#theo hoots
tojisun · 11 days
how does fwb hockey player simon met reader btw?
at a bar, born from a dare
your friends pulled you out of your dorm, ignoring your murmured grunts about how you have midterms to prepare for, and demanded that you let loose for once. to relax. to take it easy and take a dick, or whatever would help you unwind. you flipped them off but slipped into clothes that you feel pretty in.
and you are. damn you are.
simon doesn’t even know how he caught sight of you, just that one moment he was listening to mactavish talking about a tradition from his old team, and the next he was unable to tear his eyes off you.
you were…oblivious. uninterested, really, if it wasn’t for two of your friends noticing his blatant stares and turning to you to point at him as subtly as they could. of course simon still caught it because he was watching, vague interest exploding.
you turned to him, then, quickly. simon expected the shyness, or the flustered look especially because of his profession, but you had only looked back at him with a confused furrow in your brows and your lips pinched in wonder.
oh, he thought with a sudden giddiness. well, isn’t that something?
“jesus, look at that smouldering look,” sandy hisses, jabbing you at your side.
“ow!” you cry out, glaring at her, but she’s not even looking at you, her posture frozen as she looks at somewhere in the crowd.
you turned to your other friends, confused, but it was only theo who was looking back at you. he smiles, amused, and tilts his head to the side as if beckoning you to look.
you do so with a confused tilt of your head, your eyes roving past the loud crowd before finally landing on someone who—you blink in surprise—is already watching you.
oh but he is beautiful. he is big, his bulk obvious even underneath that hoodie, and tan. his eyes are narrowed in quiet scrutiny, but his cheeks are round in his little smile.
you wonder why such an intense man is staring at you like that. like you are all parts wondrous and interesting and just utterly captivating.
“bet you can’t even get him to kiss you tonight,” james teases, before you are jostled by the way he slings his arm around you.
you glare up at him playfully. “you sure about that, kacey?”
james grins. “a hundred percent.”
you shake of his hold on you, teasing anger rippling into quiet annoyance at the patronizing way he lifts his arms up in surrender.
“watch me,” you snarl, rousing from your seat and pointedly ignoring the hoots from your friends.
you’re barely out of hearing range before you hear sandy’s excited, “i can’t believe that’s—”
you don’t get to catch her next words, stomping your way towards the beautiful stranger’s table with your fists balled by your sides as you fake your confidence. his own friends seemed to have picked up on your presence, and you note how their conversation trickled, evanesced, until they’re all watching you now.
god, you want to hurl.
there’s absolutely no reason for these gorgeous men to be friends, let alone to be gracing your stumbling walk of shame—because what else could it be, at this point—with their intense gazes.
you feel inspected. judged.
this is so wrong. i should just turn around. i should just—
but your thoughts screech to a halt because beautiful stranger doesn’t let your doubts fester. he doesn’t let them bloat. instead, he stands from his group, flicks his friend’s ear after hearing whatever it is he must have murmured, and meets you half-way.
“hey,” you say, your voice cracking embarrassingly.
“hey to you too,” he replies and oh wow, his voice descends on you like fucking molasses.
then he grins, cheeky. “was your walk here to invite me out or?”
“please,” you continue to croak out. “unless you want to, uh, to stay?”
“god, no,” he says and devours the remaining space between you two. he raises his arm up in question, and you nod, giving it to him, before feeling the way he tugs you close to his side, his warmth rubbing against your own.
you watch him watch you.
oh this is awkward…
“i’m simon riley,” he finally says after a while.
you say your name in return, giving him a customer service smile. “nice to meet ‘cha.”
simon riley nods slowly, his brows furrowing adorably like he cannot understand what you are—which, honestly, rude, but whatever.
“so, uh. come, let’s?” you chirp.
‘come, let’s’? you scream to yourself. what are you? the pope?
he laughs, endeared anyway. “come, let’s.”
you ignore the mirroring yips from simon’s friends’ table and your own as you two walk out.
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distantdarlings · 6 months
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Theodore Nott x Fem Reader Insert
+ SUMMARY - *Requested, based on this* During an after-game Quidditch party, Theo approaches you, intending on reconnecting with his on-and-off ex, you. You are not interested, at least, not originally. He quickly changes your mind, though, just as he always does.
+ WARNINGS - SMUT! No protection - piv, Language, slight praise kink, fem reader, slight begging, slight resistance from reader at first, dom!Theo
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
Half of My Heart - Josh Makazo
The wind rushed against the Quidditch stands, blowing the team flags up and around the stadium. You gasped and ducked as one flew right over the Slytherin stands. Next to you, Pansy burst out laughing as you helped each other to your feet. It had narrowly missed her, as well. 
“That was insane!” she laughed. The two of you huddled together in an attempt to pool some warmth between the two of you, to no avail. It had to be close to below freezing. You wouldn’t be surprised if the sky started dropping snow soon, and with the blanketed, gray light overhead, you figured that would be happening rather quickly.
Around you, shivering students chanted a few cheers for the Slytherin team, ensuring that the shitty weather could never get them down. Even the Gryffindor team had dampened a bit, but not the Slytherins. A prideful smile beamed on your face. Pansy and you joined in the hooting and hollering.
Overhead, three green jerseys swooped downward, causing several students to duck again. You thought you heard a few professors gasp over the cheers. Once the players had passed over the students, you saw them split and tackle different sides of the pitch. This was a strategic maneuver to get the Gryffindor beaters away from their seeker so the Slytherin seeker could focus solely on catching the Snitch. Anticipation burned in the air as the tension between the two teams swelled at this tactic. Merlin, you loved Quidditch. Who didn’t?
And in a matter of a few minutes, the Slytherin players had successfully deflected the Gryffindor Beaters’ attempt to ward them off, sacked a couple bludgers toward their Seeker, and allowed their Seeker enough time to spot the Snitch and soar after it. By the time he had caught the small, golden thing and dived back down into the main part of the pitch, the roar of the Slytherin crowd was deafening. You could barely feel your fingers or toes, but you couldn’t care less. Slytherin had won, which meant that the aftergame party was going to be fun. 
The group of green-clad students began to pour out of the stands and toward the common room as the Quidditch players exited the field. Pansy ranted back and forth with you on the strategies used in this evening’s game. You laughed and teased the whole way back. The two of you had discussed outfits for hours after classes had ended today and, thanks to your obvious inability to remain realistic in your expectations, had set out your selected clothing for the party. In your minds, there was no way Slytherin wouldn’t win tonight, and you had been right. 
Once back in the common room, students were flashing up the stairs, running to grab their outfits and stashed bottles of firewhisky, amongst other stashed things, so generously donated by the Hufflepuffs. The two of you giggled as you made your way into your dorm room, quickly shutting the door behind you. A few of your other roommates had already returned and were changing. The group of you squealed in excitement, ramping each other up. You all had plans for the evening, ones that had been discussed over secretive shots the night before. 
Your plan was to find a bit of a distraction tonight. In the last year, you and your ex-boyfriend, Theodore Nott, had bounced on and off with each other. No matter how many times you had called it quits, you kept finding yourself back in his bed, beneath his strong, warm—
“Hey, come on!” Pansy shook you. “Get dressed!” You laughed along with her and began pulling your heavy winter clothing off. This was going to be a night to remember for all of the right reasons, not because of Theo. 
You selected the dress you’d reserved especially for this party and slid it over your body, letting it fall down the expanse of your hips. Pansy appeared behind you to zip it up, marveling at its gorgeous design: a small black thing with a high neck and no sleeves. Perfect for the evening, in your opinion. You slipped into the black heels you’d picked out last night and pulled a necklace over your head. It was silvered with an ornate snake carved into the charm at the bottom of the chain. Nothing wrong with a little bit of house pride.
“Okay, let’s head down!” Pansy announced to the others in the room. The small group gathered closer and filed out the door. You gathered the larger group of students in the hallway filtering through the passageway and into the common room. Like magic, it had transformed into a gorgeous scene of celebratory banners and music. You poured into the enormous amount of students, all dispersing randomly. Pansy squeezed your hand politely before briefly leaving you to go find someone.
You pushed through the crowd, feeling the bass of the music pound in your chest. Excitement built in your chest, pushing small pants out of your lips. Your mind was set on finding someone new tonight and the anticipation of getting to know someone like you had once known Theo made your heart flutter. Then again, no one had ever known you better than he had. His hands had traveled every inch of your body and learned you so personally as if he had sculpted you. 
“Looking for someone?” A sly whisper appeared in your ear. You shuddered at the feeling of the voice so close to you. You turned and came face-to-face with Theo. Speak of the Devil…You rolled your eyes and turned, intending to leave him behind. You weren’t doing this. His hand gripped your arm roughly, his eyes dark and needy when they found yours. Shit.
Your body slammed against the door of his dorm. You moaned loudly into his mouth as his hands ran smoothly up and down your body. Sculpting you, shaping you, just like always. Nobody’s hands compared to his. His fingers trailed up the outsides of your thighs, slipping slyly beneath the material of your dress. 
Suddenly, he ripped the material up and over your hips. You gasped at the sudden movement, hissing as he bit down onto your bottom lip. Your hand slapped against his chest as a blossom of pain spurted against your teeth. He mumbled a breathy apology against your mouth before resuming his previous activities. His fingers curled beneath the thin waistband of your panties, slowly tugging them higher and higher. The material of the undergarment pressed against your core, eliciting a spark of pleasure behind your eyes. Your hands tightened in his hair. 
“Mm,” you pulled away from his lips, “we shouldn’t be doing this.” You struggled to get the words out around his insistent kisses. Every syllable you spoke was lost against his rough lips, marking every inch of your own. “Theo, you know we’re just going to regret it.” Yet you didn’t stop kissing him back. You couldn’t stop. His taste, his touch, his smell…It was addicting, and pushed more heat between your thighs than anyone else ever could.  
