#the niflheim leo
eye-burning · 1 year
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Drew the baby girls while visiting Erie <<<33
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eye-cri · 1 year
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Can we get W's for therapy 💯
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trickster-kat · 1 year
The Niflheim - King Leo CGs
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meowtheninjas · 8 months
Oh my god. Hi. Get ready for a random ass rant that you absolutely didn't ask for, but trust it'll end with my question.
Okay so I had a sudden derailing during one of my thoughts and this time around it started with Zeus, Mammon and Jean forming a sort of RnB group, bc I also decided I hc Jean being able to sing and thus being able to make a crazy RnB album. As in Usher level,,, phew!
Anyway, that lead me to thinking abt Leo and if he's a poc or not bc I was wondering how the human body regulates tanning, bc let's be real a white person doesn't tan that dark without artificial means.
And then I remembered Surt, the fact you said in one of your stories The Niflheim and WH are *both* canon, annd the fact that Surt is likely the inspiration if not an indirect reference to Vulcanox, the wolf that Zeus has a tendency to summon (and that I hc to become Aidma's familiar so they raise it together, but I digress).
SO I was WONDERING, how would you have interpreted that link from Surt to Vulcanox?
Ok so I was going answer this yesterday but u made my thoughts derail too so uhhh here’s ur answer:
Honestly I think it would be funnier to imagine that one day surt just got summoned by a blue gumball son of a bitch and was suddenly called vulcanox.
Obviously this would probs distraught Leo and surt is left up there thinking:
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So when surt continues to get summoned, Leo’s like, “u know what when u get up there, FUCK SHIT UP IDGAF—”
I also think it would be even FUNNIER if suddenly one day surt gets treated as a puppy instead of a god of war by Aidma the next time he gets summoned and surt comes back to Leo like, “hey check out this sweet souvenir—” and obviously Leo respects that cuz who wouldn’t.
In conclusion, congrats Leo is now aidma’s brother in law or something—
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mojo72400 · 2 years
Just Fuck Already
*at Café Einebrise, Tatsuya, Miyuki, Erika, Leo, Mikihiko, Mizuki, Honoka and Shizuku are having dinner*
Leo: *stabs the biggest piece of steak with his fork*
Erika: *grabs Leo's hand* What do you think you're doing? That's the big piece.
Leo: *yanks his hand away from Erika* Yeah. So?
Erika: The big piece goes to the big dog, AKA me.
Leo: And what makes you the big dog?
Erika: Um, everything. I'm smarter than you, I'm stronger than you, I can wet-nurse better than you. *lactates through her dress* Easy, girls.
Leo: Sorry, Erika. Anything you can do, I can do better.
Erika: I can do anything better than you.
Leo: No, you can't!
Erika: Yes, I can!
Leo: No, you can't.
Erika: Yes, I can. *stands up and sings* ♪Yes, I can!♪
Leo: *stands up and sings* ♪No, you can't!♪
Erika: ♪Yes, I can!♪
Leo: ♪No, you can't!♪
Miyuki: *activates Niflheim and freezes the restaurant* Enough! Can't we have one meal without you two getting into an angry singing contest?! Why is everything a competition? *unfreezes the restaurant*
Tatsuya: Yeah, you guys should just fuck and get it over with. *Everyone stares at Tatsuya while both Leo and Erika blush over his statement* Clearly, they have repressed sеxual feelings for each other that they're channeling into hostility.
Mikihiko: How's that Psych 101 class going?
Tatsuya: It's only day three, but I understand how the whole world works now.
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andywinter16 · 1 year
Terror. Madness. Grief. It flashed all through Regis head when they got safely back to Insomnia. Poor Noctis cried the whole time for Luna. Luna and Ravus, he left them in their enemies hands. He sweard to Sylva, that he will get them back. Niflheim would pay for their crimes ! After leaving exhausted Noctis in hands of his caretakers, Regis went alone to the Crystal chamber. To have a word with his ancestors who silently observed their lifes. 
