#the i still care about you i hope youre doing better now i hope we never fucking meet again
mochinomnoms · 2 days
*slams open door*
Mochi! Mochi! I have an idea.
So a troupe I see on pixiv fanart is a character swapping with their future selves. I saw one where Azul wakes up in bed with his future wife Yuu and she's teased him because she can tell it's past Azul and he doesn't recognize her. She gives him a hint how to recognize her by some birthmarks she has on her chest.
I've seen a couple artists do it with Floyd as well, and a fanfic with past and future Yuu swapping with each other and poor younger Malleus is overwhelmed because OMG this beautiful woman is flirting with me and she's my future wife? There's something hilarious about the younger guys just not knowing how to handle the future version of Yuu.
So now I'm thinking how funny it would be for Past!PTMYuu swapping places with future!PTMYuu. Like P!Yuu wakes up in an unknown house in somebody's bed and confused as fuck and gets even more confused because suddenly these little kids are running in, telling Mommy it's time to get up and Yuu's like, who's mommy? Then who should walk in but Jade telling the kids to let Mommy rest and then he notices that the Yuu in their bedroom is not his wife(Yuu's still wearing her NRC uniform and shouldn't fit it anymore after getting older and having kids) and ohh he's going to have fun with this. He'll start in with the thoughts "ohh my beautiful pearl was absolutely adorable back at NRC, look at how tiny and cute you were, I know you can hear me pearl..." And fuck he knows about her telepathy. Poor Yuu overloads with the fact that Jade actually married her, they have kids, and is still so damn in love with her as he was at NRC.
Meanwhile F!Yuu is back at Past NRC and is calming down Yuu's friends. No, your Yuu is fine. If I'm right she's with my husband and kids right now and he'll take care of her. Some of the cast are obviously curious about Yuu's husband and F!Yuu is all "nah... sorry I can't say, don't wanna mess with the future." and of course the one who wants to know the most is Jade. F!Yuu is laughing to themselves because man, they remember how down horrendously Jade was in school and he doesn't know at this time that Yuu can read his thoughts. I'd like to think Yuu learned to better control the telepathy so she just tunes into his thoughts every now and then and it's just his thoughts bouncing around like "Oh seven my pearl is absolutely gorgeous in the future. Please tell me I'm your husband. I have to be! What would our kids look like. How many would we have? Do they look like my pearl or me? I hope one looks like my pearl they'd be the cutest baby!"
Eventually somebody figures out how to send the Yuu's back to their right time. Hugs for everybody but P!Jade gets a quick peck on the cheek before F!Yuu hops into whatever portal is sending her back and the last thought she hears from P!Jade is him screaming in his mind how much he loves her.
P!Yuu gets back and now has to deal with Jade's even more thoughts about the future and apparently a few others people thinking that man, Yuu's gonna be such a milf in the future.
Somebody please help Yuu, poor thing can only take so much.
Ah I love silly time travel stories (I ignore paradoxes) and this is one of my favorite tropes! It's what one of the fics from the poll is based on, but with all of the overblot cast instead!
I'm so excited to write it, I have many ideas for everyone, especially Leona and Idia's chapters!!
For Jade though, I think it would be so funny. He's positively enamored seeing milf/dilf Yuu. He's internalizing everything, of course, so no one except Yuu and Floyd and Azul can really tell he's being affected.
He's staring a little longer than he really should, but he's surprised that future Yuu doesn't seem to mind. In fact, they're much calmer than usual. Usually they'd be excitable with their friends and quite shy and quiet with him. But future Yuu looks at him with such fondness that Jade lets himself dream that they look at him like that because they're future spouses.
(In the back of his mind, there is a mix of hope and dread. That's a wedding band on their hand. They're taken, but was it by him?)
Imagine everyone's surprise and shock when, right before leaving, future Yuu walks up to Jade (even in the future, they haven't grown much) to tip toe and press a sweet little kiss to the cheek as they cup his face with the absolute most tenderness.
Jade's frozen, the others are murmuring to each other, and future Yuu disappears and in their place is their original Yuu. Red-faced, covered in a large brown coat that most definitely does not belong to them, and staring Jade down.
Covering their red-face and all. Poor Jade is now giddy and a bit concerned (he hopes that scream was due to flusteredness and not fear, though he does love how entertaining they always are), while Yuu is screaming into their couch as they try to process several things, including the knowledge that they weren't at all displeased knowing that they married Jade.
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aniesvision · 2 days
sometimes (matt sturniolo x bff!reader)
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warnings: dirty jokes, making out, oral, p in v, no use of y/n, just smut idk how to describe it (?) sorry if I'm missing something
a/n: hi! english is not my first language, but I really hope you like it and if anything's wrong please let me know 💜 also this is kinda long!!
synopsis: when Matt sees his best friend's boobs accidentally and he can't stop thinking about it afterwards.
I was finishing my shower and night routine, the bathroom door half open as I slide my long t-shirt on, deciding on not wearing a bra for better comfort.
-Hey, we're about to go to Burger King, do you... -I hear Matt's voice getting louder as he gets closer to the bathroom, mindlessly pushing the door open to see me, just to accidentally be surprised by the sight of my bare breasts. -Oh, shit, sorry.
I laugh, not really caring. He was a close friend and it was an accident, and honestly it was just my boobs.
-What were you gonna ask? -I get out of the bathroom, now fully dressed, throwing my wet hair back and out of my shirt.
-I don't... remember. -He keeps staring at the wall, cheeks slightly red in embarrassment.
I smile, taking a few steps closer to him and gently rubbing his arm with my hand.
-It's fine, Matt, not a big deal, I promise. -I try to make him less awkward, witch kind of works since he looked at me again and smiled, nodding.
-Nice piercings tho. -He giggles, making me laugh and shake my head in disbelief with his comment.
Suddenly more footsteps could be heard and Chris' face appeared, he was clearly annoyed.
-What's taking so long? -He asks, looking at his brother for an answer.
This makes Matt remember his question, what he meant to do when he walked all the way over the bathroom.
-Oh, yeah, uh, do you wanna go to BK? -He asks, making me giggle a bit and nod.
-Why didn't you ask her when you got here?. -Chris asks, confused, crossing his arms and looking between me and Matt.
I could see Matt's cheeks turning red once more, making me laugh and tap his shoulder playfully, passing through him and Chris while I responded.
-He was freaking out 'cause he accidentally saw my boobs. -I explain, shrugging and taking a turn to reach the stairs to the garage.
Chris looks at Matt with his mouth shaped like an 'O' and eyes widen in shock.
-What the fuck? Did you really? -He asks his brother, letting his arms fall to his sides.
-Yeah. -Matt replies, shyly, putting his hands in his pockets.
-How did they look like? -Chris asks, again, with a playful smirk and clear curiosity. But also, to tease Matt about it. He wasn't gonna let his brother forget this moment ever happened.
-Alright, c'mon dude. -He shakes his head, pushing Chris down the stairs as his brother just laughed.
During the way in, me and Nick talked about Billie's new album and some other songs we liked.
Chris entertained himself with the songs playing, since he had aux, and Matt focused on driving most of the time.
(3rd person)
Matt was constantly fighting his thoughts, the scene of him walking in on you and accidentally seeing your boobs, the way they looked so firm, with the piercings decorating your nipples. He couldn't lie to himself, it was the most beautiful pair of boobs he has ever seen, and he was intrigued.
He didn't let things get awkward between them, still making jokes and talking normally to her, the words "she's still your best friend" repeating in his mind like a mantra.
Fortunately, Chris didn't mention what happened, witch could be a good, but also bad thing.
If he wasn't talking about it now, means he's going to trap Matt into talking later, and Matt didn't really wanted to share details on how you looked. One because he respects you, two because he knows that if he speaks his brother might wanna take a look too and he's not infatuated about the idea of Chris also being able to see them, three because he knows you for months and you never seemed to care about this stuff, at least you didn't seem to care whenever you were around them, probably because you trusted them, and he didn't want to lose your trust. Or you.
The not so healthy dinner got to an end and you were all on your way back to their house.
You were never picky when it was time to choose whose room you were going to crash in, always leaving it to the boys to decide. And Matt was quick to ask you to stay in his tonight.
Half of his mind scared of Chris asking you to stay with him, the other half scared of sharing a bed with you after what happened. And the thoughts that would go through Chris's mind, considering he knows what happened too, only makes it worse.
But you accepted it. And you didn't really mind, you love all three of them and already did shared a bed with all of them anyways.
You all say your goodnights, Nick's climbing the stairs to his room to edit a video that should be out tomorrow, Chris hugging you with a smirk that only Matt could see, making sure to kiss your cheek and yell "don't make too much noise, kids!" before disappearing.
Matt rolls his eyes at his brother's tease, pulling you by the hand with him to his room.
First it wasn't so different from all the times you've spend with him in his room. You've talked about life, games, songs, a new show you guys were both watching. There was a quick brake to brush your teeths and other night routine things, and you were now both back on his bed.
You were sitting cross-legged on the left side of his bed, plugging the charge to your phone, and he was sitting with his legs spread, mindlessly scrolling through his tiktok. The silence was comfortable, and you take a deep tired breath before letting yourself rest your head on his shoulder and watch some videos with him.
(end of 3rd person)
-Feeling sleepy yet? -He asks, with a cute smile, looking down at me and locking his screen, placing his phone on his nightstand.
-Just a bit. -I smile back, sitting upright and covering my legs with the blanket.
He lays beside me, gesturing me to do the same, so I do, and now we're both sideways facing each other.
(3rd person again)
Matt couldn't shake his thoughts away. Even now, after knowing it was possible to just act friendly and pretend nothing happened, something inside him almost screamed. It was like a gigantic need that he was battling against, the urge to just ask her to see them again. To see those, unfortunately for him, perfect boobs once more. As friends, of course. He wouldn't do anything, just stare.
He didn't say anything, how could he? But the way his eyes looked at her, so confused yet intrigued. She knows him well, something was going on in his mind and she could tell.
-What's up? -She asks, placing one hand under her head, looking at him intently.
-Nothing. -He lies, smiling, trying to forget his own mind.
But he couldn't fool her.
-You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. -She's quick to announce, gently pressing her free hand on his arm to comfort him.
She didn't want him to feel pressured or like he needed to say what was bothering him if he didn't want to share.
There's a moment when he tries to make it all seem like he was just tired, turning on the tv and off the lights. The background noise and illumination making his heart beat faster, he knows he can't just simply ignore everything, or ignore her. So, when they were almost about to just go to sleep and not even speak about it, he sighs.
-Are you sure you didn't mind what happened? I feel guilty. -He finally speaks his mind, making her head turn to look at him with a small assuring smile.
-I don't mind at all, Matt, you don't need to feel guilty, it wasn't your intention, I get it. And I mean, it was just some boobs, you probably saw lots of them throughout your life. -She shrugs, really seeming like she didn't care.
It only fuels his courage to get more into it.
-Not that many, but with piercings was a first. -He decides to keep the mood light, just on top of the friendly barrier.
-And what did you think? -She asks, with a playful smirk, finding it amusing how he was slowly starting to feel more comfortable to talk about it.
Of course she wanted to talk things through, but didn't want to be the first mentioning it.
-Looks hot. -He shrugs, like it was oh so easy for him to let these words come out his mouth.
The sound of her laughter makes him even more confident, it shows him that yes it's okay for them to talk about it, and even to make some flirtatious comments. It was almost like he forgot they're close friends with all the embarrassment from earlier.
-Well, I appreciate it. It must look good if it hurts so bad to do it. -She carelessly shove her hand under her long t-shirt, cupping one of her boobs to feel the jewelry there.
His eyes follow her hand, and for a second he wishes it was his hand there instead. It was like he couldn't stop those unfriendly thoughs. Even knowing they're just friends and he shouldn't see her like that, it was hard not to.
-When did you get them? -His question was somehow innocent, he wanted to keep the conversation going.
-Almost a year ago I guess. -She starts playing with the jewelry, moving it side to side, Matt's eyes following it, containing his body from shoving her hand away and doing it himself.
-Does it hurt when you move it? -He lifts his eyes to hers, making sure he wasn't being caught staring at her boobs.
-Nah, nothing hurts anymore, it's all good. At first it was weird, and honestly I think it's all about looks, from all I've heard it doesn't taste the best. But I mean, it does probably taste like metal, what the fuck do anyone expect?
She rambles, giggling after her small vent, her eyes finding Matt's. He had a tiny smirk on his lips, and a know-it-all face like he was about to say she just said the most obvious thing ever. But he doesn't. Instead, he decides to taste the water.
-I mean, probably yeah, but I wouldn't mind the metal taste.
His words caught her by surprise, her eyes widening just the slightest bit.
-Oh, really?
He was scared of crossing the limits. But she was also giving him open doors to flirt with her. Matt was trying to keep things slow and friendly, with a little bit of flirting, but he wasn't exactly prepared to see where things would go from here. Although, he wouldn't and couldn't stop himself. Not now, when his dick is already starting to grow hard.
His only response was to look at her with a shrug, his way of confirming it without seeming so desperate.