“Tell me to stop, then,” he mumbled into another kiss.
“What?” His lips separated from yours and began to trail down your neck. The cleavage parted in your dress granted him just enough access for his teeth to scrape the soft flesh of your breasts. A silent moan parted your lips as you leaned your head back against the door. His large hands held you firmly in place. His head began to move past your chest. As he lowered to his knees before you, his fingers slipped into the sleeves of your dress, wrapping tightly in the material. As he dropped before you, he roughly tugged the garment down over you. You yelped as your chest was exposed to the cold air. Your dress remained scrunched up around your waist as one of his hands traced delicately over your clothed core and the other massaged your left breast. You couldn’t contain your moans any longer. 
“Teddy,” you moaned breathlessly, letting your favorite nickname for him paint the walls of the room. You never called him that unless he was pleasuring you in some way and, fuck, was he ever doing exactly that. 
You ground your hips against his fingers, trying to gather a bit of friction against yourself. Just as you’d come into contact with his perfect fingers, he pulled away. He smirked devilishly at the whine that fell from your lips.
“Should I stop, baby?” he murmured against your lips. “Don’t want you to regret me…” He laid an open-mouthed kiss to the outside of your left thigh, maintaining darkened eye contact with you. 
“No, don’t stop, please baby,” you begged, your hands curling in his hair. You tried to push him closer to you, to press his face to you. But you couldn’t, he was much too strong. 
He got to his feet, pressing his face closely against your ear, his lips brushing against you. A shudder fell down your spine as your knees weakened.
“Beg for it,” he whispered. He pressed small kisses to your jaw, reiterating he wanted to hear you beg until you finally caved.
“Ugh, please, Teddy,” you whined, bucking your hips against his, eyes rolling back at the contact it made. “Please fuck me, baby. ‘ve missed you so fucking bad.” A smirk fell on his face as he lifted you into his arms, wrapping your thick thighs around his waist. Your mouths found each other again and he claimed every inch of your tongue as his own. 
“Always miss me, baby?” he breathed into your mouth. “Think about this sweet mouth every day.” His hand gripped your jaw, holding it perfectly still. He walked the two of you away from the door and laid you against his bed, careful to set you down gently. 
“Raise your hips,” he instructed. You did so, allowing him to slip the rest of your dress off your body. The only thing left on you was your thin underwear, already soaked through with your arousal. You shook in anticipation as his fingers slowly glided against your naked thighs. Your bottom lip sucked between your teeth. They crush down on it until you taste metal, the reddened material painting your lips.
“So pretty,” he moaned, pressing his mouth to yours. His spit mixed with your blood, his tongue carving a new taste against you.
His hands, rushed and rough, tore through your panties with strong, mean fingers. You whimpered against his lips at the sudden action. The tips of his fingers slid against your core, tracing your wetness all around you. Your head pushed back, separating your lips.
“Turn around,” he said. “Now.” You nodded your head and promptly obeyed, flipping yourself over. His hands wrapped around your hips and yanked your ass into the air. Your teeth closed around your folded arms, trying your best to keep your noises to a minimum.
Behind you, you could hear him undoing his trousers and pulling them down. The bed creaked and shifted as he got to his feet and slid them all the way off. Your hips swayed impatiently, waiting to feel his touch again, desperate to feel it. 
“Please, Teddy,” you whined, spreading your legs even wider. You could feel the wetness from your core sliding down between your thighs, slowly coating his comforter. No one had an effect on you like this. 
It never mattered who you were with. If they had magic fingers, the perfect mouth, none of them compared to Theo. Traits as simple as his voice had your legs pressing together, from the very moment you’d met him. The very first time he touched you had been imprinted in your mind, tracing your eyelids every time you closed them. 
His fingers brushed against your entrance, sending shocks of fire through your body. You gasped and tightened your fingers painfully hard in his sheets. Merlin, this was where you were meant to be. Pressed into his mattress, inhaling his scent, his body claiming yours. Fuck, you were pathetic. 
His hands wrapped around your hips, carefully lining himself up with your entrance before slowly pushing himself into you. Sharp heat split through your body, carving a line down your abdomen. It had been a while, but you hadn’t expected yourself to be so tightened up. Your muscles tensed roughly until he bottomed out with a breathless groan. You relaxed into the bed, barely holding yourself up. He gave you a minute, then two, until you nodded your head, eyes clenched and wanting. The two of you knew each other so perfectly well, no words needed to be spoken. He knew every inch of your body better than you knew it, yourself. His tongue and his fingers and every part of him knew you better than anyone else and he took you as such. He began to move.
The feeling of him moving himself back and forth, traced every part of you from the inside to the out. Your lips parted in a silent scream, relishing in the sensation you’d missed so dearly, that no one else could recreate. You could tell he felt the same way. A brief glance back revealed a flushed, pleasured Theo; his lips parted, musical grunts leaving his throat, his eyes fluttering shut. You’d have never known what he looked like if you hadn’t looked back, because he tended to be the “big man” in bed, always doling out your pleasure and keeping face. He wasn’t such a big man, you realized smugly, you were the same drug to him, as he was to you. A particularly sharp thrust had shoved a scream through your lips.
His hands slid up from your hips and found your chest. He swiftly pulled you up and against his chest, his sticky skin melding with yours. His hips never faltered and the change in position had him hitting new parts of you. His lips were against your ear, whispering sweet nothings and kissing the areas surrounding.
“Feel good, baby?” he groaned. You nodded weakly. “Yeah, baby, yeah?” His pace fastened, the speed working you towards the end of all things. Your breaths came out in short, hot pants. His fingers curved over your chest, tracing the tips of your breasts, forcing your end closer and closer. You tightened around him at your fast-approaching finish. He groaned at the sensation.
“Mmm, missed this fucking cunt, baby,” he grunted out. “Always squeezing me so well.” His lips pressed to your neck, creating a tight suction with his teeth anywhere he could. The bruises he left there were going to remain for days, alerting all who spotted them that you were his and no one else’s. The thought was enough to push you over the edge. You came around him hard. 
The sensation of your finish pushed him against his, which he announced with one more whiny moan and shaking thighs. His hot release painted every inch of your insides, soothing the rough force with which he’d fucked you.
The two of you collapsed against the bed, side-by-side, and watched each other with heavily-lidded eyes. And once again, you realized, the two of you were back in the same position you always were. The regret hadn’t yet had time to bury itself into your stomachs, and the guilt hadn’t made its way to your hearts yet, but in the few hours after, you’d graced each other with immeasurable pleasure; that was your favorite. His thumb traced gently over your lips, shaking slightly with the afterglow of your love. 
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multifandom-worlds · 2 months
Party Like a Rockstar....Fuck Like a Pornstar
Genre: Almost smut? Like, smut adjacent.
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: Alcohol, fairly descriptive talk of sex, mild derogatory language
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x reader x Theodore Nott
Authors Note: This is my first fic for this fandom. Probably pretty out of character for them. Please let me know if there is anything I missed, anything I should do differently next time, etc. Thanks for reading!
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“I don’t understand why they prefer to spend time with her rather than with us?”
You listened to a group of random Slytherin 5th years as they fawned over Theodore and Matthew, watching them at their Quidditch game against Gryffindor. You were used to other students wanting your boys, even though the three of you did not keep your relationship with each other a secret. It just came with the territory—you had two of the hottest Slytherin boys wrapped around your finger, doing whatever you asked of them as the obedient little dogs they really were. 
“Look at her, seriously? Look at all the hickeys on her neck. She’s so trashy!”You chuckle to yourself, stretching out in the bleachers and enjoying the sun on your face. If only they knew how you got those hickeys, how fuck drunk you were on their cocks just the night before as they ruined you, leaving you a dripping, overstimulated mess on Theo’s bed. If only they knew how you had Theo whimpering,  begging to be touched while you rode Mattheo’s face. 
You watch, along with the other fangirls, as they fly around overhead, watching their muscles contract. You press your thighs together, feeling heat start to grow between them—they were losing, and you knew whenever they lost, especially to Gryffindor, they would be angry and take all that pent-up emotion out of you. Not that you mind, you had no issues being their little fuck toy, mainly because they would shower you with praise once they felt better. 
While you were daydreaming, Slytherin had caught the snitch and won the game. The entire Slytherin bleachers erupted into hoots and hollers as they descended on the field. “Party in the Slytherin common room!” Blaise shouted above the din. 
You watch as that gaggle of 5th years swarm Mattheo and Theodore, pressing themselves all up over them, batting their eyelashes and flirting relentlessly. 
“You played so well!”
“You looked so hot up there!”
“Come back to my dorm, and I can help…relieve those sore muscles of yours. I’m really good with my hands.”
Theo dramatically gags, hearing what they have said, causing the rest of the team to laugh. He turns his attention to the 5th year directly in front of him. “And what’s your name?”
“Lacey, Lacey Goldrun. You’re Theodore Nott! My friends are Tara, Serena, Elena and Sophia. We have been yours and Mattheos' biggest fans ever! We come to all your games and know your whole schedule, even where your dorm is!” One of them responds, her face lighting up at the fact that Theodore Nott was talking to her.
Mattheo looks at them suspiciously. “That’s stalkerish.” 
“Well, Lacey Goldrun,” Theo began, looking down at her, eyes boring a hole into her. “You must be new here because everyone knows Matt and I are spoken for, so if you dare touch me again, I will…” 
You stick your finger and thumb in your mouth, letting out a high-pitched whistle, attracting the attention of every person on the Quidditch field. Theo draws his eyes away from Lacey before he and Mattheo begin to push their way through the crowd to you. 
