#the p in my name stands for procrastination
imaginespazzi · 2 months
Part 5: One Perfect Day
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 6 - Part 7
Let me photograph you in this light (in case it is the last time that we might be exactly like we were)
(In which a procrastinating writer procrastinates giving her ship happiness)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Angst, Pining, Some Fluff
Words: 7.5K
TW: Swearing, Alcohol, Alludes to Sexual Content
A/N: Good evening my lovelies <3. As many of you have reminded me it is indeed Friday and so here we are, nobody needs to yell at me! I know I'm years too late with this but I hope y'all like it anyways, even though this is very much mainly hurt with very little comfort. But for things to get better, they have to get worse and remember, it's all for the plot! There's plenty of creative liberty taken this chapter with how hotels and post-championship celebrations work and other logistics but I wrote it how I needed to so just go with it. Did I edit? Yes. Are there typos and errors anyway? Probably. As always, tell me what you liked, what you disliked and what you'd like to see next. Have a wonderful weekend lovelies!!
March 2019 
The final buzzer echoes through the Williams Arena, and the disappointment of the last couple of years is finally drowned out as the Hopkins Royals win the state championship. Surrounded by the cheers of her teammates, Paige doesn’t know if she’d call this the happiest moment of her life, the stomach flu symptoms haven’t quite faded yet, but she knows it’s definitely on her mount rushmore of times when life was great. 
For a second, as she’d been crouched over the toilet with Azzi’s hands soothingly rubbing her back, feeling her soul leave with the remnants of last night's dinner, Paige had almost lost hope. But she’d never been taught to give up without a fight. And so it hadn’t mattered that she definitely looked a little green or that standing up was taking twice the energy it normally did, Paige was going to play today. It hadn’t been a flashy scoring night but she’d done everything else her team needed. And as that lead had built and built and built, Paige knew, the moment was still hers. 
“Paigeyyyyy,” Drew is the first one to find her after her and her teammates break apart, launching his tiny body into her legs, “you won!”
Paige laughs, lifting her brother into her arms and spinning him around, “I told you I was gonna didn’t I?”
One by one, her whole family, the epitome of a modern family, pull her into hugs and then they gather into one large group hug, with Paige at the centre of it all. Her siblings look at her with pure admiration while her parent’s eyes are filled with pride. And it fulfils that part of Paige that has always lived a little more for her family than for herself. 
As her family moves away slowly, Paige finds herself face to face with Azzi’s shining smile and her heart skips a beat. And she doesn’t really know when it started or even how really, but it gets a little more difficult every time she sees Azzi, for Paige to convince herself that that fluttering in her chest is nothing. 
“You look a little pale white girl,” Azzi teases, taking a couple of steps towards the blonde, “glad you didn’t vomit all over the floor.”
“Nah no bullshit flu is stopping Paige Bueckers. The flu is scared of me,” Paige juts out her chest with a smirk, earning her a patented eye roll from the younger girl. 
“Oh yeah, you’re real scary,” Azzi indulges before pulling Paige into a bone-crushing hug, “I’m proud of you P.”
Paige smiles into the crook of Azzi’s neck, basking in the glow of the compliment. It’s these little moments they have in between their constant banter, where they let themselves be each other’s biggest cheerleaders, that makes them Paige and Azzi. They pull away, still grinning. and Paige’s eyes roam over the Team Paige jersey framing Azzi’s body. It makes her feel some type of way to see the younger girl wearing her name across her chest, but it’s not a feeling Paige is quite ready to accept. Perhaps it’s been written in their destiny that someday things will change, that eventually they’ll both have to confront the something more that’s simmering underneath it all, but for now, Paige just wants to protect what they already have. 
“That’s a pretty jersey,” she says with a wink, fingers rushing over the soft material. 
“I was forced at gunpoint to wear it,” Azzi sighs dramatically, “I was actually cheering for Stillwater. Their pg’s kinda cute.”
Paige bristles at the comment, the queasiness from this morning returning with vengeance, “she’s mid as hell on and off the court.”
“Don’t be petty Paige. You think she’d let me wear her jersey instead?” 
“You know what,” Paige fights a losing battle with the quick surge of anger that’s taking birth in her stomach, “how about you take off my winner’s jersey and go to the loser’s locker room and beg for her jersey instead.”
She knows Azzi’s joking, knows the point guard on the other team isn’t even really Azzi’s type, knows that even if Azzi’s being serious, Paige doesn’t have a right to feel this way. But that green eyed monster is clawing at her heart, squeezing it and making it hard to breathe. 
“Oh- hey hey hey,” Azzi’s quick to grab at her when Paige tries to storm off, “chill dude. You know I’m just kidding.”
“Well it wasn’t funny,” Paige pouts, aware that she’s being unnecessarily childish. 
Azzi opens her mouth, about to make some smartass quip but there must be something about how genuinely frustrated Paige looks that softens her expression, “I came to watch you P. I have no idea what that other girl was doing. I was cheering for you the whole time.”
“You’re so sappy,” Paige snorts, throwing a handful of confetti at Azzi, but inside, the ice cold jealousy melts into something warm and lovely, spreading through her heart into her veins. 
“Can’t even say nice shit without you being a dick about it,” Azzi rolls her eyes, as she links her arms through Paige’s,  “now come on, let’s go celebrate you.”
It’s almost 2 a.m. when Paige’s teammates finally begin to filter out of her house, leaving with droopy eyes and tired smiles. She and Azzi stand in the doorway, waving goodbye to every last one of them and it feels a little domestic, like a couple after a dinner party. Paige shakes that thought away the minute it begins to form, forcing herself to ignore the burst of wouldn’t that be lovely that blooms in her chest.
“What if I just fell asleep here?” Paige sags against the doorframe. 
“You’d probably fall flat on your face and I’d get an epic video of it.”
“You’re so fucking mean to me.”
“Oh yeah right because you’re so nice to me.”
“Am to,” Paige retorts, before she makes grabby hands towards Azzi, “carry me?”
Azzi swats her hands away, “Absolutely not lazy, it’s one flight of stairs.”
“That’s like 20 steps,” Paige whines. To be honest, she’s not that tired. Out of the two of them, she’s probably closer to being a night owl. But Paige is nothing if not a little bit of nuisance, especially when it comes to Azzi. 
“Are you an athlete or not,” Azzi chides, rolling her eyes. 
“Bro I just won a championship AND I had the flu. And you won’t even carry me? What kind of best friend are you?”
“Paige I’m tired.”
The younger girl sighs, a sign of her caving in, before turning around so her back is facing Paige's front, “fine, get on you big baby.”
“Dude shut up, you’re gonna wake everybody up,” Azzi groans, always the responsible one. 
“Sorry, sorry,” Paige whispers as she jumps onto Azzi’s back, the force of it causing the brunette to take a couple steps forward, “fucking hell Azzi don’t drop me.”
Azzi lets out an indignant squawk, as she regains her balance,  “with that attitude, I should drop you.”
“If you’re too weak to carry me, just say that,” Paige teases, wrapping her legs firmly around Azzi’s torso.  She buries her shit-eating grin in her best friend’s neck, as she loops her arms around Azzi’s shoulders.
“It is not my fault you’ve put on like a hundred pounds since I last saw you.”
Azzi squeals when Paige pinches at her ribcage and the blonde immediately slaps a hand on her best friend’s mouth, “what happened to being quiet? Now, onwards horsey- OW! Did you just fucking bite my hand!?”
“What happened to being quiet?” Azzi mocks, adjusting Paige’s weight on her back as she begins to walk towards the staircase, grumbling something under her breath about ‘ungrateful best friends’ but Paige knows she doesn’t mean a word of it. She snuggles further into Azzi’s neck, letting herself breathe in the scent of the younger girl. 
When Azzi had first left Minnesota, after they’d spent every second since the plane ride back from Argentina, Paige had thought that that hollowness in her chest was temporary, that it would fade once she got back into daily life. It didn’t. And the thing is the word miss had existed in Paige’s dictionary before too but she doesn’t think she really understood what it meant til she started to miss Azzi. 
As soon as they reach Paige’s bedroom, Azzi’s already swatting Paige off her back. The blonde falls back onto the pillows on her bed with a content sigh, watching with a cheeky grin as Azzi pretends to stretch out the muscles on her back and her arms.
“I think that might have broke my fucking back,” the younger girl groan, face scrunching up in mock exhaustion, “and I have to sit on a plane again tomorrow.”
That wipes the smile straight off Paige's face. It’s so easy to get lost in the moment with Azzi, so easy to forget that they spend less time together than they do apart. They haven’t bothered with the actual lights but even in the dim glow of the moon through Paige’s windows, Azzi sees her best friend’s change in expression clearly, her own face becoming melancholic. Sighing, she climbs onto the bed herself and lies down next to Paige, intertwining her hands with the older girl’s. 
“You could stay a little longer,” Paige says after a moment, eyes resolutely focused on the ceiling. 
Azzi let out a wistful sigh, “I wish. But you know I can’t.”
“You can, you just won’t, little miss goody-two-shoes,” the light-hearted teasing eases some of the mood as they both let out soft giggles. They dissolve into a comfortable silence before, “I can’t wait til we’re playing for UConn together.”
Paige misses the way Azzi stiffens a little next to her, too enthralled with imagining a future where she and her best friend could conquer the world together. She knows Azzi, with all her indecisive tendencies, hasn’t quite come around to being anywhere near ready to pick a college team yet but Paige still has time to convince her and Paige Bueckers is nothing if not persuasive. 
“So it’s definitely UConn then?” 
“Yeah. I mean it’s UConn dude. The UConn. They’re the best. All these other programs are nice but when UConn calls, you don’t say no to that shit,” and Paige means that with all her heart. As the number one recruit in her class, there had been no shortage of offers and of course Paige had entertained them for a little while. But the minute Geno Auriemma had given his offer, everything else had become obsolete. She hadn’t committed yet, still maintaining a façade of being in the decision stage, but all of that was just a front. Paige knows she’s meant to be a UConn husky, there’s no way around it. 
“I think you’ll make a pretty damn good Husky,” Azzi says with a soft smile, as she absentmindedly plays with Paige’s fingers. 
“We’ll make damn good Huskies,” Paige affirms. 
“I don’t know P, California’s pretty tempting,” it’s said teasingly but a hint of seriousness slips through the cracks anyway. 
Paige scoffs, “cause it’s hot? Bruh that much heat would be boring. Connecticut gets all four seasons. We’d get the heat and the snow.”
“I get all of that in Virginia already,” Azzi points out with a huff, “maybe I want something different.”
“You do get something different. You get to play with me. That’s different.”
“Yeah but-”
“Dude why are you fighting me on this? Do you not want to be on the same team as me or something?” Paige asks agitatedly, suddenly feeling frustrated with the turn the conversation had taken. 
“Okay breathe,” Azzi gives her a stern side-eye, “I was just saying California’s nice. Of course I want to be on your team. Did the shirt not make that obvious?”
Involuntarily, Paige has to smile at the memory of Azzi’s jersey, the team Paige that had been loudly imprinted across her chest, “right, sorry got a little carried away. I just always want you on my team, you know?”
“I’m always on Team Paige. I always have been. I always will be,” Azzi says firmly, as if it’s the most obvious truth in the world.  
When Paige turns her head to look at her best friend, the younger girl is already looking back at her and the sincerity in Azzi’s eyes makes Paige’s heart stutter. The moon shines against Azzi’s face and Paige swears she can see every little detail in the dim light. And the thing is Paige has always known Azzi’s a pretty girl, she’s not blind. But it’s different tonight. Tonight Azzi’s the kind of beautiful that Paige wants to memorise until it’s imprinted in the back of her eyelids, the kind of beautiful that she wants to lock away in a treasure chest and preserve only for her own eyes to ever see again. The kind of beautiful that Paige knows she isn’t allowed to think of Azzi as. But still, right now, Azzi’s the kind of beautiful that makes Paige want to try and see if maybe, just maybe, there’s the possibility for something more. 
That night, when she finally falls asleep to the sound of her best friend’s quiet breathing, Paige dreams of UConn and championships and at the end of it all, kissing Azzi under the confetti. 
April 2024
There’s 14 seconds left in the National Championship game and UConn is ahead by eight points. Adrenaline courses through Paige’s veins as that one elusive dream of hers seems to finally be coming closer and closer to fruition. Winning a National Championship had been on her mind since she’d first picked up a basketball. The minute she’d committed to UConn, it had felt inevitable and yet year after year, her team had fallen just a little short. But this afternoon, it seems like it’s finally within grasp. 14 seconds to go. 14 steps closer to having her perfect moment. 
Except, every time Paige had imagined this moment, she’d expected her best friend to be there. In the beginning, before everything, she’d dreamed of them being on the court together, running into each other’s arms the minute the buzzer sounded. And then, until the last second today before she had to take the court, Paige had just assumed that when she’d look in the stands, somewhere in the crowd, there’d be the one face she wanted to see most in the world. But no matter how much she squinted, that face had been nowhere to be found and Paige had forced herself to compartmentalise her disappointment, and focus on the game. She hadn’t looked at the crowd since. 
The ball is in the other team’s hands, their point guard, diligently calling out plays before she inbounds it. Coach’s words echo in Paige’s head, try for a clean steal but don’t under any circumstances foul. Their pg inbounds the ball and the shot clock starts to count down. The ball bounces through the hands of different players on the other team but the UConn defence is stifling. Their coach is out of timeouts and it isn’t until the last millisecond that they heave up a prayer shot. And it doesn’t matter if it goes in, it’s a two point possession game, but Paige’s eyes are glued on the basketball anyways. 
The shot is an airball. The buzzer sounds through the arena. UConn wins their 12th national championship. 
For a second, everything goes silent around Paige. The normally over-excitable girl, known for her insane golden retriever energy, is perfectly still. It takes a couple more seconds for the adrenaline to hit. And then she’s screaming, pummeling her body into the rest of her teammates as the bleed blue crowd goes wild. She loses herself in the noise of her teammates cheering and the bright lights of cameras flashing nearby. They did it. And it doesn’t erase just how fucking hard the last couple of year had been, but it makes the burden significantly lighter. 
Paige rushes through the handshake line, the opposing team’s coach giving her an appreciative review of her performance before she’s recaptured into a group hug by her teammates. It’s a surreal feeling really, one that’s far better than even her most wonderful dreams. For the first time since the game began, Paige lets her gaze wander over to the family section who are all tearfully hugging, smiling at her parents and then her siblings and then- 
When her eyes meet Azzi’s, it’s like the last piece of the puzzle has finally settled into its rightful place, completing the perfect picture of Paige’s perfect moment. A #5 UConn jersey hangs loosely against Azzi’s hips as she smiles shyly at her best friend. And Paige is scared to blink, scared if she looks away, the girl in front of her will disappear. It takes everything in her to not rush into the stands, pull her best friend into her and kiss her under the confetti. 
Azzi doesn’t budge when the rest of the family and friends crew start to move towards the court. There’s too much attention, too much media, for that to be a feasible option. Paige wishes they would all just disappear, let her have her moment the exact way she’d pictured it. She thinks she’d like to fulfil that dream of hers, kiss Azzi in the confetti, twirl her around, and between it all, let the world know that she was Paige’s. 
As always, Drew is the first person to reach her. He’s a little too big for her to pick up, but she spins him around anyway. 
“You won Paigey,” her little brother squeals and he might be older now, but that innocent admiration of his older sister is as palpable as always, “I knew you could do it!”
“Thanks for always believing in me, little dude,” Paige says softly, leaning her cheek against the top of Drew’s head.
Over the top of her brother's head, Paige realises with sudden panic that Azzi’s not there anymore. Dread filters into her bloodstream, the voices in her head screaming it was too good to be true. The way her body tenses doesn’t go unnoticed by her mother who’s quick to hold her. 
“She said to tell you she’d see you at the hotel later,” Amy Jo says with a knowing smile, before letting Paige’s body sag into hers. She rubs her daughter’s back as relief settles into the younger girl's features, “proud of you Paigey.”
Paige smiles into her mother’s chest. Last year had been the hardest of her life and for a while the light at the end of the tunnel had been hard to see. Today, she feels the light surrounding her, washing away all the darkness from the last few years, bathing her in the glow of happiness. 
“I always knew you’d look good in a UConn jersey.”
Azzi’s eyes fly open and Paige smirks, leaning her body against the wall. The last couple of hours had been a whirlwind of media, champagne and excited chatter about what the after party would be like. Paige’s focus had been on celebrating, but the thought of getting back to Azzi had been a constantly lingering presence in the back of her mind. And as the bus had gotten closer to the hotel, anxiety had creeped in because what if Azzi wasn’t there? What if she’d changed her mind? 
Paige had smiled for the fans outside the hotel, diligently posing for pictures and signing autographs, ignoring the heaviness in heart. But as soon as she was far away from prying eyes, she was bolting towards her room. And then everything was okay. Paige has heard a lot of cliché things about love, about how it makes you hear violins and see stars and all of that, about how it increases your heart rate and makes you flush. But Paige thinks all of that can’t quite be right. Because when she’d seen Azzi, curled up in her sheets, #5 jersey crumpled but still fitted around her body, Paige had only felt a sense of calm. And that Paige thinks, is probably the actual truth of love, it’s about finding peace and to Paige, Azzi has always been her peace. 
“I’d look great in any jersey,” Azzi claps back groggily, moving to sit up. 
“But you look the best in mine. You always have,” Paige tries to keep her voice teasing, but it comes out sounding rather wistful, and the next words are even softer, “you came.”
Azzi bites her lips, looking down at her fiddling thumbs, “you asked me to.”
Those four little words carve themselves into a little crevice in Paige’s heart as if they’ll stay there forever, as if they’ll echo through her entire body for the rest of time. She practically throws herself onto the younger girl, the force of it pushing Azzi back down into the pillows, as she buries her head in the crook of Azzi’s neck. Their legs slot together of their own accord and it’s a little bit like they’re trying to meld into each other’s skin the way they press themselves as close as possible, til there’s barely space for air in between them. They lie like that for god knows how long; it goes by in a rush and yet ever so slowly. 
“I’m really fucking happy you’re here,” Paige whispers into Azzi’s skin, “really fucking happy.”
Azzi doesn’t say anything, humming into Paige’s hair as she tightens her grip on the blonde’s waist but Paige can tell by the way she stiffens underneath her, that Azzi’s holding herself back from something. Her heart hammers in her chest as she lifts her face from Azzi’s neck to inspect the younger girl’s face. 
“What aren’t you saying to me Az?” she whispers quietly with a sinking feeling.
“Paige,” Azzi closes her eyes. And just that is enough for Paige to understand exactly what’s going through her best friend’s head and suddenly she wishes she’d never asked, just let them have this moment. 
“Never mind, I don't want to hear it.”
“That’s not how that works. I- I wanted to wait a little but we- we need to talk.”
“No we don’t,” Paige retorts stubbornly, fighting the tears threatening to spill, “I don’t want to.”
The girl in question pushes herself off of Azzi, rising to sit on her knees, “this is meant to be the best day of my life Azzi.”
“I know- I’m sorr-”
“What game are you playing, Azzi? Why even fucking come if you were never gonna stay?” Paige spits out. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t have,” Azzi says softly, as she sits up “maybe- maybe I should have stayed away. But it’s you Paige, it’s you and I- I’ve never been that good at staying away from you. And maybe I’m just really selfish but I- I told you once that I wanted to be there when your dreams came true and so- here I am.”
They’d barely known each other when Azzi had said that, when they had just been young innocent girls with a tentative friendship, lying in the grass and sharing their dreams. Back then, the words had thrown Paige off. She hadn’t quite understood why they had meant that much to her, why they had filled her with more warmth than the sun shining above them. But she’d tucked them away in a little corner of her heart hoping she’d understand it better when she was older. She’s older now and she understands. Except every single emotion she’d felt at fifteen is heightened with the realisation that the words had meant something to Azzi too. And-
Paige surges forward to kiss Azzi. She’s pretty sure this bipolar act of theirs will be the death of them someday but it’s the only thing in the moment that makes sense. Azzi is hesitant at first, clearly too in her head, always the overthinker, but she gives in when Paige squeezes at her waist. It’s not as if they’ve kissed that many times before but it feels familiar, a little bit like coming home. She moves to straddle Azzi’s hips and they can’t get any closer really with every bit of their bodies pressed together now, but Paige tries anyways, tries to etch please don’t leave me into the other girl’s skin. And she isn’t sure if the salt she can taste is from the tears steadily streaming from Azzi’s eyes or the ones free-falling from her own. 
The minute Azzi pulls away, Paige misses her. 
“We can’t-”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” Paige cuts Azzi off immediately, resting her forehead against the younger girl’s, “please.”
“Paige,” Azzi breathes out, “I have to go.”
“No you don’t,” Paige says stubbornly. 
“Paige please-”
“Stay- fuck please- Azzi- just give me tonight. Tomorrow we can talk and you can-,” Paige swallows, not wanting to say leave out loud, “but please- tonight can we just pretend? Can you give me that? Fuck- can I just have tonight? Please- just- stay.”
Azzi lets out a shaky breath, “it won’t make it hurt less.”
“I know- fuck- I know but I just don’t want it to hurt right now.”
“Okay,” Azzi whispers slowly, thumb caressing Paige’s wet eyelashes, “okay, I’ll stay tonight.”
Paige kisses her again. 
The UConn team falls in love with Azzi in a matter of hours. No one had been shocked when Paige had shown up to the after party a.k.a everybody gathering at the hotel bar, fashionably late and with a nervous Azzi teetering behind her. It had been awkward at first; everyone was a little unsure of how to act around the new presence. Not only was Azzi from a rival team, but everyone was at least a little aware of her tumultuous relationship with their star player. But then KK had wanted to film a tiktok that needed someone to do random camerawork and when everybody else had groaned, Azzi had quietly volunteered. Much to KK’s delight, Azzi turned out to be quite the cameraman. And that apparently was all that was needed and Paige marvels at the way Azzi just fits.