Regis ordered everyone to leave. No one understand why, yet who they were to questioned the king´s decision. After that the chamber became cold, it felt even hostile to be alone there with Crystal. Regis  without any pretensions summoned the power of the ring after more than eight years since he lost her, love of his life. He yearned for his Queen so much, for her soothing touch, her breathtaking smile and a raucous laugh. Those joyful memories still hurted when he though about her. You left us too soon, my love. 
The kings and queens of Yore showed themselves before the current king. The time itself froze in the moment. A powerful magic was unleashed and Crystal reacted. 
“ Why did you called upon us, child?” said the Founder king strictly on his massive throne. Regis felt so insignificant in their presence. 
Drained Regis spoke to him as politely as he could. “"I wish to speak to my dear wife. She should be here among you as rightful ruler of Insomnia.” He stood there in anticipation, but no one showed up. The kings and queens were silent, until the Rogue queen took pity on him and said. “Young king, her soul is not here among us.”  Regis was shocked. “ Then where is soul of my beloved?”
“ What an insolence, to think a mere mortal could be in our ranks.” the Warrior king said offended, many of the attendees agreeing with him.
Regis narrowed his eyes at the old king. “ Let me remind you o mighty king, that you all were once mortals like myself. And you especifically should know, what it is to lose your loved one.”  One by one Regis looked around and exclaimed coldly. “ I ask you once again rulers of Yore, where is my wife?”  Yet again no answer was given to Regis.
“Perhaps, I can give you the answer, your highness.” a woman emerged out of nowhere before Regis. He fastly drew his sword in defense. The woman came closer unarmed, as Regis noticed. She looked very young perhaps in her early twenties. “ You can´t expect answer from those who Bahamut chained to do his biding, my lord.”The woman looked at him with regret.” A cursed line of Lucis Caelum, to never know rest. You were ripped from my lady´s hands, when she wanted to bestow blessing upon your bloodline, your highness.”  Regis was wary of her, yet something in him told him to listen to this child. “ If only I was stronger, then I could ripped Bahamut apart for his treachery.” the woman clenched her hand into a fist,” Your highness, you want answers that I can give you, my only condition is that you listen to what I have to say.”  Regis briefly thought about it, he didn´t see  harm in it.
“Let´s say young one, that I would accept this proposal. But first tell me, who are you and about what lady you spoke of to?”  curiosite got better of him.
The woman bowed deeply. “ Hope your highness will pardon my rudeness. I am here on behalf my lady, Etro. And as for me, I am her humble servant Andrea, but perhaps  you will be more familiar with a name  Leo.”  mischievous smile played on her full lips. Regis froze in place upon hearing that name. He remembered the ancient books, in his youth, that told about that name: Leo the beast of Etro´s gate and guardian of dead.
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
Otome Characters I Loved Long Ago...
A/N: I actually had a few days in December where I tried to find characters from older Otome games that I was so in love with when I was in my late teens. It's kinda funny how my love for otome boys seemed to extend well into my 20s. And while some games/love interest paths are no longer available (I'm actually sad by that), some are.
Warning: Major Spoilers?
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Mad (Hatter) - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
Like Satan from Obey Me is now, Mad was my absolute favorite character back then. I think where he was so kooky and sweet, I was just so head over heels. And I just loved how he and the MC interacted together (not to mention that there were these two little boys named Humpty & Dumpty who Mad & MC took care of like a family). This man learned to love as the story progressed (and depending on your choice, it got you the good or bad ending). I absolutely adore him.
To be fair, all of the love interests in the game was amazing.
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Leo - Shall We Date : Niflheim
Firstly, I'm so happy that his story route is on Story Jar (Damn, it was like 8 years ago when they released his story). But I can tell you that I love him dearly. I mean, he just kinda literally sweeps you off your feet in his story. King Leo claimed MC as his wife after all (despite her being engaged to King Jean). Not to mention he is so handsome. (I will mention that I feel like Mammon is a mix between him and the King Jean). And he has a Red Wolf named Surt that is his closest companion. Anyways, he deserves all the kisses, I love him.