“Walk 'em like a dog, sis!” Lorenzo shouts as you begin to walk back to the castle.
“Walk am like a dog!” Draco echos, erupting into a fit of laughter.
Both of them roll their eyes and flip the group the bird before diligently following you back to their dorm for their after-game ritual. Most would assume they planned on bedding you, but the reality was much softer. They took turns taking a shower to clean off all the sweat before the player who scored the most points in that game got to steal you for a nap.
Theo came out of the bathroom, a towel draped around his hips, seeing you and Mattheo fast asleep on his bed. The faintest smile pulled on his lips before he kissed both your cheeks and went to get changed and go for a smoke. “He scored one more point than I did, cara mia; how is this fair?” He chuckled to himself before leaving the dorm.
You moan into his kiss as he presses his body into yours from the front. You could feel just how hard both of them were, and it was all because of you. With Mattheo’s lips on your neck, your free hand slides down between your bodies to palm Theo through his jeans. 
Hours later, the Slytherin common room was packed - drunks were flowing, music was blaring, and the party was in full swing. You were grinding against Mattheo, your arms around his neck while his hands were on your hips, holding you tight against him. “You’re so fucking perfect, mon petit coeur. This dress..” He trails off, his hands sliding down your legs, playing with the hem of your admittedly concise dress. You continue to gride on him, making eye contact with Theo, sitting a few feet away.
“Fuck, cara mia, you look so fucking good griding on him like that.” Theo groans, walking over to you and Mattheo. He grabs your cheeks in one hand, forcing you to look up at him before he claims your mouth, his hand falling from your cheeks to your throat, squeezing gently. 
“Merlin, I wish that was me,” A very drunk Lacey whines. She was trying to make it look like she was talking to her friends, but she was staring straight at the 3 of you. You pull yourself away from your boys, strolling over to her before leaning in close to whisper in her ear.
“You want to be this trashy, do you little one? You want to be so cock drunk that you don’t even know your name, and you can’t sit on your ass for weeks because of how many times their hands came down on your ass?” You give her a quick once over, clicking your tongue in disgust. “You couldn’t handle this being you; you’d break before they even got started.” 
Lacey looks at you, eyes glassy in her drunken state. You squeeze the bridge of your nose. She didn’t understand a single thing you just said to her—which is probably a good thing. You didn’t necessarily want to traumatize the poor girl. You turn to her friends, “Take her back to her dorm; make sure she stays there. I don’t want to see any of you until morning. Do you understand me?” 
The other girls nod quickly, fear prevalent on their faces as they quickly pull Lacey away, disappearing into the crowd. You walk back to Mattheo and Theo. “That was one of the hottest things I have seen you do in a long time,” Mattheo says, grabbing your ass and pulling you close, stealing the words right off your tongue. 
You hardly had a moment to breathe before Theo's nicotine-stained lips made contact with yours. Mattheo lets go of your ass, disappearing into the hordes of people. You were so lost in Theo’s kiss that it barely even registered that he was gone. 
He bites your bottom lip, pulling away every so slightly before letting it go. “If you weren’t so drunk right now..” He began, hands on your ass, “I would drag you update and fuck that mouth of yours. Matt was right; that was one of the sexiest things you have done in a while, telling people what kind of perfect slut you are for us.” 
You go to say something, but you are interrupted by a shot glass getting shoved between your tits. You know who that hand belongs to - you look up at Mattheo, fire whiskey in his hands. “Celebratory shots, Theo?” He questions, pouring the alcohol into the shot glass.
“After you,” Theo says, taking the bottle from the other boy's hand. Mattheo smirks, shoving his face between your tits, wrapping his lips around the shot glass before lifting his head up and back, downing the liquid in one swallow. He takes the glass out of his mouth before handing it to Theo.
“My turn, Cara Mia, be a good girl now, and I might reward you when you sober up,” Theo says, placing the shot glass back between your tits. He poured some fire whiskey until it was overflowing. “Whoops,” he smirks before he, too, shoves his face between your tits and takes the glass between his lip.
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myfeetrcolddd · 9 months
The Dress
The dress she wore was short, and tight, and in his favorite color. Not to mention it was her that was wearing it. All these things did nothing to lessen the tightness in Theos pants, actually it was these things that had made the tightness in the first place, and the way she was dancing did nothing to help.
He knew she was there the moment she walked into the room, like a sixth sense he could always tell when she was near, and it wasn't long before he had his eyes on her, and after an hour they hadn't left her. Trained on her like it was the only thing his eyes were meant to do, and if that were the case Theo wouldn't complain at all, because hell if he could look at her forever. He'd pay his whole inheritance if someone could find anything better for him to look at.
"Are you going to talk to her or what?" Blaise's voice drifted through the fog of Theos mind that was clouded with thoughts of how he would make that girl his.
"Yeah, you've just been staring at her like a creep since she's gotten here." Pansy added and Theo brought his eyes to his friends who sat around a fire place, and glared at them.
But he knew they were right, he knew he should go talk to her, because he knew she felt his gaze on her this whole time. The same way he could always feel her looking at him during classes, when she thought he wasn't looking.
Downing the rest of the beer in the solo cup Theo rose from his seat. Determined to get a dance, and hopefully more from the girl he had been pining for for too many years.
She was dancing on the makeshift dance floor with her back to him as he stalked towards her, like predator hunting its prey.
His eyes caught the sway of her hips, her ass round and plump under the skimpy dress.
Theo pressed himself against her, her back to his front, making sure there was no part of her body left untouched. His arms wrapped around her waist, his head tucked into the crook of his neck, and his boner pressed into her ass.
She gasped at the feeling and stopped dancing. His groin pressed deep into her ass. She had known that this dress and her dancing would elicit some kind of reaction from Theo but never had she imagined it to be such a... big, reaction, both literally and figuratively.
"Nice of you to finally join me Teddy." She said, going back to dancing, well more like grinding on Theo behind her.
He groaned, "Clearly I should have joined earlier." His words came out slightly strained as he nuzzled his face into her neck and she grinned.
"You should have." She had only her imagination when it came to the things they could have done if he had approached her sooner, things that would leave her sore for days on end.
"Did you wear this for me Princess?" He whispered, his fingers playing with the hem of her much too short dress.
"And if I say I wore it for someone else?" She asked, the sly grin on her face unmistakable.
Theo growled from behind her and swiftly turned her in his arms, "Then I won't go easy on you when I take you up to my dorm." His voice was raspy and his breath was hot on her ear.
"And who says I'll be going to your dorm?"
"Me." His words had barely processed in her mind before he had thrown her over his shoulder and was stomping towards his dorm. In the distance there was a faint noise of hooting and cheering.
"Theodore Nott put me down!" She balled her fists, hitting his back repeatedly.
She hears him open his dorm door and watches as he kicks it shut behind him. Theo places her on the ground in front him.
She glares up at him as he stares down at her, his hands rested on her waist possessively as his eyes roamed her face and body hungrily. "Have I ever told you how stunning you are." His voice came out soft, and his pupils were dilated.
"I-it's the dress." She stammered, she had bought the dress because it flattered her body, and because she knew it would get Theos attention.
"It's so much more than the dress, Baby." He whispered, leaning in closer, his eyes darted from her lips to her eyes, she did the same.
"You're crazy." She says because it was the first thing that came to mind, but it seems to encourage him because he grins and pauses, his lips a breath away from hers.
"Crazy for you." He murmurs before smashing his lips onto hers. Their lips moved in sync, with the same ravenous hunger.
Theo moved her back, leading them towards his bed, not taking his lips off hers once. He didn't stop until the back of her knees hit the bed, his lips left her for a moment before he pushed her back and she landed on the middle of her bed. He cast a privacy charm on the room before he climbed on top her and caught her in a kiss. She gasped and his tongue dived right in.
A breathy moan left her lips.
I got too scared to write smut... but here's this I guess. <3
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i-cant-sing · 21 days
Maybe a dancer reader with your ocs, like they want to still be on stage and fight about it with your oc because they sacrificed a lot to get there and don’t want to waste it. Like how would they react would they let the darling dance on stage with limited audience or?
Hmm, here's how I think it'll go:
He wouldnt ever stop you from enjoying life, and he loves watching you dance. Its so graceful, the way your body moves, the emotions youre expressing, its all- so impressive. Eros 100% ditches his duty at the hospital, dresses up super nice to go to the theatre where you're performing, and of course he has the best seat near the stage so you could see your no.1 hype man cheering you on. He is so proudly telling anyone and everyone that "thats my girl!" "I'm dating her! Gosh, I'm lucked out!"
Probably has a theatre/stage built in his mansion for you to perform in, and the audience will be him and his men. They're all there to clap and cheer you on, but in a very careful way so as to not make Dimitri think they're attracted to you, just admiring your dance.
Its kinda weird watching all these buffed up, tattooed criminals getting front seat to your little hobby and they're all looking at you in complete awe, giving you 7 minute standing ovation, hooting as their boss gets on stage and spins you in his arms before dipping you as he gives you a passionate kiss. Ah yes, Dimitri is also a skilled dancer, though you'll now have to waltz with him for the world.
Guess who brings the entire cult to the show? Its crazy lover boy Magnus! You didnt want to dance, but Magnus knew about your secret hobby and he insisted that you dance for him. You turned him down, of course because you hate him, but then a little threat from the cult to pull your intestines out to hang dry, you were all game <3
At the end of your dance, he's on his knees, along with his cult, and is praising the Lord for giving him such a perfect partner.
You're probably still in the dark about Theo being a spy/assassin, so you dont know that the reason the entire theatre is empty except for him is because Theo used his spy agency to book out the theatre completely for "mission purposes", and you just think that nobody else showed up :( You also dont know that Theo has some guys stationed outside the theatre to knock out/shoot anyone who tries to come in.
