#theodora deserved better
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
"If we're in a great hurry why didn't you just say "right now"?"
Damm Lemony is going straigth to the kill.
In all seriusness can I say that I always pointed this as a genuine question and not an attack? I mean it's rude and I can't blame Theodora for getting mad and considering he is being a dick just cause, but I always read it as "Lemony has no idea how to deal wich people and says the first thing it comes to his mind unless he is activally trying to manipulate them" or alternativally "I'm readimg this kid as autistic coded and no one can stop me" instead of a moment of genuine disrespect towards Theodora (he has a lot of those, but at the moment he doesn't known her yet and doesn't see her as an active oponent).
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pain :(
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This exact image appears on like 70 different subreddits, and the comments on every single repost are just people talking at length about how badly they want to fuck Justinian
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fawninthewinter · 2 years
Oz the Great and Powerful has many problems despite its interesting ideas. Finley and China girl are not among them. They actually are what kept the film from being just above average for me. Them and Theodora's performance.
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starogeorgina · 6 months
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𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧
Warnings: Hints of violence, character death, swearing
Pairing: Aegon ii Targaryen × OC
As you stand atop the hill of Rhaenys, watching as the masses are hurled like cattle towards the red keep, you hear the distant roar of a dragon approaching. The sky darkens as Vhagar swoops in from above, her dark scales glistening in the sunlight. It was hard to believe that the she-dragon was once ridden by Queen Visenya Targaryen during Aegon’s conquest, and after she died of a sudden illness, Prince Baelon Targaryen was the legendary dragon's next rider, followed by the late lady Laena Velaryon. A war-hardened dragon such as Vhagar deserves better than to be ridden by a kinslayer.
As you witness the dragons finally land on top of another hill, a feeling of anger begins to burn inside of you. You think about all the lives lost, all the families torn apart, and all the destruction that has been wrought upon House Targaryen. Your heart aches with grief and rage, and you vow to do whatever it takes to protect your remaining children.
As the chaos around you subsides, you feel a wave of exhaustion and grief wash over you.
Aeron, Harys, Aegon, Lucerys.
The weight of the losses your family has suffered, including the destruction caused by your own brother—your husband—becomes almost too much to bear. You collapse to the ground, tears streaming down your face as you mourn for the lives lost and the damage done.
Aeron, Harys, Aegon, Lucerys.
You mount Dallax and fly closer to the keep. As you continue to witness the coronation about to start taking place in the carriage that Aemond would be in, your rage begins to consume you. You can no longer see reason or think clearly, and all you can focus on is your desire for revenge against Aemond, which overtakes all logic.
As you contemplate the weight of the news, a dark thought begins to take hold in your mind. The memory of your firstborn son, lover, and nephew being killed by your husband, the new ‘king’, floods your thoughts. He had taken everything from you, including the life of the only person who would truly understand your pain, the only person who would be able to reason with you.
Dallax circles the castle a few times, letting out deafening roars and belching plumes of fire that set the empty grounds below ablaze, and before your mind fully comprehends your next instructions, you direct Dallax towards the part of the castle where Aemond’s quarters are and utter the words no dragon rider should say so easily.
You arrive at Dragonstone, where your sister's army is waiting outside, ready to sacrifice their lives fighting for their queen.
The silence is eerie, and the only sound you hear is the gasps of those who see you walking through the hallways with dirt, ash, and blood covering your clothes, face, hair, and body as you make your way towards the chambers of the painted table. Hopefully Rhaenyra would be there so you could confess the outrageous act of war you had just committed. When the wind begins to blow harshly, the smell of smoke and death fills your nostrils, making you gag. You try to push forward, continuing your search for Rhaenyra.
As you approach the door to the room, you see two knights guarding it, one of them being Ser Erryk. Soon as the knight notices you, he swings the door open and calls for Prince Daemon, announcing your arrival.
As you wander through the room, you start to notice that nobody standing around the painted table can make eye contact with you. Lords avoid you, and even Princess Rhaenyes and Lord Corlys seem to be shying away from you. You start to feel a sense of unease and wonder what has happened in your absence.
A lump forms in your throat, and your voice begins to crack as you try to speak. Tears flow down your face uncontrollably as you struggle to maintain your composure.
“Empty the room!” Daemon barks before coming to stand in front of you, "Theodora."
Your words turn to sobs as you explain everything that happened to the best of your ability. “It’s my fault they’re dead,” you croak. “I tried to save Lucerys; I did; I tried to reach him in time."
Overwhelmed by emotion, you fall to your knees and continue to cry. You feel a deep sense of despair and desperation; the only thing keeping you from completely losing your mind was the need to hold and comfort your daughters. Your body shakes with sobs, and you feel helpless and lost.
Daemon crouches down in front of you and tilts your chin up, forcing you to look at him. “When word of what happened at Storm’s end reached Dragonstone, Rhaenyra immediately left to search for her son's body, but fishermen recovered a boy from the sea, a boy they swear they saw fall from the sky before his dragon crashed into the water.”
You can hardly believe what you're hearing. After all the devastation and loss, the news that your nephew may survive brings a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. But you know it’s nothing more than your mind playing tricks on you; Lucerys was dead. You saw him die.
“He unbuckled his belt and leaped from Arrax, but Lucerys has been unconscious since he was brought home. He still may not survive.”
Tears roll down your cheek. “He’s alive?”
Daemon nods slowly.
“My son? Is he alive?"
“He is, princess.”
You fall forward and let out a loud wail. Aeron was alive; you’d get to see your sweet boy again. “Thank the gods." You notice tears forming in Daemon’s eyes when you lean back again. “And Aegon?”
“Badly wounded, he used his body to shield—Aeron.”
You scramble to stand again, but the pain in your stomach prevents you from doing so. Daemon offers you his hand to help you stand. “How bad is it?”
“The maesters say it’s pretty severe on one side.”
You wipe your eyes, smudging the soot on your face. “I need to see Aeron and my girls. Where are they?”
“I think it would be best if you bathed first.”
Exhausted, you huff, “I do not care about my appearance, uncle; I just want to see—”
“And you will,” he says, cutting you off. Daemon calls two servants in, ordering them to prepare your bath and to summon the maester. “Trust me, you need to bathe and be seen by a maester first.”
“No, I need to see my children, then, Aegon.”
“Aegon is at high risk of infection; they won’t allow you to see him in this state." Although his tone is harsh, there’s a hidden pain behind Daemon's eyes. “Your children will be scared if they see you like this.”
“I need to see them before talking to Rhaenyra.”
Daemon steps closer to you, letting out a deep sigh. “You can explain setting parts of the red keep on fire once you’ve seen them and been checked by a maester.”