She moves around Paige’s team as if they’re just as much hers. One second she’s timing some stupid drinking game that KK and Ice are playing, the next she’s sitting in a corner laughing with a more subdued Ash and Q. 
Aubrey and Ayanna gush over their girlfriend and Azzi’s coos over their pictures, a hint of wistfulness on her face when she meets Paige’s eyes. 
The team does their routine of teasing Aaliyah’s about being vegetarian and Azzi diligently backs the Canadian up with a spiel of how tofu isn’t actually that bad. That gets her a hi-5 from Aaliyah despite the eye rolls from the rest of the team. 
Despite being a little tipsy from having been dragged into doing shots with Amari and Carol, the two other people she knows pretty well, Azzi diligently lets Inés and Jana teach her little bits of Portuguese and Egyptian. 
Even Nika sheds her frostiness, amused by Azzi’s curiosity to learn her native language beyond just the curse words, and teaches the younger girl a couple of words. Azzi rolls her eyes fondly when she realises she’s been taught to say UConn is the best team ever in Croatian and amidst Nika’s laughter, Paige knows is a hidden acceptance. 
But the best part of it is that although Azzi’s suddenly being pulled in all different directions by various UConn girls, she never really leaves Paige’s side through it all. There’s always a little bit of them touching, whether it’s their shoulders or their knees, even when they’re both involved in completely different conversations and activities. It feels oddly domestic and Paige is reminded of the part after her state championship all over again. The burst of i want this forever that stirs in her chest makes her want to sob because it collides head first against a wall of this is only for tonight. And Paige knows that one night won’t ever be enough for her. 
“Aye Paige’s girl, come play truth or shots with,” KK’s loud voice breaks through Paige’s cloud of distress and it’s eclipsed by the implication of those two words. 
Paige’s girl. The phrases makes itself home in Paige’s heart, sounding so fucking right. She hasn’t let herself acknowledge it truly ever but that’s how it’s always been in Paige’s mind. It’s how she’s always thought of Azzi. As hers. Her Azzi. Her girl. 
“I’m not-that’s not-” Azzi’s cheeks are tinted pink as she stutters through her words, withering under KK’s cocked eyebrow. 
“Uh-okay if you say so,” KK rolls her eyes, holding her hands up in a sarcastic defensive position, “guess we’re starting off truth or shots by lying.”
The rest of the team laughs as Azzi’s blush grows even deeper and Paige can’t even try and hide her smile, her own neck tingling a little bit as she tucks herself into Azzi’s side. And it’s not real, they’re not anything, but in this moment it feels a little bit like they’re everything. 
“You guys are sickening,” Ice accuses when she notices the two of them cheesily smiling at each other, “it makes me gag.”
“They’re cute. Leave them alone,” Caroline chastises, ever the supportive friend. 
Azzi leans back against Paige’s arm as the group goes around the circle, asking each other ridiculous questions, cheering like little kids when their teammates opts to drink instead of answering a vaguely invasive question. When it’s her turn, Paige can already tell by the glint in KK’s eyes that her menace mini-me is about to cause trouble. 
“Paigey cakes, when’s the last time you had sex?”
Next to her, Paige can feel Azzi stiffen immediately. The shot feels heavy in Paige’s hand as she seriously contemplates taking it. She knows why KK asked the question, probably having concocted some idea of exposing Paige and Azzi. She’d known by the waggling eyebrows that the whole team had thought the two of them were late because they’d been fucking but that couldn’t be further from the bitter truth. 
Paige chances a look at Azzi’s face as she bites down on her lips. The younger girl’s face is stoically devoid of any emotion and Paige knows she’s thinking about the night of the crash (or as Paige likes to call it, the most terrifying night of her life) except- 
“November, last year,” Paige says slowly and Azzi whips her face around to look at her, lips falling apart in shock. 
“Don’t play, there’s no fucking way,” Ice guffaws and Paige shrugs. 
“It’s the truth.”
“Bruh what the fuck,” KK looks a little shell-shocked, “how the fuck did you survive that long?”
“Some of us actually know what to do with our own fingers,” Paige quips defensively, trying to ignore the butterflies dancing in her stomach at the way Azzi’s still looking at her. 
“I bet Azzi knows all about your fingers huh Azzi?” and even that, KK’s unhinged commentary, isn’t enough to get Azzi to pull her gaze away from Paige. It’s almost as if she hadn’t heard it all. 
“You didn’t- that night?” Azzi manages to get out. 
“Couldn’t do it,” Paige mumbles, “she wasn’t you.”
Despite the horde of people around them, they’re in their own little bubble now. There are a multitude of questions swimming in Azzi’s eyes and Paige wants to answer all of them if it means that maybe just maybe, she could prevent the inevitable misery tomorrow would bring. 
“Okay Azzi, it’s your turn,” Amari’s voice draws Azzi’s attention away and Paige feels cold without the heat of it. She doesn’t know how she’ll survive tomorrow. Living in the present isn’t working and Paige finds herself already feeling the emptiness she knows will become her reality in a couple of hours. Her fingers tap an incessant pattern on her thigh as she tries to keep her focus on the game, 
Azzi swallows nervously before mustering up a grin with false confidence, “I’m ready. Hit me with your best, I’m not drinking.”
“We’ll see about that,” KK smirks, diabolically rubbing her hands together, before she turns to Nika, “all yours Nik-Nik.”
The other girls “ooh”, knowing  Nika’s reputation for being notoriously good at this game. The Croatian grins at Azzi, as she sits up from where she’d been lazily lying on the love seat, a glint of mischief in her eyes. And then her eyes meet the forlorn ones of her twin and something shifts. When she looks back at Azzi, there’s a more serious look on Nika’s face. 
“Have you ever been in love?”
There’s pin drop silence once the gravity of the question registers. The light-hearted air in the room is replaced with anticipation, as all of Paige’s teammates look back and forth between their point guard and her best friend. Paige isn’t sure if she wants to know the answer, doesn’t know if there’s an answer that wouldn’t break her heart just a little bit. For a second, it looks like Azzi’s going to drink until she puts the shot down on her hand rest until- 
“Yes,” she confesses in a whisper, and Paige feels her heart begin to race, “I have.”
“How many times?” Nika prods
“That’s not how the game works. I already answered your question.”
“Different rules for newcomers,” Nika shrugs. It’s a blatant lie but nobody says anything. Paige is still caught up in her own head and the other girls won't challenge Nika, not when they’re just as curious, “I get to ask questions til you drink.”
Azzi narrows her eyes, knowing it’s all bullshit and maybe if she wasn’t a little bit tipsy and competitive, maybe if she couldn’t feel every inch of Paige’s side pressed against her, she’d walk away but she can’t. 
“Only once,” she answers. 
“With your ex-girlfriend?” Nika asks. The way she raises an eyebrow suggests there’s only one right answer to the question. Paige doesn’t know if there’s a right or wrong answer, only that there’s an answer that would shatter her. 
“No. I was never in love with her,” Azzi directs the answer towards Nika, but everyone knows it’s meant for Paige’s ears. And despite the tornado still roaring in her body, the blonde lets out a sigh of relief. 
Nika’s intimidating demeanour cracks a little bit when that answer makes her smile, “are you in love with someone right now?”
Even if it’s not said out loud, the implication of Nika’s question, the someone, is clear. And suddenly Paige doesn’t want to hear the answer, not right now, not when they’re both a little tipsy, not when they’re surrounded by all her teammates, not when their future is so unclear. 
“Drink,” Paige cuts in, holding the shot in front of Azzi, “don’t answer it.”
“Drink Azzi,” Paige says firmly. 
Azzi looks equal parts relieved and frustrated as she downs the drink, happy to have gotten out of the uncomfortable round of questioning but a little annoyed at losing in front of the UConn girls. 
“And you said you wouldn’t drink,” Nika sneers, as she hi-5’s her teammates. 
“Because you bent the rules; she did great,” Paige defends immediately and everyone snickers, the mood in the room returning to something more casual.
“So fucking pussywhipped,” Ice teases. 
“Shut up,” Paige whines, hiding her face against Azzi’s shoulder as everybody else laughs. If the voices in head screaming this is just for tonight would shut up for a second, Paige thinks maybe she could fall in love with this moment, surrounded by her found family. 
It’s almost 3 am when the team decides maybe they should start going to bed, knowing they have a morning flight back to Connecticut. Everyone else is still in a jovial mood, sufficiently drunk of both alcohol and the high of a championship but Paige’s stomach pools with dread. Every minute is a step closer to a goodbye, she’ll never be prepared to say. 
They get to the lobby of the hotel when Paige turns to Azzi, ignoring her anxiety to be a nuisance instead. 
“No,” Azzi says immediately when she sees Paige making grabby hands at her, “there’s literally an elevator Paige.”
“So? That just makes it easier for you. This is tradition.”
“In what world is this a tradition?” Azzi sighs exasperatedly. 
“Since I won the state championship,” Paige grins, “pleeeeease, I’m tired, my feet hurt.”
Azzi gives her an unimpressed look, “you’ve been sitting for the last couple of hours.”
“And before that I was winning a championship, after beating your team by the way,” Paige’s smirk widens when Azzi guffaws at catching a stray. 
“Oh fuck off. Reminding me of that is not the way to get me to carry you by the way.”
“C’mon Az, you know you’re gonna give in anyway. You know you wanna sleep, stop wasting time.”
Azzi rolls her eyes with a dramatic sight before doing exactly what she always does, giving into Paige, “hop on then you big baby.”
Paige cheers, latching on Azzi’s back as her knees circle around the other girl’s waist. Unlike when they were younger, Azzi’s doesn’t stumble anymore at the additional weight. She’s stronger now, completely solid and steady underneath Paige and that absolutely doesn’t trigger any inappropriate thoughts in the older girl’s brains, absolutely. 
“Y’all are so cringe,” KK crinkles up her face when she turns to look at them as they wait for the elevator, but there’s a certain amount of fondness in her voice, “but Azzi’s cool. Much cooler than you P boogers. You should bring her around more often.”
Paige’s smile vanishes in tandem with Azzi letting out a strangled noise. KK looks between the two of them, slowly realising maybe she’d just put her foot in her mouth. 
“Yeah, maybe,” Paige answers noncommittally, trying to keep her voice steady. 
Much to her relief, the elevator dings open, saving her from having to say anything more. She wraps her arms tighter around Azzi, burying her face as far into the other girl’s neck as she can and closing her eyes, trying to lose herself in Azzi, instead of in the jail of her own mind.
She doesn’t look up from where she’s nestled into Azzi’s skin, when the rest of her teammates start towards their own separate rooms, telling Azzi how lovely it was to meet her. 
“Can you get off her back, so I can give her a hug?” Ice pinches Paige’s arm but the older girl just shrugs her off. 
“No. Go hug someone else.”
“Bro you’re so fucking annoying,” Ice groans and Azzi sends her an apologetic wink but it doesn’t go unnoticed that she doesn’t try to shake Paige off like she normally would. It heals something in Paige to know that Azzi doesn’t want to let go either. And she doesn’t understand why they’re doing this, why they’re fighting this, when neither of them want to. 
“I think your teammates might like me better than you,” Azzi teases when they finally get back to the room and Paige climbs off of her back. The blonde is too lost in her thoughts to come back with a smart quip. And of course her best friend notices it immediately, nudging her quietly, “P? You good?”
Paige blinks up at Azzi, and even before she says the word, she knows Azzi’s already read them in her eyes, “I don’t want you to go.”
“Paige,” Azzi sighs tiredly, “what happened to pretending tonight?”
“Fuck pretending,” Paige blames the alcohol for how loud her voice comes out, guilty only because it makes the girl in front of her flinch, “I don’t want just tonight. It’s no where near fucking enough. I want forever. With you.”
“That’s not- Paige- we live on different sides of the country.”
“For now, but we can make it work. It’s us,” Paige pleads desperately. 
Azzi scoffs, stepping away from Paige, “you say that like it a good thing.”
“Us! We don’t- it’s not- being ‘us’ is not a good thing Paige. May us from before but us now? Us now is complicated and messy and hard and I just- I can’t do this Paige.”
“You can- we can- Azzi- just- think about it okay- sleep on it- you’ll see. You’ll see, I’m right.”
Azzi shakes her head, closing her eyes as a single teardrop leaks out, “you’re making this so fucking hard Paige.”
“I don’t want to- I’m sorry- I’m so sorry baby,” the term of endearment slips through Paige’s lips before she can catch it, “but I need you to think about it once please.”
She moves to cup Azzi’s cheeks, thumb caressing away the tears, “please.”
“Okay, okay,” Azzi nods, resting her forehead against Paige’s, “I’ll think about it.”
They’re quiet as they get changed for bed, thinking about the same thing. Co-existing together comes naturally to them after years of inhabiting each other’s space and the. there's no getting in each other’s way, even if they’re both dead silent. It’s awkward when they finally get into bed, both of them lying on their back, resolutely staring up at the ceiling. Paige is the first one to move, turning onto her side so she can face Azzi. The moon shines against Azzi’s face and Paige thinks that so much has changed, but Azzi’s still that kind of beautiful, the same kind of beautiful Paige had thought of her as since the state championship. 
“What was your answer going to be,” she asks quietly. 
“To what?”
“To Nika’s question. Are you in love with someone right now?”
Azzi hesitates a little bit, before turning her own body to face Paige, “you know the answer Paige, you don’t need me to say it.”
Paige doesn’t prod, knowing they were too volatile for her to keep pushing. Instead she reaches over to intertwine their hands together. 
“Do you know what my answer would have been?”
“Yeah,” Azzi says softly, squeezing her hands, “yeah I do.”
Maybe there’s peace in knowing. Or maybe there’s only more pain. Paige doesn’t know if the truth sets her free, doesn’t know if she could ever even be set free from the shackles that bind her to Azzi, doesn’t think she even wants to be set free. But at least Azzi knows too. Maybe there’s peace in drowning together. 
Paige wakes up in a panic when she reaches over and finds the other side of the bed empty. She gets up with a jolt, eyes frantically searching for Azzi, until they finally land on the girl sitting on the couch next to the bed. 
“Fuck,” Paige’s voice is still wracked with sleep, “I thought you left.”
“That’s more your style,” Azzi says and Paige flinches at the reminder, “how’d you sleep?”
“Pretty good. How about you?”
“Pretty shit actually” Azzi admits, “I woke up every two seconds, scared you’d be gone.”
“You asked me to believe in you- to believe in us and I-” Azzi draws in a sharp breath and Paige knows she’s not going to like where this is going, “I want to- I really, really, wish I could. But I don’t. I can’t- I can’t be with you Paige- not when I’m scared you’re going to break my heart every second.”
“Azzi,” Paige scrambles across the bed, stopping when the girl in question holds her hands up. Everything in her feels like it’s on fire. There are no burn marks on her skin but she swears she’s been turned to ashes underneath. 
“And you deserve better than that too Paige. You deserve someone who- who’s not scared. Who can give you all of herself without- without holding back and I- I can’t do that.”
“You can- fuck- Azzi you can- please,” desperation leaks through every syllable as Paige fights what she knows is a losing battle. 
“Not right now. Too much has happened between us and we can’t- we can’t just ignore all of that and start something new- maybe someday- but not right now.”
Azzi stands up from her seat, hesitantly walking over to Paige’s side of the bed. She cups Paige’s face, watery dark brown eyes meeting crystal blue ones that are glistening with tears. 
“Azzi please,” Paige begs, feeling everything slip away before she’d even had a chance to fight for it. 
Azzi presses her lips to Paige’s forehead, holding them there for what feels like the briefest of seconds until she’s pulling away, “I’m sorry P.”
And then she’s gone and every part of Paige’s heart is gone with her. 
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blackswan446 · 4 months
worth it - one.
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→ pairing: yan!knj x reader
→ wc: 1091
→ cws: none!
→ notes: i procrastinated this sooo hard but i hope you enjoy :) fun fact this was supposed to be a one shot sorta thing but i realized midway thru writing it would be hella long so i decided to cut it up and make it an official book so yippee
pushing the door open effortlessly, your brother pushed aside the pair of fuzzy houses slippers that sat next to the doormat. sliding off his shoes, the boy accompanying him glanced around the house. it was average, not too big or small, and the typical appliances and furniture sat in their typical places. overall, it wasn't much different than his own home.
making their way to the kitchen, the pair of guys set their bags down at the wooden table as your brother shuffled over to the fridge. "you want anything?" jiwon asked him, "my mom went shopping yesterday." namjoon shook his head. "i'm all good, thanks." he said, looking at the family photo that adorned the wall next to the table. he looked at the four smiling faces, quickly identifying who each family member was. one of them caught his eye, her stunning eyes and pearly white teeth causing him to do a double take.
"you have a sister?" he asked, turning back around to his acquaintance, who had sat at the table with a handful of random snacks he had rounded up in the fridge and pantry. "yeah, i do." he said nonchalantly as he ripped open a small bag of candy. "i didn't know." namjoon said, unable to take his focus off of you and your mere existence. "i don't think i've ever seen her around school." jiwon nodded. "yeah, well, she doesn't go to school with us." he said nonchalantly. namjoon knew he should have just left it there, but something was gnawing at his brain, he just had to know more about you.
"how come?" he questioned. your brother shrugged. "ah, you know. things happen. it was just...better for her to go somewhere else." he said, giving namjoon a look that obviously told him to stop prodding. getting the message, he cleared his throat awkwardly and sat down at the table. "so, uh. right. let's start with math. you said you needed help with...inequalities?" he asked, prompting another nod from your brother, who shoved more candy into his mouth before reaching for his notes. the pair had barely gotten through the first two questions before the front door swung open.
you breezed into the kitchen a second later, ditching your blazer on a chair and grabbing a glass from the cabinet. "hey," jiwon said, "how was school?" he asked, turning his attention away from his paper, and luckily, also from namjoon, who looked like a deer in headlights. you nodded as you filled the glass with cool water and ice. "it was fine. i'm just glad i can relax for a little bit." you sighed, sipping the icy drink in your hands. "how about you?"
he shrugged his shoulders, turning back to the table. "same as always. we're doing homework now." he said, picking his pencil back up. you shuffled over to the table, standing at the corner of the table as you peered at the books and problems scattered everywhere. "i can see that...what're working on?" you questioned. jiwon scoffed, shaking his head. "don't ask me, i don't know what any of this is. namjoon's the smart one here." he said.
namjoon, whose heart was racing at your close proximity, jolted his head up at the sound of his name. your wide eyes met his own dark, mocha ones, and he still struggled to find the right words, regardless of the simplicity of the prompt. "uh, inequalities. you know, greater than, less than, that type of stuff. annoying at first, but not so bad once you get the hang of it." he stuttered, the smile on his face a harsh contrast to the panic in his head. had he rambled on too long about math? did you think he was weird now?
you smiled softly at him, nodding your head in understanding. "sounds...awful." you joked. namjoon chuckled, perhaps a little too much, at your words and glued his eyes back down to the paper in front of him. "i'm going to go lay down. i'm beat. good luck with the inequalities, alright? and namjoon," you said, "nice to meet you." you said, giving him one last smile before heading off to your room for the afternoon.
jiwon, who had obviously moved on from the interaction quickly, continued on with his homework normally, every now and then stopping to ask namjoon why he seemed so spaced out all of a sudden. brushing it off as nothing, the boy tried to concentrate on the tasks in front of him, but just couldn't.
the poor boy was a wreck inside, feeling so many unfamiliar emotions at the same time making his head spin like a top. you were an enigma, that was already made evident by your cool demeanor and the way your brother talked so little about you. it was also obvious that it was supposed to be that way, he knew by the look in jiwon's eyes when he asked about you, that you were supposed to be kept quiet, kept safe and hidden away from the dangers of the world.
and that's exactly why he got drawn in so quickly.
namjoon was smart, a genius even. it seemed like he knew everything about everything. at least, that's what it felt like to him. there didn't appear to be that many things that he didn't know, and whatever he didn't know, he could pick up a book and become an expert on within a day. his intelligence was gift, sure, it had gotten him ahead in just about everything and anything he ever wanted could be brought to him on a sliver platter.
but here, everything was so different.
you were a subject he couldn't master. a code he couldn't crack. and the mystery of your sheer existence reeled him in so fast and so hard he couldn't really remember what life was like, even moments before he met you. you were unlike anything he had ever encountered before, for once in his life, there was something he couldn't study. a closed book he couldn't crack open.
the feeling, though it was new and unfamiliar, was intoxicating, and seduced him before he could give it a second thought. he was addicted, alright, hooked on the drug of uncertainty that he had avoided his entire life. and as he accepted the new challenge that would soon come to devour his very being, a familiar chill of excitement ran up his spine. oh, this was going to be so worth it.
besides, who doesn't like a little challenge?
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james-is-here · 23 days
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Finally, I made the Minho x witch reader fic from my blurb a while ago. F.C is favorite color for the color of your powers.
Blogs: @belladonna6-6-6 @heartbinn @succubus-hansol @leezanetheofficial @yongbokkk @michelle4eve @dontwannaexsist
Tags: technically p in v sex? Minho's body is swapped, Minho is confused but knows what he wants, Oral (Min Receives), feminization? Would that count? Like Mn knows it's his boyfriend but he's been turned into a girl, um...insert more here, I'm blanking lmk if there's anything else or anything I got wrong.
(Minho names) Princess, Jagi, Kitten, precious, baby, Minnie, Lina. (Mn names) Hyung, daddy
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"Jagi~ When can I see you??" "Mn, chill, please. I saw you an hour ago." "Min....I don't want to be here." "You chose to stay at home to practice your mental spells. Don't blame me."
