#the other insane people will actually indulge my headcanons and talk to me about my fanfictions
devilcroc · 1 year
i always forget how much dopamine i get from comically small amounts of Internet Points because every time i get a note i imagine a person physically telling me "good job! 👍"
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moongreenlight · 8 months
“Realistic Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley headcanons” and then it’s just the fun police.
Mdni. Nsfw below cut.
- It makes me want to scoop my fucking brain out with a spoon when people say that Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley is some shy, anxious soft boy. I really do not believe he’d need to be coddled after a nightmare or babied when he’s feeling angsty. He is fine, y’all. Please don’t call paw patrol.
He is a soldier. He’s a war criminal. He is traumatized to the point of numbness. He is fucked up and weird and insane and honestly I think that we should all let everybody have their thing.
I cannot fix him. I do not want to fix him. I can only make him worse.
- Sorry but I just cannot write him having any kind of romantic feelings toward Soap. I like writing their dynamic more brotherly.
Furthest they’ve gone is ‘locker room gay.’
Like Johnny sends him dick pics on occasion because he thinks it’s funny and it pisses Ghost off.
That being said, I do read the occasional Ghoap fic. I’m not a perfect person. Sometimes it’s just yummy delicious.
- Feel like he’s the kind of freak to intentionally go to the gym without headphones. Something about discipline. Opting to just stare at the wall in front of him while he’s doing cardio or counting repetitions of exercises.
But on the rare occasion that he does indulge himself, he has a playlist of like 5-6 songs he likes and when it ends he just goes back to silence. Divorced dad rock. Chorded headphones only.
- Doesn’t have the debilitating commitment issues as people paint him out to have. Just commitment-phobic. Obviously stems from his past. He’s got that sexy deep rooted fear of abandonment or something horrible happening to people he actually lets close to him. But he’s not completely turned off by the idea of romantic attachments or close friends, just a little hesitant to open himself up to that kind of opportunity.
Probably very cagey about romantic partners. Doesn’t want the guys to know about you. Doesn’t keep pictures of you around his bunk or anything like that. He’s worried it’ll somehow compromise your safety. Worried about you getting swept up in his work.
- Women’s rights? Or Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley? I really do think he’d love to have a partner who lets him provide *everything* for them. He just wants to serve and protect. Wants his bird to be in a gilded cage all nice and safe and reliant on him for survival.
Doesn’t even really like the idea of you going to the grocery store by yourself. Would prefer if you just stayed put and tended his home and cooked him meals and let him dote on you and provide everything you could ever need.
- Has a really strange understanding of technology. He’s fine with the newer military stuff. That’s his element. He can do electrical wiring, set up a TV, install security cameras. That’s all whatever. But a cell phone? He doesn’t give a shit enough to keep up with the new updates and all the new things you have to learn when you get a smartphone. Wishes he would have kept a flip phone.
Texts like this: [OK. See youtonight.]
MAYBE has a private Facebook with no profile picture where the only things on his wall are Price wishing him a happy birthday every year.
His camera roll is like; 97 accidental screenshots of his Lock Screen, a few pictures of him and the task force boys, the inside of his pocket (another accident), a sunrise, a few cool things he found on missions, 34 pictures of Soap and Gaz when they took his phone.
- Insufferable in the early stages of trying to date him. Little to no communication other than basically demanding you meet him somewhere. Texting or talking on the phone? Like pulling fucking teeth. You think he’d rather be dead.
It was a headache getting him to go out in the first place. Maybe you worked at a bar where the guys would come to have a drink after a long day. He’s a little stand-offish but he’s handsome and he knows how to banter well enough for you to be persuaded by a coworker to slip him your number after you complained one too many times about a shit hookup or yet another terrible first date. It takes him nearly two weeks to phone you.
“Didn’t think you’d call.”
“Didn’t think I would either.”
He takes you out once, you think he seems sort-of interested, then he doesn’t phone or text you back for three days. You get over it. A few more dates in. You can tell he’s a bit more relaxed. A bit more open. You’re less worried that you’re a terrible conversationalist. Then he goes on a month long deployment without saying anything in advance. Radio fucking silent yet again. You want to tear your hair out. When he finally gets back, he’ll text you something like [Atthat pub you like. Drinks ?] completely out of the blue. You think you may actually go insane.
- Once he’s gotten used to you, it’s like the sole purpose of his life is to be your protector even if you’ve only recently convinced yourself he may want something casual. You’re small and grab-able. He knows how nasty people can be and what think when they see you. He needs to know that you’re taken care of, kept safe from such a scary world.
So he’ll just linger around you. All the time. Standing behind you when you’re at the till at the store, staring down the cashier who was only trying to be friendly when they asked if you had any fun plans for the rest of the day. Big arms folded over his chest. Looming so largely he threatens to eclipse you without taking a single step forward. Eyes burning a hole into the poor person who hastily finishes the transaction without another word.
Walking silently next to you in the evenings after you’re both off work; close enough to brush shoulders, but that’s about it. Listening to you chirp on about your day. Occasionally offering a small grunt of acknowledgement or a few words of interjection. Always walks on the side of the path that he thinks could pose you the most immediate danger. Shielding you from what may lurk in a darkened alley or a hedge or a small thicket of trees.
Scary dog privilege, but like… for when you go to fill your car up with gas in broad daylight in a good part of town and he insists on standing out there with you. ‘Just in case’ If he even lets you out of the car in the first place.
- AND OFF THAT POINT. I think once he’s decided that he’s actually fond of you, it goes from zero to a hundred so fast it makes your head spin.
Like the last time you spoke, it was still unclear on if you were keeping things casual or not and now you’re at dinner and the waiter just asked him if the two of you wanted dessert and Simon just grunts “dunno. Ask the missus.” ??? He sucks so bad I NEED him.
- As much as I love an overly possessive and jealous Simon, I saw this tweet that said “My girlfriend can wear what she wants because she’s a hoe and I knew that before we started dating” and it changed my life.
He’s secure enough not to need to cause a scene if someone makes a pass on you in public. He understands that you’re attractive and that other people are bound to find you attractive too. (Not that he doesn’t still want to pull their fingernails out one by one, threatening them and everything they love for daring to exist near you. He’s just got better control over himself than that. King.)
He knows he’s better than any of your other options. Nobody else could keep you as safe as he could. They don’t know the world like he does. They don’t know how breakable you are. How sweet and naive you can be.
Not to say he isn’t overly jealous and possessive, he just won’t pitch a fit in public.
LIKE dragging him to the bar with your friends and he sits at the table with all of your drinks. Him watching you dancing out of the corner of his eye, seeing some prat come up and grab your ass in passing. Or a group of guys dancing with your friends getting a little *too* close to you for his liking. He doesn’t do anything while the two of you are out- not wanting to ruin your fun. But that night after you’ve gotten back to his flat (He insisted. Closer to the bar. Uber was cheaper.) and he’s tearing your miniskirt off like it’s personally offended him. He’ll be a little rougher. A little more liberal with the marks his mouth leaves on your collarbones and inner thighs. His strong hands will grab at the fat of your hips a little harder than he should- leaving bruises where his fingers dug in. He’ll lean over you while you’re split open with his length, snarling down at you. “Had everyone’s attention tonight, didn’t you, pet?“ “You like havin’ eyes on you?” “Greedy fuckin��� slag.” “Can’t appreciate what you have.” “Need a reminder of who you’ve got to impress.” Maybe he’ll take you in front of a mirror, massive hand fixed on your jaw. Jerking your face up so you have to look at yourself being ruined by him. How pretty and slutty you look when your makeup is ruined by the tears he’s fucking out of you.
- He calls you ‘bird’ or ‘pet’ more often than anything else. A little on the nose for how he treats you. Like you’re some small, frail thing that can’t go a day without him. Stripped of your natural survival instincts and instead leaning on him for support and comfort and food and shelter. Just how he likes it.
GOD he’s a fucking freak. Gross and mean and fucked in the head. Makes my stomach hurt. I hate him. I wish I was schizophrenic so I could vividly hallucinate him.
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revengebian · 2 months
ok so this post is gonna be soooo self indulgent, it's about my favorite show revolutionary girl utena. it's pretty niche, but there's a fandom for it on tumblr, and i love the theories i see circulating here but the thing that irks me is that no one actually "headcanons" the main character utena as a girl. she's always non binary and/or trans masc. utena is like, the most insane butch lesbian representation you can ever get in a 90s shoujo, and one of the reason i dislike these trans headcanons is i guess selfish cuz i relate to utena so much and i hate the pipeline of gnc girls being trans, but also because the show is literally ABOUT dismantling the system of gender + patriarchy.
without spoiling (because i highly encourage people to watch it, this show rocks) utena's conflict is that she wants to be seen as a prince who saves other girls, but because she is a girl herself in a super sexist society, no one takes her seriously. she wants to be a prince but, as the show progresses, it becomes increasingly clear that becoming a prince doesn't actually help the people she cares about, because the system she's fighting is built on the idea that people can be princes at all. i think it's a really good allegory for how gender in modern society works; despite saying they want to abolish it, people just swap different boxes on and off.
unfortunately i can't make a full analysis on this show because it would require me spoiling the end, which i just can't do. it's okay though because im just glad i got some of this off my chest; i feel strongly enough about this show to talk about it on this blog where im still not sure how much of myself i want to express.
if you're a rad fem please watch revolutionary girl utena and tell me what you think lol
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humming-fly · 9 months
every year for my birthday I do something self-indulgent and THIS year it's me finally organizing all the doodles and lore for my kirby oc Fayre that I have yet to put on tumblr into one place!
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because i love you all putting the vast majority of this under a readmore but yeah if you want a collection of doodles and vaguely coherent scraps of info about my little guy please read on and if you want to ask questions about 'em go for it i love talking about these idiots
gonna also be mentioning a few other OC's here so for the record Strix belongs to @alagaesia-overlord and Stell belongs to @aseuki, because everyone knows it's more fun being insane about something if you have company~
real quick gonna just link to the past main posts on fayre for posterity lol
Fayre Details/Backstory:
So as has already been established in prior posts fayre is a very fae-aligned little critter that pretty exclusively hangs out in the woods with their 1-way mirror mask behaving for all intents of the word like some sort of weird cryptid. In terms of defining characteristics they have a set of very odd wings that constantly emit a stunning aura that causes confusion/distress when observed at close quarters, as well as a permanent 0.0 expression that they can't change (so no blinking, smiling, etc.) which is a byproduct of their creation as a mirror clone.
