#the whole season is about her being forced to confront her lifestyle and behavior and grapple with the weight of her actions
vaugarde · 1 year
ok sorry for grace ranting again but like. no really did infinity train fans and i watch the same season because literally so much shit ppl claim about her is not true
#like ‘’ugh shes never held accountable for her actions shes forgiven immediately ’’ NOT AT ALL???#she watches the child she grew to love decide to abandon her because she enabled her friend to abuse her and she herself manipulated her#and alienated her and traumatized her and it is THE POINTTT that she was a bad person!!#the whole season is about her being forced to confront her lifestyle and behavior and grapple with the weight of her actions#and by god she CHOOSES to become a better person and shes not a karma houndini she watches her friend die for fucks sake#the show knows full well that she was bad and it never once tries to excuse her or handwave it and she comes to the conclusion that she has#to change on her own instead of being forced to#and dont get me started on the ppl who take glory in being like#‘’ugh shes awful because she told simon that bigger numbers were the goal! if it werent for her simon wouldve been fine!’’#like wow. i sure hope u share that vitriol with amelia and one one. bc theyre at fault for that in the big picture#like. grace did NOT have any guidance at all and she was a terrified child with an already screwed up home life#and seei my amelias robot was her ONLY clue. ffs she did not cackle and go ‘’ah yes i must be EVIL to win-#and i will TELL this RANDOM KID to raise his number because i KNOW im wrong mwahaha’’#like yes she absolutely bears responsibility because she did give him the idea and she did enable him so shes not blameless#but its not solely on her. they were all failed by the adults around them and thats the point. the train system is horrifying#echoed voice#anyways. yall beg for complex female characters and then bitch when you get them
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salems-varieties · 5 years
Anime for Halloween
I should have posted this before my movies list. But hell, It’s here now and Y’all can binge-watch over the next month. But little disclaimer. These are anime I have seen and ones I associate with Halloween because they have to do with something from the holiday. So anything with Vampires, witches, demons, etc. Anything I got a Halloween-y vibe from. This list is gonna be kind of long. Now time for me to suffer typing it and yall to get an idea from reading it. 
My thoughts on the Anime
Everything in bold is strictly my opinion. Agree to disagree with me, and put down your own opinion in repost or in the comments but be respectful. Rude or anything of the sort will be deleted or reported depending on the severity.
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Teito Klein, a student at the academy, is one of the most promising soldiers produced. Although ridiculed by everyone for being a sklave (German for slave) with no memories of his past, he is befriended by a fellow student called Mikage. While preparing for the final exam, Teito uncovers a dark secret related to his past. When an attempt to assassinate Ayanami, a high-ranking official who killed his father, fails, Teito is locked away awaiting punishment.
This one is religious, HOWEVER, Demons and the Gods of Death kinda make it more Halloween-y so :p Also as a side note; It’s only subbed so all y’all who prefer dub are gonna be disappointed.
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Ancient Magus Bride
Chise Hatori, a 15-year-old Japanese girl, was sold for five million pounds at an auction to a tall masked gentleman. Abandoned at a young age and ridiculed by her peers for her unconventional behavior, she was ready to give herself to any buyer if it meant having a place to go home to. In chains and on her way to an unknown fate, she hears whispers from robed men along her path, gossiping and complaining that such a buyer got his hands on a rare "Sleigh Beggy." Ignoring the murmurs, the mysterious man leads the girl to a study, where he reveals himself to be Elias Ainsworth—a magus. After a brief confrontation and a bit of teleportation magic, the two open their eyes to Elias' picturesque cottage in rural England. Greeted by fairies and surrounded by weird and wonderful beings upon her arrival, these events mark the beginning of Chise's story as the apprentice and supposed bride of the ancient magus.
I love this one so much. My only issue is what would have made it more Halloween inspired would have been if they’s gone through Samhain and not skipped straight to Yule. BUT monsters, mages, witches, alchemists, and fae make this anime perfect for magic inspire Halloween watch.
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In 1972, a popular student in Yomiyama North Middle School's class 3-3 named Misaki passed away during the school year. Since then, the town of Yomiyama has been shrouded by a fearful atmosphere, from the dark secrets hidden deep within.
Horror, horror, horror and gore. Enjoy this with friends and family who have a strong stomach and are old enough to not get scared. The deaths are absolutely horrific and it takes place all around a middle school class. (Read the novel, of the same name, it’s based off if you dare)
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Ao no Exorcist
Humans and demons are two sides of the same coin, as are Assiah and Gehenna, their respective worlds. The only way to travel between the realms is by the means of possession, like in ghost stories. However, Satan, the ruler of Gehenna, cannot find a suitable host to possess and therefore, remains imprisoned in his world. In a desperate attempt to conquer Assiah, he sends his son instead, intending for him to eventually grow into a vessel capable of possession by the demon king.
Anyone who’s been around anime long enough knows or knows of this anime. Who wouldn’t have added this into their Halloween Anime list? It has to do with Demons and the Son of Satan.
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Black Butler  
Young Ciel Phantomhive is known as "the Queen's Guard Dog," taking care of the many unsettling events that occur in Victorian England for Her Majesty. Aided by Sebastian Michaelis, his loyal butler with seemingly inhuman abilities, Ciel uses whatever means necessary to get the job done. But is there more to this black-clad butler than meets the eye?
Classic as well. Don’t forget the movies and season 3. We don’t speak of season 2 0.0″ Also the manga has taken a VERY dark turn as of recent so if you’re looking for reading material, there you go.
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Peaceful schoolgirl by day, fearsome monster slayer by night, Saya Kisaragi is leading a split life. Equipped with a ceremonial sword given to her by her father for sacred tasks, she vanquishes every monster who dares threaten her quiet little village. But all too soon, Saya's reality and everything she believes to be true is tested, when she overhears the monsters speak of a broken covenant—something she knows nothing about. And then, unexpectedly, a strange dog appears; it asks her to whom she promised to protect the village, curious as to what would happen if she were to break that promise. Tormented by unexplainable visions and her world unraveling around her, we travel with Saya through her struggle to find a way to the truth in a village where nothing is as it seems.
Another very gory anime. Children, please do avoid.
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60 years ago, a strange case of insomnia struck the population, forcing them to stay awake for more than a full week. The victims, completely sleep deprived, all went mad. To cure this illness, a new medicine was produced, but the side effects turned the patients into vampires. Humanity went to war against this new species and triumphed, but some of the vampires managed to survive. Born from a Human and a Vampire, the main character Mi Liu, "The Child of Hope," is to represent the new hope that will connect the two species. Ringleader of a bank robbery, Mi Liu is arrested and transferred to a special prison of the National Defense Agency that monitors Vampires.
Genetically created vampires. Need I say more?
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Blood Lad
Staz Charlie Blood is a powerful vampire who rules the Eastern district of Demon World. According to rumors, he is a bloodthirsty and merciless monster, but in reality, Staz is just an otaku obsessed with Japanese culture and completely uninterested in human blood. Leaving the management of his territory to his underlings, Staz spends his days lazing around, indulging in anime, manga, and games.
A vampire otaku... Thank you, this is exactly what I needed. 
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Losing a loved one is so painful that one may sometimes wish to be able to resurrect them—a weakness that the enigmatic Millennium Earl exploits. To make his mechanical weapons known as "Akuma," he uses the souls of the dead that are called back. Once a soul is placed in an Akuma, it is trapped forever, and the only way to save them is to exorcise them from their vessel using the Anti-Akuma weapon, "Innocence."
*Piece of advice. D. Gray-Man the first series was not finished in Dub if you’re one who prefers Dub. So heading into D. Gray-Man Hollow, you’ll be confused as hell. It’s best to just watch Sub so you don’t have to worry about missing a huge chunk of info. 
But if you like anime about demons and exorcists there’s more than just Blue Exorcist. This one I suggest because it’s phenomenal, but that’s personal opinion XD
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Dance with Devils
Ritsuka Tachibana has always been a good student, so she is completely shocked when she is suddenly summoned by the student council. Even more, they seem to think of Ritsuka as a troublemaker. Led by the handsome Rem Kaginuki, the student council—also consisting of Urie Sogami, Shiki Natsumizaka, and Mage Nanashiro—tries to question her, but it soon becomes clear that they have ulterior motives.