You pout, slouching further down on the couch before falling to the side and rolling into your back. "You're throwing a fit on the couch, I can feel it, stop it." "You can't feel shit, you're looking at the mirror I gave you."
You hear his light chuckle and the small hand mirror you gave him, almost like a security camera but magic, clap shut with a click. You gave it to him when you were still studying with your family coven and his cats were at your apartment. "You caught me. Mn, you'll be fine, you love studying your spells." "Yeah, but it's mental spells, i've failed so many times with no visible results." "If I send you a photo, will that motivate you?" "Hm, depends on the photo."
Sitting up, you slouch on the couch again, kicking your spell book that hangs off the coffee table, spooking Dori who was sniffing at your bundle of daisy's in the vase. "Selfie?" "Procrastinate." "Mirror?" "Procrastinate." You hear him sigh and smile, actually proud of your stubbornness. "I think I know what you want but I'm already in my stage outfit, I can't do anything." "Minnie~ Please, Kitten?"
"You...are impossible." You didn't think it was possible to feel his blush through the phone but you did. You hear what you think is a door shutting before he speaks. "I'm saying bye to you now cause I'll need to head to stage after." "So I'll get my photo??" You ask, almost sounding like an excited puppy at the thought of actually getting the photo you want. "Maybe. Will you do your spells?" "Ugh, yes." "Okay. Love you, Hyung." You giggle softly and can hear Minho's smile. "Love you!" "This photo is nothing but a bribe, okay? Distract yourself with our new family video and do your work." "Since when were you in charge?" "Since my boyfriend was like a moody teenager who doesn't like homework." "I am." You hear the eye roll before he huffs. "Go." "Okay." He hangs up before you could continue and you laugh, standing up and taking your book with you.
You toss the book down on your kitchen island, hopping onto the barstool and sighing heavily. Your phone goes off and a grin takes over your face immediately as you pick up your phone.
From Minnie Kitty 🩶
[1 Attachment]
Now work, you promised. And feed the cats.
You laugh at his message before looking at the photo, waving a hand the the direction of the food bowls before Dori jumps off the table, Soonie comes out from behind the couch, and Doongie comes out of the bedroom at the sound of their food.
It looks like he propped his phone up on a wall adjacent from him and he's on his knees, pants undone and pulled down slightly to show he's wearing grey boxers and he's holding his stage shirt up to his chest out of the way with one hand and the other was on his waistband. He's cropped out his face but you could see the red of his blush at his neck and the fact his head is turned away from his phone. Looking closer, you could see dying hickies on his stomach and part of his thighs that aren't covered by his pants.
To Minnie Kitty 🩶
Excuse me, why did I not get the full view of my Kitten? Uncrop your face.
From Minnie Kitty 🩶
To Minnie Kitty 🩶
From Minnie Kitty 🩶
[1 Attachment]
His face is as you thought, burning red and you just know that it's from seeing himself in the camera which made him look away. Judging by the fact it's a hands free photo, this is a screenshot from a video, you'll stop bothering for now but you're gonna want that video, it probably has Minho's whole process of getting this photo for you and you love when he's all flustered and shy.
You listen to Minho and pull up the newest SKZ family then open your book to the recent page, mental spells. You can do normal spells, wordless spells, but for some reason you just can't get mental spells, no hand movements, no words, only your mind. You often asked what you were doing wrong, you did everything necessary but it just never works.
You stare at an orange in the island basket and repeat the spell to turn it into an apple, a simple starter spell as you've read that starting with smaller spells are best. "What the fuck am I doing wrong?" You mutter to yourself a stare at your book before your phone distracts you, hearing your boyfriend's voice.
Your first thought was that he looked so pretty. How can that wig change him so much? What if his hair was that long in reality? Then you started questioning yourself cause Minho looked so fucking good as a girl. Plus, Hyunjin was pretty with that hair style, he looked like an actual mom but you stuck to ogling your boyfriend and not your stolen boyfriend. (Hyunjin has "stolen" you from Minho cause "You're so fucking hot and attractive" Hyunjin said himself.)
You don't know when your fell asleep but the last thing you remember is your boyfriends yelling at the other boys for the family skit and the line from your book you've read a million times "To achieve mental spells, focus your mind's energy and channel it through precise incantations, visualizations, and unwavering concentration." Apparently this was supposed to be easy.
Raising your head, you rub some sleepiness from your eyes. Picking up your phone, you tap it to check the time but it doesn't turn on, so it's dead.
Slamming your book shut, you walk away from the kitchen island and go to your room, changing out of your clothes and putting on just your sweats before climbing into bed and promptly passing out for the rest of the night.
In the kitchen, your book glows F.C, fluttering open before closing and your family emblem glows as well before fading to nothing.
You're completely unaware to what chaos you have the next day.
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You shoot out of bed the next morning to pounding on your door. "Who the fuck is here at nine in the morning?" You mumble as if you shouldn't be up at 9am.
Shuffling out your room, you stretch the sleep out of your arms and back. Minho said he'd stay at the dorms after their schedule the night before and his designated keychain still hung next to the door. If Minho was going to come, he would've texted.
Your keyhole was covered, causing you to grumble and unlock your door and open it but suddenly someone is shoving their way through.
"What the fuck did you do?" The stranger yells at you and you subconsciously covered your torso at the woman that stares back at you. "What did I do?! I have a random woman in my apartment! Get out!" She huffs, ripping off her mask and taking her cap off. "Mn. It's me!" She says and you look over her, how'd she know your name?
She wore a black mask and cap before taking them off, her brunette hair now falling over her white hoodie as she shook her head slightly to adjust the bangs over her forehead. She was wearing a pair of black sweats and shoes that looked too big to be hers now sit kicked off next to the door.
Soonie walked over at the familiar smell of the woman's clothes and she kneels down to pet him but you step forward and pick him up. "Please, don't touch my cats and get out. I won't hesitate to call the cops." "Mn, you can't, your spell books are all over the place." "How do you know that? Are you stalking me?" "Oh my god, Mn! You can't be this dumb."
She suddenly steps forward, she's a bit shorter than you so she stands on the tips of her toes, reaching up to your neck and pulling you down to connect your lips and you went to protest but her lips...they were a familiar plush smoothness coated in cherry that you couldn't help but get lost in and flutter your eyes closed.
Soonie jumped out of your hold and your hands drifted to the hips of who you thought was a stranger and pulled them close, the others arms wrapped around around you neck completely and sigh almost thankfully more than contentedly.
You separate with a click and you open your eyes. "Minnie..." You whisper against his lips and he huffs out a laugh with a small shake of his head. "Yes, you dumb fuck." "Well pardon me, how else am I supposed to react when a random woman I've never seen before suddenly barges into my apartment?" "Soonie came up to me, that should've tipped you off." It's true. Soonie never walked up to strangers.
"I feel like I should be worried you willingly kissed a random woman." "Wha-" You pull back, astonished that he'd say that. "You kissed me." "Yes but you kissed back." "Your lips gave it away." You remove your hand from his hip and held his chin between your finger and thumb to tilt his head further back before you move your thumb up and place it on his bottom lip, his lips parting automatically as you lightly rub the smooth skin. "Aw look, my kitten is still there too."
He doesn't react to your tease but he just stares at your eyes. He still has his boba eyes that you love that shine back at you with so much love that you didn't realize someone like Minho could have until you got to know him.
It's a bit weird but knowing it was your Minho kinda made it a little easier. "I don't get it." You say barely above a whisper. "What? How I'm suddenly a woman?" "No, that somehow you're pretty no matter what you look like." "That was gross." "Yeah, Sure."
You're conflicted as he leans up and kisses you again. Not at him directly, you just really loved kissing him and that alone tends to make you need him but would he take you like this?
You regrettably pull away, Minho following after you to place a couple pecks to your lips and you press a finger to his lips as you speak. "U-Uh, w-wait one sec." You pull away completely, pulling out of his arms and walking into your living room to find a specific spell that you've only read and never performed.
Spell Name: Chromatic Metamorphia
Description: The Chromatic Metamorphia spell taps into the mystical energies of the cosmos to weave a delicate tapestry of transformation, allowing the caster to alter the gender of a chosen individual. Through the intricate weaving of incantations and the manipulation of arcane symbols, the essence of the target is imbued with a new gender identity, opening doors to new experiences and perspectives. However, wield this power with care, for the threads of fate are easily tangled, and the consequences of such a profound change can ripple far beyond the caster's control.
"Um...Well, that's new." "What?" You stand up from finding the book on the bottom of your bookshelf and turn to Minho who stands in front of your kitchen. His eyes scan your body and you see his gaze linger on your torso. "Well, two things...I unknowingly managed to succeed at doing mental magic..." "Well, I guess that's good? What's the other thing?" "I somehow used a spell that I have not read in years and has been illegal to covens for years." "You used an illegal spell on me?! Wait, you have banned spells?" His bewilderment turned into confused curiosity. "Yeah, we do. All biological spells were banned because it got out that unfaithful magic holders were pretending to be doctors and using the spells to change people's anatomy. Almost outed every coven to still exist cause people were becoming suspicious of them since they never left scaring."
Minho noticed your far off look and walked over to you, placing a hand on your arm. "You knew them didn't you?" "My great grandfather and his brother...that's why my familt coven is so small. Everyone knew us and didn't want to be associated with us." You shake your head, putting your book back in an empty spot a before turning back the other. "It's fine, though. We're slowly being forgiven and I'm glad I found you." You move his now long hair behind his ear and place a hand on the side of his face.
"Is there a reversal spell?" "Um...yeah, somewhere..." "You're still not with me." "I'm sorry I got you involved..." "Mn, it's okay. A bit weird but it's fine. Now, go find it." Before he stepped away, you lean forward and kiss him, his hands rest on your bare chest as he kisses you back.
His hands slide up your chest and wraps his arms around your neck, burying one of his hands in your hair and the other held the back of your neck and brought you closer.
He takes a step, bringing your bodies closer as he lets out a small noise you barely caught. "W-wait-" You mutter against his lips but he keeps your lips connected with a small pull at the back of your head. Your hands move to his hips over his oversized hoodie and try to push him back but it happens on its own when he runs out of breath and he whines, his new voice soft and needy.
"M-Minnie, wait, let me-" "Hyung, I-I think I need you." "I can see but let me get the reversal-" You knew what book it was and turn to grab it but he stops you. "Wait...I-" He stops, a blush suddenly taking over his features and his ears. "Minnie?" "I-I want..." He whines and steps away from you, covering his face.
You follow him, holding his wrists to uncover his face. "Hey, what's wrong? Do you...you want to try this body before I reverse it?" "I-I don't know...I-I just...I think I need you but I d-don't want you to be upset if I say I don't want to switch yet..." His lighter voice is meek and you coax his hands to uncover his face and lean down to meet his fallen gaze.
"That's okay, Kitten. We can try it." You gently pull him into you to hug him before taking him to your bedroom and sitting down on your bed. You wave your hand, the distant sound of the scoop in the cat food can be heard as it feeds the cats their breakfast and Dori and Doongi run out the room before you close the door.
"Wait, you've never-" "I have. High school, it was embarrassing and she was a faker." A small snort leaves him as you see his shoulders relax. "Really?" "Yeah. Last I knew, one doesn't say 'I'm cumming, I'm actually cumming, I swear' when they cum." His face screws up in disgust as you mimicked what the girl said. He can just hear the lie in the sentence. "Ew, the lie is so obvious." "Exactly."
You move to sit in front of him, he moves accordingly and brings his knees up before your hands are on his shins and you're bring them over your thighs before placing your hands on his knees. "You more relaxed now?" "A little." "Okay." You lean up, laying between his legs and propping yourself up on the bed before kissing him firmly and biting his bottom lip, drawing a soft sigh to leave him.
Gently, you slip a hand under his hoodie, his waist his a bit smaller but his skin is still smooth as you slide your hand up his waist and his back arches slightly. Sliding further up, you stop at this ribs and under his new anatomy. Your thumb rubs the smooth skin of his tit and his back arches further towards you as you pull back and admired his blown pupils and his red face and ears. "This okay?" He nods shakily and starts to squirm slightly as you move to his neck.
His mouth parts as he finally lets out a couple unmuffled, quiet moans, his new voice is as smooth and beautiful as his actual voice but you know he could let more out, he must still be unsure. "C'mon, Minnie, you can make more noise." "But it's not-" "It may not be your voice but you still sound so good." He chuckles weakly. "Sh-Should I be worried that you like this?" "Hmm, no, but it might be a new thing I love." "Great." You pull away from his neck and glare at him playfully. "Hey, no kink shaming, Kitten." "Sorry." You chuckle and lean back down to kiss him.
He moans when your hand slides further up, cupping the bottom of his tit and squeezing gently. "Sh-Shit." He pulls back and leans his head back, letting out a soft moan as you held his tit. "Okay?" "Y-Yeah." With that admission, you move your hand again to the side, holding it in your palm and placing your thumb on his nipple. He whimpers, grabbing your wrist above the hoodie as his squirming becomes more erratic.
"Can I take this off?" Your free hand tugs the hoodie and he nods his head, bangs already sticking to his forehead. You remove your hand and use both to pull the hoodie up and over his head before tossing it to the floor. His tits weren't too big or small, perfect you'd say before Minho is covering himself and you grab his wrists, taking them into one hand, kissing his pout away before kissing down his neck, holding his hands at his stomach as you trail over his collar bones before leaning up. "Just relax, 'kay?" He hums and you keep eye contact as you lean down and kiss the top of the mound and he whimpers.
You kiss the new skin available to you on both sides before moving over his right nipple, his back arching into your face at your breath blowing over the bud and he whimpers in anticipation before you close the distance with a smirk and close your lips around his nipple. His hands struggle against yours as he moans, you've done this before but it like his new body has a whole new level of sensitivity he didn't know about.
You switch hands that are holding his wrists and your now free left hand moves to play with his other tit and brush over and pinch his nipple. You adjust your body slightly, taking more of his tit into your mouth and when he arches his back when you switched sides to give the other mound attention, his hips jolt and meet your crotch, drawing a groan from you and a moan from him. "F-Fuck, Mn~"
You take that as a plea and grind down into Minho, your cock rubbing against him as your body relaxes slightly against his. Your tongue licks and swirls around his nub before you force yourself to pull away. Both his nipples are red and hard. "Fuck, Lina- Kitten, shit..." You mutter, dropping your head onto his chest and rocking your hips harder into his before trying to withdraw yourself from him. "Sorry, Kitten, I meant Kitten." "Lina?" He pants out and you sigh.
"Fans call your family character Aunty Lina...Didn't know I was into that..." "I-It's okay. We've always w-wanted a dirty secret, no?" You pick your head up and meet his eyes. "Really?" "Yeah. I-I'm okay with it." You surge forward, pressing your lips firmly to his before finally slipping your tongue past his lips as your hips resume their slow drags against Minho's core.
Pulling back, you sit up. "Can I remove these now?" You tug at his pants and he immediately shoves them down before you help him pull them off. He's wearing the boxers from yesterday and you can't stop the groan that leaves you when your thoughts stray. What would he look like in panties? Your cock throbs in your sweats as you remove his boxers and he pulls his knees together to hide from you as you remove your own bottoms.
"Come on, Kitten. Let me see." You gently squeeze his knee and coax him to relax before he spreads his legs and you finally see that the other anatomy he obtained is absolutely soaking. You place your hands on his smaller waist, sliding them down over his belly and you notice another thing the spell didn't effect, his small scar.
Laying on your stomach, you kiss from his scar, over his navel, then move to his inner thigh, kissing from his knee and towards his cunt and he shakes as one of your hands reaches down to spread him open. "Fuck!" Like this, he could outdo any porn star as he throws his head back when you lick from his entrance to his clit, a hand finding your hair as he squeals with a moan and throws his head back, his unoccupied hand gripping the sheets as he melts into the new sensation.
You lick a couple more times, obsessed with his sweetness, before you slide your tongue into him and his legs shake, tightening around your head before relaxing a bit. "F-Fuck, H-Hyung..." His voice dies off as his moans grow louder and his grip of your hair tightens and brings you closer, pushing your nose into his clit.
Pulling back, you move to suck his swollen nub and gently insert a finger into him, pulling a long moan out of him before he's panting to catch his breath. Adding another finger, his grip tightens and his thighs squeeze around your head and his walls tighten. "M-Mn...Mn, I-I think- Fuck, I'm g-gonna cum..." He squeals, pulling you further into him. You were going to edge him and get him to cum on your cock but he wasn't gonna let you go so you stay put, picking up the speed of your fingers and curling them deeply before his hips buck up and his back aches off the bed, his thighs shaking.
You slow down, licking slowly at his clit and slowly curling your fingers to ride him through his high until he's pushing you away when he felt overstimulated. He pants, chest rising and falling rapidly as he stares at the ceiling. You pull away, his arousal all over your chin and you wipe it away before propping yourself up on your elbows, looking up at him while your fingers are still inside him, moving just enough to not overwhelm him but also to get him past his high and get him close to another. "You okay?" He whines before huffing heavily.
"There's...Th-There's no proof y-you use a banned spell, right?" You laugh genuinely and push your fingers further into him before curling them and he reaction -a gasp with a moan as he drops his head back- you found his body's g-spot.
"No, there's no trace on banned spells. Why? You like this new feeling?" "Y-Yeah...I-I do...but maybe only on stressful days?" "Okay, with one exception." "What?" "We change you once to prank the boys." "Yes." He answered immediately and you couldn't stop the laugh at how quick he answered.
"Okay. Now, how about we see how you feel in this body with my cock in you." You sit up and hover over him, leaning down to kiss him then moving to leave marks under his ear, under his jaw, all over where you can reach. If you need to hide them from him tomorrow, you'll hide them tomorrow.
Taking his hands into yours, you pin them next to his head, your tip rubbing against him and his hips jump up. "Oh...Sh-Shit~" His head leans back when your tip rubs against his clit. "That feel good, Kitten?" "J-Just put it in." "Don't be impatient. You love my dirty talk." "No I don't." "Really?" You look at him incredulously before leaning down, dropping your voice and whispering in his ear.
"You sure you don't like it? Don't want me to talk about stuffing your cunt? Fucking you like you've never been fucked before? With just my fingers, your walls wouldn't let me go. You love being in this body don't you? Have you ever thought if I could change your body? I bet you have, slutty kitten thinking what my cock feels like if he had cunt, right?" "N-No." "Ah, I think you're lying. Why's my kitten lying to me, huh? Lying isn't very nice, Lina. You know what I do if you lie." "N-No! No! Please don't!" He whines and a cocky grin takes over your lips. "Then admit it. You wondered what I could do when I told you I had magic, didn't you?" "A little..." he murmured and at his admission you reach down and only line yourself up, not moving yet.
He gasps as his hand in your tightens and his free one grips the pillow under his head. "When you woke up, what was the first thing you did?" "I-I freaked out a-and ran to the bathroom." Humming, you push your tip inside. He snaps his mouth shut and moans, hips jolting up to meet yours.
"You sleep shirtless, Kitten. What did you do?" "Turned around w-when I saw myself." You pull back but your hips stop when he protests. "Wait, Wait." "Answer truthfully, my love, and you'll get it." He whines in faux annoyance as his blush seemingly got brighter and traveled further down his neck. "I-I held them..." He muttered and you could barely hear it but smile when you did, pushing back in a little further. "How'd it feel, princess?" Whimpering, he went to cover his face but your hand moves from his thigh to hold it open after guiding yourself into him to grab his wrist and intertwine your hands next to his head again. "Come on, Lina, you can't be a brat around me." "It felt weird but...good. I-I also...touched myself..."
For the double admission, you pushed yourself in and nudged his g-spot, your pelvis almost meeting his. "Fuck! Oh fuck, p-please...please, Hyung, please." You finally pick your head up from his neck and meet his eyes, tears gathered on his lash line and his bangs stuck to his forehead again, his long hair spread out on the pillow. A layer of sweat lays on his skin and his body squirms at your obsessed gaze.
Yes, you both have stuff to unpack later but now, you'll enjoy it. "Hyung, please, just-" He whines, bucking his hips up and he tightens around your length. "Say it, Kitten. Say it." "hngh~ Hyung, just- I don't want to say it, Hyung, please." You pull out slightly and he yelps, "No, No, shit~" "Say you want me...to stuff your cunt."
He whines and looks away from you. Yes, you've been his dom but you were soft, he felt so needy in this moment, so on edge and wanting more, needing more and you haven't even moved yet, you've just been using your voice and calling him princess, kitten, and using his current anatomy, he fell further then he's fallen before.
His voice is meek and quiet when he speaks. "What was that, princess?" He turns his head back to you and his tears have fallen, his eyes glassy as he begs. "Just fuck me, daddy, please." His voice is still small and shy and looking at his eyes, you can still see that he's there but you mentally prepare yourself for a drop at the end of this. "Okay, baby, did so good answering me."
You push the rest of the way in then pull out before starting a quick pace, he was so wet from your teasing and the slickness was honestly addicting. You bury your face in his neck, letting his hands go to hold his waist as you pick up speed and he wraps his arms around your neck, holding you close. "Fuck, Min, feel s'good." All he could let out was whimpers and moans. It felt so different, so weird, so good. Your tip hit deep inside him and when you reach down and thumb his clit, his back arches, nails digging into your back and pulling you closer before he brings his knees up, you angle your hips and thrust deeper a couple more times before he's tightening around you, cumming with a whimper and tugging your hair, throwing his head back.
You pull out of his arms, lifting his hips slightly as you sit up and fuck into him quickly. His legs shake as you hold his thighs open, lost at the sight of the cunt pulling you in and how wet it is and with a choked moan morphing into a groan, you thrust deep inside and still, cumming deep inside him and he clenches, shaking with remnants of his recent orgasm and you thumb his clit, helping his ride his high as you ride out your own.