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How all that worked out is their 'original', Prism, landed right next to a mirror portal as a newborn and more or less immediately wandered into it - my general headcanon about how the mirror doubles work is that they're made up of Every reflection someone has made up to the point they look into the amazing mirror, but since prism only just existed her first and only reflection was the 0.0 expression of a child looking through the mirror before passing through it, so fayre is locked and loaded with that expression but nothin' else. This is also why fayre's wings are way different than prism's bird-of-paradise setup, as technically prism's back was never reflected by the mirror either so it got the randomizer setting instead.
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Despite being 'born' more or less at the same time the two never formally met until many years later, as prism wandered right into the mirror world and fayre wandered right out into the primary world and neither ever looked back. Differences aside, when prism did eventually track fayre down they immediately hit it off and now consider each other to be twin siblings. (Prior to meeting Prism Fayre didn't know they were a mirror clone, but largely took learning that detail in stride, as they do with most things)
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In terms of early life fayre was actually found and raised by a small village of broom hatters, who came upon this child in a little crater they'd made after falling off the cloud holding up the mirror
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The broom hatters assumed that fall was what had paralyzed their face, but fortunately as the broom hatters are a race of faceless creatures themselves the lack of expressions wasn't ever a problem. Not being able to move or open their mouth means fayre can't talk with it, but instead uses the general telepathic way of speaking used by most species lacking that particular facial feature. The main benefit of that skill is being able to throw their voice and also talk in hieroglyphics if desired
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Fayre stayed with the broom hatters until reaching early adolescence, after which they left to go explore the natural world - though now living on their own they do still come back to say Hi every year or so during the Sweeping Seasons.
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Fayre got their wings sometime while off living by themselves in the woods, and after some trial and error did figure out a way to more or less 'replace' their wings with a funky cape (the trial and error being a learning curve whereupon getting near people with their wings would cause people to get dizzy/sick, so for a while they were wandering around in a little cape they found until they could puzzle out a way to properly tuck them away) - while the cape is replacing the wings they're more or less 'in stasis', so damaging the cape doesn't damage the wings and vice versa, and is more of a strange pocket dimensional swap than anything. Thus the cape can't actually be removed from fayre, trying to rip it off them won't hurt or anything but will probably just yank them around a bit (maybe they're somehow trading their wings with an equivalent in the yarn dimension? who knows, they certainly don't)
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The wings themselves are pretty odd as they look sort of like dragonfly wings but are actually made up of individual feathers of varying traits - general consensus is they are indeed very pretty, but other than gliding fayre can't actually fly that well with them. The stunning aura on them Does keep bugs and wildlife away though making them ideal for forest exploration, and fayre will wrap themselves up in them every night when going to bed as the wings work to deter any predators from going after them, and it's Comfy
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~Plot Stuff Begins~
Meeting Strix:
For quite a while Prism was the only consistent point of contact Fayre had with anyone else, and even then the two only visited one another infrequently, both happy to largely keep to the homes and lives they've carved out for themselves.
The first major change to fayre's day to day life was the introduction of another puffball named Strix, who happened upon them while looking for their wayward coworker
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After conversing a bit it was discovered that Strix is actually employed as a Reaper, of the paper-pushing variety, and only tends to poke their head out of purgatory when hunting down their work-shirking coworker.
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Said work-shirking coworker is also the reason strix is the only person fayre has met that isn't affected by their wing's wonky aura - spending a few centuries in close quarters with someone who puts out a very similar status effect tends to build up an immunity, which fayre tries their best to take full advantage of
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Fayre and Strix managed to hit it off early on, and occasionally meet up every month or so for an hour or two to get their required socializations in before wandering back off from whence they came. Strix will often share their work bereavements, or encourage fayre to actually learn some self-defense, which is largely met with playful ambivalence, though despite fayre's general disinterest in combat some minor progress was made on strix's part
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(To that end farther the line a more favorable and not at all ominous deal was struck between the two so time will tell how that pans out)
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During one of these chats strix also shared some of their Tragic Backstory:tm:, which fayre empathized with in the only way they know how
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These friendly meetings continued with regularity for some odd years, up until fayre accidentally rode-along on one of strix's business calls~
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Meeting Stell (aka The 'Among-Us' Arc):
Unfortunately for Fayre, Strix had been called to investigate what was reported to be an erroneous wish caused by a faulty comet, one without its proper safety regulations in place. Fayre tumbled on through strix's portal and into the sidelines of an ongoing fight between strix and some new armored fighter apparently affiliated with said comet.
Hoping to avoid whatever anime-ass conflict was going on over there, fayre started drifting towards the only other point in space of any note, the giant cat-like mechanical comet. Unfortunately for fayre, whoever had maintained that comet had rigged it up with a series of perimeter defenses, which fayre became intimately familiar with as they were shot down and forced to land on the comet itself to escape the bullet-hell firing at them.
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Suffering some fun knicks and scrapes predominantly on their wings fayre pushed that on the back burner with their cape and started to look for an exit from this weird mechanical death trap. (Past this point Fayre has a quasi-permanent notch in their left feather).
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Thus began fayre's fun-filled two-ish weeks of impromptu among us where they had a jolly time hiding in the vents and cutting wires to stall the maniac doing their level best to eject them with lethal force
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Eventually contact was made with the assailant, whose name was apparently Stell, and an agreement was brokered just as Strix finally decided to stop by again to see how fixing that busted-ass comet was going.
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after that misunderstanding was cleared up Fayre finally got off that shitty comet and after being dropped off in the woods by strix managed to trudge all the way to the mirror dimension to visit prism and get some bandaids (slash bullet holes patched up)
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Mirror Arc & Beyond:
Some additional fun is had with the twins in the mirror dimension, namely the whole kitten kaboodle becoming corrupted for a time and fayre becoming a bit of an asshole because of it, which predominantly ended up aimed at strix who popped by to help sort all that out
post-corruption fayre found out apparently strix took the verbal abuse personally and fixed that all right up in their own way by visiting them at their workplace
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tragically for fayre's happy-go-lucky attitude they've come to be attached to strix, which only became obvious once strix relayed a recent near-death experience to them and they got to experience their first ever Bummer Emotion
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making that extra fun was learning said near-death experience was caused by their good friend Stell, which in turn lead to fayre's first ever Catching Hands Emotion
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fayre's emotional roller coaster topped out after more or less jumping stell in a convenience store and trying to forcibly shove their own negative emotions down his throat after he brushed off the encounter he'd had with strix (partially due to running a high fever but that sure wasn't fayre's problem) - since then they've leveled back out and are back to being the most emotionally well-balanced of the three, which is a low bar to clear but hey first place is still first place~
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auromelt · 8 months
what do you think amazaki’s relationship would be like after the events of the movie (both platonically/romantically) and do you have headcanons? i’d love to hear them
sooooo excited to answer this!! i’m doing this on mobile so the formatting will probably be shit but my laptop is being serviced at the moment so well… and i’m really happy you differentiated platonic and romantic szam because i have different thoughts for both sides! i’m also gonna be using their first names because they feel like family to me today. anyways this post is long so…
generally i think they’re not getting any less toxic with each other lol. in the movie, kohei gave me the vibe of someone who’s been betrayed and used for his money by people he cared about or maybe considered his friends in the years he spent without ryo, which resulted in him becoming mistrustful of people and sealing himself away from creating bonds (which is preposterous to people like fujio because hello? this whole series is about forming bonds. get it together kohei!). so while kohei is doing his whole isolation from humanity bit, ryo enters as someone he used to know and used to know him. but that him is dead now, right? kohei isn’t the same as he was when they were 8 and ryo was his friend who shared promises and sodas with him. that kohei is sooooo dead. except he’s not. and ryo’s devotion and mental illness managed to wake that side of him back up from its slumber. this sets the scene for ryo being something like an exception to kohei, because ryo genuinely cares about him beyond his name and the depths of his pockets, he’s a person from a simpler time in kohei’s life, and despite everything kohei has said, he still harbours affection for that boy. and now ryo is crying like a baby on the floor in front of everyone they somewhat know after losing the goddamn fight and getting stabbed, and kohei isn’t even really angry. (did ryo ever get his hand stitched up btw? go to the hospital bruh)
now i have two ways this next part can go. let’s start with the idea that they actually do end up staying with each other and then my second idea that they don’t
onto present day, let’s talk about what i think about their relationship post movie, after crying on the floor like a baby, ryo makes up with kohei and they somewhat restore their friendship. but like i said earlier, ryo is an exception to his wah wah i hate people and friends are a waste of time schtick. plus he beat up or bribed almost everyone in the cast so nobody would even want to be his friend anyway? so basically ryo is his only friend and because of ryo’s nature, kohei is also his only friend, not because ryo can’t make other friends, i envision him as being quite popular actually with his strength and his awkward babygirlness that has charmed the masses, anyways its not because theres a shortage of people who want to be friends with ryo but rather there’s a shortage of people who ryo wants to be friends with (he’s got a list and it’s just kohei’s name on a sheet of paper). anyways, as i was saying ryo is literally all kohei has at this point, and stupid saboten but nobody wants to be friends w him, so hes probably really insecure and possessive over ryo. ryo could leave him at any moment (he wouldn’t. they’re for lifers in ryo’s head) and kohei can’t have that happening, not when ryo is basically the only person on earth who loves him and who he cares about at all. that’s his tether to his humanity. he needs ryo with him no matter what. and because ryo is mentally ill and has attachment issues, he indulges and fuels kohei’s possessiveness and allows it to grow and grow until their worlds literally just center each other.
like i’m sorry but i can’t see their relationship ever being healthy. this is batshit insane amagai kohei and devoted guard dog suzaki ryo we’re talking about.
in my second scenario, they split. kohei is actually kinda pissed about what ryo did in the final arc and drops his ass. he learns absolutely nothing in the fight. of course, this is kinda disputed by the final scene where he calls ryo his friend and they’re still clearly together. though in my head, as a suzaki ryo worshipper, i think it might actually be possible for him to break the chain and get out of his terrible situation. as much as i like my szam, they’re awful for each other and it’s far more detrimental to ryo than it is for kohei, they have an awful power imbalance and kohei didn’t treat ryo well. of course, kohei is mid without ryo’s aid, in a fight against a badly injured tsukasa he almost died real bad, so i doubt he’d let the only person who still ate from his hand after oya n the others cornered them in the gym go. ryo would probably be punished for losing and ryo, being ryo, would take it quietly and suffer for the rest of his life.
isn’t that depressing.
