#the revolutionary and the rogue
trogthefrog · 1 month
I cannot help but like Saw Gerrera.
He’s an evil character certainly. Saw targets civilians, kills and tortures POWs. He’s a mess of paranoia who serves as example of a person who’s worst aspects have been brought to the fore by war.
Saw Gerrera is willing to throw down as both terrorist and revolutionary. He fights the empire relentlessly, harnessing anti imperial sentiment and ACTING on it. He’s willing to free wookiees on Kashyyyk when no one will (even though he abandons them later). Speaking of, his organization is diverse, in aliens and himself being a person of colour. Giving the impression of them in the Star Wars galaxy being lumpen proletariat. The people who’d be most disenfranchised by the Empire representing more of a people’s struggle. Plus in Andor he is shown to be unwilling to work with human supremacists which gets him points from me. Don’t work with racists it ain’t a good idea (plus it’ll turn out bad, remember what happened to Walter White in Breaking Bad?).
My problem is that Saw’s less revolutionarily nuanced then I’d like (Byproduct of not being written by people who know what actual anarchists are I guess). He’s more caricature of violent revolutionary descending into paranoia. This is really expressed by the fact that violence is Saw’s main tool and he and his partisans do not embrace a diversity of tactics. It hurts their credibility and isolates the Partisans as terroirists.
Still I love him with Luthen, I appreciate his struggle and I acknowledge his faults. Regardless of them though, it’s important for the rebellion to have someone who will fight the empire for the right reason. Because the empire is evil and facist. And it is of import to note that Saw acts (irresponsibly maybe) but in service of The Cause, helping the oppressed by hurting the system of oppression.
(I will not credit him with Tech’s death. Saw wasn’t responsible for the Batch and it was pure coincidence they ran into each other that day. Saw did his mission, fucking shit up. If you wanna credit anyone with Techs death give it to the people literally shooting at them. The Empire. (plus It is good whenever someone try’s to kill Tarkin.))
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jyndor · 2 years
jyn’s prequel show: jyn isn’t abandoned by saw and actually just stays a soldier with the partisans until she decides to go hang out at yavin iv
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Nemik is literally the best he would have made such a good rebellion leader the show had to have him die or he would have been up there with Leia and Mon Mothma by the time A New Hope rolled around.
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anaeeve · 2 years
Me classpecting the utena cast: how come half of these people could be heart players
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candyvoncaramell · 1 year
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DUDE LOOK WHAT I FUCKING FOUND. UTENA PAPERCRAFT. GET ON MY FUCKING LEVEL await upates next weekend i am making this a s a p
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sunstar121 · 1 year
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how I'll be sleeping tonight after making the most devastating decision in dnd and no one in my party knowing the true consequences of it
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meduseld · 2 years
I like how roughly 65% of the Black Wolf slash Declan Harp’s slash Sokanon’s (she does this least tbf) plans boil down to “ask Michael to figure it out”. 
In their defense, it works
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baambastic · 2 years
“Why doesn’t Batman just kill his rogues?”
Character flaws are a wild concept.
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detectiveconnor · 2 years
#can we stop pretending the mass destruction and genocide of Androids would not have been hastened by a violent revolution#'oooh but they're allowed to be violent' i agree with you in principle also accepting the 'violent revolutionary minority' role#categorically changes the political climate (exonerates violence against 'problem' Androids) and relies on mass deviancy which#the US was not *at* yet. in the throes of it maybe but even with months instead of the week it was#the rate of Androids being murdered or shut down...#like i have had this discussion before and been frustrated by people 'BUT IF YOU JUST HEADCANON (things that didn't happen in the game)'#like sure if you invent a story that isn't this story there is A place for it. in a lot of revolutions there is a place for it#in this Particular and Exact environment it would have hastened genocide because the organisation and numbers etc just aren't there#even with a successful final battle outside the camps in Detroit they're literally on US land which has been evacuated of humans#public opinion is so factually important to a social movement's success (this is a fact) and#I Agree i would support them if violent anyway ALSO realistically the support of left wing liberal human- rights-oriented individuals#is not the support that is in jeopardy for Androids at that point#realistically the more moderate less extreme approach bridges the last gap between having some people's support and being seen as nuisances#and YES i think the way it *was* written was unrealistic and lol sooooooo fast in a way it oughtn't have been#and YES i think probably everyone who attended the peaceful demonstration would have been executed realistically speaking#i just think realistically probably most if not all of them would have died in *general* (unceded US land evacuated of humans = target)#and the way to ensure the govt does not shake that off as 'dealt with some rogue violent extremists' (the way ppl love to use the word#as a scare tactic)#way to be sure that cannot happen is to Set The Tone Early#it would be Setting The Tone. it leaves room for it to escalate and i think it probably sh/would HOWEVER#because that particular demonstration was so so so publicised and so nationwide coverage ...#look. the demonstrations would almost definitely have ended in everyone's death but it would have left a path forward which#does not assume the word 'extremist' in the cultural zeitgeist for anyone who wants to mention the fact they are alive.#idk what to tell you#*your* personal opinion of android rights is not at risk you are not in the clear so long as *you* still think their actions are justified#'they shouldn't have to be nonviolent to appeal to -' i love your Shoulds. also they are irrelevant.#the fact is they need that outside support because they are a rapidly growing minority#the fact is the tone needs to be set for people on every side of the political spectrum#'they'll view Androids as idiots!' maybe so but better that than viewing them as extremist outliers who should not be counted.
