mommyclaws · 9 months
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Wips for a mini Mentor Tigerclaw AU comic… Firepaw and Yellowfang’s confrontation goes a bit differently after Tigerclaw’s teachings.
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menaceadored · 1 year
idk if any real thought was put into who could believably be related when casting eddie and wayne munson, but either way, i can sorta see it
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they have similar noses
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dearyletters · 1 year
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i mean look at the filled hallow head
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palahnyook · 3 months
so one of my next books to read is monstrilio. it's a story about a mother whose son dies and she decides to keep a piece of his lung and feed it until it gains sentience.
and. of course i thought about sleep token. about vessel and sleep becoming so intertwined that you don't know when one ends and the next one begins. about sleep being some sort of victor frankenstein that in the very beginning is amazed by its (her?) creation, a person modified to its/her own image and likeness. but it/she ends up disliking him, is even afraid of him — except perhaps, for certain moments, in which she chooses to love him.
and there you have it, the duality of why some songs talk about sleep in a lovey-dovey way while other are so brutal. why in some songs vessel seems to swear eternal love and in others there's nothing but a wish to escape and leave sleep behind, but a wish to feel something other than hatred for himself, even if he doesn't recognize the person who's looking back at him in the mirror.
it happens when you spend too much time with someone, i guess. you end up becoming an amalgamation of them (it occurs with everyone you've been around, too; i haven't seen my father in years but i still stick my tongue out when i'm concetrated just like he does, i raise my voice like my mother and i complain in the same tone as my sister) and sometimes those people whose gestures you take as your own are not just those you love. but also those you hate.
an ex-lover, someone who brought to your life nothing else but pain, a friend you don't speak with anymore because they did something horrible to you.
the truth is i'm not myself more than i am a piece of everyone who has ever spent time with me. and therefore, vessel probably has more of sleep inside of him that he wants to admit — the frankenstein reference — but he shows us who he is in bits and pieces and he really just seems to want one other thing, something universal. to be loved, and to connect.
and i really hope he knows. just how much he means to us. that the web he has weaved is beautiful, and resistant, and drizzling with the morning sun and little droplets of water from which we nurture. and that, by sharing himself with us, he's becoming intrinsically a part of ourselves.
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stargirlie25 · 4 months
Whats your theory for all the bad things Eris has done?
Dont get me wrong i love him. He is funny and a mommas boy.
I dont like Mor. Shes annoying.
Although when the fandom claims she is lying about her trauma it really irks me.
It sometimes involves Eris. I do believe there is a deeper story to it.
Although Eris is 100% not innocent and Mor is the victim.
There is a lot of theories. Although that does not measure up to the canon scene SJM provided Mors memories of Eris. We see how Eris talked to her and hurt her. So unless you guys have a theory that Mor is brainwashed and someone implanted that memory in her head, i need you guys to stop claiming her trauma is fake to uplift Eris.
Also when tamlin said two of his eldest brothers held Lucien back and made him watch jesmenda be executed...That was Eris too.
I know that Eris said that they (ic) knew nothing about what happened that day and i think Eris cares more for Lucien than any of the siblings anyway.
Although would this information not come from Lucien? As in Lucien told Tamlin and that led to the scene of Tam telling feyre about it?
I think Beron abused his sons so bad in different ways that it isnt just broken but can be fixed. I think all of them minus lucien and eris are just pure bad people now. Because of beron.
Eris for sure has the right to have a redemption because Rhysand had one.
Rhys tortured so many people but he was being r@ped for 50 years.
Sure Eris has committed many sins although he faced the wrath with his brothers for his whole life and only SJM knows what kind of torture that was.
Okay well this is mainly asking, What do you think the theory for Eris leaving Mor in the woods without putting down Mor?
I mean there is definitely more because SJM made Cassian acknowledge that himself and made him noted that the ´´bad guy´´ is just an act for eris.
I consider myself an Eris stan probably because he is hot and mommas boy and i know there is more to his sins but i dont know exactly what...
Eris stans LET ME KNOW!