This is one based off an Otome (Dating game) so try YT for gameplay if you wanna see the whole story. Yet another about demons and exorcists, but this time there are vampires and Cerberus added to the mix. Plus for those who know-how Otome heroines are basically pushovers, this one has a strong-willed girl as our protagonist. Thank you, Ritsuka for breaking the mold T/\T
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Diabolik Lovers
At the behest of her father, Yui Komori goes to live in a secluded mansion, home to the six Sakamaki brothers—Shuu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, and Subaru—a family of vampires. Though at first the siblings are confused as to why the girl has arrived, they soon realize that she is to be their new "sacrificial bride," not to mention their other, more carnal intentions for her. After meeting the brothers, Yui quickly begins to question why her father would have sent her here and why she feels a strange, new pain in her chest. With each brother more sadistic than the last, Yui's life as a captive takes a harrowing turn in her new home. As her days turn into endless nights, and each brother vows to make her his own, Yui falls deeper and deeper into madness and ecstasy.
Otome with like 4? games, try YT for gameplay. I’m a little sad that it only has two seasons and the episodes are like 13-15 minutes long. Still, if you like Otome based games, you’ve most likely seen this. DO NOT EXPECT VANILLA ROMANCE. THIS IS NOT A FUN RIDE IF YOU EXPECT THAT.
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Death Note
A shinigami, as a god of death, can kill any person—provided they see their victim's face and write their victim's name in a notebook called a Death Note. One day, Ryuk, bored by the shinigami lifestyle and interested in seeing how a human would use a Death Note, drops one into the human realm.
Classic... But not my personal cup of tea. I added it because it’s a salute to one of my dear friends.
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Little Witch Academia
"A believing heart is your magic!"—these were the words that Atsuko "Akko" Kagari's idol, the renowned witch Shiny Chariot, said to her during a magic performance years ago. Since then, Akko has lived by these words and aspired to be a witch just like Shiny Chariot, one that can make people smile. Hence, even her non-magical background does not stop her from enrolling in Luna Nova Magical Academy.
This one is just cute and intense. Witches are starting to die out but one girl wants desperately to be a witch like her idol was. I love how this brings in witchy elements and some fairy tale elements.
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Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
The story revolves around William, an aristocratic family's progeny with rare intellect. One day, his uncle lost his possessions after his business failed. Fearing that his family's name has been tarnished, William returns home and searches with his family's butler for anything that can be converted into cash. A search of the premises yields an underground room left by an ancestor. In the room is a magical seal, and William unintentionally summons a devil. The summoned devil tells William his name Dantalion and reveals that William is the designator who can choose the acting ruler of the demon world.
If realists were like William, I think the world would be on fire. The poor people that have to deal with him. At least most of them are demons, maybe that will knock his head into gear... right?
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Miira No Kaikata 
High school student Sora Kashiwagi is accustomed to receiving bizarre presents from his father, who is on an expedition around the world. Unfortunately, these gifts have been nothing but nightmares. As a result, when his father sends him a huge package from Egypt, Sora prepares himself for the worst, only to be greeted by Mii-kun—a cute, pint-sized mummy! While initially wary, Sora soon learns that Mii-kun is harmless, a delicate creature yearning for attention.
I can understand people who don’t like horror or gore. I was there once. So here’s a cute anime about a boy and his pet mummy. Sanrio really did a great job turning the manga, which was darker than the anime, into something so cute and so wholesome.
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Mirai Nikki
Lonely high school student, Yukiteru Amano, spends his days writing a diary on his cellphone while conversing with his two seemingly imaginary friends Deus Ex Machina, who is the god of time and space, and Murmur, the god's servant. Revealing himself to be an actual entity, Deus grants Yukiteru a "Random Diary," which shows highly descriptive entries based on the future and forces him into a bloody battle royale with 11 other holders of similarly powerful future diaries.
I have no word on this.
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Owari no Seraph
With the appearance of a mysterious virus that kills everyone above the age of 13, mankind becomes enslaved by previously hidden, power-hungry vampires who emerge in order to subjugate society with the promise of protecting the survivors, in exchange for donations of their blood.
The Apocolypse starts and vampires rule the world. I dunno if that sounds like heaven or hell for me? But in this world, it would certainly be hell. Vampires rule the world but that doesn't mean the humans are gone. An army rises to protect what’s left from the bloodsuckers. And did I mention demons? Along with the concept of corrupt angels? Oh yeah, that’s gotta be hell on earth.
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Pandora Hearts
To young Oz Vessalius, heir to the Vessalius Duke House, the perilous world called the Abyss is nothing more than a folktale used to scare misbehaving children. However, when Oz's coming-of-age ceremony is interrupted by the malicious Baskerville Clan intent on banishing him into the depths of the Abyss, the Vessalius heir realizes that his peaceful life of luxury is at its end. Now, he must confront the world of the Abyss and its dwellers, the monstrous "Chains," which are both not quite as fake as he once believed.
I couldn't have found a better gif for this anime. It’s Alice in Wonderland inspired but with a much darker twist than what Disney gave us (and yes I do mean both the original and the Tim Burton version). Enjoy this one because it’s not all dark there is humor to break up the heart-wrenching. But don’t expect it to always be comical. 
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Phantom in the Twilight
Set in modern-day London, the story takes place in a world where "Shadows" are born from human fear and anxiety. A young girl arrives to study abroad, only to be caught in a bizarre incident as she enters university. In a city with no acquaintances, the helpless girl wanders into "Café Forbidden," a mysterious café that exclusively opens at midnight. She meets an assortment of handsome men employed at the café, where guardians who protect the boundary between humans and shadow convene
Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and even demons; this one would be great for Halloween. I will admit though, it’s lackluster considering these guys are supposed to be Dracula, the Wolfman, and so on. It might be someone’s cup of tea, just not everyone’s 
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Rosario to Vampire
Youkai Academy is a seemingly normal boarding school, except that its pupils are monsters learning to coexist with humans. All students attend in human form and take normal academic subjects, such as literature, gym, foreign language, and mathematics. However, there is one golden rule at Youkai Academy—all humans found on school grounds are to be executed immediately!
I couldn’t get through this one. I’m not gonna lie. It was basically light hentai and I’m not into that kinda stuff, but I feel like someone would have called me out for it not being here so T-T
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Mahiru Shirota firmly believes that simple is best and troublesome things should be avoided at all costs. It is troublesome to do nothing and regret it later—and this ideology has led the 15-year-old to pick up a stray cat on his way home from school. As he affectionately names the feline Kuro, little does he know that this chance meeting will spark an extraordinary change in his everyday life.
I’m gonna be completely honest, the manga was better. I love the anime don’t get me wrong. I’ve rewatched it many times. But it cut out so much from the manga. So as an anime, watch it first before reading the manga, then go back and nitpick. If you do it the other way around you may be more disappointed.
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Soul Eater
Death City is home to the famous Death Weapon Meister Academy, a technical academy headed by the Shinigami—Lord Death himself. Its mission: to raise "Death Scythes" for the Shinigami to wield against the many evils of their fantastical world. These Death Scythes, however, are not made from physical weapons; rather, they are born from human hybrids who have the ability to transform their bodies into Demon Weapons, and only after they have consumed the souls of 99 evil beings and one witch's soul. This one is perfect for Halloween with it’s dark but funny themes. If you prefer the cutesier stuff like I do sometimes try Soul Eater NOT! The concept of soul-eating monsters and a school that teaches teens to fight and destroy them, A+ content. Plus some of those teens turn into actual weapons. Where is my sign up sheet? I would gladly take that over normal boring high school. Also add the grim reaper into the mix then give him a funny voice and disposition. Gold I tell ya.
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Togainu no Chi
In the wake of a third world war that left Japan in ruins, an organization known as Vischio seized control of Tokyo and renamed it Toshima. Taking place in its back alleys are battle games known as Igura, overseen by the Vischio, in which contestants battle and bathe in each other's blood to earn the chance to go up against its tournament's king, Il-re.
This one is for all my lovely fujoshi/fudanshi peoples. It’s a dark anime and based off a rated M, BL Otome. Sinners welcome.
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Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo has become a cruel and merciless city—a place where vicious creatures called “ghouls” exist alongside humans. The citizens of this once great metropolis live in constant fear of these bloodthirsty savages and their thirst for human flesh. However, the greatest threat these ghouls pose is their dangerous ability to masquerade as humans and blend in with society.
This one is mainstream for a reason. It’s a good story, anime or manga. Mainly manga. Anyway, I haven’t seen Re yet, but I’ve heard it’s sheit. Still gonna watch it though cause why the hell not.
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Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
Growing up as an orphan, Yuki Sakurai questions his reason for living and the ability to see a person's painful memory by simply touching them. After receiving anonymous notes telling him to die, Yuki is unable to shake off the nagging feeling forming inside of him. Unbeknownst to him, he is being watched, both by people who want to harm him and those who want to protect him.
