hair fell to the floor around her. It would look awful but it would be something he didn’t touch. It was her’s to control. Something she could grab on to and change. It wouldn’t be taken from her. She would cut away anything that wasn’t her. 
“Nina!” The door slammed open. She yelped and dropped the knife. John was in the doorway, chest heaving. He was pale with a slick of sweat over his body. He looked scared, terrified actually. He looked at her and the hair on the floor and let out a sigh of relief. “Fuckin hell, Neen. You know I thought…fuck… nevermind. I’m sorry.”
She was confused until she remembered the knife case and how she hid in the bathroom. Her heart sank.  He looked at her, taking deep breaths to slow his heart back down. She walked over and hugged him. He was more receptive than she thought he’d be, wrapping an arm around her waist and another coming to rest on the back of her head. He pulled her head into his shoulder. 
“Price would have killed me, ya’know.” He chuckled, adrenaline still rushing through him. 
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” She murmured. 
“I know.” He rested his chin on the top of her head. “Your hair is pretty scary though. If you’d have waited, I would have bought you scissors and maybe a comb.”
He ran his hand through the mess she’d made, strands of hair came out tangled in his fingers. She wanted to stay like this. He was warm and he was still wearing his ring, she could feel the bump of it on her back. 
She looked up at him. He had a scar on his chin, it was hard to see through the stubble. She’d never been this close to him before. She wanted to ask about it, trace over the line with her finger. He broke the embrace before she could. 
“Let’s get you shoes and breakfast, aye?” He clapped her shoulder. “Maybe a shirt, too.”
They didn’t have much to pack anymore so getting out was easy. He pulled the car around while she put her jeans and coat on. 
“C’mere.” He held her by the waist and carried her to the car, her feet just above the ground. She would have been fine walking in the snow for the short distance from the door to the car but it was nice to be held. 
The car was freezing, a small snow drift had appeared in the backseat. She buckled up and curled up the best she could. It took longer this time for him to hotwire it to start. 
“Might have to steal another car,” He grimaced. “Something with heated seats this time.”
She laughed at that which made him smile.
He stopped at another pharmacy, running in and out in minutes. 
“They had slippers, not real shoes but after breakfast, I don’t plan on stopping after that, beyond getting petrol.” He threw a bunch of food and drinks into the backseat as she put on the slippers. They had a rubber sole at least and were soft with white fake fur. He threw her a red long-sleeve shirt with white snowflakes all over it. “It was all they had. Got you scissors too!”
She put it on over the tank top. When they pulled into the diner parking lot she tried to even out her hair using the passenger side mirror. 
“You don’t have to do that now.” He said, standing behind her. His anxiety was buzzing off of him. The tallest thing around them were tall pine trees but that didn’t stop him from looking up, waiting to see if he’d have to tackle her again. 
“I just want to even it out.” She said. It was still going to look like shit but she could try. He helped brush the hair off her before they walked in. 
“Just grab a booth, I’ll be over in a minute,” called the woman behind the counter. They went to the back corner. John sat facing the door, putting his leg up on her seat to cage her in the booth. 
“How are we doing this morn- oh, my god.” The waitress dropped the menus. Nina’s face was still bruised, there were huge blue and purple splotches across her cheek, jaw, and nose. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I just… are you okay?”
“Car accident the other day,” John gestured to his cheek as well. It was a bad lie and she wouldn’t have believed him anyway. 
“Hit my side.” She had to support him somehow. The waitress looked between them nervously as she rubbed her hands.
“Well, here are your menus. Could I get you guys anything to drink?” She handed them two plasticky menus. Nina stared at the drink page. She honestly didn’t know. The coffee and tea from a couple of days prior were the first non-water drinks she’d had in years. She felt her face getting hot. She bit on her cheek again. 
“Coffee for me and she’ll do hot chocolate, extra whip if you have it,” John answered for her. The waitress wrote it down on her pad and said she’d be back to take their food order soon. 
“You’ve had hot chocolate before, right?” He nudged her with his foot playfully. 
“It’s just been a while.” She kept her face buried in the menu. She felt stupid, not being able to order for herself.
“How long?” He was getting adventurous now. Price had told her to stay tight-lipped but John had almost died for her yesterday. She started counting on her fingers. 
“Over ten years probably,” She shrugged. He raised his eyebrows. She might as well get it out. “My dad deserted after my mum and brother died. We moved around a lot but settled in Kyrat after a couple years.”
“Kyrat?” He was being too loud and she shushed him. There weren’t many people in the diner but it wasn’t 
“Yeah, Northwest near Nepal border. Up in the mountains.”
“Haven’t they been in a civil war for almost three decades?”
“It kind of ended a couple of years ago but .” It was partially true. The former dictator had fled but the power vacuum didn’t help stabilize anything. 
“Why Kyrat?” She wasn’t surprised at his shock. Kyrat was a little-known country and anyone who did know about it only knew of the civil war, how it was an insular failed state and had the largest number of wild animal attacks per capita. 
“I don’t know. I was like thirteen.” She didn’t mean to come off as angry as she did. The truth was she was angry. She was angry about how her dad took her, dragged her across the world, and eventually dumped her in a warzone. They lived in an old cabin high in the mountains. They rarely saw other people. In the early years, he would go for a couple of weeks to grab dry goods and other supplies. She was never allowed to leave, too dangerous. Then one time he left and never came back. She would have starved if he hadn’t left a gun for her. She was lucky he’d stocked up on ammo too. 
“Jesus,” He sighed. She could tell by his face he was starting to figure her out. Why she was the way she was. 
“It’s why I don’t understand certain things or know what’s on tv or what the fuck half the shit on this menu is.” She closed the menu and tossed it aside. 
“You didn’t talk to anyone? You or your dad had to go out at some point.”