But hey, at least your deaf bf is all supportive as he claps and gives you nods of approval at the end of your performance, as well as a big bouquet and teddy bear.
Halim Mehmat Shah:
My man, my himbo bf, he brings his entire family and his bestie Mahir to the show because um of course, this will also be your family soon when you two get married (you're not even dating him atm) so why wouldnt they come to support you????
He's cheering, he's clapping, his family has these proud beaming smiles and they all join you backstage to tell you how amazing you are and you just feel a little weird at how Halim's family, especially his parents are looking at you with such pride- your own family has never looked at you so fondly. Of course, the parents made you take pictures with Halim (and Mahir was also dragged into these photos because he's their angsty adoptive son lol).
Later, you find out that almost all the people who attended the show were connected to the Shah family somehow, and they bought tickets for everyone.
Mahir Jahangir:
He'll look up from his pile of papers, silent as you whine about wanting to dance at the theatre downtown. Mahir knows that you're an exceptionally good dancer, but he doesnt know how to explain to you that he'd much rather burn the world to the ground than let any man look at you like that.
And since he doesnt wanna sound like an insane, jealous s/o, he agrees, giving you a nod to go ahead before picking up his phone to tell his secretary to cater to your requests.
When the day of the show comes, the curtains open and all you see is Mahir and his mom sitting in the front row. They're the only audience, and Mahir's mom is ever so cheerful throughout your performance while Mahir has a soft smile, pride and awe shining in his eyes. Of course, only at the end of the show does Mahir finally clap, giving you a standing ovation as he does so. All his moves, his claps, his praise, they're all calculated, no filler words or actions that dont hold significance are used.
His mother is going on and on about how much she enjoyed the performance, while Mahir is silently waiting for his moment to tell you that he just bought the theatre and is gifting it to you <3
No.1 cheerleader, has the ballroom booked for you. You'd think he'd have the ballroom empty so that he could get a private show, but no. He has his court in there, praising and clapping at how well you dance, except they're all wearing blindfolds because again- Baldwin doesnt want them to see how well his "angel" dances.
"We can feel how well you dance, your Majesty!" They say to you, but you know by now that they're all just crazy.
What you dont expect is Baldwin to get up and join you mid performance, pulling you close by the waist as he leads your body, waltzing through the entire ballroom with such finesse.
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finnott · 3 months
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CHARACTERS : Mattheo Riddle — GENRE : pure angst — WARNINGS : Mattheo has a panic attack, drugs and alcohol. — REQUESTED : no.
Note : story is inspired by If i get high by nothing but thieves :)
Mattheo was growing tired. He was currently at the three broomsticks at Hogsmeade, near a window, with a perfect view of a father and son going past. The young kid slipped on an unleveled stone in the stone walkway. Mattheo waited with bated breath for the father's reaction, but all he did was smile at the boy, help him up, and pat him on the back, assuring him that everything would be alright. The boy simply smiles at his father before pointing to an ice cream shop and heading towards it. Mattheo stared at the spot where the boy had fallen and let out a breath he had been holding. His face was emotionless, almost numb. He’d been spacing out more than usual lately, and his friends were starting to notice. He came to the three broomsticks to be alone for a bit and try to get stuff off his mind, but it seemed like the universe had other plans. There was going to be a party in the Slytherin common room later tonight, and he was mentally preparing himself for all the questioning looks. Normally, he enjoyed the attention and watching how others reacted to him as the dark lord's son, but lately, the glances ranged from uneasiness or fear to concern, which he despised. It made him feel as if everyone was watching and waiting for him to crumble. He hasn't even had the energy to respond to the people staring; typically, he'd shout an insult or make a witty remark, but he can't be bothered anymore.
Mattheo stood in front of his dorm bathroom mirror, staring at himself. His eyes were glossy and dull, and despite the fact that he appeared emotionless, he felt the opposite; he was filled with so many emotions. His father expected him to gather more people to join his army, so he demanded Mattheo recruit his friends, leaving Mattheo with an empty feeling in his stomach. The Slytherin party was about to start, and his friends were waiting for him in their dorm. Mattheo turned the bathroom doorknob slowly before stepping out of the bathroom and getting the attention of the other two boys in the dorm. "So, you finally decided to grace us with your presence. I was starting to think you were hiding in there forever." Lorenzo spoke up with a grin as Mattheo approached the boys with an uninterested look. Lorenzo and Theo stood up, each holding a plastic bag of goods. Mattheo guessed it was a combination of drugs, munchies, and party game supplies. "Ready to go?" Theo asked with a curious expression. Mattheo loathed how much Theodore could see through him, he did his best to deliver one of those sarcastic smirks. "Of course I am. Do you think I'm scared?" Mattheo asked, tilting his head slightly. Theodore looked at him, concerned, before sighing, "Okay, let's go then." He motioned towards the door, and the three boys left their dorm to join the Slytherin party.
Multiple Slytherin students hooted and wooed as the boys entered the common room. Lorenzo smiled at the audience before turning to face the other two boys. "Separate and conquer, boys!" "We'll meet up for party games later." He offered the other two boys a friendly wink before slipping into the crowd. Theodore stared at Mattheo again with a look Mattheo couldnt quite place "I'll be by the drinks." With that, Theo went. Mattheo remained there for a second, staring at the other Slytherin students, before taking a deep breath and running his hand through his hair. He began walking because he needed to; if he stood and observed, he would become paralyzed, and he despised being stuck. He grabbed one of the firewhiskys from the drink table and chugged it. He liked the scorching sensation that slid down his throat; it served to distract him from everything else. He badly wanted to be in charge of his life, and as he continued to drink, he felt peaceful because he was choosing to do so. He is in control of himself right now. Mattheo's body began to tingle, but he ignored it, remaining in control as he picked up another cup and turned around. His gaze fell on Theodore, who had his back against the wall, talking to a blonde Slytherin girl. He tilted his head at her and whispered something in her ears, to which she simply giggled. Mattheo felt tingling sensations spread throughout his body, becoming nearly painful in his hands. He cannot picture seeing Theodore working for his father. He watched Theodore laugh with the girl before looking around and searching for Lorenzo who was sitting on the couch, talking to a group of people. He approached Lorenzo, trying to steady his breath. He glanced around, discovered Lorenzo's plastic bag, and looked inside it. Mattheo reached inside his bag for several joints and a lighter before returning his gaze to Lorenzo, who was preoccupied with the group's conversation. Lorenzo has a full life ahead of him, and Mattheo knew he couldn't spoil it simply because his father said so. Mattheo puts the joints and lighter in his pocket and walks away from where Lorenzo was. He sees Theodore again, still talking and laughing with the Slytherin girl. Mattheo walks by them without Theo even noticing.
Mattheo comes out of the common room and stares down at his hand, which has curled into itself. He attempts to open it, but it's difficult and uncomfortable. As he walks, chills run down his body, and he tries to take a breath but chokes. He feels like his entire body has been set on fire while also being extremely cold. He feels his heart sink as he realizes he is choking, forcing something to snap inside him. He was walking at a decent pace one second, then running the next. He has no idea why he was running away, but he knew he had to; if he looked back, he would be stuck and paralyzed. He arrives at the astronomy tower and starts jogging up the stairs, but with each step he takes, he feels faint. He has no idea how he hasn't yet because he isn't sure if he is breathing or not. He reaches the top of the tower and collapses to his feet, placing his hand on his throat in an attempt to breathe. He felt as if he wasn't breathing; he needed to feel anything. He stands up carefully and walks, approaching the tower's rails. As the chilly air struck him, he took another breath and finally felt like he was breathing. He sat down, facing the landscape, and returned his attention to his hand. The pins and needles were so painful that he attempted desperately to move his hand, but it kept locking back up. His shoulders and stomach were so sore. He's trying hard to remain calm, but everything hurts. He lies down on his back, staring at nothing. He takes one of the joints out of his pocket and puts it in his mouth before taking the lighter and lighting it. He takes a deep drag from the joint before exhaling. His body is still numb and throbbing, and he desperately wanted to curl up and disappear. He shuts his eyes, takes a few breaths away from the world for a moment, and feels something wet slide down his face. He rubs his face, confused, and opens his eyes, only to discover that his vision is blurry. He sits up, scared, and rubs his eyes, attempting to wipe away any tears. He is not a cryer; he dislikes crying, so why is he crying? The panic he had gotten rid of returned as he held his knees to his chest. He cannot comprehend what went wrong and why he is broken like this. Why can't he be normal? Why was he doomed to live like this? Forced to be his fathers son? He choked back more emotions and leaned his head on top of his knees, staring into the view. All he longed for was to have control over his own life - to dictate his own destiny without the meddling of others. Yet, as he stared at the view of Hogwarts before him, he realized that he couldn't outrun his destiny. He was tied to his fate like a puppet on a string, and no matter how hard he struggled, he would always be controlled by something greater than himself.
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Word count : 1420 | ට finnott, 2024.
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disenchantedif · 11 months
How active are the Ro’s on Owler? (Just typing that word made me so giddy, it’s such a fun one)
Glossary: Owler - Twitter, Hoot - Tweet, Rehoot - Retweet
Viktor: Mostly rehoots pottery stuff, sometimes makes sarcastic remarks to Theo’s dumb hoots.
Theo: Loves posting shade at certain people and dumb stories that don’t sound believable but are 100% true.
Charlie: Rehoots Theo’s shade posts just to stir the pot. Also posts about what they’re currently reading and what’s on their TBR.
Amri: Rehoots news to do with corruption in general. Drags their family on the regular, especially their dad. Also rehoots any and every tweet that calls MC hot once you meet.
Cameron: Usually just rehoots obscure sorcery documents and pictures of cute animals. Will occasionally fall for Theo’s bait and end up in an argument.
