#then turns around and is abusive to us??
utilitycaster · 16 days
The thing about the argument that the sword makes Laudna uncomfortable is that it's valid if it does, but if you've been in any sort of organization that attempts to have an emotionally open dialogue in making decisions, and especially if you've been in any sort of leadership position within it, you will almost certainly encounter people who suddenly become uncomfortable when, as the meme goes, we are not about them. You encounter people who suddenly express discomfort - which should ideally be brought up early in the conversation since that alone may be a reason to blackball a decision - when multiple other arguments haven't worked (and during the ensuing argument this episode, you can easily watch Orym stick to the same exact story he's been saying for 50+ episodes and that he wants to reclaim this sword and use it to kill Ludinus while Laudna throws out multiple arguments, switching from one to the other as the rest of the party slowly realizes the sword isn't cursed and that this is Delilah's influence). You see this in internet spaces as well; people who do not draw a line between "trigger" and "squick" or "discomfort" and "dislike" even though that line very much exists.
Obviously you do have to still listen, because there are plenty of valid reasons to change a decision because someone involved is uncomfortable; but even a legitimately uncomfortable person does not automatically outweigh the needs of everyone else and you cannot please everyone at once. These decisions must be made contextually because otherwise "I'm uncomfortable with this" becomes a magic Uno Reverse card to hold the group decisions hostage. It's a factor, but ultimately, even if Delilah were in no way involved, if Laudna's the only person uncomfortable and this also means a lot to Orym, the solution is likely going to be either "keep it out of sight" or "give it to a member of the Accord". And yeah, as Imogen points out, if Laudna's genuinely uncomfortable with Orym having a sword with a dark history, absorbing it herself really undercuts that point.
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stromblessed · 1 year
Joel thinks he needs to be the ultimate protector, but doesn't realize how invaluable he is to Ellie as a provider and a nurturer
I keep thinking about how Joel goes through aalllll of that in ep 8, the torturing and the killing and the tracking, thinking he's on the warpath, probably thinking he's either gonna rip some bitches apart right in front of Ellie or simply avenge her -
Just for the end goal of simply being there for Ellie. He doesn't even get there in time to pull her off of David, or to guide her out of the burning restaurant. He's only in time to be someone safe for her to hug and hold onto.
Joel is forever stuck in this place where protection is the one thing Sarah needed from him on outbreak night, that he couldn't give her. On day 1 with Ellie, he defaults to the trauma of failing at being that protector, and throws himself at that FEDRA guard, tells Ellie to be careful, etc.
But he does not provide for her - Marlene provides, for a bit. He definitely doesn't nurture her - Tess does, however briefly and gruffly. Joel thinks he's just there to be a trigger finger and a pair of fists. And he WILL use those things to protect this little girl - the absolute bare minimum that he failed to give to Sarah. To prove he can. That he won't fail like that again... until he does. Over and over again.
But I wonder - does Joel ever think about how he was able to provide for Sarah? Working a blue-collar contractor job to support her as a single parent, give her a home, posters on her wall, cute clothes, money for fixing broken watches and eating eggs for breakfast? Working so hard that he forgets to buy a cake on his own birthday?
Does Joel ever think about how he was able to nurture Sarah? He was emotionally available. He made her smile and laugh. He was a tough man's man who still hugged and held his daughter and talked to her and apologized to her and teased her and carried her in his arms. She could tease him back and scold him and go through his things without fear of him snapping at her or stonewalling her. They watched bad movies and took care of their neighbors together.
I love that Joel eventually taught Ellie to hunt. How to keep watch and be alert and keep herself alive. He probably thought that needing to transfer his skills to Ellie means he's already failed at protecting by default, but he SUCCEEDS at providing! Where so, so many other characters in this show fail!
To Joel, the happy fun times with Ellie - however brief they are, just little bright spots in a few episodes - are probably detours, little distractions he allows himself, but he's there for her again and again. Apologizing to her. Making her smile. Giggling at her stupid jokes. Teasing her. Asking her about herself. Telling her stories. He's not all the way there yet, but he's been there enough that Ellie CHOOSES him. Even when Joel may not be the best choice - the best protector.
