#the newsboys strike of 1899
kellyscowboy · 10 months
the world: we're raising the paper price
the newsboys of 1899:
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I'm so autistic for the Newsboys Strike of 1899
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wekiaam · 11 months
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"One for all, and all for one!"
124 years ago today, the newsies of New York started their strike against The World and The Journal!! To celebrate I made my own version of the front page picture<33
Here's which newsie is which!
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chaosfairy18 · 3 months
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Today a pic with a little less going on :) Have a Kid Blink re-draw of a scene in the movie! Isn't he great, our actual leader of the strike in real 1899? Yes he is Love to draw his hair btw, it looks so cool
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abovethefoldd · 4 months
“We only came close to dying six or seven times, which I thought was pretty good.”
- Les Jacobs on the strike, Newsies
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thatgaynewsies · 2 months
What are two special interests that have nothing to do with each other, but fallowed a similar path of interest.
I’ll start Greek mythology and unions both started from a surface level description, that could be its own special interest, newsies, and Percy Jackson and spiraled. 
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str4wb3rry-newsboy · 5 months
newsies fun fact of the day #4:
the rally in meddas theatre in the musical actually happened! it was held at irving hall instead of the bowery theatre, but it was in manhattan! several newsies made speeches, but the most notable ones were made by racetrack higgins, kid blink, and annie kelly!
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walkman-cat · 11 months
it's the 124th anniversary of the 1899 newsboy strike :] !
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in other news the river near where I live has reached a record flood high since
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crutchie-with-a-y · 2 years
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newsboys-of-1899 · 1 year
Hello, research paper person here, what exactly was the outcome of the strike? From the World’s statement, it seems as if nothing changed. However the World is one of the boycotted newspapers so I’m not sure if that is completely trustworthy?
Good instinct! Always question the bias of a source.
In this case, the boycotted papers remained at 60¢/100, but the papers offered buybacks on unsold papers. This meant the boys’ profit margins stayed the same but their working conditions improved as they didn’t have to stay out all night or eat the loss on unsold papers. That was the only change from the newsboys’ point of view.
From the perspective of the papers, though, a lot changed. The World and Journal’s popular image was tarnished and they no longer enjoyed the monopoly they’d held over the news before. People were buying other papers, including a smaller production known as the New York Times, dunno maybe you’ve heard of it, and the World and Journal couldn’t stop them.
From a business methods standpoint the strike also changed things. Faced with a shared threat, the two former rival papers started working together. This deal wasn’t ultimately enough to save them, but it did change their day-to-day operations quite a bit.
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felt-squirrels · 11 months
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pigeonwit · 7 months
god didnt give me artistic skill because he knew id make the funniest crossover art of uksies davey and billie the kid's david frances and the ryan kopel stannies just wouldn't be able to handle it
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letter-from-the-refuge · 11 months
Hey, I'm a huge fan of thinking of Crutchie as Jewish. But do you have a citation for the historical Crutch Morris being Jewish. Or are you basing this on Marty Belafsky?
Based on history! We don’t have one exacting citation, but a common hypothesis based on the pieces of citable information we do have.
The most conclusive simply being the fact that the overwhelming majority of people named Morris, a very Jewish name originating from Moshe, are themselves; especially given the time and place in history, when 40% of newsies who answered the 1901 NYC census were Jewish and there weren’t abundant legal or marital ways for a man’s name to be changed in the usa like there are today. Could this have been a false name like Jack Kelly or Blink? Of course, (though I doubt he would have recorded a false name when he was an elected official of the newsboy union) so, as with all other information, this has to be taken with a grain of salt.
We also have one photograph that is commonly associated to be Crutch Morris that many past historians have made the presumption from:
[im going to edit this to add the picture give me a few minutes sorry]
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This photo is commonly MIS-ASSOCIATED with Louis Hines’ work documenting New York’s working children in the 1930s. THIS IS INCORRECT. It appears nowhere in his published work. So much as a reverse image search tells us this is actually an undated photograph from the New York Historical Society Archive. @newsieshistory (their presence here is greatly missed) was able to match up the windows in the background to those on the Duane Street Newsboy Lodging House (the actual lodge house the one in the film is based on, where Kid Blink, Crutch Morris, Dutch[y] Johnson, [Swifty] the Rake, Bumlets, Snoddy, Pie Eater, Snipeshooter, among others really lived according to both articles on the strike and nyc census records), while it was operating as a newsboy lodge house, sometime c. 1890-1920. This could be another newsie that lived there during those years meeting the description of Crutch from the rally article, but its as close to a known photo as exists.
I am certain there is more, but I’m currently in the process of moving my historical documents out of google drive to fight the ai so I do not currently have access to my archive, I will attempt to add more tomorrow.
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nycnewsgirl · 11 months
Happy strike day fansies!
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thatgaynewsies · 7 days
Davey darts a strike on his second day of work that he needs to do to feed his family Jacob’s: I have only known the newsies for a day but if this price hike is real I’ll start a strike
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