Reincarnation from a girl to a boy and the girl had a hot lover that is now with her male reincarnation. And the lover is a vampire. Man, that’s confusing but the story is good. I have yet to read the manga. The anime was great from what I can remember, so give it a shot. It’s another BL anime, so proceed with caution.
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Vampire Knight
Cross Academy is an elite boarding school with two separate, isolated classes: the Day Class and the Night Class. On the surface, Yuuki Cross and Zero Kiryuu are prefects of the academy and attempt to keep order between the students as classes rotate in the evenings. As the Night Class is full of utterly gorgeous elites, this can sometimes prove to be a bit difficult. It is completely necessary, however, as those "elites" are actually vampires. Yuuki and Zero act as guardians, protecting the secrets of the Night Class and the safety of their ignorant morning counterparts.
If twilight was an anime, but Bella and Edward were siblings and Jacob was another vampire. This is not a great anime but let's face it, some of us watched it as preteens, enjoyed it, and were head over heels for Zero and/or Kaname. It’s a trash anime, but great for those who are 21 and over. Do I hear drinking games, anyone?
All synopsis came from My Anime List (where the links take you). Also, I’m sorry it’s a lot to read, I just didn’t want to cut them down. Feel free to add what you think should have been on here, or what you think is a Halloween favorite on reposts. Comments are welcome and have a happy spooky season!
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evolutionsvoid · 6 years
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When it comes to the subject of megafuana, many people are quick to view them as rampaging, destructive giants. Many large carnivores get this image, and even some non carnivorous species (like trolls) get the reputation of knocking down villages and chasing peasants through the streets. It is a crazy assumption that is probably fueled by the same people who call everything a "dragon," and it often ignores many behaviors and traits of these so called monsters. One good example of that is the Cyclops. Bring up the name "cyclops" to people and they instantly think about it smashing through their walls and stealing their women (what is up with that?). I am sure people would swear upon their holy tomes that Cyclops are bloodthirsty hunters that lay waste to entire civilizations, despite the fact that these creatures are ambush predators. Kind of hard to imagine one of these things stomping its way through town when they spend a good chunk of their lives not moving. Though their massive size and monstrous appearance (speaking for others, not me) would make people assume a vicious killing beast, Cyclops prefer a more leisurely form of hunting. This is allowed by their specific adaptations and the environments they live in. Cyclops can be found in a variety of environments that are within subtropical and tropical climates. Be it forest, swamp, marsh or rainforest, a Cyclops can reside there as long as the area doesn't experience harsh winters. Its reptilian nature makes it reliant on heat and humidity, though they can survive through very mild cold seasons. In such scenarios, their large size and stores of fat can allow them to weather through these cold times. Though Cyclops are famous for their single eye, the other thing that makes them so memorable and intimidating is their sheer size. In their usual sitting posture, an adult Cyclops measures around twelve to thirteen feet tall at the hump. Remember, this is when they are sitting! When they are standing and walking (which is quite uncommon to see), that adds about another four feet! Their weight is not measured in pounds, but in tons! When these things stomp around, you can feel it! It's crazy! With such a size and mass, it may be easy to expect them to smash their way through the forest devouring all they see, but that is not the case. One thing that everyone knows about Cyclops, but they never truly think about, is that they have one eye. 
It may seem stupidly obvious for me to say something like this, but Cyclops only have one eye. A rather big one. What you only see of this organ in life is a small fraction of it, as the rest is covered by thick scaly hide. Since they only possess one eye, this organ is extremely complex and powerful to make up for that fact. We still do not understand the scope of its seeing abilities, as it is such a massive and intricate organ that it would takes years of study to even crack the surface! The reason you only see a small portion of it goes back to the obvious fact that Cyclops only have one eye. While many species are blessed with extras, the Cyclops cannot afford to lose its one and only eye. That is why most of it is covered in thick hide, so that it is not damaged by attackers or debris when they are stomping through the forest. This may also explain why Cyclops are ambush predators instead of pursuing predators, as it is much harder to track and chase prey when you have one, delicate eye. So they instead chose to go a slower route when it comes to hunting, and they are quite good at it! Like I said before, Cyclops spend a lot of their lives not moving, as that is how they hunt prey. They search their habitat for idle ambush spots, usually around drinking holes or well-used paths, and plant themselves amongst the vegetation and trees. This is usually done at night, when such areas are not in use. Though possessing only one eye, they have incredible night vision. The skin that covers their eye will shrink back to expose more of the organ so that it can better see in the dark. They will target areas with dense brush and cover, so that it better hides their bulk. They will also use their long arms to gather branches, leaves, dirt and other debris to pile onto their form to breakup their silhouette. To top it off, their hide is capable of making alterations to its green coloration, that way they better blend with the foliage. When all is perfect, the Cyclops will begin its vigil as it waits for prey to come. In this state, Cyclops don't move a single inch. It is incredible to watch them when they hunt, as they sit still as statues. You can't even hear them breath! There is a tale I remember someone telling me that was about a town that was being haunted by a Cyclops. The village lived deep in the forest, and only had one road in and out. One day, a logger was going to take a shipment of wood out when he just happened to spot the eye of a Cyclops peering from the foliage. Terrified, he turned his horse team around and fled back to the village. He told everyone about it, and the town panicked when they realized that their one road was now taken over by this colossal creature. As they talked amongst themselves, they realized that this monster had to be responsible for disappearances in their area. Any lone walker of the street was probably snagged and gobbled up. They waited and watch edthe creature for a few days, hoping that the lack of traffic would force the creature to look elsewhere for food. It didn't leave. They then spent the next few days trying to figure out how to slay it. Dozens of ideas and suggestions were tossed around, but no one had the courage to face such a horrible beast. Days turned to weeks, and the town soon was faced with dwindling food supplies and resources. The creature was going to starve them out of their homes! Just as they were losing hope, a hunter emerged from the surrounding woods, looking to buy some supplies. The townsfolk begged her for help, thinking that she may have the know-how on how to defeat such a beast. She agreed to help, and she went down the road to confront the creature. Everyone in town prayed and waited nervously, wishing that the hunter would be victorious. A few minutes later, the hunter came strolling back into town. Immediately, everyone rushed to her to ask what happened. They demanded to know if she killed the creature, and she looked to them quite puzzled. "How was I supposed to kill it? That thing has been dead for weeks!" I don't know if such a tale is true or not, but I got quite the chuckle from it! Anyways, the Cyclops will remain motionless in its hiding spot, waiting for prey to walk by. Their powerful eye will be ever vigilant, searching for the slightest movement. When a living creature walks into range, the Cyclops will strike. I say "living creature" because the Cyclops will literally attack anything that gets in front of it, no matter the size or species. With a huge mouth and stomach, they can consume practically any creature that happens to catch its eye. Dissected Cyclops specimens have been found with the remains of horses, deer and even bears in its stomach! When it comes time to strike, the Cyclops can go two different routes. If the prey is human-sized or smaller, it will lash out with its elongated arms. Though they are thin, they have wicked claws and an iron grip. This move is meant to snare prey in their grip and then yank them forward into the gaping maw. When it strikes a target perfectly with its arms, the prey seems to practically vanish. One second they are there, then the next they are gone. If prey is larger than a human, it will still lash out with its arms, but it will also lurch forward with its open mouth. At that size, the claws cannot properly pull in the prey, but it can slow them so its maw can grab them. The large tusks that it possesses also helps in these scenarios, herding prey towards the mouth and impaling those who try to flee. It will bite down on the prey and then pull them back into its hiding spot. Victims may thrash and fight, but its thick hide repels such meager attacks. Using its powerful jaws, it will crush the bones of prey and then swallow the remains. Its large stomach can hold a large quantity of food, allowing the Cyclops to eat everything it can without the worry of running out of room. Such stores are crucial when the food supply dwindles, as the stagnant creature can just live off its previous meals. Even then, its slow lifestyle allows it to last for months without a fresh meal. With such a size and reputation, Cyclops are widely known and feared. Travelers who walk the overgrown roads or wander through the thick forest are always watchful for these waiting giants. Their patient hunting behavior and their ability to remain perfectly still for days has given them the image of guardians for certain cultures. Statues of these creatures have been made to protect temples, holy hunting grounds and places of worship, their watchful eyes quite fitting for such a task. These statues also work a lot better than one would expect, as when it gets covered in moss and vines, it gives the appearance of a real hunting Cyclops! It is a joke amongst researchers that you have to be careful when it comes to studying Cyclops, as you may spend a week staring at a lifeless hunk of rock instead! For others, hunting Cyclops may be profitable by selling certain parts. Their tusks are used for carvings and ornaments, while their eye jelly has been seen as a delicacy when spread on fancy breads. Their thick hides serve well for defensive clothing, and I have spotted makeshift shields sporting their scaly skin. Hunting them, though, is a daunting task. Though they do not show much ferocity when eating prey, they can be vicious when attacked. Their massive bulk can easily squash foes and their huge maw can swallow many attackers whole. What's even scarier is that their hide flushes into a dark emerald green when angered, practically turning their skin black. Add that to their deep booming roars, and you got quite the fearsome foe! Those who go missing or wander off are often believed to be victims of such creatures. In certain cultures, it is frowned upon for virgins to wander into the forests and jungles alone, as it is said to attract the attention of these titanic beasts. Of course that is a belief, of course it is. Why are people always coming up with stuff like this? It is so bizarre. If I ever am forced out of the field of natural history, I know a pretty good thesis I could work on. It may take years of study and deciphering, but maybe I could finally understand this bizarre paranoia.     Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian       ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The cyclops was always a creature that I puzzled over when it came to coming up with a design. The ones based on elephants have kind of been done over and over, so I wanted to find something different. So instead, I looked for an animal that had weird eyes and went with that. Now we got chameleon cyclops, that kind of turned out looking a bit like Kraid.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Walking Dead: What the Commonwealth Means for Season 11 and the Ending
This article contains major spoilers for The Walking Dead comic and potentially season 11.