Reluctantly, you agree.
The prince consort grits his teeth as he stares at the table in front of him. How many of these houses would change their allegiance now that they knew what Aemond was capable of? The lords and ladies of Westeros would say whatever it took to save their people. Not that the prince blamed them; deep down, he knew he’d commit any sin or break any oath to protect his family.
“You didn’t tell her.”
Hearing the hints of a scalding tone in Princess Rhaenys’s voice, Daemon clicks his tongue. “No, I didn’t.”
“She will find out one way or another.”
“I am aware,” he says sharply.
Rhaenys has been the voice of reason many times during council meetings; however, the princess wasn’t shy about calling others out, and now wasn’t the correct time to approach the prince, not when he was trying to figure out the blacks next move.
“Why did she need a maester?”
Daemon turns to face her, the look on his face making it clear he was already disinterested in the conversation. “The princess—”
“The princess?” Rhaenys chuckles. “What was it called her before? An insufferable Hightower cunt, I believe?”
“That was before she sacrificed the life growing inside her to try and save Lucerys.” He looks over Rhaenys shoulder and watches as the sun dips below the horizon. “Theodora’s bump is gone, and as she doesn’t have the child with her, I'm presuming the babe died. So I thought it was best not to say anything until she’s seen by the maester.”
As Daemon’s words sink in, a fleeting smile forms on the older woman's lips. It's rare for anyone to see the prince's softer side, let alone in the midst of such turmoil and tragedy. But Daemon showing sympathy to a girl he once considered an enemy was a reminder that not all is lost. Although not for a second did she envy him, as shortly Prince Daemon would need to inform his young niece that her daughter and sister were dead.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 7 months
Okay, I caved and downloaded Romance Club😭😭 Does anyone have any good story recommendations? I'm still gonna be on Choices and post Choices content (and finish off the books on my reading list). I just feel like I need to stop relying on one storytelling app
Ugh, this is such a weird feeling! It reminds me of when I switched from Episode to Choices and I had to acclimate to the better quality of stories imao. I just wanna ✨expose myself✨ to more interactive apps and since Storyscape or wtvr doesn't exist anymore this is the closest I can get
Kali: Flame of Samsara (UP TO DATE)
Astrea's Broken Heart (UP TO DATE)
Heaven's Secret: Requiem (UP TO DATE)
Chasing You 2 (UP TO DATE)
W: Time Catcher (UP TO DATE)
Love, Sin, and Evil Vol. 1 (UP TO DATE)
The Desert Rose (UP TO DATE)
Garden of Eden (UP TO DATE)
Soulless (UP TO DATE)
7 Brothers (UP TO DATE)
Song of the Crimson Nile (CATCH UP NEXT DIAMOND RUSH)
Legend of the Willow (NEXT DIAMOND RUSH)
Heart of Trespia (NEXT DIAMOND RUSH)
Chasing You (STARTED...)
Sails in the Fog (STARTED...)
Dracula: A Love Story (STARTED...)
Rage of the Titans (STARTED...)
Hell and Highwater (STARTED...)
Shadows of Saintfour
Kali: Call of Darkness: 9/10; love the MC, the characters, the story progression, the Dozen lore, replayability, etc. but gets a point off for its problematic depiction of Indian culture and Hinduism) tbh it deserves an extra point or two off because I despise the way Remy clearly wrote from a Eurocentric perspective, but this is also the first RC book I read after the slew of mid Choices books so I got attached unfortunately
Theodora: 9.6/10; I got the ending where I was only able to save my soul and it made me sad 😭 the story was well written but there were parts where I was just a lil bored. At least, that’s how I felt initially before I became obsessed with the book. It's objectively amazing etc. but I feel kinda robbed from screentime with the OG characters if that makes sense? Either way the writer did a great job writing them into the plot in later seasons and the MC is so amazing I love her <3 it’s not easy to write the progression of multiple relationships already but to have a different set of likable LIs every season is incredible!
Arcanum: 9.8/10; THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD omg I love how the plot came full circle and the MC was interesting and well-written (her character design was also top tier). It's such a unique concept for a book I love it. I feel like S3 could have gone by a lil quicker (along with a couple of other nitpicky things) but that could just be because S2 was so full of action
Heaven's Secret: 9.9/10; I just started its sequel, but I was pleasantly surprised at how engaging this book was! I like the gradual progression from being a new student to slowly learning the truth behind your death and about the academy. The final battle scene was super cool, and I feel like everything had a logical explanation (ex. Shepha only having power over light). I also like the different pathways of being an Angel, Demon, or Harmony Bearer (which I was!) it was really fun and seems like a replayable book <3
Vying for Versailles: [review pending, check later]
Sins of London: [review pending, check later]
Heaven's Secret 2: [review pending, check later]
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zhoras-bitch · 11 months
I really miss Path of the Valkyrie and Alexandra's writing in general. It sucks so hard that she won't be able to continue her work at RC. I think her writing was getting better and better over time, and while Path of the Valkyrie has some highs and lows, I was fully expecting her next project to be a total banger.
The LIs are probably my favourite aspect of her writing -- in that regard it reminds me a little of Theodora. Just the range of archetypes is impressive, and somehow they are all handed so well. Sagr's romance is a beautiful angsty slowburn which reveals the tender, caring, but deeply wounded man behind a rough exterior. Ullr's path is comforting, like coming back home. Andvari is the soft-spoken pocket-sized bf who is going to treat you like a princess and you can carry him in your arms. Thor is like a force of nature, wild and a little terrifying, and he has an absolutely fascinating set of morals that makes him actually feel kind of non-human. And Loki's path is just something else. You think you have this chaotic trickster all figured out, and the next episode he flips everything on its head.
And I also just want to shout out the female LIs in particular. Nowadays, RC is moving in a better direction in terms of making stories with more diverse casts (books like Heart of Trespia, Hell and High Water, The One, Vying for Versallies, Elite Tag in particular come to mind). But back when Path of the Valkyrie first came out, it was unfortunately the norm across RC stories to treat wlw paths as an after-though (there were occasional wins for the wlws, but it was kind of barren overall). And in contrast Liod and Vanadis paths felt like such a breath of fresh air. I mean Liod is still one of the few masc female LIs on the app. And Vanadis has such a compelling character arc about finding her voice and standing up to those who wronged her after a lifetime of objectification and neglect. They both have their roles in the bigger story and their romances feel just as genuine and authentic as the men's, rather than a side hookup.
I hope they can find a writer who will love those characters as much as Alexandra clearly did, so Path of the Valkyrie can get the ending it deserves. But even then, it's still going to be bittersweet.
