#life is good regardless of death but I wish death would just like wait patiently for my family
milo-is-rambling · 1 year
I forget how much I hate the taste of vodka but the whipped cream vodka is so much better my god
#make a drink sweet enough that you can’t taste it when it’s in ur mouth and then all u get is the whipped cream vodka in the burn#makes drinks more tolerable#also this is the fastest I think I’ve ever chugged an alcoholic drink#we are gonna get fucked up tonight bc we have daddy issues and fought with our mom this morning slayyy#smoked a cigarette at the lake now getting fucked up in my room while home alone#life is so good and it’s all bullshit forever#literally we could all die and it doesn’t matter and life is weird and crazy and I am happy it sucks and I am so fucking thrilled to be aliv#at all#life is good regardless of death but I wish death would just like wait patiently for my family#dad I miss u I hope you had a good four twenty where ever you ended up. im sorry moms acting like this. I hope my brothers okay at school.#I hope he’s having a good time and isn’t completely overwhelmed with everything. I was right and apparently he’s gonna come home after grad#uation and im excited to have him home again but my mothers all upset. I know it sucks that you’re dead but it’s nice knowing in a weird way#that you’re the reason me and hunter got close again. so thanks I guess for that. and smoking made me and mom grow closer. idk. you’ve done#a lot for us and most of it had to do with weed. today hurt worse than my birthday. or the six month anniversary. today sucked. and no one#else seemed to be torn apart by it and it made me feel like I was going crazy and no one could even tell#you would’ve noticed if I was acting different. I love you. wherever you are I still love you. and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was such a bitch.#and I wish I took better care of you. but you were my father I wasn’t supposed to take care of you. you should’ve been there for me. we shou#have been there for mom and hunter and your parents and I’ve been thinking a lot about grammie actually. I don’t know how I feel. thinking#about her makes me cry now. I don’t have the heart to make her cry talking about my childhood but I miss her. and I miss being young. I miss#you coming to my Father’s Day dance recitals and coming back from bike week in Laconia and bringing me flowers always wearing your grey#Harley Davidson jacket and you’d have flowers in your arms and you’d be bored but so proud and you’d hug me and you’d smell like weed and#your beard was always scratchy when you’d hug me and I just miss you a lot. I miss you and I fucking hate you for it fuck.#note to self. ​don’t be pmsing and then get drinking and smoking and thinking of your dead father. you will cry
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hi aj! still on my rewatch (slowly but surely) and i reached 9.01. i noticed that when grissom hears on the police radio that warrick was shot he was actually buying a traveller magazine and wonder if he had been thinking of joining sara then. do you think that he would have reached that point even if they hadn’t lost warrick? i feel like his death is the first trigger to grissom deciding to retire. thanks so much for all your patience in answering these! have a great week 🤍
hi, rewatch anon!
good to hear from you again!
so i have a much longer, more detailed post outlining what i think grissom's state of mind re: following sara is between s8 and s9 which you can read here, if you're interested.
but the tl; dr version is that i think while the grissom of episode 09x01 "for warrick" may well have sara on the brain when he picks up the traveller magazine—he may be thinking of her travels and/or be considering going to visit her wherever she is and/or be mulling going on a vacation with her—for my money, he is not yet consciously considering leaving vegas to be with her (or at least not on a permanent basis) for two main reasons.
the first reason why he isn't ready to follow sara during s8 is because he feels that maybe her having some time away from him is "for the best."
as i talk about in this post,
remember: [in s8,] sara has just walked out on him, and for as much as her reasons for doing so have everything to do with her mental health and nothing to do with a lack of love for or desire to hurt him, the bottom line is that her decision isn’t one made in a vacuum; regardless of her intentions, her leaving (and especially so abruptly) does cause him pain and stoke his fears that he doesn’t fulfill her needs. he is left wondering if she could have stayed were he a better partner to her—more attentive, more experienced in love, less “in his own head.” those emotional wounds and self-doubts carry with him the whole time she’s gone, and they definitely figure in to why he doesn’t immediately go chasing after her.
his (flawed) inference is that if he had been providing sara with everything she needed from him emotionally, she wouldn't ever have left las vegas to begin with, so maybe it's best if he—and all of his emotional obtuseness—steer clear of her for the time being while she figures things out and seeks the support she needs elsewhere.
the last thing he wants in the world is to get in the way of her recovery, you know?
his second reason also ties in with the first:
he isn't prepared to follow sara yet because he is somewhat hopeful there ultimately is no need for him to do so.
because he and sara are still in regular phone contact at that time (see episodes 08x08 "you kill me" and 08x12 "grissom's divine comedy"), he has some sense that sara is not completely cut off from him and their life together in vegas; he feels as if that door is still open, at least a crack, and he is as optimistic as a realist/pessimist like him can be that she will eventually walk through it and return to him, once she has sufficiently recovered her mental health.
his plan is to honor her wishes by staying in vegas himself, giving her the time and space she needs to pursue healing, patiently waiting until she is ready to finally return home to him.
though of course he does have fears that maybe she might decide to stay away permanently—after all, it wouldn't be grissom if he didn't struggle to believe in his own lovability—between his own fears regarding his "unworthiness" and his cautious hopes that sara just needs to recalibrate before she is ready to come back to him, he remains firmly planted in vegas for the six months she is away (between november '07 and may '08).
the way i see things, it isn't until after sara's second departure from vegas in s9 that he really starts to consider following her into "the great unknown," not only because he has a sense that, at that point, her absence from sin city is more permanent but also because, as you mention, by then he is himself becoming burnt out on his job and bears some deep wounds from warrick's death which also contribute to his readiness to leave.
as i talk about here,
[by s9,] grissom is a man on the brink.  ever since sara left vegas in s8, grissom has missed her terribly and been struggling with depression. the lab, which was once his safe place, his “well-ordered kingdom” in an otherwise chaotic world, has become increasingly strange and unwelcoming to him, and particularly as the team has changed, with sara’s departure (which sparked the beginning of the end), warrick’s death (which has been, in itself, another huge and devastating blow), and riley’s addition (which has proven to grissom that things will never be the same again as they were before).   add in the extra heartbreak of sara returning briefly to vegas for warrick’s funeral, spending four months in town, and then suddenly leaving again without even saying goodbye—plus the fact that grissom feels as if he may have truly lost her this time around, given his unwillingness to follow her into the unknown—and you’ve got a grissom who is one step away from completely falling apart.  whereas he once took satisfaction and even comfort in his job, nowadays the cases he investigates horrify and disturb him. he’s lost his appetite. he’s having nightmares. he can barely sleep. barely think. one of the worst parts to all of this is that he is without his usual support system: normally, when he needs comfort, encouragement, and understanding, he turns to sara, but he can’t do that now, not with her gone. what’s more: he is almost haunted by sara’s absence. she was at the heart of both his work and his home life. she was his partner, his right hand, his roommate, his confidante, his support system,his best friend, his lover, his spouse, and his whole world. every place he goes reminds him of her in some way, from their condo (which now feels impossibly empty in her absence), to the lab, to different places around the city where they’ve investigated crimes. hell, he can’t even sleep without dreaming about her—about how he’s lost her. she’s everywhere to him and yet nowhere, and he can’t seem to focus on anything aside from the terrible ache in his chest from missing her so much. that’s the mental space that grissom is in going into episode 09x05 “leave out all the rest”—and then the episode starts with sara finally contacting him, after so many months of radio silence, only to break up with him via video email, telling him not to worry about her anymore and acting like what they’ve had is ~over, even though, for him, it very much isn’t. that is the final blow—the thing that pushes him to the absolute brink of his ability to cope.
so, ultimately, it isn't just one factor that brings grissom to the point where he is ready to leave town but rather a concatenation of them.
outside of missing sara, he is also becoming increasingly horrified by the human depravity he witnesses night in and night out on his job (see, for example, his reaction to the case in episode 09x06 "say uncle") and increasingly unsatisfied with the changes to his work life and team (including the losses of both sara and warrick and the addition of riley adams to the graveyard shift).
warrick's death likewise weighs on him.
as i talk about here,
obviously, when warrick dies, it’s devastating for grissom, not only because he holds warrick in his arms as it happens but because he loved warrick so deeply. for as much as grissom’s s9 depression is a product of him missing and being heartbroken over sara, it also is a product of his grief over warrick—and i honestly think that had warrick not died at that time, grissom probably would have taken longer to decide to leave the lab than he does in canon; warrick’s death just shuts the door on that chapter of his life in a very final kind of way. he never truly gets over it.
between all of the above stressors, grissom eventually finds that not only is he willing to leave las vegas but he's ready to.
in the past, clinging to his job had always been "enough" for him, but now he finds he does not take the same pleasure in his work as he formerly did and he needs more—a change of scene and venue, new endeavors in which to invest himself, and, most importantly, human connection; specifically, with the love of his life, sara.
as stated above, i do think that had warrick not died at the start of s9, grissom may have taken longer to eventually reach that breaking point, not only because then sara would not have returned to vegas at the start of s9 only to leave again, shattering grissom's illusions that she might eventually come home for good in the process, but also because he wouldn't have been half as miserable at the lab in that case as he ultimately became in canon.
had warrick still been around, he could have probably mollified himself for somewhat longer; kept convincing himself, "i don't need to come to her. she'll eventually come back to me. everything'll be fine. i just need to keep my head down and do my work in the meanwhile—"
that said, i do believe that grissom still would have ultimately arrived at a point where the center could not hold—where it became apparent to him that he just couldn't be satisfied living his life without sara (even for the sake of his work).
even before grissom was ready to follow her in s8, he was still uncomfortable in her absence and longed to be near her again, and that discomfort and longing only would have grown the longer that she stayed away.
though i can't say exactly when, i am sure there would have someday (probably sooner rather than later) come a time when grissom couldn't stand to live apart from his one true love anymore, even if warrick hadn't died.
so if she hadn't been willing to come home to him*, then he would have eventually gone out to her.
* and who knows? maybe if warrick hadn't died, sara might have eventually come back to vegas of her own volition (to stay) once she was ready. after all, she does eventually move back there and even resume working at the lab come s10, so obviously that development isn't outside of the realm of possibility for her.
those are my takes.
thanks for the questions! please feel welcome to send more any time.
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avatar-of-the-web · 3 months
Every time I close my eyes all I can think about is how badly I don't want to be a ghost anymore...
The thought of everything I have to do to change that terrifies me. It terrifies me because I can't realistically afford it, but what I can afford even less is waiting until I can.
So little by little I have to subject myself to these terrors and agonies without a secure base, if I had been unwilling to do this I'd already be dead. I'm still barely alive.
But as terrifying as facing my mistakea and socialising and connecting through it is, as reaching out to people that don't reach out to me as much—I'm frequently at a social disadvantage; they don't need me as much as I need them, so they oft don't afford me the time of day until I find myself occupying their mind regardless—nothing terrifies me as much as the thought of dying unknown, of continuing to be a ghost forced to watch time pass me by, to continue missing opportunity after opportunity simply because I couldn't afford to pull it together.
I'd rather go insane and shatter my psyche and trigger encephalitis and come near death again, and again, than to just let life keep passing me by—and I have been doing exactly that.
There is no easy way for me and there never has been, and sometimes I don't think there ever will be. I understand where the platitudes come from, a well-meaning place, but I've learned better than to hold my breath for miracles I simply do not receive.
If my life improves and one day I no longer have to micromanage every single detail of my psyche and life only to still be far behind everyone and to have to still fight for my life in order to do anything—if that happens, good.
But for now, that's just a fantasy, and telling me to hold on for a fantasy that people have been telling me my whole life would surely come eventually—well, that's just cruel.
Intentional or not.
I'd rather receive a text that includes a meme or a sharing that they thought about me. I'd rather receive reasonably plausible well wishes. I'd rather hear “I hope your pain isn't as bad today” or good news about their own life or good news about science or politics. I'd rather hear about a cat you met or something new you've been trying or a smaller excerpt of your writing that you're proud of when I'm in one of my bouts of illiteracy.
Rather than dreaming about a day I'm healthy that could be months or years away, I wish I'd receive more patient help and consideration; to not be the only one that thinks of ways that I could be included within my limitations.
I don't want to be so isolated by my disabilities and my awful life anymore. And since my brain became unable to handle practically any extra burden anymore, I simply stopped being able to do much with anyone, because I don't have it in me to beg for consideration after being chased out of space after space or flaked on or otherwise the room simply wasn't held open for me.
I know it wasn't personal I know they just have their own lives. I know I should've spoken more. I know I should've thought of solutions sooner.
I'm greatful that I can even begin thinking of solutions now, that I can push myself to socialise even when it's hard, that I have at least 1 friend I can reliably text that isn't my husband.
For all my complaints here, I know that if my 15 year old self saw how many friends we have in comparison, he probably wouldn't have nice things to say about the fact that I still can't help but self-sabotage a bit, that I allow myself to ghost. Or maybe he'd surprise me with his patience, but I know he'd be surprised. I know he'd think to himself that he didn't think we'd ever have so many friends as we do now.
But I also know that the current state of my life beyond that would probably have nade his suicidal ideation worse. And that stings.
I have my weak moments where I say things I don't mean, like that I want to die. I don't want to die. Despite everything I love being alive. Despite the agony that just won't end, despite the fact that I never experience reprieve. I know that my flesh is tired, that my flesh wants to sleep.
But my will is too strong to allow it.
I won't be leaving, I can't.
My life doesn't belong to me anyway. It belongs to the Earth, and She isn't done with me, so I'm not done with Her.
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starryhyuck · 4 years
falling star (m) | prince!hyuck
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pairing: donghyuck x reader
words: 7k+
summary: you’re betrothed to the handsome prince donghyuck, but when your life is put in danger, you’re unsure if you can trust him.
genre: fluff, angst, smut
warnings: prince!donghyuck, princess!reader, soulmate!au, mentions of death, unprotected sex, public sex, sex in prison lmao, impregnation, little bit of voyeurism
basically i rewatched moon lovers and i turned this fic into a kdrama,,, thank you for 1k followers!!
terms to know:
gongju - princess
jeonha - king
seja-jeonha - crown prince (next in line for the throne)
wangja - son of a king and a concubine
daegun - prince, but not made to be king
You first experience heartbreak when you are only three years old.
You watched as your mother faded before you, her life escaping her body as she consumed the dark poison hidden in her tea. You remember all of the servants rushing to her aid, screaming for someone to fetch the physician. It wasn’t until minutes later that someone realized you were still in the room, carrying you away as you cried for your mother.
Since that day, you’ve carried yourself with a heavy heart.
There were numerous whispers roaming around the castle — most of them talking about how you were a witness to your mother’s death, and how you never recovered. They weren’t wrong.
Your mother’s killer was never clearly identified. All of the servants in the palace had been thoroughly questioned but many false accusations were made and your father, who was in the depths of his grief, decided to kill the wrongly accused. He never launched a full investigation and instead, attended to you and your siblings to prolong the mourning period.
Your father became a more gentle king after his wife’s death. Wars ceased and the plantation in the kingdom became more fruitful after your father diverted the kingdom’s expenses. He did not take on any more lovers and focused on his palace and his children.
You, however, became cautious as you grew up in the palace, afraid that your mother’s killer still walks before you.
“Gongju, shouldn’t you be carrying out your duties?”
You blink when Mark rounds the corner, taking a seat beside you. The both of you rest peacefully underneath one of the blossoming trees, but you should know that your brother cannot keep silent for long.
“Donghyuck arrives today.”
“Good for him.”
Mark sighs. “I know you do not wish to be married, but-“
“But nothing,” you hiss, standing up and brushing off the dust on your skirt. Chaeyoung, your attending lady, rushes to your side once she sees your movement. She bows deeply in recognition of your brother’s presence. “If Taeyong wants to marry me off so carelessly, then so be it.”
“You know that’s not true-“
You don’t allow him to finish his sentence, walking off with Chaeyoung in step behind you. She says nothing but you can tell she wants to interfere.
Chaeyoung has been your best friend since you were younger, assigned to be your personal lady when you both were only eight years old. Chaeyoung knew you better than anyone else, and she understood your hatred towards your upcoming marriage.
It was only days ago when Taeyong, your oldest brother and crown prince, decided to persuade your father into finding you a suitable marriage. You were of age to be married and if you did not find a suitable partner in time, the palace would begin to murmur.
Donghyuck was a prince from a neighboring kingdom, sent by his brother, Moon Taeil, to arrange a marriage between you. Since Donghyuck was a result of one of his father’s affairs, he had no chance of becoming the king of his own palace. Taeil still loved his brother dearly and wanted to find him a good match.
Unluckily, that match was you.
You run into Taeyong on your way back to your quarters, and you offer him a bow.
“Seja-jeonha, nice to see you.”
He smiles tightly at Chaeyoung and asks her to excuse himself as he pulls you aside.
“You are supposed to be on the palace steps to greet Prince Donghyuck. He traveled five days just to meet you, you know.”
“Such a long time for something so disappointing.”
It’s clear Taeyong is distressed by your blatant disobedience. It’s not often a princess rejects a marriage offer, but you can’t help but be displeased. You’ve never wanted a conventional marriage and you hoped your father would never set you up for one.
“You’re lucky that Donghyuck accepted the offer. You know that most of father’s advisors wished to send you off like we did with Naeun. I’m grateful for Donghyuck so we could still have you in the palace.”
You know deep down that Taeyong means the best. He hates when his family is separated, and all of you were particularly saddened when Naeun was married off a year ago, leaving the palace to be with her husband. Because of the long travel and royal duties, you haven’t been able to see her since she left.
You understand why he wants you to get married so quickly. If you don’t marry Donghyuck now, your father’s advisors would convince him to marry you to another prince from a far kingdom.
You sigh. Although you don’t want to get married anytime soon, you’d rather stay in the palace than be forced to leave. “I understand, Taeyong. I’ll play my part if I need to. Is he at least good-looking?”
Taeyong laughs. “Yes, he’s quite handsome.”
“Excuse me, seja-jeonha.” Eunuch Kim bows deeply as he stands in front of you two.
“You can just call me Taeyong, Doyoung. We’ve been over this.”
You know, however, that no matter how many times Taeyong says it, Doyoung could never go against the honorifics.
“Gongju’s presence is requested at the front of the palace. Prince Donghyuck is arriving soon.”
You purse your lips. “I’ll be right there.”
He nods, bowing before stepping away. Taeyong envelopes you into a hug.
He whispers in your ear. “This is what’s best for you, forgive me.”
“You don’t need to be forgiven,” you mumble back, feeling slightly guilty that you’ve made your brother think so.
Once you part, you smile at Chaeyoung, who has been waiting patiently for you.
“Shall we?”
You two make your way to the front steps of the palace, where most of the palace is eagerly waiting to see the prince.
“Jeonha,” you greet your father, occupying the spot next to him. He smiles at you.
“You look lovely today. Excited to meet Donghyuck?”
You offer him your best fake smile. “Of course.”
Soldiers announce Donghyuck’s arrival before the gates of the palace are opened up for him. He comes in riding his horse, stopping in front of the palace steps and dismounting. He’s quick to bow and you’re a little taken out of breath.
Taeyong was right. He’s very handsome.
“Welcome, Prince Donghyuck,” your father shouts for the palace to hear. You can spot your other two brothers, Jeno and Seokmin, murmuring with each other as they eye Donghyuck. “We’re grateful that you have made the long trip to our kingdom.”
Donghyuck is listening to the king’s words yet he hasn’t taken his eyes off of you.
“Yes, I appreciate that jeonha has so graciously allowed me into the palace.”
You stare at him the same way he stares at you, and your father grins happily.
“Eunuch Kim will show you to your temporary quarters.”
Jungwoo is pushed forward by Doyoung, who gives him a stern expression. Jungwoo was new to the palace and Doyoung often needed to take care of him since he was head eunuch.
Donghyuck is escorted off and your eyes follow his figure.
Your father chuckles. “You two will get along just fine.”
Contrary to popular belief, Donghyuck hasn’t visited you since his arrival.
You’ve spent days waiting for him in your room, working on your studies and watching your door in case it swings open. You’re disappointed by his lack of interest in you, especially because you can still feel the warmth of his gaze from your first meeting.
You find out later from Jungwoo what he’s been up to.
“Wangja has been having trips with daegun, did he not tell you?”
Your eye twitches. “Donghyuck has been with Mark this entire time?”
“Yes, gongju. They have been eating together in the dining hall. I apologize for not telling you earlier.”
Jesus, was Donghyuck trying to marry Mark?
“It’s fine, Jungwoo. I’ll find them myself.”
He bows and you take off in search of your brother and fiancé. You ask Chaeyoung to stay behind and she takes to arranging your room in the meantime. You find the two figures near the river, and you narrow your eyes.
“Having fun?” You call out, and both of them turn around. Donghyuck bows at the sight of you.
Mark chuckles. “Yes, we were actually just speaking about you. Come join us.”
“No, it’s alright. I’ll leave you two to be acquainted with each other. It’s not like I’m the one marrying him after all.”
Mark rolls his eyes at your tantrum but Donghyuck seems to be thoroughly alarmed at your distress.
“Don’t be so dramatic.”
You, however, are highly offended and turn the other direction. You hear footsteps quickly follow you.
“I apologize, gongju. I did not mean to upset you.”
You sigh at the sound of Donghyuck’s voice. “Why have you not come to see me?” You question in a small voice.
You can hear the smile in his tone as he walks alongside you. “In all honestly, I have never been in the presence of such beauty before. I hope you can understand that I was a little intimidated.”
You cough, slightly embarrassed. “Where did you learn that from? I know Mark couldn’t have taught you that.”
He chuckles. His eyes are once again focused intently on you.
“I’m afraid no one has taught me anything. I was telling the truth, much to your dismay.”
You two walk on the palace grounds as the moonlight illuminates your figures. The servants nearby whisper at the sight of you two together.
“Well, regardless of your fear, I would enjoy if you would take my company. We are going to be married in case you’ve forgotten.”
He grins at the clip in your tone. “I remember quite well. I would love to have dinner with you tomorrow if you desire my company so badly.”
You ignore the smirk playing at his lips.
“Tomorrow shall be acceptable. I hope you will be able to step up in the future, Donghyuck, as I am not content with marrying a man who doesn’t speak to me.”
He laughs. “I apologize for disappointing you.”
You turn to face him as you stop in front of your quarters. His eyes are locked with yours, and he seems intent on staring at you until you grow more and more bashful. You think he’s about to lean in until-
“Ah, there are the two lovebirds!”
You huff at the disruption. Seokmin slides next to you, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“Has my sister been living up to your expectations, Prince Donghyuck?”
Donghyuck smiles and you can tell he’s a little upset by Seokmin’s arrival. His heavy gaze is still focused on you.
“She’s been exceeding every possible expectation if I’m being truly honest,” he murmurs.
“Well, that’s the first time I’ve heard someone say that.”
You elbow your brother’s side. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”
“Nowhere else to be but with my lovely sister and her fiancé!”
You roll your eyes and shove his arm off of you. You step forward to open the doors of your personal area in the palace.
“Well, I’m going to bed.” You turn around once again to face Donghyuck. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
He smiles. “I’ll count the minutes. Sweet dreams, gongju.”
You enter your quarters in time to hear Seokmin say, “Smooth talker, aren’t you?”
You shake your head and smile, closing the doors behind you. You chew on your bottom lip and laugh. Who knew a prince would turn your insides into mush?
You greet the guards awaiting by your bedroom door and settle inside. Chaeyoung has made you your nightly tea, something you drink each night to help you sleep. You often had sporadic nightmares about your mother’s death and it was hard to fall into slumber most days.
As you raise the cup to your lips, the smell wafts through your nose.
It’s the same smell from when your mother was poisoned.
“Guards! Guards!” You call frantically, and they burst into your room, eyes scanning for any intruders.
You drop the cup of tea, watching as it shatters all over your floor. “Gongju!” One of the guards yells, rushing over to you and pulling you away from the scene.
It all happens frantically then — your father and brothers are all brought over when they hear that you’ve almost been poisoned. Jeno holds you as your father commands all of the guards to find the perpetrator.
The only thing you’re able to envision is your mother’s body lying on the floor, completely lifeless before your eyes.
“It wasn’t her!”
“How can you be so sure? She’s your closest servant and the only one who would have access to your room during those ungodly hours!”
“It’s not Chaeyoung!”
“Enough!” Your father commands, his voice booming throughout the throne room. You scoff and turn away from Taeyong.
He’s convinced that Chaeyoung was the one who put the poison in your drink, but you would never believe that she would bring harm into your life. You trusted her with every fiber in your being.
The rest of your brothers are oddly silent, and you presume that they agree with Taeyong. Your father is stricken by grief at the idea of losing one of his daughters like he lost his wife. His judgment is clouded, much like it was seventeen years ago.
“Please jeonha,” you beg him. All five of you are facing the throne and you almost sink to your knees. “Please do not allow this person to get away again.”
Your father glances at you solemnly.
“It has to be him,” Jeno speaks up. All of your eyes dart over to him. He stands proudly, eyes locked on your father. “Lee Donghyuck just arrived and our sister was almost poisoned. This cannot be a coincidence.”
Mark furrows his eyebrows. “It’s not him! I’ve been spending the past few days getting to know him.”
“He’s spent the past few days deceiving you,” Seokmin hisses at his younger brother. “I agree with Jeno. I was just outside of gongju’s quarters with him when she almost consumed the poison. It is too suspicious for us to not investigate, jeonha.”
“He wouldn’t,” you frown, coming to Donghyuck’s defense. You had only known him for a matter of days but you knew, deep down, that he would never try to maliciously hurt you.
“You trust too easily,” Jeno scolds. He turns his attention back to the man sitting on the throne. “I think we should launch a full investigation on both Lee Donghyuck and Park Chaeyoung.”
“It’s not them!” Your exclaim in horror, trying your best to undo your brothers’ words. “Please, jeonha! Please don’t convict the wrong murderer!”
You try your best to plead with your father, but he’s made up his mind.
“Jeno and Seokmin, I want you to conduct the investigation immediately. Find out who did it.”
You drop to your knees, sobbing in frustration at your father’s ignorance.
It’s late at night when you sneak into the palace prison.
You’ve managed to climb out of your window, hidden beneath one of your dark ensembles. Mark has been helping you unlike the rest of your family, distracting the guards long enough for you to enter the prison grounds.
You scramble against the cell door when you catch sight of Chaeyoung. She looks like she’s in incredibly poor shape — her face is completely drained of color and her body is limp against the wall.
“Chaeyoung!” You whisper, awaking her from her sleep. Her eyes widen at the sight of you, rapidly getting up and crawling to the door.
“Gongju, I did not do it, I swear-“
“I know you didn’t, Chaeyoung,” you assure her. She relaxes at your words. “I’m going to find out who did. Can you tell me what happened when you brought the tea into my room?”
“I just did my normal routine,” she explains breathily. “I brought the tea to your room, left a cup out for you, and went back to my own quarters. It’s the same thing I do every night. I didn’t notice anyone unusual when I left.”
“And the guards? What about them?”
“They were in their usual positions, standing beside the door and waiting for you to return from your walk with Donghyuck. That’s all I can remember, I swear.”
You nod. “Don’t worry, okay? I’m going to get you out of here. Just tell Jeno and Seokmin exactly what you told me.”
You hear a commotion outside and your body stiffens. You can hear Mark’s voice trying to distract the guards and you quickly stand.
“I’ll come back to see you again, okay? Don’t worry.”
Just as you’re about to exit the prison, you hear another voice calling out to you.
“Not even going to acknowledge your loving fiancé?”
You pause. Mark is slowly making progress outside, choosing his method of distraction as telling the guards a story about how he once ran straight into a wall.
When you turn, you see Donghyuck in his own cell, knees bent to his chest as he leans against the cold wall. You feel guilty that he’s put in this place but you’re reminded of what your brothers said — you barely know this man. For all you knew, his true intentions coming here were never to marry you.
“Did you?”
There’s a pause. He laughs. “Do you think I did?”
“I’m not in the mood to decipher your encrypted messages.”
“Gongju, when I confessed to you that night, I truly meant it. I’ve never been with a woman before and seeing such a perfect one become my fiancé took me by surprise. I thought we had a mutual understanding of one another.”
“We barely know each other,” you reply under your breath.