ANYWAYS with all that out of the way, let’s dive into my headcanons. i’ll start with the romantic ones because i love my doomed yaoi like that and then write a list of stuff that can be either romantic or platonic because i believe you can’t actually have a romantic relationship without a platonic one.
romantic szam (some 🔞)
kohei is a proud lover. everytime he speaks to someone about ryo he refers to him as my boyfriend, my lover, etc. ryo is wayyyy more reserved than that and barely talks to people, so you’ll have to glean how much he likes kohei from his body language
kohei is jealous as fuck their relationship is like the “you’re the most jealous man i know” “you know other men?” post (y’all watch cherry magic) his stomach starts hurting when ryo so much as looks at another person. ryo could beat a guy up and he’d be like “you should’ve touched him less while punching him.”
kohei says i love you first and ryo cries. ryo is too awkward to say it even though he’s basically been in love with kohei for a whole decade now. talk about slow burn. kohei gets embarrassed when ryo cries and leaves the room awkwardly.
power bottom kohei. what can i say. what can i say. what can i say. (ryo definitely cries during the first 5 times too)
ryo is dense as hell. kohei could be hinting at wanting to go somewhere on a date or do something together and ryo wouldn’t get it unless kohei is literally shouting it into his face. and secretly ryo likes the way kohei’s face gets all blushy and embarrassed when he’s yelling at him.
there is something wrong with them and nobody ever understands how they work or are together at all and kohei hates the doubt and judgement but ryo’s kinda just like eh… idgaf.
i mentioned earlier that i see kohei as pretty insecure, man. if he could leash ryo and keep him with him forever and ever he absolutely would. but unfortunately ryo has this thing called “a life” and he has to “live it” so they can’t always be togther. kohei is well aware that he’s treated ryo like crap and that ryo could very easily just find someone else and leave (no he couldn’t that boy stockholmed himself) and nooooo way. he spends all his time apart from ryo thinking about how ryo could be meting someone better than him rn. of course, ryo doesn’t want or care about anyone else.
okayyy when they start dating, oya definitely hears about it from jamuo and tsukasa’s kinda grossed out by it but at the same time it makes sense.
kohei’s family obviously disapproves of whatever they got going on but that’s a problem for future kohei
platonic szam (could be romantic)
they’re on first name basis, and outside his family, ryo is the only one who is allowed to call him kohei (and meeee :3)
i like to imagine kohei keeps an extra set of everything at his house for ryo’s usage. a towel, a toothbrush, a pillow, etc. only ryo can use these things, and only ryo stays over anyway. the amagai house is probably creepy as shit.
anything ryo wants, if it’s in kohei’s power, ryo will get. kohei doesn’t know how to be normal about showering his only friend with gifts and doing things for him. of course, ryo is a very simple guy and doesn’t actually ever ask for anything.
ryo likes tacky cheap items like ugly t-shirts and $1 socks and kohei obviously only wears branded shit bc he’s. well he’s kohei. but when they walk past a store selling those irritating matching friendship/couple shirts he drags ryo in and buys a set for them and then spends the whole trip back complaining about how itchy the material is and that he “can’t believe you convinced me to buy this ugly ass shit”
kohei tries really hard to make up for the shit he put ryo through even though ryo is absolutely nonchalant about it like “kocchan it doesn’t matter?” but kohei is like NO. I WILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU. and then he doesn’t and the cycle repeats
anyways thanks for reading if anyone even made it this far 🤠 resident amazaki shipper OUT.
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ragecndybars · 1 year
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
👀👀👀 Anon... I hope you knew what you were getting into when you asked this.
I already went on a rant about Akihiko, so here is my Minato Arisato, aka Makoto Yuki, aka Sakuya Shiomi if ya nasty, rant <3
He only says as many words/syllables as are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to get his basic point across. In general, he isn't a talker, but he isn't the type to say, for instance, "I'm getting a little tired, so I'm gonna head to bed," he's more of a "Tired. Night." type of guy.
We all know that he has that Resting 😐 Face. He has a really nice smile when it's genuine, but if he tries to force it just for the sake of appearances, it looks insanely strained and just... wrong 😅
He can be a real space case sometimes. Take your eyes off of him for too long and he'll drift into traffic or walk into a pole because he's not watching where he's going, he's either doing complex mental math to allocate time and determine his schedule for the next few weeks or he's rotating a 3D model of a snake in his head, and both activities take up the same amount of brain power (all of it).
Though he's hard to read and can come off as aloof, he's a genuinely great friend who's understanding, a great listener, and very attuned to other peoples' moods. But. And I cannot stress this enough. He is kind of a huge asshole sometimes.
Autistic king.
Big fan of music and also weapons. He owns a lot of CDs, including Lotus Juice's entire discography, and can play a fair number of musical instruments to some degree of proficiency, as well as knowing Fun Facts about many other instruments. He also knows Fun Facts about many types of weapons, not limited to just the types he's able to use.
Speaking of which, I've said this before, but I think his ability to use almost any weapon type isn't just because he has an interest in weapons, or because he just has Overpowered Protag Syndrome, but also because he very closely watches his party members' movements during battle and picks up on their technique. That's also why he can't use guns or knives -- the way Aigis and Koromaru use those weapons is unique to them, as a robot and dog, so he can't observe them to see how to use them himself. I think he does know how to do basic maintenance on Aigis's guns, though, since he's seen her dong that as well.
I've said this before as well, but I don't think he's the type to address people directly very often. He's more likely to tap their shoulder, say "Hey," or just start talking without preamble. This isn't necessarily noticeable -- most people don't think to themselves, "Hm, y'know, he's never actually addressed me by name before," because that's just not something people really pick up on -- but, when he does address someone, either by name or just by "Senpai" or another relevant title, it catches their attention because they subconsciously aren't used to him addressing them, and that's why he is 100% capable of saying "Senpai" romantically.
There are very, very few foods he likes to eat, which is why he gets the same thing at every restaurant in town every time he goes, but that also means that he's very used to eating food he thinks is gross, which is why he can stomach Fuuka's creations better than any other character. To him, her burnt food slathered in all the wrong sauces and spices isn't that much worse than just having a regular entree that isn't one of his very few Approved Meals.
He's pretty laid-back and sometimes even lazy, but he HATES having free time. If he doesn't have anything to do, he isn't going to just casually indulge in a hobby or anything -- he has to have something concrete, like a Social Link to level up, or a particular skill he wants to hone, even if that skill is honed by watching a movie or something. His motto is "If I'm not doing something, then I might as well be asleep," and he sticks to that whenever he possibly can.
The only exception to this rule is video games. There are a few games he can play without needed to justify it to himself as honing his Guts or whatever. He likes farming sims :) A couple other members of SEES play them as well, but he's the only one who's remotely relaxed about it. He's just there to have fun, whereas Mitsuru and Aigis are frantically minmaxing to become billionaires in their first season. (Fuuka at least will play with him normally, though she's more of a rhythm game girl imo)
He doesn't grasp social cues very well, but if he feels like he does understand a particular social cue, he'll use it as a crutch of some sort. For instance, to use a specific example from a published fic, when Akihiko gives him a thumbs up in Always Wanna Play, Minato thinks to himself, "Ah, yes, a thumbs up. I know what that means, and now I know that thumbs ups are an effective way to communicate with Akihiko," which is why he then gives Akihiko three more thumbs ups throughout the fic (even in very dire circumstances where it doesn't realy fit, lmao)
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havoc-bloom · 1 year
General Headcanons For (Most Of) The Dreams of An Insomniac Characters!!
(Excluding Lankmann cause I’ve already posted about him more than enough)
HC’s under the cut!!
- He’s so fucked up /pos
- Enjoys metal/rock, would listen to Mindless Self Indulgence
- If he tries hunting/chasing you I feel like you could distract him with candy
- Scary on the outside but an absolute sweetheart, especially with Winfrey (they’re boyfriends /hj)
- Prankster man, would place a banana peel on the ground and wait for you to comically slip and fall over it
- Eeeevil evil mischievous fellow
- About as straight as a curly fry
- Me, seeing Winfrey and Clyde: “oh my god, they were roommates :0”
- He has an evil laugh that he practiced in the mirror. Please tell him it’s cool and evil and maniacal.
- Winfrey, my sweet baby boy. You poor poor thing.
- Winfixed AU gives me life (thanks Tigera)
- Plays violin extremely well, but can also play the piano
- If you ask him to play Megalovania he will bite you.
- Yes, he bites.
- His “theme song” may be Your Consenting Mind from Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion according to Pastra, but damnit his anthem will always be Because Dreaming Costs Money, My Dear by Mitski in my heart and soul.
- Unironically used to not really acknowledge him because the other characters felt like they overshadowed him BUT THEN I MET @/tigerarainbowra-blog and my worldview has been CHANGED in the best way possible
- Me: (slaps the top of Winfrey’s head) “You won’t believe how much angst you can fit in here.”
- Really really heavy British accent, at least before he Went Feral™
- If the floor is being straight, then this man is crawling on the ceiling.
- What a douchebag /lh
- Reeks of birthday cake (he uses it to lure in kids to kill; I headcanon that Veldigun can change the way they smell and either completely nullify it or amplify it to make whoever they’re hunting more afraid or unaware of them) but also smells like blood and death.
- Absolutely vile, both in terms of personality and physical appearance
- Buried childhood trauma (he dares not talk abt it)
- Literally just needed some emotional help as a kid and if he got it he would’ve turned out fine, but somehow he got more fucked up with no thanks to the Lankmann Foundation.
- I can make anyone have sympathy for any character. Making people feel bad for Klaus is proof of that.
- Listens to Insane Clown Posse and Melanie Martinez
- He’s angry. He’s so, so angry, all the time. I wonder what put that anger in him.
- I can fix him I promise
- We need to get him OUT of his toxic-ass relationship with Klaus, like right now. Let him be happy. Please.
- Looks up to Klaus even though he knows he’ll never be respected in the same way.
