#the whole scene is just fabulous honestly
mystic-kitten-writer · 2 months
Update :)
It's funny how it's been such a long time since I've posted here, yet it still feels like home—hello, loves~!
It goes without saying that I owe an explanation as to why I disappeared from the face of the Earth for so long.
The last time I was able to truly connect with you was when my family and I caught Covid (great times, let me tell you) - after that, I totally disappeared, and as much as I would love to say it was for good and positive reasons, to be very blunt and straight to the point, it wasn't.
For those sensitive to the topics of illness and mental health, skip to the image of a giant cat for the good news!
Once again, as everyone knows, my whole family got COVID-19. While my Mom, Dad, and I weren't too hot, we were functioning. But my husband was really struggling. And when weeks passed, and his health started to get worse and worse, we realized that this was something more than just COVID-19.
My husband is hesitant to provide full details about what occurred, primarily because it's still a recent event and something he's currently grappling with. Still, my husband went from being a healthy, physically active person to being bedridden.
It was a really hard time for everyone because my husband is like the sun. All smiles and outgoing - to suddenly unable to eat or hold down food, needing help with showering and to be very blunt, depressed and suicidal because he lost everything due to this sickness.
Unfortunately, cancer runs in his family, and while he got tested multiple times and came back negative (yay!), he is still not out of the dark. He has done numerous surgeries in hopes of getting better (his most recent this January), and at this time, his last resort is getting a colostomy bag. He is currently undergoing some experimental treatments because doctors don't want to do the surgery based on his age.
It goes without saying why I haven't been posting and updating anything. There's been a lot going on, and I want to be on his side as much as possible.
But there is some good news!
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I am mainly posting this message because he has improved greatly these past few weeks and is now in a much better physical and mental state. Seeing him get his feet back on the ground has given me the confidence to resume writing.
I have never stopped writing, but I have stopped publicly posting my writing mainly because I didn't have the time to sit down and properly edit.
My friends behind the scenes have been real stars. They have kept me going and encouraged me to keep writing.
I aim to post small works and drabbles until I feel confident enough to finish my biggest baby, Limerence.
To all those messages saying you missed Yue and Zuko, they're back - sorry, not sorry.
Thank you to everyone who has written messages to me. Trust me when I say I read them all, and I truly appreciate them. It meant a lot to get them and read them when I was not active because there were a few dark moments during my time away with everything going on, and honestly, it made me really happy. While I could never express my thanks in enough words, please know I greatly valued it.
I wanted to keep this short and sweet, but as we know, I am not known for short things (I try I swear askdjahjhksdj)😅
Thank you, and I wish everyone a fabulous day with tons of hugs and kisses.
I can't wait to write to you all soon~ ❤️
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mindyco · 1 year
I'm bringing back the idol MC because it needs more love! Why can I imagine these scenes so well!!! I just love the love and pride that these boys would give you, fully supporting what you do and love. Honestly, thank you Anonymous for giving me this idea!! ( ´⌣`ʃƪ) Artwork credit: @mys_s3
Scenario: The brothers' reaction to seeing idol MC on TV
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Lucifer's pride swells within him as he watches you on TV, feeling a surge of admiration for your talent and hard work.
He can't help but notice the way your eyes light up with passion and determination, and it only strengthens his belief in your abilities.
He watches you with a keen eye, analyzing your performance and stage presence.
Deep down, Lucifer is beaming with joy, his heart brimming with affection for you and the way you shine on the stage.
He may not show it openly, but a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he watches you do what you love.
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Mammon's excitement is infectious as he jumps up and down, unable to contain his pride and joy for your achievements.
He showers you with praises and adoration, constantly reminding you of how amazing you are.
He proudly boasts to anyone who will listen, "That's my MC right there! Look at how amazing they are!"
Mammon eagerly clings to every moment of your performance, capturing screenshots and sharing them with the other brothers, boasting about how lucky he is to have such a talented girlfriend. (teehee (´つヮ⊂))
Mammon may even try to mimic your dance moves, attempting to match your level of energy and charisma.
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Leviathan's heart swells with adoration and devotion as he watches you on TV, unable to tear his eyes away from the screen.
Unbeknownst to anyone else, he secretly learns your choreography and practices it in the privacy of his room.
Leviathan sings along to your songs with unbridled enthusiasm, losing himself in the music and imagining himself dancing alongside you on stage.
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Satan's intellectual curiosity is piqued as he analyzes every aspect of your performance, appreciating the artistic expression and the underlying messages in your music.
He appreciates the thought and effort that goes into your work and takes pride in your achievements.
Satan secretly researches your music, delving into the history and meaning behind each song, wanting to fully understand and support your artistic journey.
Though he may not show it overtly, Satan silently supports you and may even surprise you with in-depth discussions about your music and performances.
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Asmodeus squeals with delight, overwhelmed by the beauty and glamour that you bring to the screen.
He instantly becomes your biggest cheerleader, spreading the news of your appearance to anyone who will listen.
He can't help but imagine all the fabulous outfits and fashion collaborations he could do with you, his mind already spinning with ideas.
He may even invite you to his room to discuss fashion and styling, excitedly suggesting glamorous outfits for your next performance.
Asmodeus showers you with compliments and offers his styling expertise, eager to see you shine even brighter in the spotlight.
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Beelzebub's eyes twinkle with pride and genuine happiness as he watches you on TV, unable to hide his genuine joy for your success.
He reaches for snacks to munch on, savoring the flavors as he cheers you on silently.
Though he may not be the most vocal, his eyes never leave the screen, filled with admiration for your talent.
Beelzebub may even find himself humming your songs while doing daily tasks (working out, cooking, etc...).
Beelzebub's heart swells with warmth and love, feeling grateful to have you in his life and cherishing the moments when you bring happiness not just to him but to the whole world.
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Belphegor's initial reaction is one of disinterest and feigned indifference.
He lounges on the couch, barely sparing a glance at the TV. However, as he catches glimpses of your performance, a small smile tugs at his lips.
Belphegor may pretend to be indifferent, but deep down, he finds comfort and solace in your music, embracing the calm and contentment that washes over him whenever he listens to your voice.
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hidingfromsav · 1 month
‼️ fhjy spoilers (episode 17 ramble) ‼️
episode 17...what the fuck!!!!
- first of all AYDA MENTION <33333 the love letter made me cry they're so perfect for one another I LOVE THEM SO MUCH :')
- on the opposite end of the spectrum, oisin when i get my hands on you. "didn't see the storm coming? must not be a very good oracle." WHAT THE HELL AND FUCK!!!!! i mean it's a fabulous line but cannot wait for him to eat shit later, adaine's furious fist level 100 million coming for his ass TRUST. (i was completely and utterly fooled and i feel like a CLOWN.)
- ANKARNA ART. ANKARNA AND CASSANDRA ART. another win for the wlw community 🥳🥳🥳💪💪
- british kristen..she'll come in clutch i just know it
- kristen's conversation with bucky :(((( i honestly want to make a whole separate post talking about that because god does it hit so close to home hashtag oldest sister vibes
- AND FIG WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG FUCKKK PORTER!! that stun scene in the hallway was scary as hell. but on a serious note: brennan's storytelling is fucking incredible, the way seeds were planted all the way back in freshman year and slowly and subtly built upon in sophomore year is SO good (also jace and porter 🤨🏳️‍🌈?) probably not but let me have my fun
- also murph realizing what's going on at the very end right before everything goes to shit is so funny, ALSO murph's rolls reallyy coming in clutch this season holy cow
- cannot wait for next week's episode but i'm also terrified. i can smell the upcoming emotional turmoil in the air.
overall takeaways: don't trust a man ever all they do is LIE. anyways the gay agenda is ALIVE AND THRIVING!!!!
here's 5 images to describe my feelings throughout this episode for funsies:
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tarysande · 10 months
On Grief. And On Friendship. On Memory. And Love.
When my grandmother died, we didn't have a traditional funeral. We didn't wear black. We didn't sit around, solemn and silent. We told stories. We ate food she would have liked and drank Bailey's with cream. We got to do it together, of course, and we got to cry and hug and mourn and laugh and sing.
I'm sure all of us have heard some version of the phrase "online friendships aren't REAL friendships." I know I have. I've never understood it, either. For me, in all my neurodiverse glory, online friendships are often MORE REAL. Where else can you meet people and immediately jump into all the things you have in common? All the shared loves and hates and hyperfixations? Where else can you just bypass small-talk and, as Anne of Green Gables would say, find bosom friends so quickly? I've met so many online.
I honestly don't remember when I met Sara/@dearophelia. When I look through my tags, I know it's been at least seven years. I'm certain it's been longer because she definitely had username changes. And I am total shit at remembering username changes. More than once, I've told myself I should keep a spreadsheet. I'm pretty sure I've known her almost as long as I've been on tumblr, and that's more than a decade.