-Well, alright, I mean, if you ever wanna try it...
She doesn't waste any time giving him one more extremely open door, a fucking gigantic wall of opportunity. She also made it look like it wasn't a big deal, but she was clearly offering him to change things in their friendship. And he would be insanely crazy to turn it down.
-Just to know if I like it, right? -Matt smirks grow, and the way she bites her lips and nods is all he needs to cross that line.
(end of 3rd person)
Matt moves his hand to the side of my body, pulling me closer. He keeps us just mere inches apart, our breathing mixing together. He keeps his eyes on mine, his hand gently caressing my waist, before slowly lowering it to the hem of my t-shirt.
We were almost having a telepathic conversation, his eyes asking for permission and a quick nod of my head encouraging him to slide his fingers under my shirt. The coldness of his fingertips contrasting with my warm skin makes me fold my lips to prevent myself from sighning loudly.
He starts to slowly explore my skin, his fingers curiously roaming around the new territory. Matt finally makes his move by slightly brushing his fingertip on my nipple. He feels the cold jewelry, how hard my nipples were, how the piercing could easily slide side to side.
I had to close my eyes when his gaze felt too intense and I let myself sigh when I feel his hand squeezing my breasts. It only makes it easier for him to keep it going and feel free to do more.
Matt quickly take control and push me backwards on the bed, hovering over me, keeping him up by his forearm next to my face while his other hand keeps squeezing and playing with my boobs.
I open my eyes to see him in a position I've never seen before. One of my best friends on top of me, squeezing my boobs. He notices my gaze and smiles, leaning down to press gentle kisses on my neck.
It was hard to keep the loud sighs from leaving, my head immediately tilting to give him more access. It didn't take long until he was lifting my t-shirt up my chest and attacking my nipples with his mouth, a loud surprised gasp escaping my lips.
He swirled his tongue around my nipple, licked it and sucked it lightly. My hand goes to his hair, pulling him closer as I throw my head back with eyes closed and lips parted.
He keeps the assault on my nipples, leaving red and purple marks on the valley of my boobs. Matt was clearly taking his time, enjoying it. He uses his fingers to pinch my right nipple while he kitty licked the other one, eliciting a low moan from my lips.
His lips keeps pleasuring me, making me look down at him when he starts to lower his kisses to the hem of my sweatpants. I prop myself on my elbows, not knowing what to say after all that, but he doesn't wait for me, slowly slipping my pants down my ankles, giving me time to stop him if I wanted to. But I didn't.
Matt starts kissing my thighs, my breathing getting heavier with each kiss. He leaves open mouth kisses on my inner thighs, his fingers sliding under the sides of my panties, gently pushing them down.
-Fuck, you're so beautiful.
His voice was low and hoarse, making me immediately clench around nothing and bite my lips. He leans his head enough to be in the middle of my thighs, and his tongue licks a stripe from my entrance to my clit, a shaky moan escaping my lips.
I let myself lay backwards again, one of my hands gripping the sheets and the other finding it's way back to his hair.
Matt eats me out like a starved men, moving his head and feeling every single detail and spot of my pussy with his tongue. His hands are on each of my thighs, keeping me still for him. Just the sight of him in between my legs, eating me out, was enough to make me wetter.
He for sure knows what he's doing.
My moans get louder, and I can't even stop them from coming when he's this good. He tongue fucks me, sliding one of his hands down my stomach and pushing my skin up with his thumb to kitty lick my clit.
-Matt, fuck, keep going. -I moan, my eyes rolling back.
I can feel his smirk when he moves his hand under his chin and slide one finger in, continuing his movements. My knuckles are white gripping the sheets, the tug on his hair tightened and I pull him even closer, my hips bucking and rolling against his face.
-Shit, Matt! -I moan his name loudly when I feel the familiar knot on my stomach starting to form.
He increases his pace, determined to make me finish, and with my persistent moans it was easy to see that I was close. It doesn't take long for the knot to snap and I release all over his face, my juices dripping down his chin.
He rides out my orgasm, pulling his face away and looking up at me before pushing his finger out. He licks his finger clean and hovers over me again, my chest rising and falling rapidly and my half lidded eyes meeting his.
He smiles, wiping my juices out his chin with the top of his hand, his eyes looking down to my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. I could feel my own taste on his tongue.
My hands are quick to lift his shirt, the fabric soon discarded with my own clothes on the floor. Feeling his skin so close to mine was so different, yet so good. His pants were next on the floor and my hand was fast to palm his bulge. He was big, I could feel it over his boxers, it would be painful to fit.
When we were both fully naked, I let myself stare down his body. His lips curved into a smile, his hand stroking his shaft a few times before teasing my folds with his tip.
-Are you sure? -He asks, in a low voice, not stopping the teasing for a second.
-A hundred percent sure. -I nod, feeling him slide his tip in.
I gasp in pleasure and surprise, my eyes closing to focus on adjusting when he pushs all of him at once.
-Fuck, so tight. -He whispers, burying his head on my shoulder.
-Tell me when to move. -Matt's voice is quiet, like he was battling not to thrust unless I was comfortable enough.
I take my time to adjust, shifting under him to find the best position. When I finally feel ready, I give him the permission to move and he does. And god it feels so good.
He begins to bite a few hickeys on my neck, one of his arms keeping him up and the other pulling my leg up to thrust deeper. His hand was on my thigh, keeping my leg up, and my hands were leaving bruises on his back.
His thrusts were fast and deep, hitting all the right places. He pulls away from my neck just to kiss me again, a slow and sloppy kiss that didn't match the pace of his thrusts, but made everything feel better.
-Touch yourself, sweetheart. -He orders, still with his lips against mine.
My heart skips a beat with how hot it was to hear him saying that, and I easily comply, moving one hand to rub circles on my clit.
My moans are swallowed by his kiss, the sensitivity and intensity of the situation making another orgasm build up my stomach.
-Matt, fuck, I... -I cut the kiss to warn him, his eyes finding mine.
-Go on, cum all over my cock for me.
His dirty words were enough to make me climax once more. A loud moan of his name hanging from my lips, encouraging Matt to fuck me harder and faster to ride my orgasm and reach his own.
-Fuck, where do you want me? -He asks, his voice desperate and shaky.
-In me. -I whisper, immediately feeling his hot seed filling me up.
Our foreheads were together, both of us catching our breaths. He slowly pulls out and collapses on the bed beside me. I whine when I feel our mixed cums dripping down my shaky legs.
-I'll get us cleaned. -He announced, standing and reaching for a towel.
He cleaned himself, then cleaned me up and helped me wear my clothes again, pressing a quick kiss on my forehead.
-Do you need anything? Water? Need to pee? -He asks, looking at me with attention, and I smile with the way he was so caring.
-I'll go pee, can you get us some water in the meantime?
He nods and we do exactly what we said. It's just when we lay down together again that I realize what we just did. Matt looks at me quietly, pushing a strand of hair out off my face and behind my ear.
-Matt... -I call his attention, witch he immediately granted.
-Yes, sweetheart?
-We fucked. -I tilt my head a bit, confused with my own choice of words, but he only laughed and nodded.
-Yeah, we did. -His hand slide down my waist, pulling me closer to him.
-And... uh, now what?
I went straight to the point, although my words weren't exactly good to show what I was implying. It would be okay if he said it was just it and we're just friends, but I kind of didn't want it to be just an one time thing.
-I don't know.
He also seemed confused, not sure where this would lead us.
-Are we just going to ignore it and pretend it didn't happen, or we're going to acknowledge it but keep things friendly from now on, or we'll be able to do it again someday?
I ask, and he smiles cutely, pressing a quick peck on my lips.
-I don't want to just ignore it. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep things friendly after that, only if that's what you want, but if your willing to I'd rather continuing fucking you sometimes.
He laughs, and I couldn't help but giggle too.
-You're an idiot. But, yeah, I'd actually like that.
-Oh, so you want me to keep fucking you. -He smirks, squeezing my waist, and I laugh at him.
-Shut up, Matt. Only sometimes. -I roll my eyes, and he pulls me into another kiss.
-I'm good with that.
a/n: omg this is TERRIFYING how do you guys post this kind of stuff so normally 😭 it was fun to write but it's so scary to post, I really hope it's at least understandable lol
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chimielie · 3 days
ghost in the machine
summary: Matsukawa x F!Reader. sometimes two people love each other very much. sometimes they do terrible things to each other.
word count: 1k
cw: cheating, extremely toxic relationship, no one here is likable, breakup, no happy ending
a/n: my bad i was going through something. sorry to the seijoh community. enjoy?
Issei meets you at the train station. It's dry now, but it was raining earlier—his hair is sticking to his face, curling even more than usual in the humidity. He doesn't "believe" in using umbrellas, whatever that means, or in standing beneath the rain shelter, apparently.
"Hey," you say, affecting nonchalance. The look on his face is familiar to you, signalling further storms ahead. You put your hands in his and press your mouth into a little frown. "What's wrong?
"Don't act cute," he says, glancing away, but he doesn't take his hands out of your hold. "This is—hard enough."
Issei does this thing, when he's mad at you, taking longer and longer pauses as he speaks. Leaves you hanging and still chooses all the wrong words.
"Issei, what happened?" You say. You look around, but there's no one else at the station: it's a dismal day, and his workplace is out of the way of pretty much all other human life. Fitting.
He rubs a thumb over yours, slow, pensive.
"I'm just gonna rip the band-aid off," he says, and you almost snort. There's been nothing quick about this process. "I think we should stop seeing each other."
"Another break?" You ask, trying to keep your voice light. "So you can fuck your new building receptionist?"
That's not light. Oops.
"How do you—whatever. No. That's not it. Don't be like that."
"It's what it was last time," you say, frustrated. "And Makki mentioned that he thought she was hot, which means you think she is."
"I don't, and that's not even the point," he sighs. "See, this is what I mean."
"You do," you insist. "But what is your point?"
"My point," he grits, thumb rubbing harder, strong fingers digging into your flesh so hard it almost hurts. "Is that we need to end this. Not a break. We need to break up."
"No," you say, blinking away tears. "I thought we were working on things. I thought we were better."
He pauses again. You let yourself fill up with big, stupid hope, leaning a little closer to him. All you want is one of his hugs, warm and solid and loving. Love me, you want to sob, you don't love me?
You don't, because you would be proving his point. You don't want to guilt him. You don't want to hurt him. You feel nauseous. The whole world is wrong, everything is going wrong.
He doesn’t give you what you need.
"I feel sick," he echoes your thoughts. "All the time. What we're doing to each other—I care about you, I want you to be happy. We—I don't make you happy."
"You do," you plead. "No one else makes me happy like you."
"But that's, like, five percent of the time," he says, jerking you a little closer. You know it's subconscious and it makes you emit a little noise, soft, one you don't want him to hear. "The rest of the time we, we fight, and we get petty, and we act like kids. It's not what it should be."
"I don't care what it should be," you flash. "I don't want whatever it should be. I want this. I think it's worth it. I want to fight for it."
"Well, I don't!" His eyes are burning. You think there's something shimmering in his waterline. "I'm tired. It's—you jerk me around like bait, on a string. I am tired of taking breaks, and getting back at each other, and—"
"I jerk you around?" You say. "Issei, you suggested the first break, you slept with—"
"I know what I did," his voice sounds defeated even as you can hear the underlying anger—deeper, the underlying hurt. "That's what I'm saying, we're damaged, I really don't care whose fault it is."
"Except you clearly think it's mine," you argue. It’s fucked up, that this is what fighting for your love means; how twisted has your knight-and-princess story become?
“Shut up! Just stop—just stop talking for a second.” You press your fingers tentatively to the right corner of his temple and rub small circles into the skin, knowing that’s where he gets headaches from grinding his jaw when you’re driving him crazy. He lets you for a moment, then shakes his head, bats you away. “You shouldn’t let me talk to you like that.”
“I won’t,” you say. “You won’t talk to me like that anymore.”
“That’s so fucked up,” he chokes out a laugh. His dark eyes crease so prettily when he does. “Don’t do that. With the next guy—”
“There’s no next guy!” You yelp, fingers flexing, not sure what to hold on to. If he’s letting go of his jealousy—the world tilts dizzily. He used to tell you, face in a lazy cat smile, body warm and heavy atop yours, that you’d find your next boyfriends on his mortuary table. “What, Issei, there’s not gonna be anyone else ever.”
His lips twist into a sardonic smile. He lets go of you, his hands shaking like he’s just been shocked, cartoon-style, electricity working its way through his body. You reach for him and he shoves his hands in his pockets, lets you stumble over your feet.
“I know you slept with Makki,” Issei says grimly. You stop in your tracks.
“Oh,” he agreed. “Yeah.”
There’s not a lot to say to that. It doesn’t matter that it was during the worst breakup, a year ago, that it was because you’d seen him kissing one of your friends at a party. It doesn’t matter that it had been a mistake.
“I’m sorry,” you say, and the tears are rolling down your face again. Or it’s started raining. Both. “I’m so sorry. I know.”