“There was a sherpa I would trade with every couple of months when he made the trek up or I’d go to a nearby village but it was too dangerous most of the time. My dad? He left when I was fifteen and never came back.” She said it with venom, hoping somewhere he could feel it, if he was still alive. John reached across the table and squeezed her hand. 
“I’m sorry, Neen.” It was the second time he’d called her that. He confused her. Maybe it was the leftover adrenaline from thinking they’d die that caused him up the affection. She wanted to reciprocate but feared a second ‘this is stupid’ talk from him. She turned to look out the diner window and slowly pulled her hand away. 
“You two ready?” The waitress dropped off their drinks. A baby blue mug topped with whip cream sat in front of her. She let John take control again
“You know, this is our first time at an American diner and we’re just kind of lost. We would just love some classics. The most American thing you have.”
“Pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and homefries, you got it.” She grinned before walking off again. She wished she’d just kept quiet. She knew she was weird but she didn’t want to confirm it for him. She had a lot of conflicting feelings about him but she knew she desperately wanted him to like her. In any capacity. 
“I grew up in Glasgow. Have an older sister. My dad passed a couple of years back: heart attack. My maw was very upset that I am missing Christmas this year.” He broke the silence. 
“It’s Christmas?” Her own mum had always loved Christmas. 
“It’s the twenty-second so close.” 
“Oh.” She’d stopped paying attention to dates. Her birthday was next month, she’d be twenty-six. She didn’t want to be that old, not yet. Eleven was the last birthday she celebrated. It was a small affair. Her parents, baby brother, and a couple of other people from the base. Price was there, she remembered that. He got her a couple of fantasy books he said he liked when he was younger. What happened to them? They were left in her room. All her things were. Were they thrown out or moved to storage? Did her grandfather have them? Was he even alive anymore? The only thing she still had from that time was Price and she didn’t even have that anymore. She always lost everything at some point. She didn’t get to pack anything when she left Kyrat. She looked across the table at John, she would lose him too. 
She bit on the inside of her cheek. It was snowing again. The hot chocolate was good. 
“What happened in Chicago?” She asked, mouth full of pancake. If she was going to be talking about her life she wanted to hear about his. She knew he was SAS and there was quite the baggage that came with that. 
“You hit your head harder than I thought if you already forgot about yesterday.” He laughed.
“Before that. You froze up when looking at that building.” She pressed harder. He sucked in a breath and let his fork hit his plate.
“You don’t want to hear about that.” There was a bite to his voice, a gentle warning. She stuck her fingers in his cage.
“I do. Tell me.” She wanted to get bit. They were at a standstill. Her fingers dancing on his side of the bars. “I showed you mine. It’s only fair.”
“Okay,” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Stopped a terrorist attack, almost died. That’s it really.”
“You might have left out a couple things if I’m being honest.” She had him open like a book, she just had to find the right page. 
“He was going to throw me out a window.” He shrugged, acting like it was an everyday occurrence for him. He looked down at his food, his voice got low. “Knew exactly what window it was when I saw it again. It seemed taller at the time.”
“It was a tall building.”
“Yeah…” He was drifting but he snapped back in a blink. “I shouldn’t be telling you any of this. It’s all classified.”
He pushed her plate closer to her. “Eat. It’s gonna be crisps and candy bars from here until we reach the safehouse.”
Book closed. 
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Tag List: @yeyinde @queen-ilmaree @yearningforsappho
LMK if you want to be added for this or any other fic 💗
A/N: I fully stole Kyrat from Far Cry 4. It just fit for the story and I love FC4 so yeah
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📝 for Cori please? (Also sorry about having sent all my previous izombie asks on anon I just take a WHILE to get even close to bold on this hellsite lol)
Don't worry about it hon, whatever makes you comfortable!
Buckle up buttercup! We're gonna do a full rundown top to bottom, even some stuff I haven't talked about yet.
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
Okay so! Blaine and Cori meet when her mother brings her to Seattle on a business trip when she was eight and he was 13. While their parents are in meetings they would hang out. He would get her in trouble with him, and a bond is formed.
As they grow up they keep in contact, emails, online chats, and video calls. Once she gets her associates, he convinces her to move out west to be with him.
He'd spent time out in New England with her during college, mostly crashing on the couch in her dorm and watching her play hockey.
Their romantic/sexual relationship is on and off again for a long time because Blaine has major commitment issues.
Then he turns her into a zombie due to his lack of self-control and he takes that as a sign that he should commit.
He tries to keep her away from some of the darker things he does, but she seems pretty much fine with it.
He gets cured and forgets her, and while he fakes his amnesia she actually moves in with Ravi and Major since she has nowhere else to go.
She and Ravi get to be really close friends and the others warm up to her too. Except for Peyton because everytime Cori sees her she wants to cave her skull in for sleeping with her boyfriend (And holding a relationship with him).
After a couple weeks, he tells he was faking and she finally gets so mad at him that she tells him she never wants to see him again. A little while later Cori gets wasted at a bar and when Major and Ravi don't answer the phone, she drunkenly calls Blaine. She wakes up the next morning, she doesn't know how she got home and she's human.
She eventually moves into her own place and distances herself from the whole zombie thing until she's snatched by Harley and his group of zombie truthers to be used as bait to get a starved Don E to rage more for the camera.
While Blaine and Liv save them, Cori gets shot and insists that Blaine not turn her. But he does it anyway after she bleeds out in his arms because, like I said, he has no self-control.
It takes a bit but they finally get back together like they were.
She helps him run the bar, becoming a co-owner of both The Scratching Post and Romeros.
About mid-season 4 Blaine finds two zombie kids rummaging through the trashcans outside the club and when he tries to get them to leave and starts threatening them Cori gets pissed and brings them inside.