When Sara got sick, I finally used that tumblr function that notifies you whenever a blog updates. I wasn't around tumblr as regularly, but I didn't want to miss anything Sara might say. I hoped that one day I'd get the notification that everything was clear, she was in remission.
I didn't. Today, I got what will be the final notification from her blog--@vhenadahls sharing the information that Sara passed away. That there wouldn't be anymore updates. No more reblogs. No more snarky comments in the tags or gushing comments in the tags.
If this were a room and everyone who loved Sara, who enjoyed her fanfic (with or without knowing the woman behind it!), who has listened to her playlists, who played ME3 multiplayer with her, who was in any way touched by her in a way that brought their lives joy, it would be so full. We would all have stories to share. We'd all have memories to relive.
This room would be decorated with labradorite and pink and fat birbs and cats. There would be so much music--Taylor Swift and Halsey and Florence and the Machine and Hozier and so many many others. There would be a million fabulous selfies on the walls of Sara's huge smile and her vulnerability and her bravery. There would be gaming knickknacks and D&D dice and tarot decks and crystals and magic and books on every surface. All her faves would be represented. And it would still only brush the surface of how vibrant she was and how deeply and enthusiastically she loved what she loved.
If this were a room where we could also add all the characters she created, whose stories so many of us loved ... well, it would have to be awfully big. Sara wrote a lot of stories for a lot of fandoms.
And if this were a room where we and her characters were gathered, but we opened the doors for all the characters and stories that Sara helped inspire, helped grow, encouraged and enabled, well, I know a whole lot of my characters and stories would be here, too. I'm sure I decided to create Rose Trevelyan because of some conversation Sara and I had where I was imagining Rose Vakarian-Shepard grown up.
Sara, I'm really sorry I didn't get to finish the Vakarian-Shepard stories before you left. Most writers write for themselves, sure, but often they also write for specific readers. Sara was always one of mine, but I don't think she knew it. I lived for her gushing tag-comments. I loved when she was always so quick to jump in with prompts.
I'm honored that I was someone with whom Sara shared her original fic work. (She also once shared an absolutely horrifying scene with Garrus and Shepard's clones that she cut from Nora's story because it was just TOO AWFUL. In fact, she shared it with me BECAUSE IT WAS SO AWFUL and she knew I'd appreciate it.) In my heart of hearts, I wanted Sara to finish that original story and publish it. I wanted us to be part of each other's group of writer-friends (you know, you always see them thanking each other in their books). Hell, I wanted to have a small press at some point just SO I could publish Sara's stories. I believed in her THAT MUCH.
I love Sara's stories. I love her playlists. I love her blog, with its hodgepodge of interests and loves. I love her imagination and creativity and attention to detail. I love that I can still visit that mind by reading the bounty of work she left behind.
I mean, she made me wholeheartedly buy into a relationship between Shepard's mom and ZAEED.
Sara was one of the constants in my online life over the last decade. Even if we hadn't chatted for a while, I always knew we could pick up again like no time had passed (thanks, ADHD). As I write this, there's a little chat circle on the bottom right of my tumblr screen with her avatar in it and I can't bear the thought of hitting that X button and never seeing it pop up again.
Sara struggled and loved and fought and overcame and breathed and was brave. Not just in the past few years, when she was sick. As long as I knew her. And she didn't let anything stop her. She snarled in the face of it all and wrote stories so beautiful they broke my heart and then pieced it back together again in the same paragraph.
I miss her. I will always miss her. But I'm so happy I got to know her as long as I did. She'll live on in my memories, in my stories, in the characters she helped inspire. She'll live on every time I look at my favorite tarot deck--she was the first person I yelled at when I bought it--and when I see fat birbs and cute-maybe-evil cats. And if that's not REAL friendship, real love, I don't know what is.
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bratzydollz · 1 year
"Multiversal Beats: Ivanka's Hot Picks for Your Reality-Shifting Odyssey! 💫📱 #ShiftingAppsUnleashed"
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April 1st, 2023
•—✧✷ Hey there, fabulous followers and fellow reality shifting beauties! 🌌 It's your girl, Ivanka, swooping back into your feeds with all the sizzling deets on the art of shifting. My sincerest apologies for the content hiatus, but a girl's gotta take a breather, right? Self-improvement and all that jazz – it's practically a mandatory accessory these days.
But enough about me, luvlies. Let's dive into the rabbit hole of shifting – because who needs this mundane reality anyway? Shifting has become the go-to escape for those of us who can't deal with life's minuscule miseries. And honestly, can you blame us? This world is like a bad Netflix show – you can't stop watching, but you desperately want to.
Now, shifting is no walk in the park, especially if you're a novice entering the scene. Some lucky souls claim it's a breeze, but for the rest of us mere mortals, it's a journey that could rival Frodo's quest. Patience is key, honey, but fear not! We're all in this together, navigating the treacherous currents of alternate realities.
And here's a little secret sauce to spice up your shifting escapades – apps, baby! Who says the journey has to be all doom and gloom? Inject some fun into it with these magical apps that will turn your shifting routine into a virtual carnival. Trust me, your interdimensional soiree is about to get a whole lot groovier. No long-winded intros here – just the sizzling list you've been craving!
✧ Notion(Android & iOS)
Alright, luvlies! Brace yourselves because we're about to spill the tea on the app that's practically the Beyoncé of note-taking—and if you haven't caught wind of it yet, girl, where have you been? 📝💅
Enter the game-changer, the mood-setter, the app that's not just about school notes or organizing your schedule —notion— it's about scripting your interdimensional masterpiece! 🌌 This app is the ultimate multitasker, and we're not just talking about color-coded to-do lists. Get ready to make your shifting script as fabulous as a Met Gala outfit.
Sure, diving into this app might feel like tackling a Rubik's Cube at first, but trust me, once you crack the code, you'll be unstoppable. And oh, did I mention the templates? Sweetheart, we're talking a treasure trove of shifting magic just waiting for you to explore.
Picture this: Aesthetically pleasing templates that make your script look like a Pinterest board curated by the gods themselves. TikTok is practically the portal to these wonders – dive in and discover a realm where organization meets artistry. Your shifting script is about to glow up, and you'll be the envy of every interdimensional influencer out there.
✧ Google Slides(Android & iOS)
Alright, shifters, gather 'round because we're about to drop some knowledge on one of the MVPs of presentation apps – Google Slides! 🌐 Now, I can almost hear some of you saying, "Ivanka, why on earth is Google Slides on this list?" Well, buckle up, sweetie, because you've been missing out on an interdimensional revolution! 💻✨
Shifters across the universe are flipping slides, not just for work presentations or school projects but for crafting the most jaw-dropping, Netflix-meets-Disney+-inspired shifting scripts! Yes, honey, you heard it right. Google Slides isn't just for boardrooms; it's for board-hopping into alternate realities.
And let me tell you, these shifters deserve a standing ovation. They've turned the mundane into the extraordinary, transforming a simple app into a canvas for their wildest interdimensional dreams. Imagine a script so captivating, it could rival the latest blockbuster. That's the power of Google Slides in the hands of a visionary shifter.
Now, I know you're itching to get in on this action. Lucky for you, the internet is practically bursting with Google Slides script templates – and where's the hottest place to find them? You guessed it, TikTok! 🎉 So, my fellow multiverse creators, head over there, swipe through the slides of inspiration, and let your shifting journey take center stage.
✧ Pinterest(Android & iOS)
Hey trendsetters, if you're not on Pinterest, it's time to reassess your life choices, babe! 💁‍♀️ But, just in case you've been living under a digital rock, let me spill the tea on the ultimate visual treasure trove that is Pinterest. It's not just an app; it's a vibe, a mood board, and a search engine for all things fabulous! 📌✨
Think of Pinterest as your personal Google Image on steroids – a place where images and short videos collide in a symphony of inspiration. Faces for your face claim? Check. Dreamy waiting room vibes? Double-check. A mansion for your house claim? Oh, you betcha!
But wait, there's more! Pinterest isn't just for daydreaming; it's a scripting haven. Need to visualize your DR? Look no further. Pin your ideas, create boards, and let the magic happen. Plus, here's a pro tip for you – once you've pinned your inspo, dive into your pinned post, hit that 'edit' button, and discover the 'note to self' option. It's like a secret doorway to a world of organization.
This app isn't just useful; it's a game-changer, love. It's where scripting meets visual storytelling, where your wildest DR visions come to life. So, if you haven't joined the Pinterest party, what are you waiting for? Your shifting journey deserves the glitz and glam that only Pinterest can provide.