Luci: They’re barely active and mostly use their account to lurk. They rehoot Cameron’s animal posts occasionally.
Penny: New to Owler and posts the weirdest hoots about what gosh she prefers eating. No, Theo, she’s not talking about sushi. Also rehoots random fashion posts she likes.
Harlow: Private account that barely follows anyone and hardly ever posts.
Avery: Has an account under their Canadian alias that Charlie follows. Mostly hoots pictures of the local scenery and the cute pasties the cafe they work at sells.
???: They’re non-corporeal to start off so they can’t exactly hold a phone, but they would love to help you write your hoots.
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esta-elavaris · 7 months
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Flufftober Day 30: Self-Worth/Self-Love ~ James Norrington/OC [1.973 words]
My Flufftober '23 masterpost can be found here, and my behemoth of a main fic about these two is here 💜✨
This is the final bit in the little mini storyline I had going on with these - it's first referenced in day 10, it builds a bit in day 21, and we dig into it properly here!
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On their final night in London together, Theo had to concede that she hadn’t had half as bad a time as she’d expected. In fact, she hadn’t had a bad time at all. Sure, she spent the first couple of weeks waiting for all to suddenly turn bitchy towards her, using things she’d said when her guard was down to mock the begloved Irishwoman who may or may not have been a witch, but…it didn’t happen. And now their final social occasion, their farewell dinner, was drawing to a close, and she had to accept that it simply was not going to happen. Screw interdimensional time travel, this was the real miracle.
She’d even taken to dressing how she actually wanted to dress. Alright, leggings and band shirts were still out, but to her own tastes as far as fashions of the time went – rather than cosplaying as whatever she thought people would expect Mrs Norrington to appear. Which often meant dressing how Elizabeth would.
The last of their guests, Lord and Lady Montague, remained in the drawing room as the others left in order to finalise business, and everything was looking decidedly golden.
“I’ll confess, Admiral Norrington,” the older man insisted on continued use of James’ former title – a mark of respect, she thought, “I was prepared to come here, listen to some hare-brained scheme, before throwing what little gold and help I possibly could at it merely as a personal favour to Governor Swann.”
“Oh really, Henry,” his wife scolded, very half-heartedly, from where she sat beside Theo.
“I wouldn’t say it now if it had all proven true,” he pressed on. “I confessed myself impressed, by your plans, by your lovely wife, by you, by all of it. And very optimistic. You go forth with my full backing, and not just the sort that I offer out of obligation to save any awkwardness.”
Theo smiled, bowing her head as Lady Montague – or Alice, as she insisted she call her – squeezed her arm as if in agreement. Her experience with the upper crust of English society had begun with Beckett, and he was an act she had no wish to see repeated.
The Montagues stood, James and Theo following suit as Henry continued.
“I wish you luck, not that I think you’ll need it, going forth – and going forth with all the support you might need, from myself at least. And my contacts in the north. I’ve already written to them, I did so last night so I could reassure you of that fact before we saw you off.”
It was taking all Theo had not to start literally jumping for joy. As James expressed his thanks, Alice rounded on her and pulled her into a tight hug.
“Speaking of writing, you must promise to do so! You’ve been such a breath of fresh air, Theodora, I’m going to miss you sorely when you’re gone! You must come again. I insist, I really do.”
“I will,” Theo laughed. “I promise, I will.”
Her penmanship with a quill was improving, so with any luck James wouldn’t be obligated to scribe whatever letters she had to send.
The goodbyes were lengthy, but the moment they were out of the door and well out of earshot, Theo was hooting a laugh and throwing her arms about her husband in celebration – not content to let him downplay his success here. Only after that did the tiredness that had been culminating over the course of their time here really hit, and she returned to the sofa and sank down onto it with a sigh.
“You made an enthusiastic friend in Lady Montague. For life, I should think,” James said as he followed her in.
“Careful, James, you’re brushing against condescension – all that’s missing is a pat on the head and a good girl.”
Although that last part might be worth revisiting at a later date. He chuckled, walking to the bar cart and pouring them each a drink before he sat down on the couch beside her, handing her the crystal tumbler of whiskey.
“I know these things are tiring for you, but if it’s any consolation you handled it all marvellously.”
Theo made a humming sound, taking a sip and sighing. He was right – they were exhausting. Not even just because of the cultural differences, which one wouldn’t expect to exist between two such small neighbouring islands, but because of her origins, too.
“It wasn’t so bad as it was when I first arrived,” she admitted. “I…have more stable footing now, than I did back then. Don’t need to be paranoid that if I say my favourite colour is blue, it’ll be a secret code for I worship the devil every Tuesday night in these times.”
“No, that would be red,” he said drily.
“Duly noted.”
Back when she first arrived, it had been toughest. Having to constantly self-edit and really think over what she said before she said it, thinking of how she could skew an anecdote to fit the time – or if she could at all – by which point, the conversation had often moved on and she was left standing quietly like a lawn ornament to the side. With James, it had always been surprisingly easy. Even before he knew, when they were just talking, and he wasn’t trying to finagle details of her past out of her. And now she didn’t have to worry about it with him at all. A safe haven in human form.
It was Theo’s own humble opinion that she was at her best when she could speak her mind and crack her stupid jokes and, well, breathe. That hadn’t often been possible in Port Royal. Because they were of this time, and because they seldom shared her sense of humour – and going into this, she’d expected it to be more of the same. Amplified, perhaps, because this was London, where all of them had hailed from.
But either island life had made those there less friendly towards newcomers, or the old lot just really resented her for what she’d found with James. Then again, maybe arriving as a castaway, living in the jungle for a bit, and then running off with a pirate…multiple times…had something to do with it, too. Who knew?
In any case, she’d lucked out here – and she was relieved, but exhausted still. And more than a little sheepish.
“I’m sorry.”
“For worshipping the devil?”
He had not sensed her change in tone, thinking she was still joking. There was a precedent for that, wasn’t there? Theo was content to let it rest there, unsure if it was really a conversation she wanted to have anyway. But then he turned his head and regarded her fully, and the silence became a little less comfortable than it usually was between them.
“Sorry for what?” he asked, and then when she did not respond, asked again. “Theodora?”
“It…doesn’t come naturally to me. Not here.”
“What doesn’t?”
“The social side of it. Here.”
“She says as we sit here, drinking to her success.”
“We’re drinking to our success, don’t be daft.”
“I’m drinking to yours. Now tell me what you meant. Was someone unkind tonight?”
“Not at all. But…”
Well, they were having the conversation now. What good would it be to sit and make him pull teeth and figure out what was bothering her via a series of yes-or-no questions?
“…this is what wives are supposed to do, isn’t it? Here, I mean. Take joy in organising dinner parties and playing hostess and filling every spare hour of every day with luncheons and dinner parties and balls? Representing the team in the sophisticated social circles – the ones not inhabited by pirates and sex workers, anyway. It’s not exactly…”
A marriage to a fine woman. But she wouldn’t use those words – because they weren’t meant for her ears, because it would appear the matter of Elizabeth still weighed upon her (which it genuinely did not), and because it didn’t exactly convey how she felt. That made it sound like she doubted his feelings for her, or like she had no self-worth…which had never been one of her problems. God bless her dad and how he’d raised her.
“I don’t fulfil the traditional job requirements,” she finished lamely.
Then, though, she saw how he looked almost outraged by her words and winced.
“I’m not saying I don’t think you’re happy. Only that it would be understandable if you were…oh, I don’t know. Frustrated, now and then, at having a wife who you always need to explain to people.”
In all of their time together, they hadn’t ever really had a chance at living in a normal manner up until now. There’d always been some sort of grander game at play – some new adventure-slash-mortal peril tugging at their tailcoats. The bits in-between that kinda sorta resembled normality had been breathers. Blips between storms – between maelstroms.
James smiled a little as he bowed his head, and Theo wasn’t sure how to even begin taking the gesture. Had she really sounded that ridiculous? God, she shouldn’t have opened her mouth at all. But when he raised his head again and looked to her, the smile slipped away, and she knew her worry had shown on her face.
Sighing, he bent forward to set his glass down on the floor, and then took her free hand in both of his.
"Do you think I have none of the same fears? Three centuries of progress lies between here and where you hailed from. Between myself and then. And you have given up much for me…have sacrificed much for me..." as he spoke, he ran his thumb over the knuckles of her gloved hand. “I believe that you are happy just as you know that I am. But, sometimes, I do fear that one day you may grow to question whether it was all worth it. For you have sacrificed plenty, and I have gained much. I have gained everything.”
“Everything you’ve gained, I have too,” she insisted. “I never regret the choice I’ve made. Not even in passing.”
“And nor do I. I do not wish for a wife, Theodora. I want you. As you are. However you are. However you will be. And as for needing to explain you to people – if they do not possess good taste, that is their own affair. I enjoy being among the lucky collective who do.”
Theo felt herself flush, but he was not finished. He slipped one hand away from hers and brought it instead to cup the side of her face, thumb running across her cheek just as it had with her knuckles, urging her towards him so that he could kiss her – a kiss that was so slow and filled with such adoration that she was sure she wouldn’t be able to string another sentence together for at least an hour.
He pulled back, but kept her close, pressing his brow against hers.
“And I confess, if you suffered a head injury and began to take joy in little other than place settings and the town gossip, I should still love you but I would mourn it,” he teased. “You take little joy in these sorts of gatherings? Good. Nor do I. So I know I will never need to suffer through them unless entirely necessary – and when those times do come, I’m afforded the opportunity to witness you, to use your own wording, charm the pants off of those necessary. Now tell me, what facet of any of this is supposed to disappoint me?”