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esta-elavaris · 5 months
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Part Fourteen [2,710 words] ~ James Norrington/OC
An AU of my completed, 400k+ word fanfic Catch the Wind [AO3], in which Elizabeth, not James, is the one to discover Theodora Byrne after she crash-lands into the world of Pirates of the Caribbean.
Page breaks by cafekitsune.
Also now on AO3 and FF.net.
Masterpost - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Part Eleven - Part Twelve - Part Thirteen - *Part Fourteen* [you're here!]
Tag list [let me know if you want to be added!]: @teawithshakespeare @missfronkensteen @dancerinthestorm
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A/N: What's a cheeky early update between friends? Not gonna make a habit of it - but as long as I keep to my 'one update a week' thing, I don't see the point in this gathering dust in my documents ✨
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While the menfolk were gone, Theo and Elizabeth kept much to their usual routine, although it was filled with less of the usual mirth than it had once been. If she was being honest, Theo had barely noticed that, her mind elsewhere, but after almost two full weeks of it, Elizabeth appeared to decide that it had gone on quite long enough.
Never one to let things lie if she was discontent with them, she strode into Theo’s bedroom one night in her nightgown, plopped herself down beside her on the bed, and addressed her without preamble.
“I understand you’re upset. You’ve every right to be. But I must point out that I am not among those who deserve to be punished for what happened that night.”
Theo blinked her surprise, watching Elizabeth with muted curiosity. That was the key word, she supposed. Muted.
“I’m not punishing you for anything,” she said quietly.
“You are not yourself,” Elizabeth replied archly. “You haven’t been yourself ever since…since all of that. And as I said, I understand that, but I do not deserve to be on the receiving end of it.”
“You don’t,” she replied readily. “And I’m not. Punishing you, I mean. I’m not doing that.”
Even the senior of the Swanns – Elizabeth’s father – had offered her a brief, awkward, but sincere apology for what had gone on that night. Either Elizabeth had pointed out to him that not all gathered had shared his spirit of everything being in good fun, or he’d realised it himself after sobering up, and after hearing the whispers about town. The Governor didn’t have to do that, she hadn’t blamed him for it either because he hadn’t meant harm, her ire was saved primarily for Amelia and Norrington, but she still appreciated the gesture all the same. They were good people, the Swanns.
“Then what are you doing?” Elizabeth entreated.
Her legs folded beneath her, she leaned forward and rested a hand on her arm. Theo, haltingly, placed her own hand over it.
Theo paused, debating on her answer. The thoughts that had been steadily circling her mind, on and on, ever since that disastrous dinner party, weren’t something she’d planned on sharing with any here. Not just because Elizabeth was the only person she really could share them with at all, but because she knew Elizabeth herself would not receive them well.
But maybe it was better than her thinking that she’d spontaneously decided to hate her.
“I got too comfortable. That night was a reminder not to do that. I can’t pretend it was a welcome reminder, but…it was a necessary one.”
She felt most like herself like this – if she ignored the excess of frills and lace and white linen that she sported from the collarbones down, anyway. Her hair unbound, rather than forced into a ridiculous updo, no corset, no seventy skirts, no bows, no satin slippers, and no jewellery other than that which she brought with her. Sure, she didn’t hate the adornments – sometimes they were even fun – but they weren’t her. She’d been reminded of that now, and she wasn’t in a rush to forget it.
“Too comfortable? What? Here?” Elizabeth’s hand slipped away, but she didn’t shift back.
“Not…not here as in here, with you, in your home. But in the general, wider sense of the word, yeah. I got too comfortable?”
“I don’t understand!”
“I don’t belong here, Elizabeth. It’s not my world. I’m- I’m three centuries out of time. I have no business swanning about, developing crushes-”
“Crushes?” Elizabeth’s dark eyes regarded her with concern. “Is…is that an ailment? Is it serious?”
“No, it just means to…to take a liking to someone.”
The concern changed to hurt, and she had to rush to clarify.
“In a way that means more than friendship. I wasn’t talking about you.”
Although if she had to keep clarifying that particular part of what was about to be a very impassioned speech, she’d find herself once again fleeing up the stairs in a fit of mortification. The sorrow that softened Elizabeth’s face then didn’t help matters. Her cheeks began to burn.
“Oh, Theo,” she sighed.
“It’s not like you didn’t know.”
“Yes, but you never admitted it.”
“I didn’t fully realise it until that night – when it was…” stamped all over and promptly set on fire, “…shown to be the idiocy that it was.”
“He looked positively wretched after the fact, you know.”
In order to settle for that one-worded response, she had to push down quite a few arguments – all of which she had no energy for. The primary one being that he probably only looked so wretched because he knew his little display would earn him Elizabeth’s scorn. But maybe that was the reason behind his actions. Not only to show Theo herself exactly where she sat in his estimations, but to show Elizabeth, too. If not the whole of Port Royal.
But mostly just Elizabeth. She’d certainly teased Theo enough about whatever spark she was so sure she’d seen, it wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility that she’d made similar comments to Norrington, and he��d seen fit to act accordingly. Especially after his ruse and been rumbled, and he had no reason to keep…to keep pretending that he…
She reined her emotions in before the lump in her throat could grow into something more embarrassing like, god forbid, tears. Instead, she turned her mind to practical matters. Like leaving. Because she’d spoken honestly to Elizabeth – it had been a sorely needed reminder, and she’d begun to piece together the beginnings of a plan.
That would’ve been part of why others were seeing a change in her. Not only because she no longer had the heart to put on a cheery face and make an effort with the people who had tittered and delighted in that display, but because she really was distracted. So she fell back to the sidelines – in spirit, when she couldn’t do so physically, kept her mouth shut, and retreated inward.
There were only two people she could think of from this story who might harbour knowledge of other worlds. The first was Davy Jones. His job, even if he ignored it, was distinctly supernatural in nature, and unlike Barbossa it wasn’t just a curse that had been unwittingly rained down upon him. It was possible that career instilled him with some knowledge beyond mortal means. However, she highly doubted he’d be inclined to help.
The other, far more obvious, choice was…well. His ex-girlfriend. And, being a goddess, she packed a hell of a lot more of a punch. The odds of Calypso being able to help her were greater, and – if she was doing her best to be optimistic – her inclination to help her might also be weighted in Theo’s benefit. But therein lay the problem. Because to get to her, she’d have to go through Captain Jack Sparrow, and she was barely more confident that he’d want to help her than she was that Jones ever would.
“I don’t know what his motives were – I can hardly pretend otherwise, because I cannot fathom what he was thinking – but he is not a bad man, Theo. There would have been a reason. However much it backfired.”
“You see a very different side to him than I do,” she replied. “He’s in love with you. It only makes sense that he makes sure you only see the highlight reel.”