And now at the end of ep 8, there's ultimately nothing Joel can do. But he goes through hell - to nurture her, in the end, after Ellie spends weeks protecting him and providing for him. But that nurturing, loving nature is what Ellie needed the most, the one thing Joel thought was worth the least, and I am. Unwell.
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calciumcryptid · 19 days
I am trying to collect my thoughts on the route the campaign took with the Rat Grinders, and I think I have come to the conclusion that the reason I am upset is not because I think the cast are bad players or Brennan is a bad dungeon master or that I didn't know the Rat Grinders where most likely to die (I went into the episode knowing the likelihood was above ninety percent).
The reason I am upset about the ending for the Rat Grinders is that I know all they will be is a footnote in the Bad Kids' history, a tragedy that will be forgotten and doomed to be repeated because there will be no narrative consequences to their deaths.
At the end of the day, whether some sections of the fandom want to admit it, is that we have several things confirmed about the Rat Grinders. They were freshmen (fourteen to fifteen) when Porter and Jace scoped them out and started the grooming/manipulation. They were sophomores (fifteen to sixteen) when corrupted. Their real selves were buried under the rage (Ruben's dream sequence), and in Kipperlilly's case actively seeking out help before being taken advantage of (sessions with Jawbone).
But there will be no lesson learned here because there will be no consequence to the decision to let the Rat Grinders die.
Henry Hopclap will continue teaching Gorgug, despite losing his nephew to Fig (Gorgug's friend) who psychologically messed with him before she had any confirmation of his wrongdoing. Not to mention, he will continue being on the same staff as Jawbone who the Bad Kids helped obtain a normal life despite his beginnings.
Lucy Frostblade will (most likely) be resurrected as some sort of cosmic justice, but her party will be gone. They may have killed her, but there was evidence they were her friends (or at least Kipperlily was). She might be resurrected, despite the fact she no longer has any party and will be failed instantly and wrapped up in grief.
Then, there will be the way the Rat Grinders will be footnotes. Ivy, reduced to her looks and not sleeping with Fabian in a display of blatant misogyny. Oisin who they clawed to chop the head off of to prevent his chances at resurrection for the crime of Adaine potentially inferring his intentions wrong (something we will never get the confirmation on). Ruben, dragged to hell and his corpse charred in lava after being psychologically messed with. Buddy Dawn, who couldn't leave the cult as easily as Kristen. Mary Ann, who was the one they wanted to save while treating her in a way that read as kind of ableist [others words not mine] (and even if they do save her would she want anything to do with them knowing they saved her and not her other party members?). Then, finally, Kipperlilly who will have egg on her face for wanting something despite the confirmation that before everything she was getting help.
The reason I am upset about the Rat Grinders is because they'll be reduced to pawns in Porter and Jace's schemes, and not as the manipulated minors they are. But it is alright I guess, because the Bad Kids saved the world and they get to write the ending.
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lastoneout · 2 months
I'm genuinely convinced the thought process goes:
> people who abuse children are horrible, irredeemable monsters who deserve to have their human rights stripped away and burn in hell for all eternity, no good person would ever hurt a child
> *tons of scientific evidence comes out showing that hitting your kids is basically abuse and does immense harm with absolutely no good to balance it out and in the worst cases it leaves lasting psychological damage those kids carry for life*
> but wait...my parents spanked me as punishment, but they aren't horrible evil people who deserve to die! I love my parents and they loved me, they're good people and good people would never hurt a child, and I surely don't have issues as a result of being hit, so that must mean hitting your kids isn't abusive
> the cycle continues, nothing changes, kids keep getting hit
and like I get it, I get it, but I just want to grab these people and be like "welcome to the complex reality most actual abuse survivors have to contend with every single day of our lives, it sucks, but since I've been through it I can give you the answer I had to work out over years of therapy for free; you are still allowed to love--and even FORGIVE--people who hurt you"
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fanatics4l · 2 years
no it's actually hilarious that this fandom has sympathy for vecna because they think he was abused as a kid. he wasn't abused. there were no implications towards this. him saying to el that there was more behind the story of his childhood does not automatically equal abuse. on screen, his father was clearly caring and loving towards his wife, daughter, and son. vecna saying that to el probably meant he "witnessed the cruelties of this world" and went insane about it like a fucking weirdo.