- He likes breakcore lmfao, also he listens to 100 gecs unironically /pos
- I like to think he makes kandi bracelets and he made matching ones for him and Klaus. Even tho Klaus is a bitch he still never takes off the bracelet, and neither does Jack.
- Sends the most cursed of memes at the most unholy times of night. You’ll get a notification from him at 6:06 AM and it’s just a radically blurred image of a cockroach with the caption “daniel.”
- Really truly just wants to continue making toys for kids.
- Has ate drywall and will do so again
- Pleasant little farm boy
- He constantly smells like he just walked out of a barn, probably because he did. You get used to it (eventually).
- Animals > people, would rather chill with Flock for the day than actually socialize.
- Suppresses his Southern accent a lot but when he gets angry or super excited you’ll hear the Country™ in his voice.
- Kind of jarring hearing a Texas accent come out of a Canadian tbh
- I want his hand in marriage /hj
- autistic  /hj
- So far back into the closet he may as well be that one sweater from the 3rd grade you could never find again. Fruitier than Froot Loops but completely oblivious about it.
The Flock:
- Yes, it can fly.
- Yes, it can purr.
- No, you cannot pet it.
- Does that thing snakes do where they curl up into little coils and rest their head on the top. Yeah that.
- Also does that thing hognose snakes do where they’ll play dead if they feel threatened, but instead they do it to lure in prey into thinking they’re an easy meal.
- Like a parrot it can mimic voices.
- Jack taught it to say curse words and now anytime someone gets near it’s just “BITCH”
- Will eat Cheez-Its out of your hand
Mortimer Gray:
- Oh, this poor motherfucker. This unfortunate fellow. He has been through so much.
- Overworked, underpaid artist.
- Serious burnout, but dammit if he’s getting paid he’ll get it done.
- Artblock 24/7, creatively exhausted. Just leave him alone for a while, please.
- Had a sparkledog phase, is now definitely a furry /hj
- Self esteem issues? He’s got all of them. Every single one.
- Anxiety to the fucking max
- I relate a few songs to him, namely Bag Of Bones by Mitski (burnout central haha) and Against The Kitchen Floor by Will Wood (honestly I was listening to it while drawing him and now it’s just kinda,, a thing I relate him with now.)
- Help me I kin him
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Top Ten vs Personal Ten
Thanks for the tag @stitchyqueer! I've seen this going around and wanted in, so I'm glad you tagged me!
Top ten
silver tongue [E, 5.5k]
tiddy donation [E, 2.2k]
Kiss It Better [T, 2.1k] - written for @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
Sexualities and Crises [T, 1.5k]
Drink Your Fucking Tea [T, 700]
All I Want for Christmas Is You [T, 2.6k]
Love of All My Lives [G, 800]
Something to suck on [E, 1.2k]
Melt, let yourself be Loved [M, 600]
Sober Enough to Kiss [T, 2.4k]
My top two fics being E-rated has been a topic of discussion between a friend and I for over a year now haha. Also--all of these fics have over 1000 hits? What?? That's insane. You guys are amazing.
Personal ten (with commentary)
I didn't go "HELL YES" to these bottom five, but I still love and adore them for different reasons!
10. En garde, Monsieur Migraine! [G, 700]
I love writing hurt/comfort, and this is one of those fics I come back to reread when I need some comfort myself.
And plus--Addams family reference! Who doesn't love the Addams family?
9. Come back like star(fish)s [M, 400] - written for @bookish-bogwitch
Hellloooo lambden! This was the first lambden fic I posted, back when Em sent me the wildest prompt I could dream of getting in my askbox. Pioneering this ship was so much fun. Thanks for indulging me, Em <3
8. silver tongue [E, 5.5k]
Okay, this one had to be on here. It contains one of my favorite scenes I have ever written, and if @confused-bi-queer says I write really good smut? I must write REALLY DAMN GOOD SMUT. I aspire to write smut like you, Lee.
7. make the yuletide gay (and horny) [E, 300]
I had to put a <500 word smut fic on here because GODDAMN? I am good at packing a lot into so few words.
6. True depths of love [T, 400]
Mind the tags if you read this.
This gets put higher than number seven because I think of this fic a lot more. I think of this fic a lot, of what could've happened that night in the forest if Simon was even a second too late. (I think most people underestimate the value of a second.)
These top five fics are the ones I went "HELL YES" to when I was going through my AO3. Let's get into them!
5. 101 ways to snag yourself a vampire: Romance edition [G, 1.2k] - written for @yeonjunenby
To me, this fic is the epitome of all things good in fanfic and headcanon. (I still cannot believe I actually got one hundred and one of these motherfuckers.) I compiled things from canon, my personal headcanons, and fics other people have written (credit given in the end notes). And out came this beautiful, funny, and heartfelt list!
4. Something to suck on [E, 1.2k]
This fic is just *chef's kiss* It's a masterpiece. A work of art. It's one of my favorite things I've written.
It's got Spadey love; it's got Simon love... what more could you want?
3. Anything, Everything [M, 200]
Poetry. Ah, poetry, my old friend. If you've ever heard me talk about this fic, you knew this one was coming.
This by far is not my most popular fic, but I truly appreciate the people who have read it and left comments. This fic has a piece of my heart.
2. Who we're supposed to be [T, 2k]
It was close between third and second! But this one squeaked ahead because...
I wrote this fic just a couple weeks ago, but it's already one of my favorite fics I've ever written. Aro characters speak to my soul, and I love writing and reading about them. And Baz has chronic pain in this!
1. Mark of the Beast [E, 1.5k]
"But, Jas, why isn't your top favorite fic snowbaz?" If you're asking this--are you serious. Were you there when I created this beautiful, cursed ship. Were you there when I wrote the first fic. Were you there when @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 and Em and @ic3-que3n joined the chaos (I will forever love you guys for this).
Mark of the Beast is the fic that began Lambden. (And this is honestly one of my proudest fandom moments xD) This fic, that writing, those details--I truly think this is one of the best things I've ever written.
I tag everyone I tagged above and @bazzybelle @artsyunderstudy @dragoneggos @martsonmars @tea-brigade @palimpsessed @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @fatalfangirl @johnwgrey @technetiumai if you want in 💖💖
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scalproie · 1 year
Haha. Kazuya. You understand.
one aspect about them i love
but fr he has his whole aesthetic on point. and I will say. him face. nice
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
- hes still alive in the tekken:tmp timeline since jun successfully "saved" him, and while the familial situation isnt the best it could be, its still far better than you'd expect with jun and jin
- he doesnt even consider himself fully human anymore but hes truly at his core Just A Guy. take the morning coffee. collect shoes. eat boring food. hes a very plain guy and its hilarious. what does he even do all day, the role of a ceo is to make connections and relationships and hes a shadow ceo. he is so painfully A Man In His Fifties that if you remove the tekken context he could grill a mean steak I know this in my heart, what do japanese dads even do for a bbq equivalent.
- kazumi styled his hair Like That back in the day and so he will wear that hairstyle for life
one character i love seeing them interact with
Apparently in bruce's t6 ending, hes speaking to his superior(?) about a mission well done but it's said he's reporting directly to kazuya, so even if who hes talking to is speaking in english I have to wonder if it was meant to be kaz at one point. Anyway if it is I love the casualness of this interaction.
Also jin! people say theyre tired of the mishima focus but NOT ME bc those dudes only interacted ONCE until t8 finally drops. Anyway their hostility toward each other is sooo obviously fabricated bc if the writers REALLY wanted to get into it, this father&son relationship would be so much more complex than that. Also in the first project x zone, devil kazuya is a boss fight and at one point devil and kazuya are fighting for control and for one (1) second, jin sounds concerned for his dad in the way that he wont be able to kill him while kazuya is himself. fun stuff. Their more neutral interactions as a tag team in pxz2 are a lot of fun too, especially when they team up to tear verbally into heihachi. Anyway like everything about kaz, his relationship with his son isnt explored enough.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Harada For The Love Of God Don't Fuck Up Kazuya's Interactions With Jun In Tekken 8.
I want to see fucking flashbacks man, how did it fucking happen. They had to have exchanged AT LEAST a couple words before getting to jin's conception and I WANNA KNOW. ITS THE MOST MYSTERIOUS AND INTERESTING RELATIONSHIP IN TEKKEN.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
I feel like. if you stripped kazuya and jun of status and general opposite moral stances, theyre very very similar. I will wait for official t8 confirmation oh what they thought of the other but I feel they are two side of a same coin. People usually speak of jun making kazuya better but I like the other side of kazuya making jun a bit worse. In a very indulgent way I often wonder what it wouldve been like if they tried at all to make it work long term and I dont think it wouldve been that bad, especially compared to how the previous main mishima relationship ended up.
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trashimoto · 1 year
SORRY IAM AT SCHOOL that comic is absolutely stunning thank you for the masterpiece
i would be interested in your hcs and other sdra? stuff u make!!! nikei yomiuri fixation is going on 116 days and i need some content to keep me aalive right now
I bestow upon you my ultimate favorite nikei headcanons
I think he ends up using his little around his neck scoops notebook for lots of different things like of course notes interviews and articles but i imagine he also uses it kind of like as a journal / diary too as well as like planning stuff and also the joe biden negative ebergy manifestation thing (pic below) but with mikado
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I think like his biggest interest / thing he could go on and on about BESIDES journalism is soda. he has some moments where he talks about it in the game like when he gets really excited abt the discontinued soda in the vending machines but like i think this guy knows way too much. collects old bottles bit doesnt tell anyone because he thinks its dorky. he loves trying the weirdest flavors he can find and he has a seperate notebook with his comprehensive soda reviews and rankings.