The end is nigh for The Walking Dead.
And we’re not just talking about the news that The Walking Dead season 11 will serve as the final season of the long-running zombie drama. We’re also referring to the fact that the show will soon no longer have any material from the original comic series to draw from. 
Robert Kirkman’s Walking Dead comic lasted for 193 issues and 32 volumes before concluding in July of 2019. The Walking Dead season 10 finale, in which the Whisperers are dispatched and Eugene arrives at a powerful new community called The Commonwealth, takes the show’s story up to around the start of Volume 30: New World Order.
In many ways, this final Commonwealth arc is the comic’s biggest storytelling gambit yet, with lots of new concepts and moving parts. The Walking Dead TV show now only has 30 episodes (6 remaining “extra” season 10 episodes and 24 season 11 episodes) to tell the whole thing. 
So in the grand tradition of our comic book catch ups dating back to season 8, we will give you a fair share of Walking Dead season 11 spoilers here by detailing what is yet to come in the final arc of the comics and therefore what is what yet to come in the final arc of the show. Read along to find out how what The Commonwealth is and how The Walking Dead will end.
What is The Commonwealth?
When Eugene, Yumiko, Ezekiel, and Princess arrive at the train depot rendezvous at the end of season 10, the armor on the soldiers that accost them leaves absolutely no mystery as to where they are. Eugene and company have arrived at The Commonwealth. What exactly is the Commonwealth? Well to put it in the simplest terms possible: The Commonwealth is a community…a big, big, big, big, big community. 
In the comics, The Commonwealth exists somewhere in Ohio. In the show it’s somewhere in West Virginia. But if this show Commonwealth takes after the book Commonwealth, then Eugene and friends can expect to have just encountered a community of 50,000 people. 50,000! That’s an above-average sized suburb just about anywhere in the U.S. in normal times. In the context of the zombie apocalypse, it’s a super-city. For comparison’s sake, the combined population of Alexandria, Hilltop, The Kingdom, The Sanctuary, and Oceanside numbers in the hundreds.
As evidenced by its highly organized and heavily armored soldiers, The Commonwealth is an extremely advanced society. It has a functioning government led by Governor Pamela Milton. It has distinct military and police forces to keep people safe. It even has a thriving restaurant scene and recreational activities like baseball games held in stadiums. All is well at The Commonwealth. But also, like…is all well at The Commonwealth?
The Rotten Core
The penultimate volume of The Walking Dead comic series is called “The Rotten Core” for a reason. Nobody at The Commonwealth is purely evil like The Governor of Woodbury, nor does any one there exhibit the sheer savagery of a Negan or Alpha. But that’s not to say that Governor Pamela Milton and the political and social institutions of The Commonwealth aren’t flawed.
The goal of The Commonwealth was to build something that would resemble the world before the zombie apocalypse. And they did so. The Commonwealth rebuilt the world as it was with all its conveniences, safety, and unfortunately: inequality. Eugene and his crew (which includes Michonne, Siddiq, Magna, and Yumiko in the comic) soon find out the drawbacks of The Commonwealth’s highly-civilized lifestyle. Instead of being celebrated like a hero for making first contact with a new society, Eugene’s new friend Stephanie is chastised and punished for acting above her station. Stephanie and Michonne’s long-lost daughter Elodie then begin to let Eugene and co. in on the various rules of The Commonwealth.
Citizens of The Commonwealth are assigned jobs and statuses based on the jobs and statuses that they enjoyed in the “before world.” When the Alexandrians are brought to meet Governor Pamela Milton, Milton is thrilled to discover that Michonne was a lawyer in her previous life. Michonne is almost immediately welcomed into the community and given a grand apartment befitting her status as someone who can help judicate matters in The Commonwealth. Eugene, despite being the most brilliant individual in his community, is not afforded anywhere near the same level of respect due to his modest high school teacher background.
One thing that is important to note is that, even though the core of the Commonwealth is rotten and the behavior of its politicians is unfair, it’s not necessarily seen as wildly nefarious. People are allowed the opportunity to “move up” to a new social caste once per year. The system makes the Alexandrians uncomfortable, but no one appears to be so weirded out by it that they feel the need to intervene. Princess even says she thinks the system of social advancement seems fair to her. 
But not everybody at The Commonwealth is a fan of the current state of affairs. 
Alexandrian-Commonwealth Diplomacy 
A Commonwealth soldier named Mercer is one of the most important characters introduced in this final arc, and he (or a character like him) is almost certain to make an appearance on the TV show. Mercer is a physically-imposing specimen of a man and one of the Commonwealth’s most impressive soldiers. Mercer is also, quite frankly, sick of The Commonwealth’s shit. Governor Pam Milton isn’t a despot. But that doesn’t mean she’s a particularly inspiring or effective leader either. Milton lets her spoiled, truly awful son Sebastian treat Mercer like a personal lapdog. Mercer has his eye on starting a coup to overthrow Pamela, and the introduction of these Alexandrian strangers who live freer lifestyles seems to accelerate Mercer’s desires.
Eventually Milton, Mercer, and Eugene return to Alexandria so that The Governor can see where Eugene comes from and meet the great Rick Grimes. Upon seeing Alexandria, Milton calls it a “shithole” but eventually warms up to it and is tremendously impressed by Rick. Rick gives Milton and the Commonwealth community a tour and the two discuss their political philosophies. 
This is another area in which this arc of the comic is pleasantly non-confrontational. The Commonwealth is definitely the “antagonist” of these final batches of issues, but Rick Grimes and Pamela Milton don’t really have an antagonistic relationship. Upon finding out how The Commonwealth does things, Rick makes it clear that he doesn’t approve of that approach, but he also says he cannot begrudge them their successes. When Rick, Eugene, and the Commonwealthers return to the massive community, Rick is absolutely enchanted by what he sees. 
The relative peace and stability of The Commonwealth is mind-bending to Rick. He literally cries when having dinner out on the town with Michonne as he wishes Andrea could have been alive for this. The Commonwealth, in many ways, is the end game that Rick has been striving for. Unfortunately, that rotten core cannot be ignored much longer. 
Perhaps it’s because of Rick’s presence and the knowledge of what kind of community he leads, or perhaps it’s just because they can’t handle any more bullshit – whatever the reason, the lower class of the Commonwealth eventually erupts in glorious revolution. In what is certain to be a disturbingly familiar moment when it airs on television, a Commonwealth soldier beats a citizen into a coma after finding the citizen had an affair with the soldier’s wife. The people of The Commonwealth have themselves a lengthy, destructive riot. 
After the riot dies down, Rick embarrasses Pamela by helping to clean up all the debris. It’s an act that doesn’t go unnoticed among the people of The Commonwealth. Both Dwight and Mercer now see Rick as an important figure to their respective causes. Mercer believes that Rick can be the key to leading a bloodless coup. Dwight also wants a coup but not a bloodless one. He wants Alexandrian and its 100-something people to violently overthrow The Commonwealth…because Dwight is a moron. Things get so tense that Rick sends a message back to Alexandria and Hilltop to Maggie to prepare for war just in case. 