Leaning back on your heels, you slowly watch as you slip out of him and his body goes limp. With a snap, the book you need is on your nightstand along with a small bowl of warm water and a rag.
You gently close his legs and move his arms over his chest. "Minnie?" You move a few strands of hair from his face before sighing when you get only a whine in return and reach for the rag. You don't know what would happen if you switched him with the state he was in so you clean him up, carefully and gently scooping your release out of him before wiping his sweat away.
Reaching over to the floor, you grab both of your sweats and boxers, putting them on then reaching for your book and casting the reversal spell. F.C swirls move along Minho's body before he's back to himself, his eyes still zoned out as you close the book and place it on your nightstand and kiss his forehead.
"Oh, Jagiya..." You rush to lay next to him, pulling him into your arms as he starts to cry. "Minnie, baby, it's okay." You pull the blankets up over the both of you, getting comfortable before wrapping your arms around him. "Minnie, baby, come back to me, precious." You gently rub his back, flicking a hand towards the door and it cracks itself open just enough so Soonie and Doongi can walk in, Dori following shortly after as the first two jump on the bed.
You start softly singing next to his ear as he cries into your shoulder, soft touches to his arm and Soonie lays next to you and nudges his head against Minho's before laying his head down next to his owner.
Eventually his sobs die down and he moves closer to you, nuzzling into your neck then sitting up. "Hey, careful baby. It's okay." He wipes away his tears before wrapping his arms around himself and noticing that he's back to himself. "Min?" "Hm?" He hums softly. "You okay?" He nods his head and lays back down on your chest and you pull the blanket back over him. "Tired?" "mm'yeah..." His voice is quiet. "Wanna take a nap?" "Yeah..." "M'kay, baby. We can take a nap. Day off?" "Yeah..." "Do you want me to shut up so you can sleep your drop off?" "Yeah."
Giggling softly, you wrap your right arm around his back and the other finds his shorter hair to brush through the strands. "Sleep well, Min." "Quiet." You smile and kiss his temple before closing your eyes and letting your body relax and sleep as well for a couple hours.
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crumbledcastle28 · 2 years
Matt Murdock: Forget
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader (she/her)
Summary: An endless cycle of reviewing is interrupted by some much needed negligence.
Warnings: SMUTTTTT, law student Matt, law student reader, probably inaccurate law school studying, p in v sex, oral (female receiving), finger licking, with a dash of dom!reader.
A/N: Something about Matt in She-Hulk really messed with my head. Here is my first marvel fic (I can’t believe that) for my fellow INFJ and love of my life. Thank you all for your patience in my lack of updates. I hope this makes up for it.
If you’d like to leave a like, comment, reblog, or ask, it would be much appreciated <3
(I completely forget where I got this gif. Please let me know if it’s yours).
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Matt’s nails scratching against the scruff of his face was not helping your focus.
Neither were the rays of the city lights against his darting dark eyes.
He leaned forward on his leather couch, squeaking the fabric against his hard body, and exhaled.
“Okay,” he breathed, staring down at his case-covered coffee table. The clock behind him shined red an ungodly hour of the night as he dragged his long, slender fingers over the braille, and exhaled again.
“We know the defendant’s breach of duty, and we know the plaintiff’s sufferance of an injury.”
You “mhmed” him along as he spoke, grateful he could not see your eyes glued to his hands gliding down the page…
…or so you thought.
“We just don’t have proof that the defendant’s breach actually caused the injury defined through proximate cause.”
You swallowed with another “mhm” and started rubbing your eyes. “Right,” you said after a moment, confirming that you heard him fully.
He sighed again and rubbed at his scruff. He was really really good at that.
“Aka the most important fucking element for a negligence case.”
He stood up at that and placed his hands on his hips. His body somehow broadened even more when he did this, and the white sleeves of his dress shirt from a day of mock court and a night of play pushed further up his forearms.
What the fuck was wrong with you?
You had a final tomorrow morning—actually this morning—and all you could think about was how much you enjoyed seeing your “study buddy” angry.
You rubbed your fingertips against your temples, trying to force yourself to fucking focus, but nothing would work. You knew nothing would work, because on any other night at this hour, the only thing on your mind would be how pretty Matt would look between your legs. Your brain had built those thoughts into your head so consistently that it became a habit. That, combined with being sleep deprived and having the man of the hour standing right in front of you, you were fucked.
Beyond fucked.
And the worst part was, you didn’t even care.
You had met Matt as an L1, first day of Civil Procedure, and something about the way his hair sat, the way his voice sounded, the way he laughed at himself, and the way he moved drew you to him like a magnet.
You had yet to leave that magnetic force, even when your trusted buffer Foggy wasn’t around. After over a year of slowly knowing Matthew Murdock, you had never loved anything else more.
Not that he knew any of that, of course.
The slap of a legal pad hitting the floor broke you from your train of thought, and Matt sat down with a huff.
You took a deep breath, centering yourself. “Why don’t we take a break?”
Matt chuckled. “A break? This entire night has been a break, Y/N.”
He was right. The two of you had gone out, much later than anticipated, and procrastinated studying to the last possible second.
And if it wasn’t for the way he said your name just then, you might have agreed.
“We’ve already been at this for two hours, Matthew,” you snapped back. “We are obviously exhausted, and like you said, we know 99% of the elements on this case. We can wake up early tomorrow, figure that out, and then take the exam afterwards. It will be fresh in our minds.”
You wanted to add and delightfully avoid staring at your stupid fucking eyes for the entirety of the night instead of the task at hand, but decided against it.
“You of all people know that that’s not how it works,” Matt replied. “Sleep is the time when the brain sorts everything together, not an hour before an exam. We need to do this tonight.”
You scoffed. “Speak for yourself. I’m going home.”
That was what made him pause, and the dimples on his cheeks disípate.
“What? You’re leaving?”
“If you’re going to sit here and panic and stress me out then yes, I’m leaving. I’m exhausted, and cramming for this won’t help.”
You stood from your seat, but Matt stood with you. Meeting you at your level, just as he always had.
“We’re in this together Y/N. You’ve said that a million fucking times.”
You breathed through your nose, continuously frustrated at his pattern of remembering seemingly everything you had ever said. “I just need to forget about this for a while, Matt. That’s all.”
With that, he made his way around the coffee table, and creased his eyebrows together fiercely. He moved closer and closer to you as he spoke.
“You think I don’t wish I could forget about this too,” he spat. “Do you honestly think I don’t want to throw all this shit out the window and spend a night with you, enjoying myself for once in my fucking life, and just forget? You think I don’t want that?”
You were frozen solid. It was unlike Matthew’s personality to raise his voice, especially around you.
He breathed rapidly, trying to regain composure.
“My whole life I’ve done what’s good, what’s right. Hell, the entire reason I’m becoming a fucking lawyer is to make things right…but there’s nothing I want less than that right now. There’s nothing I want more than to forget everything in the world but you.”
Your eyes met his unfocused ones, and you took a step closer. An unprecedented confidence overtook you, like the universe was giving you a shove, and you had no fucking clue where it was coming from.
You stood closer than you had ever been to him. Close enough to feel his hot breath on your face and his usual musk of birchwood and peppermint.
“Then forget, Matthew,” you whispered. Boldly. Making up a sexy voice that you had only heard from women in movies. “Forget with me.”
Whatever you did worked, because with one last second of rapid breathing, he slid his hands around your jaw, and attacked your mouth with his own.
Nothing could have prepared you for the addiction that was the feeling of his body against yours and his tongue in your mouth.
You immediately pulled him closer to you by his collar, kissing him so harshly your teeth clashed, and he reciprocated the motion by lifting you into the air. He backed you up into the coffee table and, with his mouth still meeting yours with a fever, single-handedly swiped every document and legal pad off the wood. You gasped as you heard the papers fly through the air and smack against the ground, but at the same time, you pressed against his crotch harder.
Something about him knowing exactly where this was going knocked every rational thought from your brain.
You moved your hands to his face and hair as he laid you down delicately and crawled over you, completely covering you with his body.
Nothing could have prepared you for that feeling either.
He moved to your neck, and his loud breathing mixed with frequent moans sent chills down your body. Your breathing matched his in volume, and you slid your hands under his shirt, desperate to feel more of him. All of him.
You smiled dreamily, already feeling completely fucked out, before asking innocently, “Do you want to taste me, Matty?”
His body shuddered at your ask, and your heart leaped to your throat.
“Please Y/N,” he groaned in your ear, “please.”
Had you ever heard him use that word before?
You chuckled. “Get on with it.”
He removed your clothes so fast you didn’t even have time to wonder why a “blind” person would know how to do that so well.
You pulled his shirt and pants off as well, but when you reached for his boxers, he politely moved your hand away.
“No,” he said softly. “If you touch me anywhere close to there I’m going to drench them.”
He giggled—giggled—at your silence, likely imagining a shocked expression etched upon you, and kissed all around your face.
“What?” he questioned. “I thought sex was about honesty.”
You laughed back. “Not necessarily brutal honesty.”
“We’re lawyers,” he countered, moving down your body with his lips.
“Not yet.”
He smiled and kissed around your stomach and hip bones, breathing deeper and slower. He was slowing himself down.
“Don’t rush me Y/N,” he whispered against your skin. “I’ve waited over a year for this.”
“Trust me, I won’t.”
And then he dove in.
You were surprised your scream didn’t shatter his windows.
He mapped you out so intentionally, so thoroughly, and so unapologetically that it felt different than anything else you had ever experienced. He hit every crevice just enough to leave you wanting more before moving onto the next one, and you dug your nails into his hair to keep you tied down to earth.
“Matthew fu—fuck.”
He grinned and swirled his tongue so perfectly that the familiar rope of heat began to coil in your belly faster than you had ever had.
“I feel you. I feel you. Fuck you’re right there Y/N,” he breathed. He then moved up your body and held his fingers above your lips. You didn’t hesitate to bring them to your mouth and swirl your tongue around them, tasting a mix of his sweat and skin.
You could’ve sworn he drooled at the feeling.
You pressed a kiss to his palm before he went back to work with his fingers instead of his mouth, perfectly lathered, and when he massaged your clit just so, everything inside you imploded.
You regained feeling when Matt brushed a piece of sweaty hair from your forehead and kissed it gently.
“That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.”
You scratched your hands up his naked back and kissed his shoulder. “Just wait until you give me a second one.”
He didn’t laugh at that. “Are you sure?”
You held his face in your hands and rubbed your thumbs over his cheekbones. “I’m sure.”
With that, a smile so big it reached his eyes etched over his beautiful face, and he kissed you long and hard.
“Okay,” he said excitedly, and reached for his discarded pants on the floor. “Alright.”
He pulled out his wallet and tore through it with shaky hands. You laughed and took it from his hands, finding the condom almost immediately.
He couldn’t stop rubbing your body.
“Classy, Murdock.”
“When am I to not be prepared?”
You kissed his nose and dragged your hand down his stomach, tracing every ab, every scar.
“I wish you could see how beautiful you are.”
He hummed, tensing up at the word, and you kissed him softly.
One day you would make him believe it.
“You can take them off now,” he said softly, and you obliged. His cock sprung free, hitting his belly, and you felt your pupils grow almost instantly.
He laughed at your silence. “That bad?”
“Yeah,” you replied, opening the condom with your teeth. “That bad.”
He laughed again, and you slid the condom over his length. He hissed as you did this, arms shaking in restraint, and you pumped him only once.
He growled through his teeth, “Careful.”
You were never that. Not with him.
He lined himself up and kissed you softly, breathing into your mouth, and slid his right hand into yours with a loving squeeze before he entered you.
You knew about Matt’s religious affiliations. You knew how close he held that to his heart and kept his moral code in check, but you weren’t that way, had never been, and never planned to be.
But when he slid inside you and the curve of him entered you just right, you had never believed in God more.
The two of you gasped cohesively when you felt how well you fit together, and Matt stayed still, forcing himself not to instantly snap his hips back.
You squeezed his hand and kissed his cheek. “Let go Matt. I can take it.”
And did he ever.
He rocked into you so intensely you saw stars and every molecule of oxygen from your lungs escaped you. His rocks were hard and deep, touching places inside you you didn’t even know existed.
Matt’s breath was just as stolen, and with every thrust, he had something more to say.
God Y/N you’re perfect.
I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted this, but how worth it it’s been.
I’m going to believe in God for the rest of my life. The rest of my life. What else could have created you?
Let’s keep doing this. Fuck let’s do this forever.
A single tear dripped down your face, and he licked it away.
“I’m almost there,” he whispered into your ear, and gave your hand another squeeze. “Tell me how to get you there.”
You swallowed. “My—touch me where you touched me before. Right there yes right there.”
You clenched around him, and he sucked in a breath.
Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead down onto you as he said, “I’m…I’m there Y/N. I’m coming.”
You exhaled, drenched in euphoria. “I am too.”
And you went together, just like you always did.
There was nothing left in your body but pleasure. No aches or pains from stress, nor pounding in your head, there was only him. Only Matthew.
He pressed his forehead against you, still inside of you, and kissed down the bridge of your nose.
“I needed that,” he mumbled. “I need you.”
You smiled and rubbed your thumb against his shaking hand, still encapsulated in your own. “I need you too.”
He pecked the side of your mouth before moving his mouth down to your breasts, kissing all around them, before ending his feast on top of your heart. He pressed a longer kiss there before fully collapsing on top of you, exhaling in an entirely different way than before.
“Fuck this test,” he whispered, and you smiled. Feeling only him.
“Fuck this test.”
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thelongestway · 6 days
Speaking of the Canaries and D&D (and on that note I will stop procrastinating and go away to do other things because I have to).
I stuck my nose into the Ecologies looking for a Dunmeshi-like passage, and there's a lot! But this little tidbit just made me laugh out loud.
"Hundreds of elves still call the Tangled Trees home. Unless you’re elven, stay away--—they’re as ornery as bee-stung badgers and don’'t take kindly to trespassers. Most prefer to fire arrows first, then ask questions during the funeral. If by circumstance or stupidity you find yourself in these parts, bring along a canary— specifically, one of the emerald throated canaries that nest in the butternut trees along the southwestern shore of the River Duathamper. They’re easy to catch. Hold out a handful of lemon or orange peelings and sooner or later, one will land in your palm.
The Tangled Tree elves—--some, not all--—consider themselves devout worshippers of Rillifane Rallathil. An elven priest by the name of Makk Fireseed has convinced his followers that the canaries are Rillifane's favorite creature; the yellow feathers stand for the sun, the green throat represents the leaves of the trees, or some such nonsense. If you run into a band of elves with a bad disposition, try offering them a Duathamper canary. If you can supply a silver cage or a gold band for its foot, so much the better. The elves may not become your best friends, but with luck, they’ll let you pass.
By the way, when traveling through the Tangled Trees, you may notice the occasional oak tree with an outline of a canary carved in the trunk, usually about two feet from the ground. Let it be; it’s an elven shrine to Rillifane Rallathil. If you chop it down, tie your horse to it, or even lean against it, a whole flock of canaries won’t save your neck. Need convincing? Look up. In the highest branches, you’ll see the dangling skulls of previous defilers who mistook the shrine for just another tree." p. 4 of Cormanthor ecologies
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @winterandwords to uh... talk about a WIP I guess? :D
I'll pass on this tag toooo... @starlit-hopes-and-dreams (as always <3) but I'm not sure who else, so if you feel like talking about a WIP, consider this an open tag.
Oh boy, which to pick. There are currently only 2 projects where the P in WIP actually stands for "progress" (for the others it stands for "procrastination".)
I think I'm gonna pick Till Death. It is the one I am currently obsessed with, and the only one I am writing, not editing.
Here's the blurb:
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Finnian is a wandering healer down on his luck. When one of his patients dies, the village turns against him, beating him half to death and leaving him for thirst and scavengers to finish what they started.
Eilis lives deep in the forest, hiding from the world. When she finds him, impaled on a tree and barely alive, she can‘t leave him to his fate, even if it means upending the peaceful life she has built for herself.
As Finnian slowly recovers, days filled with quiet companionship make the prospect of him staying less daunting than either of them had expected. But he carries too many scars, and Eilis too many secrets, threatening to destroy their fragile relationship as the shadows of the past draw closer. When everything falls apart, will they save each other, or will the price be too high?
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You see, in April I finished the last chapter of all my ongoing stories, which left me in a very weird mood. For 1,5 years I always had something to work on, and suddenly, there was nothing started. Sure, I had a few outlines, but nothing really called to me, with the added problem that for those, I have to figure out bullshit like politics. I needed something new. New chars I didn't know yet, a fresh story - and 🌟violence🌟 :)
I've been talking about wanting more gore with happy end, but sadly, existing OCs are so fragile, I can't even break all their bones without them dying 🙄 So it was time to fuck up another healer.
For a few weeks, I threw concepts against a wall like cooked spaghetti, grabbed whatever stuck, and then I just started. It's the first time in a year that I actually write a story without posting as I go. I can leave a little note "this sounds weird, fix later" or remember "shit, I forgot this injury" or change a name halfway in. I know. That's how a draft is supposed to work 😅
I'm at over 60k words, and it's looking good. There's a few 'first times' for me, a lot of things I love and a lot of things I am excited about. I have a rough outline of events still to happen that leaves me enough freedom to go wild. And wild I go; half of the scenes are gratuitous pain and suffering, and there will be more - but it's also a story of love and finding a place to belong. Which brings me to the next point:
I'm tired. Tired of feeling like I don't belong anywhere. Of having no genre and being "just whump" because it fits nowhere else. Of being "not enough whump" while still finding myself on every squick list.
So this one's written for a target audience of some very close friends - a target audience for which I don't have to write CWs at the top of each chapter, a target audience who doesn't grow bored at the first calm moment, a target audience who will call me a bitch while asking for more pain.
I love you, pocket friends 💜
Here's the start of the book (unedited, rip):
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Finnian hated dealing with sick people.
Considering the fact that he earned his money with healing, that was rather unfortunate. If he didn’t want to starve to death, he had to grit his teeth and ignore the stench of sweat and blood while taking care of coughs and aches and fever.
Sometimes, he wished he had learned something else after it had become clear that this wasn’t the right profession for him. Then he wouldn’t be sitting here, explaining to a grown ass woman that when he had told her to keep the wound clean, that included keeping the bandages away from dirty water. And that yes, it fucking hurt, because now it was infected, and if she didn’t plan on losing a finger or two, she’d better keep her hand dry and clean this time. And that perhaps, just perhaps, that was a bit more important than cleaning the windows.
Unfortunately, he had not learned anything else, so he left the house half an hour later with barely enough coins in his pocket to make up for the supplies he had used. Most roots and herbs he could gather himself, but bandages and tinctures didn’t grow on trees.
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aredheadedmess · 2 years
Good Day || KNJ
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Summary: One day, it'll be a good day, forever.
Pairing: Namjoon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5k
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Non-Idol AU, Slight Slow Burn, Slightly Suggestive
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mention of champagne, pregnancy and allusion to possible abortion, making out, idk if there's anything else. it's really just a lot of fluff
Notes: This fic is part of the Bangtan On Replay event hosted by @btsgoldnetwork! I had fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy it! I wish I got this out a little sooner, but I'm happy on how it turned out.
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You remember the first time you met him. The bright smile he had on his face after defeating your brother in a round of Mario Kart the first time he was at your home only made you more curious. The dimples in his round cheeks deepend as he taunted your older brother, dancing around his deflated form sitting on the floor in front of the couch. You stood watching curiously at the interaction.
The moment he stood between your brother and the tv, his eyes caught your figure in the doorway. He gave you a small wave. At that, your brother turned around to see you standing there, whining out your name with a pout on his face. Even over the sound of the game playing in the background you heard him sigh.
He turned the sound down before pointing at you.
“Namjoon, this is my bratty younger sister, Y/N,” he said in a bored tone.
“Hey! I’m not bratty!”
He stuck his tongue out at you. Which you gave back. Namjoon laughed at your antics, still wearing a silly smile on his cheeks. He raised up the controller, as if he were about to toss it to you.
“Wanna join?”
You gasped. With wide, sparkling eyes, you turned to your brother. Of course you were going to ask him. You had just interrupted their play time and he didn’t seem very pleased while introducing you to the new friend.
“Can I?”
“I guess. Just don’t eat any of my snacks,” he huffed lightly. Settling back into his place with his back against the couch, he reached for the remote again to turn the volume back up. “I’m gonna warn ya right now, Joon. Y/N’s pretty good.”
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Namjoon would often come over. Whether it be for your brother and his weekly hang out time, or for them to stay up all night finishing the joint project that was due that very morning.
Tonight was no different. With the upcoming winter break, there were tests and projects due very quickly. After five years of being friends and project partners you would have thought that they would have learned their lesson. But, just like before, Namjoon had come over with the guise of playing games and a sleepover with your brother. You weren’t sure if your parents had ever caught on to their procrastination, but if the tired looks and glitter-covered hands told you anything, you’re sure they knew very well.
You shared a wall with your brother’s room, and unfortunately for you, it wasn’t very thick. So when you wake up to the loud voices trying to be hush, you knew you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep that easily. So instead, you threw your covers off your body, pulled yourself up from bed, and slipped out of your room and into the one next door. Two pairs of eyes stared up at you in horror in fear that you were either one of your parents.
“What’s going on,” you yawn. “You guys woke me up.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, your brother turned to glare at his best friend.
“Namjoon won’t let me draw dragons on our poster.”
Throwing his hands in the air, Namjoon looks at you in desperation.
“They don’t even make sense with our topic!” 