“What if I tell you I really am a witch?” she teased, pressing another kiss to his lips as if to prove her mood had lightened.
“I shall carry your broomstick for you with great pride,” he promised.
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Links: AO3 -- FF.net -- flufftober masterpost -- dividers by cafekitsune
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Christmas Fics 2022 (Part 6):
Her Bodyguard by twopersoncult - E, one-shot - "And what do you think you're doing, Granger?" Malfoy drawled from behind her. Draco catches Hermione in the library after dark.
Marshmallows and Hot Chocolate by emsdiadem (emilyjoy2509) - G, one-shot - Hermione is experiencing her first Christmas alone after the War when an unexpected person knocks at the door.
A Perfectly Pleasant Plan by accio_magic - M, one-shot - With the Christmas holiday fast approaching, and with it the unending holiday parties, Hermione Granger finds herself making a deal with Roger Davies to get out of attending them on her own. Tired of being the single friend that everyone tries to fix up so she won't be alone, Hermione thinks it's the perfect plan.Draco Malfoy throws a wrench in that plan.
Mise-en-scène by JessicaLovejoyAO3 - E, one-shot - Embedded NSFW art.It's snowing heavily where I am, and the city is closed down.A smutty, fluffy one-shot (with light angst) that takes place in the Build universe between Form Ch. 10 and Ch. 11 during Christmas hols.Happy Winter Holidays, everyone!Inspired by the unfairly talented and generous Bellemedusa's drawing.CW: Discussions of pregnancy (in a drunken manner), alcohol use.
A Wizarding Christmas Carol by VicUreno_12 - G, one-shot - My version of A Christmas Carol. Narcissa is the main character. There is no second wizarding war. So some timeliness have change.
A Magical Christmas by Snake_queen13 - G, one-shot - A Muggle Hermione and Wizard Draco AU (with background Theo and original character)
Christmas Eve Special Deal by MyDearMelancholyXO - E, one-shot - On Christmas Eve, Hermione finds herself stuck in France after a Floo mishap and goes for a glass of wine.
Tango of Deception by DragonBaiter - T, one-shot - One lie leads to another in the Christmas season, and before Hermione knows it, she's swept up in the verbal dance of her own deceit. Her (suspiciously willing) partner? The one and only Draco Malfoy.
The Very Secret Santa by Bondgirltrb - E, one-shot - Hermione Granger pulls Draco Malfoy's name for Secret Santa...
Ruined for Christmas by KatsiPerennial - E, one-shot - When Hermione Granger is dared to attend the Auror Department's annual Christmas Party wearing a rather... revealing outfit, her much older boss, Draco Malfoy, shows her how he feels about her bold choice in expressing holiday cheer.
Dirty Secret by Frumpologist - E, one-shot - At the annual Nott-Potter Christmas party (theme: Sexy Claus, because Theo can't help himself), Hermione withers under the attention of Cormac McLaggen. That is, until Draco Malfoy makes an appearance.
Christmas at Hogwarts by Mector - G, one-shot - Hermione stays up all Friday night working on her secret project ignoring the hooting and hollering coming from the common room of the Slytherin dungeon...
Bad decisions are served with mulled wine by call_me_valentin - T, one-shot - When Hermione comes to the Christmas party where her ex-fiance announces his engagement—the only thing left for her is getting drunk. What a pleasant coincidence that Draco Malfoy had the same plan.
O Christmas Tree by Highladylily - E, one-shot - Theo wants to decorate the Christmas tree after work. Draco didn't bank on what kind of tree it would be.
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The Tin Woodman Who Lost His Heart - Translation (心を失ったブリキ男)
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
I have also made a version which includes the members' notes found in the script.
[Theo and the Tin Woodman - Forest, nighttime]
A dark and frightening forest.
Trees rustle and the hoots of owls can be heard.
Only the sound of Theo’s footsteps eerily echoes.
Theo: (sigh) … Before I knew it, it was getting dark.
A bird flaps its wings.
Theo: Eek…!! That scared me… It was just a bird…
He slumps down on the spot, involuntarily letting out a small whimper of anxiety.
Theo: … Ugh… How did I get into this mess? Terry, how are you doing? I wonder if you’re safe… I want to… I want to go back to Kansas.
Theo buries his face in his knees, looking sad.
Theo: Even though I so proudly decided to go to the Emerald City, I can't do anything by myself! I’m nothing more than a coward…
A tin man is standing in the forest.
Over time, his body got so rusty that he became immobile.
He’s unable to speak clearly either.
Tin Woodman: … Ugh… Aah…
Theo: Eek…!! W-What is it this time!?
The tin man, sensing Theo’s presence, lets out a groan as if asking for help.
Tin Woodman: … Uugh… Nnhg… Aah… H-Hel… mmh…
The groaning is eerie, but Theo senses an atmosphere of suffering.
He pushes his way through the grass as he walks fearfully in the direction of the groaning.
After pushing through a large patch of grass, he stops.
Theo: … W-Who’s… there…?
The rusty metal makes a grating noise.
Tin Woodman: Don’t… b-be… a-... ugh… aid…
Theo: …! A person… made entirely of tin…? Why are you all stiff like that…!? He’s holding an axe over his head, and he’s not even twitching.
Tin Woodman: Out… of oil, I… ve… rusted… can’t m-move…. I… ve… been… here… over… year….
Theo: A year…!? And nobody helped you?
Tin Woodman: No… body… Could… use… oilcan… over there… oil… my joints? Neck… arms… and legs…
Theo: Got it! Just a second!
Taking the oilcan in his hand, Theo starts pouring oil over him. 
Theo: First, the neck…
As the Tin Woodman gets oiled, his voice becomes more understandable.
Tin Woodman: Oh…! I can now move my face. My mouth… works well, too!
Theo: That’s true!! You can speak properly now. Next, your arms… It must get tiring to hold the axe all the time like that.
Tin Woodman: Ah… It’s soaking into my body… As the oil spreads, my body returns to its original condition… It feels… Quite nice…
Theo: Lastly, the legs! There we go… How’s that?
The Tin Woodman bows repeatedly, making clunking noises.
Tin Woodman: Thank you very much!! Truly, thank you very much! Now I’m back to normal! Ah, you are a lifesaver! How can I express my gratitude?
Theo: … Not at all, I just happened to be passing by… But how did you get into this situation…?
The sad past of the Tin Woodman. He begins to tell his story.
Tin Woodman: I used to be a human being just like you. I used to live happily, but one day, the Wicked Witch stole someone very dear to me.
He clenches his fists tightly while looking down.
Tin Woodman: I fought to get that person back, but I was no match for the Wicked Witch, and she enchanted my axe to chop off all of my body parts.
The Tin Woodman faces Theo as if to show him his body.
Tin Woodman: The body itself was rebuilt by a skilled tin smith, but I lost my heart at the time, and even my ability to love was gone.
He places his hand on his chest and shakes his head.
Tin Woodman: After I lost my heart, I forgot what was important to me. What they’re like, and even who they are…
He stares at the axe that is lying nearby.
Tin Woodman: Since then, I have been living like a machine, doing nothing but cutting down trees. This tin body never gets tired, and doesn’t get sore either… The only thing I must be careful of is to remember to oil it.
The Tin Woodman, lost in his thoughts, reflects on the situation.
Tin Woodman: And yet, I blindly continued to cut down trees. I had forgotten even what the objective was. Then it rained, and by the time I realized it, it was already too late and I had become rusty.
The Tin Man notices Theo's gaze and straightens his posture.
Tin Woodman: How embarrassing… I ended up making you listen to a boring story about myself.
Theo wraps his hand around the Tin Woodman's own, squeezing it gently.
Theo: That’s not true! They must have meant a lot to you for you to be willing to sacrifice yourself to that extent, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to do such an amazing thing. You should be proud. But take better care of yourself, okay?
Tin Woodman: Amazing… thing? Even I, who have no heart, feel happy. And your hand is so warm… … It’s been so long since I felt the warmth of human touch.
A tin man who wishes for a heart.
Tin Woodman: However, even if I have a body, there is no meaning to life if I’m not able to feel love. Knowing no love, only wandering in the darkness of loneliness forever…
Theo talks about his past of being alone in the city.
Theo: I know exactly… how you feel. Not being loved by the people you care about. Not being able to love… That pain.
While remembering it, he shows a pained expression on his face.
Theo: My father disappeared, leaving me and my mother behind, and she fell ill from the shock. Even when I was nearby, she looked somewhere far away, as if I wasn’t there…
Theo, with his arms outstretched, laments.
Theo: Although there are lots of people in the city, there is nobody who cares about me. I was always alone, and my heart was grayer than gray Kansas. I felt like I wasn’t needed in this world…
The Tin Woodman bows deeply, with a hand over his chest.
Tin Woodman: Someone as kind as you? If nothing else, you have saved me. You were shining like a ray of hope. Thank you truly for finding me.
Theo feels a little better now that he’s expressed his feelings.
Theo: … Thank you. Since I arrived in this land, lots of things have happened that I’m grateful for. Now that you have defeated the Wicked Witch, please become the new wizard who’ll protect this country! … Is what I was asked to do. I’ve never been so surprised in my life.
Tin Woodman: Are you a wizard? So that’s why… I sensed there was something different about you!!
Theo: Oh, no. It’s a coincidence, a coincidence. Just like me finding you.
Theo claps his hands.
Theo: That's right! Why don’t we go to the Emerald City together and ask for our wishes to be realized? I heard that there’s a great wizard named Oz, so how about you ask him for a heart?
Tin Woodman: If I’m able to do that, then I could regain the passion from back then…! There was not a day that went by… that I did not wish to fill the gaping hole in my heart. I know how wonderful it is to love, and that is why I’m searching for it again.