“But you felt it, didn’t you? You felt that connection between us. The astronomers say that when the timing is right and the stars align, soulmates find each other.”
You’ve heard the tale before. Your mother used to tell it to you when you were younger. Astronomers used to tell her that when there was a falling star, soulmates would align for each other. Your mother always liked to say the story of how you were born under a fallen star, your soulmate being brought to you by the universe. You believed her stories when you were younger but as you grew up without a mother and never feeling her warmth again, you could no longer believe in such tales.
“Do you think that’s what we are? Soulmates?”
He stares at you again, his eyes acting like dark hooks in your soul. He doesn’t get a chance to respond before the guards burst in through the door, and you can distinctly hear Mark shouting from a distance.
“I’m sorry, gongju, but you must be escorted back to your quarters. You are not allowed to see the prisoners.”
You glance at Donghyuck, who for the first time, isn’t looking at you. He’s merely staring at the floor.
“Very well then. Please escort me.”
As you trek back to your room, you question your head guard, Johnny. “Did you see anyone enter my room that night?” He immediately shakes his head.
“No one unusual, gongju. It was a very normal night, but I do not believe that Chaeyoung would bring something so vile into your place of comfort. I hope I’m allowed to speak on these matters.”
“You’re more than allowed, Johnny,” you guarantee him. “Thank you for being honest with me.”
“Of course.”
Before Johnny brings you inside, you glance up at the night sky. There are two stars huddled together, perfectly placed in the darkness.
Was Donghyuck your soulmate?
It’s only a day later when Moon Taeil arrives on palace grounds in search of his imprisoned brother. He’s clearly irate, dismounting from his horse and grabbing the nearest guard.
“Show me where he is!”
“Seja-jeonha!” You cry out, rushing over to him and pulling the guards away from him. He turns his attention to you.
“Is this how you treat my brother after I sent him to marry you? Excuse my manners, gongju, but I did not bring Donghyuck here for him to be put to death.”
“He won’t be! Please, seja-jeonha, let’s speak privately,” you plead. He finally comes to his senses, gazing around to see servants and eunuchs watching the scene unfold. He straightens his outfit and nods.
“Fine. Show me the way.”
You accompany Taeil to a nearby building, away from the prying eyes of the palace. You know you don’t have much time to speak before your father finds out of his presence and instructs a formal meeting in the throne room.
“My brothers suspected Donghyuck because of poor timing but I know he has not committed any crime. I need you to help me prove that he’s innocent.”
Taeil scoffs at your request. “What kind of game are you running around this kingdom?”
“Please, seja-jeonha. I don’t want Donghyuck to be convicted either.”
“Because you’re soulmates?”
You freeze. “How do you know that?”
“You two were born a month apart and on each of your birthdays, a fallen star was spotted in the sky. Our astronomers noticed it when they first came to visit your palace.”
“Wait, Yuta was your astronomer?”
Taeil chuckles. “Yes, he was. His father used to document star patterns and when Yuta visited and learned of your birth date, he informed Donghyuck immediately.” Taeil smiles at the thought of his younger brother. “Why do you think we arranged a marriage for you two so quickly?”
Your head is spinning. Donghyuck has known this entire time that you two were soulmates, and that’s the reason Taeil pushed the marriage between you two. The gravity of the situation dawns on you, especially now that your soulmate rests behind the bars of the palace prison.
You grab Taeil by the shoulders. “Tell jeonha immediately. He believes in this — he believes he and my mother were soulmates. He will spare Donghyuck if you tell him.”
The doors to the building swing open and Eunuch Kim takes a deep bow in recognition. “I apologize for interrupting, seja-jeonha, but jeonha is requesting your presence.”
Taeil gives you another look before following Doyoung back outside. It isn’t long until Mark finds you, his arms embracing you into a hug when he sees your stricken expression.
“What is it? What happened? Is Taeil threatening a war?”
You shake your head and bury yourself into his shoulder. He holds you steady.
“Donghyuck is my soulmate.”
You think Mark would be deep in thought or surprised by what you revealed, but he simply giggles.
“He mentioned that.”
You pull away and frown. “What are you talking about?”
“When we were by the river, he said you were his soulmate and that he was destined to be with you. I thought he was just trying to impress me since I’m your brother. Now that I think about it, maybe it wasn’t a joke,” he mumbles, scratching the back of his head.
You almost see red. You tackle Mark to the ground and he screeches. Some of the servants file in, attracted by the noise.
“You dumbass! You let me throw my soulmate in jail!”
“I didn’t know, I didn’t know!” Mark shouts, shielding his face as you slam your palms down on his skin.
Jungwoo rushes in, pushing the servants away and clambering over to the two of you.
“Gongju, daegun! Please don’t fight!”
You huff, separating from your brother and standing up. You straighten your chima and stare down at him with fire in your eyes.
One of your ladies ends up pulling you away while Jungwoo helps Mark off of the floor.
Seojeong, who has been your main attending lady since the accusation against Chaeyoung, looks at you worriedly as you storm off. She follows behind you along with the rest of your attending ladies.
“Gongju, are you alright?”
“I need you to do something for me, Seojeong,” you murmur as the palace prison comes into view. There are still ten guards blocking the entrance and you need to talk to Donghyuck before your father makes a decision about his fate. You fear that your father will feel guilty for imprisoning Donghyuck and he’ll send him back with Taeil.
“I’ll do anything,” she promises.
You turn her body so that she’s staring directly at Johnny. “Do you see him?” When she nods, you proceed with your plan. “I need you to go up to him and tell him that jeonha instructs for all of the guards to be in the throne room.”
She stutters at your request. “But jeonha never said-“
“I know jeonha never said. Tell Johnny anyways.”
You give her a little push forwards, ignoring the timid look on her face. You quickly dismiss the rest of your ladies and hide behind a nearby corner, peeking out to see Seojeong approach Johnny anxiously. You hear her small voice fill the air.
“J-Jeonha requests for t-the guards to be in the throne r-room,” she says, eyes glancing down at her feet.
Johnny raises an eyebrow. “Our orders are to stay here until a verdict is made.”
“Um,” she mumbles, trying to think of what to say next.
“Come on, Seojeong,” you hiss under your breath. You can see her gathering enough courage before she speaks, eyes ablaze.
“Don’t you understand? You have new orders! Hurry before jeonha gets angry at your blatant disrespect!”
That gets Johnny’s attention. He grabs his right-hand man, Jaehyun, and all of the guards scramble frantically towards the throne room. You smile at Seojeong’s work and once all of the guards have left, she gives you the okay.
You rush over and hold her hand. “You’re a lifesaver, Seojeong.” She beams at your compliment. “Keep an eye out for me, okay?”
She nods and you enter the prison building, descending down the concrete steps. You gasp when you see Donghyuck in his cell, body slumped over against the wall.
You fall to your knees and struggle to open the door. He wakes when he hears the commotion. His mouth slowly turns upwards when he sees you. You finally manage to throw the door open, swinging it to the side as you crawl over to him. You cup his face in your hands and he laughs.
“Excited to see me?”
You don’t waste a single second, pressing your lips to his. His hands fly down to your waist, pulling you in closer. He groans when you straddle his hips.
He pulls away, a little breathless. “Is she asleep?”
“Chaeyoung,” he murmurs, pushing his fingers through your hair. “Is she asleep?”
“I-I don’t know. I didn’t check on her.”
He calls out Chaeyoung’s name and when he gets nothing but silence, he pushes your body onto the floor. You gasp when he attaches his mouth on your neck, licking and sucking at the flesh.
“D-Donghyuck, we shouldn’t. We’re not married yet-“
“We’re soulmates,” he whispers against your skin. “Isn’t that enough?”
You moan when he reaches underneath your clothing to run a finger over your slit. You feel dirty on this prison floor, letting Donghyuck take you the way he wants. He brings his lips to yours again and you cry out when his tongue enters your mouth. He frantically undresses you and you’re embarrassed when he strips you down until you’re in your sokgot.
“Don’t be shy,” he speaks softly. “I’ll take care of you.”
You whimper when he fully rids you of your clothing. He sits up to undress himself and your mouth waters as he exposes himself to you. He discards the rest, throwing it to the side and leaning back down to kiss you. His hand cups your breast and your body twitches when he flicks his finger over your nipple.
“Such a good girl,” he praises you.
You gasp when his cock prods at your entrance. Your eyes dart down and they widen at the sight of him. He’s massive, and you’re unsure if he’s going to fit inside of you.
“Wangja, um, I don’t think-“
He snickers at your reaction. “Don’t think you can take it, baby? Don’t think you can take my big cock?”
You groan. “N-No, I can take it.”
“Good girl,” he smiles. He grabs his base and runs his tip over your folds. You moan at the feeling. 
Both of your eyes widen when you hear voices outside, and Donghyuck pauses.
“Seojeong, I’m not sure what you mistake us for, but we do not enjoy being treated as fools.”
“Fuck, baby, we have to be quick. Can’t have anyone seeing their gongju acting like a whore,” he hisses.
You whine. “Hurry, Donghyuck.”
“I’m here, I’m here,” he assures before pushing his cock inside of your weeping pussy. You cry out at the burn, tears brimming at your eyelids.
He releases a long groan when he bottoms out and you close your eyes, trying to adjust to his length. You can faintly hear Seojeong’s voice.
“I thought jeonha needed you! I didn’t know, Johnny, really-“
“You good, baby?” Donghyuck speaks lowly to you, brushing stray hairs away from your face so he can properly look at you. When you don’t respond, he rubs your hip gently. “Baby, tell me how you’re feeling.”
Your eyes flutter open when the pain begins to subside. “Good, good,” you blubber incoherently. You reach out for him and he intertwines your hands. “Hurry.”
He starts thrusting into you and you whimper. He leans down to press a kiss to your lips.
“So dirty,” he hums. “What would the palace think of their graceful gongju getting railed in the filthy prison cells? Can’t wait until you have our baby, then everyone’s going to know how much you like to get fucked.”
“Want to show them,” you murmur, eyes rolling back as his thick cock abuses your small pussy. “Want to tell them I’m your whore.”
“Yeah? You’re just my filthy whore, aren’t you?”
“Yes, yes, I’m all yours, wangja.”
You feel the pleasure building inside of your tummy, feeling every ridge and vein of his cock as he pounds into you. You swear he’s going to split you in half.
Seojeong is doing her best to distract Johnny outside.
“I need to tell you a story!”
Johnny is far from amused. “I have to check on the prisoners, Miss Seojeong-“
“It’s about the princess!”
Jaehyun sighs. “Seojeong, we don’t have time for a story-“
“But listen!” She exclaims, the gears in her brain turning. There’s a long beat of silence. “Um-“
Johnny rolls his eyes, entering the prison building and moving down the steps. He briefly pauses when he hears your moan.
“Wangja, please, please, please!”
Jaehyun thinks that you’re in danger and runs past Johnny, stopping in his tracks when he sees you and Donghyuck. The prison cell door is wide open, fully exposing the both of your figures as Donghyuck plows into you. Jaehyun immediately diverts his eyes when he catches a glimpse of your breasts.
He hurriedly pushes the men away from the sight, although none of them are able to get a peek.
“Move back! Move back!” Jaehyun orders. The guards scramble on the steps as Jaehyun forcefully moves them.
You wail when your orgasm hits, stars exploding in your vision. Donghyuck soon empties inside of you, painting your walls with his cum.
You’re both left panting and he kisses you gently, hand cupping the side of your face.
“Got to explain to your guards what you were doing.”
You laugh. “I was getting fucked. What is there to explain?”
He growls. “Dirty mouth on you, gongju.”
“Only for my wangja.”
Jaehyun can’t look at you in the eye when you exit the prison doors. Johnny has an idea of what happened down there, but he doesn’t want to even picture the idea of you doing such a lewd act.
They both escort you back to your dwelling after Johnny gives you a light scolding for breaking the rules again. When you arrive at your bedroom doors, you turn around and offer them a small smile.
No other words need to be said, and the redness of Jaehyun’s ears say enough.
Johnny coughs. “Jeonha spoke with Taeil earlier today and Donghyuck will be released tomorrow. I thought you would like to know.”
You cough. “Um yes, that’s good to know. Thank you, Johnny.”
You walk into your bedroom and shut the doors, still feeling embarrassed that your guards caught you in such an intimate position. You turn around, frowning when you see that you have company.
“Seokmin? What are you doing here so late?”
Your brother smiles at you, sitting down at the small table near your bed and gesturing for you to join him.
“I thought we could have a talk.”
You shrug, wincing as you sit across from him. Your legs still feel like jelly after Donghyuck gave you a good fucking.
Seokmin pours a cup of tea for you and puts it in front of you. He gives you that friendly grin of his.
“What have you been up to all day? I heard you almost killed Mark.”
You roll your eyes. “He’s being dramatic. I barely scratched him.”
He chuckles at your dismissive nature. He eyes the cup in front of you and gives it a small push.
“Drink up. I know you like to have tea before bed.”
“Thank you,” you murmur, taking the cup in your hands.
Seokmin starts speaking about how Jeno lost in combat today and you hum, raising the tea to your lips. You pause when you smell it.
The poison — you could smell it from miles away.
You pretend to drink while you watch your brother. There’s no way it’s Seokmin, your loving and devoted brother who used to play hide and seek with you when you were feeling upset. The brother who protected you when the palace was invaded by rebels. The brother who cared for you so deeply.
But you didn’t have time to think. Only time to act.
You slam the cup down and call out for Johnny. Seokmin lunges across the table at you and you release a bloodcurdling scream.
Johnny and Jaehyun storm inside and Johnny pushes Seokmin off of you. Jaehyun pulls you aside, checking for any bruises on your body.
“Stupid bitch! Why can’t you just drink your fucking tea-“
“Daegun, daegun!” Johnny bellows, trying to get a hold of your brother.
You’re in a state of shock, attempting to register the sight before you. Your brother just tried to poison you.
Jaehyun gets you on your feet and pulls you away from the scene. Soon enough, the palace hears Seokmin’s screams and Taeyong is the first to rush to your aid.
“What happened? Is that Seokmin?”
“Daegun tried to poison gongju,” Jaehyun explains. You’re still rooted in place, staring at your quarters as multiple guards flood inside.
Mark is the second to arrive but before he can ask what’s wrong, Seokmin is dragged out of the building, screaming and thrashing under Johnny’s hold.
“You’re traitors! All of you!”
You watch as your brother is taken away into the same prison where your fiancé sleeps soundly.
You swear you can hear crickets chirping. You and your siblings have been called into your father’s bedroom after Seokmin’s arrest. The room is eerily silent for no one knows exactly what to say.
Taeyong clears his throat. He’s been crying, and you know this hurts him more than you can imagine.
“Why? Why would he try to hurt his sister?”
Your father sighs. He’s been pacing back and forth, struggling at what to say. You need an explanation from him as you cannot accept that Seokmin grew to hate you overnight. It wasn’t in his nature to ever accept that form of hatred.
“Jeonha, please,” Mark begs, on the verge of tears. “Why has he done this?”
“We need an explanation,” Jeno adds.
Your father finally glances at all of you, troubled by the grief in your expressions. You look exactly as you did when your mother passed.
“Seokmin is not your mother’s child,” he explains. All four of your heads dart up. “He- he was conceived through a concubine, but your mother was gracious enough to raise him as her own. We’ve accepted it since then. Seokmin was raised no differently than the rest of you, and we loved him just the same.”
You blink, rubbing at your temples to try and process this information.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, but the damage is done. “I never wanted to tell him because I feared this would happen, but I guess he found out somehow.”
Something clicks in your memory.
“Where is his mother?”
He exhales, running a hand down his face exasperatedly. “She was a servant here in the palace, but she left shortly after your mother passed away. She didn’t want anything to do with raising Seokmin.”
Your mind starts putting the pieces together. “She was a servant — a servant who had access to mother’s residence?”
Taeyong’s eyes move to you, catching what you’re implying. You step forward and look at your father dead in the eye.
“Don’t you see, jeonha? She was the one who poisoned mother. She was the one who had access to her room, the one who brought her tea every night. She’s the reason why Seokmin tried to hurt me, she must’ve brainwashed him into believing that we no longer care for him.”
Your father stares at you, taking in all of the information you’re telling him.
“But Seokmin knows,” Jeno interrupts. “He knows we care for him. I refuse to believe this! He was probably put up to it by that nasty Lee Donghyuck!”
“Hey!” You swivel around, growling at your brother. “Do not speak that way about him.”
Jeno scoffs. “What? Have you fallen for him?”
“They’re soulmates,” your father explains.
“Come on. Tell me you don’t believe in that!”
“Lee Jeno, I swear-“
Mark quickly holds you back before you charge at your brother.
“Listen,” your father’s voice booms throughout the room. You all freeze. “I know you are all upset by what Seokmin has done, but we are going to do our best to reverse whatever his birth mother has done to him. I’ll have the guards and soldiers search for her so we can bring your mother justice. In the meantime, I want you all to remember that we are a family. You grew up together and only we know the faults of our family.”
You eye Jeno and he narrows his gaze at you.
“You all are siblings, blood related or not. Do you understand?”
“Yes, jeonha.”
Seokmin is released from his confines a week later.
He cries when he sees you, enveloping you into his arms and sobbing into your shoulder. He apologizes profusely for his actions, stating that he would never try to bring harm to you again.
For five days, you all spend time together as siblings in an effort to turn Seokmin back into his normal self. You hold no grudges against your brother, loving him with all of your heart despite his brief wrongdoings.
Seokmin’s birth mother is arrested and taken into the palace, where she awaits your father’s verdict. You have a feeling about what future lies before her, but you would rather not speak of it out loud.
Donghyuck is released with Chaeyoung shortly after the incident. You embrace him fully when he returns and Chaeyoung becomes your main attending lady again.
You and Donghyuck are arranged to be married tomorrow. Taeil is still a little hesitant on having his brother live in a place that treated him so cruelly, but Donghyuck finds a way to convince him that he’s safe. Taeyong says that Taeil’s only fine with it because he sees the way Donghyuck dotes on you. He’s attending the wedding tomorrow before he has to return back to his own kingdom.
Donghyuck is supposed to separate from you until the day of the wedding, but he’s been sneaking into your room every night, pounding you into the pillow until you cry for mercy.
It was more difficult for him to sneak out tonight as your brothers wanted to officially welcome him into the family with a special party. He managed to get away when Jeno stands on the table, trying to dance but failing miserably.
He currently has your legs bent to your chest, thrusting deep into your weeping pussy.
“Such a tight pussy,” he hisses down at you, wiping the tears falling down your face. “Made for my fat cock, aren’t you?”
You respond incoherently, drunk on the feeling of him. He reaches down to rub at your clit and you sob louder, muscles aching.
“Good thing we’re getting married tomorrow, baby. Would be too suspicious if you got pregnant so fast, wouldn’t it be?” He questions, smirking at your loss for words. “Is my gongju fucked dumb? Can’t remember how to talk, baby?”
“F-Feels so g-good,” you blubber. “You feel s-so good i-inside me.”
“Yeah?” He laughs, plowing into your pussy faster. “Baby likes when my cock stretches her small pussy? I wonder how your brothers would feel about me if they knew I dump my cum into their sister every single night. Jeno would probably hate me even more.”
“G-gonna cum, gonna cum!” You screech, hands flailing. He pins your arms down and snarls.
“Cum all over my cock. Show me how much you want your wangja.”
You cream his cock and your back arches in ecstasy, moaning loudly at the pleasure overtaking your body. Donghyuck shoots his cum inside your womb, hissing as he empties himself.
He collapses next to you and you whimper when his cock leaves your hole. He brings you into his arms and kisses the top of your head.
“Can’t wait to be married to you.”
You laugh, your chest still rising from your heavy breathing. “If you had only waited 24 hours, we would already be.”
He chuckles. “Where’s the fun in that?”
You bask in the silence as his cum starts to spill out of you.
“I think I’m pregnant.”
He attaches his mouth to yours and you moan when his fingers part your folds. He lines himself up to your entrance once again.
“Let’s make sure.”
And so Donghyuck fucks you until the sun rises, marking the long awaited wedding day with your soulmate.
You thank the heavens for giving you your falling star.
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peachy-panic · 3 years
Truth & Lies
(This picks up directly following this piece)
Tag list: @whumpervescence @shiningstarofwinter @distinctlywhumpthing
CONTENT WARNINGS: General BBU warnings, human trafficking, referenced/implied non-con, mentioned past minors of minors, blood, restraints, medical setting. 
Panic washes over him the moment the door closes behind them, putting him alone in the exam room. In the silence, he can hear only the sound of his labored breathing, obstructed by the plastic intrusion that has been secured between his teeth, straps cutting into his temples. His hands are bolted to the front edge of the table on either side of his thighs. The position pulls his posture forward just enough to be uncomfortable, his shoulders curling forward to accommodate the short buckle on the cuffs. He tries, to little avail, to calm the rising panic at the feeling of restraint. 
And all he can think is that he has done this to himself. 
He messed up. He had messed up so, so badly and the reality hadn’t fully settled over him until the door clicked shut, and the blur of the past several minutes came crashing into him with a sudden, sickening clarity. And now there is nothing he can do to take back his actions, his words, and he knows that no apology will be enough to smooth it over regardless. Still, he feels one bubbling in the back of his throat uselessly, trapped behind the gag and the slow, constant trickle of blood.
Suddenly, the sensation steals all his focus, until all he can feel is the warm liquid in his nose and throat, and the suffocating realization that he is helpless to stop himself from choking to death alone in this room, chained to a fucking table. 
His arms tug instinctively against the cuffs, but the steely hold on his wrists only serves to bolster his panic. Oh, god. What has he done? All at once, he is sorry. Jaime is so, so sorry and he wishes he could take it back but ‘sorry doesn’t do shit for me, baby,’ he can hear Mr. Torley’s rumbling voice clear as day in his ear. 
He jerks forward away from the phantom presence, a whimper caught in his throat that has nowhere to go. These flashes of imagination feel so real sometimes and Jaime can’t always tell them apart from what’s in front of him, just like when the Handler had pulled his sweatshirt over his head at intake, and when the gray fabric cleared his eyes it had been Mr. Torley’s face staring back at him, grinning in the glow of the bedside lamp that had been harsh, white Facility fluorescents only seconds before. 
He hadn’t meant to lash out. Jaime can’t recall ever stepping out of line like that, not since… not since his first week in the training facility. He has enough sense to know that fighting back won’t get him anywhere good. But something had snapped in his mind when they began undressing him of his street clothes, and it was as if he was no longer at the helm of his own body. His arm had lurched forward on instinct, striking out at the figment in front of him because this wasn’t right, he was supposed to be done with Mr. Torley, he had served his six month contract and it was supposed to be over.
It was supposed to be over. 
He had barely recognized the crunch that gave under his fist in the moment, nor the white blare of pain as the blow was reciprocated with double the strength. There was blood and a struggle and a distant screaming that made his head vibrate like the sharp, resounding clang of metal on concrete.
And then he blinked, and now he was here, and his head hurts and he can’t breathe right with all the blood and he is so, so sorry no matter how much it won’t matter in the end. It never matters.
He hates that he is sorry. He hates that he is back here. He hates that he can still feel Mr. Torley like static on his skin even though he isn’t legally his anymore. He hates the feeling of the bit between his teeth, reminding him of a hazier time in his memory, carved out with white tiled walls and bright lights and constant, unyielding pain. 
Jaime lets his head fall forward, cringing at the sticky dampness of his t-shirt against his chin, and focuses all his energy on trying not to cry. More than anything now, he needs to retain his already limited ability to breathe.
Even so, he can’t stop his breath from catching when he hears the telltale swipe of a clearance key at the door.
Sebastian’s feet stutter beneath him as he pushes through the door. His eyes are drawn immediately to the anchor points along the front of the exam table, which currently serve to immobilize the terrified young man between them. He can see that the skin around the restraints is already pink with irritation. The boy’s head is ducked in what looks to be a quiet surrender, and he can’t see his face but he watches as a drop of blood hits the lap of his pants. Sebastian’s muscles freeze up. It’s only a fleeting moment, but he’s sure his recovery is not nearly as graceful as he hopes it is as he clears his throat and steps into the room. 
He lets the heavy door fall shut behind him, effectively sealing himself into the reality that he is now in charge of this person bolted to a table. It has become a daily occurrence long ago to question every life choice that had brought him to this place, but especially now he can’t help but think he’s made a horrible mistake. And then the light clinking of metal on metal draws his focus to where the boy has twisted his hand inside his restraints just enough to grip the side of the table, knuckles white and trembling, and it occurs to him how selfish he is for thinking that he is the one in the room who has earned the right to fear. 
He should say something. He knows he has to be the one to say something, because the Companions - the patients - aren’t allowed to initiate conversation without direct invitation. He knows this, but the knowledge doesn’t un-stick his tongue from the roof of his mouth or dissolve the lump that’s blocking his airway. For a moment, all he can do is stare. 
“Hi,” he says finally by means of a feeble introduction. He clears his throat, trying for something that doesn’t sound so much like a question. “I’m Dr. Tate. Sebastian. You can… just Sebastian is fine. If you want.”
Incredible, Seb. Off to a confident start. 
He might see the slight incline of the patient’s head in acknowledgement, or he could be imagining it. Either way, he moves on. 
“What is your…” He pauses, clearing his throat. Name? Is that what he wanted to say? He knows as well as anyone that he isn't allowed to use his. If he does and anyone hears him, it will only land him in deeper trouble. Which is maybe the last thing on Earth Sebastian wants. Instead, he asks, “What can I call you?”
For the first time since he entered the room, Sebastian sees unmistakable movement in the muscles of the boy’s neck. There seems to be a moment of hesitation, and then he lifts his head to level with Sebastian’s gaze, and he nearly takes a step back.
By some miracle, Sebastian has made it this far into the program without witnessing - or god forbid implementing - the use of heavy restraints on a patient. Today, it seems, his luck has run out. The boy stares up at him with dark, empty eyes over a round bit of black plastic secured over his mouth with the WRU logo emblazoned in silver. A fucking gag.
A slow-dripping acidity makes its way into Sebastian’s stomach. The picture in front of him is so starkly, uniquely horrifying that it stops him in his tracks. It’s exactly the kind of raw imagery that WRU conveniently left out of their pamphlets and commercials and brightly-colored career packets. This, he thinks to himself, is the truth behind every lie they sell. 
“Oh,” he says, stunned, the word slipping out of him in a breathy gasp. He forces himself to take a step toward his patient, choosing to ignore the quickly concealed flinch. “I don’t… I don’t think we really need that, right?” He says a pitch too high. The patient’s eyes track him warily as Sebastian moves closer, an outstretched hand hovering in his direction. “Uh. Can I?”
Instead of the permissive nod he expects, the young man’s eyes flit over to something to the left of Sebastian’s shoulder then back again, holding his gaze. Sebastian turns and finds a tin box affixed to the wall just behind the door. He blinks, and when he looks at the patient again with confusion written all over him, the boy hesitates — which he seems to do before each new move — and then angles his head just enough so that Sebastian catches a flash of silver at the back of his neck.
A small padlock. Holding the straps of his gag in place. 
The room wavers around him. 
“Key,” he chokes out dumbly in a whisper. “Right, I— right.”
He turns on his heel and crosses stiffly to the box on the wall. His hands are shaky when he opens the hinge, fingers brushing over the small selection of keys dangling inside. For a horrified moment, he catches himself wondering what other inhumane devices these could possibly go to. He doesn’t allow himself to linger on the thought. It won’t be helpful here.
The smallest key catches his eye, looking to be the most likely to fit the lock. 
“Is it alright if I—?” He turns back with the intention of seeking his consent, but he finds that the boy has already lowered his head to allow him easier access to the lock. “Okay,” he says quietly, mostly to himself. 
Sebastian works as quickly as his nervous fingers will allow and feels a tangible weight lift from his chest as the lock releases. 
“There,” he says, stepping back immediately once the intrusion has been removed. He tosses it into the sink basin in the corner, not wanting to look at it for a moment longer, as he is sure his patient would agree. “Better?”
The patient waits a moment before raising his head again. “Th...thank you.” He murmurs without meeting his eyes. His voice is low and brittle and nearly knocks something loose inside Sebastian’s chest. 