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Cheshire Cat / Noir - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
Speaking of amazing love interests, I LOVE Noir! You actually didn't get to see what he really looked like until you actually played his route. And I'll admit, Cheshire Cat randomly appearing for chaos only mad me angry. But after playing his story, I just fell so in love with this mysterious yet sweet chaotic fella.
And as much as I'd love to play his story again, after most of the Shall We Date games were deleted forever and/or moved to one main app, his story was completely removed (along with Ash's & Bill's). So I'm kinda pissed about that.
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Pale Ghost / Nick - Shall We Date : Niflheim
So he's a sad boy, but I loved him. Honestly since the story has you betrothed to Jean from the very prologue, I was glad that there was an option "not" to romance Jean (while I played his story eventually, I did not like him at first), meeting Nick in story was like fate. It was mysterious how you were the only one who could see him. And just he and the Niflheim MC just clicked instantly. I absolutely loved their romance and even cried when I thought they were doomed. Seriously this character and his story sent me through through emotional turmoil.
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Joker - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
While I was playing Mad's story, my best friend was playing Joker's. So once I got around to it, I definately saw why she would giggle about him. He was this loveable tsundere boy who had a sad backstory. And he was certainly charming and good intentioned. Naturally, I'd fall in love with him as well.
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Diavel (Demon) & Ruvel (Reaper) - Shall We Date : Angel or Demon
This was one of the Otome Games that walked so others could run. I remember that I took a liking to these two way more than I did the angel Latis. I don't know, they were just so cool and mysterious. Not to mention, Diavel was very seductive in general (0f course). However I regret that I don't remember too much about them. I just remember that the MC had 7 days to live before their soul would be taken by one of those guys. And the story had a sad ending from what I can remember (like ofc, a human couldn't be with these beings ig).
Unfortunately as this game was one that was permanently deleted, I'll never get to play it again.
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Yamato Kougami - My Forged Wedding
I'm 100 sure that this was my first ever otome love. Looking back, I can't believe I was really into the tsundere boys that were kinda really mean. However, as the story progressed, he turned out to be alright. I'm not sure I would chose him today if I could replay it. But I would at least give him a second chance.
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Takao Maruyama - My Forged Wedding
So after playing Yamato's story, I played Takao's story. And honestly I just adored him from the get go, but slowly my heart would break as he would distance himself from MC at times. I'm sure if I played it now, I wouldn't be so bothered but since I was like 17 or 18 when I played this, my tiny heart just shattered as I was so emotionally invested. I do remember the story resolving into something nice though. And now looking back, I think the story was written pretty well for what it was.
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cultoficarus · 2 months
I'm still soooo upset over Niflheim+ not existing anymore. Phillippe my first love, Leo my last love...... I'll never forget you......
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nitia95 · 4 years
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@eye-cri for you!
Things I must say:
1) don't get mad at me, I needed a ghost Gray 😂
2) the different sizes of their heads just happened, it wasn't on purpose.
3) I don't know what kind of pose Hiro is making, but I thought it's kinda cool.
I had fun drawing this! (even though Alfonse gave me a hard time ugh no more frontal faces)
Feel free to ask me other #sixfanarts (multifandom)!
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memories-amnesia · 7 years
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ANOTHER ROUTE: DONE (I am knocking them out left and right!) Check out my blog for my review of baby Leo!
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dreams2art · 5 years
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Shall we date - The Niflheim (Sun vs Moon)
While currently reading Leo’s route, I was inspired to draw a scene of kings and their closest friend / attendant. Thus Orlando, Jean, Surt, and Leo.
I chose to draw Jean here more sad and contemplative - rather than his happy energetic self. I wanted to reflect the similarity between the two kings, and also the weight and responsibility a king has. Both may have lost something in order to gain that power, but in doing so they have gained tried and true friends. Friends who they can just be themselves around without their titles.