Theo: I would be happy to have you with me on this journey. I was too scared to walk through this forest alone, you see. The path is uneven, and the road is blocked by trees in some places.
Tin Woodman: You can leave anything to do with this forest to me! I cut down trees for a living. I am confident I will be able to help you on your journey from now on! 
Theo: Okay! Let’s join forces and visit Oz! And then, make our wishes come true!
[Human wishes and the power of magic - Emerald City, Oz’s room]
Oz laments the endlessness of human desire.
Oz: Hahaha…! Do you think you can get anything you want by asking a wizard…? Only when it is convenient do you ask for help from magic.
He raises his hand in a big gesture and speaks powerfully.
Oz: They fear, persecute, and reject the power of magic, yet they abase themselves by accepting its benefits… Humans are foolish and selfish beings.
He quickly gets up from his chair and walks around the room.
Oz: You can never have more than what you can hold. What you can’t hold in both hands will spill through the gaps between your fingers, and ultimately nothing will be left…
He hugs his own body.
Oz: Either that, or the weight of it will crush your body and mind… Excessive expectations from those around someone and not being capable of controlling one’s abilities will eat away at a person.
The crystal ball glows mysteriously.
Oz: I hope you don’t get misled by the sweet word "magic" and end up going astray... What is the truth and what is reality? You have to find out with your own eyes.
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chaoticneutralbell · 2 months
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Thank You And Hello
In which Lucien tracks down his leprechaun. ft @lucienmelaina
The last thing Lucien expected when he returned home after spending the night at Mayra's was a clean house. He had never been a particularly untidy person, but somewhere between his own health declining and his brother needing extra care, the apartment had fallen into a state of disarray that was only getting worse by the day.
It took a note on the kitchen counter and a quick explanation from his brother to get him back onto his feet and on the way to the school, looking for the person responsible. Spotting the blonde head he didn't really recognize hunched over some notebooks, he knocked on the already open door to make his presence known.
"Lucy, I presume?" he asked, holding up the note with her signature at the end.
She'd been noodling a new idea for the kids when the knock startled her. "What? Oh!" The note was a tremendously handy clue. She was glad past-Lucy had left it.
A push to her feet and Lucy crossed the room. "Yep - hope it didn't weird you out. I didn't mess with anything I thought would be private." The un-confession was blurted, chased with her bubbling laugh. "Which probably sounds way suspicious."
Waving around the room, she added, "Did you wanna sit?" A beat pause to consider his height and Lucy added, "They aren't all kiddie size. Mine even has wheels."
"That sounds exactly like what someone who has gone through my drawers would say," Lucien replied and partly accepted her invitation, leaning against one of the desks, which were more suitable for his height and easier to get out of whenever he chose to go. "Fortunately for me, I am pretty boring."
He looked over at her for a second, taking in the sight of this new person who had gone to such lengths to help him and his brother live under decent conditions. "That was incredibly nice of you, especially considering you don't even know me. Did you just trust I deserve it because of the name similarity?"
Giggles bubbled out of her. "No! I especially didn't see any of the erotica about your neighbors." Leaning in, her voice turned conspiratorial. "And I wouldn't call that description of Father Theo boring."
Lucy watched him, briefly confused before a smile dawned. "Oh, you really *are* Ares brother, aren't you?" She gestured to the note. "You were my assignment! For the Pot of Gold thing!"
She slid into the chair at the desk Lucien chose. "It was kinda tricky to spy on you, what with the reclusive eccentric shtick. Lucky me, I happen to know someone on the inside."
"Darling, when I finally write the Great Redwood Saga, I will not hide it away. It will be compulsory reading material for everyone," he laughed along with her.
"Oh, I got that. I just assumed pot of gold meant someone getting me a nice mug or something of the like. Not going out of their way to make sure I don't leave in a stable." He looked down to wher she was sitting, intrigued. "I have a feeling I should be insulted, but your actions have granted you the benefit of the doubt. Care to elaborate on this grand scheme of yours?"
Her eyebrows shot up, another hoot of laughter. "Saga like Dune or saga like Twilight? Because I - well, actually? Fuck it, I'd read both." She thumbed over her shoulder to indicate the room. "Can't guarantee it'd be approved material here, though."
Lucy pulled a face. "Nah - it was just a challenge to do something nice! I don't think there was a restriction on the form it took?" It'd be wonk if it had to be a physical present.
"About the eccentric shtick? Nah, nah, nah. It was just a challenge is all." Flopping back in the chair, Lucy's grin widened. "I'm afraid I cannot reveal my secrets, lest you install preventative measure against future sneaking."
"I'd hope for Dune, but knowing the people around this place, it would turn into something much more unhinged," he half-joked. In another universe, the apocalypse gets magically resolved and he becomes a very very rich man from said Redwood Saga. "Do you happen to be a reader?"
"Oh, I think you played by the rules perfectly. I just didn't expect it, that's all. Which, I suppose, was the premise of the whole setup, so kudos on that as well," he smiled back at her. "I am more than okay with you keeping your secrets. And if I find my kitchen mopped one evening, I will gladly pretend it was the elves that did it."
"Hell, yeah, dude." She indicated their surroundings. "I may not teach literature, but that doesn't mean I don't love books. Brave New World was always a favorite." Obviously the guy managing all the books would love them; Lucy didn't need to ask.
Fingers laced over her stomach, she stretched her legs out and crossed them at the ankle. "You may be shocked to learn that you're not the first person to find my choices and behavior unpredictable."
She did sit up at the idea that she'd be mopping his place again. "Is the Pot of Gold shit recurring? I didn't think I was committing to monthly chores, performed gratis."
"Excellent choice," Lucien commented at her book pick, "although nowadays I find myself straying away from dystopian novels. You know, living in the dystopia and whatnot." He was always in favor of using novels as escapism, but some of them hit a little too close to home. "I used to write, you know, before all this. I have a feeling you would offer some valuable reviews," he offered- he wasn't one to incessantly promote his books, but he couldn't resist when he met someone who would either thoroughly enjoy them or completely despise them.
"No, I think you're safe on that front," he laughed at her sudden panic. "Although I don't know what new idea they will come up with after this. Maybe it's reverse pot of gold next time, and you get to wreak absolute havoc on my poor apartment."
Eyes sparkling, Lucy giggled. "Thank you. But we were always in a dystopia, dude. Just lost the Somas." That he was a writer caught Lucy's curiosity. "No shit? You any good?" Lucien... Lucien... Hmm. What was their last name?
Lucy's laugh was more guffaw this time. "Yeah, right. That doesn't feel very Morale-y. Intriguing social experiment, though." The bait of nice gestures to the switch of malfeasance. "What'd you do for yours?" She paused and added, "And what would you do?"
“I mean, some people used to think so. It doesn’t matter at all nowadays, but I made a living out of it once,” Lucien answered, his old life feeling very foreign to him.
“For mine?” he asked with a surrendered laugh. “Luck didn’t grant me any of my favorite people around him, but I chose to be a walking -limping- stereotype and got them a book. Nothing as extravagant or valuable as your gesture,” he explained, thinking back on his awkward but necessary encounter with Zack. “Does it make me a bad person that I didn’t put in much effort solely based on personal feelings?”
"No shit," Lucy whistled low, impressed. "Was it wild, having people pay to read a bunch of shit you made up? Did you do tons of research or - I heard sometimes you can hire someone to research for you. Did you love it? Or - wait. Was it nonfiction?"
It was good he could joke about the bum leg. Lucy, however, slid her hands under the table while she spoke. "Yup. Bad person. Worst." She cracked a grin and changed the answer. "You did A Nice and didn't bitch out and those were really the only requirements... Unless you did it to be a little shit because they can't read or something."
“Oh, definitely. And then a bunch if people decided to pay me to make a movie out of a bunch of shit I made up,” he tried to explain months of his life in a couple of sentences. “But it was definitely fiction, always been a big fan of escapism.”
“I don’t think I have that much spite in me,” he replied to her assumption. “Maybe I’m just too exhausted. But I do not judge people who decide to be little shits,” he glanced over at her, like that’s something that might be of interest to her.
A movie out of his book - must have been dystopian YA. "What genre?" Escapism could be nearly anything - for Lucy it had been schoolwork, the kids, work-work. Always keeping her brain as distracted, as busy as possible. Already there had been unwise attempts in Redwood to occupy her attention, and Lucy wondered if taking a book soon wouldn't be a good idea.
"Spite is a great motivator, babe," Lucy tutted. "I survived a lot of shit specifically out of spite." She made little fists in her shirt under the table. Her phantom finger curled with the rest, and Lucy bit back the usual outburst of cursing.
"I'll remember that when I'm hiding from consequences." When she felt it safe, Lucy pushed to her feet. "C'mon, be my arm candy and I'll walk you home."
"Historic fiction, mostly," Lucien explained, knowing that he shouldn't get into too much detail because he would not stop for hours. "But I've got some murder mystery too, if that's more your thing." He rarely promoted his own work, especially the older publications, but Lucy seemed like someone who would appreciate it. "If you're ever interested, just drop by the library, as you've noticed I'm pretty much always there."
He pushed himself off the desk, linking his free arm with hers, their height difference probably making them look ridiculous. "And I'll take that as a compliment as well. Lead the way."
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jimmy12427 · 2 years
Stiles walks in wearing no pants
Turns around and his ass is painted like a pumpkin 🎃
Stiles: Hey Theo, do you like smashing pumpkins??
Theo: (can't breathe)
Other pack members: laughing hooting & hollering
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natdrinkstea · 1 year
i would LOVE to hear about wilword beast!!!! :D
AHAHAH!!! the doc is just called WILWORD BEAST! but the story is called BETRAYAL ON THE WILWORD DEEP and it's the plot bible for the pirate D&D one shot I'm writing to hopefully run for some mutuals sometime soon! (mina theo juno ransom eloise hiiiiiii <3) not going to give too many details because most of my players will eventually see this post but here are some little plot moments I can share:
- hot demon pirate with red horns and pronouns
- lesbian marine biologists who give out side quests
- slutty gay vampires??