“Uh, yeah they do.” Your brother crosses his arms in front of his chest. He leans in closer to Namjoon. “This is history. Dragons are in a lot of old stories.”
“Just because they’re in a lot of stories doesn’t mean that they’re relevant to what we have to present about!”
Your face scrunches at the volume that the two are bickering in. You shush them, reaching out to cover your brother’s mouth before he has a chance to shout out another argument. When he licks your hand, you pull it back and wipe it on his face before he has a chance to move away.
“Keep it down. You don’t want mom or dad to wake up do you?”
He scoffs and points his thumb towards the other boy in the room.
“You’re just lucky you don’t have to deal with his dumb logic everyday.”
“What do you mean? She has to deal with you as a brother everyday.”
Your brother pinches Namjoon’s thigh, leading them into another—this time quieter—argument. You sigh, rubbing your hand against your face before stepping back towards the door.
“I’m going back to bed. You guys are too much to deal with right now.”
You’re not sure if either of them even heard or saw you leave, but you don’t care about that right now. As you carefully shuffle back into your own room, your tired eyes meet your bed. But you can’t sleep now. You’re not sure why tonight is any different, it’s not like you’ve never been woken up by your brother in the middle of the night. Most of the time it’s because he’s up gaming, even though he shouldn’t be.
Deciding that trying to fall back asleep isn’t going to be worth your time, you pull a book off your shelf and sit on your bed. You wrap your comforter around you and snuggle in. You can still hear the faint complaints between the two boys as you begin to read, and it did distract you at first. But the longer you focused on the book, the less you noticed about your surroundings.
Your heart pounds in your chest at the light knock that eventually comes from your door. Slowly, you set the book down, glancing at the clock. It’s been almost an hour since you started reading. You get up from your bed, pulling the comforter along with you. Quietly opening the door, you are met with Namjoon fiddling with his fingers.
His voice is soft. He is definitely a lot calmer than what you heard earlier.
“You’re brother’s already asleep,” he mutters. “I was going to get some water when I saw that you had your light on, so I thought I’d come apologize for waking you up.”
A sheepish smile takes over his face, dimples out on display. You send him a soft smile of your own. Leaning up against your door, you let out a huff of laughter.
“Ah, yeah. It’s no big deal. He wakes me up in the middle of the night often enough that it doesn’t really bug me all the time. Plus if you remember, it’s not the first time you both have woken me up by your bickering.” You glance back into your room, towards the open book laying on your bed. “Although, tonight I can’t really fall back asleep.”
Namjoon hums, pulling your attention back to him. His face scrunches up in thought before returning the smile to his face.
“I think I remember seeing some tea in the kitchen. Want me to make you some?”
It’s quiet between the two of you for a minute. You’re not sure if you should start making conversation with Namjoon, or if he’d rather sit in silence as you wait for the water to heat up. He must have seen your thoughts as if they were tattooed on your forehead, though, as he initiates a quiet conversation with you.
The two of you talk about everything between school and your social lives, and the late night thoughts that keep you both awake. There was never a dull moment as you sat in your kitchen with your brother’s best friend.
Namjoon laughs as quietly as possible after you finish telling him about your class’s shenanigans. And in that moment, you don’t think you’ve ever felt the way you did. Maybe it was the idea that your brother wasn’t around, so you didn’t have to hear his nagging about you taking his best friend away from him. Or maybe it was because you knew that you’ve felt that Namjoon was more than just your brother’s best friend for some time, and that this moment—sitting at the breakfast bar with his thigh grazing yours every so often as he twists on his chair—was much more intimate than other times you’ve shared a space together.
Picking up your mug as you shake the thoughts out of your head, you hum in satisfaction. If there was one thing you knew, Namjoon knew how to brew the tea just right.
“You know,” he speaks softly. “I thought it’d be weird to hang out with my best friend’s little sibling.”
“I don’t think it’s weird,” you mumble against your mug.
Namjoon turns to you. His eyebrow is raised in confusion as his mug is held in midair.
You shake your head.
“Well…” he hums. He raises his mug to his lips, whispering out before taking another sip. “I think you’re cool.”
You turn away from his gaze with a shy smile. Does he know what he’s doing to your heart?
Namjoon finishes his drink before you, but waits until you're done, taking both of your mugs to the sink. He turns back to face you, gesturing to the stairs where you both make your way back up to your room as quietly as possible. You step into your room. Before you can manage to close your door, Namjoon catches your wrist to stop you. You turn your attention to him.
“Goodnight, Y/N. See you tomorrow?”
His head tilts as he asks the question. You nod, giving him a sweet but tired smile.
“Yeah. Goodnight, Joon.”
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Your eyes widen. Sniffling quietly, you rub your face to get rid of the stray tears and runny nose.
Namjoon comes running around the corner you managed to hide yourself behind. You should have known that he would have seen you run past him in an attempt to get away from your brother.
You curse yourself. Your voice sounds so hoarse.
“Are you okay?”
Namjoon kneels in front of you, his head tilted and eyebrows furrowed in worry. You can’t make eye contact with him unless you want to start apologizing for making him so worried when he shouldn’t be. He’s your brother’s friend. Not yours.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, cause you look like you’ve been crying.”
“No I wasn’t,” you mumble.
He raises an eyebrow at you, leaning in a little closer.
“Are you sure?”
He sighs lightly. Namjoon shifts so he sits on the gravel beside you. The warmth radiating from him is comforting, so you lean into him a little more, testing the waters before fully committing to resting your head against his shoulder. He throws an arm around your shoulders.
“You can tell me anything, yeah? I’ll listen.”
“It’s nothing really,” you sigh. “Just my stupid brother picking a fight with me infront of his so called friends.”
You finally glance up at him. Even from the position you’re in, Namjoon is watching you carefully. He smiles as you catch his eyes.
“I just really look up to him, ya know? But when he goes and says the things he said, I feel like I’m nothing to him.”
Namjoon hums, tugging you closer.
“He’ll come around. I’m sure of it. I never really liked those people anyways.”
“You think so?”
“If I have anything to do with it, I know so,” he chuckles.
You push away from him as much as possible, but his hold on you keeps you close. Shaking your head, you give him a tight-lipped smile.
“You don’t have to do anything. I’ll get over it at some point.”
“That’s the problem though,” Namjoon states. His voice is stern, and it sends a kaleidoscope of butterflies to your stomach. You’ve seen how protective he can get about the people he cares about. And now knowing that you are a part of that small group has you overly happy. “You shouldn’t have to get over it, that’s your brother. It would be different if it was a friend.”
“Why are you so nice to me?”
You stare into his eyes. It takes a moment for Namjoon to say anything, and for that moment, you reconsider if you ever even meant anything to him. He is your brother’s best friend. And you are just his bratty little sister.
“I consider you.. my friend. Why wouldn’t I be nice to you?”
It’s almost as if something shifts between the two of you. One moment, you are surprised to hear that what you’ve been thinking about is true. The next, you find yourself leaning in a little closer. You can feel his breath hit your face. You thank your lucky stars that he doesn’t seem uncomfortable with the limited space between your faces, and lean in even closer.
“Joon? Where’d ya go?”
Namjoon groans. Curse your brother’s bad timing. Namjoon was in your brother’s sight when you passed by him earlier. Of course he’d go looking for him.
“I’ve gotta get going,” he sighs. “Your brother’s buying bowling passes for us and I promised I’d go. Not that I’d be great at it anyways. You’ve got my number though. I’m always free to talk, or do something to get stuff off your mind.”
Reluctantly, you settle back into your original position with your back against the brick wall behind you. Namjoon offers a bright smile as he stands up. He keeps his eyes trained on you until he makes it around the corner once more.
What would have happened if your brother didn’t interrupt?
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Getting a text at midnight wasn't something you expected. But getting a text from Namjoon at midnight was even less expected. You thought that he'd be asleep right now, considering he has a big exam in the morning—one that will determine his future—and he likes to get a good amount of sleep before tests.
Reaching for your phone, you open up your messages. His text is vague, making you much more curious that maybe you should be.
Meet me at the park. I want to show you something.
Your eyes scan the playground when you get to the park. Namjoon is sitting on the swingset, gently swinging. Even in the dark of the night, you can see the satisfied smile resting on his face. As you make your way closer to him, he glances in your direction, seemingly hearing your footsteps. You smile and wave.
“What did you want to show me?”
Namjoon takes your hand, pulling you towards the other side of the park.
“Come with me.”
He brushes past the taller shrubbery, pushing branches out of your way. 
“We gotta be quiet.”
Stepping out into a smaller open area, your eyes widen. Hidden away from the main park area is a garden area with a small gazebo centered between the bushes and trees. Fireflies light up the space, helping you guide your way to the gazebo. Namjoon pulls you to sit beside him, watching as the fireflies dance around you. You’re speechless.
“Oh wow. Joon, this is incredible.”
You glance at him only to find him already looking at you. You give him a warm smile, which he gladly returns.
A quiet rustle in one of the trees brings your attention away from him. You watch as a pair of squirrels climb up to one of the branches before snuggling up together.
“Maybe that could be us one day,” Namjoon mumbles.
You turn to him with a slightly surprised look.
“What are you saying?”
“Y/N, I like you.”
He smiles gently. Waiting patiently for your reaction, he stares at you with a sparkle in his eye. You sit still for a moment, trying to process what he had just said. Is he lying? Is this a set up? It was too good to be true. You begin to look around your surroundings for any sign of your brother or a hidden camera.
“My brother put you up to this, didn’t he? I’m being pranked right now, right?”
He knows that you’ve liked Namjoon for a while now. It’s one of the main reasons why he hasn’t let you be around them as often when they hang out. And one of the main reasons why he would always pick a fight with you. He wasn’t very happy when he had seen the way you looked at him after he had given you a birthday present a couple years back. The gift wasn’t anything super special, just your favorite candy and a little handmade card with ‘Happy Birthday Y/N’ scrawled across the paper. But the way he had remembered what you liked and gave it to you without a reminder of it being your birthday made your heart warm. Your brother knew then and there that you saw his best friend as something other than a friend or acquaintance.
Taking your hands in his, Namjoon leans over to get your gaze back to him. 
“No. I really do like you, Y/N. I have for a long time now.”
“Oh,” you whisper. “Well, I’m glad then. Cause I have too.”
Dimples. Probably one of your favorite features of his. The smile that takes over his face lets them have their time to shine once again, and you have to refrain from poking them.
Namjoon squeezes your hands, dropping his gaze to them.
“Prom’s coming up. Would you want to go with me?”
“What about my brother?” you question.
You’re sure he’d be livid if he saw you and Namjoon together at one of the most special—at least according to many of your classmates—dances of the year. All dressed up for each other, holding you close as you sway to the questionable music on the gymnasium floor.
“He’s been saying that he won’t go cause it seems like a dumb idea to spend a crap ton of money for just one night in a sweaty room with a bunch of horny teenage couples.”
“Well, when it’s put that way…”
You cringe at the picture his words put in your head. Sweaty teens mosh pitting with several couples trying to make out while hiding from the chaperones was not the sight you wanted to see.
“So, no dance?” he pouts slightly.
“No!-- I mean, I’d love to go with you! Just as long as we stay out of the main crowds.”
Namjoon chuckles, pulling you into his arms to watch the fireflies again.
“Fine by me.”
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You push him away enough to whisper against his lips.
“What if he comes back soon?”
Namjoon leans back in to give you another kiss, speaking in between each one.
“He won’t. With his girlfriend. Don’t worry.”
You sigh into the kiss. Wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him in closer, your hands find their way into his hair. Namjoon smiles against your lips. His hands—which had been settled on either side of you to prop his upper body up above you—slowly make a home on your waist. He pushes your shirt up slightly to make contact with your skin. Your lower bodies are flush against each other, legs tangled as you make out on your bed.
There was nothing sensual or sexual to your actions. You both felt that it was better to take things slowly, especially when you decided to hide your relationship with Namjoon from your brother. It wasn’t that you didn’t want him to know, but neither of you found the right timing to tell him the truth. He was with his own girlfriend most of the time anyways.
Your door creaks open. Namjoon quickly throws himself off of you, startled by the sudden entrance. Your brother bores his gaze into both you and Namjoon.
“I thought you were with your cousin.”
Namjoon stutters, frantically trying to compose himself after being caught in such a vulnerable position.
“I can explain.”
“No.” Your brother is seething. “Get out.”
Namjoon gets up from your bed, making his way to his best friend. He approaches him carefully, as if he is trying to tame a wild lion.
“Don’t ‘dude’ me! My best friend was feelin’ up my sister!” He gestures towards you. “Who knows what you would have done if I didn’t interrupt?”
Your brows furrow. Standing up from your bed, you point at him accusingly.
“B/N, it’s not like that!” you yell.
He doesn’t say anything as he shoves Namjoon out of your room. Before he shut the door behind him, he turns back to face you.
“You should be glad that it was me and not mom or dad,” he growls out, slamming your door behind him.
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You can’t believe him. You were trying to enjoy a nice home cooked meal together for your anniversary, and he drops the biggest bombshell on you.
“You told him?!”
Namjoon stares at you incredulously.
“What did you want me to do?”
“Uh, I don’t know… Maybe let me tell my own brother on my own time?”
He tosses his utensils on his plate, throwing his hands up dramatically. You watch in disbelief as he pushes himself away from the table to argue with you.
“He barely even accepted the fact that we’ve been dating for a couple years now—behind his back may I remind you—and you expect me to just not tell my best friend that my girlfriend is carrying my child?”
“That’s exactly what I expected!” Your fist hits the table, making you quietly hiss out in pain. “This wasn’t even planned, and I don’t even know if I can handle having a kid right now! I’m still going through college, Namjoon!”
“So you’re saying that this was a mistake?” he asks.
“Of course it was a mistake!”
His angry facade drops for a split second. Enough for you to see the disappointment on his face. You don’t let your guard down, too angry with him to think about what you’re truly saying. It isn’t until he stands from his chair, presses his lips together in a thin line, nods once, and makes his way towards the front door, that you realize what you said.
“Wait! Joon–”
Before you can get up from the table, he shoves his shoes on his feet and walks out the door, closing it softly behind him. You messed up.
Eyes swollen, you hold your legs against your chest. The movie playing on the tv does nothing to distract you from your racing thoughts. Were you done? Was this the final straw that breaks your five year long relationship?
It had been hours since you last saw Namjoon. Despite the anger that ran through your blood at dinner, you worried about him. He had never walked out on you like this before, and he didn’t even take his phone or keys with him. Usually after your petty arguments, Namjoon or you would step into another room to take a breather before ultimately coming back together to talk things through better. But the fact that he was outside, in the middle of the night, walking the streets of the new city you moved to, you weren’t sure if he’d come back.
Finally, another hour or two later, the door swings open. You watch as Namjoon walks quietly back into the house, possibly not to disturb you if you somehow managed to fall asleep. You sniff, catching his attention.
“I didn’t think you’d be back,” you mutter, turning off the tv.
“I live here, don’t I?”
He makes his way into the living room. He settles himself into the cushions on the other side of the couch you were on. You give him a moment to get a little more comfortable—if that was even possible with how much tension there was between the two of you—before speaking up.
“Look, about earlier–”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he interrupts. He leans his elbows against his knees, keeping his eyes trained on the carpet beneath his feet. “I get it. You’re the one carrying the baby, so you can ultimately decide what you want to do. And I should have said something to you before going to your brother.”
You shift your position to match his. Rubbing your hands against your face, you sigh.
“No. That’s not what I was going to say. I just– I’m scared, Joon,” you whisper. “We didn’t plan for this to happen and now that this is happening, that I’m growing a life as a result of us being a little reckless, I don’t know how we’ll do it. I’m still in school and you just graduated. We still have so much ahead of us. But I don’t want to lose this baby.” Glancing up from the ground, you look over to where Namjoon is sitting. His body is still in the same position, but his head is turned to face you. “I don’t want to lose you. And you telling my brother just made me realize how real our situation is. I wanted to make sure that we were going to go through with this before going to him. I don’t want him to see me as his little sister who somehow seduced his best friend into being in a relationship with her and now he can’t get out of it because there’s now an unplanned addition into the mix.”
Your eyes begin to tear up at the thought of your brother berating you for becoming pregnant without proper financial or physical protection. Who’s to say that Namjoon wouldn’t get up and leave you any chance he got?
When you look back towards Namjoon, you let the tears fall. He looks at you with so much love and understanding that it’s much too overwhelming. When he notices you crying, he doesn’t hesitate to open his arms and turn his whole body towards you.
“Come here.”
You throw yourself into his arms and he pulls you as close as physically possible. He lets you cry it out for a few moments as he caresses your hair, rocking the both of you gently.
 “You won’t lose me,” he murmurs. “And I’ll do whatever it takes to not lose the baby. I’ve got a few interviews lined up the next few weeks that will hopefully get me into my career. And then I’ll be making enough for the three of us to live comfortably. You don’t have to work if you don’t want to. And your brother,” he paused for a second. “He isn’t the stupid high school boy that he was. I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you before going to him. But do you want to know what he told me?”
You hum, moving your head to meet his gaze.
“He told me that he was glad that I am the one taking care of you. Especially when he couldn’t or didn’t while growing up. He said that it was shocking at first, just because he found out so suddenly that day, but he knew that we would eventually recognize our feelings for each other.”
You press your face into the crook of his neck. Namjoon shifts the both of you so that you lay on top of him. One hand brushes through your hair while the other caresses your waist. Your own hand finds Namjoon’s waist, pushing up his shirt to make contact with the skin of his stomach. Your thumb rubs circles against him.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“You don’t have to,” Namjoon chuckles. “I can see it everyday.”
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The cork flies out the bottle, landing among the crowd. Namjoon sheepishly laughs as he gets a playful yell of his name from his cousin, where the cork landed.
Carefully he pours you a glass of champagne before filling up his own flute. You raise your glass, clinking it with his before downing the drink. The sound of the shutter from the photographer you hired can be heard amongst the chatter between guests. You’re sure that they got a good picture that you’ll search for later.
“I would like to raise a toast to the two people I love the most.” Your brother’s voice booms over the crowd, catching everyone’s attention. “My little sister and my best friend. I am so happy to see that they are still going strong after so many years. They’ve had their ups and downs, but I can see it when I look at them that no matter what happens, they will be able to figure it out. To the happy couple! And maybe you can bring me back another niece or nephew after the honeymoon!”
Laughter rings out amongst your friends and family. You glare at your brother playfully, sticking your tongue out at him. He laughs, returning the favor, before making his way back to your family’s table.
The night is filled with dancing and partying. You couldn’t have imagined a more perfect wedding for the two of you. Seeing your friends and family happily join in on the activities of the night makes your heart flutter with joy. This was the moment you’ve waited for for such a long time. Being able to marry your best friend and the love of your life was something you only dreamed about. But ever since falling in love with Namjoon, you knew that your dreams would come true one day.
As you’re talking to a couple of the guests that linger at the end of the reception, thanking them for coming, Namjoon slips his hand into yours. You glance at him, watching as he nods towards the photo backdrop you had set up for wedding pictures. Wishing your guests a good rest of the night, you follow Namjoon’s lead.
A whine has you turning to see your son in your mother’s arms. He reaches out to you and you coo at the sight.
“Seungjin, are you ready?”
His giggles fill the room as you take him from her arms and move over to the backdrop where your husband is waiting and watching you lovingly. As you step up beside him, the photographer readies their camera. Namjoon’s arm wraps around your waist, pulling you closer. He looks into your eyes, smiling, dimples on show.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you.”
Seungjin whines in your arms and you chuckle. You look down to find his lips in a tiny pout.
“And we love you, too.”
He smiles, showing his own dimples, as you kiss his chubby cheek.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Taglist: @seajae @sugainmybowl @fluffyjjkk
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zoeoe-sims · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by a few people but it's been quite a while so I'm not sure who they all were anymore (I also noticed that I don't always get a notification for tags, and only realised I was tagged was because I saw the post in my feed - what's up with that?) but anyway I am grateful for being included and I really enjoyed reading everyone's posts and getting to know you guys better <3
Are you named after anyone?
My parents chose my first name by going through the alphabet and picking one they liked, so they were kinda running out of options by the time they got to mine. I have another name that is indirectly after a relative.
When was the last time you cried?
I don't remember exactly when but maybe around a month ago.
Do you have kids?
I do not but I used to have a pet hedgehog if that counts. (I do have a dog too but he's more like my mum's baby, my brother! :D)
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I don't think I use it a lot but maybe sometimes.
What sports do you play/have you played? 
Hehe no... I have never been into sports. I do yoga, miniscule jogs, and walks with the doggo as far as exercise goes but yeah... not really sports.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
I guess it depends on the person, if something about their appearance/voice/manner stands out then I'd notice that first. Which I know is a pretty generic answer! :p
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings cos I'm a coward. I generally watch/read things to feel better so being scared or depressed isn't really what I want from movies! Though I can appreciate a bitter sweet or uncertain ending.
Any special talents? 
Yes! I can wiggle my ears and do up necklace clasps around the back of my neck pretty easily (like instead of doing it up at the front and twisting it round). I am very talented! Too bad I don't wear necklaces much...
Where were you born?
Somewhere... 👀 
What are your hobbies?
Theoretically, I have a few hobbies. As well as simming/some other games, I play the piano, draw and watercolour paint occasionally, crochet, knitting, reading... But in reality I spend so much time procrastinating and panic-doing my university work that I spend a lot of time doing not very much.
Do you have any pets?
A doggo called Alfie, he's very handsome and I love him.
How tall are you?
A fellow hobbit to @aisquaredchoco :D
Fave subject in school?
For me it mainly depended on the teacher. I'm not sure it was my favourite but I chose to do a lot of Maths so at some level I must have enjoyed it :D
Dream job?