Ultimately, however, Rick wants nothing to do with either plan and he is eventually forced to kill Dwight when Dwight pulls a gun on Pamela. The damage, however, has already been done. Pamela’s political powers and influence are at their lowest and the citizens’ frustrations are at their height. Mercer enlists the help of Dwight’s old girlfriend Laura to recruit other Commonwealth soldiers to their cause. The military rises up and Pamela and Sebastian are forced to flee to neighboring city Greenville.
There’s now a leadership vacuum and you just know who loves stepping into those…Rick Grimes once again accepts the burden of leadership thrust upon him and announces that there will now be democratic elections held in The Commonwealth. All is well…except…
Rest in Peace
Before we discuss the very final arc of The Walking Dead comic and The Walking Dead TV show, let’s take a brief moment to remark upon just how much has changed here. In the lengthy plot description above, you may notice that many characters involved are no longer on the show. The Walking Dead will have to try out the comic’s final arc without Rick Grimes, Michonne, Siddiq, Dwight, or Laura. Thankfully, in many cases that won’t be a big issue. Daryl and Carol can step in for Rick and Michonne pretty easily in most cases. Siddiq and Laura don’t play too significant of roles and Dwight could be really anyone from Alexandria who is annoyed with the current state of affairs (Alden maybe?).
But the lack of Rick is really going to be apparent for this final arc to the extent that the show will likely have to go in a completely new direction. Volume 32: Rest in Peace is all about the sad death of one Rick Grimes. Hammering home once again how civil this whole arc is, Rick visits Pamela in jail where she says she has no hard feelings about how things went down. Unfortunately, her son does. And that’s how one night, the mighty Rick Grimes is shot and killed in his home by one privileged brat. The penultimate issue of the comic deals with the heartbreaking fallout and with Carl Grimes (who is also dead in the show) making the magnanimous decision not to kill Sebastian. The final issue of the book then rolls right into an extended flash forward that you can read more about here. 
Of course, The Walking Dead TV show doesn’t appear in a position to pull off a similar arc here. Rick is already off the show and has movie plot armor anyway. Neither Daryl or Carol will step into Rick’s death mask as the pair is getting their own spinoff. Perhaps Maggie could step in and take the bullet for Rick but even that doesn’t have the same oomph. 
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No, it seems likely that the conclusion of The Walking Dead TV series will deviate from the comic significantly. That doesn’t mean we won’t get a lot of The Commonwealth arc up to a certain point. But at the very end, The Walking Dead will be on its own…just like how it started with a first season full of Darabont deviations. 
The post The Walking Dead: What the Commonwealth Means for Season 11 and the Ending appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/33u9oDT
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mantra4ia · 7 years
Lucifer Season 2 Round-out
Last April, a list began that would soon pervade into every moment of my life: “Lucifer Season 2 and Beyond - Wants and Desires”. It went through various iterations…
Original Post (pre-season) / Updated post (during season 2)
Before I go into my “Season 3” post (and questions!) I wanted to make a quick capsule of my top fulfilled desires of season 2. Please let me know what yours were, or if you have questions and desires yet to be addressed.
Desires Fulfilled / Questions Answered
✔ Does Lucifer have any other brothers/siblings we should know of? While I was disappointed that Uriel had such a brief appearance, it was still very cool and developed the arc of the season a TON! Also, there’s that mention of… ✔ Lucifer should have a sister…(2x05) AZRAEL! The Angel of Death is a she, and I have many questions and speculations about her role, power, manifestation, etc ✔ Who is Lucifer’s mother? Angel, Demon, something else? You know, for a majority of the season I didn’t know whether I liked or hated the Divine Goddess mum as Charlotte Richards. She was a fun character, but very on the fence as to what she wanted and how badly at any given moment. Mostly what bothered me is her lack of seriousness, gravitas. I wanted to see the “Goddess” side of her all season. She was jailed for centuries not just for being powerful, but also vengeful, chaotic, bordering on malicious. And then I got all that in the very last episode, 2x18 “God, Bad, Crispy” and I loved it. All that resentment, brokenness, and desperation, coupled with destructive force so that I could take her seriously. And no sooner did I love her as a balanced character of humor and strength, she (as we know her) was gone! Wot?! ✔ We’ve seen Lucifer’s lifestyle, how is Amenadiel liking his time on earth? Not at all - his poor wings! But I’m really quite glad he’s found solace in, of all places, the improv club. ✔ Who are Chloe’s friends outside the force, will we meet some? Thank Dad for Maze, Linda, and Ella, and girls night #tribe. ✔ Lucifer, Trixie, and Maze on a school’s day out field trip. Trixie and Maze trick-or-treating was 100% wonderful, and as a brilliant bookend so was Lucifer taking Trix to school and them having their own little “deceiving your parents” club. ✔ Girls’ night - Mazikeen, Chloe, Linda. And not only that but a bar fight, which is also what I wanted to see more of (the females kicking butt, which I got from all the core ensemble save Trixie, who instead kicked butt with her words, as Maze said). It’s like the writers have Lucifer powers of desire deduction… ✔ More delving into the themes of what it means to be vulnerable, when it’s good and not, and recovering from betrayal from all the characters’ perspectives. Well, divorce and single parenting are pretty dang vulnerable for Chloe I’d say….and you know drudging up the past and confronting her dad’s murder. And Dan and Lucifer at the comedy club, the openness there gave me new hope for their continued BroTP. Lucifer with Azrael’s blade while Amenadiel watched as his little bro was in pain DESTROYED ME. And even Trixie was vulnerable at that Starford private school, which was super insightful for Trixstar. And Maze and Lucifer throwing down and going to group therapy with Linda. The writers really knocked vulnerability, recovery, and moving forward out of the park. ✔ Is Mazikeen going to make more progress in the friends’ department? First word: Roomies. Second word: wifey. I really, deeply enjoyed Maze bonding with Chloe and Linda (ride or die) this season, and her growing attachment to humans. ✔ Now that Lucifer doesn’t have his Pentecostal coin to play with, does he get a new toy? I never thought seeing Lucifer with a cell phone would be that satisfying.  ✔ We see Lucifer always wearing a ring and Amenadiel always wearing a necklace. Will they come into play? Of course! Although, please props department up your game. I hated that Sumerian text. It looked like a three ring binder spray painted bronze. ✔ What stunts/ fight choreography are you guys thinking about for s2? Maze with a pool cue, a good amount of headbutting, slo-mo riots in a psychiatric ward, jumping off of a pier, some great driving sequences, a sniper/hostage situation, violence with a yoga mat, throw-down in a church (Father Frank’s church?), broken pianos. I can’t wait for more! ✔ Tom Ellis at the piano.“All Along the Watchtower” pleases me to no end. ✔ Scenery changes? I love the addition on the performance club and Chloe’s new apartment.  ✔ New potentially recurring characters? Heavens bless Ella in all her awkward moment, ice-breaking quirkiness.  ✔ Can Chloe effect other celestials adversely, or just Lucifer? Apparently yes she can. She disrupted Uriel’s pattern of destruction (2x05) I think, I could be wrong, but it came across that way… ✔ Seeing Lucifer with wings. YES! Bring on the eleventh hour cliffhanger. ✔  Lucifer’s fall? Maybe we saw a glimpse of it…depending on the context of the 2x18 cliffhanger
Things we got that we didn’t even know we wanted. SO GOOD:
Dan and Chloe are getting a divorce and in so doing becoming an even better team on the force and in life. They can razz each other more at work and be treated as equals, and she can joke with Dan “if you married Charlotte, that would make you Lucifer’s stepdad.”
Amenadiel wallowing about the loss of his wings, and the new BroTP Dandielion (Dan and Amenadiel at the comedy club)
“Cosmos are yummy” and “I like [the shape of] your head” one liners. You deserve all the praise Amenadude.
Ella’s tiny hands comment.”I’ve seen some pretty tiny manhands.” Cheeky.
Ella speaking French.
Lucifer and Maze with a taser. Superb new toy.
Lucifer being mortally embarrassed seeing his mom naked (how does it feel to be on the receiving side of nude awkwardness buddy), her interrupting his foreplay, and him having to drag her off his club stage because of her dancing. He’s essentially a teenager with her around.
Trixie’s defaced doll, and Lucifer’s sinnamon roll behavior getting her a new one.
Trixie holding Lucifer’s hand hostage as he takes her to school and bargains with her to drive the Corvette.