They basically adopt them.
Sometime during the six months between seasons and five he proposes. She keeps him from hunting down sick kids to sell after she finds out why Darcy is hanging around.
Darcy and Don E get married before Cori and Blaine do because they're waiting until they can take a real honeymoon out side of the wall.
They did entertain the idea of planning their own kidnapping and curing to get out, but it's not as doable with the kids.
At some point Blaine sends her mom a save-the-date just to rub it in that even after cutting her off Cori still chose him.
She later surprises them by paying out the ass to show up in Seattle to convince her to leave him.
And.... that's about as far as I have so far. Maybe they move out East at some point to take over her mom's company?
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magdasabs · 2 years
The secrets of the national football team: You did not know about the European Championship stars
CHESTER. The Swedish national football team is in England in search of European Championship gold. But what do we really know about the Swedish stars?Sportbladet has, with the help of people in and around the team, found out things you probably did not know about the players in the team.
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Hedvig Lindahl
Has sung the national anthem outside a large food chain in Kristianstad after solemnly proclaiming who she was. Wearing a shirt that is far too short. After all, it was on her honeymoon. Likes to dance when no one is watching but has also danced on car roofs for Billy Idol. Likes to write and is no stranger to taking a stand.
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Jennifer Falk
"Falken" likes animals very much and has wondered if she should not get a farm. Until she realized that there is probably a little more work with all the animals than just walking around and petting them. So to the question of what she would work with if she were not a football professional, the answer is not a farmer anyway, but a veterinarian.Then she sits inside a hidden talent, which she at first does not want to reveal. She can make a sound with her mouth. It sounds like a horn and according to her own statement, people usually find it most annoying. If she does not honk a song for children, of course. Then it is always appreciated.
Zecira Musovic
The goalkeeper is happy to clean on match days, but it does not end there. She is also involved when it comes to waste sorting. After moving to England, she has been close to plastering signs to instruct her fellow human beings on how to sort rubbish. Can also play guitar. Something that surprised several of the players when she checked in on the European Championship trip with a guitar case.
Hanna Glas
Keeps order in the collective at the Olympics. A bit of the police in that gang. A person who never has long to a smile. Together with Magdalena Eriksson and Hedvig Lindahl, is the one who spends the most time on video analysis. Loves to tinker with the ball and is one of the best dancers in the national team. A real dancing queen according to her teammates.
Emma Kullberg
She's terribly pedantic. It is not possible to move anything at her home without her discovering it. Not even five inches. She notices that immediately. Is also currently educated and made sure that Filippa Angeldahl and Nathalie Björn went on holiday.
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Magdalena Eriksson
Gets stuck very easily in TV series, which often leads to her watching them stretch. Game of Thrones is just one of the series she has been obsessed with in recent years. Ended up in a messy situation when she was going to meet one of her girlfriend Pernille Harder's best friends for the first time. Eriksson would explain that she had not skied in seven years. But we all know that it can be complicated with Danish and it ended with Magda saying that she had not shit in seven years.
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Nathalie Björn
The national team's own DJ. Got a DJ outfit as a 25-year present and the one who manages the party at the national team hotel and in the locker room (with the help of Caroline Seger and Zecira Musovic). Her dream job is autopsy and if you ask about a hidden talent, she is happy to show off the mask. A lot of games are played during the national team gatherings as well and it is said that "Nattis" as she is called loves games, but the games do not love her...
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Amanda Ilestedt
Appreciates hanging out in nature in her free time when she is at home in Sweden. Has acquired a cottage in his old home areas around Sölvesborg, Also has a hunting degree, although in recent times it has not been used so frequently. Likes to try new dishes, have tried both frogs and snails in Paris.
Linda Sembrant
Is a bastard skating. Sure, it was a while ago now but the midfielder was doing figure skating for seven years and also has a past as a bandy player.
Jonna Andersson
According to information, the strong left-back is more fun than you think. Teammates testify that Andersson is quick in the mouth and has answers to speeches.
Amanda Nilden
Vänsterbacken comes from a real sports family. Little sister Matilda plays in the F-19 national team and AIK in the Damallsvenskan while little brother Charlie is big on TikTok and runs the account Fotboll24. With that in mind, it's not so strange that the choice fell on football, but it's not the only sport that Nildén is good at. She played the Swedish Championships in table tennis when she was younger, so if anyone wants resistance at the ping pong table, challenge Nildén.
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Caroline Seger
That the Swedish team captain is a person who wants order and order, no one has missed at this point? Friends are almost afraid to eat when they are at Seger's house, because if they spill or crumble, she is right in front of the vacuum cleaner and cleans away. The most important thing in the pack for England is her nail mat. And chewing gum of course. Victory chews chewing gum constantly and can take one before they get on the bus to the match and spit it out only when the match is over a sisädär 4-5 hours later. Would like to become a police officer after his career.
Kosovare Asllani
Says herself that she is obsessed with her hair. It's the star's man. Very interested in fashion and beauty. Superstitious is the Swedish superstar as well. She must wear something white when she enters the pitch and preferably enters with her right foot first. Be early to test professional life in the US and did not even tell their family, they got to read it in the newspapers. Dreaming of living in New York.
Filippa Angeldahl
Often last down to breakfast with childhood friend Nathalie Björn. Can count to five in Chinese, she thinks at least. Called "Ippe" a nickname that is a variant of Pippi, as the midfielder wanted to be Astrid Lindgren's character as a youngster.
Hanna Bennison
Youngest in the national team. Usually placed next to Caroline Seger in the dressing room. There is a lot of sport in the talent's life and if she gets free time she likes to play basketball or paddle. A bit problematic with the move to England just because there are hardly any paddle courts there ...