- GHOSTS????
- and, of course, big robo-leviathan guarding a cursed treasure :)
I think it'll be a hoot :D just gotta actually run it sometime
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stvrlvghtwrites · 1 year
H. Potter
AU where Harry has a twin sister: Harley Potter♡
'Hey' Draco wrote, but scratched it out and sighed in frustration. He wrung his hand through his hair. Why was it so difficult? He thought. He just wanted to write a simple letter to confess his feelings. That's all.
He stared at the small pile of crushed parchment at his table and grimaced. 
For a millionth time that day, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I am going to do this! He coaxed himself. He had to. He needed to tell Potter how he felt.
With a new determination, he picked up his quill and started writing.
To H. Potter,
I know this seems crazy but I have something to tell you......
Harry was currently in a state of distress. Ron read out the letter Malfoy had sent for him. Malfoy! Who would have thought?
".....I like you. I really do," Ron read out and snorted. 
"Bloody hell! He likes you! That git actually likes you!" Ron snorted. 
"Yeah! Yeah! I read the letter as well!" Harry muttered and blushed a deep red. The blond likes Harry? That's not possible!
"Will you write back?" Ron tapped his shoulder with the letter. "No," Harry blurted, "Maybe? Yes? I don't know!" He growled in exasperation.
Ron sighed, "Mate, you don't have to answer right away! He said that in the letter. Take your time, yeah?"
Harry nodded and gave him a small smile.
Draco paced in his bedroom, his shoes clicked against the wooden floor. Theo rolled his eyes, "Calm down, will you? The reply will come soon. Stop worrying!" 
"Oh shut up, Nott!" Draco snapped, "I'm not worried about the reply." He muttered with a scoff and rolled his eyes.
"Sure," The brunette smirked. His face turned into an amused expression, "Why don't you-" 
The sentence was cut off by two loud screeches, one from the owl at the window and the other from Draco. 
Hedwig watched with her amber colored eyes as Draco pulled free the letter attached to her feet. He read the words on the letter, his heart thudding loudly in his ears. 
The brunette peeked from over his shoulders, his lips moving as he read it too.
D. Malfoy,
I don't know how to react to this. It's quite sudden, but.......
Harry sighed and rested his head against Harley's shoulder, her black curls tickled his ear. "What's wrong, Harry?" She scrunched up her nose, "You seem tense." 
Harry groaned under his breath, "It's nothing," 
"Hey," She nudged him gently, "You can tell me you know? I won't judge. Promise." She poked his cheek.
Harry pouted, thinking for a moment before sighing, "I got this letter," She tilted her head, "From..... Malfoy." 
Harley rose her brows, her green eyes shining with curiosity. "What was the letter about?" 
Harry winced and fished the letter from his bag and pushed it into her hands. 
She read the letter, her black curls curtained her face. As soon as the letter finished, she grinned mischievously. "Did you reply?" She asked eagerly. 
"Yes," Harry blushed. She nodded, coaxing him to tell about the reply. He sighed, "I wrote to him that- that I am not sure right now and I need a bit of time to- just-" He waved his hands around animatedly, "To just process it and think about what he said." 
Harley looked like she was holding in laughter, Gosh! Her twin was really awkward! She thought amusedly. 
Harry chewed on his bottom lip, "It'll be alright, Harry. I'm sure!" She placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "I really hope so." Harry sighed. 
Sighing softly she picked up the book she was reading and leant back onto the couch. Harry curled up next to her as well. 
The common room had a few scattered Gryffindors studying silently. The soft silence was broken when Hedwig decided to fly in with a loud hoot, a letter tied to it's leg.
Harry shot up from his place, his hands moving to unfasten the letter. He swallowed heavily before reading it, a warm feeling exploding in his chest.
To H. Potter,
Of course, take all the time you want! I am in no hurry. Although, could we keep sending letters to each other? 
Harley snatched the letter from his hand before he could read further. "Hey!" He protested, flailing his hands to grasp the letter from her hands. She swatted him away, running around the common room to read the letter.
This went on for a few minutes until Harry caught her and placed her next to him in an iron grip. Harley laughed and Harry scowled at her. 
They both read the letter together.
"I think he really likes you," Harley smiled sheepishly.
Harry blinked, "Yeah?" She nodded.
His skin tinged pink. 
And for the rest of the evening, Harley teased her brother relentlessly about Draco Malfoy and that he blushes too much.
It was a few days until they started exchanging letters again. They were mostly about studies and friends. Sometimes Draco sent compliments like- 'Your hair looks beautiful today' Or 'Your eyes are beautiful'. These made Harry a flustered mess for the rest of the day.
Soon, Harry found himself thinking about the blond. He definitely had developed a huge crush on him and often imagined how it would be like to hold his hands or even kiss his lips. 
Harley, Ron and Hermione never gave up a chance to tease him about his crush. This happened a lot when they were walking together and Draco smiled as he swept his eyes over the familiar green ones. Harry positively swooned, his face red and heart beating loudly. 
The other three Gryffindors grinned as they shook their heads, holding in laughter.
Draco's smile drove Harry crazy to the point that he couldn't think straight.
Draco was currently freaking out right now. Potter had smiled at him today! 
He sighed dreamily and with a new-found confidence he picked up his quill, dipped it in ink and startes writing.
To H. Potter,
How are you? I was hoping you were free this weekend. I want to take you out. Officially. So, will you be my date?
D. Malfoy
Harry let out a loud squeak as he read the letter. His face turning pink again for the fiftieth time this week. 
Harley read the letter over his shoulder, "Say yes! Say yes!" She shook his arms excitedly. 
Harry smiled at her and grabbed the parchment and wrote down a small reply stating that he would go out with him with a huge smile on his face. The warm feeling in his chest bloomed further.
Harry smoothed down his shirt nervously, his hands felt clammy as he waited for Draco in the Courtyard. 
He smiled to himself as he played with the hem of his shirt, thinking of what Draco could have planned for their date. 
He turned around as he heard footsteps, the Slytherin came in front of him.
"Hey," He said with a small smile, his green eyes shining expectantly.
Draco furrowed his brows in confusion, "What are you doing here? Where is your sister? Isn't she supposed to be here for our date?"
Harry felt his heart break into a million pieces. His brain turned gears as he came to a terrifying conclusion- the letters were for her. His sister. His twin. Not him. 
How could I be so stupid? He thought as tears threatened to slip his eyes.
Draco opened his mouth to question him again, but Harry didn't care anymore. He turned and ran to the nearest classroom, his back collided with the closed door as he dissolved into a sobbing mess.
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azusawrites · 2 years
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chapter XIV. Columbus' Egg
“So, are you going to actually tell us why we’re here or are we supposed to follow you blindly until you walk us off a cliff or something?”
The Dwarfs’ Mine was an old relic that Theo once said was the hub of crystal mining back in the day. It was discovered sometime after the advent of magic, back when the world was still struggling to understand its purpose and importance, and quickly rose in prominence due to the quality of the crystals it produced. Good material of this kind was often hard to find. Kore could remember the crates that Theo sometimes brought home to use for his own machines – the glimmer, the clarity, the cut, those were all things he’d pour over for hours until he could spot the one who fit the exact requirements for his experiment. Sometimes it would take days and sometimes barely an hour would pass before she would hear him shout from his workshop all the way into the kitchen. It was often all up to chance. And though Theo never actively encouraged her to pick up the craft as well, it wasn’t long before Kore had learned to tell the subtle differences between the minerals. 
She wasn’t sure what drove her to learn such a skill, but for a while, it had been her passion. She’d devoured every book in Theo’s library on the subject, and before long she’d started to have dreams full of shiny crystals and pickaxes and mining songs which, she understood from some of the books, were a favourite of the dwarfs who worked into those places. It was almost too easy to imagine them with their little colourful caps, as they were said to wear back in the day, working tirelessly from dawn to dusk in the mine, with only themselves and their songs as company. It almost seemed merry had it not been for the thought that in many ways, them being forced underground for such long periods of time was more akin to imprisonment than anything. It was reinforced when she found out that the reason the Dwarfs’ Mine had closed long ago was because of a cave-in that took the lives of the workers who had the misfortune of being inside at that time. 
Nobody had survived. 
She shivered slightly at that thought, huddling closer to Grim, who was glancing around nervously at the moss-covered trees whose great canopies covered the night sky. Barely any light from the moon could pass through. It was quiet, which was understandable given that the place was called the Silent Woods, but that only added more to her anxiety. A forest should have sounds, she decided – owls hooting, wolves howling, the general existence of nature making itself known. But here, there was none of that. Just them and their footsteps and their breaths that seemed so loud it was almost like they were shouting. 
taglist: @chillableu, @viskafrer
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90secondnewbery · 3 months
Hoot by Carl Hiaasen
2003 Newbery Honor Book
Adapted by Theo S., Benjamin G.S., Kaylee S., and James S. of Minnetonka Public Schools - Scenic Heights (2024)
From Minnetonka, MN
Judges' Remarks: There was a lot of ingenious use of green screen in this movie, using camera trickery to show Roy "riding" a bike, or characters driving a car . . . and most spectacularly, making it look like Mullet Fingers is "buried" in the ground, with just his head sticking out! The competent cinematography, brisk editing, and occasional intertitles got the story across efficiently, and I especially liked the climax with Roy blocking Muckle, and all the kids singing "This Land is Your Land." Lively performances, creative camera work, and a good script all made this a pretty good movie.
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