The phrasing was odd, but Elizabeth seemed to get the spirit of what she was saying.
“I’ve known him for years. Years. Only the most artful social climber could pull off such a façade, and he has little taste for that mode of being. If he despised you, he would simply avoid you. He’s been doing the very opposite of that.”
“To pry information from me. To make sure that you are safe.”
“He’s not in love with me.”
Theo could only laugh at that. It didn’t go appreciated.
“He’s not!” Elizabeth said firmly, thinly controlled ire burning in her eyes. “Perhaps once he was. Perhaps now he thinks he still is, Theo, but he’s not. I just wish he would realise that.”
What could she say in response to that? Elizabeth had the trump card in this discussion each and every time – how long she’d known him. There was little Theo could say that the other woman wouldn’t confidently beat back with that fact, over and over again, even if Theo herself thought that it made precious little difference.
The only thing she could possibly use in favour of her argument was the movies, but Elizabeth knew nothing of them – nor Theo’s knowledge of them. If she unveiled that now, she’d show herself up as a liar to the only real friend and ally she had here, and she couldn’t face that. Even if it was selfish of her.
But the silence was taken as a sign of weakness, and Elizabeth seized on it to further her point. Her hand reached out again, taking her hand and using it to lever herself forward until she sat shoulder-to-shoulder with her on the bed, speaking softly.
“Captain Norrington is a man who prides himself in his plans. He sets goals, he meets them, he deviates from them only when necessary – and is only flexible with them when the heat of battle calls for it. Maybe he did fall for me, I do not live in his mind so I cannot say-”
“He did.”
“If you’re so certain, I’ll believe you. But you must believe me when I say I am certain of this – he has changed, since he got to know you. But he’s…he’s so committed to his original plan, and the way he thinks things should be, that he won’t let himself see it. That is the impediment. His inflexibility. Not his feelings. And if I’m as right as I’m sure I am, he’ll be going through a rotten time now because of it.”
Another ‘good’ was on the tip of her tongue in response to that last bit, but she didn’t have the heart to say it.
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” she said instead.
Although she took the bite from her words by leaning against Elizabeth, and squeezing her hand.
She squeezed back. “It does. You just share a common trait. You’re both too stubborn to see what’s directly in front of you.”
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James Norrington had been in a foul mood ever since setting sail. Or, to be more accurate, since the night before setting sail.  
Having plans backfire was part and parcel of a naval career – or, indeed, sailing at all. But none had ever backfired quite so marvellously as his had that night, and…and her face haunted him. Haunted was an extreme word, melodramatic even, and he was not given to melodrama, but it was the only one that truly fit the bill. And many men might class themselves as lucky, to have the face of a fair woman so stuck within their minds during, if not their every waking moment, then certainly a great deal of them, but it was the expression on her face that he could not rid himself of.
The same expression, levelled at him three times throughout the night. Firstly, during that moment in the gardens. Then, when he supported Miss Simmonds’ ploy. Then, the final time, during that terrible encounter at the foot of the stairs. Each time, it increased in severity, and each time it struck him with the same force as a physical blow might – not least because how she usually allowed others to see little other than mirth.
If she showed her hurt, it was because it was so great that she could no longer bring herself to conceal it. And he was the one who’d caused it.
It mattered little that he had not meant to. No, indeed, it did not matter at all.
Those looks, even from the first, had his heart sinking further than he thought her capable of instilling in him – than he thought any capable of instilling in him. And while James was not prone to flights of fancy, he was sure in those moments, while they were being levelled his way, that he’d promise her all he owned if it would only take that expression off of her face.
And no higher power had opted to be merciful on him that night – not that he deserved it – for it hadn’t ended there. Her parting words, though they had not impacted him quite as much in the moment, had grown to gnaw on him endlessly, more and more with each day that went by.
You'll be rid of me soon enough.
It had the sound of a vow to it. An oath. To the extent where he expected – where he feared – that he would return to Port Royal, only to find she’d departed for Ireland in his absence. Or the Americas, perhaps. It didn’t matter, for either way he would find her gone, and though the prospect of her absence alone troubled him greatly, two other things bothered him when it came to that particular notion. The first, that he couldn’t quite pinpoint when the moment came that he began to view such an outcome not as a goal, nor a boon, but something to dread.
The second plagued him more. For the realisation that Miss Swann would scorn him for such an outcome was a delayed one – and, further still, even after he realised it, it was not his primary concern. And he could hardly pinpoint when that had changed, either.
Undoubtedly, the men had noticed his foul mood, along with how it only worsened with each day. It wasn’t as though he did much to hide it, regardless of the fact that those who had not witnessed the debacle firsthand would have heard the whispers of it since, and all would therefore know exactly why he was so displeased.
Perhaps they’d think his worries were based where they should have been. That he feared returning to find his standing with Miss Swann drastically lowered. If they suspected otherwise, they kept their whispers out of his earshot – even Groves, who had so openly voiced his bemusement at his actions made no further mention of it.
He had not explained his reasoning to the Lieutenant when he’d asked, but he suspected the question had been somewhat rhetorical in nature.
Explaining it would not justify it, in any case. It had been a gamble – but like all gambles, he only saw just how preposterous it was when it well and truly went up in smoke.
Timing was at the crux of it. That was his only excuse as to why he’d acted as he had without thinking it through properly. For Theod- Miss Byrne had been angry, and she’d been…well, while not drunk, certainly under the sway of the strong wine that the Governor liked to offer his guests. If she was ever going to allow a crack to form in her façade, it would have been then. If she was of higher birth than he’d suspected (and that fact was looking doubtful now), she would have played well out of spite, in that state.
What would have followed was a foolish daydream. He’d corner her and, seeing that the game was over, she’d confess everything in a flurry of tears, finally entrusting him with her true origins, and endeavouring to secure his help – which he would offer unconditionally.
Only it didn’t happen like that, did it? No, instead he’d embarrassed her twice in a row, and then finished things off by – for all he knew – driving her from Port Royal entirely. And even if she was there when he returned, she’d likely never speak to him again. And that, he feared, would be even worse than her absence.
And, though he’d so often wondered at just how little he could work out about Theodora Byrne, he knew one thing. Regaining a place in her good graces would be all but impossible. Not after a minor slight, perhaps, but after humiliation heaped on humiliation? Few could forgive that. Few should forgive that.
God, but he was a fool.
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theodoradevlin · 12 days
Dearest Theodora,
In the dim glow of the common room, as shadows dance upon ancient stone, I find myself utterly captivated by the enigma that is you. Your fiery red hair ignites a passion in me that words scarcely capture. Those enchanting grey eyes, pools of mystery and mischief, hold secrets I yearn to uncover.