Based on the bit we do know about his food preferences in canon + a little bit of me projecting I do really think he has ARFID. This goes a little bit with the soda thing because like i think he probably doesnt drink anything besides soda and coffee. hajime is BEGGING HIM to please drink some water. I think he survives mostly on like chips and ramen. And of course he doesn’t want to eat whatever mikado makes because its mikado but i do think part of it is also mikado makes very fancy dishes a lot and i think they are Scary Foods. This ine is very like self indulgent LOL
He’s definetly the type to get mad, punch the wall, and then break his hand as a result. I just know he’s done it
This is more of a headcanon for an au nikei i roleplay with some friends but im includijg it because inreally like it. there are multiple other characters who can use magic in said rp and as a result of his experiances with Mikado, nikei is staunchly Anti-Magic. He’s afraid of it + it just makes him SO mad too. Like this extends from like magic powers to psychics to like slieght of hand magicians. Very strong emotional reaction from him everytime and I don’t even blame him honestly
i think he plauys angry birds
He dresses in just as many layers of clothes in the summer and winter. Like he’s always wearing a ridiculous amount of clothes unless he’s like actively swimming. I know he did go swimming in the prolouge BUT i think that if he wenr ro the beach to just relax he wouod be in the full get up vest jacket two scarves and all. But also like hell hes going to the beach just to relax this man doesnt know how to relax
Hes definetly bad at math. This guy is a WRITER you just know he was crushing it in lit classes but doing shit in math. I think it just doesnt make sense to him. My dad actually oen time was telling me how he likes math because theres always one objectively right answer and i think as a journalist and a liar nikei would struggke with that aspect. You can’t reallt bullshit your way with persuasive writing through math LMFAO.
Regularly gets in fights in the youtube comments section
Personally I don’t think Nikei has his liscence because I don’t think he’d be a particularly good driver. I think also if he does though he’s almost never allowed to drive when hes going out with other people because he gets the most insane road rage.
He tried to start a book club on the monocruise and it ended up with only three members himself iroha and yoruko. Iroha only wanted to talk about yaoi and the book club was dissolved before the first meeting finished because monocrow ushered yoruko and nikei out of the library for yelling at eachother (they had different interpertations of the books ending)
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
Ok! I have to ask! If RAD was in the Philippines, what headcanons would you have about the brothers' life there? All I know for a fact is that Beel would absolutely devour lumpia! Of course I'm biased because I can't get enough of lumpia whenever I can get some (which we used to have neighbors who gave us homemade lumpia all the time!)
I will get The Most Self Indulgent Headcanon out of the way first: if they also had to study at a human school here they would all study in Ateneo de Manila LMAOOO bias what bias I'm not biased—
Anyway anyway, disclaimer needed: My experience is largely limited to living somewhere in Batangas and Manila so my thoughts are gonna be mostly based off of that
Random thoughts?? That are also pretty revealing of how I feel about living here ngl (also this become more like 'if they had to stay in the Philippines for a while what are their thoughts/what would they do' more than 'if RAD was in the Philippines'
Somehow I feel like Lucifer would generally like... Be in a state of constant annoyance while he's here lol I sort of imagine him to be the one who'll insist on driving everyone because he won't trust them to not get into accidents with how shit the traffic situation is here + he knows that if he has to brainwash the cops into not giving them tickets he can just leave it at that. And being a driver here just seems like the most annoying thing you can do to yourself, but the public transpo situation is also shit so he'll just drive
Owns the S&R card for the family? Basically Costco in the Philippines and it's like.. the only place where they do groceries for stuff like chips and snacks and stuff because it's all in bulk.
OH. BUT GUYS. LUCIFER AT A PALENGKE?? Lucifer??? Namamalengke????? May dalang sako bag at fishnet sdhfgdfg GUYS HGJDS Please join in me imagining him dragging some of his brothers with him to a palengke to buy meat and veggies because the supermarkets don't have enough for Beel sdfhjksfdg
OOOOH the way all the vendors would gawk at him and his brothers too like all the vendors would do their best to get their attention and buy from their stall because then they both get eye candy + and can call it a day because they're sure to buy everything? Weekly occurrence of them being treated like celebrities
Sometimes buys taho for everyone when he's feeling like it
Mammon would be ukay king and would thrive in Quiapo. Just leave him there for a couple days and he'll know the area inside and out, can point you to stores that aren't being underhanded, and will somehow have spotted which of the insane number of vendors there are the supplier shops to all the others?
Will sort of make a game of pointing out which shops are selling stolen electronics also sdjfkhd Not that it's hard to tell
He will just have so much money somehow and be so happy that so much shit is cheap. Easily see him making money overseas somehow and then just spending it all here because of how conversion rates make the dollar/euro/pound extra delicious here
And tbh security everywhere is kinda dodge so when the greed takes over, Lucifer's gonna need a tight leash because it's insanely easy to scam people here and steal their info and all that (one of the biggest banks here has some of the shoddiest protection? it's insane. Mammon would hack them ez.)
Also I just feel like... He would be a heart throb somehow and go viral after some rando took a pic of him looking completely fresh while in a hoodie in the middle of Quiapo?????
"guys may gwapo sa quiapo kausapin ko ba sya" Twitter post going viral and he becomes a model because of it ( translation: "guys there's a hot guy in quiapo do I talk to him")
Oh but there will be days when he's in like. Resort's World Manila or something or some of the casinos here ofc
Thinking about him in Greenhills though? I think he'd be so fascinated by how they have really good designer bootlegs, shit bootlegs, stuff that actually seem to be legit with some defects, and how the tech area can repair literally anything
Tinola enjoyer. He would also be the one to find really good food places from going around the city and would take his brothers there.
I'm actually not sure what Levi would find appealing here? I think he'd actually fucking hate going outside even more than he does in the Devildom because it is so crowded everywhere... Apparently Manila's one of the most densely populated places in the world and honest to goodness, when you're there it really shows.
It's hot, depending on where you are it's also very humid, it's usually really noisy, even crossing the road is typically some form of nightmare as no one respects crosswalks (both the pedestrians and drivers >.>)
It's honestly a sensory nightmare here. Poor Levi.
If he gets into human world idols (specifically kpop, the hallyu wave is strong here) he'll find his people though. The local brands are all currently using Stray Kidz, NCT, Twice, etc etc to promote their stuff. Kpop concerts here are pretty fire, but he'll probably get a bit of culture shock if he's used to Korean and Japanese concert culture
Anime is also a pretty big deal here! But it's not quite on the radar for much exciting stuff to happen compared to kpop.
Can easily see him side eyeing all the bootleg merch here lmao there is SO much bootleg merch
Also he'll hate the state of Manila Ocean Park. He and Satan will go on rants about the state of the zoos and aquarium.
OH! But I like to think he'd enjoy Komikon (not to be confused with Comic Con) and Komiket? Those are where the local komiks and artists all go and I like to think he'd enjoy buying their stuff and supporting the indie scene
OOOOH SUKI SA SHOPEE AND LAZADA like Akuzon who? Shopee and Lazada are his best friends here
Very fond of the selection of local chips and those Zesto fruit sodas become a favorite. He likes the Dalandan one best.
bit specific but I think he'd become an expert on every single bubble tea store in the area too? And there are a LOT
On one hand. I think he'd enjoy learning about the culture. It's rich, it's fascinating, it's deep, and he would absolutely find ways to attend History lectures from some of the universities because he's heard that they're really good
On the other hand, I think he'll lose his mind at how anti-intellectual a majority of people here are. It's maddening, and he'll have to learn to not bother debating with people with certain ideals because it's fucking pointless.
Might be a bit depressing for him honestly, because the education situation here fucking sucks ass. He'll see he can't exactly blame the people, but also he fucking wishes they'd open their minds a bit.
Also ngl... The bookstores all seem to be struggling too so :( That's something he would also be upset about
As far as I can tell, there isn't really a library culture? And cafe culture is odd depending on where you are. In some places it's basically a sit-down restaurant with a huge coffee selection, and in others it's like the one you'd expect. Animal cafes are very rare.
Self indulgent HC #2: He'll get into all the local coffees :) He will then look into visiting where some of them originated and will somehow find himself in my hometown for a little while where Beel will drag him off to enjoy some lomi and goto after buying some coffee somewhere
Like Levi though I feel like I see him having a lot of issues with being here? I feel like if you have any concern for the environment or education or just don't like crowds and noise you'd have a lot of issues with living here tbh
OH GHJSDHGASD relevant to me thinking he'd go to ADMU: the Philippine Animal Welfare Society is right behind campus apparently?? I see him being there all the time and helping out with donations and TNR programs <3
Frequently in Intramuros and also frequents the three National Museums!! Goes to all three days of Art Fair PH with Asmo too
He'll fall in love with sinigang. Random but I think he'd really like it? Dinuguan as well
He would look at our drugstore beauty products and be so baffled as to why they are shockingly so good despite being dirt cheap lmao
Like I know drugstore is cheap. But Filipinos demand for intense pigment and true long lasting waterproof products for low prices if they're going to buy makeup from anywhere. The beauty vlogger impact is real here, though I think it's slowed down with the pandemic + people have been growing more minimal with makeup.
Ukay king alongside Mammon!! His OOTDs will grab attention wherever he goes and he'll charm whoever's at the counter into giving discounts if he thinks they're overpricing something
Makati red light district frequenter <3 Goes there with Mammon and scams the sleazier people there
Would pass whenever Lucifer goes to the palengke though? Just can't see him ever wanting to go >.>
Will definitely go nuts each time he's reminded of how casual the homophobia/transphobia/misogyny is here tho like let's be real He would stay within Manila because that's where he won't be inclined to kill a shit ton of people for the dumb bullshit they spew
Personally also I think he'd be really happy about the nice coffee here too, and would join Satan in sampling different varieties and getting really into it.
OH! Would enjoy going to Farmer's in Cubao a lot to buy some plants? I think he'd get really into taking care of plants while here and would have a little sampaguita garden he's helping grow using magic right there in his bathroom
He'd be fond of halo-halo and all the kakanin will be a guilty pleasure. Loves how easy access so much tropical fruit is? Would feel bad about eating so much rice tho despite all the kakanin
Beel (and honestly everyone else too) would greatly enjoy the food and how cheap all the good shit is. You mentioned lumpia and I strongly agree, he can decimate a whole bilao just fine and it would be fine because whole bilao would cost like... Chump change to them sdfhjkdfg And while you didn't specify which kind of lumpia, I can so vividly see Beel inhaling literally every kind... Lumpiang shanghai, lumpiang sariwa, lumpiang toge oml...