"brenner abused him" girl yeah that sucks but he was evil before that so invalid point
y'all can read so deep into this child murderer's story and find sympathy for him, who slaughtered and tortured teenagers and children and his own mother. you can pull shit out of your ass about his backstory, but the second we do the same for billy, who we actually have a concrete, canon backstory for, we're the bad ones??
friendly reminder that the only canon child abuse victims in this entire show are el, jonathan, will, patrick, chrissy, and billy.
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themyscirah · 2 months
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But look at us Luke, we're the ones left alone, holding some rich monster's pain. All of existence, built on his violence. All of space-time, humming to life with a single inviolate rule. Give the hero something to punch.
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bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
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A Klingon and a half Vulcan discuss childhood dreams.
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sammygender · 2 months
also. not getting into this rn i have a longer post drafted on it. but i cannot fucking believe we got ANOTHER scene where it’s heavily implied via dialogue & narrative paralleling that john was physically abusive. this time to sam as well. i keep having to adjust my view of him because it just gets worse w every season i watch. and my view of him was awful from the beginning. and there are fans out there who argue he wasn’t… its canon. didn’t the show try to REDEEM this man
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navree · 5 days
in terms of how pervasive the fanon perception of tim drake as this neglected/borderline abused child of the horrific drake parents who are the worst human beings to ever live, i think it largely comes from the fact that i would bet money that 90% of the people perpetuating it just didn't have two parents who both worked.
#personal#the other ten percent comes from people trying to make him marginally interesting by pretending he's suffered more than jesus#(he hasn't he isn't even the character who's suffered most or second most in his own family and it also doesn't work)#(cuz he's still boring)#but like every time people bring up 'oh the drakes went on TRIPS for their JOBS how AWFUL' i give the most intense side eye#there was a period from when i was around 8 to 13 where my dad went on VERY long business trips for his work#like months long business trips#because again both my parents worked but he earned more money#or the fact that i spent a lot of summers with my sister and babysitters before my mom went into university teaching#because neither of them had the free time because they were WORKING#like i think these people just aren't used to having both mom and dad have jobs they need to do#plus the bit where they go hard on jack drake in particular makes me laugh because 'oh he stopped tim from being robin' yeah no shit!#if i found out my kid was robin i'd stop him!#a) unlike his predecessors or immediate successors tim has no internal drive that necessitates robin in his life#b) the last one very famously died! on the job! violently! and it turned batman into a crazy person!#as a parent jack drake is perfectly within his rights to not want his kid to be in very real and present danger#that's not him being abusive that's him being very normal#also i don't even get it because beyond people not understanding the concept of 'parents with jobs'#have some of you guys ever even read tim-centric pre-52 comics?#he doesn't mind his parents' work at all and he likes that his house has a bunch of cool artifacts and the way it's lowkey a museum#just make an oc at this point my god because it makes the tags and ao3 a fucking nightmare honestly
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Megumi’s life in ur “tsumiki and megumi are seperated” AU is super fucked. Does Gojo secretly put him on supervillain watch. Does he try to give him the worst counselling anyone has ever seen.
Worse he keeps trying to become Megumi’s New Dad and Megumi cannot emphasize enough how much he does not want him to do this. Why does Gojo keep asking him to throw a baseball with him. Why does he keep trying to ruffle his hair.