✧ Amino (Android & iOS)
Have you hopped on the Amino bandwagon yet? 🚀 If not, darling, you're missing out on the social scene that's practically the lovechild of Reddit and Tumblr, dedicated to all things shifting! 🌌✨
Amino is your golden ticket to a virtual sanctuary where kindred spirits gather to spill the tea on shifting, discuss the latest happenings in the community, and vibe with fellow shifters who just get it. It's not just an app; it's a hub of collective consciousness for those diving into the realms of manifestation, quantum jumping, and all things spiritually chic.
Need info on shifting techniques or the lowdown on quantum entanglement? Amino's got your back, babe. It's like a cosmic library at your fingertips. But, and here's the caveat, my sweet souls – approach with caution. Not every tidbit is coated in positivity, so be mindful of what you're sipping on in the Amino elixir. Love and light, people! 💖✨
✧ Zillow Real Estate & Rentals (Android & iOS)
Alright, multiversal travellers, hold onto your metaphysical hats because I'm about to drop some real estate wisdom on you! 🏡 Now, I know what you're thinking – "Ivanka, I'm not here for property hunting or interior design tips." But, babes, hear me out, because this app is a game-changer for your shifting journey.
Introducing the house-hunting haven that's not just for your IRL needs – it's for crafting the perfect house claim in your DR. Yes, luvlies, we're talking about finding that dream residence to elevate your shifting experience to a whole new level. Because who wouldn't want a stunning abode in their DR, right? It's practically a life (or DR) choice!
This app is like my personal monthly indulgence. Why, you ask? Because, sweety, I live for the thrill of changing houses and apartments in my DR – call it "Rich Girl Tingz" if you will. It's a vibe, a lifestyle, and I'm sure my fellow dream architects can relate.
✧ Room Planner - Home Design 3D (Android & iOS)
Spotted: A new app that's got our lone wolves howling with excitement! Move over Sims, there's a new player in town, and it's for those shifters who prefer to dance to the beat of their own design drum.
This app is like the Blair Waldorf of virtual spaces – it gives you the power to build your room from scratch, girls! Walls, furniture, floors – you name it, you can mix, match, and glam it up to create your very own personal sanctuary. It's like DIY for the digital diva.
But beware, Upper East Shifters, this isn't a stroll in Central Park. Building your dream room takes time and patience, much like waiting for the next ShiftTok Drama blast. It's a game-changer, and a game that separates the Serena van der Woodsens from the Little J's.
So, grab your smartphones, because the only thing hotter than a summer in the Hamptons is the buzz around this app. You'll need some serious tech-savvy skills to navigate this virtual wonderland, but trust me, it's worth it.
✧ Musi (iOS)
Word on the virtual streets is that Musi, the music app, is the secret weapon for all you reality-shifters out there. Picture this: a playlist crafted by none other than the maestro of your own desires. You can search for any song or audio, even those trippy shifting subliminals and guided meditations straight from YouTube. No ads, just vibes, honey. And it's all on the house, thanks to the generous gods over at the Apple App Store. Apple stans, rejoice!
But hold onto your diamond-encrusted headbands, Android aficionados, because the party isn't over for you just yet. Ivanka's got your back, sweethearts. 💔 While Musi may be sipping cocktails with Apple, there's an alternative in town for you Android honeys.
✧ ViMusic (Android)
Android angels, fear not, for Iavnka's got a remedy for your app envy! 📱✨ Brace yourselves for the Android alternative to Musi that's about to turn your reality-shifting game up to eleven.
Meet the unsung hero: ViMusic, a music player with the power of a rockstar and the finesse of a fashionista, allowing you to play anything from YouTube. I'm talking about your favorite shifting podcasts, subliminals, and even that wizardliz TED talk that's giving me life right now. Can we take a moment to stan wizardliz? Ugh, queen! 👑✨
But wait, there's more. No pesky ads crashing your vibe, and you can flip that screen off without missing a beat. Take notes, YouTube Music! And here's the kicker – the app stores all your audio gems in a secret cache, so you can revisit your vibe-worthy moments offline. All this fabulousness, and guess what? It's free, my beauties, it's absolute-effing-ly free. 🎁
•—✧✷ Signing off, my glamorous globe-trotters and reality-shifting trendsetters! 🌎✨ That's a wrap for today's tea, and I hope this insider scoop sets your shifting journey on fire.
If you're thirsting for more knowledge or just dying to spill the tea, drop those burning questions in the comment section. Your virtual queen is here to serve, granted I have the 411, luvlies.
Sending you all the good vibes and manifestation mojo. Your journey is about to get a serious upgrade, so buckle up, babes! 🚀✌️
A million thanks for gracing this space with your fabulous presence. Until next time, stay fierce, stay fabulous. Buh-bye, luvlies.
Xoxo, Ivanka. 💋🌙
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scriberated · 11 days
Bridgerton S3 Part 1 Thoughts
TLDR: Worst season to date.
Specifics/spoilers below the cut.
In no particular order:
The costuming is awful - and I don't just mean historically inaccurate, cause they weren't the 1st two seasons either and I wasn't expecting them to be. Pretty much everything is either ugly or blatant product placement or both, with very few exceptions.
The Featheringtons are funny as shit and possibly the greatest redeeming quality of this season.
Too many subplots. Way too many. Mondritchs, Violet & Lord Anderson, Benedict and his FWB situation, Cressida & Eloise, Francesca (I understand they're setting up her season so I get it but it's a lot of screen time to spend on someone who isn't supposed to be the MC this season).
Collin did not do enough groveling.
Debling and Penelope are both hypocrites and ill-suited to each other. Both claimed they wanted a practical match with someone they could be companionable with but inevitably didn't work out because Debling wasn't okay with Penelope being in love with someone else (odd for someone who wasn't seeking love) and Penelope claimed she was resolved to a practical match but was actually hoping for love the whole time.
Considering they're supposed to get glow ups for their season, Collin's… wasn't it. His hair was awful and so was all the botox/lip flip. The coat was acceptable but felt very out of place.
They did make me sympathize with Cressida, which I didn't think was going to be a thing. I like her and Eloise together. Even if they don' t make it canon, I ship it a little bit.
The Balloon was the DUMBEST thing this whole season. The whole scene felt forced and insanely slow - like Pen had a whole 84 years to get out of the way, and it did not feel nearly as dire as they tried to make it out to be.
The soundtrack was the best thing about this whole season.
While I appreciate the parallel between Cressida and Penelope - both in their third season, practically on the shelf, facing dire futures - it didn't land the way it could have. Felt like a wasted opportunity.
Benedict and his FWB situation is annoying and stupid and was given entirely too much screen time.
Mama Bridgerton is canny and I love her for it. The blatant "oh btw Penelope is getting proposed to tonight" to kick Collin's butt into gear is fabulous even if it was obvious.
Brimsley and the Queen's relationship is still my favorite. Besties 4 Life.
I love Francesca and John just sitting together in contented silence. <3 Big fan.
Collin's attempts at being a rake didn't land. Like, if they were intending to do it as a way of showing him trying to be someone he isn't, it felt very forced and flat. Collin's characterization this whole season honestly feels very flat. It almost feels like he is still adrift, not invested in the stakes of the season.
Eloise calling on Cressida during calling hour is Gay and I will die on that hill.
Collin writing regency erotica is eternally funny to me. I see many potential AUs of him being a romance novelist and Penelope being his unwitting muse.
The Queen's wigs getting more and more ridiculous just absolutely sent me. The swans?? How did that even work mechanically? Like I'm all for some creative license but come on.
The Queen striking out three seasons in a row with her matchmaking is hilarious but also kind of sad.
Eloise and Cressida in the box during the last ball? GAY. I like them together. I know Eloise is supposed to wind up with someone else (Sir Phillip?) but GD they have chemistry.
Idc about Danbury's feud with her brother. It's so out of left field. Like I know they're maybe trying to build up to Violet finding someone to... tend to her Garden (and that person being Marcus) but it just feels... bleh. Unnecessary.
Portia Featherington is a shit mother and she deserves to be slapped.
I'll give them props for the increased representation - it was nice to see HOH/Deaf & disabled representation, even if it felt a little... token-y? I'm hoping there will be more so it will level out.
The carriage scene. Was it steamy? Yes. I'll give it to them. Luke and Nicola have great chemistry. But did Collin earn that??? After ruining her prospects and then literally ruining her???? No. His proposal immediately afterwards felt impulsive and lust driven instead of love driven, maybe even duty driven since he 'ruined' her. And we saw way more of him being into her than we did of her being into him, I felt like.
Overall... rushed, too crowded by subplots, flat, and frankly disappointing. I really hope they bring it back around come part two but the teaser honestly just makes it seem like it's going to be more of the same. It's missing the charm of the first two seasons - or of the Queen Charlotte spinoff, which I really enjoyed.