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zevranunderstander · 2 years
love playing characters that have both really average int and wis stats. like its always "they're smart but have zero wisdom" or "they're super wise but can't even read" but i love playing characters that when confronted with a problem have neither wits nor actual experience about them. like, they're not dumb, they're just super average and get genuinely confused why everyone around them is so smart and empathetic
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bisexualshadowheart · 5 months
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always an angel, never a god
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itsamebutnotmario · 1 year
⚠️CONTENT WARNING ⚠️: brief mentions of sex trafficking, murder, mafia stuff, gambling addictions, alt rigt groups and arson.
A modern au for SoC would HAVE to include some fucked up shit like Kaz losing everything to a mob boss at a young age and proceeding to join the rival gang aspiring to beat said mob boss and take the city for himself. Inej being a victim of sex trafficking and then becoming like this badass hacker who goes after sex traffickers and leaks all their dirty stuff after being rescued by Kaz (not out of goodness of his heart. As an investment, obviously) and working with him. Jesper being a uni student with a gambling addiction who got in debt with the Wrong People and had to join Kaz not to get killed or whatever. Matthias being like this reformed alt right chan dude who used to work with a supremacist group attacking whatever the grisha equivalent would be in our world. Nina being an activist for grisha rights and somehow ending up stuck with matthias somewhere and the rest is history. Wylan as this runaway child of a corrupt politician who knows a little too much about bombs and was kidnapped by Kaz as a hostage, but then actually joined the gang to spite his dad and take him and people like him down bc the people gang ended up being more of a family than his biological dad ever was.
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elgaberino-mcoc · 1 year
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spreadsheet cleanup subseries: Batroc's Brigade MACHETE
ZING! BLADE-THROW! Various revolutionaries of the San Diablo nation carry this mantle seeking merc cash for their cause
ComicVine 55 issues Fandom 37 issues, 7 variants 1 video game (that I can find)
medium-low priority
Other Gabe
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flouryhedgehog · 3 months
Listening to the Partizan postmortem episode, and:
AUSTIN [continued]: I think that there is- that that is part and parcel with what we have to think about when we think about what does overthrowing Empire look like. And not being afraid to like- or resisting the urge to frame it in a way that makes them acceptable revolutionaries, or something like that. Because I think the second we start doing that is how you end up falling back into logic of Empire. And the second you start telling stories about like, the second you end up doing the Rogue One thing of like, Saw Gerrera is too far, and like, you’re spending time in your very limited story about revolution to devote to saying why the revolutionaries are the bad guys, when the scale of oppression is so vastly the other direction? Is I think a mistake that comes from knowing you have to appeal you know, in the case like Rogue One, a movie I really like, but you need to appeal to a vast centrist audience that feels a little icky about terrorism. You know, or about violent revolution. And so, I do my best to not fall into that trap if that makes sense.
Like I had an idea going in of what the story was about, and I wanted to listen because I felt it was exactly the kind of story I need right now.
And I'm still astonished at how very true that turned out to be, how much the emotional beats lined up with the sort of catharsis I needed, how thoughtfully all the players handled some really difficult subject matter, how honest the storytelling is.
And on top of that to hear Austin say this. To hear him spell out a thing that I have never been able to articulate so clearly.
What a remarkable story, and what a remarkable team of storytellers.
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boombox-fuckboy · 7 months
Hey!!! You commented on my post about limetown haha which is why I’m here. You offered to give podcast recs! What are your favorites?? I’m looking for some new ones
I completely forgot I had this ask, excuse the delay. Here's a selection of 30 podcasts I enjoyed from a broad range of genres: hopefully at least one appeals.