A slow trickle of blood swells out from his bottom lip, the bit from the gag almost definitely having irritated whatever injury had already been put there. For half a second, Sebastian wonders why he doesn’t reach up and wipe it away, and then he realizes—
“Shit! Your hands.” He’s back at the box before he can spare another thought, sifting through the row of seemingly identical keys. He doesn’t really allow himself time to consider the possible reasons why he shouldn’t be removing the restraints, including but not limited to breaking protocol on his first day off probation and having no actual idea if this person was a physical threat to him or not. All he knows for sure is the visceral feeling he gets in his gut every time he sees him bleeding and bound to a fucking table when he should be here to receive care.
He whips around to find the boy watching him with naked apprehension, as if he isn’t sure he has clearance to have spoken. 
“Really, Sebastian is okay,” he reiterates. “Or Dr. Tate, if you want to be formal.” Of course he’s going to be formal. His entire existence is a series of formalities, meeting new strangers and having to pay them undue respect, and none of it has anything to do with what he wants.
Sebastian watches something flicker in his eyes, a momentary break in the solid wall before it closes up again. “Yes, Dr. Tate,” he says with an automatic obedience that flips Sebastian’s stomach. His lips part just slightly as if he is going to say something else, but instead he glances pointedly down toward one of his wrists. The way he holds it allows Sebastian to see the silver hook attaching him to the table with what looks to be a similar mechanism to a heavy-duty carabiner. 
Oh. There is no key for these. Just a simplified method that doesn’t allow the restrained person any access to release the clip. 
He wastes no time crossing back to him. “You’re not going to start swinging on me, are you?” Sebastian says, mostly as a joke to cut the tension, but it’s the wrong thing to say, and he knows it as soon as the boy’s eyes darken and fall away to his lap.
“No, S— Doctor Tate. S-sorry,” the boy stumbles through a rushed assurance, still not meeting his eyes. “I didn’t mean to— I… it wasn’t…” He seems to slow himself with considerable effort, forcing in a deep breath, then out again. “I’m sorry. I will not step out of line again,” he finishes in a quiet, frustrated tone of defeat. 
Sebastian is glad for the distraction of unbuckling his cuffs, which he goes straight to work on, because he’s not sure what to say to any of that. “Sorry,” he murmurs as he frees his left hand from the restraint. “I was only kidding.” 
Another thought pops into his head, and only just stops himself from saying, “Whatever happened, I’m sure those Handlers had it coming.”
Once he is freed, Sebastian tosses the cuffs onto the counter, eager to get them out of his hands. The patient wraps his arms around his middle as soon as he’s able to, keeping his shoulders drawn in even now that he has full mobility to sit up. Sebastian forces himself into clinical mode. He may feel out of his element here and his sense of morality may be steadily decaying in this place with each passing day, but he’s a good doctor. He knows he is. And he needs to remember that he is the one with any amount of power in this room, and he isn’t doing either of them any favors by floundering helplessly. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up before we do anything else,” he says decisively, turning with a bit more confidence in his step to wet some paper towels in the sink. 
“Thank you.” His patient accepts them with something like genuine gratitude, bringing the damp towel to his nose. It seems the bulk of the active bleeding has stopped, so they at least have that going for them. 
It takes a conscious effort to stop himself from staring as the boy cleans himself off with soft, calculated movements. Instead, Sebastian tears himself away to claim the stool in front of the monitor beside the bed. One quick scan of his key card gains him access to the patient intake home screen.
“So, um.” Sebastian clears his throat. “Let’s try that again, shall we? What can I call you?”
“110750, Domestic Services,” the answer comes automatically, as if he didn’t need to be in his own head to recite the words from memory. 
Wordlessly, Sebastian types the numbers into the system. A moment later, a digital chart appears in front of him, and he has to bite down on his cheek to keep from cursing. The photo in the top right corner is dated just over nine months ago, but the person in it looks… so fucking young.
He can’t help but toss a glance at the man on the bed he had just unshackled, gingerly wiping his injuries, and then back at the screen. Less than a year separated the two faces, and yet there was a world of difference etched into the space beneath his eyes, the posture of his spine and shoulders, the hollowness of his gaze. In the photo, he looks afraid. Here, in front of him though, he looks… dismantled.
Which is a horrible thing to think about someone, Sebastian scolds himself immediately. Had things gone differently in his own life and Sebastian himself had somehow landed in this boy’s position, he is quite sure he wouldn’t be handling it with an ounce of the composure most of these people seem to have. He doesn’t like to think about that. 
“Here you are,” he says mostly to fill the silence, nodding toward the screen. “Let’s see…” His eyes scan down the monitor until he sees the highlighted red portion at the bottom, which generally lists the reason for admittance. In his, he finds two lines he immediately wishes he could unread.
Domestic Return Intake Physical.
Comprehensive STI Panel.
As if the words themselves are not enough, it’s the small text inserted next to the second line — only the second line — that really delivers the blow. In barely-there letters next to a bold asterisk, it reads: 
Sebastian has seen just enough during his probationary period, in the fleeting glances over Dr. Geer’s shoulder, to understand its meaning. 
Redact From Record.
Sebastian’s mouth feels dry around the swallow he attempts. Despite his best efforts, he’s sure his expression is not as impassive as he hopes. The screen is angled away from his patient, but if what they say about some Companions still losing their literacy during training is true, maybe that doesn’t matter. WRU claims that’s no longer a part of the training process since their rebranding, but as Sebastian is well aware, it wouldn’t be the first or most heinous lie they’ve told. Not by a long shot. 
With the words buzzing around like angry hornets in his skull, Sebastian forces himself to turn toward patient 110750. The blood has been mostly wiped from his face, leaving only trace amounts of pink-tinged skin in its wake, and he has pressed the paper towel into a soiled wad in his fist. 
He is watching Sebastian carefully, like he’s preparing himself for something. Or… like he’s preparing himself for anything, because of course he can’t know what to expect, only that he is helpless to prevent whatever comes. The haunting revelation tucked away inside his patient file is kerosene on the wildfire of Sebastian’s imagination, supplying him with a litany of past horrors that must be swimming behind those eyes to fill them with a dread so pure. 
He suddenly remembers the Handler’s words when they had dragged him in, and it makes more sense now. “Freaked the fuck out at strip and started throwing punches.”
Sebastian can imagine why. 
Overturning the Romantic division of WRU had been the largest, most public part of their new regime. It had come on the heels of several small pockets of the company being blown wide open to expose the outlawed buying, selling, and subsequent abuse of minors within the system. At that point, they’d been left with little choice but to make a big move to save face in whatever way they could. 
There had been liberators that moved in some of Sebastian’s (very small) circles in undergrad. He had heard their vocal disdain for the company’s half-hearted attempts. Sebastian had never once stood in defense of the system, but perhaps some small part of him had always hoped for a grain of truth in their promise to turn over a new leaf, if only for the poor people who are stuck inside of it. 
Now, there’s no shielding himself away from the truth that had always existed, and he felt like an idiot for ever believing their intentions could ever be anything but malicious. Divisions and legalities aside, the people here are given numbers instead of names and sworn to a secrecy disguised as confidentiality regarding the people who have unlimited access to them. They have no legal standing. They have no power. 
The word “Domestic” is etched into this boy’s designation line, but Sebastian knows that doesn’t mean shit. 
Now, Sebastian looks into his wide, guarded eyes and thinks about how his first task as a solo practitioner is going to be forcing this person to undergo a full panel of invasive testing. And he feels the first spark of what he’s sure will stoke a flame of the desire to see this place burn.
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
I Don’t Belong Here — L Lawliet/GN! Reader
Summary: What kind of a story begins with the main character dying? Well, this one. L Lawliet has lived out his days on earth and finds himself in the afterlife. The Good Place, he is told by a neighborhood architect named (Name). One who shows him around his own neighborhood and introduces him to new people. But something doesn’t add up, L notices. Does he really belong in the Good Place?
(I'd advise having knowledge on the TV show "The Good Place" if you wish to understand the majority of this clusterfuck. Although, if you wish to proceed regardless, go right ahead!)
Chapter One: L Lawliet, You Are Dead.
Weclome! Everything Is Fine.
Everything is fine? Is that so?
The last thing L remembers is the ceiling. Just…the ceiling. The fans twirling on the ceiling of the headquarter building and the cross hatching of the tiles. It was peaceful. Was he sleeping? If he had been sleeping, then how did he end up here?
Now, instead of the ceiling, he stares at a wall. Big, green letters stare back at him. “Welcome! Everything Is Fine,” they say. Something inside L is prickling, like something he is forgetting struggling to find its way to his brain. He wants to ponder it, but something about the words splayed out on the wall in front of him is telling him that he doesn’t have to. Everything is fine, after all.
He only manages to tear his eyes away from the bold, sans serif font when the sound of a doorknob turning catches his attention. Huh. Has there always been a door there? If so he hadn’t noticed it, which L thinks is completely absurd as he usually takes mental notes of everything in a room before getting himself seated. But there it is, a door he missed while transfixed on the somehow calming message on the wall, now opening to reveal...a person.
You stand in the doorway, simply smiling.
Now that L’s attention has been drawn away from the mystifying message he can properly analyze his surroundings, and his new visitor. He’s in a rather simple room, nothing but a few plants dotting the perimeter and a couch in the middle, which he is currently sitting on. And he’s sitting normally. Hm. That feels…itchy. L inches a foot onto the couch in his discomfort of sitting with his bottom planted firmly on the cushions with both feet on the ground. Though he hesitates to bring both feet up and hug his knees to his chin as he normally would, because he senses that your sudden presence means he is about to be standing and following you into that mysterious room behind you. Like a doctor calling a patient into an appointment. Except in this case L has no idea what you are, and judging by your suit and comical, colorful bowtie, you are certainly not a doctor.
“L?” you ask, showing your teeth in a kind smile. “Come on in.”
And against his better judgement, he does. L was never the person to simply keep quiet and obey orders in a situation he does not understand. And there certainly is not a whole lot of understanding happening in his brain right now. He should be asking questions. He should be refusing you. He doesn’t know you, you could be leading him to his doom. All this is possible but something about the way you smile at him…like those big, green words, all he reads from you is “Everything Is Fine.”
The room that you lead him into doesn’t look all that much like a death trap, but you can never be sure. It’s a simple office, plants similar to the ones in the waiting room sit in pots in the corners and on the windowsill. The sun shines outside, seeping through the glass and illuminating the desk on the left as you walk in. On it are a few little trinkets, paperweights, and, right in the middle, a manila file folder.
You circle around the desk and settle yourself into the rollaway chair, gesturing to the sleek armchair across from you. “Why don’t you have a seat, hm?”
What is wrong with him right now? You ask him to do something and he just…does? What happened to his spine, other than it bending exponentially thanks to the way he sits?
No matter, there are more important things to think about right now. Like the fact that he might finally be getting some answers.
You open the file in front of you and skim whatever’s written, opening your mouth to say something when your eyes meet his. And then they drift down to his legs. You stare at him curiously with your mouth still agape for a few moments at how his knees are pulled up to his chin, eventually shaking your head and getting back on track.
“My name is (Name), and of course I already know yours.” you say, folding your hands in front of you. “So, how are you, L?”
How should L even answer that?
“I’m…confused, mostly. How are you?”
Your eyes light up, as if you haven’t been asked that in a while. “Oh, well I’m fine. Y’know, busy, but fine! And, yes, I’d assume you’d be confused, everyone in your situation usually is.”
“My situation? What exactly do you mean by that?” Now that L has finally asked one question he can’t seem to stop the ball from rolling “Speaking of you, who are you exactly? Actually, never mind who, but where—“
You hold up a hand. “All of your questions will be answered, I promise. There’s just one thing that you need to know before we tackle any of that.”
“And what is that?”
Your eyebrows lift slightly, elbows digging into the surface of your desk as you lean forward. You look like you’re about to tell him that he’s fired. That his dog died. That some kid took the last of the strawberry shortcake and he’s going to have to settle for carrot cake. What comes out of your mouth is much worse.
“L Lawliet, you are dead.”
Yes. Yes, he is. That’s why he doesn’t remember how he got here.
He’s dead. Huh.
L is perfectly content in not saying anything about this new little factoid, but you’re looking at him expectantly, and a little cautiously. Like you either expect him to punch you or burst into tears. L wonders if that fear is based on experience. How many other people have to told this to?
“…Am I, now? That’s a shame.”
You breathe out a sigh, which could be from relief. “Yes, it is. But, not to worry! Because you’ve ended up in the Good Place, L. You’re going to be okay.”
“So it’s called the Good Place?” L brings his thumb to his lips. “A rather simple thing to call it.”
You nod. “Pretty self-explanatory, right? We didn’t want anyone to get confused. There are just so many names for it on earth. Heaven, Valhalla, Nirvana…But it all translates to one place. Here. And you get to be a part of it.”
“That sounds…” Before he can articulate his thoughts, a dilemma from earlier brings itself to the forefront of L’s mind. “Wrong.”
“I’m sorry?”
“My memories are all wrong. Before this, all I can remember is the ceiling and nothing else. If I were to have died, surely I would remember it, yes?”
You take a gulp of air and pull the manila file closer to you. “We take it upon ourselves to erase the memories of death if they are particularly traumatizing or embarrassing. Helps the residents adapt into a peaceful afterlife better, I’m sure you understand.”
“Yes, that is perfectly sensible. Although I may ask, what is an example of a death that is not at all traumatizing?”
“Pfft, there hardly is one. You’d be surprised how many memories we have to erase.”
“On the contrary, I am hardly surprised. I’m sure there are plenty of people who cannot accept the nature of their death, let alone the fact that they have died in the first place.”
You sigh, “You’re tellin’ me. Most people come around once I tell them that they’re basically in paradise, but some won’t even listen to me once I break the news. One person tried to convince me I was the dead one! It’s just—oh, um, but that’s hardly the point.”
“Do you ever tell someone how they died if they ask?”
Your expression hardens. “I do, but I like to know that they’re certain before I tell them.”
“I am.”
Exhaling through your nose, you prop the manila folder up like a book, scanning the files inside. “Alright then. Let’s see here…ah, okay. So, unfortunately this one’s pretty traumatizing, it’s not really one of those embarrassing deaths that some people get a kick out of, so brace yourself.” You look over the top of the folder as if checking to see if he’s braced himself. His expression and stance is unwavering, large eyes merely staring back at you patiently. “You were betrayed by your colleague Yagami Light – also known as your adversary Kira – and killed by the Shinigami Rem at his request.”
Oh yeah. That.
The ceiling was not clear in view, no, there was something obstructing L’s view of it. A face, staring down at him as his heart gave out right on the floor. Brown eyes filled with such cocky maliciousness, the upward tilt of lips L only knew to spout lies. It all equated to a side of Yagami Light that L knew existed but had never seen up until his final moments. It all added up to one final conclusion -- Yagami Light was Kira all along. L had been right. But the price of knowing that for certain is that, now, there’s nothing he can do about it.
“I’m..I’m sorry. I never know what to do when I have to tell people…” you try, reaching across the table and planting a hand down in front of him. Not asking to hold his hand, not even expecting a reaction. Just showing that you’re there, and that you’re trying.
“It’s up to them now. I’ve done all that I could. I trust my successors.”
“In catching the murderer Kira, right?” you ask, to which L confirms with a polite utterance of ‘yes’. Obviously you know the answer. “I understand that is one of the many, many cases you’ve worked on during your lifetime.” you scan your eyes quickly down what appears to be a long list in your folder. Do you have every detail of his life in those files? Every case he ever took? Hell, every day in his life? You set the file down flat in front of you and look at him with something L determines is admiration. “You’ve done so much good in your lifetime, L. You’ve worked so hard over the entirety of your life to make sure you left the world a little better than you found it. Now…well, now you can rest.”
You can relax, you tell him. And it seems to simple coming out of your mouth yet somehow it still feels out of reach.
“I can…” Is all L manages to say, his preoccupation coming across as dreamy and wistful. His mind is busy running a mile a minute and his mouth just can’t keep up. L decides to test the words out on his own tongue to see if they still sound foreign, “I can rest now.”
Yeah, no, it still sounds like bullshit.
“Yes! Well, after the tour, of course.”
You start to stand, straightening your colorful bowtie and circling around your desk to the door which you pull open. You don’t exit right away, though. You stand next to the exit, waiting for L to follow you. While he works on untangling himself from his current position you clarify, “A tour of the neighborhood! Where you’ll spend your afterlife.”
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lemonjoonah · 4 years
Blood Bounty - Part 1 (M)
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Pairings: Yoongi x Reader, Taehyung x Reader Word Count: 10K Rating: M Genre: Historical fantasy AU, Vampire AU, Thriller, Drama, Smut Warnings: Non-consensual vampire feeding (graphic, provocative, sexual, blood play, and twisted as fuck), captivation/enslavement, blood, drugging (force feeding vampire blood), obsession, violence, PTSD, at one point the OC pleads for death, it’s dark guys you’ve been warned. While the vampire feeding in this part is highly sexualized, I do have somewhat more “traditional” smut scenes planned for part 2 and 3.
| Series Masterlist |
Summary: He’s taken everything from you, your blood, your memories, your life, and after months spent as Taehyung’s own personal feast, you eagerly take your chance to flee. Unfortunately your escape doesn’t go as well as you had hoped, as you are soon caught by another blood thirsty beast. The vampire Yoongi claims to know you, and that he wishes to return you home. But when you can only remember the pain caused by his kind, you find it difficult to trust him, since he too could just be another monster waiting to feed.
A/N: This mini-series is a loose retelling of Anastasia, you’ll find it to be very different from the animated film. I attempted to blend both the history and the story together in a new historical fantasy world that is not our own. Anyway I hope you enjoy the start to my three part twisted tale, and if you have any questions at the end please feel free to send them my way! Also a big thank you to my beta readers @m00nchild-shi​ and @ladyartemesia​. This story wouldn’t have made it this far without you!
This story is dedicated to all of those who have lost themselves to a monster (of any form) at some point in their life. I know the journey back to yourself can be hard, but trust me, you are worth every effort. 
From the break of dawn you’ve crossed miles of ground, traversing through grassy fields and deep rivers. Accompanied only by the clothes on your back, a stake in your hand, and a pair of boots far too big for your feet, all stolen during your hastened departure. 
You consider yourself lucky after making it out unseen. Lucky that Taehyung had left his fortress of a castle, lucky that he took most of his capable progenies with him, lucky that the underling who tended to your room left the fire iron within your reach, and lucky that it was able to break the chain of the shackle fastened around your wrist. You left as soon as daylight broke. With everything working in your favour for your escape, even acquiring your captor’s clothes and cap to pass off as a young man. For sightings of a woman travelling alone might tip off those you would rather avoid.  
But now, with your heels raw and bloody, it would seem that your good fortune has finally run out, as the smell will no doubt attract his hunters. You curse your carelessness, for the number of times Taehyung has complimented you for your most potent scent. You’ve witnessed it yourself, a single whiff of your blood during his feedings having sent several of his men into a frenzy. This unfortunate blessing left you to be seen as a bounty, condemning you to his captivity, and now the struggle as you flee for your life. 
You attempt to clean the broken skin and stem the flow with strips torn from your tunic. The fine piece of clothing is barely recognizable after the paces you’ve put it through today. With the extra fabric now wedged into your boots you can only hope that it’ll make your journey tomorrow easier, and detain much of the scent that would allow them to track you. 
You wish that you could continue on tonight, but the darkness of the wood, your sores, and your fatigue impede your plans. You’ve gained ground but the lack of settlements must mean that you still lie within his realm. With your memories stolen in an effort to keep you at his side you have little to go on but a tapestry that hung in his den. It showed a city to the east, beyond the boundary of his land, and what is hopefully your home. But with the woven display having no proper scale you have no idea how long it will take to actually leave his territory. Freedom could be hours or days away.  You can only hope that the rivers you’ve traversed will keep them at bay until you can find a safer place to stay. Their weaknesses are all you have to lean on to prevent recapture, but will it be enough?
After tending to your feet you settle in the nook of a tree, leaning your head against the mossy trunk. Your stomach growls but you have no food to feed it, nor a blanket to dismiss the chilling wind which forces a shiver from you. Your deflated spirit is made even worse when a raven takes notice of your poor state. It circles overhead, undoubtedly looming with the hopes that you have given in, and that he too can feast on you. 
Ignoring the omen, you close your eyes, directing your focus instead on the surrounding sounds of the forest, listening for anything that might be a predator making an approach. Despite an exhausting day you still are wary of sleep, knowing what will greet you as you drift off, and concern of someone, or something catching up to you once you do. You rest there for what must be an hour, debating with yourself the advantages slumber, before you hear the snap of a nearby twig. Your fingers drift to the wooden stake on the ground next to you, your movement is slow hoping to escape the notice of whatever might be drawing closer. The footsteps which crunch on the leaves continue to advance on your position. There’s no running now, all you can do is play ignorance until they are in range for you to act.
When a hand reaches down and tilts the brim of your hat, you open your eyes, driving your weapon up in an aim to strike, but your assailant is too quick for you. He catches your arm in an iron grip, much like the remains of the manacle that still holds your other wrist. Though his face is hidden by the dark of night and his frame draped in a long coat, there is no doubt about what he is, and what he’s come for, his speed in stopping you was far too fast to be human.
“Be still,” the monster growls. “It’s me, Yoongi. Are you hurt?”
His concern is almost laughable. His implication of a connection likely a trap, one intent on luring you in, with a motive to end the hunt. “Not if you leave me be.” You attempt to press the stake towards him still, but he barely even registers your efforts. 
“Have you forgotten me?” The beast’s grip tightens on your arm as he dismisses your threat, taking the stake in his own hand before he pulls you up while he continues his deception, “I know that to be what I asked for, but I didn’t think... no, it matters not. ” He shakes his head as his words trail off. His voice then returns resolute and firm once he changes thoughts. “Come, we must get you somewhere safe.”
You dig your heels into the ground as he attempts to pull you along, clawing at his fingers until they release you. “I’m not going anywhere with you vampire. You will not take me back to him, anywhere is safer than there.”
“I am not taking you back, but we must leave. They’ve already placed a large bounty on you and these parts will be flooded with hunters soon.” 
“How can I be sure you’re not one of those hunters?” You make an attempt to retake the stake, showing you have no intention of complying with him. But he pulls it back, holding it just out of your grasp.
“You will have to take me at my word, I am not of Taehyung’s kin and I have no plans on handing you back over to him. Now if you please, I can either escort you to safety, or take you there by force.”
“I don’t trust you.” You glare back at him.
“Very well,” the vampire sighs, tossing your wooden weapon aside, putting it far beyond your reach. He then bends down, throwing you easily over his shoulder, and thereby ending the argument over your fate. Your fists collide with his back several times in an effort to make him release you, but he doesn’t appear bothered by the attack. You draw breath ready to call out when he stops you with a quick jostle. His shoulder lays into your abdomen knocking the wind from your lungs. “You may hit me all you want, but do not scream. I would rather not alert others to our location.”
Could he really not be someone sent by Taehyung’s underlings? Regardless, even if he is, you don’t have the strength to over power him. There’s little you can do but lay like a rag doll propped over his shoulder, with his arm hooked on the back of your knees. 
He hauls you over to a break in the trees, one which leads out to the road where a horse waits patiently for him. You’re thankful when he seats you on the saddle rather than throwing you on your stomach once again. With the full light of the moon on the open dirt road, you’re finally able to see his face properly. His soft and sombre expression is a drastic difference compared to Taehyung’s sharp features and cruel grin.
“Are you going to behave now princess?”
Your eyes widen with terror in response to his last word uttered. You immediately try to pull away to put as much distance as you can between you and him, but he holds you firm in the saddle. The confining grip matching the memories of the name he has just called you all too well. Your breathing comes in short panicked waves as your hand moves to conceal the scar on your neck. You can’t go back, you won’t go back, you refuse to endure that supposed term of endearment anymore. 
“Prin-” The vampire tries again to elicit a response from you, only this time you cut him off. Your fear turning to anger unwilling to tolerate another lie from his lips. 
“If you are not one of Taehyung’s clan then tell me, why do you address me in that manner?”
“You don’t know why I call you princess?” He gazes upon you, his eyes narrowed in confusion as you recoil once again. This time he takes your hand, which bears the weight of both the iron shackle and bitten brand, to hold you still. When you wince from the pressure of his touch, he looks down to examine the sensitive spot. His jaw stiffens as he finds the source of the pain. “What has he done to you?” He whispers softly as his fingers trail over the wound on your palm. 
“Open up princess, I have a gift for you,” Taehyung orders, standing over you as you sit on his desk. Gripping your jaw, while your lips remain sealed in defiance. “I said open.” His hand tightens, forcing your mouth to unfasten and expel a cry of pain. He presses the bloody tip of his finger to your tongue, dragging his index from the back to the front coating it with the thick fluid. “Now swallow.”
Your mouth begins to salivate with the intrusion of his blood. You know if you take it in you will lose everything once again, you’ll lose the will you’ve been building back up to defy him. He is never truly out of your system, you still have gaps in yourself, but the need to disobey always has its way of creeping back to you first. To be forced back into obedience within your own body and mind is nothing short of torture. 
You refuse to allow him to drag you back to the dark willingly, spitting your saliva along with his blood into his smug expression.
Taehyung chuckles darkly as he wipes his face with the back of his hand. “You’re right my princess. How could I think that only a drop would be enough to dispel your greed? You deserve more.” 
This time he bites into his hand allowing the blood to pool, while the other takes hold of your neck. The dripping flesh of his palm covers your gasping mouth. Your head is tilted back by his grasp as the blood drains down the back of your throat. 
“You will keep this down. You will accept my control. Every time you look at yourself you will think of me. When you close your eyes you will dream of me, for you can not run away only toward. You will remember nothing before me, and nothing before the night I bestow you with this.” His thumb passes over a three month old scar on your neck, continuing to mark it as the cornerstone of the earliest memory you possess.
Every week without fail he reweaves his bonds inside you, tending to them as a doting hunter with a valued prey. He takes his fill of you in between, sometimes it’s only a taste and others a full meal. Treating his desk as a dining table and you the feast, placing you down upon it for his consumption. 
“I will have to leave you weak in the knees today princess if I must go without you for a fortnight.” His finger catches a drop of blood that escapes your mouth running it back along your lips before his hand moves away and down, trailing deep red lines down the skin of your jaw and neck. “I’m sorry to leave, but there are some pressing matters which I must attend to.” He portrays a look of sorrow, but you know better than to believe that he can possess a single human emotion.  “You’ll be good while I’m gone won’t you? Shall I give you something to remember me by? Another mark unhealed for you to see? You can watch as it slowly means, knowing that I’ll be back to tear you open again.” 
He lifts your hand to his face with his own bloody fingers. How you wish you could slap him away, but your body refuses to move on your behalf, after consuming his blood it yields only to him.  
He does not hesitate before sinking his teeth into the base of your palm. Matching his own wound that he inflicted on himself, but as yours grows deeper, his begins to heal. He takes a long draft before releasing in a pant. Your blood acts like a drug to his system, making him as he so often puts it, ‘Feel alive again.’ 
He wipes his palm on yours allowing the breach to clot, he doesn’t mend it completely, instead leaving the painful imprint of his teeth, branding you anew, just as promised. “Appetizer, now entree Princess,” he mutters as he moves on, shifting to cradle your head and neck in his arms. You attempt to pull away, but that only forces him to issue the command, “Stay still.” 
His face hovers over the pulse of your neck, with you now frozen beneath. His fangs are careful not to dive too deep, retracting just as the blood begins to trickle from your throat. It collects in the well of your collar and trails down your chest, seeping beneath the bodice of your dress. The white fabric of your garment starts to bloom with scarlet. He could have chosen a gown of darker cloth for your personal wear, one that would be less prone to display the gruesome patterns of his actions, but he prefers to see the art of your suffering, your clothes and body becoming a canvas for his great masterpiece. He mutters how beautiful it looks while his fingers add to the display, painting a ruby-red choker around your neck using the blood as a stain.
His eyes linger taking in the sight before he moves in again to collect the flow, lapping it off your skin like a beast amidst a drought. You cringe as his tongue crosses your flesh, relentless in its desire to gather every drop it can. And just when you think he’s finished it makes another pass, accompanied by a growl and another sharp nip.