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Hi Steph! I hope you're doing alright :)
I only now realised that Crowley suggested the rainstorm, because he says they'll seek shelter and then 'one fabulous kiss and we're good'. Like, he didn't understand how kisses work in the beginning of the season and in the end he still doesn't. It's so sad that he reached out like that at the wrong moment.. Like, in the book it literally says he's an optimist, so he must've held out some hope that that would fix everything and make Aziraphale realise 'they were made for each other' I'm in pain.
(Also: Did you see how after Aziraphale takes the car, not only does it change (and follow him like a puppy), but Shax can't materialise in it? She waits in the door and asks him to invite her. As if it was his property. ...Our car indeed xD Crowley honestly must have accepted that in his heart. Like isn't that sweet.)
Also I love your blog so much. Honestly, I read pretty much every post <3 If I could send asks on my sideblog (sb in real life knows my main and I'm not mixing fandom and rl), I totally would.
Hey Nonny!!
AHHH Thank you so much for your kind words!! I'm glad you enjoy my blog and your time here, and it means the world to me that you read all of my posts! LOL I feel ya on the sideblog thing, I wish Tumblr let you switch between them for asks.
YEAH, the rain thing still fucks me up, because he is, at heart, a romantic and (as you said) an optimist, so he genuinely thought the kiss would fix everything. I also think he thinks the canopy is romantic because it's a core memory for him as the first kind gesture Aziraphale did for him after his Fall, after the First Rain. AND I genuinely believe it's his wish as well, to be caught in the rain under a canopy with Aziraphale to recreate their kind gesture to each other... I think this BECAUSE one of the first promo photos for S2 was the two of them, under an umbrella (canopy) in the rain, leaning into each other. It's not just Nina's deepest desire, it's Crowley's as well. Only this time, he wants them looking into each other's eyes. I think he thinks that was the missing element that kept them from VaVooming, so yeah, he's craving that deeply.
So it is very sad that he thinks the kiss will solve all their problems, when really, they NEED to communicate. They're NOT seeing each other properly, and they haven't all season during the modern scenes. They talk around each other, and avoid things, but never discuss things, really. And Honestly, Crowley had the right idea, but SHIT-ASS timing. They were both angry, hurt, and over-emotional after everything, and Aziraphale was already being manipulated at that point to where he fears Crowley and himself being retaliated against for loving each other (remember, Azzie DOESN'T know why Gabe was cast out; from his perspective, it was because he fell in love with a demon). And Crowley, well, his ridiculous devotion to protect Azzie from all the bad in the world is his downfall, and why Aziraphale is in the mess he's in now. GUH, I need them to finally talk.
The WHOLE SCENE was SO deliciously beautiful in a very angsty way, I loved it so much.
And regarding the car... OMG I DIDN'T even notice that about Shax!! You're ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. The car became a space where Aziraphale needs to allow someone into Crowley's heart it. So YEAH, shit you're right! That said, Crowley loves Azzie so much, it's very sweet that the Bentley is essentially a manifestation of his feelings for Azzie.
Thank you again for your ask, and I hope you continue to enjoy your time here!! <3 <3
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acceleracers-baby · 4 months
Acceleracers HC’s! Horror Movie Reactions! Metal Maniac Edition!
Metal Maniacs
(Taro Kitano, Tork Maddox, Monkey McClurg, Porkchop Riggs & Markie Wylde)
+Bonus Round
(Doctor Tezla & Lani Tam)
Metal Maniacs
Taro Kitano - Taro is a HUGE horror movie buff. He’s a mainly a big fan of the classics! Halloween, The Thing, The Exorcist- stuff like that! He’s 100% the one to suggest a horror movie when the group gets together for movie nights. He has also definitely showed up to horror conventions in costume. His favorite cosplays have gotta be Ghostface from Scream & Micheal Myers from Halloween cause they both have masks. Definitely has horror movie memorabilia all around his house.
Tork Maddox - Tork doesn’t mind horror movies. He doesn’t hate them or anything, but he’d honestly rather watch something with more substance. Usually when he gets dragged into watching one with the gang it’s something like Saw or Final Destination and he’s not really a big fan of how torture porny they are. He likes stuff with a good plot so movies like Nope and Midsommar are probably his favorites. That being said, when he does watch horror flicks, he gets scared but refuses to show it. If you’re watching him real hard you can sometimes catch him flinch or tighten his grip on the blankets, but if thinks get to be too much for him, he’ll call the movie stupid and make an excuse to leave.
Monkey McClurg - Monkey HATES horror movies! He’s terrified of everything. The only reason he watches them is because usually there’s attractive actors/actresses that he can distract himself with. Other than that, he will spend 95% of the movie hiding under the blankets or yelling at the screen about how the characters would have survived if they had just done something differently! He is also the prime candidate to scare if anyone’s trying to get a laugh. Wylde’s usually pretty mean about it until someone tells him to back off.
Porkchop Riggs - Is totally down to watch a horror movie UNLESS there is water in it. That scene from Friday the 13th where someone gets snatched into the water literally had him traumatized for like a week after he saw it for the first time. Now, someone has to vet every horror movie he watches before he ends up scaring himself to death again. Any other horror movie, he usually enjoys. Especially slasher flicks. He’s also a big fan of the Evil Dead series- he just thinks Ash is a badass. I mean… who doesn’t. Dude has a chainsaw hand!!
Markie Wylde - Mark tells everyone he loves horror movies but he rarely ever watches them alone. Usually he’s too busy fucking with people to get scared but when he actually pays attention he starts shitting bricks. Seriously- he’s like Tork where he tries not to seem scared but unlike Tork, he sucks at it. He’ll call the movie lame only to be screaming and pulling his blanket up to his chin like 5 minutes later. He doesn’t mind horror comedy though! He’s a big fan of Ready or Not! But if somebody puts on IT or The Conjuring he’s terrified. Clowns and ghosts man!
Bonus Round!
Doctor Tezla - You think this guy has time for horror movies?! Hell no! Although, he has caught a few in passing, and by passing I mean he does the dad thing where he’ll walk by someone watching a horror movie and then proceed to stand silently in the corner and watch the whole thing. You can try offering him a seat but he will claim he’s just passing through. It’s a total lie though. The last one he really sat down and watched was The Terminator - which is more action - but it only amplified his fear of the drones.
Lani Tam - She has definitely seen her fair share of horror movies thanks to Taro, but the ones that really resonated with her were the ones that followed the classic “Final Girl” trope. Ready or Not? Loved it. The Descent? Claustrophobic but amazing! Midsommar? Fabulous. Alien? Badass and one of her favorites! When she and Taro were still dating, they watched the original Scream and The Shining at least once a month. She loves them.
——— Thanks for Reading ———
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lostcauses-noregrets · 10 months
do you actually see levi hange and erwin as a trio? before I watched the whole thing all the fan arts and official arts convinced me that they would be a trio but they aren't? not in canon? it's just levi and hange are close friends and levi has a special bond with erwin but we don't actually see them being a trio because erwin still don't let hange get that close and treat them like a well respected and trusted subordinate unlike how he treated levi or mike? I wish mike survived longer so we could actually see levi mike and erwin interact I think levi and mike could be so fun together considering how sassy and sarcastic levi can be and how serious mike was :D
I do kinda agree that in the manga and the anime Erwin, Levi and Hanji aren't really presented as a trio. At least not in the way that the Shiganshina Trio or RBA are. For one thing, the plot keeps them separated for the most part. I honestly couldn't tell you how often all three of them appear together in the manga, but I don't think it's that often. I'm pretty sure the main reason they appear together so often in merch though is that they are the most popular of the Veterans, and in the case of Levi and Hanji, the ones that survive the longest.
I'm not sure I agree that Erwin doesn't have a close relationship with Hanji though. Certainly he has known Mike longer, but I think he is quite close to Hanji too. If you look at some of the supplementary materials such as the Smartpass stories and some of the game dialogue, there are some really cute scenes between Erwin and Hans and you really do get the impression that Erwin was fond of all the Veterans.
Seeing more interaction between Mike and Levi would have been fabulous. I really wish we'd got to see them overcome their differences when Levi first joined the Survey Corps. Thank goodness we have fanfic to fill in the blanks!