There’s an awful screech when the train arrives—his train, going deeper into the country. Yours, back to the city, is due in eight minutes. You can’t stop anything from leaving this station.
“It’s okay. It’s like you said,” he puts his hands on his shoulders, presses a lingering kiss to your forehead, his lips wet with cold rainwater. When did it start pouring? “He thought she was hot, so so did I. I love you, so so did he.”
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houserautha · 1 day
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These Destined Ends
Part Sixteen
Summary: Jessica fulfilled the wishes of the Bene Gesserits to produce a daughter. You’re now burdened with the task of not only marrying the na-Baron, but also bearing his child — the Kwisatz Haderach. Will you take your fate into your own hands? Or will it always belong to those who control you?
Pairings: Feyd-Rautha x F!Reader
Warnings: there’s a Fremen orgy, Chani joins in with Feyd and reader, oral sex f receiving, oral sex m receiving, Feyd gives you a facial
Word Count: 4.8k
A/N: Yes, I’m still alive and updating, I promise😭(Also Chani really just pulls a Peeta in this part)
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When Feyd wakes in the night, wrenched from his slumber by nightmares, you’re there to bring him back to reality. The wild look in his eyes stays with you, though, even after they close and he returns to a restless sleep.
“What are you doing?” You hiss at the healer one night after a particularly bad nightmare.
Feyd whimpers as you pass your hand over his smooth brow. The healer is at his side, collecting the slightly blue-tinged sweat that glistens his skin and bottling it in a glass container.
“The Water of Life,” the healer says in way of explanation, then slips away.
Ignoring your mother’s advice to assimilate with the sietch, you’ve stayed by Feyd’s side most days. But you seek her out now, presiding over a small group of Fremen who kneel at her feet. Her mouth purses unhappily as she realizes who has stolen the attention from her.
“What do you want?” She demands when you pull her aside. Her voice reverberates through the halls, a side effect to the hollowed out caverns.
You curb your annoyance. Jessica won’t tell you anything if you snip at her. “Tell me about what they’re giving Feyd-Rautha.”
“More poison,” she says after a pause, “there had to be a way to counteract the poison in his veins. What kind of paranoid —”
“I dosed on the poison too,” you snap. “Why don’t I take the same thing?”
Jessica’s eyes flash. “The poison has been in his system longer. He almost died because we couldn’t figure out why he was going through withdrawal. Without know what he dosed on, we used the only thing strong enough to save him.”
“Why do they collect it? His sweat.”
“They use the recycled poison for…recreational reasons,” she says.
You frown. “What do you mean?”
“I suspect you’ll see soon.”
You keep careful watch over Feyd’s injuries and his care, semi-grateful that he phases in and out of consciousness. Your stomach revolts against any food you eat and morning sickness plagues you constantly — he hasn’t noted it, yet, but you’re afraid for when he recovers and reverts to his usual observant self.
From Jessica’s prying gaze you can tell she’s judgmental of your decision not to let Feyd know of the pregnancy. You don’t owe her an explanation, though, so you keep it a secret, which is all fine and well until the supposed Water of Life quickens his already heightened healing.
Feyd perches on the edge of the makeshift bed, the hint of a smile on his mouth as you approach. You swallow your surprise. A healer is adjusting the bandaging around his middle, and you catch a glimpse of the wound before they finish. It’s still pink and raw but mostly healed, just another mark to join the hundreds of others crisscrossing his muscled form.
“Are you ill?” Feyd asks.
“I’m fine,” you say quickly. “How are you?”
“Better now.”
You send away the healer and cross the room to his side. “Did they mention anything…weird?”
Feyd frowns, brow creasing. “No. I know what you’re referring to, however, there’s a strange tension in the air.” He clears his throat. “I was hoping to take a walk with you.”
We need to talk alone.
“Of course.”
You move to help him to his feet but he waves you away. Without giving a certain destination, you just lead Feyd through the winding tunnels of the sietch until you reach a small outing. The duel suns beam down on you. “I didn’t miss this,” you remark as he beckons you up an incline.
“I need to ensure that we’re alone,” Feyd says.
“I doubt we ever really are.” You sweep the sandy horizon. “They don’t trust us.”
“Listen, Feyd —”
He cuts you off. “Tell me everything that’s happened. I feel inadequately prepared. I-I don’t know what’s real or not.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk to me about that first?” You press, risking his irritation.
You bite down on the inside of your cheek. What did you expect exactly? You take a moment to gather your thoughts. “Nothing…much. I spoke to them on our behalf. Upon Jessica’s request.”
“Jessica?” His head swivels. “Your Mother?”
You nod, somewhat somberly. “She survived Rabban’s attack and has become the Sayyadina. A sort of…spiritual mother.”
Feyd grunts a reply. Not for the first time, you wish that you could pry open his skull and peer into his thoughts. He’s lost weight since the crash, his cheekbones standing out starkly in his face. Although he still cuts an imposing figure, aided certainly by his sharp tongue, his body is not as powerful as it once was. You realize he’s been covertly trying to catch his breath since your short climb up the sandy incline.
“You almost died, Feyd,” you say quietly. “Recovery is going to be —”
His jaw feathers. “You should’ve let me die.”
“What?” When he doesn’t explain himself, you continue, “What are you talking about?”
“I told you not to sacrifice yourself for me. By trying to keep me alive you were opposing my wish and risking your life.”
“I have no life without you,” you whisper furiously.
Feyd’s dark eyes flicker. A look of conflicted torment crosses his face and he finally pulls his gaze from you, back to the desert. “One of us must stay alive to get revenge on our enemies.”
“Oh, that’s why?” You bitterly ask.
“I can’t be worried about you jeopardizing yourself for my sake,” he says, softer. “Obviously that is my top priority. But we are the only ones who can dismantle the Emperor.”
“This is what you wanted to talk to me about?”
“We need to figure out our next steps.”
You exhale a stream of air. “Fine. What are you thinking?”
“The Fremen haven’t heard anything from The Baron?”
“Not that they’ve deigned to share with me.”
“They must believe us dead,” Feyd mutters.
“Like my mother.”
“She will certainly be an asset in this war.”
The word war sends a chill down your spine. Of course you knew that it was happening, but to hear it explicitly said is something different. “They underestimate us again and again,” you say to him, offering him a grim smile.
Feyd picks up your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles. “Their greatest mistake.”
The both of you sit there for quite some time, discussing strategy, before commotion within the sietch draws you back. You don’t miss the way that Feyd walks behind you possessively, hovering, your dark shadow.
“What’s going on?” You ask one of the passing Fremen.
They shake off your hand but appear too excited to give you a reprimand. “The Water of Life ceremony. We must make preparations.”
“They keep saying that — Water of Life,” Feyd comments lowly.
“I’m afraid to ask,” you reply. Does he know that it’s made of his own perspiration?
You’re still not quite accustomed to the winding tunnels of the sietch and this is Feyd’s first time navigating, so you’re both helpless. You end up just following a large group of Fremen into the center of the sietch, curiosity leading you. The music pumping through the space reminds you of a heartbeat, making the hollowed out walls the ribcage that it rattles.
You can feel Feyd’s skepticism from behind you just by the stiffness of his limbs. “Would it kill you to smile?”
“Yes,” he rasps. His breath on your neck makes your toes curl in your boots.
You find a place on the outskirts of the celebration to stand and observe, watching as more and more Fremen cram into the room. The music lifts and circles around you, impossibly loud, joined now by the sound of drums. Duel suns begin their descent and it’s not until darkness has shut like a curtain on the outside world that the chorus of feminine voices begin. It’s quite beautiful, really, chilling. Moonlight pools into the sietch from a hole in the ceiling and illuminates the women singing, lilting and ethereal, passing the container of blue liquid.
You bristle slightly at the sight of it.
“What?” Feyd asks. His gaze is still fixated on the crowd, enraptured with the strange ceremony.
“Nothing,” you say.
You can tell he wants to press the matter but the words die on his tongue — like a breeze rippling over water, starting in the center and moving outward, Fremen begin to dance. It’s like nothing you’ve seen before, strangely elegant and moving, tanned limbs flashing in the light. And as soon as the dancing begins so does the sounds of flesh on flesh, of mouths meeting, bodies tangling together. Surprise flares through you.
Orgies are, of course, nothing new to you. There were plenty on Giedi Prime. But you didn’t expect the Fremen to engage in such indulgences, yet it made sense the more you watched. Sharing your waters with someone was deeply personal, which inevitably happened during sex in some variety. The Water of Life appeared to be the catalyst to this behavior, entrancing the Fremen and loosening their inhibitions.
Feyd pushes his front to yours, cock hardened already. One hand encircles around your waist while the other goes to your throat, thumb pressed to your fluttering pulse.
“You look ravishing tonight, jewel,” he whispers, his lips on the shell of your ear.
You suppress a shiver at his words, your cunt contracting in anticipation. His mouth travels just below your ear now, brushing over the sensitive skin there.
“We’re not welcomed here yet,” you remind him, “I don’t know if we’re exactly invited to…join.”
“Of course you are.”
You turn your head, still entrapped in Feyd’s embrace, who doesn’t seem the least bit guilty to be caught in such a promising position. In the dark it’s hard to tell who spoke but you notice the delicate features off the glint of torchlight, contrasted by the hardness in her eyes. Chani hovers nearby, wavering slightly and clearly under the influence of the Water of Life.
“It would be rude not to,” she adds.
“You’re very generous but we really should be going —”
At the same time, Feyd asks, “Do you want a taste?”
Silence throbs between the three of you. She steps closer. Feyd, hard and muscled behind you and Chani, lean and beautiful, in front of you. Desire nips at your more reasonable senses, with teeth sharp and wanting. Feyd keeps his hands on you as Chani closes the distance.
“This can be a lot for an outsider,” she says.
There’s no mistaking the challenge in her words. Feyd bristles slightly, clearly ready to intervene no matter your answer. You appreciate this, and paste a smile to your face. “Hopefully after tonight I will no longer be one.”
“We’ll see, na-Baroness.”
Chani grabs you with both hands and slots her mouth over yours.
The kiss is so different compared to Feyd’s — even the way she spit out your title instead of saying it in awe — that shock seizes you, rendering you motionless until Chani parts your lips and her tongue slips inside.
She tastes of cinnamon, fresh dew, the heat of the desert slipping into the coolness of night. You want to ask how her opinion of you had changed so drastically but it’s clear that she’s testing your tolerance of Fremen traditions, more probing than lustful. Feyd’s fingers dip below your waistband and your breath hitches.
“I don’t usually share,” Feyd says to Chani, voice low and rasping, “do you realize how lucky you are?”
Chani snags your lower lip with her teeth, voice dripping with sarcasm, “Oh, certainly.”
“I urge you to respect what’s mine,” he retorts. Although your eyes are closed, your body limp and fluid-like between the both of them, you can imagine the wicked glint in his gaze.
“Fremen don’t believe in possessing others,” Chani challenges. She bows against you as Feyd finds your clit, provoking a moan from you.
Feyd inserts a digit into your cunt as he says, “Then you’ve never known anyone you’re afraid of losing.”
Chani works to remove your shirt while Feyd pleases you with his fingers, nimble and skilled. He grinds his hips against your ass and holds you to him as Chani captures one of your nipples with her mouth, your head lolling back in response. The familiarity of Feyd’s warmth mixed with Chani’s touch is almost too much for you to handle, her wet mouth hardening your nipples as she releases them to be exposed to the air.
“Now get your taste,” Feyd says to Chani.
She sucks your juices from his fingers but there’s no pleasure in the act, only the burning sensation of her eyes on you as she licks him clean.
Exhilarated by the two, you wiggle free of Feyd and give Chani a light push. “Allow me.”
Obediently, she falls back onto a flat surface of rock. It’s tricky, at first, to remove the stillsuit but you’re emboldened by Feyd’s presence in your peripheral. He murmurs encouraging words to you as he strokes himself, large hand sliding up and down his length. Finally you free Chani of the lower part of her stillsuit and, in a single, swift movement, part her legs.
A patch of dark, curled hair greets you at the apex of her thighs. Her skin is soft, body slender, hipbones earning two open-mouthed kisses. She writhes eagerly. Admittedly, you’ve never been with a woman before but you know your own cunt well enough to hopefully be of service to her. She releases a breath of surprise when you lick a stripe up her center.
Determined to show her just how adaptive you can really be, you guide her legs over your shoulders as you settle. You explore, at first, testing what would invoke the most reaction from her, running your tongue through her folds. Once you understand exactly where it is she wants you to suck and lick and pamper, you use your mouth to give her exactly that.
And you realize that you enjoy it — enjoy her — despite the implications of the act. Sure, you’re trying to prove yourself but now you can think of nothing but bringing Chani to orgasm. You want to draw from her the shuddering delight, to feel her squirm as you pin her with your hands and your mouth, to show her that you are a force to be reckoned with.
Curiously, sensing that she’s close, you release one hand from her to tease her entrance with your fingers, gathering the wetness there. You revoke, slightly, to admire your work. Her juices coat your lips and chin. She bucks her hips in protest at the absence of you and you extend your apology in the shape of your fingers sliding into her cunt, curling, beckoning for her.