Guys that fucking meme. That meme of him being huge and ordering at a McDonald's??? That meme would be real and it's so funny to think about sdfhjkdsfgh
Sorry to reduce Beel to food on my own post but I just think he really would have a good time here because of it? He won't have to feel as bad about the expenses
Personally think he would like... spend the entire day out a lot? Idk why I think this. Like he and Mammon would just be together lots in the Philippines, they just seem like they'd somehow enjoy the weather and exploring places Belphie found dead in a ditch
Also for some reason I think he'd strike up pleasant idle conversation with vendors often? Gather a rep for being a gentle giant, always stopping by for their wares/food, pleasant personality, brings in customers bc they're also curious about the huge man
OOOH just seems like everyone would love him and be excited to see him around the area??? All the titas and titos greeting him happily and he asks how they are and they ask how he and his are
Likely goes with Lucifer the most for those palengke trips
Eats the rice that Asmo won't eat bc and says nothing when Asmo eats all the kalamay and sapin-sapin sdfjksdfkh
The only one among them who might be chill about the shit public transpo?
dude truthfully idk what this place has for him either. everything is a hassle and i cant help but think that like Levi he's have a shit time outside >.>
OH but he would probably like it when it's like, early in the morning. Might take a walk with Beel and buy some bread (sometimes Lucifer joins them and they all get everyones bfast together)
Jacobina/paborita + coffee in the morning enjoyer!! Gets in the routine of buying pandesal for everyone in the morning too because he's out early enough that he buys em freshly baked too
On occasion gets dragged to the palengke with Lucifer in the mornings when seafood is part of the menu for that week because that's the best time to get seafood at the palengke
Some days he just disappears by himself into wherever and comes back with interesting snacks for Beel??
Also seems like he'd be chill with any strays and stuff like I think Satan would drag him into helping out at PAWS
The one to suggest they all go hiking sometimes the most, or just go on trips to somewhere that isn't the city, which surprises everyone. But really it's just so much more peaceful outside of the city. He even looks into arranging the trip himself sometimes, though Lucifer usually takes over at some point.
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starfolk7 · 3 months
1, 7 and 12 for Laurence (Bloodborne)
Yaaaay, my boy Laurence!!! X3
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Oh boy, so this is kind of a long explanation. So I didn't really think much of him at first! His fight was absolute hell for me and my first character build, we don't talk about how long it took me to beat him fjdhdhdh. But!! As I started to plot out Sibyl's fic, I realized I needed to write Laurence because they're basically foils that will strangle each other given the chance (totally different story lmao). Sooooo I started analyzing his character more and building headcanons, and before I knew it I was totally in love with this trash can of a man (and writing a whole other separate fic full of self indulgence but that's ALSO another story jdhdhds)
I just. Really love the tragedy of his arc. The hubris of a man clearly cunning enough to head an institution that enables the darkest sides of humanity all in the pursuit of knowledge, and the downfall that follows. There's so much to play with there, hence why I adore writing him during the days of the Old Hunters. I'm hoping to get back to writing him someday soon, he's such a disaster jdhdhsd
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Allow him to be the piece of shit he is. No, seriously. I love injecting him with humanity, as he probably was SO much more than what we've been told, but!! I also love when people explore just how far he personally went into the depths when it came to blood research and experimentation. He can be multi-faceted! Like. Have him conduct a horrific experiment and then make tea an hour later acting like none of it phased him. Some part of it probably did, but will he tell a soul? Nope, not likely. Mans can wrestle with his demons while also still carrying out horrific shit.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
*smacks his ass* This vicar can hold so many headcanons! (I am not sorry for that bit lol)
Lesse, aside from the red hair? I have so many headcanons for him it's actually insane. He's a polyglot in my book. English and Latin are obvs what he knows best, but I like to think he's extensively studied a few other languages just to cover his bases. My version of him somehow skipped over German, so his attempts at courting an OC that speaks fluent German are an absolute disaster. Cue him trying to learn the basics of the language between all of his other duties. I love putting him through the wringer lol.
I also think he likes to keep himself as clean as possible. Funny coming from a man that works with blood on the daily, but he scrubs that shit off as soon as possible. Yharnam may be a wreck, but he doesn't have to reflect it. Public image to maintain and all of that!
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anne-i-write · 3 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons
| requested by anon: “uhhh kinda weird lmao but how would the moriarty bros react to an s/o from the future? (Headcanons) thanks! OwO” |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader
word count: 1355
tw: a few swears, if i’m missing any please let me know!
a/n: i’m so sorry that these are coming out so slow please enjoy!
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william: 317 words
as soon as you wake up he’ll be staring at you intently
“where am i?”
“durham, england, 1880… and in my room”
it takes you like ten minutes to process everything that’s going on because: “i’m dreaming right??? or did i actually shift???
after finally accepting the fact you indeed did not shift and are not dreaming, you finally looked at the man who had stayed silent during your incoherent ramblings
“you seem more awake now, is it alright if i ask a few questions?”
hhh he’s such a gentleman
you both honestly take this whole time shift thing really well
louis definitely walks in on you two and he’s like,,
“who tf are you and how did you get in”
sdjkfhd pls its so funny when you guys converse
his speaking manner is so refined and yours is just,, yours
but he loves it
he thinks its cute
he comes up with a story for you because there were people who were no doubt going to question how you came into his life
and from there you two hit it off really well
accidentally said you two were to be wed during a conversation and the nobles went insane
when you are on the carriage ride back from the party he apologizes for saying something so out of line
“i wouldn’t mind being married to you, william.”
this man always has something to say but THIS
he wanted to respond with something witty but you just,, existed and made him melt
“let’s go buy a ring tomorrow then.”
asks you questions about the future
only trivial things, never if his plan works in the long term
but judging by the way you talk about your previous life he can tell that everyone is somewhat equal, except for “the dumbass politicians” you speak about
oh did i mention he picks up your swears too LMAO
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louis: 459 words
 he’s heading back to his room when you come OUT of his room
“who tf are you, how did you get into this house, and why are you here”
instant kill mode
you think you’re dreaming so you’re like,, ok cool and you tell him most of your life story and he’s like
has never been more dumbfounded in his life
who is this person and what are they wearing and why are they telling me their life story
eventually the rest of the moriarty team gets involved and matters are settled lmao
you all agree that staying in the manor is the best course of action at the moment
louis thinks you’re taking this a little too well so he’s still a little sus of you
like seriously,, the future?? cmon now
the people you’re working for probably made those weird clothes for you
but anyways
you’re helping him clean the house and cook
“this is fun,,, but honestly?? if i have to do this by myself everyday i would cry”
you keep saying this and you know it’s getting annoying for louis but he ISNT TALKING
if you can’t beat em, annoy em
finally gives in
“how did you used to wash clothes in the future?”
and you get this big smile on your face and you start TALKING
you’re so excited that he finally spoke to you
even tho you know you lowkey annoyed him
but you’re talking and louis is like,, huh
you’re talkative, but not annoying at all
you have little stories that make him laugh sometimes
needless to say you both get closer
but it isn’t until one night louis is making rounds around the manor that he passes by your room and hears crying
so he’s worried and he goes into your room
bruh you try pulling that shit where you wipe away your tears and be like “oh i’m okay!”
like,, no u aren’t
louis makes you spill what’s bothering you
“my friends, my family… are they okay? are they looking for me?? they must be so worried”
note that you’ve already been at the moriarty estate for about two months without any word that you can return to your own time
and louis holds you
he teaches you more about the year that you’re currently stuck in and he tries to take your mind off of the bad things
asks william to buy more books to indulge you bc you have some book withdrawals bc “WHAT DO YOU MEAN A TALE FOR THE TIME BEING HASNT BEEN PRINTED YET” followed by a short crying session
he’s a really good boyfriend
you taught him what a boyfriend was and he couldn’t stop thinking about how much society’s view on relationships changed
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albert: 579 words
is walking down the streets at night when he sees you barreling down the road in your clothes
you look pretty scathed when you run right into him
“are you alright?”
you’re scared and out of breath but he’s wearing what you can only assume is a uniform of england
he takes you to his place and tries to calm you down
he asks you questions and you tell him everything straight out
you know you look crazy but you couldn’t bring yourself to care
you were just walking back from a friend’s place IN BROAD DAYLIGHT and you felt dizzy and you woke up alone in a dark alleyway
“where are you from?”
you obviously give him your city but he corrects himself
“what year are you from?”
doesn’t want to believe you bc you’re all frantic and maybe insane
but your clothes just seem to different for him to brush off the possibility
tells you to sleep it off and gives you his bed
he’s already writing a letter to his brothers that he’s possibly coming back with someone
“ohoho brother albert has a suitor now?”
anyways, albert asks you more questions about your other life as you’re both on the train to durham
albert went out to buy you more fitting clothes before leaving and you couldn’t even repay him
but he tries to get you in a comfortable position so you don’t spiral again
but he’s genuinely nice about it when he finally accepts the fact that you are in fact from the future
funny enough, you both don’t get each others names until you get onto the train
“oh, my name is albert james moriarty”
and you’re briefly like “oh like sherlock’s nemesis” but then you remember that this is only the victorian era
sherlock holmes doesn’t exist, it’s just a coincidence
so you both get to the manor and he introduces you to the moriarty team and this is where you’re like,,
oh my God
this is real and i know the ending
you suddenly want to travel back further in time and never meet them bc they’re all really sweet towards you
and you got attached to them more than you should have
albert notices you’re a little tense so he makes small conversation to get your mind off of things
“i do like to play the piano”
they have a piano delivered to the house to make you feel more comfortable and hopefully keep you occupied
itching and nostalgic (ironic), you play songs from rachmaninoff and joe hisaishi, despite it being from the future
everyone knows chopin so shhh
“that’s beautiful, did you compose that?”
“no, but another composer did, i don’t even think he exists yet”
you’re very adamant on keeping things the same
like,, no i’m not going to tell you how to create a washing machine because i don’t want to mess up the timeline if i do go back to the future
you do get very sad occasionally because you are homesick and being placed in a world where you have only heard stories of is very disorienting
but albert and the boys make up for it
albert always tries to be by your side and if he can get his hands on a piano sheet he’ll buy one for you and see if you already know it
it’s always nice to have them around, but you know the troubles you’ll eventually have to face
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moriarty the patriot taglist: @zoehanji
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nagichi-boop · 3 years
Basil - BPD headcanons
This is a self indulgent post (maybe a vent?) but I’ve seen that other people headcanon Basil with bpd so I decided to make a more in depth post about it.
Major spoilers btw
Affective (Emotional) Instability
Basil tends to flip between emotions quite quickly. During the final fight, he switches between being gentle and being upset/angry. He first talks calmly to Sunny, then switches to being mad at him for moving away, then trying to be calm again as he tries to take on Sunny’s pain, then of course he ends up fighting Sunny and getting mad at him for trying to stop him. He struggles to keep his anger in and ends up having bursts of anger directed at Sunny, ultimately leading to him badly injuring Sunny.