To be honest I would love to have seen more of all the Veterans, Nanaba and Moblit included. I know I'm not the only fan who would sell their grandmother for a spin of series featuring the Vets! In the meantime, at least we have this gorgeous official art of them enjoying each other's company. This is how I like to think of them all together.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 6 months
Hello! Here are some Debbie asks 💖 -
1. Favourite/least favourite Debbie relationship (can be romantic or platonic)?
2. Storyline you wish Debbie had?
3. Underrated Debbie moment?
4. Where do you see Debbie in five years time?
5. Best Debbie outfit/look?
6. First line that comes to your head when you think of Debbie? (Could be a line she says or one someone says about her)
7. Funniest/saddest/best Debbie moment?
8. Favourite fanfic or fanart or gifset about Debbie?
9. How did you feel about Debbie’s ending?
10. Five words to describe Debbie?
yay hi calli!
my favorite relationship debbie was in would probably be debbie x sandy (sebbie), but only pre-11x05 before they were ruined. and my least favorite relationship would probably be heidi? her character was brought in so randomly and in an obvious attempt to slander debbie more. i would say that my least favorite would be a relationship that she had with any of the guys she was with, but i don’t really count those since she was a lesbian and underage for most of those relationships.
i don’t really know how to answer this… there are a few storylines that shameless started for her and just didn’t bother to explore so i guess i’ll say those. (this is depressing sorry) in 4x07, debbie’s friend convinces her to self harm, and she does. season 4 debbie is very interesting because she explores abandonment issues, peer pressure, and grooming, which are all important issues. i think that the shameless writers got over her self harm too fast, and i think that it could have been interesting to see them talk about that, because it is an issue that many struggle with (although ian did also struggle with it in 5x10). i also wish that we got a scene where debbie talks to her siblings about how they treat her. in season 11, they mistreat her a lot, but it’s all for comedic purposes so nobody really talks about it, but i wish she or someone else would stand up for her.
every debbie moment is an underrated one if you ask me, lol. i think an underrated one may be when she bought a snake and put it in matty’s girlfriend’s car. it was so evil and maybe people hate her for it but i just found it funny. also, when she lied to jimmy-steve and said it was her birthday for free food. she’s iconic.
five years from now or five years from the finale? i’m gonna go with five years from the finale, which is 2026. i see debbie doing well. adult liam in hos says that they all end up doing well, and yes, he’s talking about a time far more in the future, but in season 11 debbie’s business was successful so i’ll say that she is. i think that she and franny will stay in the gallagher house, and i hope that debbie will get some therapy because she desperately needs it, especially if she has a ten/eleven year old kid. i want her to find a good girlfriend, maybe it’s sandy, maybe it’s not. idk. really all i hope is that she’s doing well mentally, franny’s thriving, they have a house, and debbie does everything is still going well.
hm… well, the wedding dress in 10x12 is the first thing that comes to mind. she looks fabulous and she’s doing it for the sake of gallavich, which we love. if it’s not that, it’s probably one of her other looks in season 10, because i think that was her best era fashion wise (and in general, honestly. that was her redemption arc, john wells just fucked it up), so probably the black dress with the leather jacket that she wore while convincing ian to get back with mickey, or the red dress she was trying on.
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6. (the bullets got messed up😭), well, for lines, “you do not f with debbie gallagher!!!!” (after attempting to drown a girl who bullied her for being a closet lesbian), “you can’t drink him away, mickey. it won’t work”, (after convincing mickey to go back to ian, because my girl loves her family and is the biggest gallavich fan in the whole show).
7. funniest would probably be the, “you do not f with debbie gallagher!” thing, but also when she kidnapped that kid and was questioned by the police, specifically because the scene was just little clips of her talking and one was like, “yes i would like a cookie”, it was just so funny i love her. for saddest, i’d have to say hitting frank with a bag full of soap and then sobbing into her pillow, crying when she knew that derek left her, or when she was screaming at derek’s mother’s house and consoling franny even though franny couldn’t hear- i died inside a bit when i watched that scene. her best moment was any moment she helped out her siblings (which happens a lot, contrary to what debbie antis who think that she’s selfish think), like coming to mickey’s house to get him back, somehow getting ford up on a billboard so that fiona could shoot paintballs at his ass, creating a distraction at the gallavich wedding, and pranking kelly with carl- there’s a few more but those are my personal favorites.
8.i have a few favorite fics, like definitions by the lovely @astaraels, the sun; a little to the left, and familiar patterns by the also lovely, @aceyanaheim. this is probably my favorite gifset, and i don’t really know a lot of debbie fanart- but probably anything that @deedala did because she loves debbie also and is an amazing artist.
9. how did i feel about it… well, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I FUCKING HATED IT. i really hated every characters ending, gallavich’s ending was fine but there were also some things about it i didn’t really love. i’ve made really long posts about my issues with this ending, but to summarize: in s10, john wells attempted to make a debbie redemption arc, which is why there isn’t a lot of debbie hate in that season. many people liked her that season, esp because of 10x12. but then, in s11, we’re expected to believe that everyone hates debbie, (*cough* ian *cough*), and we hear her called a “terrible mom” a “loser” “annoying” etc. also, frank’s parting words to her were horrible and mean! i would start bawling if i were her, and i get that it’s frank, but still. also, they ruined sebbie and replaced it with a toxic person who we know debbie is only dating as a form of self sabotage. i have so much more to say, but that’s it simplified.
10. strong, selfless, ambitious, caring, loving, determined, chaotic, independent, creative, helpful.
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Chain of Thorns: all my main thoughts
yes hello, i wanna make a large post abt this bc i just need to list everything out since i have A LOT of thoughts
Things I Liked:
basically every moment where we got to see Will. I was laughing at so many things that Will said and I missed having that, since I will never get enough of Will's humor.
Seeing Jesse interact with the Merry Thieves. It made me so happy and I love seeing Jesse's dry humor mixed in with the Merry Thieves; he fits in with them so well.
Just human Jesse in general. Everything about him made me so happy. He was so kind and brave and quite funny.
Getting to see more of Anna/Ari. During the first book we got almost nothing of them, partially because of Ari being poisoned but also because Anna was kind of not in the main circle yet.
Christopher visiting Grace and them getting to know each other. It made me so happy that there was someone who could see past what Grace had done and could give her a second chance, and their bond over science was so sweet.
Thomastair. That's it. No explanation needed.
Ghostwriter I thought was pretty well done, but the whole "them kissing would cause Lucie to see demon stuff" was kind of unnecessary.
Jem being there for Grace and talking to her to help her through
The Watchers were a really cool plot twist I wasn't expecting
honestly the james turning on the lamp on pg 127 caused a lot of pterodactyl screeching which was fun
the Herondaisy scene in chapter 23 hehe
Effie every time she opens her mouth
Also Bridget who is my queen. she is my love, my life, my star.
Eugenia Lightwood just existing was fabulous.
Esme being the most random plot thread ever which caused a lot of unexpected laughter
"Alastair why are you so stupid I brush my teeth dont tell anyone" LMAO
Alastair with the baby
Again, Thomastair.
Matthew's eventual acceptance of Alastair into the group
Cordelia outsmarting Lilith with her deal
Belial having a weird obsession with being crowned prince of London or whatever
Also Belial's weird bird demon friend made me CACKLE
Bridgestock blackmailing Charles. if i'm honest, i think it was a great part of the plot bc it did kind of give Charles a slight redemption (but also him being kind of outted is also really bad) but i think it was great in kind of allowing Flora be able to accept Ari without fear of Maurice
Lucie and Cordelia talking abt Cordelia's boobs lmaooo/The Wicked Queen Cordelia
Grace's entire arc through this book
the different meanings behind "cordelia ran"
Things that made me sobbbb:
Will becoming a sort of father figure to Jesse
The Merry Thieves helping Matthew with his drinking
Cordelia and James when they finally confessed for real
Matthew's entire arc with his drinking and telling the truth
Christopher's death
"you are my unfinished business" IM SOBBING STILL
Christopher's death
The scene where they see that Kit's dead
Kit being dead
Intermission: Grief
the fact that kit was in fact dead and not going to come back at the end (i was in denial for the entire second half)
Matthew and James while in Edom
Thomas coming out to his family
Alastair telling Cordelia that he's always afraid for her with her being the wielder of Cortana
Again. Kit's death. (i cried a lot ok its been an emotional couple of days)
Things I didn't like:
The whole love triangle. I still don't think that Matthew truly loved Cordelia and i never believed it would be an actual love triangle
the fact that the truth about the bracelet had to be kept secret for so long. it felt kind of unnecessary. there were other ways to draw out the plot than that.
the fact that tatiana exists
Kit's death. I feel like it's so unfair that of all people, he's the one to die. it didn't feel well written, it felt like it had to happen bc she couldn't kill the queer characters and Kit was the only main character left that she COULD kill.
Grace's entire plot being kind of left without an ending.