Your beauty, radiant and untamed, is matched only by your delightfully unhinged spirit. Each cheeky smile you bestow upon me feels like a spell, enchanting me deeper into the wonder that is you.
Pray, tell me, what is your favourite kind of tea? For I wish to share in the simple pleasures that bring you joy.
Yours, enchanted and devoted, Emperor Maximilian Pus-Pus
My charming Emperor Maximillian Pus-Pus,
What a mouthful, may I call you Pus-Pus? I need something easier that rolls off of the tongue if we are to become better acquainted with each other, and it seems from the contents of your confession this might be something you wish.
You flatter me, almost to a point where I can hardly feel it's deserved. It makes me wonder about who you are, who has been watching me so closely. Very sneaky Pus-Pus!!
My favorite kind of tea is the type that is shared with another, preferably during a long afternoon where we both can become less of an enigma to each other.
Flattered and intrigued,
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bnbc · 5 months
i was prowling through Isabella's tag cos oml i love her (warhammer ocs my beloved <33) and i was wondering what's her relationship like with the rest of the companions from the game? i'd like to hear the dramas between her team if there is any lmao
omg, thank you so much!
Such a great question! I have to confess I was so lazer-focused on Heinrix explaining Iza’s mechanical traits to make sense narrative-wise, I paid little attention to the rest of the team, but I do have some bits!
I have to note, that companions from the 3rd chapter stayed in the 3rd chapter, so Iza didn’t collect all the pokemon. She maintains a good and respectful relationship with all the bridge officers, but her best man is High Factotum Janris Danrok, they spend hours discussing trade partners, contracts, and ship logistics.
But, back to the main team!
“Abelard gave me a space to grow, even though it was Theodora-shaped.”
Abelard, my Abelard! They had some rough moments in the beginning when Iza felt like he tried to make her into Theodora's substitute and argued with him to insist on her position's duty and privilege. At the same time, she was checking his reactions to her actions and was relieved every time Abelard approved her. 
I think I already cracked this joke, but who’s gonna stop me? Abelard was in her team all the time along with Heinrix, and this is the most accurate picture of how the three of them looked: 
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Ofc she did everything for Abelard’s family, and when he asked for retirement, she let him go on condition, that he would train his replacement personally because who could do it better then the best seneschal ever?
"Sanctioned or not, Idira is one of us. She proved her will and deserved the right to walk her path the way she wants. End of discussion."
Idira was… intriguing. Too different from Iza in a matter of personality and life experience to seek her close friendship, Idira gained her eternal respect for surviving for so long for having the will strong enough to keep the chaotic mind of her in line. Well, most of the time.
And when her breakdown happened, Isabella stood for her. Said, everybody can slip and everybody deserves a second chance. Time proved her right when both of the sanctioned psykers of her team had their own moments of losing control, hehe.
Anyway, never a close friend but a friend indeed, and one of few people who understand, Idira had a place in Iza’s team to the very end of her life.
"Sister Argenta reminds me of His wrath... and of His grace as well."
Argenta, with all the respect, makes Isabella feel uneasy. Reminds her that even though Isabella’s faith is strong, this alone might not be enough. (Ye, Iza sits on Iconoclast and Dogmatic chairs at the same time; she’s not too religious but she is a believer, which I think is close to heresy by WH40k standards anyway)
But gladly Argenta often stands up for protecting innocent people, and Isabella takes a breath of relief. 
i haven’t decided how to play through chapter 3 confession and its consequences yet, so sis is under development xD
"Lady Cassia... is hard to be around. I can only hope that the little time I can spend with her is enough to fulfill the Lord Captain's obligations to her Navigator."
Oh, oh, oh! Cassia is Isabella’s walking nightmare. Imagine yourself keeping your mental blocks 24/7 so as not to hear the noise of people's thoughts, and then meeting Cassia who casually floods you with her emotions. Isabella lost her shit during their first meeting.
Iza feels for Cassia, she really does, but she can not tolerate her presence for a long time. She tries her best for her navigator to feel welcomed onboard (look, you need to keep your Navi happy, all right), but mostly uses servants and Abelar as proxy people to communicate with Cass.
Why didn’t Iza change a navigator is a good question. I haven't found the answer yet.
“I… That planet two systems ago when we got ambushed, I had to connect to Pasqal’s mind for faster coordination. I don’t want to comprehend what I saw.”
Pasqal is complicated to understand, like most of admechs. Iza tries her best to know them better, but so far her best connection is Abel. She spends a lot of time talking with him.
But mostly she just agrees on all the Pasqal requests of equipment and lets him collect and study whatever he wants (N. included)
“Jae still can be useful.”
Everyone deserves a second chance in Iza’s book, but Jae used them all. The weight of her lies hit the critical mass at one point (remember, Janris Danrok is Iza’s bridge bestie). 
Isabella didn’t take away Jae’s papers (they didn’t fly half of the expanse looking for seals just not to take benefits of those papers) and didn’t end their partnership at all, but Jae was sent out of the flagship to do her business from some other spot.
With a warning, that if she abuses von Valancius name for some really dirty business, the consequences will be… final. Jae was smart enough to see the line this time.
“We are not talking about Yrliet again, Heinrix.”
I’m a bit pissed that the game doesn't help me with giving reasons to keep Yra after the 3rd chapter, so I don’t know why Isabella let her stay except for her “second chance” rhetoric. I’m figuring this out. 
I mean in the 3rd chapter it was pretty much “we need everyone to survive” thinking, but later… idk yet, maybe something something cooperation is better than war. Something something I want to understand how aeldari thinks. Something something Yrliet’s voice is so cool! xDD
But I know that Iza and Yra were traveling together a long time after the end of the game.
The peak of character drama happens in the Dark City when Heinrix Abelard Yrliet and Argenta sit in a circle and each of them holds their neighbors' hands to prevent them from killing the opposite sitting person, Pasqal trying to comprehend xenotech and Iza suffering in the background because someone stolen her fav boots.
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
Which Byzantine figures do you consider underrated? As someone who has slowly started to learn more about Byzantium, names like Constantine the Great, Justinian the Great, Theodora, Irene of Athens, Anne Komnene, Nikephoros Phokas, Constantine Palaiologos, Tsimiski, Basil, Zoe and Theodora Porprhyrogennita and Theophano are familiar, but do you have any other recommendations (sorry if I misspelled some)?