#Gojo tried to give him The Talk and megumi immediately turned around and tried to walk into traffic#because he’s the funniest motherfucker that ever was in any universe#it’s important to note that Megumi’s life in that AU is super fucked but almost no one knows the scope of it#megumis taking that shit to his grave#hes finally in a better place and he really really does not want anyone else to know about what he considers a really humiliating experience#he hates feeling weak is the thing and no one has ever made him feel weak the way his family did#he didn’t have any power over his own life and it was /humiliating/#everyone else had normal childhoods and there he was being micromanaged so excessively that he wasn’t allowed to bathe and dress himself jn#until fucking high school. and even then it was only because the Zenin couldn’t hassle him at school#like it’s super obvious to everyone that the Zenin abused him but#no one knows just how bad it was#tsumiki knows he made some kind of deal so the Zenin would take care of her but he refuses to tell her what it was because he doesn’t want#to admit he tried to hurt himself. he doesn’t want her to know how bad it got.#maki knows better than anyone but 1) she doesn’t know most of it and 2) she’s not telling anyone about it either. Megumi’s her boy. she’s#not betraying his already fragile trust by airing out his business to other people#it’s sort of painfully obvious the Zenin used to beat him but no one talks about it. Megumi would shut down if anyone tries#like his life was sort of terrible and he didn’t see it getting better but somehow it did and he just wants the past to die#he wants what happened to be dead and buried and over and he knows it’s far from it but he just. he doesn’t want anyone to know.
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yardsards · 2 years
emotional neglect is fuckin wild. it's like "hi. my brain's 12 kinds of fucked up just because my mommy didn't love me." like what the fuck
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spaceshipkat · 5 days
i know i’m a good driver, but the problem is that i get Very Very nervous when driving in a car with passengers thanks to an ex of mine from a d e c a d e ago. i hate this about myself, and when he reached out to me a couple years later like he wanted to get back together, telling him i’d rather spend my time talking to a chair was much too nice of me i think
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me googling what a triple red eye is. sam.
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rottingcompost · 1 month
the fact that at this point i dont even feel depressed or scared or anxious whenever i get reminded of my abuser and i instead get angry and start thinking and sometimes even saying the most venomous shit about her and wishing death on her. shes not really in my life much at all anymore but it still pisses me off and i still have to see her occassionally and at this point i feel like next time she tries to come to my apartment i wont even let her in and tell her to play in traffic or something.
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bluehairperson · 1 year
I don’t want to start drama but I’ve seen some concerning posts floating around about how distasteful and disappointing it is to see certain creators “support” Dorian and I hate to break it to you guys, but if you’ve ever interacted, shared or created anything regarding The Arcana you are supporting Dorian yourselves.
Being in the fandom alone is supporting Dorian by creating engagement, publicizing the game and being part of the audience they’re trying to target.
And even if you were to delete your whole blog and everything you’ve ever posted to enjoy the original game in private you would still be supporting Dorian by bringing traffic to the app they now own.
The one and only way you have to stop supporting Dorian, if you care about it so much, would be to distance yourself from the series entirely and go join another fandom. Never play the original game ever again and never interact with any fan creation regarding it from now on. 👋
#you're basically saying you dislike people supporting the company by working with it#while you yourself are supporting the company but indirectly by giving visibility to their brand#let's be coherent please#I personally don't care about dorian just like I never cared about nix hydra#but I still like the game so I'm gonna cherry pick whatever I want#and full offence but between this and continuous character and ship discourse you guys are unsufferable lol#you're murdering the fandom from the inside by being toxic af and finding the most bullshit excuses to attack artists for shit#that doesn't matter and then you turn around and whine and wonder why the fandom is dying and no one is posting anything new anymore#like MMMMMMMMMNHHHHHHH 🤔🤔🤔#it's a mystery I wonder why#mentioning this because I also saw some discourse about dorian being awful for supporting quote unquote tOxIc and aBuSiVe ships 😨😨😨😨#with the most basic and vanilla couple I've ever seen here#like nix hydra was never great either but I've never ever seen posts claiming that if you support them you must be an awful person#what changed exactly?#it sounds to me that you guys are just really bitter that the new quote unquote canon content is... not super good so you're trying to#vent your frustration in any way you can#which means attacking independent artists who use the platform because it's easier to reach and demolish them rather than the company itself#I log on here to recharge after a day of work and all I see is people acting like twelve year olds trying to be mean like bruh#it's literally the hom3stuck 2 fandom situation I called it#tagging this as discourse so you can blacklist it if you don't wanna be annoyed#discourse#the arcana#dorian era#not art
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