The lack of mourning/a funeral for kit. (since we didnt get enough mourning, i think im going to write it bc i want to suffer for the purpose of completing the loose ends)
the pacing. the entire plot felt so oddly paced, and it wasn't as much of a mystery like choi or chog.
again, why christopher? i feel like matthew would've been a better choice, or perhaps sona.
magnus kind of getting written out so early
though i love our gay couples and their accepting families, it is a little bit unrealistic. i get that the point is that this particular batch of the families are very kind people in comparison to what their families become a little farther down the road(ie Robert, maryse, etc), but it still feels a little bit unrealistic.
i felt like the whole lucie and cordelia struggling with their friendship thing was a little bit too much to add into this already very full book. (although i loved the wicked cordelia reveal that was fun)
i feel like we didn't fully get the wrap up at the end that we needed. we didn't see enough of them after the battle, as they came to terms with their losses and their wins and how they would continue their lives.
also we never really got to see jesse meeting his cousins/aunts and uncles and i wish we'd gotten that.
Questions I still have:
bridget? whats going on with her? theres a throwaway line in the coda mentioning something is odd abt her, but thats it??
grace. what is going to happen to grace? i wish we could perhaps see her and figure out if she's alright.
im still confused abt the lightwood line. i guess they're trying to say that alexander is going to continue it? (that actually kind of makes sense, genetics wise tho, cuz alexander looks like cecily and alec and izzy are supposed to inherit that)
will we ever get a revised family tree?
blackthorn line???
Rupert's ghost?
fairchild line? am i correct to assume that its going to tie into charlotte's pregnancy reveal at the end?
I'm sure I have more thoughts but I can't remember them at this present moment and I didn't write them down but these are all the ones I wrote down.
lmk what y'all think abt this book
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
Speaking of adam driver performances, which do you think were his best overall?
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote is actually my favorite Adam Driver movie, even though no one but me and my friends has seen it and also the director is... a bad dude.
But yeah, I think that movie really plays to something he hasn't done as much of lately, which is comedy--he has a manic energy in a lot of it, he plays against Jonathan Pryce (who also gives an incredible performance, it's a great movie) super well, and it's just like... Humor, drama, intensity, surreality, ludicrousness. And he gets to be hot at points! A win.
This is Where I Leave You is another one where he's performing but again, really funny. I wish he'd do more funny stuff, he's honestly really good at it.
LOL CONTROVERSIAL BUT BRAVE he was great in TLJ. That's the only movie where he was able to play Kylo Ren the way he should've been able to play him the whole time (I mean... I guess he did in TFA, but I'm meh on that movie in general and he wore the helmet a lot more in that one. The final lightsaber battle was great though. He was freaking crazy in that scene.) The physicality, the semi-faux little boy lost villainy, the weird tension that he used against Rey which only would've worked on Rey because they were both virgins who couldn't drive... I think TFA is bleh and TROS is HORRENDOUS and TLJ is basically the only non-OT SW movie I love. Rian Johnson was the only person who seemed to get that you could have Kylo Ren be a horrible trash human villain and a person with pathos, which is WILD considering the MOVIES THIS FRANCHISE WAS BUILT ON. It's honestly tragic that Adam wasn't able to go full force after TLJ, because in this movie, he's playing a fabulous villain. If it was up to me, Rey would've killed him in TROS and it would've been very "we could've had it all but you were in fact Evil Sexy not Good Sexy" but whatever I guess he's gonna show up in his pajamas and have zero dialogue and be good and shit.
Look, he's obviously great in Marriage Story but otherwise I hate that movie. He's fabulous in Silence but you can only see that once in your life imo.
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The only thing Greta got right in the Little Women press was that Laurie and Amy have great rapport in the book, and they do want to fuck!
It's here in case you'd ask.
Ay, anon, you made me go read that and got me riled up all over again XD
In this case, I honestly apply the "broken clock right twice a day" XD because I have grown to think that she's just... incompetent. Going from Frances Ha to Ladybird to Little Women, there's such a sameness in the ideas and themes and a lack of growth in her storytelling that hmmm....
And in the case of Amy, and Amy and Laurie in LW in particular, I'm always confused when people say that this movie makes them more justice than any other adaptation before, because I just... can't see it.
The movie defines Amy as a character, in the way it develops her character, so to speak, by her Jo envy and her helpless lifelong infatuation with Laurie. There's a little dedicated to Amy's art (I do particularly like the translation of genius-not genius to realism-impressionism, and I appreciate that her first scene is her with her art), but compared with how Jo's art is portrayed in the movie, it's not enough. And it's not enough because Jo's relationship with her writing in the book is utilitarian for the most part: she writes on one hand to explore the fantastic from the safety of her pen, and on the other... because it brings money and money buys necessities and niceties for the ones she loves. Even when she says she wants to do something splendid, that something splendid isn't defined as writing a literary masterpiece.
But Amy's drive to become a famous painter is something she is set on and longs for with great intensity since she's a child. She doesn't make art because it's cathartic or profitable, but because it is a passion to her. The realization that she's not a genius is a heavy disappointment, comparable to Laurie's disappointment in Jo's refusal and the mediocrity of his own musical talent.
Gerwig gives Amy, in the moment of the most raw emotional revelation, the line I have been second to Jo my whole life. And that to me is such a betrayal of the essence of her character. Amy does not want to be Jo, never wanted to be her. Even her special relationship in childhood was with Meg. To be elegant and pretty and move in society are things she always liked and wanted and worked for. The line itself colors the whole of Jo and Amy's relationship in the movie, and it does little to dispel the notion that Amy is just getting Jo's leftovers, while attempting to make her an object of sympathy, because she wanted to be fabulous Jo and couldn't, so now we as an audience can be comfortable forgiving her for performing conventional femininity.
Is this really more accepting of Amy and her desires than adaptations that just... don't give Amy Jo-envy?
At the same time, the movie fails to show a single shred of Jo growing to admire Amy's good qualities as they age. If anything, Jo's resentment towards Amy grows. The movie puts the I get all the work and Amy gets all the fun line, not when Jo learns she's not going to Europe and is having a battle with her own feelings over that disappointment, but when she's coming home to take care of Beth. It not only makes Beth (and by extension, chronically ill people) as a burden on their healthy family members that bothers them and would be better off dead already, but it also makes of Jo a cold bitch that will tell out loud to her mom and sister that she'd rather be in New York or Europe than by the bedside of her dying favorite sister. By the end of the movie the script explicitly says that Jo wants to slap Amy when she meets her again after her return.
So, I wonder... is this better development for their relationship than Jo being visibly happy of seeing again the sister she had not seen in years now, like in 1994, or having a quiet moment after Fritz Bhaer arrives where they talk and Amy tells Jo how much everybody loves Fritz and how happy she is for her, like in 2017?
Then there's the Laurie affair. The movie completely fails Laurie's character in two ways: book!Laurie is a very charming, emotionally intense man. Timothee Chalamet is the embodiment of every languid, annoying rich Edgar Allan Poe protagonist. Laurie should be the kind of person that does a lot of stupid things, but he's so charming and lighthearted and emotionally honest that you cannot help but like him. This personality aspect informs the way in which both Jo and Amy see Laurie: Jo sees a rascally son, Amy sees the spontaneity and vitality that she lacks herself.
How is this any better than Christian Bale, who at least is cheerful, and Jonah Hauer King, who at least attempts the inner turmoil of the character?
The second way in which the movie fails Laurie is in failing to give him any growth. Putting aside Greta's hilariously wrong idea that Laurie's proposal to Jo is his attempt at becoming an adult (completely unsupported by the text), once he has that discussion with Amy, he drops off the face of the earth, to reappear at the end and kiss Amy. This creates a chain reaction that transforms Amy into a passive victim of love.
Consider this:
Amy's crush on Laurie in her childhood is painfully and embarrassingly obvious and made known to Laurie through her insistence in her having pretty feet (seriously, why, why, why). She tells him about her pretty feet, makes the mold of her foot for him (instead of, you know, as part of her hard work to develop her art, as it is in the book)... it's impossible that he didn't notice, but he acts like he didn't. We do not get a single scene where they interact one on one in the past, or in which they have easy friendship.
So... how is this better than, say, the way 94 shows Amy's interest in Laurie by watching him from the stairs where she cannot be seen by him, or her telling him about her fear of death?
Speaking of which, let me make an aside here about the "I will kiss you before you die" bit that people seem to hate so much based on some outrage about a 17 year old guy saying that to a 12 year old girl: it serves more than one narrative function, very economically: it establishes that Amy cares for Laurie and trusts him, it shows us that Laurie likes Amy and indulges her, and more importantly, it's set up that is paid off in Europe. There Laurie tries to kiss her as he reminds her of the promise he made to her... and she refuses his kiss, because she has changed and he has changed and their dynamic is completely changed. And he's also taking something he said once as a comfort move, and turns it into something that allows him to do what he wants. And Amy will have none of that, because her sense of self and what she deserves as a person has grown: I do not wish to be courted by a man who is still in love with my sister.
