#the owl house angst
kris-creations · 11 months
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I’m torturing this poor boy 🥺
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s/o who is jealous of willow hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; anonymous (30/04/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter-only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “hii! Can I request a hunter x reader where reader gets jealous and kinda insecure about hunter's relationship with willow? Like, the reader would be really trying to hide it, bc they know willow is a very close friend of hunter, but he notices it anyway 🥺
maybe a bit angsty?
also i just wanna say that you are my favorite hunter x reader writer omg ♥️♥️ luv u”
warning(s) ; angst, jealousy, comfort
you knew that it wasn’t rational, you knew that they were just friends — and you knew how important that was because he had so few support systems in his life — but knowing that didn’t change anything
not all feelings are rational, and feelings don’t need to be rational to exist
and exist your jealousy did
a gnawing parasite that buried itself in your innards and twisted deeper and deeper whenever she made him smile or blush — a stabbing pain like a dagger or some other jagged blade
a cold flush like iced water being poured over you every time he laughed at one of your jokes
the necrotic, bloody wound that spread and spilled its puss in the form of the scowl threatening to pull downwards on the edges of your lips every time she touched his arm
a disease, an infection, an infestation
so very wrong and irrational
but you couldn’t help it, couldn’t cure it, couldn’t rid yourself of it
something didn’t need to make sense for it to hurt — didn’t even need to be intentional
and you knew it wasn’t intentional
titan, no! hunter would never even dream of hurting you and willow was so lovely that she wouldn’t consider it for a second
which only made you feel worse
made you withdraw more from the group, from your relationship, as you tried to put on a facade of being okay
but he noticed
of course he noticed
and he confronted you in the privacy of your home — told you that he knew what was wrong
he knew about your feelings when it came to willow, he’d noticed — but she hadn’t (thank goodness) — but you still felt horrible because this was the exact thing you were trying to avoid
and you feel like you’re going to cry as you fall over yourself to apologise for feeling so jealous and being so stupid about it and not being able to stop
and he stops you, silences you and pulls you into a hug as he lets you cry it out
he’s rocking back and forth and soothing you and shushing you as he lets you calm down, slowly letting you know how he stood on the whole thing
and he’s so understanding because he’s hunter so of course he is, and he’s murmuring promises and reassurances against the crown of your head as he soothes you
he says he understands, that there’s nothing wrong with how you’re feeling and that it’s not your fault
that you can’t control your feelings but you can control your reaction to them and he’s so proud of you for how you were dealing with your jealousy
but that he wishes you’d have come to him to talk about it sooner rather than trying to hide them
that you’re partners and it’s important that you trust each other to have these conversations so you can tackle these things as a team
he reaffirms that he and willow are just friends (which you knew) and when you pull away to look at him he makes you promise to talk about things like this with him first rather than just trying to hide away
and you agree
and you kiss
and everything is back on track to being somewhat normal
because now you’re a team and you’re going to kick your jealousy in the ass
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iamchaos1234 · 3 months
Late night Hunter Angst hehehe-
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mothrite · 2 years
Eda to heal mother issues or family issues
Since this was vague it was hard to tell whether you wanted Eda x Reader so I ended up doing this!!
You got a new mama now
SUMMERY: Platonic! Edalyn Clawthorne x Abused!Adopted!Reader where Eda adopts you and you become King, Luz and Hunter’s sibling!!<33
WARNINGS: Mentions of parental abuse, child neglect and manipulation, in detail description of fresh wounds and PTSD. Angst to fluff
A/N: I had a few ideas for this but with the request I tried to stay vague. I didn’t use any quotes or describe the reader since I wanted you to be able yourself in their place, This is a short but hopefully sweet oneshot, if requested I might do a part 2!!Proof Read by myself!
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The sizzling drops of boiling water falling from the bleak sky were much quieter then the sound of two bare feet running through the forest. They didn’t stop moving ahead, not when they heard the sound of their mother screaming at them to return, not when the boiling rain fell to their exposed skin and not when their legs felt as though a knife was being dragged from their hips to their heels. They couldn’t stop moving, not for a single second. They had been running for what felt like days, but was simply a few hours.
The young child’s eyes glimmered with a small sense of hope as they saw a tall house come into a view. They staggered as they attempted to limp over and knock on the door but failed as the second they reached the wooden surface, they collapsed against the ground. The running finally caught up to them, and now they were hopelessly crying at some stranger’s door, wishing they had just stayed home and listened to their mother’s wishes instead of fighting back against her abuse. They should have asked father for help, but it’s not like he would have done anything, he probably doesn’t even know they exist.