Unlike your hand, he completely remedies the gash on your neck, leaving only the one scar upon your throat from his first feeding. The loss starts to hit you, your skin turning cold like his, your breathing shallow, and your pulse quick. You hope that might be the end, that he has had his fill and needs no more, but his hand then fastens on your leg having pushed up the hem of your skirt and thin petticoat. “Let me in princess, I still have room left for dessert.” His teeth skim across the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh mapping his preferred spot from your pained twitches. 
You whimper as he clamps down for his last bite. The only solace you can take is that he will not be here for two weeks. You have more time without him feeding, time to gain back control, and time to escape. You stare off to the woven tapestry map behind him, not knowing where to go but longing to be anywhere but here.
“D-don’t call me that.” Your demand catches and cracks at the back of your throat.
“But it’s what you are-”
“I am not his dinner, I am not his slave, and I am most certainly not his princess! I will not go back. If you have any mercy, please... drain me here. For I am far more willing to meet death, than I am to see him again. ”
To your confusion he looks shocked that you would even suggest such an act. He takes a moment before looking into your eyes with a narrowed gaze, “You don’t remember anything do you? It’s not just me you’ve forgotten.” 
You shake your head, unable to meet his eyes, “I remember nothing before him.” 
The vampire holds what’s left of the iron shackle in his hands, bending it apart with only his grip, freeing you from it’s clutches. 
There's another sigh from him as he takes the space on the saddle behind you. His body is uncomfortably close to yours, with his breath on your neck, and arms wrapped on either side to take the reins. “And I thought he could sink no lower...” He urges the horse forward with a nudge and a few mumbled words far too low for you to hear. “You are right, you are not his meal, nor his property, but it is not simply a given moniker to which I am referring, it’s what you are. You are the only living heir of a human kingdom just east of here.” 
“You lie, there is no way I could be,” This is just another game of his. It has to be. “If I am what you say, how could I have ended up where I was?” 
“You went missing, disappearing from your bed in the night. Your people assume that you were kidnapped, that you were taken by a monster, not knowing what we are. But I assure you, you are the lost pr-” He stops as you stiffen once again. “I can take you home, back to your family, back to your people, if that’s what you wish.” 
“And why would you do that?”
“I broke a promise long ago, I plan to remedy that mistake.” 
“I fail to see how that applies to me.” You mutter as you slump down in the saddle, no longer fighting your current fate. This vampire too can easily overpower you, he can take you wherever he desires to go, but as long as it’s away from Taehyung you have no wishes to slow him down.
He pulls a skin of water from his horse’s pack offering it to you. Your dry mouth wants to empty it in one swig, but the possibility of what else it could contain holds you back. You turn your nose up instead fearing that he’s drugged it with his own blood. 
“I have not tampered with it if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“You keep assuming your words carry weight with me. I will need more than that if I am to drink this.”
“If I intended to manipulate you with blood I would have done so already instead of fighting to get you on the horse.” 
He’s right, it would have been far easier. You take a careful sip rolling over your tongue, trying to detect even the slightest taste of iron before your swallow. 
He holds out food too, in the form of a few pieces of dried meat. Your mouth waters at the sight. The unaltered drink gives you the confidence to abandon your worries and take it, asking more questions while you eat. “You said I forgot you, but how was it that I knew you Yoo-” You pause trying to recall the name he led with when he found you. 
You wait for more but he doesn’t continue, after swallowing your current mouthful you press further. “Are you not going to tell me?”
“It would be better if you remembered.”
“You expect me to trust you, but then you hide truths?” 
“I expect you to trust me because I want you to recall your truth of our encounters, not mine. When you do I will gladly discuss it with you, but not until then.” His tone is stern, boasting an air of finality to his argument.  
You huff back in frustration. “Can you at least tell me how long you’ve known me?”
“More than ten years now, you were a child of fourteen when we first met.”
“So you must know my name? My real name?” You ask with near excitement, hoping it might stir up some of your past within you.
“I do.” But as he recalls it, whispering the name for you to hear, nothing happens. You thought when you heard it again that everything would come back all at once like a spell broken by one magical word. But the name that comes from Yoongi’s lips has no meaning to you, no memory, no warmth. It bestows only a cold emptiness, a fear that you’ll never quite be able to bind yourself together with the person who bore that name before. 
Hours later Yoongi pulls his horse off the path and into the woods, trotting down what looks to be an overgrown trail. You finally come to a stop in front of a mound, backed by an elevation of stone and earth, bearing a small cave-like entrance.
“What is this?”  
“An old mining site. We’ll have to stop here for now.” Yoongi helps you down off the horse before removing the tackle and taking the large pack, he ties his steed up with a long lead on a grassy patch. Once finished you follow him through the dark and into the cavern, lagging a few paces behind with your legs stiff and sore from the night’s travel.
“But there’s still another hour or two until the sunrise. Why stop here?”  
“Because this is the last dark space that’s marked for the next fifteen miles.” He opens one of the bags pulling out a lantern, he lights it, dousing the cold and damp walls of the cave in a warm glow. Taking out a thick piece of paper next, he unfolds it with careful precision, laying it gently across a leather pack. He acts as though it’s a precious heirloom passed on to him from a loved one long gone. Your heart starts to race upon realization that it’s a map, and how with it’s aid you’d be able to find your own way home.  
Dark circles on the heavy parchment denote what according to the key is a resting spot. He opens it further pointing to both your current position and destination, your fingers tracing over a kingdom which he says is yours. With still three times the distance you’ve travelled yet to traverse, much of your contentment fades. 
Despite the blow to your morale, you continue your examination of the map, hoping to learn as much from it as you can. It’s beautifully intricate and precisely made, the only flaw is an ink smudge in the lower left hand corner, which appears to be a faint mirror image of the compass rose on the right. Likely the result of the map being folded before the ink had completely dried. You run your index over the blot feeling much the same. A partial imprint of your past life, and a great distance away from what you must have been. 
Yoongi watches you with a keen eye as you attempt to commit your future route to memory. “Does it look at all familiar to you?”
“No, I remember nothing of this land.” Not the names of rivers or cities return to you. How can you call a place home if you know nothing of it? “Thank you for your assistance. I know you have to stop, but after seeing this I feel that I should keep going.” You offer cordially, praying that he’ll agree to parting ways here. 
“Oh no you don’t. You’ll stay here until the sun sets, and we’ll continue together.”
“Why should I? If the sun is out I’m not at risk from vampires.”
“It is still a while before we reach your kingdom. You can see that can’t you? At least two more nights where you would be alone if I let you leave. Not to mention the risk from your own brethren. You haven’t been among other humans enough to know that they can be just as malicious.”
“Then give me your horse and I’ll out ride them.”
“When was the last time you rode a horse on your own?” He asks lowering his brow, scoffing as his tongue pokes at the side of his cheek. 
“I-I...” Naturally you can’t remember, and he knows it. “I’ll be fine.”
“Yes of course you’ll be fine, it’s not like there will be vampires nipping at your heels the whole way home. Do you know I could smell the blood trailing from your feet a mile away? I can’t imagine they are in a good state. If the horse were to unseat you and run off, would you even be able to continue?”
You wince at the thought of treading forward on foot. The blisters are already a source of great agony, it’s painful to think what they would be like after another mile or two. 
Yoongi notices the show of discomfort in your face,  “Looks like you’ll be staying with me then your highness.”
“I’d rather not...” You're grateful he’s stopped calling you by the other title, but that still doesn’t prove his loyalty. “Why are you so insistent on taking me home? What’s in this for you?”
“Your company.”
“I am serious,” you groan, casting a dark glare back at him over the candle light.
“So am I.” He mutters his response, it’s so quiet you almost miss it.
“You are insufferable! I should be taking advantage of the daylight, I should be putting more distance between myself and his prison. You should have left me there in the forest so I wouldn’t have to deal with your so-called assistance.”
“Forgive me for wanting to keep you alive and safe. It must be truly awful to have someone come to your aid.”
“You are not someone, you’re a vampire,” you bite back against his sarcasm. “I take no pleasure in being in the company of your kind.”
Yoongi sighs looking defeated, following it with an odd request. “Give me your hand, the one with the wound.”
“Why?” You clutch your palm to your chest in defence. 
“I’ll mend it properly for you, your heels too if you’d like. I want to help undo the damage that my kind has done to you. He should never have left you scarred like that.”
“He shouldn’t have fed off me in the first place!” You shout back your voice echoing off the walls.
“You’re right,” Yoongi levels with you. “But I can’t imagine you want to keep it.”
“I don’t, but I also don’t want help from you! I would rather carry this than any more of your poison. So you can keep your blood to yourself.”
“As you wish,” Yoongi responds, yet he still shifts towards you, encouraging you to back away and keep the space between you. 
“I’m not going to...” His tone sounds exasperated but soon changes to a softer register as he looks at your terror ladened face. “Just, take this.” Yoongi passes over a bed roll before pulling one out for himself from the woven pack. 
You stare at the bedding, questioning it, the convenience of such an item along with supplies all seem too good to be true. “Why would someone who travels alone have a second? Why would a vampire have a stash of water he can’t drink, and food he can’t eat?” 
“I brought them for you. I knew you would need them on the journey.” His answer comes off as thoughtful, but the explanation still doesn’t sit right with you, surely there can be no rational reason as to why he was so ready for your escape.
“You expect me to swallow your perfect timing? That you just happened to be in the right place at the right time, ready to play the role of saviour-”
“Who said the timing was perfect? It has been anything but ideal,” Yoongi growls cutting you off. “I have been trying to get you back ever since I learned that you were taken. But we have limitations that prevented me from just storming his castle. A vampire can not enter the home of another without permission. I tried to get you, believe me I did. While you were trapped inside for five years, I was kept outside for just as long. But I have always been prepared to leave with you at a moment's notice.” 
You were ready to continue your argument again just as he was to finish, but one of his last reveals disarms you with an all too unpleasant fact. “H-how long did you just say?”
“Five years?”
“No... that’s not possible, I can’t remember more than a few months.”
“Prin- your highness.” Yoongi catches himself as you turn to panic.
“Please don’t tell me that he held me for years.” You panicked whispers become sobbing pleas, you would gladly take the lie now. The thought of more tortures of imprisonment lying just below the surface of your memory is enough to make you want to do away with your entire past. Blindly tossing it all away and building it all anew, if only it worked that way.    
“It’s been years, I’m so sorry, but you’ve been with- you’ve been missing for half a decade.” 
“Why? Why would he take that too?” You whisper stand up clutching the scar on your neck, the mark you thought to be the first was likely a only a sequel to many. How many more lie hidden in your skin, healed and masked his blood?  Feeling a pull to leave, you stumble towards the mining shaft’s entrance, unable to take another minute beside a monster who could do the same. Yoongi grabs you from behind, wrapping his hands around your waist to prevent you from progressing any further outside. You strain against him determined to go back out into the open air.  “No, let me go.”
“I can’t do that, your highness.”  
You turn into him pushing against his chest as you shout. “Let me go Yoongi.” He doesn’t stop you from shoving, or cursing him out. He just stands there holding tight as you take out your loss on him. 
“If I were to do that his hunters would find you,” Yoongi warns. “Is that what you want? Because I’m not ready to lose you to him again...” The last of his sentiment drifts off as if he’s said too much. His grip loosens to the point where you can slip away. As much as you want to turn out and run towards the sun he’s right, you can't risk losing another five years or maybe more. He nods down to the bed roll abandoned on the ground. “You should get some rest, you’ll need it for the journey tomorrow.” 
You obey, taking the bedding and lantern, wandering back farther into the cave and further away from the vampire. Slipping off your boots you find the cloth you had wedged in earlier caked with blood. You glance over to your nocturnal companion seeing if the reveal had any effect on him, but he’s already lying down, his back towards you, paying no attention. Desperate to dispose of the temptation you hold the two strips of fabric above the lantern flame. Fortunately they are dry enough to burn, leaving only ashen traces of the linen scraps. You redress your wounds with more fabric from your garment, but before curling under the blankets for the day you take one last precaution. With numerous broken branches littering the floor of the cave, you take the most jagged and sturdy, tucking in by your side. The sharp twig is not quite a stake, but a better defence than nothing at all.
Even after travelling all day and night with little rest it takes an age for you to fall asleep, not because of the hard ground, not due to the pain in your legs, nor the questionable motives of your new guard, but the knowledge of who you’ll see once you do. Although Taehyung’s blood has lost control of your physical movements, his hold on your mind is still tight. You know you’ll see him when you drift off, but your exhaustion is unwavering and your need of rest undeniable.  
It seems like only moments after you close your eyes that you’re reunited. He lies there beside you back in his castle, with his own eyes closed, his face content with a small smile as though he’s just fed. But on this night, something’s different. You finally feel as though you have the power to fight back against him. The stake you had stolen from his collection, and promptly lost to the forest, found again by your side. You’ve always wanted this moment, taking vengeance on the one who put you through hell. Even if it is only a dream you’ll embrace it though reality.
Mere inches away from his chest your hand is stopped by his. His eyes fly open and he tackles you back. “Killing me won’t grant you freedom, it won’t stop others from coming for you.”
“Then let them come,” you sneer back at him. “For any life without you Taehyung will be a vast improvement, no matter how short or perilous.” 
There’s a quizzical look on his face, his thumb pushing into your palm trying to get you to realise the stake, “Wake up your highness, it’s not what you think.” 
You are pulled from the dream to find yourself with your pitiful excuse for a weapon in hand. Pointing it at Yoongi’s heart as he hovers over you. You drop it quickly, and attempt to slide out from beneath him out of fear of retaliation. “I thought you were him.” 
He places a heavy hand on your shoulder preventing any further retreat on your part. “I figured that to be the case. Do you have these dreams often?” His tone is not angry, but concerned.
You relax with his understanding, “Every night, he made sure it was so.”
“I know it won’t mend the past, but I’m sorry... for what he’s done to you.”
“I’m sorry I attacked you...” 
“I can’t blame you for that,” Yoongi admits with a curling smile on his lips. “If I looked at myself and saw Taehyung I would respond in the same manner.”
You let out a small chuckle, leading to a surprised expression on Yoongi’s face. His smirk soon turns into a sad smile. “I want you to know, when you are with me, you are safe. No one will feed from you, no one will touch you, myself included.”
You wake to the sound of a raven in the early evening, the deep croaks of the bird carrying through the mine. Keeping your head down you glance with narrowed eyes to spy on the vampire who currently ties a small roll of parchment to the leg of the dark creature. It waits patiently on his knee until the knot is firmly in place, letting out another loud cry once Yoongi’s hand retreats. 
“I suppose you’ll be wanting more then?” Yoongi takes his index, and presses it down onto one of his sharp teeth, allowing a bead of blood to form on the tip. The raven then takes his finger into his beak and tilts his head back as it feeds on the red droplets. You start to gag at the sight, alerting Yoongi to your awakened state. The bird takes flight as your escort gets up to check on you, but as he comes closer you draw back. He pauses after his first couple steps, and asks from a distance instead. “Are you alright?”
“Why did you feed it your blood?” You heave again at the thought, but with little in your stomach there is nothing to come up.
“He’s delivering a letter for me. The blood is his reward; it keeps him healthy, but it also allows me to convey where he needs to go and who he needs to find.” 
“It’s disgusting.”
“The raven is more than happy to take it as payment for his service. But I know of what you mean, when the exchange is done improperly...” Yoongi pauses as another wave of nausea overwhelms you again, “Forgive me, I thought you were asleep, I didn’t know you would be watching.”
“What were you sending?”
“Notice to my clan. I left my surveillance post, they will wish to know why.”
“Will that be a problem?” You hadn’t considered groups other than Taehyung’s, but if you can avoid interaction with them all the better.
“No, returning you home will be a greater blow to Taehyung. He has likely built a dependence on your blood and without you he’ll be left in a far weaker state. We might finally have a chance to diminish his hold on the region.” Yoongi takes a brief glance to the entrance and starts to pack away his supplies. “You should ready yourself to leave. The sun is almost down.”
You climb out from your bed roll to find that in the night the blood had seeped through the new makeshift bandage. Yoongi clenches his teeth, and makes another offer. “Please just let me heal them, you'll only need a drop.”
“That’s one drop too much.” You move back unsure if you should be more worried about Taehyung’s men tracking you down, or the more current and looming threat of the vampire in front of you. “Is this going to be a problem for you?” “No,” he confirms, however there’s a slight hesitation in his answer. “But you should go wash up before you lose all daylight, there’s a river just down hill.” He takes a kerchief from his pocket and places it on a rock between you. “You can have this if you’d like. I don’t have any bandages to offer, other than the treatment you find so distasteful.” 
You reach out and grab it. “You won’t be getting this back.” You eye him darkly. 
“That’s fine, just go clean them off before others who may be nearby take note of your aroma.” You observe him with caution, hesitating to pass by his threatening mouth to get to that of the cave’s. “Unless you want to stay and watch me eat.” He comments as he pulls out another soft flask which he carries in his jacket. You cringe as he holds in what is likely a stolen meal.
“What?” He fires back at your critical glare. 
“Do you drain all your victims into wine skins, or just those you wish to save for later?”
“The one who gave me this was not my victim. They were willing to part with it.”
“Willing?” You scoff. “I find that hard to believe. Are you sure you did not slip them some of your own blood first?”
“No I did not, but if you have a problem with how I conduct my feedings you only have yourself to blame.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means, you shouldn’t be so quick to judge. Now hurry, so we can make use of this night.”
You do just that, darting past him you leave the mine heading down to the river in the fading sunlight.
As you return Yoongi is already outside and packing the horse. With his back to you he pulls an apple from the saddle bag, and the horse turns his head towards the treat with it’s mouth open and reaching. He pulls it back and away from the creature, “I know, I know this should have been yours, but you’ve had enough grass and she needs food. Do you mind sharing?” You watch as he rubs his steed behind the ear and it gives up on it’s want for the fruit. “Thanks, next one is yours, I promise.”
“Am I to thank you or the horse for my meal?” You call out to the vampire.
“You may thank him if you like.” Yoongi hands off the apple to you as you approach.
You can’t help smile as you stand in front of the massive and beautiful stallion letting him smell the back of your hand before you reach you pet the star on his forehead. “What is his name?” 
“Horse...” Yoongi admits. 
“Horse? Surely you jest. Why would you not give him a proper name?”
“He went for so long without one it just stuck.” Yoongi responds as he tightens the girth of the saddle. “What would you have named him?” 
“I’m not sure, but certainly not horse. You poor beast, first he deprives you of a suitable name, then an apple.” You take a few bites but with your stomach still queasy and unable to take anymore, you give the rest to the poorly named steed. Once the bridle and tackle are secure you mount up despite the instant outcry from your legs. You find Yoongi watching you, taking notice but remaining silent. You’re grateful for his lack of discourse, not wanting to have to explain the tenderness of your ass and thighs owing to yesterday’s travel. 
Regrettably, the aches become worse, and after only a couple hours of riding you’re barely able to stay upright. If Yoongi’s arms weren’t circling around you to keep hold of the reins you would have slid to the ground long ago. It seems that he’s no longer able to disregard your comfort though.  “Are you well?”
“Relatively speaking, yes.” You whisper holding in a groan.
“Relative to what?”
“Relative to a week ago.” To your time with Taehyung. You grimace further with each mounted stride.
“I think your scale is skewed. We’ll slow for a bit. Though you might think differently, I have no desire to see you in pain.” He slows his steed to a walk and dismounts, letting you lean back as he leads the horse forward. 
“This is nothing I promise. We should keep the pace up.”
“You wish to be rid of me so soon? Even if it causes you agony?”
“Yes.” Your short reply is enough to make him pause for a second, his face splitting into an open smirk before he continues again.  
“Though I appreciate your honesty, the horse could use a break too.” Yoongi chuckles darkly. “You’ll have to learn how to hold that tongue of yours again once you return to court.”
You take in a sharp breath as a chill runs down your spine. You’ve been so focused on what you are running from you haven’t given thought as what you are running too. “Do you know much about my family, about my life back home?”
“You said I was the last remaining heir. There must have been a time when that wasn’t the case.”
“Your brother...” Yoongi explains, his gaze fixed on the road. “He passed away a few weeks ago. He was very ill, had been all his life.”
You take a deep breath as you register the news, but it’s hard to properly grieve when you can’t recall what you lost. “I wish I could remember-” 
Yoongi must be taking pity on you as he delves further without your prompting. “You loved him very much, but you weren’t as close as you would have liked to have been. His ailment was unknown to many and it prevented him from spending much time with you.”
“How do you know that?” 
“Because you told me.” He whispers, finally meeting your eyes again.  
“Wh-what else do you know? Will you tell me?”
Yoongi shakes his head, “Give it time and you’ll remember on your own. His hold won’t last forever.”
“I still don’t understand why you won’t say more.”
“Because I don’t want to give you a false sense of your past, only to find out later that it was different than I thought, than I hoped. Your affection for your brother was obvious, but with other focuses of your adoration I cannot be sure. So please do not ask much of me. You’ve gone through enough, I have no wish to plant false regard for things you did not actually love.” While Yoongi continues to look up to you his expression takes a sudden shift. His nose lifts into the air and takes a deep breath, before his head snaps back at the road ahead. “Humans... four of them.”
Your heart leaps at the prospect, but Yoongi cuts your anticipation short. “Don’t get too hopeful. They are currently trying to conceal themselves on the path ahead. I doubt their motives are well intended.” He reaches up to tuck a lock of hair that had fallen out from your cap. “Stay on the horse and keep quiet. I’ll deal with them.” 
“For your own safety, please do what I ask.” 
The trees growing around the road are thick and dense, your eyes dart between the trunks in hopes to catch movement, but with the forest cloaked in darkness you have little ability to find anything. Minutes pass and just as you are about to question Yoongi, you spot a man with tattered clothes lying in the middle of the dirt road ahead. Thinking he might be a victim of the others mentioned, you make an attempt to dismount. But Yoongi holds your hand firmly on the reins, while he calls out to the casualty. “The wounded traveller? Do people still fall for that?”
There’s a moment of silence before a man emerges from the forest to the left. “You’d be surprised,” he responds, while two more appear on the right. 
The destitute wayfarer on the road gets up and dusts himself off. “It’s a shame you didn’t fall for our ploy, it’s much easier both for us and those who do, so much less blood.  You look to be worth the effort though. I’m sure we could fetch a pretty penny for a steed like that.”
The four close in ranks and advance. Yoongi stays by your side, eyeing their approach, he gives a warning. “For your sake, I hope there will be no blood involved.” 
“Is that a threat?” One of the highwaymen asks. “I should like to see how you plan on besting us without a blade. 
The man closest to you, with a dagger drawn, reaches out to grab hold of your leg. “Come down off the horse lad. There's no point in putting off the inevitable, it’s ours now.” In spite of his weapon you ready to kick the man off, but before your foot can lay into him his grip is torn away. In the blink of an eye Yoongi is on the other side of the horse forcing the assailant  to his knees with an arm behind his back. There’s a loud pop from the thief’s shoulder, resulting in a cry of pain. One of the other bandits charges to free his ally, his sword ready. Yoongi succeeds in dodging the initial thrust of the steel, and with one hand takes the saber, turning it instead on it’s owner. Your vampire escort issues another caution with the point at man’s throat. 
“If you would like your friend to keep use of his arm then I suggest you all back away.” While the disarmed thief retreats backward with his hands in the air, the rest are frozen in place refusing to move. “You think I jest?” Yoongi’s grip tightens while his captive lets out a shout. The little effort used on the vampires part to make the man submit finally prompts his fellows to take two steps back. “I swore to my companion that no one would touch them on this journey. You’ve made me break that promise, and I am not pleased.” There’s a deep growl to his voice that sends chills through even you. “I should take this limb in payment, and maybe one from each in your party too.”
“Yoongi....” You whisper in a low tone.
He turns back to you with a slight smirk. “But you are lucky, my friend prefers mercy. It’s far more than you deserve.” Yoongi lowers his head muttering into the bandits ear. “I’ll tell you what. You may keep your arm, but you and your men will abandon your camp, head south and keep walking. You will tell no one of us, and if I ever come across your path again I will not hesitate to act on my threats.”
Yoongi releases the man allowing him to scramble away as he clutches his shoulder. The other three support their injured cohort as they run off. 
Yoongi takes hold of the horse from the ground once again, leading you off the road. “Their camp it’s just this way. They might have had some supplies which will be of use to us.”
You only nod in response unsure of what to say, after what you just witnessed. The first humans you had interacted with in years, and here they intended to rob you. 
The smoke of their smouldering fire draws you in. Yoongi’s hunch was right, they had a good deal of useful items. Rations for you, along with spare changes of clothes. He fills a bag and ties it on the saddle, leaving their stolen riches along with the blade behind for someone else to find. 
He mounts up behind you again, carrying on forward for some time before speaking again. “Are you well your highness? You’ve been very quiet.”
You give him another nod, while chewing on your lip. “Why south?”
“That’s where my own clan’s territory lies. If they try to pull something like that again they’ll regret it.” He shifts in the saddle behind you, “Back there, I-I didn't scare you did I?”
You fall silent again, unable to confess he somewhat had, but also that the terror of your fellow mankind outweighed his by far. You fear the idea of having crossed them alone. They would have taken advantage of your mercy, who knows where you would be now if it weren’t for the self-proclaimed guard at your side. 
Yoongi seems to take your lack of answer as confirmation of his worry. “I needed them to see me as a vicious monster, had they not backed off I would have had to become one. I’m sorry you had to witness the threat but it was necessary. I needed to terrify them for their sake and yours. I promise didn’t intend to frighten you, only to keep you safe. ” 
Coming close to the break of day you find rest this time in a small abandoned house. The windows shuttered completely to prevent even the smallest stream of light from entering. Unlike the night before Yoongi doesn’t light the lantern. It’s so dark inside that he has to lead you to an empty space of floor for you to rest on. He takes a couple steps away, giving you some space before settling down himself once again between you and the door.
“I’m not going to run, you’ve made your point, or I should say the thieves did.”
“I don’t rest between you and the exit to keep you here, but to stop others from entering,” Yoongi explains. “These spots I’ve scoped out, I am not alone in using them. They are how my kind travels, some might have found different places to rest away from the sun, but I can tell that others have used this location. Don’t go examining your surroundings too closely, you might not like what you find.”
Now thankful for the darkness, you take your bed roll from Yoongi. “Rest easy,” he mutters as you climb in between in the blankets.
“Not likely,” you whisper back. “But thank you.”
Unfortunately you are correct, your sleep is once again disturbed by Taehyung. You catch a glimpse of his face before you're surrounded by him. The darkness holds you in a suffocating grip, your mouth slowly filling with blood. You struggle trying to breath reaching out to take a hold of anything that would pull you out. 
A hand grabs on to the side of your face, another on to your arm. Finding the shine of Yoongi’s eyes once you're able to open your own, you gasp out to him begging for some sort of relief. “Can’t see... can’t breath...”
He picks you up only to set you back down on the floor a second later. There's a click and the front door opens to reveal a narrow shaft of sunlight. A single beam a couple inches wide, but it’s enough to dispel the darkness inside. Your eyes start to water, blinded by the light, but it’s far too warm and comforting to deny yourself the sight.    
To your disgust there’s a lingering taste of blood in your mouth. Reminding you of the shackles that still bind you to Taehyung as it continues to overwhelm your senses. Yoongi’s voice flows from the darkness just to the side of the door, his eyes glowing like that of a predator’s. “I think you might have bitten your tongue in your sleep, your highness.” 
He’s right, you find a sore spot as you press it to the roof of your mouth. You make an attempt to focus back on the sun. You sit there in silence letting your breath and heart return to a normal rate. All while Yoongi’s eyes continue to watch you, burning in the darkness. He apologizes for his gaze, but does not withdraw his attention, “Sorry but it’s been so long since I’ve seen someone bask in the sun. I’ve forgotten what it feels like myself...”
“How long?”
“I lost count around the century mark, but it’s likely been double that.”
“Do you miss it?”
“Yes, but I understand. Immortality is a large price to pay, and every monster must have an equal weakness.”
“But I suppose, not everything it repels is a monster.”
Yoongi’s eyes narrow as if he’s hiding a small smile in the darkness. “Dare I say, that sounds almost like a compliment?”