Chani’s thighs clench around you. It’s enough to invite you back to her, press your mouth to her, joining together with your fingers as you start to coax her to orgasm.
“You’re so wet for me,” you murmur to her, hoping the vibrations of your voice transfer.
Chani lifts her head to glare at you, though her eyes are lidded blissfully. “I hate you,” she says through gritted teeth. She shudders at the change in pace of your ministrations, responding to her words with renewed passion.
“Say it again,” you order her.
Her head falls back and her body bows. “I hate you.” Chani swallows, throat working as she fights the inevitable. “I hate you. I hate you.”
Chani’s cry of release mingles with those of others around you, seeking their own pleasures. A spike of triumphant stabs through you. You’re hopelessly horny now, your own thighs slick, and you’ve just conceived the notion to give yourself attention when there’s movement in the corner of your eye. Feyd undresses quickly, looking like some sort of malicious phantom in the moonlight, paler and taller than most of the Fremen.
“I will take care of you,” he says, words drenched with lust, “so that you can continue to take care of her.”
“Don’t you dare touch me,” Chani warns to him.
Feyd positions himself behind you, sinking to his knees. His touch is gentle as it descends down your spine, affectionately grazing over each knob until finally he presses a kiss at the nape of your neck. “Will you tell her that I would never dream of touching anyone but my beloved?”
You open your mouth to say as much, breaking from your sentry at Chani’s cunt, but Feyd effectively stops you from getting out the words. There’s a moment of temporary discomfort as he thrusts his cock inside you but the friction that you’ve so badly needed feels excruciatingly wonderful, and you back out in surprise.
“By all means, don’t stop on my account,” Feyd rasps as he snaps his hips up into you.
He keeps you secured with one hand around your waist while the other grabs hold of Chani’s ankles. She struggles against his grip but ultimately relents as you draw her clit into your mouth and suck, the force of Feyd’s thrust rocking you forward ever so slightly. It doesn’t take very long until you’re slick enough that he can push into you without resistance, and the feeling of being cleaved in half melts into complete bliss.
It’s a moment of transcendency, floating to a higher plane as your pleasure crests. Feyd’s cock fills you so thoroughly — you missed it over the few weeks of his recovery, missed the feel of his powerful body against yours. And he’s clearly enraptured at the sight of you between Chani’s legs, each buck of his hips accompanied by whispered praises.
Your mind reels as you struggle to grasp your situation, so beyond anything you could’ve ever imagined. Chani grinding against you and Feyd fucking you from behind, both of them working in tandem to fill you with inexplicable ecstasy.
“Fuck, jewel,” Feyd pants out. His fingers dig into your side, keeping you steady.
You wiggle back against him appreciatively.
There’s an unspoken rhythm in this dance, this strange, wonderful dance, reminding you of the tides. If you break from Chani to kiss Feyd over your shoulder, she replaces her hand where your mouth was, and if you break from Feyd to properly lavish Chani, he pumps into you rapturously. And then there’s you, torn between them both, lost in your own place of existence.
Time stretches and broadens, one moment melting into the next. The wailing sound of drums and voices joins with the crowd of bodies, the air smelling distinctly of spice and sex. You swear that you feel strange hands graze across your skin, reach out to grab you, touch your hair. There’s no telling where your body begins and someone else ends and the only anchor to reality is Feyd’s presence behind you, the rasp of his breath as he fucks you.
Feyd doesn’t have to alert you to his climax, you recognize the familiar tautness of him, and then he’s spilling inside you, effortlessly lifting you up so that he can expel his seed. Chani watches this, chest heaving, mouth parted. If she notices the excess of black cum on your thighs, she says nothing, just tilts her head back and smirks.
“That was a good start,” she says.
The next morning, you’re surprised to find that most of the sietch has roused from their stupors. Not having indulged in the Water of Life, you and Feyd have no difficulty rising from your makeshift beds, besides your distinct soreness.
“Could it be that easy to get accepted?” You ask him as you both dress.
He makes a small noise. “Mm. A few orgasms and you think they’ll forget my family’s bloodshed?”
“It certainly helped in my case.”
Feyd casts a glare in your direction, lips twitching with reluctant humor. He says, infuriatingly casual, “I didn’t know you were interested in taking more than one partner.”
“Well, she didn’t give me much of a choice,” you reply, face burning slightly. The memory of Chani’s long legs over your shoulders flashes through your mind, how Feyd had held them in place. “If I refused her she would’ve taken it as reluctance to join their customs.”
His brows quirk.
“Okay, I didn’t hate it. But I’m not interested in other partners. You’re all I need.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“Did you doubt it?” You ask.
“I only wanted to hear it out loud.”
There is something in his voice that hooks behind your navel and pulls, the invisible tether between you both. “You could’ve just asked.”
“Ask you what?” He muses, stepping closer. “To prove that I’m the only one who can fuck you? That you belong, first and foremost, to me?” His proximity reminds you of the crackle of electricity before a lightning strike, a dangerous charge of energy. “Do you suggest I ask you to get on your knees and demonstrate your devotion?”
Your eyes dart traitorously to his plush lips. “You know I would do anything you ask of me.”
“Then kneel.”
Your knees hit the ground. You ignore the sharp bite of pain in favor for admiring the deft motion of his fingers at his buckle, eager to see what’s underneath. There’s yet to be a time that the sight of his cock hasn’t made your mouth water and your thighs slicken — your gaze runs up his shaft, threaded with veins, to the pale underside of his head. A gleam of pre-cum is visible near his slit that he smooths over with his fingers, transitioning it into a loose grip and drawing your attention back downwards.
“I don’t have to ask you to take my cock, do I?” He all but sneers at you.
It’s enough of an invitation for you to reach out and replace your hand with his. The blood in his veins, dark as ink, stands out against his skin. Giving into your impulses, you trace your tongue over each vein, flicking his head. You swear you can practically taste him, know the way that his blood would flood your mouth, imagine the rush of his seed down your throat.
And suddenly you can’t wait any longer to wrap your lips around his cock, subsequently forfeiting your control as Feyd gasps and, in response, thrusts deeper into your mouth. You gag. There’s a sick pleasure in the way he slides in and out, pushing himself past your lips and grabbing hold of the hair at the base of your skull, snapping his hips in short bursts.
You thought that he wanted you to prove your loyalty by lavishing him with your mouth but clearly he intends to challenge you — judge how well you will open and take his ruthless appraisal. Tears burn behind your eyes and saliva, having nowhere else to go as he fucks your throat, dribbles from the corners of your mouth, effectively coating his cock. Never one to be outdone, however, you manage to reach up between you and cup his balls, holding them tightly in your palm. Feyd inhales sharply.
It’s a brutal game of back and forth now, him bucking into you and you matching each thrust with your own touch, firmly squeezing and massaging him between your fingers. Oh, how you would love to pull his balls into your mouth. But the force with which he buries himself allows no room for any other action, just the quick, steady intrusion of his cock. You know already that tomorrow — hell, this afternoon — your throat will ache wonderfully. And while he always satisfies you, there’s something extra pleasing about the physical marks of his work, the proud artist signing his masterpiece.
And you, his canvas.
It’s not long before you feel the familiar warning shudder of him before he comes, the tightening in his balls that you’ve kept forcefully in your grasp. Feyd paints you with his cum then, warm ropes shooting across your face and tongue. He jolts once, twice, then stills, stroking himself until the end. Feyd surveys you, searching your face, then swipes at the seed from your cheek and pushes it into your mouth, thumb pressing down on your tongue.
You eagerly lick and suck from it, a satisfying suction sound resulting from him as he pulls out. “Just for me,” Feyd says approvingly. He glances over you again and adds, “You might want to clean up before we join the others.”
Glaring, but unable to hide your grin, you dart your tongue out to capture the residual cum near your mouth. “You think?”
The rest of that afternoon is helped pitching in wherever you can in a continuation of your test of worthiness. Feyd, still healing, is relinquished to minimal labor errands like ferrying messages but when the Fremen discover that he’s not exactly sociable, decide that he can tend to their subterranean garden. It makes you laugh to see him rooting through the weeds and hardy plants able to grow without much water, muttering.
You, on the other hand, have convinced the others that you are more than capable of handling yourself despite your “delicate condition”. This probably has to do with your mother’s influence but you frankly don’t care — at least you can leave the suffocating odor and closeness of the sietch, venturing out for shorts stints to hunt small desert animals and perimeter checks.
Of course, neither of you are left alone. Chani has delegated herself to be your perpetual guardian, which you don’t know whether to take as a compliment or an insult. Either way, she refuses to acknowledge it, and you’re under the impression that she wants to make your life as difficult as possible.
This goes on for two months, Chani driving you to your limit in order to prove yourself. The man named Stilgar urges her to give you a break, in which you’re grateful that Feyd is never around, but she staunchly refuses. Every time Stilgar mentions the Messiah, you’re struck with panic; in an effort of self-conservation you’ve successfully ignored your pregnancy despite the occasional boughts of nausea. But as time goes by it gets harder and harder as the life inside you grows and forces your attention to it.
There’s still no physical indication of your pregnancy, but you’re starting to fear that someone will tell Feyd or he’ll notice the bloat of your belly and say something. Stillsuits aren’t exactly fantastic maternity wear. How will you do your part in the Sietch if you can’t work?
These thoughts plague day in and day out, especially when Jessica preaches your contribution to their society, the sacrifice you’re making to bear them their savior. It makes you uncomfortable and furious but you let her as long as their false hope keeps you and Feyd safe.
It’s morning when everyone gathers to break their fast together, and you catch snippets of gossip about The Baron. He’s taken over Arrakis, which you suspected, but apparently has been sending out hits into the desert in hopes of eradicating the Fremen. This is met with collective hatred, of course, and you express your interest in joining a team of fighters in response to this.
“I want to fight,” you tell them sternly.
Chani lingers nearby, never too far. “Absolutely not. How do we know that you won’t just sabotage our mission?”
“And why would I do that? I hate them just as much as you do,” you snap back.
“Clearly,” she says, glancing at your abdomen.
Frustration takes root inside you. “Feyd hates them just as much. We have tried to prove ourselves to you for months now. Let us actually make a difference besides gardening and petty perimeter patrols.”
“What? We’re only needed when it involves your own self-interest?” You bite back. “Just when I can make you come?”
Her upper lip peels back in a snarl. “Bitch.”
“What’s going on?”
The small crowd that’s gathered all turns to watch Feyd saunter into the room. He’s looking much healthier now and returning to his former strength, which might make or break your case in this instance.
You purse your lips. “Nothing.”
“The na-Baroness wants to join us in a responsive ambush against the Harkonnen strikes,” Chani says over you. She crosses her arms over her chest and you catch a triumphant look on her face that irks you to no idea.
Feyd looks to you, then back to Chani. “Do you deny her this?”
“Of course I deny her this,” Chani says, “I don’t care what everyone else thinks. I don’t trust you.”
“Then you are stupid,” Feyd remarks.
There’s a gasp of surprise from several of those around you and you grit your teeth. Feyd, I hope you know what you’re doing, you think.
Chani’s face twists in anger. “Why would I trust you to join us in an ambush when you so spectacularly failed your last one?”
Feyd opens his mouth to speak but you beat him to it, cutting your gaze to Chani. “Fine. Forget it.”
“Y/N —” Feyd starts to say.
“Besides,” Chani sniffs, “how would I forgive myself if anything happened to the baby?”
Your blood runs cold.
Feyd’s entire body stiffens at this and you force yourself to turn away from him. It feels as if your heart might burst from your chest, your stomach twisting with guilt and regret. When he finally does speak, Feyd’s voice is soft, imploring:
“What baby?”
@moonsoulk @heartarianagran @torchbearerkyle @unicoreads @mamawiggers1980 @jovialeggsbailiffsoul @harkonnin @avidreader73 @unicorntrooper @beebeechaos @kamcrazy123 @wo-ming-bai @m-indkiller @kpopnstarwars @dacreshoney @stopeatread @therealslimshady-1 @aoi-targaryen @psychoffin @lauratang @austinswhitewolf
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wanderingsoul6261 · 2 days
I'm Here Now
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Credit for gif goes to mauraeyk
James Beaufort x Reader
synopsis: follows the plot of a few requests, mostly pregnancy, angst, etc. In this one, Reader finds out she is pregnant. She tells James and he gets cold feet. Events in this fix are probably unlikely, but Y/N had been understanding, considering who his parents were. And then they meet several years later.
warnings: none, I don't think? If I'm wrong, please let me know and I can change it. My brain isn't working right now.
expect two more within the next 24 to 48 hours.
The plastic stick stared hauntingly at her. This was it. The next nine months of her life and everything that came after, already laid for her. Ultimately, she had a different route, but she couldn’t do it. She would never do it. 
Her parents stood in the doorway of the bathroom. Silence filled the air and Y/N felt like she could suffocate in it. She picked at her fingernails, her eyes on the floor, looking everywhere but at her parents. It was already known how disappointed they were in her. How they had expected and hoped that she would get through the first few of her life after Maxton Hall before anything like this happened. She knew that they hoped that she would get through college and make a life for herself. 