As they tried to lay their back against the white concrete, they almost screamed in pain only now realizing just how many scolds their were on their back. They yelled out for help, shrieking sounds of a strained voice. With their shoulder against the wall of the house they heard a voice. A high pitched voice asking if they were ok in a not so gentle tone. As they forced their eyes to open and look at the being, they were met with a beady eyed owl demon who’s body extended from the door. They could barely make out a sentence before everything went black.
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“I couldn’t just leave them out there. The rain is going to be pouring for the next three days. That means NO ONE is allowed out. Not you, not king, not Hunter and certainly not this kid.”
As they slowly pried their eyes open they were surprised to be met with the sight of The Owl Lady, a human a small demon and a young witch. Did she want something from them? Then it clicked. They had stumbled to The Owl Lady’s house and fainted before help could get there, at least that’s what they thought, until the woman in a sleek yet torn red dress noticed them stirring and cut her conversation short and she hurried over and helped them sit up, making sure to avoid touching their now bandaged skin. They looked at the figure now sitting on the edge of the couch where they had been resting.
“You ok kid? I know the rains can be tough. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
They stared at her, confused and almost suspicious. Why was she helped them? Wasn’t she a criminal?
“Now take your time with answering but is it ok if I ask you a few questions?”
They merely nodded in response. She asked their name and they gave an answer with simply their first name. She then asked why they were out in the boiling rain for so long and without the proper protection. Just then it hit them that their mother would be searching for them at this moment. They struggled to answer, only being able to barely explain that they ran away after a fight with their mother. When Luz asked why they would run away over one fight they had to take a few deep breathes and gave their reply while clenching the blanket that wrapped around their legs and torso. They explained how their mother would abuse them and manipulate them and that night they were sick of everything and ran away before she could hit them.
Once they finished talking they looked over at the four individuals, all had gone quiet in the home. The only thing filling in the empty space was the sound of rain rolling off the barrier that covered the house. They looked down, disappointed with themselves. How could they open up and expose their deepest secrets to people they had just met? Suddenly as they spoke up they felt two pairs of arms wrapping around their body. Eda and Luz had hugged their sides and they could feel Luz’s tears silently dropping against their skin. And as they looked at Edalyn her eyes were clenched tight and she pulled the child closer and whispered into their ear.
“It’s ok. I’m here now and I’ll make sure that she never puts a single hand on you ever again.”
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iammia50 · 10 months
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something i once found on Pinterest ;w;
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 2 years
What if Camila didn't go looking for Luz to personally take her to camp at the beginning of the series? (AU idea #1)
As a consequence of Camila's decision, Vee wouldn't be taking Luz's appearance because she didn't have to immediately disguise herself to fool any other human. Now realizing she is in an entirely different dimension, Vee's focus would be in laying low, conserving her magic, observing the world, and learning from the people from the shadows
Meanwhile, Camila's life would go as normal, from buying groceries to working at the clinic, distracted by her own thoughts, questioning herself if she took the right decision for Luz. After a little over a week of Luz leaving to camp, rumors would begin to circle, which eventually became reports from all around town: from broken vending machines, to vandalized garbage cans, to stolen clothes. And while the rest of town believes that some delinquents are just having way too much fun. Camila would start to notice a pattern, leading her to the conclusion that whoever was doing this, was close to her house.
Allow me to present to you a summarized possible first chapter:
One night, while arriving home late after dusk. Camila slowly realizes something was missing. One of her jackets, the very same one she left to dry outside this morning was gone. And just before anger and frustration started to dominate her, she notices a trace, a very subtle set of small bare footprints in the still-wet dirt, and they were leading to the forest.
Although at first hesitating, Camila was determined to find out who was behind this, she equipped herself with Luz's metal bat and a flashlight, deciding to follow the path that eventually led her to the entrance of the old shack. Hearing movement inside, she braced herself to find a dangerous and potentially drunk homeless person wielding a broken bottle as a weapon. But instead, she finds a random sleeping child wearing not only her jacket but at least another four, with a half-eaten candy bar in hand, showing signs of hypothermia and malnutrition.
After gasping in horror, Camila's first thought was to bring the kid inside her house. She did consider taking them to the hospital but quickly decided that the kid needed help immediately.
Her first decision was to search for any recent injuries, but as she made direct contact with the kid's skin, they immediately start trashing around trying to break free from Camila's hold, resulting in the kid biting her hand, with a mouth crammed with a least six rows of razor-sharp fangs. Not letting the injury distract her, Camila tries to calm down the child, whose focus was solely on attempting to escape the house, forcefully trying to open the doors and windows with no success.