“Merely an observation,” you whisper, but your words trigger something inside you, a pain and longing which you can’t explain. “Yoongi, what were we to one another before...” Before Taehyung interrupted your life. “Please I know you don’t wish to speak for me, but I need to know your view of what we were.”
“We were friends, just friends.” He responds but you're not convinced, just friends do not wait outside the home of their enemy for five years. Just friends don’t put their entire life on hold for another. Just friends aren’t overwhelmed with the desires that seem to be returning to you now.
You’ve seen this expression on him before, you know you have. On the edge of your memories lies a dark cavernous stone built hall, one in which only you and him resided. You find him crumbling under the weight of what he is and what he’s lost because of that. Fragments of your words and his surface in your mind.
“You are not a monster Yoongi, I do not need saving from you!”
“If not from me, then at least from my kind. I cannot give you the life nor the safety which lies here... You would be better off if you forgot me entirely.”
You remember your wish to comfort him, to embrace him and prove that he has not lost everything because of what he is. With the recollection fading, falling from your grasp, you panic out of fear of losing the brief moment of memory. Closing the door you move towards Yoongi, the only focus you have of your previous life, hoping the scene in your mind might continue.
“I don’t need saving from you,” you mutter, blinded by the rapid loss of light, reaching out in an attempt to find him again. 
He takes your hand and holds it, his cool fingers trailing soothing lines over the mark on your palm. “If not from me, then at least from my kind,” he responds, following the path of your dialogue from long before. “You remember our last meeting?” 
“Only a fraction of it. I remember wanting to...” To confess to him, to kiss him, that was your past self was leaning towards. You thought well enough of him to desire an intimacy with one who feeds on others... that can’t be right. But even now you can start to see the appeal your younger self cared for. His soft touch on your hand, his calming presence, and protection, those are not qualities of a monster. And in the memory you were worried that he would reject your affection, that he would be the one to pull away, not you. “Did you ever desire to be more than friends?”
His eyes grow wide at your question, but his stance remains the same. “You know I will not answer that.” 
“But this is regarding your feelings, not my own!”
“I will say no more of us. I’ve told you far too much already.” He leaves the topic at that, directing you to your present state instead. ”There’s a few more hours before sunset... do you think you’ll be able to sleep?”
You shake your head and move to sit with your back against the boards of the wall. Your reply is slow to come, and muddled with the first gasp of tears. “I can’t...” The prospect of closing your eyes again is too terrifying.
Yoongi comes to sit beside you, as he continues to hold your hand, his other arm wraps your shoulders as you let out the pain. A couple of hours ago you would have pushed him away out of fear, but with the spark of your past self craving his presence, who are you to deny the support it needs. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I’m sorry I have to keep my view from you. I don’t want to add to the damage that has been done.”
“There is not more damage that could be done. All I have to remember is a few months spent in agony and terror. How can I find comfort or rest when that is all I have? I have no knowledge of who or what made me happy, or of what dreams chased away the nightmares.”
“An adventure,” Yoongi mutters, his head bowed to the floor as he concedes with another part of your past. “You always dreamed of having an adventure.” 
You let out a broken and weeping scoff, crestfallen that your ambitions to learn more only exposed a further divide. “I find that hard to believe.” 
“Your parents were overprotective, because of your brother's condition. You were forced to keep to the castle, you just longed for something different.” His thumb rubs along the back of your hand as he holds it. 
“But I don’t feel like one to see the risk of adventures as desirable.”
“You’ve been through much since then, fear has a way of changing what we want. I will admit I wished for you to be more careful back then, but never at a cost like this.” 
“I don’t know if I will ever be that person again...” You draw your knees to your chest letting your head lull to the side and onto him. 
“That’s okay,” His arm grips you tighter, as his face lowers to the top of your head. His lips briefly brush against your hair, before his cheek comes down to rest, taking their place. “That’s why I’m taking you home.” 
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thero0ks · 3 years
In This Life and In the Next
NSFW! Do not read unless you are 18+
Miche and Erwin smut ahead (you’ve been warned)
She wasn’t sure what came over her that day. Perhaps it was the near death experience breathing life into her once again. When the dust settled, and saw the look of fear on her comrades faces her feet started to move on their own accord. Miche gave her a curious look, and Hanji’s eyes shined with glee as she stepped forward to join her. Dancing wasn’t in either one of their job descriptions, but it quickly brought a smile to their faces. 
Erwin folded his arms with an amused expression. “There isn’t any music.” He stated bluntly.
“Sometimes you don’t need music.” Hanji replied, as her and Y/N linked arms spinning in a tight circle as delighted shrieks erupted from them. 
Nanaba shrugged, a smile spreading on her lips as she joined them. The stunned look on Moblit’s face as Hanji dipped him caused Y/N to burst into laughter. 
A small grin tugged at the corners of Levi’s lips until he caught Erwin’s knowing gaze. With a weak cough he stilled his face to the impassive expression he typically wore. 
“Oh Comanderrrrr!” Hanji’s sang, pulling him into a dance. Erwin was taken by surprise as his long legs scrambled to catch up to the brutal pace Hanji had set. 
Levi took a sip of his tea as the three recounted that day. “I’m happy you forced the Commander to dance.” Levi said with a sigh, “For once he didn’t look like he carried the weight of humanity.”
Y/N chuckled, “he even danced with me after Hanji had thrown him across the square.” 
Hanji gasped, “I did not throw him. I attempted to pull him back into me and he let go.” They stated with a laugh. 
“I only wish Miche had danced with you,” Levi said with a sigh. 
“He did,” Y/N said with a shrug. “Just not then.”
She recounted those late nights in his office. The candles had burned low, and all the piles of paperwork were finally finished. Another date night passed by as Y/N waited patiently for him to finish. 
His back cracked when he finally stood up. With a glance out the window his face fell. “I did it again,” he said with a sigh. “Didn’t I?”
Y/N nodded, but offered him a soft smile. “It’s okay Miche.” 
“Let me make it up to you,” he said softly, as he tugged her out of her seat by their clasped hands. 
Placing his hand at the small of her back he drew her in. Softly swaying in the candlelight the creak of the wooden floorboards were the only sound in the room. Hair framed his face as he gazed down at her, eyes full of adoration, and Y/N found her craving this simple intimacy that a date night couldn’t create. 
Miche knew it was the little things that warmed her heart. He never stopped thinking of small ways to show he cared. Even with his death he’d left small pieces of himself behind in the form of handwritten letters in the event he met an untimely end. 
“Miche did that?” Hanji exclaimed. Surprise evident on her face. “Would you two have walked away from all this?” 
Y/N shook her head. “Not until we could live in a world free of titans. We’ve lost so many friends.” 
“Remember when Moblit thought you blew up the lab?” Levi asked, turning to Hanji, soliciting chuckles from the other two.
The boom could be heard at the training grounds. Levi and Y/N’s heads snapped at the sound. 
A figure covered in soot ran across the grounds, “Levi! Y/N! Come quick!” Moblit cried. “I think Hanji blew herself up!”
The three took off quickly, motioning for the cadets to follow. Erwin emerged from the castle at the sound of all the ruckus. “What’s going on?” He inquired, falling into step with them. 
“Shitty glasses blew up the lab.” Levi grumbled, shaking his head. 
“Dammit Hanji.” Erwin muttered under his breath.
When they finally arrived at the lab they saw Hanji emerge from the smoke, coughing profusely. “Hanji!” Y/N cried, stepping up to help them out of the debris. 
“I’m okay.” They wheezed, breathing in mouthfuls of fresh air. 
The sound of ODM gear could be heard as Miche came into view. Cupping Y/N’s face his eyes ran over her inspecting her for injuries. “Are you okay?” He inquired, as Y/N nodded.
“I KNEW YOU WERE DATING!” Hanji cried. “Moblit my hypothesis was right!” They drawled on with a wild look in their eye. “I knew I heard you two getting it on last night!” 
Levi and Erwin’s head snapped to Y/N and Miche, who had the good sense to look embarrassed. “So that’s why I’m not seeing the pathetic longing stares.” Levi mused, folding his arms across his chest. “You two disgust me.” He added, turning to Erwin who rolled his eyes at Levi and Hanji’s antics.
“You really were perfect for each other.” Hanji said softly. “I always imagined you two having the cutest babies.” 
Y/N blushed, “we didn’t think this would be the life for kids.” 
Levi sighed, “you were both right on that.” The only true veterans left were Y/N, Hanji, and himself. The fear of how much longer their little group would stay intact brought fear straight to his heart. “Still it would have been nice to have a piece of Miche running around.” 
Y/N’s eyes weighed heavily at that statement. Levi knew she would have dwelled on the idea a lot, but he also knew she wouldn’t change that choice. It would have been selfish of her to bring a child into a life like this, and Miche and Y/N rarely acted on their own selfish desires. 
“Remember when Hanji got the Commander to play seven minutes in heaven?” Levi asked, an attempt to lighten the mood. 
“You mean when they forced us all to play?”
“We can’t let the cadets have all the fun!” Hanji exclaimed, pouring another glass of wine. 
“Aren’t we a little old for drinking games?” Miche asked pointedly.
Hanji waved him off, “it’ll be a fun bonding experience!” Grabbing a felt hat she thrust it out, “now everyone put something personal in it.” 
“Wait, that’s rigging it.” Y/N said, folding her arms across her chest. “You can just choose the item the person you want puts in. It’s not hard to guess an object by touch when you know what’s in there.” 
“You really want this to be random Y/N?” Levi inquired, taking a drink of the whiskey in his glass.
Y/N shrugs, “isn’t that how the game is played?” 
“Alright everyone close your eyes and I’ll get an item from each of you.” 
Hanji passed the hat around, and once all the items were in place everyone opened their eyes. “Moblit you draw first.” 
With a sigh he dug around in the hat bringing up an enamel pin that he couldn’t quite identify. “That’s my Titan pin!” Hanji beamed.
“Titan pin? That looks like hammered shit.” Levi stated bluntly. 
“I made it myself!” Hanji snapped back. Before pulling Moblit in the awaited closet. 
“Someone got a timer?” Miche asked, as Y/N flipped the hourglass over. 
“How far do you think Moblit’s gonna go?” Nanaba inquired, as Levi snorted.
“How far do you think Hanji is going to go?” 
Everyone laughed at Levi’s statement. “I bet Hanji doms hard.” Y/N added as a muffled ‘Yes section commander!’ Was squeaked out from the closet.
Erwin shook his head, “why on earth have you thought about that?”
Y/N shrugs, “I got a lot of time on my hands Commander.” Taking a sip of her wine she nodded at Levi, “that one has a brat kink.” 
Levi’s stare turned predatory, “mind your manners brat.” 
“Or what Levi?” Y/N inquired, smiling sweetly. 
Nanaba snickered at the Captain's cool expression, and her fellow squad members challenging stare. 
Erwin pinched the bridge of his nose, “please tell me you have not made assumptions about everyone in this room.” 
Y/N shrugs, “the truth is often shocking Commander.” 
Miche laughs, “Erwin’s definitely got an authority kink.” 
Y/N’s eyes widen, “that’s exactly what I thought!”
Miche gave her a high five as Erwin shook his head pouring another glass of whiskey. The closet burst open as Nanaba yelled time. Moblit stumbled out hickeys all over his skin, and a proud Hanji following behind. 
“Moblit...you okay?” Y/N inquired as he looked at her with a dazed expression before nodding. He looked like he was on cloud nine. 
“Who’s next?” 
Miche reached into the hat pulling out a flower pendant. “Nanaba.” 
“How did that feel watching him go into the closet with Nanaba?” Levi inquired.
Y/N let out a sigh, gripping the ceramic teacup. “We weren’t together at that time,” she stated with a shrug. “It hurt like hell though.” 
Hanji sighed, “that’s the reason I made everyone play the damn game to begin with.” 
“What?” Y/N asked, sitting up straight at Hanji’s revelation. 
Hanji nodded, eyes focusing on a knot on the wood table. “I always wanted you and Miche to get together.” Her eyes flickered up, “whenever you were around each other it felt so natural. Like breathing.”
“Regardless, whatever happened in that closet with Erwin?” Levi inquired, with a tilt of his head. A blush bloomed on Y/N’s cheeks.
“What we heard was….spicey to say the least.” Hanji added. “Did you fuck the commander in seven minutes?”
Y/N laughed, “well since Erwin’s gone...I suppose I can reveal all the juicy details.”
The item felt cool and smooth in her hand. Y/N tried to focus on it, and not Nanaba who was currently in Miche’s lap. The color drained from her face when she pulled the medal out. 
“Commander!” Hanji cried, their jaw hanging wide open at the pairing. 
Y/N stood up, and the rush of butterflies danced in her stomach. Erwin set down his drink, and she felt his large palm on her shoulder. Leaning down his voice was low enough that only she could hear him, “by the way you’re trembling I’d say you like it when someone else is in control.” 
That statement went straight to her core, as he guided her into the closet. The door closed with a click. Before her eyes could adjust to the light Erwin’s hands were on her. “Do you want me to kiss you?” 
Y/N found herself nodding enthusiastically as Erwin’s breath fanned her ear. “I need to hear you say it.” 
“Yes Erwin.” 
“That’s Commander.” He corrected.
“Yes Commander.” She breathed as his lips latched on to her neck. He peppered kisses along her neck, turning her head he captured her lips. His kiss was demanding, and passionate. His hands were the only thing anchoring her to her body. 
“How much do you want?” 
Intoxicated on his kisses her mind could think of little else than him filling her. “All of it.” 
“I like hearing you needy.” Erwin mused biting the junction between her neck and shoulder. “I can fuck you like this, or I can fuck you against the wall.” Erwin nipped at her ear, as she let out a small whine. 
“Against the wall.” Y/N pleaded, before remembering to add, “please commander” at the end. 
“Strip.” Erwin demanded, and she made quick work getting undressed. 
The racket coming from the closet came as a shock to the group. “Are they…” Moblit trailed off. 
“Fucking?” Levi supplied, taking another drink.
“Maybe they’re just making out?” Nanaba offered. “Y/N seems like she could be an...enthusiastic lover.” 
Hanji burst out laughing, “she probably told Erwin to blow her back out.” 
Y/N had no idea how much time was left as Erwin thrust into her. The stone wall he had her pressed against felt cool against her back, and the angle he was driving into her had her seeing stars. “Fuck Erwin, I’m so close.” 
“Look at me when you cum.” He ordered, gripping her jaw firmly. His demand was enough to send her over he edge, “fuck Commander” she cried. By the look in his eyes he was close behind. With a few more thrusts he stilled in her. Letting her feet touch the floor he didn't let go of her until he knew she could stand. Tucking himself alway he quickly helped her get dressed. 
As soon as Erwin had straightened her clothes the door flew open, and they both went back to their seats not sparing the closet or Hanji a second glance. “Did you guys just?” Hanji inquired.
“What are you trying to imply, Hanji?” Erwin’s stern expression shut them up. 
“Nothing Sir.”
Hanji leaned back with a satisfied grin. “I knew it.” 
Y/N shrugged, “the only other person who knew was Miche.” 
Levi shook his head, “of course that bloodhound knew.” Taking another sip of his tea, “let me guess. Miche decided to mark his territory?” 
Hanji’s jaw dropped, “did he?” Gripping Y/N’s arm tightly they were excited at the prospect of new gossip.
“He did.”
Eventually the party died down, and Y/N found herself in the halls next to Miche. Leaning over her she heard him sniffing. “You smell like Erwin.” He hissed. 
“Nothing happened.” Y/N said tucking her hair behind her ear. 
Miche gave her an incredulous look, “I can’t even smell you.” Shaking his head his fists clenched, “you can’t lie to me about this.” 
Y/N folded her arms across her chest with embarrassment, “so what? We’re two consenting adults.” She said simply, “you looked cozy enough with Nanaba.” 
“We didn’t even!” As the words escaped Miche’s lips his eyes widened, and he went silent. 
“You didn’t have sex?” Y/N finished for him. “Let me guess she sucked your dick?” She inquired, with a knowing look. Miche ran his fingers through his hair formulating his next words. A habit that was typical for the tall man. He was never quick to choose words. They were always slow, and calculated. 
“It was just a game.” He said simply. “It didn’t mean anything.” 
Y/N gave him a slight nod, “exactly. It didn’t mean anything.”
“Wait so you didn’t get together that night?” Levi sat his teacup down with raised eyebrows. 
Y/N shook her head, “I wouldn’t have felt right jumping from Erwin to Miche that quickly.” 
“Or Miche hopping for Nanaba to you?” Levi added.
Y/N shrugged, “we knew after parting that night we both felt the same way. We wanted it to mean something when we actually decided to pursue a relationship.” 
“When did you actually hook up?” Hanji inquired, resting her cheek against her palm. 
A small smile pulled at Y/N’s lips as she recounted the memory. 
“You wanted to see me Commander?” 
Erwin’s sharp gaze flickered up at her voice. Setting the pen down he leaned back in his chair. “Any potentials among the cadets?”
The chair squeaked as she took a seat in front of his oak desk. “A couple, but none that would get along well with Miche or Levi.” 
Erwin nodded thoughtfully, “perhaps I’ll give you a squad.” Shaking his head at the thought, “I’m sure Miche would be in my office first thing to complain.” Resting his elbows on his desk he seemed to be lost in thought. Y/N watched the wheels turning in his mind as silence filled the room. “I think another squad would be beneficial,” Erwin concluded. “There is something I need you to do for me,” he said standing up to grab a small packet of papers. Picking up his pen he made quick work of the forms. “Give these to Miche,” he said, handing them to her. The ink hadn’t even dried. “You’re officially a squad leader.” 
Y/N’s jaw dropped, “thank you Commander.” 
Erwin’s smile was genuine, “you’ll make a good leader.” He paused, debating whether or not to speak plainly. “If you could convince Miche not to storm my office that would be appreciated,” Erwin said with a chuckle. “He’s rather fond of you.” 
Blinking at Erwin’s statement Y/N wondered what exactly Erwin knew. Before she could ask Erwin chose to speak first. “Relationships between officers and their subordinates have always been frowned upon,” he began his tone delicate, treading lightly. “You are no longer a subordinate,” blue eyes held a hint of mirth in them. “You’re dismissed.” 
Before Y/N could respond he’d already turned his attention back to the mountains of paperwork. If she hadn’t been mistaken, Erwin had practically given her his blessing to pursue Miche. Tension in her shoulders eased. Thankfully their romp in the closet had not meant anything more then carnal desires to him as well. 
Leaving Erwin’s office she made her way down the hall to Miche’s. Lightly knocking on the door she heard Miche’s voice welcoming her in. Opening the door she found Miche squatting before the fireplace throwing another log on. Emerald eyes slid up her frame, and a pleased look came across his face at her presence. “Y/N, what can I do for you?” 
Thrusting the stack of papers into his hands she stuttered out, “the Commander has given me new orders.” 
Miche stood up stunned at her words, quickly flipping through them fury prickling under his skin. If this was Erwin’s way of getting closer to Y/N he was prepared to challenge his orders. “He’s given you a promotion?” Miche inquired, an attempt at keeping his voice even. 
“Yes, Erwin thinks we need a new squad,” Y/N explained wringing her hands. “There’s potential among the new recruits, but I don’t think you or Levi would care for them,” she explained. 
Sharp eyes observed her as she spoke. “He also mentioned that I could pursue a relationship with another officer this way,” bashful eyes flickered down as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. 
Miche froze at her statement. “That will be very convenient for the two of you,” his jaw was clenched tight as he tried to contain the jealousy that boiled in his blood.  
Y/N’s head snapped up at his statement. “Miche, I was talking about you.” 
Miche’s eyebrows rose, “me?” 
“Erwin didn’t want you busting down his door over this,” Y/N explained. “He was giving us his blessing as our Commanding officer.” 
Miche took a step closer to her sparks at the tips of his fingers as he reached out to touch her. “You want this?” He inquired, his large hand cupping her cheek.
“Ever since I met you,” she confessed leaning into his touch. Leaning down he pressed a kiss to her lips. Hands sliding down her body to lift her off the ground. 
Large hands gripped her thighs as he sat her on the edge of the desk. Groping the soft flesh his lips worked against hers. Fingers carded through his hair as he deepened the kiss. His tongue slid against hers, and she took the opportunity to suck on it. This only made him more eager, leaning into her as she pulled him closer. His hands slid up to her hips pulling her against his thigh encouraging her to grind against him. A soft moan escaped her throat as she rutted against his leg. “That’s my girl,” he murmured against her lips. Dragging his lips against her neck she felt him trail kisses to the crook of her neck. A sharp pain had her arching into him as he bit down. Nails dug into his biceps as he soothed the bite mark with his tongue. 
“Fuck you’re intoxicating,” he said inhailing her scent. Reaching for her ODM straps she quickly started removing them, and he made quick work of his own. Tugging at her shirt for approval she grabbed it by the hem peeling it off. Miche groaned at the sight of her flesh. Soft and supple in all the right places. Calloused fingers traced the plains of her body. Shuttering under his touch she tugged at the hem of his shirt feeling vulnerable under his gaze. Pulling his shirt off he let it fall to the floor somewhere at his feet. Removing the fabric covering her breasts his eyes were eager to drink her in, greedy for anything she was willing to give him. Her soft hands traced his stomach muscles, lust filled eyes taking in his pecks eager to watch them move under his skin. 
Her breasts filled the palm of his hands. The weight feeling like heaven in his hands. A sharp inhale ignited a fire in him as he brushed his thumb against her nipple. Sensitive to his touch he captured one in his mouth as he rolled the other with his thumb. Her hands found purchase in his hair as needy whimpers escaped her lips. “Miche,” she pleaded, as he released her breast to pay attention to her other. He’d pushed her back against his desk as he continued his slow ministrations. Pulling soft pleas from her lips he felt her hips wiggle desperate to grind against him. “I’m going to make you feel good baby,” he said, kissing her navel. “Can you be a good girl and sit on my face?” 
(E/C) eyes opened wide, as she nodded eagerly. Helping her out of the rest of her clothes she straddled his face. Engulfed in her scent he was desperate to taste her. Gripping the junction of her hips and thighs he pulled down so she was seated on his face, as he desperately lapped at her clit. Her juices were sweet on his tongue with a refreshing aftertaste. 
Gripping the edge of the desk she rocked her hips chasing that high. “Shit Miche,” she said with a blissful sigh. Slipping his fingers into her he started working her over to accommodate him. When he started sucking on her bundle of nerves the stimulation became too much. Clamping around his fingers, her juices coated his face and he made sure to lick up as much as he could. 
“Let me make you feel good Miche,” she purred as she settled between his thighs. Sitting up with his back against the desk to get a better view she gave his velvety head a few strokes before sucking him between her lips. Throwing his head back at the sudden suction. Eager to watch her lips on his cock he brushed her hair into his hands softly guiding her further down his shaft. “Fuck Y/N, just like that.”
Humming against his shaft his grip tightened on her hair. Heady eyes focused on the hypnotic bob of her head. The occasional “pop” when he slipped out of her mouth driving him wild. Long fingers reached between her legs to toy with her folds as she sucked him off. “I want to feel that pretty pussy wrapped around me,” he breathed.
Releasing him she climbed onto his lap, so she was straddling his hips. “You ready,” he asked, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. She nodded eagerly, “are you?” Giving her a deep kiss he murmured against her lips, “I’ve wanted this for a long time.” He confessed. 
“Me too,” she said, kissing the tip of his nose. 
Grabbing his dick she guided him into her. She was tight as he felt him pressing into her entrance. “It’ll fit,” she assured, dragging him through her slick. “I like the stretch,” she said with a groan as she finally sank onto his length. His fingers dug into the fat of her ass as she adjusted to him. His forehead buried in the crook of her neck as he tried to focus on anything but cumming. 
Slowly she started to rock her hips finding the angle she craved. “Fuck you’re tight,” he grunted feeling her walls grip him. “Touch yourself,” he commanded. Watching her fingers slip down her body to her bundle of nerves. Pupils blown wide he took in the steady rock or her body, the bouncing of her breasts and the ecstasy that was painted on her face. “I like seeing you get yourself off on my cock.” 
He felt her throbbing on him as her orgasm shook through her body. Gripping her hips he started thrusting into her to fuck her through her orgasm. Her soft cries carrying him further to his own release. Pulling out he came over her thighs. He had her hips in an iron grip as he came down from his own high. Sitting her down on the floor her grabbed a towel to clean her up. 
Her shapely thighs were still shaking from her orgasm as he cleaned his seed from her. Carrying her to the bed that was attached to his office he laid them both down, pulling her on top of his chest. Running his fingers down her back they let a comfortable silence fall as they basked in each other’s presence. 
Y/N made her way back up the stairs of the keep. Levi and Hanji had gone to bed a little while ago, and had left her to her own memories. Opening the door to the room she shared with Miche she’d expected to see him filling out paperwork at his desk, but found the room cold and empty with the ghost of his memory. 
Dragging her hand across the desk she hoped to bring that night back, but was disappointed to find herself alone. She thought back to what he told her.
“We’ll always find each other. In this life and in the next.”
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
Everything Undesired chapter 6
Chapter 5
Mammon made it home in record time. He was like a man on a mission with how he marched through the house. He could hear Cyrus crying and he froze.
“No.” he told himself, “No, you are not stopping. Get. Over. It.” The demon forced himself to carry on towards Arella’s bedroom. He could hear her singing softly to the baby as he started to settle down.
“See? It’s okay.” she cooed as she leaned down to press a kiss to Cyrus’ forehead. “I know you miss your daddy, but he has to get his grades back up. We have to be patient and wait for him to get home.”
Cyrus only looked up at his adoptive mother, letting little coos and chirps out as he wiggled around in her arms.
“Arella.” Mammon called, surprising her a little.
“Mammon!” She smiled. “How was your day? I thought you’d be staying later... Is everything alright?”
“No,” the demon replies. “Nothing is alright. This isn’t fair to you. Cyrus is my kid. I’m the one who said I’d keep him and I’m making you do all the work? That’s horrible, don’t ya think?”
“What? No, I don’t mind this.” She smiled, trying to reassuring her partner. “You help enough, Love. It’s not like-”
“No, I don’t help nearly as much as I should. I’m only able to keep him when he’s quiet but the minute my own child starts cryin’, I push him off on someone else- usually you. I’ve been such a terrible mate and an even worse father and for what? Somethin' that’s not even his fault?! I’m bein’ ridiculous. I’ve put all this weight on your shoulders when I shouldn’t have.” His voice began to rise with each word, unknowingly transforming into his demon form which scared Cyrus.
The infant began crying loudly as he hid his face against Arella’s chest. She immediately tried to calm him as the Avatar of Greed rushed forward to them returning to a more human-like appearance.
“Let me have him.” He frowned. Scaring his son was the last thing he wanted.
Arella would only nod as she handed the boy off to his father, watching carefully for any signs of distress from her boyfriend or from Cyrus.
“I’m sorry, Buddy.” Mammon lowers his voice to a softer, quieter tone as he bounced the baby in his arms- a trick that often worked well with Satan during his infancy, “I didn’t mean to scare ya. Please don’t cry.”
His movements were tense at first but soon relaxed as Cyrus started to wind down. Once the boy was calmer, his face buried in his father’s neck which made him stiffen briefly, a grimace on his face as he fought the impulse to pull away.
“Mammon,” she started, “please, don’t force yourself to take care of the baby. It won’t end well.”
“Don’t worry, babe,” he looked to her, “If I don’t make myself do this, I’ll never be able to get past it. I’ll keep him for the rest of the night. I’m sure ya have things ya wanna do, right?”
“I mean I do have homework, but I really don’t want to do that right now,” She admits. “Maybe... we could do something together? Maybe go out with the baby or shopping?”
“It has been a while since you’ve really left the house,” he nodded. The idea of them going out and doing the things normal families do was tempting, he had been longing for that kind of thing. “I’ll get him fed and get him dressed in warmer clothes while you go get ready.”
Arella nodded as she gathered up some clothes and headed to the shower to wash up.