And what about 2017? 2017 gives us a full sequence of Laurie and Amy during her time at Plumfield, including the Amy's Last Will and Testament plot.
Is that not better than 2019's first part dynamic?
But what about their Europe dynamic?
In the book Laurie runs towards Amy when he sees her driving her own carriage around. In the movie, Amy runs after Laurie once she sees him, as she's riding by the side of aunt March who is pestering her, because she has always loved him.
Invited to the Christmas Ball, he not only stands Amy up, but arrives drunk, with other women, and publicly humiliates her and Fred Vaughn. He never even apologizes for this, and Amy does not demand an apology from him. In the book he comes in time to pick her up, and because he makes one comment in which he implies he still sees her as a child, she fills her card with other dance partners and "punishes" him by showing him she can do without him. And so he starts to learn to see and treat her as an adult.
Then the movie gives us the studio scene, where two things about this relationship happen: one, we get the choice-fate in love conversation that ends with Amy's long speech about marriage, to which Laurie doesn't answer anything either in acknowledgement or response, and then he tells her she's beautiful once and all is forgiven and forgotten. How cheaply is Amy bought off, eh. Even a modern romcom would have the heroine slap the shit out of the leading man's face if his attempt at anything close to an apology was just telling her that she's beautiful.
So then we have the Valrosa scene that has it's okay parts, although it contains the awful second to Jo line, and then... Laurie asking Amy not to marry Fred Vaughn, coyly implying that he wants to marry her himself. Putting aside the fact that, for a movie that apparently means to give Amy her own stature and independence, it cannot stop making Amy and Laurie scenes about Jo one way or another, by simply having those two additions, the scene is made worse than the 1994 one and it's also awful I always knew I'd marry into the March family line.
And that's because even that version, while inventing the "Laurie asks Amy not to marry Fred" that 2019 takes from it, understands that this has to happen A) later B) in the context of Laurie asking for a chance to prove his worth. He writes Amy a note telling her he loves her, that he's going back to his grandfather and that he's going to try and prove himself, and he asks her for the time to do so before she makes a decision: don't do anything we might regret. But 2019 Laurie not only asks it out of the blue, but does it without an express declaration of love, without apology, and without any offer of changing his life. Granted, book Laurie doesn't ask for anything, he goes and tries to prove himself because he's half inspired by her resilience, half nettled by her criticism, so both movies fail there, but to me 1994 clearly does it better. The bar is low.
(2017 completely foregoes having any of this by erasing Fred Vaughn and changing Laurie spiraling to "Laurie is sad", so it's difficult to compare in terms of choices).
People do love Amy telling Laurie that he's mean in 2019, but this is completely cheapened by the fact that she then goes and breaks up with Fred, and when Laurie comes back after Beth's death (again, we don't even know where he was or what was he doing), she very meekly tells him what she did and that she doesn't expect anything from him... and I'm sitting there in the cinema and saying... where's my Amy March? Who is this shy woman, perpetually in love with an asshole that cannot acknowledge her when she's young, who does not apologize for his wrongs, that does not change his ways, that doesn't even have the courage to tell her he loves her while asking her to cut ties with the man who actually put in the work to court her and who risks a lot by marrying a penniless American girl? Why is she the one that sounds apologetic here?
How is this any better than Laurie receiving a letter from Jo telling him of Beth's death and asking him to come home, and his immediately leaving London to... go to Amy, because that's the first person he thinks about? Where all Amy tells him is "Oh, Laurie, I knew you would come" because she knew that he loved her?
As a sidenote, I still think that the way 1994 includes Amy's pinching her nose with a clothespin as a child is set up for the visual representation that Laurie notices her and knows what her insecurities are and loves her whole, specially in those things, so he touches and kisses her nose first in that final meeting after Beth's death, which is different from the way he bopped her nose when he first met her in Europe? Now that's attention to detail and visual storytelling and not... scarves of different colors, sorry Jacqueline Durran.
And then there's Amy in 2019 being sort of ashamed and scared of Jo when she meets her again at her return, as if she had something to be ashamed of.
Again, how is this any better than Amy being happy to see her sister and happy to see her happy?
Then, there's their married dynamic, which I thought was fine, it was fine in 2019, despite my gripe with Laurie telling Jo Amy calls him "my lord" and omitting he calls her "my lady", and the fact that half of it is meant as mockery of the Jo/Fritz ending of the novel.
I digressed hard, anon, sorry, but I have been meaning to write this down for a while now, and you gave me an opportunity.
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genderqueerpond · 6 months
(Second attempt, full and complete story this time, with the basically-happy ending I promised.)
Alright. I'll admit it: I couldn't quite buy the whole bigeneration-tenteen-gets-to-live-happily-ever-after-with-the-nobles thing, as much as I WANT the Doctor to have that. (it is SUCH an RTD thing to do though.) And I loved 99.5% of the episode, I really really did. But that just didn't quite sit right, and yet I loved it, and yet I want the Doctor to have that.
So! Ahead, my patch, featuring what I thought was happening at the last point during which it all still worked for me, which changes very very little and is, I swear, just as happy as what's in the show. (REALLY. if you saw me accidentally post this before it was done, no you didn't.)
The "bigeneration" does happen, exactly as shown. And boy, is the Doctor terrified. Because --- they were regenerating, they could feel it, and then it just.... stopped. Regeneration energy ebbing away, as if.... as if there's not quite enough of it to complete the process.
Is this it? Are they just too old, can they run out if regeneration after all, oh god what if this is the end end, and they just die, and abandon their friends, all of humanity, all of the the universe, to this nightmare?
But... no. They can't allow that to happen. And they can feel it, the presence of the new self inside, the energy bubbling.... it just needs a little encouragement, that's all. It must. They can do it, even if it turns out they're doing it for last time. They HAVE to. So they get their friends to pull, to encourage it, and it works, or does something like working, because, well, that happens.
And the new doctor feels GREAT. How could they not, born surrounded with such unconditional love and support?
But ten....fourteen....ten is still dying. The regeneration energy didn't heal them, it just slowed things down. Slowed it down enough, to pretend everything is fine. Enough to do what needs to be done, to team up and defeat the toymaker at his own game.
Also, they each only have one heart.
This, too, is fine --- for now. They can function. They don't even notice, at first.
But a time lord (whether or not they really are one) isn't built to sustain health with only one heart. Especially not one who's still actively dying.
So, once it's all over, ten begins to crumble. Not outwardly, not too much. They'd never let everyone see that. But inside, physically as well as emotionally.
And when their new self hugs them, pulls them into their arms and says "I'm here, I've got you", the thing the Doctor has said to hundreds of people but never before heard back.... it's true. It's true on every level.
The worn-out, defeated Doctor lets go. Relaxes completely into their other self's arms. Begins to cry.
And the new Doctor just holds them. Holds them both up. Holds on.
And ten finally lets themself be DONE.
At first it is subtle. They couldn't break away even if they wanted to (they don't). They don't know where their body turns into tears turns into their other body. It simply melts away into the new one, and is absorbed. Regeneration energy burns softly around them.
"Right... okay." Donna breathes, mostly to herself, watching.
"Okay?" says the Doctor, the one, whole, united, fabulous new Doctor, turning to their best friend and smiling at her - for an instant, it is a sad smile, a soft, sad smile, ten's smile. Only for an instant. Then it transforms effortlessly into their new bright, joyful beam.
"Yeah." says Donna, grinning back.
The fifteenth Doctor doesn't fly away. They do something really, truly, completely new: admit they need a break.
So, it's the fifteenth Doctor who stays with the Noble Temples, and honestly that's a perfect name for them, and their home, and the whole dinner scene goes down more or less as shown, just with fifteen.
Donna takes the job at UNIT, and she and Mel are natural besties instantly.
Her salary is enough to live comfortably in that house and neighborhood on the same level as their neighbors, making one less way Rose has to feel like an outsider, and still consistently give a large chunk of it to charity. (The Doctor helps her make sure she's picking them wisely.)
The Doctor also helps out at UNIT, but they don't need them, not the way they did when UNIT was new, and frequently shoo them away, reminding them that they're on leave, reminding them to take care of themself for once, and "we've got this, Doctor. Really."
"Right.... right." The Doctor will say with a smile, any of the ten million times this happens. Kate and Shirley don't mind reminding them again and again and again.
And they go on trips every so often, because it's the Doctor, and they can't resist. Every single one of them gets to see at least a little of the stars. The universe chills out enough, for now, for it to be mostly fun, and only occasionally terrifying.
But, mostly, the Doctor stays.
("You don't have to stay forever." says Donna, and in that, what she's really saying is I love you.
I will not hold you here. I will not force you into anything you don't want to do.
"We'll see." says fifteen.)