Chloe nearly beating someone to death with a yoga mat. “There’s a special place in hell for women…who manipulate other women.”
A reprisal of Chloe and Maze the tag team. Magnificent.
Lucifer denouncing cats. “Open box of excrement in your house? Cats,” Makes me wonder what pet Lucifer would have if he could. 
Uriel playing with patterns and probability! Sweet, now help me sail my ship! (2x05)
Lucifer as an action movie fan. Not surprising, since we already know he loves cheesy sci-fi from season 1 interaction with Chloe’s mom. But still another awesome nerdy layer.
Chloe teaming up on a case with her would-be-mother-in-law. Season 2 subtitle: #EveryoneHitsOnChloe
Lucifer in a psych ward. And of course, the Linda/Lucifer break out. Though it probably would’ve been equally fascinating as a break in.
The stunt driving in the corvette and Chloe’s car, and the surrounding circumstances of both incidents. I love the fulfillment of “I’ll never let you drive” comes full circle when Lucifer speeds on to try and save Chloe’s life, and when Chloe has to ride shotgun on Lucifer’s terms, she loses all composure. 
Most of 2x13 “A Good Day to Die” but especially the X-Ambassadors “Unsteady“ montage where every character shines!
“God Johnson” - the whole episode from start to finish, because it revealed so much honesty, meta, and motivation about the Lucifer, Linda, and Mum. If I had to pick a favorite part, it would have to be when Lucifer is wheeling Linda down the corridor and she meets ‘God’ or the celestial parent trap. Linda and Lucifer get to act like fans in their own show, Dr. Martin reveals Lucifer’s hidden desire to see his family back together, and Mum realizes she loves her ex and much as she hates him.
Maze and Chloe on a case as a married couple.
The men #tribe and the women #tribe we clearly establish in the first half of the season through cocktails, bar fights, saunas, improv clubs, etc. It wasn’t obnoxious or super exclusive, it developed naturally and really served the characters.
All of Trixie’s screen time was awesome, and the fact she seems to get more of it. Particularly “you don’t have to speak in code, I can handle adult stuff (she’s very perceptive)” and “wusses don’t get lollies” and her reaction to Lucifer stealing her sandwich.
Lucifer’s final scene with Linda in the hospital, where she has the title line that once again gives Lucifer page turning insight, and he puts her glasses back on and I melt!
Amenadiel being able to slow time for the first time since his powers waned, and using it to save Linda’s life. It made me teary, and brought me back to 2x13 when he helped Lucifer by standing his ground for Chloe. (MVP on the Unsteady montage)
Ella standing up to Charlotte. Her saying “you hurt Dan, I’ll break your legs” at first came off funny, like ‘your East Coast is showing’ but with each episode I increasingly wonder if, instead of just being mellow and accepting and lighthearted, she knows more than she let’s on and there’s another side of her that we’ve not seen.
The made up dinner scene / “you look beautiful” / the trajectory of Deckerstar. I admit there was a faith wobble. I thought that the show was revving up Lucifer and Chloe, perhaps not ‘too fast,’ but too suddenly. A lot was development happened over very few episodes in season 2 (by contrast to the entire season one slow burn) that I was dazed. What the hell was going on? Then they slammed on the brakes and reversed it when Luci skipped town and I thought are you trying to give me whiplash. But now those trials and that zig zag line is actually effective in making their relationship more complex and less doe-eyed, leading up to the capstone line by Chloe about moving forward. It gives the series a Chuck-like nostalgia in that this epiphany frees up a lot of constraint: it doesn’t matter the twists, turns, sputters, or screaming wheelies of the ship, in fact all the better, so long as their eyes are open and the aim is forward.
☒ The “Wobble” episode concept.(2x03 Sin-Eater) If I had to rate it’s strength as a compelling episode, it’s probably second to the bottom.
☒ Poor Uri, we did not know him well, but I wanted to! (2x05)
☒ The “Candy Morningstar“ episode (2x14). I like the resolution, however I thought overall it was a weak return from hiatus. It did not do a very good job of filling in gaps of Lucifer’s time in Vegas - but maybe that’s something flashbacks in season 3 will revisit.
☒ Ella, her brother Ricardo, (2x13) and their Brooklyn roots. At first when I heard Ella came from a big family of brothers - 5? if I’m not making that up - I thought “what rich grounds for parallels” Lucifer comes from a big angelic family and Ella and Luci hit it off quite well where quirkiness goes she practically like a sister, she even got him to go to church, I can’t wait to see where this goes. But then we met one of her siblings, and it felt somewhere between a front and a one-off plot point to serve the events unfolding in the case. Generally, I feel even though I really like her character, she was not used to full potential in the second act of season after 2x8. Part of the hazard of adding two characters in one season. However, I have hope from 2x17 when Ella goes off to accept a call from her brother that she’s been ‘waiting for all day,’ but it’s never revealed why and the call takes place off screen that we’re going to revisit Ella’s family and backstory in a more detailed, impactful way come s3.
☒ The Season Finale 2x18. Before you kill me - allow me to clarify. I LOVED THIS EPISODE, however it was so packed I wish that I could surgically take out some preceding season fluff and elaborate these critical details over 2-3 episodes so that they are more than nuggets. Especially because of three things: 1) The growing complexity of Amenadiel’s relationship with Dan and Mum!Charlotte. Face it: Amenadiel had an extended identity crisis this season. It was planned, and overdue, so it’s fine. But only in these last episodes did his friendship with Dan and anchor to humanity flourish, as though playing catch up to Maze, as well as his more complex, less idolizing perspective of his parents. I WANTED MORE 2) Mum!Charlotte’s relationship with Dan “you were my favorite human.” Writers - How can you drop a line like that and NOT go after it? Are you evil? Mum’s been around for millennia and in all that time humanity has been at best a perplexing annoyance, at worse a target for ire. And in the span of one or two months on Earth, the divine goddess has developed a favorite human attachment not just to manipulate as was her intention, but beyond her reasoning legit. That’s huge. At first it was so weird, and now that I WANT MORE you cut me off! 3) Mum!Charlotte was finally beginning to stand on her own as a character, only to be slightly Sparta’d into the void. Just a few episodes ago, her only significant interactions were he sons and Maze. Now she’s branched out to everyone with the exception of Trixie. (WHY ON EARTH DID WE MISS THAT OPPORTUNITY). Then just two episodes ago, she said “when I kissed [my husband] I knew it wasn’t him, and yet I wanted it to be” - BAM - and then when she discovered Lucifer’s real plan to parent trap her in heaven, and that he was too worried about the repercussions to humanity, she offered to gate crash heaven alone and spare her son - POW. And to top it off, she recognized her own latent identity crisis and accepted an alternative to go into uncharted territory, make a new life for herself without her ex and her children, to examine who she is as her own independent Goddess in a life and a universe of her own. To summarize: metric ton of progress for Mum in three episodes tops, mostly in the last one, and now she is gone to do the most interesting part of her journey off camera. AHHH!
☒ The flaming sword. It got so much build up for so little actual use, apart from opening the void. Plus side: I thought the void concept / how the sword was used in conjunction with the theme of moving forward was EXTREMELY good, but at the same time my inner child wanted more swordplay with at least the three main celestials: Lucifer, Amenadiel, and Mum. You get a sword, you get a sword, you get a sword!
☒ Excessive use of Devil Eyes. I’ll have to count and compare to see how this actually tallies up, but particularly in “God Johnson” and maybe 1-2 other times I don’t recall, I thought it was overkill. I get why Lucifer’s glow-eyes are a handy physicality feature to the story, but overall I think some cues were off for maximum impact. S1 Lucifer used his eyes and true form in 3 main contexts: 1) when it suited him to intimidate or frighten 2) when it suited him for for amusement 3) when he got really overwhelmed by his emotions - possibly because it takes concentration to maintain his image and extreme emotion can blink his focus. “God Johnson” by contrast seemed more like ‘we’re telegraphing the anger.’ Of course Luci is angry, hurt, resentful, and like a kid wants the last word with Dad. However, when you factor in his smarts/cunning, and how long he’s been planning his Dad conversation, it would follow that Lucifer is laser-focused, determined, and knows that Devil Eyes don’t hold any weight with Father. Therefore, I think there are more varied, smarter, scarier ways to show Lucifer’s anger that were underutilized this season, is voice and body language especially. Plus side: I truly enjoyed Lucifer’s form in 2x13 in hell, and 2x06 for his reveal to Linda. The lighting, 5/5 Morningstars. 