But here it was, all thrown back in their faces. And it wasn’t just her parents. Y/N expected something completely different, and this was definitely not it. 
“Does he know?” Her mother finally spoke, breaking the silence. Y/N casted her eyes briefly in her parents direction. Her father leaned against the door frame, a hand on the bottom half of his face, and her mother stood a few steps closer, her eyes focusing solely on the pregnancy test. 
Y/N was silent for several seconds. 
“No.” She averted her eyes back to the ground in front of her. “He doesn’t” 
“Do you plan on telling him?” Her eyes snapped her father this time, who now stared back directly at her. 
“Yea. I just don’t know how. It’s not exactly an easy subject to talk about. Especially at your ages.” 
“It’s definitely the right thing to do.” He agreed. Her father let out a heavy sigh. “But… you might not like the response and actions that he might have.” Her mother nodded.
“This will be just as hard for him as it is for you at this moment.” 
“And you’re sure you want to keep the child?” She had been asked this question twice already minutes before. Y/N turned her gaze back to the ground, swallowing thickly as thoughts ran through her mind. 
“Because if not, we can pull some strings, and-” 
“Stop.” Y/N cut her father off, and he went silent. He had almost surprisingly looked dejected, and it was likely genuine. Y/N should have known. Her parents weren’t like other parents of rich kids. They meant well and actually cared for her well being. She knew that no matter what she decided to do, they would have her back no matter what. “I’m sorry.” She apologized. “But yea, I’d like to keep the child.” 
“What?” James was pale, and if Y/N hadn’t known any better, she would have thought him to be sick. She swallowed thickly, picking at her fingernails, a nervous habit of hers. He had seen and slapped her hands, telling her to stop it. Then he took a step back. 
She stared at him. James had obviously not liked the news, shock and fear written all over his face. Y/N had been scared that this was going to happen. In fact, she had almost expected it. But she had been surprised when he still showed enough care to stop her from picking at her fingers until they bled. 
Maybe there was a potential for hope. 
“I’m pregnant.” Her voice was barely above a whisper. 
“Mine?” She nodded. 
“Yours.” James mumbled under his breath. Y/N watched as he paced back and forth in front of the pool. Y/N watched him, growing slightly more stressed with each stride he took. Her eyes followed his feet, repeating her mannerisms from the other night. She refused to look in his face. She had let so many people down by allowing this to happen, and in the end, she still wasn’t sure what she would lose or keep. “Can you stop pacing please?” Y/N asked quietly. “You’re stressing me out.” 
“Stressing you out-” James paused, finally stopping to stare at Y/N. She had shrunk into herself and despite his attempt at stopping her from picking at her fingers, she still continued to do so. His breath got caught in his throat. What was he to do? His parents, especially his father, would not allow this. He would see it as a scandal and do everything in his power to separate Y/N from him and keep it that way. 
James had to do something first. 
He stopped his pacing, and sat on the opposite end of the bench that she sat on. James hunched forward, running his hand down his face as he ran through different possibilities in his mind. 
“You don’t want this right now, do you?” Y/N asked. His head whipped up and towards her. She was staring at him, tears pricking the corner of her eyes. James opened his mouth, trying to think of something to say, willing himself to say anything, but nothing came. He closed his mouth, but kept eye contact with her. Y/N searched his eyes for anything, anything that might tell her what exactly it was that he wanted. 
“I don’t know.” He finally said. 
Even if it wasn’t a definitive answer, those three words still punched a hole in Y/N’s stomach. She swallowed thickly, turning her head away from him and looked towards the pool. Her eyes flickered over the waving surface, suddenly interested in the way that the sun showed on the ripples created by the slight breeze, watching as the sun rays bounced off the bottom floor. 
“I mean. You have to understand, Y/N.” James went silent again for a few seconds. “This is a tough thing at our ages. And your parents might be more accommodating, but mine-” 
“Are you basing your decision off of what you want, or what they would want?” Y/N turned back to him. He didn’t even have to answer it. She knew the answer before he answered it himself. 
“Y/N, you know how my parents-” 
“And that’s enough to potentially think about walking away from me and your unborn child?” She asked. James went silent and averted his gaze. His eyes peered down at his shoes, taking note of the scuff and dirt marks that he had never really noticed until now. They were dirt and scuff marks that his father wouldn’t stand for. 
His father. 
He turned back to Y/N, who now had tears streaming down her face. A sigh escaped her lips and James was almost expecting more to come from her mouth. He had already felt bad enough that he was leaning more towards the thoughts of his father, but the more he thought about it, he was almost protecting her. If his father ever found out, he didn’t know what would happen. 
“I won’t be mad.” She finally spoke, and James was beyond surprised. He had indeed expected more from her. Not this. He didn’t expect her to be as understanding in this moment that she currently was being. A child was supposed to have their father in their lives. And this one wouldn’t. 
James was silent for several moments. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“No. I’m sorry.” Looking in her face, James knew she was being genuine. “I should have done more.” 
“No stop.” He said. “We both had a part to play in this.” 
And with that, both went silent. They remained on opposite ends of the bench, until enough time had passed and James had decided it was time to leave. He itched to hold her one last time, knowing that once he walked out of the front door, things were going to change. However, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. 
But she did. 
As he walked by her, she grabbed his hand, staring up at him. He stared down at her, but couldn’t offer her a smile, not that she had one to give back.
“Can I find you in a few years?” He asked. ‘When I don’t have to answer to my father?,’ he almost wanted to say, but he stayed silent. 
“Maybe.” Her heart broke some more. 
And then he was gone. 
After finding out that she was pregnant, Y/N had opted to continue her classwork remotely, only making visits to Maxton Hall in the first few months of her pregnancy. After she started showing, she had stopped, not wanting to raise questions or a potential scandal amongst the students there. 
When the children were born, Y/N knew that things would be okay. 
Twins. She had twins, and the only thing that she could think of were the Beauforts. A boy and a girl. The baby girl definitely had the looks of James more than the baby boy did. Y/N figured that she might be the troublemaker of the two in the coming years. The baby boy was quiet and good, the opposite of his sister, which was ironic, considering it was the other way around for both Lydia and James. 
Raising the twins though had actually been easier than she expected, especially with the help of her parents. Certain moments had been a bit tougher, like when Y/N had to take them in for vaccinations and doctor appointments. Listening to them cry their little hearts out because of being poked had broken her own heart. Many moments, she had wished that James was around to witness his kids grow up into the young children they were growing up to be. 
Even as they grew up, even if James wasn’t there, she still acted as if he was. Y/N told the kids stories about their father and what he was like. After all this time, she still loved him.She loved him enough that she wished that he had been around to witness their first steps, to experience their first words, etc. In general, Y/N had just wished that he was there. 
Especially now, walking through the park. The twins were a little over the age of four. They stomped around Y/N, giggling and laughing. They brought a smile to her face, making her happy when she thought that things were turning for the worst. She now knew that things weren’t going to turn out as bad as she had expected the day she found out she was pregnant. 
She came back to earth after hearing one of her kids let out a surprised shout. Y/N looked around, seeing her son on the ground, seemingly unhurt and okay. D/N had hurried over in an attempt to help him up, but the man S/N had ran into had helped him up first. 
“Sorry kiddo. Didn’t see you.” The man looked up and around, seeing Y/N. 
Her world stopped at that very moment, for the man that stood before her, she never expected to see again. 
“Y/N” The two a few feet apart and S/N and D/N were now next to their mother. James had already put two and two together, his eyes now focused on his kids. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing was spoken. His eyes moved to look at Y/N, who only smiled softly at him. It almost seemed sad. 
“What are you doing here?” He finally asked. 
“On a walk with the kids. Wanted to give mom and dad some peace and quiet.” Y/N explained. “What about you?” she asked. 
“I was just at a business meeting. I decided to cut through the park to get to my car.” His eyes were focused back on the kids, who stared up at him with large eyes. They hid partially behind Y/N. He could definitely see himself in both of them. 
“What are their names?” 
“D/N and S/N” Their names rolled off James tongue easily. Y/N followed his gaze to the kids, before shooing them away. “How about you two go play on the slide? I’m right here, I’ll be watching you.” The two ran off towards the slide without any hesitation, their giggles could be heard as they raced. 
“How are they?” he asked, watching their movement. Y/N watched James, taking in his appearance. He really hadn’t changed much. James still looked like himself. 
“They are good kids. Healthy. Take after us, that’s for sure.” She laughed a little, took a step closer to James as they now both watched the kids. 
“Do they know about me?” 
“Yea.” Y/N spoke softly. “I tell them stories about you. From school, what you’re like, just a bunch of things about you.” She said, “They’ve been coming up with their own questions lately.” James turned his attention to her. His eyes trailed over her form, taking her in, before looking back at the kids. 
“Like what?” He hesitated in looking back at her, before finally turning his head back towards her, but their eyes didn’t meet. She watched her children, a sad look in her eyes. Like she wanted to give them so much more than they already had in that moment. “Y/N.” She turned to him. 
“Would you be mad or upset with me now, if I asked if I could be in their lives?” he asked. Her smile looked a little less sad. 
“Never. You have every right to be in their lives. I can tell you right now that they want you in their lives. I can guarantee it.” Y/N turned to face him. “We can do whatever works. We can set up visitation times. Or you can take them whenever you want. We can work something out.” James nodded along, listening to her and the suggestions. He was silent for several seconds, and he knew that she was waiting for something from him. 
“Could we, maybe. Perhaps…could we try things over again?” Her smile seemed even brighter. 
“I think so.” She said softly. “I understood why you didn’t want anything at first. Yea, it took some time to adjust and get used to. I missed you terribly, but I want to work on things, especially between us. And that’s not only for us, but for them.” The two turned their attention back to the kids, who were running around, their high pitched giggles filling the air as they laughed. 
By the end of the night, after being invited for dinner with Y/N, her kids, and her parents, James had started to wedge himself back into their lives. His son and daughter were latched to him, never really letting him out of their sight. They told him everything that they could, as James stared at them, love apparent in his eyes and he listened to what they had to say. 
This was it. This is what he wanted. After everything that he already had, this was it. 
And as he looked up and his eyes found Y/N’s, already staring at him with the kids, and he had seen the smile she had adorned her face, he knew already that he was willing to give up anything to keep this. 
And she would let him. 
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littlefreya · 19 hours
Hi Freya! If you have the time, I was wondering if you had any recommendations for some August Walker fics, whether by you or another writer, it doesn’t matter to me. Most of the fics I’m finding recently make him out to be rough, animalistic, and cruel (which makes sense cause he was the villain after all lol). But they also include non-con, degradation, etc, which I’m not comfortable with. Don’t get me wrong! Stories with those elements are fine! It’s just not my cup of tea, personally. And I do like rough August, but I guess it’s more in the sense of him being rough to his enemies and being soft, sweet, and super protective of his sweet and innocent girl. Does that make sense? I’m sorry if it doesn’t, and for the rambling, to this day I still get nervous and panicky whenever I write an ask. 😅 Hope you have a great day! 🥰
Hey love, no need to be nervous about sending an ask. We are all just humans here :) 💖
I have several August stories where August is a pure softy - smut and non smut included.
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List below the cut
Smut 🔥🔥🔥
Velvet Chains - Soft!August x Reader (smut. August Walker as a sex-worker, sexual intercourse, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, a depiction of bodily fluids, soft!August themes, a tinge of angst and August’s monster c… ) - For a generous fee, August Walker is yours. A man devout to pleasure, who will worship you for an entire night and make sure your first time is more than memorable. 
Whiskers and Wet Silk - August comes home to find his princess watching Shadow and Bone and simping for the General and gets a bit insecure…
A Perfect Day - August Walker x Reader (smut to heavy fluff. Mentions of oral sex performed on a woman, male masturbation, and bodily fluids.) A perfect day in rural italy with the most dangerous CIA agent on earth. 
Pink Umbrella - August x Reader (Fluff to smut, soft!August Walker, DD/LG, thigh riding, gloves fetish (it’s a thing now), dirty talk, a tint of angst and slight twist ending.) August is on a mission in beautiful Paris and had you join the ride, but while he wants you to stay safe at the hotel, you have other ideas.
Gentle Monsters - August x Reader (smut, vaginal fingering, groping, grinding, cock grabbing, virginity. SoftDom vibes. August is the big bad wolf, but he can be soft for the right woman) It’s your first date with agent Walker, and things get a little too raunchy, but you are not ready to go all the way… 
One more touch before we die August x OFC (Explicit smut, romance) Set in a cabin on the mountain, August and his woman make passionate, desperate love. Sense Challange - Touch
Bourbon and Candy August x OFC (Explicit Smut, size kink, daddy kink) After a frustrating day at work, August just wants to sit down and enjoy his princess, in any way possible.
Poison Honey - August Walker x Reader ( Passion, romance, sexual innuendo, a “thrill of the chase” if this may trigger anyone and mild alcohol use.) Everyone around you is too busy getting drunk and making out, while you are just dying for this dreadful Christmas party to be over. But just as you plan to leave, you catch the eye of a very hungry August Walker. 