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Elin Rubensson
In addition to football, Elin Rubensson likes to devote herself to interior design. Some may already know this, considering that she runs an Instagram account with a focus on just that. There is also a piano sometimes and the fact is that Rubensson is good at playing it. She also played the flute when she was young. Another profession, which alludes to the interest in interior design, that Rubensson could imagine is a broker.
Sofia Jakobsson
Interested in fashion. So maybe some people are surprised when teammates testify that Jakobsson keeps a close eye on trees. She can apparently point everyone out. Something her father taught her.Was very good at athletics when she was younger. Above all, long jump, high jump and running, so maybe she could have become a new Carolina Klüft if she had not chosen football. After all, she went to high school in Växjö during Klüft's heyday.
Johanna Rytting Kaneryd
The explosive right rider may be a championship debutant, but she comes in with speed and fan in the gang. She likes to listen to Swedish hip hop and she has two hidden talents. "Jojo", as she is called, can both wave her ears and dance belly dance. If it is European Championship gold, she promises to offer a belly dance.
Stina Blackstenius
A winning skull without equal. Has often ended up in duels with big brother Oscar and little sister Nina. Among other things, there is a scar just above her left eyebrow that testifies to when she would do a jump nod á la Henrik Larsson in the kitchen. It just happened to be a kitchen chair in the way...
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Rebecka Blomqvist
As a child, Blomqvist had his career ready for him. She was to become a hockey professional in Germany. Now she is admittedly a professional in Wolfsburg, but not in hockey. And luckily for her, she can barely skate. However, she is good at riding and has competed in horse jumping.
Lina Hurtig
Is according to his own statement not very good at much. At home, it is Mrs. Lisa who is in charge of the food, but it seems that Lina is very helpful when it comes to both cleaning and dishes. Unclear what it would look like at home with the couple Hurtig without her. I like to play golf and would have liked to have become a golf professional if it had not been for football. Driving a car, on the other hand, she is at least the best in the family at. During a trip abroad, Hurtig got a fever. Woke up at 23 completely convinced it was time to check out. If she was met by surprised looks at the reception? Jajamen.
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Fridolina Rolfö
The Barcelona star goes to sleep. Rolfö is a connoisseur who likes food and trying new restaurants. Among other things, she has eaten zebra at an African restaurant in Munich, but prefers to avoid caviar. Has a past in banking and may be a future sports director, but we hope it will take a few more years.
Olivia Schough
No one has missed that she can sing, has she? She's obsessed with laughing. If anyone is wondering where she is during a national team gathering, the safest place to look is with the physiotherapists. Schough is said to be the one who spends the most time there, and who does not like a nice massage?
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
I’m honestly surprised reader and her family haven’t made a trip down to Stratford-upon-Avon. Shakespeare’s birthplace and where his tomb stone is (the curse he put on his tombstone…epic) I feel like reader and her dad would have a nerd freak out and Tara would just be in the back with readers brother like “let’s go find one of the candy shops around here” only for readers brother to correct her “I believe they call them sweets around here” 😂😂
(ok but Tara later on doing that as like a honeymoon present or like a engagement present. Like why don’t we go to England? (There is plenty for Tara to enjoy other than Shakespeare)
i can imagine tara thinking she's so smart and cool for taking R to london to see all of the shakespeare things and R is just standing there like...i've seen all this shit five times already
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queermediastudies · 2 years
Wait, Stanley Tucci is straight?! Starring in a movie with Mr. Darcy. *Supernova*
*Trigger Warning: Suicide*
Supernova came out in 2021, starring Stanley Tucci and Colin Firth. The movie is about a long-term couple, in the movie does not say if they were married, Sam (Colin Firth) and Tusker (Stanley Tucci). Sam is a Pianist and music composer, and Tusker, an American and well-known writer as well as an amateur astronomer, they are both on a road trip in their camper van, driving around countryside England and visiting family along the way.  We find out that Tusker is diagnosed with early-onset dementia. One of the scenes they have to show their chemistry is at a diner, and Tusker tells the waitress, “You can ask for an autograph if you want to.” But Tusker wants Sam to have one last performance of him playing the piano before he starts to lose memory. Sam wants Tusker to write again.
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In Sam’s childhood home, visiting his siblings and their family, they all know Tusker has dementia. While they all the dinner together, family and friends, Tusker has a speech he wants to talk about, but he forgets, and Sam steps in. While everyone is talking, Sam talks to a friend and tells him, “Tusker cannot write anymore.” A bit hurt, Sam, goes to their camper van and discovers Tuskers is not taking his medicine, and something about Tusker later in the film is shown. While driving, Sam keeps talking about places they could go live and medicine to help him get better. In a heated argument, Sam pulls out a cassette tape they talk to and plays it. It is a goodbye note that Tusker made he planned on committing suicide. Tusker caves in and say he wants to do this because he is losing control and does not want that for himself or Sam. They both agree, while Sam does not want him to leave, that Tusker will commit suicide. Ends the film with Sam playing on the piano, with a piece Tusker loves. Supernova shows that a queer film could talk about the sad realities of many straight couples. deal with from old age. Does this movie also cross lines of straight cis men playing gay roles, whilst the queer production behind the camera was not coming from queer people?