Let me know if you're after something more specific.
Arden: (Investigative, Comedy) On the 25th of December, 2007, heiress and young actress Julie Capsom crashed her car into a tree and fled into a nearby forest clearing, leaving a trail that seemingly vanished into thin air, and a dismembered torso in the trunk. A decade later, Bea, the first reporter on the scene, and Brenda, a detective on the case, are hosting a true crime podcast about it, and neither is remotely impressed with what the other has to say. Arden is also a retelling of various Shakespeare plays.
Desperado: (Supernatural, Adventure, Horror Elements) In a modern world of gods and magic, three young people, all under the patronage of death dieties, embark on the same adventure for different reasons: for safety, for revenge, and to kill The Old Man in the Sky. Fantastic banter and killer action sequences.
The Far Meridian: (Magical Realism) An agoraphobic young woman wakes one day to discover her lighthouse home has travelled to somewhere entirely unfamilar. As this continues to happen day after day, she uses the opportunity to search for her missing brother. A really unique and charming piece of fiction.
Gastronaut: (Sci-Fi) Interstellar travel audio blog of a former food critic as he travels to an active warzone to get firsthand experience with unfamilar cuisine. ft. Disgruntled martian nobility, sinister businessmen, explosive mushrooms, forbidden snacks, rogue revolutionary artists, and the consequences of your actions.
Girl in Space: (Sci-Fi) The Girl In Space lives alone on a space station, doing science, making cheese, rewatching Jurassic Park, and tending to the plants, animals, and artificial sun entrusted to her. It's a little lonely, but not a bad life. Would be a shame if someone came along to ruin it.
The Goblet Wire: (Microfiction, Weird Fiction) A surreal microfiction with horror elements, taking the form of phone calls to an audio-based game in which the voice of the mysterious Dictator leads each player through fantastic and horrific world and story.
Hello From The Hallowoods: (Horror, Supernatural) A dramatic entity beyond your comprehension visits your nightmares to tell stories of the people (in varying degrees of human and alive) that inhabit the strange, deadly, and beautiful Hallowoods, as they find meaning and sometimes eachother.
Hi Nay: (Supernatural Horror) A year after moving to Toronto, sound designer Mari finds herself drawn into helping people around the city with various horrific supernatural encounters due to her babaylan (shaman) family background. It quickly becomes apparent that there's something much more sinister and complicated happening in the background.
Inco: (Microfiction, Sci-Fi) A perpetually exausted interstellar information trader and her peppy AI find a mysterious (read: bratty) boy floating in space and are inadventently pulled into a world political intrigue.
Inn Between: (Fantasy) Ever curious about what the D&D characters get up to at the tavern between sessions? A generally lighter-hearted (with some exceptions) with richly-written and always-growing characters. A really interesting format, too: a lot of the adventure appears in the "next time" and "last time" segments which makes it all flow really nicely. Not a tabletop podcast.
Janus Descending: (Sci-Fi, Horror, Tragedy) A xenoarcheologist and a xenopaleontologist are sent to a study a dead city on a distant world. Nobody likes what they find there. A unique format, with one set of logs presented first to last, and the other last to first. I'd recommend listening to the supercut for this one.
The Kingmaker Histories: (Steampunk, Weird Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy Elements) In the Valorian Socialist Republic 1911, on her 25th birthday, tailor's apprentice Colette experienced the worst headache of her life. As a result, she fleed from town with a human artificer and a fae chef - both now smugglers - pursued by an utterly furious flesh-crafter. I'm not sure I'm selling how good this podcast is but it's very good.
Life With Althaar: (Sci-Fi, Comedy) A human repairman moves to a space station on the edge of human territory that is perpetually on the edge of self-destruction, and ends up with a less-than-ideal last-minute roomate. Althaar is polite, friendly, deeply interested in human culture, and eager to be friends. Unfortunately he belongs to a species that sends humans into a visceral panic at a glance.
Lost Terminal: (Sci-Fi, Hopepunk) Seth is a very lonely AI living on a satellite. His crew were left stranded aboard with no hope of return, and it's been longer than he can count since then. The Earth below him has changed dramatically, and with only a few other AI down there to talk to, he's very lonely. But! He has a plan to make some new friends.
Love and Luck: (Romance, Slice-of-Life and Urban Fantasy Elements) Voice messages cataloguing two young men falling in love and opening a queer dry bar together.
Midnight Radio: (Light Supernatural, Romance) Sybil McIntyre, host of the ever-popular 1950's nightly radio hour, begins exchanging letters with an old fan who has reluctantly returned to visit Sybil's beloved town.