I have a dream of living in a cabin/cottage in the woods with chickens and a garden (and wifi for making and sharing sims mods of course!). I have never dreamed of a career, but something that would also allow me to fulfil my forest goblin dream would be cool.
Otherwise I'd like to do something that in some way helps people, and is good for people/society in general *shrug*
Eye color? 
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I will tag @oasissimming, @thesweetsimmer111 and @bietjie. Feel free to ignore if you don't want to or have already done it!
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Valka is bisexual and Gobber is gay, they became friends before Valka met Stoick (of course she knew him, cause he was the chief's son, but they hadn't become friends/lovers yet).
Valka and Gobber had been in the same gay friend group since they were teens.
Gobber actually introduced Stoick to Valka after her girlfriend broke up with her. She was really heartbroken and swearing she would never date a woman again; in a way she was right.
Gobber, at some point between becoming Stoick's best friend and presenting him to Valka, had a crush on him and asked him out; Stoick was surprised and flattered by this, but politely declined. After that their friendship was completely unaffected by this.
Hiccup is trans, no doubt, and when he came out of the closet he chose his name based on the story of his Great Grand Uncle Hiccup Horrendous Haddock II, "the dragon whisperer". He was a dragon simpathiser that Hiccup admired and read about in his family's sagas; although the sagas don't say anything good about him and his story is quite tragic, Hiccup III felt some sort of connection that he didn't understand (he realised soon enough) and so he chose his name accordingly.
His coming out thing is lowkey hinted at (no, of course it's not canon, let me dream) during the movies and the series: he continously wants to be like other vikings, he talks about how he disappointed his father because he wanted a more vikingish son, he compares himself with other vikings, when he meets his mother she tells him how he takes after her (even physically, if you think about it), etc.
Valka instantly respects her son's new name and pronouns because she is also queer, and if you're thinking "there's no way she knew his new name, she wasn't there when he chose it" I'm just gonna remind you this particular viking won't shut up, so he surely told him "I'm Hiccup, son of Stoick the vast" or something like that while she was taking him to the nest and she brushed it off cause she knew it couldn't be possible, then she saw the scar and her queer little brain made everything fit together.
Hiccup gets both crushing gender dysphoria from seeing himself reflected in her mother and an incredible amount of gender euphoria as he realises his identity doesn't need to be that performatively masculine and that his mother is quite queer herself, so in the end being like her is something he prides himself on.
In the third movie we see flashbacks of Hiccup being a little boy and he is called by his chosen name already, so we know he wasn't closeted for a long time and also that he came out really young.
At some point in "Race to the edge" Tuffnut calls Hiccup "sister", this hints to the fact that Tuffnut is also trans, and they sometimes call each other "sister" jokingly. Before he came out of the closet his name was some other consonant followed by "uffnut", but he swapped it for the "t" (for trans).
The sentences "Excuse me, barmaid. I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms. Extra guts and glory on the side. This here. This is a talking fish bone." are so trans of him, he even uses "offspring" instead of son. This is also why Stoick feels really bad after telling him "You're not my son", realising just after he closes the door (which doesn't even shut completely, like the closet's) that he has disrespected and disregarded his son's identity. He "fixes" this later in the movie when he tells him how proud he is (p r i d e).
Astrid is also trans, t4t, love wins!
In the third movie, Valka and Gobber have accepted Eret in their gay best friend squad; they even fight together as a team at the end. But there's more, because Gobber spends the movie flirting with Eret and it shows they are quite close. Furthermore, when the dragons leave, Eret and Gobber stand together, and then, during the wedding Gobber is holding the bouquet and when it flies out of his "grasp" Eret is the one who grabs it. They are gay, your honour, I rest my case.
Eret is sooo gay, he does not only like men, he actively dislikes women romantically and sexually. We can see this in the way he refuses to even pay attention to Ruffnut's attempts at seduction. In the third movie he has already told her that he is gay, and she has taken it badly in the "I'm going to take this personally, not as something that just is" cause she is a bit dumb (but we love her).
Last headcanon for today is the main characters' pronouns and sexualities: Stoick (straight (up) go/ne), Valka (She/they, demisexual bisexual), Gobber (He/him, gay ass), Eret (He/him, closeted gay until the last movie), Hiccup (He/him->He/they after the second movie, bisexual ace), Astrid (She/they, bisexual), Fishlegs (He/him, bisexual), Snotlout (He/him, deep-in-the-closet gay), Tuffnut (He/him, aroace), and Ruffnut (She/her, straight).
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aliferousdreamer · 7 months
@livingincolorsagain Okay, so first of all:
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Seriously though, unforunately it looks like I can no longer answer your long-awaited ask because I just saved my response to your inbox in the drafts and apparently that just deleted both your ask and my answer?!?! It looks like it's just been completely gone for no reason?!?!?!?! Tumblr: WHY????????? (Btw this is my shorter back up draft so luckily I at least have this lol)
Now... I cannot say this enough... I'M SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO BLOODY LONG to do this. I think it has taken me about 1 ½ years to do this?!?! I'm so freaking embarrassed omfg. There really is no good excuse for why it has taken so freaking long. I remember that I have at least a few drafts that I made, but then my drafts became like this-
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-and then I either forgot about it completely or got overwhelmed when I couldn't find any of the drafts and just abandoned it. My ability to just "nope" out of anything and procrastinate for eternity is unmatched.
Btw: I'm gonna censor most of the fandom/character/ship names (even the ones I like) because 1. I don't want to attract people who feel the need to argue with me (because I cba I really cba) and 2. I don't want to offend anyone who likes those things. It's gonna look super silly with *s everywhere but I don't have the energy for any heated discussions or arguments.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Ooh I have several squicky ships that I do get but I just don't feel them at all and have negative connotations associated with them... It's not exactly an answer to the question but it is what I first thought of.
Pre 2020 me didn't like Harm*one as a ship (in H*rry P*tter). Nowadays I don't interact with the fandom so I don't care but I still have negative associations with that ship and its fans.
I don't have any positive associations with Cl*uis (in TW*DG) because of bigotry.
I understand the appeal of E*yam (from C*kur) but it's a toxic, abusive, insulting mess like its fanbase. Man, I'm so glad C*kur ended in 2021 so I could leave that show and its fans behind.
I also used to feel more negative towards R*xi (from E*phoria) as a ship because of shippers' attitudes towards J*les/R*les but since F*xi became really popular I don't see nearly as much of that ship anymore.
I'll explain the reasonings more in the next question because the answers in both questions are pretty similar.
Also, to sprinkle some positivity amongst my mostly critical answers, here are some OTPs that I do like:
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7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Again, this applies to me pre 2020, but I still remember that I used to somewhat like Harm*one as a ship from H*rry P*tter, but yeah... the portion of toxic fans who were super hateful and bitter and straight up mean towards R*n and G*nny.
I used to like L*ouis and sorta like Cl*uis from TW*DG but the homophobic/lesbophobic/biphobic fans have pretty much turned me off from the ship completely. This doesn't really apply to fans on here, moreso YouTube fans who are just The Worst tbh.
Similarly I used to like E*sun from C*kur and back in season 3 but E*yam fans (particularly on Twitter and YouTube) were just horrible. I remember being civil and polite and considerate to every single one I encountered but they were awful and one fan even wished death on my family when I had said nothing to warrant such a bizarre comment lol. They were also The Worst towards D*lan D*niz and their relentless bullying campaign against her from 2019-2021 (but I saw a few months ago that they're still hating on her in 2023 ffs), all because she was a "threat" to their toxic ship. Man, I'm so glad their ship flopped in C*kur's finale, even if it was upsetting to see them being more hateful towards D*lan. They deserved some karma after being some of the worst fans I've ever had the misfortune of seeing.
Again for positivity's sake, here are some characters I do like:
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12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Unlike seemingly most of the fans on here, I like El*ven getting with M*ke in Str*nger Th*ngs. I will never understand why M*leven is so hated. She can be both independent and in a relationship, and I don't see how that's such an unpopular take. Sure, there are issues with codependency, miscommunication and lying but considering what those kids have been through, is it any surprise?! They've both been through so much trauma, both together and separately, so no wonder they don't always go about the things the "best" way. I'd cut them both some slack (especially El*ven considering the hell she's endured all her life that has stunted her growth). Also, I feel like fans are way too harsh of them because aren't they supposed to be around 14 in season 4?!?! I'd say that they're remarkably mature for their age. I will admit that I like them less than I used to after season 4 but tbf there are several characters/relationships that I like less because of season 4. I like other ships like B*ler and E*max but I don't see why liking them should almost become synonymous with hating M*leven.
On another note, this scene >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Again I'm so sorry this took so long, and that this version of my answer isn't the final one that I wanted to send (because Tumblr just erased the original one lmao).
Thank you so, so much for checking up on me and being so kind and sweet to me, even when I haven't responded or showed the gratitude that I should do!!!! I hope you're doing really well!!!!!! <3
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owtenen · 1 year
Hi! Saw the story request stuff and I want to see if you can do ethopulse (one of the rarepairs I love).
The prompt/scenario can be playing in the rain and then getting sick afterwards if you'd like :]
ethopulse! i love them and yet i didn't know their ship name, I'm horrible.
since you are the first person to actually take this up, you get all of my love ! (/p) Here's 1800 words of Impulse and Etho dancing in the rain, and then immediately "regretting" it:
------ (read under cut OR on AO3)
Impulse couldn’t concentrate.
No matter what he did, he couldn’t get himself to focus on the task in front of him. It wasn’t like the redstone Gem asked him to do was hard. In fact, it was actually quite simple, but he had waited too long to actually complete it, and now he was up before sunrise trying to complete it.
As people started waking up, it became even more difficult to focus. His communicator was blowing up, and despite his best efforts, he found himself stopping his work to read just about every single one of them. 
It was just because he was a nice guy, not because he was procrastinating.
He saw Gem once or twice while he was working on the redstone, she didn’t say much, but he could tell she was getting anxious to have it done. Every time he tried to focus, it was like the universe had to put something more interesting in front of him. An interesting comms message, a weird sound coming from inside the dark cave.
Impulse shot up quickly hitting his head on the ceiling above him. Why did he always insist on building in such small spaces, it wasn’t good for his back.
“Heyo.” Etho said, ducking his head into the hole that Impulse was currently hunched over in. “Whatcha doin?”
“Hey, Etho.” He rubbed his hands over his pants, the redstone dust staining it like dirt. “Just this piston door for Gem.”
“Uh, huh..” Etho hummed, craning his neck to look at the wires, “How long have you been down here?”
Impulsed, huffed, and looked at his watch, “A couple hours?”
Etho laughed, “A couple hours?”
“Hey!” Impulse whined, “I’ve been distracted! I can’t help it.”
“Need some help?” Impulse noticed, despite the mask, that Etho was smiling. 
“Why not, come here.” He reached around and grabbed his shovel, handing it over to Etho, “Dig a little more so we have some room.”
Etho just hummed again, taking the shovel and immediately walking back outside into the fresh air. Impulse didn’t even have a second to ask what he was doing before the small cave he had made himself collapsed, exposing the orange sunrise and just narrowly missing himself and the redstone. “What was that?!”
Etho laughed again, and Impulse tried really hard to keep a horrified facial expression, “It’s easier to work in the sun, Impulse.”
“I guess so…” Impulse grumbled, turning back around to not focus on how Etho looked in the morning sun. “Can you pass me that piston?” Etho came back down to Impulse’s level, coping his crouching position and passing him the requested part.
They stayed silent for a while, apart from the occasional request for materials or an expletive when the redstone didn’t work. But Impulse found, with Etho by his side, he got the redstone done in record time, and sooner than he expected they were standing above ground again, placing the last pressure plate.
“You wanna do the honors?” Impulse prompted, stepping back and motioning for Etho to go ahead.
“It would be my honor.” Etho bowed dramatically, snickering softly to himself as he stepped one foot on the pressure plate. It opened beautifully and efficiently, and Impulse sighed in relief. “Looks like you did a pretty good job, Impulse.”
The older man couldn’t help the blush crawling up his face, and couldn’t help it getting redder when he realized what was happening, “Wouldn’t be as perfect without your help.”
Instead of responding, Etho just held out his hand and looked up, flinching slightly after a couple of seconds, “It’s raining.”
Impulse looked up too, and almost instantly a thick drop of water landed on his forehead, “Thank God we finished, that would have been a nightmare with the dust.”
As the rain started coming down faster, Impulse watched as Etho cupped his hands, allowing the water to fill there and mix with the redstone that had accumulated on his fingers, “I love the rain.” He said, almost absently.
“Well, we should probably get inside, we don’t want to get sick.”
Etho just looked up, letting out a groan, “Oh you’re no fun, Impulse! Common-” He stepped towards Impulse and took his hand, leading them down the hill to the entrance of Impulse’s base. Before stepping inside though, Etho looked up at the sky and closed his eyes, allowing the now practically pouring rain to beat down on his face.
Impulse, despite himself, smiled, “Etho, you’re getting all wet, let’s go inside.”
Etho just looked back at Impulse with defiance in his eyes, without saying a word, he removed his mask and threw it off to the side, revealing the crooked smirk that was underneath. Impulse couldn’t contain the soft inhale that left his mouth when Etho took off his mask. It wasn’t like the man had never seen Etho without it, but he could count the times he had on one hand, and it always amazed him how different he looked without it. 
Etho’s face was shiny from the rain, and his hair was a mop of gray framing it like a masterpiece. The smaller strands had already begun to stick to his face, and Impulse had to look away when Etho ran a slender hand through it. “You don’t like the rain?” He questioned and Impulse had the cough to make extra sure his voice didn’t sound any different
“I didn’t say that but-”
“No but-s!” Etho once again grabbed Impulse by the arms, pulling him closer. They were both soaked now, and Impulse had half a mind to run a hand through his own hair, suddenly self-conscious in front of the other man. “Dance with me.” Etho's closed-lip smile got even bigger, and he began swaying dramatically to pull Impulse’s arms with him.
Impulse just looked at Etho with a comically confused expression, but when he watched Etho close his eyes and tilt his head back up towards the sky again, his frown turned into a beaming smile, and he couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up from his chest. “There’s not even music!”
So Etho started humming, and Impulse’s heart just about flew out of his chest. Impulse knew Etho, they were friends, they had been for years. He’d seen Etho at his worst, on the verge of tears or at the height of anger. He’d seen Etho at his happiest, when he won a game or laughed at a joke. He’d seen Etho tired out of his mind after a full day of material gathering, and he had seen Etho bored to death at official group meetings. But Etho was none of these things during this moment, this Etho was carefree, this Etho was content.
This Etho looked beautiful when the orange sunrise danced off his wet skin like a fire.
Impulse opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again after a few moments. Instead of saying all the things he was thinking, he allowed himself to flow with Etho’s movements and get soaked through with rain. Because Etho loved the rain, and Impulse found that with Etho, he did too.
Impulse found out that Etho was sick through Tango.
He rolled his eyes when he first found out, he had wanted to scream I told you so at him too. He contemplated telling Tango why Etho was sick, but decided it would be best to just keep that memory for himself. After all, he loved replaying it over and over again when he was alone.
Tango asked Impulse to check on him if he had the time, and Impulse always had the time for Etho. After making some soup (he did make quite good soup, it was like, his whole thing), he flew over to Etho’s base and climbed up the steps. It was only one room so far, but it looked beautiful.
“Etho?” Impulse spoke into the room, hearing his voice bounce off the walls and echo back at him. “Tango told me your secret.” He heard a cough coming from back down the stairs and under the base. He smiled and made his way over there, knocking on the half-built wall-frame lightly, “Can I come in?”
“No.” Impulse could hear Etho’s smile. “I’m fine, I’ll come out to you.” Impulse just hummed a response and stepped back, and after a few moments Etho stepped out from behind a wall of hoppers into Impulse’s view
He laughed, because honestly, Etho in this moment was probably one of the funniest things he’d ever seen. Etho was a pretty tall guy, but he currently had a massive blanket over his shoulders that made him look like he was 3 feet tall, and his little bunny slipper-ed feet were sticking out of the bottom like little animals trying to sneakily hunt for prey. If that wasn’t enough, he had a little stuffed green alien on top of his head, and it took Impulse a second to realize it was a hat.
“Nice outfit.”
Etho just stuck out his tongue, his nose was bright red, and his face was puffy with sleep, “Thank you, I dressed up for you.”
“How kind of you, especially since you’re sick and all that.”
“I’m not sick.” Impulse just raised his eyebrows, and Etho pressed his shoulder back, “I’m not!”
“You look terrible.”
“Maybe I just always look terrible.” Etho retorted.
“You always look amazing.”
Etho didn’t have a retort to that, instead his cheeks went pink to match his nose, “What’s in the bag?”
Impulse looked down and then raised the paper bag, “It’s soup, but I guess if you’re not sick….”
Etho stepped forward, one arm popping out of the blanket robe, “I’ll still have the soup.”
Impulse laughed, but his eyes turned soft soon after, “Are you okay though? We shouldn’t have stayed out in the rain that long…” He looked down, obviously feeling a little guilty.
“Don’t worry about it.” Etho said, also soft and serious for a moment, “It’s not that bad, and it was fun.”
“It was really fun…”
“And…” Etho said, hopping forward so that he was mere inches from Impulse, “It was totally worth it.”
Impulse felt his cheeks heat up, and he stuttered a bit before properly responding, “I, uh,  didn’t know you could sing.”
Etho laughed a little, “Only in the rain, isn’t that how the song goes?” He stepped back again, “Common in, this soup won’t stop my sickness if it stays in the bag."
When Etho took the bag and motioned for Impulse to follow him over into his work area, he did. His smile was even bigger than yesterday, and he felt his chest grow big with happiness. “I knew it.”
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shadowdianne · 2 years
A small(?) thing I doubt anyone will be interested in but nevertheless
Hi, hello. This is me thinking that I might have some mutuals that might have followed me when I started to write Cissamione and such and so they might see this. Or not xd. Anywho
It's been... don't make me look it up, but a long time, since I wrote ANYTHING, less about the pairing on itself and part of me felt that it was obvious where I stood with certain... things that come from writing fics on that very particular world (namely, hi, JKR is a fucking terf). When I started to write for the pairing it came from the angle of; I want to take what she gave us, make it as queer as possible and fuck the rest. However, and probably due to the fact that I haven't been writing much for me personally ever since a few months ago that pervasive feeling of yuck I got whenever I saw anything HP related -as well as a similar post I saw from the lovely @delirious-comfort here- made me adamant on not wanting to write about the pairing or anything HP related ever again.
(And in case anyone comes here asking about my own personal feelings about it: I'm Queer, NB and very very tired xd So, yeah, I've been loud about JKR before. I just considered the angle of being performative AND transformative with the original work would therefore give the power back to those that she is actively trying to harm. However, I do not think is a matter of likes or dislikes or what one does with how we interact with the story any longer as the hole of shit is just too deep already)
The reason why I didn't write anything about it before is, quite simply, because I don't know if it is going to even be read. Dunno about where I stand on the mutual aspect of things as ever since I took a very necessary step back from SQ my times here have been.... random lol but as someone that keeps calling themselves something something fic writing related I am just taking a moment of procrastination from the fucking thesis I immersed myself in to write the post and feel that I've done what felt was appropriate.
I do not know if I will erase the fics, a part of me wants it, as I honestly want to burn everything down from that particular corner but the other understands that most of those fics were prompts or gifts to people I care about. So for now I'll probably orphan them in August once I have a moral normal life schedule and I'm not running on fumes, spite and coffee.
And... that's basically it.
Dianne out, please drink water.
Ps: In case anyone is interested my thesis studies precisely the conceptualization of tropes -particularly the femme fatale- and how archetypes, gender, canon and Apocrypha create a conversation that can be changed if we give voice to a broader aspect of it all within the academia. All of that while using a book that I think a lot of people have read ever since it got published in..2021 :P-
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lowlightsahead · 26 days
Chat I am going to kill myself. I have my final paper tomorrow and I haven't done anything. The p in my name stands for procrastination. I read a bombastic ass skk fanfic instead
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murdock-barnes · 2 years
One Night Stand
Matt Murdock x Elektra Natchios x Fem!Reader
Summary: When Matt and Elektra spot you sitting at a bar alone, they want to spend some "quality time" with you😏
Warnings: protected and unprotected p in v, oral (both female and male receiving), vaginal fingering, face riding (pls let me know if I forgot something)
Word Count: 3,3K
A/N: I made my favorite couple married here because I am desperate for them to be happy together😩 I’ve been wanting to write a threesome like this for a long time and it’s finally the right time. HERE IT IS! I’m really happy about how it turned out😍 I'm sorry this is a bit long cuz I wanted to write all of my fantasies with them😏🥵 I hope you like it!!!! Please let me know what you think❤️
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The busy, bleak day wore you out. It was one of those days that nothing went right. First, your alarm didn't go off and you were half an hour late to work. Then, the supplier came in with the wrong delivery which he was pretty sure was the right one. On the meeting afternoon, your boss asked to see a preview of your upcoming presentation and you just froze and babbled some nonsense. That's because you didn't even form the idea of the presentation which you simply pushed forward and forward, procrastinating. In the end, it was a long and exhausting day. However, you didn't want to go home, sit alone and mope around. You needed a drink. That's how you ended up in this fancy hotel bar that is right next to the office.
You were on your third Martini, getting tipsy when someone tapped your shoulder. You instinctively turned to look and you were faced with a beautiful woman, looking at you with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.
"Hello," she said settling on the stool right next to you. The smooth, velvet tone of her voice made your hair stand on its ends.
"Hi?" you responded, questioning.
"Are we disturbing you?" A deep, smooth voice came from the stool on your other side. Turning to him, you saw a handsome man in a tuxedo. Even though he was inside, he was wearing sunglasses.