The movie doesn’t talk about coming out. This movie gives a perspective of older long-term couples and making decisions that could affect both. We see movies like “Me Before You” where the main character dies because it was his choice, and we feel how sad the female character loved him and is sad. In an article called them, they had an article talking about Supernova “This isn’t a film about “coming out” or the struggles of being gay, and thus, there is less of a need for that “lived experience” to provide authenticity” (Michael Cuby, N. K. 2021). We know how in Hollywood it’s hard for queer actors to find LGBTQ+ roles, but then we see Hollywood cast straight cis-gendered people to play those roles. Again, this movie goes through the hard time's Sam and Tusker must go through together as a couple. The writer and director of this movie, Harry MacQueen, stated that he envisioned a gay couple for the film. As we don’t have many movies like that now. Tusker starts to feel like he is losing control of his life he tells Sam, “I don’t want to lose control.” It shows the ‘honeymoon’ era of a relationship where it’s just them being themselves. It’s sad that Sam did not want to lose Tusker like that, but in the end, it was his choice. He wanted them to grieve when he was dead, not alive, but his mind was dead. Although this movie is rated R, there are no sex scenes, just the two holding hands. Many of the reviews from looking in google many people have said mainly talked about how it talks about dementia and shows the love they have for each other.
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Stanley Tucci, an academy award nominee, has previously played a gay role, Nigel, from “The Devil Wears Prada” but is, in fact, a straight cis man. Colin Firth, the academy award winner, played a gay role in “A Single Man.” This circles back to the fact are ok for straight cis people to play not only gay roles but trans roles. “Scarlett Johansson being cast as a trans woman in the film Rub&Tug” is talked about in the article “Pose(r): Ryan Murphy, Trans people of color.” In the same article, the company Them wrote, “When is it ok for straight actors to play gay?” Two of their cultural critics talk about that. One key thing is there are struggling LGBTQ+ actors trying to find roles. Harry Macqueen said that he envisioned both Tucci and Firth to play in his movie, maybe because they are well-known actors in Hollywood. He told Pinknews.com, “I think Colin and Stanley were the best for the roles. That’s just a certainly for me”( Kelleher, P. 2021), or is it that Stanley and Colin have been friends for over twenty years? Harry has gotten backlash but was confident in his choices of playing Sam and Tusker.  "Them," the website said something else striking “The reason we don’t have a big corral of bankable, openly LGBTQ+ stars are that they haven’t been granted the same opportunities because producers think they won’t sell tickets. And those stars won’t get made until they get a chance to prove producers wrong. That’s why someone like Jodi Foster came out so late in her career, for fear of missing out on opportunities. I do think that’s changing, but clearly, we’re not there yet.” (Michael Cuby, N. K.  2021)  But many were fans of Colin and Stanley and were staring at a film together. At the end of the day, for films like this, it comes down to Queer Production.
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(Harry Macqueen and Colin Firth pictured above)
While watching the movie, I kept thinking in the back of my head, ‘what would happen if it was just a heteronormative relationship what would happen? The movie rating would change from R to PG-13 the box office would have higher ratings.  The box office numbers for Supernova were $681,605. This still came out in lockdown many theaters were slowly opening. A film called “Still Alice,” a heteronormative relationship but struggling with early onset Alzheimer’s, made $44.65 million at the box office. While reading the PinkNews.com of Harry Macqueen, writer, and director of the film. While writing the film, he knew he wanted to portray a gay couple, “Macqueen stopped himself early on and questioned why he was naturally gravitating towards creating a film about a heterosexual couple”( Kelleher, P. 2021), then he wrote a gay couple.  He was saying it was love, how it has no gender or anything that we put into a box, and it was universal, and we could understand it and feel the pain of Tusker and Sam. I looked further into the research of the cast and crew no one is from the LBGTQ+ community.
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Supernova shows that a queer film could talk about the sad realities many straight couples deal with from old age. Does this movie also cross lines of straight cis men playing gay roles, whilst the queer production behind the camera was not coming from queer people? Seeing newer queer movies showing how important it is to come out, this film shows how hard it is to lose someone you knew and loved very much. I personally think that this movie would’ve done great if Harry had hired Queer actors for the film or any of the crew to help produce the film. Supernova is a great film that captures a queer romance in a new light and shows love, compassion, and loss hopefully, everyone understands from the film if they have lost someone from dementia.
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Kelleher, P. (2021, June 25). Supernova director defends casting Colin Firth, Stanley Tucci in gay drama. PinkNews. Retrieved November 3, 2022, from https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2021/06/25/supernova-director-harry-macqueen-colin-firth-stanley-tucci-dementia-gay-lgbt/
Michael Cuby, N. K. (2021, January 29). "Supernova" raises the question: When is it okay for straight actors to play gay? Them. Retrieved November 3, 2022, from https://www.them.us/story/supernova-straight-actors-play-gay-discussion-colin-firth-stanley-tucci
Pose(R):  Ryan Murphy, in the article, talks of how Scarlett Johansson
Pose(r):Ryan Murphy, Trans and Queer of Color Labor, and the Politics of Representation. (2018, August 2). Los
Angeles Review of Books.
By: Aurora Alonso
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10 People You Want to Know Better
Thanks so much for tagging me @authorlaurawinter ❤️
Relationship Status: Engaged! The wedding is two weeks away (AHHHH)
Favorite Color(s): Burgundy, dark green, rusty orange
Favorite Food: For dinner, stir fry or a veggie-heavy dish like that; for sweets, chocolate all the way
Song Stuck in My Head: None currently! Usually a song I’m learning for storytime in the library
Last thing you Googled: I was searching for storytime themes and ideas this morning for work
Time: 3:10pm
Dream Trip: A trip around the UK, to Scotland, Ireland, England, etc. (hello honeymoon 2023)
Last Thing You Read: Today I’m blasting through The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: I finished Spells for Forgetting by Adrienne Young last night and ADORED it
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: I love making chocolate chip cookies! And recently I’ve loved making this Thai red curry soup
Favorite Craft to do in Your Freetime: Cross-stitching! I find it so calming
Most Niche Dislike: People chewing 🤢
Opinion on Circuses: Dislike
Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: No! Hahaha I’m awful with direction but totally fine with following my phone...which I do no matter where I’m going
If you see this, please do it and tag me! I will just tag a few (if you feel so inclined): @books-and-cookies @just0nemorepage @coffeebooksorme
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spine-buster · 2 years
Any chance when you come back you'll do a little blurb on all of our favorite couples and how they would do a one month European vaca??