Below are a few Byzantine historical figures I find very interesting currently:
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Flavius Belisarius (c.500 - 565)
While Justinian the Great is one of the most significant emperors in history, his accomplishments would simply not be the same, if he did not have Belisarius as his military commander. He was of uncertain descent (possibly Thracian, Illyrian or less so Greek) but his mother tongue was certainly Latin. Belisarius reconquered Rome and Italy while severely outnumbered during the Gothic War, defeated the Sassanids in the Iberian War, conquered the Vandal Kingdom in North Africa, successfully repulsed the Huns and defended the empire from the Persians and the Arabs. The Byzantine Empire reached its largest surface mostly thanks to Belisarius. A more controversial point in his life was when he was commanded to suppress the notorious Nika riots against Justinian, which ended in a massacre of dozens of thousands civillians. Belisarius was above all a strategist; he didn't mind fleeing the battle or using trickery in order to win a war. Despite his analytical mind in battle, he resolutely wasn't one in the affairs of the palace. Belisarius was married and quite smitten with Antonina, who had the favour of Empress Theodora, and thus felt safe to be totally unhinged. Schemes happening in the palace would sometimes find a scapegoat in Belisarius, who was likely the most genuinely devoted person to the emperor. As a result, Belisarius was often not treated well by the emperor and the secretaries and he was cheated on by his wife. He was even led to trial for betrayal, although Justinian eventually pardoned him. According to legend, Justinian first blinded him and then pardoned him, although lately the historicity of this is questioned. What's certain is that Belisarius didn't receive the respect he deserved in his personal life but he earned the respect of the historians, who consider him one of the best military leaders in history.
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Ioannis II Komnenos (1087 - 1143)
Known as Kaloioannis (John the Good / Beautiful), Ioannis is considered the best emperor from the Greek dynasty of the Komneni. Ioannis was not beautiful, he must have been rather unattractive actually, but he earned the title because of his noble character. He was the brother of Anna Komnene, he was the one she tried to poison so that she would ascend to the throne instead. Ioannis forgave her. Ioannis was very just, modest and pious and would only use his imperial luxuries during diplomat visits. He was married to Irene of Hungary. Whether it was because of his piety, his natural predesposition or a different orientation, Ioannis was not very interested in the joys of marriage. However, he remained devoted and faithful to her. It is notable that during his long reign, not a single person was sentenced to death or mutilation, at a time that this would have been the norm for criminals and traitors. Despite all that, Ioannis was actually a great military leader once need arose. His biggest goal as an emperor was to undo the damage from the Battle of Manzikert 50 years prior. Indeed he forced Seljuk Turks to assume a defensive stance and did expand the empire's power to the east again. The Byzantine population increased during his reign. It is certain that Ioannis left the empire significantly better than how he received it. Some sources suggest that Ioannis' noble character was an inspiration to the people of his empire.
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Michael Psellos (1017 - 1078)
Psellos was a Greek man of great knowledge and intellect and a questionable character. He did it all; he was a monk, a writer, a philosopher, a judge, a music theorist, an imperial advisor and courtier and a historian. His skill in literally everything led him quickly to the position of the leading professor in the University of Constantinople and that of secretary in the imperial court. His political influence was immense and he saw many emperors succeed each other while he maintained his position as political advisor. Because a big part of his work is autobiographical, it is unclear whether some of his claims are entirely reliable; Psellos was prone to vanity and sarcasm against those who did not favour him. Psellos studied Plato thoroughly, so much so that at times his faith in Christian Orthodoxy was questioned. *Fun fact: Psellos was apparently good at everything except Latin. His Latin was so rusty he confused Cicero with Caesar!
He looks like a Greek Rasputin in his painting above lol Anyway, he was manipulative but he wasn't nowhere near as controversial as Rasputin, let me be clear.
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Georgios Gemistos Plethon (c. 1355 - 1452/1454)
Gemistos Plethon was a scholar and philosopher of the late Byzantine era. He was the pioneer of the revival of Greek scholarship in Western Europe. He was secretly not Christian, he believed in the Ancient Greek gods. Plethon admired Platon too. (It's Platon in Greek.) So much so that he added "Plethon" next to his surname Gemistos, which means pretty much the same thing (full) except more archaic and more similar to Plato(n)'s name! He was imperial advisor to the Palaeologi dynasty who at the time were reigning from Mystras, as the empire was dissolving. Everyone suspected his pagan beliefs but he was so influential and important that nobody dared confront him about it. He taught philosophy, astronomy, history, geography and classical literature. He was invited to Florence, Italy to teach Plato and Aristotle and help Florentines understand the differences between the two philosophies. Plethon died in Mystras shortly before or after the Fall of Constantinople. We don't know if he lived enough to see the empire fall. Around 10 years later, some of his Italian followers stole his remains from Mystras and interred him in Rimini, Northern Italy, so that he could "rest amongst free men". Plethon's vision was the revival of the Byzantine Empire, founded on a utopian Hellenic (and not universal) system of government. In one of his speeches, he said "We are Hellenes by race and culture". He is at the forefront of historical studies exploring the connections between Byzantine and Modern Greek identity.
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Laonikos Chalkokondyles (c. 1430 - 1470)
Chalkokondyles was an Athenian native, from a prominent old family of the city. He was a historian who witnessed the last years of the Byzantine and the early years of the Ottoman Empire. He was sometimes employed by the Byzantine emperors as a messenger to the Sultan Mehmed II, not without drama. Chalkokondyles wrote in detail about 150 years prior to his lifetime. He described the fall of the Byzantine Empire, he offered a profile of the Ottoman Turks, and he wrote about their conquest of the Venetians and Matthias the King of Hungary. He also explored the civilisations of England, France and Germany. I didn't know about him until I read a great Romanian biography of Vlad Tepes the Impaler (you know, the inspiration of Count Dracula). Chalkokondyles's input is extensive and invaluable for this book; he wrote about Vlad's ancestors and the fights of the Wallachian princes with the Ottomans. His style of writing was mostly clear and simple, styled after Thucydides. He called the Byzantines “Hellenes” and did not use the term "Rhomaioi" (Romans in Greek) for them.