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It’s also implied that Basil had suicidal thoughts since he was about 12 or even before then as he is the one who comes up with the idea to frame Mari’s murder as a suicide by tying the skipping rope into a noose, which again suggests even at a young age he has had difficulty controlling his emotions.
Also, if you assume the Hooligans tell the truth, when Basil goes to the hangout spot, he spontaneously starts screaming and crying for no reason.
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Disturbed Patterns of Thinking
Unlike Sunny who chooses to repress the incident, Basil holds onto the guilt. Basil grasps onto the belief that Sunny wasn’t the one who killed Mari, that Something overcame him and that’s what killed Mari and scribbled out the pictures from the photo album, therefore removing the burden of guilt from Sunny. He also sees his Something, even though the reality is nothing is there. But he sees it and feels it’s presence. And the Something is what made him fight Sunny and cut him in the eye. He believes that he is removing Something from Sunny, when in actuality he was just hurting Sunny.
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Impulsive Behaviour
It’s not really shown what sort of impulsive things Basil does, but I assume that he probably does or has self harmed considering he knew about suicide from a young age. Also, on the final day, it’s safe to assume his desire to commit suicide was somewhat impulsive. He hadn’t attempted suicide before then (that we know of), but the shock of seeing Sunny again and stress of him leaving likely caused Basil to go over the edge. (And ofc depending on your choices, he may end up actually killing himself. He likely bottled up his pain and stress to the point that it caused him to end his life.)
Unstable Relationships
After the incident, Basil seemed reluctant to study with Aubrey, perhaps out of a fear that she would abandon him like Sunny did. And sadly that fear came to pass when Aubrey mistakenly believed that Basil scribbled out the faces in the photo album. Also, on “two days remaining”, Basil goes back to the hangout spot, likely because he can’t let go of what everyone has. He desperately wants things to go back to normal, when everyone was together.
Basil also refers to the friendships he had with everyone in the past tense, showing he feels as though everyone had left him and they were no longer friends, though Kel assured him of their friendship.
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The biggest example of this though is that Basil keeps telling Sunny not to leave him. He feels immense distress and pain whenever Sunny tries to leave this room, probably not helped by the fact he was left alone to deal with Mari’s death alone and also because he didn’t know Sunny was moving until Kel mentioning it casually. This likely isn’t helped by Sunny’s repressed emotions, which may have come across as abandonment to Basil. Going back to the battle, Basil flicks between a desire to save Sunny and rage at Sunny trying to leave him again.
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Basil cares deeply about Sunny, so after the incident, having Sunny suddenly hide away caused Basil a great deal of anxiety. Seeing him again 4 years later and learning he would soon be gone again would have only increased that anxiety, which is why Basil gets paranoid about Sunny trying to leave and so repeatedly asks Sunny not to go.
Anyways, hopefully this wasn’t insanely inaccurate. My knowledge of bpd is still fairly limited, but I plan to research it more…for no particular reason. Please let me know if you have any thoughts!
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monkeydlesbian · 3 years
at this point,,,i’m begging u,,fukunaga hcs😔 i love that funky little man sm i think it’s a problem
a/n: homie oh my dear GOD you just opened up the floodgates and i hope u know how to swim <3 with that being said, THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to talk about the absolute love of my life!!! i am writing this author's note BEFORE i write these hc’s so there is absolutely no telling how long it will get. as always, i hope you enjoy and i hope you have a wonderful day! i am insane!
warnings: none!
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where to start with this funnyman dear God.
fukunaga shouhei is a joy to be around, even if he doesn’t talk much and even if he laughs at his own jokes and even if it looks like he never blinks (perceptive king).
his company is really the best, like when you facetime a friend and you’re just doing your own things with each other there.
i wouldn't say he's necessarily an introvert, but he can be awkward in social settings at times which i’d say is normal for the average human being.
for some reason i feel like fukunaga is the person that’s always breaking that uncomfortable silence in a room full of people at the beginning of the night, but he never really gets the credit for it and just stays silent the rest of the time if that makes sense???
idk but i am obsessed with him.
fukunaga strikes me as the type of person who just loves laughter.
he loves hearing laughter, being the cause of it, laughing himself.
it is my personal belief that fukunaga never EVER looks jokes up, he’s always just thinking funny things in that brain of his and i really love him for that oh my god.
the first time someone actually indulges him in one of his funny thoughts, he will immediately perk up and he might blush a little bit, depending on who it is.
another thought of mine is that post-timeskip he becomes WAY more confident in his interactions with people, like he's always sure that what comes out of his mouth is going to make you laugh.
“funny guys are dangerous. they make you laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh then BOOM. you’re naked.”
yeah that's fukunaga.
when fukunaga does happen to talk, it’s so easy to flow into a conversation and he's honestly just a really soothing person to be around.
he always listens when you’re talking and his attention is on you the whole time.
he’s the type of person that is nodding along with what you're saying and responding to you even if you get talked over :((( (so precious i'm gonna cry).
another random thought but i feel like fukunaga giggles?? i don't know but i feel like he barely ever lets out loud laughter and instead just giggles PLEASE i love him.
this got so long but TLDR; fukunaga is a funny, considerate, and sweet person to talk to and be around and everyone should love him. thank you.
SCREAMS at this part because fukunaga is all i could ever want in a partner.
he can cook, he’s funny, he’s a little weird, and dear GOD i know his paycheck is FAT post-timeskip. comedian and part-time chef KING!
not to mention he is actually very handsome and cute as all hell. if you think fukunaga is ugly then i am so sorry for you.
to be honest, i don't think fukunaga will be like wound up or rowdy or anything in your relationship, like a secret sort of thing.
he’s still gonna be fukunaga, the slightly awkward and cheeky and funny guy that you came to love in the first place.
he’s not much for grand gestures in a relationship, but he’s showing you how much he loves you by cooking for you, giving you company, doing your laundry for you; basically anything that would make your life easier, he's doing it.
fukunaga isn't really touch starved or anything, but that doesn’t mean he won't absolutely relish the times the two of you do get to be physically close.
(the following bullet point is courtesy of seal anon, love u bae <3)
while fukunaga won’t drown you in a hug the minute he sees you or loom over your shoulders constantly, he does like to hold onto you in small and more subtle ways.
he likes to play with your fingers a lot, give you small kisses on your temple as he passes by, maybe even a little pat on the booty if he’s feeling bolder than usual.
one of his favorite things is to see you wrapping your arms around one of his, your cheek squished on his shoulder as you watch him cook dinner.
then he's teasing you about being clingy, about how you can get enough of him, but deep down he really couldn't ask for anything less.
being domestic with you is also another thing that stirs up the love he has for you inside his heart.
at the beginning of your relationship, the first time you spent the night at his apartment, you had forgotten to pack your sleep shirt, so he just let you use an old t-shirt of his.
he had to pinch himself the moment you walked out of the bathroom in his shirt, your own sweatpants hung low on your hips.
even now, you still tease him about the literal hearts in his eyes but he can’t find it in himself to bite back when he sees you smile and giggle at the memory.
another thing about fukunaga is that he loves you without shame!!
even if he is a little more on the quieter side, everyone around the two of you knows just how much fukunaga loves you in the way he listens to you and the way he cares about the things you care about.
kids love this mf so much it’s ridiculous. your little cousins are always climbing on his legs and begging him to tell knock-knock joke after knock-knock joke.
and it’s like he never ever gets tired of them either, probably tens of thousands of knock-knock jokes in his arsenal to entertain them with.
your aunt is so damn embarrassing with the way she tells him he would be such an amazing father, sending you looks, if you’re picking up what i'm putting down.
one very self-indulgent thought of mine is that he LOVES to tease you.
whether he’s tickling you, picking fun at you, or whispering something a little less than innocent in your ear,,, he’s always trying to tease the living hell out of you.
like i said before, i hc fukunaga as someone who got way more confident post-timeskip, so some of the things he says will catch you SO off guard it’s not even funny.
that could have gone into nsfw territory but i had to physically restrain myself.
TLDR; fukunaga as a partner is someone who isn’t going to be necessarily doting or clingy, but he will cherish you with everything he has and does everything he can for you to make your life as joyful as possible! he loves you so much and will show you every day!
BONUS SCENARIO (i’m insane):
You close your book fairly quickly when you hear the sizzling of the skillet come from inside of the kitchen. Jumping up from the couch, you slide on the wooden floor as you make your way to your boyfriend who somehow managed to sneak by you without a sound. You smile when you see Fukunaga standing there, in front of the stove and in his element, his shoulders shifting from the movement of his arms as he slides the chopped up carrot into the skillet along with the other vegetables.
“Hate to break it to ya, but you’re not as sneaky as you think,” he says, adding a pinch of salt to the ingredients in the skillet before he sends you a wink over his shoulder.
“Definitely not as sneaky as you,” you quip back, sliding your sock clad feet across the floor as you make your way over to him. You wrap your arms around his torso from behind and bury your head in the middle of his back. He giggles, resting his free hand over one of your own and rubbing his thumb across the back of it.
“You’re clingy, angel,” he comments, lighthearted and airy, showing you that he doesn’t really mean it. Either that or he doesn’t mind it.
“Can’t help it,” you shrug with a sigh, “you’re sexy when you cook.”
He chuckles, “Oh? You don’t think I’m sexy all the time?”
“Now, I didn’t say that,” you huff, your cheeks heating up when you feel him shake with silent laughter.
The sizzling tones down a little bit now that he has all of the ingredients in the skillet and has been stirring for a while, and luckily for you, Fukunaga decides it to be the optimum time to turn around and wrap you in his arms. He kisses the top of your head and you smile, burying your face further into his chest.
“You’re makin’ my favorite,” you muse after a while, tilting your head so that your chin rests against his chest as you look up at him.
“That I am, sweetpea,” he confirms simply, quite enjoying the way you instantly beam up at him from your place in his chest.
“Any particular reason why?”
“Well, I thought that maybe if I made your favorite, you’d think I was extra sexy,” he jokes, though he sounds completely serious. He giggles when your smile drops and you roll your eyes, choosing to bury your face back into his chest with groan.
“You’re annoyin’, Shou,” you say as you squeeze him tighter.
“You love it.”