I can do this now!!! I still have the night free lol
Morgan and Bee: Morgan brings Bee honeymoon in Italy. They start in Lake Como and then down to southern Italy so she can see the giant lemons. Sorrento, Positano, Capri etc. Their honeymoon is roughly a month so that's how they'd spend it!
Fred and Aleida: usually when Fred and Aleida go to Europe for a month or more they stay in Denmark, but there is one summer where they spend it in Spain; another year they spend it in the French Riviera; another in the Italian Riviera...Fred and Aleida are the type of people to rent a house as a base and then live like the locals, doing day trips here and there to other little towns or beaches around.
William and Aberdeen: again, usually when Willy and Aberdeen go to Europe for a month or more, they're in Sweden. However, due to Aberdeen's family's roots in Northern Ireland/Scotland, they definitely do a British Isles trip one year, spending an extended amount of time there. They start in London and work their way north before taking a ferry over to Belfast, visiting Derry, and ending off in Dublin.
Elias and Svea: their honeymoon is in Vienna and Austria -- Svea could easily spend a month somewhere like that. Svea, Elias, Brock, and Grace also island hop in Greece, especially before the Boeser Bouquet is born.
Brock and Grace: island hopping in Greece. They could easily, easily do that for an entire month.
Tyler and Tehilah: I could definitely see them island hopping in Greece too, but I also think I could see them somewhere fun like Amsterdam!
Matthew and Effie: lol.....Effie. Oh Effie. She wants to do the off-the-beaten-path things in Europe. She would take a month-long Norwegian fjord cruise and see the midnight sun (which she and Matthew do). She would want to visit Belgium for an entire month (which she and Matthew do). When she learns more about World War Two she wants to spend time in Northern France and visit all the cold, windy D-Day beaches (which she and Matthew do). See the theme in the brackets? Matthew indulges her with whatever she wants while all his buddies are galavanting in the hotter climates because the smile on Effie's face is better than any of that.
Jacob and Geneviève: they could easily spend a month in France, or England (especially considering Geneviève's history in those places), or of course Sweden, but surprise surprise: they also both love Switzerland!
Rasmus and Lusine: Sweden is an obvious one. They go back to Germany a lot because Lusine does really fall in love with the country after her summer abroad. They also really love having hot boy and hot girl summers in Portugal!
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Discover the Enchanting England Honeymoon Packages and Set Out on a Romantic Journey.
Selecting the ideal location for your honeymoon is essential to making enduring memories because it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience. England seems like the perfect destination for a honeymoon because of its romantic charm, varied scenery, and rich history. This study delves into the appeal of honeymoon packages in England, which combine opulent lodgings, scenic scenery, and historical sites to provide the ideal romantic getaway.
1. London Romance: Love Affair in the Capital
a. Extravagance Remain in the City of London
Start your adventure by booking a room in one of London's opulent hotels. Take in world-class cuisine, tour famous sites like Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London, and fully immerse yourself in the dynamic city life. Your honeymoon will get off to a stylish and culturally rich start thanks to London.
b. A romantic boat ride on the Thames
Take a private Thames River cruise to heighten the romance. Admire breath-taking views of famous sites like St. Paul's Cathedral and the London Eye as you sail by the glistening cityscape. Enjoy the magical atmosphere as the sun sets and make memories that will last a lifetime.
2. A Rural Getaway: Peaceful Sceneries and Serenity
a. The Cotswolds: A Stunning Getaway
Take a vacation to the peaceful splendor of the Cotswolds, a region known for its picturesque villages, thatched cottages, and rolling hills. Pick between an opulent spa resort or a quaint bed and breakfast located in the center of this picturesque area. Take leisurely walks with your significant other, discover charming towns, and cherish private moments amid the splendor of nature.
b. A Romantic Lake District
Seek inspiration for your poetry in the Lake District. Stay in a lovely lakeside cottage, go for a romantic walk among verdant surroundings and take a lakeside cruise. The Lake District is the ideal location for a romantic get-together because it offers privacy and spectacular views.
3. Romance in History: Castles and Legends
a. Take a Room in a Castle
Staying a night in a historic castle will allow you to fully appreciate England's regal grandeur. England is home to many castles that have been converted into luxurious hotels where you may live like a king or queen. Take in the romance of a bygone age, explore historic halls, and have candlelit meals to create a one-of-a-kind honeymoon experience.
b. Go to the Birthplace of Shakespeare
Stratford-upon-Avon is a must-visit destination for book lovers. Explore William Shakespeare's birthplace and the quaint streets designed in the Tudor style, following in his footsteps. This historic town's charming atmosphere serves as the setting for an unforgettable cultural experience.
4. Coastal Bliss: Calm by the Sea
a.Cornwall: An Adorable Beach Retreat
Travel to Cornwall to enjoy a romantic seaside getaway. Take leisurely strolls along the sandy beaches, discover secret coves, and rent a riverfront house with expansive views. A honeymoon full of peace and romantic seaside settings may be had in Cornwall, a region known for its untamed coastline and quaint seaside towns.
b. Take a picturesque drive around the Jurassic Coast
Set out on a romantic road trip along the UNESCO-listed Jurassic Coast. Admire the striking cliffs, charming bays, and beaches abundant in fossils. With the breathtaking English coastline as a backdrop, make treasured moments while visiting charming coastal villages and dining on seafood.