You were intrigued so you simply said "No."
"Good," the woman replied sitting taller now, exposing her collar bones and chest. Her red dress had a deep neckline which displayed her breasts in the most delightful way. You couldn't take your eyes off of the marvelous view. When she caught you ogling, she smiled and you looked away, embarrassed.
She leaned into you, presenting you with her divine scent. "You caught my eye and I've wanted to meet with you," she reached and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. "So pretty," she murmured.
You felt a blush slowly creeping up to your cheeks. Her voice and the way she talked warmed the blood in your veins.
"My name is Elektra and this is my husband Matthew," she introduced.
Matt gave you a dazzling smile "Nice to meet you, sweetie. You can call me Matt."
You smiled shyly "Nice to meet you both." You introduced yourself too.
You chatted with them, getting to know each other. You learned that Elektra runs a private business and Matt, to quote Elektra, was a really good lawyer. You also found out that Matt was blind. You were surprised considering the way he moves like he can see.
They were really charming and good conversation makers. As you talked and talked, they felt safe and trustworthy. They also bewitched you with their beauty and brains. Matt and Elektra were truly a dangerous duo.
Moreover, they were possibly the best-looking couple you've ever seen. The attraction and chemistry between them were filling the space with electricity. Their energy fueled yours and you felt alarmed and alive.
"You're here, drinking by yourself and being seemingly upset. Rough day at work?" Elektra guessed.
You eased into her presence and answered with a nod.
"Aw, poor girl," she pouted. "However, I think we can make your night so much better. Right, Matthew?"
He chuckled "Absolutely." Matt leaned into you, whispering "See, honey. My wife... wants you and she gets everything she wants."
When you got what he implied, you took in a sharp breath. They want to have sex with you? A threesome?
"I-" you didn't know what to say.
Elektra's hand slid onto your thigh, slightly squeezing. She deeply gazed into your eyes. You felt Matt put his hand on your waist. Heat pooled down at your core.
Elektra came closer and placed a kiss on your neck, which sent shivers down your spine. "Come on, it'll be fun. Trust me," she whispered. "Just a one night stand."
Her hand reached and slowly caressed your cheek. "You're so beautiful. Imagine all the ways we can play with you." You felt Matt's hand on your right boob, squeezing slightly. Elektra's hand on your thigh reached between your legs, cupping you. You gasped and shuddered. "We can make you cum so many times, over and over."
"What do you say?" Matt whispered into your ear.
All the logic left your body with their touches and words. "Yes," you answered.
Elektra giggled and hold your hand, making you get up. Matt talked to the bartender "Close her tab and add it to ours." They walked you to the elevator, their hands never leaving you. As soon as the elevator doors closed, Elektra pushed you to the mirror and kissed you hard. Your body was flushed with hers as she worked your mouth. The slight strawberry taste from her stimulated your taste buds.
Matt was just standing at the side, his head dropped down. There was a smirk on his face.
Elektra's hands gripped your hips, pushing herself to your core. The friction made you release a moan into her mouth. You heard the elevator doors open and Elektra stepped away, leaving you gasping for air.
Matt chuckled "Come on."
Elektra held your hand as you made your way to their room. Matt unlocked the door with the key card. "Ladies first," he gestured inside.
Butterflies in your stomach were going crazy as you stepped inside, Elektra and, finally, Matt following you. He closed the door. You walked and stopped before the bed as Elektra approached you.
She gave you a quick kiss with a reassuring smile. "You're so beautiful. So deserving."
The hem of your shirt was lifted and she removed it slowly. Suddenly, Matt was beside you, his sunglasses lost now. He put his palm on your back and kissed you. His kiss felt as good as Elektra's. His hand found the clasp of your bra and undid it.
As you were introduced to his taste, Elektra slid your pants down. She kneeled down and her hands caressed your thighs. She peppered kisses all over your thighs. She got rid of your panties and now her mouth was on your core. She planted a kiss on your clit, making you moan into Matt's mouth. His hands were on your tits, kneading and pinching.
"You taste so sweet," Elektra murmured.
Elektra grabbed your ass, pressing you to her face. The way her tongue worked inside you and on your clit made your knees weak. You held on to Matt's shoulders. He hold you steady and moved on to kiss and suck on your neck. Elektra slowly slid two fingers inside you. Your head fell back, moaning. She sucked and tongued your clit as her fingers moved in and out fast.
Matt held your hand and guided it to his clothed erection. He was so hard in his pants. You rubbed him over his pants, feeling the warmth and length of him. He released a satisfied hum into your neck. "Fuck, yes."
Elektra curled her finger inside you, hitting that magical spot. You threw your head back and came with a cry. Matt held you tight as your body shook with pleasure. Elektra prolonged your bliss and kept sucking and licking. You couldn't take it anymore "Please..." you pushed her head away. She lifted her head and gave you a big smile.
Elektra got up and gave you a kiss. You tasted yourself on her tongue. "You cum so prettily," she whispered into your mouth.
Your hands reached around her body, finding the zip of her dress. You pulled it down and she laughed. Matt slipped her dress down her body. When it pooled down at her feet, she stepped out of it. She wasn't wearing a bra so she displayed her beautiful body only covered with a small fabric between her legs. Fuck, she was doubtlessly the most beautiful woman you've ever seen. Matt caught your reaction, the way you sucked in your breath and became frozen. He chuckled "Yeah, she has that effect on people." He planted a kiss on her temple. Elektra closed her eyes and hummed blissfully, smiling.
Your hands came down on her hips, gripping. You guided her to the bed. First, she sat and then pulled herself up on the bed, resting on her elbows. You settled on the bed on your knees. You leaned into her and slowly slid down her panties. As you threw it aside, you saw Matt from the corner of your eye. Now, he was naked too. He sat on the small sofa, his head laid back and his hand lazily stroking his hard cock. He had various scars on his body yet they couldn't take anything from his beauty. You took in his strong body; his defined abs, muscled arms, and thighs.
You turned to Elektra. She gave you a foxy smile and opened her legs, baring her cunt "Eat me out, pretty princess."
You obeyed as you came closer to her on your hands and knees. You looked up and saw her giving you an assuring nod. You wanted to please her, give her everything she wants. You dived in licking from her entrance to her clit. She lifted her hips with a light moan. Your hands found her thighs, holding her down tight. Her hands became intertwined with your hair.
As you feasted on her, you felt Matt's presence behind you. His hands came down to your ass. "Lift your hips, sweetie," he softly said.
You looked up, locking eyes with Elektra. She understood your hesitance. "Do you want him to fuck you?" she said.
You were ashamed but you didn't give in to that feeling. You nodded shyly. Elektra giggled, her hand on your hair caressed the side of your face "That's a good girl. Lift your hips then."
You went back to give Elektra her well-deserved pleasure as you lifted your hips. Matt reached down and his fingers slid into you. "Fuck, so wet." He planted a small kiss on your shoulder as he lined his cock with your entrance. You felt him slowly entering you, stretching you in the most delicious way. He was wearing a condom which you didn't even see him put on. You moaned deeply and the vibrations made Elektra lift her hips to grind on your face. Your mouth felt like heaven to her. Halfway in, Matt slammed into you. He let out a grunt, as your velvet walls wrapped around his dick delightfully.
He gripped your hips and slowly started to fuck you. Every thrust made your eyes roll in your head. It felt so good. All of you were lost in the sensation. All that mattered was the pleasure.
You moved on to suck on Elektra's clit as your middle finger slid inside her. She gasped and then, moaned. The room was filled with moans and the sounds of flesh hitting flesh. Matt was about to go insane. The feeling of your wet, hot cunt, Elektra's moans, the smell of her, and your arousals. It was all too much. He nearly came with these senses.
"Fuck... you feel so good, baby," he muttered. You whined in response.
Elektra was enjoying herself and when you added a second finger she was over the moon. You pumped your fingers in and out as your mouth never left her clit. Curling your fingers, you hit her g spot. She released a loud moan, throwing her head back. "Oh my God, yes..." she exclaimed. "Don't stop!"
Matt slammed into you harder now. You fingered Elektra faster and pushed your hips to meet his thrusts. All of you were chasing your orgasms now. Everyone moved in unison to meet their needs.
Elektra was the first to come, falling apart under your fingers and mouth. You licked her way through orgasm. Her loud moans were music to both your and Matt's ears. Her legs shook as her body trembled and you kept eating her out.
Matt reached down and started circling your clit, his thrusts never knowing mercy. You felt the coil tightening in your stomach, you knew what was coming.
You lifted your head and as you gasped for the air, you said "Please... gonna cum."
He slammed you even harder, in a way that you didn't think would be possible. He was hitting it so deeply, so raw. Your orgasm slowly crept upon you, it built up and built up. Then, snapped. You came with a loud cry, stars blurring your vision. Your legs shook unable to keep you lifted. He gripped your hips tighter, fucking you relentlessly. Your fluttering walls were milking his cock. You felt his pace falter and his grunts grew louder. A few more thrusts and he came, burying himself inside you.
All of you just stayed still, trying to catch your breaths. A veil of bless wrapped your bodies. You were hyper-aware of every inch of your body.
Matt slowly slid out of you and you rolled onto your back to rest. Matt walked to the trash, disposing of the condom. Elektra pulled you to her embrace. You felt so safe and welcomed in her arms. She caressed your face "You did so good." She planted a kiss on your forehead.
Matt laid beside Elektra, spooning her. She eased into his embrace with a big smile. "I told you she'd make us happy," she said.
Matt smiled "Yeah, you were right."
"I'm always right, Matthew," she replied, grinning.
You don't know how long you laid there with them. Elektra was right. They really made your night better. They possibly caused you to live the best night of your life. You stripped away from your thoughts when the bed shifted.
Elektra was leaning back and rubbing her ass on Matt's dick. Matt gave a small frown "Already?" he asked.
"Mhm," Elektra answered. Matt laughed, his hand coming over her body to grab her tit. You joined them, kissing and sucking Elektra's neck. She suddenly escaped both your and Matt's embrace, sitting up.
"What..." Matt got interrupted by her shushing. She reached her hand out to you "Come here, baby."
You also sat up and joined her. She leaned into your ear "Suck him off and get him ready for me. Okay?"
You looked down at Matt's semi-hard cock and nodded. You placed your hands on his thighs, hearing the breath he let out. You reached and wrapped your hand around his dick, giving him a few strokes. You leaned down and licked a stripe from its base to the tip. Then, you took him into your mouth. Matt released a soft moan as you slowly bobbed your head. You were teasing him, he knew.
You sensed a movement and looked up, seeing Elektra sitting on Matt's face. She was facing you "Go on, I wanna watch," she said.
You leaned in and teased his tip with your tongue, then sucked. His hips lifted from the bed as he moaned into Elektra's pussy. She literally rode his face but her eyes never left you. You wondered if he could breathe.
"Mhm.. soo good," she moaned. "Such a good boy, my Matthew." He replied by whimpering and lifting his hips more. You took him in all the way and hollowed your cheeks, sucking him off dry. You repeated it over and over until Elektra told you to stop. You moved back, giving her space.
She left the throne of her husband's face and straddled Matt's hips, guiding his cock into her. She slowly sank down, and she closed her eyes, letting out a delighted moan. Matt's hands reached and grabbed her hips. She opened her eyes and looked down at him and smiled. The view before you was mesmerizing. It was clear as day that they were madly in love.
Elektra turned to you "Pretty kitten, are you just gonna watch? Go sit on his face. I promise he's really good at it," she winked. You looked at Matt and he gave you a cunning smile.
"I don't know... I'd never done that," you said shyly. "What if I hurt you?"
Matt laughed "I'll be fine and you're gonna love it. We can't deprive you of one of the greatest pleasures of life. Plus I like it."
"Okay, then," you said but you were still nervous. You moved on the bed and straddled his face, hovering. When you were trying to figure out how to sit, Matt held your thighs and guided you down to his mouth. With his first lick, you arched your back. You were trying so hard not to put your whole weight on him but his tongue strikes made you weak in the knees. He heard you struggle "Sweetie, sit down" he commanded. "Not hover!"
His grip on your thighs tightened as he pushed you down. You were fully sitting on his face now. His tongue dived into you as his nose brushed your clit. You let out a deep moan.
"There we go," Elektra chuckled. She reached and caught your nipples, playing with them.
Elektra rode Matt like there's no tomorrow. That's how she liked to fuck. To the death. She lifted her hips, only leaving his tip inside, and then, she slammed down. A huge grunt left Matt's lips but it was muffled by your cunt. Elektra did the same thing over and over, making him and herself go crazy.
Your shy attitude was long gone when you got familiar with this new feeling. Now, you rode his face confidently. The moans he left made you even needier. You held onto his hands on your thighs and you rode faster, rubbing your clit on his nose.
Elektra, also, rode him harder. Leaning into him, she steadied her hands on his chest as her hips kept pounding down. She was out of breath, looking so goddamn beautiful. You smiled at the thought so you reached out and held her face, bringing her closer to you. Your lips crashed with hers as Matt pleased both of you.
You broke the kiss "Oh... I'm..." you couldn't speak properly as your orgasm neared.
She grabbed your face in both hands "Hold it, we're all gonna cum together."
You tried your best holding it as she kept riding him. Her legs were trembling so Matt's hands left your thigh to grip her hips, holding her still. Then, he rutted inside her so hard, so deep. She threw her head back moaning loudly.
She looked back at you, holding your eyes "Cum, baby. Now!" she said.
You finally let go, cumming on Matt's face and riding your high. You moaned and whimpered, your legs shaking frantically so you hold onto Elektra. Dizziness hit you as his tongue still worked inside you. Elektra came with a cry, her body trembling over his. Her orgasm hit her hard, she'd definitely collapse if it weren't for Matt's strong hands holding her up. Matt fucked his way to the peak of his pleasure and spilled inside Elektra as his muffled moans and grunts accompanied his spasming abs.
Elektra slowly got up and threw herself next to Matt. Her legs were weak and her whole body felt sore. You lifted yourself off of him and laid between them. Matt let out a sigh. All of you were completely worn out.
"That was... perfect," she looked at you. "Aren't you glad you joined us, sweetie?"
You giggled "I am." You played with the ends of her hair as Matt's arms tightened around you. "Thank you for giving me the best night of my existence."
Elektra saw the adoring look in your eyes. It was clear that you worshipped both her and Matt. It made her heart swell.
"Maybe this wasn't just a one night stand," she muttered.
Your eyes grew big in response. Your heartbeat faltered. Matt chuckled "Go to sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning," he said.
You settled between them more comfortably and they both wrapped you in their magical cocoon of love. You drifted off to a peaceful sleep with a big smile painted on your face.
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little-lee-froggie · 2 years
Hello! It’s me, with me content for you! This is the Shinsou one that I’ve been working on forever, and I finally stoped procrastinating and got it the fuck done, so here it is! I could make a part two if anyone wants, but if not, then I won’t. With that, let’s get into it:
Warnings: slight swearing
Summary: You and Shinsou were always pretty close for siblings, and you treated each other more like childhood friends. Sadly cause of the dorms, you don’t see each other nearly as much as you used to, but that doesn’t change much about your relationship …
Ler: Shinsou
Lee: Reader (as his little sibling, cuz I wanna :p)
You were so excited!! You were going to see your big brother today! With you being two years younger than him, you were in your last year of middle school while he was in his second year of high school, where he lived in a dorm, so you didn’t get to see him very often, just on the weekends.
You lived kinda far from the school. You were currently living with your childhood friend, [FRIEND’S NAME], and you took the bus there, so it took you about an hour to get there. And that’s right where you were right now. Standing in front of the dorms at UA.
You knocked on the big door of class 2A’s dorms, and it opens to reveal Kaminari. “Hey Kami! Is Hitoshi still in his room?”, you asked him, waving in greeting. You knew he would know where Shinsou was considering the fact that Kami was his best friend. “Yep! You know him, probably was up till seven am last night” he said, kinda chuckling to himself.
You smiled at that, remembering how you and Hitoshi used to stay up till sunrise doing whatever you wanted. “Come on in!”, said the electric blonde, holding the door open for you, and bowing as if you were royalty. You giggled a bit and walked in. “Do you want me to bring you to his room, or do you want to wake him up yourself?”, Kami asked, sitting at the counter, already knowing you would prefer to go alone so you could catch up with your brother, but still asking none the less. “I think I’ll go up by myself, but I’ll see you when we come down for breakfast” you say, smiling at him.
You waved to Kaminari as you ascended up the stairs to your brother’s room. You opened the door quietly as to not yet wake up your passed out brother, who was completely under his blanket, head and all.
You tip-toed over to his bed, and shook him gently. “Hitoshi!”, you whisper yelled, he didn’t move at all. He didn’t sleep much, but when he did, he slept heavy. You shook him again. “Hitoshi, wake up!”, you said in the same voice as before.
You were so preoccupied with trying to wake up your brother that you didn’t notice that what you were shaking wasn’t your brother, but a stuffed pair of pants and hoodie, and that your REAL older brother was creeping up behind you.
Before you could call out to him a third time, Shinsou tackled you onto the bed, catching you off guard. You screamed a little, battling whoever just jumped on you, until you heard the voice of your brother say “No need to fight, I just want to see you~”, and you quickly put the pieces together. What you thought was your brother was a diversion, and you had fallen for it.
“Geez, you scared the shit out of me-AHHAHAHAHA! H-HITOSHIHIHIHI WHAT THE FUHUHUCK!!” you yelled as your brother started to tickle the shit out of you. Hitoshi smirked at the loud reaction he got from you. “Sorry. Just have to do my weekly check, you know? Make sure I can still make you giggle and squeak from tickling all your ticklish nerves~” he said back, his smirk growing from a normal smirk to one that could kill god if met with it.
Hitoshi has this thing where he always has to make sure you’re still ticklish every week, even though he knows the answer. When you two were still living together, it would happen multiple times a day, and while you would never admit it, it’s a big reason about why you miss living with your brother so much.
Shinsou is quite observant, so he knows that you prefer the kind of tickles that make you giggle over laughing loudly like you were now, so he went a bit easier on you, listening to the sweet giggles now pouring from your mouth. 
“Hitoshihihihihi! Ahaha!!!!” You said, smiling widely, both from the tickles and cuz you enjoyed it. “Awh, look at you! All helpless and giggly! Oh, I could do this forever!!” He teased you, his low voice having a hint of mischief in it.
Up until now, he had you in a back hug type hold, but now he had tuned onto you back, and he was sitting on your waist. He briefly let you catch your breath, and while you were still giggling he looked you in the eyes, smirk still on his face and said “Good to see you kid, I missed you”. 
After that, you felt two fingers on either side of you gently walking up your ribs, making you squeak and start giggling louder again. “Ahahaha!!! Hito*squeak*shihihihi!!!!” You managed to get out of your system, your giggles overpowered your voice.
Your eyes were closed tightly, but you could FEEL his smirk, a small blush appearing on your face, and to your dismay, it did not go unnoticed by your brother. 
“Awww, you’re blushing already, and I’ve just barely gotten started! At this rate, when I’m done with you, people might mistakenly think your face is beet! Oh well, it’s not like I can control how cute and easy to fluster you are! Not to mention, EXTREMELY ticklish~! Isn’t that right, hmm?? Tickle tickle tickle~”. Geez, why’d he have to know how to fluster you so well…
“Stahahap sahahayihihing thahahat!!!!”, you giggled out, face getting redder by the second. “What, tickle? Oh that’s right , I almost forgot that you can’t say tickle, and it flusters you when others say it! Wow, I remember you being ticklish, but I didn’t think you were THIS ticklish. Awhwhw how cute, you’re trying to escape! Well, at least your instincts are telling you to escape, but I think that you like this, then again, what do I know? I’ve only known you your whole life” he teased, making you blush while still giggling.
“S-shuhuhut uhuhup youhuhu jehehehrk!!!”, you giggled helplessly as you heard a gasp come from your brother. Gosh, he was really going to pull out the dramatics on you. “JERK?! After everything we’ve been through since you were born! I just wanted to catch up with my sibling and be a good big brother, and THIS is the thanks I get?! Well, this might just make me cry” he said, all with that fucking smirk on his face might I add.
He went from scribbling to poking, making you squeak a lot more then before. “Ahaha *squeak* Hitohohoshihihihi nahahah*squeak*AHah!!!” He just chuckled lowly at your little giggles and continued to tease the shit out of you. The blush on your face was continually getting darker and darker.
“Wow, you look like Kirishima’s hair! I forgot how well teasing works on you~!” “S-shuhuhut uhuhuUHUhup!!! Yohou’re sohohoho *squeak* mehehean!!”, you said, kicking and flailing around, doing your best not to hit your brother. He just laughed at you, smirking at your genuinely happy smile.
As much as you put up the front that this annoyed you, he could tell you enjoyed this, in fact, you told him as much yourself; when you were younger, maybe around four, he would try not to tickle you to much in fear of hurting you, but you would always ask him to. Over the years, you stopped asking, instead doing things to tell him you wanted him to tickle you without actually telling him. He also made sure you were ok with it by asking you on a regular basis if there was anything he did that you didn’t want him to do, but you would always say no, and that’s how he knew.
“Aww, I’m mean now, huh~? Oh, sweet little [NAME], you have no idea what mean is~…” he said as he moved his head down towards your stomach, and ever sooo lightly letting his hair slowly drift across it while he started to squeeze your hips.
This, understatedly, made you SCREAM.
“AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! HITOSHIHIHIAHAHA!!!!!!!!”. Now, normally even just the squeezing would have made you scream, but Shinsou just decided to be REALLY mean today and bring his hair into it.
