#the loyal sword
lilith-kruger · 1 year
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PRINCESS RHAE TARGARYEN: I may not know any noble lady, but I know a boy who is asking for a good slap. Dunk rubbed his neck. A whole day with cotters makes it as hard as wood. You have met queens and princesses. Did they dance with demons and practice the dark arts? Lady shiera yes. Lord crow's lover of blood. It bathes in blood to maintain its beauty. And once my sister rhae put a love potion in my drink to marry her instead of my sister daella.
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yingandzhan · 5 months
Something just got me thinking...
Suibian is a truly loyal sword, it refused to let anyone else use it and did what was only ever heard of in legends and sealed itself away when its master died!
The sword is monogamous. It only connected with one person and no one else would do. No one else could compare.
Spiritual weapons have a deep connection with their wielders, they are constantly permeated with their owner's spiritual energy. They are, in a way, an extension of their master.
So, it makes perfect sense that Suibian is monogamous. Because it's quite obvious that WWX is as well. WWX only ever had eyes for one person, he only ever connected to one other person in such a deep, life changing way. No one else would do, no one else could ever compare to that boy that stole his undivided attention on the Cloud Recesses rooftop the first night they met.
It was always LWJ for him, just as it was always WWX for Suibian.
Like master, like sword.
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s2pdoktopus · 3 months
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There weren't enough fanfics to satisfy my inner GinZura trash so... I drew this...
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unexpectedstormy · 9 months
Attention Everyone
I love Linked Universe Sky. That is all.
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dimitrscu · 7 months
*Glances between Malenia Blade of Miquella Who Has Never Known Defeat and Dame Aylin The Nightsong and Daughter of The Goddess Selûne* I’m sensing a pattern here
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i don’t know what you’re talking about
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vorbarrsultana · 9 months
i need the show to use moiraine's ruthless pragmatism in the latest episode to drive home the point that rand truly is her mini-me in the next season
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
Anyway Leaf House Cloud down the line:
Cloud, through his exposure to mako and an incredibly poorly timed attack that puts him on Hojo’s radar, gets essentially blackmailed into becoming a shinra employee. The only thing that can be done really is decide where he’s going to go.
And Tseng, who has been trying to get Cloud to join his department almost immediately after meeting him, makes an offer that will both satisfy the higher ups that Cloud is “contained” and keep him out of Hojo’s hands as a test subject. Cloud becomes a Turk in “deep cover” in the Slums where he essentially keeps living the life he was already living in exchange for being Aerith’s Shinra approved bodyguard. The only catch is when certain jobs come up that would need his specific expertise Cloud can’t really refuse them since he goes on so few missions.
And unfortunately one of those missions is Nibelheim.
Things still go bad but with the advantage of cloud being already partially enhanced he wakes up pretty much when Zack does (though is in pretty bad shape for all he is moving) and through some general Turk paranoia and mako addled thoughts making him check literally every inch of the building for further threats he finds Vincent who in a mix of Turk Loyalty and the desire to put Hojo’s head on a stick agrees to come with them back to Midgar. (It goes against everything he once stood for to let a fellow Turk still half out of their mind with mako poisoning and years of trauma go off with only an equally mako poisoned and traumatized soldier as back up.)
And honestly three enhanced individuals against an army goes a lot better than one.
Which means eventually two ex Turks and an ex soldier walk into a bar and become eco terrorists and Shinra weeps.
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razypie · 1 year
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man looks so unbothered here 😭
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also, soft baby jerry hours 🥺🥺🥺
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theeflowerofcarnage · 7 months
freeing Orpheus really is the lawful stupid option….…doesn’t mean I’m not gonna do it one day but all I’m sayin is that Voss n laezel are asking a LOT of me to sell my soul to Raphael for it like they weren’t trying to murder me a few weeks ago
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lovethatmakingcoffee · 11 months
Manhua recommendations part 2! Straight version!
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I was planning on becoming her loyal sword, +52 Chapters
Rating: 9/10
The main character in this is so hot! Just a sword wielding hottie who is a bit oblivious to others' advances but she is slowly forming a harem because of how badass she is. She is living her life as a mercenary, protecting her younger sister, but eventually finds out her true heritage! I'm not quite sure where the story is going from here, but I have a feeling that we are just in the middle of it, so more plot will transpire from here on out. But I love her, she's fun and cool and everyone loves her including myself. Also her guy version is.... kind of hot too😳. Mm, the bisexual in me.