In summary
A honeymoon trip to England offers a variety of experiences, from the busy streets of London to the serene countryside and the allure of romantic coastal getaways. Whether you're looking for historical charm, scenic beauty, or cultural enrichment, England offers the ideal backdrop for designing a honeymoon that reflects your individual love tale. Select a romantic journey itinerary that speaks to your desires and allow England's enchantment to work its spell.
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wonderfulweddingsltd · 6 months
Do you know why honeymoon is called honeymoon? Definitely beyond your imagination
In fact, the word honeymoon originated in England before 500 BC. At that time, England was still in a relatively barbaric society. There was a popular custom among the Duodun people, that is, any Duodun man could snatch a bride. The girl he likes becomes his wife.
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In order to avoid this embarrassment, during the wedding period, many people took his wife to another place to live a secluded life. Because grapes had not been cultivated in England at that time, there was no wine yet, but honeycombs could be seen everywhere. The British have had the habit of drinking alcohol since ancient times. They often turned honey into mead. Teutonic newlyweds drank this wine for three meals a day during their seclusion. This is how the term "honeymoon" began.
At the beginning of the sixth century, Alice, the daughter of the leader of the British Kirket tribe, loved to eat honey since she was a child. She was very beautiful. The princes who proposed to marry her knew that Alice liked honey, so they specially sent a large amount of high-quality honey. Later, Alice fell in love with one of the princes and planned to get married. Alice asked the cook to turn honey into wine. At the wedding banquet, everyone drank fragrant and sweet mead and praised it repeatedly. The newlyweds drank the remaining wine for another month. From then on, local people also drank mead in the first month of marriage. Mead is sweet and sweet, symbolizing the happy life of newlyweds. Later, after drinking mead on the festive night, the newlyweds began their month-long journey the next day. People call the newlyweds drinking mead and traveling in the first month of marriage "honeymoon", which is a "sweet" legend.
In the fourth century BC, the Teutons lived in Europe near the mouth of the Elbe River and the coast of the North Sea. Teutonic young men and women have a habit when they get married. Starting from the wedding day, they drink several cups of sugar water or wine made from honey every day to symbolize happiness and beauty. At the same time, they had to travel for thirty days, which was exactly one month, so they called the first month after marriage "honeymoon". This custom gradually spread throughout Europe and soon became popular all over the world. Nowadays, "honeymoon" has become the first step for newlyweds to become life partners. It does not necessarily last for thirty days, but depends on the living environment of the newlyweds and other circumstances. During the wedding vacation, you can visit relatives and friends, and travel to tourist destinations. The unforgettable and beautiful time is something that the newlyweds will never forget.
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Those are the three possible sources for honeymoons. Can you guess it? Today, honeymoons have been around for a long time. Every couple seems to need a honeymoon trip, but whether they go to the beach, snowy mountains or a small town, the most important thing is always to be with the one they love. Not only at the beginning of marriage, but at any time in their life.
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amberfaber40 · 1 year
How to Take Amazing Photos of Yourself as a Solo Traveller! | solosophie
How to Take Amazing Photos of Yourself as a Solo Traveller! | solosophie
Taking photos of yourself as a solo traveller can be easy if you know how to! Here's how to take amazing travel photos of yourself solo...
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50 Times People Shared Their Travel Photos Because They Turned Out Terrible (New Pics)
Take a vacation, they said, it will be fun, they said. Except if it’s not. Because the truth is, no matter what the pitch-perfect shots on social media show, what the travel blogs tell you, what the summer getaway packages promise you, no one is safe from their holiday going from ripe to sour in no time.
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The 5 Best Photo Locations In Santorini, Greece - alexandra taylor
I've put together a guide of the 5 best photo locations in Santorini to make sure you don't miss out on any perfect photo opportunities while you're here.
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Essential Hanoi: Quintessential Scenes From Vietnam’s Capital City
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How to Take Amazing Travel Photos - Tips From a Professional Travel Photographer
No matter what camera you're using, these travel photography tips will help you level up your photography game and take better travel photos!
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Ultimate Travel Guide to Zakynthos — Backpack With Me
Do you ever stress out about money and then accidentally book a flight to Zakynthos? No? Just me then? England has been lacking in sunshine lately (shocker, right?), so after a last-minute change in our schedule, Dom and I decided it was time to embark on an impromptu island getaway. Lucky for us,
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Visit the world-famous Louvre Museum in Paris
Day 1: All Around the Eiffel Tower Channel your inner ‘Emily in Paris’ and start your day with a delicious coffee and freshly baked croissant at a
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South of France Travel Photos — Destination Wedding Blog, Honeymoon, Travel - Trendy Bride
South of France Travel Photos. I recently flew to the South of France and was taken by the pastel-colored buildings, tiny inset towns, and appreciation for keeping things just as they are without home owner's association regulations
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Things to do in Uruguay: Ultimate Travel Guide 2020
You might have guessed by now that I fell in love with Peru during our visit! From our epic hike to Rainbow Mountain, climbing the impressive Huayna Picchu and taking the Andean Explorer from Puno to Cusco.