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Chapter 13
Charles meeting Theodora ❤️
04th August 1987 - Part 4
"You'd better be quiet, Sir, when I last came in they were both sleeping…", Andrew carefully instructed the Prince who, a huge bouquet of vibrant summer flowers in his hands, had just arrived at Middlewick House a few minutes ago. Camilla and the little one had been sleeping almost all day, but that was alright, the ladies had done amazingly and more than deserved a good rest. Tomorrow was going to be busy enough as Camilla’s parents as well as Annabel and Simon with Tom and Laura and their own children were going to come over and meet the new family member. Especially the proud new big sister had been very disappointed when Andrew had told her that Mummy and Thea, what Laura had chosen to be Theodora's nickname, were too tired to meet them today but were very much looking forward to see them all tomorrow, but it was the only chance for Charles to be the first one to meet the baby without anyone noticing. "You can stay until 9 in the morning.", the Colonel added. "The children and my in-laws will arrive around midday. That gives us time to prepare everything. I'll spend the night at a friend's and be back at half past 8 so that Milla won't be alone. See you tomorrow then. Take good care of our ladies, Sir." With that, he grabbed a little suitcase, put on a hat and took his leave, before Charles could even thank him. Obviously, he'd never been a fan of Andrew but he couldn't deny that he'd been more than generous throughout the whole pregnancy, the birth and even now. He had arranged for Camilla and him to have some precious hours on their own and at the same time made sure that the new mum and baby weren't alone. Apparently, despite everything, he genuinely cared and looked after them in a way Charles was not and would probably never be able to look after them. But he didn't want to think about that now. All he wanted was to see them now, so he rushed up the stairs and quietly knocked on the door of Camilla’s bedroom.
Almost inaudible, he opened the door and carefully peeked through - to find the most beautiful and adorable picture he had ever seen in his entire life: the love of his life, peacefully sleeping, tightly holding the baby - their daughter - who was fast sleep as well and sweetly snoring, and he had to cover his mouth with his hand to avoid himself from sobbing loudly in delight - he certainly didn't want to disturb his ladies. But, God in heaven, never had he seen something more beautiful, more perfect and more wonderful than this… He quietly tiptoed over and sat down on the edge of the bed and finally got to see Theodora's little face, the little mouth and nose and, good Lord, these little eyelids, excitedly fluttering as she was dreaming - and immediately was overwhelmed by emotions. "Oh Darling!", he sobbed, not sure whether he was referring to Camilla or Theodora himself, and tenderly stroked over her head. She'd already had a bit of hair, and it was so soft and sweet. His heart almost exploded with pride and joy. All that he wanted was to hold her, to feel her and tell her over and over again just how much he loved her and that he'd always be there for her and protect her. "I'm your daddy, little angel!", he whispered with a teary voice, tenderly stroking over her little hand now which caused the little girl to sigh in her sleep and instinctively reach out for her fathers finger which was actually bigger than her entire hand. Having Theodora grabbing his finger was too much for Charles and he couldn't hold back his tears and sobbing anymore, which finally woke up Camilla as well. "Darling…", she whispered sleepily, looking at him full of love. "Oh, darling!", he cheered, tenderly kissing her beautiful lips. "Darling, have you met our daughter?", she asked and he nodded. "She's perfect. You're perfect. You've done so well, my darling and I'm so proud of you. I've never loved you more." Camilla was too tired to respond anything sensible so she just kissed him and cuddled up against his chest, while carefully placing the baby in his arms. "Take her, darling. Take our daughter.", she said, lovingly and with tears in her eyes now as well. "Our daughter…", Charles replied, touched and stared at the little bundle in his arms as if it was the greatest miracle he had ever seen. It probably was. "My sweet, perfect, little daughter…" Camilla's heart beated like mad by watching the love of her life sweetly interacting with their joint child, the daughter he had always wished for. "Darling, do you realise how happy you've made me?", he asked her, his face overflowing with tears, and more tears still flowing out of his eyes. "The happiest man on earth…" And just like that, they spent a whole night as an almost perfect, little family of three, forgetting everything and everyone out there, covered in love and happiness, cuddling, kissing, whispering sweet promises until the sun rose again the next morning.
"Andrew said I can stay until 9.", Charles remarked at around 8, kissing Camilla’s hair lovingly and tenderly. "He said he'll return at 8.30." "I suppose he spent the night with Rose.", Camilla answered. "His… partner." He had, indeed, been dating a certain Rosemary for quite a few months now and apparently felt something for her that he'd never felt for any other woman, including her, and though of course she was happy for him that he had finally found love in his life as well, it only underlined once more how absurd all of their situations were. Andrew, married to Camilla but in love with Rose, who, too, was married to someone else, a man who also loved someone entirely different, just as Camilla loved Charles and Charles loved Camilla but was married to Diana who loved… herself in the first place, and then Charles' titles, his position, and all of the attention that came along. What a mess they were all living in. Hopefully, one day, their precious little darling would be able to marry the one she loved without any odds or obstacles. And, until then, she'd be there, loving and supporting her as best as she could. Along with her most adoring two dads...
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cuteteacakes · 2 months
//more info about the characters, the families, what they like & dislike & more about their world- :3
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ALRIGHT THIS MIGHT GET LONG BUT HERE WE GO (under a read more because spoiler alert: it did get long)
I better start with the world setting because that would help other things make sense. Fogs Keep is a self-contained city divided into five sections: North Quarter, South Quarter, East Quarter, West Quarter, and the Center. There are also two classes of elves, Sky Elves and Tree Elves. The North Quarter is where all the farming/agriculture takes place (at least as much as a damp and foggy place can allow), the South Quarter is where the government buildings are, and the Center is where the shops and entertainment districts are. Sky Elves live in the West Quarter and are the higher class (get all the fancy clothes, nice houses, carriages, jobs, etc etc). Tree Elves live in the East Quarter and are the working class. Their quarter kind of looks like the Mumbai slums but not as bad? But they do live kind of packed into an area, small families/single Tree Elves get a small shack while sometimes multiple families live in one building or families take in elderly that can't fend for themselves, as is with one of my narrators Ransom.
Ransom lives in the East Quarter with his family; older sister Kay and younger sibling Ohanko, and an old man the family shares their house with. His father died when Ransom was still a kid and his mother died when she gave birth to Ohanko, so Kay and him had to raise them by themselves. He's a Tree Elf through and through, and absolutely hates Sky Elves. He thinks they don't deserve the lives they have because they don't do nearly half the work that Tree Elves do for half the pay and resources. He likes sweets, his friend Tanner, Tree Elf pride, and his family. He'd get run over by a carriage for his family. He dislikes Sky Elves (very much), his boot-blacking job (esp. since his clients are all Sky Elves), and horses. He thinks animals shouldn't be allowed to be that big.