When the kid got themselves cornered inside the kitchen, Camila got the chance to properly see the kid's body, which was now illuminated by the kitchen's light. White spots covered some portions of their exposed body, their hands and feet exhibiting black claws, and shiny, yellow eyes which somehow were brighter that the artificial light of the room. But when Camila's focus properly returned to their faces, she realized they were now brandishing one of the kitchen's knives, looking directly at her, wearing incalculable fear and courage in their face, borderline hyperventilating, and trembling as if they were soaked head to toe with frozen water. But what truly woke up Camila from her trance was the kid's first words: "I-I will not go back!"
Wasn't expecting this one to be this large and so filled with angst. But hey, that is the power of inspiration for you.
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maddrumsticks · 1 year
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My submission for Zeez Vov Gee's WAD art contest!
This is my favorite segment of the whole episode lol
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watermelon-converse · 2 years
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when you’ve lost your found family in a pg fantasy world
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kris-creations · 8 months
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More Hunter angst! 😅 someone protect this boy from me, I always end up drawing him angsty! 🥺
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sleepingdeath-light · 10 months
her ; hunter wittebane
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requested by ; anonymous (17/07/22)
word count ; 502
content ; angst, unrequited love, implied huntlow, hanahaki disease
fandom ; the owl house
pairing ; (one sided) hunter wittebane x gender neutral reader
note ; for context yellow hyacinths represent jealousy and sorrow in victorian flower language
note 2 ; potentially a bit dodgy as i’ve never written anything hanahaki related before.
read also on ; ao3
Her smile is the sun; bright and beautiful and broad, spanning from ear to ear and bringing only light and joy to whoever is caught in its invitingly warm glow. Her eyes are olives; endless pools of yellow-green as enchanting as any forest you’ve ever seen, brimming with humour and peace whilst also glinting with golden specs of mischief and determination. Her hair is the ocean; the one that humans talk of with equal parts reverence and fear, messy and wild but also beautiful and soft to the touch — tangles of navy tamed by bands as green as her eyes that you can’t help but want to run your fingers through. She is beautiful in the same way that nature is beautiful, she’s powerful and graceful and messy and determined — a force that could bring you to your knees just as easily as she could lift you to your feet and help you reach new heights. The best witch you’ve ever known.
No wonder he loves her so much.
Hell you love her too, love her as dearly as you’ve loved any other friend, and you know that they’re both so happy together and you should be happy for them but you aren’t. You aren’t happy, can’t even bring yourself to fake a smile when you see them arm in arm, and you hate yourself for it. They’re your best friends, but you can’t even bring yourself to see them anymore because you’re not her.
She’s powerful and beautiful and outgoing and confident — and you’re just you.
She’s the ocean, rough tides and quiet waters and all, — and you’re just you.
She has forests in her eyes and the sun in her smile and birds in her laugh — and you have bloody flower petals in your teeth and thorns in your lungs.
Sickly gangrenous yellow speckled with green bile and clumps of blood as they slide over your tongue and stick to your gums. Wilted and torn as you chew them up and swallow them down whenever they approach you, biting back stems whilst you bite back tears as you offer hollow ‘congratulations’ to whatever it was they were saying — barely able to speak or breathe because of the tangle of plant matter climbing up your throat. Throwing them up later into a bush, heaving and choking and gasping between heaves as you stick your fingers down your throat and try to pull them out — slicing your fingers on the thorns as you tug and staining them yellow.
You used to be on the plant track, back at Hexside, and you’ve never been able to master flowering plants — not like her, she was a protege — and the irony of your condition hits you and you almost laugh. Something between a chuckle and a wheeze as you fold like a piece of paper and spew out a new wave of green and red and yellow onto your clothes.
She got everything and you got your hyacinths.
No wonder he loves her so much.
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iamchaos1234 · 3 months
Just a spot of Hunter angst to start off your day ^^
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You've heard about Hunter feeling guilty for carving another (bird) palisman angst.
Prepare now for "Waffles not feeling good enough for Hunter" angst.
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felixisrad · 1 year
remembering that King is semi-immortal so he will slowly watch all of his friends and family die
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Chapter 4 in “Siblings, and Stories from the Owl House multiverse”. Based on an experience I had.
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angstismyfood · 2 years
I. Need. Angst.
< angstismyfood has entered the chat >
Hi :))
I need angst food.
Please give me angst food.
Comment the angst. DM the angst.
Give. Me. The. Angst. Please.
- Bloop (currently dying of lack-of-angst)
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