The fifteenth Doctor uses their newfound ability to actually talk about things with every member of the Noble Temple family, and with Mel and Kate and Shirley. But ultimately the one they talk about things the most with is Wilf.
Wilf, who has felt stronger somehow ever since the Doctor joined their family, ultimately lives to the ripe old age of 117. The presence of the Doctor's shiny new regeneration energy might have something to do with that. Or not. The Doctor never admits it.
But all of the family age gracefully and live long, although not that long.
Ocasionally, stuff does happen on Earth, as it always will, and in the end Donna lays down her life to save humanity and save the Doctor, as she was always going to do. As we all saw foreshadowed that she would. But she's 89, so it.... well, no. It hurts. It always will.
But the Doctor stays for the funeral, tells everyone who knew her how special Donna was. Then says goodbye to their family, which has lost people over the years but also, mostly, grown, hug Rose, hug Shawn.... and THEN they're off. It really hasn't been that long, not by the Doctor's scale, but it's been good enough for some healing to take place, at least, enough to be that perfectly joyful Doctor, in the TARDIS rocking out, destination: christmas.
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Hey Steph, I just re-watched TST so my brain is on Morstan mode. What do you think about Mary? Personally, I always liked her. I was a bit weary with the whole shot Sherlock thing but I have got to give her credit for being a fabulous character. Amanda did a great job portraying her, Mark and Steven did a great job writing her. -- I just wondered what your pov was because you are like a deity to this fandom, or at least to me.
Anonymous asked: Hey, I was just wondering, is it bad that I like Mary. I honestly love her character and I think she works great with John, only rivaled by my love for Johnlock. Of course I don't enjoy her shooting Sherlock but all-in-all, I think her character is great. Also, I think Amanda played her beautifully. I know that when Mary was first introduced, the character and actress got quite a bit of hate. Personally I don't get it. Maybe people are blinded by the shot... Personally I love her...
Hey Nonnies!
Oh gosh sorry I missed these asks, I dunno why I never replied to them... I hope y'all don't mind me putting them together since they're so similar and my answer would have been the same for both anyway.
First off, thank you for your kind words, Nonny One, I hope you're still around and I hope that I'm still worthy of your love.
Secondly, if you've both been here a long time, you'll know that I was a HUGE advocate for villain Mary Pre-S4. I was the biggest Mary stan there was because I loved the direction they were taking her character. I coined the term "the mary problem" and wrote a tonne of meta about her and her potential reveal of being the main villain, possibly working with Moriarty, because quite honestly, it was the only thing that made (and still the only thing that makes) sense with the show's narrative pre-S4, AND with all the red flags Sherlock was pointing at in TAB. You can check out some of the MANY meta I wrote about her on this page here and some on the TAB meta page here. Her character was fascinating to me, and I genuinely believed that they were going to make her a villain and that the climax for S4 was going to be epic.
But then S4 actually happened. She was still a villain but now more deplorable and unlikeable than ever because Mofftiss tried SO hard to convince us she wasn't and to just ignore everything before S4. They ruined her character, just like S4 did for all the characters. I suspect some behind-the-scenes shenanigans with a petty AA went down – and this is ALL hearsay and my speculation so just take it with the teeniest grain of salt. I think it pissed me off more because they tried to redeem this irredeemable character who abandoned her husband and child and subsequently put all of them in danger. The flip was so out of left field and made NO fucking sense.
S4 is a clusterfuck of bad writing and bad ideas and plot holes.
My feelings these days about Mary are complicated right now. I like what she COULD have been, not what she inevitably became because of bitterness behind-the-scenes.
Again, my speculations and nothing more.
Cheers, Nonnies, and thank you for your questions.
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let’s Talk Whump No.3
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump!
I’m Malice, from @whumpers-inc and today I’ve got the fabulous @brutal-nemesis in the house to talk about her experience with and love for whump!
Let’s talk about you! Tell us something about yourself :)
Yo, I'm Nemi, I'm in my 20s and a whumper all the way, baby. Outside of whump, I like rocks (like have an entire degree in geology like rocks), video games (Octopath Traveler, Pokemon, FE, Nancy Drew PC games...), anime (don't ask me about Chainsaw Man, I won't shut up), and hiking (rocks but in their natural habitat).
What does “whump” mean to you?
I get to stab men and laugh about it. I love violence, I am very sadistic
Your fearsome reputation is something of a legend around here. How did you find whump and what made you want to join?
Very long rabbit hole but to be less long about it, I saw some whump stuff on the blog of a pokemon tumblr I stalked (because I didn't have an account) and I was like, Hey This Is The Shit. I lurked for a while but as time went on, I wanted to talk to people about whump and share my own shit cuz I've never really had anyone to talk to about that sort of stuff (at least not without making them really concerned lol).
Being able to talk about wanting to beat up/stab/restrain a guy without concerned looks and questions is so therapeutic, honestly. Do you have a favourite(s) whump trope?
Gore, noncon surgery & body modification, vivisection, female whumper w/ male whumpee, and just general depravity!
Female whumpers, my beloveds! Speaking of favourite pieces, tell us one that you’ve written?
Uhhhh what have I written at all...mmm, well, as far as Castys things, if I had to pick one, it'd probably be Cycle-stys of Yikes . Basically it's a nice little overview of Castys losing his damn mind while he's stuck in a lab for like 240 years. It's probably one of the darkest things I've written as far as, uh, what happens, and that's saying a lot. Idk I just feel like I did a good job with describing these really fucked up actions as...whatever the hell he thought was happening.
For Erebus and Terror...it's hard. I'm really proud of the whole series, tbh, just how I've been able to develop both Erebus and Neteri over time as they change each other, but for a standout chapter...Maybe Chapter 14, Red, White, and Blue , cuz I really love the way I wrote Erebus's panic and what was happening to him from his POV without explicitly describing what was happening. And what's not to love about how upset he is in that one :)
Damn, Red, White and Blue! You’ve definitely earned your reputation..that was brutal! Is there anything new you’re working on at the moment?
Yare yare...I should get started on the next chapter of E&T at some point, shouldn't I? I mean, I have a huge AU stockpile that's basically all between me and one person and we just sit on them, so probably nothing from there for the people...So yeah, probably the next chapter of E&T whenever I get around to that and then I'll probably try to come up with something for Castys since I'm sure people miss him.
Take it from me, the people definitely miss Castys! Care to share what your writing routine usually looks like?
Hahahaha who knows, man. Back before my lil hiatus, I used to write every day whenever I had time and felt like it, but then I became Gamer Mode for a few months and I'm still working on getting out of that habit. But usually just on the couch or in my room with either my video game/anime OST playlist on shuffle (she's 59 hrs long!) or my weeb playlist (anime ops and whatnot) because if it's English words then it's harder to focus on writing,  y’know. Usually I jump around in whatever chapter or piece I'm writing, writing the scenes or bits of dialogue/description as they come to me, and slowly stitching the whole thing together until it's one whole blanket boy.
Is there an easy thing for you to write, something the words just pour for? Anything you struggle with writing?
The easiest thing in the world is whatever bullshit thoughts Castys is having. He is incredibly easy to channel. Any of his dialogue or what he's thinking about comes without much thought. The words also usually flow for my classic™ incredibly long run-on sentence paragraphs that have like no breaks in them cuz it's all go go go, baby. Erebus and Neteri talking isn't too hard either, especially if they're bickering. As far as hard, probably descriptions of pain because it can hard to say how much a thing hurts over and over without being repetitive. I am also not a researcher.  I will just be out here making shit up because it's MY fantasy world so I can have whatever bullshit I want!
Do you have any words of wisdom or writing advice for us?
Well, my old habit that worked for me was to try and write every day, for at least half an hour. If I end up going more, great, but if it's not working at least I tried. That and inspiration is everywhere. Steal whatever shit you like and cobble it together into something unrecognisable. It's not plagiarism cuz you're making something new. Like, E&T came from Stephen King's Misery and a magical girl anime. Go crazy, go stupid.
Go crazy, go stupid. I love it! Let’s give a shout out to your favourite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you. We're hyping everyone up here!
Can't not shout out the bestie @galaxywhump who has impeccable taste and bomb writing and we talk a whole lot everyday and yeah, queen shit. @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifih-wifi is another good friend and amazing writer and she's got so many different stories that everyone can find something they love. Ugh, there's a lot of other people I could talk about, but I'll give the last shout-out to @whump-side cuz her art just always hits the spot for me, so fuckin good.
Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us today. Is there anything you like to add?
Don't be afraid to be a little bit silly, lads, we're here to have fun and it doesn't have to be the most serious shit in the world for it to be good whump. we love being silly and crazy.
Thanks for dropping by @brutal-nemesis ! 
And to all the readers, have a whump-derful day!
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