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conanssummerchild · 5 months
theres just no way el's hair is that long already what is going on
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moonpiefornoe · 11 months
Are we ever gonna know why noe had his one eye covered for the start of his first baby flashbacks to when it suddenly disappeared when he grew a little it's taking a while cuz I just KNOW it wasn't a simple wound especially since it's the eyes and well.. eyes aren't just eyes for vampires as we know , there's a secret behind this and I want to know WHY 🤨 ( and yes I don't have a life I just keep obsession over this manga you will see me pop out here at least ten times a month🫶🏼)
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queenbread · 13 days
What does it mean
I know I've posted about this before (where dr sherman from site 42 ended up replacing the altoid mints i tried to give clef with mentos and diet coke... uhhh..) but- I just haven't been able to stop thinking about this for a long time now. I want to hear theories on why clef isn't allowed altoid mints, because there's gotta be a good story behind that one...
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renjibozo · 1 year
episode 7 trailer is here to give me psychological damage (/LH /J)
putting everything under the cut for people who are avoiding spoilers
so this episode is literally gonna be centered around rei having to deal w parenting miri without kazuki’s help
he realizes he cant cook or clean but he’s still doing his best
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THOUGH! interesting little detail, rei isn’t wearing a jacket in the entire trailer unlike the earlier episodes when he’s at home (or even outside surprisingly, referring to screenshot above)
and kazuki seems to be on a solo mission, which is probably something rei and miri knows about considering they dont look too panicked by kazuki’s absence (rei looks a little frazzled from the daunting housework chores he has to deal with)
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im banking on this being a hallucination and its actually karin
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main-clown · 1 year
Interacting with this post let’s me assume you’ve seen the film or are okay with any and all spoilers involved.
Its partially disorganized but i need thoughts on paper right now.
So, theory time. 
As Miguel says in the film, Miles is the first anomaly. I highly doubt that. All the anomalies we see are people from different dimensions. Their animation styles are completely different (with exceptions to Gwen and Peter B, although Gwen tends to have more pastel-ish colors involved with her. These two seem to be part of ‘closely aligned’ universes to Miles). Miles was bitten by an anomaly spider, which both Spot and Miguel mention. That spider wasn’t meant for this Miles but instead Miles-42. So if that was it, the spider was the first anomaly and made Miles an anomaly by association, seen in his spider DNA bringing him back to the wrong dimension. Yet him having Spider-42 DNA doesn’t stop him from glitching in e-42.
Miguel shares his tragic backstory, how he replaced a version of himself who died in order to have a happy family. Parts of his story don’t make sense to me. He replaced another Miguel, but this was mentioned regarding Canon Events. All the spiders we see are entering other worlds with little/no visual consequence (partly from the wristbands, but maybe also from their short time in this world). This world, and his perfect family, vanishes. In the film, this flashback is shown by his daughter vanishing in his arms but Miguel is unfazed. From the sounds of it, and the end scene of the flashback directed to Peter B. Parker, it feels like Miguel was ripped from that world and brought to Peter’s. That’s my assumption, but it feels incorrect. (I also don’t see a wristband, the clunky orange ones, but I do see the orange webbing motif across his body. Is that his dimensional motif?? His body tends to have those extra lines added).
 Mumbattan tearing itself apart is, in the narrative, said to be from Miles disrupting a canon event. Yet this Canon event is starting from Spot, a villain from another world. If all Canon events connect every Spiderman together, why is it that an outsider triggered one? If Canon events can be influenced by other worlds, then how closely aligned are they? I mean, the spiderverse is literally depicted with webs. 
Kingpin and Doc Oct opening the collider and getting Spider-42 targeted a Canon event (Miles-42 becoming Spiderman). No mention of e-42 falling apart is said, seen, or heard. Only Miles glitching. Maybe its not glitching because the first Canon event aka Spider bite was avoided, although I think other Canon events still happened (Miles-42′s dad dying. I think Uncle Aaron still lives because he acts as a mentor figure, giving a pass to the Uncle Ben treatment? But that’s still another Canon event missed, Uncle/Best Friend equivalent dying).  World collapse in the first movie was stopped by shutting down the collider, though apparently they messed it up somehow so its leaking everywhere?
I think it’s Spot causing the leaking. He first thought his portals were just normal portals, not portals to different dimensions. Its been about a year?? since Kingpin, and Spot is around the same age on how-long-he’s-been-Spot. Every time he used his portals, that could’ve caused leakage to another world. His body is MADE of dimensional portals, it could be him accidentally yanking someone from one place to another and could maybe explain why Miles isn’t seeing this stuff?? So if you shut down Spot (moider or remove his powers), you shut down the leakage, just like the first movie.