Mammon looked down at his child who still had his face buried in the crook of his father’s neck. The demon padded over to where Arella had been keeping the formula and started to make a bottle for him. It was a lot harder to make a bottle while also holding an infant than he remembered- maybe because Satan wasn’t as squirmy as Cyrus was. He knew the boy was just trying to get comfortable but it was making his stomach twist and tie in knots as he feared he might drop the child. How much did infants take at feedings again? Was it three ounces, two?
Just to be safe, he grabbed the container of formula and went into the kitchen to fill three ounces of water into the bottle before adding the powder and shaking the bottle to mix it together. He ran it under warm water for a bit and tested on his skin it to make sure it wasn’t too hot for Cyrus.
He readjusted the little one in his arms as he gave him the bottle, holding it at an angle where the baby couldn’t take too much too fast. When Cyrus wouldn’t eat anymore, Mammon pulled the bottle way to see how much he’d actually taken. His eyes widened in alarm when he saw how little his son had actually eaten.
“An ounce?” he asked as he looked down at Cyrus with a worried expression. “No wonder you’re always cryin’, kid. Ya gotta be starvin’. Do ya just not like the taste of formula? Is that why you’re not eatin’ enough?” He tried to offer the bottle back to his son, but Cyrus only turned his head away and let out a whine. “Ya really ain’t going to eat any more than that, huh?” He grabbed a kitchen towel and placed it over his shoulder as he laid his son up against his shoulder.
He started to pat Cyrus on the back until he heard a few burps from the child. The white-haired demon pulled the towel off his shoulder and placed it in the wash basket in the laundry room as he readjusted the infant in his arms so he was cradled in Mammon’s arms. He took a few moments to really look at Cyrus for the first time since he was brought home. The Avatar of Greed knew he was lucky sometimes, but he never really processed just how much Cyrus looked like him. As unfortunate as he was to experience what he had at the hands of the witches, the fact that his son had absolutely no traits from his biological mother- whichever one of them that may have been- was a miracle.
“Ya really are my little mini me, aint’cha?” He let a small smile grace his lips, “This might work then. I really could pretend you were always ‘Rella’s kid with me...” He brushed a thumb over the baby’s cheek and felt a warm feeling start to form in his chest as Cyrus’ tiny hand came up to grasp his thumb and he smiled at Mammon for the first time. He felt tears start to gather in the corners of his eyes at the thought. “Our baby...”
The sound of that made the demon hopeful and ultimately, he was glad he forced himself to do this. All he wanted was to be a good father despite everything. He wanted to give his son the loving home he deserved- one he knew the child wasn’t going to get with the witches.
“I’m lettin’ ya know right now kid, your old man can be a real idiot sometimes and I know I’m gonna make some mistakes with ya- I already made a couple- but I think you’re gonna turn out just fine...”
“I think you’re going to do just fine too, Mammon. You’re already on the right path.”
Mammon’s head shot up at the sound of his older brother’s voice as Lucifer came to join him, leaning back against the counter as he looked down at Cyrus.
“This really was the best-case scenario. He could have had any mix of features and yet he turned out looking exactly like you.”
“It really is a miracle, huh?” The second-born smiled. “I don’t think I could have done this otherwise, ya know?”
“I agree. I’m ashamed to say, but if he had looked anything like one of them, I would have killed him on the spot regardless of your wishes. As impossible a choice as it was, I would have put your well-being above all else- including the life of an innocent child.”
“I know you would have. That’s what makes you such a great older brother, ya know? No matter what kind of trouble the six of us seem to get ourselves into, when it really matters, you’re always there to save the day. You always have the answers.”
“For a moment that night, I didn’t.” The first-born admits. “After finding out what happened to you all I felt was wrath and guilt... I introduced you to those horrible women all those years ago when you were looking for a place for that human girl. Back then I could have never guessed it would lead to all of this... and then when we heard Cyrus for the first time, I couldn’t believe it at first.”
Mammon only nodded at that. “I’m glad you didn’t though. Things may be rough right now- I may not be able to completely separate him from the events of those nights, right now- but I think as long as I keep pushin’ myself to do this, it’ll happen eventually. That I’ll be able to love him at some point... All I want is to do right by him, Lucifer. All of us aside from Satan know what it’s like to have a father that never loved us apart from our usefulness as the seven virtues... And I always told myself that if I ever had a kid at some point that I would show them all the love that the old man never gave us.”
Lucifer let out a chuckle at that, “To be honest, I don’t think he even loved us in that aspect either. If he really did, he wouldn’t have sentence Lilith to death. We wouldn’t have had to wage war with him. The only ones who ever loved us were the angels who carried us until our births.”
“Yeah, but the war was inevitable, Lil was just the last straw- for all of us.”
The brothers were silent for a time, the only sounds that could be heard be heard coming from Cyrus as he purred in contentment.
“I’m gonna see if Arella’s ready and get him dressed in some warmer clothes. She wants us to go out with Cyrus and I don’t know ‘bout you, but I think it’s high time to show him off.”
“Have a good time then,” the eldest nodded with a soft smile as his brother headed back to Arella’s room.
If you wanna be tagged for future updates let me know!
Masterlist 2
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fenristheorem · 3 years
hi, if your ok with it, can we ask hc for the boys (nevra leiftan and lance ) dating a virgin s/o?
Ah, my first request with more than one LI! Happy to write for the three 😊 Also, this is my first time writing Nevra - and I’m not too familiar with his character, especially with what little we know about him in ANE - so I apologize if he’s a bit out of character.
This ask does sort of request an nsfw-ish scenario - considering the main focus is Guardienne being a virgin - which I’m fine writing for Lance but not as much for anyone else. However, in a wide perspective, being a virgin can effect a few other aspects of their relationship rather than just during the moment - and I can sort of imagine very basic nsfw ideas for the other two - so I do feel I can write this well. This ask is a good example of something that walks along the lines of some of my rules, but can bend them a bit since it's nothing too specific.
That being said; these will be general headcanons mixed with the slightest bit of vague nsfw.
~Under the cut~
Nevra with a virgin S/O:
Nevra is a bit... odd about it, I suppose. There’s certainly nothing wrong with Guardienne being a virgin - he’s been the first time for many women in the past - but recently he’s been... spending time with women who have done this before and know their night will be one and done, or perhaps repeated a few more times in the future without any attachment. Of course, he stops seeing these women once in a relationship with Guardienne, but when they encounter the time where this information is brought up, he doesn’t really know how to react.
She’s a virgin - ok, that’s no problem. He knows how to treat a woman during their first time; gentle, attentive, supportive. However, it clashes a bit with his routine as of late, and since he’s still dealing with a lot of emotions from the past, he does question sometimes if this bothers him in some way.
To clarify: I imagine Nevra is fine and accepting with this, and has no problem with acting appropriately during their first time, but he would be a bit... nervous? about how their first time would go. He would wonder if she’ll be anxious and need support, or if it would be so natural that the idea of nervousness or support wouldn’t even cross their minds as something that would need to be prominent during this time.
Basically, he’s been spending his nights with experienced women, so being in a relationship again - with the woman who saved Eldarya and emerged from the crystal no less - and then realizing that she’s a virgin, so he needs (by his own moral opinion and by social expectation) to be attentive during their first time, is out of his current field of expertise. So yes, he’s probably a bit nervous and clueless in some ways.
His emotional standpoint has changed since the White Sacrifice, he’s a bit more aggressive and standoff-ish, so he wonders sometimes if he’ll know how to treat her properly. He wants to be kind, gentle, careful, and tender, but he’s been through so much - between realizing an old friend has betrayed them, living through the war, realizing her and the demon sacrificed themselves, Valk’s death, Ezarel, Cameria and Miiko’s leaving, and so much more - that he’s not exactly sure if he knows how to be all that anymore.
At first it almost sounds like her being a virgin would bother him in the way that would make him turn his interest away from her, but really it’s not that at all. Nevra will put so much pressure on himself to assure that - of everything that has happened in the past years - this will be right and good, and that pressure will display in way that can make her wonder if her being a virgin is a major issue for him.
In a relationship with her, he’d probably have a few issues with softening himself every now and again, especially in the beginning. Sometimes he may forget that he doesn’t need to be (and shouldn’t be if she’s his partner) cold and aggressive with her, and in time he’ll soften up properly, but once he learns that she’s a virgin there’ll be a bit of a relapse in his personality again. He’ll want to make sure everything will be alright - that their first time won’t be screwed up because he doesn’t have much recent experience in taking someone’s virginity - and since that idea will take up most of his thoughts he may forget that he’s being a bit cold towards her again. Basically he’ll slip back into being a bit distant because his thoughts will be preoccupied with trying to think over how things will go.
He’ll be so busy trying to think things over - how he should react, how he should treat her, what happens if she’s truly uncomfortable and not ready, if his reaction will be appropriate in her eyes -  to assure everything will be good that he’ll be at risk of accidentally sabotaging something that he would otherwise be just fine at.
Overall, he’ll withdraw a bit again, becoming a bit cold, distant and aggressive at some moments without realizing it. His partner will likely - justifiably - think that this change is because he’s losing interest due to this new piece of knowledge, but one simple, honest conversation can fix this.
He’s not disinterested because of this, he doesn’t mean to act cold and distant towards her again, he doesn’t wish to drive her away - he wants everything to be alright, he wants something to go right after so many things that went wrong, but fears that it won’t go right for some reason. This continued impression can be harmful for both, so as long as they both have an honest, open conversation about this they can both relax and go into this in an understanding, tender way, where nothing goes wrong and everything is just as they hoped for.
Leiftan with a virgin S/O:
Leiftan really doesn’t want to hurt anyone, especially Guardienne. He’s had his time where he was a terror - except to the angel, for the most part - so when his partner first tells him this information he’s very glad that she not only told him in the first place, but that she also trusts him to understand this and act accordingly. He loves his partner like no tomorrow and is determined to make sure that she knows it, so he readily listens to any concerns she may have and openly talks about this if that’s what she needs to feel comfortable.
In a way, he’ll sort of know prior that she never had sex before - they’re something along the lines of soulmates, so if anything he’ll just have that odd bit of knowing without actually knowing.
Regardless, he’s ready to approach this topic at any time, in any way she wants. He knows how to be gentle, there’s no way he’s not going to be attentive throughout the process of taking her virginity, and he’s willing to do basically anything she needs of him at any time.
He will talk to his partner about this beforehand as well, making sure to stress to her that her comfort matters to him, and that he’ll do anything she needs him to do, even if it means backing off and waiting to try again another day. If she isn’t comfortable, then he isn’t either.
Overall, this facet of information doesn’t effect many things in their life - they still act the same, do the same things, feel the same way for each other. The only difference is that Leiftan will be sure to be that much more comforting and attentive in he moment if that’s what she needs. Leiftan loves his partner dearly and will be just fine with this information, but he doesn’t feel he needs to stress too much that he’ll do anything for her. They have a special bond - she already knows he’ll do anything for her.
Lance with a virgin S/O:
Like Nevra, Lance has likely had quite a bit of experience with sex in the past - including being the first time for some women if that’s what they chose - but none of that is recent.
When he learns of this information, he doesn’t care much. He’s completely fine with her being a virgin - everyone once was before their first time - so he keeps a level head about it and is sure to listen to anything she feels she needs to say.
Lance’s only concern will be if he feels that he can control any impulses during the moment. He’s a relatively feral man - mostly due to his draconic instincts, but also since he feels emotions very deeply - so he believes that, in theory, it would be relatively easy for him to be a bit more aggressive than he should be.
This is why, of all the guys written here, Lance is most likely to talk about this subject with his partner with his own concerns regarding himself. He knows there’s a possibility that he may not be her ideal in the moment, but he doesn’t overthink and have an existential crisis about it that could cause more harm than good (*looking at you, Nevra*). Lance will be sure his partner knows that it’s possible for him to get caught up in the moment and forget to be gentle, so he’ll tell her that if she’s at all feeling uncomfortable, hesitant, in need of comfort / reassurance / affection, anything at all, just tell him. He’s not going to be disappointed, he’s not going to be angry or upset, this won’t turn his interest away from her - he will listen and be as patient as she needs him to be. He knows it’s possible for her to decide in the moment that she’s not ready, he understands that and doesn’t hold it against her, and even if he’s aching to have her, this is something that he will not debate - if she wants him to stop, be more affectionate, be a bit more cautious about the manner in which he touches her, etc. he will do as she wishes. He just wants her to be comfortable and know that he cares.
However, if she tells him that she’s a virgin before they’re anywhere close to having sex, Lance will take it upon himself to change his daily manner with her a bit. He’ll be more attentive to anything she needs, he’ll be a bit gentler with his touches, he’ll be a bit more transparent with his emotions and affections for her. It’s not that he’s trying to entice her into sleeping with him sooner, he just feels that he should be more obvious to the fact that he’s willing to treat her differently if she needs it, and in this case he feels that he’s showing he’s happy to treat her in a more tender manner.
Of course, his partner may notice his slight change of manner and think that his opinion of her has changed a bit, and she may confront him about this. She may think that he feels he needs to treat her softer or be more attentive - like she’s suddenly a glass doll that he could break if not careful, and she’ll be quick to point out that she is - in fact - none of that. He’ll immediately realize and understand her reasoning for this, and he’ll be quick to tell her that he doesn’t think that at all; sex can be emotional and messy, and while she may think she won’t need any reassurance, that may change in the moment. Everyone is different during their first time, some people do end up needing reassurance and some don’t - he just wants her to know that if, per chance, she does end up needing him to do anything different, he can provide that and he’ll be happy to provide it. If he’s in a relationship with her then she truly means a lot to him - I can’t imagine Lance in a mere casual relationship at this point - so he’s going to make sure that he acts appropriately in every way, and if he’s not acting appropriate to her standards then she needs to tell him so he knows. He’s not someone to break his back to please someone, but his partner will hold a special place in his heart that he won’t want to lose, and he realizes that no relationship is perfect so it will take listening and compromise to work, so he’d likely be just fine with making any changes to help her feel more comfortable.
On another note - there’s a bit of a... carnal change that takes place within him. Knowing that he’ll be the one to take her virginity will spark a bit of a territorial streak within him. She’ll be his, only his, no one else will have ever touched her in the ways he has. This won’t make him obsessive and controlling with who’s near her, who she talks to or anything, but there’ll be a special loyalty that he has for her thereafter (however, I can image he’s a bit territorial with her regarding certain people depending on if they seem romantically interested in her and his past relations with them). He won’t really treat her differently, if anything he’ll just be a bit more obvious with being protective about her, but he’ll definitely feel the change within him when he suddenly has overwhelming urges to be around her and have her in his arms. After all, being a dragon means that he’ll be quite possessive at times - especially knowing that he’ll forever hold a special place in his precious gem’s heart from this.
These are somewhat short since there’s three of them together, but I hope you like them despite the length! I suppose this post is a good comparison on how I write the three different men, since I had a bit of a hard time writing for Nevra and Leiftan (especially Leiftan - I feel he’s very straightforward with this) whereas I could easily add another couple bulletpoints for Lance (but I didn’t want to make one headcanon incredibly long while the others were short). This, again, was my first time writing for Nevra, and I’ve only written Leiftan a few times prior as well, so they may be a bit out of character but I think I have them well written.
Thanks for requesting!
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dumdumsun · 3 years
Forever and Never
A/N: Thank you so much for taking the time to read this series ❤️ I’ve had so much fun writing this and am very proud of and excited for it, I can’t wait to see how people react to this. Um I know there are plenty of warnings for a first chapter, but I promise it’s not as depressing as it sounds. It’s just that this story can deal with heavy stuff sometimes, so I just wanna let you know that. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of marijuana, death, sexual assault and mental illness
Word Count: 3194
One: Hi, My Name Is
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“So, what was your time in Pennsylvania like?”
“Uh… I’d have to say it was the best… and worst time of my life.”
“Best and worst, huh? Would you like to elaborate?”
“Well, I, uh… I mean, I don’t really know how to, like… explain it. It’s a lot. I don’t even know where to begin… Or how I would even word it or anything.”
“Well, you told me you like television and movies, right? You know those shows and movies where the main character tells the plot as, like, their life story? Maybe you could try that.”
“You aren’t… You aren’t serious, are you?”
“You’ll know when I’m joking, trust me.”
“Oh… Okay, then. Well, um…”
Hi? My name is… (Y/N)? This is my life story, I guess.
So, if we’re going to talk about my life in Pennsylvania, we’re going to have to start with my life in Kansas, first. I had two loving parents that soon turned into one at the too-young age of nine years, when my mom died. I remember her as one of the sweetest people I’ve ever known. She had this way about her that was so carefree, yet she gave a shit about everything. You could never pin a thought to her because she never let you in on what was bouncing around in her head. She was stubborn and patient and lively. I miss her so much. I don’t usually think about her unless it’s a particularly hectic day, which I then resort to talking to the ring I wear on my left pinky finger at all times. Wasn’t anything special, just some cheap ring with a little emerald inside she found at a thrift store. It used to be hers and she’d wear it on the exact same finger. My dad said she’d want me to have it.
My dad is my favorite person. He isn’t the most… present, though. His mind is never set in one place, always racing with hundreds of unrelated thoughts. It’s why when you finally drag him back into reality, he can’t repeat a single sentence spoken to him. Regardless, he’s all I had for a long time. I never really learned what he does for a living, but I just know that it forces him to leave town sometimes. Well, more like all the time. Before my mom died, it was easy for him to leave for weeks on end, but when he became my only guardian, he didn’t really know what to do with me. It was like he completely forgot how to take care of a child, his child. When I turned twelve, that was when he started travelling again. I would then be home by myself for a month to eight weeks. In these times, I had no choice but to learn to cook for myself, go grocery shopping and housekeep. I became pretty independent at a young age. It wasn’t like Dad left me totally alone, though. He would call every two or three days and he sent me two hundred dollars every two weeks. Like I said, I don’t know what my dad did, but he was definitely getting paid. At the end of eighth grade, Dad had a particularly long trip to go on, so he sent me to Pennsylvania, where his sister lived.
Pennsylvania was partially the best part of my life because of my family. My Aunt Pam was like a second mother to me. She was never able to have another child after my cousin Jacob and she’s always wanted a daughter of her own, so that’s what I was to her. The daughter she could never have. I’d often find her staring at me with a bittersweet smile on her face, watching my every move with a sense of pride, but when I’d ask her what was wrong she’d only brush it off as her admiring me. My Uncle David didn’t necessarily view me as a daughter, but he certainly treated me like one. When he wanted to spend time with Jacob, he included me as well. We’d usually go on drives around the town, but I always fell asleep to the soft and serene music that filled the car from the radio. On the weekends, we would head down by the lake and spend hours learning to fish.
I hated it, but I couldn’t complain. It gave me a sense of certainty to live with a father figure who didn’t leave me alone every two or three months.
Jacob was like a brother to me. He’s a year older than me, which, to him, meant that he had to protect me at all costs. I always assumed it was because he always wanted a younger sibling, and I was the closest he was ever going to get to that. I always felt as though I’d never be able to equal Jacob on an intellectual level because he practically had the IQ of Albert Einstein himself. I felt inferior to him until I found out how much of a joy he really was. On the weekends, he would beg me to accompany him in a movie marathon. I learned that Jacob was a huge fan of Tim Burton (his favorite was Beetlejuice). He’s the only cousin I’ve ever known. Mom and Dad didn’t like each other’s families, so I never met anyone besides this little family. Moving in with them meant that they’d have this huge burden on them.
Yes, I almost forgot to mention that I struggle with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD. It just means that my mind is flooded with these crazy and unnecessary thoughts and so my behavior is affected by them. For example, if I were to blink and felt I put more pressure on my left eye than my right, I would have to repeatedly wink with my right eye until they felt balanced. Sometimes I can’t enter a room until I have inhaled eight times. If I scratch an itch on my left knee, I have to scratch the right one in the exact same place. At the sink, even if I don’t use both knobs, I have to hold both in my hands. And when I turn them off, I often have to check about four times before I am certain they’re turned off all the way. I know, it sounds tiring. Just imagine being on my end, having it be a part of who you are. I can’t do anything to stop it, I wish I could. I was always afraid to make friends because of this. If I couldn’t be balanced, I’d freeze, and I mean actually stop whatever I’m doing and stand still, until my body felt as if I were balanced once again. Who wouldn’t make fun of me for this?
Apparently, no one gave a shit about it. After moving to Pennsylvania, I made quite a name for myself at school. Literally. My name was Zip. I have no fucking clue how that ridiculous name came to be, but that’s what I went by day after day. One could say I was considered popular, but it wasn’t like I actually spoke to anyone. When it came to extracurriculars, I only participated in theatre. I never was part of the cast, just the stage manager. Secretly, I wanted so badly to audition and be a part of the magic they created on that stage. Not to boast or anything, but I had the talent and potential to be a starring role. But I could never bring myself to break out of my shell. Nonetheless, being stage manager still got me quite the attention. Everyone was always so nice to me, so I felt a little bad for not considering any of them as friends. That was until I met Dina.
Dina was new to our school sophomore year. She had this sort of light to her that attracted the pesky moths that were our dull and boring school body. We had the same social status in school. People liked our personalities, so we were well-liked and accepted without doing much to prove ourselves worthy. She was sweet and compassionate and so fun. I didn’t mean to become her friend, but she was so welcoming, despite being the newcomer. We became close friends, but not best friends. We already had people filling those roles.
Dina’s best friend was Sydney Novak. Sydney moved to Brownsville around the same time as Dina, so the two became best friends quickly, but Sydney wasn’t very popular at all. She was shy and introverted, but I thought she was nice enough. I liked her and thought she was a pretty cool person. We weren’t necessarily friends, we were just well acquainted simply because we were both close with Dina. The transitive property, if you would. I just wish we could’ve talked more, our relationship was pretty much nonexistent.
Speaking of nonexistent relationships, let’s talk about Richard Berry. I honestly don’t want to even think about him, but he played a role in my life that was too vital to just offhandedly mention. For some odd reason, Ricky Berry was absolutely in love with me. It was so obvious to everyone except for me. Sophomore year, he expressed his love through the most arrogant and cheesiest of pick-up lines and compliments. I wasn’t so easily won over, if you could guess. I tried being good friends with him, but he’d always fuck it up when he tried to initiate intimacy. I didn’t want to hold hands with him in the halls or receive “friendly” cheek kisses. I’m not what you would call affectionate, especially towards people I’m not close to. It’s just never been comfortable for me. Junior year, everyone around me was buzzing with excitement when they heard Ricky was going to ask me to be his girlfriend. The cheerleaders, who got to know him through his high school football career, constantly pestered me with reasons as to why I would be so lucky to date The Richard Berry. Granted, he became less of a dick junior year, so I thought, Why not?, and accepted. Being in a relationship with Ricky was the most one-sided… anything I had ever been a part of. He was undeniably enamored with me, but I couldn’t find it in myself to reciprocate those feelings. He would show me off to his family and friends like a trophy, but if someone asked me if I had a boyfriend I’d go, “I mean, yeah. I guess”, so not a very healthy relationship. It also didn’t help that Ricky knew nothing about boundaries.
One night, we were in his bedroom, studying for a science test. Ricky wasn’t focused at all and kept trying to kiss and cuddle with me. I let him for awhile, but then he took my book from me and set it on the ground beside his bed. He suggested we have sex right then and there. Now, I was never a prude and definitely didn’t wait to have sex for the first time, but I never wanted Ricky to be my first. He hadn’t earned enough of my trust to even touch me suggestively. So, of course I refused. Ricky only took that as me teasing him, so he advanced, nearly forcing himself on me. Using all my might, I shoved him off of the bed. He stood to his feet, utterly confused, but I only gathered my things and left his house. He tried following after me, but I ignored him until he turned and went back into his home. The next day at school, he was holding me and kissing me and showing me off to everyone like he always did. As if nothing happened between us the night before. It was difficult to do, since he was so inconsiderate, but I managed to break up with him. He tried to deny that we were Splitsville for about a week, but everyone caught wind of our break-up. Once everyone knew about it, it became true for him. I never really felt comfortable with being intimate or open with guys after that.
Besides with Stanley Barber, of course. Stan was my best friend in the entire world. I told only my deepest, darkest secrets to him. And he told me his. The only things we really had in common were our lack of mothers and our hideous bacne. Stan lived a few houses down and was eager to get to know me a week after I moved in. I’d never met anyone in my life like Stan. He was so awkward, but loveable. I don’t know, I guess he reminded me of my mom. The way he didn’t care, but he so clearly did. Whenever I wanted to talk about something that was difficult to voice, we’d smoke to ease the tension. Of course, this wasn’t how we always communicated. Despite his nervous stuttering, he was easy to open up to. Stan provided a sort of security in my life. He was never going to leave me and that put me at ease when hanging out with him, which we did regularly. I don’t know when exactly I developed a crush on him, but I never wanted it to surface in our bond. He was to never know. It was just a stupid crush, right? He was a guy who wasn’t family and was so unbelievably caring towards me. It was bound to happen, but that didn’t mean he had to be aware of it. Though, it was a little hard to keep such a secret when we’d both made out twice already. The first time was while I was dating Ricky, the kiss was very awkward and ended after about a minute and a half. The second kiss was just half a week after my breakup. That time, we’d both known what we were doing. And I may be a little biased, but you couldn’t have even thought to fake the passion in that makeout session. We never talked about either of those kisses and remained friends both times. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me that we didn’t become anything more afterwards. It was for the best, though, because two weeks before spring break, my dad returned from his job in Georgia and moved me to Kansas again. The move was so abrupt that I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to anyone besides my family.
My life in Kansas for the second time was something I’d never want to experience ever again. Since it was a little late in the year, I finished junior year online. For some unexplained reason, my dad had us get new phones and new numbers, so I lost all contact with my friends. I had no one to talk to and it wasn’t like my dad paid much attention to me. I remember spending every waking moment with him when I was younger, talking or playing games or watching television. It used to be so fun being his daughter, but when we moved back to Kansas, I just felt like this huge burden in his life. Our relationship was strained and he clearly had other priorities in his life. Like whatever he left back in Georgia. I’d see his phone ring and the same number from that state would pop up before he’d leave the room and privately talk with whoever. It wasn’t the secrecy that was off-putting to me, it was the fact that it was so much more important to him. Once again, I was ignored by the one person in my life I wanted to spend the most time with. So, you can imagine the joy I felt when Dad had to go back to Georgia for work. I had been attending public school for my senior year and left not even a full month in. It didn’t bother me, I had no friends and nothing to leave behind. Mid-September was when I moved back to Brownsville with Aunt Pam. Everyone accepted me right back in. Especially my classmates. As I walked the halls I heard whispers like,
“Oh, my god, is that Zip?”
“Zip’s back! Where’d she even go?”
“I thought she died.”
The only person I really wanted to notice me was Stan. I missed him so much, I even got into his favorite band to have something to remember him by. I remember the day I got back to my aunt’s house. Jacob had picked me up from the airport and was driving me to the house. He was attending community college, but was still living with his parents. As we drove, he tapped his index fingers rhythmically to the shitty pop music that played on the radio. “So, what are you excited about for senior year?”
“Not much, I just missed Dina and Stan. Theatre, too. I wonder how they’ve been doing without me.” I chuckled. Jacob huffed in amusement.
“But you didn’t miss Ricky?”
“Fuck, Jake, you know I didn’t miss him for a second.” I frowned, waving my hand in dismissal. My cousin tauntingly laughed at me. Had he actually known about what happened between Ricky and I, he wouldn’t have teased me. In fact, Ricky wouldn’t even be alive that day if Jacob found out. No one knew about the incident, not even Stan.
Pulling up in front of the house, we got out of the car and headed to the trunk to pull out my bags. I tried carrying them in, but Jacob insisted that he do all the heavy lifting and simply asked me to carry my backpack and close the trunk. I did what little I was asked of and headed to the front door to greet my aunt and uncle inside, but stopped. In the corner of my eye, I saw movement from the Barber residence. Turning, my eyes locked on Stanley, who was frozen beside his car. He was wearing his work uniform and staring at me with the most bewildered expression on his face. It was like he thought himself to be hallucinating my existence. Smiling, I simply waved at him before walking back inside. When he got home from work that night, he headed over to my house and knocked on the door. I answered with a grin on my face. “Stan!”
“If it isn’t the famous Zip, showing back up in my life.”