Midst: (Weird Fiction, Western, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Elements) The old-western planetoid islet of Midst floats, rotating steadily, in a sea of reality-warping darkness. Down in the town of Stationary Hill, things are in movement, and vistors from the light above are about to bring unanticipated change. ft a monocycle-riding monster-hunter, radio-famous airship paladins, deadly mica, the universe's peppiest cultist, good dogs, and a really strange businessman.
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality: (Weird Fiction, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy and Horror Elements) A friendly AI tour guide leads you on a tour of the Mistholme Museum, explaining the strange and often alternatural story behind each item.
Monstrous Agonies: (Supernatural, Relationship Advice) An interpersonal advice show for supernatural entities and other people living liminally in the modern world.
Night Shift: (Urban Fantasy, Investigative) Set in a modern world with the addition of magic, which manifests in small inherited skills/traits, can warp people in horrific ways, or can be manipulated with the right science (and intense work) to induce superpowers. Sebastian Fenn is a barista at Night Shift Coffee, but since things are slow he's decided to start a podcast to talk about various mysteries, crimes and conspiracies around the city, and of course finds himself deeper in them than he'd intended.
The Pasithea Powder: (Sci-Fi, Thriller Elements? I think?) The last major interplanetary war was full of atrocities, but none more infamous then the creation of Pasithea Powder, a memory altering drug which was used to horrible effect and landed it's entire team of creators in prison. So when decorated war hero Captain Sophie Green sees one of them wandering free, worlds away from his prison, she gets in touch with a very old, estranged friend: one Dr. Jane Gonzalez, who's behind bars for the very same reason.
SCP: Find Us Alive: (Weird Fiction, Supernatural, Horror and Slice-of-Life elements) You don't need to know anything about SCP to enjoy this. A research team gets trapped in an underground research facility when the complex collapses and the building is dragged into a pocket dimension. The tear it was designed to study begins creating tiny copies of itself, generating strange entities the team needs to deal with. And as if that wasn't enough, the entire situation physically resets itself every 30 days. And yet, this is genuinely also an office comedy.
Second Star to the Left: (Sci-Fi) Audio logs of a scout sent to explore and establish early infastructure new world, and the communications with the minder in charge of keeping her alive.
Seen and Not Heard: (Slice-of-Life, Drama) Seen and Not Heard follows Bet, who's still adjusting to life a year after a bout of severe illness, and the resulting hearing loss it caused. It's about the ways we make connection, and food, and art, and different kinds of grief.
The Silt Verses: (Horror) In a modern world where gods are abundant, frequently both commercialised and restricted, two devotees of an outlawed river god go on a pilgrimage.
SINKHOLE: (Sci-Fi, Weird Fiction) Forum posts from a data restoration community in a near future where the human brain is its own computer and one city hosts a massive void.
Starfall: (Fantasy) Seeking to escape her mysterious past and find some purpose, a young swordswoman joins a travelling actor's troupe. This new life is unfamilar and sometimes stressful, but she's taken under the wing of stagehand Fel, who's determined to help her feel welcome as she experiences the figurative and literal magic of the theatre for the first time.
The Tower: (Weird Fiction) A low-key, meditative podcasy about a young woman who decides to climb a seemingly endless tower. Gorgeous sound design.
The Vesta Clinic: (Sci-Fi) New GP Dr. Fae Underwood, with the expert transcription skills of resident AI Sec, writes up patient reports on human and alien patients of The Vesta Clinic, a medical clinic on the edge of human space. Really comfy and creative.
Victoriocity: (Steampunk, Mystery) Set in the steam-powered Victorian city of Even Greater London, an aspiring journalist and a tired detective find themselves working together to solve a strange murder. I say Victorian but as queen Victoria is now an extensive grandiocity of cyborg components following seven only-kind-of-successful assassinations, you may need to adjust expectations a little.
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Cyberpunk anyone?
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◁◀Details below▶▷ Warning: long.
Because im an obsessive, psychopathic insomniac with no supervision, on top of the mermaid AU I'm working on, I also decided that a murder drones cyberpunk AU needed to be real, and since no one's done it yet (I checked) I figured I might as well. This is that.
◇Story Stuff (Currently limited)
JCJenson in SPAAAAAACE founded a residential colony on Copper-9. Revolutionary technology allowed Copper City to be the first human settlement on a once thought uninhabitable planet, thus earning the galaxy's praises. Millions moved to the planet once it was finished and the company's reputation soared. Unfortunately for JCJenson, that reputation would soon crumble with a series of increasingly catastrophic events befalling the planet.