Ramble Conclusion: I don’t think Miles was the first anomaly, unsure on who would be though (someone I know said maybe Miguel is). Possibly dimensional leakage is from Spot, so they need to ‘shut him down’ like the collider. Canon events seem like bullshit, minus the Spider-bite, and I think Mumbattan tearing apart isn’t from disrupting Canon events.
Also Miguel cheeked up lol
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sytheofabloodmoon · 7 months
Rewatching Link Click and thinking about the timeline(s). These thoughts are not put together at all, it's just my 4:30 am ramblings, but still.
Is it just one timeline or multiple? Do multiple timelines exist at one time, side by side or does a new timeline replace the previous one when something is changed?
And the nodes, the nodes are very interesting to me personally. Despite the repeated message of 'the past cannot be changed' we see that it can be. For example the basketball game being won rather than lost due to Cheng Xiaoshi's actions. I kinda think of the nodes being different sizes. Small nodes being changes that can be made without alerting the result of a large (i.e. important) node. I don't know if or what exactly medium nodes would be. I imagine small nodes to be easier to change and large nodes to be much harder to change. And death nodes are also interesting. I don't think it's actually the case that death nodes can't be changed, more like they shouldn't be changed. Death nodes probably have much stronger and potentially more dire consequences and ripple effects on the future. Back to the idea of large nodes again. Important nodes that are hard to change, nodes that should probably be kept as is. Certain nodemresults must be kept in place for the present not to change, although which nodes those are probably vary depending on who's present exactly you're focused on preserving (I imagine there's probably a lot of overlap, but there's also a lot of people and events) other things can be changed and while it certainly will effect things it won't effect the present being preserved too much (small nodes). Iwonder if these larger nodes, serve as sort of pins for the timeline, essentially keeping the timeline in place from fracturing beyond repair. They would be especially important if there's only one timeline, rather than multiple. Maybe medium nodes would be similar to large nodes and function to help keep the timeline in place but the results can all be altered without the timeline completely shattering? I'm not sure what exactly a fully fractured timeline would entail, all possibilities happening at once? Everyone dying? Something more horrific?
Honestly I'm more inclined to believe that there are multiple timelines, not entirely sure why I just kinda feel that fits, I also feel pretty, not confident exactly but set? Comfortable in? The idea of death nodes not being impossible to change but rather events you shouldn't touch, something extremely difficult to achieve but possible, although likely very costly. That's just how I'm personally viewing death nodes until further notice. The rest of my thoughts are just kinda random ramblings and not all that fleshed out or thought out.
Sorry this is kinda a long post, but thanks for reading through my rambling anyways, supposing you didn't scroll past my wall of text
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
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I know he said each ‘episode’ of Dystopia Daily will have 4 parts, so the next one will be the end of the first ‘episode’....
but what does “giving back” mean here???  👀👀
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dracocheesecake · 1 year
Does anyone know what time period Kai and Oogway were from? I know it was most likely the Warring States Period, hence the large army and what looks to be lamellar armor Kai is wearing, so roughly 481 BC-221 BC? But it could also be armor from the Han dynasty. I dunno much about Chinese history but it's just a guess. What do you guys think?
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oingybinkywangobongo · 10 months
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Aight Tøp peeps
We got a new logo,
What theories you got?
What do you think the new album will be like?
Also, some have said the color(s) for this one will be orange. Since Blurryface was red, and Trench was yellow... They think the new era will be in orange. But then again some say it will probably be purple. Bc red (Blurryface) + blue (Scaled and Icy) make purple.
But I want to know what y'all think.
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gladiolidiaries · 11 months
We'd be better off without this Total Disconnection I feel like throwing up I look in my reflection I see me growing up
I need you to hear me say I still care about you, still care about you
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I've had a very busy and stressful day and actually had to do some *proper* work rather than reread fanfic with my thighs clenched, so tell me, what did I miss??! Anything?
Let's just say I've been writing a lot in the past couple of days and it's been oscillating steadily between angst and filth with a sprinkle of domestic bliss between the two, and that's as far as I'll go for now 👀
This makes me think that we haven't done Christmas theories in a while, so shall we?
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