“That I do.”
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z-1-wolfe · 3 years
Parhelion Headcanons (sir this is all for you) @greenbeany
Putting 'em under the cut because they got very long O.O
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I- the gnome is Neon I take no criticism. They are often good-natured souls with a more mischievous side, and if that doesn’t describe Neon I’m not sure what does. Playful, funny, good intentions, that my good Bean is our lovable cat personified. Okay Parhelion dnd au with gnome Neon please /j.
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I AM SMACKING THE GUN OUT OF YOUR HANDS [runs into a glass wall] dammit,, guess I gotta talk now
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I- oh no,, time to fail the exam I guess (turns all your head canons upside down)
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Okay they do sleep yes they do. Actually that’s a lie only Ciel sleeps, the other two are insomniacs. Ciel has all of her day to day life planned out to the minute, so she heads to bed at a certain time and wakes up at a certain time, the other two are more of a “we’ll sleep when we’re tired” kinda duo. Unfortunately due to Ilia’s night terrors and Neon’s ADHD they almost never rest. No they do not sleep in a SANE bed, ha why would they have a bed? They sleep in a hammock all tangled up with each other. It’s hard to tell what order they sleep in when they kinda curl into each other. They do not use a duvet, why have a duvet when Neon is a space heater? There are no pillows on the hammock X). OKAY THEIR ROOM, THIS I GOT, it’s a funky mess that is somehow organized thanks to Ciel. Ilia doesn’t own a lot in general but it was her life’s dream to paint her bedroom rainbow so guess what they have now. The other two are too soft and they supported her efforts and they love her despite her poor design sense XD.
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I- why closet ASDFG I mean— No they do not share a closet they all have completely different fashion sense and if that was all in one place people would be genuinely terrified. But since they’re broke they had to make do with one walk in closet that they partitioned off into sections. YES THEY DO HAVE MATCHING OUTFITS THEY ARE SO CUTE LIKE THAT. They tend to be like those cute couple outfits with a few variations to match their own personal style. But their favorite matching outfit are these duck hoodies they own courtesy of once again Ilia living out her childhood dreams. No they don’t own many outfits because like I mentioned earlier they are broke x). Hmm thinking about each other’s styles… Ilia think both of her girlfriends have great taste, she loves the well, neon of Neon, and the prim and properness of Ciel. Neon just doesn’t care XD. And Ciel is just, she’s just standing there wishing she could help their fashion sense, but she holds back because “It does suit them in an odd way.” Ciel gets the most compliments on her style hands down, she looks organized and you can bet she saves money to buy outfits that actually accentuate her cuteness. They don’t wear makeup no time for that (in which you learn Z has little to no knowledge in how to apply makeup and doesn’t know how to answer that question)
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OH OKAY I LOVE VIDDY GAMES. Ciel likes real-time strategy games because she’s insane and that’s literally all she knows in life thanks to being raised in an upper class family in Atlas. Neon likes open world games, something something she likes the chance for adventure and determining one’s fate for themself. Ilia has never once played a video game until after she defected from the White Fang but I can see her playing something light like Stardew Valley, low stakes kinda games. Hmm, they might play Animal Crossing together? Since it has aspects they all enjoy. They each have an individual switch (Ilia has a coral switch lite) and one shared PC. Okay game with most hours, maybe Minecraft? They still haven’t beat the enderdragon because Neon keeps getting distracted XD. Neon is the bomb at party games though, you can bet she has a perfect score on all the songs in Just Dance. Ciel is a sharpshooter, god knows who taught her how to shoot like that. The biggest splatoon fan is unfortunately not Neon it is Ilia, she loves all the colors in the game ^^. But she and Neon have wracked up quite a few hours in co-op.
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Uhhh books!! Ilia likes fanfics :) it’s unfortunately one of the only ways for her to see positive representation of herself. Neon for some reason reads Epics?? Like her favorite is the Epic of Gilgamesh what is up with that?? Ciel reads webtoons :), she reads enough serious stuff for school work and such, she likes to just kick back and relax after all that. Yes they have schedules reading time courtesy of Ciel :). Uhh, they relax by baking together. None of them had many chances to indulge in sweets while growing up so they make full use of their time now. ?? SPOON?? Cuddle hours happen on a whim, the one thing that Ciel can never schedule because she never knows when it’ll occur. They relax the most in the kitchen x) because that’s where they bake, it’s not unusual to find Neon asleep on the counter while she waits for their sweets to rise. They read in the light, Neon is afraid that by reading in the dark that they’ll all ruin their eyesight. Ciel likes the sunrise because she’s up the earliest and is the only one to see it, the other two prefer sunset because that’s usually when their day is about to begin XD.
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Favorite spot for dates! The park ^^, they like to go on picnic dates with all their baked goods. There is no plan, usually one of them will randomly pull the other two out of the house because they haven’t touched grass in a while XD. There are no ideas, they share one braincell and they spend too much time doting on each other to use it. Uhm favorite movie genre,,, they like comedy movies :). Their favorite place to eat is this tiny store on the corner of their street that makes mean gyros, they heccin’ love them. Coping with horror, Ilia is desensitized to horror because of the things she’s seen in life, Neon treats it like a game because she knows it’s not real, Ciel, is okay with it, but she gets shook more easily than the other two and they often have to reassure her. No they do not like theme parks, there are too many people around for Ilia and Ciel and Neon respects their boundaries so they tend to go to more quiet places. Uhm heights, Ciel is used to heights because she’s friends with Penny and woah can that girl toss her in the air like she’s a couple of grapes. Ilia doesn’t mind heights but she would prefer to have her feet on the ground. Neon loves the ground so damn much if it leaves her she will cry because man she can’t roller-skate in the air can she, what will she do if the ground is suddenly gone? They like evening dates because it’s normally the only time all three of them are awake enough for it XD. They end a night by sleeping I am not quite sure if there are other ways to end it lmao. They absolutely despise Neon’s roller skating dates but they love how excited she gets about them so they end up becoming as good as professional roller skaters because the smile on Neon’s face when they join her is dazzling.
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I am slowly going insane. Yes each girl has a hobby I sure hope they do. Ilia knits, Ciel paints, and Neon writes. I would like to imagine that Ciel would try to schedule time for their hobbies she ends up giving up because all their sleep schedules are wack. Designated chef is Neon (probably made food for FNKI back in atlas), designated driver is Ilia (I mean I like to imagine she stole cars and stuff in the White Fang XD), designated decorator for stuff is normally Ciel though Neon does try to hijack a few of her plans occasionally, designated shopper is Ciel because the other two have no concept of Saving money, and they all work together to clean :). They don’t work together, they believe in keeping their work life and home life separate to prevent their feelings from getting in the way. They do not have pets, none of them have the energy or responsibility to do that, but Ilia did once bring a moose home one day for some reason.
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I am nomming on your arm sir. Ilia and Neon get along with Penny surprisingly well, though I do think Ilia would get along with Weiss better? Ruby and Weiss look at Ciel and see a beacon arc Weiss and more or less adopt her despite Ciel being older than the two of them. They might like.. play board games together? Like some of those more team based board games I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, may the best polycule win. I cannot see them in a cuddle puddle to be honest ajcnjsanjs I am so sorry— hmm Ruby and Neon do not know the meaning of formal, as far as they are concerned these are their girlfriend’s friends and that means that by extension these are their friends. Weiss would like nothing to do with Neon after Neon insults Yang during the Vytal festival but she begrudgingly goes on outings with her and hey, now they’re make up buddies for some reason. The parhelion gals take the fs gals to the gyro place they like :). Parhelion gang Is a lot more vocal on their dates because their love language happens to be words of affirmation while the fs gang’s happen to be physical touch. Both polycules are very very affectionate though I will die on this hill.
(Parhelion angst! How do Neon and Ciel react to the news about the dust mine? How do they find out about Ilia getting expelled? Do they find out about the white fang? Is there any faunus stigma afterwards? How does Ciel react to people bullying her Faunus GFS? Does Neon talk to Ciel much after? Do they ever reunite? Does Neon attempt to help Ciel while she grieves Penny? Where the fuck is Ciel now? Is Neon still alive? Does Ilia ever think about them? Does Blake know about them from Ilia?)
BUDDY I CAME TO THE LAST ASK AND NOW ONLY DID I REALIZE YOU MEANT PARHELION BACK WHEN THEY WHERE IN BEACON THIS WHOLE TIME I’M CRYING. (This ask is answered under the assumption that they are already dating back in Atlas Academy) Ciel is fiercely protective of her girlfriends, though people only know that Neon is a Faunus because Ilia masks her traits during her time at the academy. Neon and Ciel are horrified about the news about the dust mines. They know that Ilia is a Faunus and that her parents were working there so they rush to see her as soon as possible. But they’re too late,,, Ilia’s already been expelled for attacking her fellow students. They don’t hear from Ilia for a few years after that and the two slowly drift apart, each blaming the other for not getting to Ilia soon enough. They don’t find out about the White Fang until they reunite with Ilia unfortunately, but they feel sad that Ilia had felt that they only way for her to get revenge for her parents was by joining a militant group (I’m working under the assumption that Sienna only took control of the White Fang shortly before Ilia joined). When Neon learns that Penny didn’t make it after the Fall of Beacon she hesitantly reaches out to Ciel for the first time in a year, and she does try to help. But for Ciel it’s blow after heccin’ blow and she pushes Neon away in a rage. Ciel leaves the Academy after that and goes rogue, working as a huntsman without a license for the poorer parts of remnant. Ilia is unaware of all this drama during the Beacon arc. The next time she hears of any news is during the Fall of Atlas, and she’s scared, scared because she’s still recovering and she just heard Ruby announce to the world that Remnant is under attack, and oh my gosh her ex girlfriends live in Atlas. Neon makes it out alive, though not entirely in one piece, she now has a prosthetic leg. Ilia is the first person to see her, it’s a tearful reunion and they haven’t fully made up yet, but hey it’s a work in progress, now they just have to find out where Ciel is, but when they do they’ll BOTH be there to greet her. Blake has no idea who the fuck Ciel and Neon are lmao, Ilia never told her anything about her past romances when she was in the White Fang.
Oh gosh I think that's it-- And that is it thank you for listening to me ramble about Parhelion you get a juice box for making it this far. Sir I am sincerely sorry for turning your ship upside down please forgive me.
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