A few minutes later, someone burst into the room. It was none other than Izuku Midoria, and he had a worried look on his face. “I-is everything ok? I heard a scream- wait, what’s happening?”, he asked, worry turning into confusion. “Oh, nothing, just tickling little [NAME] here~” your brother said, opting to poke you again so he could have a conversation with Deku. “Oh, ok. Well, I think it’s almost breakfast, so do you want to come down with me?”, the green haired boy asked politely. “We’ll be down in a few minutes”, your brother replied, still poking you.
After Deku had left the room, your brother finally got off you, and you curled up, still giggling. “So, how has your week been?”, he asked you nonchalantly as you tried to recover from his attack. “It-it was goohohod…” you finally managed to huff out.
After he had brushed your hair (when you were little, he was the only one who was allowed to brush your hair cuz he was always so gentle, so now he likes to do it for you to remind himself of those times), the two of you headed down stairs for breakfast with the rest of 2A.
You and your brother sat with Denki and talked for awhile. After about half an hour, you had finally stopped being so jumpy. 
~Time skip~ (around forty minutes)
You were playing video games with Denki and your brother in Denki’s room, and you were winning. “I remember you being worse than me! How did you get so good all of the sudden [NAME]??”, your brother questioned you as you were laser focused on the screen. “When you live in a house with [FRIEND’S NAME], you learn how to get really good at games like this” you said, laughing slightly.
“But you shouldn’t be THIS good!! I beat you at this exact game just a few weeks ago…” Shinsou complained.
“It’s not my fault you suck at video games, Hitoshi” you teased your brother and smiled innocently, making him playfully glare at you.
“Okay, you’re just asking for it at this point, aren’t you~?” Shinsou teased you, slowly moving toward you, his hands forming claws.
Your eyes widened as you slowly backed away, until you quickly got up and sprinted away, small giggles pouring through your mouth, your bother not to far behind you, leaving Kami alone in the room, laughing at the way the two of you teased each other.
The two of you ran all through out the dorm building, every so often passing confused classmates, until you stupidly chose to run into your brothers room. You realized you had messed up your choice of where to run off to, but when you thought to just leave and continue running, you heard your bother close to the door.
“Ohhh [NAME], I know you’re in there~” your bother said, and in a split second you quickly hid behind the headboard of his bed and hoped he wouldn’t go easy on you.
Just in time, you managed to get all your limbs hidden when Shinsou burst through the door. You covered your mouth to try and quiet your heavy breathing and small giggles. However, it didn’t work when he heard your shuffling to cover you mouth, which was enough for him to find out where you were.
But he decided play dumb just to get you even more flustered.
“Hmm, I wonder where [NAME] could have gone… maybe here? Or here? Hmmm… Boo” he said as he appeared at your side, making you squeak. You attempted to run again, but Shinsou caught you over his shoulder and brought you over to his bed again.
You were already giggling and squirming around, making your bother smirk. “Aww, are you already laughing~? Save that for latter, I haven’t even done anything yet!” he teased as you blushed. 
In stead of putting you on his bed, he sat down and moved you so he was almost cradling you. He gave you one last smirk before you felt a hand start to tickle your inner thigh and the same in your upper ribs.
You squeaked really loudly as more and more giggles erupted out of you, your legs kicking slightly. Your bother smiled sweetly at your reaction. He loved you as much as an older brother could live his little sibling, and he was so happy to be with you right now. It felt like it had been forever since he’d seen you, even though you see each other every week.
He was brought out of his thought when he looked at your smiling face, listening to your giggles. He smiled more, moving the hand he had on your ribs up to your neck. You squeaked and your giggles rose an octave.
“Hitohohoshihihi nahahahaha!!!” you laughed, melting into your older brother. “What is it [NAME]~?”, he teased you, making the blush on your face a slightly deeper red, not unnoticed by Shinsou.
“Awh, you’re blushing~! How cute… does being tickled really fluster you that badly?? You really are ticklish, aren’t you~?” “Nahahaha dohon’t sahay thahahat!!!!” “Don’t say what? That you’re ticklish?? I’m just stating facts [NAME], no need to blush about it~!” 
He continued to tease you ruthlessly, and all you could do was just scream, laugh and blush, which only made it easier for him to tease you, which made the cycle continue.
His teases kept getting even more evil to; “Laugh as loud as you want, it won’t help you, I have all the control, so laugh for me~. That’s right, you are completely at my mercy [NAME]~” “Ohohohoho myhyhyhy gohohohod, shuhuhut uhuhup!!!” you giggled out, prompting your bothers smirk to grow 10x bigger. 
“What was that~? Did you just tell me to shut up?? Ohoho, you shouldn’t have said that little [NAME]~… you’re SOOO in for it now~” he said, as he moved one of his hands to your back and the other on your stomach, lining up perfectly with his first one. On top of it all, he buried his face in the crook of your neck started and nuzzling like a cat.
“H-HITOSHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!”, you screamed, kicking your legs around wildly. “What is it [NICKNAME]~? Can’t handle a little tickling~?? That’s to bad, cuz now that I have you, you’re NEVER getting out~!”, he spoke into your neck, adding a chuckle at the end. The vibrations sent up your neck to your ear, making you squeak and scream.
“NAHAHAHA DOHOHON’T TAHAHALK!!! I-IT TICK-“ you stopped midway through you sentence, being taken over by a fit of laughter.
If this were the first time your brother had ever tickled you, maybe he would have believed that you were just laughing to hard to speak, but your bother knew you better than that…
“What were you going to say?? It what~? Common, sayyyy it, don’t be shy~!”, he teased, still speaking into your neck, driving you insane.
“NOHOHO! I WOHOHON’T SAHAHAHAY IHIHIT!!!”, you laughed, covering you face with your hands. “*sigh* You leave me no choice [NAME]…” Shinsou said, finally lifting his head from your neck, making his giant smirk evident.
All of the sudden, his hands quickly moved from the two spots he had them in previous to you very highest ribs, almost in you armpit.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HIT-AHAHA!!!”, you shrieked. If you thought you were loud before, you were sorely mistaken.
Your brother’s hands were tasering and squeezing your upper-most ribs, your hands now moved to try and pry off his hands, so he could see you face, and he smiled. You just looked so happy, and that made him happy. He got so raped up in how happy you made him feel that it caught him off guard when your laughter went silent.
He immediately stopped, and you curled in a ball on his lap. He stroked your hair as some left over giggles flew out of you mouth. Once you had recovered, he smiled at you.
“Sorry, I got distracted, I didn’t realize you were reaching your breaking point” he apologized, and you smiled at him. “I-ihit’s okahahay! I didn’t really mind ihit…” you said quietly, a small blush reappearing on you face. “Aww, no need to blush~!”, your bother teased, making you smile slightly. “Sh-shut up!…” you replied, hiding your face in his chest, not wanting him to see how red your face had gotten, knowing he would tease the shit out of you for it.
The two of you stayed like that for awhile, just the two of you, as close as siblings could be. You were happy to be with your brother again…
~BOUNS!!~ (a few weeks later)
You walked up to your brothers room, glad it was finally the weekend again. You hadn’t had the best week, but you were better now.
As soon as you knocked on your brother’s door, he opened it, lifting you up, startling you. “Wahh!! Hitoshi!”, you yelled, clinging on to him as to not fall.
“Hey [NAME], guess what! I talked to Aizawa, and if you want, you could live in the dorm with me!”, he said excitedly. “Holy shit, REALY?! I’ll have to talk to [FRIEND’S NAME], but of course I want to!!”, you exclaimed happily.
The next weekend came, and you had moved in with your brother in the dorm. It took a bit getting used to, but you were so happy! No more hour long bus rides, no more having to wait for the weekends to see your bother, you could just be with him again like when you were younger.
But most notably, you got tickled a lot more!!
             ꧁༺To be continued??༻꧂
_________________________________________ That was the fic! I hope you enjoyed it! sorry it took so long to get out, but I hope it was worth the wait!! Again, I could do a part 2 if anyone wants, but I won’t unless someone tells me, so do with that information as you will :) That’s all for now! Hope to see you next time, byeeeee!!
-Froggie :p
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oogaboogasphincter · 3 years
The 50/10 Method (Agent Whiskey x f!reader)
Summary: Jack makes the most of your 10 minute study break. 
Word Count: 2.7k+
Rating: E (explicit) 18+ ONLY! bc this is just cringey smut lmfao
Warnings: smut (oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v sex (obvi use protection irl), very easily and conveniently reached orgasms (this is a fantasy i can do what i want skjfkd), dirty talk, one (1) allusion to thigh riding and one (1) instance of 💙spitting💙, fingering, positions i hope i've given enough detail so y’all can imagine what i was picturing💀), pet names (sweetheart, honey, cowboy *affectionately*, good girl, baby), there’s a sentence about reader having long-ish hair, reader and jack have a dog, swearing, reader is afab and is called things like good girl and the like, just overall trash grammar and structure 😇
Author’s Note: so this is very poorly written and extremely self-indulgent, as i myself use the 50/10 method 🙃. but i had a lot of fun with it, and i think that’s what writing is supposed to be all about! :) also i was heavily inspired to write this after reading “Take a Break” by @mellowswriting​ and “Study Buddy” by @pascalpanic​. please go check those out because they’re absolutely fantastic!!!!! +while you’re at it, i would highly advise you to read anything on their masterlists bc they’re just 💜exquisite💜
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gif by @thernandalorian​
The lines of text on your computer screen are starting to blend into each other, creating a single run-on sentence that one of your previous English teachers would ridicule the author for. The sharp curves and angles that distinguish each letter from the next are becoming soft and dull, blurring into each other until your brain can only recognize it as a smeared streak of black on white.
It’s 11:00am on a Saturday, a big exam set for the upcoming Monday’s morning. You don’t feel rushed for time, or overloaded with unknown material, and the early hours of the day have been quite productive. Following a shared breakfast of homemade waffles in bed with Jack, your boyfriend, you didn’t complain when setting up your study station on the living room’s large oak table. If anything, you had been excited to begin studying early in the hopes of finishing your review by the end of the day. That way, tomorrow would be free for you and Jack to do whatever you pleased.
However, as the hours went by, your motivation was slowly but surely diminishing. The serene study atmosphere that you usually thrive in is now driving you mad. You yearn for a noise, any noise; a bird to sing a song in the tree outside your window, the smack of your dog’s loose wrinkles against each other as he attempts to shake the sleep out of him, a pencil unable to stop itself from rolling and dropping onto the floor with a tink.
You’re momentarily gifted with the crisp sound of a page turning. You flit your eyes over to gaze upon the source of your granted wish and your heart flutters in reaction to the sight: Jack’s resting on the couch, cowboy hat balanced on the back of it, deeply absorbed in the next installment of his favorite murder-mystery series. You find it curious that his desire for an adrenaline-filled challenge doesn’t stop when he comes home from mission after mission that nearly cost him his life. You’ll ask him about his insatiability one day, but for now you categorize it as fictional research for his Statesman assignments.
Your short glance quickly turns into an entranced stare. Jack looks... divine. Fetching. Luscious. As he’s lying on his back, neck propped up against the arm of the couch, his book balanced on his chest, relaxation radiates off of him in waves and utterly seduces you. You’re surprised that he hasn’t been a greater distraction to you throughout the morning. How have you managed to ignore the denim-wearin’, plaid-shirted, pornstache-sportin’ cowboy of your dreams that is only a few steps away?
Involuntarily, the thigh muscles of your crossed legs contract in an effort to bring some semblance of friction to your now weeping core. Similar to your imaginings of your dog earlier, you shake your head to force these heavy, unwanted feelings to dissipate and turn back to the work in front of you. Of course, Jack does the opposite of what you’d like him to do and takes an interest in your fidgeting. He peeks over the top of his book, “You cold, sweetheart?” 
His question is reasonable: you’re purposely wearing a skirt that’s so short it rides up quite high when you sit. You don’t dare to meet his eyes and answer while pulling a textbook close and opening it up, “No, I’m okay.”
Fortunately he returns to his reading. Your attention is able to retain itself for about a paragraph, but then your mind takes a sharp detour back to those pesky, steamy desires. You mentally huff at your inability to remain concentrated on your studies and rifle through the options of what you can do to satiate yourself for the time being. 
You could switch texts and force your brain to recognize the change and therefore become distracted. You could pick out some colored writing utensils and bring some fun to active reading. You could say fuck it, go straddle Jack and beg him to use you in whichever way he would like.
Jack interrupts your brainstorming, “Are you sure you don’t need a blanket or sumthin’? I can go get my jacket for ya.” 
The attentiveness of your southern lover melts your heart. You turn to him, “No, really, I’m okay, thanks.”
“I wouldn’t count a bathroom break as taking away from your 50 minutes, honey, if that’s what’s makin’ you twitch.” 
You had been implementing and strictly adhering to the 50/10 method all morning: study for 50 minutes, take a break for ten. Its effectiveness was never doubted, as it has proven to work for you for years. Only ten minutes into this 50 minute period, the devil of restlessness pokes at you and makes you think could time go by any slower? A hand comes up to cover the blush creeping across your cheek as you dismiss Jack’s suggestion, “No, that’s not it.”
Behind your embarrassed hand, Jack cocks an eyebrow at you. Your simple choice of words has given the Agent a hint, that there is something that’s bothering you, he just hasn’t figured it out yet and you don’t want to admit what it is for some reason. He returns to his book, however lost in thought about what your problem could be, while you task every cell in your body to pay attention to your studies. 
35 minutes remain on the clock, and Jack guesses, “Did you have too much coffee?”
You can’t help but grin at his sleuthing, “No, I just had my regular.”
He conjures up another possible solution five minutes later, “Are you itchin’ to get out of the house? We haven’t left in two days.”
He’s getting warmer. Both of you know exactly why you haven’t left the house in two days: you’d been occupied with activities of the sinful variety. You can’t gauge yet whether or not he knows he’s dancing around the answer, “Baby, you’re distracting me. And nope, it’s not that.” 
He smiles apologetically, “Sorry,” and uses his book as a partition, blocking your ability to procrastinate and just visually drool all over him.
Silence fills the next 20 minutes. Even though Jack is out of your sight, details from your observations exaggerate themselves in your mind to the point that they’re all encompassing, intoxicating. The way his jeans wrap around his legs ever so perfectly, the worn denim hugging those muscular thighs that he loves for you to grind yourself against when you’re feeling especially desperate (like now). How his plaid flannel slopes over the swell of his belly, stretching tight against his skin as his diaphragm contracts and deflating when he exhales. Even his large feet, strewn about lazily on the couch, his toes pointing in different directions, amuse you. 
Ten minutes remain in your study session. Feeling guilty about spending the majority of the last hour envisioning the seductive intricacies of your boyfriend, you actually start to study. 
“How many times do you think I can make you cum in ten minutes?”
Your eyes are ripped from your material and land on the menace lazing on the couch. He’s put his book down, one arm behind his head while the other is crooked, allowing himself to palm his cock through his pants. Jack’s wearing a shit-eating grin, bewitching your crossed legs to switch which one is on top; an excuse to apply more pressure to the yearning area between them. You fidget in the chair, shamefully trying to get the seam of your underwear to rub against you in just the right way. You shrug, “I-I’m not sure.”
He gets up and comes over to you, standing behind you and leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder. He murmurs in your ear, “I think we should find out during your next break.”
You turn to face him, “I think so too.”
He gives you a quick kiss, “Well, you better be a good girl and study for these last few minutes. Earn that break.” He places his large hands on either side of your head and turns it toward your materials, making you both laugh.
Somehow, you’re able to pay attention. Jack’s impending promise of ravaging you for ten minutes straight quells your jittering nerves and gives you something specific to look forward to. Before you know it, your alarm is beeping, alerting you that your break has commenced. Jack cages you by reaching forward and grabs the clock, programs it to ten minutes and keeps it in his hand. He grips the sides of your swivel chair, pulls it back from the table and spins you around to face him, the speed of the turn making your hair swoosh across your shoulders. Through mutual giggles, Jack lifts you up, winding your legs around his waist, your arms doing the same around his neck. “I want you to count for me how many times you cum.”
Breathlessly, you simply obey, “Okay.”
He practically runs to the bedroom. He sets the clock on the nightstand and turns the face towards the mattress so you don’t lose out on studying time. Tossing you onto the bed, your giggling continues as you bounce from the force. Jack hooks his fingers in your underwear and yanks them down, pulling them out from under your skirt and over your shoes. The way he wastes no time ridding you of any other garment makes blood and heat flood your center and air rush out of your lungs. He pushes your lost air back into your mouth with a kiss and then immediately retreats back to in between your legs.
He flicks the fabric of your skirt up onto your belly, letting himself have complete, unobstructed access to his early lunch. His fingers fondle your folds while his lips place sloppy kisses along the inside of your thighs. After he’s had his fill of that step, he sits back and stares at you: spread out for him, more than willing to take anything he wants to give to you. He blows out a whistle, eyeing your core, and you say, “Hey, you’re on the clock, cowboy. No time for dramatics.”
He nods, a smirk pulling at one side of his mouth, “You’re right, sweetheart.”
He spits onto your cunt, forgoing his usual gentle licks to adequately wet your pussy. A quiet fuck escapes your mouth as he plunges his tongue into you. Your fingers wind themselves in his chocolatey locks and pull, extracting an excited moan from your lover. His fingers knead the soft flesh on the backs of your thighs as he eats and when his mustache starts to tickle your clit, you’re done for. Your grip on his hair becomes vice-like and your whole body seizes up, constricted by enrapturing pleasure. You strangle out, “One.”
Jack unlatches his mouth only once he’s certain your first orgasm is complete. He stands, admires your wrecked expression, takes his cock out, spits into his hand and pumps his dick a few times. Hands slithering around your waist, he flips you onto your stomach and pulls your ass up, positioning you on your hands and knees. You’re a little bit dizzied by his manhandling in combination with his expert tongue, but this type of vertigo is the most enjoyable you’ve ever experienced. 
When he pushes into you, it’s a bit of a stretch because he hadn’t warmed you up with his fingers. He relaxes you by leaning forward, pressing his chest against your back and peppering soft kisses to your shoulder blades. The clink of his belt comically punctuates his thrusts, but your laughs are swallowed by intoxicated groans. You don’t know, and you don’t really care to figure out, how he already has you teetering on the edge of cumming again. Heightened senses tell you that you’re close; the fabric of his shirt feels unearthly soft as it brushes against patches of exposed skin, his fingertips are delightful lead in their clamp on you, his grunts and pants angelically reverberate in your skull. And then, suddenly and all at once, “Two.”
Jack’s pride shows itself in a smirk while he flips you onto your back. He makes a show of hooking your calves over his shoulders, eliciting laughter from the both of you. Resting almost all of his weight on top of you, your knees find your chest and his hands find your hair. The intimacy of it all is almost too much; his thumbs stroke your temples, palms cradle your head, those goddamned puppy-dog eyes bore into you. You turn your head in his grasp to check your timing: five minutes left. 
Jack’s tongue darts out to lick the pads of his fingers before he snakes it down in between the two of you to rub your clit. Your moans come out uncontrollably, your eyelids stutter and he eggs you on, “That’s it, sweetheart. Give me another one.”
Hearty moans are reduced to desperate gasps and you’re unable to verbally acknowledge the third orgasm that rips through you. Nonetheless, Jack can tell from the way your eyes roll into the back of your head and his name tumbles ferociously out of your mouth that you’re cumming. “’Atta girl.”
Jack takes his cock out of you and the whine that escapes your lips embarrasses you. He can’t help but laugh at your whimpering before he scoots down the bed and starts to eat you out again, framing his head with your quaking thighs. You find the strength to check the time, “Jack, there’s only a minute and a half left.”
He moans deeply into you, unaffected by your comment, and eases three fingers into your fluttering center. Like earlier, your hands fly to his hair like a magnet and find purchase so tight it makes your knuckles go pale. In a matter of seconds, circling your clit with his sopping tongue and tapping your g-spot with his deft fingers, Jack has you cumming yet again. This time you yell out the count, “Four!”
The sounds his ministrations make are lewd and exhilarating, pushing himself to his own precipice. You look down your body to find Jack’s other hand jerking his cock and his seed spilling out of him moments later. He groans into your pussy while you pet his hair, praising him for his efforts. 
Simultaneously, you both remember that you’re being timed. Your eyes meet the clock at the same time: 30 seconds. Jack springs from the bed and pulls you up with him, grabbing your discarded panties. He squats and taps your ankles so you lift your legs up, sliding each leg hole over your body and pulling your underwear up underneath your skirt. 
You fumble with his mussed clothes, stuffing his still-hard cock into his boxers, hiking his jeans up over his ass and zip and button them closed. You snake his belt around his waist and let his fingers do the work of buckling it before he picks you up bridal style and ushers you out of the bedroom, grabbing the clock off of the nightstand on your way out. 
Unhinged cackles follow you two down the hallway as you return to the living room. He plops you down in your chair, straightens you out, gives you a kiss on the cheek and then your alarm goes off. You raise your eyebrows at him, “Jeez, you didn’t waste a second.” 
He hums, then mumbles, “You get back to work now, babygirl,” and leaves you with a yearning kiss on the part of your hair.
Both of you return to your respective readings, hopelessly trying to downgrade your panting gasps to normal breaths. The absence of Jack’s warmth is already painful. But you rationalize that the indulgence of the last ten minutes is more than enough to get you through this next hour of studying, if not for longer.
Little do you know that Jack feels the same pain. His ache for your touch, sexual or not, will overtake him later and he’ll be unable to resist the temptation of coming over and distracting you again. Determined to finish your studying, you’ll propose a compromise: you can sit in his lap while he is lulled to sleep by the ambience of the afternoon rain and the enveloping comfort of you. The two of you can try to beat the record of four orgasms next semester. 
💘taglist: @pascalpanic​, @mellowswriting​
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