ANYWAY so my story follows Ransom the Tree Elf and Cornelius, who is a Sky Elf. Cornelius lives in the West Quarter with his great grand-aunt Penelope and live-in maid Theodora. His mother also died in childbirth (with him) and his father passed from pneumonia. He doesn't have any siblings or other family, but used to have another Tree Elf maid named Ivy who would keep him company and be his friend. She had to be let go though because Cornelius was running out of money to support her. He's basically the only Sky Elf that believes Tree Elves should be treated fairly and better, and other Sky Elves think he's crazy for it because this is the way things have always been, it's just the way things are. He's even taken it upon himself to learn the Tree Elf dialect (although he's a total beginner and can offend with his horrible accent). Others think he's also crazy because he wants to see the world outside of Fogs Keep, but not only is he sickly and frail, nobody has ever left Fogs Keep as there's a huge ravine surrounding its boarders, and the fog makes it impossible to see the other side. It's basically cut off from the rest of the world. Cornelius likes his horse Annabelle, tea, working on maps (his father was Fogs Keep's cartographer and he took up the position once he died), and Tree Elves. He dislikes the prejudice Tree Elves get, his weak constitution, and being alone. He also dislikes his ex-friend Benjamin but that's another story haha-
I think that answered all your questions?? I hope it generates some interest??? I didn't reveal any of the plot (apart from Cornelius wanting to leave and Ransom hating Sky Elves) I think, so..... ta-da???
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Then you dont know much. 1) Moonborn had five seasons and one of the first books they ever made with crappy art and drawings. Will be much better for them to do a re-release. 2) Hell and Highwater is the lowest rated book on the entire app together with Elite Tag so why would they even invest more time and energy on something people hate? And 3) Chasing You is a fan favorite. This will do wonders for Romance Club when all of their old readers come back.
Dear anon,
I'll try to my best to answer this as politely as I can, given I may be misreading the tone of your ask.
I would like to start by saying, that so far I have yet to come across a negative take on HHW here on Tumblr (personally haven't played ET yet because there are still old stories I have to finish). To say players hate it is a stretch. The way I see it, it was overshadowed by the more popular and trending stories, i.e. DALS, Theodora, and HOT to name a few. Regardless of the lower rating, it still deserved to be told the way the author envisioned it to be, and so do the other stories YSI shortened because they weren't "popular" enough.
Next, Moonborn having a re-release to revamp the art style is a monumental task considering its length and the number of items in-game. A sequel with revamp art styles? More plausible. To address your comment for the crappy art, of course it was crappy! It was one of RC's earlier batch of stories. One could argue, SOS, SITF and co. had crappy art too, but they all differed in the quality of their substance. Yes, you could have amazing art and graphics, but if it's all aesthetic without an ounce of good storytelling, then is it even worth it? I'd rather have a good story with crappy designs than gorgeous art with poor quality, narratively speaking.
Lastly, just because Chasing You was a fan favourite, doesn't automatically mean one should recycle the characters to make an AU. Fan fictions are there for that. Rather than 'chasing after' their old readers, they could have easily made another detective mystery book to entice back the readers who were, foremost, fans of the detective mystery genre. There is no guarantee that a sequel can and will generate a huge spike in player activity, if the story itself is bland. On the other hand, if you're in it simply for the character/s... I wish you nothing but the best. Because it will take a lot of mental energy to ignore plot holes and the likes. I speak this from the experience of someone who played an awful story for the sake of that one LI who ultimately was semi-okay-ish character-wise.
Personally, I have no problem with CY 2 getting released. My issue rest with the fact that CY has run its course, as well as the other popular books YSI might consider for potential sequels. Would it be preferable if they fix certain endings for some books that felt like they have been rushed? Yes. Absolutely. Would it have been better for the new book to have a new cast of characters as opposed to a CY Victorian AU? For me, at least, 100% yes.
Hopefully, this makes my view on the matter understandable, and satisfies your question.
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eyesteeth · 2 years
i have some thoughts about qwerty’s age. this is not an attempt to solidly state what his age is, but thoughts on how it works narratively. spoilers ahoy. apologies for any potential inconsistencies - it’s been a bit since i fully reread the series.
in the snicketverse, characters are usually placed into one of two categories age-wise - child and adult. either
you’re around the age of the protagonist(s) and are easily overlooked but perceptive and intelligent
you’re an adult and are in a position of power but are largely unhelpful if not outward malicious.
(granted, there are exceptions to this, stew is a horrible child and kit as of asoue is an adult doing her best, but that’s beside the point, and i’m only including it so people don’t yell at me for it.)
within these categories, characters are usually around the ages of “17 or younger” or “older than 35”. very few canon ages are given, but the schism is about as old as lemony is, which informs a lot of the vague areas of other characters’ ages. you almost never see anyone who’s a young adult, only people who were children when the schism happened, or their children.
except, of course, for qwerty.
when qwerty is introduced, he is described as being “younger than [one thinks] of a librarian as being, younger than the father of anyone [lemony] knew”. this places him between the two categories of age, as this line suggests that he’s in his mid-to-late 20s. and for a series so focused on age and associated behaviors, this is fascinating.
as is revealed in the second half of atwq, qwerty is indeed an adult in a position of power - he’s a member of vfd. and not only is he a part of vfd, he’s a supervisor - someone who looks after chaperones and makes sure they’re successfully doing their job. he is higher ranked than s theodora, and two or more ranks above lemony as a result.
there is generally, in the snicketverse, a reoccurring theme of useless or incompetent adults, especially those in a position of power. qwerty, despite his rank, ultimately does not accomplish much. he shows up, imparts knowledge, and those around him continue moving in the same direction they have previously, with little exception. he is, in a way, useless.
except, qwerty is only a “useless adult” because lemony doesn’t listen to him.
qwerty, like several of the child characters, knows more than he lets on, and is overlooked despite this. he all but explicitly tells lemony what to do next and is consistently ignored, almost as if lemony already expects him to be incompetent. when s theodora asks him for a good evaluation, he, aware of her incompetence despite barely interacting with her, flat out refuses.
he is between adult and child, and narratively has the traits of both, perception and intelligence and a place of power, but is ignored and ultimately does not help much. he dies doing so much and getting nothing in return.
dashiell qwerty deserved better.
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miyuzarry · 1 year
16 and 21 for whatever character you choose!
Interesting ask! I go with the sisters (and both main characters) Adira and Theodora then :D
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Adira thinks it's important to be happy to become truly successful in life. Happiness matters. A lot. Obviously being Crown Princess doesn't always have much perks for a quiet life, but she is happy and grateful for what was given to her.
Theodora definitely chooses happiness first. She knows how privileged she is, and while she was filled with joy at the many things she's had the chance to do, it's not anything that fullfills her life. Her crazy ex-boyfriend Matthew took the little "different, normal" happiness she's had. (Btw if you're interested in finding out why and how: I'd recommend checking out the Navi post)
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
Adira probably wouldn't, to be honest, think she had caused it. She'd still give the fault to herself though.
Theodora is an emotional person who had a traumatic experience caused by a car crash. Her ex-boyfriend is the reason why she now has slight confidence insecurities and would most likely give herself the fault for a tragic thing she didn't cause. But she is in therapy and it's getting better.
Thanks for your ask! It's always fun to answer them :D
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