☒ The pacing and balance of humor, smart storytelling, and the dramatic elements of the show felt off, probably also on account of two hiatuses. Reflecting over the whole season I’m not as annoyed as I was week-to-week. There were parts of the season where I waited eagerly for Monday only to find the comedy didn’t hit when I thought is this a comedic take on a police procedural or a parody of a comedy of a police procedural. Other times we got all the dramatic in one go and I thought Dang, where was this development when I needed it. But then I saw 2x18 and one scene made it better/sensical: Dan coaching Amenadiel at the improv club. In a strange, probably coincidental way, when Dan says “Amenadiel, that’s a little dark buddy” I felt like the writers were breaking the forth wall and saying “yes, I know, we take you on these weird tonal-emotional roller-coasters from pantomime slapstick to death and crippling guilt. We can and will make fun of ourselves now.” And I felt a burden lift as if replying “thank you for understanding that the struggle is real.”
☒  Celestial telephone tag cliffhangers. I love both of them: clever, full circle, smartly written. At the same time, I love to hate them. Twice is good. If showrunners go for a third time, I’ll take my cue from Maze and headbutt someone.
☒ I like the idea of expanding the universe by playing with the concept of the void. I think that it takes a great note from the comics. However, I’m worried it’ll be an idea that doesn’t go anywhere. As the show stands, Lucifer is so grounded in our physical world that adding a couple characters to the cast is tricky. This kind of world building? By comparison, this is God-level tricky, which is both exciting and terrifying.
Unanswered Questions / Moving Forward
See my Season 3: Speculations, Questions, Desires post.
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/hot-guy-adopts-sick-senior-dog-breaks-internet/
Hot Guy Adopts Sick Senior Dog, Breaks Internet
A Colorado rescue agency posted news approximately an adoption, and it went so viral that it broke the net.
When Susie’s Senior Dogs shared the news that a senior dog with most cancers, Donuts, had just been followed, people had a good time – particularly, women. Donuts’ adapter is Matt Evans, a younger hot man from Denver.
Donuts, who’s 9-years vintage, become identified with most cancers at the same time as living on the Ark-Valley Humane Society in Buena Vista, Colorado. Shelter personnel begged the general public to find someone to undertake Donuts, irrespective of how constrained his time turned into.
Susie’s Senior Dogs is an enterprise which promotes the senior puppies to be had within the Colorado region. They published the sad information approximately Donuts, and Matt got here to keep the day quickly afterward.
That story could be popular no matter the adapter. But because the hero is so good-looking, women’s hearts couldn’t help however throb to the beat of this story.
When Susie’s Senior Dogs shared an image of the brand new father-and-son pair, the put up soon were given flooded with remarks about Matt, his top appears, and his “adaptability.”
Adopt These Simple Steps to Get Fit
It may be a hard bet to make a bet approximately the following massive principle within the fitness discipline. In this context, if your purpose is to get a match and in case you maintain on requesting advice from absolutely everyone you meet, you’ll get as many or even double the variety of guidelines as the quantity of people you are seeking a recommendation from. This complicates the entire process and ultimately, you’ll be a burdened character who isn’t able to take even step one towards reaching your aim. But there are a few easy steps that let you in reaching your aim of having the suit. Let us have a look.
1. Think of your purpose as often as viable.
Frame a few affirmations that you could repeat to yourself so that you get enthused to take the required steps. For example, “I could be dropping 10 kilos inside six months so my appearance gets more suitable” is the right affirmation which could make stronger your desire. The point is that your affirmation has to be practical and attainable.
2. Think in many instances earlier than inviting your near buddies for a drink or before you are approximate to “indulge.” The point this is emphasized is that you could no longer actually want to have a drink or might not clearly feel hungry. These may be ploys to break out from the conditions you discover yourself in.
Three. Meditation can do a global of suitable on your fitness. Even if you are a completely in shape person, it is little need in case you do no longer have a calm mind. Meditation will assist in calming your thoughts. You can pick any form of meditation but you should exercise it with consistency.
4. Sleep can play a totally critical function to your efforts to get fit. It is in the course of sleep that your frame repairs itself by secreting all of the essential hormones. Therefore, make sure to have at the least 7 to eight hours of sleep every day.
5. Drink an amazing quantity of water daily.
Experts propose that with the aid of drinking at the least eight glasses of water, you can cleanse your system. Health problems like constipation and belly ailment will now not affect you in case you make it a point to drink enough quantity of water on a day by day basis.
6. Do now not force yourself to do your sporting events. You should enjoy your workout routine. If you experience bored or fatigued within the midst of your exercise session, forestall doing all your sporting activities and start a brand new activity like dancing or yoga or play an outdoor game. In other words, have amusing even as trying to get healthy.
7. Develop an affinity toward end result and vegetables. All the end result might not be to be had at some stage in all of the seasons. Opting for seasonal fruits and veggies will do colossal suitable on your health.
Steps To Senior Exercise Motivation
Okay, you are antique. I am too, so don’t take offense. I were in which you’re in lifestyles, and, perhaps a little bit longer than you’ve got. I have additionally been analyzing approximately exercising, and, absolutely workout for years, beginning long earlier than I became ‘old’.
Quite frequently, it’s not the exercise itself that gives a big hurdle to an older man or woman. After all, we’ve faced and conquered, many things in our lifetimes.
No, regularly, the exercising itself is not the hassle.
Actually, the largest trouble for all people considering a few type of senior exercising plan is the same one confronted with the aid of younger folk.
It’s difficult to maintain running on a mission while you can not see any real progress. It’s even harder while you aren’t sure what ‘progress’ sincerely manner.
Well, I am now not going to present you records and figures about what number of mins, how oftentimes per week, how a whole lot weight, and so on. A lot of that is going to rely on who you’re, in which you are at on your health journey, in which you want to head, and what form of exercise you pick… Simply to name a few troubles.
First of all, let’s take away individuals who do not need to read this.
If you are exercising in hopes of collaborating in some sport or fitness hobby, you in all likelihood don’t need to be reading this. You are going to be the workout at a stage a long way above the man or woman simply looking to be healthful and live longer.
If you’ve got particular health desires or troubles, and are the workout to satisfy them, at the same time as this little essay may additionally provide you with the concept, you really want to follow the steerage of the health care professional you’re operating with.
If you’re an everyday man or woman wanting to remain healthy, live healthily, and, possibly, prolong your life, examine on. We aren’t going to reap final conclusions, but, we’re going to contact on a couple of standards.
There are two fundamental kinds of exercise you want to recollect:
1. Strength schooling 2. Cardiovascular conditioning
Why failed to I encompass flexibility sporting events?
Well, flexibility is vital, and, if you could paintings it in, I do advise it. However, many seniors are going to discover that getting the workout they want in the regions I point out may not leave them time, strength, or inclination to feature the extra. Also, I have located that if you are doing the 2 I noted, you may probably experience upgrades in flexibility besides.
One manner to coal power and versatility is to exercise yoga. But, you’ll nevertheless need to encompass a few form of cardiovascular exercising.
There’s the catch 22 situation.
Almost any particular shape of exercising can be precise for one region or the opposite, however, getting both benefits from it frequently demands additional time and effort.
Fortunately, someone starting a senior workout software is not going to have to reach the tiers of a younger exerciser
Dog Training Tips Every Owner Should Remember
Whether your canine is a spunky new domestic dog or a senior canine is not any be counted with regards to schooling. Every interaction together with your canine accomplice is a gaining knowledge of enjoy. Remember that your dog would not continually understand you and vice versa and this is k. Also, remember the fact that maximum behaviors are herbal for dogs however they can and have to be corrected. These are some fundamental hints you must usually hold in thoughts when schooling your dog.
1. Notice
Be privy to your dog’s frame language. If they’re whining or cannot take a seat nevertheless this is a sign. This probably method they may be uncomfortable with the state of affairs. Do not pressure your canine to socialize if they may be not secure. Doing so could bring about poor behavior or habits. Dogs additionally use crying or pacing to can help you understand they want to head outside. Do no longer forget about or accurate this conduct.
2. Patience
This is fundamental when you are schooling. Yelling or indignant conduct is something puppies can not understand and has no educational price. If you start to become impatient, stroll far from the situation. Being impatient together with your canine can motive training time to appear unfavourable to him or her.
3. Positive Reinforcement
Remember to reward a canine for their excellent behavior now not best accurate their incorrect doings. Praise your four-legged buddy for doing what you want them to do. This will convey extra of the behavior you want
4. Redirecting
Instead of simply telling your pet no, redirect him to the action or behavior you want. In the example, in case your canine likes to chew for your fingers or furniture provide him a toy rather than yelling or swatting. This is where superb reinforcement is available in.