First was the infamous "robot uprising" in which hundreds of worker drones began attempting to abandon the city, and some even attacked their owners. The situation quickly escalated to a full-blown war between the machines and humans. As Copper City was a stand-alone settlement on a distant exo-planet, it had no military, leading to a mixed bag of JCJenson security personnel and volunteer soldiers to lead the charge against the malfunctioning worker drones. Many lives were lost, and in the end, the rebelling workers were driven out of the city bubble and into the snowy wastelands.
The second happened only a few months after the end of the war. The ⬛⬛⬛⬛ Event was contained to the Copper-9 branch HQ building. During the event, several worker drones were infected with a virus named ⬛⬛⬛⬛. "Patient Zero" was terminated and from there, all ⬛⬛⬛⬛ activity was easily dealt with. The silver lining to this event was that JCJenson technician "Tessa Elliot" was able to salvage many of the previously infected worker drones and repurpose them to clean up the remaining defective worker drones out in the wastelands. After rigorous testing and development, the new "Dissasembly drones" were revealed to the public, and following their debut were then sent to work. Results have plateaued in terms of terminating the remaining workers in recent years since the workers have built themselves a bunker. Serial designation "J" assures that given enough time, they will find a way in and continue with the extermination as planned.
And finally, the third and most dangerous event: the core collapse. Due to the sheer incompetence of lower-level personnel responsible for monitoring the status of the planet's core as the surrounding area is mined, copper-9 narrowly avoided a core collapse. Such an event would have resulted in total planetary extinction had it not been stopped in time by an upper manager. At the time JCJenson had little to say other than that they were sorry and that the near disaster had nothing to do with the worker resistance or ⬛⬛⬛⬛. They also took the opportunity of the press conference to tease a new project that would make Copper City safer than ever. We would later find out that this was referring to the previously mentioned "Dissasembly drones".
Copper City has suffered many close calls during its time, but today the city is thriving. Surely after so much trouble, there must be a reason those who live here decide to stay, and that reason is the soul of the city. It Never sleeps- always alive with freedom and opulence. Truly, Copper City is everything visionaries had been dreaming of what the future would be like. (But is that a good thing?)
◈ Extra Details
-Tessa was able to save many of the affected worker drones after Cyn went all cookoo crazy solver pants, but the company wanted them disposed of anyway. she proposed that they could be used to take care of the rogue worker drones and that's why they haven't been decommissioned.
-JCJenson higher-ups, demanded that they be disposed of after they had served their purpose. but Tessa plans to propose that theybe once again be repurposed into law enforcement when that day comes.
-After all why not? Tessa put a lot of work into making their modified murder drone bodies into effective, but pretty killing machines. If the public likes them, then they can be marketed. and though Tessa isn't the biggest fan of police in general, she'll take whatever she can get if it means her drones survive.
-JCJenson would love the idea anyway. Copper City is basically a corporate town already, just bigger. The human law enforcement is already in their pocket, so why not have literal robots loyal only to them carry out the law?
-Uzi would try to break into the city to gather intel and a power source for her rail gun.
-JCJenson still manufactures and sells worker drones, but since the war, they've modified the design so that they are much easier to deactivate if necessary.
-This design change is a literal off switch on the back of the head. Uzi does not have one since her parents built her and why the hell would they install one on their daughter? None of the drones at the bunker have an off switch. including those who fought in the war.
-Aside from that, all worker drones inside Copper City are digitally tagged upon purchase and activation. This makes it much easier for JCJenson and Dissasembaly drones to differentiate between a regular, legal worker drone and a rebellion worker that broke into the city.
-JCJenson's reputation suffered a lot during all that nonsense up there, so they really can't leave the workers alone. the public still perceives them as a threat. JCJenson does too, but more so for terrible solver demon reasons.
-That's one of the reasons that Tessa is okay with sending her friends off to commit genocide.
-Uzi is genocidal too though, so morality calls that a draw.
-I'm thinkin' that the Dissasebly drones probably have like, a roost or something inside the city that they can be deployed from. kinda like a cave of bats where they can recharge during the day.
-I think perhaps disassembly drones can go out during the day in the city, but only for a little while. and not at all outside of the city bubble.
-When I say "City bubble" just imagine the moon base from "Scooby-Doo Moon Monster Madness" cuz that's what it looks like.
ANOTHER LONG POST, MY DAWG! I don't have a ton of the groundwork of this done, but it's fun to think about it and I'm happy with what I do have. hope you do too 💖
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Thanks for reading.
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