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Stepmother Marchen, +110 Chapters
Rating: 9/10
This is a dramatic but lovely story with AMAZING art. Lives her life, dies, get sent back in time to fix her past relationships. Every character is lovely and we get to see some interesting issues being discussed like domestic abuse, gambling addiction, and the-CHURCH. But my lady is doing amazing this time around and is just a total babe. Though I wouldn't call her a milf. And the reason it's not a ten out of ten is cause I'm weirded out why she is a mom in the first place. Like nothing happened between them, but why did she marry this old guy and have to raise his four kids when he died? She's like... fifteen 🤨. I haven't read it in a while, and this one's translation gets weird later on, but there are other copies that you can dip your toes into. It's a compelling and cool story, check it out!
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Please Marry Me Again, Husband! +59 Chapters
Rating: 8/10
I-LOVE-THIS-STORY! So soft, so fluffy, so wholesome. Cardi is sexy and I want to eat him up. They are so in love with each other, it's bananas. And really it's just a second chance at love and romance, and it's so charming. The protagonist is so much more sure and confident in herself after she died, got sent back in time to make her life better with the man she married. So perfect.
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It's Time to Change the Genre, +78 Chapters
Rating: 8/10
This shit is funny! Like the protag isn't the smartest transmigrated character, but she is fun and goofy and we love her for that. This story isn't a super typical transmigration story, cause there is the part that is kind of different than the rest tho I don't want to spoil it. But this is a fun story that makes me laugh. And her nephew is the cutest little butt head. Adorbs!
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Please don't come to the Villainess's stationary store, +54 Chapters
Rating: 7/10
Transmigrated and decides to leave her stupid family and start a new business. Which happens to be a stationary store where she gives candy to little kids at a neighboring school! Very cute! Very fluffy and wholesome! Her ex fiance is a dick, like probably the worst man ever, and her sister is a crazy bitch. So let's take revenge on them for inconveniencing the protagonist! And she is so smart and one step ahead of everyone and is so pretty aghhnjvhblagggh! And she just has a cute team of side characters who are their to support her during her time of need and it's so sweet! Like candy! Ahhh! Plus Plus! Here love interest is sexy~ Check this one out! Tho I should note that the translation here gets wonky later on, so you might need to find a new place to read it after a while.
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Here Comes the Silver Spoon! +80 Chapters
Rating: 8/10
This is a good story. It's not exactly how you expect it to go, but it's still very good. We got Adelaide over here, who is the richest, smartest, evilest babe alive and I love her for that. She is just morbidly evil and will sell you to satan for one potato chip. But like, in a hot way. So the story goes like, she is engaged but her sister steals her fiance, so Adelle's gotta find a new better husband in like a week so she won't lose the family fortune. Her sister, Noella is so fucked up (don't know why yet), love that for her. I just.... ahh! She is so fascinating and Adelle is so cool!
This is a transmigration story btw, so it is even more interesting that Adelaide has these preconceived notions of her sister which influence their relationship.
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A wicked tale of Cinderella's Stepmom, +96 Chapters
Rating: 9/10
Mommy! Mommy! MOMMY! MILF! WE GOT A MILF OVER HERE! And oh boy, she isn't like dangerous sexy, but she is so mommy it's hot! So person gets sent into cinderella's wicked stepmom's body and just decides "These are my daughters now." And just adopts all of them and loves them. And these girls are just *flings hands around* GIRLS! Like yes, yes! No girls hating girls here. We are just loving cute girls who have sleepovers and stuff. And mommy here is just mother henning them so much, I cry. And her love interest is such a chad. He's in victorian wherever and in his late twenties and sees a widowed forty-something-year-old woman with three older daughters and is like, "I'm your husband and their dad now." Like way to go, my guy. A man of culture I see. A true milfhunter, u have my respect, my liege. Also.... Feminism? In my manhua? It's more likely then you think.