Fluff 🌈🍧🧁
Kiss it Better - August Walker x OFC (3rd person POV Fluffy, sticky, gooey fluff and floof with a tint of naughty suggestion)  August takes care of his girl after she fell
Monster August Walker x OFC (Romance) They call him a monster, but he is your monster    
Eivor - August Walker x ofc (Fluff)   August Walker wore many masks and had done horrible things but never in his life he imagined he would become someone’s father.
Shelter - August x Reader (Strictly soft sticky fluff) Lazy morning cuddles with August 
Something Wicked - August Walker x Reader (Fluff) August sleeps tightly and you decide to exploit the situation. 
Angel, can you hold me? - Soft!August x ofc (Angst to fluff) Bad guys need to be held as well
No More Tears - August Walker x OFC (August’s POV, Angst) On a cold autumn night, August muses over the girl he lost.
Behind Blue Eyes - August Walker x OFC (August’s POV,  angst, bad language, mentions of sex, mentions of alcohol, mentions of a breakup, longing, love, heartache. August being poetic AF and August being a prick and stealing candy. ) Beaten and broken, August Walker walks the streets of an unnamed city while he is taken by sudden longing.
Some drabbles
August doesn’t like it when his princess is sad (fluff)
Soft Tender August - August x Reader (Fluff, aftercare)
August singing Sinatra to you - August x Reader (Fluff)
Watching porn with August - August x Reader (mutual masturbation)
Forever Yours - August loves his cuddly princess
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steviethenarwhal · 2 days
hii do u have any fic recommendations where u read them and are like this author is also fascinated by carlos 🫡
Ah okay excellent ask! Went back through my history to put together a list for you, hopefully there’s some you haven’t read before. Small caveat that with Charlos and Carlando (the 2 most popular Carlos ships) there is a LOT of really well written fic but not a lot written by people who care about Carlos more than the other person. So there is some fic in here where Carlos still takes a slight backseat compared to the other driver in terms of depth and characterization, but since the author still put great effort into giving him layers and meat and heart, I didn’t hold that against them! If that makes sense. Hope you enjoy!
I also starred my top 5 as an additional place to start.
when the time comes (orphaned account *sad face*) Carlando— Carlos Sex Worker, 7K*
confetti (litaf1101) Charlos—Carlos as Charles’s Race Engineer, 25K*
best laid plans (madlyiephasetwo (madlyie_14)) Carlando—non-racing BFF to lovers, 63K
all the king's horses, all the king's men (choripan) Charlos—Sort of the Carlos character study (I would be shocked if you haven’t read this, but including it just in case), 38K
even my phone misses your call, by the way (starzzach) Charlos—A/B/O w/ infidelity & unhappy ending, 3K
the better half of a good time (antimonyandthyme) Carcar—Carlos Sex Worker, 4K*
through the sleepless night (nahco3) Carlando—Mentally-ill 4 Mentally-ill (you have to read through the lines here bc Lando is the narrator and he’s not really focused on Carlos’s interiority but the author clearly is), 18K
I Want You For Worse or For Better (estappensss (jaeclerc)) Carlando—Untraditional A/B/O and Mpreg, 6K
lost control (venerat) Piarlos—Hate Sex, 3K
My Girl (chiliconcarlos) Charlos—Single Dad Carlos, 31K but still a WIP*
ufc rookie (heroics) Carlando—Face-Slapping, 11K
surrender to the sound (yekoc) Carlando—Dom/Sub, 14K*
i wanna write your name up on my wall (nobrakesdown) Piarlos—WLW, 2K
we buried your bones in plywood (bloodmoonforme) Charlos—Hunger Games, 42K
the start of all the things that are left to do (bloodmoonforme) Charlos—Fantasy Forest Fairy Charles, 11K
uninvited (glasscushion) Charlos—Spanking, 1K
sweet tea in the summer (bloodmoonforme) Charlos—Vampire Charles, 10K
what we felt (venerat) Charlos—Carlos imprinting on Charles, 14K
when both our cars collide (buildyourfences) Carcar—Carlos stuck in time loop, 8K
i know that our love was fate (starzzach) Charlos—soulmates, 25K
I remember when I met you just before September (tiredtiredsharl) Carlando—Football Player Carlos, 16K
and then i'll self promo my own fic:
now i’m in exile, seein’ you out Carcar and Charlos—Girl Carlos, 9K
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vinyldreamsfuckup · 8 hours
So High School
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A: this was a random thing I came up with. I hope it’s cute
Warnings: fluff, drinking, smoking weed, smut, oral (female receiving), unprotected p in v, Kirk x fem
You and Kirk had been together since your sophomore year of high school. You were both the "weird" kids in high school. So when you got sat next to each other in third period history it almost felt like fate. You talked to each other nearly everyday since then. You always loved how much Kirk loved his comic books and horror movies. You could listen to him go on and on for hours and never get bored of him talking. You’d been in love with him since the moment you met him. When he joined Metallica you quickly became friends with all of the guys. You’d loved watching him play and being around him. There was simply just nothing better than being with him.
Though, one thing you never did was go to prom. It felt stupid and it seemed like a dumb thing to think about, but when you looked back at pictures from high school you’d always wished you had a picture in some stupid dress standing next to him. He knew this. He hated high school dances and didn’t really care, but he knew it was important to you, so when he surprised you with a “prom” at your old high school you were over the moon. It was just you, Kirk, James, Cliff, and Lars but it was going to be perfect regardless. Because you had him.
You wore a long, mint green, satin dress. It was a corset like dress that helped extenuate your body while still trying to look nice. There were laces up the back that showed your freshly tanned skin. Kirk wore a white shirt that was only halfway buttoned and black jeans with his black converse. He never cared for school dances in high school but he knew this was important to you and he wanted to do this to surprise you. So if you could only get jeans and a nice shirt then you’d take it. It being mostly unbuttoned was just a plus. You were standing in your backyard waiting for him to walk out with your corsage.
"You look beautiful," Kirk said as he walked out of the house. A smile spread across your face.
"Thank you, baby. You don't look too bad yourself," You giggled. Kirk chuckled and grabbed the corsage and wrapped it on your wrist. James and Lars giggled as they were snapping picture after picture as the two of you got ready. Kirk leaned in, his lips touching your ear.
"We should just ditch the whole thing. I can take you to the hotel and we can have a good time," Kirk whispered. You playfully hit his shoulder.
"Pose for the damn picture," You laughed out. He rolled his eyes and put his hand around your waist and looked at the camera. The two of you smiled taking a couple nice pictures before you both broke out into silly faces. Kirk ushered me to his car and we got in.
"You sure you wanna go to the dance and not just back to the hotel?" Kirk asked as he started the car. You laughed.
"I'm sure. Now lets go try to have a good time," You responded.
That's what the two of you did. You went and danced and ate some food. You both drank and smoked weed, getting undeniably high as fuck. You talked all night long, not even worrying about anything else. James, Lars, and Cliff all brought random girls to keep them company. They were all dressed up and getting shitfaced. You couldn’t help but smile at how sweet the whole thing was, but mostly you were just focused on Kirk and how happy he made you. You grabbed his hand and lead him out into the hallway and to your old locker. He pushed you against them just like he used to and connected your lips in a feverish kiss. The taste of weed and beer still on his you.
“Can we go back to the hotel now?” Kirk mumbled against your lips, his hand traveled up the strings of your dress, grazing the skin.
“Mhm…” You mumbled back with a nod. Kirk smiled and lifted you up bridal style before running back toward his car. You giggled as he ran.
You quickly arrived at the hotel and he lead you into the room and sat you on the edge of the bed. Your heart was full everything feeling so heightened. You two had sex all the time but for some reason this felt so much more intimate. He sat next to you on the bed and carefully undid the ties of your dress. He helped you out of it before pressing his lips to yours.
“You’re beautiful,” Kirk breathed out as he pushed you down on the bed. He trailed kisses down your chest and torso. His hands hooked around the lace of your thong before carefully pulling it off. A small groan left his lips as he stared at you, “so beautiful.”
He gently kissed down your thigh before settling between your legs. He licked between your folds groaning as he did so. Your hand tangled in his hair as a moan left your lips. He started to fuck you with his tongue, his thumb rolling against your clit.
“Fuck…Kirk…” You moaned out as your hand tangled into his hair. Kirk’s tongue quickly pumped in lapping up every last molecule. He groaned as he moved feeling you spasm beneath him.
“You’re so good,” Kirk mumbled, “So wet. So good.”
Your hips bucked against his tongue. He pressed your waist down on the bed and started to move his tongue quickly. His thumb spreading up against your clit. You were soon moaning out and finishing all over his tongue. He licked up your slick before standing up.
Your hands went to his shirt and quickly undid the rest of the buttons while he pulled himself out of his jeans. He was now standing in front of you naked, his dick standing tall and ready for you. He quickly pushed into you a loud moan leaving your lips as you adjusted.
“You’re so beautiful.” He groaned, “you’re so fucking wet.”
His hips started to rock and long moans left your mouth. Your hands gripped his back and your nails slowly raked down his back. He moaned out in a mix of pleasure and pain. He slowly picked up his pace ramming into you harder. He picked up your thigh and he lit by his stomach adjusting the angle. He fell in deeper hitting every spot perfectly.
“Kirk…oh my god,” you moaned out.
“That’s it, baby,” Kirk breathed out. He moved slightly faster.
“Don’t stop. That’s it. Yes…” you moaned out. He nodded and kept his pace ramming into you over and over. Your body started to shake and you loudly came, his name falling from your mouth
“Fuck…” Kirk groaned out. His hips still moving quickly chasing his orgasm. Your moans turned into loud whimpers as he kept going. Overstimulated and sensitive as he kept moving against you.
“Come on baby,” you whined. His head fell back and a loud moan left his mouth. He pulled out and came all over your stomach.
“Fuck…” Kirk said breathlessly. You nodded in agreement.
“Was this a good prom night?” Kirk chuckled out as he pulled away for a moment.
You nodded and smiled, “wouldn’t imagine it any other way, my love.”
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geotjwrs · 13 hours
wtf! (18+)
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; smut (minors dni!)
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The night was quiet and still, but Y/n couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned in his bed, missing Jenna terribly. Her laugh, her smile, the way she made everything better just by being there – it was all he could think about. Unable to bear it any longer, he grabbed his phone and dialed her number, hoping she would pick up.
After a few rings, Jenna's sleepy voice answered, "Hello?"
"Hey, it's me," Y/n said softly, trying not to sound too desperate.
"Y/n?" Jenna mumbled, clearly groggy. "What time is it?"
"It's late," Y/n admitted, glancing at the clock. "I'm sorry for waking you up. I just... I really needed to hear your voice."
Jenna's voice softened, though she was still half-asleep. "It's okay. I miss you too. What's wrong?"
"I can't sleep," Y/n confessed. "I just keep thinking about you. I wish you were here."
Jenna yawned, her exhaustion evident. "I wish I was there too. But we can talk for a bit, if that helps."
Y/n smiled, even though she couldn't see it. "Yeah, that helps. Tell me about your day."
Jenna started to recount her day, but her words were slurred and slow. Y/n could tell she was struggling to stay awake. "And then... I... um, sorry, Y/N. I'm just so tired."
"I know," Y/n said gently. "You should go back to sleep."
"But I want to be here for you," Jenna insisted, though her voice was barely more than a whisper.
"I appreciate that, Jenna. Really, I do," Y/n said, his heart aching with love for her. "But you need your rest. I'll be okay."
There was a pause, and Y/n could hear Jenna shifting in her bed. "Are you sure? I don't want you to be alone if you're feeling like this."
"I'll manage," Y/n replied, trying to sound reassuring. "Just knowing you care means a lot."
"Okay," Jenna said reluctantly. "But call me first thing in the morning, alright?"
"Will do," Y/n promised. "Goodnight, Jenna. I love you."
"Love you too," Jenna murmured, her voice trailing off as she drifted back to sleep. "Goodnight..."
Y/n hung up the phone, but the emptiness he felt didn't go away. If anything, it felt worse now that he'd heard her voice but couldn't be with her. He lay back down, staring at the ceiling, feeling more alone than ever.
The night was dark and quiet, with only the faint rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl breaking the silence. Y/n, a tall, athletic figure, crept stealthily towards Jenna's bedroom window, his heart pounding with anticipation. He knew that tonight would be different, more passionate and intense than any encounter they had shared before.
As he reached the window, he paused for a moment to catch his breath and to take in the sight of Jenna's room, bathed in moonlight. Carefully, he hoisted himself up and slid through the open window, his eyes immediately drawn to the beautiful figure lying on the bed. Jenna, her long, dark hair cascading around her shoulders, her eyes closed in sleep.
Y/n's heart raced as he approached the bed, his gaze locked on Jenna's seductive curves. He couldn't resist the urge to reach out and run his fingers lightly over her delicate skin, tracing the outline of her full, luscious lips. As he leaned in, his lips brushing against hers, Jenna's eyes flickered open, a soft gasp escaping her lips as she realized that Y/n was there, in her room, with her.