5. Leash Training
It is natural for dogs to tug on leashes, however this may easily be corrected. When they start to tug, stop taking walks. This need to be repeated until they understand that they can’t walk if they pull. You stroll your dog; your dog does now not walk you.
6. No Barking
Barking is an undesirable trait and correcting this will no longer take place speedy. Make note that puppies listen frequencies that human beings do no longer and this may reason the barking. Noting the difference among alerted barking and bad conduct is key. A canine will not apprehend why you are yelling when they’re barking in the event that they hear a door or passer-by way of. Using a squirt bottle packed with water, spray them after they bark. Also, use a verbal command which include “quiet” or “no bark” when education.
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ouraidengray4 · 7 years
The Life-Changing Surprises That Come From Not Drinking for a Year
Party girl meets the bright light of day. / Photograph courtesy of Pat Bourque
My name is Rachel, and I am not an alcoholic. (Hi, Rachel.) But I drank too much, so I decided to take a couple of weeks off. A couple of weeks came and went, and as I neared the end of a month, I still didn’t feel ready to jump back in. I was feeling better—my head felt clear, and I felt more in control than I had in a long time. So I decided to make it a full calendar year, just to see what would happen. Right now, I'm nine months in.
Most people go dry for a resolved month in January (kudos!), but the idea struck me, seemingly without warning, in early May of last year. My anxiety had started chewing away at random parts of my life over the last year or two, and everyday activities had started sending me straight into heart-slamming panic. So one afternoon, I was doing nothing more unusual than driving to PetSmart for cat food when I suddenly experienced crashing waves of anxiety, like a spaceship was going to zoom down at any moment and swoop me up. It shouldn’t be this terrifying to drive 20 minutes away from my house, I thought.
So I considered what, in my day-to-day life, I could change. Contributing to my anxiety that day was my hangover. I'd overdone it a little the night before, which had made me uncomfortable and physically ill, but more than that, it was interrupting my brain function. All those neurons and synapses were firing off fight and flight simultaneously, creating a mental cocktail for panic. In that moment, I realized there was no way to combat my anxiety without cutting out the booze in one hard line.
But my lifestyle was so steeped in cheap beer and sparkling gin and tonics that it was practically impossible to imagine fully separating myself from booze. See, my corporate career of nine years was in sales and marketing with one of those big, fat macro-breweries popular with hipsters, millennials, and celebrities who want to be seen drinking low-brow brew for a dose of street cred.
Jell-O shots, a.k.a. the stuff of nightmares.
"We’re all just functioning alcoholics," one red-faced boss said as we walked into a big stadium to negotiate a placement for the season. "Highly functioning alcoholics." His shirt looked like he paid someone to wrinkle it, and he'd wrapped electrical tape around most of his fingertips in a bid to prevent him from biting his cuticles and nails down any more than he already had. He looked puffy and untrustworthy.
When he said those words about us, I felt like I was being force-fed a half-dead rat.
"I’m not like you," I thought. And maybe I wasn’t. But the thought made it hard for me to just blithely go from happy hours to tastings to beer fests. In the beer biz, there was one irrefutable expectation, especially if you're among the rare women: You have to be able to hang.
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One morning, I met with a salesman to ride his route to try to sell his accounts on some new product we were pushing. He said he gets an early start, which I never do, so meeting him at a neighborhood bar in the morning was a stretch in every way. Still, it felt like a kind of adventure. Walking in, I realized that the bar was full from one end to the next—at 7 a.m. When a heavy glass tumbler full of Baltimore’s honey- and cinnamon-laced moonshine, which is called "Evil," came at me first thing with a clink, I thought, "Ugh," but tossed it straight down the hatch. It was just going to be one of those days.
Over the years, these days became less surprising and more and more common. Some salesmen lived this drink-all-day life every day, so it gave me a strange sense of perspective. I could separate my drinking, a whole cut above the rest, and think, "I’m still not like you." Comparatively, my relationship with alcohol was mild.
After I left the industry, I wish I could say I found greener or more holistic pastures, and at times I did, but I still drank. Drinking helps so much with everything from anxiety to stage fright… until it doesn’t. And when it isn’t helping, it’s one hell of a choker. But in the past nine months, I haven't had so much as a sip, drop, shot, or beer since the day I decided to try this on. The closest I’ve come is the odd dream here and there where, for some ungodly reason, I drink a warm, cheap beer out of a plastic cup, or an awful, fruity malt beverage—and immediately regret my actions. I wake up feeling so incredibly relieved that none of it actually happened.
So here are my key takeaways, just in case you’re like one of the many people I encounter whose curiosity about going sober for a time comes from thinking about calling it quits too.
No booze means no hangovers.
I didn’t realize how amazing never, ever getting a hangover would be. Yes, it's even better than the boozed-up confidence that encouraged me to wear that dress and dance at the soul night and talk to a boy. Not being hungover is gorgeous. The utter lack of hangover makes me feel like quitting drinking isn’t actually about cutting something out so much as putting something better in.
People aren’t really that scary.
OK, some people will always be scary, but without the social lube, the scary ones become apparent super quickly, and I can now move away from stranger danger like BAM instead of after half a dozen half-witted hangs in a dark bar, groping at intuition. Otherwise, people in grocery stores and audiences and meetings are just people instead of automatic heart attack prompters.
Sleep is amazing.
I get it now: Sleep is restful. My dreams are cray, but I had missed them so, so much. Pro tip: If I ever want a "sober drunk," I just stay up way past my bedtime and get all the delirious feels that come with a little sleep deprivation. It really works.
Your appreciation for basically everything develops.
I used to get antsy at concerts, and I couldn’t really appreciate a day at the museum, knowing there was a beer to be had at the bar after. "Portrait, portrait, war sucks, portrait, sculpture—got it! Let's go." My attention span for things I cared about was diminished, and so was my capacity to love. Love requires all kinds of stillness, genuine curiosity, and wonder, it turns out.
Your social life will experience ch-ch-ch-changes.
If I kept yammering on about all the amazing benefits of not drinking for a year, you might not believe me, and you’d be right: Some things aren’t easy. A number of my friendships revolved around partying—it’s just what we did and how we spent our time. So some of those connections didn’t hold up without the crutch. Alcohol can really rev up an argument for some people, but it can also cast a spell and make you think a connection is stronger than it is.
Damn, does the mirror become your friend.
In my experience, suddenly ceasing drinking means you’ll lose weight. Your face will look less tired. That stubborn belly fat ceases to be stubborn when you stop feeding it. IMO, you could exercise less and still look better if you quit drinking. But if you’re like me, you’ll end up exercising even more because you feel like it, because it feels good to be physically strong. Before, I often saw exercise as a way to balance alcohol's negative effects. Now it’s a simple matter of power.
My lifestyle was so steeped in cheap beer and sparkling gin and tonics that it was practically impossible to imagine fully separating myself from booze.
My life has been positively affected by quitting drinking in all of these ways and more. Most of all, putting down the bottle has helped me to build confidence, and I believe that a lack of confidence causes all kinds of trouble: It makes Sally anxious, and it makes Jon want to sabotage himself and others around him. It breeds dark, ungainly urges.
When you feel bad about yourself, chances are that negativity and doubt are gonna express themselves one way or another, and whether you throw yourself a pity party or use them to try to make someone else look bad, they’re going through you—making you age prematurely, that surly look on your face stick, your blood spoil. In short, it’s not a good look.
Drinking can ease insecurity and boost a kind of false confidence that starts unnecessary fires and leaves a trail of meanness that burrows a not-so-charming perma-link in your brain. And this kind of damage is not easily undone. If instead, in the clear light of day, you confront whatever monster is living in your head or your heart and telling you, "You aren’t good enough," you’ll be happier and have a more meaningful relationship with yourself and others.
In the end, I honestly can’t think of any good reason to drink anymore. The idea of the year off drinking was to change my behavior around, and relationship with, alcohol. I figured a year would be long enough to hold a variety of experiences—holidays, breakups, hopefully meeting the man of my dreams, rejections, sleepless nights, congratulations, throw-down fights—and that if I could manage all that without the hard stuff, I’d have a pretty good idea of who I really am, what I really want, and how to make it happen. And so far, it's working.
Rachel Anne Warren is a writer and wedding singer based in Baltimore, MD. Her debut memoir is about running away to join a circus when she was 19-years-old. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
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