I really had fun with this piece! I also figured out that dying pens make for great shaders! Heh heh! Thank you for taking the time to view this! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did sketching it. (Click to enlarge the image)
**please do not upload these anywhere - ask for permission thanks**
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eye-cri · 8 months
OH! I forgot I wanted to say this but I think I know what Leo's story lacked. I think the first half of the story was sorta fine, maybe could have built on Isabella's indifference towards Jean more but I think the second half of the story should have taken place in Muspelheim.
I think that other than a reversed Jean vs Leo, there just wasn't enough to work with considering that Leo was the King of Muspelheim. But there could have been fairly good opportunities had the swd? Niflheim team been open to shift the setting towards Muspelheim. We could have seen a believable conflict from someone of Muspelheim towards King Leo's choices. Possibly even someone that could have been close to Leo.
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incorrectniflheim · 6 years
Leo: Your assistant threw a knife at me. It missed my head by three inches.
Orlando: She needs to work on her aim.
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caketime · 6 years
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ffxvficrec · 3 years
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A couple of call outs -
- We have listed relationships [platonic and romantic], ratings, and Archive Warnings - With that in mind, please tread mindfully! Remember to look at the tags before reading.
You can also check out the AO3 collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/ffxv_oc_week_2021/works
Fire and Steel by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
General Rating
“Aesta Impes.” She doesn’t offer her name so much as flings it out into the space between them and dares them to say something about it.
Overland, Through Spirit by chocobothis
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Teen Rating
“The odds for you are low, Avitus,” he briefly looked at her. “Two passes to seven fails. Do not make it eight.”
She refused to answer until he locked eyes with her. If the last person to see Vren Avitus alive was Captain Drautos then he would remember her. That was something she wanted to make sure of.
“Yes, sir.”
Gaining A Blessing... by AmaraBliss
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
General Rating
Just a snapshot of when Amara goes to the temple with her father to receive the blessing from the Glacian in Niflheim.
Bromance by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Original Male Character(s)
General Rating
In which three idiots fall in love and none of them knows how to say it.
The Fall by Starofwinter
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Original Male Character(s)
Teen Rating
When the fighting starts, Leo is already halfway up the Citadel’s steps, ready to help with getting King Regis to safety, when Monica’s voice crackles over his earpiece: all available Crownsguard and Kingsglaive, the city is under attack. Begin civilian evacuations at once. His heart skips a beat, but he turns on his heel and starts to run.
Sunset by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
General Rating
Insomnia hasn't changed at all since it fell.
Promises to Keep by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Original Male Character(s)
Teen Rating
At the best times, Leo is glad Aurora died before the worst of it began.
At the worst times, he envies her that.
Between Sunrise and Sunset by Megane
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Prompto Argentum & Original Character(s)
General Rating
Futurus and Prompto head out on a quest, just the two of them, in the World of Ruin.
New Growth by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
Cor Leonis/Original Female Character(s)
General Rating
Cor gets home after a long day.
We Can't Start at the Beginning by Megane
Major Character Death
Prompto Argentum & Original Character(s)
Ten years can change a man, but ten years after the Last Sunset can absolutely ruin one.
The Ambassador's Daughter by AuroraRayXV
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Ignis Scientia/Original Female Character(s)
Not Rated
Once the Lucian ambassador's protégé, Aurora Legatia finds herself thrust into the unexpected role of Pathfinder for the Crownsguard, hunting for hidden royal tombs alongside the Hunters. As events unfold for the prince and his retinue, Aurora and her companions race against time to uncover the lost royal arms before Noctis sets sail for Altissia--but this proves a far more daunting task than she could have imagined. Treasure hunting for elusive artifacts, she learns, hardly scratches the surface of the challenges that await her in the outlands of Lucis....
Snare by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Sometimes monsters have human faces, and sometimes aid comes from the unlikeliest of places.
We Could Have Been Anywhere, Anywhere Else by Starofwinter
Major Character Death
Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Original Male Character(s)
Teen Rating
The moon will sing a song for me I loved you like the sun
FFXV OC week by Fangirl_Reice
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Ignis Scientia/Original Female Character(s)
General Rating
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Talia: crystal colidum! Auriana: crystal deflectus! Iris: crystal leos!
Ren: Uhh... Niflheim!
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