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The Tyrant's Only Perfumer, +87.2 Chapters
Rating: 7/10
This one in the beginning is a 6/10 cause the art isn't the best, but it gets obviously polished over time, becoming a 7/10. Like you can just see the evolution of the artist's hand in this one. It's very impressive. But the story is pretty basic. Person dies and gets sent into a villainess's body, but it is endearing to me because they couldn't smell anything in their past life and in this life, they got a great nose and can make perfume! I'm like: I can't smell shit either! Let me live vicariously thru u! And also she starts a business, and I love it when these protagonists wanna make the money! I'm like, hell yeah! Be a successful entrepreneur! But yes, the art gets very pretty later on, the story and romance are pretty basic, but a fun little read. Nothing bad, but nothing astounding either.
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There is no use hanging on, +119 Chapters
Rating: 9/10
Ok, this is an amazing revenge story. We get dies, but gets a second chance at life by going back in time. You know the gist. And this story might be very predictable, but it's a good predictable where it is executed very well. The art is a bit wonk sometimes but honestly, it's the story that hooks you in. And all the characters are so compelling, I love it! I can't wait for more!
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It's not your baby! +48 Chapters
Rating 8/10
Found this one recently, it's very cute but also a story filled with longing and the aching feeling in your heart of someone else's absence. The babe here fucks her best friend, gets knocked up, decides she wants to keep the baby and not deal with any of the noble or royal drama that comes with it and decides to gtfo. She is a wise military leader who knows how to absolutely disappear off the radar and honestly, that is so cool of her. Feel bad for her love interest because he just wants to be with her and can't find her. It's a perfect story of angsty longing and also a cute lady who can't wait to have her baby. And ahhhhh it's adorable how excited she is. Love it.
But honestly, I totally get why she misunderstands him and his intentions, and also why she wouldn't want the world to know that she is pregnant. I think her reasonings make sense and I find it very intriguing.
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Another Typical Fantasy Romance, +79 Chapters
Rating: 10/10
AND I SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST!!!! Against what the name suggests, this is clearly not your typical fantasy romance story! It is so much more!!! Firstly, the male love interest isn't your typical willowy bishonen man. No, this is Pell and I want to chomp on his big fat nipples. He is a bear of a man, covered in hair and scars and uuuggh, Littera u are so lucky, girl! He is like- a gentle giant with big insecurities, but can also deck any monster and oof!!! He is just a nice change of pace and I wanna eat him up. Also Littera is just meta-savvy and knows her way around things, and we get to watch their relationship grow from pretty cute to so communicative it's ridiculous! There is no miscommunication here! They talk about their feelings and just make everything perfect between each other. It's so gooey, and cute, and they are so sensible! I love them and can't wait until they have a million little babies! I recommend this one out of all others if not just for Pell alone!
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stannussy · 9 months
Mmhhhh I think some people forget the fact that Radahn was first and foremost aligned to Sellia and I don't for a second believe he was loyal to the Golden order more as a neutral ally to it, he did admire his father and Godfrey but I haven't seen any indication as to why he'd be aligned to the Golden Order, Morgott himself called him a "willful traitor" As well it seems that he drove him away from Leyndell. I think Radahn was more aligned to The Carians than we think and I mean, it's kind of hard to ask him now.
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knightoflodis · 1 month
I have found a very good manwha that has a scarred muscular lady that wields a sword. Cassmire: The Loyal Sword is so fun right now. It may be isekai, but it is isekai light and it’s mostly just fun. Haven’t seen her in armor. But I hope they put her in armor.
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necronatural · 11 months
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back in the villainess webtoon mines with me
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so i know we already have the whole "older brother of a woman linked to us via dreams also dreaming of us" shtick covered by hríd, but we also have freyr apparently and it's been living in my head rent-free forever
this is his level 40 confession:
Long, long ago...I dreamt of a summer day spent beneath the sun's rays...And you were standing beside me in that dream, [Summoner]... There is no mistake. That was a true dream... It was a promise made by the future. How will the dream continue from here, I wonder... Of course, knowing would detract from the mystique. Dreams form our desires and shape the future...but for now, let us simply drift off into the summer sun.