"Y/n, what are you doing here?" she whispered, her eyes wide with surprise and desire.
"I couldn't stay away, Jenna," Y/n murmured, his voice husky with longing. "I had to see you, to touch you. I need you, Jenna."
With that, he claimed her lips in a passionate kiss, their tongues entwining as their hands roamed over each other's bodies. Jenna moaned softly, her fingers digging into Y/n's back, pulling him closer.
"Y/n, you're making me so hot," she breathed, her eyes smoldering with desire. "I want you inside me, now."
Y/n's cock throbbed at the sound of her voice, the thought of sliding his hard length into her willing pussy driving him wild. He pulled away from her lips, his eyes dark with lust as he gazed down at her.
"Turn over, Jenna," he commanded, his voice low and gruff. "I want to see that perfect ass of yours."
Obeying his command, Jenna rolled onto her stomach, her cheeks flushed with anticipation as Y/n began to caress the soft, round globes of her ass. He traced the curve with his fingers, lingering on the sensitive skin, making Jenna squirm with pleasure.
"You like that, don't you?" he murmured, his fingers slipping lower to tease the sensitive flesh between her thighs. "You're so wet for me, Jenna. I can feel it."
"Oh, Y/n," she moaned, her hips bucking involuntarily as his fingers brushed against her clit. "Please, touch me there. I need to cum."
Y/n's cock throbbed at the sound of her plea, his balls aching with desire. He knew he couldn't wait any longer, he needed to feel her tight pussy wrapped around his cock, to hear her screams of pleasure as he drove deep inside her.
Without warning, he plunged two fingers into Jenna's slick channel, her wetness coating his fingers as he thrust in and out, her moans growing louder with each pass.
"Y/n, that feels so good," she gasped, her hips rocking in time with his movements. "But I need more, I need your cock inside me."
Y/n growled in response, his fingers leaving her pussy as he positioned himself between her legs. With a single, powerful thrust, he buried his cock deep inside her, his balls slapping against her ass as he began to pump in and out, each stroke more intense than the last.
"Fuck, Jenna," he groaned, his fingers digging into her hips as he drove deeper, harder. "You're so tight, so fucking wet. I love fucking you like this, baby."
Jenna cried out in pleasure, her voice mingling with Y/n's deep, guttural growls as he pounded into her, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body.
"Y/n, I'm going to cum," she gasped, her body trembling with desire. "Fuck me harder, baby, make me cum so hard."
Y/n grunted in response, his hips pistoning faster, his cock sliding in and out of her slick pussy with a wet, slapping sound. Jenna's moans grew louder, her screams of pleasure echoing through the room as she reached the brink of ecstasy.
"Yes, baby, yes!" she cried, her body tensing as she felt the first wave of her orgasm wash over her. "I'm cumming, Y/n, I'm cumming so hard!"
Y/n groaned in response, his cock swelling inside her as he felt her pussy clamp down around him, her juices flowing over his shaft as she rode the waves of her orgasm. With a final, powerful thrust, he buried himself deep inside her, his cock pulsing as he emptied his load, filling her with his hot, sticky cum.
As they lay there, panting and spent, Y/n wrapped his arms around Jenna, pulling her close as they basked in the afterglow of their passionate encounter. Their bodies were slick with sweat, their hearts pounding in unison as they savored the intimate connection they had shared.
But their moment of bliss was short-lived, as the sound of footsteps outside Jenna's room shattered the silence. Y/n's heart raced with dread as he realized that they had been caught, their secret rendezvous exposed for all to see.
"What the fuck is going on here?" a voice cried out, and Y/n's blood ran cold as he recognized the voice of Jenna's sister, Aliyah. "Get the fuck out of my room, both of you!"
Y/n scrambled to pull on his clothes, his face burning with shame as he realized that Aliyah had caught them in the act. But there was no time to explain, no time to make excuses. They had been caught, and there was no escaping the consequences of their actions.
Jenna's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she pulled on her clothes, her eyes downcast as she faced her sister. But Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he had marked Jenna, claimed her as his own, even if it was for just one night.
As they left Jenna's room, the weight of their secret hanging heavy in the air, Y/n couldn't help but wonder if there would be a next time, if they would ever be able to recapture the passion and intensity of that one, unforgettable night.
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winstonsns · 19 hours
Separate please!!
The gang reacting to the youngest of them,reader probably 12, who's usually tough and never crying or showing tons of emotion besides energetic choas, hiding alone and sobbing? Like full on sobbing tears and snotty.
the gang finds child!reader crying
authors note: this preference is strictly platonic, so absolutely no romance between reader and the gang. i’ll work on another request later today! anyway, hope you enjoy and thank you for sending this ask! 💗
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word count: 2.5k
warnings: cussing, fighting, lying, stealing, smoking, talks of depression and suicide, death
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when pony was in eighth grade and you were in fifth, the two of you went to the same school
he always knew you were smart, like him, but made irrational and stupid decisions
sometimes you rushed through things, you were stubborn and hardly showed emotion to anyone
the two of you started hanging out, and he invited you to be with the gang when you became older, in sixth grade
you were known to get good grades, no one knew how you did it and everyone suspected you were cheating
you were. you stole, lied, smoked, dated, fought, etc
pony knew this, him and his brothers would always manage to get you out of trouble since you were young and didn’t have good parental figures
until you got into a fight with a soc in your class, who bullied you relentlessly
you broke her femur and the police were called, and you weirdly enough and unreasonably were let go
you walked to pony’s house since you stayed there, you knew your parents didn’t give a shit about whether you were with them or not
pony and his brothers greeted you, you gave them a quiet “hello” and walked to the bathroom
they realized something must’ve been wrong since you were normally energetic, but you were quiet
as soon as you closed the door to the bathroom, you started bawling
you wondered why you hurt that girl, why you did all the bad things you did, how you were sorry, and how all you wanted was for someone to care for you enough to discipline you
pony heard your cries and knocked on the door, asking “hey, y/n..? i know you’re probably not doing the best right now but can we talk? i think you really should—”
you opened the door, just for pony to see your face red and your shaking body, struggling to make eye contact
he slightly crouched down to your level, saying “hey.. how about we go to my room so we get privacy and maybe we can talk about what’s happening? okay?”
you nodded and walked with him to his room, closing the door behind you
you sat on his bed and he sat next to you, he asked you what’s going on since you never cry and always seem fine
you answered with, “i-i don’t know what’s wrong with me and why i’m so fucked up.. i’ve done terrible things and i don’t know why im just realizing it now— i broke that girls damn arm, that’s too far. she-she hardly even did anything..” and pony listened the whole time
he told you “you’re not a bad person for doing those things, and everyone makes mistakes, it’s fine. you’re a kid, still learning, hell, i’m still learning. you can’t take back what you did, but you can always do better in the future..” he hugged you but you were still crying
he soothingly rubbed your back and grabbed your favorite book, that he bought so he could read to you
you lay down on his bed, still sniffling and zoned out
he lay on the bed and started reading to you
he saw your eyes fluttering and closing, causing you to fall asleep
he then realized you were going through much more than anyone knew, more than anyone should go through, especially at your age
he looked at you, fast asleep with tear marks on your cheeks
he knew you as the young one in the gang, who was undoubtedly the most reckless one
you fought, smoked, drank, etc
you were loud, could sometimes get annoying, and the most stubborn person he has ever met
and one day your fighting went too far, to the point of being hospitalized
some random kid started swinging at you, so you swung back and one of his friends fucking shot you
a car passed by and took you in, driving you to the nearest hospital
after the surgery, you no longer had a bullet in your chest, which was dangerously near your heart
you were lucky to survive, but you didn’t think that
the gang came to visit you, johnny was the first one
he came into your room, hearing sniffles and gasps of air, you were having a panic attack
he didn’t even know you had those, so he walked in and calmed you down
talking to you softly and comforting words helped you ground yourself
but you were still sniffling, tears still streaming down your face, saying, “i always wanted to die, johnny. i didn’t wanna live anymore, there was no point, why do i have hope now?”
johnny knew how you felt, but didn’t say it
he knew deep down that you would be able to deal with it, and tomorrow you would act like nothing had happened
but he just sat down on your bed, and you talked to each other about the others problems
he said people would mourn your death, and you’re too young to leave
you understood and said you didn’t want to talk about it anymore, so he went to the store and got you some candy and a get better card
since you were always an energetic child, people never thought you had any problems
you were sitting on a bench once, near the lot
you hoped no one would see you, you were out in the open since you didn’t know where to go
none of the curtis brothers were home and your parents didn’t care enough to let you in the house
you didn’t know why you were crying, you just were and you didn’t have a reason for it
you just couldn’t identify why you were feeling how you were feeling
staring at the grass, you mumbled “stop crying,” put your head in your hands, and again, mumbled, “stop crying..”
your leg was bouncing since you were anxious, didn’t want anyone to notice you were crying
soda was walking home since he decided not to drive to work today, then he saw you on the bench with your head in your hands
“y/n?” he asked you, you looked up and he asked what you were doing there
sitting on the bench next to you, he asked if you were okay, and you broke down even more
“i just don’t know what’s wrong with me. i always act like everything’s fine and that i don’t feel things but i really do. i’m sensitive and i care but i act like i don’t— i feel so terrible but i don’t know why, and… i don’t know…”
soda listened the whole time, and he knew how you felt, but tried to comfort you
you kept sniffling and whimpering, could hardly breathe and didn’t look at him in the eyes
he gave you advice, telling you it’s okay to not know why you’re upset, and you might be extra sensitive since you didn’t know why
you agreed with him, and it was silent
he asked if you wanted to walk home with him so you could stay the night, and you said yes
as the two of you were walking to his house, he patted you on the back and said, “you’re a damn good kid. and you might not believe it, but you have a good heart.”
you appreciated what he said, so you looked up and smiled at him
he knew you would get in trouble a lot, you were always energetic and chaotic
one day he got called into the police station, saying you were gonna have to stay there until someone picks you up, so you gave them darry’s number
you were in your own cell since you were a child, but an officer was near to keep you safe
dally drove over to the police station, you were put into a room with a table in the middle, like a questioning room
your hands weren’t cuffed to the table, the officers wanted you to have a free range so you can feel safe
when he arrived, the officers brought him into the room, where you had your head in your hands, red face, sniffling, and tear marks on your face
he sat down across from you, however you didn’t say a word to him
you kept looking down at the table and your sniffling continued
“i know you’re going through a lot right now, but you can’t go around stealing shit from people. i’m close to being done with your attitude, and you need to act more mature. i’m being hard on you because i care, and i know you may not see that.” he said
you listened, apologized quietly and nodded your head
the police officer in the room said to go home and to not get in any more trouble
the car ride home was awkward, you were still sniffling but stopped crying
when he drove you to his house, since you stayed there sometimes, and when the two of you got out of the car and walked into the house, no words were exchanged
but he wrapped his arms around you into an embrace, and patted your back, motioning you to go to the room you slept in
dally knew you and saw you kind of as himself
so he protected you as well as he could, he knew he needed someone to act as a parental figure when he was younger
he acted like he didn’t give a shit about you, but he cared about you the a lot
he knew you were tough but he also knew he was going through shit at your age, so you probably were too
and when he saw you in his room, above bucks bar, crying and snot dripping down your fucking face, you trying to wipe it off with tissues, he knew something bad must’ve happened
he rushed over to you, you were on his bed, and he asked you why you were there and what happened
you could tell there was genuine concern in his eyes, he went down to eye level so you could really see him
you told him “i get so angry all the time and it’s making me feel like a bad person. i don’t know why im just realizing now, this is why no one wants to be around me, i always ruin every relationship i make—“
he interrupted you and said, “hey, hey, you’re not a bad person.. it’s fine to get angry sometimes, it’s just an emotion, everyone gets angry sometimes, but you need to be careful since you could get in trouble while doing those so-called bad things.”
he kept eye contact with you the whole time, trying to make sure you understood
after you were quiet for a bit and stopped crying, he asked you, “you wanna go to dairy queen..? huh?” and smiled, patted your knee
you looked up at him slightly and smiled back, nodding
the two of you walked out to buck’s car, and he drove you to dairy queen
he got you whatever you wanted :)
you and two-bit were walking down the street, just taking shit from people while having a conversation with each other
and while you were trying to to take a wallet out of someone’s purse
she caught you and grabbed your wrist, her daughter staring at you
the mother started screaming at you, “you brat! why the hell do you think you’re entitled to my money, huh? are you that desperate, you dumb—“ all while her daughter was looking at her mother in fear
two-bit talked to her calmly but somewhat angrily, “you don’t know shit. first off, you’re not making a good example for your daughter. and second, you don’t yell at a fucking kid. you still have your wallet and your damn life, which you’re lucky to still have. this kid doesn’t know fucking know any better..”
he looked back to see you storming away, speed walking on the streets
he ran from the mother and daughter to catch up to you, seeing you wiping your eyes since you were crying
he told you not to listen to the mother, she didn’t know anything and you were in some ways more mature than an adult like her
you didn’t respond, so he told jokes
most of it was pointing out socs on the streets that looked like crap or were doing weird things
you giggled at some of them, to the point where your eyes were still red and you were sniffling, but you were feeling better
steve didn’t always have it the best at home, and neither did you
the two of you bonded over it, talking about funny or sad or weird experiences that happened in your homes
and one day you were talking a lot, as you always did since you were talkative and energetic
your mother had yelled at you, with hate and anger towards you, just for being yourself
calling you useless and annoying, talking about how pathetic and stupid, how selfish you were, etc
you didn’t talk back since it wouldn’t change her mind, it wouldn’t take back what she said
you stared at her with no emotion ,then walked out like nothing happened
you were walking to the DX since it was near the time steve would get off
halfway to the store, your lip started trembling and your throat tightened up
so you bawled for around 10 minutes, and still bawling when you arrived at the DX
steve was walking towards you and waved, you didn’t wave back but he knew you noticed him
he sped up towards you once he saw you were crying, so he asked you what was wrong, the two of you started walking back to the curtis house
you told him about your mother, how you suddenly started to feel bad about living and being how you naturally were
you wanted to change but didn’t know how
he didn’t know how to comfort you since he never was comforted by anyone in his life
he only knew to tell you that you weren’t a fuck up, and you’re the best just the way you were
you gave a weak smile to him, occasionally starting small talk at certain points on the sidewalk
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authors note: sorry i didn’t post on friday! i was occupied the last few days with school and after school activities 🎀
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aphblrconfess · 2 days
Sooo my yk how in MCD michi faked her death, had a twin brother, and got adopted by the crazy cat lady? Wouldn't modern mystreet version of Michi have a similar life? (Sorta like how laurance joined the shadow knights gang pre-PDH) Well my head cannon for her is this...