“Ugh, do not call me that.” I rolled my eyes playfully before bringing him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin at the top of my head. I would’ve stayed there all night if I could’ve. When Stanley pulled away, my heart hollowed and a pit formed within my stomach. I felt unfinished, unbalanced. And I hate imbalance. He asked if I wanted to hang out and I accepted his offer. All we did was lay on his floor, listen to music and get high, but in that moment, that’s all I needed.
Bloodwitch, a joint, and Stan laying by my side.
Taglist: @melinda-hargreeves @sapphicsyn @stqnley @lonely-kermit
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hellonoblesky · 3 years
School got me worn out so here's my team dynamic HCs
It's Kaeya, Xingqiu, Diluc, and Ayaka atm hngjfhgdjfg
This man is so tired, Archons please let him rest
Has to pick up his week's paperwork from Jean every Monday when we go to Mondstadt to buy food supplies and stuff before fighting Andrius, gets to work on it while Diluc and the Andrius team go at it
Actually is the person who keeps the whole party safe, has pulled Xingqiu away from ledges while he's reading more times than he can count, makes sure everyone has food at all times, and keeps the schedule in line
Has a flask of Death After Noon that he keeps on him, has to actively keep it away from Xingqiu because the kid's curious
He is so tired he is the reason the party only gets up to leave at like noon because he sleeps in
Thinks he's good enough at hiding his anxiety that no one else has noticed
He is not, they've all noticed him shaking visibly at high speeds in 90-degree weather and the kids will do their best to avoid fraying his nerves on a bad day
Very kind to Xingqiu and Ayaka, kinda like a cool uncle? Buys them things even though they can afford it
Kinda lets the kids do what they want and chat while he keeps them safe and the whole party on their way
Absolute tank, balances his skillset out so he can manage most threats alone, no one has to get hurt, they can just travel, it's fine it's fine
Pretends to casually bring up stuff the kids want to do (after meticulously making sure the party would be in the right place at the right time)
"Xingqiu, we have time to kill, care to show us to the Wanwen Bookhouse? We can see if they have the next issue in that book series you're always reading! :)"
"Ayaka, you wanted to try some Liyuen cuisine, didn't you? We have a dear friend who just so happens to be a chef at Wanmin Restaurant! And since we're in Liyue anyway, we should swing by, shouldn't we?"
He tries his best to find something Diluc wouldn't mind doing too! Usually, Diluc turns him down but Kaeya has scored on occasion!
"C'mon Diluc, you can't have lost all your taste for reading, right? I hear Inazuma has some interesting books nowadays, what with all the isolation..."
Basically, he just tries his best and is so tired please let him rest
This man is angry all the time but he doesn't mean to be. He's just unnerved because he's basically back to hunting Fatui in other nations. He just isn't alone this time and the Fatui aren't the focus
He's so annoyed that they don't leave until Kaeya wakes up, actively in denial about the fact that he himself wakes up only an hour earlier and everyone else is waiting for much longer
Runs right into danger all the time please someone tell this man to calm down he is the reason they need so much food
Does and takes a whole lot of damage at the same time and it stresses Kaeya out so much
Was not Pleased to find out he'd be stuck traveling with Kaeya, puts up with it because he can't bring himself to turn down the Traveler's request. Because in his eyes they're just a kid trying to find their family and he really can't turn down their plea for help in
Gets along surprisingly well with Xingqiu, they both enjoy reading, and often recommend books to each other! Diluc has no idea Xingqiu wrote Legend of a Sword, but the only reason for that is that he literally forgot the book name
"Hmm... in Mondstadt we have this book, The Fox and the Dandelion Sea? For a traditional Mondstadt fairytale, it does remind me of Inazuma, funnily enough. There are versions of the book that are watered down for younger children, but if you have the time I'd recommend the full novelization."
"Tales From the Waves? No, I haven't read that. Is it good?" ... "A novelization of an old ship captain's life? That does sound interesting... I'll pick up a copy when I can"
Gets along well with Ayaka as well, they both appreciate the arts and such so they talk about that
"In Mondstadt we don't have nearly as many festivals as they do in Inazuma... but when we do they're quite the occasion, and very dear to people's hearts. There would be rioting in the streets if the Windblume Festival was postponed..."
"Oh Mond has its fair share of dance traditions, but they fell to be a staple of the Lawrence rule, so not many traditional dances remain... although if you wish to learn more about them you could ask Kaeya to introduce you to the Knight's Recconacance Captain. She doesn't like me very much"
Is the one person who actually doesn't realize that Kaeya is anxious All The Time, literally could watch him shake uncontrollably as Venti walks by and think it was his Vision acting up, he has all the pieces to put the puzzle together but has lost interest in it
Top ten reasons the party gets sidetracked, number one: Xingqiu finding a book and getting so into it that he doesn't notice people
Actually besties with Ayaka he thinks she's really cool!
Top ten reasons why Kaeya actually gets to sleep as long as he does, number one: Xingqiu jumping up and yanking Diluc's hair when he tries to wake him up
"You're 22 you can go get breakfast by yourself, my leige"
Infodumps about his books to the whole party while they're eating dinner regardless of if they're listening or not (they are, they always are)
Pulls out relevant trivia out of nowhere?? Like they'll be stuck in some ruins and Xingqiu just
"Hey, you know this specific style of ruins are known to be built with metal hatches that always lead to escape routes :)"
Or like
"Oh yeah, the coloration in the animals is different here because the plants in Inazuma so often have purple and blue pigmentation, and Inazuma is so naturally isolated, that the animals adapted to get their pigments partially from the foliage!"
And no one knows how or why he knows this much but he Does??
Also, knows everyone's favorite bird for some reason and talks about them, why? Idk I think he'd like birds!!
"A peacock? Oh, I've never even seen one of those! I hear they're lovely, but a little noisy. Sometimes we get feathers imported for design reference at the Feyun Commerce Guild though!"
"Umbertail Falcon, right? Ohh I hear they can be very loyal, right? Ahh, so that's why yours flys down to check in on you? That's lovely! Owls? Oh yeah, those are cool birds, you know their feathers are fanned out just right so they're entirely silent while flying!"
"Herons? Oh yeah, that's what your title is, right? Graceful... I think they're more stealthy, very good at waiting to strike. That's how they hunt, you know? Just being patient and stealthy, then striking. That's also why they're so graceful standing there all the time!"
Bummed that he's the only person in the party without a bird as his constellation tbh, but he's alright with it because he's got books!!
Mentioned Albedo and Kaeya almost choked on his food, Xingqiu thought this was hilarious
Routinely plays pranks on Diluc and occasionally manages to pull a deez joke on Kaeya, leaves Ayaka alone with the pranks though because he knows she's new to all of this
Oh this poor girl, Lumine just dropped her off with Mondstadt's most dysfunctional siblings and a kid who reads at the speed of light and said have fun
Really gets along well with Xingqiu!! Having someone with a somewhat similar background is definitely a relief, especially because Kaeya and Diluc intimidate her, what with them arguing most of the time they interact
She recognizes the anxiety in Kaeya (because she also has it) so she's a little more comfortable approaching him because of that
She's happy to talk about Inazuma's ruins and is fascinated by Kaeya bringing up similar ruins in Mondstadt and Liyue
She really appreciates him remembering what she's interested in and making time in the day for it!
Diluc on the other hand?? She has... some idea how to talk to him? But?? He is either aggressive or glaring off into the distance at all times, and she's been around long enough to know that he doesn't mean to be like that but it's still unnerving to her
However, she Can talk to him! She is still a little confused because he constantly sounds so grumpy, but she's realized that he's actually really good at listening, and is absolutely willing to talk about Mondstadt traditions! Because she does really like to learn about other nations
Plus, she can go to Xingqiu to answer most of her questions!
"Xingqiu, I- I hope this isn't an odd question, but ah... how exactly do you get used to Kaeya and Diluc? I don't think I've quite figured it out yet..?"
"So in Liyue... the Merchant stalls are on the docks? Like Ritou but it's all on the docks? Interesting..."
"You're the second born of the Feyun Commerce Guild? Oh! Forgive me, I thought you were the eldest, my brother handles most international relations..."
It was really hard for her to adjust to the team, just because of how ragtag it is most of the time, but she's got it by now!
She actually kind of likes the scrappy chaos! She hasn't completely gotten used to it all but she finds it like kind of a break from having to uphold her image at all times
Top five Ayaka quotes and who she said them to:
"They fight a wolf ghost every week...?? Are they ok??" (To Kaeya, about the Andrius team)
"So this is Morax's old... dragon friend...??" (To Xingqiu)
"Wait, you do this every week?" (To Diluc, about the domains)
"Oh!! Oh it is spicy!!!" (To Xingqiu, about Xiangling's cooking)
"Ah... OH! Yes um I uh- *gay hand flip* ?? Is that right??" (Xingqiu was talking about Chongyun)
Also the party went to Dragonspine and Ayaka was actually really interested in Durin because she didn't know that other nations also had odd giant dragon skeletons
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annaraebananawriter · 3 years
1: Just a Bad Dream; Dying in LA
Yellow everyone! I just wanted to warn you that I’m still kind of recovering from burning myself out, so don’t expect anything too awesome this week. I think Day 1 is actually the best that I’ve written for it, so far, so...It’s really just for me to stretch my muscles out again and get back into the flow.
With that said, this is Dy 1 of Dark Cream Week by @zu-is-here
Fandom: Undertale, but specifically UTMV
Characters: Shattered Dream (Who belongs to Galacii), Cross (Who belongs to Jakei) and mentioned Nightmare (who belongs to Joku)
Pairings: For now, implied Cream/Dark Cream
Warnings: I can’t remember, so let me know!
Word Count: 2096
The moment you arrived
They built you up
The sun was in your eyes
You couldn't believe it
They say that fate determines how you end up in life.
They say that destiny determines what you do in life.
These two things work in harmony with each other, one influencing the other around and around in a never-ending circle. Everyone was touched by them before they were born, the seed for skills necessary to succeed planted in them, waiting to be grown. No matter what happens, nothing pushes you away from what fate and destiny have determined for you.
It does not matter if your actions are good. If you give everything away and help everyone you come across. If you love your friends and family and strangers unconditionally. If you ignore yourself in favor of others.
It does not matter if your actions are bad. If you spit and sneer at everyone around you. If you yell and hit in anger and hate. If you hold your needs in front of everyone else and ignore those who should have just a little bit of attention too.
It simply does not matter.
Your fate and destiny have been determined already.
Why bother changing it?
Riches all around
You're walking
Stars are on the ground
You start to believe it
Cross was familiar with loss and guilt. When you kill your family and friends, try to delete other worlds, you tend to do so out of pain, driven only by a desperate hope that you can fix what you’ve done. But you can’t. Actions have consequences and the world will not let you go without them. He knows this well, almost too well.
Nothing stops the hurt, though. He’s tried. It was still there, stinging through every bandage and healing balm. If it shrunk, it only grew stronger. Other people tried to help as well, but their efforts were also in vain. Guilt comes from the loss that his actions have caused and that guilt causes this pain that will always be there, no matter how small and weak it eventually becomes.
This was his consequence. He’s learned to accept that now.
He’s learned to walk through the hurt and try and be better.
It was hard, yes. Stumbling and tripping over his feet, hesitant to make any decision lest it be the wrong one and reset his progress. There were many times where he thought that he’d stepped over the line and that they were going to quit on him, leaving him alone again. But they didn’t. They stayed, and the stumbling smoothed out to captiousness, the hesitance smoothed into nervousness. He would not be as confident as he once was, not for a while yet, but it was a start.
He was trying. That’s all that mattered.
And now he can stand on a hill, look into the blue sky and see the colours surrounding him and he can smile. A small, serene smile made of pure content, pride for himself. He can relax his shoulders and just breathe for a moment or two.
Everything was getting better.
Until he looks to his left and see yet another consequence to his newer actions, what his pained words snarled in a patient yet hurt smiling face.
Until Dream takes that step off the edge.
Every face along the boulevard
Is a dreamer just like you
“Don’t touch me! Just…just stop trying to help!”
“I lost my entire family, my home, and he gave me the hope that I could get it back. Why should I believe that you’re not just giving me the exact same false hope?”
“Some guardian you are…”
“You don’t know anything about what I’ve been through!”
But Dream did, Cross realized it now.
Dream had lost his family, his home, too, in the blink of an eye. Not only that, but he was put in a position to fight his brother, whom had changed so much he might as well’ve been a stranger, over and over again. The pressure to do that and still be happy, or at least act like it, must’ve been immense. Cross couldn’t begin to imagine it.
They had both lost their family and been hurt in very similar ways.
Cross just wished he realized this sooner.
You looked at death in a tarot card
And you saw what you had to do
Cross didn’t try to stop Nightmare as he ran away.
He was focused on the skeleton in pain in front of them. The one who was crying, black sludge spilling down and covering his bones, tinted gold as if in reminder of what it used to be. The one who reached a hand up, to try and stop his brother from leaving, but didn’t get far before dropping it to the ground, another pained noise escaping him.
Cross was frozen. He willed his legs to move, instinct in his mind saying to turn and run away too, away from danger, away from him. But he didn’t. He stayed put, legs not listening and just watched.
Underneath the instinct was a different kind of pain. It burned instead of stinging and left his soul aching in a way he had never felt before. He was suddenly all too aware of the ring he kept in his pocket, one the skeleton in front of him had turned down. It made a lump grow in his throat and he swallowed, clenching his hands.
Dream hunched over, arms wrapped around himself.
And all at once, Cross realized something.
If his words had had any part in leading up to this…
His legs finally moved and he rushed forward, reaching for Dream, for the one he held so close to his heart, wrapping his arms around him, even though he could not shield him from something within.
If his actions had this consequence, if his consequence had given up on himself, then he would have to be the one that stayed, that brought him back.
He’ll do it, or die in the process.
But nobody knows you now
When you're dying in LA
And nobody owes you now
When you're dying in LA
If fate and destiny have predetermined your story, then what does it matter how you act? If your good or bad, what does it matter? What does it matter if all your actions just bring you back to the path, no matter how far you try and stray from it?
What does anything matter?
When you're dying in LA
Good can be bad and bad can be good.
This is a fact.
But does it change anything?
What does it matter?
When you're dying in LA
“I’m tired.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Why can’t you see that I’m just like you?”
“Why do we have to be enemies?”
“I don’t understand.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry”
“Please…don’t leave me alone again…”
“I love you.”
The power, the power, the power
Oh the power, the power, the power
Good is bad and bad is good.
What will change because of this?
Nights at the chateau
Trapped in your sunset bungalow
You couldn't escape it
Dream is familiar with emptiness and betrayal. He’s watched his home burn, his mother cut in half and his brother metaphorically die. All of these were caused by the villagers, people Dream once believed to be his friend, no matter how harsh they might’ve been at times. When you see everyone you care about die by the hands of someone you also care about, that is what causes the emptiness.
This emptiness did not mean he didn’t feel, no. He felt quite a lot actually. Happiness, grief, calmness, anger…love…he felt them all, some more so than others. They weren’t smothered or dulled in anyway by the emptiness. No, the emptiness was rather just a numbness he’s gained to certain situations. He can’t change it.
It was his consequence. He accepts this.
He hasn’t accepted fighting his brother nonstop until one of them is dead.
It was disorienting when he started, almost like he was trying to wake on quicksand and every step he took only dragged him further down. Everything was new. He had to learn fast how to shoot a bow, how to dodge, how to block, how to run. How to survive. All while his brother watched and laughed in amusement.
That was what hurt most of all. The amusement. Brothers were supposed to care for each other, help each other stay safe and heal from injuries. They weren’t supposed to laugh at you while you barely dodged the tentacle aiming for your soul. They aren’t supposed to be trying to kill you at all.
He hated it.
Apples are dangerous. They’re enticing. You want to take a bite of it, regardless of the effects it’ll do to your body and soul, in what ways it’ll warp your mind. They beckon you and lure you in, until all you can think about is what it’ll taste like, that savoury bite.
Nightmare wasn’t able to resist this temptation.
And if the saying goes that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…
Then it should only make sense Dream would follow in his footsteps.
Drink of paradise
They told you put your blood on ice
You're not gonna make it
Nightmare ran away from him.
The coward.
Dream doesn’t understand why. Brothers should support brothers when they decide to become better, to change how the world sees them, to try and prove they can’t be all good. They shouldn’t run, horror etched on their face as if this wasn’t supposed to happen, that he’d made such a terrible mistake.
“You can’t make mistakes, you’re positivity! You have to be perfect all the time.”
He runs his hands over each other, taking in the new coating of sludge while he waits for Cross, his lov—subordinate to wake up. It was just like Nightmare’s, the same consistency and everything, though his had a golden tint to it, rather than turquoise.
Of course.
Even corrupted, he was still positivity.
Every face along the boulevard
Is a dreamer just like you
He felt stronger. But weaker at the same time.
Was that a thing?
He felt like he could bend people to his will, make them listen just like he wants the entire multiverse to. He can’t stop thinking about people crying as he plays out illusion upon illusion in front of them, slowly dwindling their hope and love and any other positivity until it was completely shattered.
And yet, he can’t help but get the feeling that there’s a shakiness within him. Something is unbalanced, wobbling in his soul. It feels poisoned. He has no clue what it could be. He did everything the right way, he’s proven his worth, so everything should be fine now, right?
Everything was fine.
It had to be.
You looked at death in a tarot card
And you saw what you had to do
Cross groaned behind him, making Dream perk up. “…Night…mare?”
Were they really that similar now? Interesting. The thought that his brother and him can never stop being twins makes Dream giggle under his breath as he turns, smiling as Cross’s eyes widen.
“Not quite.”
But nobody knows you now
When you're dying in LA
And nobody owes you now
When you're dying in LA
Fate and destiny are predetermined things…but they are not a gift, no.
They are a curse.
Bad gets jealous of good and tries to prove he can be just the same as his counterpart, but only succeeds in cursing himself farther. Good is hurt by this and centuries go by.
Good gets desperate, nothing enough anymore, so he tries to prove tat he can be just the same as his counterpart, both succeeding and failing. He’s cursed himself, too.
Bad runs away, leaving good.
And now they’ve both strayed from their path.
When you're dying in LA
Good is bad and bad is good.
Or are they?
How can we tell? Who are we to say?
They will determine that for themselves, who is who.
When you're dying in LA
“…are you crying?”
“Don’t stop.”
“It feels amazing!”
The power, the power, the power
Oh, the power, the power, the power
Fate has bended and destiny is broken.
How will this change things?
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wasurenagusaa · 3 years
What a silly girl you are, doll.
I'm flattered that you think I'm someone else, but I'm not, not even in the slightest.
I'm definitely a retired charanon at this point but, just once and just for you, here :)
Looks like someone has gotten very comfortable with another man, mm?
Toji is... well I won't comment on his morality, I'm not one to judge anyway. Regardless, I must say it's quite cute, doll, you really think you could replace me?
I’ll let you have your fun, I just know you’d look so pretty struggling to take his cock, though I’m also aware you look so much prettier on mine. It’s ethereal, really.
Mm, I miss you.
I’ll prove it too.
I’m going to let your perfect thighs swaddle my hips, my back pressed against the headboard as I swallow your moans, your cute little cunt aching desperately against my bulge.
Daddy won’t fuck you just yet, doll, you have to be patient. It’s frustrating to watch you try so hard to relieve some pressure and get yourself off on solely some clothed grinding; but god is it so fucking sexy. Your precious face all scrunched up as I latch my mouth to your neck, shoulder, collar bone and oh-
Fuck you have the nicest tits, they'd feel so good in my mouth, doll.
I’ll pull my sweats and boxers down and tug your panties to the side, it’s been too long and it’s rushed but it’s sort of beautiful that way. You know the saying “we couldn’t even keep our clothes on”? Yeah that’s nice, but we couldn’t even wait to take our clothes off is so much better.
I’m so eager to be buried in your tight soaking cunt, so desperate to feel you clench down hard when I tell you what a good girl you are for taking me so well.
I’ll bounce you on my dick and lift your shirt to get a good view at your tits bouncing along with my hungry grip. Fuck you’re so gorgeous. So fucking gorgeous.
You’ll be good and take all of my cum too, right?
Tell me you’ll be good or you won’t get daddy’s cum, doll.
I’m gonna fuck you so dumb that Toji will look like a saint, that you blush every time you look in the mirror knowing all the naughty things I’ve put your delicate body through.
But I’ll be sweet and take care of you afterward, you know I always do. I’ll make love to your body and carve tranquility into your soul.
You’re mine to mark, don’t forget that.
All mine.
I hope you can now tell how very different I am from who you thought I was, right? Good.
Like I said, I’m flattered, but nobody fucks you like I do.
- Suguru Geto (by yours truly)
Well sorry I mistook you for someone else my Love, but now that you are here, I clearly see that you are different.
Oh my Sun and Stars, how could I forgot your touch, the soft feeling of your finger tips running along my skin.
The way my body and soul remember every parts of you. The longing kisses, the desperate moans while you enter me, and my back arching from our bed, your chest pressing into mine, ravishing orgasms taking us both. We lived for our little deaths.
The flaming passion, and all these memories are bringing tears in my eyes.
I know you hate it.
You'll make gentle fun of me, calling me your little cry baby, but I can't even stop them from rolling down my face.
Your lips are attached to my breast, sucking on them for dear life, while my hand caress your long silky hair. Suguru, you don't know how crazy you drive me.
When you disappeared from my life, from our lives, it was the greatest pain I've ever felt. But having you inside me brings me back to life.
We kiss again, our tongues entangled like snakes, poisoning each others with reminiscence of broken promises. Your I'll never leave you, my I'll never let you go.
What happened for us to turned out this way. Oh yes... Your cult, you abandonned all of us, leaving us behind for this, and I found comfort in Toji's arms. But here I am in our bed, not ours, but Toji’s and mine, bouncing on your cock, moaning your name like my only prayer, your dick buried deep inside of me.
Yes daddy, I’ll be good, yes I'll take all of your cum, reminders of these nights where we shared our dreams of our family, where you imaginated me round with your child, happily ever after.
I know that I'll have to explain myself tonight, the marks of your lips, bruises like a necklace on my skin, your claws torn my back. I'll see them in the bathroom, and i’ll try to erase the marks of our sinful love. How am I suppose to hide that ?
Toji will know for sure, he knows every single mark and bruise he leaves on my body, and these ones not his, he is not stupid.
I am.
I am for falling back into your arms whenever I see you, your eyes trapping my mind, and my wish for your touch, for your burning skin are making me dumb. The carnal pleasure of your body on mine, you fucking me hard, your hands around my neck forbidding me to breathe without your authorization, your cock hitting my cervix with each thrust, making me cum over and over on you, leaving stains of white running down your shaft, sticking to your pubes. My pussy holding you so tight that you hiss when you are done shooting your seeds inside me. My legs, spread around you, are holding you in that same position, making it impossible for you to pull out. Deciding not to move, making me cock-holding you until our next round, until one of us passes out from the pleasure. Usually me.
God, now I remember why we had to part.
Because I would have give my life for you. I would have given you the power of life and death upon me.
Yours, always.
And I'll never forget it Suguru. How can I ? Never in my life. My Love, my King, my Sun and stars.
Heaven and Hell, both know how you're the only one holding my heart.
I'll never refuse you, and I must say sorry to Toji when he'll be home tonight.
But deep down, I know, and you know, as the last words we exchanged before you left two years ago.
I love you Suguru.
I'll forever be yours.
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liitlesunshiine · 4 years
Welcoming Death
(Demon Dabi x Reader)
Warnings: NSFW, smut, mentions of death, degradation, manipulation, suicidal themes, dubcon, slight blood mention (towards the end)
Word count: 3k
Notes: Hi lol ok. Not only is this my first time writing a full on smutty fic but it’s also my first post on this account,, so I am lowkey kinda insecure on my writing. I’m just here for a good time so don’t judge too harshly. Also, Demon Dabi out here vibing with us during Halloween time. Enjoy & please, I mean PRETTY PLEASE w a cherry on top let me know what you think! :)
It was only in moments of pure despair did Demon Dabi appeared to you.
And today, maybe today you thought. Maybe today you’d finally give in.
“Hello little dove” the demon whispered coolly, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “Are you ready for me to take you?”
You laid on your bed in nothing but an oversized t-shirt and a thong. The demon appeared right next you edging the side of your bed.
He caressed your face with his fingers. Slowing touching and soothing his fingertips across your cheek, the action feeling rather comforting to you.
“Allow me to relieve your sadness dove. I can sense the weight on your shoulders and pain holding you down. Allow me to rid of your suffering and take care of you.” He cooled, nudging his face closer to yours.
You sighed. You were mentally and emotionally exhausted. You knew what he wanted and what it meant for you. If you accepted him, that meant you accepted death. Sulking miserably into yourself you decided to cave in. You were at the verge of sanity by this point. The constant lows that life put you through left you unmotivated and unwilling to continue. You just wanted peace. You wanted this to all end. And that’s how you found yourself patiently waited for the Demon. You sulked over this decision for hours and the only thing that felt right was to finally give into him.
And here you were ready and committed for not only the demon but death as well.
“Dabi, for the past 7 years you’ve come to me in only my darkest moments trying to manipulate me and fool me into giving my away life to you. I know you don’t care about me. I know you’re only here to take advantage and use me.”
You grabbed his face softly. Looking deep into those piercing blue eyes.
“Take me Dabi.”
“I am ready.”
The demon looked lustfully in your eyes. You gently pulled his face closer to yours leading his lips onto your own. Everything was moving so slow. You felt the rough skin of his scars against your chin. He was careful with his movements. The sensation of his ruined bottom lip was rough but the warmth and wetness of his tongue lightly grazing your mouth was enough to issue a slight moan out of you.
You figured since today was your last day on earth you might as well indulge yourself into your humanly desires. You’re only but a weak human girl handing her life away to the blue-eyed demon before you. What power did you have? You were nobody and nothing to this world, so who cares.
He held the hand that you had on his face and brought it to his lips. He opened his eyes with lust heavily influencing them.
“Are you sure this is what you want doll? Do you know this means?” He said all while placing soft kisses across your hand, nibbling slowly up your arm. You no longer cared at this point. No longer had the motivation or will to continue this pathetic life you lived.
“Save me Dabi. Take me. I don’t care, I just... I just want this to end already.”
He hummed lightly. “Then tell me my little human- in fact, beg for me to take you.”
You only nodded and proceeded to do has the demand demanded. Begging softly into his ear to take your life and end your suffering. He was now shifted above you. Knees pinned on either side of your body, keeping you in place. He leaned into your neck kissing it lightly and gently giving it a few subtle licks. He proceeded to grab your neck with his hand while nibbing on your earlobe.
“You’ve put on a fight for so long doll. I was losing hope of ever getting you... Now tell me human how much do you hate this world.” The sensations from his actions were already making you feel high. His seductive voice only making the pool in between your legs wetter and hotter now.
You gripped onto his neck pulling him close you. “I hate this world so much. Plea- pleas.. please take me already Dabi.” You begged lightly.
He only hummed in response. He licked your neck once more before proceeding to lower himself until his face in between your thighs. You looked down on him, his feathery black wings on full display and all puffed out, the light hitting his horns perfectly, if you didn’t know better you’d say he looked like an angel this moment. Regardless of the scars all over his body, with those blue eyes sinking into you couldn’t help but admit to yourself that he was beautiful.
“Dove I can sense the lust radiating off your body, I can even smell the wetness between your legs. Do you crave my touch that desperately?”
“You’re burning so hot for me already; who would’ve known you were such a good and submissive girl for me. I guess it’s only fair for me to reward my human and give into her last dying wish. Would you like that baby dove?”
He was smirking looking at you with one hand holding his chin up and the other doing teasingly lines up and down your clothed pussy. The sensation was so tingling, you already felt out of breath. You couldn’t respond feeling choked up from the light touches. Frustrated from no response, he shoved one finger in between your underwear and bear sex. His finger slowly getting hotter and hotter by the second. You screamed out once you felt the burning sensation and flick of blue fire. Your underwear now burned into two pieces.
“I don’t like silence dove. Don’t make me punish you.” His mouth only mear inches away from your pussy now. His hot breath teasing your cunt. God it felt so fucking divine. It was only his breath that you felt on your cunt and you were already feeling dizzy from the sensation.