how long ago was long, long ago...because for me, my mind immediately jumped to tiny freyr—with short hair and only a single braid instead of two and his eyes closed all the time still, but his face still manages to reveal his emotions when he does not give it permission to, particularly when his sister is involved—waking up as a voice inside his older self's brain, able to see and feel everything he does but unable to exert any influence, because he has always had some influence over dreams and that extends to visions of the future.
and there's this pretty mortal in a sundress who sits next to him as he's simply laying down, and when she says his name, his older self opens his eyes, only to be rewarded with salt water sprinkled at his face and a beautiful smile that makes his heart pound.
but he's so young and she's a mortal, and the only thing young freyr concedes that day is that it's nice to see freyja having fun with a friend.
the visions, bits and pieces out of context that show a wonderful future, don't stop after that day, as if to taunt him for when he disregarde, the clear signs that he grows to love her, because he does and how is it hard to when she cares for freyja so deeply that his sister is willing to trouble herself for the mortal's sake?
those in the palace begin whispering after the fifth time he bumps into the wall with a soft smile on his face.
he sees her past and sees her variable future—some things are fixed, but others are not. he sees her in a wedding gown, as a happy bride and a sad bride, he sees her with children, and he sees her grow old, whether alone or with her variable husbands; most of them are kings, but only three are of Midgard, and of those, one is only a grand duke, beloved brother to the empress.
(never with him)
he sees her in a beautiful deep red dress, on a balcony with only the company of fireworks; he hears the way his heart pounds, and remembers what he once thought; and though there is no recognition in her eyes, she welcomes him to her side all the same
but what should be the start of a two-sided relationship, an acknowledgement of him from her, becomes a time he hopes will never exist
because it isn't until much later that he learns what his sister attempts to do, how she traps the mortal in a neverending dream—about his death and the last thing he sees. to see her smile at him one last time...that much, at least, is granted to him.
but ironically, his desperate attempts to convince freyja to avoid such a path, to leave the beautiful mortal alone, are what drive her into consolidating her plans—and she never realizes, not until they both are willed into existence in Askr, that it wasn't simply a matter of loving mortals; that it was a matter of loving one mortal and wanting her to be happy to a self-sacrificial point.
because his death and freyja's, they are fated, they are fixed, and the prospect of them surviving even once means that they will have changed the future in all timelines. because they, like those of ymir, or hel, or vanir and asgard, exist outside of time—singular entities watching over all worlds—but are still beholden to it.
and then he is summoned, to her, and she smiles the way she did the first time. and freyr, he makes himself a promise. to be helpful in whatever way he can—to be the shoulder she can lean on when she's tired, the ears that listen to her sorrows.
and when summer brings along with it a warmth in the breeze, she takes him—and his sister, and his fairies, and her fairies, and all her other heroes—to a familiar scenery.
a familiar scene, salt water on his face, the beginning of his downfall.
the beginning of his love.
as a hero, his powers are restricted. he has no clue what goes on in the minds of his other selves summoned to other askrs, as he would've if he'd been alive. whether they're as lucky as he is, if they also "get the girl"
when night falls, he confesses his dream to her, his eyes still closed. she's quiet for a while, before she asks him about his words, about whether the dream formed his desires.
and when a quiet yes slips from his lips, and he tells her about wanting to be at her side, her smaller hand lightly grasps his own and feels something soft on his cheek, near his lips
"mine too. my desires...as well, since that dream. when you first approached me."
(telling freyja results in a tantrum from her and an attempted deescalation that his beloved takes far too much glee in.
by week 3, his sister pouts when he expresses his affection for his lover and mixes salt in her coffee, but there remains no malice in her actions.)
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kruinka · 1 year
young master! isagi and escort guard! kurona but the setting is chinese historical drama
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bitacrytic · 8 months
end of ep8: Tagon was scared when he learned that Nunbyeol was a neanthal
beginning of ep9: he managed to survive
end of ep9: he was scared because he finally understood what Saya meant by "his face" killing tagon
beginning of ep10: he still managed to survive
end of of ep10: he was scared because of the whirlwind fire
call me crazy, but I do not want him to suddenly get out of this for the third episode in a row. the episodes keep ending with him looking like something will destroy him, only for him to plot-armor his way out of it in the beginning of the next episode.
I get it. he's smart. he's diabolical. but come on! he's won enough for the season. it's time to start seeing some consequences and failures.
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