(Warning This is a longgggG one)
In PDH we see her as a calm normal teenager, this leads me to believe this was before all of the things listed above. My head cannon is at some point before she was 18, let's just say the summer between sophomore and junior year, her parents and twin all died somehow. Personally I like to think it was an accidental house fire because when you think faking your death in medieval times you think burning your house down and then vanishing. This is also how I think MCD!Michi faked her death.
after her family died, she was placed in the care of the crazy cat lady. And well... To say moving in with an, 'unhinged' old lady won't do wonders for your grieving mind is an understatement.The crazy cat lady effectively isolated her, only allowing for her to go to school and home. This caused Michi to the few positive relationships she had remaining, namely Laurance. But Laurance didn't even really consider her a friend, they hadn't even really hung out much at all. And she always found him with, her. That short girl who delivered that present for that boy who remembered her birthday in freshman year.
High school came and went, and alongside it Michi's could feel as if she was loosing herself. As if all her positive traits were fading, her negative traits just kept multiplying. She still stayed with the crazy cat lady up until she was around 21, that decision would set the stage for the Michi we saw in mystreet season one. The crazy cat lady Michi as though she were a possession rather than an adoptive daughter, she refused to let Michi get a job and also would toss out any college acceptance letters.
She would only leave the crazy cat lady's home when her child hood friend Nana came home from college and was in need of a roommate to afford rent. Nana could tell her childhood friend had changed, but whenever she asked Michi would bring up how much Nana, now 'Kawaii~Chan' had changed since when they first met all those years ago.
Being Nana's roommate wasn't easy, seeing her go out regularly, have a boyfriend, worship that shrine with that girl who was always around laurance in high school, make all the most delicious desserts when Michi struggled to even make pancakes, just made Michi all the more jealous of her. At first she tried getting a job at a bakery, in hopes it will help her get better at baking. But that was a fleeting dream. When she got fired, Nana helped her get a job at the IHOP she worked at. But little did Nana know that this would cause their friendship to fall apart.
At ihop, the girls had a manager, this manager always would compare the two. Always talking about how Nana was the most friendly towards customers, meanwhile Michi was the quickest server they had. The manager would encourage the two to compete. Sowing the seeds of hatred further into Michi's soul.
She just wanted to take then down a peg, just wanted to take them to her level, just to see that stuck up grin leave their faces. 'Kawaii~Chan's joyous laugh which was now unrecognizable. That, Aphmau's smile that lit up rooms. All of it, all of them, she hated them. She wanted to ruin them.
So she tried. She failed of course, but still. But then someone came along, a pretty lady. One Michi knew had the connections to make Michi wealthy, no more hungry nights, no more worries, none of it. She did what the lady asked of her, honestly Michi didn't care much for them anymore, distance truly is a cure all, but she still did it. The lady, Melissa, paid Michi fairly for her trouble.
Michi, now with money to provide for herself. Moved up north, to the mountain range. She always did love the snow, something colder and harsher than she ever was. She became someone new. She felt better and more like herself for the first time in nearly a decade. She even met a nice guy who ran the convenience store! He always had a new and easy recipe to help Michi try.
But then, it happened. Michi was walking home after a rough day, she saw the two people she thought she'd never ever see again. Sure the mountains were close to her old town, but what were the odds? It felt as though someone broke s bottle over her head, followed by a dull feeling, sorta like the potions she used to use. But those potions only lasted a half hour tops, this one felt stronger, more permanent.
Once again Michi felt like a husk.
The man who did this to her, a werewolf, mentioned something about a potions that lasts forever. But Michi wasn't in the right space of mind to even question it. She was like a marionette, saying whatever he'd like, harming whoever he said to, helping dress that girl who looks so familiar but she just can't place her finger on it.
Michi watched as the other three who followed the man's orders left. She watched as the man left too, telling her to go wonder the mountains and find some dignity. So she did.
Local teens tell tales of purple haired mei'fwa who wonders these woods, looking for a man named Ein. Another teen would chime in that sometimes she calls out for 'Chet!', the same name as the old man who works the convenience store. Skeptics debate if she was just a magicks user who likes to be alone, or if she's somehow connected to myth of the wolf who turned into a woman.
(P.s. sorry for typos, I can write long paragraphs but cannot read them :p.)
anon can u like ? rewrite mystreet ?? you had me hooked from start to finish and i don’t even remember michi that well
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lornasaurusrex · 2 months
I miss you Lorna… this is such a mess
This is an old message and I had several other similar messages, but I miss you guys and hope you’re all doing well!! I’m sorry to see nothing has improved.
I saw I was kindly mentioned by @awesomefringey and some other commenters the other day, so just wanted to log in and say hello and log back out for a few more months. 💕
Sending so so much love to all of you. Take care of yourselves and each other, please.
The video is still on YT.
#Anywayyyyy#The fandom added a whole lot more C to my C-PTSD#So a nice random message every few months instead of a freshly posted death wish is LOVELY.#Don’t fret. On meds and therapied but fresh tf out of money from it so @ L and H… lornasaurusrexx at g*ail is the PayPal if ur bored 🙃#I hate to be like this but protect your hearts. They’ll never be able to look out for you guys and they feed these trolls ammo for snacks#and it seems to have only gotten worse. Gotta keep them hets hetbaited for their money whilst actively encouraging them to bully yall? Why?#STILL!? At this point it feels like they’ve both chosen that path deliberately now and I find it quite gross. but I’m also very far removed#So don’t worry about my opinions. Keep trusting your own intuition!!! You all see it. I love you guys and your beautiful hearts and empathy#But I hope they can sleep at night knowing the absolute fucking genuine WRECKAGE they left across the Big Gay War generation/era of Larries#Don’t worry guys I’m just as dramatic as ever. None of this has anything to do with them coming out or anything. Just how we were treated.#But trust I fuckin mean that shit from the deepest darkest pit of my Demon Larrie™️ heart. They encouraged this. 🤷🏼‍♀️#Anyone who cares about my actual life updates: I’m a school nurse now and will be working at a bougie summer camp over break#Had a surgery I needed. Got new tattoos and piercings. In a happy and healthy relationship with the best dude for almost a year now.#OH and I went to New Zealand last year with Prettytruthsandlies!!!! We made a pact back in our Big Gay War/college days to go. And we DID!!#I got overstimulated and overfed and puked in Hobbiton. 🤣 (It was the best time of my LIFE GENUINELY🥰🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹)#Okay BYE LOVE YOU GUYS#There are better and more humane ways to maintain a closet ..like literally STFU entirely. Ignoring it and not exploiting a kid is FREE#🇵🇸
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illogicalghost · 23 days
anyone else learn about the nuclear arms race and mutually assured destruction at an impressionable young age, had an existential crisis about how we almost ended all life on the planet in thermonuclear hellfire and made it uninhabitable for thousands of years multiple times because of political differences, and we still have enough warheads on earth to destroy it a hundred times over sitting in the hands of insane megalomaniac politicians who could just end it all with a press of a button and never fully recovered since?
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nazuna-tunnel-vision · 7 months
i love getting stupidly invested in characters. i use the whole hyperfixation as a blotch test to externalise and explore all the hang ups i didn't know i had and/or don't dare to face head-on.
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
So there's my grammar teacher who used to be known as the intimidating one but like.. He's always been open to me and my friend about like what he watches and interests and has literally asked to see my writing
Do you know how awkward it is to explain the last thing I wrote was haha flower cough;"#+(@+%
(he liked the concept and deadass said "send it to me that's a command" and now I'm omw to write something entirely new because ain't no way I'm sending MineDai)
#snap chats#i could never be that open with a teacher bro id rather get shot#will be epic to see what you end up cooking up for him tho. in pursuit of Not sending slash fiction lmaoooo#i wish i was able to be close with my teachers- closest i got was my art teacher during I Think my 1st or 2nd year of high school#he was SUCH a cool teacher and he'd always work on commissions during class#he was color blind so he had this really cool system on figuring out what the appropriate colors were for a client's piece#i remember one time we were meant to sketch those like. japanese scroll pieces Yk What I Mean#and while he did have preexisting examples for students who didnt know what to do (or didnt care LMAO)#he was just 'you always know what you're doing so you can freehand it' so that was epic :)#i drew a dragon.... cause im predictable...... but he really liked it so :)#man high school sucked but i also remember my english/comics teacher.. she was a really big fan of mine#she was especially passionate about my doing comics and doing art related things.. i get sad thinking about it sometimes#part of why ive always wanted to make a doujin was for her so i could send it to her and be like#'hey teach i still really like art look :)'. like when i say she was SUPER passionate about me It Was Super Passion#honestly she was my first big fan if im tbh- id never gotten support like that and i wish i valued her enthusiasm more#i was just mad depressed and angry in high school i just wanted to be left alone all the time.. but oh well no point in crying about it now#it'd be better if i could start thinking of a teacher-friendly doujin to make and give her... lmao.....#BUT YEAH NOT TO HIJACK YOUR ASK TO RAMBLE i hope you think of something to give your teach LMAOOO#just change the names full a Fifty Shades it's fine. terrible example but we know what i mean is the worst part
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
I forget how much I hate the taste of vodka but the whipped cream vodka is so much better my god
#make a drink sweet enough that you can’t taste it when it’s in ur mouth and then all u get is the whipped cream vodka in the burn#makes drinks more tolerable#also this is the fastest I think I’ve ever chugged an alcoholic drink#we are gonna get fucked up tonight bc we have daddy issues and fought with our mom this morning slayyy#smoked a cigarette at the lake now getting fucked up in my room while home alone#life is so good and it’s all bullshit forever#literally we could all die and it doesn’t matter and life is weird and crazy and I am happy it sucks and I am so fucking thrilled to be aliv#at all#life is good regardless of death but I wish death would just like wait patiently for my family#dad I miss u I hope you had a good four twenty where ever you ended up. im sorry moms acting like this. I hope my brothers okay at school.#I hope he’s having a good time and isn’t completely overwhelmed with everything. I was right and apparently he’s gonna come home after grad#uation and im excited to have him home again but my mothers all upset. I know it sucks that you’re dead but it’s nice knowing in a weird way#that you’re the reason me and hunter got close again. so thanks I guess for that. and smoking made me and mom grow closer. idk. you’ve done#a lot for us and most of it had to do with weed. today hurt worse than my birthday. or the six month anniversary. today sucked. and no one#else seemed to be torn apart by it and it made me feel like I was going crazy and no one could even tell#you would’ve noticed if I was acting different. I love you. wherever you are I still love you. and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was such a bitch.#and I wish I took better care of you. but you were my father I wasn’t supposed to take care of you. you should’ve been there for me. we shou#have been there for mom and hunter and your parents and I’ve been thinking a lot about grammie actually. I don’t know how I feel. thinking#about her makes me cry now. I don’t have the heart to make her cry talking about my childhood but I miss her. and I miss being young. I miss#you coming to my Father’s Day dance recitals and coming back from bike week in Laconia and bringing me flowers always wearing your grey#Harley Davidson jacket and you’d have flowers in your arms and you’d be bored but so proud and you’d hug me and you’d smell like weed and#your beard was always scratchy when you’d hug me and I just miss you a lot. I miss you and I fucking hate you for it fuck.#note to self. ​don’t be pmsing and then get drinking and smoking and thinking of your dead father. you will cry
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