“Im- I’m sorry.” You exhaustedly worded out. He hummed again this time the vibration going straight in between your legs. He placed one finger on your pussy, slowly and deliberately sinking it into you. While his finger was moving frustratingly slow than before, he swiped his tongue giving your cunt a kitten lick. You moaned in response and jerked your body up. Which he grunted at and roughly pulled your legs apart pinning them in place.
“Don’t move kitten if so, you’ll upset me.”
You nodded quickly and understandably. It was already taking so much out of you to hold back. He must’ve put you under some type of enchantment. All your senses felt heightened somehow, every touch sending you shivers. Your body felt so light and your mind was becoming hazy.
You held your breath in when you felt his tongue retreat back in. Fuck fuck. He removed one hand from your thigh and began fingering you. You let out the air you were holding in to then grip on of his horns tightly in order to prevent yourself from squirming around. He was smirking at the action. His soft warm tongue and the combination of his rough bottom lip was already sending you over edge, he was deliberately trying to get you to move and you knew it. With one hand on his horn and the other now fisting his hair you arched your back up. Already feeling yourself about to cum. His fastened the movement of his finger inside you, now adding a second one and scissoring your cunt.
“Your clenching around my fingers dove. Going to cum already for me?” He chuckled and adding a third finger in. His pace now rough and fast pulling all three fingers in and out of you. You were a moaning mess until he abruptly stopped, pulling all fingers out of you. You felt the warmth and fullness leave. Dazed and confused you lifted your head to try to see why he stopped, and you were only met with his blue shot eyes piercing you.
“Beg for release Y/N.” He demanded.
And that’s exactly what you did. Once satisfied with your words, he pulled your legs wider apart. It took a moment to register that the length of his tongue was drastically increased. You screamed from the sensation of having his snake length tongue squirm and move inside you. You rolled your eyes to the back of your head and pulled on both his horns diving his face deeper into your pussy. He plummeted his fingers inside and sucked on your clit, awhile his tongue still inside you. The sensation was overwhelming, and you were beginning to feel the warmth of an organism flow throughout your body. You curled your toes up and closed your thighs caging his head.
You rode out your first orgasm on his tongue and his fingers.
You gently released the tight grip you had on his horns and laid exhaustedly on the bed with both arms beside you.
“Now, now doll. We’re not even close to being finished here.” He lifted himself out from between legs and was now hovering over.
Your essence was smeared across his lips. He held his hand out in front of you. Proudly displaying the wetness on his fingers.
“You taste delicious human. See for yourself.” He shoved the two fingers into your mouth. You licked and swirled your tongue, tasting yourself off his fingers. He smiled at the sight.
“Good pet.” He removed the fingers out of your mouth and placed them in his. He groaned loudly at the taste.
“God everything about you is so fucking delicious. Open your mouth slut.” You stuck your tongue out with your mouth open on full display. He roughly gripped your cheeks and brought your face inches away slightly beneath to his, where he then spat inside your mouth. A long string of saliva connecting you both. You swallowed happily putting on the biggest puppy doe eyes you could muster.
You wanted him inside you already. The desperation was written across your face and your body already submitting. He could tell and god was he holding himself back.
“Be vocal pet. Tell me what it is that you want and maybe I’ll be nice.” He placed his forehead against yours still gripping your cheeks tightly. His eyes boring holes into you.
“I- I want you.. in.. inside me.” You said shyly trying to look away only to be brought back into his intense gaze.
“Your essence is smeared all across my face and you’re still acting trying to act modest?”
You blushed, feeling yourself get all hot and bothered from his voice alone. “I’m sorry.” You responded looking deeply into his eyes. He hummed and brought your lips into his.
“Let’s see you continue to be a good pet for me human. I’ll take you soon don’t worry; you’ll be mine and leave this filthy world.”
You nodded and kissed him in response. You felt his tongue waver in and explore your mouth. You heard him beginning to unbuckle his belt and you pulled away slightly looking at his naked chest. With a bit of confidence and desperation you leaned in and helped him pull his pants down all while he watched.
“Desperate for my cock pet?”
Your mouth was watering at the sight. His dick on full display, you never seen anything like it no human could ever be the length that this demon was. You found your face inching closer and closer to it, until his pulled your hair back rather forcefully and brought himself face to face with you again.
“I’m the one taking you here. Lay back human.” You found yourself feeling slightly disappointed with the urge of wanting to taste his dick in your mouth.
“Don’t look so disappointed doll. We’ll have an eternity to spend together soon enough, you’ll have your chance to taste me.”
You laid your head back into the pillows. Questioning to yourself what he meant by an eternity since you’ve assumed, he was going to be killing you after this is all said and done. He placed himself in between your legs, lining himself up.
“It almost feels like you’re burning hotter than I am. Such a submissive pet. You’re such a good human for me.”
You moaned at the sensation of him moving his tip up and down the folds of your pussy.
“So wet for me pet. How badly have you been lusting over me human? I should’ve taken you sooner.”
You continued moaning and sighed in response not being able to think of anything other than his cock teasing your entrance. He forced your legs apart and enlightened his fingertips on fire. Your body jerked up at the sudden pain and yell escaped your lips. He gripped you by the neck and was squeezing it tightly.
“What did I say about being silent pet? Don’t fucking ignore me when I speak.”
He shoved you back into bed, all while shoving his cock in with one simple slide. His grip on your throat preventing you from releasing a sound. He was thrusting into you brutally with a quick set pace. You were scraping and scratching all throughout his back. His wings puffering back and forth. He was penetrating you with such force it gave you little to no chance to try and accustom yourself to his size. You felt his cock practically reaching your stomach. The sensation was too much, while the first thrust elicited pain out of you, you couldn’t help but to deny the pleasure that was ripping all throughout your body. You couldn’t think, you couldn’t move or even speak. You laid there clinging onto his back with his hand roughly gripping your throat still. He pulled back slightly to lick a rolling tear off your cheek. His tight grip loosing from your neck now.
“How do you feel human? How does the cock of a demon feel in you?” He bit your earlobe.
“Yes- so so good. Pleas- please don- don’t stop.” You couldn’t form a coherent sentence let alone think of one. The pleasure was so intoxicating, you didn’t know if what you said was even understandable, but you refused to stay silent in fear he’d burn you again.
“You’re clenching around me human. Cum for me.” Already reaching your limit you allowed the organism to wash through you. You moaned and puffed. His thrusts only getting faster and harder. You gripped his inner wings, the point where his wings connected to his back. He groaned and his movements slightly haltered.
“Don’t do that pet.” He grunted in your ear. You assumed it must be a sensitive spot for him. The sound he made when you touched them was heaven in your ears. Wanting to hear it again, you gather some confidence and gripped the spot harder, this time eliciting an unfiltered moan from him. He chuckled in your ear.
“Disobedience won’t go unchecked pet.”
You felt his hands waver down to your ass. He gripped both your ass cheeks while sparking some fire out of his hands. You screamed from the pain. Holding onto him tightly, he removed one hand to bring it back with a hard and fiery slap. This time instead of screaming you let out a loud moan, the pain slowly oozing into pleasure. The continuation of his deep thrusts and hot hands all over your body, resulted in yet another organism to wash over you. You released the hold from his wings feeling absolutely dazed, tears and sweat coating your face.
“Cumming without permission pet? You’ve disobeyed me twice already. Seems like I’m going to have to have to punish you and teach you some manners… guesss we’ll save.. that for another timee..”
His thrusts were becoming sloppy and he was slurring a few of his words. You apologized for disobeying him rather than staying silent. He gripped your face pushing it to side, leaving your neck completely exposed to him. With two final thrusts from him, you felt ropes of cum enter you. The warmth making you feel full and satisfied. You laid there exhaustedly, waiting for his next move. 
He licked your neck softly.
“You did so well for me pet.”
He kissed your neck.
“Are you ready for me to take you now?”
Without waiting for a response, you felt his fangs protrude out and instantly puncture the side of your neck. The blood oozing out was captured by his warm tongue. He gave soft licks around the area numbing the pain. Your sight was now becoming black and your mind slowly losing consciousness.
“I hope you’re ready to spend a new life of eternity with me Y/N.”
Was the last thing you heard before closing your eyes and accepting your assumed death.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Shackles 12: Protect your own
[part 11]
One thing leads to another. Pain brings grief, joy brings progress, day brings night; Jacquelyn knew simple truths like these, but she had really wished she could get her joy before night came. That didn’t seem to be the case. The tired woman sat on the Belladonna balcony. Her eyes scanned the stars that have kept her company for many years, bringing a sense of ease while her hands clasped a mug of warm tea. Blake’s mother, Kali, walked up from inside the house and poured more.
“Thank you.” Jacquelyn uttered softly. All day Kali hadn’t spoken a word to her. The older woman gave no expression, but her eyes said enough. They were upset, and mulling things over. “I’m-”
“If you’re going to apologize then don’t. There’s nothing you could say on his behalf.”
“Of..of course. I would never. I was going to apologize for myself. I’m…I involved your daughter in this. That one is on me.”
Kali looked over Jacquelyn. It just didn’t make sense to her. The girl before her sat solemnly waiting for a man who’s wracked sorrow to countless lives.
“If I wasn’t for Sun and Ilia, I would’ve denied you being here. I don’t want him near my home. He’s caused enough harm.”
“I understand. Still, I’m grateful. I know this can’t be easy for you.”
Tears of frustration welled up in Kali’s eyes the more Jacquelyn spoke to her. “Did you have a mother growing up?”
“…For a while. I lost her young.”
“I don’t know you, but I can tell she must’ve been caring; the kind of mother that would go to war for you.”
“Hehe, yeah, she was.” A tiny smile crept to her face, thinking back on the remarkable woman. “I owe her a lot in life.”
“A good mother’s only wish in life is to keep their kids safe and happy no matter what. So yeah, this isn’t easy. The thing I love the most in this world, my precious baby girl, you’ve helped invite back the very thing I failed to protect her from. I’m absolutely livid.So don’t tell me you understand. You’re not a mother.”
A lump formed in Jacquelyn’s throat. The little joy she had fizzled out. Kali’s words felt colder than Atlas winds and they had a right to be. However…a click at the door cut through all that.
“We’re home.” Blake said down stairs. Kali quickly ran downstairs. Jacquelyn put down the mug and ran too, but then, she stopped. A loud slurp came from behind her. She turned back around, gasping. Adam sat in her chair with her mug. His face was a bit pale and clothes were replaced with something a bit nostalgic.
“Hey, how you feeling? ” She said, smirking at his attempts to look cool.
“Dehydrated. Also a little stuffy.” He took off his old signature jacket. “Cannot believe this thing was still around. I guess evidence lockers really collect everything.”
“Did you climb up here?”
“Both Ghira, Blake and I all agreed that Kali is the absolute last person who should see me.” He walked towards her.
“Pfft yeah.” Jacquelyn did her best to chuckle but the smile she tried to force turned to a lip quiver while tears came automatically. Adam put her arms around her and she lost it. Her fingers clung to his shirt and wept, not caring who heard.
“Do you enjoy scaring me?”
“What did you think happened to me?”
“I don’t fucking know.” She sniffed, “so many things. I didn’t want to think you decided to up and leave but now I kinda wish that was the case. At least then I could be pissed at you for being an idiot. I held you Adam. You were so cold.”
“You off all people should know how close to death I can get. But I’ll admit it, I thought I was a goner. I’ll tell you about everything later, but first…” Adam let her go and stepped out of view from the balcony doors.
The entire Belladonna family came up stairs. Kali’s eyes were noticeably more red and her hand held Ghira’s. Blake’s eyes were also a bit puffy but much less.
Jacquelyn sighed as she wiped her own eyes. “Have we all been crying today?”
Blake chuckled halfheartedly “Looks like it. You okay?”
“Not really. I need a nap.”
Kali looked at the balcony. “…Adam, sincerity starts with eye contact.”
“Is that what you want from me?”
“No. Frankly I like not seeing you, but it’s rude to let this woman stand alone after waiting.” Kali wasn’t petty. She knew this wasn’t about her.
Adam walked into view slowly and stood beside Jacquelyn. He took Kali’s glare head on. It was actually nice to know one person in this room would definitely not hold back against him. He’s gotten used to that.
Blake looked at Jacquelyn and spoke. “Where’s Ilia and Sun? I thought they would’ve stayed.”
“Those two only stayed for about an hour. Ilia said she had to do something important and Sun tagged along with her. I have no idea where but they took an airship. They said they’d be back by sunrise.”
That was a little concerning. Blake had hoped to have everyone here for this. What in the world could possess them to leave?
“Guess this is everyone for now. Adam, we gotta do something with you. Even if you’re technically dead, things have to be different.”
“Lock me up.” He said bluntly. Everyone jumped a little from the suggestion.
“Lock you up!? Adam I made a case to keep you out of-”
“I wasn’t finished.” He interjected. “There’s already a collection of people here who know I’m alive. Those guards of yours in particular. Loyalty is easy to strain. If you just let me walk then they will resent you. Allowing them to put me behind bars covertly might give you a better chance to negotiate what to do with me later on.”
“Or you’re locked up forever without real protection. You might be at their mercy. I’m not allowing that.”
Jacquelyn nodded. “Neither am I. We didn’t get you out of one situation just to throw you back into the exact same one! Even if they work for Blake, she can’t watch over their every action.”
Ghira rubbed his beard. That was true. It wouldn’t be good for Blake to be visiting jail constantly anyways, still. “It wouldn’t be wise for Adam to go unpunished. I think for people’s peace of mind he must be detained for a while.”
“Dad! But…”
“Saber is a good man. He wouldn’t act out of line on a whim. Besides, I will volunteer personally to check on him daily.”
Kali looked at Blake’s shocked expression. “Sweetie, he is still a criminal.”
“I know, but…this doesn’t solve anything! How do you expect him to prove things are different behind a cell!?” Blake looked at Adam. “How can you be okay with it?”
“I’m not. If I see another pair of shackles again it would be too soon; but the public finding out about me is no short of a death sentence. However, I do have conditions for going along with this.”
Kali’s eyes narrowed. “Are you really in a position to discuss terms?”
“As long as this is a majority, then yes.” That wasn’t gonna score points with her but oh well Atonement or not, Adam refused to be walked all over. “First, Jackie’s home was blown up. I’d like her to stay here until it can be rebuilt. Second, I’d also want Sienna to be put in Jackie's care when she’s out of the hospital.”
Both Kali and Jacquelyn were highly confused. The maiden spoke up. “Ummm Sienna Khan?”
“Hmm? Oh, no. She’s this little girl that escaped the mineshaft with me.”
“White tiger ears? I remember a girl by you in the desert. Why me?”
“Unfortunately she’s not speaking much.” Ghira said. “Adam says you’re pretty good and patient with situations like these. Also, the child seems attached to Adam, so maybe she’ll be comfortable with the person around him.”
“Be careful though. She can get pretty defensive and violent.”
Jacquelyn squinted. “Giving me a way to focus while you’re gone, is that it? Hmph, like I’d say no regardless. Of course I’ll help her if I can.” She folded her arms. Guess she was getting single mother practice early.
“I’m glad. I do have one more condition.” He put his arm over the maiden’s shoulder and pulled her close. “I’ll go to jail, after I help Jacquelyn get through her pregnancy.”
The room went silent. Jacquelyn felt her face get hot and eyes water again. He knew. These terms weren’t for his benefit at all. They were all for her.
Ghira and Kali looked at each other, shocked by this revelation. A twinge of guilt hit Kali for the words she spoke early, but now she understood Jacquelyn’s feelings just a little bit more.
“You would send yourself to jail even knowing her condition?”
“I don’t make money and I don’t see any outcome where me being free makes it easier for Jacquelyn or those two kids. Anybody drawing the connections would be problematic to put it lightly. At least this way I’m not a complete dead beat. So, do we have an agreement?” He asked Ghira.
Blake bit her bottom lip. Right now she needs to look outside herself. She reminded herself of Yang’s parting words. “Slow down. I don’t need things done in a night. Sigh, besides, it’s not like I have a better plan.” Blake looked at her father. “It’s not unreasonable.”
“That’s not exactly the problem. I’d agree but even nine months of him being free is a lot to swallow. We simply don’t have the men to watch him or a place to keep him.”
“Yeah I don’t want him in my home of all places.” Kali added. “Now matter how you look at it, Adam is too dangerous for anyone to look after while he’s free. I can’t go on good faith where there isn’t any.”
“Mom he’s-”
“OH! OH! I’LL WATCH HIM!” Yelled a voice outside, brimming with energy.
A gust of wind blew in from the balcony bringing a glimmer of faith and dozens of rose petals. Blake’s jaw dropped. “Ruby!?”
The full fledged scythe wielding huntress grinned ear to ear. “Yo!” Ruby dashed in and stopped right in front of Blake, giving her a big hug and waving to her parents. “Busy day huh?”
Blake grabbed her leader by the shoulders. This had to be a fever dream. “Ruby, why are you here!?”
The reaper’s face went red as she started chuckling. “Hehe, so funny story…”
“Ruby?!” Yang questioned, shouting over the edge of her ship at another ship passing by. Sure enough, her little sister turned around and gasped.
“Yang!? Why are you on a boat leaving Menagerie!?”
“Why are you on a boat docking to Menagerie is a better question!”
“I stopped by your house only to hear from Jaune that you went to see Blake for the first time in forever! You think I was gonna be calm about it? I took the first mission here I could find to have an excuse!”
Yang could not believe what she was hearing. “Rubes…but that..why!? Just why!?”
“You have a bad habit of saying things you don’t mean when you get emotional. If things went south then they might not get better.”
Moments like these made it really hard for Yang to believe she was the older sister; especially when Ruby is absolutely right. “Can you not call me out like that?”
“Why are you leaving? Don’t tell me things went up in flames?”
“N- Well they almost did, but it’s fine! We’re okay; more than okay. I had to cut things short because…I gotta do some stuff. So does she.” Ruby would have a cow if she learned Yang was pregnant. Yang wanted to tell her, but Jaune had to be first. Well…technically second, but first in her heart!”
Ruby could not believe she rushed over to Menagerie for nothing! Well at least her sister looked happy, so things must’ve gone okay. “Well, I’m happy for you! Sigh…I guess I’ll knock out this mission as fast as I can then-”
“Actually, Ruby, can you do your big sis a huge favor?”
“And now I’m here.” Ruby rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. “Would’ve gotten here sooner but a supply mission is a supply mission. I also checked in with Saber, was it? When I explained who I was he gave me a brief and vague update. Since I came here to mediate in the first place and Yang asked so nicely, I thought I’d lend a hand.”
“You were gonna do that favor or no favor.”
Ruby grinned. It was nice to be known so well. “Mr. and Mrs. Belladonna, I’ll watch Adam. That’s the main reason you turned the offer right?”
“Y…Yes but-” Ghira stuttered.
Kali sighed, “Do you really plan on sticking around for nine months?”
“Technically as long as he’s with me and out of sight then I wouldn’t have to stay here specially, but I can understand if you don’t want him too far away. If he’s genuine then having him help rebuild the blown up home should be no problem. I can stay in the house to watch everyone, or I’m happy to rent a place and keep them there. Ilia has a spot out of the way of people. We got options.”
Call her impulsive, but Ruby was persistent. A game changer everywhere she went and she knew it. The girl took a step back to be in the middle of the room. Her hands went on her hips. The next words she spoke were with pure confidence and sincerity.
“If you need good faith then look towards me. I love your daughter like family and I’ve always looked out for people, so believe me when I say this. Adam Taurus has nothing on me. I can take him.” Bold words but she meant them to the letter.
That confidence was felt by everyone. Even Adam felt challenged, though he had no intention of betraying anyone. His first time seeing Blake’s leader and the sister of a person he never thought would save his life, and she was trash talking him. Huh, I guess they really were related. The argument was strong, too strong for Kali and Ghira to deny. Both of them gave a look of uncertainty before nodding.
“I will cut everyone some slack and let them stay in this room tonight as long as you’re here too.” Kali said.
“Yes ma’am. I appreciate it.” Ruby gave a nod as the older woman left.
Ghira gave a smile to Ruby. “I’m glad Blake has family everywhere.” He left after his wife, leaving the rest of them to sort the rest out.
Ruby finger gunned Blake before turning around,
approaching Adam for the first time in her life. He was definitely tall. That’s for sure. “I don’t think we’ve officially met yet.”
“But I’m positive you know everything you need to know about me?”
“Eh, Blake’s not much of a talker. My sister said a few things but they weren’t exactly helpful, just nasty. You’ve done a lot to her, more than you probably know. Still, Yang fights her own battles and I guess recently she won a big one. We’ll only have a fight if you start one, deal?” Ruby extended her hand.
Adam couldn’t get a read on Ruby. She was open, yet guarded. Kinda Jacquelyn. He shook her hand. “Pretty bold to say you can beat someone you never met.”
“Really? I don’t think so. If my friends could do it years ago then me doing it now should be cake. I mean you even look like a ghost right now.” Her eyes shifted to Jacquelyn. “Congratulations by the way.”
“Thanks?” Jacquelyn grabbed Adam’s sleeve. “Can the two of us talk on the balcony in private?”
“Be my guest.” Ruby watched her new assignment get dragged away by….whatever that girl was to him. “So Blake, I know this isn’t the sweetest vis-eep!” A tight hug snuck up on her.
Blake squeezed tightly and let her stress fade
away. “That’s my incredible leader. Always coming to my rescue.”
“Awe, oh sweet hehe. Now I really know you’re stressed.” Ruby hugged back happily.
Outside, things were a little less warm and cozy. The cool breeze against Jacquelyn’s skin did little to cool her off as her hands tugged gently on the front of Adam’s shirt. Her eyes were glued to the floor while she felt his hand on her head.
“For the record, I’m not the biggest fan of all this.”
“Aren’t you the one who’s been preaching about being more than what I was? Salvation and all that?”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t proud.” She lifted her for him to see her pouting. “So you knew I was pregnant all along? Gotta admit, that makes you getting kidnapped willingly and trying to go to jail makes you look really shitty.”
“I know I’m twisting your intentions but I can’t help but feel that way okay? I mean it’s fine. I’m just the gal who took pity on you and helped for her own therapeutic needs or salvation; whatever you wanna call it. Sure we slept around from time to time but that’s what happens when you have no one else. We had no labels. Circumstances made us glorified roommates at best. I mean yeah sure, on paper I guess I did what I set out to do. You’re changing.”
“And you’re trying not to cry.” He rubbed her cheek. Jackie wasted no time reaching to hold it in place. “You’ve spent a few years trying to get me to be more direct with myself. Think you can take your own advice right now.”
“……I fucked up. I should’ve just been helping you but I did more than that. I fell for you, and I can’t say with confidence I know how you feel back because we never talked about these things. A situation like this is what I used to imagine but along the line all I thought of was us, always together.”
“So you’re basically asking me what you are to me, is that it?”
“Stupid, right?” Jacquelyn started laughing at her own insecurities until Adam wrapped his arms around her and rested her head on his chest. The sound of his heart filled her senses and calmed her.
“I thought of you every day I was trapped. To tell you the truth, I don’t feel much different from the day you found me. If anything it’s only harder for me to deny how fucked I am.”
“Idiot, that’s a world of difference, and I’m not the only one who sees that.” Jacquelyn gave a soft smile. So much between was unsaid and uncertain, but that's fine for now. He thought of her, fought for her. She did the same. Those actions were worth a billion words. Roughly nine more months of actions before life changed forever. Best to not waste them. Jacquelyn tilted her head up and leaned in, kissing him gently. The joy she waited for was finally hers as he kissed her back.
Two sets of footsteps came back up the stairs. One pair was a very exhausted Ilia and the other was a slightly less tired Sun.
“Ilia! You’re back!” Blake yelled.
“Yeah I-” she spotted the intimacy happening on the balcony. “Hmm didn’t need to see that.”
“Be nice.”
“That’s what I’ve been doing this entire adventure. Also hey Ruby. Couldn’t resist a good drama?”
“As if! I came here to keep things drama free!”
Sun guided Ilia to the couch for her to plop on. Poor girl has been traveling nonstop for at least three days now. He was tired too, but a sudden rush of energy hit him in the form of Blake giving him a running hug and a quick passionate kiss that made him laugh.
“Haha, is that you saying sorry or thank you?”
“It’s me saying you’re amazing and I love you for rolling with this so effortlessly.”
“Oh there’s effort. You’re just worth it.” He smiled, kissing her again. “I’m just happy you’re safe, but you gotta-”
“Slow down. Yeah…I’ve been told.” Blake rested her head on his chest. His heartbeat was steady and strong, like he always is. “Where did you two go?”
Sun looked at Ilia who immediately got up and left to bother the pair on the balcony, grabbing Ruby too. Sun let Blake go. The man let out a faux cough. “So umm this is probably a completely inappropriate time to ask this but…”
Blake saw him reach into his pocket and her face immediately felt like fire. “Wait!” She frantically grabbed his wrist before he could take his hand out. “I know I asked but you could’ve lied!”
“Hey! I was actually trying to get things prepared back in Vacou but people started getting abducted. I know I just talked about you slowing things down and this isn’t the first time we’ve discussed-”
“Yes!” Blake could see the goofy and confused smile Sun was forming. It only flustered her more. “Don’t be surprised. Listen, it was always gonna be a yes. I’m still going to say yes; especially with all that’s happened. Lately it feels like I’ve been putting off things in my life for things I want in my life, but…you are someone I always want. Even if I don’t say it all the time.”
“I know that. It’s okay. Equality is busy work. It is your dream.”
Blake blushed, “So is marrying you. When this situation gets sorted out and dealt with, can you ask me then? You’ve given all your attention through this. I want to give you all of mine when.”
Drat! How could that feel so bittersweet sweet and yet appropriate? Sun knew his face was red too. Blake didn’t reject him by any means but the moment of courage was dashed! Guess that was the point. Typical Blake. Nothing typical about her. Sun let go of the ring in his pocket and chose to hold Blake’s face, staring into her eyes. How could they be so determined one moment and bashful the next. Honestly…
“My future wife is so ridiculous sometimes.”
“I think that’s what my future husband likes about me.” Blake smirked, “I love you.”
The two shared a kiss, taking a moment for themselves.
Ruby smiled from outside and looked at the others. “Okay, I know there’s more of a reason for nabbing me, because that pretty moment was happening no matter how many were around.”
“I brought you out here because the four of us plus Sun are about to keep a secret.” Ilia put her back against the railing, her head looking towards the stars. “Sobek, I handled it.”
Jacquelyn went bug eyed. “What? H-How?”
“Talked to the victims here, Vacou, and Adam briefly. If I would’ve gone in with you all then I might’ve recognized him. He did work in Atlas after all. Anyways it’s dealt with and you don’t have to worry about any of those victims talking. They already wanted to forget the ordeal so adding funds was icing on the cake.” Ilia stared at Adam with soullessness
“I know, you didn’t do it for me.”
“Oh how I wish that were true. Let’s make things clear right now, I’m so pissed at you. If you weren’t injured then I’d throw down right now. Blake never told you this most likely, but near my house I gave you a grave. To me you deserved at least that much; you kept me alive and going for a time. As much as I now hate some of the things I know how to do, I was fortunate you taught me them because those skills help people.”
Adam watched as Ilia took her pointer finger and pressed it against his heart. He could feel her shaking.
“If you ever want my help again then you will keep me in the loop at all times. I was there before and after Blake worked beside us. I had every right to know about you being alive as much as she did.” Ilia would never admit it to anybody but as much as she was crushed when Blake fell for Adam, she couldn’t help but feel angry when both began undervaluing her contribution. Like they say, three is a crowd.
Adam removed Ilia’s finger and nodded. “Hehe, I can accept those rules.”
“What’s so funny huh? Ugh, you really know how to tick a person off.”
“Nothing. Just…everyone is mad at me for something different. Hard to keep track of it all. Guess being a leader was doomed after all. I don’t get any of you. I can’t help but laugh at myself.” He chuckled to himself.
The strange humor of it all caused Jacquelyn to join in quietly while Ilia rolled her eyes and let things be as they were. She said her peace. Ruby though, she couldn’t help but look at the three of them, Adam specifically. There he was, a person recently beaten to near death, laughing at his own past mistakes in a world that didn’t want him.
“Hmmm I don’t get it. What was scary about this guy?”
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