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13084 shares Share Tweet Last Updated on 2nd March 2023 by Sophie Nadeau Often I am asked by family and friends (and occasionally via Instagram) how I have so many photos of myself solo considering how often I travel alone. Whether it’s day trips or longer stints, I often like to have a few keepsakes in the form of photos; I am part of generation selfie, after all! Here are some ideas for taking photos of yourself as a solo traveller:Ready to embark on your first trip alone? Here’s how to start planning your first solo trip and how to dine out alone as a solo traveller.ContentsWays to take photos of yourself when you’re travelling alone #1 Ask strangers to take photos of you #2 Only take pictures of your hands/ feet #3 Purchase that selfie Stick! #4 Ask friends and family #5 Go old school and use a tripod #6 Be creative and use mirrors and other reflective surfaces #7 Include no people at all! How to take photos with no one else in them Head out earlier in the day Choose your angles wisely Cropping is key! My camera equipment for solo female travel photography Enjoyed reading this guide to Taking Photos of Yourself as a Solo Traveller? Pin it now, read it again later: Ways to take photos of yourself when you’re travelling alone#1 Ask strangers to take photos of youEver heard the saying ‘don’t ask and you won’t get’? Well, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with asking someone to take a photo of you and it’s a great way to force yourself out of your comfort zone. In fact, asking strangers to take your photo is also a great way to strike up a conversation and even make new friends in the process.When I was in Italy, I ended up going for ice cream with someone I had only asked to take my photo! Considering that I still struggle to use my camera six months after purchasing it, I always always always set the camera to auto before handing it over to someone else to make it easier to just point and click.If I want a more complicated photo, then I often ask people who are carrying their own cameras and give them an idea of how I’d like the picture to be framed. I don’t ask for too much though… they are doing me a favour, after all!#2 Only take pictures of your hands/ feetSometimes I like to have my left hand (my right hand is always holding the camera- obviously) in the frame, holding a keepsake or instax photo. Other times, if I want to add something a little more vintage, I’ll include a vintage postcard in the snap.If none of these things work, then I might dip my feet in the water, or, in the case of the photo below, rest my feet on the grass. This way, photos still have a ‘human touch’ to them without feeling too staged!#3 Purchase that selfie Stick!Yes, I am a proud owner of a selfie stick. So sue me. I’m a proud perpetrator of the trend that is here to stay. So prolific is the use of this annoyance that signs have been put up in various monuments around Paris asking people not to use them (to avoid selfie-stick related injuries).#4 Ask friends and familyOf all the ways of taking photos of yourself as a solo traveller, this is probably the least expected. However, I don’t always travel on my own and I’m sure you don’t either!In fact, some of my favourite travel memories have been when I’ve been able to share them with friends and family. The picture below was taken by my cousin on a recent trip to Versailles.#5 Go old school and use a tripod‘How vintage’ I hear you say. Everyone has heard the expression ‘if you want something done, do it yourself’ and taking photos of yourself as a solo traveller is no exception!Because, if you want a photo exactly to your specifications; dimension, focus, ISO etc. etc, asking anyone else is not going to cut it. When you have a vision in mind for your photo, returning to the original method for taking selfies is the only way to go!My camera has a smartphone app where I can control my camera remotely from my smartphone. This has proved SUPER useful in situations where I want to be in the frame.My favourite thing about using a tripod is that you can get really creative. For this shot, I set the camera to a six-second shutter speed and then stood reaaaalllly still in front of the carousel!#6 Be creative and use mirrors and other reflective surfacesGet creative; some of my favourite shots have been in puddles, convex mirrors etc. This vintage mirror in the Louvre provided the perfect opportunity for some selfie fun.#7 Include no people at all!When you’re taking photos, you don’t always have to include someone in the frame. Just because you’re taking photos of yourself as a solo traveller, doesn’t mean you always have to be in the shot! Although I often like to have someone in the photo to frame the shot/ have photos of myself travelling, sometimes having no one in the shot makes for the best photograph.How to take photos with no one else in themAnother gripe of many budding photographers is that they’ll often find their photos to be full of other people! Obviously if you want photos of yourself, you don’t want too many other people in the backdrop of your shot. Luckily, there are a number of tips and tricks you can implement to avoid getting too many people in the frame.Head out earlier in the dayHeading out earlier in the day is an easy way to ensure that you’ll be able to capture your photo with fewer people. This is especially the case in more popular destinations. For example, I’ve said it before and no doubt I’ll say it again: if you want to see golden hour in Paris, then you simply must make sure to visit Trocadero in the morning as opposed to during the evening!Choose your angles wiselyYet another expert tip for taking photos with fewer people in them is to simply choose your angles better. Avoid getting busy walkways and instead try and include more sky and fewer roads. You could also consider adjusting the frame so that there is more sky in the photo!Cropping is key!Similarly to choosing your angles wisely, another key element for ensuring less people in your solo travel photos is to crop the photo. For example, if there’s someone just at the edge of the frame, then you can easily crop it so that there’s no one left!My camera equipment for solo female travel photographySony A6000: I’ve been using the Sony A6000 for just over three years now. It’s the first camera I’ve ever bought and I’ve been more than impressed with its versatility. As it’s a compact mirrorless camera, it affords the same quality of photos as a traditional full-frame camera without the weight of having all of those mirrors. Perfect for someone who’s always travelling alone!16-70 mm Vario-Tessar Lens: While the kit lens the Sony A6000 comes with is a great beginners lens, it doesn’t have the same quality or sharpness around the edges that you may well want in the future. And while hte 16-70 mm is a little on the pricey side, its clarity more than makes up for the cost.DJI Spark: For those wishing to capture more unusual photos, I highly recommend investing in a drone. I bought my DJI Spark in a sale a little while ago, and while I’m still learning how to manoeuvre it correctly, it’s provided me with some beautiful aerial footage thus far!Instax mini 9: If you’re looking for a more permanent and physical way to capture all of those photographs, I highly recommend purchasing an Instax Camera. Pretty and cute, the photos that come out of this vintage looking camera are perfect for your desk wall, or simply as a keepsake in your purse!Enjoyed reading this guide to Taking Photos of Yourself as a Solo Traveller? Pin it now, read it again later:Sophie Nadeau loves dogs, books, travel, pizza, and history. A fan of all things France related, she runs solosophie.com when she’s not chasing after the next sunset shot or consuming something sweet. She currently splits her time between Paris and London. Subscribe to Sophie’s YouTube Channel. 13084 shares Share Tweet
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